
30 cents 38 Pages VOL. 45-No 13 , Thursday, March 29, 1984

for your information • Reorganization foe to seek re-election worktng to recall three of thl' By Susan McDonald ~fourad, 52 IIve~ 111 the Barnes Issue In the campaign ISnot Barnes graders to middle school next fall school board mem ber'> '" ho \ ot('d attendance area 1I1 the Shore!> and Elementary School Roger Mourad, champIon of the as part of a system-WIde reorgan- to favor of the reorganllallon plan 'save our elementarv school" Izatton The plan IS deSigned to IS the father of sC'\en clllidren He "I don't 'iN' thl' campaIgn as a DaVid Eashck, Jr ,said he \I, III.,up forces, announced last 'week that economIZe 10 hght of the system's IS an JUorne\ \\ ho reCl'nt h left the Barne~ 1~"lIe,"Mourad "aId "It's port the candidate By Tom Greenwood he \\ III seek re-electIOn to the greater than 40 percent dl.'cltne In fIrm Du:kell~on, l\]ourdd: Brandt, a total reorganl7ahon I!>sue Are we Board of EducatIOn m the June an- enrollment IIdnlon and Becker to !>tart hls own gumg to retall1 the hl!>torlc neigh. .'I' \'e l.'ertainl) cncour dgcd nual electIOn practICe borhood elementary school ch.&r (:\tourad I 10 lUll lie I" the onE:' pt.'r Mvstery of the week Eighteen potential candidates ~on on the hoard .....ho ~hl)',l.ed th(: 'I've been urged by so many peo- have taken out petitIOns for the t\\O Hl' ha!> \\ on ';lIpport from the ader of thl~ cOIlllnumty?" he d'kay, we gIve up "We" bemg a.,ked depth of Chdf acter to pu blJc<.i1I)dd the edItorial department of the ple I've agonized over the deci- school board seats that are up for hundred., ot peoplt' who attended school board meetll1g~ last fall to mlt he'd made a nllstake In Grosse Pomte News We \\ ere SIon, but I'm certam It's the fIght elechon In June No one has for- WillIe Mourad says he 0ppobes conSIderIng a plan to <:I01>e elemen passmg the latest editIOn of one, ' Mourad saId mally filed petlltons yet protest the !>chool board's reor- c1osll1g elementary schools, he gallllation plan~ By ~eeklOg a se- tary schools, Ea!>lIck Said lie ,.HId "Monthly " around the Mourad was the only one of seven The seats held b....Mourad and hinted he might support other ed that many people actl\ e In Ihe ",&t.n/", If\"'r- " ...... _~1 (' ~ +i-" "'".,. cond tt'l'm of offlct' he hope~ to ~ L..""",,~ .....1 N ... 1.'.1. ""_ ,...... ~ ,...,...... ,.,.. ... 1 ~ , \. v " I "", t" " •..:JJ , . Hoarn 01 r..UUld llOll 1II~U1~1:> lO u-yedl :>LlIUOlUUdlU vewrrlll JOall mak(' It clear to those J}('ople thai ..,"' vv. ""..vv 'bo.... * "'"'''' ... indoU \..dlll~15'. JUt,,\- .")cUU I.;...... ) Tiger 0\\ ner Tom Monaghan Is.,ue," he !>ald "The deciSion to \'ote agamst Supt Kenneth Brum- Hanpeter are up III the ejectum he ~Iill lJppo"e., tlw plan he ~alrl ....lll work for Mourad'l'J rc elecllnn on the fronD, when Society EdI- mel's plan to close Barnes Elemen- Mrs Hanpeter ha., not Said If ~h(' close mu,>t have Wide commumty tor Janet Mueller became 10- tary School and transfer sixth WIll seek re t'ledlOn BUI \IOlil ,limed ..It tngued by a Hudson's ad on the middle school level ,. tru!>tees Jon Gandelot, Cathenne mSlde portIOn of the cover The school syslem ',>three mIddle Brlerl... and Ernest Buechler "What the heck IS thIS," she City says schools. '" hlch serve seventh and EaslIc'k said thl!> \\-ei?k thaI hi!> murmured over and over, eighth grader!> thiS year and WIll group l'i 1>tlll !>hort of the 8,000 louder and louder Finally, she add Sixth grader~ next fall, \H're ~lgl1aturel> he ....ant!> to c.oll{'ct be asked our OpinIOnS, and qUIte 'thanks' the targets of critICIsm by Mourad fore fJIlllg ...dth the Wa) ne Count) frankly, we don't know either when he fIrst ran for ofhce In 1980 r.;lectlon CommISSion 10 force a He saId then that many parents recall electIOn The ad ISfor Hudson's charge complam thClr chl1dren are not suf- Mourad IS a natlH' Gro.,!>e card accounts The overhne for gazebo fICiently challenged at that level reads "You can find It at Hud- POinter who ....on IllS l>chool boord and' .there seems to be a sort of lull seat by coming m third In a held of son's and charge It " Most ads By Tom Greenwood in the education system there" then show something you'd real- SIX candidates in the 1980 annual A large, but qUiet crowd was on electIOn About 4,600 volers \l.entto ly hke to own. A VCR, fur coat, hand Monday mght at the Park At the school board's directIOn, furnIture, stereo. etc you the admlOlstralJon has sludled and the polls In that electIOn Mourad CounCIl meettng to watch a received 2.;;29 votes to Catherine get the Idea grateful Mayor Palmer Heenan revamped much of the middle school currIculum since then Brierly's 2,947 and Joan ThiS ad Just features some and members of the counCIl accept Hanpeter's 2,831 gold encrusted gloppy lookmg a gIft of $65,000 to the city from at- Mourad said he was assured stuff over some dark brown stuff torney PIerre Heftier, on behalf of "there Will be a lot of good ~ple The deadlIne for candIdates 10 that looks like fencing, bricks or the estate of the late Leonard B. to work on my campaign,' thIS file petItions to run In thiS June s chocolate stIcks from a Kit Kat Will eke sprmg The head of an organization race IS 4 P m on Monday. April 9 candy bar The money IS to be used to con- What IS It? What does It struct a large gazebo at Patterson mean? Guesses, (no one would Park 10 honor of Mr Willeke, a pro- hazard an opinion) ran from mment architect and resident of cookie dough WIthout the choco- the Park who died In 1970 Park goes after late chips to metled graham The plans for the project indIcate crackers the gazebo will actually be a A third person suggested a "gazebo WIthin a gazebo," With the topographical relIef map of the smaller structure rotated to create coast of SaudI ArabIa whIle more open space at each of the en- federal funds someone else thought It was try POlOts dried out carpet paddmg You By Tom Greenwood replace aboul 80 parkmg spots lost The plan for thiS structure was know, the old kind that crumbles The Park CouncIl voted unani- on the street when you touch It submitted by John Myefski, 21, a semor at the Umversity of Mich. mously March 26, to authonze City The overall projeCl IOclud~ a Manager John Crawford lo mclude commitment from Bon Secours One philosopher In the group Igan School of Architecture and Ur- the city and Its economIc develop- thought It might symbohl,e Hud- ban plannmg, He was one of 30 Hospital and the Detroit Ins111ute students whQ entered 1983's ment program into an Overall Eco- of OphlhalmolOi)' to buIld a $5 nlll- son's leavmg DetrOIt for Mm- nomic Development Plan for neapolis Or maybe It was just Wil=:~mpetitiOn at the lion medical and office faCIlity on Mayer 'Yoouag. sllilging mud. uni' ,.Alffered. a • .iOO,( ~ayne C?Unt.Y. , JeU.., Avenue, a commitment back on Hudson's for Its deci!,ion pnze to the student that submitted Crawford explained that Inclu- from Bon Secoun Hospital to build to move the WInning entry sIon of the city under Wayne Coun- an oul-pataent mecbcal clime at a C06l of $500,000 on Kercheval Anyhqw, the ad has the entire The three rules of the competi- ty's "umbrella" was necessary in order for the city to qualify for Avenue (already under construc- staff Buffalo'd, which IS no tIOnstipulated that the structure be $250,000 In federal funds ear- tlon), a commitment from Darrel about 650 square feet In size, ac- mean feat consldermg that we marked for job-ereatlng construc- Finken, owner of Sparky Her- llave a combmed I Q of at least cesible to the handicapped, and be bert's, for a restaurant expansIOn able to be constructed for the hon projects In the city 100 Pho,o by Tom (ir ... nWOOd at a cost of $250,000 (under con- $65,000, the amount of the gift to the Crawford IS seeking the federal strucltonl, and a commitment If anyone out there uses their CIty Hudson's card to order some of Lakeside beauty funds to help pay for an ambitIous from Effort, Inc , a profesSIOnal of- thIS stuff, Will you please call After the presentatIOn, Mayor project to boulevard the Jefferson fice development on Jefferson. for and let us know what It IS') Heenan came down from his bench It's taking a while, but "Old Man Winter" III finally starting to loosen his Avenue entrance to Grosse POlOle. about $200,000 of Improvements grip on Michigan, Lake St. Clair Is still dotted with giant Illy pads of Ice, but adding parking, more greens pace and shook HeftIer's hand, thanking Crawford estimated thai 289 Pretty please I? hIm for the "generous gIft to the It's a far cry from when a perlOn could nearly walk to Canada aeros. Its and a new ambience to the city's frozen surface. A stroll along the lake Is convincing that March Is II funny major through street. positiOns Will be created by the pro Ask Mel Blanc city" time of the year. Not yet spring, yet no longer winter. But blue skies and lots Jects, with 180 of them full time The Park applied for federal 1 read an Interestmg teletype "I'm Just do109 my Job, Mr. of sunshine will soon change that, as the Ice finally disappears and these jobs, lhus quahfymg the cIty for lonely Elms once again begin to bloom. funds under the same program last federal funding while at the Farms Pohee Sta- (ConUnued on Page 2M year for a repavmg project and tion last Friday It seems that won approval. Its project was Crawford pcHnled out to the coun. the coppers m Midland are scrat- never funded, however, because cil that the projects ....ould quahf~ chmg their heads over a big B & the money ran out lhe city through Wayne County, E and arson 10 their cIty last thus allOWing the cIty to be InVited week Closing in on 100 "At thiS tIme the government has to submit an apphcatlOn to the added an additional $4{) millIon to ft'deral government Get thiS Someone broke mto a last year's funds," saId Crawford home there and made off," Ith 26 "But they've also chan~ed the Crawford also reminded the antique pistols datmg from 1849 Meet Geoff Corke, gardener gUidelInes Now. there's a Job raho couned memben. that the applica- to 1896, 22 Wmchester f1f1es, strafe the German hnes to "keep to dollar rallo IOvolved .. tIOn was non-bmdmg on the City, datmg from 1853 to 1897 plus 13 By Tom Greenwood and yet not a guarantee that the other assorted rIfles and shot- the Huns' Iwads down" The fact The co~t of the entire construc- Il's a long Journey from the that the German trenches were de- Clty would be granted mone) guns tIon project In the Park IS $565,000 trench warfare of World War I to serted made no difference Mayor Heenan told the council that and tncludes boulevardmg Jeffer- there was probably a "one In In Also mlssmg are varIOUS Ger the qUiet life of a gardener In "You weren'l allowed 10 ask a son Avenue and creatlOg more than chance" tht> CIty would recel\t' man luger pIstols from World Grosse Pomte, but Geoffrey Curke 130 off-street parklOg places to War 1 and II We're not flmshed IS happy that's the way It turned questIOn, let alone lell an ofhcer funds yet folks Also lifted were 10,000 out anythmg," ~ald Corke "The of rounds of antique ammunitIOn ftcer~ COIps wa,', made up of the Corke, a spare man With a sharp gentry, Ihe 'an~tocracy' and one paIr of antique stIrrups, t\~0 leather powder pouches, three English accent and a sharper wIl. they'd refu.,ed to listen to workIng Two-alarm fire rips 10 large stagecoach locks. 1\\ 0 "pends hIS 'Weekday mornmgs class enlisted men So for Olghtl> leather holsters and an unknown .....orklOg at the Gro~se POlOte Flor- ,"c \\cnt out and pla~ed the game amount of Confederate money l!>tS,on Kerb) Road He likes the After 10 del)", lhey gave my crew work and fIgures It might be a good 24 hours off to mdlntaln our home in Shores ~aturally enough the career '" capons Imagllle that" Midland pollee are askmg :>tate agencies ever)\l.here to be on 'I m the new man here-, " he said Corke ....a.. blo\\ n up I'WIce, A fault~ ~pare heater ma} hu\ e turned homt" from the appOIntment the look out for someone thusly s)o.....ly "I've only been here 31 the la:>lon Ea~ter Day, 191R When ('aused a l'Wo-alarm fire Tuesday aboul 6 15 pm when they tound armed . year<; They might fire me yet" he carne 10, he \\a,> beIng cared for evenIng, :\farch 20, that dId an ("Stl- the elE"Ctrt(' garage door .....ould not b} an Amencdn doc tor They took maled $90,000worth of damrlge to a open, the ....oman enlt'rt'd the hou:.e If J might bt' so bold md\ 1 ~ot lIkel) The !>taff at the shop a llkmg to each other. and aft('r Falrford Road home m the ShOft'S through a !IoHiedoor off the garage sugge~t lookmg for a <;horl bdn- and greenhouse threw hIm a bIrth. 8ld day party la"t week, complete WIth two The villagt. puhlJc ~afety d€'part dy legged dude," £'Clflngd Idrge tor made' 111mhi,', personal orderly t.....0 cakes "'ot too bad for hard- ment called tn 15 mt'n 10 combat cowboy hdl He!' got orange TIlt' "ldt' door npt'/ll> 011 t n d h,ll! . hair, bush v eyehro'Ws and a .....orklOg gardener and aVId golfer A .....onderful man he was" the bld7(, whIle the Farm., ~ent a lruck .lOd !>IXmen y.ay that !Iot'paral~ thl' den .l/lll a long, f1o',l,lngorange moubldch<.> '" ho Ju<;1turned 97 Hllf'et work Mver hurt anybody "md('d Cor ke "He told me 10('orne half bath The y.Olllne<1 thl' Juat 11M Geoffrey Corke who, at age to America to IJvl' I lhoughl If door to tht' den, !lpollt'd the flrt.' ,met Other Identlf) mg character When ,ou' re 9i, people be- ('v('r} on(' .....a., hke hIm, ] would" Vllld~(, ~lIpt'nn!.'ndt'nt .\1Ich.t~1 lieve you '" hen you l>ay you've 97, ,tttt work' rtfKY chIy ••• gM- KI'n}On .11'>0 !>penl(j hdlf hour man t rwd to dose the door but 1\,l~ Isllcs IOclude u'>lOgphra"es 11k!' den« at the GroaN Pointe Fioriat - UNlbl .. to ~a) yore prayer!> rabbit )d '..,eN, It all 'And Geoff Corke has Aflc'r thE'v.ar thl' Brttl~h gov('rn nm~ .1 ho!>e,md fighting the flrf' b(>. that I. when he', not out on the golf ml'nllurrwd down hi" r<'qu.'st for a fore returmng to th" \ Illa~!' offiCes long eared galoot I clnd (;n'at [.('1 ....,eE' [e a me to Ameflca 10 COUrM IIlg for a ('ounc II ml"elln~ that nl~ht ~H1H' JumplO' horny toad<;' ,. l were of tn a /lel~hhor', ....hf'rt' .,tw ,.Ii It'1i Or v. a..,It Ju.,lla.,t 'W1'ek'lAnyway, day The trench I was In had l>CE'n Fin' JI ..... "t1~ator" 1)('111'\e the Oh ye!> hl~ Inillal.., .In' I :-, 'unkml" n 01 J~1n ' pollct' (,fft<.'t'N rt"lpondt'd qWl'kl\ T C.ime here beeau'>e I became fed ....on and lost ftve ltme~ the day be fir!' "tarh'O In the flr.,t floor dt'n of and Immai!atel) t.'all~ In Uw "l~ ((onlmUf'rl on I'dgl' ,\! up ',l,lth lhe ra", deal I f(_"Ccived10 fore , I ".t'A .In dllvl'rll"c'nll'nt Itl .1n Iht, I\l.O.,tory tmrk and wood col- England" onwl, rt'porl'i :-.8u1 A If'If>VI!>IOO'>{'t cond al.urn y.hen lht'~. found "I firmly behev(' thaI half till' EnglJ.,h pa per "'l'l'kmg d gdrd.'rwr f1amt's commg from the dt'n for .111.,.,t.III' m'df Iklro,t .1Ild a nn an ('If'cl fI(' porta bit. !>~)''lcf' The ra\~de,t! 111'rl'fer.., to I" the Bntlsh officer!> were kl1led by Ihl'lr \l.lndo'W Inside aftf'r \\lJdt tIll' govl'rnmt'nl did to hp.llt'r ....f're found In the ea"t Mde tn'dlrlll'nt hE' Clnd olher veterans o....n mf"n 10 retaliatIOn for th.. "Iu m(' I rlf'('ldl'n to a ppl} <,,1111 ( or of HI(> room, au'ordtn~ to ~horeg BtJ'lnl'''' J I A rl'Cl'I\ed aft('r World WdI' I Corke pldlty of the Bnh:-h Army ThE') Offlct'r- ~~an pultlfl~ .....lter nn kt, 'I 'Wd..,,Iu.('plf'd and (,IlTH' to puhhc !>afcty dlf{'Clor Joo.eph ( cJhll !i/l v.a" Called up and "pent four yt'-8rs made Ul> go over thE' top and gel ttwo OOtl.I~ of the homt' ....hill' ....ork .11.In I~t Trenches that wt:re l>laughtered by the thousand!l for anulhf>r tf'3 m fOfl'l"<1 tht" front Edllorldl, Iwt'rvthlO!1 'Was flOt' WIlli Ihe 1)(> r,A knee d('cp 10 water and !>wlmmmg nothing No real military ad\all The hOrnNly.n('r, lold pohCf' the pn,..,.,lon ' doon 10 bring "uter on Uw 10. FE'dtUf/' l-'d~.' L!H tage Jusl 'llaughtf'r " heater wall unplugged when the Gro<,<,~ PnlDlE \\ Ith ral<; t~lor The hrt'!\ad worked 11$'f\av Y.lll'n thE' canw (.f'Offf{~y couple left about .. p m for a doc- H.'dl !'."Idll' f'~xchdngc 7B 'They cdJled It a \\ar of attn- Over the courltC of thE'wal Corke lra..,h through lhe Ooor and had moved up Leller" to f<.dltor h I A found hlm~f'Jf un('rnpJoyed wht'n tOf'!> appOintment Inveshsators thraul(h a wall to the Sf'Cond story tlon," ,>ald Cork<' ,>omy, "and became a machiOf' gun1lf:'rand one believe the healer may have been Oblluarlt'l> Y". thaI'" Just what It was I l>hlpped mght was sent out by a "tWit" of an hiS learful f'mployer told him ht"d of the home. Vitale said ~hool ~E'W~ l:;A left plugged In and malfunctioned, out from ~outhampton on a Sun- officer to a small hill between the lost all hll>money In the ..,to<.'kmar. ~I~ty 16H ket Gffiff and hl~ Wife r.;blf" once cawllng the fire, reports said ~port~ 1 2( day landed ID France on Monday Bntlsh and German hnes HIS JOb No one was Injured m lhe blaze and was at the front hne on T~- was to dig In and penodlcally (ConUnllf'Cl on P.~e 2M The couple told pollee they re- Fire d.ma~e was Umited to the den~

.\. \ ,f -

Thursday, March 29, 1983 ~.pageTwo-A GROSSE POINTE NEWS ;: 'DiNella's ',\ Meet GeotT Corke 1M ,r ------~ CUSTOM TA.ILORING , (e.tiJIaed from Page lA) onlv hme I've been back to and again returned to England There England was 20years ago when my ""1...... MENS LADIES wonderful wife dJed .. 1M. he bought a small farm and raised ,9605M** AL TERATIONS poultry and vegetables. ''I've never really mISSed Grosse POinte Woods 112-1_ MAJOR AND MINOR "1 was qwte soccessful at It, 1 England that much," said Corte, 3" Fisher S. of Kercheve. mIght add," he saId "We were "although 1 urge everyone to vtsit Open Man-Sat 9 30-5 makmg a good deal of money Then It Especially the great estates e- 1ft ...... Grosse Pomte What there are left of them .. Open Moo Wed Fn lCJ.S Tues Thurs. Sat l(}.S 00 Elsie came to me ..nth tears in her eves one day and saId she missed 885.4'83 He was born In Kent, home of the CON\ERT 10 a ro.. Grosse Pom"te, and all our ffiends SaCkVIlle-West estate "The horne '0 ldge Gorcl~n here So 1 re-applled for adrmt. IS GIG ,atd ;ht no~ has 365 rooms, 52 staircases and ANGELO lOCCO tance at the U S Embassy, got the surrounded bv a wall 14 miles .... • ~~~ s't1~~l~ laO~~1 go ahead and sold my farm The long, • said Corke "The staff used F...... "'5 Sf" .;f'1 at o D PC Doctor of Optometry O....sk-:)I'ci'da'W .. to run mto the hundreds 1 used to HAS RECENTLY ASSUMED THE PRACTICE Gazebo caddy for Lord Sackvl1le-Wesfs • Sperfl Topslllers • nau!lCal JtWelfy • nautICal gins • famliy " • na~ tlea Ia mps • sh IIIs clocks • ships In the bottle • booIis • SAVES YOU OF THE LATE (Cootillued from Page 1A But that 'Wasyears ago "Many of $100 A YEAR DR. RICHARD SI~CLAIR Mayor," laughed HeftIer 'I'm Just the estates In England are gone ON GAS BILLS! AND HAS RELOCATED HIS OFFICE TO happy I could make the presenta- no\\." he saId "Just llke here in tIOn to the Park, Mr WJ11eke's Gro5>sePomte I worked for royalty DINNER SPECIALS 19031 \hCI\. .\ \ E" .\tOROSS Tuesday Wednesday Night Thursday CALL: 967.3311 n: u hometown" In England, then came and worked Night chok:e of Night Fo' Jm~d'dte S~rvlLe DETROIT. 'tICHIG.\." 48236 Heftler did pomt out that there for American royalty The nch and COLONIAL LAMPL1Gf4TERS were a number of condItions to the super neh GroSse POInte 'Was dif- Surf & llff III Snfflt Prtme l313) 881.2450 ferent In those days The famibes gIft, .that the gazebo be located at ,...... t..,..... 1 1.. -, _ _ ...... _ ... \..".._,... .;..., ~f~_ ~ ...... , u..w > SUI Rib v ...... -... "" ", ""."-'""J ...&...... or .... Three MLJePark and be SUltably v eludmg the pollce England has .._..~,.--1-...... I '.'- designed to honor an outstandmg J:>ee.nrumed by hIgh taxes and the $915 • lackerel $995 archItect such as Mr, WIlleke uruomsts It could happen here No :llOCOYm Carc!s on Spec

" "- 1.. ~WOOL_", __ ~ ..---...... , f~ y _.---_,_ ... .. ¥ *.1 t ,-y II I a mne ,(/\/1' hilI r' ~ morl IX II!> a nr(HI /'/ "f' Ie' hm e Ir/( tI 1'111/1 Ifut 11,/ "",1 f"\ fa,,! / h/ll kh (111" A!lltl( I fill II l'IIH,/i1 r( ad) for ~ 1'11,( ({1~1I1 IIN' II( I rr helrl ({jl/fi/II r1 fl}1 (I,m(orl ", !1j(\'" l,flIIIIIHJ 1;1 fJltU11 n/n\aluJ11 }fJJ( /I ,Ill, I,. 'Iltalill ('r"hu/)" I"~(all\{ 110 (,OW,. r (II/' I II~/,I/I (I).;hl " "I!r,rl alld \lIlT( rl> 1/i(1 mal" I II /I ;//1111<. 1'1 II~( I,n/l r"r r,)/( 'I ({~/I,kJrl ,al!,. 1/1 "1/ 0111 lill Irll'/l/H',I mini (II HI,/( ~ ',1 '1111/ t', IWI,il 1>1) /'''lId till" IWI/(h "/1( rallFm\ ~ ,1"1(' (II r fa,/)}I,'/I d \ 1\/1 ,,,It ,tflrt f"r tlrt" # ,,/1 (1/ 'I /'(/1> \11 Ollr (1111 ,t'/N/(IF/I {If /O(J! /rn 1

/ ;, l j , I NCr , .. on '1~r.:E I~O() KERCHEVAL AT ST CLAIR. GROSSE POINTE KERCHEVAL AT ST ClAIR • GROSSE POINTE Open Thursday Evenings 'ti! 9:00 - Open Thursday Evenings 'til 9:00 VIsa 882-8970 Mastercard Visa 882.3670 Mastercard

} -----...--.,..------~~~~~~~~-~~----~....,,------

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Three.A Thursday, March 29. 1984 Young authors learn to roar this weekend 'Red Shoes' on stage Tlckcts arc :-t111av,lIlable for the South freshmen, Ga~perut attends One hundred and fifty-sIx young tmal weekend of Gl'o:-sc Pointe Star of the Sea, and Hammond IS authors from Defer, Kerb" Mason Children'~ Theatcr'!! produchon of from Mt Clemen!. and Monteith Elementar\' Schools "The Red Shoes," the c1a~&1CHans Also fcatllf('(\ III Icadlllg role!. are in Grosse Pomte \\ III meet for a Chnstmn Ander:-en fall'y Itlle Doug Suthell,md ,md Ml(.hael wnters' conference at Monteith "The Rl'(\ Shoe~,' \\ )l1ch Opl'l1l'(\ ~choctl1th the !>ho!'maker, Clare School from 8 45 a m to 1 p m on last \\cckend to l'nthllM.!~tlc aud- Bonahoom and Knstm Button a~ Saturday. March 31 It'n('e~, \\ III l'Ontllllll' With t \\ 0 pel'- thc grandmother, LeXI Lepard and Cathy Obl'ld <1i> the nur~e, and Each of the four schools \\ III send [ormanl'e~.It II a 111 .Ind 2 :10 p m S,ltUi day at {<'rll'&Al)(!ltOllllll1of the '1'1 aClt' Dold and Ana~ta~:-IH Papa 39 representative::. from their km- tl'lanti> dergartens through the sl,th (;IO""'l' POlnh' War 1\\('11I0I'wl Tlcket~ ,H't' $2 50 fUI .,tudcnh .1IId APPpa! 1I1g 111 othel pa rts \\ III be grades to partIcipate In a va net, of Pauline Ma&lramateo, Calhy 14 \\ ntmg experiences Topics .,elllor Cltl/l'I1" $J 7':.fill adult" cHili $225 for glOUp" of 1201 mOll' "tll Obeld, Ka~<.'y Clark, Hoxanne avatlable to students 111 these sec- Vdlll, Kdll'n MnlllOl, Cm Mal tm, tIOn meetmgs are authors bIO- dent~ The C)lIllh l'n :- '11ll',llt'l pilldul Meg,llI COllllolly, Phacd ra Hob"OIl, graphies, credtlve \ ocabulan , tlOn rl'{ .Iplul C~ llll' ollgll1al Andl'l ElcllllC Ford, Gcnev I('\'C D\\ alley, drama, editing 111ustrdtIOns ne\\:'" Vll'l-.l Jefll1lfcl' .,Cll theme Df a 1).Illl~h ~)(,.1",lilt gul " Dunn, Ddhbtlom, papers peer edltlllg, poetry. photo- ~truggll' \\llh tilt' tl'mpl.lllOn o[ .I Cllll..,toplll'1' I.a\\ Il'lIte .1I1d Dav!d graphy puppetr~, songs and gift of n'li "hol'''' [10111.111 old ~Dldll'! D,llll\ r~ncs, speech and stor~ telling \\ ho Illtly bl' the dt'vil hllll"l'lf Tilt; p,lI h of \ IJldgl' dllldrf'n \\ III Jacque" uertenberg, natlOnaJl~ , Thl::. 'pi.!) I~ ~tl ollg the,ltel, .Il hl' pl.l~ ed uy e

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,'iL -..,•• ,. ,)'" ~. Thursday, March 29, 1984 , P8ge Four.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS , « NEW AT CVillage ~ Brazilian Weave FOR WOMEN , , LEIGH SUSANNE



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---~-~}~---- -.. - '. Page Five-A Thursday, March 29, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS FYI Opera lovers meet Aprill (Continued from Page IAl bird When he Withdrew It, there DorIS Pagel, soprano, and Law- by a fmale by Puccml A complete "ling and a snare slttmg aSide the Iron nng was a rence LaGore. piamst. Will present program IS available 111 the War large, (very large) hawk of Memorial's Marchi AprIL activIty Ask anyone In the Farms Po- a complim('ntary evenmg at the some sort Residential and Commercial lice Department, and the) '11 opera on Sunday, AprIl 1, at the card Mrs Pagel, a graduate of Juil- agree that Patrolman Bill Fow- "Not 111 the net, mmd you, but War MemOrial The performance, ProteHion.1 service .nd Afford.ble Pricing liard. has studied at the Aspen ler can tell some stones He's astrIde the rmg,m With Its talons which is open to the public, will NIve been our t~ltlon for over a de<:ade School of MUSIC. Wayne State and been on the force so long he can gnppmg the edge," said Fowler, begin at S p m the Detl'olt Conservatory of MUSiC remember \\ hen they dug the pIt WIth a touch of amazement In hiS Their repertOIre Will mclude She has taught at many schools and FREE ESTIMATES for Lake St ClaIr ' \'OIce "It glarmg at me " Mozart's "Zefflretll Lusmghlel'l," 881-2682 "Dove Sono I Bel Momenh," and coache~ members of the Grosse BesIdes beIng a police offIcer, Onee on the porch, he gave the Pomte Theater * Special Offer to first 50 new subscribers BIll also doubles as maIntenance "Come Scogho Immoto Resta" net a lIttle tap and the bIrd soared Other pieces by Verdi, Tschal- LaGore, founder and artistic di- man and as the Farms alllmal .. off Into the gray Michigan skIeS kowsky and Floyd Will be followed rector of "Saturdays at Four," has ... control offIcer Accordmg to Officer Fowler, perf 01 med as solOIst and III He's al\\a~ s gettmg calls ask- the bIrd of prey had a two to two- The subject is en~emble groups WIth leadlllg 1l1- Ing for as..,I:>tan( e \\ Ith be:>erk and-a-half foot \\ mg span and strumental and vocal artlst~ III re- NEED EXTRA SPACE FOR - MIUlI rcls 1ambllllg raccoons \\ as a bout eIght mches across Citals, and on radIO and teleVISIon and unp0..,lI1g po..,,,om~ the chest Its chest \\ as sort of mid -life change Current!\ he IS a faculty member - A FAMILY VACATION? L,,<;t \\ eel-.. he helded a call \\ hlte \\ lth bro\\ n spots and It at :\lar) gl 0\ e and Macomb Com- from a Kerb, road [('sident PsychiatrISt Dan Guyer, MD. had brO\\ 11 and \\ hlte tall \\ 111offer lll:>lght lllto the vanou:> Il1Ul1lt) colll.'ge:> - A WEEKEND AWAY? compldll1lng of a bIrd caught III feathers her ('hlmne~ Commg to the res stages and a~soclated CrIses of adult life 111 a program, "PrE'dld- Un;tar;an.~ lvill cue he entel ed the house and, He thmks the hawk perched on For as low as able l\hd-Llfe Changes." at Cottage RENT A NEW sure enough, there \\ t"re sounds the Chlll1I1e) to get warm, was HospItal of Grosse POll1te on Thurs discuss Mide",st of a bird f1uttenng al ound above overcome by the fumes and fell Ronald Stockton associate pro- 95 A DAY! the flue do....n mto the fIreplace day, Apnl 5 DODGE VAN $29 The program Will begm at 7 pm, fe~sor of pohtlcal !>clence at the Armed \\ lth a cIrcular anllual That Isn t too hard to believe, III Umverslty of l\hc!llgan-Dearborn, ...... "' t ""'~ .. '" '"' 1 ~ ... ~ ""T'l_ ""N Boardrooms A and B, on the low- Air Stereo, Cruise Control, Tilt Wheel "Ll ..4\- U"-' ,,\,. V '"" b" 0 Sll1ce 1 \ e aont.' It Illdll\ lllll~:> er level ot the hospital, 1:>\1 hel- \\ Iii :>IK',jio. UI! til~ CUllli".l III 10'0\\ lei pu"hed the net up Into myself . cheval Avenue, Grosse POlllte Lebanon" Sunrla~, Api'll I, at 9 30 the chm1l1e) hopIng to "nare the Farms a m at the Adult Forum of the Changll1g careers, dealIng With Grosse Pomte Ul1ltaflan Church teenagers and agmg parents, al- The meetlllg the first of a senes Sprinf.( tree sale in the Park terations 111 mantal relatlOnslllps orgamzed by professor Helen - and self-Image are some of the Graves and the Adult Forum Com- The Grosse Pomte ParI-.. Beau- Park Branch of the Grosse POinte mittee, Will be held 111 the church publIc lIbrary on Kercheval common challenges we face 111 the tIficatIOn CommIssIOn WII!conduct middle years Recogl1lzmg that lIbrarv ItS fourth annual spnng sale of Avenue these mld-hfe changes can be pre- Stockton currently teaches a shade and ornament a I flo....enng Your order and payment must be dicted Just as a child's growth and class titled "Mlddle East Pohtlcs " trees received at the ll1umclpal buildlllg development can be antICipated He I ecelved hiS Ph D. from We handle Insurance claims Bare root, potted. and balled and by Wednesday, Apnl18 Trees Will and momtored, and that these 1\1Ichlgan State Umversity HIS burlapped trees ranglrg III size to be avaIlable for pick-up at Wmd- changes are normal, helps to re- speclaltles lI1clude AfrIcan "We Specialize in Customer Satisfaction" 10 feet \\111 be offered by the com- mIll Pomte Park on Saturday, lieve some of the accompanymg political sy!>tems, comparative miSSIOn Pnces range from $15 25 to Apnl28 anxieties government and politICal orgal1lza- CALL NOW FOR RESERVATIONS $37 For more mformatlOn and res- hon and behaVIOr 01 del' forms and descnphons of Available tree~ mclude Candled Apple and Wmter Gold Crabs, ervatIons for thiS free program, The publIc ISlI1vlted to attend the 884-7210 the trees that are avaIlable may be call the hospital education depart- forum and to take part 111 the 11 ~oe Shmgle Oak, River Birch, Wmter picked up a t the Park MUl1lclpal ment at 884-8600, extension 2390 a m services Call 881-7511 lEASING 882.0110 BUlldmg on East Jefferson and the Klllg and Sweet Gum vanetles 130 Kercheval "on the hili" , ." " " ".' • :., Other seafood fine • dmners allai/able VILLAGE.MARKET ,• at a/l times wines . 18328 Mack Avenue-In the Farms • • OPEN MON.-SAT, • LUNCH - present- • 11:00 a.m.-9:30 p.m. • DINNER liquor . 21809 Greater Mack . St Clair Shores, Michigan 775-3120 • CARRY OUTS "THIS WEEK'S BELL RINGERS" • . 12 OZ, Broiled N.Y. STRIP STEAK DINNER S7.95 Call Ahead and i . Uncle Harry's Got the Beef Your Order Will ' Closed Sunday and Closed Wed, at 1P.M. :. CORNED BE.:F & CABBAGE ON Be Ready! THURSDAY EVENINGS. :: '~~,l!0lS.0 l~ lI..FREE PARKING IN THE REAR' :. ~\JVV~ U.S.D.A. CHOICE $ 29 ::" WHOLE 3 '. " =: NOW'S THE TIME FOR " " LB. ALL OF OUR ATLANTIC " N~J.~L!PN~E!t~DIPS OCEAN FISH IS FROM :. -REALLY COOL SAVINGS ': .... THE FOLEY FISH CO, BOSTON '. I '.-.. With a New CENTER CUT FRESH SMOKED $2 br140nt 79 BOSTON SCROD 2 TON PORK CHOPS LB. S3~9 AIR CONDITIONER ------.. Installed as low as FRESH r~~ELESS SOCKEYE SALMON FILLETS $1295 $338 $5!8 5 year warranty on compressor LB, Including labor by Flame VEAL ROAST LOW PRICES AVAILABLE ON ALL MODElS NORTHERN 2 YEARS FREE SERVICE BONELESS ROLLED BATHROOM TISSUE HEATING AIR CONDITIONING AND ELECTRICAL C01\fTAACTORS 95°.pKk PORK LOIN ROAST S1~.3 while only FLAME (_ (t-/) R~:~~RBONELESS VERNORS REG. & DIET FURNACE COMPANY ""'\ \ e>

OVEN READY SEEDLESS S Veal "yV 19 $219 GREEN GRAPES 1 LI EPLACEMENT WINDOW SPECIALIST Parmesan 2~'b III • Storm Windows • Alummum Tnm & Sldmg PH ..... ~ rl~"""'If ...I~,l'I'I'""'io " ",. ..f ...... 1 ill • ~III! "'f;n',(J'.fl(fI>(l~ ~ /'TOl7l1'" '1('ntl-.' I ~'~./lI'1 Pine Wines • Storm Doors • Steel Security Doors "'I (I!IJlQ~ r .... 'f "d.' 80 SAVE $3 ON A 3 UTER CAUfORNIA . Premium californian . valle, tiding Inc. Oven Ready Stuffed Chicken CHERRY lOMATOeS 89~x . !'~? Cordon • Blanc de BI.nc . $249 • Chablis • 28021 Bleu LB . ?~ ";~~:;;:~r~.rll\~l Boneleu O"G~en B'ONS'S &Iufl&d WII', or . Ham and SWI&S Chf>':lSe ~. VISIT OUR SHOWROOM :...,_ (A .. ,.. -r~ • French Columbard ZUCCHINI SQUASH • ~ 490 .' ~ ~

\J . f Page Six.A ;,~Opinions & letters Thursday, March 29, 1984 : To halt the 'brain drain' MIchigan, like the rest of the Umted ~tates, IS who fInd It cheaper to get a publIc educatIOn 10 dedicated to adequate support for pubhc educa- colleges and unIverSities outSIde of the state tion at all levels Yet the proportlOn of state sup- It no doubt IS true that savIngs can be made in port for MichIgan's colleges and umversities has higher educatIOn costs in MIch1gan as m t~e dechned from more than 69 percent of opera tmg costs of other sernces A state commiSSIon IS costs In 1966 to less than 59 percent m 1982 currenth' exammmg the state's hIgher educa- The fIgures collected by the DetrOlt News m a tIOnal sYstem to seek savmgs through poSSIble recent survey of tU1tlon costs at !\'llch1gan col- consohdatlOn. elimmatiOn of duplIcatmg pro- leges also sho\\ a correspondmg rise in the grams and other reorgamzatIOns But whatever percentage of operatmg costs pa1d by students recommendatlOns the commiSSIOn makes cannot In 1966.students pa1d less than 24 percent of the be 1mplemented o\'ermght And qualIty educa- cost of runmng the schools By 1982, they paid tIOn stIli costs money closer to 35 percent In hIS budget, Go\' James Blanchard proposed C:::f\ '" pfff><'t thE><:.t::ltf'1<:' relvtnQ Increasmg}v on a 10percent Increase In funds for publIc colleges "';ser' charges for pubhc higher educatlOn The and umverslt1es that treeze theIr tumon at cur- students who are "usmg" the colleges and rent levels and only a 6 percent mcrease for universit1es are paymg a greater share of the those that hIke tUitiOn agaIn Whatever the costs as a result of the state's dImmished abl..hty LegIslature does. a strong argument can be to meet educatlon's revenue demands made for no further mcreases in twtIon and, in WELL, O~E :\OUGHTASK. what IS\\Tong with fact, for some reduction to avoid pncmg college out of the market for many MIchigan students. that'? One thmg that l..S wrong With the present Situa- AS THIS ~EWSPAPER has said before, tion was revealed m the Detroit News' story MIchIgan's greatest resource is Its young people. about the state's "brain dram." TuItion at The state does not expect that all of those desir- Michigan's 15 public four-year mstitutions has ing to go to college WIll find campuses of theIr ~ik- risen an average of 82 percent since 1978 and 109 in MichIgan But to put tUItIon rates so hIgh 1 as to force even some of those who want to go to I given the state one of ~ hIghest ~ition levels in the nation. The state s average 18 now $1,606 a college In MIChIgan to seek higher education year as compared "nth a national average of elsewhere because of the high costs here at home I $1,105. The result has been that many Michigan 1Sshort-sighted. It SImply promotes the "brain students now are finding it possible to go to dram" and costs the state the "brains" it badly public UniVersIties and colleg~ outside of needs for the future Save estates by going condo Letters I The alternative to higher tUItIon appears to be J Michigan and pay lower non-resIdent fees than The News welcomes letters to the resident charges m Michigan That is where greater state support That COnflICts with the To the EdItor: subdtvided. The newly con- popular demand for reduced taxes m this state. the editor from our readers. the "brain dram" takes place To the objective real estate structed residences would be Letters should be signed with a Michigan already has suffered a "brain drain" But if the chOIce IS bet\\!een higher taxes - or at econoIIUst. the demise of more valuable and possibly name. address and telephone from the loss of JObs that was greater here dur- least no further reduction in taxes - and the con- Grosse Pointe's great estates is more marketable under this ar- number at which the writer can ing the recession than m any other state. People tinued "brain drain," what course would the rooted in several causes, with rangement. Therefore, increas- be reached during the day in who couldn't get work in Michigan took their public choose? We think for Michigan's future rising land values being the ed total revenue for the devel- case there are questions. "brains" and went elsewhere to find employ- there is only one choice and the public would be most important factor. As the oper and a larger tax base for Names of letter writers will be withheld under special circum- 'I ment Now they are being followed by students willing to make It period after World War II has the city are qUIte possible. provided us with Keynesian This alternative could be stances only. l Address Ietters to Editor. II • economics and a substantial feasible with the Weber and I Grosse Pointe News, 99 Ker- School election an emgma and economically powerful J B. Ford estates, and it would cheval, Grosse Pointe Farms, middle class, these estates make sense for the planning Mich, 48236. In viewing the school board election in Grosse and Ernest Buechler. have been comnared to dino- commissions of the Farms and If that scenario develops, those opposed to the I Pointe on June 9, we are reminded of WInston saurs. We have uncreative]y the Park to pay more serious Wh · S h Churchill's famous comment about the Soviet reorgamzation would be m a position to win con- decided that they, too, must attention to this line of thought Y IS out Union. "It is," he said, "a riddle wrapped in a trol if they captured both seats on June 9 and also meet the same fate of the dino- for at least two reasons mystery inside an enigma." So it is with respect succeeded in recalling the three supporters of saur. One, the slow sales activity in outstanding? to the school board election. school reorgamzatIon. However, the recall I have always thought of the the Sycamores, the new sub- What do we mean? backers still would have to win the subsequent estates as great works of art dtvislOn occupying the former Within the past year, Grosse Simply that at the time this edItorial comment election to name replacements for the recalled They represented the phySIcal grounds of the Seyburn estate, Pointe South High School has is being written no fewer than 18 nominating trio. manifestation of valuble states Indicates that Grosse Pointe is been named one of the fIve petitions have been picked up from the school ls the recall organizatIOn going to run candi- of mind possessed by the na- already saturated with splall, ou.ts~nding high schools In .system's central office - but nobody has yet fil- dates in the regular election June 9 and if so, how tion's leading resIdential and I architecturally nondesCtipt~-J i«i~hIgan and one of 80 such .ed foe the two posItions to be filled in the June 9 many? landscape archItects. As we all residences on cramped lots. In schools in the Umted States ,dection David Easlick, Jr., the recall chairman, told know. the results of their ef- other words these lots and Active support from parents Does that mean we will have as many as 18 the News last week his organization plans to forts were beautiful residences, houses are ~vervalued. I also and the community, Without a , candidates on the school ballot? nominate two people for the board's regular elec- beautiful gardens and beautiful belIeve that the returns both fi- doubt, made this possible That seems to be unlikely. What does seem tion and three more for the subsequent election if meadows. Another result was nanclally and aesthetl~ally, on Two local organizations :likely is that a good many people are considering the recall is successful In view of the wide- the SOCIal elevatIon of the es- the development on Henry recently offered such support ~entering the race but haven't yet made up their spread mterest in the controversial reorganiza- tate's owner and family Ford's II former estate are when they underwrote the costs ; minds. And they have until the filings close on tion and closing Issue, however, competition is Current high prices for lake- over optimistic for the same of a student assembly involvmg : April 9 at 4 p.m. to make their decisions and file expected at both elections front property mean that the reasons a presentation by futurist and t petitions SIgned by at least 25 voters Just one school, Barnes elementary, 1Ssched- t estates' meadows must disap- Second, the manSlOns and social economist Robert Theo- ; THE FIRST CASDIDA TE to announce pub- uled for closmg next fall but whether that WIlloc- per. Nonetheless, there are no their surrounding gardens offer bald. The presentation dealt nicly that he defmitely would file IS Roger cur on schedule apparently will depend on what reasons for the mansions and both beauty, green space and a with possibl~ outcom~ of pre- iMourad, one of the two incumbents whose term happens In the board electIons. TIus newspaper gardens to also disappear. sense of hlStory to the SUbdiVI- sent trends In o~ SOCIety and texpires. Mourad saId he made the decision at the has constStently been m favor of reorgamzation Rather the mansions can be sion and the CIty By the way it the means by WhIChwe may at- !urging of fnends and supporters and because he and stIll hopes that It Will take place, at least on converted into condomimums must be remembered that the tain the most desirable sort of iwanted to emphasize his continuing opJ>C?Sitionto the current limIted basis. and the gardens preserved as lack of beauty, green space and future. rschool reorganization plans proposed by Supt. green space to be enjoyed by sense of history seem to be ma- The Grosse POInte Founda- ;Xenneth Brummel. SOW THAT THE RECALL advocates have m the subdtvisions' residents jor aesthetic faults of Detroit. tion for Academic Enrichment ; Nominatmg petitIons also have been pIcked up effect made the election on June 9 a referendum Not all the grounds of the Robert E. Fish and its chairperson, George ;00 behalf of Joan Hanpeter, the board president, on school reorgamzauon, residents of the district former estate would then be Indian VIllage Eddington, fulfilled the goal of :OOt the 12-year veteran has not yet definitely an- WIll want to know just how each of the candidates academic enrichment sug- lnounced she wlll seek reelection. She has been a stands on that controversial matter In subse- gested by its name. In so doing, ~strong supporter of school reorganization plans, quent weeks, the !"ev.s hopes to mform the public Park mayor must share power It continued a program of more :including the school closmg proposals which about the candIdates' pos1tion on reorganization than 10 years' standing, the :have become hoUy controversIal in the distnct and other ISSUesin its news columns and to make To the Editor: to dlstnbute power among the goal of which is enrichment of How does the recall campaIgn fIt mto thIS elec- additional comments about the candIdates and In his letter to the edItor of mayor and councIl members, the elementary and secondary tion picture? the issues in its edItorial columns March 22, Robert DaVies states so that no smgle person could curricula. It now seems lIkely that June 9 also will be the In the meantime, filIngs by the candldates and that the Grosse Pointe Park ci- dominate the city's govern- At a level even closer to'South date of the recall election, assurmng the recall addltlOnal announcements of mtentions to hIe ty charter gives the mayor "the ment HIgh. the South High Mothers' orgamzers obtam more than 6.700 SIgnatures on v.ill clanfy the p1cture and make It somewhat power of appomtment and that As for the controversy over Club through its president, their petitIOns aimed at the ouster of school less of "a nddle v.Tapped m a mystery mSIde an the council shall approve" the mayor's appomtees to the Jane Barry, continued a com. board members Ca thenne Bnerly, Jon Gandelot enigma" than It now appears to be ThIS l..S an mterestmg (albeit prehensive program of support mcorrect) readIng of the EconomIC Development coun- CIl. a readmg of the EDC by- that has been a long-standmg • charter. since It ImplIes that tradition at our school ThiS those 'Whowrote 1t mtended the lav.s shows that the mayor IS to New tax rollback m sight appomt, w1th the adVIce and support has mcluded prOVISIOn counCil s1mply to rubbers tamp of matenals and sponsorshIp of mayoral appoIntees consent of the councll If the About the only thmg that 1Scertam as a result wh1ch is v.hat h1s three-month rollback would mayor chooses not to seek the guest speakers of the Republican Senate's inItial passage of a cost But If the Leg1slature approved a deeper \\bat the charter actually I Wish to thank both orgamza- states is that the mayor "shall adVice of counCil members, he rollback m the ~tate's mcome tax 1Sthat some re- cut, he would be under strong pressure to ap- should not be surprised when he twns for supporting thIS appoInt. WI th the conf1rma tlOn duction ""III be enacted before the electlOn next prove such a measure In an electIOn year assembly and for a long and of the counc1l 'Th1S small dIf- receIVes neither their coopera- November That pres~ure would come from the House tIOn nor theIr consent abidIng trad1tlOn of concern for The Senate rejected a July 1 rollback to 46 per- members, all of \\hom face electIOn m ference m word 109 1S !>lgmfl- the students of the commumty cent. the old Income tax rate, before adoptmg a ~O\:ember Smce the Republ1cans control the cant. since 1t reflects an at- Ka thy Roberts Robert W Bradley tempt by the charter's v.T1ters rollback bill that would brmg the rate down from Senate 'WhIch 15 not up for electIOn thIS year the Gro<:.sePOinte Park South High School its current level of fi 1 percent to 5 35 percent GOP already has put the Democrat1c maJonty In next July 1 and to 4 {)percent on July I, 198'=> the Hou~e on the defens1ve oJ gettmg In fIrst With Smce Gov James Blanchard already has pro- Its U1X proposal l;nder these CIrcumstances. It IS posed cutting the rate to 5 35 percent on Oct 1, It difficult to belle\ e the DemocratIC House would appears lIkely the Dem ocra tic Hou!:.t'v, 111try to not compromise v,lth the Senate go along \\1th the executlve's plan That ,,"ould The gOvernor then m1ght be left w1th a dec1slon Grosse Pointe News of v.hether to '-,Ign or \-eto a measure prov1dmg P.lltld .... Wedily Ioy AIICftIto P1IttCI~' then set thE' stage for a compromIse between the CI.ASSIFIED DISPLAY House and Senate assummg the Senate gives 1ts more tax relief than he ongmally prom1sed He 99 KERCHE\ 0\1- A\E Grosse Pointl' Farm!>. ~khlli:an 4kZ-1O 832-6900 832-3500 bill fmal pa~ge thIS v,f'ek doesn t face electIOn thiS year but It IS doubtful <'" <;1\ .... '-ic'fl'Al U !IPNM 0 ... p~ P.llI lOt llo1reII JIIII<'tl!« •• "'1 v \ I r>ITOk 1(J"' "Jf 8r Jl:( ~Jt Under present tax legislatIOn the 38 percent that he ~ould Jeopardize fllS future b:- haltmg a 1l~P"i~ PHYI i ,<; ~r.A1 ;,\\ '1 T Ir, 1'18\ I\HH ~;''''M,fll tax Increase that boo~ted the rate from 4 6 to 635 tax cut apprO\ ed b) both houses If he vetoed ond (I "",>Iflfn "l""'MJn 311"r; \04 f II FR percent m 19P~1began droppmg as of Jan 1 1984 such a mea ..ure he v.ould !o<;ev,hat benefit he n An IlI"]I ,HY H>TTO!t PAT !tOl '>'>F"L 5;'1.f~'\ PIl(».1(mo.; TIle f1rst decline broUf'(ht the rate to 6 1 percent gamed by hiS early rollback proposal JA""7 "'HIATU~ ""II IU\IIIlD J P: ~"fJ ((, ...... /')~ 8F")A"'I" (l If"FRf and a 5eCond S<'heduled for next Jan 1 ,,"ould re- It IS true that ('due-ators have begun to speak ",,"'[ "'I I HHI'" !tr]l,H HAC,I,> "",I! A"'f'k/I I( 7Y~ ({JUI'" \1 ...... H duce It to 'j 35 up agatn~t premature tax cuts on the grounds HA..$(PI[" ....."1 A"" h[ll"AOI 'TI HIL I IH Ill"'" 8MHA T()\.1" (JRf-1- '-t\\-(,r)[i IA""l I SlM()'O, WHAT >\1.1. OF THIS mean" 1<, that GO\ Blan- ~u('h Clctlon ',\auld require Increa~es In local 1\1 "''''klf 8ull( A" chard proposed to roll back the fl 1 !Jercent tax <'chool tax€''>as ....rll a .. tUItIOnhlke~ for colleges UR( l:1.A TJO"ll ..;.I fit Jt t!l.lC, •• rate three month~ earher than scheduJE-d by the But the mood of the country currently ISthat cuts f[}'lC'IlIAL (0 ....,1IT IIVT DAW/,- YEI ..."n'-, current lav. v. hile the Republican ~nate pro- in laxe-s take pr€'cedence over increasmg or even R{JI!f:RT (. ~ lY,AfI ""1""'0,10. WHFATI.£Y posed a rollback from 6 1 percent to 5 5 percent mamtammg serncC5. whether the cuts affect PI 8IJ<;Hf R effectlve SIX months earlier than scheduled welfare or even education Robert B. Edgar. Editor and Publifoher , The gOvernor has said he 'Wants the I...eglsla. Cnder the circumstances. the major questIOns (114&-1979 ) .ture to pas~ h1S "zero-growth' $5 38 billIon bud- I€'ftfor deel<;lon \0\ Ilh respect to proposed tax cuts Me_lief ...... Prtll AIMri.U. •• N.u...1~"".pet' A.hcl.u.. get for fiscal 1985before cuttIng the tax rate are when and ho\\ much The questiOn of 'three months ahead of schedule He claims the whether there should be such a cut alre.ady has :state can afford only a $130 mllhon reductIon, been answered b)' the governor and the senate

