

1st day: PLACE OF DEPARTURE - RECANATI – TERMOLI Departure by bus for Porto Recanati. We continue the voyage and we arrive in Termoli (or surroundings). Accommodation in hotel, dinner and overnight.

2nd day: TERMOLI – CASTEL DEL MONTE – MATERA After breakfast we leave for Castel del Monte, the heart of the National park of Murgia, where we visit the Federiciano castle with its characteristic octagonal plan. We cross the border into nearby to discover Matera, declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO for the uniqueness of the Sassi: ancient districts whose houses were dug into the limestone rock. In the afternoon, walk through the vesicular stone that overlooks the ravine: visit to the casagrotta, the rock church of Santa Lucia alle Malve and a historic cellar with underground rooms for the conservation of wine. At the end of the visits, accommodation in a hotel in Matera. Dinner and overnight.

3rd day: MATERA – - LECCE Breakfast and departure for the Itria Valley. Arrival in Alberobello and walk through the narrow streets and the famous Trulli. Continue to Lecce, the capital of Salento. Hotel accommodation. Afternoon dedicated to the visit of Lecce, one of the most important Italian baroque cities for the basilica of Santa Croce, the Cathedral with the adjacent Bishop's Palace and the Seminary and the noble palaces in the center. It ends in Piazza Sant'Oronzo, which summarizes the millennial history of the city, starting with the remains of the Roman theater and amphitheater. Dinner and overnight.

4th day: GALLIPOLI–SANTA MARIA DI LEUCA– OTRANTO Half board in hotel. Departure for the small peninsula where there is Gallipoli, the "beautiful city" of the Greeks embellished by the Hellenistic Fountain overlooking the port, the Castle, the Baroque cathedral of Sant'Agata and the church of Santa Maria del Canneto. At the end, we visit the Ipogeo oil mill of Palazzo Granafei, a suggestive structure entirely dug by hand in the local stone: 200 square meters of underground where there are still the original equipment used for the production of lampante oil in the oil mill of 1600. Continuation to the extreme tip of the heel of , the head of Salento in Santa Maria di Leuca. Visit to the De Finibus Terrae Sanctuary, which has its roots in the early days of Christianity. Continuation with the splendid panoramic view of the coast of the eastern coast of Salento, natural area with landscapes and views of incomparable beauty. Arrival in Otranto, the most eastern point of Italy, an authentic jewel of Salento rich in history, art and culture. Visit the Cathedral, the church of San Pietro dei Bizantini, the Bastione dei Pelasgi and the Aragonese Castle (outside).

5th day: LECCE – OSTUNI – VASTO Breakfast. Departure for Ostuni, a picturesque white village of considerable environmental value enclosed within medieval walls. Visit of the historical districts of the village: La Terra, La Chianura and Lo Spessito from the characteristic whitewashed alleys until you reach the Romanesque-Gothic Cathedral located at the highest point of the hill Ostuni. Departure for Vasto. Accomodation in hotel, dinner and overnight. 6th day: VASTO – VASTO – PLACE OF RETURN Breakfast. Departure for Loreto. Free visit of the Sanctuary of the Holy House. Continuation for the place of return.

Sede: Agenzia : Agenzia Milano: Via Alessandro Monti 29 - 25121 Brescia Via Trieste 13/c – 25121 Brescia Via Santa Sofia 24 – 20122 Milano Tel. 030/2895311 - Fax 030/290258 Tel. 030/2895311 - Fax 030/2895333 Tel. 02/583901 - Fax 02/58301294 [email protected] www.brevivet.it [email protected] [email protected]

BREVIVET S.P.A. - C.F. e P.I. 01091470177 - R.E.A. n. 231361 – Registro Imprese di Brescia - Cap. Soc. Euro 850.000,00 i.v.