\, 'I ...... me e< .' Page Seven-A Opinions & letters Thursday, March 29, 1984

Richard parking lot would be an eyesore II To the EdItor. will continue to do so, even exists to plan for a "pocket park" on a highly visible site, I~~II' I am wflting as a concerned thought it may be lllconvenient cItizen of Grosse Pomte; as a for some people at some time~; adjacent to the library, the ele- concerned parent of a first • ClaIre Basco, the prinCIpal mentary school, a theater and a grader at Richard Elementary shopping area. A well planned ~ at Richard, expresses concern .~ "pocket park" would provide School and as a desIgn profes- about current safety I propose 'I, sIOnalconcerned about the uses that traffIC entering and leaving for outdoor reading areas for of urban spaces from a 75 car parking lot within school use and for library use, It IS extremely troublesome, 35-40 feet of the school edge as well as places for seating for from all three of the above would pose more safety hazards theater-goers, walkers and bl- viewpOints, that the Board of than those that currently exist cychsts who are prolIferate m EducatiOn and the admmistra- It WIll also be dirty, unsightly Grosse Pomte. A pleasantly tion would conSIder the conver- and nOISY.In short, a parking landscaped park WItha series of SIOnof the property adjacent to lot does not belong on property seating areas or activIty nodes RIchard Elementarv School ad iacent to an elementary would provide a small "sense of into a paved and metered park- school. . place umquely valuaui~ to tilt: mg lot for 75cars. I beheve It to • WhIle I understand Dr commumty as a whole. It may be of utmost Importance that all Basco's deSIre to have addi- even be the place for a small alternati ves be completely, tIonal parking for Richard, it ampl-theater that Dr. Basco de- competently and profeSSIOnally seems poSSIbleto provide more sires for Messner Field. The investigated A parkmg lot in efficient and desirable parking possibilitIes for a park are limit- that location, whIle seemingly and delIvery by prudent design less. The money used for grad- satisfying some pragmatIC of the eXIsting parking, unload- ing, paving, drainage, strip- needs, could potentially become mg and playground on Ridge pmg, walls, fences and gates to a fatal eyesore for the residents Road. build a parking lot would be a and businesses of the "Hill" • The current Ridge Road thousand times more effect;-:e area. playground is a disgrace to the in the creation of a park. I would ask the administra- Grosse Pointe Public School In my 20years as a practIcing tion, the Board of Education, system. I hardily applaud the architect, I have not seen many and the members of the Farms design effort to make it more opportunities like this. The ad- city council to consider the fol- creative and to link it with ministration, the Board of Ed- lowing points: Messner Field in a more func- ucation and the members of the • A community with the uni- tional and pleasing manner. council have a truly unique op- queness of the Grosse Pointes However, I urge that these im- portumty to show that you can does not have to duplicate the provements be more than just all work together to develop a Hard times for MADD, SADD bad planning decisions of major superficial. far more positive contribution urban areas by converting open • Recent studies have shown to the community than a mere space into parkmg lots. There IS that metered parking has con- parkmg lot. Students opt for 'Safe Ride' not a parking lot in the world tributed to the downfall of small It takes thought, it takes that makes a positive contrib- compact urban shopping areas study, it takes professional con- sultation, it takes time-but By Mike Andrzejczyk held occasionally but orgaOlzer Gryn said "SAC' is run so well," ution to our visual environment; because it is an irritant to the Debbie Gryn saId thmgs "haven't she said • From a master planning shopper and consumer, In addi- above all, it takes a commit- In January, 1983, three college Another problem the organiza- ment from aUof you collectively friends were drlvmg up Jefferson come together the way we wanted and traffic flow standpoint, I tion, there are many instances them to" for the local chapter. lion faced was one many volunteer suspect that a real traffic study where the money taken in from to see that the property in ques- about 2 a.m , commg home from a organizallons face, Mrs. Gryn said. party in Hamtramck. The 20-year- Mrs Gryn, a DelrOit emergency- would not justify a parking lot in parking meters does not even tion is put to the best possible room nurse who~e sons attend People who were interested over come close to covering the cost use. In the press of time and a old driver lost control of the car, the phone weren't available in per- the space between Richard rolling It on Jefferson near Grosse POinte schools, Said MADD Elementary School and Ker- of installation, maintenance desire to use current block grant ISavailable for work 111 conjunction son when the time came, she add- funds, don't make a bad and ir- CadIeux cheval Avenue; and scheduled collection. In Killed in the aCCident was a With SAC' Three-quarters of ed • Off-street parking for the fact, they have been taken out of responsible decision. Funding l\MDD's members are also affil. But, she pomts out, the com- 21-year-old City man The driver mumty IS still served without library, the Punch and Judy many areas around the country. sources will become available would later be charged with man. iated With SAC', she added again in the future. You can af- Part of the fall-off Ihe group has MADD There IS SAC', a well. Theater, and the businesses on slaughter when It was determined organized operation that does that end of Kercheval has suf- • Finally, and most import- ford to wait in order to make the he was legally mtoxicated at the ~uffered has been in part because ant of all, a unique opportunity right decision - It is that im- of a mlsconceptlon about MADD's most of the thmgs MADD does and ficed for years, and I suspect it hme of the aCCident some of the thmgs it can't do be- portant. The next month, a 17-year-old purpose, Mrs Gryn Said "Many Anthony A. Foust people thought we were automatl' cause of MADD's size, Mrs. Gryn South High scholarship wmner and cally agamst drmkmg," she said said Grosse Pointe City accomplished cellist was seriously "We aren't We just say, 'use your "Its not really harmful" not to Injured when the vehicle she was a have an acUve local MADD chap- What; ".![kw, on. passenger m rolled over after hit- head' If you dnnk. don't drive" Also affcctmg member~llIp 111 ter, she said. "The Grosse Pomtes Robb story ting the median on Mack near Neff really have It together in terms of The driver of the vehicle was re- MADD was ItS attempt to orgamze • • after SAC' had been active III the SACD'. Everythmg is run so portedly drmkmg before the InCI- commul1lly for almost a yedr, Mrs well " .fJ-1E J-llll IS tnte dent By Pat Rousseau To the Editor: That May, Mothers Agamst One of your reporters, Susan Drunk Drivers came to town, hold- VictOrian Garden. so lovely and McDonald, has been covermg mg an organizational meetmg at JOE HANEY DATSUN.NISSAN sprlnglike, IS a pattern you'll fmd Irresistible ?r• the War Memorial The meetmg 10 MILE ROAD AND GRATIOT an Issue about David Robb notice sald "Learn how we can at the League Shop for Georges Briard J~' This story has become trIte oven to tableware and table accessories 10- ~,.... - protect our chIldren. Every 23 mm- 773-3100 eludmg candlesticks and ashtrays See the "T and not worth the attention utes someone dies because of a new pieces at 72 Kercheval What a welcome allowed drunk driver January 15 It was BUY OR LEASE-ALL TRADES NEEDED! weddmg gift To put it succinctly, "Why a 21-year-old Grosse Pomter " kick a dead horse?" The meetmg "produced such an • You should know by now, tha t enthUSiastic response that It f'rom Moille Parms StudIO to Mana Dmon has come the people of Grosse Pointe are became diffICult to find a seat after a collectIOn of dresses for day and evenmg A perfect choice not interested m yellow sheet the starting lime," the Sub- for cocktall parties IS her black and white 'Voile creatIOn for journahsm stance Abuse Community CounCil the pretty sophisticate There's a two piece stnped cotton If you want to know what hap- newsletter saId dress combmmg blue. turquOise and peach, a soft pmk cotton National MADD board members dress IS~tyled With white bmdmg and With a full skirt White pens to yellow sheets, just think explained the organization's court cotton self-striped \\ Ith a satm hmsh IS scattered y.lth of what happened to the Detroit monitormg, bereavement aid and YOU CAN LEASE A CAR AT JOE HANEY raspberry. blue and acqua deSigns see them all and more at Times. aId to victim programs, accordmg DATSUN.NISSAN FROM 825950 MO.I 11 Kercheval Cormne Dunn to the SACt newsletter Grosse Pointe Woods Following MADD came Students No Money Down! Call 773.3100 • Against Drunk Drivers The group The Easter Bunny IS Just a hop away was aimed at helping high school and Seasons of Paper IS ready With Easler Lakeland needs age ~tudenls to get home safely 10 • greetmg cards straw baskets filled With eggs, case they had had too much Lo ceramic half-eggs to fill. candle eggs and drlOk while not advocating drmk- 20791 Mack Avenu. adorable tapers With bunmes cllmbmg up them good clean-up mg among young people ""' Vn. 115 Kercheval To the Editor: SADD used a contract which par- Grout Palnle Woods ents and their children !.Igned Par- MACK • Property value In the POlnte~ 881.3985 decreased last year The res- ents promised to pick the child up Ir Adorable And PractIcal the ney. jumJ*r~, shortalls Idents' disregard for the en- he or she had been dnnkmg and and ]ongall,> that are hand-made and apphqued With either was unable to drive Kid:. proml~cd name. monogram or cute deSign Your chOice of many COlON VIronment is contributing to to call their parenl~ ~hould Ihey be that At the foot of Lakeland unable to dl'lve Both hldeh promis- NEW! and de~lgn~ at \'l'[!)£!!J!n3 ~[b01?[X]{~0 110 Ker Avenue, the only publIc access ed to diSCUSi'>the mCldent later cheval See them and }ou II order noy. for Easter to Lake 5t Clair III Gros'ic Local high school ~tudent!> an' AT TELLY'S Pomte CIty, htter IS a major changmg the program Adopting • problem Cleamng up the foot Ihp Idea of a hafe ride ho01(, for of Lakeland Avenue would m- homeone unable to driVE', tht' !>tu. Cocktails 2 for 1 WILD WINGS offer~ \\Ildhfe prml!>. crease the property value of the dent!> havE' dropped the Idea of the 3.30 to 6.30 deco~!\ and !lporllng related gift ltems Kercheval at surroundmg area contractual a~reem('nL, which Ihey FI'>her. 88') 4001 ,>uld they lhought would lE'ad to Any tIme at the fool of Lake- confrontatIOn MondRy through Fnday land empty beer bottles can be SIudent~ worklOj.'( 10 orgd1ll7(, Servmg ComP/mwntary Hof Bru<,h l P on your milkl'up at 1'1dll found Some people come to "SafE>RIde" !>uy the program WIll Hors d'oollvres Apothetan 121Kprthp\plof han clean oul thClr cars, ()ther~ kt'('p call'> to the pro~ram for a l'Idt' o~ mdkeuphru ,he<.that (ome m a kIt BJu<,her come to have a smoke and COnfldentlell "Safe Bleil' k('('p'" Ill(' PIANO BAR ENTERTAINMENT brll,>her<, liner brll<,h(....and '>ponge tiP ap other~ come With their dog~ par('nh oul of It," on(' Iud('nt !I'lld FEATURING JOE ARMIJO phtatore., dre' dl!.O'>olde.,('paralei ..,hlllt'nl,>WNC ha vmg Irouhh' With lhl' ('onll ,It tl> Pf'r..,OJiket) hd. perl ('( t "('lId 109 glfh al the nghl If the city would n'p]eIC(' the pnce'> $1')to ~T) Bndp ...To Be comp 10 t't'nwd n'lucl ~ OUR CLAIM TO FAME dead gra~s or even cement the Ill(' Idea of drlllklOg .....llh OWlr par 9fl KerLhevdl wholf>area, II could Oecom(' a E'nl... and ..0 I('fl Ow COnll.lC'll\IIn HOT CRAB MEAT SALAD CROISSANT • ""'onderful plac(' to "",aL('h tllf' '>I~ned The ,>('hoolc'v('n tnN] mall ('overod wllh bubbly Imporlod SWISS and English cheddllr Bn ng ~pr 109I"re,>hne'>'> 10 yOUr \\101 E'rtired '>k10 y.lth ~lJn~et or to "",atch the boal~ 109 lhe contracts hornp and n' d \1101 Vd( Idl b\ Anna no\\ "pJ<:n.\LLY PHICEn $I'i :lIthe People could ('orne' and c'nJoy ('('IHod Ihe l-ame lacklu'>ll'r rf' cheese (,n~nhou ...p 11'7 KpfchE'\al Cdll AAI-6&n fOfan appomtment th{' arf'3. not he dl.,gu~t('d WIth '>ponw. hI' .ulrll'o It Thf' proJY'rty va luc of tlH' BUlJtmlo !hI' prol!:rcllll.....ouJd hI' cl SOUVLAKI • i'>urrolln(hng arpa would In rt'fI'rr:11 for lhow ...ludE'nl,>who 11M' A ~~t \\I()f uf i/f(J(lr1 peppofs o{l/ons iJnd en,m/{'! of por" tfmdflrlol/l Look \\hat \A,," h(:,plnn'> wi/ll hot {JI/II IIno ffe~h qrool<. :<>IIIEld It s bflltef than most I vet hltd 2') I \~arm('f{h(' on Lakeland thl' demand .. of Ihe area, MAI>I> mIIIlK.-r(h",,1 ,;n\ tar Ixl,ll or planp \'eri'>ahle and Avenue would In('r('a~(>1ft he lIghlw('lght It 0J>('rilte" dl an) .InglE' unaffeclf'd by motIOn ha ...n't fared a!> wt'll While !>Ome ( ompu( onal dlellkllchpn wmpulc'r. t(jlculalor, foot of Lakf'land was c!('aned ('on,>ldt>r lht' group sllll aell VI', ORANGE ROUGHY '>cale Dle.,pla)'>readmgs of weIght, calorJ('" protem faL,>,(ar up The clcanJn~ and f1XInR of It oth('r communlty groupo, and on(' of A mild flavor fish brill/fld !fl light gllflle burttJf sauce. ItCcom~m.d bohydratf''i .,odlum and chol('<,lero! Contam'> a memory would not co~t much and would Its or~aOl/ers !>ay It ha!> fallen Oil .... With R ',e~tl [llOelol, vinlligre'/e salad and our own sprlnQfN fry. hank, and adaplor /' 'C ballefle<, March .11<,t The MaIO be greatly apprecIated hard times Cour~e Caterers Will gIve a c1a!>~on spnng I-oOUp~$7 50 Donna Emery Members still receive their Open: Mon,-S.t, 11 A.M.-2 A.M., Sun, 5 P.".-12 Grosse POInte City newsletters and meetings are 'ltlll

, ~ '>. I \ .. Thursday, March 29, 1984 '.hge Eight.A GROSSE POINTE NEWS r~J t Pancake breakfast at St. Clare church 5t Clare of Montefalco Archcon. Menu lOcludes pancakes With \l'hat~s on Cable fratermty and Girl Scout troop no butter and syrup, sausage, JUice and coffee or tea PrIce IS $3 for ~~~ A ll:>tmg of local programmmg a\ allable 00 Grosse Pomte Cable 1393 will sponsor a panCake nUlcltda ... \I.uch !9 breakfast Sunday. Apnl 1, from 10 adul'.s, $1 for children under 12, or Justknved ~ • 5 JO P m - The Health FJeld :Br-east Cancer - The Health Fleld a m to 2 p m 10 the church socia] $10 for the famIly A Unique d.scus:.es the trealment and otht'r alternatl\t':> to masectom\ The public IS mVlted 161 • hall We ~ partICularly proud of this Purchase specw • 6 pm - . H~pothernlla - Thl" fum e...plams the dangers of prolong purcn- of popular rev~ Dflumes ThIrty.three Yt:r'f ed e...posure to veT) cool and cold temperature:, on the human exclO"ll feaLurlllg tullp5. sea floral $pnys ant. Cable teams up with Easter Seals rup shells bod, i 6) maIs. lildy bugs. butterlhes rabblu. and seometnc desII"'S • b j() P m - Harlk L~ \S Cnme liP telethon co-host and star of .'Knots Seiect from earth tones ....Ith v!brant accent coloo or spnrlI In an attempt to focus on the dIS- • 7 pm The Sa\ 109 \\ orld - \\ eekl~ meditation;, aI'd mll:>IC from Lile Landmg ., putels of r~ coral ~"ender blue gr~n. crum ~npture:. (II' abled populatIOn. Group W, Metro- Grosse Pomte Cable WIll offer and arnel twldwoven ,n dlstmctly ~auuful f1at_a"e p.at. o - p m - People \I Ith En Stemer - Gut':>t" are members 01 Lf)eGrosse VISIOn, McLean Hunter and Booth tems Pnces from S25.$595 for pilk>w SIZeup to 12 x 9 POInte Exchange Club (61 CommumcatIOns have begun an speCIal mstallatlOns Consumers room size Decorators love them for theIr style and • 730 P m - -\ \Ie\\ from a Par~ Beo(h \llth Judge Be\erl\ C Grabbel mnovatlve proJect In conjunctIOn can take advantage of discounted gue:,' IS atlorf1e\ Peter \lonl\ 16' • servIces v.hue a donatlon In theIr ven..onal 1m e:,'tmg m the 80 ,,' - Spon"ored b\ Oakland l'ru names \\111be made to help contmue Hours: ... Th: 9:30-5, Fr: 9.30-7, Sa. 9:30-5 thon \er.:,l:~ and ComerIca Bank Par! 2 lO • Group \\ pro\ Ides cable serVIce needed programs and servIces to ~I Hours: SuncMy, April 1. 12 noon. 4p.m. • 8 311P In Johanna Gilbert Inten le\\" - Dorreen Ta \ lor (6) through Grosse Pomte Cable. which the handIcapped o 9 p m - DE'tro,t ~ledla \lonthl~ - Ga.le::.ts are \\ arren Plene and A. drav. mg v.illbe held prIor to the '1I1.e Dufl~ Proou(ed b\ Spec~ Ho\'.ard S<.hool of Broadcast sel"\ es resIdents ill Harper Woods . telethon \\ Ith \\ mners to be an- ..'\rt~ 161 Grosse Pomte Woods Park Farm~ 'Ionda~. \pnl 2 and Clt\' nounced Apnl 1. accordmg to Eas- Purveyors of FIfW: Onental R.JgS ~ 1897 .oj 3l!pm - -\mencan C"thohc \t'll The irutlal phase of the project ter Seals 304 Hamilton Row. 8Irrrungn.am. !)44..8200 .5pm - Faith 20 (lll .,.,III begm vllth the sho\\ mg of a For more mformatlOn about the '6prn - \\a)ne CO:1Ilt:- -\ '\e\l Perspectl\E' - \11th Count) Ex program segment on communIty program. call Grosse Pomte Cable E'Cutl\e Bill Lucas IbJ access channels HIghlIghts mclude at 886-9200or VISit the offices adJa- --~~ ~ FI~H~R RD We deltve' • 6 30 P m - Health Talks - Guests are Dr T KIIl!p Ste\e K'lal a'ld ,..."1,,\,,, from thE> 'Qfl~telethon and a cent to J C Penney's ill The POInte ------.. Ulana 1un.. ibl dr~matic piece by Donna MIlls. Plaza .,pm- Pe-Ople \I lth En Sterner - Guests are \\ a \ ne Count\ Shernf 882-5100 Robt::rt F'cano and corporal Bo\oe Pdrt'l (0) . .730pm- SlngleSeen - \n alternatl\ e to bars and datlng:>en ICes (6/ .73Opm- Lecture on RUSSia - Taped at South High SChool (19) PARMS o8pm - R~ Glbb at Random Guest IS Fred Shell. from :\11chlgan ~ Consoltdated Gas on energ~ :><1\ mg programs \6) 'Stead} Gams' - '\e ....s and mformatlon from \our local uTo Meet Your Health Needs ... IMPORTED schools 119. . Whole Ch<»ce, Lean .e 30pm PUbll(~Pol,c\ Forum \e ....DIrectiOns In Health Care 16/ ... We Cover The Pointes. " Tuesda~. -\pnJ 3 HARKNESS PARK ~ DELMOIICO '6pm - The PreventIOn Factor - TIlls ISa ston of a 6Q-vedr-old man PHARMACY DEVONSHIRE PHARMACY sR1IJi& '" ho 19nored the man) '" arrung sIgns of pneumoma and became =u 20315 MACK 15324 E. Jefferson STEAlS DRUGS CHICKENS extremeh III because of 11 (61 NAM .63Opm- Hank Luks \5 Cnme (6) 884-3100 16003 MACK 822-2580 S3!8 o,pm - The Sa\ mg \o\ord Oli CLS 881-0477 79 S1!8 .,pm - People ....Ith En Stemer - Guests are Shemf FIca no and cor poral Bo) fie Part 2 (6) • 7 3(j P m - A Vle .... from a Park Bench. II. Ith Judge Beverl) C Grobbel - Guest 15 Attorne\ Jack Lowsell (61 • B P In - The Job Shoy, from the ::'\olESC \61 • 8 P m - P) gmal.lOn - presented b) ~ orth HIgh School \ 19) • 8 30 P m - Johanna Gilbert Inten1ews ' - The Gladstones (6) \\ ~dnesda~. -\prll 4 • ~ 30 P m - Amencan Cathollc \81 .5pm - FaIth 20 '81 • 6 P m - . V. ayne Count} -\ ~e'" Perspectl\ e' (6) • 6 30 P m - . Health Talks 16) • 7 P m - People Yo Ith En' Stemer (6) $NO W'HtTE MUSHROOMS ...... •...... • 1-UI •i 30 pm - Russ Glbb al Random (6) .7 30 P m - Lecture on Russla .. 119) • 8 P m - PubiJc Polle} Forum . \'ev. DIrectIOns 10 Health Care (6) BREIIIER • 805 P m - 'Stead} GaUlS - ....e....5 and mformatlOn from lour local WAFERS schools (191 • S1!9

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'" . - Thursday, March 29, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Obituaries [ Peters Funeral Home. ' He dIed Saturday, March 24, at daughter, Colleen Nolan-Calu. He died Saturday, March 24 Mrs. Agnes Wersching He died Friday, March 16. in ' Francis M. Peeters Mr Schmidt was a retired semor Bon Secours Hospital Interment was in Ml. Ohvet Services for Mrs Werschmg William Beaumont Hospital. I Memorial services for Mr He is survived by his wife, Cemetery vice-president and engineering ex- (nee Grewe), 72, of the Farms, A native of Forester, Mieh" Mr.. Peeters, 78, of the Park, were held Marilyn Cousmo, and two dau- ecutIVe With the Detroit-based were held Monday, March 26, at St Hardy was a member of Company Tuesday, March Zl, at the Verhey- ghters, MarIlyn L and Joan Ellen Charles Monroe Endicott Amencan Natural Resources Com- Matthew's Church M 339th Infantry Polar Bean ckoirIC den Funeral Home and St Jude Tnbutes may be made to the A memOrIal service for Mr En- pany for 40 years, begmmng hiS ca- She died Fnday, March 23, at St World War I. He was dllCbarled in Church, Cancer Loan Closet of Greater dlcotl, 49, of Grosse Pomte Shores, reer 10 1936 when he jOined the John Hospital 1919 and was a member of the He died Saturday, March 24, m Detroit or the Grosse Pomte War wlll be held at 11a m today. Thurs- Michigan Consohdated Gas Com- Mr& Werschmg IS surVived by Veterans of Foreign Wars. saratoga Hospital Memonal day, March 29, at Grosse POInte pany her husband Joseph, daughters Mr Hardy IS survived by one Born 10 Antwerp, BelgIUm, Mr Interment was m Forest Lawn MemOrIal Church In 1957, Mr Schmidt became Jean Mane and Mrs Gerald daughter, Florence Lutz; one son, Peeters IS survived by hIs WIfe, He died Thursday, March 22, 10 Chief Engllleermg Officer for the \Terry) Varalll, and one grand- MarvlIl Kimball, one sister; six ElVIra; three sons, Charles, Mar- Mrs. Marl'e E. Nolan Marathon, Fla entire system and also served as a child grandchildren, and four I VIn and FrancIs, one daughter, Mr EndIcott attended the Director of MClhlgan Consohdated Tnbutes may be made to the great-grandchildren HlO was Mrs Marguante D'Agnese, eight Services for Mrs Nolan, 88, of Umverslty of Michigan and Wayne and the other operatmg sub- CapuchlO Monastar)' or the preceded III death by hiS wife Elva. grandchl1dren, and one Maryland Road, \\ere held on Wed- Slate Um'verslty He WdS director sidianes. He held a Bachelor's of Michigan ('ancer FoundatIOn Interment was in Forester great-grandchild nesday, March 28, at the of the 1\1Ichigan NatIOnal Corpora SCience degree in mechanical engl- ('l'metery m !,'orester Interment was In Mt Ohvet Verheyden Funeral Home and St tlOnand Michigan NatIOnal Bank of neenng from the Wa>,ne State UIll- Lloyd John Brecht Cemetery Ambrose Church DetrOit verslty, a Master's In mechamcal Services for Mr Brecht, 7J, of Frank J, Kennedy She died Mondav, March 26, In He also \\ as a membel of the engmeenng from the Ul1lverslty of Moran Hoad, were held Saturddy, Pnvate servIces for Mr Ken- Stanley S. Morgan Holy Cross Hospital Detrolt Alhletlc Club, the Country Michigan and an honorarY Ph D March 10, at the Verheyden nE.'dy. 85, formerly of the FannJ, SerViCes for Mr Morgan 64, of Born 10 Detroit, Nlrs Nolan was Club of DetrOIt, the Founders degree III engmeenng from Wayne Funeral Borne alld St PhIlomena lately of Flonda, were held Sun. the Park, were held Tuesday. the Wldo\\ of the late MIchael F Society of the DetrOit Institute of State Church day, Jan 29, at Christ Church of March z:l. at Verheyden Funeral Nolan Arts, 'board of trustees of the He died Tuesday, March 6. III Gros~e POlllte and White Chapel. Home . She IS survived by a grand- He was a registered profeSSIOnal DetrOIt Symphony Orchestra, the engmeer m both MIChigan and Bon Secours Hospital Cemetery : Fnends of the DetrOIt Pubhc WisconSin dnd a fellow of the A native DetrOlter, Mr Brecht He died Wednesday, Jan 25, In: //~. ~ -- - - L~br::.::y~~~ the Det!"c-~t Z00!ngl('~1 !lyce U~ the F.:l~!!1~fer 1! '/[':l r~ I'\!' F!o=-~d~ ~ P"" ~j-'-'W""" ..... -- -- ...------Amencall 5uclel~ uf ait:t.i1allll.di Society He was also co-chairman Engmeers Mr Schmld~ was a aVid bowler, Mr Brecht bowled Born May 23,1899, Mr KeMe\SSOClatlon; the Mr Brecht IS surVived by hiS Mason at the Zion Lodge NO.1. He: SIX also served on the board of direc •• sister Interstate Natural Gas ASSOCiation Wife, I\lary, sons, the Rev. • IS NEW AND OPEN • Memonal contnbutlOns may be In : LIL'" of America, the Umted States DaVid Brecht, OSA, Dr Paul tors or the made to the chanty of one's chOice. Brecht, Farms Del Mclrk Brecht, 1935 : Cremation was pnvate Arrange- Standards Institute, the Engmeer- MENU SERVED 11:30 A.M. TIL MIDNIGHT mg Society of Detroit, the Mich- Thomas, John and Gregory, one He IS survived by his wife Fran- : ments were made by the Williams daughter, Mrs Anne Stock; and 12 CIS Kennedy (nee Gress) ; one: MONDAY-SATURDAY R HamIlton Company Funeral Igan Gas ASSOCiatIOnand the Insti- tute of Gas Technology grandchildren daughter, Mary Jane Kennec1Y: Home Mr Schmidt is survived by his Interment was in !\it Ohvet Nutter, fOUf grandchildren; ana wife, Anne, two daughters, Kath- Cemetery. SIX great-grandchildren. He was COCKTAIL HOUR 4-7 P.M. Karl E, Schmidt pre<:eded in death by his son: Services for Mr Schmidt, 71, of leen Reiner and Krlstm; a brother and two grandchildren Robert W. Hardy Robert C : SOUPS, SALADS, SANDWICHES the Pointe, were held on Wednes- Services for Mr. Hardy, 92, of Interment was In White Chapel , day, March 28, at the A H Peters Memorial contributIOns may be made to the St Bernard Food Way burn m the Park, were held Cemetery , Funeral Home and 51 Paul Calh- Tuesday, March 20, at the A.H. (Continued on Page leA) ohc Church Center, in care of St Paul church. INCOME TAX PREPARATIOI FINANCIAL PLAI•• 10 YEARS EXPERIENCE - ENROlLED &1fT CAN REPRESENTTAX MY_ eutitout. BUSINESS AND PERSONAL YEAR ROUID ~lNANCIAL SERVICES INC, 22125 8rt111r .. - U St. etatr_ 778-4780

•. . -westec Yo _discoverwbyNBD SECURITY SYSTEMS We protect whit you isyour best choice trea.ure moat ... Thtt sign of intelligence We have over lS years experience Installing custom West8C Security foranIKA. Systems-the f1nut In resldenllal protectIOn natIOnwide. II you're at home or away. Weslec sv-tema and Ita profeSSIOnal support ~nel are 00 conetanI alert-goardlng)'Otantial Interest.forfelture 1983 or 1984 IndiVIdual Retlremenl Ac..count I )r d n \'I IIIr r , n.....1y f"flllt"rl f.... J C"IUII~ hm~ ...... A : contnbutlon~ to build up your plan penalty t'urthermore. If you withdraw funds we al NBD are domn ('vcrythmg we c..an to mlro(h In ~qUllr ,I d~~ttd p"nb, ,,(rtotAIPfuPtfn'~";;;;;;' : from dn IRA plan before you reach age .59lfl. on ,m rllt ~.I""h h.I""'" : help make <..ho()~mq one easy If you v.clnt 10 di\("f,,>lh y'lIlf if,H''''! the IR~ impo'>Cs ccrtain tax penalties Inr pfl'lo:l""" "d~l~" IRA, tv.1tIh llJl1)(lI'W lI'f!I*OIn : .on,t prl.(11 ,hdnrllll'l.tn~ "'x rll~mp4 InV'tSlllO and tndlV1dulla : /\/rl(,f ,,~I)(' t"qhllqh''-, ment 11(1\." WI (,tf< I .-l .,.'If fllH (l('d IK\ "'hI) lllloi IH 1.11 e:\ p<.: rt !')(' .... klhll ~nunl...... r.ljII'd Il'al t"otAl<' 1nW'iltfllf'fl1 f'.r ~ !'Ill.... . IIr fill III th~ Illupon : (J,d '") ,t.H lfv'\ :Il'v<...,tlnf'nl!>lol1 out of chooc,lnn an IRA plan YA' • dldnqc your IIlw.,tm('nt ,>Imtl'qy when you 963-8900 I\nd It <, only d\l~llable throuqh Apnl 16 If !lIve you .Ill thc Information you nced No [e("lll Iwccs,>,ny The nllrllmWTl 'J(oIXI.,11 vanee; VOII choo<;(' thl<, pt.m you II he a.....,ur(.d of IrKky t1gur('.-, No ..urprio,c'i .lu~ stralghl f,)( l.. With lIw type' of In\wstmenl you choo'>(' our extra h,qh ml{'re..,1 ralc rlu,> you won I 'xl '>C(, ",nidi other IRA pldn ... ne clvailable need 10 thmk ahoul how to r('mw,>1 your nlt,( r IHA pItH!' ,11,.111<11>1(' Lompdrc them with our~ And thcn <-OIllC fund'> for hw full year'> Like dll of our lime In addition NISI) rll'>() ()ff('r., fi month 2 .met 10 NBO. one of Amcrlca S WCdt banks -.avmq'> mw.,lmenl., Ihi., on(' carne'> d 4 y<>dr IRA plrm .. If yOlI ,tn. 1Il1('f('.,kcl In ~ J 000 mllllmum depo.,iL It1w.,tlTllj lor ltw .....trnH 1)(rlod., JU.,l d.,k lor ()II' "l,H'\, 11\,,\( 111\' ',Lnll II! '''11{1, rnC)f(' mlorrnallon ,II any NBD oftlu' fJ .Id l( q lill ...rl r!. po',,! of onl] ~ 10 'N!1l'n you InVC.,t In .my IRA pldn Hll'I(' For more information: are two Imporwnlllllnq'l to lenwmhn t1r.,t, If you re !ookmq for an IRA Itlw.,l rrw nt IIMI I-HOO-(~ALL.N g[) II you Wlilldr dW lunch from ,Ill\, hill(' '>dVlllq" reqlllw<, an ('Xlrd 10.,."rlllrnmlllTl d('po,>ll

One of Ame"iv..eat banks ~ &

I ~, Member FDIC Thursday, March 29, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS ~Ten-A Obituaries to,,\)b S LAKEPOINTE INN l('oatinued from Page 9A) He IS survIved by hlS WIfe, Loreen, one daughter, PatricIa L , TOM'S FENCE -JVaI A GOOD PlATE OF FOOD AT A GOOD Gilbert Patrick SlX grandchtldren, and two great. GOURMET CUISINE IN A CANDLELIGHT SETTING O'Connell grandchildren • LICENSED ReqUIem Masses are planned m Leonhard Bantleon • FULLY GUARANTEED Daily Ditmer ~ $6.95 Fri. Evenil!G Jazz Grosse Pomle and San Antomo, • 15 YEARS EXPERIENCE Texas, for Mr GIlbert. 83. former- ServIces for Mr Bantleon, 77, of Iii frio "The New Ensemble" I) of the POInte and lately of San the Woods, were held Saturday, • RESIDENTIAL AND &lilt. &~. ($2.50 -1 =:r: March 24, at the A H Peters Jcm • 7:38 p.m:10:30 p.m. AntoOlo COMMERCIAL Broadway He dIed Wednesda\, March 21, In Funeral Home under the auspices of L' Welcome Fri. Bar Speclat: 5(JC Beers San AntOniO . the DetroIt Commandery No 1 KT All Types of Prtncy rumes 3:00 p.m. till closing Born Sept 14, 1906 m Dayton. He dJed Tuesda) , March 20. m hiS OhIO, Mr 0 Connell \\as graduated Blrch Lane home HOURS from the l'mversitv of DetrOit 10 ~lr Bantleon \\ as a member of " Security Fences Lunch Tun .Fn 11 I.m .2 p m 1928 and receJ\!ed" hiS ~1aster's AcaCia Lodge 477, F&AM, and the CAL~ Happy Hour Tues -sat 3 p m -6 p m from the l'OI\'eNlt\ of '\'otre Dame DetrOit Commandery No 1 KT, Dt'1"~1 Tun -Sat., 5 pm .10 p m - Sun" 3 pm -1 p m FOR FREE ESTIMATE In 1930 Before ser\'mg overseas 10 Moslem Shrme 15201 E warrtn al Lakepolnte Ft:1EE PARf>.ING 885-4777 \\ orld \\ ar I I he \\ dS on the staff of HeJs !>un "'ed bv hiS Wife Esther the DetrOit Board of EducatIOn, A t\\O sons, Leonard and Norman, 774.2045 In Januan 1945 ='-11'O'Connell five grandchildren. two sisters. and JOined the public relatIOns dIVISIOn one brother CAR TALK ot General ='-lotors Corp He retired MemorIal tributes ma\' be made In 1971 Mr 0 Connell v.as actIve 10 to the Moslem Shrine ASSOCIatIOn From RAY LAETHEM the DetrOIt Boat Club, the Bay\ le\\ Crippled Children Fund Pontiac GMC Truck Yacht ('Jub and the Grosse Pomte Interment \\ as m White Chapel Hunt Club cemetery BY RAY LAETHEM QUIT CHECKING WATER Beauty salon hit by thieves So while 1t S vIta' to chaco the engine 0 h used 10 be Ihat when yc>~ orove mlo a ser each 1,.,e yo" buy gas Il S bes' '10110chec, tIng on a chair at the rear of the VIce stateE ""le'''le rev ....ere Ie.... on BoutIque, 1929 Vermer, sometIme me engine IS cool 'ne car should be parked fo' IN THE wale, (CJ' me WB'er dotl,,,,-ze 'T\ xlJre nO'k ca"l bet\\ een Saturda) evenmg and ear- com, reports saId at feast 15 minutes Pobce said they dIdn't kno'Whow EAR AID 00 eel COOlant) ToadY 'fOurs IS a late model l) Monday. March 19. and escaped $299 car manufaclu'e's S8) you should chec~ only "* ... '*"** many people broke mto the When you tI",,1I PontIac - thl'1k RA Y \I ith about $45 OR about once a month 0 a' all cnange 11tTli! L~ETHEM PON11AC ",ltere yo" get a Poltce on patrol m the area about bUlldJng because of the confusmg Sudden re'easl'Iq of pent up hot ai' vapor good deal plus a great deal more We prod I' 2 a m spotted the broken front number of footprmts left in the CANAL AID and IJquld depressunzes Ihe coolIng syslem .w ourselHrs Irt ojJermg the lowestpnce, ma.x door of the busmess Entering the sno'W Pobce beheve some blunt ob- 3 YEAR whICh 15 oeS1gneo 10 operate at , 0 to 18 Imum trade allo ...ance low cost/lnanc'ng and quahty servIce bUlldmg through the broken door, Ject 'Wasused to break the wmdow, • No Tubes pounas Ther t".. sy~lem may 001 ove' ana reports saId lo5e a cons,deraole amo.Jnt 01 coolant RAYL~EM officers found the mtenor • No Wires GUARANTEE Mo'eetmg New members woOd's come to attend. D.J Friday & Saturday 9 pm .• 1 a.m, are welcom .. 118D J.-1811188111 Monday throuqh Saturday 11-2 a.m. I Sunday Breakfast 9-12:30 • Sunday Dinner 1-9 p m.

to tease the palate AND PLLASj:. THE PuRSE MONDA Y THROUGH FRJDA Y daily specials try our "soup of the day" Join us in a warm, casual atmosphere for these Lenten Specials z. CIodt ...... Orange Whitefish •• 1ftOrJ .....,. •• to 1ftUtic. Roughy s5.75 s7.25 ..... fnM: T...... 4. Tt.. I .... AIIIFM r1ICIo. It,.... 'II lIB .. More L-Bow Room The L-Bow Room ...... 25100 Kelly Road Gratiot at 13 Mile Road at 10 MIle Road in the Georgian Inn 775.1540 293-4500 Presenting Phones of Interest ~ G;::3iii~::'VERBRUGGE'S ::~~!~~ ~~ WE 17328 MACK at Sf. CLAIR CLOSED SUN. .. WE CA TER FOR Here'\ an offer to create high 1Olere\1 - UepO\11 [)epo~lt "'", DELIVER 4 TO 400 Mone) \1a~ler CertlflCale~ (If Deposit and your Phone "'I)le SSOO-S4999. \5000 or JlI.fore. 885-1565 [f, SHOPP£RS SP£CIAL rues & Wed ,~ Off All orders over $1000 chOIce 01 \[) lJ\h lelephone~, onl) at Michigan ~ SHOPPERS SPECIAL OUR OWN National I I'u ,h But" ,n SHISH-KABOB $ < 00 I Rfl If )ou open or rene"- a qualJf)lOg certificate Phnm • \; TUES & WED $329 BAKED HAM ('~J of depo~1l at dn} ot the partlclpalmg offlce~ 100/0 OFF LI3 Whole By The '-1:"'- ALL ORDERS (Made from TOp SirlOin) or Half Slice ~ I''lcd h<:io~ }ou "an purcha~e at <,uh<,lantlal 2 (IOl~ Rda,() S 12 (~) $22 (Xl 1t!cphone OVER $1000 Marlnateo In Our $2P $2'19~ ~d ~ I ng~ an\ of Ihe phone~ plCIured above V. llh Ihe t1mel~ break up of AT&T, nov. 1\ , [)tlu'" S44 (It') $14 no Ihr tllne to rU1cr.a<,e your phone at Ihe<,c low ( Oldie" Plwnc U S 0 A BULK U S 0 A CHOICE rflCC~ plu\ earn a high competitive rate of In. lere,1 on )our ~a~\ng<, \'I~lt the participating 4 1 !tnJI'n, II CUBE STEAKS SAUSAGE LONDONGBROIL $4200 S'2 (X) branch off1ce near ~ou and take ad\antage of [),,~ I'n"nt ' $2!9 $1;19 TOP ROUND STEAK -, thl~ ,>peClal offer today (From Lean Po-It) 99 it- 'J /It' il' $2 ,;~ POLISH OR L8 ~ '~dc. k(~,J' 'f1 'q "f< " \I', '."'1"1 r ' C,I r~rrall\ lA" Call our Ral(' Hollln(' .. 1I..led below for our ".1IAN LENTEtJ SPECIAL CALIFORNIA r e~r \ ;,ltrldT'll¥dl "'''~IJldl (I r(,\ rl I~(" nllrrh<.~ of p 11\ 1 o , nr per .( ((lr I MId r , 1110 "(\Ud m4) r~s -c mor~ hlRher ," ..ured fate .. and lake ad\'anta~e of It .r, .',_~I'I (OIl' ,dnnor h< nJdllcd .nd m." ", thi .. Ilm...1\ offef ",hile it la ..t... sAUSAGE $1~9 HOTCROS1'BUNS BROCCOU. ~ rld~d If'"' • Jc Fn.'t

,. 12.00%effectIVe annual YIeld. This rate effective Tuesday, March 6,1984, until further notice. Look what It can do for you-on a $2,000depOSIt •~ FOUR SEASONS AUTHORIZED CHer flveyears-and compare Itto the resutts you get with other IRA plans currentlY available. ,-=...... 'It GREENHOlBESCREATE LUXURIOUS .. SALES 10/'1 SUN-LIT SPACES INSTALLATION 23 Standard Shapes -- SERVICE and Sizes DEAlER 1st YEAR BALANCE_-----$2,240.11 ~ BANK FINANCING 2l1li_------$2,509.05 l AVAILABLE ~ FUN & RELAXING lngrounds & Portables CREATIVE SPAS, INC. 3nI_------$2,810.27 i 5 YEAR WARRANTY Full Lme of Chemicals 2821 ROCHESTER ROAD AT 1-75 • TROY and AcceSSOries __ ------$3,147.66 Try It Before You Buy It' 524-1212 I 5th-W~=_E $3,525.55 j .. "~ II ~ example assumes a $2.000 balanCe on deposit. W1ttllnterest compoundeCI tor fttte fUll caIenCW YNn 1" .., Compare IRA plans carefully these Questions anyvvhere etse. , and we think you'll commit to . before you commit '"•, You should ask, What's First Federal ... the interest rate? Is it com- ThiS and other IRA accounts fX)unded? HON much will my at First Federal can be opened money actually earn each year? with a minimum deposit of as HeM'isthe Interest credited to little as $100 my account? When? If('; reqlllat1Of'l~ require a sub'.t4ntkll ~ for W1thdrJ'MlI pnor to aQt" ~q~ 00 IRA plans Federal Measure our IRA Plan regulatlOfls reqUire J slJbs~ntl.ll penalty fo( earIV against the answers you get to W1thdr.1Wa1from c.ertlflGrtE' accounts [::J RRST OF MICHIGAN Doing more-for more people-than e\€f before. Main OffIce 1001WOO<1Wi1rclAvenue, oetrott, Michigan 48226 Pnone 1513.165.1400 Glt()S.~E POINTE ~()TJU; DAME l1t'ar Kt-rt'htvRl ~-71;97 ()}':TROIT Glt\THYl' at 7 Mile ;}27.:~ HARPER WOODS VEle1Jn:R at B('t\('onKfi ..ld ~1.9:l00 ~'T.CLAIR SnORES ~A( 'K ut St. Jonn 777.94:;0 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 29, 1~ Page Twetve-A

LAMP REPAIR LA.' 'ARTS THUR., FRI., SAT. ONLY! _IGMTS Gift & laIIp SIIOII 11650 MACK AVI 200/0 OFF ...... , ,. G.... ,,_ ....' QH.u 885-8839 P S Sr fig You, lamp 101 ALL SPRING JACKETS Ci,J5tom flHmg INFANTS, BOY'S, GIRL:S, MEN'S MEMBERS ONLY PACIFIC TRAIL

EXTRA PARKING. USE 9 MILE ENTRANCE - - - -...... ~ .. ""-...... r • • , CO""II" · STEVE'S ~ NO IiiiiIi!iii BOYS & GIRLS WEAR FOR "'EN & BOYS LAYAWAY __ 23240 GREATER MACK' (1 block South 0/9 Mile) ON ST CLAIR SHORES. MICH!GAN 48080 SALE (313) ITEMS • m-102O Galli's Meothaus .. .a ~." 885-7290 -,>-~~ r::~'-.".~ 9-6 MONDAY ~ , !\ GM ~....~ thru SATURDAY Por"lng ." Reo' 19005 MACK 1 811<. S. of Moross Gulli"s Carri ... '00% (.S.D.A. Prime "ears Deli Sale Hoffmann HARD SALAMI S2.69 LB Imported POLISH HAM S1.99 LB Alexander & Homung BOLOGNA $1.99 LB First English hosts concert Imported SWISS CH EESE 52.39 LB The l"ni\ ersit~ Singers, the choir of the Cnh ersit~ of .'tlissouri-St. HOT PEPPER CHEESE 52.39 LB Louis. ""ill present a concert on Frida). :\Iarch 30. at 8 p.m. at the First CARAWAY CHEESE $2.39 LB English Lutheran Church, 800 \' ernier Road. the \\ oods. The concert IS AMERICAN CHEESE $1.99 LB sponsored by the First English. Christ the King and St. James Lutheran A limned edition of exceptional cluster Churches. here represented Oeft to right> b) Pastor Joseph FabT) , Christ MUENSTER CHEESE $1.99 LB condominIUms sitWlted in a prIvate pocket of natural the King, Pastor Paul Keppler. First English, and Pastor Robert Rimbo, LONGHORN CHEESE $1.99LB of St. James. Repertoire for the 45-\ oice choir ranges from Renaissance beaut\' 10 the Bloomfield area and earl~ Baroque motets, to ""orks b) Faure. Poulenc, Felciano. Ran- GROUND CHUCK 18 LB. IIA&S $1.19LB at 5250,000 dall Thompson and others. Their program also includes carols, folk tunes Fresh GROUND ROUND S1.79 LB Sales office 626-3502 MaIn office 626-3500 and spirituals. Tickets to the concert are $4, ",ith students and senior Hour~ noon to 6 pm e\'ervda\' except Thursday cltizen'i tickets at $2. Call the church office at 884-5040for more informa- Produce Specials South ofLene PlOe Rd , west of Mlddlebelt tion during business hours. 10 oz bag presented b\ SPINACH ,•.•• 69c= BANANAS 29C: LB '''ktAUln fuuJef C ...... - WSU choir will fete St. Paul CELERy 77 BUNCH C The Wayne State Vmverslty 'M1Ssa, 1733' from the B Mmor HONEY DEW MELONS 99 EA Choral Umon and Orchestra, under Mass DaVid Wagner. orga::ust,.wJll, VALENCIA ORAHGESl" - $1.19 DOZ the dIrectIOn of Denms J Tilll, will also be featured ,::n~ ~-~ .~ • present the .'150th Anniversat) students and se . ~'-u 11 !r''77-n''" • ~l:l..U '. . '" .. lit ~ CelebratIon Concert of St Paul on Free parkmg 15 available lJ.S D.A Prime SIDES $1.29 LB. W 0" THE FA"'" ff the Lake' at 3 30 P m on Sunday, US DA Prime HINDS $1.39 LB. i ""'~.-"=' L- For more mformatlOn, call April 8 SALE ITEMS EXPIRE ~5-84 The concert ""Ill feature the Bach 577-1795 : BROILED PORK CHOPS $495 INCL: Soup, Salad, Choice of Potato & Bread Basket. SUNDAY, APRIL 1st ONLY ------I 1$3: 00 OFF WITH THIS AD EXPIRES \ I ARGE DEEP DISH PIZZA 4 4 84: S:::LS Lw/Cheese & Pep peron i I882.9055 J YOUTH ENRICHMENT SERVICES, INC. Dally Pasta 11l1lt~ IlJeCIIls S1 " CtIcNee tl StMIMIb. RmlI1 , .... *k PIRATES COVE knell 11 DO• ill :tllll P m 10....,-r ~ J, t. g.. 17201 MACK at Bluehill

22811 Greater Mack I Suite 211 ~~~~~ Hampton Square Professional Bldg. St. Clair Shores, Michigan 48080 • '6 777-5060 89 Kercheval on the hill nil S... Houft: IMI""~ 1:00 .. 5~30 1NUY1.Y 'fI_."'" ...... a...t s....-, s .... ! BONELESS I FRESH RIB or LOIN RIB EYE $449 FRESH ~ Supplemental Learning Experiences LAMB LAMB ROAST L11 CHICKEN ~ SHANKS CHOPS BONELESS BREASTS DELMONICO Comprehensive Testing $169 III $3'9 STEAKS $4!9 $1~9 ~ It' cognitive - affective - physical

FRENCH CARR'S KNOOR ~~I CHICKEN BRIE LEAK OR DENNISON CHEESE BITE SIZE VEGETABLE 8 ,Of,.. ~,... r 0' Uwlw CRACKERS ~ Individualized Educational Programs <'1'/.' , 'rrJ'NO'rr" ~O' p?,:~.$2.9 SOUP MIX 9 or " V d;)W 'parI', (W~$5;. 99° 590 ~ small group - computer managed $1!! PA~~AL CA~o::': :~o;;~~ij State Of The Art Technology PEAS CELERY PEARS :'J preschool - SAT prep ~ ~:i~; 49CL~ I

88Cli 88C~n~ ~( Fresh Baked Conee Cakes and Donuts Every Friday and saturday Wt ,.,rrt f1NI """ Ie IImll quntrt,.s "Say YES to your child'. future" GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 29. 1984 Wayburn man faces cocaine charge Donald Jezak, 29, of 1316 Wav. rested at the Wavburn address on burn Road III Grosse Pointe Park. Friday, March 2: by members of was one of three men bound o\'er the Macomb NarcotIcs Enforce. for trial last week 10 front of Park ment Team (COMET) Pohce saId MUOlcipal Judge Beverly Grobbel they confIscated more than $5,000 on charges of delivermg narcotics worth of cocame, narcotlcs para- Jezak and two other men, George phernaha, money and guns from Regul, 24, of DetrOIt, and Robert the Wavburn home OffIcers called Wilkes, Jr ,23, of Warren, \\ ere Clr- the suspects "class one" dealers, connected to a narcotIcs ring oper- atmg 10 three suburban Cltles Four GP Camera Club other arrests were made that even. 109 10 other commumtles 10 con. nleets on .4pril 3 nectlOn \\ Ith the group, pollee said The Grosse POinte Camera Club DetrOit dnd Grosse Pomte Park Will meet on Tuesday, Apnl 3, at police dsslsted In the arrest, Park 7 30 P m at Bro\\ nell MIddle Chief Henry Coonce said School Jezak has been released on bond, A monochrome pamt and color accordmg to police He IS sched- slide competltlOn \\ III be held uled to appear 10 Wayne County VISItors are welcome For mfonna- circuit Court on Aprtl 5 for a pre- tlon, ca 11 822-1948 trial hearmg, investment ~ • l.Jakeshore seminar: ('.-tr~e Sunday 10 a.m -10 p m. see, Alabama, Mississippi. Louisl' Wel n~r Kreuger ~ Korean Chll. ana and the famous Natchez Trace dren, a profeSSIOnal film produced investments, Entertainment Monday through Saturda.y HIstorical Parkway back to Nash- by Carnahon, on May 16. Our seminar will answer such questions as. Lunche" from $3 50, Dmner" from $9.50 ville, Tenn Maryland home is :!.IlIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll11lll1lllllllllll1lI1l1111l111111ll1tl1111ll111ll111llllllllll!: On April 4, Mary Fitzpatnck will •Are tax-free securities only for the rich? present "IndIa" with viSits to Bom- ~ Open Sunda) 10 oJ m -]0 p m ~ bay, Poona, Coclun, Bangalore, hit by thieves • How safe are municipal secuntles? Mysore and Udaipur On April 11, Grosse POinte Park polIce re- •What types of tax-free Investments are available? I GRAND BUFFET I Fern and RIp ZWlckl WIll Journey ported that a home on the 1200 ~ 70 Items - 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. g from Iran across Afghanistan block of Maryland was broken lOto •Are tax-free securitIes for me? through the Khyber Pas~, across somellme belween G a m and 3 'May 01 may not be subj€'C! to slott' 0' !c"o' tel'OS Turke~ Round, of Beef. Crepe,. ~ ~ Shrimp. O)'sters. Pakistan and India to Darjeelmg pm on Saturday, March 24 E Bhntz, Bdcon, SJu,age, Pa,lne, and much more $9 95 ~ and the Himalayas. Thieves entered the house by :: CHJLDIlEfl UNDER 5 FREE :: :;;1111 111111I1II1lI111II11111Il11111ll1111ll1t III 1111111111111U1111l11111111111l 11111IIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllii On April 18, Mary Ellen Tappan breaking a basement Wll1dow, Tax sheltered Income Will present "Acro~ Canada, Coast PolIce Chief Henry Coonce saId How present tax laws permit generous sheltered BWUIIU'l fm /111[('\ OJ/(I ((Il£'l /Ill{ lI\lil/uh!e to Coast." One week later will be They look two pIggy banks WIth Income and, in tact. encourage It. Easter vacatIOn Mary Fitzpatrick about $40 ca!>h, he added Thisportlon will explain' •The wide range of IRAand Keough retIrement vehi. MACK AVE. Caring cles available Professionals •The safety and attractive Income aHorded by Gov- working ernment National Mortgage ASSOCiation (GNMA) together certificates for better • How limited partnerships work In a conservative environment • 18900 MACK AVENUE, GROSSE POINTE FARMS health care OPEN: MONDAY-SATURDAY, 9-10, SUNDAY 10-6 A limIted number of spaces are nvallable To reserve your space. fill out and mOil the ( Jupon below or coli VlVARIN SorniMx2 ~pII~- ,... ~' "'~~ $262 8180 t :-;-1111"" 40 COU'lI 16 COLlrl! _. - ~ .- - S; ~r". •••• -- The ~ Company 43 51 $4 BO coun $4 n counl SUCRETS For Son Throats 73 Kercheval Avenue Put yOU' Throat on • Prescription Grosse POinte Farms, Michigan 48236 service DELIVERY (313) 882-9440

P • Jobst Support Menthol • AQUAVElVA HOSiery Eucalyphls o Please reserve __ -- seat{s) at your N'1CE.New Improved --~ • DiabetiC Self. $238 ~ Investment seminar Cherry - Testmg Center 87 850z HOLD Me'lthol Mtnl C,trus e16 count I cannot attend your seminar, but I would be Cough Sup present • Crutches & o wheelchairs interested in talking to one of your Investment S1tl!unt w. ot#w specialists pet'SOf1aI HMcI o I am currently a lax-Free Bond holder. please send for you IInd ,our me a list of your current Inventory NO fMtlIy NONSENSE' ST. a.AlR Name _ R89U1lr, Queen, Sheer. Wide band PHARMACY Address - 5! Clair Pro! Bldg 2?151 Moroc;s Ad City -- State .--~- ... Dplro,l MI ~< ~ Phopo Conlrol Top '154 61Ch ZiP - - - - Lectric Shave ~'~'? MASSENGILL - 343-3n6 ~ DISPOSABLE DOUCHE $2~! DIAL ,~ $135 o ,I Soiki 4 01 leclnc SIlIYe ~ - TWIN PACK Tender face 0" Roll On 1 5 Ol • Dldl Anll Persplranl 72 Where's the Beef?? $1 • ( SprllY, 4 01 "1~---" a see nlell Frelh I ALKA .-r3iiir CALGON@ .__ SEl1ZER :iF. $108 WOo,. MOISTURIZING EVERYDAY 1 _ 63 COAST I At ~OJiG t. FOAM BATH I-:;:'=-J S3 BATH SIZE 4 BAR PACK I" • $168 I \~ ;~"rt Every Thursday for the in- 'J • - • EVERYDAY l EVeR~~AY S11V'RYOAY ~ DESI~IN':~,~,.I credible price of 39c per oz. DESITIN I>!aper RltSII Olnlment S1'~ S4~P. Select your own choicet aged tender cattleman's cut, rib eye steak, TYLENOL (Includes W}getable IInd potato) Exlr. 15 Slren;th 53 PACOUIN ~ (Dining clubs do no' apply) HlIld Cream BEN GAV Dry SIlln Greueitu & Original OPEN FOR LUNCH DAILY CHILDRENSwr> rt Entertainment 7 nights a week I - : 1TYLENOL $1'~ $2?~ EVERYDAY Randy Carml<.hael ~I- a?; S1~l'"e. lt the keyboard ~ RHEABAN r i ~ HIt b ,., BEN.GAY r ?093O MACK AVE 1-1Ik8n '..... I~lo1lO1l 31 GROSH "I. WIMI. ~:;~::'('__ 81 S2~~ I pt. RIII....,-ION. _-It ...... 12 counl ", ,. • GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 29. 1984

JOHN M, RICKEL Park to repair C8lTHI MJ: GMWT I' .. -ax I ehris e, :Panagos qyIJS boat docks eomputen..?tlO General Ledger Payroll Finan. FAMh ..Y DENTISTRY The Grosse POinte Park Clt) Clal StatementS BuSI- council a \\ arded a contract for al. ness and Manag&mert CURRflmV ACCEPT1NG NEW PATIENTS 5eMces AlJdII Estate most tlO,OOO to rep.:ur ....lnter dam. Sa\l.Irday & EvenlOg Appotntments AYallabie age and fpplace fmger pters and Plannmg ana 1'1VeSl- ment Analys.s 24 Hour Emergency ServIce t....0 mam piers at the City'S Wmd- mLiI Pomte Park mumclpal mal tOO "le r1alSSance Center nna SUIte 1575 18501 Meek Ave. 313125S-5aOO Grosse Poollle Farms 882-9729 The council unammously ac. cepted the lov. bId of 519.088 ~!on. da), :\larch 12. for the repair of \\ mter damage to the docks as \\ ell as the replacement of SI.... fmger pIers and tv. 0 mam piers The Clt) had budgeted $20 000 for the \\ ork. basmg Its estimate of damage to the piers b) shlftmg and packmg Ice on pre\ IOUS ) ears ex- penence, Park CIl) manager John I Woods choir celebrates Easter Cra ....ford said r \\ hen dra\\ mg up the specifica- i \ !"'n.i,,.1 "'i~hli~l o(th,. L~ntrn ~al>On "ill be pro\ided b) the annual "\\orsbip through MllSic" program at tIOn" for the blddme thE' elt\ took a the Gro!>M=Pointe \\ood!'o Presb) terlan Cburch cbotr on ~uDda), ~pnJ 1. at tbe 11a.m. l>enu:e. MeDl~n vi we "v,orsH:ase scenano look at the choir indu~ lkofl to nghtl Rlcbard Johns. cboir director. HeltoD McCooacbie, organist. RoMrt Jackman, damage. C'rav,ford said B) accep. I ~ Patricia 'e1!oOD, LoiS Johns. }tartba BI) ceo Carol)D Clark aDd John Stimco. Featured artist ",ill be Christa Grix, tmg the unt{ pnce eaeh contractor I • r of FarmiDgton Hills, "bo "ill a{ctlmpaJ1) the cboU' in Randall Thompson's arraagement of Ute T",enty Third bid. the city could pDSSlbl) get Psalm. Mis" Gru. rect'1\ ed ber ~ta!>ter's degr~ iD mllSic from Boston l'ni,'ersity aDd has performed at the Scotia more repaU"S and replacements Festhal of ~usk in Halifn, "'itb the Detroit S}mpboo) Orchestra and ",ith the ~matJonal S)mpbon) oone should the current \\ ork come Orchestra. In under estimates. he added 14th District votes solid for Mondale Some fmger-plers ha\ e heen pulled av. 3) from the mam piers by PraISing (.ltLzens for the high "The ,high \oter turnout dem- D)kel beginmng at 1 pm. satur- shlftmg Ice. Crawford said The voter turnout as the Democratic onstrates the fact that CitiZens felt da). Apnl14 At that tune, precmct repairs rmght be as Simple as re-at- caucuses held earlIer thiS month. It was Important to express thell" delegates and dues paymg mem- t.achlng the fmger piers or as ex. 14th dIStnct DemocratIc Part\ optnlon and, In domg so, they bers of the Michigan Democratic pensi\ e as haVing to smk ne....con- ChalJ' Jovce Lalonde said the helped give Walter ~londale a sohd Party w111vote for the delegates of crete plhngs, he added dlstnct produced the largest Victory in the 14th District," said their choice 'The 14th CongresslOna'1 DIStnct margm of VictOr) In the state of Ms Lalonde Correction Michigan for Walter :\iondale Of TIle next step m the process will mcludes Grosse Pomte Farms, Woods and Shores, Hamtramck, the 7.086 votes cast 10 the 14th DIS- be the selection of delegates to thIS A story about pOison preventIOn trict, nearl) 70 percent ....ere cast summer"s Democratic ~atlOn.al northeast DetrOit. East DetrOIt. week III the .\1:arch 22edition should for Mondale In all, ~i}chigan Convenbon The delegates w111be Center Lme. most of Warren, Ster- have hsted 494-5711as the number Democrats cast a total of 135.423 selected at the 14th District C{ln- hng Heights, Uuca, Hazel Park, for Detroit-area residents to call votes With more than 66,500 for ventlOn to be held at t. A W Local most of :\1adlsoo Heights and the for mformatlOn Mondale 155 (8230 E Eight MIle near Van southeast corner of Troy Dizzy spells and loss of balance Water Jet Whirlpool Bath Grosse Pointe Woods Now on display Chiropractic ctinic Dl IlIIIi .-z 881-7677 at ~ posturillS6"'lSe are ,mpo$S'ble Q I a"l" 55 years old a"ld W'!er !he Do'le5 c' me neck II r.ave s.Jtf~eo Wlf.rIOLZZ'y oeccrre ""53 '9'ler.! a'ld 105!! Paul Boone & Son spells ana IO$S of oala'l-::<1 ca~ 1M" "100' 1y due 10 p'ev.ous C"'ll"opraer c Metp? l'a.;"'.a fal.s poor post>JrI! ell: 14937 E. Atter "s,gnp,ca,'l' :Je1'ce"tage pressu"e 0(' W :aLIQI'1 car') be ex warren at A • r:t au r pop Jlal100 .fl. e'!ed 0"1 !he dehca!t! ner...es 2S $izes In 52 colors d.Kl'''9 marly ~ oyr e'derly -nal ex- oetNSilr me boneS and su'fe- f'CJ'" c!tzz,ness d,s>ur sp ""IS ;0\ -"$ "ieaaacnes tm 882.9247 tla!lce I', O&BJ'lce a 'C COOfd'l1a MUS ("nglng '" me ear!) pal' 1Jon a!ld lOSS ot pr:.poocepl!On afilu1d cres' r>eCl' $1.lfnes and ~sense of posJ1IO' a'ld move- pain pa" 'aOlall"9 trIO t'le '"lerlt) A maJOr caL.Sa1Ne 'actOr ams a",a s'lOulder pain are one" O'.e-IOOtO reste'es 'IO""a1 mobOl1 They sugge5ted per'Ofi'Tl Ill,s functIOn oy sens- I EAST SIDE LOCKSMITH'S 1I1G1 I c.-eo q..es' OM ID Dr JarltZ rng t'le angte Of the "YOUR SECURITY IS OUR BUSINESS ~ , ""ill] G'OSSe Plf: W:lods Cn.ropraclJC. J rlllB1Jve to me 10r80 Wimoul 20217 MacK MJ GPW pI10ne .. AUTO • l..OaC .. ALARM SPECIALISTS .. 31, I thIS v1a. I.,formatron normal 881 ?On bala"ce COGrdp1aIIor an:::! !15138 E WARqfN D£TROli MICH 48224 I) ,I ... (Cor ner of ..alIepOinte ) = Ir------..AMJ ELECTRONICS-,I ------~ I SUPER DISCOUNT PRICES I . I TV * STEREO * VIDEO I I •SALES • SERVICE • I SPR,"lG SALE Tllu' F' Sal on', M~r 29 30 3'51only I I I I I I$9695 I I I I Reg $129 98 J~ Reg. $391 I I PanasonlC VOICe PanasotllC 13~ ccMor I I Actlvated MICrO remote control I Bistro Cassette RN 15 cable ready CT3043 lunch c.nd Dinn., I SALE $699 '.- I T~I. - Sc.t. l!!J I$2285 Reg S89; ~ - , frC* 11:00 Am IReg $29 95 • PanalOmc li- ...... ' "Dinn., In I PanalOfllC Yldeo -:s= I I ea.-t1e Cassette~ - , Th. GQ,~n Room" Recorder R0341 T.120 ~ ... ~~~e'\ic.T >j" -

VI~~";Stj'j...1 ~...r ... Sr.....j o-:..~ I PanasonlC MICro cassette ~ I I SALE S125Reg $198 .... ! I SundQ'y 8,unch Estimates all ~' -0 8TI - '2 pm I I I FREE -~y -ZENITH -M6A -RCA I 342-0610 I -GE -SHARP -HITACHI -QUASAR I 2031' rrlZ~ H.e-\Je I I PAHASONICITOSHIBA I I Co cs~~ C~j(:€=, i"Jo'js AUTHORIZED SERVICE CENTER I i ~"".. ~ :::JM I I 882-8540 2lJMt Ma "-' PDIllIe.... I ~ Po oe""rt Stshop ~ I ",thlne ~ @------~Over A Century of Service LA$ VEGA$ to the Eastside Communities J'L"~ ~'~•. NIGHT l~,J . 7''f-orA"' 'r'-,~~ .' ~ .....''--:(. "7>i FRIDA Y, APRIL 6 "" ~"'tf SAIURDA Y, APRIL 7 '-.. ' 8 p.m_ til Midnight b ,.,H,. Crcwfiheck Chapel of 0'.Ie ~4l.~C'''' c:. r;:.~ ~ "'" .. at At AAA. ....p\ t' Ju<.,fTel, I-Rd (JUT tHlt(l m<,ur

I • '" _ ~ .. • "'-.sL --&.-.....& .. 1" • .. ... Page Fifteen-A. Thursday, March 29, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS • ; 8IIck I WhiteN M;IOC r . Budget brainstorm, Quasa~ The grMt NtUtIrMflng compIIionI Sixty school leaders gather for cost-cutting session

A different kind of dieting IS and analyzed cost breakdowns for bemg tried In Grosse POinte eXisting accounts, discussing areas schools these days The target Isn't for potential reduction LISts of ~ pounds but tax dollars cost~utting Ideas that were gen- X"'465UM In an attempt to trim the school erated by the 60school leaders Will 5 - clia9Onol port"''' TV be used in the annual budget devel. ~••(. t II. IIQht ea.s~ W3Y 10 tate .. 1V Welgh.,o In budget, Supt Kenneth Brummel at onl~ 6 Ibs w lh ballefl~t" Hid ~t:ll t'l,,1!1 t:u 1In opment process, accordmg to recentl)' called lOgether all school carf)' handle and relrac'Able I 11s\.;nc1 lor (li0l8 Fenton comlOl1lble ,_ ng T,nled sunsh old halp. admimstrators. department heads reduce gI-I1e from slJnhgN EarphontJ}c'\o..~A....QulO and elementary first assistants to Workmg diSCUSSionsof the pro. aCCfl$SOlY cord !t loc\.ld(tO 'or cpentll"'tJ lhe :s.ef 011 a vehtCle C~i1:relle 1"911161 r&Ceplade wt'ttO SINCE 19~' work on cost contamment Ideas for posed 1984-85budget are scheduled you n;t on lhe load Opll()n'\l aCC(l'~CrleS IrK ude the commg school year ThiSyear's with the Board of Education In • Coni. no' paCk 10' 0 Coli bal,., •• IK T7~UFI 881-1877 school budget ISmore than $36 mil. mId.May The formal public hear. aod & re<:harqeable baluuy oa<:k \~ T~Rn rr"e sl"~ 9006 loo~ng catmwI '!i I ~'$"&d n w4rm ,97S5 Mack A,en"" hon mg on the budget Willbe held June IVOry cokW 6'. high 5>~ ~td6 lO dacp U'OSSO Po nl. Woods '-l"h'9<'" 462,,1j "The issue of cost containment m 4 Grosse POinte schools IS germane The school sYstem's current mill- to us all.' Brummel ~ald "We age rate IS31il4 Gordon !\torian, chairman of the GRAIIOUPla'IIG SPIC~AU Chnstlan Fenton led the stud~ Ad. and 2665 mills approved by voters minlStrators formed small groups in March 1983 science department at North High; Karen McCallister, first assi~tant at 1 Barnard Center; Christian Fenton, busines!l director; Sheila Joyce, assis- Comblnatton Storm and Screen Door

I Ir tant. 1"1 inci!,_. _, .... ,"en., :\~l~~:~Schon! P.::.u!l~!~r:'"cn, business t"duc:,. Pointe M.D. tion department chairman at North High; and Audrey Burchett. prin- is an author cipal of Ferry Elementary School were among 6() administrators \\ho met recentl.y to brainstorm wa~'s to reduce school system costs. S15IJ530 32 or 3biNDUEDDoors Tempered Glass \..V~ in Mill F,nlsh 0' W:l'le BrO'olln or Black I~~~~II Frank Nesl, M D , of ~~I~~s~fo:~t~~imo~~~ North plans Auction night STORMWINDOWS • REPLACEMENT WINDOWS at Grace Hospital, has The North Parent's Club will LaGrasso and Nancy Trcfzer, col. VINYL & ALUMINUM SIDING. ROOFING. GUTTERS. DOORS i. l H E ro-authored a new sponsor an AuctIOnNight beginnmg lectlon, Karen Marshall, Silent aue- Ii book, "Prachcal Tech- at 7 p.m. Friday, March 30, in the tlOn; Jean MarcacclO, auctlOneers; _V Stop/nAnd See Us -Or Cali 885 ~144 ~ mques in Ophthalmic high school cafeteria, 700 Vernier Beth Dallas and Pat GUlas, trea- Ii Plastic Surgery," With Road in the Woods. surer; EdIth Miller, tickets; Roma ••~ FOUR C'S HOME IMPRCWEMENTCENTER + ~ Dr. Byron C. Smith, of Amongtheitemsatthesilentauc- Hess, pubhcity, and Marlene 17830 EAST WARREN New York. The book is hon, beginning at 7 p m and the Paluzzi and Joann Masoul'as, kit. eff ~ ~ published by C.B. Mos- regular auction at 8 p.m are a chen by, Co., St Louis, Mis- one-week use of a condomiruum at ~ ~ souri; and by V B. Long Boat Key, Fla., a sunset sail Medical Publishing on Lake 81. Clair, a stereo and sev- !I) i' {IJ Ltd , London. erallimited edition prints. Festival time All funds raised wlll be used for.f. n II 15111 Kt'rche\al 822-0266 "The volume pro- scholarships and student enrich- J or rarce s vides a practical surgi- ment programs. Tickets priced at The Parcells Orchestra received NOW' More sealing available cal atlas on oculoplas- $1 are available at the door or by N be 2 r . th R . I THE for our Sunday Brunch 'C surgerv _ plastic allin QOA5589 a urn r ra mg m e eglOna tl .; c g 00't" District Band and Orchestra THE and reconstructive Co-chairmen of the event are Gail FestIval held In Warren at Lmcoln BRONZE DOOR surgery of the eyelids, Terry and Terry Buccellato. Other High School A GOLD STAR RESTAURANT CONTINENTAL lacrimal apparatus committee chairmen are Joyce Some comments from judges in- SAMPLER and orbit," Dr. Nesi eluded: "outstandIng stage deport- ALL NEW ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT HOURS Sunday and Monday Nights said Business students ment and discIpline," "excellent AT THE BRONZE DOOR - 4 to 7 p.m. The surgical techm- wm. state awards s{>irit in plaYIng," "fine, profes- New LCMlerPrices on Cocktails Plus SpeciIJI lour-course dlnn.r for two ques presented by Dr. slOnal appearance" Smith and Dr. Nesl are Eleven students from North High Parcells conductor Ehzabeth Hot and Cold Hors D'oeuvres FISH COURSE MEAT COURSE those that have been competed at the 12th annual con- Gregory directed the group whose Mediterranean Shellfish & Stir fry Bee! tenderloin & EARLY BIRD SPECIAL DINNER Sea tood Slew chicken Szechwaun wince & found to be most effec- ference of Business and Office Edu- members include Janice Goosen, orienta vegetables tive and most com- cation Clubs. Students who received Becky KolInski, Kurt Lmebaugh, Monday-Thursday Only, 5-8 p.m. from $795 monly used. Alterna- state awards at the Renaissance Anne Thomalla. Jenmfer Deeb" SALAD The Bronn Door Is now open Sundays BIbb Lettuce watercress apples DESSERT ures or less Center meeting were Nina Palaz- Kyungsoo Hur, Meredith Rose, tIve proced Kirsten Mumma, Shannon Beckett, from 2 p.m. until 8 p.m., featuring a & walnut vlnagrelte dreSSing Chocolate Raspberry Mousse commonly used opera- zolo, eighth with her job manual; tions are not included. Amy Dornbrock, sixth place for her Katie Killer, Karen Pa rsons, Jason complete Prime Rib Dinner for only $9.95 The operations de- chapter p'romotJonal display; LISa Ston~r, Heather Wiedrick, Laura Entertamment Wednesday-Saturday SCribed are those cur- Miller, fifth in typing and related B.enJamms, Elizabeth Bolden, Jen- 123 Kercheval on-the-hili 884. n74 rently in use by the au. Two students earned the right to mfe~ Eschler,nan, Anne Hackerd, thors - several of the iiresente not only North High LoUIsa Hemrlch and Joel ROJas. 95 ~ operative methocM 1 but the ~~te oI.Michi8~ at .' were origtnated. by--k'~I!lld_lwr~s_ :i1Nett'os, .....,..o. $18 ~'\'" them National Leadership Conference in . Indianapolis in April. Julie De- Yonker placed third in the state and Includes One glass of house WIno per ~ Carole Gompers placed second in starting at 5 p m general clerical.

THE ••••••••••••••••~~~tI.~.£t~,•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••: : GROSSE POINIt:.'::; ""INEST FRESH MEAT COONTER! • - :• Boneless, Rolled SIRLOIN TIP $2.99 LB.:• LEELANAU : Bab; BAR-B.QUE SPARE RIBS 1.69 LB.! : Fresh, Grade I~" FRYING CHiCKENS w~~I~:r690 LB. : :• Fresh BABY BEEF LlVER 99Cl LB.I• SCHOOL •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• PEELED AND DEVEINED JUMBO SHRIMP16-2Gct.'10A9 La. - M RRELL E-Z CUT HAMS ~ Honey Bee Glazed COLLEGE PREP, CO-ED BOARDING, GRADES 9-12, "The Worlds Finest" \ l SPIRAL SUCED HAMS BEAUTIFUL LAKE MICHIGAN CAMPUS IN THE HAM! 2.99LB.

HEART OF SKI COUNTRY. AN EFFECTIVE, \ INTIMATE LEARNING ENVIRONMENT FOCUSING fQ~Stt.ftSM ~ - ON THE INDIVIDUAL. STUDENT TEACHER RATIO ~~ >:« 6-1. AN EXCELLENT TRANSITION FROM HOME DAILY SE'ITING TO COLLEGE. FRESH PRODUCE ~ Fresh, California ~ --Double ASPARAGUS 99~ LB. A 50 Year Heritage as a Private School. I Chocolate Pascal CELERy 69~ DESSERT CAKE Thompson Leelanau Students have achieved 6 times the ~ national average for National Merit Scholars. ONLY 82.49 SEEDLESS GRAPES ...... 99~ LB. • 83%of our Full Time Faculty have Masters Degrees. Cheesecakes from "The Cheesecake Shoppe" Stahl's Bakery • Fresh Coffee Beans • Croissants • In 82/83 Leelanau Students improved reading skills 3 years on an average.


}oc_r .nfrirmdtl(n (.1 I (ir ~nlf" THE LEELANAU SCHOOL DEPARTMENT S GLEN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 49636 A Part of the Leelanau (616) 334-3072 Center for Education Name -- - Address __ ------~----- City/State ------Zip ------Phone No. ------Thursday, March 29, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Sixteen-A ALLEMON FLORIST & GARDEN CENTER Focus on preservation 17931 E WARREN • DETROIT • 884-6120 .___' PURCHASE 5 OR MORE BAGS - "---. ~..... ,11 ~---, OF ANY COMBINATION AND lfistorical Society elects a new president /' , -oA. RECEIVE AN ADD1Tlor~AL -d ---'.~ -- $2 00 Mt,ll IN REFUND surer Lucy Hamilton I\e.... mem- March 26, featured a photographlc Llsa Gandelot of the Farms'" as the recent destructlon of several of account of the 1868 Great Lakes Grosse POUlte's grand old man. bers of thOeboard of dlrectors in- ~~i ~ / 40 POUND BAGS elf'( ted presldent of the gro\lo1ng, clude Jane Burnett, Jon H W smkmg of the three-masted ,,'7~ 288.member Grosse POlnte HIS- ~lOns, \\tu<:h \I> ere ....reeked to make schooner. the Dunderberg, '" hlch \ ;11 ~ ' TOPSOIl MICHIGAN COW OR \l,a~ for new SubdlvlSlOns T", ent)'- Clark. James W Goss. Wllham tOrical Soclet} thiS "'eek at the Lafer, Carol Marantic, Audre} ....as discovered by dlvers 10 lts ong- \ ",' :~~'~.. lOW PEAT SHEEP group s annual meetmg The ne .... four Lakeshore estates have come mal condltlOn do\\ n m the past 25 ~ears Last PiaU and Marton A Scott Ms _____~,' - $159 NOW MANURE president sald Grosse Pomters are Bushnell and Frank J. Sladen, Jr . sho\l,mg more mterest In the hIstory ....eek, de\ elopers announced they Another Soclety-sponsored pro- \\ ere re-elected to the board 59 of thelr communlt} these da\s and would demohsh the Ford manSIOn gram, featunng three speakers on LARGE sEiECrION OF $1 $2-;9 on the lake bet ....een B1Shop Road The sOClet~ has headquarters at the subject of Amencan IndIan ac- she hopes to parla} t.~at mto a more Monteith ElementCln School. 1275 GARDEN SEED TOOLS actl\ e role for the HistOrIcal So- and Jefferson Court m the Park to tl\ It) In the Grosse Pomtes, \l,as Cook Road. 111 the Woods Its e~ten- oet, make \\ a) for 16 ne\\ homes That cancelled last month because of a FERTILIZER \\ III lea\ e the Park \\ lth on1\ one Slye collechon of old maps photo- se\ ere sno\\ storm Mrs Gandelot !\irs Gandelot, former member graphs and other memorabllla lS of the \\ ar ~iemonal board of dm~c remammg mansIOn. the !llofnson said the presentation \\ III be re- estate on East Jefferson A\ enue held open b~ curator Jean Doden- scheduled tors and ""lfe of schoo! board trustee hoff on Tuesda) sand \\ edne!>days, .'. FRESH CUT $249 Jon Gandelot said the $Oclet\ has JOllung Mrs Gandelot ill leader- An~one mterested m donatlOg from 10 a m to 4 p m ~ ~ DAISIES AND DAFFODILS •••••••• ambltious plans for the co'mmg stup of the fustoncal Soclet\ thIS artifacts to the soclety's display ~ear wll1 be W Ha\\ kms Ferr\ . one The soclet) abo publIshes a bl- \ ear monthh ne\\sletter . ~e\\s from may contact Ms Dodenhoff at 884. ~~CJ ~tI~ ....••...•...... !5~~St . We hope to become more acHye of the founders of the sooet\ III 1945. The Moonngs' .....hlCh prOVides in- 7010 ProspectIVe members of the m educatlOn and preservatIon ' as flrst \ lce-presldent, . second Soclety should contact Sladen, "'OlIo" formatlon about meetmgs and ac- j.t~/~1lf'1 "- _0_ ~ ~.Q~ MENTION AD FOR ro_~,_ ... _,...1 "!':'" l""."<:,tiP,,t r.porap lprome ~~~~ ~'I ~~ :>A,-c;;ii,>:.i:; .. t.LA..:=o U4,.l ...' ...... VL .:> ..... ,,- tlVltles Its annuat meeung, m:!l.i JlU;:111Ue1 MUjJ '""t~u ;;:'~~, :.~ eee ~5 I Much pubhclt~ has accompamed secret


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System grammable timer • Wired four.functlon NO DEPOSIT • VHS ONLY Solid-State ChaSSIS • 82 Great gift' Great value' remote control JV729 Includes powerful '30000 VALU E Channel Tuning System • Auto amplifier • AM/FM tuner Color • AFT • Picture Control • cassette deck With J2504MW $698 I COUPON I metal tape capability • j------, belt dnve semi 100 FREE Movie Rentals I I automatIc turntable • I I/Il'~ l 'e1''TJe MOVie Club MembershIp I deluxe rack HX2000 $688 Ir------,Sal Blank T.120 Tapes I I Ren' 0'18'Ge' One Free Adults 0'111' I Special 'per channel Into 8 ohms 4 Yrs. Parts 77 I Etpres Marct', 31 1984 I from 2o-20,OOOHZ With I e Only $5 I I C::J.JP()Cr,els' De D'esented wher applying I 0.5% or less THD 4 Yrs. Labor I LI~rt 4 - Cas'" & Carry ..I • S P.. r,cJl vo lid Wlt'1 othe' offers J $598 .. 1•••••••••••••••------_------.. ENTRY BLANK • = WIN A COLOR TV AT = Warranty .. CURTIS MATHES • CurtiS Mathes gives you an - I) ExclUSive Four Year Limited • J ....s- F'_l OUT COupor-l 8ELOV, >/v TH • Warranty on every electronic "II t • YOUP '.A'IE ADDRESS At.[l P.-;GNE • Cur IS ~ • t.U'.oIBER THP. DEPOSIT I'. DRMJI!JS part even the picture lube' In- • BOI IN OuR STORE ONE E'.TRY PER • cludes labor Even after your • F=Ar.....l~v • ExclUSive Four Year Limited Ii 1,1 Warranty expires a depen- 1IIIIIIIMathes • I.A'~E • dable CurtiS Mathes continues HOME ENTERTAINMENT CENTER • A:J[)AESS • to afford you low cost • SI"-y • maintenance CurtiS Ma1hes • PHONE • products may cost a little 16844 KERCHEVAL HOURS Men VVed- 10 6 • DR_tHO WILL BE HELD !i.1-14 • GROSSE POINTE Th.lrs-Fn-10 9 more but they're worth It. 881.9170 Sat-1C>-7 -. •••••••••••••• 11 "IN THE VILUGE" • Section 8 The Second Section Thursday, March 29, 1984 Spring fa8hion From Another Pointe Pointer of party in April Of View Interest B¥ loran M...~k .. for FontbolUle De~lgn1>from Dawood BoutiqUe n~Pegg~ 0'('0111101' After l\hchlgan's long, cold wlI1ter, sprmg frequently Will highlIght the Fonlbonne AuXil- brmgs on an attack of wanderlust - for which the only JOJIJ l\lItchell \\as slttmg III her Iary of SalOt John Hospital's annual !:>pnn~ fll,>hlUn~how, "L'Elegance cure is to succumb: to get up and get out. even if only for liVing room, lalklllg dbout her pro motion to Director of Commumtv Classlque,' on Wednesday, ApraJ a day Any place far enough away to make the triP seem RelatIOns at the Vlsltmg Nurse 11, at IlJllcrest Country Club an excursIOn is a SUitable destmatiOn St Clair, for in- A~soclatlOn of l\letropolltan DetrOit The part~ begll1!>at 11 a m with stance, to \\ atch the river Dryden, to walk through the (\':\A I. \\he,l the telephone rang It eocktmls, followed by luncheon at a\~aken1l1g \\oods at Seven Ponds :'-!ature center \\as a sl~ter, calling from another noon and mUl>ICby EddIe de SanUI Commentator (or the afternoon will :\la) be Ann Arbor If thiS is your chOice, espeCially state to find out how their mother, \\ ho was scheduled for surgery that be Neal Shine. Detroit Free Press ~ultable days for d "sprll1g break" mini-VacatiOn are Fri- mormng, \\ as domg Before Joan ~('nlOr managmg editor day. Sa turda) and Sunday, April 6, 7 and 8, when the lOth c.ould. settle down after !~Iat call, Rc"crvat!ons Cor lIckets, at $20 ...... 'I"" ,...... ,...., ...,., "'t •• h~ "" "lti,. th ..ntl"" ~~~~~~1~1~~h~b:'=:.:\~t~q~csSh~'~' ~~d S:!!e, fe~tt1rlng f\4 lilt' !JlIUIlt' I <1 dealers from 16 states, IS underway at the University of fnend, calling for a nde to \\ ork rh~F~;lt~~~~df~~::s43-3675, pfO. :\llchlgan's Crisler Arena • and not forgetting to ask about the ered!> will be used to purchase condition of Joan's mother eqUipment for the care of criticaJl)' \Va) ne and Peggy Woodard, both Um"ersity of Michigan III ehlldren graduates. are among the dozen new exhibitors thiS year. That mornmg's exchange IS Honorary chairman of "L'Ele. The) live no\~ in Hopkinton, N H., but they're Michigan typical of the support s)stem, a gance ClasMque" is BetUe (Mrs. net\\ ork of famllv and fnends that natives. he from Flint, she from nght here In Grosse Charl('s) Dawood Genera! chair- surround~ Joan' \Iltchell It:s dS man IS Jan (Mr~ K MIchael> Dei- Pomte much a part of her family zal Co-chairman IS Gayle (Mrs. The Woodards speCialize in early English and American background as her hall' color or her Jdmes) Boulrous. Honorary samplers, and plan to bring a large collection, examples Pennsylvama.Flonda accent And chaIrman of the raffle which thiI for 1721 to 1830, to the show They'll also display two Chip- It'S a baSIC reason why she's 111- year. as always, features superb pendale chests of drawers, an open-top pewter cupboard, volved m a care-gIVIng orgamza- prIZes, IS Zellnda (Mrs Anthony) lion like the VNA Eugemo, Raffle chaIrman and a Pembroke table and lots of brasses: Queen Anne candle- c» chairman are Mary (Mrs, Virgil) sticks to bedwarmers. Joan was born In Allentown, Pa , Matta and Sally (Mrs WIlliam.P) the last of three daughters Her 1m. Shield Michigan AntIques Show and Sale hours are 11 a.m to 9 medIate famIly may have been pm. Fnday and Saturday, 11 a m. to 5 p.m Sunday. Ad- Other committee chaIrmen and small by some stalJdard~, but to co chairmen are the Mesdames An- miSSIOn is $350. Ample free parkll1g is available. If you go, Joan Immediate family meant a lot thony Ostosh, Sarah Fisher Di.nge- wear sensible shoes Browsmg through the booths of for- more than Just brothers and man, William Cosgrove, Benjamin mal and country antiques, Oriental rugs, decoys, maps, sisters. It meant grandparents on W Capp Jr., Anthony Lesha, JobD pottery, prints, glass, textiles, folk art, et al is great fun both Sides, 10 first COUSinSand lots S Spnng, Ahmad Azar, Raymond - until your feet begin to hurt of aunts and uncles It meant Van Landuyt, Frank Germack Jr., everybody gettmg together at Kim K, Lie, Alphonse Santino, WU- Since proper footgear* is a*bit of a* fetish with me (I've grandmother's house every Fnday ham Viviano, Raymond A. RegDe!', limped through m)' last museum, looking good and groan- mght for dmner And all of that Joan Mitchell, of l\Iadison Road Joseph Gaspar, John L Drumm)' meant a lot to a young Joan and Thomas McBryan. ing: well-worn "tennies" may not be beautiful, but they JOAN \\ \S D1VOH.CED, and executive director, who 111 turn IS make sense on hard floors), I feel duty-bound to offer this "I know how Important It all More are the Mesdames James three years ago married Bill l\Ii!- I'esponslble to the VNA board N Motschall, John F Strehler, advice to anyone who decides to make a spring trip out to was even though, at 16, you don.t chell They have an 11-month-old want to have dinner WIth As liaison between the VNA and Joseph C, Keys, James R While, Se, en Ponds: WEAR BOOTS! A walk through the awaken- daughter, Lauren "She's added a the community, Joan is a sort of Thomas J McCarthy, John E. ing "oods is both a beautiful and a sloppy experience. Be everybody every Fnday mght. But whole new dImenSIOn to my life we were and still are a very close P It person for the agency "If a Young Jr , Richard Rinke, Martin prepared for much mud - and enjoy! Remembel .. I \'vas thl.' youngest or family has a problem, I'll tI') to TepattI. Robert LeFevr~, Edward family It's Important to have the three and neH'r b,il») ~at for support network of a family" resolve it I work a lot With ques. WUjek, Kurl P Haller, Aleen Hoz- Spring Carnival at The Zoo anyone I really hdd to depend on tlonnalres completed by staff, doc- diSh, Nick Bommanto, Frank Moc- A VISit to the zoo is another great way to celebrate Joan's famIly moved to that family support group after en, Mark Valente Jr. and Woodrow Lauren was born," Joan says tors and patients and famIly spring, and a great day for a zoo celebration this sprmg is Hollywood, Fla , when she was 2, members Imake sure that we con- W. Woody, and Sister Sylvia Di- Saturday, Apn114, when the Junior League of Detroit 1984 then back to Allento\\ln by the lime It Isn't that her hfe really needed tlllue to try to meet the needs of the meck, SSJ, recordmg secretary, PrOViSiOnal Class presents Spring Carnival at the Zoo It's she reached the fifth grade As a another dimenSIOn She 11as been patIents," Joan says Mrs James W Snyder Jr is Fontbonne's current preSident Sis- an all-day, 10 a m to 4 pm, event for the entire family teenager, she followed her sister to studymg for a Mastel' of Busmess Northfield School for Girls m AdministratIOn degree at the She's IIlvolved With the VNA's ter VereOlce McQuade, SSJ, the There'll be celebntIes and clowns, musicians and Massachusetts Umverslty of 1\1Ichlg<1n,and slIlce program development, workmg hospital's vice-presIdent, Patient With the other dIrectors and mimes, face pamtmg, art work, a puppet show .. , and, of 1978 has been part and parcel ot the and Community serVices, IS dire<:, SHE STUDIED philosophy at mUl'ketmg programs ollce they are tor of the auxlliary course, e;tll the marvelous animals There's no charge for Northfield, and after what she calls Y..NA, planned, One such new program IS the carmval beyond the regular zoo admission. The idea is "a i!eat ltxperience" was grad- "One mdlcator of how well a pa- "Home Helpers" ThiS 24 hour-pel'- to make friends, not mts, VNA-type b) pIofe~~lOnal mlr~es and tht' Bess Bonmer WIll host a premier party at Village Records badly because my parents were Home Helpers Program manager evard, was among students from <,erVlce,>al I.' \\h('re health ('.Ire IS & Tapes on Kercheval Avenue in-the-Vlllage from 5 to 7 spendmg all that money on school proVide servIces like light house the construction and management gomg to be III lhe fUlure," Joan p m Saturday, April 7 The album is equally divided be- and I was passing courses With cleamng, ia undry, mea I prepara- curriculum 111 the Department or tween Bess' studiO duets With baSSist Dan Jordan and the very little effort," Joan recalls "a)l> tlon, aSMstance \\lth groommg, [<:n~LrIeenngTcchnolOlO' at Western MichIgan Umverslty who attended live quartet of Bonmer, Jordan, Gene Parker, reeds, and So, for the second time, Joan Mil The B')-ye.lr old VNA II'>the third feedmg, mobility, errands, compa- Richard Allen, drums largpst ~uch organlla t 1011 III the nIOnships, etc Fee IS $7 per hour "Round Up '84" the NatIonal Associ- chell went back home to the ation of Home BUilders convention Umverslty of Pennsylval1ld and It~ United Slate,> AccO!(hng to .roan It $110 for 24-hour live-In Referrals Featured are selectIOns by Arlen and Koehler Corea School of Allied Hea Ith Profes- IS !>tlll committed 10 lb Ol'lgllla I can be made by calling Centrallled In Houston, Texas The student Gershwin, Porter, Bonmer herself and a tune wr;tten fo; mISSIOn full dhng Ihe commulllty's Intdke, 875 7736 group raised funds to attend the ~lOns "I guess I WdS being event through bUlldmg and ~lllng her by Parker pragmatic It was durmg the reces needs DI';covrnng \\ hat those n('ed~ a l'e I'>J (Jan :'Ill tchell's r('~- THAT PHO(.H,Ul IS Just one of constructIOn projeCts Bess IS a respected piamst natIOnally, She is regarded as slon and I wdnted d practical pro- mdny that excIte Joan about the • • • feSSIOn But Idldn.t '" ant to get mto pon~lbJllt) at the V~A Slw's JUl>t a key member of the DetrOit plano vanguard which in- VNA Shc.s mtent all mamtalnll1g Award wmners 111 the oak"a)' nursmg And I heheved that Alhed two monUi'> mto hel Job. onh the Ihe agency's "vrry effective" com- cludes Barry HarriS. Roland Hanna, Tommy Flanagan Health would prepare me for life' ~econd per~on to hold the 21~ year- Symphony' 'Young Artists of Tomor. and Hank Jones She performs frequently at the Detroit In- old P0<;llIOll01 Dlrellor of Com- mUnication!> !>)'stem that allows for row" coml,)f;lItJOnwere presented 10 Joan earned both a Bachelor of mumt) Hel.ltlon" and Ihe rull Cdl c 10 be tailored for the m- concert \\11ththe symphol\r Feb 19 ~tltute of Arts, and has been a mamstay of entertamment dlvldual '"When you cover an area at The Summit atop the Detroit Westm Hotel Arts In Psychology and a Bachelor '>copeof hel role which I" pl'lman at Hamson High School In f'-arm- of SCience m OccupallOnal Therap~ Iy to ~erve d!>d link bel \\ een the fl om £<'IatHock to St Cldlr county, lllgton ~ltlls Groo.se POinte South ('very cornmumty IS umque You A!:>an educator. producer and performer, she's worked III 1974 She compleled her mtern- VNA and the cornmllnlt~ h.l..,yet to High Schoo! gr:ldlL.~te 1\f'1" I..... shIps at the JudevJI1(, Center for he realiled .,11l' ..,a) ~ h,l\ e to be dble to com mUlllcate " vlolimst, v.a~ ,I third prize w'lOner of for man:- yearb to mamtam the tradItIOns and encourage ~he '>d)!> ' the development of the local Jazz commumty She was Autistic ChIldren and the Malcolm $750 She l~ currently ~tud)'I1~ With III The mne dl'>lllll V:".IA ~el'\(''> Ihl l>orothy Ul"la, at the JUlUlard. artlst-m-resldence at Grobse Pomte North High School a BlI:.s Mental Hedlth Center, both ~he's VPI V II1volvPd \\ Ith the Ilenh 111 \\,l\I\{'. ()dl..Jand ,md 111 St Loul:. ('vel t h,mguig face of ml'(!Icme to' School Nt-oW York TIlt> sPf'C"I1 few years' back, and she's lookmg forward to talkmg With :\ldCOIP h COli nl 1(''> L.l.., t \-ea r V ~ A cta~ \~Ith heJplllg lhe V:'\A 'lIld Nelda C DeHla~1 ~tt'morldl Award. old fflends as she autographs copies of "Duet to Quartet" 1'he\ \\1.'1(' tremendous c'\ ..,1 af! mold,. I !!I.I~~'.,kllll:d \ l~lh In ho"pllal" \~01 k JOll1t1y to "dve wa., pre:.('ntt'd to vIOllnl:.1 TOfty at Vllla~e Records & Tapes on April 7, perlence<, .,he say~. hUI :.he \\a,> tho~e dJ('a,> l'.J111'nh dre Ider rpd ('ro ...., 13, of l;rO~M' POinte A ~oon reddy for her first Job She go! to the V ....A Ihlollgh .. hO'>plt,ll, medlcdl co.,'" Shr \~orkl'>to mak(' "lire th,lt ,I" fe\', p('oplt' fall fr~hmall at Gro:.se POInt.. South Water Color Exhibit Winners It-and applJed for graduate !>chool Ilwlr p('r..,olldJ ph) ,>1('1,111 01 III~h School, 11my~t\ldl~ at the CongratulatIOns to Farm!> reSident PatriCia Dor"ey, at the ~ame tIme Ihrough lornlllullltv refelral "till (,ugh OJ(' IT.!ck..,'' a~ pO""lble, b) m,l klllg '>un' to '"get till' \\ord" Oberlin Conwrvntory \'vIU1 s.t'phN reCIpIent of a Michigan Water Color Society cash award dlthugh IIw V\ \ d(~'" 11('('0 Ih{: ('Inpp, "My flr!>t Job \\d<' In out to dod()r~ "bout \'NA C.lI e for her "ork on dl~play In the 38th Annual Michigan Water p'»cholflglcdl 01' IOl(upallOlltll nJme of d phY'>lcl~n 100lwn 01 l,h(' • • SOClet) 'WI' 1,ll!'1 Ju..,1 rl'ly 011 \\Old of of ( olor ExhibitIOn and Wood!> reSident :\lar\' Aro, Therap) l dCrOSI'>th(' rlVPr from ~1 \ rrf"rr.i1 ('OIlH'''' till ough I h(' Among Ilwrnl)('r,> thl' Alhlon mouth Th.! t " \\ h)' \\ l''1"(' C'OI\('l'n "ho r<>cel\'ed an honorable mentIOn CitatIOn for her' water LoU1!>In llhnol<, Then I '" ('nil ""nt College Atro .\IlWrll'chool at Ow through.1 I,H '>lInlle moll JlIlle to the Ill'll)('(j llpon:.or ('V('llts dun n~ the Ul1lvrrslty of Plttl'>hurgh I gol my ,lpprnprl.l1(. c11..,ln(( \\lH're d nllrM' IH) Job P{'ople IWl'd to know that ('01egt"s l ('{'t'llt "Rldck .\ "' ..rt"1\f'U Actually. It " an honor jl.lc;;lto he In the show. jUfled by \\(' Il' here for Ihem " Masters d('gree m (. hl1lut! On mdkr'> IIw IIlltlal \ 1'>11to ,1'>'>(,""Ill(' \\C('k" IS ..... nloo Ht'nut.k, ~ 0( Grace Hartigan artl!>t-m-re!>ldence at the Hoffberger /lnd Ft'nton Hl"nllck 01 cology there. p,ltu'nl" 111'''(1'> 'Ill(' 11111 '.1' 1!II'1l '/0,111 l'Ill'lI "I' 'I.... Graduate S<'hool of Pcllntmg. Maryland Institute College of :\11t "llpporl group TIlt' Fdrm., Hl'lllick. a Gr~ rn,lk(',> 01 l('fPlldl 10 \\1I0I1{'\('I Ofll'll[l'c! "OlJ)clll "',I~~ .,Iw ml'>"l'~ Art "ho II~ts among her own exhibition!> more than 20 .I(Mn nlrlrr)('d cl 11l\\ ." 1Ic1('nlfroll) POllitt' South Ihl(h ~khool ~raduate, "p('( loll "'('1 \ H I' group rlllght 1)(' ..,(1111('of till' con!,lC:t of \\01 kln~ lt1 lh<' t 'mv('f,>tty of Pllt ...burgh \\ hf>n I'> ,I .,ophol1lnn' Iit '\ IhlOl1 one-per"on !>how!>in I\ew York City !>Ince 1961 nl'"c!"d. "U( h ,I'> ()( I up.lllOll,1I Ihp fu'leI .. ., ,111 (le( I1p,lt 101111 1 h(' mov('d on 10 {;porgl'l(!\\ n 1'm • • • TlwldP\- 1'1l\..,lc.d 'I hpi tip' ~o('I,ll 'I 1ll'1 ,Ipl'>! '1h!' ..,1ill ..,t't'''' :.OrIll' Eight hundred and forly nJl1E' ('ntfle" were i>uhnlllted \('r"lty for a gr,u!udl(' d,'grpp <,hl' Hrllt't' Hartrn ... ofTht' \\ond~.. "as \\'01 k I'll (,1<,1'1ll.l1l.lgI'nlpnl Illp PII\ ,llId tl',l('hl .....!Ill' lK' v.{'nl too She \\Ork('c1101 t\\O \-!'dr,> 1I.11IH'(! to tilt' 1)(',10:> LI:.t fur 1M fall, ~e\ enty-one" ode.., \~ ere ...elecl(>d for dl!'>play at the DetrOit d,lllllg IIIIII\ HIIl,1I (....,c....J I" dmlf' (.1,>,011.11,>{'IHlIldr bll!lll' \\orkln,H1 ,1<' <.hll'f of 0« upatlon,ll Thi'r,lp\- l'ltlJ :-{'II1I~h'r ,II (ir<11001,IIHI hrr IW\\ pn....ltlon at al ....dlllllldl Ortt.op.wdlC ,lIl;l ColI('~W Sludl:'nb so hmlOrt-c1 ~.. rlW'd ldkr- (j look at them. be advl~ed that the Artl~t!'> Market IllI' V....A I "Ill"., ('OIllIllIIINI h('1 wlf f{1'h.JllIlitalI0n lln"pll.ll III \11 4\"'1' '1\\'\(,1 \11 \,1 I.. ,III ,II I('a.,t ,I I:) ~IlHit' pomt a\l'ra~ (;dilf'rJP" on Han(folph ~tf('pt an' 0IX'n Tu('~da) through to ltw v ...." fOl ,II h'.I,>11\\0 \I'dI'''' 1 Illgton Vol thai'" llw IHI'>pll,tl .1'.1)('\1 01 thl' \ .... \ '. "'('1 \ J( (' Ih.1l • • ~aturddY from 10 a m to.) p m h,I\I' prlOl 11~ Ilghl .lft.'1 he,' • lhat 1)('1fOrrlwd trlag(' on "urvlvnr,> p.llla 1I10111~ .lppl',lh 10 ,IO,lII ( Mol (,-'Iotlllmti of The \\l_)tis ,...... 1.111\11\ of th(' dtrplanr lhal (T,l"hl'd Inlo \\ 1111 .. '.\'.'I'rn ilkI' Ill,,> th(' 1'1'1111)l'ompl,'tt'<{ u 16 "'l'(Ok Int@t\- lh(' Polorn,H HI\('r ,,('\[Ordl \I'dl,> dql,'ltllH'III'" .11(' ,(1)11' to \\011- I \\liI k h,1I d to! I h1Il~" Hili I '>IH' tr.llllln~ prl~r,llIl ,tt thto In, Art 1V()uveau exhibit lJpen dgO togl'tlwr \I( 1"1101 '.0 fr.I~~illC'IIII'e1 1-.110\\ th,lt 11,111 I 1I.l\l' 1,\(.",lhll1~ .,1111111' lor l"tl"II~1 Tralnllltl I hh llial \nd \\-1111 .. ,>\-,>tl'ml,lu<.h a'. the '>('n"UOlI,> And thl'n '>,)(ypar,> dgO It \\ a" on Ihl<, d('p,lr! llH'nh IlkI' 10,111" .Ill' 11I)n1l'I0I "..1....11'1 I II he IllI" , hf'forp "ho I t'<'t'IV('!i hl'r Hdcht'lor of Arts Id t lon<, Ilf Ow All ....!lU\ edU 1fI11\ (' n.'>lle....,I~ lIovdng 1111('plelnt and tn 1)('1 rOIl ,md a '.JI'v. of Ill' gOllig ,dll.' to k('''(i v.IIII \\ h,1l I'> h'lIlel dlld It II I" . .l IOllg hUI [ 1111'*1\ from '1/l1,~rovt' ('ollt'j(t' IS rnf nl pt'r, Ag,lIn ,Jllhollgli f Ilkc. IWlng II \- 10 do 1111' 1IIIll~" lh,11 ,II (' llllpor I 1.11III II011 and ~'hHt2' In lH'lrOlt, as lYfJlflNJ Ihe Arl '\)ouvf'au JII( bl"t pllblic 1I'I.ilIIIJh till' C]1J',l' 10 11~1'lli gl'1 t,lIlt )0\1 ,lo,1Il a 111(.11 ,I~!>I~I.I nt "pt-CIIl hlI~ In III~t(,r I,ll \111'1l1m lo( dtNl "I '>1\- If' rn\- larnil'r I oul "g( 1,( \ 11,1'. .In' Ow I IIII '>1''>dllli the to '>dV'> \\(j(,II.' HI on Ill\- ov.n \\11C'n W{' 1II0',I'r! to Lltll/;lltlllll Mandl/;t'lllf'l\t ,lid "nd KldJ\ D(,troll '> "1)1'(I,dl'>h IIH'\ II IIJ(' Olll''>V. ho I d Iw 1\llIg It 1 '>,Ild I ~,I"" t [)I'lroit V. I' dl\lov('n'd""p Ilk,'d llw • • • I ',1\ I! 1\ (ultur.d (('nl('1 ,wd 'J hI' HI'.!or "CdJ \lll"I'IHTI ('xhdJJI .II (' oul lIwr!' ('\ N\ e1d \ looKlIlg lor \\drd 10 .,llmml'l .If IIw 0[11'1') \~ ((Jr,I''.d,l\ ttJl (Jll~h \U1rrld\ Ifl( lud(.., pXdrnpk' of Art ;'I.ouH'au Ed,>t SHII'an',J V{'IV rnuc h \\1)('1)II }.011111'>I'H'I \1 ItII mv 11l1'>b.llld,me! t\monl{ 1IJ1IM1alt' ('OUt'It' My (it m(' llm(' to d('( J(II' Whf'll' v.(' f flJm 'I ~(),j III 10 -J P m horne furm,>hlTlg'>, ~r.dtll Itlf' f!I\ l'IlIll! BI'1I1/{ ,11),11'1'111 I'>lhl' I>(,..,t d{'nll>namt'ii to lhe' l:>e-all'~Llsl fnl' 10 II V. ,I" \OU\l'dU ('rot C]othmg 'lrIrl jev.dry (,Id'>" I'>('m v.,!Oled 11\(' (;ro,>,>(' d C 1111' Art \dll(h 1.1( t ~IH' (.lil- 11l'1,,1'\1 om!'o thll1~ III In) IIII' IIl'xt to Bill lh{' flr,t "t'm~lt'r of thfo 1983-84 ~>f'/;iln dll/Hlt I Will dIll! 1.1'.1 ('(j .tp phd '>I/(>d m n'( vgnlt Ion of MI( h Poml" Th(' (Omrnllnl!', <,plnt I'> fwnl of ...11,Il!'gll pl,wlilng 1111 IIH' .,('hool y,'ar was Ulna 8alaDI prrJ>.Imdlpl\ 20 yf',H,>. produ(('d eI Ig Monlh III Apnl. a gr('at A 4'1 'r I',H old Ind II told 11... th(' V\;A A" ])Ir('c lor of ( onllmHllt~ It "'ollid II(''>urPrl'>llI~ If for .I0dO dr of Mr and Mn, ~ hl!>tory(JfIhe hlock V.h('ll Y,{' lnoVl'd rkenrlgla.,., <'('mmar ""J11lx' held H('I,lllon" '>Ill' JOIII<, olb{'1 ad M \11'111'11, M.'-I () 'I' H , and '>0011 " ..~anl, of Pt-mtM"rton Road D1na art... lltule of Art!'>and In That'" Ihe '>orl 01 fhll1~ 1 mfO,in rnml"lrdll\1' ,,(,ilf dll(,(,tor" of 10 IX' '\1 B A thl' VI'ilt IOjo( Nurl4<'s a (JrosSf' POinte South Hllh Schooi J OVN embelh!>hmf'nl of Ihe VlC the HI,>torJ(:al Mu~eum on ~tur, wh('n talk about n('twork" and "\UI <,lIlg .'-IOI'la I ~('r\ 1('('';. Fmall('f' A,>,>(K'I,llJOIIof ~rtr()polilan DelrOlt graduate, earned a 3 40 averale for tOfllgn day Apnl 7 '>upport group'>, . Joan I'>ayl> and l'C'r...onrll'l who I ('PCJlt to tll(' (hdll't ('omt' 111 a clo"e thm! the semesler

• . -.\ PageT~ GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 29. 1984 Episcopal Women Pair exchange vows in fall to present Lenten At home on l'ruverslt" Place 10 overbl~ fashIOned V.lth a hIgh, DetroIt are ~tr and MrS DaVId L scalloped nE'Ckhne program at Christ ~#,. Hoover, who vacationed at Her elbov. length \ ell fell from a Church on April 3 '.l>.} r-.\:.Ilo...:.' "\Iagara Falls and Toronto follow- halo of sl.1kflo'4ers She earned an 109 thelf autwnn marnage 111 TIle Episcopal Church Women of ~1- 4'C~ ...... " .. ~ ~ arrangement of gardemas. \\ hlte Grace l'mted Church of Chnst and Christ Church, Grosse POinte, WIll roses and babv's-breath a duul€r receptIQn at The Old host "Growmg In the Vine," a She v.as attended by the bride- No Fancy Dance Steps - Just Results Place Lenten program inspired by John • Terrific fitness program SUIlTllHi APRILtTH IAIYSl'TTIICi AlII groom's slSter-m-l,iv. , 'far) 15'5 ("I am the Vme, ye are the Vcr ~'''' Sa' 9 IXJ-'c X ~ M ~lrs Ho()\.er. the former Ruth Hoover. In a ballenna length dress • Great musIc :I'-~ '!"~ e 3<...... 3C P '" branches Whoever lives In me and "'.or of lilac ch Iffon, long-:"lee\ ed and • 1 0 years Of expertise G P /;C l,l.,.;:. GPW Ellen Johnson. daughter of :\Ir and I LO hun shall bnng forth much ),Irs John P. Johnson_ v.ho mo\ed st~ led" Ith a Side-scalloped bodice, behtnd It I 'Sl' ~y ~;/~ TIME: CO ...~~~~".,.., frUIt For apart from me ye can do recenUv from Ltttlestone Road to carrYlIlg purple orchids and nothmg "), next Tuesday, Apnl 3 It's Hefti by KJttty Pueock ,:J~~: Birmingham. IS a Grosse Pomte bab} s-breath Harold D Hoo\ er ~orth High SChool graduate. cur. acted as best man for hiS brother The da) begms at 9 30 a m \\,lth Ezermetrlcs ~"":-._<~I rentlj emplo~ ed bJ Comenca Their daughter se\ en-~ ear.old Holv CommunIOn, after v.hlch Call us for Regt.Stnltlon and Information • Bank.Grosse POInte KImberl) Hoo\ er, \\ as fIo\\ er gIrl seasonal musIc Will be led LO the EJr.ermetncs Hotline 881-6149 A f T'tfSS ilIIO"o't.UIT Her floor length dress. deep IIldC tIl ~h Hoo..er, son of ~Ir and ~1rs Cndercroft bv The Reverends color featured a ruffled neckline Gregor~ and ~iargaret sammons Harold .\1 Hoover, of Gullford. and bustle She ('arrled a basket 'Ir, and -'Irs_ DetrOIt \\as graduated from Fm- filled \\Hh \\hlte roses. carnatIOns Da \ id L. Hoo\ t'r Lmda Brov. n. R ~ , and Karen Compliments or. how ne:- High SChool sen ed 10 the and bab\ s-breath accented \\ Ith ~elet'ted a coddall length dress. Hutl. directors of the Adnan ChrlS- Cruted States AIr Force and ISnoVo purple ribbons ros~olored and ruffle-necked. tlan MISSion at AdrIan, ~llch , wlll your look.s a<;soclated \1\ lth Jim s HalfCu!tmg ho.r L"shenng v.ere the ondegroom s ~a~hed a t the \\ a 1Stand pleated III share accounts of their lives at Shoppe of Grosse Pomte should De heard olten father and Da\ Id S Hoo\ er the front Gardemas and bab\ 's-breath 10 45 am, explammg how God's The Reverend Ralph Bro ....n of- br.degroom s nephe\\ also formed her cors.age- promise 10 the "vme" spoke to 'T'1--. __ .\.. __ -c .\.. __ L.._..J <"' __ .. ~ -...... _. _ 1 ~ _.) .. \ _ ~ ... t • - _'" ... I • tn,:u'n ThiPu.' tT"'"u:t..-v 1~ to O"lVP. A title nOlf cut &..t\.1e:tLt:'U Q\. u.n: ,Jo o.X.l U \..JV\...A 11"e;:, ..."' v lo.J"'" '- L4 "--I~ '-& VUL Vl. LV"" U 6 ...... ;...,.:,~"",\,..4U ...U.\A "'.,"- Saturda~. September 24 The bnde her deep ilIac l'ltra Suede SUlt\\ lth bride:> uncle and allnt, :'tlr and p~~-~tIC~l.-scnpt~ai - gUlda~c; t~ a splash of subtle color, \\ ore a tradltlOnal gov. n, antlque a multl-eolored SIlk blouse She \Irs John F HarrIgan of help people deal With life 1\or) in color and scoop-necked, Its p10ned a corsage of gardemas and Sagmd.\\ \lr and :\lrs Charles situations a naturel bOd y oerm ballerma length skirt fMturmg a bab~ s-breath to her matchmg Keppel of Hoffman Estates, III , As v.ell as counselmg m- lace oversklrt, Its bodIce covered handbag and ~1r and ~lrs Robert E Abns. ill\ Iduals. they use their expertise Services the Cut-Ups are WIth a long-sleeved, lace The brIdegroom S mother of Ene Pa for Bible studies. retreats, trained to co well relIgIOUS conferences and growth semmars Slate garden Offer shape-up spring classes Luncheon, for v.hlch advance Compliments will follow Super Shape. Inc IS offer1Og four "' reservatIOns are reqUlred, will be exercise classes at the Grosse served at 11 45 a m More mUSIC club meeting AerobiC:> for 4O-Plus 5O-Plus WIll Pomte War Memonal thIs spring, follows untll, at 12:45 pm. Karen Wmdmill Pornte Garden Club's be taught b) AlIce Belfle In t\\O ~l\tltOft4 for people 10 varIOUS stages of fIt- leads a sessIOn called "Our ~ next meetmg 15 scheduled fOf ness class sectIOns on ~londa} and Wed- Response to HIm," after which lin- nesda) mornIngs begmnmg April Wednesday, April 4. at 11'30 am Mothers of babies under SIX da w1.l1speak on "His FnendshIp to at the home of Mrs Lawrence months of age can en]o)- Post-~atal 16 The moderate mtenslty class Us ., \\1ckson who w1.llbe asS1Sted by co- meets at 9.30 a m the low mtensltv ExerCISe \\ ith Man -LouIse Selo\ er Group diSCUSSioncO!lcludes the ~- hostess lofrs Ralph Dewey The on ~Iondays and W€dnesda) s. April class at 10 30 a m. Men and women ~ are \\ elcome In both ExercIse IS program by 2.30 P m There will be program, "CombmlDg Annuals and 2 through June 11 from 1 to 2 p m u.s, Tht.lrs F' III 9 paced accordmg to the needs and an opportunity for private conver- Perenmals rn the Border," will be The course. designed to bwld ph) SI- capabilities of the participants. each sation with Lmda, Karen, Greg presented by Margaret Dickson cal strength progresslvelj . !Deludes of \\hom must present a doctor's con- and/or Peg sammons following the aerobICS. Cost IS $80 for 2t) sessIOns sent form upon registratJon program, whIch is open to all Pre-Natal ExerclSe. begmmng Private Duty Nursing Care Mansour to speak Tuesday. April 24 proVIdes a non- Cost of thIs course. sponsored by Luncheon reservations, at $6 per serving Grosse Pointes vigorous workout for the \\oman D)namic Energle. 15 $40 for 2t) ses- person, must be made by Monday, the at YWCA meeting who wants to stay in shape dunng SIOns Additional mformatlOD on Aprtl 2, at the church office Free and the Tri-Counties pregnancy Fee for the elght-\\eek an) of the spnng shape-up pro- babyslttmg is avauable by pnor ar- Dr Agnes M Mansour. dIrector course, which will meet from 7 3Oto grams at the War Memonal may be of the ~lichigan Department of S0- rangement through the church 830pm.1S$32 obtamed b)o calling 881-7511 office cial ServIces, 9<-tlI be keynote Bodyshapers offers an earlj speaker at the YWCA of Metroooh- mormng\loorkout (8.15to9 15a m ) tan Detroit'S 91st annual meetIng on Tuesdays and Thursdays. begIn- l\lyasthenia Gravis fashion benefit set Saturday. March 31, at the Hotel rnng April 17 Fee for 18sessIOns of The ~Iyastherua Grav1S Assocl8- master of ceremomes Luncheon Regis 5t stretcjting. flrnung, Improvmg CIr- tlOn will host a fashion show, "Best v.i11 follow a cocktail hour Many - culatlon and reduc10g teUSlOO. all of The Best." featurmg top Amer- prizes will be awarded. The meetmg, 9r DaVld Frankhn p!ltTlent the smal!est den LeOrnllrd Berry-Gordon Ud.lNey.Londes library or Iivrng room Forster s fklouarO' Greek Jack A Saocy Ksetrer has them for Immediate deliV- The Ctuldboumes Bron!Kln'lI Yello'" Barn Kathy A Ray Mongena.s ery and at these special sale A ntl quefl Jackie OlllOn pnces until April 30th I llltnOl< IreJW'McSamara Fine Je",el .. Bonnie Ro",'lands Rare Old Pnnt.& Siddenll A Valentine La",-rence E Kmg Jenn} Roberts Marjorie Staufer lruJwnD Village Green Antiques Old To .. n HilI Anbques f'ran Wel&o/Jrhu (It< Vzr,('lnltJ f;,q jffFFR<,(,." Wayne Pratt Antiques \",) T flrll Angela of London Stephen ~ort' Mark A Mar)Ont' Allen The LIttle Shop DfTROIT ~I( H Frank R. Gaglio/Kathleen Moll\llr '943') MACK t.'/F'.i.JE n .JohnltOfl AntlqtH"!1 Miller Anuquel'l Inc. 821.3525 Lowery Antlque8 Mild Hatter Antiques Sltrilnq H,.,qhfs Grosst PO/fllt Woods (,jtJJ!Il) 'ur /11/ 739.5100 881.9390 \dm' ....lOn S:L;;O .,. ( '. (are ... ~. t .. ~ I J (o-~pon~or. I nll'f'r1l/'~ of WI("hl~nn "w" (.[lIh

'" .. • ._4_-... -4------~~

Page Thr8&'B Thursday, March 29, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Moving, Engaged, New I New Arrivals I Getting Settled M.d. Simpl. New Town dilemmas ladtl aHer a WI:L(.,OME WAGON call Mr. and Mr.., John Tt'I'IU'l>. of As WELCOME WAGON Representative liS my Dallas, Tex , announce the birth of lob to help you make the mosl limp and money IS the former D{'bOl'uh :\lu'e\, Plus II basket 01 gills for your lamlly III daughter of Mr. and :\Ir!'l. Dennb :\. be Iislemng for your call HELPFUL HINTS for Wedding. and Ene-ee- :\la:\l'\', of Bnarchff DrIve Pntcrnal menl. tool grandfather IS Hobt'I'1 \. 'ft'me .., 01 Oxford Road .. * , ttWimne ~~C~ Dr. and ;\11'''. Jl!llle .. \. Fortulil', Gro.. e Polnle . "- "1-511' of Mt Vernon Avenue. announce the 51 CI.lr Shore. •• ,.2221 bIrth of thell' second child. a loon. New Bab .22.01,' ('h.-bUne Le' jell. PallH'la Jo Retford D.lIIit'1 Pell'r. Feb 6 i\Irs r~ortul1l' IS the former Hal barl! Un k IJJ 111111111 IUIIII1IIIII 111111111111 II II II 11'1'11" 111111111111111 J 111111 IIIIUIIII II III 111111 1111I1111111 111111111111111111111111 y! daughter of :\11'. and :\]1'''' Pt;tt'!~ ~ i Heckert-Sears Miss Levick Faber- Retford 8r)k Jr, of Huntlllgton Woods ~ HAIR COLOR PROBLEMS? i Paternal grandparents arc :\11'''. = = betrothal told to be a bride betrothal told DOIOUI)FOIIUlIl', of Ann Arbol'.

Check out

• I I Grosse Pointe's

good sports


Peggy O'Connor's I 'Sports Week'

on Page 1 / of this week's

Section C

------MEET SAMUEL TWINING, INTERNATIONAL TEA AUTHORITY Be tntroducPrl to tlw full ('lllOylnl'nt of t(>,l wt1t'n yOl! como It) Saturday, March 31, 200 10400 p.rn , Grosse Pointe

Mr TWlnmtj (lXpOt! (jlr(.,tor ,1I1d 1l111t11 qf>lIprcl'lon of T.',lnll1q', TPd of Grpal Brltalr1 Will '11';,IJ',', (fH pl(.'d~lH('~ of "l'rvll1\~ !I'd 111 ,o~~~~tho tradltlO'1dl Engll',h 1T1,II1I1f1r How 10 I h()o~o till' hll'll(' <1/1(1110W fW"E I to ';PrVf> It what 'nod" 10 ,>prv!, r>OW 10 "l'll'" ltH' propllf !t),lpot ilnc1 hrow tile 'Pil (nrlOclly Aho ldk(l nll'~opportunity lo '>,lInpln 110 I~ I TWirling,> Tf'ils Itw cllOl( (.' 01 (0I1110IS',('lH'; 111OVl'r (JO 'Olll1'lll' .... '''\( jlllll(\O'" III r 1«>1 r Mil If

H21.3S2S w. w.lcome J.coblon'. Charge C.rd or T~. Am.rlc.n Ellpr... ' C.rd

Open Thursdays and Fridays unlll 900 pm Wo Will validate youf parking tiCket

\ Page Four-B GROSSE POINTE NEWS ------Thursday, March 29. 1983 Moveable feast for Newcomers .. Grosse POinte St"'t\ comers at 824-2827 Cost IS $25 per couple • "Swrng 1OtO April' \1.a their annual AsslStmg the O!sens With plans progressl\'e dmner, scheduled tiu.s for the e\ erung are Chock and year for Saturday. Apnl14 Cham- Anne Latham. Joe and Carol FOLK I ,t, " pagne and hors d are remmded to Couples ne.... to the POinte area confirm resen atlons b\ the Satur- are inVited to JOI11 Ne\\ comers. ~.~.~ da\ . ~larch.31 deadlme. b\ contac- and to call 88:2-9773or 33Hl087 for tm'g Barb and Ed Olsen. chairmen further mformatlon ..~., Convene School MARCH 30-31. APRIL I.t 984 Intanatlonal PolitiCS \\He E\.--umerucal lnstltute m Southfield. DAVISBURG. MICHIGAN the them\:' of the S<.hool of Go\ern- det3..1lmg the CrLS1S III the MIddle In the beautiful ment s ilr~t l;\O meetl!lgs in 1$4 East ~Iembers and gue>ts of the organ!- Roberta Daill~ S subject for the SPRINGFIELD-OAKS BUILDING zatluil founaed b\ the late ~Irs School s meetmg thiS month on Over 85 Quality Folk Artisans Wllber Brucker met In Januan at Wednesda\ ~larch 28 at the Coun. the DetrOit Athletlc Club to hear'Dr tr~ Club of D€trolt ..... as Asser- Sat. & Sun. 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Adm. $2.50 R V Burke recentl) retlred as pnr t1\ ene~s :\lrs Eugene Hunter Preview: Friday evening, 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Adm. $5.00 ~~ __ t .-,~_...... _ ...... 'l;t _ ...... <:~..,+n ,. 'h"::lou".0.t4 ""h..a r"",("\()'Y""':lrn "'fr-c;:: l-S"nto.l'" 1-,5 n., CxJl ri:i ul.Ai~ n ....y. N. IV ud ...i::»iJUI!ll flu. l':~;r~t~"~-;;;~:~.C~~~I;"~ l~k~g;neral p~ogra~- ~h~i;m~~' west to Andersonville Rd. ~1T!l Ralph Yason. 15a past-preSl. So\1.et l"ruon 112mile south of town of Davisburg Februar: s meeung featured Dr dent of ~ School ~!rs Harry Tay. Gra,f"eo frames ana bOxes. Sche'enschn ne 0 Stencil,ng 0 Pierced lamp shades 0 James R L~ons d1recwr of the lor 1.5 the current preSident BlaCKSm,ths hana forged Ironwork all kinds 0 Penod furniture • Handcrafted h.rn,ture. Dry SInKS0 Jam cupboards 0 Armo.'as 0 Hutches 0 Primitive painhngc; on canvas and wood 0 Baskets 0 Cour.trv rag rugs 0 Wh,n gigs 0 Carved wooden folk art. To decorate Dominican Dummy bOams 0 Decoys 0 Shaker bOxes. Pantry ooxes 0 QUilts 0 Floorcloths • F.,eooa'Cls • Teddy bears. Theore'Tl pa,111,ngs• Frakturs 0 Weathervanes 0 Salt glaze ANN WELLES (left), president of the DomiDican High School o Samplers 0 Countrt texllleS 0 Herbal 'Hea'l's and potpourri 0 Redware 0 AllUlUlae AssociatioD, looks over one of the ginger jars JA.'\'E Spongewa'e • Carved toyS 0 Folk art watercolors. Shaker rep'oduc1ions AND EVERY TYPE OF COUNTRY NEEDS FOR SALE WRUBEL, of TIle Fnait Tree on Mack Avenue, will use to decorate the sdsool for a SaIMIay, Aprill, "SallsaDons" fashion show/open 8ETTY LONG 313-627-4&4a1 house. ~program begins at ~ p.m. in the auditorium of Domini- can, located OIl W1littier near Harper. two blocks westof 1-94.Wine aDd cheese will be served, aloDg with dessert and coffee. IDforma. dOll on tickets, at $5 general admission. $2 for students may be obtained by ca.lliDg 882-8503. ' WHITTIER TOWERS End Tuesday Musicale year 415 BURNS DR. DETROIT, MICHIGAN 48214 Tuesday :\Iusicale of DetrOIt \nll day The ~Iuslcale's general pro- clunax Its current season WIth a gram chalI11lan is Cathenne gala concert m the Lecture Hall of Goodsell the Detroit Institute of Arts on Ushers Will mclude Mrs Kuno Tuesday, April 10, at 10 30 a m Fernholz, Mrs Robert Mathews. What could better ..... than TIle progra m opens "'"1 th the en tire Mrs Salvatore Venn ilion and Mrs choral ensemble, directed by Mary John Trute, chamnan An rnformal a Retirement apartment on the waterfront? Pardee, smging Psalm XXIIT by reception for the artlsts will follow Randall Tbom~ WIth harpist the concert. m the Lecture Hall Chnsta Grix foyer ThIs ..nll be followed by a group 01/6'*';"'1'- Huge savings! Huge selection! Plan to of selections performed by COD. MCF to participate o Private rooms and Apartments choose a beautiful Lees carpet and save! tralto Nora SkJtch. ~ "Qui sedes ad dextram patris" from Bach's -aU with private baths ~a% :::.B mmor, "Du Chnst avec in Health-O-Rama ardeur" by H Bemberg, two • Around-the-clock security Live the life of LEES spmtuals arranged by Boatner and at Eastland Center- Richard Strauss' "ZueIgnung " Ac- The Mlclugan Cancer Founda- • Registered Nurses on duty comparust ....1.l1 be Fontame Lang. bon WIll offer a screerung for cer- Barbara Woolf will perform Vlcal cancer dunng Health-Q- • Excellent Meals works by Chopm Dvorak duets ;will Rama, sponsored by the United be sung by Virgmia Person and I:IeIJth OrgalUZatioa. at Eastland -....a1!d _ I • Patricia Smith, vnth M'9' Lev8ck sa pJiffg Center AprH -8, 4 and 5. 1 at the ptanO The program con- Tuesday through Thursday. from • Beauty/Barber Shop I cludes WIth Ravel's Introduction 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. and Allegro, perfonned by Christa The free and patnless pap tests, • Grocery Store Gnx, harp, Mary Stolberg and admtnlStered by specially tramed • Doctors' Clinic Amy Humphreys, VIolms, Barbara nurses, are recommended for all • Gift Shop n6-5510 21435 Mack Ave. Stolberg, viola. Gregory Stav."1ck, women, especially those over 40 cello, Lena Ordman, flute, and Further infonnatIOn may be ob- all within the building Open untl' 9 p m Mon Thurs Fn. Tues. Wed Sat untIl 6 Bnan Bowman cIannet tamed by contactlng the MCF's Anna Speck 15 chalfman of the East Sennce Center, 294-4430

~!!!a~~~r~2c~ for information or an appointment: • FlesJden1.a1 0 Industr.al • FHAIVA InspectIOns • call LOIS NAIR 823-6.470 Successful Sandpebble FREE! =~0e:- 822-9000 UMIANt8)~- ~~ • IEfORE YOUCOlIlTRACT, a.w OUR COSTS MIl!i£JMC8 announces we ConeroI M PnIa, nc:MIIrIf IfmIiIn its gmnd closing. n6-6010 This is the last opportunity to own a choice residence at Sandpebble.

~~ ~~ RJ\'erfront from $148,000 Oceanfront from SI95, Builder bonuses: • 15070 discount for cash ( I \ 1 \ • 11070 fIXed-rate financing* TEA DANCES ARE ! BACK IN TOWN ) A~ to 0 golden age 09low w,!:t' r.eUJ style

Come ond etl)OI,I ~ leo dotxes at the Hol:el 5t AegiS

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~ovs drinks o'l1I1p I ~._ "'ODt ... t ~ It 1000I flT/' 4 ' Wood •• Pr •• b, M/Th , The Location is rare, The time is_dgkt: IIOW./ the end of the weell Midtown .. G.' 117 ~ r ....Gk ... 19'~CJ "'.ell .,; 9 , i •• I"O'llot •• [b St .... o 1 .T/Th ,. lOp. G ~ Y. r bl" Club TITh " I )•• Every FrIOof,l r'dght th'OU9h f.kJy 16 121 ) (.00_ 14 '1eeb ...r, 001, 2601 N.E OCean Boulevard, Hutchinson Island, Stuart, FlOrida 33494 at the Hotel St AegiS 1,...1>1., It boo 1 oK/Tb 7: 00,. e , 1ft ... , •• TITh ,: 00,. 3071 W Gfond BoulevOfd lab a •• t ••• fl.U " •• 1> ... )1\1, Call collect: (305) 225-1600 ''It.ll. Itbool oM/1I 1 00,_ lo~tll '1Ih Ie hoo I ." III ,,1)0,_ DetrOIt. Ml 8n-3000 'fill c k- at Ver-Iltar 11 Cro ••• Pt •• the ..".....~.",.,....~ ..... ~Cll .... ,-. 500 - 800 pm 'terce Jr. "lib °T I T1I S ,S,. forr, "c ~oc 1 .1'1/1' , .lO,. I ~4)0 r ...... 1 120 loo,ll. ~,..~ ..... -("".~ 1...... --" ~", .... TtI'i -n ~~ . lJ;I!¥Xat. .... ~ ~1..aC6X...... ,.. "lo4t1Q1.Al'~~¥<""""''''''''''''oI I ,.tlf. .. _,.....tNW', ....~ ..lff'oItVt'; ..I ,.,..A~:-- ~01'...... ,.;~)-rlI,~_JPCl~,.. -~""'r"'~ r .." ...... ~ ~ ...... ~.; ~ ~ ~ Ie.,.,.

i ...... -.------_-...------~-~~---~~~

Page FlW-B Thursday, March 29, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS First Society Vows spoken Set rummage raises funds in Missouri sale April 5 At home III Tulha, Okla , after a Mary Jane Wriston and Carol short weddll1g tnp are Mr and Ann Maleltzke, chaIrmen, WIth for Children's 1\ll's Grady Scott Wicklund, who members of the Martha Circ1l:'",are exchanged marnage VO\\S busy planning the annual spnng Proceeds from the First Society Wednesdav, December 28, III }<'m,t rummage sale at Grosse POlDte of DetrOit's Sunday, March 11, Baptist Cliurch, Neosho, Mo The Ulllted MethodJ!)t Church on Mar- benefit at the Grosse POinte Yacht 11 o'clock ceremony at which The 1 Visit - 59 O!l~ Road It wlIl run from 8 30 to 11 Club, In the amount of $3,500, will Hevel'end Paul Pallon pre~lded ,I m 11('l(t Thur!>3<; womt>n''l accessories: 30%OFFSALEI ,vith t,vo feature stephanotiS i\ eosno, a no Klcnaro 1urner, we and'Sarah Frakes and Betty Buf- She was attended by her sister, bnde's brother, also of Neosho fa, \\omen's dresses and coals. Four weeks only! writers this spring Cheryl Simpson, of Joplin, Mo ,m a The mothers of the bride and floor length, long-sleeved, scoop- bndegroom both selected street Sortlng Will be superv1!sed by Polishing or lacquering. T\vo DetrOit Free Prpss feature necked dress of dusty rose silk, length dresses for the mormng Ruth Chosy, cashiers by Sharon wnters Will present sprmg lectures We'll polish your numbers, carrying an arrangement of pmk ceremonY, the former's of OInk Haskell, commumcallons by Lois on flowers and fashIOn preceded by Silk, the'latter's of burgundy Silk Batten, publiCity by Ethel Osborne your knobs, your hooks and and white roses and stephanotis luncheons at the Grosse Pomte tied With satm streamers White roses formed each mother's and secunty by Esther Wmfield, ~our handles We'll spiff up War Memonal Each program be. Gregory Wicklund, of Naper. corsage Carol Ann Maleltzke and Evelyn ~our sconces, buff up your brass gms at noon and runs until 2 30 pm ~Iolltgomery head the kitchen com- bed, add elbo\\ grease to your mittee which prOVides lunches for andirons. And e,en remove The first, today, Thursday, March Miss Lechner to say vows the workers dUring the week before corrOSIOn from your 29, presents garden wnter Bett>' the sale }o'urther informatIOn on Dr and Mrs Monroe S Lechner, don B1eu Cooklllg School, London, candlesticks, candleabras, Frankel With a slide program on the project may be obtained by garden beauty throughout the year of Devonshire Road, are announc- England, and expects to receive calling the church office, 886-2363 copper tubs and chest hfts! Reservations for "To Everythmg mg the engagement of their her degree In Hotel, Restaurant There Is A Season" were reqUired daughter, Carole Lynne, to and InstitutIOnal Management OfFER ENDS EAS1IR SUNDAY, APRIL 22. by Monday, March 26 Michael Joseph McDonald, son of from l\hchlgan State Ulll\'ersity III Metropolitan Rose Mr and Mrs Robert E McDonald, December Next Thursday, Apnl 5, fashIOn of Moran Road The weddmg IS He holds a Bachelor of SCience Society \\ill 1l1eet edItor Lmea Lannon, Just back from planned for late December. degree III CIVIl En'gmeermg from Forrest Geary, pasl.Great Lakes covermg the European collections, Both MISS Lechner and her the Ulllversity of l\ht'hlgan.Ann Ar- District director, accredited JUdge WilldiSCUSSthiS spnng's trends and fiance a1'e Grosse Pointe South bOl', and IS no\\' a lieutenant m the and Con!>ultlOg Rosarian for the forecast those for fall Reservations lItgh School graduates She earned Umted States Army, servlllg With American Rose Soclely. will ex- for "A Down to Earth Look at Fa- a certificate In 1983from the Cor- the Corps uf Engmeers plam what roses are best suited for shIOn" must be made by Monday, Restoration • Repair • Reupholstering thiS area and the spnng chores re- Apnl2 Day abroad hosted by Dental Auxiliary qUired to ensure a beautIful and Regluing • Recaning • Refinishing The cost of each lecture/lun- The DetrOIt Dlstnct Dental Aux- the afternoon on a walkmg/shop. healthy rose garden in "Spring cheon IS $12. ReservatIOns may be lliary, Mrs Leonard J Bar. pmg lour of boutiques and stores III Time Roses' Do's and Don'ts." a made m person at or by mall to the toszewlcz, of Kerby Road, pre. the Ouellette-PeliSSier blocks. program for the Metropolitan Rose SPECAL BONUS:

• 4 j rom.k~lI;tHino;'., Gymn,,'um Sat, March 31, 1984 10 00 a m to 9 00 P m ~un<1ay, April 1, 1984 10 00 a m to 4 00 P m Glass Re",lr Bike SM Rllftt II'IWII hi .., -CollecllbllS- FlHnllunI -F1tt ..... -Irish Dell -RIffII Delicious hol • cold SIlICQ - DMtItiIlI- $1 • - BIke S<11e

How do we do thiS?

By putting our entire solon Order now and get just what you want (at 20.35Ofo off). and Itstol8nts at the disposal of our clIent') and use any Buy latet and get just what we've got (at full price). Wid all moans to ensure that

IIs tr,e r.>e'> + ~ele(,t,or, of S'.Jrr,'0er fa c,fllorSIn casual Cuslor-rl Of(Jernow nt?O 15'10 savings O[1U{Jel the ('()I()r~on(j you, the client Will return arld potlO furr Iture V(' j rfj gOlr'(J tu see n,l'; seO',f)n styles yOIJwanlln time to flnloy all senson 1()rIQ("I',lom tycluS\lJe collectlor sfr0fT1~;1alllfl Iy0ns Show order loler and you II WOlf \Hitli summer sf)nd Woodard Tr0rJtor e 'Nlr "trJr, or'd rr.ore In the for delivery And If you tJuy latfH tram (,IH stO( k latest crJlors fr;r surnrr,er live ph;rr, ma'Ne you wor, I have as Wide of a selerJlon 10 aqua 0" d t'J\.;fgl.,f\dyc00rdlr,oted win rnotch choose from Flther way you d miss !tie Ing umbrellrJ'; Alii'" ne"" flrilshes anrJ rr,oteflals e)fcepllonol savings r nglander s Patio [LAMIA] Illte Te)(tillneand Draylof' can lias thaI are Sale ends March 31 made to resist Mlct-"gan wealher beaullfully ~or style and value Ff'lglCJnders says It all

• S jr) J"', '/)1 Roval Oa~ (,r ,.' 1,'1 fir r It, J f, II', 10',01 Ir,f '(,(I(ln Is Polrn r ... ~~( Jrlh ~ftO, h 1 "",d WrJrrH Bear Pl)lrn K~

\ GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Six-B GP Christian Da'\' School ",ill host Church Circles slate sessions Grosse POlDte Memorial Church homt>, Mrs Wilham Leith, at her April kindergart~n round-up hour Women's ASSOCiation Clrcles meet Westchester Road home, ~lrs, Grosse Pomte Chnstlan Da) cot1;5ldenng entering children i\'1a next Tuesday, April 3, for James ~lalD, at her LIncoln Road SChool located on ~lan lana In fall 1984 kmdergarten program fellowship and Bible study at 9.30 home. and ~lrs Thomas WlDmger, Grosse POInte Park '" iii ht a Coffee and JUice \\ III be sen ed Ad- am, 1 or i 30 pm. accordmg to m the church loonge K.IIldergarten Round-l'p TUbda) dltlOnal Inform.illon ma) be ob- theIr regular tIme schedules \"ISItOrs are al\\ays "elcome at ApnllO. from 10 to 11 a m Parents tamed b) calling 8"21-6159 or 885- Hostesses are ~Irs Ralph these monthl~ meetmgs Adm- and chudren are \\ekome at the 8680 Stevens. at her Ballantyne Road tIonal mformatlon may be obtamed program, designed to acquamt home, ~lrs Paul Grubbs, at her by contacting Mrs Richard them ">lth the teacher and the Touram(' Road home, ~lrs Bayard 0\ kstra. Circles coordmator, at school -\ paper dm e \\ III be conducted Johnson. at her Tonnancour Place 882-53.30 Rep~tatl\ e5 tram the :,.{'nool .-\pnl 13 and H Fnc.a) and Satur- board and the \\omen s &hOOI Clr. d.l\ at the Grosse POinte Chnstlan cle y.11I be a\al1able to alb\~er Da\ School The number to caU for DIe re-elects Mrs. Dance questiOlb from parents. \~ho are more mformatlOn IS 821-6159 ElIzabeth \~lrs William H ) Robmson and Joan (~lrs Paul H ) Con\ene Historic )Ieulorials Society Dance has been re-elected pres- T\~ohe\ Re-elected to the board for ident of the board of trustees of the a three- \ ear term \\ as Edsel B The Histone ~lemor~ab Svclet\ \1!",Sb h a L Ferguson Helen R Detroit Institute for ChIldren. Ford II . In DetrOit f]w,n I\lth the su((~p" 01 Gregor:, L'lan..:e Hams and '" hlch speCIalizes In e\ aluatlOn, Its recent f""hwn shol\ at :he \fanon L Hop"on diagno:>," prescI !phon treatment Grosse POinte Yacht Club ....'ll .::uD- \lore are the \[e.:,d",me:. Lou,s I traInmg and research for the bene- Bridge Group \ene a \\eek from tomarro'.\ Fn- Flatten \\ J Han:l!ton Leo P fit of ph) slcall~ and l1eurologlcall~ da). April t.> for a IV 30 am tx>drd Hard ~ iLk-. RODert Henkel James Impaired young people meeting and 12 J(l P m fE-gular F HlNh£eld \\ Ilfred Holmes- Among those servmg \\ Ith her on meets April 4 meetmg at tfie COI\ erSHy Club \\ "Iher Ed" ard Karn He\ ....ard J the 1984-85 board of DIC founded 64 All Grosse Pomte Woman's Club KnIghton \\ llham T Krebs W The business sess!On fpatunng ..::...... _ f ,..l_.,..L...,... T-~ __ L...... _ years ago b~the Sigma Gamma As- mem bers \\ ho enjoy an afternoon ...... _ _ J ...-.. t" .....• '-_.&.I ~", an election ot owee!":> \\ III De SOCiation are telJo\~ Pomte res. 01 cards are Invnea to come to the foUowed b) iuncheon The program \\ arrer F Parker R \\ Smith, Idents L~nn (Mrs Stanley R ) Day Woman's Club Bndge Group meet- will be a talk b\ Dr \\ eloon Petz Fredenck B Sturm, L G Yan and Joseph G Standart Jr . \ lee- Ing next Wednesday, Apnl 4, at Tu) I Grorge Wa Itz Burt T Cited for service to Cottage an authont ....on" Abraham Llr..coln presidents. Charles F Glass. secre- noon In the Grosse Pomte War \\ e) hmg III and .\.1ron E Wilcox Hostess of the ela) IS :\lrs ~orman R-\LPH L. WILG.-\RDE, Cottage Hospital administrator, and tary. and Susan (Mrs Peter E ) Memonal's Alger House - but L Parker Robert E. \'alk, president of the hospital's board of truste~s, O'Rourke. assistant treasurer remmded that paid reservatIOns Pointe area members of the April meeting presented sen ice pins to 21i employes at Cottage's annual ser\'lce Pomters ne\\ Iv-elected to the are reqUired II1 advance Mrs SOCletv mclude :\lrs George F a", ards dinner held in late Februan at Lochmoor Club, Among board for three~\ ear terms are Wilham Hayduk. bndge chairman, R}ckIDan, first \ Ke-preslOer.t the honorees ",'ere eight Pointe residents: (standing, left to right, Mary (~lrs SterlIng E Jr) \~III accept them untIl noon thIS Mrs Carl J Dalhgan ~1n, B H for Fox Creek "itb Wilgarde) DOROTHEA ~lcDOl'G.-\L, laboratory, LESLIE Graham. Tom (~lrs Walter B ) Saturda), ~Iarch 31 French, ~trs Cornehus G Egan. The Fox Creek Chapter of F -\RB~L\~, cardiopulmonar~ sen ices, and JEA~XETTE Mrs. Robert Lucas :\1rs Paul D Questers meets next Thursday, SPADAFORE, business office; (seated, left and right> Short and to Visit The Exotic Culture of Aird, Mrs J Raymond Almond. Apnl 5. at 12 3Q P m at the home of ~I.-\RG.-\RET .-\.\lBROZY, nursing, and GERTRCDE OHLSSO!\', Mrs Arthur At\H:I1. :\lrs '" Ilham ~tN' Arthur Batten "ho \1,111 be as- admitting; (not pictured) )lichael Laurence, business office, O. Bradlev. ~frs Amos Carle, :\lrs slSted b\ co-hostess ~lrs Fred Wm. The Pointe & cited as ",ere those abcne for 10 \ears of service, and Robert :\Iac- CHINA HONG KONG D.S Colwell. ~frs John A Dodds held :\irs Eugene Chos) \\ til give september 12.26, best season Mrs George :\1 Endlcott and the Donald, administration, and Richard Rosella, housekeeping, '" ho the program Amoog members of Experienced leader all the way receh ed 15-~e!ir se~\ ice pins, ing, Frances Kettler, central the Albion College Slg- ..-\lso. re<:elvmg 1,)-~ear, ser- suppl~, and Barbara )Iueller, ma ~u fratermtv y.ho $3068 from Chicago Short and \ IC~ pms "ere Harper \\ ~ housekeeping, Farmington have acted as :'foster TaIwan & Japan extensions optional to the Pointe resident Et~el Shelll, r~dJol- Hills resident Eleanor Even- grandsons" - visitIng For more information, phone ARPIN FURS o~v, St. ClaIr Sho~es reslde~t son, cardiopulmonary services, resIdents of AlbIon Chaplain C. Y. Boyd Ellen Goertl, nursm~, Detrolt- and :\lount Clemens resident Maoor - throughout of W'ind.sor Among these recent- e~ Ann ~othe, nursmg, ~ose. ~Ian' Viviano admitting. the academIc year, are 824-7011 ly ImtJated Into the ville resident Clarence Kam- " ' . Pat and JerrJ CO) Ie, Fur Sp«ialists for Gamma Iota Chapter penski, nursing, Warren res i- ,Renna !,enned» a r~ldent of sons of Dr. and ~lrs. dent Virginia Bauder and .-\r- ~e\\ Baltlmor.e, \\0 as c~ted for 10 Over 58 Y~ars of Pllambda Theta na- Robert Coyle, of The tional honor and pr0- thur Burton, nursing, recentl~ )ear;; of service as ~rector of Park , :\ofark Palazzo. f1r;------~ fessIOnal asSOCl3.11On In retired and no\\o lh ing in Rich- n~~mg and as an assIstant. ad- son of !ttr. and ~lrs. education IS HeIeD Van mood \'a. mmlstrator ?f ~e hospItal. Dominic Palazzo, of LAY-AWAY Tiem, of Village Uu1e. . .. Ten-year sen'1ce pms were also The Shores; Brian ~trs Van Tlem. a can- Ten-~'ear sen,ce pms "ent to a"arded to Detroilers Lorna Engel, son of .'fr. and NOW! chelate In the masters H~rper Woods residents Sol- • ~ana\\oa, laboratory, A. John Mrs. Earl Engel, of The "aring program at the t:mver- ,elg H~ker and ~m~a Sku~e, Ragels, anesthesia, Gwendolyn Woods: and Scott Turn- is what PMS brings to YOU! Tab Ad\lfIla~ Sity of ~ficlngan-Dear- boll, son of Mr. and both WIth the hospital. s nursmg Simmons, cardiopulmonary We can help you Witt', born, holds a Bachelor department, St. ClaU" Shore~ services, and Esther Watson :'tin. William Turnbull. .f ear • REGISTERED NURSES - LICENSED I,,, of Arts degree from residents Victoria Boyce, nurs- dietary. ' of The Woods MIChigan State t:mver- PRACTICAL NURSES - HOME HEAL TH prt-Sfwn , Among Gogeblc Co- AIDES - HOMEMAKERS - L1VE.IN SIt\' and IS a teacher m Seek Advertising "Woman of Year. COMPANIONS - prirts ... the early duJdhood mmunity College stu- program on the U of M- The Women's AdvertISIng Club tratlve functIOns of the advertISing dents who were named NO INTEREST Dearborn campus of DetrOIt. contmumg a tradItIOn and commurucatlOns professIOns," to the Dean's LISt for I Charges 'ill Fain " " " begun In 1949. WIll honor DetrOIt's accordlDgtoPh~llisPopa,569-1234, the 1983-84 first semes- \Iarco \lorreaJe. son "AdvertiSing Woman of the Year, Advertismg Woman of the Year ter was Beau E. Bur- I i Duty and So'" of '!T. and ~lrs ..\ntoaio 1984" at a banquet Tuesday, }lay 1, chairper!tOn. from whom DOIIUna- ton. of The Farms ]!; TOll'lehmde-d :Morreale, of Cook at 6 p m at The RoostertaI1, Guest bon forms are avaJ1able. " " " -4 , Full 'remi"m ~" Road. received awards spe2.ker wIll be Edsel B Focd II, Judgl11g Will take place Tuesday, Margaret Ka)', of ProfeSSIOnal Medical Services AmMicort l"ttds i In academIC honors ac1vertlsl11g manager. Ford DIVI- ApnllO and the Ylinner will be an- Grand MaraIS Boole- 20020 Kelly Ad • Harper Woods MI 46225 and French at the SlOn. Ford ~Iotor Company nounced the followmg day The vard., is participating in AffllLated w.th Sam! JOhn Hospital 484 PBJSSlER ST., WlNDSOR eIghth annual De La- ~ommatlOns for thIS }ear's first recipient of the award, in 1949, the two-term sprmg Salle CollegIate High award ',\1]] be accepted until next was LoUise Grace Last year's win- program m the Faculty 1-519-253-5612 School Hooors Con- Thursday. Apn15 The competItIOn ner "as ~1arcle Brogan. of Brogan- of Social SCIence and DAilY 9 to 5 30 vocatJon dmner Feb 28 IS open to all women In the area Kabot AdvertISing Consultancy HwnamtJes at the City \i\ ho "activel) perform, ad- ReservatIOns for the banquet, at Umverslty, 1.lmdon. The ProfeSSionals Who Care mlnJstrate or teach one or more of S22per person. may be obtaIned by Kay majors In econo- the recogmzed creatlve or admmls- contactmg Rita Walb)' at 775-3221 mics at Smith College Joseph's oj Grosse Pointe ...... , ~--======-fIdJ : .... 0t1e ... IMxllllaftd • would like to welcome : CtET BOGM 1nj the W~ Jazz Band : Nino Alcamo : Every Tuesday 8 30 pm: and : THE UOO Dini1g, Cocktails : WORSHIP SERVICES Tom Biondo ,• ...... •..•..•24026 E Jettenon ,lJ.Jst...... •Nor1tl of 9 Mile) • GROSSE POINTE Grosse Pointe Woods (both formerl!,. of The Greenhouse) ~ MEMORIAL CHURCH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH WE CARE 9 30 aDd 11 30 Worship to our staff ••.. Cnb-lilddler Care 1030 Study Hour 19950 Mack Avenue (hallway bflween Moross and Velnler Roads) j. Joseph's of Grosse Pointe '") Holy Communion 4 IB 9 30 ~ \1 EDlCATIO~ HOlH 20951 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe ~ "ALL FOOLS DAY" For Adult~ '\ outh ..nd Children -.'" Dr. Wm. R. Phillippe ~L ....D~ '\ II >\ \1 OJ\ r....E V.OR:-,Hlf' 882-2240 \. ChJldlen ' 1 taming Center' ,;nd .. 16 Lakesllore Dr, D1.al-A-Pra}tr '.It' \uI'en f'rO\ Idermot! Sund ..)' <;Cllool 4 36 P m E"enwng - Second Sunday "'eekda} Euct, ..nst To Receive" 1"!"1l1 (,,'~ />r'" ,Jut Made to order malted waffles !; 30 a m Tuest1 ..) 1st. Cor: 1:4-9 ~ ~ "'l Other ler •• ces - Hol! Eu(hul\' FIR.<.,T topped with fresh strawberries 'Cnb P.ool'i 11Oth.'>en. ) "uuwn ~ ~o pm Saturd'l or bananas. Olurch YbooJ (I Xl R.t-(1,W "~r1 F: 'ell, 8 00 a m - Sunday ,,, P t" Ii ..""',... [""Jl< ('Ii Fr,' ~ ',..nd>.hl~ 9 III a m T .le\1 Blc,le Te ..'om,,' '; flJ 0 rn - Thurc;da) dUring Lel'Jl) omelettes. James CROSSE POINTE Fresh squeezed orange juice Sf. St Paul Ev. Lutheran Church BAPTlST CHURCH ~::tTrQ /~... Lutheran and fresh fruits in season. "on The Hit'" ZIJ36 ~h(" \",nu .. CHtIflCH . ~ , Church ('rM ....Potnt .. '" (.IOd .. Made on premises pastries, I "r....,1I••• 1 "'HM .. I 211 IIem1l1otf '.':~f>' 881-6670 'VI I Wi II ~ "2H3 , 0: Chalfont.100 cor n bread muffins and ~()R~HIP <.,f-R\ J( E5, "" i IS FAMILY ,; Loth'09 93{)&Il00am WOR.~HIP doughnuts. , CHt:RCH S'"'HOOL I....'~~, ';)''1 ""'-\,(~, ~ 15 FAMILY WORbHIP 11 IS war HIP • 3$ Sl-'NDA Y SCHOOL A spectacular dessert table. 9 Y! "" ',,;n \(~(I<.,r SER\,\..'E IJ OIl WORSHIP Plus, a variety of traditional Nunery Bot1l Senr lCft P .. t~rt &lie) Reo, rJld I)TJYf" 'Y;rl'1d .. '-. ht.M)1 \'rr,"'hJ!. II) j(J !IM~ I lIcros s fro rn ~ .. 11(1'<1~hlr' Hwr II 'It) a m ~a8f8i6e 8I'A 21'/'S.'i C1',urr h lr 10 d m s.r hi",>! ....!rl fllt,l<- (1...... II... rn Eastland MaD ('n,lnh "'(,n-hlp II 10Iloo ~ I,> .. m (-nun vho<.l ~ \'MPf"n i 'Ulpm Harpel' Woods t, 11 .. 'I) 8Rarlegs 884-2811 J& 'f{) .. m >A r"...t,,~ J(_~ p f ..tJr~ " .. <;IOT f' .. 1 f " .."w' P ..... k .., r""" Ll"h1er,ff'1l f.dllo ..rd fSrumnl( VIG,r 1iII.---"""""'do ""'","_Il " .. H"...... ' " ..., ••K&«

, , .....----...... --...-....-----~-....._------~


SINE REALTY 562 N. Rosedale, G.P.W. Attractive 4 bedroom ranch with den and . IT'S WOHTII \,Ol'H TI'\lE 2 full baths Many extras. TO ('ALI. SI:"E , well maintained Priced $128 000 JOHN E. PIERCE GROSSE POINTE FARMS & /\,'0< lalt)" 1m DILLON FIRST OFFERING h."1 dIl.'l ' "W" 't.' 0'" II k I .II\( I, \\ ltll DUll" Irgl' kill IiPJ) GrO~~l' POllltl' ~hol ('~ -; heelloolll I ll.llil ('ol 'SO Hl'C I 0<1111 ~ 'II ...'" dg<' Alum tlllli PROPERTY olllal Cle,lllllll( .ulll dl',Oldltllg \\l!IIIl.lke \'dl<'<11 011111 I' il,ltli f,lIlllh 100111 IUI\'>hed h,I'('llIl'nt ,llId 1110 Blick rdnch 1\lth foll1l1l\ room \:,1t\ll.d C,lr g111 ,lgt' Fl'dlllll'~ luduele d 11t'\1 flll fl f('pl.l<'(' Attached g,ll agl' DETROIT S BEST! l1.1ce centl:ll,llr 11,11Illl'pl,llt' ,1I1d del' Illl' gd Glass Don t '\!I~~' $43.900 \1Ilh dell and fal1lll\ I(>om '\ll,11 he'll gdl ,Igl' ment P11l'ed 10 ~1'1I Hec loom. Lal gc lot T\\O l :\IT-BEDFORD Well.\l..untamed, 2 Bt'drooms m l'deh umt. DlIllng GROSSE POINTE PARK Room. Breakfast Room. Grt'at Shelter and Le\ erdge Ledded Gld~S ,w~, dOlI n \\ III ll1dke \ 0111 1II01l! hl\ Pd) 111<'111 SINE REALTY throughout $43 'lOO Je~~ than SJOO 00 I b('elIO(\IlI~ dpph,lI11C~ \It L1ILl~T SEH\ Ill' KE"SI\GTO\-Immaluldte Bmh CO!ollldlledlul es 4 Bedl oomb \1Ith Hal d- \H\I" 01' FH E Hill 7lN~1 \\ood Floors Llbrdl \ Breakfast Room E\tl a In~ulatlOn added Lot~ o[ Storagt' $49.500 DE\'O~SHIRE-l' 2 stor\' Clean Bnch 3 Bedrooms DlIlmg Room. Athletic Planning to sell your house? Room. ~e\\ er Kitchen "e\\ Roo[ 1 $45.500

!\IT CLEME~S CO'\1l\'1ERCIAL m'ILDlNG-Across from St Joseoh'~ East Talk to a professional. Call any Hlghl) dl\'erslfied profes~lOnal bUlldmg 5 BOO c;q ft. 880 sq ft garage member of the Grosse Pointe Real LC Terms Call us for details' $160 ()(}() GRE.\T OFFERING-18Ib Ll1vl'I,ESTO~E-3 Estate Exchange. bedl oom, Jl~ bath Colomdl 1IIIh emenl 1\lake offer Helen Connolly 8~)RI..AN[)A~SO(H.n:S 1404 KENSINGTON-$89,900 Assumable mortgage Marilyn Cotlccluo Tum \'1<1fh()~ 3 547 HEATHER LANE-Thl~ IS d pel fect family Kay CUl1ningham of JO\ t'e ~,lIld('r<; 10 /4%, 25 years home ThIS Willison bUIll tn-Ie\ el hdS 4 bedrooms, Mary de Manigold HI Ult' Sall(\el':> Outstanding Colonial, cle2n as a \\hlsUe. beautiful hardwood floors, large 21, baths and a super 10catlOIl Fantastic LlC Lynda Gibbs Don Schultl modern kItchen with eatmg area, LJvlllg room with natural terms Dan Gnesbaum EARLKEIM Ndl1c\ Schumaker fIreplace, famJl) room paneled, large \\ ood deck 4 bedrooms, 1'2 AI£red E Hillenbrand Dlanlla M Smith baths Assumable $56,000 mortgage balance Don't mIss out on thiS 1603 HOLLYWOOD-This beaullflll bungalow has Nancy HohHeldl Bob light' oner 3 bedroom~, 2 baths. famll~ room ,md updated kIt. Pal Horne REALTY !\lar~ Cgoro\1 ski chen Call for details Joanne Horner EIOl'l' L. W"lsh 20421 WILLIAI\lSBURG-~ear Eastland Umque center entrance Col Bett~ Wyoorskl omal Large h"mg rm . NFP. formal dlllmg room, large famIly ST JOAN OF ARC AHEA--Beautlful 3 bedroom rm L, bath 3 bdrm 2 baths on 2nd Paneled rec rm with bath ranch on a large lot (54'( 178) Updated kItchen. WE DID IT AGAIN! See~rJ-t\ sy;tem Only $112.000 newly pall1ted and decorated EXCELLENT ASSUMPTION I , I 2 Cdl dttached gdrage "KEIM SOLD MINE" LOCATED II' THE HEo\RT OF THE FAR:llS I ...------~ IN LESS THAN ONE WEEK 372 RIDGEMO~T cozy bnck 1'2 star) \\ Ith 4 bedrooms. 2 baths. a ne\\ OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 P.M. modern kItchen ree room \\lth \\et bar, new carpetUlg. QUick 1603 Hollywood. G P W -l2 Moross. G P F possessIOn N~ar Kerb) and Bro\\,nell schools $79,500 )987 l\lanchestel . G P W 116!1 Hedther Ln. G P W Let us sell yours too. we get results - .. - IS I mIl Schroencr, E DetrOit IDEAL HOME FOR LARGER FAMILY

14M Kensmgton-Super Center entrance Regency Colomal featunng modern kitchen \\ lth breakfast nook fdmlly room, '2 bath and ter. race, 4 bedrooms. 2 baths on 2nd floor large paneled room on 3rd floor Paneled ree room wIth NFP m basement New gas furnace, 3 car garage Recently redecorated 3400 sq ft Great buy

Offered to settle eo;late-Somerset Charmmg brick bungalo\\ fedturmg 1- bedrooms I bath ne ....er furnace and roof on lovelv treellned street ;\Iake offers 0\\ ners anxIous' . !)all11S. ()11CCl1 6"'r,J DtAL T(\RS 20817 I\Idck n I Ha\\ thorne

17646 MACK 886-4444 A happy 1.('11" BrO\I l1of Flllrholme HOlld cnll t('~llf) 10 11ll' I,ILl:.' \\ l' nfft'll'd hl'r ,OUII!! ndvlce \II m.lrketmg ht'r home no", ~ht, 100 (/1I I\('lm Solll i\tllle 111Le~" Thcln Olle Week .. OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 You've Seen Our ~ SlOOp up till., 1 Ilt'llt oom brick & alunllllum r

Sign Around the Pointe \ oU'U LO\'E 11W lJUIf~T.THI':E UNI':!) IWAl> \nd till' hOlllt' l' JU~tl tt(hl [OJ r<'l.l\l' hom II'> II ont 01 till' liou~(' klillwil '\I1r1('nlll\ 'llmnwr eVl'lIInllh mill<' 1\'1 \ pi I' ,tit' II) !I'k ~I,Ill C'll p,IIIO 1\1.1n} hne fl',ltun's, ,I fdllltl) f(XJnI. I bl'l!J ()i'll\, .lIId ,I ,upl'r There is a reason why sellers chose :\lcBrearty and Adlhoch Healtor~ to l:eprescnt th.cm in SH )1~1prltl' I,ll( "'PI' \1>11....und.I, .It lhl.! PIH ....J \\ II" III Ihl' \\IxJ{l, marketing their home. Call one of our Professionals today and set up an aJll)(untment to diSCUSS IF yot T \ E AI.\\:\ \:-. \\ A:\TED TO LIVE 11\ (. I' "llllHl" dOll III.dk lUll our ideas further. 10,1)\ EH"Il'.H tlm "'ullIl,l) 'ht'O\l,III'r ',I}" wJl \ Ill! !I ~d mll\ IWllt'1 I U'>1011)hllllllllrlor lll,lt , I.u \DE/) \I Illl ("\1 r" , tllllt ,ollJdn I lx' t!\lphl.ll!'(i PHI< f~D Hf.lJI ('ED (h1 01' rl'.HI'\(, Gr('"t ~1:Jrt('r 1I0me III dH'a AUTHENTIC [01 lht. 11m $lflO ~ .I,kIIlR prll'{' Tht'H"" 1.'\1'11 ,III It',) ,In I)fl,', 'ldl' to dpprt'U'lI1d dool' \ '>1llrd\ ~ 1l\'<.lrO/lJIIlid 11I1.ll'tOll,' Ing foom grl'dl klt' h('n fin lot .mll ,1 hd II Vollh !l01l1(, 1\llh 1!I"1 on[ 1.llIlll) roum,lII!! lot'! of Upd;I'tIl~ \ppll.H\l'I" Inlilld fereed )"rd II/{.., I ()),FI'.HI\(, t ...IVEH....,ny Flr,t fluor t)('droom~ m (OOVClIll'nt (It~ II)(!f)r.\C l HE(JI IHI'J) , \\(' rn.l\ f(,r ~1.J1II'r, or I ('tlr('(',> ( d II for l!Iore elel,lIl~ ha\c th(' '01111IOn lll) (ill)I,.,.' fr"m ",j( h I' lib 1 b/'{Jrr)om, .md prJu'd undl'r SS')) ()()(I MANY MORE BY APPOINTMENT FARMS HERE'S A SAMPLING "IHJHf.'" HI' \1 /I Hell.nth r! nu(, din J~t1,d opportullllj lor Ilr~t 111)(,rI,...drr)(,rn, fdlml, room dnd "lId( hed g"r"gl' dl ~12'j (/(~I I .... 11l~ I'\llh. I>, Ii~lllfllll) Il\ffl'lt'nl I'UdOi h.I' (Ollltlllp"1 11\ 11l11'llor '1'1 ])01{ ..., \ U, 14 J\I, '\"11 rl)()1 1)('\12,.11 g,lr"g, .lIul 11111dnVI'\'.,lV ',{'I nedr thl HIJIlI! \"rd ,Hid I !I,lom buill fOI !tIE It'l \I III ( oll'ld, r 1!llIl (onll '" I fI n.ml 11l~Volth lH'\l currt'ot " ....nt f Iht<, ("I"m,d I(dluf" 4 I~d I'\, Ill!': ( 11 \ i" .. hullllh !,II1\11\I fllII11II,•., !i('''lI\t'<.ll.llhl'lh,d ("I"ll~: IlIII'I'I' dol'. llll.l\ m< nl II 11'\, III I I II ,! n><)m' phJ' ,xr",n~ll,n dnd !'\I'f j!"r,'j!! ~ [" ,kl light, ~llIIh I pon h 11"\\1'1 kill hl'l\ ~ h,llh, r:'1111111o:t ()\It'r bath~ Iibr,ln ~'[O'( n! d porr h h"rrlI'.IJf)(! ~lIK) '> IlIIH,I'.II ....I.' 1111'.Jll:lluM $iI'l IN~1 Culollllll floor, ",ppl I pllJmbln~ ,md dtl:,( h,.d ~dl,'j!1 ~1"1Tl PRICE REDUCED "I !Io111 11\ 11\1, \\ I Hill.., M ,II hit. [0\ 1'1 I II' \11<11 "tll III <1'1' 'Iloll I''"~ I '~'tll' I \ I t'lIl'nl 01 1.I XI III 1'11.\ ....1 \H I \1\1. f. ,II II lit I", .1111111\11 Ihl' pili' flll1lt!; rOllm Ilt'n -llwdIlKIIIl' ' I> Illl, n"'ll' \l( KI'\I J \ <" \I I'r ,!Vll ~tx dr"Oll1 In 111('1' III h.l' tlll(,( Iltdlll(lIl1' )1 h"III'> 11I"pl.u (' lI,li\' 1\"\1' $1 ~I, I (,ntlITliJn '\1"" II p,llng ,,1111c1,'( or ,," onlv,on)l' IJ)~ r!ll,JlI tllllil III dppli.,n,., III kll' IWII "I tli' I,ll ,e 1/11 'Ilrprl'" ~ 1I1( Ill'!! d In IIII~ r.lrm" 1\ J/Il ....lflllll . .., 1\10110\1, ..,,,111,,1..1,,11,,1,, "llllltlt 1I1,t"IIl!>\l,11 ('11"111,11 d I!r "ltMO' 1 IILl)I(1I1 I'll I (110'\1 \1 0"'1 '(N)(I ( "lonl ••1 prll' TIi, ~,,,, 1l111i 1110111 IOl(IO\I 111 \"tl'''11I1:14' 1I(\II!Klhl~I>IlIIII,IIIt.:hl' Il.llhl,ollw 'IJlldf('I,'" II IIIi" )J \ IH I.111IIh I Ol(lIl1 a lid lIn /,,111111 1 OK'1l1 "Il( 11' WII" thl' 1),1110 ~o dill" 1111' ~Olll rll' I hili 1)(11 ,II. hl('llkf .. ,t JlII'(Ii.111 1,1 ( tlI' 1111 \ IIII "III v 1> II , INK) morn :\111,tl" '!IIh' ....11t •• l l.lkt'VIl'\\ ,ItHIIIIII II III \ III loll'> 111.11hit, h.t II t,)(\ milch 10 tl II (allllHl' IlllI() for dl'lllllJ, \\1lI1,1I\1,'eI I,{)II $ 100 '> Ilr.,\! 111'1 I 1\ \t;\(\ I "' ....U> LII~h,h .....1111 If ,ull'd gl ,"- !lId CI.dlll"J \\oo(J(lwork 1,I"" "Iii II '11\,tl,' mo!,ler ,>UII("I'.X( ('lIent JOI,III1HllIlo!l \1I1.,g\ ,md\ltl' (i I' SOli I h III ~h In UJOdllll,n n' ...... '.f (,'fpl ling ndlur,d fir! pLII I lll)(,r 1"i111J1M" lalg(' Lundy luom II'IX l:ll 884-6400 886-3800 2 caf ~ard~/' '>upl'r ""o(J

J GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 29, 1984


GROSSE PO[~'TE FARMS BEDROOMS 'BATHS LEISL'RE 35 BEVERL Y 4-2'~ Famll\' Room &. Den PURDY and STRONGMAN ASSOCIATES 17 CARMEL LAXE 5.3 '2)' ~ S Faml6 Room. Llbrar) & Gn-enhouse 168 MORAX 41 StudIO 16840 KERCHEVAL "IN-THE-VILLAGE" iO lAKESHORE S-S- 21 2 S Den & Solarium GROSSE POI~lE ..WOOS 2:307 -\LL~RD Famll\ Room 881.0800 2lr.2 FLEETVl OOD EncloSed Porch GROSSE POI\iE ein lil11 ~f-\l 'tEE n_ 325 RI\ -\RD 53 Famlh Room So. Den 6&1 l \1\ ERSITl 3 1 Llbrar:. GH.O::.sE PlII\'TE PARK 638 B-\RRI\GTO\ J 1 _ Den oS. Enclosed Porch lll; THREE '1fLE 4212 farUlI~ Room & Den GROSSE PUI\iE SHORES Sl! B\LL-\~ n\E 8-6- 3 _ s Oer Famtl; Room Greel".h~ So. Pool 3J Pl T\ -\" PL-\CE 4-) Faml]; Room \lo \\ et Bar 53 STO\,EHL'RST 32 2 Famil) Room & Greenhou:>e H-\RPER \\OOOS Y.-\C-\'\T SO THERE IS nnlEDl-\TE POSSES- 2HSO LllTLESTO~E 2.1 Famlh Room DELIGHTFl L' -Features ne'" Kitchen. y,lth all appll.mces nev. dn; ey,a) and f1rst floor bath SIO' on !ius fantastic four bedroom 2: 2 bath 5T CL-\IR SHORES -\00 a second floor bath plus four bedrooms colomal OnI) the begmrung There's a special Cubr.ow:>e Pool &. Sau'1a m RI\IERA 1 1 and a dlnmg room Ah' the basement IS fm. fa mil) room ',\ ah fireplace Also a heated HARRISO\ TOy.,\SHIP lshed s',\ Immmg pool \ll1th JacuZl.l Yer) bflght and 36\84 JEFFERSO~, cheerful lamli) home L-\KEFROXT 2 HOCSES .. 3 • ea Enclo:>ea Porch Boatrouse Gazebo &. Garage GROSSE POI'\TE ClH-Eas:- ;\alkm,g dlstance -\parfme'lt :0 schools shoPPll1g &. trar.sportatlon Xlce SECCRITY 'n'DED" ThlS special ranch has full DETROIT securlt) S) stem Offeflng t\\ 0 SpaCIOUSbed- PRICE REOt CEO FOR I~I~fEDlATE S-\LE \ er) ~eU mamlair.ea (ox &. Baker three bearoom one colomal feaIU,!'1ng -4 bearooms and 2 baths on ~on~ f10:0r plus bedroom an

~"EWER HO)IE I~ THE \\ ooDS 111 move-m con, dltion Bwlt m 78. thiS 3 brlrm 1'2 bath Col- omal has faml!)- rm \\ I fireplace, flmshed bsmt & 10\el) earth tone decor $79900 F-39i! ~~- 886-5000 5PACIO['S & --SLTN~-Y.extensIvely remodeled 3 bdrm Colomal Brand nev. kitchen, III baths, ree CHAPOTOX WOODS Super area m St ClaIr rm ID full bsmt . excellent floor plan Immediate - ~ Shores TI1Is 3 bdrm bnck ranch offers fInISh- Spaooos Calhoun bullt.j bedroom 2' ~hath center occupancy IG-457) BeauufulI\ des~ home cifers 4 bedrooms 3 edbsmt wl\\etbar recrm &bath,enclosed entrance ColomailS freshl. decorated thruout lI1- full baths 'large famIl) room ~th fu-eplace and porch off kitchen. good size lot ::'t'ewoffenng c!uduig '\'"DIo lotchen V>lthbreakfast room and eOl} den or tlClSSible 5th bedroom E'tceUent loca- for $-;9.900 l G-471) pant!} updated pov.der room lIbraI') firnshed QUALITY. Scott bwlt horne l!l excellent area Per. tloo near :"Ortn HIgh JLST REDt:CED' l!81.g)) 886-4200 basement one has It all' Sl:H SOO8M-«iOO fect conditIon 3 bdrm Ranch ',\Ith newer car- nus petmg m fanuly rm ,klt wfbuJIt-m dishwash- 18f11 ALLljU) 3 bedroom 1.~bath fanul} CoWmal Famu} room \\ 1th fIreplace ~ et bar and er & oven $67,500 OPEN SU~'DAY 2.5 19913 beamed cetllng S85 900 881-63OCl EOMUNTOK, ST CLAIR SHORES 870 BARRl~GTO~ .3 bedrm. 3 bath Coloma! updated thruout' Famll) room, count!} kllchen 886-4200 88¥J600 FA ....,.ASTIC CONDITlOX both Inside & out ThIS 1370BERKSHIRE :1 bedrm 2: 2 haL'" Enghsh Large rooms and 701172' me: QU!ck DCt:upancy 8&I~'XJ 3 bdrrn P 2 stor) home offers a fresh decor. remodeled kit & bath, screened-m porch & 1363 H...ulP'TO~ Perlect starter I 3 bedrms I 2 baths. Flonda room. eas) \'A terms 88H ..JOU profeSSIOnal landscapmg Immaculate I H29 KEXSI~GTO~ -4 bedrm. 2 • bath Tudor ~.th famll) room SPACE' S89 900 88-HJEOO $69.500 IF -452, 85 L-\KESHORE L-\..'\~ 3 bednn I 2 bath bnck Ranch With faml!) room Great Shores area 881~ 886-5800 .u2 LOTHROP 3 bedrm I'. hath Farms Colofllal- read) to move m' S8650CI 88-HJEOO 16 MOORUXD 3 berlrm 2 b.ath Ranch.JUSt off Lakeshore FamJl} room new KItchen 88H300 BEAVTIF'CL GEORGIA:-; COLO:\1AL Trul)- a 1023 }!ooRLO\XD 3 bednns 2 baths. huge fanul} room, den Lo\ei) SpaCIOUSTn.le\el881-6300 magruficent estate one of the fev. available 00 Space galore' Great 6 bedrrn. 31:; bath Colomall,\,"Jlh gre;,t extras' Sll!15OO Lakeshore Dn\ e Citra clean elegantl) decorat 942 PE)!BERTO~ I ~. . ~ .. 881-421".lJ ed 22 SpaCIOUSrooms Includmg 8 bedrooms. 6 full 1761 ROSL\~ 2 bedrm starter P..anch \lol!h famlh room rec room S5-!9UlJ 821-631)) baths and 1 half baths F-m, •• -!i, ' 1435THREE ~HLE OutstandIng" bedrm '} :; bath Colomal ~~lth attached office SUite fer doctor 886-5800 cientlSl ..aome} etc Sl~.OCf.r-eas) terms' BlH-fJ600 E.egant 2-Famll) Tudor 4 bedrms. 3 b«ths each uml :\L-UOR PRICE O-E.-\. ....F -\:\Ill.. \ HO\IE that features 3 bedrooms i2U TRCJ\IBLEY A-~ REDCC7TO ....' 8814200 ~ den fireplace m It\ mg room & one In base S2fJ V,"ESTCHESTER 1St offer of smashing 4 bedrm. 21• bath CQlomal near S<.hools and parks 2 ment ba;. \\m~ & Im'ely locatIOn on severn WAr-.,. CHARM. COMFORT, COr-.VENIENCES? fireplaces oev. roof, fle\O furnace, pleas.ant decor. attached garage 88+0600 Rd ,G-H71 See thIS charmIng 2 bedroom Ranch In Grosse 21580 VA~ K 3 bedrm, 21• bath Ranch "",th faml!} room Energ) effiCIent' ~J 886-4200 Pomte Farms Year.round Flonda room, sharp basement v.lth oev. panehng natural \\oodv.ork 10YEAR L-\.'\TJ CO\TR.-\CT terms a\allable '.11th throughout Great starter $66 500 OPEN SV:-;- SHOWN bY APPOINTMENT thIS 3 bedroom bnck Ranch on l00xl80 ft D.\ Y 472 :'o1ANOR BALFOLR--\ RARE FISO' 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and den for $78 750' ThIS fme Colomal m hand} Park count!') -5lze lot Fal11ll)-room Van & Trucker location :".11.:5TBE SOLD' Offers In\lted 281-tU1 dream garage ~IO\ e-lfi conditIOn 'F-4341 886-5800 GROSSE POl' ..1E SHORES-E\er) amemt) for gracIous h\wg In tms .. bedroom Colomal Incl1..des a POPCLo\R FLOOR PLA'\ read) for your decor- atmg ThIS Side entrance Coloma I IS close to famll) room Flonda room ~lutsch]et k1tchen aM all bedrooms ha~e adJOIning bath Color brochure DELIGHTFl.l.. 3 bdrrn l' ~ bath Colomal In per. a\allable upon request at B81~.1.l transportatIOn & snoppmg 3 bdrms Bnng In fect condJtlon Brand ne-... kIt \\ eating space. offers to settle esta te (G-4611 formal dmmg rID \\ parquet floors, SpaCIOUS CHOICE ST CI...-\IR SHORES \\ATERFRO~! mcludes SpaCIOUS 4 bedroom. 2 2 bath home rec.eotl:- 886-4dlO h~ mg rm v./~TP & ba;. Reduced to $15,500 r remodeled ~t Large famI!) room den except,onal master SUite \l,lth pn~ate bath and dress- OPE~ SL~TIA \ 2.') 1334 HOLLYWOOD, • mg room steel sea\l,a]] 30' boat v.ell 4-<.ar garage and more' B&4.f~ GROSSE PTE \\ OOOS 8<'h-4200 BISHOP-An eas) ~ali: to tenniS or Village from thIS 1 bedroom 1. 2 bath Engn ..h Othf:r pJus...~ mdude 1st floor den gamf:S room ~lt.n extra half rlath natural fireplace natural ...ood\\orl.. and leaded glass Great \alue under $8(J OC)()881-42fJl

t. ~ _~.cW"'~ PRIDE OF 0\\ "'tERSHIP ISrefle<.ted In thIS ""ell cared for English Colomal 3 bdrms 1L baths large count!') kit \\ lOa) ~ mdov. ....e-,.IIerroof, rur: G0RGEOCS TLOOR COLO...I.\L .....lth beautiful nace storms & screens ~Icel) landscaped Land app()Jntment.s throughout Pe~abl( natural flre umtract terms $76 500 I G-452 If: place ll; ng rm leaded gJas- \\'ll'jdo~ ~ faml!} 88&-42()() rm 1 bearoom!> &. more' Assuma ble G W) 8864200 T\ THf. P-\RK-Spec.al .. [)(..droom 2 _ rx,tr (01 BE.\t TIfTL E:-'Gl.ISH has great potelrJ..1' IiA \ DY\L-\ \ ~ ~PErL-\L 1',1,0charmmg & spac omal to.. c; fam:l:_ room 21; 7xn .. ad}owmg Hu,2;c fam.l) rc .....Jrr 2 f,replac.C'> cour,tr: klter,en ,ous bunji(alo~s IOdded v. Ith potential Both ~f()DER ....EXECl 1J\ E COU)'\ 1\L ir mce are.. Flonda room o~erlo()k:ng I(};~j) In-groond pool ,/,lth appl,canc.<'S and-eH:n a court:ard G ufllque home on large 101has sprmg proJeCt Call tOOa) for detail!> S54900 .; beflrooms fml~hed baSf>menl & !JbraT') to'leS 8,!i142(;(1 hut pncflS ac.cc,rdlngl) , BeJ-42fj{j & $.¥.l 9(j{J r F -429 & F 3.-;~) F /.f).'} 886 ')8()() '\E\\Cr\STLE-Beaullfull:- kept 1 rJE'dr'.....''T', RA\rH \I..tt 1.~l'lO;rr)f,!Yl {,replace fGimll} rO(Jffi fJn,<~ r)asement \l,lth (JffJu-,and extra r.d,r r.lfl Bt>ac()nsf,e,d ha nd;. tr; dnv. ntoY.n tJUC; of !Y.0 tJE.. irr,m POlnt{- are.. rl{' ne..t 1 Deor(J(,m P... nch 0', :'1.Jy-r l.!ll'];' I'" F'TlI"h(o(j rJd~(mf'r;t I"tb re<. room h"ll [,,,th "rd OfflCt Excellenl Harper ...("I"~< ko:atlrJn t,P,142';1 OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 R()"L) ,- (07: 2 tJE-i1TO(JmJO'Y. mamte'ldnCf' f{."nch [f,r the. BL !Jf,ET \\l ....lJr,[J , ...... (,;rpr' er,~rg> ('f ~",'i(,nr;,,(' f-'rl ntE' (t (,f(""(. Pmnte ( II) fluent "nd ur.tJE-JI~;"hh pr:ce-d at S'lI)~Jfl f,ny,; (,rrJ'-,,,f> f-'oln'f ~d,f}o!" rJ~n~ c1r'\ Hari*r \\1J"j(j- 21 I, I"Tfif.' 11) (!"ntN,1 (/fl., 'i' 1 lam rlJ(.m l,n."rled r,a<,em(nt dl[ "no \l(JRE P..!'A Hl bd,f'rM nt W1t~ ['rI'piace ~tord~e & 3 car gar ] agf' f '~'12 Z'Lf'l17 (J~f>rlal(e ,,! nalr "h',r''<; \iJ \1) ( I)'\f)lT]() ....( rJJr.r.: " lOT. Hunt ( Iub Ju...t r gh! f"r " "rteT- t .( r",,1 e f" mil; rr..-,m [,nlshf-(] hd'f' ?,iif ';'/Jf, 2F,71J/) Pn n{ eton "I (!" IT "hore,; mf'nl ....I.t> exlrd h",jf bdtfJ dM Tf,R \1'" $F,!1 (41"11 ?..!',.;' Jtl1J FOR ALL YOUR REAL ESTATE NEEDS CAll OR COME IN OPEN MONDAY.FAIDAY 9 a m .9 p m and --n:- --- 930.530 SAT and SUN ,£i::- : ;- mini _ ( i GROSSE POINTE WOODS OFFICE GROSSE POINTE FARMS OFFICE o 186.4200 I86-saoo oUT-QF-A REA , CAll TOLL FREE 1-~2.7.5200 ext 33 GROSSE POINTE FARMS GROSSE POINTE PARK GHOSSE POINTE WOODS Fifteen Office. in Four Counties b2 Kercheval 884-0600 1&610 Mack 881-4200 19790 Mack 881.6300 "MICHIGAN'S FLORIDA BROKER" Thursday, March 29, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nlne-S TOLES & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~Edgar Oa

\\AH\ER HO-\D-:\E-\R THE L\KE Cu~tom bUIlt colomal II ItI! OUbl,1I1dlllg gardell~ and I,llldsc,lplllg gracl'ful clrl:ular stalnl a~ par- quet floonng, centl al AC and other ~pecla I featul es Llbrar~ paneled famll~ room, ~paClou~ ma"ler ~ulle plu" 3 othel bedrooms dnd 4'2 balh~

\\ 11.l.0\\ L-\1\E 1:\ THE F \R;\1S In addlllOn 10 ,l ~tud) tlll::- I ambling \1hilt' COIOlll.ll halo a large pdneled fdl111h room \1Ith fIreplace and a ::-pdCIOUS cheel ful garden loom 5 fanlll) FIRST OFFERING bedroom~ and 3 bath::- plu" maid ~ quarters FIRST OFFERING 3866 NEFF-TWO FAMILY FLAT-on iO foot lot near Jefferson Each umt haS 2 ST \TEI \ ,lIltl Graclou" ~Ilg":>" TudO! lO.ldl'd l'LB \1\1 A1'.'O 1\I1':I\T onllllhe "t'(ond 0\1 lll'r of GRO~~E PUI\ rE F-\R!lIS- Ranch In chOice Illth the mo~t mJgmf!cl'nt 11tOIllbUill I bedroom il ~ bath colol1l,1! Illth Fall1b 1000allOn 24 loot {dnllh room \lllh bedrooms, formal dmmg room, porch Gas mal hie floor" ,1I1d Il',l\led gld", II II1dOll" .md door:. lOZ~ paneled dell Jlld 5crccll£'d .,ummer porth llrepldll' pegged tloonng beamed l'ell!ng ,1I1d hot \\ater heat. recreation room m base- .\11 tim, ChJl tll cOlllbl1lt'OI!:>Ihl., house'llouid Jppedlto tJw bUjer laundl ~ $21:i ()\I(J 295 RIVARD-4 Fanllly Income m prln1e IOU" room" ,md 1.11gt' 101 full d till' \1Ith bedl OOIll that ha:.other thlng~ todo thJn bea "laH' to)our , 1 I I (' 11 ~ 1 l \ • \ f\ '"'~ "T" t...... ,,~ "".• ro ...... ~ .. lJ~'~1l I.,UIU 'H\jl "l,h\.. tJU..l" "I iUU UI I l'le. u u ...... 10. .I'H .,(. ~ ,_" 1 4 .. J '- -r-- .~. \E\\BERIn PL \CE CH-\R\lI1\:G CENTER locallon In lily ollJrosse t'Olllte J unll~ II\L1. CULO\I-\1. \E-\H TilE l.,\KE ,\ fell ha\e 1 bedroom remalll1l1g plu~ !I\O mOOrl homr:. Paneled 26 foot famlh room large bl eakfa:>t al ea In kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2' ~ baths A 872 IU\'AHD LIGHT BRIGHT, OPEN" 1 descllbes tillS charmlllg 2 bedroom I':n~hsh ,\ ulllque \1arm fllendl) bdl-kground for comfort.lble fllld III Glo!>"e Pomte City, the httle home' )OU hdve \\dnted An eXP..anslOn attle Opel!:>lhe po-..,lbl1ltles hllng OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 fO! .molher bedloom Nell fl Dill )<11d l,md~c,lpl1lg PI Iced In 1\l1d fiftH':>

GROSSE POI:\TE CITY-\\ell mamtalned 17440 MAUMEE AT RIVARD-TOWNHOUSE 773 LAKI':POINTE - SPECTI\.CULAH AHCHITECTUHAL features highlight thI510H"I~ 11('lIl,Hed for bungalo\\ \1Ith stalnl a) to expansIOn attic 2 Recently decorated from top to bottom Ne~ 1"1 eneh style home m the Pal k 4 bedl oom:>, JI! bdths, attracllve kItchen. beautifully decor<1I('ter pillared fireplace formal dmmg room, leaded glas!> \\lndolls stove, and refrIgerator Four bedrooms. 2 bO-foot lot m com emeRt locatIOn $64,900 baths, plus study or 5th bedroom There's BY APPOINTMENT PLEASE nolhmg to do but move 1Il1 :\'OTRE DAl\IE-3 Bedroom bnck home 1\ Ith for- PHOUD, SOLID AND INVITING ThiS stone Enghsh Tudor opens to an oak paneled lecepllon hall mal dmmg room and large carpeted recrea- With gracIOus staIrcase Beyond IS a stepdO\I n \1 alnut paneled hVlng room. an oak library. both \1Ith fire- tIOn room Nell gas furnace, new carpetmg, places The 4 family bedrooms and baths dl'e augmented by separate staff rooms over Ihe gardge The leaded glass \I mdows 60 foot lot $67,900 TOLES & park lIke settmg offers a pool, pool house and lennls court Localed on PresllglOus Provencal Rd OUTSTANDING HANCH IN THE SHORES Clean, contemporary deSIgn With Impre:,slve cathedral Sue Adelberg Wilham E Keane ASSOCIATES, INC> Betsy B Buda Ann W Sales celhngs In 11\ IIlg Room. FamJl) Room and Foyer add to the easy one floor hvmg Beautiful ground!> \\Ith Sally C Cae James D Standish, III REALTORS 885-2000 outdoor lighting Completely redecorated and updated With energy effiCiency furnace 111 past t\\O years Mary F Ferber C W Toles 74 KERCHEVAL ST CLAIR SHORES BEA UTY t NlIle mile and Jeffen.on area Meticulous, sharply decorated 4 bedroom ranch New kitchen With oak cabmets, famIly room, natural fireplace, full furmshed basement tentral all' and more Low Seventies RANCH HOME m Haq>er Woods TIlls unassumlllg ra nch you Will fmd beaullful custom decoratmg, Immaculate mamtenance and a totally custom remodeled kitchen New furnace With central all' and re- cent m.,ulatmg for energy effICIency oJ bedrooms, lIVing room II Ith fireplace plus paneled den. flllished William J. Champion & Company basement OPEN SUNDAY 2:30-5:00 GROSSE POINTE SHORES Lovely 4 or 5 bedroom home on private Cul-de.sac With family room, 435 CLOVERLY - BRIGHT AND SUNNY 3 bed- 1432 BURNS - BEST BUY IN Indian VIllage Be- updated kItchen updated baths. cenlr,lI all' and reasonably priced at $169,900 room. 11.2 bath colomal With central air, faml- cause of transfer, owner must sacnflce Clas- Iy room updated kitchen and Priced nght at SICGeorgian With beautiful natural wood and SUPER BUY IN THE PAHK Tlu~,~ bedroom home IS reddy for your approval and purchase priced $i5,OOO pewablc lIle Great new kitchen A very man- In the mid 30's Updated kitchen, gal age and furnace Assumable high balance mortgilgc ageable house With low heatmg costs - priC- 22944 NEWBERRY - QUALITY BUlL T RANCH ed at $84,000 Terms' MOVE IN CONDITION tlu!> ~ bed 100m home \\ Ith second floor master sUite m Gros:.e POlllte ell) \11th 3 bedrooms P2 baths, Flonda room, 2 featUi e!>nel\ er baths, updJted kitchen 1\Ith breakfast room All to be yours Within 30 da):> of purchase car garage, hard\\ ood floors and storage room 48 PINE COURT - A REAL JEWEL' Cape Cod In the basement Located In St Clair Shores With 3 bedrooms, 2 full baths, paneled den. Below $65,000 hvmg room with a natural fIreplace, dlOIng LENNON III Harper Woods Grosse POlllte room, newer kitchen PrIvate courtyard m BALFOUR ROAD-Beauhful location 3 or 4 1 schools 3 bedroom bl'lck ranch across from 17450 ~IAUi\tEE - SlPER CONDO \\ Ith 4 bed. rear Many options III use of space Sparkles bedroom 2 2 bath Colomal on 100x 175 lot Poupard grade school Mid 40's rooms 21 < baths modern kitchen JaCUZZI, With lIght from 4 bay wmdows Llbr.lrv Sunroom Patio WIth gas gnll Cen- tral

PROVENCAL ROAO-Outstllndlllg English Manse on 100>..550101 SpacIOus pancll' Ap.lrtment 0\ el'

PHOVENCAL HOAD-Bullt b) Mlcou III t96-t oj bedlOOIll 412 halh CololUell Llbldl'} :\P.lJl "FIRT OFFERI'\'G NOTED HISTORIC GROSSE POINTE FARMS LOCATION for thiS 4 BEDFOHD ROAD-SpacIOus Colomal for only ment over J car all garage With ~eparl\te cn. HOUSE renO\ated to reflett the true beaut) and trance Cenlrdl all' Elevator Many custom bedroom, 112 bath center entrance coloma I There $119900 'll ft hVlllg room 21 ft family room 4 character of the oldest bnck house In Grosse deluxe fedtur~ Fantasllc view of golf course IS also a family room, 21"2 car garage, open base- bedroom:> 011 2nd plu5 II bedroom & Slttlllg room POlllte Greek ReVival mtenor gIves thl., great Enslly mumtamed lot ment and III good conditIon Close to schools dnd on ,31 d Hec room I car allached garclge house maglllficent dimenSIOn and an unexcelled transportatIOn tharm LWIng room With a natural fireplace, dm. BEHKSHIHE -Ju!>t off Wmdmlll Pte Dr Custom WILLIAMSBURG CT -Open Sunday Ing room conservatory, den, smashmg new kit- 2 00-5 OO---SpaCIOU:' 3 bedroom 2 I ~ bath center 'FIRST OFFERING - CLASSIC CENTER EN bUill 4 bedroom 31 ~ bath modern Colomal chen sun room and ptory foyer With open stalr- III mam part of house T\\ 0 addltlOna I bedroom!> room formal dllllllg room. paneled famIly m,lny other Cll:>torn featurr" Only 4 years old l'ltSe Family room Central aIr, lawn and bath from !>ervlcc5talrs 1rul) oneofakmd' room With parquel noorlng overlooks garden spJ'1llkler & ~ecunly :»~Iem ProfcsslollllUy land:.caped yard \\ lth P.ltlO & garden hghts Convemenl kitchen plus a breakfast room With BUl'KI\'GIIi\l\I-('olonml 41)('dlollm~ 2l~ bath!> 'FIR~T OFFEIUW; FEELT\G BLUE? ThiS Rec room wllh exIra full bath Grosse POlllle a bay 31argc bedrooms, 2 balhs on the "econd plu!>,15th IX'dl nom & 3rd b..lh 011 lrd Llbrnry ne\\ II"tlllg I'>g..lar ..mle('o 10 11ft )our "plflb Schoob $112,000 floor (opper plumblllg, eaves and down He,ll "('1 \ Il (' ,>IUlI" Hel loom 7') x 167 101 0\ III deUlrdtof ., ...hOII hou!>p blue and \\ hlte spouts, beautiful hardwood floors and central Onl) $119,()()\) \\ Ilh toUt he.,. of era nocm thiS 1 bedroom, 2' < air are only a few of the quahty features EASTLAND ROW- 2 bedroom Condorntnllun bath col'JOlaI offer'i "hbraJ) family room and townhouse on WIJlI,lm:.hurg Ct nt'.lr a m"gmfltpnt !le\l kIte-hen Pnced to 'iell Call CE:"iTER Ei\ TRANCE COL01'.'II\L With favonte Ea"lJand C('lItrdllllr Kitchen lI\lph'llItl":> Hl- for Iota lion OPE:-" ~CND" Y 2 3fJ '; 00 floor plan affordmg direct access to kitchen duded Good hx'utlOn t;rlJ&e POUlle Schools and family room area from center hall 3 $69,000 'FIR"TOFFEHf,\G - \\I\\T A :"'BW HIGH 0:\ bedrooms. 2 full baths, central aIr and TilE !II1.1.? Thl'i "fJhdl\ nUllt toJonlal ha'> '>pae-Iou,; lot WILI.OW 1.\1\1-: \dJolnrll~ 11,'\\ FOld (on been I\ell mdlllldined dnd I., \er) .,PdtlOU,.' dOllllUlum deH'lopmCI\I (m plll,ltl' I.lllt' 5 f Inr fa mil, '17r d h('fjroorn., I' 2 hath., fdml tx'droorn ~l ~ balh Nel\ En~l,lIId F,l1l1lhou~,' h room Ijhf,'f~ hf""kfac,1 rf!(,m magmfltC'nl Ib" IR IIbl,lry \\llh flft'pl.H't' 2t .. ,W ~drdt'n gdrde!l ....Ih flo\I,I'f1ng "hrulr.. dnd f1o\\('r'i II room ....Ith b!' rlflu.d fight to !',ell ('('lit ralnlr ChOice "~

PI', \fBI'.H'! 0"1 1ll',11 I '.HlldX oj lu dnulln 2' h,llh Engh,t. ....1I1l! nom Tl'1 1',11(' 111111 .11\ nllll-\ Hee room \1'\1(,1 loof 2 1.11' g.lI ..gl' Imllll'lh .. ll' prl,w.,.,lOn \lld 'll' ,

::;;;~. ~ ""'tidfU, II:. ,. "t .. ~'" \\O"l;[)!':Hf't'L" A \f ILV IIOME I !o>paCIOU."IIvlllK F room dJlllnK rrHlm ~drd{'n room larKe family nHlrn Upddl{'(1 kitchen, 4 bedrooms, 2' J hath" I'HI\H, e., r I LAII{ '-.111IIU,<., AHI'_A \\(,11 mdln > !'ncE'l1 III the mid 90'., Idl!lrd :hr'droom 2h.llhrdn'h ....,thkllth('nlf •.,., YOHK!o>llmt: nOAD (','nll"r l'nll ,lIll',> ('llloOlIlI !tIMI " \e ••f "Id LI'>lr,g rfll'nJ ,'Ild dllllf1;! fOfJm Ju~t off ,ldlt'l.,nn '''"wlt'd 11111111').~ 11'( Illllm ,h"r' 11'1' n.llur,,1 fin pl,,< I ~1111,hl'd b,,,r'/TIf'nt Illl'(1I 110m" " 1.' hlltll" Fnt 1'11'0(,<111'11(H'I' \1l:H h j{ 'l1J('rlroom'>, halh kJI( tll'n I 1\ I , 'J II d g" I'd gI I' t j( (d l!l I hi' I,i) , v,tlh 1',lllnl( ,In'd ,'OIl '>!'(oorl (Joor wllh 'illling Olhl'l (110""" ['011111'\1I11!l"111l'" ,II',' .1\ tlll,JI,!l' III f(Mlm IwdrrJ(lm kill Iwn d nd full baIt. per«.('t I f)\I)()\lI'\11 \1 \' lIb / l"ri!1 !wdfl,om'> 1,I.ng ,III pI In' I .11\10(1" I'I('II'>\' t IIUIlI ,top III ,IIHt ctl" U"lll for moth('r In la .... or old('r children Gr(,llt land rO()T[J rlln( III ~I:r hr II h.lth Hr dlllifull} HF-:"IAI 'I I HIIIIIl 11I~1 ofl (.lkl' ....IHln" Hond )onr 11,.. 1 ".,lall' lIl'l'(h Illth ltlW III our (ulllll11.' (ontra< t term., 01>( "r,IIN! (o\!'rr d g"rdj.«' !'f1u.rl In thl' ',I)" IIp,wllful .. f('1l( II ("lorll,1I I ,II'" pll11l'1I'II 11111('IlI11', With Ilrt pl,1( (. Ii II 1,11111/\ I'HIIIl \I It It hHOHE!o> 11)('drrJ(Jm rllnch O( r<.,IA\fJIV, Ihrf'f' !lulfflorn I' bellh «mclo hlr. (llll'l l 1,lIl1d\ hI dl Olllll- ~I II 1:11,>phi' '1111111( \lJth mall} exlrd feature'> IIlc1udln~ I..r~e family ...,Ih r"'''1 r ("fill ling III \\( r kild'i n dnf!(J(N' fllOIll 1>1(I! IHIJll & IMtll on 211d 111>/11 H,', loom OPEN SUNDAY 2 00-5 00 [(1)m A mU'l1 ,>('(,1 !'I Ihl \ liJ"gl' '11ll('[11 I""d,, .IIii'd \,11 d II 11111',,110 ('I'lItl.1I .111' II H Ill'(l!unl ...... plllul'l' Hd nhm l" I.'....n .,prlnkl ..1 & 11Ill!!l"r ,11"1111 lOUI Willlllllll\hllq~ ('t ~'(' lid ,'hoH' ( 0." V1'_ \ 11',:"1 1II< A'I 10", for Ih," ll,.-'>('I'I1Inll' f arm~ l' ,Ir Kllrlll(l' h" ... lw(f1 rf(lllll\ fllrlodlll.d fhln ,,(I' l 0rJ('1I ha!>{'m('nl Il"tl/rlll (jrefllm I' ,lOd pm ('(I III 1",'rlnK,rn" I 1,lIh, f"nJ'/\ ,oom _Iud) lll',~ lIugo.... lI,~ III< $(,', lIon 83 Kercheval Avenue lr I'ill' 1'1t'IUrl ,>Idlng M,d .111,)( hI d g"f"g, [)onlJ Id It ....llIllh MgI HIl( 111'1 B,IlHII.IIH1 I-:r",III ~lll'IIll"lr Wlllwl1I II PI'VI!II "mHlt-hint{ /wop!() Hot(t'r South'" mlh ('onlll(' (,nfflth !'.1rrr)i Sill mill. n Marilyn Stamtlke Memher of the ,"'rank.r IIII'ItN and hOIllWIf 1'I'I{'r ,J KIlUffmlt1l ,Iack}o: Wlll~h UX-A TED 0:-" 1 Hf_ III LI. (,1'0'>'>4" l'oll1te Heal Estate Exchalll(e .lohn E Mrn'>C "Olllte f ;,rm., Martha '>dlllC') Monty Wlnlllfrt'd Wf" from !'t'r ry Drug., DE'trOit Board of Hellllorh Bt'I'Nly Pa('k Rf"T'nard Whitley Lellon: l'alll!lJlnl'lh Inc, 886.3400 ')orothy Whitty ------_ ...--



FIR:lT ltFI- l::RI\G-Statt-h Er."lJ:>[l \X .. :€"<': e\f f lE .....;'[ Ufo1- ER1\G-P' bL" uru:::.,,, Puwt" \\O\.">d", 0<.a,,;':_J trt'€ hr.t<:l :>tfeet ,n t!'e t'<=4r: Of .re ~ bt-c~l...~rrl ("l LC ..J, ,\ tn t~"1ry 11\ n"':(JITl ".l~ -lJ7 ~!lIRA.\ BeautIful J bedroom Englbh<,,,Iolllal P",n. Tr -" nQrr..e le,,;uct':> .. good ~,l.e !"eJturmg l\ '"nom') t.edroorr." ,3 ! bal.'!::>. '" fle<,l.erl\Jtch <"r J\ t: 1"'4 o.<..L.t'f r Jrry i j _ baths SpaClOlb kltch"n fOfrndl dllllllg room tel" .J" i JuaU:- LD!'~trudlon >loan e'(~ptJon.al natura! fireplace r('CreatIOn room III b,bement dHa:. " P!a:>tt"f 1'0 on, and 'r- F I~l IIFFERi\I....! \. ....l...... r Ola..t:.,,1~ ~ ()~ L.Jn~ 'eadea gla~::.',\ and 2 car garage $7'J 90U eI) \...... "''''uug''"'wr .2~ ...."""'" ... r e' ...... ,..~ \, ....r~- ...."l.~..1ro.],5~tu ...tJre~" .....r ':;.~\"..1r rr~~1 $!..!~14...\ HK"T,)FI-ERI\V.,-T'-J"e€"orLk2F" .... I=.>c> ~-!FbT t fr: r:.rl.T\\.r \. r ..~(""rr e ,l)t\,.)r ..::1 tp gft:'...t' "ex ben' r"rl31 are" or ['Ie P"r" " J"t:' t 'l<.cJD't"C «r.d n",H::.ep"r.ak :.ltlh[te:, T 10; ) vr\.\~'~ P ....' ...,~-= F ...... rr- ~ 1 ...... I Jrr. Re-o.:er ::: rcJ.J::""':Ord:ce tr..r ....IU~n ..U 't>- \ .....~I..!1~r \-l,.rop . ~" G dr.a or.e Ii 0 unl! S53 SO '-~ ~~) -\..~UITo;: SHOWN BY APPROINTMENT 1 ''1', Of knd contract terrn",' t.t:r' ..:lrrl": r t: r VVi rc" L,..mlh rc~['f"I nt::'.\ ",go;: carp.,t aN ~e'\ g~r Lall.vI' m, re dewtb 700B -\U'L,L H r'c'"" e l,ne_ \\ ho '>\,.r~" e\ en. mmg - tlus IS It' Fabulous e.tate on tno!e lot Thl' En2h,h [u'J'Jr [",,'tore-- t L~'"!:"L'Ize " J 'h ;>jl\) L01ur.l.~1 ..... jf'11g rtX..'1. ~1:-eO'.,1L~ P1.:rit:d ..,.te lAll.1o.:ir..l\ h.t'_"'I~ra!on ::> " - tkdrc'J"l> ,\ 'h ~V \t ",-',"g fu:i b..,ths \la~ter bedroom features a cathedral ceiling, \\alk-m closet \ er;. ;:;pp<:Jl!ng ....ell b.... rL -"c rC\. re'Om A \\"l b":r . :....e". n1g tJ "1 '*' it.l l 1 . ",ne.an "cJ\)!",f'i; -' Jd\ l Gdth The t'rst lelel features a \\alnut.paneled llbrar) a sunken In mg room \\ tt1ge, 00<:1 i5~ ~AI - , vrdC10U~ [o~,er klrcr~n \'" bl. lr-:-. [.1r- :-rr A. H.rt:plat:e ;) - " 'Alth" r"-',,ral f,"t:rl..lce "od a \ lell of [he n\er Kltch€n totallv remodeled m 1977 Illth mam bUIlt E.a,:,t ~\f-vd 7'::+ 9lJ) J \" ...er Harp€r \\ cud" ra:1c:h ',,"H!\ n'Cr:i .\ :!repl.=ce 2 I!IS FJI"'''<:<~ [ ...,<,n .er R~ !L'CPl \\ lth n.atural fireplace and natural oak throughout ThiS home IS rruh ore.at"'"" nil. -\-" 'or \! J Bertak.s fOf personal \Ie'>\mg OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 Ill&!BRO W:::- Tu\E '1 Ou \1 l!llol e thb :>paCIOUSJ bedroom bnck colorual \l1th natural fireplace stud:-. Youngblood and th,rd !'ocr e ..p3!k!On Double tree-fllJed lot 599 UOO

RcaltV 1"( 19b55COl-' TR \ CL l B Con 3 bedroom bnck ranch ',\,th alwmnum trim, full basement and garage ON THE MOVE? Gros~ Po,n~e 5..:1)00[" -\ great bu) at 0111:-5-;9 900 It :-cu re cOClSldenng a mo\ e to aputher [0\\ n ,,\e c.m pronde:-oo y.ltn area hous,ng 1c1lJnna 2LiS6(t\\ ILD\\ ()lID l-I.:lrper '.\.....xis - 8 -'!LIe'I-~ area - Beautiful. SpaCIOUS2 bedroom co-op, Cll:>tom !lOll \\ ITHOL1 AXY OBLIG-\ TIO~ Call [Or ., drape:, and larpo:: tJE: -\11applIances ,ndudmg \\asher and dr)er Quallt) constructed duplex Stone s detaIls • thro'.~ a\\a\ troIT c1enth'ng 14J.t SU\!ER:'-E,T Hl RRi' Grosse Pomte.2 famlhes are seUmg fast' Bnck separate furnact'S e!f'C- rnc ar.d f)d-em",n::> 2 car gdra~e \ssumable land contract a\allable 70 s

C'L\5.SrC £a::'Gtde C,)ttage "t:-le colomal ....llh SpaCIOUSrooms Circular floor 2 full baths. and ftmshed basement Call for cetalls'

8857 \L-\RSEILLES OPE.\ Sl.\D-\ \,1-5 I Th€ onI) .2 farrul) on the street Great area I lI.ear 5t Johns Hospital Super assumptIOn Home sho\\-s excellent! $59.900 884.6200 T~PPAf",~ND :ASSOCIATES 3I'im Sa-TO» A~t:ne~ Jnt. GUIDE TO OUR HOMES 17108 MACK

OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 886-9030 372-2222

12'..3?R\~ - Good Iocatlonand neIghborhood l.!1 the .\,\OOOS "11;f: -l ~room .2 bath tWlgaJO;' 'r. ear round Flonda room, lutchen ... eating area, paneled rec room ana \ au can ha\ e earh occupancj< Only $76.000 .•

BERKSHIRE - Tudor grandeur - prune area. Lnnng and duung room famll:- and sun room. unPI"O\- ed Itltchen w10reakfast room and pantry, 4 bedrooms. sittmg room and 3'~ baths EnJOi large '.. 000 deck Lins summer Fuushed basement WIth la\ S149000

L\KEPOI.\'TE -1 fanuIy, leased Ea~h urut has 2 bedrooms. bath and Itltchens '.. 1m appnanees Lo...er UlUt has breakfast roam. tWt-1I1bookshelves and leaded glass The lmprO\.ements to pioPfft) are numerws. JUST~,9"L , , -.J

VER.\IER - Quahty CO~'OO III modern Ber~lllres I bedroom l'z batns IOlel} :c,tcl:en v,'rn buIlt m~ -+ ),!anj closets and \ery roomy' Complex has pool and IS \el] attract!\€ $795if! Fmd out what you and Y011rnelghbors can do to pre" DA~-eCR\ L-L'\iE - Exceptional coloma! pnced oh' so reasonaol) becau::.e ol!.-ner has C'€€Dtransfer ... red Home IS m e'(cellent " unmacuLate cO!ldJuon There are -l bedrooms 2 : baths ramJ1} room vent crime '4 fireplace aJ".d slidIng glass door. Intchen ;nth bUllt.ms dInmg room ard 2 ear at!.acned garage Wrlte to. Crime Prevention O.\1.Y $89 900 CoalItIon, Box 6600, Rockville,

BE~J-\:!l.[L'\ - FISherman, room for your boat ....,50 it of ste:el sea ....al: clr~e to !'1ke 1 bedroom home Maryland 20850. ....lth studIO apartment on 2nd floor Both kItchens M\e appliances and IO'Af:r has air conaltlomng Learn how to protect S'T. 500 yourself, and. ED~[l ;..'TO'\ - Bnck co!onldllocated on nIce stref:t 11lSt ClaL!'Shores Lm.ng and dmmg rooms faml]i room Imchen W1th bUllt IllS plus large eatmg area .3 bedrooms and 1 ! baths It also has an attached TAKE A BITE OUT OF 1 car garage and alumltlum trun Jl....ST r.:t 500 TAPPAN. ASSOC. 90 KERCHEVAL. GROSSE POINTE FARMS

~ A - .,.s.;e #-.0 - ~ ot"Cr- -~ ME;:'rr"e:--G"'~ c.c....~orl SCHULTES REAL ESTATE , r!!I .:".~.~, ~G' ~~"l'.MCoc.'"", " ? ... ~V1~~...e .Ior"'tt"--s- -It Co- ...r.::.' j ...."c NEW OFFERING On H.AWTHOR ...... --e In Grosse Pomte Shnres 'he JUSt ;rsted tnI'> de!'ghltLll trret: cecr.)()m Dutc.h Ldon,aJ .....Ith fmlshed basement lots of r.ew :mpro..,f:rrents lOCl.ldll;g r",,'.. p'-,rch Bruce 1100;-;' lr.roughrJUt for easj care SOME OF OUA BEST OFFERINGS ARE STILL LEFT. BUT HURRY!

:\(JTRE DUIE-Appeahr.g ~ be<1room 1 batn DE'. (JV'tf!P..E:.-Lr; ,(.', lar;;", la'''u]', homfo ,-:jeal Engl,sh cottage :n great locatIOn near 5<:1:001 :i)f ~o~), lr:~ ~lr ..... Tt'mHc tk~::r pan ...dth ar-d ,r,(JPptr.g Lmng room has I)O()!{:,hehes ~p.ac ~')~ ~C""'rm d rners r"r.s E=rd ~reat r;i)~,q arilJ r..,tural flrf:place f H: !:k:rrJllIT.- \l ..cr. r.alur", ...~ ~ 20439 MACK AVENUE L-\ ....C J,..'>TER-.Jam packed ...l~ adofa t.le df:u,r ,i.E:.FFf.P ...'I,\ (()',D(J\[[\Il \I""Lue Pomte Woods 2r(] Jot.s of ,pace thIS IS a great surpr.s.: fr,r ~r..rt t ~ - tr ...':l fif'~~'" 1 ~}f"1'1r(JC..r:-1 arst t I(;:<)r a'l!flC.3a.er kitchen r~rfYr-:-~ Prl ;(~ ....al"'oCs€(unt: 886-8710

R~ ':. \f(l\fj -< ',.f &: Baker coloolal c..., q"aet r,riE: KERB\ -Rf-[("/".::'rd L arr-lr"{;ll."' .....~(.~ ft....f";.a 'II OT of OPEN SUNDAY 2-5 OPEN SUNDAY 2"5 rAock str~t IT' GrO:S...&. :t,r.g ::~~ p.a"~ J-. tr ..rJ .r) frt; rr r ../°f' rn ...... -::f-r"f". tooc ....es Thr~ r.erlroorn", I 2 batns ..4,;r-lIf"ff' "J't:.j c::"( r"f~. r~:"MJ l At-" rkths ar:-d kIt r h( r Three rk..;-r/ rr.. 'uf (>o,rcl- ~~ KE'\ \{()RE.-C~rtUJ ti,ref: r,eaf(.orJm cr, r''', .. 1 Jo. 'r r",,\ \4,';r.....,.... D r..ng room ... In u'J,,[ 'n B-f .. Ror":{i RF. - 1...<. ....~ .. (")f)~l \:1 for r c:: ~ I" (J'rJfjJ.i:il cupboa rrls Den ...'t 2 ~...... f '" \, (',:4"'11 .. ..:t",c ."lr/)rt- ""f rOJf""rj, ,.• .g:"'A.,rr "pi r'! I-r;: Lj-j 1., "(jI"Jj' d"'rl ~"",("UJ5 R()'!.'l' -Ir..,r""- ",g 'rr<"e r~rrfJm r'lJngal" ... f~ r)"'(: (~7r ....6 ., '", Ir jeT' d I (J(Al(: In prell:- ' pr'i.l< ((,!fif", f>rt< fo rM:J .rf'f1 If:... '.u71i'.r;.d 1<: f ...... --:r hf .. "rE~1 JA "'-I." ~: ... f Z ..;p1.d.~j( --r,,:.rj J; ")lr ( ()(r"~..d (<'jI..l;1rjnu IA\l\r,pl oM; r*.<1rrJ(;fT. If(" f'Xtrd f~L\!"1 r_!(,11 ',' ' (d'i'f'j{ 1,'1 L."Vf'<'h(>!"p 947 LAKESHClRf: (,r(;'-.,e pr,Jnt<: "htJf(<' (hl-r Jl'.TF.- T [Alr15akM 10-) f- U-;ho fJ- • r ..t ~ ";l' - ~)("'.:rr'J"TI" ~ '- ':"'"\ rr}lf'J'T or H"o"~ "\.r ~ / feet (,f redecor,Jlmg ...enl Ir.'tJ lhl'> 4 ~ <:...,. ~.,... r of ~"'I ... ,.. J,. (--1 d f''YI'' pan ",-,,1']) 1•.r1d.<;<::aplllg rJ..: rJ~r nrj JI); ply colr>rHal Four ~*dror,m<; 2 L b"ll,,> dl!1,ng '"d:I.Jj'f>{jrf r~ 1''-1''.: l"'~ "'-:"'c.(: \!,d ....( .. lJlf-}'>lem "pnnk!('r BR(}';fi'~7,)\.E:. ~ttr.,rll.e r,nck rarer, '",,,l( j fJ;~ ''''1 r ''''1 ;.~ f {. '-()r -.1 t fJf' Thr{{ 7 T;'~J!rtl~(('" ~ .... olyi),I'"I..-tJrjrir .. ~r.ardt '1"',:-, "rl)';~e p("r,!f- Ioiree rrdr';(;rr, I,. Hi': t)(~"'l,....r"'", ~ ...~ '1,("" -:o,!pm T ...o furnaces ...ITh <;-t-pdralf hf-dl fin (Ir

B Eo (/ i ~/ "I,. .,. ~ • .H' ~.r r...~ltl ...r,f{'.[1',R !)uplp)' P,(,lh "Idt", lilt rl ("I 'I ....1' r( ( I,., ~( tr P J) "'{ t.. V"(( rfTl Allc~ P.....,." '-,(r" 'r" ',TI(f 1 .. ~ard~(' f'-drh'lrk. \\-Ilham 'old ,h,r,' dSM.cI",tc brrJlcf.f ,,! ", ,. ..., I"~( r 'iev;er r(Jof ~t(JVI' and rpfngpralor In( Juouj f{rr)(,~,'.!f ., I I', r 'rf'" (,r,'r,' I. r,('flrr ...,rn Sail) !it,r'r'f, . " ',I, r I "Jr<1o:' ,...., .. {~ I ~(rJ,j(( • (jrJ,;lrntrjt l ..(ar Cll'ldv J(f-r,l, r. ( ~"fl( - 1rr,.' r,rJg(' K!\(,"VILLfo> Harr*r \1,(,(,0, ((".dr, T M, 881-8900 W"f"g. i '(,Ir "Jf'f! r'O(dnd Ird 0" pol' Carollllt: \oI( K('e • \!Ikr b q,',ut..V r""ru. hedrrJf,"I~ 2nd n(.o(,r umt F'ro((.."lr,rltJIJ> 710 NOTRE DAME tdtl(Jfj f'rl(fd lJndfr :i,l) ((!) detorated Ba~m~nt o,I,lth laundry fa(lJllles All appliances mcluded Excellent l(xallOn

I -- .. Thursday, March 29, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Eleven-S

D FARRAH FAWCETT ROBERT STACK 3 30-4 3OP~ NBC (2 30 Cf'n~~A! ) SPEEDWORLD SyrdCtJ'.e M,le 010 BEAU BRIOOES ANTHONY ZERBE lorcycle rilca Irorn NeN York ard on GEORGE WASHINGTON (Part /) FRI., MARCH 30 THUR • MARCH 30 tape the World 01 OUlldW5 ;pr n1 ('d' HAROLD GOULD Sweeping eight hour telE'lllck chlon 8-10PM CBS \ ~ Cenl'al Mouf'taln) CIRIG; 1G-11PM CBS (9 CentrallMountwn) rw'ores I' e ~ud Hedy Lamarr and Victor Mature lust as he never chopped down a Quebec s landmark CMteau Fron SUN., APRil B den die olf of Belugd wndles 'f' Can cherry tree and ne\ler were a white tanac I ols 01 snow and fun With one MON. APRIL 2 ada s Churcl',11 RI'ler region Wllh a 8-1WM CBS (7CenlrdVMountaln) wig so M never wore wooden dent of the counlry s mosl popular record 9-11PM ABC (8 Central/MouI1taln) research and tagging program uresl Ing ana concerl slars dUling the 30th SINS OF THE PAST Something 9-11PM ABC (8 CentraUMounlaln) Annual Quebec Wlnler Carnival 2:30PM.? ABC (1 30Cent IMourn l SUitably lUrid ror t~e Monday night THE CALENDAR GIRL MURDERS The Mardi Gras du Nord PRO FOOTBALL USFL game lea bowling Widows ~ TUES. APRil 10 TUfS., APRIL J 3:30-4:30PM NBC 1230Cefll 'MI) WED, APR l4 AL McGUIRE The formE'r ('oach 01 9-11PM CBS (8CenlraIlMountam) 9-11PM CBS (8 Cenlral/Mountaln) 9-11PM CBS (8 CentraUMountatn) Marquette wraps up the 198384 sea GEORGE WASHINGTON. (P rt 1/) MISS TEEN U.S.A. Michael Young ~'1r and Morgan Blillany host san and spollights tOf!10rroWS NCAA Championship finale Irom Seallle WED .. APRIL 4 4:30-6PM NBC (3 30CenirailMount I JANE DOE 8-9PM NBC (7 Central/Mountain) SPORTSWORLD Gra'ld NOll DIS<.'REliON OF CORNELIUS DONOVAN A<;SO< A' >', ,,'- Kent III 2 mg "far;' 03 mg niCOline, Kent 12 mg "tar," 0 9 mg niCOline,av per cigarelle, Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined FTC Report Mar 1983 That Cigarette Smokmg Is Dangerous to Your Health, Kent Golden lights 8 mg "tar;' 0 7 mg nicotine av per cigarette by FrC Method

C LOt.Ilo,d USA 1984

Tasteyoucan .-

count on. ,l' J I

J ftt.~~ K¥~~'f , \ \


Low tar Page Twelve-S Feature Thursday, March 29, 1984

A busy March Elegant f!J- and dJamonds Spectal honors \\ ere paid to the Dram !l,llmoll. resef\ ing liqUid. a Ij '? '='!~I:i I~ that be lkslgned foe a cll.stom~ 11b all group's ney,est member. Carolyn and brea" into chunl.s 'It'lt ~ ncel~nl example of hIS nperuse BUCleJ1.to the member for the long- margarint", blend in Hour and :::J II DGIiI - ...... =---- Ceme sn bt'foee il 's ~Ii\ ere4. est ume. Evelyn Scales, and to the chicken bouillon ba'ie . .\dd rt'!>en- .uk him abcM.ltlhe -..of-a.1tiad p~~ be call create foe ~ou Il5lDg member '.nth a birthda\ closest to ed salmon liquid, milk. salt and pep- ~0CIl' GIn 5tootS from Ius 5Uppl) of dJamoads aDd preclOWi stones the party date. Carol navey. per. Cook. stirring ('onstantl~. until at BiJC*~, zt.H~ )lad ..\\en~. Open T1Iesda~s IhnI Satarda)5 ne,,'otions, gtven by Evelyn Gnf. thickened and smooth. Blend in It a m.-~ 38 p.m , 88I&-ze;;e. hth. were based on Matthew 5.15 cheese and sherr~ . .\rrange cooked • • \\ hich refers to the salt, or gems and broccoli spears in small, shallo\\ mmerals. of the earth. Mrs Gnfflth baking dish. Top \\ith salmon and Hand-screened Original Prints .. by r-~' made specIAl reference to the opals cream sauce. Bake at 35()1l for 15 Shaheen are found on smart one and tv.'o l' ' " ci. Austraha and thetr dassulcaUon minutE'S. :'flakes 2 sen ings. piece dresses at The Pointe Fashions that are ~ acrording to quality and the way Calories per sen ing about -116. perfect for south now . summer later ~)I they are taken from the ground. ---... Cholesterol about 61 mgs. Sizes 6-16. No charge for alterations at 15112 .....- The Reverend Donald wchten. ., . . Kercheval, 822-2818 felt, pastor of Harper Woods' Re- Up, Up & Away for South High REALL Y DIFFERE~T deemer Uwted Metbodtst Church • • • • gave a slide presentatlQD. "Gems SIIowillg off tM theme of the Grosse Pointe South High &hool Tl'~.\ CASSEROLE and Yinerals ci. Bible." featur- Modaer's Club SpriBg Benefit are (left to right) JUDY HUNT- 2-12 cups shredded carrots The Perfect Companion For A Youngster the Ing illustrations from Smithsonian INGTON. JACKIE LOCNISKAR. LETITIA CLARK and PEGGY 1 medium onion. chopped .. three foot puppets. Delightful to play with, and Cranbrook collections The BAER. beDefit chairman. The lucheon and fashion show. "Up. Up 1-12 cups celery, chopped each one unique. See them at the School Bell, Bible contains 1,074 references to and Away." is scheduled for Thanday, April 12. at noon at the 1 green pepper, chopped 17904 Mack Avenue. gems. Gems and minerals are men- Grosse Pointe War Memorial. Walton-Pierce and Hickey's will 2.12 cups raw escarole or • • tioned in rn hymns In the Methodist presellt the seasonal styles. Spring plants will be for sale, and there spinach Hymnal. will be a draVtiD.g for which tickets, at $1 each or six for $5, may be 2 cans (612 oz.) water pack tuna Se He "aJtC.s ... to ghe:ttMI aJl e.gagemm ri111."CM1 beth sIIoul4 .. obtaiDed any they 2 cups cooked brown nee $ft dte llI ds., 5t)~ a1EdmUll T .-\hee J_rien.1'here an from South High student: will also be available The POinte t;nited Methodist 1 cup whole wheat bread crumbs Use wH4IbI« buds ,. ua4kioaal alloll~mpenl') ftsigm. WomeD's CIrcles met last Tuesda\'. at locations on-tbe-Hill and in.the-Village this Saturday, ~Iarcb 31, etlP~ aDli llNdblg riag)dS lbat go ... dIaft" bealltif.U\ and March 20. Shdes on "The World~s aDd tile following Saturday. April 7. Luncheon tickets. at $12 each. 14 cup wheat germ ltiam~ wecWiq riIIp ...... 11be pWaseO at llIiP qulity ad LIae Uprooted" formed the program for may be obtaiDere 5taMs rap. ~ 3 Tbsp. grated Cheddar cheese The goal of thIS lecture IS to teach \\ rong. the) mevltabl~ become W'" M* ca1NlleU aay cia) at )Il1tKkJer KJtdleus. 21227 Mack \Ielt margarine in 'iaucepan. AYe~. Ford House setting partICIpants the necessary skills to hored tame outlandIsh fantaSIes, and to In h15 condudmg program, Wine Remo\ e from heat; blend in nour. Stir in milk and return to heat. • • • for DKG's Council learn to d15tmgulSh between appro- \Hll explain ho\\. to c.hange one's outlook on hfe and bnng excitement cook, stirring constantl}, until TA~~lNG BOOTH ... using harmless ultraviolet President Elame Cooper Will call prIate and inappropnate dreams The second lecture. Conquest of lDtO It AdditIOnal mforrnatJOn on sauce thickens and comes to a boil. rays ~illproduce a beautiful golden tan. It's available the annuai btrthday luncheon of the Fear. on Wednesday, April 11. v.III hIS senes may be obtamed by call- \dd salt, pepper, basil, lemon juice JOYCE AT WALTON-PIERCE, 886-4130. Macomb, St Clair, Sanilac Council I at focus on fear "hen It becomes a mg 881-7511 and parsle). Cook minute. Re- • ,. • of Delta Kappa Gamma Soclel} In- move from fire and sUr in cheese .ernatlonal to order Saturday, until melted. :\Iakes 2.12 cups. Save BIg! Lees Carpets Authorized Dealer Sale Apn1 7. at the Edsel & Eleanor To form Girl Scout alumnae Sen e a little sauce in center of Ford House. ca<;'ierole. the remainder m a offers a huge selection at Ed Maliszewski, 21453 fnends and attract women back m- Over 100 ""omen educators are ~fIss the fun and fnendshlps you separate sa uce 00\\ I. Mack Free Parking In front, 776-5510 to the ranks of scoutmg ,. expected to partICipate 1D the da)' 's had In GIrl Scoutmg? Ever 'Wonder Calories for casserole about 193, * program. tounng the home. gath- 'Whatever happened to your patrol for saUCf"11 per Tbsp. enng for a bUSiness sessIon and en- leader cookie mother bunk A general meetIng has been Cholesterol for ca ..<;erole 59 .....v. ,or...... E -\Tl RED" I\E Of' THE" EEK 1"11Cahfonlla JOylOg Birthday and Founder's mate? scheduled for Sunday. Apnl 8, at 2 mgs., for sauce about Ii mgs. !-~ dr~ recI I ~ Ilkno It's excellent lO,U1steaks. roas1s, ~tany v.omen who used to be Girl p m at Groo;se Pomte :\temonal ceremomes conducted by the SIX S \L 'IO~ SL'PPER LfHF ' •• Itall4la C81!\I~ or game -\!ok abotat It at tH \ llltage chapters whIch compnse the Scouts themselves. or v.orked '""Ith Church, to determme a name and POlilte. KertM-ul at 'otrP Dame Yo~re }CM1'1Ialso fiDOClet\'s more than ISO O(lO 2 cups ma!ohed potatoes, made 26717 Little .'Aack Closed Monday Open Thursday Woods Garden member!'; are organized In chap- ....Ith skIm milk and Frzda} until 9 p 111 • 776.6230 ters throughout the l'mted States Club to meet DAR ~cho()l report f'lak,.. '>alnHln, n'..rn Ing liqUId. • and (orelgn countnes mcludmg "'autf' teler~ and on 1(," In mar~armf' \texlco Guatemala Great Britain \lara FIONt) v.ill d'-"l'it (1<' ('0 for Elizaheth Ca~s for 10 m IOU(e.., or IInhl \l' g('ld hl( ... inC 1\ ctltbf'allng Ihe opf'IIlnlt 0{ F1CMBR5ltyY...... , The :\etherlands. Iceland Fmland hostess v.hen L\(jl:1 Df.',dnVm Elizabeth (d" (h,fpl I r (Jf thl' arf' tf"ndn \od mu ..hroflm .. and IU HMIIP \Yolth ~ off all _001 and colton Ot!ur. S"'eden :\oNa" EJ salvador open<; her \orv.ood f)fl~'" hnm£>to fJclUght( r" (If lhf \!TII'TI( O\\J (omhJnf' ...... Puerto RiCO V. ()(Jds (Jarden \Iub n('xt Tue::da) -\pnl2 In Ihr' <. ddwux [{oad hornl' {If (fJokE'd \ f'gf'tal>lf''i Yo Illl hrrdd The w<'jet\ has to da tf' 11l\ ested Apnl; Cor a noon lum her,n a hu<; ~lr" .]rlhn E f' lfll h to tW(lr I.(-ne!t( ('rumb., '>almon, rp"f'nNI '>almon Ytnght s Gift and Lamp Shop IS a convement o..er $1 million In scholarshIps for me<;<;meeting and a program pre }{I.me of IJlrnOndal.. gj'o(' d prrJ lu{ulll, .,alt and pl'ppf'r par.,If') and place to bnng your lamps for shades and repairs its o'-'n members 'Whov.ant to pur sented b) the hostK'i on Pm- grr'"" rr P(ITt (,n OAR ~(h(,,')J, ~ratffi rmd and JUI( P of If'mon'i Add (most can be done whIle you walt) 18650 ~ack <;uead\anced <;tu'h~ blem<; of Spnng GMdemng "('f{~\" and milk and 101" \H'!1 Avenue FREE PARKr~G next to the bUlldmg \lr" \~ i1!lam Hill of '1outh ()v (,rl'a.,,. a (/ 'I,x, 'l"L. '4'.lodl rlan frlrd FtO,lrj d \\;." pappr .. mO\les SPEEDI PHOTO v.t11add sound background (If HO]l\V.( ....Hj AU'nll( "'ill a""I"t J' \R ~ honl" ((Imrrlll \Ing plattf'r nf'mo\f' papf"r and gosng toGfVE -\WAY free movie or shde thiS 1<; a great opportuOItj to see how great thoc,e old !N~ Th .. DM{ ha'> (>...!abll~hl.d and df'wrate top 01 loaf \\ Ith md"hf'rI to '..-Ideotran.~f(-TS' That's rIght bnng In any SO' roll mO\les look on y(Jur color TV' ThiS crazy special I'> In (omr,!I'!f h "upp<}rl<, Tdma,,'>(~e pi"llatOf"t, If d.....irf'o. tll oil 1lnthf'lj of super 8 reguiar 8mm or 16mm movIes. and they'll effect thru April 7th 'iO don't v.alt get tho<,(' (lid ~ hl)l'Jl 10 ")(Juln ( arcdlOa anll Kdle Ifflm hf'al for 1 mInute'>, fir until transfer them to Beta or VHS VIdeo tape for yoo AB- movIe<; Into SPEEDI PHOTO today' SPEEDY PHOTO DUTil-an ~mJlh ~h()ol In AlabamCl potaU'Jf'1iare h~hll'y hrownHi ~rvl"i Ellwheth (a<;<; hf'l~ to support SOLl'TELY FREE all you pay for ISthe tape Itself! IS located at 20217 \tack Avenue (In the Woods! next 6 to ~ these tYoO o;chooJ., a., well a'> St For lil. ( aloru- .. pH "f"n mJ(about As most SPEEDI PHOTO customers know, Ahmed IS door to ~fuUlchler Kitchens & one block S01.lth of the :'\tary .. ~ho()1 for In~lan Glrl<; m 3n, tholf'.,tf"rol aoout 70 m~'i. a little on the nutty Side To prove It out. if you bnng Pancake House Any questions feel free to call South Dakota and Bacone College For 6: <.-alorie'i pf'r 'if'rving about at seven days a this ad (no copes ., JUSt the real McCoy) m \\-lth your SPEED I PHOTO 881.7330 week In Oklahoma 457; cholefotf'rol about 93 mg'i

., , J .,.,------_ ...------

Section C Sports & classifieds Thursday, March 29, 1984 Batter UQ! Is there an EML title in slugging South's future?

11ItllllgMlUhltte~ of By Pegg) O'Connor !!)1l1, Brt..lll Hdth,>burg ( .I:l:!> and or bt'tlci hlltel., III 1!Ill.! but 1I1gpltl'hl'l ~ \1 Itll :"Iglllfleolllt ('I(P(" \\',llIgdnlclll I 1201, He's got an offenSive hneup that managl'tllo otl"'l't IIMt by po,>tlllg d Icnel' (;l'lt',>b,lllln '>av... Iw'll need Hick wIll man would make mostlllgh !>choolbJ.!>t' le~!l-than deslI able 4 :iO earned run good pel fonndnee" fr:om th(,1lI ,,'> Ihe OUlfl('ld po...ltlOn<; Gne:..baum u~ By Peggy O'Connor ball cOdches drool Il's flr.!>t-vear dveragt' \\'1111('fllll~hll1g al H :i Inlhc well a'> help 110m .,PnJor Jim AI !ooklllg at '>everal playcr!\, 10- South High coach Dan Gi'les, E1 Ilold. jUlllor Bilk Wllltney dlUI d dudlllg 1,I,>tf ...ll',> var,>lty football baum's plt<:lllng that not n1e1.11tlllg qUJrtt'rbdtk John Wil. would envy He's hopll1g that \\111 l 'Ol dova ,111<1 ~tt'Vt' (;oodneh, to I III Ildm'>on. fOI the n'mdlmng outftel~ It's Spring! (as in, 'not winter') change dnd soon "Thcre'!l not a wt'dk :-0 pot III tlw prove South '.!>~tltlllll lineup hitting goc~ And Whdl' h(' hope'> thdt pltchmg and The calendar says It's spnng and I say It'S spnng. so re- Gnesbaum ended four successful we've gol c,t'cllent ~peed Bul OUl Another key to the Blue De\ II:.. seasons as JV baseball coach at progre~:- nil.!>ye.lI I~ \\ hettll'r TOllY defen!lt. II ill dpprodch the level of gardless of what a glance out the wmdow says it's sprmg. pllchlllg dl'llllitoly need!> work.' till> quality oHen'>e. GrJ~baum ad- North High to take the top spot for Gne.!>bdum ~d):" Toceo'~ elbow ha'> Iecuperdted ...."..~,~~.rt'" Iff,.,., • l .... '1'P.... t(, t ('t''''f'\I(\ 1mI'> he'<;dependll1g a lot on that of. ,\nd JJl ~tVnUr (if the S~::~C~, !'\'e ~cmp~!ed 3!~0th~r{)ne of the Bh:r Deyd~ th!s ye:1!, Th~ "'.Iv""'b" ...... ,'-...... ~f:)"...... ~ ~ fell'>c of hll> I'> to South team he II1hents IS a hedvy- John TdVl'ry (24) and Hob bone c1l1p:::, to ,diem him to I e.!>ump One goals sleallW my little lists This one IS called ThIng's To Do This SprIng b",>t>,> '>olnt'thlng one of hilSNorth (ExcludIng housework I don't do windows), hi.!> thml bu!>l' pO'>ltlOn If he'!> healthy, Gne:::.baum -;ay" he'd like .J\' team.!> did a fe.... year!) back '\nd he '>,1\:"he won't be afraid to • Wangle dn inVItatIon to Sail on a Sailboat Readers must to S{'C Ihe talented ,>pnlor bdck ,It U'>l'the built That.!> the type of ag- t1md, \\ hcre he pldy{'d \\ ('II 011 have guessed by now that what I know about salling IS Power is gone, but grc!>,>lve offenM~ that might be delense and turned 111 a Jll baSically what other people tell me (And I haven't been needed to top South'" EML foes ltstemng to \'ery smart people) I'd love to spend a day on a aver saIlboat prOVided It'S with somebody who likes what I North still strong baurl1 may be forced to PO~ltlOll , rlom \\ holt f Cdn gather. there Tocco ,It fll!>t ba!lc or 111 Ihe dc!> ,II e .I couple of good teams III the WrIte about salhng and who doesn't know the meaning of the Ignated 11Itter ,>pot That':.. looklllg back, though. and El\tL thl!> '>ea'>on L'Anse Creuse word keelhauled By Peggy O'Connor North look'> tough and I thInk Port Three weeks after North's varsity VctCI<1Il coach Sumbera likes to look "A lot of whal my llIlcup looks • Spend a fe\\ nice spring afternoons watchIng North and ahead like depends on Tocco's arm and Huron Northern IS gOing to have South play baseball See, by some wonderful quirk of fate, baseball team lost a heartbreaker the pltchmg Anchor Bay might be . Those thrcl' \H'rC definitely val. who's pllcillng," Gnesbaum bay~ 111 the regiOnal champiOnship!:> last the dark horse And North and most high school baseball games are played on weekday uable. but I've got a good nucleus rt also depend:::.upon what Arnold'!) afternoons. So I get to spend a lot of weekday afternoons June. head coach Frank Sumbera best positIOn Iurn!>out to be thlo;:-ea. BIshop Gallagher Will be strong lost SIX start1l1g semors to gradu- thiS season I'm confident Ihey can basking, er, workmg, out in the warm spring sun while a lot son once aga In In the district." atIOn Those six Illeluded three star- do the job." he say!> Gnesbaum :..ays of other people are chained to desks in dark, gloomy offices ting pitchers - not an easy commo- Dan Kopit/kl' retm n:-.for IllS third ".\HNOLD IS a good athlete and (And they say journahsts are dumb), dity to come up WIth even fol' a season as a Norseman, thiS year I'd like to take a look at 111mat Grtebaum knows just how strong coach whose teams are consistently he'll trade hiS nghtfleld spot for a shortstop," Grlesbaum says North \\ III be -- several members • Learn to play tennis of hiS 1981 North JV team which tlHS area's best job as Sumbera's lcfthanded stat .. "After that, the lineup IS kllld of up e,lrned a 17-5record \\ ent on to help • Play volleyball In the mud. tel' He'll probably team up With m the all' It'll depend on who IS "We only lo~t a few just the Norsemen post a J0-7 mark In WUjek, Menzo and Babcock," jokes Sumbera's "fll1d" of 1984' JUnior pltchmg .. • Field some grounders at Parcells Field some spring Sun- lefty Denm!:>D'Agnesc "He'sa real 198J And while most of those Sumbera And all Bob WUjek. David SenIOr Steve Carner ( 4(6) Will players defll1ltely learned a lot day afternoon Babcock and John Menzo did in 1983 good looklllg pitcher With a good breakll1g plteh .. Sumbera says catch, Rich Suhrhemnch (387) from hllll. Grtesbaurn says that his • Try to get through one spring WIthout hearmg soccer was combine to pitch the Norsemen Will play second or short, and the (Continued on Page ZC) to a 30-7 record. their fifth consecu- And Just one of several North jun. parents grousmg about baseball and baseball parents griping iors who look good thl" spnng about soccer. Let the kids play and quit haggling over the tive BI-County League champIOn. (('ontinul'd on Pa~t. 2C) "'METRO. details After all, youth sports are supposed to be for the kids, ship and a district baseball crown not parents who want Junior to graduate to the big leagues SKI SPORT~_ or want to see him all dressed up in a nice white baseball Ifs Spring t & t Uniform. trymg to jack up his LIttle League average Sports Preview • Catch some South and North gIrls' softball gamE'" time ... Reports of no-hitters, fine pitching and great hittIng fIltered Don't bet the house in to the News last year. And I think it's high time I spent a on It, but It'S begmmng few afternoons seeing local high school softball at its best. to look a lot like spnng t CB ·-:.~t • Hold my breath during late May That's when several of around here And that Grosse Pointe's best amateur athletes will be participating in means that It'S lime for the New~' annual • SPRING~ JACKETS Olympic trIals The Olympics are always exciting, but wat- Spring Sports Pre- t ching them in anticipation of a strong showing by athletes vIews , HAVE ARRIVED like sailers Bruce and Glenn Burton or cyclist Dave Grylls would be even better. Above. baseball HURRY WHILE THEY LAST' leads off the spl'lng CHECK OUT OP TOO . • See as many North and South girls' soccer games as I prcvlCW senes thiS can. The girls put on a great show last season, their fIrst as week, Withgll']s' soccer Demo Sail Boards und !>oftball, girls' and DuFOUR SIC varsity-level competitors. North went as far as the regional ~i 10 .~ t fInals and at one pomt, won SIXstraight matches. South was boys' track. and buys' $349.00 and $599.00 temus to follow III the t competitIve all year, as well With a season of experience weeks to come 20343 M8ck • South 0' Vern .... behmd them, the girls should be just as exciting to watch this • GROSSE POINTE WOODS year Krickstein vs. Borg (Continued on Page 20 t Grosse Pointe's own Aaron Krlcksteln, the youngest player ever 10 win a ,~... 884-588% ~~, U S. Nallonal Junior and a professional Grand Prix championship, will face Can Nuveen's tax. Ilve.tlme Wimbledon and six-lime French Open champ Bjorn Borg in a chal- Grosse Pointe Gunshop free yields match lenge match at CabO Arena, 8 p m. Monday, April 2. That match will follow a featured contest between two-time Italian Open champ Vltas Gerulaltls OoIIU. POf1.b+e a.. Kettle 22\ the high income dlameler Weller Gu Kelli. and 1983 U.S. Open seml.flna list Bill Scanlon. Tickets are priced at 525, 51S fila lures push bullon Ignllol IOf • NEW AND USED you once got from and $8 and are available at the Joe Louis Arena and all Ticket World outlets eilsy slarh an exCIUII'. mO¥atlle GUN SALES your money mar. Gametlme tickets only are available at the Cobo box office. Further Inlorma- slalrleu sleel burn.,IC)( Ind"e4:1 tlon may be obtained by calling 567-9800. aM DlrKI COO_lng and ... y 10- • Gun Repairs ket certificate? lead Icale thow. wl1al'l 1.11In lank Sealed In porcel,ln won I • Guns taken on consignment Colli "'_."".~' rusl or slain Comes Willi 2(}11l Michael GIllian It L P lank lank 1101".r and 1I•• lble • Reloading Components Cia C1101l11l , ... 1Sntlllli JIM BERNS, INC. lANDSCAPE DfSIGII & GONSrRUUION hose will' rOll"lalol J.l Black • Ammo In stock 20599 "'ck Avenue a- ...... $219 (211101) Rea 12141011.Chocolate .2181011. Blue 12151011,Gr"n 21006 MACK G P W 881-5000 (313) 884-8860 COLORS $10 EXTRA 217101) Tank Included LAYAWAYS AVAILABLE 1oofo DOWN WILL HOLD YOUR ---) GRILL UNTIL MAY 4th

_J 25%-33% OFF setected

COMPLETE LAWN & IJAftOEN MAINTENANCE COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL lUlBbur occBSSoria AND PARTS LICENSED & INSURED Onll person oul of every 10 people who pun:hase I gu grill tmm THE CD SHELLS FREE ESTlMHES HOTSPOTduring Ihe months 01 Marth and April will ~1Iwt. 1/2 THE PURCHASE PRICE Of THE &RIJ. IIACI! All sizes & colors JIM BERNS A pos.'lbIe s.-1fIg$ cJ SJO 10 $662 sa dIpendng M ~ ~ yoIJ ~ 885-4725 20947 MACK AYENUE 4 blka. N. of Yemter Also CB * TO fiRST 100 NEW SUBSCRIBERS - I FREf SPRING FERTILIZATION SPECIAL "! 885-4670

summerwear AAAA~A.AA ••• AAAAA.AA •• A •• ~••••• AAA.A.A. ~ Our Biggest ) $3600.$10000 ( Advantage AFFORDABl E RENTAL COUPON : ( Our ) IN STOCK VUARNET & THE PRO : Low ) SUNGLASSES ( USED CAR RENTAL SYSTEM, INC Low # ) ( COLONIAL DODGE, INC. Price ~ ; ( 24200 GRATIOT, EAST DEl. -~""\ - ( (GRATIOl Al q 10 MILf no) $7g5~~~~ ) ~ 778-1800 PE:DAY ~ ~ ';~.-,.}- " ~ .. 4.~.:. " USED CAR RENTALS ,; ~ ~( 07C ~-~~ ·) ( CAREFULLY • PER MILE c;: ) 2On8 MACK ALSO SPECIAL ~ ) Grosse Pomte Woods '81-4313 • RECONDITIOND FOR Open Mono.y' Friday 109 S.Iurdey 10.. Sundlly 12.5 ( DEPENDABLE DAILY RENTAL WEEKLY RATE ~ ) ....~ ~ ...... •

,J " Thursday, March 29, 1983 Page Two-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS EML title? Sports Week member m\ davs at Pass the popcorn. North fond.l~. especlall)' my' fIrst year when the varsltv team \\on • Watch as Universltv Liggett School's tennis team goes the state champlOnslllp," Gnes. after its 13th consecutive state tennis title. The Knights have baum recalls made state tournament time m E'arly June a great time in Gnesbaum \\Quld like the same these parts and I \\ ouldn't mind seeing Bob Wood's squad sort of memones to get theIr start keep it that way for another 13 years at South this season -\s I told the team. I like to :>et m) goals high • Learn to play golf I'll be disappointed If \\ e don t \\ In / • Pay somebody to put up WIth me learmng to play golf. the EML e\'en \ ear .\nd thIS vear. I feel that It s ~ Ithm OUf grasp If Unbeaten cagers • Sell some almost-new, hardly-used golf eqUipment when our pltchmg and defense contwue t*'e'. the undef .. 1ed seventh grade basketbllll team from Pierce SChool. Players responsible fO(' Pierce's fine I dIscover that it IS Impossible for me to learn to play golf. to Impro\e MNOIllnclude, from left to right, (front row) Mike O'Leary, Kevin Dietz, CtI"S Markus, Chris Gramling, Matt Turner; (top row) Pat Bruce, Chris Rowen, Brian Moody, Lance Harding, Andy Ayrault, Kyle Schomaker, Matt Dillenbeck. Jon • StIfle mv chuckles when I consider mv recent realization "Eventualh m) goal IS to \\tn th..,t \t't> h",,;'.,'t ('("Imp too 10nl;1

DfTIOIT WTDinOrT 16930 E Warren 2 SO 16 Gratlof WEIGHT 115.4362 779.5170 WATCHERS Frosted Treat &. Desserts RAM'S HORN Lo Cal Menu senIOr rtrzens RISTAURA .. ' Aqe65 88501902 [)scou n1 10"10 17<410 MACK AT Sf CLAll 11",_ Orillr SL!JO DAILY DI' .... SPECIALS: THE $3.88 GREEN II •• MIl •• IIty HOMEMAD. ROOM SOUP DAILY IS WE ARE FAMOUS for OUR DESSERTS' NOW OPEN SATURDAY MARCH 31 2:00 p.m. DeIroM vs.

lOlHE FIRST 4,000 YOUHGS'l'DS 14 AND UJIII>ER COMPI.DIE.JIm CE DElROrI' FREE PRESS • EXPERT WHEEL • • FILTER I ALIGNMENT • • • LUIR'CAnoN .MOIT CAM • -.,p 10 J",. '10 IS ,~ c." '14.85. TlCke. Informallon • of ICItNOoJ' .~ • s.." H,.,.., ~ Charge ~ Phone ...... 1 and Group D!'>("ount!> IFRONT DISC fRAKES... • call (313) 567.9800 • Install DISC Brakes, Olf -S4495' Seals, Aeface Rotors IIonal • TlCkE1<, at all I .,41 s.mlu.,tmc P,d. ~ '1500 par'l. exlflt Ticket World Oullf't5 ••;a .. t ccw'" REPAIR ANY . • ~ .,., RADtATOA I roit \lttGG ~j' -_ w..e:- •..., i25 Dtl Srtt I ••••••••••••••••

" Call 882-6900

Page Three-C 'Classified ads Thursday, March 29. 1984 4-HELP WAHTED 1-LEGAL 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 1A-PERSONALS 2A-MUSIC NOTICE EDUCATION GENERAL I INDEX 1'1) CLASSIFIEDOFFERE~ SPHING ~ALI': PHA YER TO Tim PRAYER TO THE MATUJtE woman pcefmed GROSSE POIl\TE Hocke\ P IANO/OHG AN I Al.cordlan HOLY ~PlHIT HOLY SPIRIT l-. No cancellohons, change' or correchOnS alter 2 p m Mondoy Hand pamted and llpphqu(od for long term commitment Assoc annual mN.'tmg April Ic!>!>on!>Popular ('lcJ~~lCaJ, Hol~ SPirit ) ou II ho m.lke me Holy Splnt, you who make me No eKceplions sku ts, top!> Free brochure harmony, theor) Your to bdbysil for 4 yur old, 2 4, 198-1,8 P m at GPCH All :"ee CI en tiling dnd II ho see every tiling and who Elizabeth J Smith, Gallery 2. New copy only, deadlme Tuesday noon home or III me nr, 11-, I )t'o.lr old 4 month old Frl- member:> I'.elcome :.holl:> me the II d) to reach shows me the wa) to reach F, POBox 101m, Naplc!>. tld~ ,mellor Saturday eve. my IdeJI You \Iho gl\e me my Ideal You who give me 1 Legal Nollce 12D Lake and RIVI" Property !,'Iondll 3J941 mng!l and an occalwnal 1A-PERSONALS 1A Personal, 12E Commercial Properly PIANO LE"'O:'\f~ QUdlifled the DI\ me Gift to forglVl' the DIVine Gift to forgive Icacher, rrl) hom(' ?,ll27n2 '" cck or week end Own 18 Seerelanol Service 12F Northern Property !tENT A cook for your !>peclal dnd forget th(' II rong thaI IS and forge I Ihe wrong that IS occasIOn Hea.,onahle !':x trdnsportallort Pleue rep'y INCOME TAX lC PublIC Sale 13 Real E,lote done to me ,lI1d IOU II ho dre done to me and you \\ ho are cellent referen<..es 8:11 8089 to Box ".p ')I) G ra.se PotnU Prepared In yOlll' home at ,our In dll lIl.,tdnce; of In) hfe III all lIu,tances of my hfe 1D Obltuane, 13A Lots for Sale 2B- TUTORING AND -':e'''''' 99 K~rche\'al, Graue convenience Expenen'ced, Illtll Inl' I. III thl:> ~hort II Ith me 1, III thiS l>hort 2 Enterlomment 138 Cemelery Properly STAINED GLASS wmdow!> , EDUCATION I'IJInle rarml>, ~fl .U!2J6 rea:>on.lble rate::. 1"1 ee con dldloguc Ildnt to th,mlo. \ ou dialogue II ant to thank )OU 2A MUSICEducation 13C land Contrach lamp!>, mirror", be .. el::., \TiW .. TICJ7't ' sultdlloll ('all for for ('I el) tiling dnd confml1 for ever) thlllg and confirm 28 Tutormg and Educahon 130 For Sale or Lea,e tempered gla:>!>, new con TUTORING y d~,O"J lu: ('ream Parlor In appomtmem onl'l' mOil' Ihdt I nl.'l l.'r II ant once more that I never ",ant 2C Hobby Instruction 14 Real E,tale Wanled structlOli and repairs ALL SUBJECTS 111'Itofll (,f('Ck TO"'"n has 10 be hcpdrdled fl om you no to be :>t'lJarated from you no 20 Camps 14A lols Wonted Reference., 3824lt2 292.9171 (;HADES I nun 1./ IInmedlate full and pari malleI' hall gredl the lllater matter hOIl great the mater 2E Athlehc In,lructlon 148 Vacahon or Suburban I'Ron:~~IOt'lAL FA<.TLTY IIInI' ()f)('ll1ng'l ~o f'xpe1" Bt:lLDI'\G O\\'!\EHS lal deslJ'l':> Il1d\ be I II ,1Il1to lal de:'lres mdV be I wunt to 2F Schools Properly Wanted "BE A STAR!" wnce n~~f) ~fUllt Let me man.lge the mamten be Illth IOU and m\ 10\ ed be with) au and my loved 2G Convale"enl Care 14C Real Eslale EKchange Have your ....t'.penence Amen Amen 4 Help Wonted General 16 Pets for Sale full color and ::.ound LEAR:'\fI:-iG CE~l !':;R 979 1920 Thank 'ou for ,our 10\ e 10 Thank you for your love to 4A Help Wonted Domeshc 16A Horses for Sale CALL MEMORIf':S VIDEW 63 K('rcheval on the HIli "onroe Ildld~ me dnd m, lmed wards me and my loved 48 Services 10 hchange 168 Pel Groomll\g 758 2875 343 1J836 141-{r836 LEf,AL ~r..( ItJo..'" -\RY YOUR HOME (lnE'" Prd\ thl., or,nel 3 can onE'" Pral thl'> praver 3 con- 4C House Sithng Services 16C Pel Boarding PH!"n!\:o\"I('v 0\(1) low u.....,,<...{), .. VI ...... I.'.....oIl._ d.h Part time permanent ~ltwn i\ \\ Ut{l\ Uk' At{! serulll e dd) s Illthout d~klllg secutive days 1'.1thout askll1g S Situalion Wonled 161) Adopl A reI dov. nto\\-n vood tYplllllm Framed, Pen and Ink (Alternahve 10 AbOilioll) "'!ulonng '~t}o';r h{Ju~-e fo~ ) our II l::.h after Ihlrd dd) ) our \I Ish, after third day SA Situalion Dome'tlC 19 Prmling and EngravlI\g portdnt ~:x~r1ence re Watercolor of Your Home, urgently needs materlllty grade!> 7 II h} \il~ Illgh )OUl \I I::.hWill be granted, no your Wish 1\III be granted, no 58 Employmenl Agency 20 General ServICe clothes, ll1fanls clothing, School SenIOr from Ot: LCJ qwred BUSIness or Boat By 5C Calenng 20A Carpel LaYing m.ltter ho\\ difficult lIma) matter how difficult It may cflbs To donate - call '>dlle A"k lor .If'H, lSllZ0".1-18 9619139 CAROL A SINCLAIR be Then promise to publish be Then promise to publish 6 For Rent Unfurnished 208 Refflgeratton and Air 886-8468 8821000 F1:\,\"( IAL PLA~SISG thiS prayer as soon as your thl:, prayer as soon as your 6A For Rent Furnished ConditiOning Repair CERTIFIED !>petlal and reg Prior bu::.lnes5 owners or col- fdvor has been granted favor has been granted 68 Rooms for Renl 20C Chimney and Fireplace 1B-SECRET ARIAL ular educatIOn teal.her Of lege graduales pre(t"lTed to 6C Office for Renl Repair renng tutonng "ervlce<; for Thank ~ou for favon, rerelv Wish granted C M G In\ estlgale thiS speC'Ulhud PSYCHIC SERVICE all ages Call after 5 3{) P m ed Falor Granted !\ R 60 Vocal Ion Rentals 200 Locksmllhs £leJd of fmanclal eslclte pbn- 754-7549 MRS. HARRIS THANK YOU Holy SPtrlt for 6E Garage for Rent 20E Insulallon RESUMES, theses, term nmg 1015 care~r oppI)rtuo- Gifted reader and adVisor RED RIVER RUN prayers answered H 0 6F Shore LIVingQuarters 20F Washer and Dryer Repair papers, reports, repetitive SAT PIU:PAI{ATIO:'I. - In Ity orfers exlenslve leclmtcaJ has helped Ihousands, 6G Store Lease 200 Glass - Mirror Service LANDSCAPING letters WORD PROCESS. dl~ IduahLed m~tructlOn for and skilled lramll1g to quali. \I hy not you? All readmgs 6H For Renl or Sale 20H Floor Sandm9 Get Expenenced Personal COTTAGE ING Compehtlve prices I upcomlllg exams Spe(:lahz fled lfIdlvlduals Call Ro.e pnvate and confidential 6J Halls for Renl 21 Moving quahty work 521-3300 II1g In Math TUIOl'lllg 881 Portaro, fr&32S0 betwftn 2.... Appomtment only 521. service at Reasondble Rates Free Esllmdtes HOSPITAL 6K Slorage Space 21 A Plano ServICe P m o(ll~ 1244 Parties and home 7 Wanted to Rent 218 Sewing Machine TYPING/word processmg re- 8633 For More Info See 7A Room Wanted 21C Electrical ServICe sumes, term papers, re- $3O.000S60 000 realistic fll'St HALF PRICE AUXILIARY 2D-CAMPS Ad In Landscap1l1g SectJOn_ 78 Room and Boord Wanled 21D TV and RadiO Repair ports, repetlh ve leiters ) ear potential Se';\ MIChl. \VITH THIS AD gan based firm seelung key 884-9768 DINNER 7C Garage Wanled 21 E Storms and Screens Reasonable Avallable 7 CAMP ARBUTUS - Pnvate 7D Storage Space Wanted 21F Home Improvement days a week 882-5541 girls' camp Grand Traverse people to recruit, ~nate THEATER .8 Articles for Sole 21G RooFing Service and train Excllmg product Is Your Life H>\NDCAR\'I!'\G III solid TYPING, WORD processmg, area June24th-July21st. 8A MUSical Instruments 21 H Carpel Cleaning everyone needs 881-'4011 The Way "'ood Fireplace mantels, resumes, $3 50 a page, .3~ July 22nd - August 181h FRIDAY, 8& Antiques for Sale 21-1 POlI\ling, Decorating You Want It? stalrwavs, furl1lture, etc additionalonglnals Notary Call 881-9442 Write May- YARD~f.\!'II-Handvman for Ken, 52i-1637, 527-9282 IC Office Equlpmenl 21J Wall Washing S C S 772-2809 field, Mlclugan 49666 year round employment In THERE'S MARCH 30, 9 Arlicles Wonted 21K Window Wa,hmg the Grosse POinie Farms HELP 10 Snowmobile for Sale 21L Tile Work 2F-SCHOOLS NEARBY PROFESSIONAL lypmg - Re- area Wnte gl\ Ing quahfM:<1- MRS. COLLINS GROSSE 10A Motorcycles for Sale 21 M Sewer Service CALL 774-1214 sumes, Letters, Term tlOns to Box 0-2, Grwae PsychiC Reader & 108 Trucks for Sale 21N Asphalt Work FIRST En~hsh LUlheran Co- C Jo~eph Flemll1g, MSW POINTE WAR Papers , 2 3 publtc contact, !>Orne phone of your home Expenenc- blrd's eye view' once more that I never want Ehzabeth J Endicott Son of II soliCItIng. ~ 60 to start Ap- ed Slllce 1976 Call for ap- day:, per eel., 3-1J0792 EAGLE'S NEST to be separated from you no Edna B Endicott and bra ply In person any monunc pomtment 882-2016 after 5 WA:-ITED Wom"n for child BALLOON RIDES matter how great the mater- lher of Eh7abeth Rdnds Valley Sldmg, 28001 Harper care 111 our home for our m and weekend offers Champagne Fllghls Ial desires may be I \\-ant to \ 11 ~hle and ~larun, t e dIre Memonal her VICes Thurs- daughters, should be a non. over Northern be With you and my loved day 11 a m - Grosse Pomte hmoker WIth n tran:.por- BEAl'T\' O~raIOC, steady Macomb County ones 10 yOlll' perpetual glory 0'" MRS. WOODS Memonal Church Memonal tatlOn, able to "'ark J to -I and part time Guarant. SPIRITUAL READER CALL 776-4626 Amen tribute may be sent to the ddy::' jX'r "eek, 882-1893 and commiSSion, also. AdVIce On All Problems Thank you for your love to Chanty of Your ChOIce Ar- sha m poo jX'f'SOO.must ha Vt! (Ask about our balloon BUSBOY - must be 17 Apply Of Life Such as Love, wards me and my loved rangements by the Wllhdm hcen:.e :-iear 3 Mile and Van design contest! III person after 3 30 10721 Busmess And Health ------ones Pray thiS prayer 3 con- R Hamilton Co - Groes D)ke, 89H811 secullve days Without askmg beck Chapel Whittier (Penlll 's I All Readmgs Private SMALL Dog Sitting - not over BOY'S A~D girl's needeod to your Wish, after third day 1-46J-(j577 WAITRESS expenenced III GARAGE SALES ARE FUN! And Confidential 12 pounds, also PUPPies 24 pass oul O)ers, Saturday, your Wish Will be granted, no food and cocktails Apply III Let 18,600 readers Cards, Palms and hour care Excellent March 31st, 7 a m I pm, references 885-3039 matter how difficult It may 2-ENTERTAINMENT person after 3 JO 10721 find out about yours. Tea Leaves be Tpen promise to publISh $10 each Apply 17'!lO1, East Whittier \ Perllll S) Warren. 7 a m Sa turda)' , Available For Partie!> thiS prayer as SOOIl as your LIGHT-HEARTED Advertise in The Grosse LOCKSMITH BARMAID fulll1me (' LUlheran Co-op JIM'S CHIMNEY SCREEN Martyr, KIl1::.man of ChrISt, I 'MAGIC SHOWS _ A\Ulldble :'\ur~er) Some colleae, Tuesday noon Scllnanlun l[<,,,llh ('ellter, ,1 SERVICE Faithful Intercessor of all prell'rrabl~ earl) childhood who II1voke your aid Help for birthday parties, ban- H;) bt...!mulll f,lClhl1 ht't>trOlI <; t'.l~t ...tde I~ STOCK HELP for .ftef'l'lOOmo 882-6900 up to code and your name known Say 3 Our "THE COMEDY - MAGIC keep unv!anted l'lceklllg ,1 Public Rl'lalioru. and Sa turda~ ~ Heavy htb.nc Fathers, J Hall Marys, 3 OF GARY THISON," .\.,.,I ..I,ml Hl">POll:'lhlliIIL'S and :.kl!led '>\Ith tcob ~ alllmals out Glona:> N R as seen on PM MagaJlnc FREE ESTIMATES meluei<' a:-.... l...lmg" Ilh Oe:,lgn qUI red (,;001.1 atl1t~ a ------Adults, children Private ,'lIll tom dlll.\tloll of public 881 2477 886 5870 nlll:>l Appl~ 1961S Mack 0c:::J r:::::::l PARTY DECORATING parlle:> , banquets, Reason rt'l,ltIOIl' program ...dnd pro t:::=) c=:t""l -\-\t' BY LILIA able Ject~, \HI!Ill~ (or ~t'ncral *SAVE $5 WITH THIS AD* Dc:::JCQ Blrthday~, Weddings, 882 2930 and :>pel'lahzea dUOll'nt'L":>, GROs...... f: P1)1-';TE <."abW IS Anmversanes, dnd puhhc,llllm, prOltUl: look.mR for -.a~ to All OccasIOns CL/\SStCAl. mu,lc lor ,our IllIn~ 1ll,lrk"'l t',d~\\ e :waMos ter- Hohday Deroratlllg _ next occasIOn Solo rluo rlll'flt'" J'l\O "me-ncas lIall~, lIomes, Etc trIO, qUllltel W1l1rl,, gUlt.ll', III,It"'o t llr'l\llilltl InckDtry' vOIce 729 7;)5:> Qu,llLfll':JllOn, lllllu Y:!OO Palm and Tarot Card Hcadmgs I.> \ t',If"', 1'\llt'rlt'IlL"(' ,llld granted S P 10'., Ihru 110 ~ \lu ...l b(' On dll problems of Life dt'lllon ...lrdt.'( ,kllh Hll'lllll Equa~~mt~ ~mpNl!! Love, Marrlagf', Divorce ORIENATNALRUGS .."noli". crt'atlvl' \lllh good mUnlt',ltwn nUl .., III I'dl ,1 co l 'l\ T E R pt'f'5\lf1 Retr\II .... , BU"ll1t'Ss, He.Jlth and Sl('kne~s W ....,TED Sl'll:>(' of humor 'in Oll!.l prtx't,.,.,t'lo ,mlt ,1(1\ .'rlp,11I1o! t'ht't'k wh R .. Ilabk> hU Plea"e do not confu"e Mr<; navl~ one or many e\t'llIng~ _ (lr p.ilrt lime Madl Rivard wllh other !,'ortune Tcllers Pn ..dle l'ollf't.lor ....111 pay an) D J I'.rouh .-\m,X'l /ILL READINGS /lHI': PHIVATE n'a~onable pnce ~lOn" Pro(t''''''llJnlll "'Olllllt I1HI-I .....UllW Ill' Ilnlldt'llC.'I' 1,1 AND CONFm!'~NTIAL &H 7112 ~'tl"IC fromlhe -lO' .. lo AU., 1 NEVER THOUGH Flllpl10 r--- ~- ('oml' to R IOFElmBACK 20943 Mack t I and f(.laxallOn for a fullerl ('all wl't'kdll'''' l'Ichtor Ilf(' Adelaide Kim 11812'r.!l) . lIlll '\ml() ~ F., \ "IT'S A gell \\1I ..on M S Tht'rapl!ll ------('ouns{'lol III i1uman Rl'la PRtVA1!': 1.1< ..,..,u...... In ) /! rfO'1~~ BOY" Ilon~, fIllI 7229 PIANO \-Oll'!<: OIHf/\'l ~ ( (. " \.f - n":A-r>BOLT I(X,,-;-- l'l1lv('rllt~ MIl.'111' Jo:(!U( 111100 I ... - .....'~ ... r <~l't't' 10, I'IU'" I'X pI'nt'l)('t' l.~ ,_~ IN~TALL":J) $191t5 Mn. Junkt'r, K2:11721 ~ld(' door wlndo\\, ~Ullrd"i ------$26 q'j L4'lck"i r('p31rr<\ Of PIANO 1,',1

., ) GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday. March 29, 1984 Page Four-e 8A-FOR RENT 4-HELP WAHTEt) 4A-HELP WANTED 5-SlTUA TION l5C-CAttRlNG FURNISHED GEH£RAL DOII1EST1C WANTED h...-\YS KAPER - ~ A'rrENTJON EXECUTIVE eWER flat OIl CtlurV1l~ be- KELL \' 16 M~ area 2 EXPERlESCED :\TRSES' m dmnen.. luocht-oas bon '1'raDsfers ODe and two bed- GRO't\1NG nallooal compan) T -\KE cn.arge clearung lad) WE SPEClALIZE IIItile pa.ee. t ...eetl Warren. Mack S300 bedroom bridl;. basement. 1 &!des avatlall&e ReasonaWe d oetl\ res tor aU ..x."Ca.sI0n5 room apartments. decorator "'lth corporate beadquar- for large Gr~e POinte me!ll ci plole5Slana.l. ciomes- 131.1919 mOllthh LJ\ llIi room. dID- car garage, $300 a month 10- State furnished Linens dishes ters 1DG~ POtDte needs home $5 hourl\ 23 da\"S tJ.<: aftd nurstng ~. rates Frasef' Agenc\ log room kItchen 2 bed dudmg y,att'f' $SO) secunty mature execut.l\ e s«re<~ '" eek 885-4760 • • H~keepef'S - Cooks - hcens~ ;,and bOnded BeCore 4 p m 9i.!~. after utensils $25 ~r day: 293-171'; 6-FOR RENT rooms.~ nununwn one month. Week. lo\lth and busne:s.s e3. E\PERIE~CED -- -~- - 6 pm. 547 -.!"25fi legal ~altress Coupies-auldC&re-Da\' UNFURNISHED GROSSE POinte. Maryland. penence Please sef1d reo Gnd boar help ....anted appl) Work - ~allis - ~ l~'rates $250 per week RETIRED HA_"DY~"~ - COZY 2 bedroom upper flat -169-1075 n14916 sume to Box 5-50 G~ JtYourP!a~Lounge 17J:.'6 Hea1thCare ll'elnorOut lluIor rt'patrS, carpentr). \\ -\RRE~ - East Outer Mack ~ room upper bal lde .. l for one person Heat Dme lpper~bedr(')cl& fLal COD)S car~ted 527.0960 Pomte ~ews ga Kerclle\'al E \\ an'en [),:trolt Please call ~. plumbing, btoII;eo mduded 5..>&-1968 _ car~tt'd appliances. alter Ii p m MOTEL MOROCCO 48236Grosse pOinte Farms ------LUO!\I\G FOR -\ FE~ GOLL ... IDdo ... s and sash cord ROSEVILLE \l,a"her dr)~r p•.irl..mg ~EARG~osse--p~lnt; on OLTER DRI\r: - \\arren GtJ(}D \I, D:\IE~' ~. ete Reasonable Across from PERSONNEL :>Wt4ot<: rur \\ orkmg ....oople. I Chats ....orth :"Ice 5 room SpaCIOUS 2 bE'droom upper BABYSITTER D<:eded 7 3u full and part urne ~IUOOS Rd~ 88:!-6I"s Heat appllaIlCi'S mcluded MACOMB r.l-\LL 00 ~t,:, ~{en-t""-'t.':> ~) plus upper appllan(.'t':> garage a m .5 p m 5 da) s 0 ...n .>\ a lable for fe>po!'blble AG ENCY SY...\LL OFFICE B..x.'"-€'eP' $J25 SS-I4.J99 Completely furnished one u"ktle:> *Cum) 8:2i~ ~!ul~~re!e~ed_ ~_ transportatIon Gru:.-so: <1epoendacle ..cults ~ust 106 Kerdleval 109 secretarial pa) rot; L\KEPOl~TE near Jeffer. bedroom and kitchenettes PoInte rde~ J..U-9:96 h..>\ e wflmg room and cock Grosse Pomte Farms 5-;'-U \ORKSHlRE Cad!eu.x CHATSYtORTH East \\ar- billlllg £Xpem:nced Call son 2 bedroom upper flat We pa)' aU utilities Small Ha~r ar",.; 2 ~-.:lm ren ~ack L<)\\er large 2 secant)' deposit No pets All _~...!~_5 ~ ~ I wtl t'xpoeneoce and be abk 882-2928 Jo.15!H741 -\\'aLlabll" ImmedJatel). $2i5 5ALES clerk to "'"rlt 1I: dn (il.."urIc a r~t !nl.dt Eastern State Ucensed and Bonded ;o\\t.r 'ut \.1:U!'a! ltrepla~ bedroom den d1ru.ng room sleepmg rooms start at $58 a I (isro~1 I~TERlORp.>lnt per month 88-14818 to'4n :>tor~ ~lust be \1..rkE'! area kltche:' apph.:>oce,., ....a:>h€r I ~arlX'te10\ e refngerator S225 able Summer vr full Ume E'\PERIE'\CED haust\Ust EMPLOYMENT I Ste\ e ~\.03 I $;)I_.:! mouthl, W n Ulll!~Ie:;; I 6803 293.2440 plus deposlt 7i'ti 3:.'0'2 Expene!K'e pre!errea $.:00 ar:d r,;pl tc;ClL"_<.!3n for' \ Ie AGENCY E:>J>ERlE~CED '1h'ffi \\oJ! I Immedlale ?Ccuj>aficy B:\LFOt:R nea;: \\arren 3 6B-ROOMS FOR resume to 1112 Pi'nob~('ot T "C!':. Flr'IS!l.ng Touch can; lor )o0Uf chu<:!.rt?-n 'r' F!l) I -\lter i p f'l Sl'-h-\681 bt-droom bnck bungalo .... ST CL -\IR Shores ne .. r Bldg ~trO!t ~llchlgan ~~'or lall 7:'~4111 885-4576 home full 0f par' 'lIne BE.ACtJ\SFlELD upper l1al I Flreplace garage carp€!' ~larter Road 2 bedroom for- RENT -IB226 -\\-~-'\-l-E-D--S-I'L-ppt-ng-R-d-e-I\- 50 ) ears rel!3We sen'lC'e Rate ~otlable 88:2--\279 I 2 bt'drClO)!nS In!fig room lng $360 per month :.€'i.'Uf mal dining. ~aul!full) ROO:\l for semor lad) m good EXPERlE...'CED I. S ~~ Cooks ~n!ng room l.1tcr.en. refng- It) depoS1t requlre~1 Ir-r m;:;'"r» rp.. r.•...."..,1",.,1' .. " '''','' ... r" r~ a feurs Butlers Couples. ~i"\ ll'l-Q..., ...... ')lQf...ltt\" -1- r."~",, nl $275 per '!'..~~!-"!"l - 1 ~riW'", '5C-OFFICE FOR spoosIble person MU.'>t ha ~lus \~ tobe Iloel.l organ :OC:;,,~ C....;;..r-;:.:..:.::.:; month including utllltH.':' puaoce::. 1All.~I\,lIl:"\ W4~'" I I :...... 3751 1 "t,j\ e an f'lpt'r IZeecunt) 881.1!r.S BASEY£." T apartment near be able to handle addJUonal ca... l)o 0 Io"~ m- . 1851-1 ~1adt A.enoe 936 BE.\CO~SFIELD - SeITE ' t I qUlnes Re"uIne> od) to G~6 O"'._.e Farms miscellaneous repaIrs O\E BEDRUO~l Apartment POintes Ideal for student responsl b III les Sa ar) ~ Rooster<..al1.. PO 8-s and mgblS fngerator. fie, ...ly. decorat- Grosse POIDte Farms. pn. panc) H.~'IDn1.>\.'" - all types of ed carpeted deposit 4iIlO!IO. :::'hoces la'" offlre Jefferson HO"SE u~ ~ $lj'5.monthly Y D-\NAHER.BAER _ _ _ __ 9:\£Jlearea 1-5pm . 5days...... _IJ.agef' to Titun, 5-10 repau's. small Jobs, ate drl\ e. 3 bedrooms $700 1649 BRYS 3 bedroom ranch, 881~ per month plus utilltles \\ ILSO:" & STROH PRESSER oeedtd for part- ~ typmg. mature woman ~ ~-eek1} Sen'lCei such ca.rpentef' lo\ ark, pawung famIlY room ~lonth to 5..\L-\lL 2 bed."'OUIIl apal1IIM!n1 B82-M35 ask. for Ed 885-7000 tune wod I.D laWldn 8M- preferred i71~ as tepaI!', la'll>'ll. etc Please Pete. 882.r.s6 month $400 plus deposit In GrossI.: POInte Park GROSSE POINTE City Large 9690. or awl}. 16300 East S~R ..... 8 3 call 515-1414 betw~n 9 W -\ YBURlIt - \' ernor One JOH~ PIERCE & ASSOC Warren ".1:0 ""an..,.. pm - a In. SA-SlTUAT1ON Sto\e refrIgerator heat In- bedroom flat Range and re- 8lH4Tnth car 15010 Mack, Ft~-\ T - Somerset near \\ ar- -463-53:;,1 August: 191-& Form~rI3; All of Your Gener.U Clea.nmg r month plus secunty, m- ren 2 bedroom upper S2:5O cludmg heat 365-2152 eIse9bere, to stay 5-i mgbts Gm;se POOlte Part oortb 'it oodwanf area res- Windows &: O\-eus Too' , GROSSE POl1lte area. 5 bed. O~ THE HILL - Lo ....er level plus utilities Secunt) depa>- room home, fully remod. pef'weelt.ortoTitO~-4p.m .7 A CAREER MOVE ldents, references Wnte Excellent Ref I It reqlll.red 757 4319 LARGE three bedroom~, s!Dgle rooms Now bemg p.m. References m-2117 Ii )OU ... ant IIlOCe than a )Ob C E Ferguson. 1_ Mac- ereoces eled. appliances. carpeting. Dear Grosse POUlte. freshly rehabbed Lellan. Port Charlotte. Gift Certlll<:ate Av;ulable I HOLsrO~ \\1ultIer- 14182near double lot, $-U5/depoSIt decorated, S500 per month WELDER and to be n!"il'arded accord- Chalmers l,{J ... er Three Flonda 33952 or pbooe 813- Call Cbns 1-i81.QSl plus secunty 882-1061 VJ.rglDla S Jeffnes, 882-0899 Small shop bas opemng for mgl) call about a career in rooms and oa th 5to\ e. re------6n-1fHi 565-4300 RIVARD SpacIOus. liVing experienced mlg welder real e."tate w,th the leader In fngerator. heat $155 LOVELY 2 bedroom house, FOR LEASE OR SALE room. chning room. 3 bed- Mest be able to weld t!un the tndu:slr} Our free prell- PROTECT \ lXlI' home and YOt!~G woman deSIres 884-991. fireplace. formal dining room. 2 bath upper. fire. sheet metal and be able to C1?nSe C«tl'Se has an ncep- pets Expeileoced bolae and bo1Js.eclearl1Ilg pos1 OOD. fe\\ room. carpeted. garage, MEDICAL BUILDING GROSSE POIXTE - 5 room place $650 884-3559 measure accurately Appl}' !local pass rate. the most pet Sitter. college graduate. boors per da) A Y boors $350 plus secant}' !m-1763 MACK AVE, 00fl smo«e- ExreDent refer- apartment. 2 bedrooms. car- in person_ Read)' to take test auahfle:lmstruct..ors and the preferred ~j045 peted. apphances parkIng TWO bedroom lower flat BEACO~SFIELD - Avatl. GROSSE POINTE WOODS ences 881. i396 Hayes/Houston WhIther Large waiting room, busmess all-30am Fnday.Mardt =~~~l'S~ ~OTHER-<1aughlet' c1ea.."lU1g Evemngs.824--3849 able Apnllst, 2 bedroom. 5 3Dor Mooday. Apnl2lld 245 ....~ """"'. YOL"R WORRIES ARE OVER area $300 per month mclud- room fiat, near Laltefront office, pr1vare office, 6 exam team Expenenced. d~ HOt:SE for Rent - 1552 Adair Str~t, corner of \'leW Demus Andrus. Grwp Responsible college graduate mg beat One mooths secur. Park and elementary rooms, lab and 3!avatones, oend.able Excell~t refer. Hampton Road Grosse Wight. Detroit (3 blocks \. P 88&-t2OO Sclnreitle!' v..ill take good care 01 your It}' 881-8M3 school. $350 plus uuhtles allm attracuvely designed, ences JoAnne 882-9624 POinte Wrods. after 5 p m v. ell malll tained building . south 01. East .JEtfersool Real Estat.eIBetter Homes home wtule ) our away ------7 MILE, Gratiot area Small HIstonc Realty CQ 824-2700 --- and Gardens YARY A~~ -181-3871 WASHI:'iG and or Iromng 881-85¥.l 885-0111 PART-TIME for delJveTY er. ------ooe bedroom rear house O~'E BEDROOM. Kelly Road. Wtll pIck up and del.Jver GROSSE POI~TE Park - nmds. seml.rt'!tired prefer- Ideal for 1 or 2 people Ap- East Detroit Kitchenette, OFFICE BL'ILDI~G. 15216 LCX>KING FOR A }IEDICAL student w1Sbes to References LYnne. 77&- ~I.and. 2 bedroom upper. red. Must have vehicle NEW CAREER? hcusent. superb reft!l'\'D::eS, 6138 • plIances. 1115 mootb!y, $150 han:Nrood floors. aU' condt- EIght Mile ReI near Gratiot. carpeting. apphaoces. secunty 821-4U7 1.440 square feet plus full 1Zl-l992, het'fteSl 3 P Earn 115,000-125,000 first call Pierre 881-l295, even------tlOner. laundry room facLl1- m ~ TV.-o EXPERIESCED office garage ~o pets S290 basement CQmpletely re- p.m_ ___ year JoIn ODe 01. the most mgs DUPLEX. 21771 Yoross, next tIes Pnvate entrance. $350 and housekeeplng \\omen 88:5-2205 modeled 886-3598 to St Johns HospItal In- Lasl months rent required I IlEDlCALL Y oneuted office. actn'e Ru1 Estate ciflreS 1D des1reemployment Booded Sf CLAIR Shores Large qwre between .x; p m 881- plus secunty 885-1794 Deeds part tIme secretanal Yacomb County Free lJ- S-SlTUAT1ON Own transportatIon Excel- COLONIAL NORtH met' Oat. 3 bedrooms S325 85tO ROSEVILLE, 20417 - U~, belp Hours"ouJd be 5 30 cease class malrth1y Ad- WANTED lent references Yen plus uUklJes ~o f.am1lJes :-iew offICe bmldmg at Hl!! J between 1-94 and Little • .m.-9:30 p.m and Satur. \aoced uies tra.l.Dmg pro------thorough W III do la undr\ preferred ii&-8i-i5 L-\KESHORE Road All the Mile and Harper' 400 square cla)". t a m.-3 p m Job re- ~ "C.o\RL'liG IE DOING" and lTlXl1ng ll.JDdoo,\ and charm 01. a little house m the Mack 1,600 square foot, 3 feet Air condJtlonmg. car- GROSSE PO~TE elt'. Xeff quires some tYping. fIlmg CAll.}ffi WHITCHER IS OUR 1IIO'I7O wall '1rashlng, oyens scrub country NesUed badt on a bedroom, lower flat FI!'e- petlOg. Jamtor. near ex- I Rd Duplex 5 roomS fire- place. enclosed front porch. aDd recepbOOist sIa& Ap- m-286 nor fku's and an \ outsIde on: buge and secl uded lot TIus 2 pressway Immediate oc- plicants are requested to ------...... Y Lo e.iS Days e\ emngs and eek place JalOUSIe porch S550 bedroom home has large family room, 1425 plus cupancy send wriUen resume to Box L'..-DI\"lDt:AL .. anted U> care • AIDES per month. Tu 5-7-u9 utllll1es AvaIlable May 1st E-37, Grosse Poulte l\e-A'S for el~rl) eastsu!e....oman • R..~'s &: LP:\~s ends \l, III accept checks open rooms and IS Ideal for 881.6436 778..Q120 526-6486 O~ E bedroom apartment gracIOus entertalDlng. - 885-0007 99KercbeYal Grosse POinte Ught housekeepol'lg. must be For Home Health Care Grosse POinte area HBO $1.200 a month ll84-M65 or Farms, M1dugan ~ able to dn...e 973-0931 At Its Best Call O:"o'E BEDROOM condo Wlut- DISPLAY ROOMS HOeSEKEEPER - house- carpet appl1.ances $300 821.l295 keeplng Includes bab) Slt- ter/I'94. 5290 monthly OR BARTE."iDERS. cooks. ex- KEYLDir:R - Expenence 3-5 ME[)..STAFF monthl) !Deludes heat wa. FLAT for rent. 3660 Bucklllg- 157-1316 • tmg eoolmtg. :romng etc STORAGE ROOMS pen.eoc...... I h )ears Rapldl) expandmg ter Ideal for adults 886- ham. upper 881-Mll6 Cctfee :a~a"~~rit. 1~ pnntlng compan} lookmg 557-2505 Also will care for elderh 9770 882-$49 CHAL \IERSlHouston area, 1 L.\RGE PRIVATE ROOMS Da}S 001:- Rose 882-3-192. ------ATTE:'iTION Tenants' bedroom apphance, heat, for storage or dISplay Madt A\'e for 5;- hours per da., PRIVATE NURSING t:PPER flat 5 rooms ne ...l} ____ _ - - - Resume and portioho re- Donna 5;H-e360 ThinkIng of relocatIng? ...ater mcluded $245 mon- Reasonably pnced CHANGING qwred }{ust be avallable Around the clock decorated ~')8 Save ume and effort. caD I HmlE HEALTH Aide desIreS ------thly Secunty, references re- DILLON BUILDING La V OIl s Rental and Proper- CAREERS? ~tel} send replies to In horne, ~tal ~ I'JUl'Slng part-tIme ...ork Expenenc- GROSSE PvlOte area 3 room qwred 52&-1712 15318 Mack, (Park) Box S, apartment 5to\ e ty Management Reason- READY FOR St:CCESS~ *25 Grosse POinte I borne R.'i LP:" s, Aides, ed. Oll.n trans porta lion ranger- 881-4147 ~s 99 Kerche'\al. G1'0ISSe compazuons male atten- ator Rf:de(:orated Ideal for able 77'3-2035 BARLOW Gratiot Bnck 2 Alter 5 pm. B39-lIi31 bedroom, $2:85 optJOD to buy GROSSE rOI~TE WOODS Jom us at a free POinte Farms. ~flch -S236 dants.ln~ Seemed and adults no pets $175 per THREE bedroom. 7 M1le and Career Semmar . . booded 24 hour servtce 884-3559 ESERGY EFFICIENT EXPERIE:'iCED Lad) de- month mcludes beat $175 Hayes area. $275 month. se- "COUNSELING IN LA.,-nscAl-'t; foreman need- Licensed nurses for In- MEDICAL SUITE Sires 3 da ..s a week Good ~~ ~t ~l-«i01 curtty deposlt 1-3$-5550 BL'CKINGHAM. East War- REAL ESTATE" ed 1 Landscape construe. sur.uxe cases references- 0\1.11 transporta ren Bnck 3 bedrooms, fire- ~ Mack - 1.500 sq ft Wed., M.an:h 21st 630 P m lIOOforeman 2 Lawnsprar POIl\JE AREA ~lJRSES 3 BEDROOM home !'\o applJ- RE ..s..DY TO mO\'e In Beaut! Completely Fuushed 1Ion ~ ances S300 plus secunty place. $300 optIon to buy or Sat . March 31st 10 J{j a m tedunc1an ~ expen- IT 4-3180 fully decorated. ~ carpet 884-3559 ImmedIate Occupancy, eDCed orU}' Foremanforat1------EXPERIE:"CED Lad~ ...ants deposit A\':ulable Apnllst mg. drapes throughout. :3 ----~ ------PanCing Sch-.ettze-r SChool ~ least 2}ear5 reqw.red. 157- AC~Ot:~'TA;O"'T-Bookkeeper ilouse'worlt or sta\ ~th eld 885-3514 bedroom bndr rancn. J.1\'lng SOMERSET DetrOIt, 4 bed. Real Estate 5331 1;) )oears expenence Full ert:- per"on at miht 2 days room bnck 2¥.!baths. $300 Stef'hng Heights charge Thorough!)' ex. ALTER - CHARLEVOrx room ....,th natural fireplace. GEXERAL OFFICE SPACE a week :\looda) and Fnda) formal dmmg room countn _CPUOI~ ..~ buy 88+3559 __ 20835 Mack - 2.100 sq fl fOf' ReservatIOn and REAL ESTATE pener.eed m year end dos- References 5i1.1910 Grosse Pomte Side. attractJve kItchen W'lth applianceS. WIll DIVIde U> Smt, Informatlon S I led ~1i Large one-bedroom or studIo O~'E BEDROOM apartments Call ~I~lanle at 268--1{j)(i SALE PEOPLE tngs genera ger, family room 112 batru. fin Adequate ParkIng I apartments $19l}-$230, m- or effiCIency Xe\\ Iy decor Sc::bweluer D~_I Es.~te ;laKe the mo ...c to a better sUltemer..l.s taxes UK1eg.e \Shed recreauon room Wlth 884-1340 886-1068 n.c:4 .... graduate Part-ume Call COl"PLE IJYJlcmg foc E:\cmng eludes appll4lnce5 and utili- ated East Outer Dnvel Better Homes" Gardens more prool.iCtl\ e (jffie<: In Olll ,j{J insurance buhr.g ence :;~5146 .-\pphances carpeted fire- Leave message, \'ICes available 882-4662 109 sborth~nd doVon- C(.lf:1mtSSJOO prOgram Com. In m} r.ome Knowledge eX HO~"EST hard ".,ot1tl!l1l Chr.s-- pla~ tzij Sh(...m aft{'r 6 15 A GOOD MOVE VERY "lCE, clean, carpeted. OPPOSITE Eastland The _~ 96_1-2Z50 pa n)o leads pro\lded Blue Cross Blue $meld. tl4ln 'A oman seeklrl~( r.ouse pm (Jfv.e(:I\E:nd 3515Buck 3 bedroom 6 room flat WIth • IS TO Opal Plaza ProfesSIOnal PERMANENT \I..nagerr.ent pLtSltlO'l open \tecbcare ~ecbcaKi and pn- cleanll'.g posllion Depend- mgharr. half basement Gratlot and Bwldmg has an Immediate -TIME Sl..6n fr.n- r.e-~ c>!'ice ..ate Insurance; \\ill pICk up .ablerefereoces Kathy 2W- HAVE YOUR RENTAL Conner area \\orkmg pre. occupancy One sUIte 6 PART CALL \fR \\ HITCHER and delIver 'i\.ork 294-1732 8l.u> . DUPLEX PROPERTY MANAGED ferred References requITed Cadleu'{ \!.-.d:area 1720'2 rooms, 1,025 sq it "''lth PERSON. Ii:: 2~ , after 5 ~21 YOL--:"G Lad;.. de~mes house BY S250 plus utllltles 83'.t-1'.503 Ontano l. bedroom den utllltles 18301 East Eight CUSTOMER DRIVERS - Operungs a',all. EXPERtE~CED t)-ptSt ....rth Ue?mg bahyslttmg spm,g f encl:'d ) a rd l<4ra ge $.:3..';0 DILLON MIle Road m-4646 SERVICE. able ail hcurs opeii. ~eed rB\f Se~tnc seett.s typmg cleanm~' Referer.ces Cr...n I GROS,C,E POI~"'E R per month pJll:S Utl1ltles PROPERTY MOVI'iG CO PRIVA TE office - secretar I!'\SIDE S ...lE.S good dm.r.g record "ppl) 10 'I'l) "ume :.easooable transport;;~IOf1 8'7'..-li9i For .. WJ>ritment 382-511)/) MANAGEMENT Reasonable Hates lal aosv.ermg on ~1ack In St ClaIr Shores b;...,ed (om betv.eef! 1.3 P m 15501 Mad: . ~~.e6 I5C-CATERING' or 8&'>-¥.m 881-414; Reliable 5en'lce \\oods TIme share - S99 paD)' ~" orgdnJzed and at ,\ott.ngham I SPRI-..G clear.up and 1a...11 ------1 ,------FreE: Estunates month 8824662 energetJclr.dI",dualforcu.s- REALEST.\TEc\as..e,.esmoo. cultlng Call Ron for I 343-<1481 MACK Ave sUlre (ront lease lorner sen:ce and 'n!ilde &.1; Start d 1Je',\ career C.11l estimate 8&5-2185 M .t.RIE S C"tenr.s.; Quallt"l PRESTIGIOUS LUXURY APARTMENTS betv.f-pn 7/8 MIle, ISOO sales..... Respon<;ID11!lles if. :fJCd, 7:'~;-;~) LET \!E c!{c-<;n -y~ ..,...... ".., d(Je,.f\ref(J'f.rd for P ..Buffetsrtles Bu.:ml~slHorsi Alter at JeffeT"OO - -I stor:. elevatM bwldJng WIth large FLAT - Alter swth of Jeffer. rooms '>"Ie arid t1M) hedrooms P.eferences and SecurIty sqrJare (~t rent ~$1 000 ct I.....m e all tph .... €"'; (JfJ dcue; \lP~~r_K't ~CH()(JLt~'c----..~ ''''''' ~I( far \lat). 89:'..-';6}2... oYl~tlng.,> Gourmet rnnner~ I son - 2 bedrooms S175 Call 882-M3'i ask for Ed . o er con acl~ In!. U Hig bait daye; degree requ,reo LICE'SED da ... care a\ad. f(jf hHJ or mor~ ~ ;mdl reqUJM monO!, secunt\ ~ALKER.ALKIRE REALTY pncmg folio\!. up main. -.er,rl r~..lme and creden. ..L. ~~_....:...... 11 F T WALKER.ALKrRE REALTY taIDIng cu<,tc,mer hsl and A,,..,, ..... t'" r..,.A.~"" mom I'Ult rd~< rJe<..sert Par SO-VACATION '4' ?1JFr(1.fJj) IWr{J9'20 C'Ontact Sdlf:duhn (andl : als tfJ '-I PauJ ~urset) elJ\ ered 86:i.~ RENTALS o I I .", ~N"JI 17(; (Jrfl!>~ Po,me 0'-" Re'~e"~~ a\a )- b'- date must &t: ~r«Jn"nle ",.,v n.•• ~..., I ....tc VER'r n.(~ 2 fJ~rC)/.,rn upper ... ~ 0 u HI. d (.r-:6,,,>€ P(Jln'e Farms '~H 2-' 5A-StTUA TlON EA5n':R at Deltona condo Monda) Fnda) ':l a m I ~Zjij To. I GET LOST E \II arnn Outer Dr area ~ear Ep<.ot DISney WOT)d, pm Send re,<,,,mE" to . ~":EED 5{Jm..-rtfl"oG ~. DOMESTIC e S'.!&.') plu. utJlIUes Secunty Daytoo« BE,ach 38'2-1232 Healthmark Industr:es Bo\RM-\Irr. ...altre>,~ lit 1'".0 POinte NSldents ""U In a 620 Square Foot SbIClo Apartment ~,t 88Z-M50 22S22 East !I \111t- Rd St (~aWl] \Jo(;,l) &Ill; .. mo....e or remfi';l' large or MINI MAIDS 5C-OFFtee Clair Shorf"<. 4$IoH'J 2 ':ip m 113:(JHa\es COf11n sm.aUquantltJeSI:JtlJrnltl.lre HOUSECt.EAHlHG 6A-FOR RENT FOR RENT MEDICAL lat"" ... tfJr, Tl-Ct- !l.E-l" a.1"~877i • applWt~ fAal105 or ",'hat SERVICE FURNtSHED r....'-1., f'r.I"'1t - I InClan IAY:P ff,- (Y'<:(JT ~ 4A-HE1..P WANTED ' ha ..e"au Call for fr~ r- otrlce ApprlJxlmatel) 2(J eitlmate 1.U-+l&1 or Ar Af!orr'.....t.lp CHOICE IQcatzon Gr{Js'l~ \1r:nICAL DE "1ed & It>6ured P',lntt: Farm~ R.e\llldmiS a I 21'1111 Kelly La II af let Vll IW il82 FL1.E..R" A"'fhm)(h'JdlOm)~Jme HourI: fJ\errll~t and 24 ~?~~/J Rt:l East DetrOIt Ample SATl.:RDAY .~H'14 '< G f"l ':i pm 'lunda} ocoUr r"ti"'\ 12 yean:: '4,0! ronverw'nl parking, nfA~v.(JkTH r: l,\"rrP11 7 A M I PM Sl() tt,T lu"h f'r.a ..\ for ..p \{r" H"rr,rr.orid .. ho s rull \1alnt~nce I 4 r',r,rr. upper H/'fr'i/t:r"tor Apply at li!(Jl f "" ..rren v',),rr.,,'f''' 2 "("1« Rf'! afler,,', 'l[\((j Gro<;se l',P,'}(JIII at; a m SalurO,,\ 'T( no ..... Tf'1'jUlrf'd l .. l! 44&- I-'OlTltfo (I\. for lfJ \~r<> 1A('f"n<;- r ..n~(' :1 r)(-drr,r,m .... pa rat(. RE .... _"T>\TI:. M,...... 4,lle "'t'/'kd .. )< tfS4 ~J6~ _!'d_J_h_(J~ 24_7_h6ld T ...amc, R£'fprt:ri( (-1- ~) apP')1nt HA\{P'f() \ SQt:ARE pany leach prli\'~ b V~~\ pn\ ale 15 )f'Sn ex I 1(.'''' "'~dnr'1 f,K n'if."j\ pr-P't.lldr", _ !J.ppf-r,d .. ble mer,t \0 f*UI ll$Q ;479 H! ILDI~G eel ent ('omm,<'lOn pre, ',on «[( ''(In -'1"',(,/(,-( IT,I.t.'!l penffic~ Halo! a1-"-J _ J,fford ..tJle 22&11 GRf:A TER MACK e't ('TjJ ~ 8S2 8SIfl I gram e-5,¥.) EXPERIESCF:D -ll'II ;" 1'rut ~I)ur.,eif anrl }()ur ST (1.A IR SHORES 7761 I And Enj~y 5 Acres Backyard dUM operator deslr~ poll' twrne FOR T....o large rooms. pnva.t.e ."f' I( ATI()\" t)(,r.~ 'ak"n 1.1\1'.)' hrJu<;("kl"f'per .. nd tiCAl Pjt:a~ (aJlll5-31J27 FRf:E f_~"Tl MATES On the lav. wet bar and atorage for real (""atf' -a 1(<; ,nOt. ff.r 1,,'J.. Ynd mqulres CLASSIFIED ADS PAI~,TI~G Prep work ~"i'7r. T'he ~ len'ke Ap«tmenta c10l1et A....llable May 1st manager In d(tI\E" (,ff,(e In (rJ (,n1:-,~ POlnte ~ (ll3)S24.3709 CALL 882-6900 (2 Other ~tlS Prele1ltly erenc:es ex~rt ....ork Alan. (..lint .r"r.II0flal mg Cooh~ntlal IOlefvlev. r ..r1m \1lchlgan 4823fi BtJx ;" Hopp ",-,.,1ncn' ~ ~92i3, .1 1734 Sen Ice Inc Available) Ask far Mr Booo 7/4--4061 :\ IW , Page Five-C Thursday, March 29, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS 8-ARTICLES 8-ARTICLES 60-VACATION 7-WANTED IS-ARTiclES IS-ARTICLES I-ARTICLES IO-VACATION FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE RENTALS RENTALS TO RENT FOR SALE FOR SALE KEY LARGO Florida. Button. WANTED to rent young reo KITCHEN /dmette set 48' HOUSf;HOLD Sale Kenmore ORIENTAL ART POLICE AUCTION WANTED MYRTLE BEACH. South round tnble With 4 vmyl Carolll'lll at Pehcan's Island ....ood Ba~ condo. exclUSive sponslble family needs to 20 II> wahser find dryer - 6 Bicycles and miscellaneous BUYING SWORDS rent 3 bedroom, B1 bath SWIvel chairs, also Ideal for months old \Vas $810 Will BOOKS City of Gro~se Pointe Park. LandIng 3 bedroom, 21 ...... ell furmshed l bedroom GUNS. DAGGERS house In Grassl' POinte, rel' or game room, 2 beige saenftce for $650 or sell 30 YEAH (,OL1.I'TI'IO\! 15115 E Jefferson, on Sat. bath condo, elevator. ocean to", nhouse TenOls, beach, 774.9651 Harpt!r Woods 01' St (,lair \'Inyl kItchen chaIrs, two sepm'et Heilig O[£CI(.t! fOl the first ulday, March 31. 1984. at Silk l pools Call S Mac pool. manna, securll\ Shol't."S Must ~ clean, rea plt-ce \\ood hutch (palnled ont' year old, nalural pecan limt>, Salllldll', l\I,u'ch Jht 11 00 a m InspecllOn from Farland at 644-8580, eve- Weeki), monthly Call col- USfo~D BOOK1> BouKht. sonably priced and on lemon v('llow e, .l,II>.tne!>(', KOIe,\lI 66H571 offlce FHIGIVAIHE Apartment !tIle CLEARWATER condo - 2 least' baSI!> Nl'eded by mId good condItion 884-1569 $2.950, \\ III ,acflflce for ('Ic , 1111.,(olledlou II1Cll\(ll~ Hardcovere; paperback COUNTRY ENGLISH \\a~her/dryer $225 After 8 noon 'tl16 p m Tues lhru bedrooms, 2 baths. lull" fur- or end of Apnl Please call NORMAN Hockwell - Herl' $1,895 Call Thursday I1Ight book!>on p.lIntl11g .,culpture, VACATIO:,\ V III B86 7658 Sat B()OKT[{~UE, 15243 rushed Near Countrvslde 776-1658 lage plates, Toymaker, Cob. or fo'nda) mOllllng 881 4619 pottery porc(' 111m ,l11d 11101 (. LI\ e \\ lth the Bntlsh 10 their Includ('d \\ Ilh thr book., ,I re ',0 !'>I<;ABSIII eu ft refngcrator Mack Ave, betw('en Mall A\ allable Aprli and HOUSE OR condo - 4 bed. bIer, Lighthouse Keeper's HEAVY DUTY G E washer b, manor homes Mcals ll1c1ud \\ Ilh Ice maker water Lak('polnte and Beacon!. 1\1a) After 751-1416 rooms gar III lhl' $> $10 ,md ed Tours arrange-d Amen calt'KUl ) dlltJX'n!>er, good condlllOn flPld llll'l-2'..!65 HIL TO~ Head South Carohna can cOlIl: -;AJ.E~ 882-J78'l pm APARTMENT SIZE ~tO\(', ex lfi1H :'IJ.ICK Au' 2 baths. oceanfront condo plates Also, have matching c('llenl condll1on, $95 Pool. golf. tennIS, sunset HARBOR Spnng!> - H,ll bor 7C-GARAGE ftgunnes 881 1814 C.tll !185 22h> for IIl[OlIll,lllOn CO\ e Lu\ur~ condo Slee~ WANTED 8850079 vIe", • &11 8J67 EARL Y \mencdn pme bed. ITALIAN 1'1 0\ I11L1JI "of.l, ORIENTAL RUGS WANTED 9 A\'allabl(' for !>ummer ------TRASH t '0 1\1PALvl'OH , \\ (Irk!> l"APLES - mtown condo, 2 I oom ~el - qucen size bed, Kood ('oIHhl lOll (',(11 ('\('1\ AZAR'S GALLERY \ acallOn~ . B\ 0\\ Ilef CAR ~lordge only Vlclmtyof gre,ll, $70, lI!I50079 mg., l\H IH,-,I __ One of the larl(c "e!l'ctwn!> of Orll 111011 rUIl!> bedroom, 2 bath, nlceh rates Da\!> -' 965-9409 RI\'ard dnd Maumee 884- mghl .,l1 on chest. dresser, POHTABLE CO),OH TV, ex BASEMI<,'\ I 'tAU: (1\ "h('" ,tl mlllllnum pfl(C' E\emng~ ...:.281-1802, before 4547 ce 11('l)t plctUI (' $1.~5 pool 9 blocks trom l.ull U .. rden FUI mture Com. IUH'Il" hook" nll,( ('lia 2')1 E :o.tfo:HHILI 1I\l{\1 1""'(; If A \1 9 P m CAR hubb) l,t needs gardge LIke nev. condillon 81150079 111.'0\1., 22 \'1 11.1\\ Ihurnc 6-13-7327 pany ----- 644-7311 TAMPA St Pete Isla Del Sol CHALt'.. T nedl Bo' ne Mt ~pal'l' (or old car v.hlch IS $950 881 1814 COl\1l\UmClAL FI t'Czcr - el\, (Wood.,) I'lldmall table saw - ex trd Idrge f:apaclt), like new TRASH BASH baths. full kitchen balcony TM VERSE CITY - Charm. I \\ ANTED - Il" car garage LADDER - Sl'ars 36' $125 excellent condltlon, $140 lrock~, holt ,,(uol, kllelwn APHIL 7. 1984 9 30 A:'oI 4 10 f' \1 overlooks Boca Clega Bay' I~ beachfront resort, East fur boat !>,to!'~_g~,_~1 1169 88';-0079 table chJII'i 7'ill 172;) FIr!' screen stove - FrlJ{I' A OlG:\NTlC RUMM1\GE S/'.LE ..waliaOle aller t\prll l;)UI Bav $250-$350 weeklv llUIlI~. \\ VI" "-,, ~v,,_ dalre, 4 ~ears old. $25U, WHIHLPOOL HEAVY duty PAm OF QUI'{'n Anne 1\ IlIg l GHO~E POINTE SOUTH Jl[GlI ~(,1I00L $200 per \\eek, 2 \\eek humidifier, $75 882-0699 chairs, bluc dllll brlgl' pdl Brochures (616) 938-]7.10' 8-ARTICLES washer. 181b capacity, like Droo off vour unwanted Item'l a I Grosse POll1tc Bh d ~ mlmmum Call 1\11' CUllins. tern, cxcdlenl (ondlllOn JUPITER - Wesl Palm FOR SALE BOUGHT nell bathroom car- ne\l, $160, 8850079 parkmg lot April 26, 3 P III -8 P m For more InfoI' da~ s, 649-0900. evemngs, $180/p,t11 !l!ll U410 .lfler It Beach, pent hou!>e, 2 !x'd petlllg, approxml!ltely 8'X7' KI;:NMORE AutomatIc matlOn or a dona lion pltk up 852-8936 pm room, 2 balh, dIrectly on 111 the \\ rong shade of green. walther. excellent condition, Call 499-1137 after 4 I'm TWO BEDROOM coltage on ocean, panoramIc \ le\\ of MAHOGANY WIll sell for $35 Call after 5 $95 8850079 PAl'[. BlJN\'ON Ill'droolll All proceeds go to the GPS !'>cnlOl (')01"" of 1M Lake Ann Near Traverse beach 8 tennis courts, Ill).' pm TU58763 queen Sill' !>el, (, pleu'., III City Pm ate dock and boat INTERIORS KENMORE Automntlc dryer, urlouslv furmshed, $2,000 a AntIque dnd Ime turlllture elude!> 9 dl .1\\ cr t1rr~el \11(11 I $'225 \\ eekl~ 779-8024 WILLETT ma~le dresser 52', works great, $95 885-0079 month' After 5, 1-6813280 tv. III bed, mght table and mIrror ,HId Itghl hUlch ~hop FHIGIDAIHE 30" range, ex CLEARW <\TER. FlOrida. 2 bookcase $450 881-4687 Illght !>land ht ... dbunl d Household bedroom, 2 bath luxur) con MARCO Island "sea Wmds" OPENS - MON. cellenl condl110n. $125 basebotone (Woods) 886-7837 furmlurc mcludmg a desk way Close to beach and ten- month After 5 30 & v.eek. chaIrs, 4 poster beds. CAMERA LENS. Toklna chest and bC'lkeolSe, a small ends 5'Z7-6150. CUBIC foot Fflgldlare, desks, Art Deco lamps With 22 35-105 mm. F35. Macro wooden dlnelll set. a ror ESTATE SALES ms Attractively prIced ST CLAIR Shores home- to harvest gold, SIde by SIde (803) 768-1867 or wnte, Villa beaded shades plant Nlkon mount - $100 mica kllchen !>etfor a sma II refrigerator. automatic Ice. APPRAISALS 58 Surfwatch Dnve, Ktawah share $:200 monthly mcludes stands, much more 886-0296 Afler 5 p m area, n cupboard \llth dou maker. excellent condItion ANTIQUES PURCHASED Island, South Carolina, utilitIes Non-smoking Hours - Monday-Saturday 882-1716 ble doors With of fur I creamer $113. all $750 mture tennIS Day or week Call PROFESSIONAL seeks homl 882-5622 7 FT whIte French PrOVinCial SOfd, $350 381-3563 886-0948 We also h3 ve a copper colored anytime 171~586 l'.:aster to share. Grosse Pomte CLEAN FILL dIrt dehvered refrlgerdtor. a newer wash opemngs area References 824-1813 free StrIpped off lawns RUMMAGE SALE - Grosse ANTIQUE Large wood dmlllg ------~- - er and dryel a Iloover up 885.8448 Pomte Umted Methodist room set. medIUm shade, 55 FRIENDLY MARCO ISLAND, Florida - PROFESSIONAL female years old, $1,500 Good con flghl vacuum, !>cveral !omall PIN COR Generator - 2,000 Church 211 Moross Road apphanceo;, a bicycle, many 1iartz[i) PROFESSIONAL Beautiful 2 bedroom. 2 bath seeks home to share Grosse dIllon 776-5615, 445-1071 watts - 120 volt, askmg Thursday, April 5th. 8 30- table Imen" decorn lor Houset"dd Sales SERVICE penthouse - condo All POinte area References 11 00 a manly amemttes, cable TV, 824-11113 $475. 979-1920 ELECTRIC RANGE - double pillows, kllchen pots & pall!> washer. dryer Private TWIN BEDS complete; G E oven, never used, $350 After household acccssorws, lug SUSAN HARTZ CUSTOM TABLE ....Ith 4 cane YOUR SPECIAL beach, pools, tenrus, boat 6G-STORE refrigerator, 20 cubIC feet, 8 p m 886-7658 gage, and" n'd & blue ..Jrea back chaIrs. $650 5'Z7-7SC17 or POSSESSIONS 886.8982 d~ks, 24 hour security LEASE 527-2079 GE portable dIShwasher, SILVER PLATE Flatware, rUR", • 54' round farmlcs table With International 1847 Roger's '00 w,lI be pleased wllh our ARE MY Grosse Pointe City 372.3456 478.1285, after 0 BUILDI'NG (or lease, approx- MOVING SALE Couch, kIt. SPECIAL CONCE AN pm and weekends 478-1285 Imalely 1,200 sq fl Ideal extensIOn and 4 chaIrs 36' Brolhers Golden Cenlenmnl large s<.>lecllOn of deSIgner chen set. tables, bar, stools, round table. 2 SWivel chaIrs, elolhes, le.\lher !>hoes, boots KIAWAH .Island or FlorIda locatIOn 20818 Harper, pallern, servIce for 12, oflgl mlsc household Items. Beam mirror (70'X36') etched nally over $2,000, half price. and pur!>es, and ladles Keys' one/two bedroom, Harper Woods TU2-5420 bottle collectIOn, prtced seams 777-, and priced 10 sell Mack. Grosse Pomte Woods na, lower 821-8639 sal bench, $150 881.8550 new condllton 886-3630 CALL TIlI~ HeYfLINE F()lt CASH ON CONSIGNMENT SHANTY Creek Bellaire TU2-5420 after 5 RELOCATING - elegant D1RECT[ON~ OR DETi\ 11.5 BEAUTIFUL 10' x 46" can KIng bedroom sel. double Mlclugan Contemporary 7-WANTED ROPER 3U' gas !>tove $50 llll:i 1410 ONE ITEM OR WHOLE ESTATES ferenee table, With 6 modern bedroom !>et, carpetlOg. house. 5 bedrooms. 3 baths, Glass lub door $45 Vibrator hlghback chairs, 1 465.6870 drapes, mlsc 463.7404 SALE~ ('ONllll(YfJo:D BY and sauna. beautifully TO RENT belt machme $65 5265217 Oriental Rugs • Fine Crystal and Porce. RUNDLE bed With mattress SUSAN IIAlri I. lain • FIne Paintings • Sterllnl, Jewel- decorated P'amlly skiing, WOMAN needs clean 2 bed LUDWIG DRUMS 5 Ztldgullls. mdoor pool, resort faCIlities. SCHWINN VARSITY boy's 24' T matchmg 6 drawer I181HI'll12 room upper Dmmg room pad. hke new $350 French ry. Collectibtes • Fine Antique Furni- 776-2949.331~,evemngs, 10 speed. excellent condition dresser and hutch, matchmg unnecessary QUiet a rea PrOVinCIal Magnllvox ture, 881.8550 after 5 bench All m excellent con. near stores and bus Prefer slereo, $BOO, !>clhng $250 COLOR T. V:S HUTCHINSON ISLAND G E PORTABLE dishwasher PLEASE CALL OR WRITE to pay own ultlltJes 343 dltlon $225 886-1314 839-6627 Flonda. SpacIOus. luxurv used 4 months. $'Z75 Ken. FROM $125 lurmshed condo Ocean- 0148 ANTIQUE and miscellaneous YELLOW cun VED sofa. hke HUGE SELECTION front all faCIlities - --- more stove - self-cleanmg, Oak Side board With mIrror NEWLY married Grosse new, $250 Mnhogany dllling • RecondlltOllcd DuMOUCHELLE'S Reasonable rates WIll con- $145 G E slde.by-slde re ( excellent bar). IB60'lt POinte couple deSIre 2 bed room set, $600 Mahogany • Guaranteed 4:09 E. JEFFERSON SIder selhng 882-4900, 751- frlgerator. like new, $425 walnut sofa, table WIth mar. room apartment or how.e seereldry, $400 Mahogany 4 • Dehvered and sel up DETROIT. 48226 884-4812 ble lop, ladles chairs, poster bedroom set. $300 or 5588 88~8047 We repaIr nil make~ ------9 PIECE anllque dmmg room Bokhara rug (4X6l, ladles best offer 886-0084 Kaleidoscope TV 963.6255 HARBOR SPRINGS RESPONSIBLE young family sUlle - solid mahogany, ex golf bag, cart, 2 marble tops SOMETIIING SPECIAL Showroom Location .- Lovely year round home, lookmg for 3 bedroom house cellent condlllOn, mU!>l see -71"X20'. 37'X20', B85 9146 85 Kercheval 27951 Ildl'pcr (['ljorth of 11 sleeps 6-8 Make your skllng or lower In Grosse Pomte 977-6670 reservatIOns early area $400 823-0085 SPAS Is bUrbtlng With the ftnest m MIle), Sl Cldlr Shofe" - -- fRENCH PrOVinCIal Sewmg $ 1,595 and up for complete por- handcrafllt, all at the most 7749111U 18005, 882-'1!Hl SEMI retired couple formpr machme cabmet - $20 9' jtalktr & ~'nc. tables Acrylic, factory reac;onable pflces Some- TOP $$$ PAID Grosse POinte Shorec; res- round Ivory wool rug Pad MARCO ISLAND. Florida - warehou ..e pnces Warran- lhlng for every pero;on and For Color TV'., mr ('omll Idents v.lsh to leac;e house In $10 Rose brocade lounge ty room In your home M.S, honer!>, mICr(}\\ave~, Appraisers, Auctioneers South Seas Wesl, 912 Grosse POinte Woods or chair French wood trtm $10 Beautiful 2 bedroom, 2 bath 154-4298 lO OJ, BlI4 4412 VCR '''' \\ .",her- 01 nd House Sales Farms, no pets B86 6180 Three piece sectIOnal sofa dryers (\\ 01 kmg or nol) condo, front gulf View on the LLfo'UHI\ITURE, must sell I FINE BOHKAHA 6X9 rug, WSI; graduate !>tudenl .....11 beIge Right end curved 9' A ..... ------Appraisal for Insurance, Estate Tax, beach Golf. tenniS, pool, Llvmg room, dmmg room, geometric dl"ilgn 881 4414 exchange yard ....ork and 18' long $50 881.2747 HOUSEHOLD decorator furnished, cable bedroom den Saturday, BARELY USED Queen size Family DistributIOn. l..JqUldstJon TV, days 464-8700, evenings other chores for 10'" ered and Sales of Personsl Property. rent on a S200 monlh apart BABY LO-4 p m IOO10Clldieux Hd bide d bed !'>wlvel rocker 4n-8270 -- ApJrlmenl 6 Rocker recliner B101ckwal EST ATE SALES Tag Sales at the Home ment, flat or carriage FURNITUREI ('onduPlNI h~ ..K HILTO!' HEAD Villa - houe;e m Grosc;e POInte HMW - M I, remote control nut dll1ll1g set 88.'; 'llIll4, aner or by AuctIon at our Gallef/8S oceanfront, 2 bedroom, 2 Would like by May l Call EQUIPMENT car (Nikko) retail $125, like 6, 7795128 &-I"'olrmg W,lynC' bath balcony overlookang 881-6975, a'ik for .Io.,h RE~ALE PRICE~ nc w, $75 B!l2 fi4U4 MINK STOLE - ('erulean Oakl,lIId dnd 280 North Woodward Avenue ocean Pool lenPls golf By Youlh Ix.d fcc' c;tertlileN, ele( Irt( pm AA6 11269 AHCllln:c1'S/.,1 udcnL" b.lck Ann 771-0197 coastal Avallable April No Excellent refercnu'c; fepdlflg ol!>he., nur.,ery H'''l( A'\ Phyfe dmlng room l'>!>U(,.,Pro~f~lV(' Arlhltec children pool, or pet~ Plea'ie call 81110'l&6 Ii 10 1.1I0p" ~~yngtlmallt .,(,t - ('he rry ~ ood Qu('('n Illre Arrlllt<'Ctural I~ord, $1,200 294 3700 pm ,v. Illg., chrome hIgh th,llf!>, AnnC' (hall''' (6) :lleavec; and IntNlnr r1e"IKn Also lex THINK ~PRI:"IG' HIlton Head Piol\ tl'x nun,cr. potllth.lIf'>, p.HI $800 Elhan Allen dm thook!> and reference HOUSEHOLD 'l OR 4 ocdloom home In rndteflalc; Rlll 0901 IS lovely Palmetta Dunes Gro'l'ie POlOle (an paj Ix, hdlhtub., cu,tom made mg ..ct - hInC, $.'lOOAnlllluC' lIlt lop t.1 lie $I'j() 11814642 LIQUIDATION villa Sleeps 6 On golf I....N.n $1,400 $1 ';of! p(,f Evelel B.l'>'>lnelte "klrt, ICEHINK, pccd ('nlllE' 1',I.llt'" ..1-0 '; A ..v)( flfl4 62'10 ford \\.t rren Norlh of 10'. JOHN KING Estate Sales and Appraisals (rltJ/m,i1lfl'''''' mdlchllJll; ....p,l 01 "loin 1\84 40.11 M:HU~~ MOUNTAIN Chalet dn,.,.,('r ,inti (f1b/m .. ttr£>f;e, 961-0622 InVII(', \Ol! In C(.II'brlll(' thp 11('\\ H'.lr "IIh.l Inp Il) Illlr 6F-SHARE LIVING IIA'" l',M 1':NT ~ALE NEW ~,\1\t' 1I wI v.(, Buy Daily turnl (Ju('l'n ,,17(' ht'oId FREE PII1(' ('om III 001' fU:11Hf',D ~(nlll'man milire ho\ ~ ( Ir,thp" '>1/(' ) Fnllt ....ooo (irllntlmuth('r I Ilx'k C.OLDf'~"" GAn: nl'ar "'aples 1f....{/ E V.,irrC'r' Rll27611 ho'lfll (rv.,I,11 (hanrll'ht'l VUW\L or lr('" to .,ha fl' hi" flr,1 ------10\., hlk('", \l.,,~nn vox H(:\ 1I,I.,hlll.I"Ill'r ileA 6 I'nlll",oo!i (!In1nK chair' f"londa "i~ ('ondo nE'W (I ., IUrfll.h(.d ,.pMlmml I ){I-, .....( If 'l1,1r' (Iothl'" I.lk(' l'nr! tllhlp anrl "I .. rr () Yo ""h"1 Id r'('1 .1111111"1' .,,If(' APPRAISALS ~h,'rl\ll\n styl(' Ill'neh furniture, on golf COUNe nl''.\, ){( ••..,on,1 prl( In r;ro.,.,c I'omll' Y Ilh .1 hly 1'(1 "1)(',lkN A Illrl{C'\Ilne'y of 01 111111 lilli' h 111<11 t' SWlmrmn~ cJubhouc;e 2 fakC' fur lol( kl'l Kl'nmorl' Flllt' Chllla llnd Art'" ork It f('IIf('O gpnlll'ml/C' III 12 ('all ,Ifl}tlln(' m( 11"111" bedroomc; 2 bathe; 561-6Q(J1 ------,('\01 log 111,(( 111111',.J un H(',11ll • .11..... 4 II \ "11\ ('I .iC llv(' hU..IO(,'i'im.ln 0\ ('r _Y.l'~ lI21 , JlACK 1't)IWII ,>,tll' WI'\'(' 101Jcollo.., holl ll' .., IlIhl('", • Arl 1\111HilI(''' nur ...hop l~ 11M aiI'd III 1', ',1l/',(1 4(' yl'd of a~1' nn •• V. f'.IH) 1'\(. df(",;" ,,"d \lr.1 \I,{' \ (' 151U ( hllflr"ll~ DEERFIfo:U> B'(~;H.h(ondo 2 mo\ I'I~ ,lI1rl Jot" to ~('II 1,1IT1p", IWIn h('(! IlIwo" • Ottll'f IIhJ!'1 h of b.. ,IC; \('V( I I.. (n I'oorn ~Il(' 10 of klt( hr'n .md (In( k., I,,(ho k 1111)('11"Inol'> (.rO''!" ""Inlt' ",uk bedroom.. 2 tJalh.. Uealth IO,HI" 1If',AI 'I' ". V \1.111' $2C,O ".Il2 7{, If) 111'111" ( r!E",k II'IHll" I oIl (jlll'(" ,Inll Club, 'iauna pool. aV211aole Hdefl'nu', fr'qUlfI r1 hrllN'l!old ookho(lk .., ( urlllln.., Jamp'i, !JUI' "I'wlng I1I1H hllW \\tl.I't <\lIlI rhm",I,L\ Apnl l'it 884 fl692 '>l'cunly dr'pi"'" $ {I'll "1',1.1' ( 1.1-,/1 \1:-.,(, ('1('( In( book" Molll',,11 h f(Jr (Jne y( ( "I(,f! speCial llppolntl1wnl .. ~~~~~885.2~~~J 'I -y,-O A \ Il(ll f', $ .-!'~'hl~H ~21,"~I':~~ ~~r~_ n'n~1 llt'm, \\f' .I)lpr",,,(' In Apnl ~0924 "'of".,~ i7iJ lvl'r JlH'( I'" \\ )1.1) V.[1.1> mlllk (olll, J..rKe inK ... /I" I,II( (',II h \1"hoj(If(' 1,(1111/ .Inrl full $',()() (A[ I IQ-STORE 6G-STORE l,iI.!( $',1, JJllm oJn I'hy/l' 11j(1If10(' holndp.lInl('t1 (tulld ....(~... III (<1.,(' "1 ii, ~h.trn!l Iltlwr CHARTERHOUSE ..,('rVI(r' for II, $';(, fIIl',221111 Lauren Chapman $f"'" IH('( r'., (on"oll'" V I'nk('r &CO lirA MlJ8 Z,f',\ lfilll7-lamax f'~X(cll('nt 1111,)(, nll"(' 11l'ln., MUIII call Jill Wllhams BUYI'r~ & ... ~ [WI I /\PJlI.II, l "If.l)<' (-\ i( ,.(,;;1-"1" otl.m1 (olldilion $27', fIIl15'lfl7 Call flr.,t flIl2 (141\'1 or KIl2 11411 l'f'. ltil1l~ Kl" ( h('\ al ()II(' Charles Klingensmith STORE FOR LEASE "I rlJII"f bolh \'l'ry J.(lIod(on Ill'fon 11 am ------~"\1i\liTMJ llen,~I~;;rlllr('hy hlo('k Wl'~l "f ,llll "h,on." lOOIJsq H , GrO'l'le POInte c;mO!>lcom enwnt (('nt('r f'r(O(' 1(,NAllmfo: 'llf ~ac; ow'n _ dl.!:~'~~ :!2~ _ __ ~ 1'"1.W( I'>r all, 4 I r,ld( I' ..el GfCl'lW l'ollll4' WC' fl'lIlur,' II 'It'1t'Ction of II nllqul''' fll1(' lI\t'd hllllltllrt' lr(lIIt parkmg no % of grO"l" ImmedldlE' 0(( up.tnc y 2', (OI.Of{ '\11Jj(n"vox 110(' 14 I Wlllrlpool2 door rf.fflJ( ling" I.IK(' IJ('W $17~1 Pat ann Itcl'elI.'iorlrll ('rll lor, whIle, Kharp tl'rn no longer available IIIlI 885.1232 2142:) Mack Ave 77ft 5';10 ....ood ~'rf('( I cOf)(lIlto/'l S4«J, or 1x..,1 offer 1182-()'l'l1 IW> 2/.0f) IICfl9

\,' Thursday. March 29, 1984 p~ Six-C GROSSE POINTE NEWS 11-CARS 11-CARS 11-CARS 11-CARS I-ARTlCLES a-ARTICLES I-ARTtcLES IS-ANTIQUES FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR $ALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE 1974 BUICK Estate Wagon , 1981BUICK Skylark Limited, TO~Y LUIA CO" boy boots. Il'URNlTURE Wholt'Sale Dls. COLECO cabbage patch dolls ~IOHAGASY dJnmg room sel 19l12 C.o\MARO. T.tops. V6, 1978 BUICK Century "agoD. ork. 140,000 miles 2 door Fully eqUipped, black ....ater"buffalo hide. needs .... . tnlMaors of M!ctugan. AAA girls. bo: s $5() each - table. lea\es, 6 chairs, automatic. po....er steenng/ loaded, excellent condtllon rusted 455 engllle. $250 or automatic, sun.roof, 26,000 91!.D. great shape. $50 "Wholesale Direct To' i72~-I Sideboard, blend chma brakes. A~l/F~1 cassel Ie, 882.5817 best offer 881-4275 miles, excellent, $4,600 , You'" Selling all ne" mer. 885.7313 cabmet \\ III sell pieces t!Dted glass charcoal CARPETI"'G na\: blue. 1965 CHEVELLE, excellent 196i MUSTANG 289. good 343.1504 before 5 p m " chandise In anginal car': \IO\'l'G SALE - Saturda} separd tel) or together metalhc $8 300 882-2136 plush lhlck pad approx. condition. no rusl. dnve mechamcal and bod)' condl 1969OLDSMOBILE 442, mmt tons 2 piece mdttress 5e~ onh 323 RIVIera Dr St 885-ri,H .mateh 70 \ ard:s lIke ne" 1968 CHRYSLER - ~ door. an\' ....here 1971 LI ncoln lIOn. make offer 885.5464 condItion, 3li.OOO mIles, twin $59, (ull $79 queen 599. S37 5 Ca II s8.s 2306 Cla.lr Shores 7;'9-5599 Com good transporta11on 5"..50 sofa slee~rs $119 bunk p[ele household to be :,old 10 aC-OFFICE Coollnental, e'cellent con- CADILLAC 1979 Coupe automallc, triple black. con. i9".2-1438.839-{lJj~ Collectors beds complete $lI8 7 piece SE-\SO~ED hrev.ood - miX' am 5pm EQUIPMENT dillon. no rust 885-8070 DeVille, excellent condlllon vertIble, $4.000 ed hard'ol $50 cord living rooms $2l9 dei:"Ora oods a 1980 PO:\TIAC StatlOnlo\agon 1982 FORD EXP loaded. 21.. only 25.000 miles 881.3732 edlllOn 527.7394 DeIJ\ered 7 da:s a \\eek G -\R.<\GESALE Bikes furm. TELEPHOXE :.lult.hne an tive lamps from 514 813. 5 Catalma - dieseL good con 000 miles $5.000 8249041. ongmal owner 1975GRANADA - 2 door, air. 8So Hi8 lure mlSce lIaneous 12409 nouncer Hea \ \ - at a llme can 1m 0LDS Cutlass Supreme, 2 speed. po"er steenng, rear after 6. .343--ro16 room ",et dmette set sofa plJl\ er brakes door locl-s the pubuc. dealen. and Ilbtl put cd!le~ on hold Like door A.l condItion. aIr, wlOdow defogger. AM/fo'l\t 1979 OLDS Starflre - ex. $.5i) bedroom ~t 5150 small \lI,K SIDES Jacket - good S3 100 or best offer 777 -lHI tutlonal ,ales "e!com€ '1e\\ condItion. po~er condition reasonable brand Illth 3 tape:> or .H39143 po\\er ~lndo\\s. AM/FM radiO. $5::00 J4.3~151 cellent Name brands. Serta etc t ma~e hu~h S7u Mise Da\E' 963-u131 steenng po"er brakes. air 9451Buffalo Ham'ramck II 7i3 3055 C\ enlng~ or 885-7851 U\IXI 1982 u24 4 speed 882-3643 1982CHRYSLER LeBaron ex Ill:'! ELECTRIC t~~IHlter condltlOmng rear defogger. block north of HlJlbn)ol. 1 .\eekend - GE ELECTRIC range Ziebart ~unroof. rear 1981 PL Y~IOUTH Reliant cellent conditIOn. loaded oW execull\ e model ",pandmg AMIFM :.tereo cassette, bSoclt east of CManl) 875- 0\ defroster :.-tereo ca:..<;ette -I.door 4 ~peed rear de. 4-door S7 300 i91-.2456 '\E\\ TR.\DITIO' -\L 11\ 109 \\ hlle ~ Ilh double en automatlc. 1 0" ner Askmg 7166 Telegraph (2 blocks good condition $100 884 t~~ 52.:5 B&.E Ele $5100 881-6114 fro!>t AM FM cassette l!m FlREBlRD. automatIc room ~et eleganl ~Ord 4 ta",h rt>gl...ler \\ ,lh 8 depart $2,995 882 4979 after 6 south of 6 MIle' 532.w60 4547 $4 WO 331-46~ \'6 rustproofed, nt'\\ brakes chalr~ 5 tables Sllffel men! ",ettmg" S-;S.J 01IIce 1~78 OLDS~IOBlLE 98 - 4 CA!\1ARO1975. good condlllOn. Monda~ lhrough s.atllrda~ .amp:.- and acce~:.-or.e:> door 1000dOO Immaculate 1976CORVETTE :.-Ilver ~Ilb \er: dean. $1.l5O 886 8497 10-8. Sundd\ 125 IHoo 8A-MUSICAL d..-sl.:> "tt'i'l \\ llh \\ood gr'lln $1 500 82.35695 after 6 p m -ltJJ-,}ll! 0r !':H ';j U9 condlllon Call Fnda: after hght gre~ mtenor. J5QcublC 1983BL"ICK Sk,ha~k LlffiltOO GraUOl l2 blocb north of '; top::> 3 :.-IZes 8&rt~ INSTRUMENTS 6 p '11 886 38D8 lOch engine 51,000 'A-ell sun.roof loaded. to man) 1982 CAMARO Sport Coupe. Mde Rd ) 521 3500 ~Ionda~ V6, automatic, air. AM/FM BLUE PRINTS DESK - :.-'ed ca:.-e l\alnlJl \1hlte maIntamed miles all op- options to IIsI Excellenl con through Saturda~ 108 RESL'\IES CLOSING OUT 1901 FlREBlRD - radIO, excellent conditIon. [lnJsn lOp and offtce chain. loaded 17 000 miles $S 395 11ons. S7 800 792.2946 dillon $8.500 Weekends or '10909 Grand Rn lor (corner LUH,\-\TIXG coat rack :.land 7'7(--HH6 886-7157 30%/80%'- _..J __ _..:...-::..:....:_~------1979 .\lal1bu Statlon'o\agon. 1979HO:\DAPrelude 5speed "eekda~s - after 6 pm 885- ~ t)~"'"""''''' (n.U;QfIO \foT' Tn <;'7~ ;r., - ..... ~""'.~ ...... 6 " ...,,___ 1t'V"'O I ..t,...,"'U,1.\-\.. 1t 1 U \,.,1'1...C' .1\4 ...... '"'6vu ...... u, "un:> 5\..~a,., '-"-';'~"""'0 BL ~[\l:.~ ca:>hrt'g.::.ter lll,;' , Sl uoo mIles ~ ..s\l) ~ 1M./. aIr, -\~L::>t'ue. :1.>'t1 day through Salurdd~ 11}-7 8 2 y 11 - $1 00 mstrumen,:. 8833 \ an D~ke -6 ..6:ra I moonroof black \~Ith red 1977 OLDS:llOBILE Delta 88 Immaculate. loaded Ne~ ~ DL'oe H"\ \\aterford QllCK PRI~'TLXG 9'2146H -'-' --' ------191.2FORD Gran Tonno - ell.' engme. exhaust Rebutlt mechanical condI strIp, e'cellent condlllon. Rmale Po~er sleermgJ Townstup (3 nllle:. v.est 0: I:'\STA~T COPIES Hours 11 noon - i P m IB~I e'\ecUlI\ e t~ pe\1 nter tellent transmiSSIOn $-1,200 259. Telegraph' 67+-1121 ~Ion SCR.~TCH PAD - liS( LB Sunda\ 1 5 pm Like ne" $300 Fahulous tlOn dependable lransporta ~ ~ ~-8391_ _ _ _ _ brakes. "lndO\\S trunk. lilt 3570 da)S day lhrough Saturda} 1~8 WEDDI!'.G IXVITATlO~S lIOn $750 Call 882-0014 1980 LeC~R 28.000 mlles cruISe stereo. alummum PL>\~O L'PRlGHT excellent pnnt 882 1699 1983 OLDS - Clera LS, Sunda\ 125 Credit cards KEYLlNIXG .20.000 goodcond1uon. ne'o\ brakes. ....heeb. 47.000 nIlles. clean for practice v.orkmg COnOl' 9-ARTICLES 1980 CORVETTE - 4.door, air. crUIse, lilt. and checks ac-cepted Deli. PHaroSTATS. ~EGS miles loaded $12 400 one o\lmer $2.500 521-6995 $3.-1:00 886-96:.J9 tlon. askmg s-KJi) 885-5238 WANTED ------~ PO\~er locks/steer. very aVailable ReBBER STA.\IPS 882-8881 1983 TOYOT~ Cellca G T 1981 DELOREA~. 5 speed, OPEX \fO~D ~Y THRlI Coupe Excellent condItIon 11000 miles. stored Sli.ooo mglantenna, stereo. more RAINBOW .u.TllWAi' ft.5 P :\1 PIANOS WANTED GAS STOVES TRA\S .\\1198.3-rOO T.top $B.WO 884-5605 GRAXDS SpinetS, Consoles slereo cassette. full po....er. loaded sa ~ 'j"j7 .5Ot.r.; firm 88&-9619 ESTATE SALES -----~--~------1980BUICK Skylark - excel. POINTE PRINTING and Small t:pnghts WANTED 800 19i2 PLYMOL'TH statIon 19t1lCHE\'Y CitatIOn. ~-\R PAID $$ "agon. good trallsp<>rta \'6. automatJc all', po~er lent condItIon, 4 speed, air. Grosse POlOie "rea 2574 at Lakep0lnte tlon. $950 3i1-2301 call after steermg , brakes / wmdows . AM/F:\I cassette. luggage Estate and Household VE7-0506 885-0079 1981 COl'G-\R. air. po\\er rack $3.950 791-5565, 574- Grosse PoUlte Park 82'2-iloo "p m______stereo. Cruise. rear.\\mdo~ Llquldauons A~'TIQL'E OR COLLECTI .. steenng, automatic. stereo defogger delu.,e mm. rust 1568 ALL cassette.lov. rruleage. clean Complete Sen I('~ References BLE DOLLS SL'CH AS 1977 CUTLASS Supreme proofed. 22.000miles One of 1980BUICK Regal Coupe, V6, FURS*NTED PIANOS WANTED 885-5208 885--0826 Consignment or Buy M.-\DA~fE ALEXA_~DER. Good condition A~ F~ the best around. and "ell aU power, loaded. rust proof, TOP CASH PAID BARBIE. ETC 1961CHEVETTE. good shape. cassette. poy, er steenng \\ orth the $5,000 asklllg GASSI'OVE Roper v.lute~. 47.000miles, $6,000 886-5074 automatIc. 10.... mileage brakes So rust radial excellent condItIOn. S200 AT ONCE! 757.5568 LEE'S 885-1014 tlres 50.000 nules $"1.800 pnce 8814190 19i6 GRANADA. excellent Storm door ...lute. perfect. 20331 'lACK 881-8082 541-6116 L\S1 SIDE bookselrer deslret 881.51i4 19TJ BRO~ZE Gran Tormo. motor and mtenor 881-9299 hinges on left. fits 36" x 8(J' ------SIgned lmllted edJtlOns. fine 1979~L-\UBl' ClaSSICWagon -~------~----- man} new parts replaced BOX SPRIXG and mattress WORKI~G player plano. 100 1982 MERCURY Grand Mar. opemng. $/5 886-1383 illustrated chIldren s Iltera. PO\loer v.mdoV\s, luggage 1965 BUCK Electra coo\ er. past yl'ar tIreS, battery , sets bv Serta 112 off T'l\ m. rolls. best offer. ITi-0493 qUls, full po ....er, loaded, for- ture, art, photography. rack aIr. 33.000 miles tlble good conditIon 5"2.500 transmiSSion. rework. etc BooKCASE bnw.n ~auga- $H5 Full. $185 Queen. $225. mal roof. lo~ mileage 446- Amencana DetrOIt CIVil 886-5i60 after 5 p m _ 372-4372 _ saoo 8824258 after G p m hyde couch. tan ~augahyde Kmg. $325 All flrst quallty 88-ANTIQUES -Hi37 (days) 886-4057 (eve- War Occult. Avant Garde 1977 OLDS Cutlass Supreme 1977 POr-iTJAC Bonne\ tile 1!J78\'OL\RE Station Wagon. chair, formal ctla lr ....100(J11, Dealer Yo arehouse clear- FOR SALE mngs) chest Commode large for. Lit. mlhtan county lus. Brougham 2 door. triple Loaded. excellent condl' alT. po....er steenng/brakes ance 268-2854 or 371-5400. ~IATERIALS t::'Io'LnnTED . mal lamp. fireplace fix. tortes. phIfosoph) and black. T.top. wue ....heels. Uon 4 door V.a $2.900 77&- rear defroster $2.500 881- 1979DODGE Omru 024. body \\e have just added to 10' tures, IIOrIt1te end table GRANDFATHER our worthwhJ1e books for collec. deluxe mterlor. stereo 1514 1265 .' damage runs great, mterlOr \ enton' a hne of beautiful desk. green rug beige tIons Ul all categones Cash 8.track air. defogger. low clean $1.250 or best offer CLOCKS ne\\ handmade authentic 1975 CHRYSLER Cordoba 1977LL"\COLX Town Car Ex. dressmg ta b~ 1934 paid and ImmedIate re lIll.les Excellent S3,200 Call S132-5520 drapes. V.1ule m stock. 30% to 50% off AIIllSh qUIlts produced m $1.000 Good condJuon ~ cellent condJnon $3,500 or . eoameI top kitchen table. movaJ after 5 - 885-4286 Large selection Dealer ~hclugan 2419 best offer i71-7149 11B-CARSWANTED lm-520!5 clearance, 268-285-1 or 371- GRUB STREET 198-1BRO,"CO II AutomatIc. 4 1m AUDI Fox. sJlver. 2 door. 1978SILVER Grey PI~mouth TO BUY BEAUTIFUL Butcher block 5olOO We feature 2 SIZes. one for a A BOOKERY 10\ lM!e1dm e po"..er steerwg. 4 speed transmISSIon. sun- Fury 2 door. excellent con- \'~. excellent table top 1'~~"Xi2" y 36" FRE~CH doors several mat double SIZe bed Of' Larger and 17HH Easl Warren brakes. alr roof. AM!FM cassette, dltlon. aIr. rustproofed. Never used Call 886-1376 chIng sets from S50 some a smaller mfant size qUIlt near CadJeux condition. 12.000 miles rust proofed , low rolles. 1 automatic V8. recllnmg TOP $ $ $ $ 521- after 6'30 p m hIgher Leaded \\ lOdo" DetrOIt ~hclugan 510.500 or best offer owner. asking $3.400. Call bucket seats. power steer. Paid For Your Junk or 292ti DINING room set. table "'''th from $15 Also leaded and ~latenals L'nhmted has a 8ll2-il4.3 ~ter ~ 30 p~~~2281 _ IOg.brakes. rear defogger. Unwanted Car 2 leaves. ~chatn;, hutch. pe- beveled. 82+29904 dlstnbutorshlp of these 1------GR.-L'\ ADA 1977 4 door. 6 1981 4 DOOR MalIbu ClasSlc, only 44,000 miles $2.600 or BUll.. AUTO PARTS can firush $500 ~9629 THREE Beautiful off-v.hite qUIlts for the entU'e state of CASH FOR c~hnder, po"er steenng. automatlc transmission. best offer 885-fi124 ~lIclugan Come see thIS ItUW N ~ brakes, air A_'I/F~t stereo 894-4488 30 PIECE place setting of pot. \el\'et d\alrs floral pnnt. power steermg, brakes. 1961CITATIOX-sIlver/grey. outs~ndJng collection of IUIh1I ~ • .- Excellent condtuon tery dishes. ServIce for 8 $'i5 each or best offer. after radiO radlo. air. unted glass. rear all PO" er AIr. cruIse. 6 p m or v.eekends. '"5~198 graptuc Amencan art ....ork EXCELLENT CONDITION S1,995 834-4380 I WANT your beat up car Bill, potter; type dishes. 48 Located at VERY CLEAN. BE'ITER defogger 29&-9784 AM/FM stereo $3.900 Eldorado 3i2-9884. pIeCeS of 'Golden Peon; . b~ DOLL APPRAISALS 2 W ~hchlgan A\e BRAi'iDS. INF Al'.'T THRlJ 14 1980 CADILLAC 1981 K-CAR wagon Power 882.Q209 Barntz - stamless steel top. Pn.ocess chula 882-5205 ANTIQUES OR Downto",n Ypsilanti Bnng In Monday. Tuesday steering. fower brakes, 1!J78DATSUN280Z-AM/FM COLLEcrtBLES sunrooftmoonroof. loaded WANTED A LARGE selectIOn - L1k.e at the Huron RIver Of' Thur..day. 1(}.4pm front whee drive Stereo, cassette, 5 speed. sun-roof, 1982Renault Fuego - auter JUl\jf<:CARS new Sch\\o Inn blc) cles. SUSA..'1j'S DOLL MUSEUM ~!onday thru Sunda}. 1(}-5 ON HA.'jGERS PLEASE alr. and more Excellent excellenl condJtlOn, must 75i.5568 malic. coO' ertIble. loaded PAYING$4{) & UP 886-1968 822-4130 1-483~ CoodlUOD $4.700 or best of. tiell. '$5.200,779-8676 10"". 10\1\ n:illeage~ LeaVing- FREETOW1NG ------lfFS RESALE fer Must sell 'New car 15 ln~ SEASONLD f1retll'ood. $55 LIVI~G ROO:'.! set. 7 pll~ce. COl'":\'TRY FOLK ART SHOW '>NY.>1uack 0<11~ town.must.~Il>-~1.l ~~, 8Bl~355' artM"-a~3lYldon-' 191aJl ,CUq'lJASS ' 'umen SAME DAY PICKUP ~ 2 beGrflOltl sets COK\' face ~ord 'IV1th dellve-ry ... DAVlSBURG "...... ,.. ~ 1~ JEEF CJi - blue day.:Fnday. Brougham. Loaded, ex. 874-1883 plete, S233 each. bank beds. WIth __ "--_,_--"-.______cellent conditIOn. 10.... 521-~. ~rch 30. 31. Apnl1 Spnng. __ . __ ------black hardtop. 6 cylinder. ~ $30. trundle beds 540. 1976 CAMARO. power steer. mileage, 886-1007 fielaks B!dg Take 1-/5 S WANTED speed Excellent conditIOn JUNK OR wrecked cars and HEALTH INSURAIIJCE dmetleset. $75. sofa sleeper. to =93 eXIt DIXie Hw\- X to mg. power brakes. 6 cyhn- ----=------57 ,5()) 0 r bes t 822-8970 trucks Top dollar paid For all ages Prenuwns beglD $115 75S--1240 DavISburg Rd \\ to-Ander. HIghest pnces paid for slot der. automauc, new trans- 1981 FIREBIRD Espmt at $21.31 pet'mooth sonville Rd South!2 mile machmes. Juke boxes • Anes SE nllSSlon doors and cl1p llke Bnght red. 10.000 mIles 776-4529 or m-8352 OPE~ HOeSE Sale. ~Iarch 31 1981 DODGE - John E PIerce Hrs Fnda) e\'e 6 p m -9 musIc bo'ltes • arcade eqwp- automatic aIr. stereo. tilt nev., $2.000 or offer B7~ Shov.room condJtlOn Only and -\pnl I ~hscellaneous Ar Associates. Inc ment • peanut gumball ma. 1o\lM!e1po"er seats. Ziebart ~t~r 5 p m_~ weeken~_ Si,i95 886-8511. S132.9303 11c-BOATS furniture ~Iore' llSH111 p m Sa t 10 a m -5 p m Sun clunes • Vlctrolas • !>Cales• AND MOTORS ll&H75O 10 a m-5 p m 0\ er 85 Excellent condlllon $4.500 1971MERCEDES250c power 1973 DODGE Dart Sport TOOLS - screwdrIver sets LeCHEF FOOD processor. ex de3lers from eight states pJa~erplanos Call77H.415 Days. 371-9884 E\ emngs . steerIDg. brakes AIr, 51.000miles Sunroof. Looks cellent cOnOltlon. $50 88+ 7i'~5007 OUTBOARD motor 25 h P $1.50, \'lSegnpe plyers, featunng the fmest 10 822 1035 ... 1 d f and runs good But has crun .. e ogger ched tall lIght $1 095 Scott, runs great. $250, rare- S2..2S. asserted .,.TenCh sets 0049 -\mencan FoLicArt repros ORIE\l~LS OR \ letonan BL'lCK 198.3 Sl.}ha'o\k 10.... ~n~k.~ _ _ _ -- 885-7839 - evemngs ly used Dave - 963-0131 $3; Ferran sungla.sses F ~,\CY DRESSES go....ns. Shaker furruture IBth cen- rugs approxlmatel~ 11 /11 mlleage most optIOns. mmt CA!llARO 1977 L.T Air, 1983Bayhner Capn. 19' open $3 50; foking lnJ\'es. $3 25. 10\ OOdmgdresses chIldren s till') furruture cople!l AmISh and 12,86 ma\be old condJtlOn $7.5001best offer power steerIng. brakes 1979BUICK Regal. V-6 turbo bow Excellent condItIOn 125 M.1SC 1t.eD:E 885-0079 clothIng shoes All ne.... but dolls. AmIsh qwlts sponge- must bt: cheap 88i-7i'16 or :H3-m'iO ~ ood'" Sport coupe. black LIke shghtl~ SOIled 2::222 Camff 881-1240 A!\IJ F al vel} g conw. new AutomatIc transmlS- Volvo engme WIth trader FLEA MARKET \\are red-~are. st..one-"'are. 1977 BGICK Electra. 455 Road. 2 P m -I pm. ~Ion. blacksmIth. tm-smlth. rag. ___lIon. $2450_ __ 28&-4955_ _ _ slon. PO"" er steenng, pov.er and cover Great for flshmg EVERY nT.SDAY engme. po"er steerlngl or sklln£{ Call after 6 pm, da; ..Saturda~ 365-2151 rugs. dumm; boards. scher FUEL OIL 1981 PLYMOUTH Reliant. brakes, air. stereo, LimIted ALCOMOS CASTLE \\ lLL purchase and pump brakes/v. mdov. s aIr. great 886-8984 NL''£ MILE BETWEE~ LIGHT - aU ....000 5 piece enschmtte, theorems. frak. shape. needs starter ~Iust S E v.agon. automatic Alr. mtenor Pov.'er doorlocks, turs. Colornal & pnmltI\e from )our tank power steenng, brakes. tilt "heel Rear wIDdow STARCRAFT 18' Bownde 85 MACK A:\'D HARPER (full) l:>edrnom set, mattress see 51.250 Call e\enmgs pamtmgs, caned santas. Rear defrost, AMlFM ster. defogger New steel belted outboard traIler, ex. 773-<1591 mcludeti. S600 ~ 882-9420 B85-6699 hp stencllmg \\ hlrhgIgs and eo $4.i5O or best offer 331- rachals v.lule wall tIreS New cellent conditIon $5,500 8B-ANTlQUES all type COI.Ultf')needs for COLLECTOR ....ould like to 1982 Ct:TL-\SS Clera 3678 shocks ~ew muffler $4.850 886-0861 sale Adm $5 Fnda\ eve b~ t: S and foreIgn stamp", Brougham. 2 door, loaded. 1978 LeBaron:- '2 door Lan- 445-2775 after 6 pm and 36' CHRIS Craft Sportrlsh 52 50 Sat & Sun' and e S CQms 4$-0906 rustproof tnple nav) $7,996 dau. aIr. cruise. all new weekends or best Sho~ room condl' 1980 gas. loaded S&Il,OOO brakes no rust I tugh rrll1e- --T-O-S-E-rr-L-E-E-S-T-A-T-E-- FOt:R PIECE Art Deco bed SHofGe"Sandnfles ....anl., tlon i7!t-8905 Weekda)s, 754-1890 room set $525 779-0529 or - Parker Fox SmIth \\ Ul- a~:- $2.~ ~~ __ _ 1982Chr}sler leBaron Medal. 286-5135 chester and others Pn. ate 1974 \IERCEDES 2¥JD air. HISTORIC 1956 \\ Illys Jeep hon 2 door luxUIJ- coupe CHRISCRAFT Capn 26' ex- BE ~t:TIFl'L Penns\ l\ ama colleclor 4i8-5.'l15 automatic. A\11 F~l all on. \\ agon red 20.900 actual ~Ighty,atch blue. deluxe cellent condItIOn, 4 salls. gmal. 10\\ miles 77ZB'7s.s cn;stnut corner C'~pboard - CASH paid for paperbacks a",d mIles el.-er:, tlung onglDal padded top Velour bucket electriC start Sailor 10 h P , Excellent even tires best offer over seats, floor cOllSGle Front $11.500 Call 884-4346 cI.c.a 1~20, $1.;,00 firm rr,en s magazines - no\el - - - 1977 GRA~~D~ 4 door 302 $5,000 Call after 6 p m 885- ...heel dnve 4 speed (rea. 882-5-WJ dfter 6 exchange 79H9fJ3 18 COBALT, 188 h p Mer. I eng,ne po\l,er steenng/ 2308 hzes 4/) mpgl Sunroof air. ROL'":\l) oak tab~ - claw feet ------CruIser, 10.....hours new E-Z $550 7i'6-{)215 10A-MOTORCYCLES brakes automatIc air rear 1979 BlICK RIviera loaded. message center Premium loader traller. ne .....canvas defogger 51 000 miles mInt conditIOn 779 1558 digital, AM/FM Alpmecas. 568-5892 or 881-5324 \1.-\ '"CHESTER I FOR SALE S1 4W 372-<___1)9 after 5 p m selle Factor; mag ....heels - - A'TIQL'E \tALL H( \D _. , SAILBOAT - Santana 22',4 Hli8 OLDS\IOBILE Slarfire ~lthehn tlres etc 20.000 \\e offer a large selectlOn of J A 1,,0 .\ mdjammer 1982G,RA~D Pnx LG cruIse miles Double rust proofed salls. great boat. good buy T air po.l er steenng1brakes, tea leaf 'iIOV. blue and condl 1 tic ) ello.... black leather Harper bet~een 10 and 11 tlOn $') '!I}f) ;-;')-€~ ",.-tute mtenor 885-4972 slon $1 (fX) 821-4668 word for today is '-ltored v. Jnters 2U (JXJ miles THIXK ~{'M\1ER - Beautiful ft.5~onda} through Fnda; 1l1&iFuRD p'C" lop niT", 'Sood uJmple~el: lc>dded glass 19f12 ClTATVJ:\ 4 door 4 c}1 1982 LTD Cro .....n VictorIa vacation home - Tra\erse Call first for Saturday reet'nth ?uned ne-,;, exhaust lI'Ider 4"peed aIr conditIon Loaded Air all po\l,er op- t(,p5 Eagle (..T!> ~A~:as Cily I ArhutlL" LakeJ 291' 772-9385 2R')-H')2 Ing deluxe InterIOr Zle. tlOn!> ('rul<;e cassette hcA.lrs B~l offer mmt condition SI') 4(11 or beath 1tx-droom plu'>guest \\ E Bt l ,s,:\D SELL bart 19 000 mlJe'i \\ ell more Ruslproofed Alarm' hest offer ?,8').t. m/Jde rn kIIchen cared for Be<;t offer 882- [..0'0\ mlldge $!!')1)0 v., eek ANTIOIJES 'J?I rOR\'ETTE or,glOdl ca rpeted ftrpplate many ()l23 days after 6 - 886-!:n'f2 B(r....llf-;g Green 2 tone <'xlra,> "egohabIt. $'i] 'JOO ..,.tik: .... ting .Inc. anci- u,ppu and beige Ir,aded 1976 SLBlRL loy, mile" ln~ \!AZDA GL< 2 door Land ( ontrdtt lerm" ':lee by ent or former tlm .. : otdftt. al«) ha" gl",>~ panel'i 'pv. (1anr,n <;tereo dean "ell hall'hback 4 <;pt-('d ."\fff'" "pr""IJntmf-nt call 8?A 2!'..>2 maintained mu<-tor,e Jr, lo"'\n \tust Sl'e BOY,"!': \fountam - mohlle ?21 2(11) II )(1) best offer 882 8575 tlon 124'i0 !lal 7':UJ m the Classlfleds where you 88.':>-864() -.------home With A frame addll!rjfi Ifi-:' ((JR\'UI'E 'itl\er 1!:179BLICK century CU'itom 1 il('rt,,> fl mile<; <,Quth of can find rare collectibles and bJatk leatner Ir;«deteer ~talloo v.a~on no rust V6 Bo} ne I twd r(j(lm<; )' 2 antiques affordably pnced "tnre.-J ...mter<; S61f;} fa4 109 brilkes air [('ar defr.g air pov.er 'iteenng. stereo bath SI!! (~;, term" (N.n for ShOp the Classlfleds It's ~ geT 2 dr,or radial tlre<; 50,000 miles call after 6 the CI~t IJI ....Inter "eason nino, S/(}(J(J $1 695 885-12:>,,6 pm 88Z-293i rental flf'A 2:rl(J good bUSiness (Ii') P[\ Tf) (Xceilent Lrff,dl '1f)9 MAIL Jl;-p 4 c}'hnder • on ~ c, Lndf'r 4 ~~ 1 !oJAReo r<,ldnd Buyen and 1e4lerl meet $95'1 (,(fer TRA:-'~PORT ATlf):-- Spt F'loTida ~If''rer, (a~~e-tte dU!(Jm"tlc right hand Bl'autlful 2 ~,t'dr("..,m 2 bath dn\f" 1'300 or trade" 83:1 tlal 1969 Dodge Dart 6q,)' every day tn the Clac;slfteds, 1-11-41/)1', ' pf>nth"u,,~ ("nrjo All amen. ~I Mlkp IOder Reliable S29'i 884 where '¥'alue and quality al- Itlf''' c ahlf' T V ...... a<;her. j'1. •• (Hr.\. r:i1r~ 2Ik.l,r Jo..... 7817 ways cost less Flndwhatyou dT}'er pnvdtt heach pools, SEE milt'dlle aU'r,mat,( g()r,o J9i4 (APR[ It!'l POIlof"r lenn,,, Ixldl dock!> 24 hour need and sell what you don't (rJ!1tJlllon $1 17'; 1'i',I) 2(l';i brllkr ~ '>IN nnj! 6 r; Imdf r <,t'(urlty "all'llea<,e 372 need In the Classlfleds RAY J (~3 Bur K (~ntury LTD 4 autt,m"tlc "u rf'M defog '}4'j1) 4if\ 12tI'i afwr 6 p m d(>(,r fj !1(jO mlle'i, 19 I()(J ger AM/FM ~terf'(, 1.1200 I:Ind .....eo- k< nd" CAMPISE '~1l 3297 ( 1:11J 1:1Her ~ ~ m 1lll6-0Z78 9-ARTlClES 11A-CAR I I~I Rf.LIA~T~ E o4~~ 2 1!lfl2 RELlA:-- T WIlj!fJTIaut(}- Grosse Pointe i WANTED d(,...)r 'iunrorA rt'ar defog mat It P')\o\o (' r <,teeTln.ll REPAIR DRUMMY ger tIlt black VInyl lop brake~ AMIFM u,,<,elte ~tt're.-I IUiUla.lle rack rear News BOOKS/USED AND RARE-- $4 OC'IJ (jff f' r 77&- 5615 445- EASTSIDE I 1f171 \l,1ndo.....def(~er excellent rJl.l'thd~ fOf ca.~ rr awa~ OLDS wl'l(htlon S5 ~ 296-7049 estates also deo.in!d In home ror.sultatW'lOS I Hf78 Ll:--COL:'; Ver ..allle.. 4 TRANSMISSION I',?,. f'*J .. A ..... n fORD 1m Country ~ulre 9 16301 M~CK a1 3 MI 882.6900 JOHN KING Cl'TI_As..'iF:~ rx STOCK door fully jc,adf'd. low mile .. run .. pE'rfect, mu,t pa"'if'Tlger 1"1100 miles. lIke '''I. ROADTIlT 961-0622 n2-2200 'telllmmedICitely.lo" pnce new all optllins, $24S0 or WORK GUI4RANTEED • Chp and Save tl'as ad • 759-564i best offer 881 5771 ...... Page Seven-C Thursday, March 29, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS

12B-VACATION 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 12E-COMMERCIAL 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE 13-REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE PROPERTY FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FOR SALE FORT LAUDERDALE AREA FOR SALE GROSSE POINTE Park - 2 MJI vard - Mack Gorgeous, 3 THREE BEDROOM Home, 2 BEACON Hill, 4 bedroom, 21l MINI-MANSION l'hree room co op apal tmenl, GENERAL OFFICE lMMACULATE 3 bedroom car gal age, alummum, new 14353 MILE DB famtly flat, Beaconsrleld brick bungalow, Cormal dm. bedroom blll'k English Col- bath, attractively decorated, ('ompletel) and elegdntly MEDICAL BLDG Attractive, roof, Sl John 884-8449 clean No brokers, serIOus SLJPEH BUY AT $lt7 1.100 and Vernor 3 bedrooms each 12 omal Natul,ll fll epl 4 he(j;:;lo-rr;;;-21, palm t, ee:. ~\I lIlUlllng pool, ty !LlllltS, owner al1lClOUS mamtallled, all brick, ly pamted, immaculate can. g,lI'nge Ihklllg $45,!JllU I.',ICIIflool $175,000 884.3559 OK bath, .,1.111' kltclwn elt'n ,lnd ~huffleboards FI\ e fireproof construction With dillon, owner relocated REDUCED $4,000 For QUickel' AllSUlllptlOll ,1\ ,Ill <1blt.' reI redllOIl loom 11('\', fool mlllute~ 10 ocean and BY OWNI.;H DetrOIt. 7 Mllel 2 Bedroom Bung flK2 Klf,7 bedl (l(lrn bill 1-. Icmodeled dOlI 11 1-359 5550 Illedl('ment Li\Kf<: ST CLAIR l\ OFFICE bUlldlllg. 15216 Eight MOROSS 19341, 5 and 3 Ill. Cd I garage. Oil .. (OlllCr 101 I1.11 I "ull (,I o'>~( ("JllIt( located 1I1 Harpel' Wood~ g.1l agt' t..ll1d ('onll ,let lei 11\'> H'l11ch condoll1ll1lum Open PU\IP \:\tl Flond.1 - Bnght ~hle Rd, near Gratiot 1,440 come, good condillon A;,;,unlclble mortg( ('('lItury 21 N,lIlc(' flom 1,lke $61l.000, Land op ,lp,1! tmenl Comcment ment Completely remodel. to 5t John Hospital, a 3 J~klng $3I,'llJO pa)ment. flltJf'! dtfllllg loorll rrLf,dl r n BY OWNER 771.mo ('ollll del telm, To\\ nhou ..e III to\1 n lord IIon Pool ed 886-3598 bedroom bllck bungalo\\, $26,000 m~ hal,lnu', With kIll hi II 2 b( Iii ()Ollh ,J/,d d I' Want your own home but can'l H1VIEHA Terrace Condomll1 ( lh" I, basement. 2 car g,.11 IHnU': oredll d II recreatIOn Call 8111-7500, 3516 CadIeux smgle home whenlhe hme IS ;,03 NO WI<.,EDALE ( 'I 1111'11\ rll t 1'101" I 'It( , CENTURY 21 - UNIQUE Congenl<11 neighbors, ('omfortq (t ~hi""l IPt.l1t .2 ~ II d~f 7784900 $57,500 L.\nd Contl..lct LOll m,lll1lclhln(e (;re ,i1II( Ii ,\II' I ,lIll I I, i' I' leI In;' \\ III decorll!I)'H 11~ Ii ~hlppll1g chdnnel -I IDEAL huntmg camp - 120 after pm 0\\ nel , 882-4231 ,1Ild (om emellle 1Ill'llIded 1II garage. central ,lIr. natur.J I .\NDAH\' 88G 5670 room ('nd urIll "mall to 11 k bl'droom~, 1'1\ er room. acres and mce lodge Alpena - tlw, 'IlUg dltlnil,, English garden \\ Ith In see fOl ~ our~ell' tlve 882 5H-I gioulld spnnl-Ier system acres, Wilderness Valley garage, fenced yard Askmg $58,900 By Appomt- POinte \\ood~ 3 bcdloom ~\lImmIM( p",,1 lll ••r II Golf AsSOCiatIOn HeavIly HlVIEHII Ten a(c condo- CUSTOM EXECUTIVE ranch $73,000 8852991 \lIle Oll ,J<,f{('r,on (dll \ear pm ate ;,chool and ment Must see ASK FOR MARK, ACTIVE \\ooded, restncted $7,995 I11I1lIUm, 9 I\IIIe Jeffel son COLONIAL IN WOODS HARPEn WOODS \dell ~hopplng mall By owner 882-5444 By appointment only Call (517l 669-913-1, (517) L,ll ge tl\ 0 bedroom. two !J01 Moorland 20138 DA~IMAl'o <.,CH\\ Ell LEH 5 bedoom, 2 full. 2 half baths ('11 7b5 8885 or 463-1573 349-3137 bath uppel ChOice locatIOn My owner;, have tdker I HE\l r,,,nI'E OPEN SATURDAY - SUNDAY 2-5 Immediate a\'dJlablllty large faIm!) room, first flool meticulous care of me I 1l8l>-')8O!) \IARI:'\'E CITY A PRIME Lake Michigan laundry $141.000 Flexlbte $57.500 15% dO\\11 2931157, have been renovaled \;OHTII B \ \ \ dJ<1gc lOl1do \la1l1 - on the River 1\\0 frontage lot, 6O'x300' with 1385 LOCHMOOR BLVD, terms By 01\ ner 885 9409 881 4347 throughout I'm mamlen l'\e<.utll e lOll nhllJOl Edgar & ASSOCIates, 886- ranch 982 Alllta Three Centml aIr, new carpetl11g, custom dl aperles GROSSE POINTE. Park - bUIlt 3 bt.'~ Hd In the F .trd lot 52 x146' C,W. BABCOCK AND LAWSONS Pnnclpals only $168,000 8&i JI5 6 :;520KE;'o;SI~GTO:'\ l"ldlt'll\. PALMS QUEEN Grosse POinte Woods BrIck 884-0925 l'h'llldler PMI- ,,!'l'a 3 bt'd 886-4444 bungalow 2 bedrooms BY OWNI':H - 2 bedroOi 11 loom bnl'k 11.11\11<11 fin' J)a bcock ('o-op G ro.,sc , G HOSSE Pomle elt) attrac. do\\n, 1 large bedroom up WATERFRONT SHOWPLACE .------pl,ll'e. 2 (treel parkmg B8H684 chpn, \\et plaster. hardwood rooms, 21h baths, dream kitchen, huge family room, (;HOSSE POlllt., \\ Ilod:. " d\all"ble for 50 cars Ap f1oor~ OversIzed two car wel bar Master bedroom sUite. sunken tub Full On ont' of lhe l1IU'"t '>11('1'1., m Ill\' F,lrl1l'>, 1111'>gl ,IUOlh SADDI.E LAM: ht'lhoom funlh ~ l.ll ':,11 proxi mdlel) 1 000 "quare ,II garage $69,900 basement Dockage ror targe boat Call Tudor 111 movc In COI\(!lIIIHl l'<1nhe ~OUI'" 1.(',ldl'd gl~ r,lIni 10 pre~tlglOlI:' 1 fiool I,Hlndr ~ pl,lll'" h,h.'llIl'nl Stlti ("»7'1 trdd .1\ dltable 8814200 CENTURY 21, AVID 778-8100 "Ittlll~ room and lav up 2 1,llld,>l..apt'd, fOJlJ1,11hVlJ1g 1'00111 \\llh Illepl.1ce, dllllng re(' room. ,Ilr. 2\, b.lth~ a t 1 ,\('(l\IE !lut ~E 1.\( ~,lIt' .JOHNSTO~E & Car garage Jalouo;lCd loom, fll1l'>!wd baseml'nl lhll'c I,ll gr l){'droom~, l' ! Cal' tached g,1r <1ge Ver) mCI' I .JOHr-.STO~E porch, natural fireplace, det.lched g,1I ,Ig(' .Ind III III h mOl (' C,H!lt'lI\ I '}-j ,111',1 $.17 lJ(1l1 \1'1\ (Urn,I,I' IIdlul"III.II.'t.1 jlJ { '\ IT!'> In Gro,.,e Pomte laundry and kitchen GHOSS!': po[~n: P \HK \LlIl\ ,ILl.lllh'n,11 nllhl "....' l",nd contrall term, 100;) appliance.. carpeting and I'I.I-:,\~Io: ( 1\1.1. Hili 'KH7 I. ()!( \I 'POI'\, I \1F'\,T l:l,dfllur Stdh'1\ b ht'(lrno III ll"l l~~lll do\\ n Broker 822 If..11 drape" mOVE' III condilion !'IUV 11'1I ....11\\ 'I "hmt'Tudlll 1\I,.IU!I{ul 111.0 (){r.'r' III.lIl.d "I'p.II,llt' 1,111lldl \ In~ I 2(~I.,q £t blllldmg Id'illtil" ,.Irpoll S-I.!\1I.1\1 ( Plllr<1l air Land Contrdtl GROSSE POINTE WOODS (lIWSSE 1'()1~'l'E \\OoD,> 771 1-1111 1181 8.'l1, tprm,> \'>klng $BI 'iOO Cen Ho"lyn - outo;tandlng 3 I!lUti Boum('nwlIlh "1),11 1011'0 \\ \l H t Il \ .Illd 1<1" 1""ll lun 21 '\l~ n 2 bedroom Cape 'p _ FI!-,/Ii':H IWAl> - ml'nl $J\ !ltlo Ilurn' 885-2000 Charmmg center ('ntrdn('c ('olonlal 4 bedronml.. I I J r \\ ,hl'lI"1 Olll hi 01, ,"'\11 ,'I 884.3550 ha Ih., FJr(~placc a nd hardwood floor .. New furnact'. roor STIEBER REALTY Ih I, II,\ ", "" \\ ~Illll' I I update'd kltctwn and hllth Mov{' In cOOllltlon No hrok('ro; BL~I"'E<"<" dne! fi I nJ-,(,AL Pldl(' Gro~.,e 77'> ~(I()O ~l" H,'nh $~.hl l1\ Hl\t •• plea ..e ------IlWF:'iTMENT POInte ~horc., 4 h(.droom SOl\lI:Il ...J-: I Ill'll 1111 ~ h.,Ii rl.l ", I' $h 1 $l\l lI\I(1 ,.I ...1i lllll,4165 Rg.? 1117" PHOPF:Hll1':~ (;('orRwn ('olonlol 4 000 rnllln .!' II"t h, 1It'\\ \L II Jo:X(!u'>lv('ly '>quare f('('t (Ircular dnvp, -----, ------11,1< I' S!, OIK\ ll»-I (."n" tn 1\\\\lli .. '111\"1)" ~II'" " \ [ J-,') - I.J-,A!'>J-:'<" pi o[(,."londlly e!('..lgned '11Ildlll"" \Il 1\11 III' , I'HIlI1 Il('a!lor %1 fi72') 88t 40'>11 No bru ;J1'1 '\, ,,' \11\'1 :- Ih Mill' \\ .ldfl'l,n 11 111',11 ~I\Ilok HII ~lJll 111\ III 1\ 88~()8Cfl 13A-LOTS ker" I h .l bl ..I1,,,,m, !~':h,lt! I'" FOR SALE FOH ~AI,J-: rOil <.,,,LE h~ 0....fl( r IJnr k "10111111 loum hl'lIlt'(! j 11 71l K 1-:/{('JlF:V,\1. 1/11 the Hill (olonldl In (,ro ...,c 1'00ntc glolllltl IWIlI :--hll1l'I\(l! 'd 1\\\1 ~ \\Hi \ ...In Two 11'\ ....lth 1,,,,>( m('nt I h((lroorn, 2 bdth.. L,wd 8710 '\1 II \\ IIdlllll1 I'll' TOLE<., & A<.,<.,()('JATJ-:!-, ( onlra( I ,Iv,lll"hlc A.,kmg II \H\ \Hl1nc',11 ~"I"I \\ Ill" II 1'1I1ll' 1~II"I'1l 88',2000 $72 (Will \Ill r!',1IIor (all., 1111111111111,111' hill k hlll1~ " 886.4444 4(,'1 If.t'I'l "ft('r ----I p m 1m, I !If't!l ,"'III' I' h.ltl I' r- 1111'pl,1I (' IOllll.d dlllil 1~ LAKESHORE DRIVE WHY Nm I Jld 11l'II'P I h'lIl1l Mov(' III ('ondltHIll :--'l ,1IH! Illl'pl,I('(' ('I'll lI~lIllH\ I m:NTIN& YOUR IIIOl(" I nlld (01111,11 t .lIn II I'HOPERTY? Prime !-It (I,alr ~ore., arPIi F:xceptlOnrtl lukE' VI(.'W .14 I r.oI ,jf) l'/ll' I g V ('f11< It'nl Iiv Ilig I oOln "" II h r II ('pl:I< I' fOI Call your ad Il hll' Il'>k 1I1~ $4', 1~~1 HIleI 882.7306 AND hedroomll, 21,~ hath., t amll)' room, Flondl! I flom OVE'r Ill,d dllllllg I (lOIll 1m W' 1Il/l"I('1 hN!I 00111 phl~ .! mon' \111'1 1 IKI P 11\ '\tl' 1, ~ .! Itl IIA Vfo:IT MANAG ED loob lab F'ormal dining, 1st Ooor laundry EncloM'd b('droorn~, J.I , hal h.,. hi'll k 11,1110 !lOy IhO lot v. II h :J. lllllo(r - in on Monday. \1I111 1111.... 1I("llil'llll Ii I'll IT'~ A (,OCJO MOVE' boal hoolle. hOIst MInt condItIOn' mapl(" j!lIlllg(' door op<'lwr (,!ClJ:--"J': 1'011ltl' \\u()d" .l IH'Il! ,1('11.'1"01\ I III "'l/t' ht'(lIl1urn hlhk IJlIII h DILLON CALL G1L WITTENBERG f'OR PIUVATE lUI' 1')(, \\llh IHl\ld\l\,i>: Il\nl\ ... PHOPERTY Mu.,ll)( '>Il'n Movl' III (ono ilIOn A II 882-6900 APPOINTMENT SHOWING lIVIli1,lhll' (Ill 1 I h('lh <10m ("Ill IlfI.l 2'1\(, fill Appoll1lnwlIl mnny (.x II Illl $11O,1l00 By MANAGEMENT CENTURY 21, AVID 778 8100 ('olnll1111 ...( 1111I tl .... t{P.ll 881-41.7 OWllI'1 IlII6 'j,lIH L ~'"lllh' 1l1l11NOt)

~I Thursday, March 29, 1984 Page Eight-e GROSSE POINTE NEWS 21F-HOME 13A-l.OTS 20-GENERAl 21-MOVING 21F-HOME 21F-HOUE 21F-HOME 15-8UStNESS j IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT FOR SALE OPPORTUNITIES I SERVICE IMPROVEMENT IMPROVEMENT GROSSE POL'lTE HADLEY HOME VACANT RESlDEXTIAL RE-tAIL SHOP for Ulterlor ere- 0 X G co:". ~lRl CTIO\ CO ~IOVING CO VOCCI A REPLACE~{E:'\T - ....mdo~'S lZATION anddoors Steel doors .....000 MODERN PROPERT\ ~Ign Estabh:>~ accounts :'>!d'>OOnrepal~ chlmne\ s, Pomte fe"ldents \IIt'l1l move IMPROVEMENT CONSTRUCTION \\ Indo\\ '" \\ Ith e'(tenor 50 foot frontage on resHlenual \\ tth leadmg I,\allco,enng pallo:> purchb S!X"-'ldllZUlg or re!l"O\'e larg~ or ~mall M T CHARGor INC. street In the Par~ li5 feet and fabnc dl,tnbutor", In FI€'IcJ,..rorn;!lrt'pl"cl;':, LJ quanlltles of furnIture. CO , INC alummum clad .\ll energy BUILDING CO. COMPLETE RE\lODELl~G deep Cash or Land Contract [dedi base for de:;!grlers Ex. ct'f'l~'d 8JS <}45:! appllan~, ptano~ - or • \ti\lIUlJ'b etiiclent Energ,\ Outlet lnc PERSONALLY DESIGSED SER\ ICE tenn", cellen! Ime:.tment a:> ta'\. ALL CARPE-NTFfY- \\hat ha\e \QU Call for • Dc.! mer' l381-t~1 Free Estlmate I • K.chens - AttICS Kllchen",.Baths "helter Repl) to bo'\. P 17 , • freee:.umate, 343-048101' • G...r,,~<,::- H\ \D\ ~~l;'I; - Speclahztng • Ba~ments - Porches Addillon", Porche:> W-\TERFRO,\ T PROPER Gro~se Pomte 'e\\.:> 99 I LOCKS In"talled Gent'ral 882-6737 Operated b\ • r..ltchC'o, III tllll:>hed basements • Bathroom~ - Rec Room~ -\ltlr Hec Room~ TY 80 ,SUI lo.eh ....oodeSe powte! l'arpt'ntr) RepaIr, Of -\l!l John StelIunger . • Flrt>pL.ct'"- c,lrpentn formlca \\ork, Outdoor deck em Ironments -\lumlnum Siding Tram lot on Lll.,.e 5t Clair In Hal' Farms \11 48236 Kwds P"lntmg Int",rlOr 1 Bnd. dnd Celll<.'rH\lurk df\\\all and patntlng ~o CrSTo~t CRAFTED Gutter", DQ'llo n Spout", moo TO\\ r",hlp Bu\ no.,.,to GROSSE PO!~TE I E'\.tenvr ' RELl-\Bt.E P01~TE resident &.nk Ilfl~I'1l !1'~ "'\ ,11 ",Vt' loG tOe)"mall 88:!-48:?i • Cabmets - FormIca 1 Storm WlIldo~~ Doors build In the spnng and be Be 1 FREE E::.TI\I-\TE., '\lth mo\tng \an ,HII mo\e L ,11' l1 t k -'------I • Wood y, orkmg _ tnm \,1,01'11. .. ut~ "hop f'uJl\ eqUIP~ 'I LlCE'\SED I large or slT1.aUquantl!lb Roofmg Shmgle~ Hot l'Jr d l "'., Honl<.'\!l~~' t'll-dldl I MODERNIZATION • Replacement Wmdoy,s Alumll1um SldlOg and rea ~ to eOjo\. O€fore the Same ,""-l~'atlon 'rJ.',,' \ ea ...... - .... ir.-H;O :-~ 5i.'9'J,I Ea,qxnnte ,',10\ mg Co ";7; 2816 -::~!!tlS OWlens' onal BUIlding Co • Intenor _ E ...tenor Doors summer :" 0\ er wnd Con ""der Ca~h price I '!).Sl-RED Gutter Cleamng Ine r.ltchens Bdths Base- FL LLY UCE:"tSED A~D tract Ter" , j CRO\~ \ RE \LT) I U<.-'E\SED !'l:dft-e Qwlder to I Bob S8'1 1968 II K BUILDING CO, Fence" Repalr~ of dll klOd~ I all~~) bmla gara4e" all !\p<"" of I ------DC KELL \ BlILDER 1 ~~n.t~ .\ddltlons Licensed I:"tSl RED Llct'n:>ed and In-ured R G 1:.. '~~r i \">c~_I ...t~ STROH ICE cream oar!or I l~rr.t'r.t ,\ 0, .... or'c" p..:t 0:> I • QuaIJt\ Relr0c~<.'lln" _._-_-._.tJ______GEXERAL HOME REP-\lR 8860520 ~~->,j,.1 I br,,1 \j.l ,1,,-, 'l' \I,L \l [ l \~ \IL)\ I'\G com I '" Free Estimates - 8826842 ______Blb\ ,hoppIng area Ir Y I C",,'" '\.J'_ ~ ". I p-l' \ \Ied<"r rr~l" .•nUI • -\nden,on Reptaceme'lt E -\STL -\\ D - - - • '.lIle, & Porl h Elldo_ure~ LuT =1: ~ ""Yllal H.lJ..-.,e II Clair SllQrb -\ll \e4r rou.'Kl ~ In.;, ~ ,<,~~ 'n B~'IQ r,; I ""1\Up-l e~,t F,t.lbll~ht'tl In I \\tndt:l\\" ~ Doo~ \Ll ~Il'\l \1 WOOD • -\ddltlon" ,1l1d h,l,hen, Po I'll ~r, blbme"", Call I oU:> n~ l t\ u' Llr"':>,,e, jQ18 _ Fu 1\ ~!'o I re- Ru",el! ~ae!; - m,ured • \dditilJ'lS of al; [\ p€"' PRODL (IS • C'ommerlldl BUlldlll~-' ",'n'\~ltzo' Red' R".t:[t;'lLt":> H')l'h'-~ lrl ,,~~'J3' ...... ,..... Il,... I E",dt~!_... Po ":" ., D~I'''II I tyld,r>.J "~,-~..:ll"',,""I ' -, Ib--.o...~-"''''' I GRu,,,E pur\TE P\RK I Lompan~ 8SO-.)8W~~Il'J I Bn'tner;:, 7-2.>22, _ • CllitOlr882-3463Gar .lge::. I ::-l.:.r.~ tnm rwfmg ~am!e",s *D EC l/S;~ * i ,;utter" slorm doors and JIM SUnON 2 lac;:",: '~c' B"IIOU' Both I "\~","'16'" I 20A-CARPET j21A-PIANO I L1CE'\~ED ~ I\SL RFD I \ld1do\\;, rallmgs alum' and 16';";'Bn~ Dn,l:' 101),1-') "[,<,:Ar :-;"54'«)' 1 16-PETS LAYING SERVICE I CL-\SSIC \\ oc.d\\orl-.''1![ - I num shutters porch enelos- *GAZEBOS * 1T 4-2942 Tl 2 2-Bb \ld.t:'r;, 01 :.re lUfn\tU,<, ure;; Free courteous est! \IERRPH HHEH H.i1 FOR SALE C~RPET L~\ I'\G IpI ~ '\L) SER\lCES - Turun~ I .:u,rorn <:::sb,neb ,ter<:,o n'at"" by (;ro--", P, rt.: £-"<:.'''1' 7')' \E\\ ~\D OLD .J'ld rep...lr QualllleO tech I INTEREST FREE enclo~l.r<" e:L t u, 'om I Ol!l('e ~ho\\ room BART LE\\ IS !b'< ~2 l~'J G?~,,~~I'rg "rd \\ood\\ori.; , 29315 Haroer Ongtnal Designs FINANCING 14-REAL ESTATE ~re€ ~tead.o~p;~d:Th~~ "'1' ..... -\L.--0 - r- I ~~. ~_o~ ow,"" ...... v mg our '~Idlt \ .r2 S&lS ~ ( ~ 77 ..-lH6O Helerences J P SI~lO~ Bl'lLDI;\G co WANTED lJeld Shot:> Reasonable C-\RPETl\G \ 1'\\ L \ CO~IPLETE PIA~O ser\'1ce ------______1 ~J03..l H~RD\\OOD Tunmg rebUIlding re 286-3503 • Complete Home lnlpro\ement KITCHEN DESIGN SPECIALIST P,S.-Qld patios broken • Free E",hmates -\~~;~~O~~~~~':~:~l~e URGE Shagg) Temer 5 I ~al~~"'; ~~:: In \: ¥~~~~~~an~leGmu':W II t~~~,COMPLETE REMODELING SERVICE out and hauled away, 886-8035 1ng5 u.1! aBl-r<;" '6 £a"rland months old housebroken no BOB TRL DEI 8o:>sner 731.i'707 ULE'\ FREI\\ \LD BSE MBA Realt\ (0 1t:>2S H.oM 7':4-7500 a~" ~.x>"'" e\es I PI\\O TL'I;l'l;G and repaIr BARKER Detro,t 4a.:::24 ~II"CC 194{j <>0 .=u.J 824-3030 TR -\CTORS Rea It c)r \\ l..'TED arm reeaed temale JERRY'S CARPET I !fig \\ ork guaranteed I !llake Your 'Summer co~ Home' ~Iore EnJo~able' \lodermutlon • -\ller Juon, • Cock a poo. preferabl: ~~~IT'~~! Ed\\ard Fe! CASH FOR HOMES I SERVICE 1 EnJo~able' AddItion" • F dnlll\ Room' SERVI'G -\R£~ ..5 '.(EARS I :~~~c~~eb€fou:~tJWL"(l~o IlnstallatlOn - Repairs I all II REASO:'\ABLE • Kitchen" & Recu~,ltlon 88H585 kInds in-home sa es 21C-ELECTRICAl - RUDDER CONSTRUCTION- ~{ODER:'1IZATIO]\;S Area" ______Warebouse pnces O\er 2Q SERVICE STIEBER REALTY I RfSlDENTlAl - COMMERClAl We-Do-All Phases of Home & JUlES BARKER 775-4S0) FREE TO good home. male ) ears expenence \ ------886-5(}H t'iE\h :- .::....~...Rt.'(:- C "', ...."C :;£<1\ ZAT0\1 &. R€PAlRS Ofhce Repall' & Alterations. --- FA~HL 1 UF .. seeking a Yorkshire Temer 3 \ears 776-36(l.4 In ::-:;"C',':' i"",,:: "K:Cf ""0 .~E 0r"\~'''''.A'' SpecIalIZIng PLo\STERI'\ G Dr~ \\ all larger house In Grosse old, good \l,lth children CARPETmstallauons-SI5Ua I' WADE'S ELECTRIC • Bathroom updating ne\\ or repaIr ceramIc tile, Pomte Farm;, ...eed 1 W"}- n€eds lo\e and attention 'taro Call 882-3175 884-7410 COMPANY. • Custom lulchens & cablfiets tuck pomtmg and brIck 28 2.200 so !t '.\lth J bedroom -\KC Work 881-8300 Eye- _<: e"sed - If"l5\;1' ed INCORPORATED • Reftrnslung \\ood floors ~ears expenence -\ll \1 or\- and famlll room Price rungs 885-6876 2OB-REFRIGERATION • Emergency repall'S (break guaranteed Free estimates range SJjtH... ) to SIlO 000 POODLE PCPPIES - black AND AIR FAST 24 HOUR inS) \'alentmo. 372-3462 Could trade our 1 500 sq ft 525 821-1631 CONDITIONING SERViCE Workshop on Wheels, AL U,',lIi\ (;~l \.ln~I sldLOg Grosse Pmnte Farms house A.'l~L-\L HOSPITAL REPAIR 884-9500 BIg Co Preformance. tnm, storm \\ mdO\\s doors Pnnc1ples oo.J: e&>-743'2 after \\ e stlll have a small female ------Small Co Personal servIce 6 P m RICHIE S appl1ances senice & Pnces a\\ rungs, shutters, gutters Shepherd mIX. she IS so center 5erYlce on all maJOr S & J ELECTRIC CUSTOM HOME IMPROVEMENTS 885-2664 roof 109, tear offs Free DESIRE TO bY... or rent a Coo- S\l,eet ana sne rea11y needs a pp! ICNJ' t Resldeflual CommercIal 30 YRS. EXPERTISE estlffiates Joe, 886 2186 do at -t535 CadIeux 822.J9j9 good home '" e can t keep ~ "'''-0 guaran ee ~o Job Too Small her caged much longer _ • Garages • Roofmg ALL CARPENTRY 885-mJ • Cement 21G-ROOFING Please gIve her a second 2GC-CHIMNEY AND • AdditIons Porches - Interior/Extenor • Sldmg SERVICE chance for a farru1y We also • Dormers RepalfS - PamtlJlg . Etc FIREPLACE COLVILLE • KItchens • PalOtmg FREE ESTIMATES- have an older cat, he IS REPAIR I ELECTRIC CO. • Baths • Gutters BAKERY FOR sale In Grosse neutered and decla'~ ed. he s UCE~SED HADLEY HOME I Range;, Dr) ers Ser\ Ices LlC & I'I;SCRED Pomte The on!) bakery III a \\onderful cat Please call. SPR1~G CLEA.'l~G 527 -4470 1-468-5099 IMPROVEMENT Gros...«ePomte Park Excel- 882~ SPEC~ Doorb€!l" COMPANY INC. lent bus mess established EXGLlSH Spnnger, AKC. one Does :.our flre£~ce andI \ IOL\TIO~S MOCERI Plumbmg and Heat. F -\ST DIERGE'CY 468-8182 Cm1PLETE 0\ er 4/) )-ears ago H1gh female three males ex. clu.m!le) need a l"",e5SlOna FREE ESTl\IATES GCAR~""TEED WORK mg Bathroom remodelrng. ROOFIXG SERYICE cIearung" Xorness' Insured SER\ICE Gross free estimates and deSIgn CO:'>I~IERCIAL &. ______~~t~rgf:~~~ S5198400~'lthoif tf dooethis ad.b) Apnl3uth 774-9110 Ideas Contact Sam Mocen, RESIDE~lIAL RESTALRA~"T at Harper/9 884-0051 or ~9726 Tear-off :'thle, hea\'y traffic area. all 2O-GENERAL J&J ClIBINEY SWEEPS CO~IPLETE electncal ser. SERVICING THE GROSSE POINTES RAU MAIN1'ENA.'I; CE Reshmgle eqwpmenl 3\ al1able to start SERVICE Ti3-1-H4 Vice Xo JOb too small to han- ALL WOllEN CREW Hot Tar the busIness $l9 900 dle 10% dlSCOUIltto sernor HANDY~IAN WIth truck FIREPL:\CE \,I,oO-3733 small jobs IT So2966 -ReflIllsbing COLOAEO-GAlV"ANrzEd • • Cleantng HAGAN A.l'I,1)Y'S )'IASO~"R.\ A~'D J. '~E ~OR.'ttA.'" Cosme- ELECTRICAL won: - small COMMERCIAL - • Home Improvement & ROOFI'\G SERVICE CHI~L""EY REPAIR tics' Busule$S epporturnt) or large jobs - ,iOIab.ODS PESIOE,,~l!;et Mannq, Restoranoti, Amums, CLASSIFIED ADS COLOR HI Fl STEREO )OU dry Save on any sIze makes ~O SERVICE n" Ccmp'.I'.er Roo!!! Coz:p!e'e Job Start to fllllSh - Large GUY DeBOER 885-62&4 roof, flats or shmgles - CHARGE If repaired 885-4624 772 3446 CALL 882-6900 We'll run your ad l.....TE:'\~ -\S orS~, ks~J~n, Suhnq,Roohnq rene ....ed or repaIred Call Guaranteed parts and ser- FREE!' --- no.... for speCIal sa\lngs 16-PETS "ce SpeclahZ1~ ID GE TV REPUR - Free home Replacement WIndows & Doors 24;H)50i FOR SALE 882.s900 Kenmore and ",'hulpool estunate ....!Ih e~ery Job .\11 products ","ork guaranteed 882..lf.i95 JO~NNA WESTERN HEDEMARK PERSO~AUZED WINDOW SHADES ROOFING QUAUN PIJI'l'IES SERVlCE SI:'\CE 1965 21F-HOME R.D. PRIEST ~...h. 5,..u .... E~~ eO. ".cs ",A. ... FV .... STUD suva TO George Stults IMPROVEMENT SO"Ci=O", wG~S ~ I ....CCI' S n4-8967 ~li62 LlCE'I;SED • ' ....SCRED APl'tlOVEl) Il'TCl1ES .\1 C SCm.;STER co BUILDERS, INC. SHI~GLE ROOFS AKC REGlSTElEO RICHIE S "'pplJance sii:v1ce I THE HOlSE ~iECHA.'lC FL-\T ROOFS Center Sef\I<:'eonallmajOr I • &oAAOlNG HO:\iE REPAIRS SHEET \l£T At WORK applli-.nce", liJ/)~ gu"ran ! 881-8019 GIlA' TOP • GaOOMlNG tee Y

dnll"{,o1l'\ (}.It All Wlrt laralt •• ft-_ ''," ',":'~:,i)1.~. Lic.st. al. illlr••. J .' ;-:1_, ~ I r c:l r, f 0 , 10 ( .- (. ~) 1', 9 'r r) Se . ~

N'- rJ C;::, r:)' r,e ;::,''',err se "es I 371-6572

I,• Thursday. March 29, 1984 GROSSE POINTE NEWS Page Nlne.C

21G-ROOFING 21-I-PAINTING, 21.I-PAINTING, 21.I-PAINTING, 210-CEMENT AND 21Q-PLASTER 21S-CARPENTER 21T-PLUMBING SERVICE DECORATING DECORATING DECORATING BRICK WORK WORK AND HEATING ; ALn':RATIONS - Moderlll 1,lllon all bUIldIng lIeer\- MURALS J,W, KLEINER PLASTERING And Dr)'wall ROOFS and DECKS "PAlNTlN(, ....dllpupf.'llnl: repairs Texturlllg and Iough to ftn"'h 1II .Ill t I,Ide~ EMIL THE GUTIERS and BY B&D i.lnd ....,111 .....I~llIng ~enlOI CEl\IENT ('ONTRAerOR SUSAN CEMENT BRICK - STONE ~tucco Insured Pete GUY DE BOER PLUMBER DOWNSPOUTS clillen d ",eoullt J,I1l !Ill" Taormllla, 469--2967 Gutters cleaned dnd Flushed SpeCialiZing 10 chlldren'~ PAINTING 8757 K, dn vell'.lUl ed ccl!lIlg, pJlIltmg, CARPENTER.('ONTHAC • L,llIndr y room ,lIld \' I0101 ADV ANCE MAINTENANCE 5272172 -EXTERIOR Tuck POllltlllg, pakhlllg WASHING IHlllp. repair \\ork .\11<111,l\lng Fll't'l':.tllll.ltl" I ~n of !';rlllJ, the ultimate III rC~ldentldl EQUAL TO TH~ BE~T. FHEE ESTIMATES Cablllct bUlldmp; (ormlca CASHAN ROOFING P.1lilt IIlg , both Illtenor and BL T COST Ll'':~~ e~2-0688 L1l'ENSIW 21A-FURNITURE VE 94B42 882-0029 HOT ROOFS (''(tenOl J) DOl\1I1"\lC BHE:\T the illle~t matenab We offer GHOSSE POINTE fireman TU 2-0717 REPAIR FHANK B WILLIAM~, 1.1 Commercial - Resldenllal 545 7788 882 b')!H Will do wdll \'t(l,lung 821 (en:.ed builder Spt'cldll7lng S,M, DECKARD CO. Year 'round ~enlce the best III prl.'~rdtlon befon' BOB'S UI'HOLSTEHY - 25% PAINTING. \ arlll~lllng \1 lIours - !l to 9, Work Guaranteed Ilorl-. fl ee e~tlrnate~ Loe,1! \I.L 1\ PE<., OJ' Porch ellclo;,uft'." door., ad MAsn:lt - LICE"'~!'~D Insured B86 3245 e:.lllllate 8.N 515-i or B82-0926 ,lbk ,t'l \ Il (' EI <,II'ng.., fill.! 1\1ondav tllru ~, vamtl("!l Code \lola 77B 1028 - 771 b98b EXPERT pallllmg sefll('e II FUhN ITUn~: Iefllllshl-d, re 885-0406 pla"tellllg. textured celhng 21K-WINDOW (ht'l 10 \ <"II, E"J>CIJ('IH'(' Roofing ClUJI-.Illg )eJr~ e\pent'ncc \'t'r~ led pall {' type of tlOn!. corn'dcd For cour H(,d~olldble Llcen"ed 772- WASHING cl'RED illS Ide 01 oul, fOl 1\ OJ k nl'Cd (,HY~r \L CU:AR PLL\lBI:\(, ,mil 1If'.\TI:'\G --- area please (.111 me .11 -- PAINTERS mg completion Ple.lse con HOME & \\ INDO'\ JAC'" WILLIAMS PROr'ESSIO!\ <\1. gutter ~er ~XPr:HT ANTIQUE repaIrs, IllN\">l'd \t.hter PI'jrn~r ~EH\'ED EUHOPEA:"I tact Rob, B8b 862!l CLE:\1"\I:\(; (;r~r-.ERAL CONTHACroR 8111 0790 vIce SIding and lrlm roof refllll~llIng, re glUClllg "By ~!':\\!':H(I I-:A\I\,(, APPRE 1\;TlCESHIP 15~, DISCOUNT TIlHU I JI l\4 CONCHEn; & lmlCK WORK QUALITY Carpt'ntry and For repalr~ Reasona ble Tony Serllch " 521 1998 ~PRI:".KL!':k HEJ'AIH !': Ie Inlerlor E"tellOr Speclahllllg SUNRISE PAINTING FliLLY Ir-.SUHED • DHI\'!.'':WA YS • POnCHES mlC',l' POinte \~ood.~ III repairing damaged pias- Commercial He<;ldentlal Q'(.lf.. ,Q(f? L!CE~:SE~ ~ "::--"St:nr:D AND DECOR.A,T!t'!G 571-<'1153 • PATIOS. STEPS • ETe 21S-C.ARPEt-fTER ter de) .\1 dll and cracks, 111l5.0f>02 Slore f1xture~ dlSpla) s dl.>O JOHN WILLIAMS pcehng pamt, \\mdo\\ putty CO.INC .. D \\ I:\DOW l LEANIl\G co counte~, kltcheru, \ i1llltle;" 885 581J IIlg and caulkmg, \\allpaper Palllting - \\allpdpel'lllg, Storm~ and ~creens dluml JACK WILLIAMS ALBERT 0 THOMAS ree room:. hang door., All PLUMBING REPAIRS GE"Ir;HAL CONTRACTOR mg All I' ork and material plaster repdlr Fully lI1.>trred num ,md gulter~ c!Pdncd repairs and ftmsh \l.ork 16 & CONCRETE & BRICK WOHK INC guaranteed Reasonable 526-7494 or 245926J fl ep e,,11md tcs LO\I I jeaN experience fo'rl'e ~tl SEWER CLEA:\'ING ALL ROOF LEAKS I .DRIVEWA YS.PORcm:s CON rHACTORS, INC SenIOr CitIzens dIscount pnce~ III the POl1lte~ mate~ Vito Sapienza 774 STOPPED BOB'S DECORATING .PATIOS.STEPS.ETC Reasonable Rates For AU Grosse Pomte references 294-1602 773-0525 Wt' .II e genel al contractors 8933 :\tlke Potter - Llc ResIdential • Commercial Free Estllnates Call John Pamtmg, Wallpapenng, Pan !l85-OOO2 One ldll tJke' c,lre of aIr CARPENTER ....ork, panehng 882 1558 FREE ESTI'lATES an) time, 7769439 elmg, MUlOr Repair dnd D-\LE B,lIl \\-llldOl\ c!('tl- kitchens, ceIlings, repaIrs Fl'(ture, \~dler lIeab,VlolallOns dable Free esl1mates Call tlon ,,_7 BI05 FI ~e E~tJ Re,l...,olldble 8116-5565 Corrected ~I'. el"'>and 754-2180 • 10% DIscount m.ed _ TESOLIN BROS. AND HEATING 1\11 \\ork Guar:lnteed ROOFING Porches - Enclosures Cell. * * WOOD REFINISHING STEVE'S PAINTING G OLl\IlN CEMENT CONT. mg'i - Dry\\ all - RepaIrs Of FREE E~m~lATES Re roof, leaks repaIred, lInt STRIP STAIN VARNISH Intenor & Extenor WINDOW CLEA"iING Dnvewd.\s basement and All KlIld~ PamllngJInter- ten guarantee, tear offs ex Duplicate EXIsting Flmsh Or Patchmg & Plastenng DAN ROEMER SElWin: lOr ExterIOr FRANK R. changed for boat car or ? Colors to Match FREE ESTIMA1ES garage C1oOls, ratwalls. \'vallpapenng, \VlIldow footings patIOS, rallllg !"I~EE ESTIMATES - PLUMBING LIcensed 15 \ears ex- KItchen cabmets, bathroom PuUymg, caulklllg \\E ARE INSl'HED gdrdge<; Free e~tlmates, LICENSED WEIR LlCE:'\~ED penence Tn.Count\' Roof. vamtles, ree.famlly room Good work-Free Esllmate~ :\IASTER PLL"MBElt 372-3022 . 44" Years In Busllless 527.4470 1.468 5099 PLUMBING. IIEATINl., tlllg Guaranteed \\ork paneling, doors, trim and Reasonable Pnces FllLL T'-ISl'RED 77Hl642 01 777 6263 SEWER~ AND DRAINS 779-5131 moldings Senior CItizens 10% Off FORMICA speclahst, kItchen K WINDOW deamng l'om 772-2614 LIcensed Insured Call Steve anytime and bath, custom cabmets poIn) StOl m., 'itreen." gut TESTA CEMENT BOILER SPECIALISTS ROOFING References Free Estimates Hedsonable Call anytime Repairs and reroofmg 365-5635 tt'r, aIumlllum deaned In PRESTIGE PAINTING CO CO., INC. LIcensed 772-4176 TONY Alummum trIm and gut. DAVID ROLEWICZ INTERIORS wred Fll'(' E..,tlmdte, Servmg The POll1te~ ~PRINKLER REPAIRS The Ma~ter Plumber ters Father and Sons 296-7386 778-5025 BY DON & LYNN 882-0688 FOI 37 Years CARPENTER - smdii and (Son of F:nlll) Bob Isham Dale Isham • Husband. WIfe Team DflVel\ay~, garagl.' floors, large jobs, 32 years ex. 885-7711 Nil JOb too ,m .. 1l '-Ie\'t and 526-0666 BUCHANAN & CO. • WaUpapenng GROSSE POINTE f"(,lndn PdtlO~, porches perlence Free estimates repaIr", '1OIatlOn~ FREE ESTIMATES GROSSE POINTERS • Pamtlllg \\ III do II Indo\\ \I ,l'hlllg LiC t;1B.'i60INS LIcensed 527--6656 381 KERCHEVAL FARMS <'93-Jt81 SER\'I~G THE POINTES • Meticulous 821 2'l84 Free Estimates SlIlce 192.1 21H-CARPET SINCE 1972 • Insured QUALITY Furlllture and kll' Kellh Dalllel.,on DRAIN SERVICE CLEANING • O\er 20 Years Expenence 21L- TILE 881.1016 chen cabmels, custom made Llccnsl'd Ma~ter Plumber • Wallpaper al'd removal to meet your demands Port- - 7 DAYS • Pamtmg (Int and Ext) D & L MASON Contractors 527 -5560 WORK foho, rderences Ken PROFESSIONAL CARPET bnck and block. fireplace 21 S-CARPENTER 531-9671 • Stammg and' al mshlllg - CERAMIC TILE - New and 521.16J7 527.9282 UPHOLSTERY CLEANING • Plaster repalr and I coall 774--9032 remodehng Baths, kitchens at REASONABLE RATES • Texture ceIlings and walls GROSSE POINTE 21U-JANITOR We use Von Schraders dry NTRACTORS and foy('~ shower p."ln" 21P-WATERPROOFING LICENSED INSURED CO IcpaneJ ('..Ill Rick at SERVICE foam extracllOn eqwpment 886.4374 • Deep SOU Removal CUSTOM PAINTING AND 521.3434 JACK WILLIAMS OFFICE Cleanlll8 done by • Fast Drylllg WALLPAPERING TONY'S ASCOT Tile - WATERPROOFING Grosse POinte policeman • Leaves no resoihng residue MICHAEL'S EXPERT ANTIQUING 778.2266 Bathroom, kitchen and Wife, excellent • Onental Rugs converuenUy 2AINTING & 885-81 55 1100rs and counter to~ Free and WALL REPAIR references 881-1071 * PROPER METHODS OF cleaned m your home FREE ESTIMATES estimates Licensed For Free estimate call REFINISHING WATER PHOOFING 21W-DRESSMAKING /lIenor Extenor SerVICE' DIstInctive Carpet & INSURED 21N-ASPHAL T ONLY 21T-PLUM"HG AND Pamtmg AND TAILORING Upholstery Cleaners Michael Satmar) JI WOAK * BUCKLED BASEMENT HEATING anllqumg and varmshmg. 839-5155 WALLS REPAIRED, SEAMSTRESS - dolls, wed. strlppmg and stalllmg WHITEY'S C & J ASPHALT STRAIGHTENED AND dlllgs, alterations, family, Ask for Tom Barrese Pavmg Inc Complete kitchen refmlshmg • Wall Papermg BRACED dressmakmg, home decor 5absfaclion Guaranteed CommerCial par:\ ates 2!ll8529 day, April 11, 1984, at which ltme all bids Will be publIcly opened The COMPANY m Town ElmerT LaBadie 8822064 • Pallos • WJterprooflng CIty reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive lIny Ir- CARPET "BECAUSE ALL I DO IS INTERIOR A-ND eXle 1-10r • Pre ca~t Sleps R.L. STREMERSCH regularities, and to accept th(' btd whIch IS In the best Interest of the SPECIALISTS HANG PAPER" pamtlng and paperhanglllg • Tuck Pomtlllg BASEMENT City Completed bids shall be submitted to the City of Grosse Pomte 15 Years m the busllless • Steam Extraction Reasonable rates 30 jear~ • Chu"i1n<'.>'Repair WATERPROOFI NG Thomas W Kressbach, City Manager, 17147Maumee Avenue, Grosst' • Shampoo Call Ron for your expenence Ray Barnow No Job too ~mall Walls Reptery Cleanmg 497-5766 7798427 1186-o!l99 Replaced "TREE REMOVAL AND TRIMMING BID " • at affordable pr>ces GIOVANNI SACCO 22 Year., Expl'rrence All \\-ork Gu,lranteed T. W. KRESSBACH QUALITY ]:'ITERIOR pamt. DECORATING SERVICE - LKen.>pd - 11817119 882-0688 mg, waUpapenng, carpentry Pamtmg. \\allpapenng .,tdlll (; P l' 3/29/111 elt> :\l,lllagl.'r Clerk IlIg \'tallpaper remo\ ai, R.R CODDENS SHORtS IDE Cdrpel Clean and repair Expenenced, CAPIZZO CONST. reasonable, lIlsured patchmg, caulkmg In~ured CEMENT BASEMENT lng, profeSSIOnal carpel and h£en~ed !tahan .lour NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING cleaning Work guaranteed Seaver's, 882-0000 WATERPROOFING neyman CONTRACTOR DONE I1IGIIT DETROIT AREA AGENCY ON AGING Fully msured Free Est I PA INTI NG-I nten or lex. 264-7579 'l78-2446 FamlJ) BU~Jne_,,<;fO! 5') >('dr., mates Call 7i5 3~50 24 terlOr, wall washmg and WYEAHGUAHANTKI': • 1\CII and r('pdlr \\ ork I.1l J<:NSED INSUHED ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION PLAN hours domestIc c1eamng Free MIKE'S PAINTING • 1\0 job 100 .,mdll Notice I" hereby glv£>n th11Olt LOOK - 30 years expenence e!ltlmates Call Thorn Intenor, extenor, wallpaper • DnV('\\a~., ,md pOlchl'_" TONY 885-0612 public steam c1eamng carpet and 881-7210 mg, mmor repaIrs, patchlllg, our "peudllty Ar('a Agency on Aglllg on Apnl 10, 191\4 at the Commul\Itv Arts furnIture By WIlbur, Doug COMPLF.TE PAINTING plasterlll& Free estimates • 1'<1110" MIKE GEISER AudltOilum at the Michigan State Fair Grounds The purpose of the and Glenn Carter Call 776- A~[) DECORATlII;G Rea~onable and honest • Chlmn{').., hearmg!> IS to diSCUSS the agency'~ plan to prO\ Ide St'rvlt.'es to th~ 1680 1;\ TERIOR - F.XTERIOR References rail a nyllme • Walcrproofll1g CEMENT CONT. elderly reSidents of DcIrolt, Gros~e POlllte, GI'O~s{, POII\Il' F.lrms, E ....ropean 777 llOlll "\X'cl,lIll1ng III \\ ,ltpl proolll1g O\LE Harr CdrJ*1 CIE'dnmg Wdllpdpermg - Reasonahle • VlOlatHIIl., f('palll!d (;IIIS,,(' POinte Park, Gro!>~ePIIlllte Shore~, GrOSl>(' POInte Wood:., ( ALL A \1'1' Tl\1E ,1IId OUhlde ('11\ \ \01,lllOn." uphohterj cle,mmg ....10 nEFERE~CES MELIN'SPallllln~ -Intenor, Ilamtr,lnlck, Harper Woods, and Highland P,trk Th('S(' :.t'1\ ltt'S ,Ire do .... CIE'dnmg 2nd (,('nerd RALPH HOTH Sll6 8248 ('xtenor, p,ltchlllg, pl,I''ter 886-5565 F8'~~'~~I~Olg" provu!t'd through f'ederal, Stale and Local appropn.lllOn~ of the 'Ion ,27810,) FreE' F:...rl PAl ....TI \'(,---=-",nter7()!- pla~ IIlg .,tucco varm.,lung Will ------I ------F('deral Older Amencans Act A rnornmg heann~ '0\ III bt' hl'ld IrOlll ('{oil dow glazmg dncl cllulklOf.( m,lIe~ Gutter cle"nlng ter r£p,ur textured CALANDRA J W. KLEINER ~ 00 till noon primanly for commcnb by l>cnlOr ClllWll" ,Iod ottwr hard ....ood rIoor., p,.,ll Ing., pdp€r h,lIlgmg dnd re wdllpapt'r Frl'(' e.,tlm"lc", COnHlnWr:. An alternoon h(, 1l,1'["ITI('nl W,Itefprooll Ill( mOl dJ E\ ("nlllg'i fl!l2-l>'l41l CONSTRUCTION ,J('cl'pl tt."t 1n1Olly from ag('Jl('II'!. 111111'ocr"l' "CJllor ('llIlt'l\" \\ nth.'1l time Mclin 75'l 5099 1\1I "ork gu,lr,lII11'ed 21G-ROOFING 21G-ROOFING • ("II"~" r "I"'lg & f'''II\IJlg ...t,llenWlIh and exhlhll~ In pl.l(,l' of or III ,lddlllon to or.11 "t:tlt'IlWllt:. • (11TH III dfl\' \\01\' 1.1( f',r,,~l':[) ma~ hl' Ill,ule at the pubhc he.lI'lll~ If Mlbnuttro to the ,I~t'nl'\ h~ r\pni SERVICE SERVICE YOUNG S • I 'Oil Ill' I III k PlIIllt IIlg 14, 1~1J.l M,u[lhIS wrlllen l(,,,tlmllil)- II) Th(' DetrOit Art',1 ,\~I'lll'\ on PATNTIl'G ~EHVI( E (Ill ,01II I In 11,,,11 II,d "nd TU 2-0717 .\gmg, :1110 Book BUIlding, 124~tWnllllllngton Bllu!t'\al d. (H.'lroll, Quahty Pallltlllg & Wallpar)('r 1\01 km,'Il ...llIp ------~ mil: Pla51('r & Drywall I 1111"'"11 &. Ir"llIl'd R R. CODDENS :\hclllg.ln 4K226 A.U('llllon FrlllH'l''> Ta~lor Thl' :\nllll,l! Imph'll\t'l1 R('palr Re(rrl'n('C!> "'rf'C 1'.'" rAIlI.I..,HEIl 1'1.!1 tatlOn PI,IllIl> ll\'~lIlablt. for m:'p<'l'!I0n h)- t'onllldln~ FI ,1Il(,l'" 1',1)-101' ":~tlmate<; In.,url'd JOSEPH All I) I);'" III h,I'illnt nt \l..Jll'r ,II 22:! c,,ll/t l; I' \ ; _"I Il-l ('all anyllm(' 468-7069 »rl>llflllg 7 \ .. <11'"~11.lr.IfI11'{' ,Jim Young ~4'16,) lldl'n'll( c., KlJ(, ',e,l';, GROSSE POINTE R L STREMERSCH \\11 IUl \'1; \\.lIl'r l'IlH,tlJl~ ( !-, '11';\'1 (()\ I HAC I Oil ,. I PU ~ 1',1 r ~II,lI,'lltl'l' I 1('(' PAINTER S, lNC ( , IOI'nl 1 ...111l1,111, Lit. n,. d ("n CITY OF <&rOllSr'ointr JIlInobs MICHIGAN J'","llng InlprlOr I'~t,'rlor /)II\IW,I)' II ,j( I'll \ ,iii IiI 4'1'7 l',tl'I'H h,lnglng "nd I',trl'l 1',11 fe., NOTICE TO BIDDERS ling Jo rl'(' {'.,llm"t", (hN'f Shingles • Flat • Siale • Shake • Gutters • Siding IInl k"ork 21Q-PLASTER '111(' City of C;ro!>"l' Pom\{' \\ ood" \\ III fl'l't'IVl' "t'.lll'd I'ropo",ll .. /Ill full ~ gl \l'n I 1ll'n'l'Il ,I nr! ll" ""l11(."t \\ 'll"rproof, ng WORK 822.0600 In~IJff'd IIH' fill l1I"hlll~ of J,llllllllWI ~('r\'ll'(':' fn!' Ihl' (;1"0.""1' POlllte \\ (){l(\ ... "1, p" Mlllllcipal BUlldlll~ whIch I:' IOC,IIt' UIOU 1'I.,\..,n I([M; \'0 101,1(>11 "1lI,1I1 A">JIJ I'IIINlll\(, ('O\-l,."""y ~Pt'('lfJ{'HIIOII~ for JlIlillon,II,,{'! VIl't'~ mn) ht'obtlllllt,llli thl' \hll1ll'tp"l1 \J( K KAIIOI ''''0'' I [C'I' l.'llm,lll., C, J114'nl ""lU (" UI [Mil

o Buildlllg or h) (',IJhn~ .loll 24~)2 21 '-PAINTING. PHIl!- !-.... " If)\' \1. SPECIALIZING IN "I,I'II'IIIIf' "nil 111\1\,111 fI' j DECORATING PA[\ II:H p,lIr [f1lt'llOr lilt! l'xl, II III ----_... 2', YJo.,\H,<., LXl'fo.ltIl ..... ( I' DRIVEWAYS AND 1,.lllilln~ / 011,11 iI,It',~1 "('II-. Hub \1 11I!l(' I'P('('IVI'{! unlll I 00 pm o'ch){"k 011'\pn110, 1'1fI4,lit 1\llIell _---- irtll'f1nf/fo.xll'f1ror ","fillllg In'1I1I.1 1,111111111 AA,I,'/'II BASEMENT 111Il!' t1u'~ Will ht. ol'('lwll ,111£11('Ill! ,11011£1 POW, l,'ll I',,~, WATERPROOFING (;,'I\I!TY I'loJ,II'llng lI,tlh (,III ..n)liffll' or ,diN, i' /ll All I'rop0<;lIl.., :.hllil Iw addn'''!lpt! to 884-7139 III rnln,l!r,cl 10111011'11 r I' p,nr.. lIJ ~htr, (,""'1' POlnl., rdc'f"UII" 1-14'1\ ('II~ ,\dllllOl ...11,1101 A HAMPSON 1'-.lImall" .rUTI BI,I( k....l'll ell) of (;ro ....,e I'Oltltc' WOlld!- IU;SIDJo, ....TIAL ( IJ:-'TOM lf21 71l'l1 If nil ,1O"Wl'r :l94 201125 Mack 1'1.1111 PAINTI\;(, (II'J:H Int('r1(Jf fo:xl('rwr Grol\!l(' POInie Wood", MI('hl~ltn 4Rl:\6 J'apcrl'wwIWIj{ 1'1\1 'vII I, 1'J.i\~'J ~ 111\0(, IInd (;lll7ln~. \\(,O't1 fll1l"hlfl~ MHrk l'nVehll)('!> ""ANtTOHlA!. SI-:HVJ('I': RID" r1ry .....t1I. 2U yl',II" .. x 4{) YNir" Jo,xpE'rwfl('(> lW'f1l'IH I' /\Ill jol, 1110 ..,mdlJ f'f("f' Jo':'ltl mall ... " no(' C!>II111.-1(.." rl'lJ,,(mahll' Ch•• t.r E. P.t ..... n Call Evening/; 1\11 work w

• , l ,',

GROSSE POINTE NEWS Thursday, March 29, 1984

21 21W-IJRESSIU.!(ING 21Z-SNOW REMOYAL 21Z-SNOW AEIlIOVAl I 21Z-sNOW AEIIOYAL 21Z-sNOW REMOVAL z::sNow REMOVAL. AND AND AND II.ulliN Allv8rtisinc Information AND TAl..0RING AND AND LANDSCAPING LAHOSCAPIHG LANDSCAPING LANDSCAPtNG LAHDSCAPtHG PftoM: "2.6900 COlmJru.ER SERVICE AcWreu: 99 Kerche'lol, Grosse Pointe 48236 DEPE"D-\BLE ecllege stu CUSTOM DESlG~'ER GRO\llI:'liG - YOl':'IiG FAEE PROFESSIONAL FOR COOK'S L-\..\DSCAPE co denllth'att>r to aU)OUT land Office Hou": WOMENS WEAR \\ .\~!ScrSTO~lERS LAWN SERVICE HORTICULTURAL xJ.pmg needs I ha\ e In) Moo 8.5. Tues 8-12, Wed 9.5 "BRIDAL GO~S RE.SlDE\iIAL ESTIMATES ADVICE <.JI\II t'\jUlpment and Ii ~ea~ Thurs and Fn 8-5 ",-pen"" ..." In the Gnl:>S" aDd LAWN & co~nIERCIAL H ..' n:l G Deodlines: RESTORA noss" CO~IPETITI\ t: R.\ TES Call toda \ for a free la....ll ser r or \ our orne 1a , ar- Poml" ar ..a I offer a tl .....1 10.. off Hid SNOW \"lee eg'tL'llate and ~ 00\1\ den Anemee a,'al1able .Spnr.g C~up 1 mg feedmg and "tump re-I 885.Q502 SPRINGCLEAN-UP I J&M Each additional ....ord 20 mo\al Free Esttmates I LAWN SERVICE SEAMstRESS Dre",sm,,/C-! .Po ...~r Raklng I' Complete tr~ ".e1"o1~ C__all LAWN SERVICE I Complete )ard ,",ork, la\~n I • Billing rate fur 12 \\urds 5395 ...... H. __ , ~ B A~l ' .\\e:.;l\!:- La""n 'laJfiten..IK~ .. 1 hrub 0 t ~ trimming I For QUd.II!:- \\ork -_ .....UI:'i" ....,...'" rlYG, "'1o'ar1 sr ~ T Plant ng I Fkmmi Tre.: 5er"\1.:e. "T , FREE ~lnL~TES ,,, an r~~ • - I \' \ fd. r PrICe Retail rate per mch 5500 & acce:,.I)r!1h l \RE', •R~~~ _~Immlng. , I I 6-kIO - _ ! GROSSE POI;-,'TE I o:tc Rea~nable rate:. qual I 8~rCler od" per Inch $600 BEARS In t.me for L;"rer Svd PIa''' R ! NG TONySTI'DE'\1'S RICK I It\ serm~... Call Tom T.'b- I 886.2566 Stitches b\ ~np;;.: .. I Ol"CQ<.nt Dec.d\.' B I Commercial & Res!dent121 II THREE C'S COMPLETE \\ORK lnawtenance for photo reproduction ~.~ D E LANDSCAPING Reasooable rates quaht~ ser. • ('uumg CO:

""'~tt.I':C! x rt'">oJ$t be Gt"en In "I~e fer c J"Oe-cr 2" In the !1-; ClJ1:?aMF~a~~~t~f~1 ~-r MAINTENANCE -R-E-O--R-IV-E-R-R-U-N---' :~~!~p I fcll.:,"~~ \:))ue tf: ::s.surre no 'e;)p.: ....:.IC' t ... t~e c:;cn-e i~ta!latlon R ..a~onabie .. Spnr..g Cle .::;:>propnOle reed r 9 Tre P~b CUSTOM DRAPERIES - .. Prompt Prd.ESSMI.al ~C\.c-e ' 781-4 Quaht) ..'on. reasonable ' • V. eekl:o La", n CuttUlg • Spong Clean-up E'\pert Tnmmmg Topping , "she' re~"es Ire r ~~r to ed,t or relKr CCD~ s..brrl.ted prices W!de se~tlOOS of n4.Q906 527-7345 I • De-Th.atdllIlg & Aeratmg • Ferulumg I Sr.apmg and Remo\al i fer pub' ,catlo~ fabncs .-\II hems hand I, 'IODEL Home Lanscdpmg I,' • Gardening • SklruO Plantwg & RemO'o a1 , I ..Special 15"; "pnng dl" 1 PRE PAtD - All ,e",ce ::d,ert,slrg Wanted Tc Rent rods • Shrub & Tree Tnmmmg under 25 it ) count i Wonted '0 Sho,e and SIluel,on \" anred ,""ust be >ore ;:>c,d sewn. ~ts 00 I Spnng c1e-an up Lawn cut. • Sodd.l1lg &: Seed1ng • Tu: & Stone Work ..2i hour ePlerger.-c) ,.er shades and bhnds ~2l6I91 llng hedgJng edg..r.g, lAoeed- • La~pe Design &: ConsuuetlOn ~Ice ~ 21Z-sNOW REMOVAl ~:~lawnca.recal1Ken • INSURED. FREE ESTIMATES I..DiagnOSIs and ca. It} treatment ~ I --LA-N-D-SC-A-P-E-- 884-9768 .. Bush and hedge tnnunmg I Tret' Stralghtemng and I WOODLAN 0 HILLS GAR DEN ING ~-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.-=.::.::.::.-=.-=.-=--=-::.-=--=--.:.-=.-=.-.:.-.:.-.:.-.:.-::..-::.-::..-=, '1ursen Care ' GROUNDS ){AI~TEXA-"C~ BOB SCHOMER • SPECIAL OFFER... I ~~~nk.=~~~', :\0 ....through Spnng 1984get Allin LA..'roSCAPL ...G Grosse POl11te resident TREE SERVICE - ~ clean ups ROBERT '\'E\'El:X ~ free d«orall~e nurser) I chips ....tth each ....ork =rao-:= ENGLISH * RESIDENTIAL &: COMMERCIAL un:ler Ket'ps \\ eeds con - Fert1Imng C S • TREE RE:\lO\'AL • C:\BLI~G & PRl'XIXG trolled - a S68 \ alue' - Shrubbery tnmmlDg. DUNTAY IDE • ST'L"}IP RE.\lOVAL • STOR.\I DAYAGE free Esttmates prun.mg COMPLETE QUALITY • TREE TOPPIXG • L-\..'\'D CLEARI~G m...;876 s.:H369 - Weedmg and culu\-atulg L;\ViX CARE SER\lCE • TRJ)L\n~G • S'IOW REMOVAL - Seedule and soddlng Restdenual - CommercIal _ PIaDtulg flowers. tret!'S Spong Cleanup SpecIal • 2~ HOCR E~lERGE:'IiCY WORK shnJbi aDd all other garden PlTWer Rakmg • FREE ESTnl..\TES wort dcoe Free Estimates ResIdential aDd CALL M ...''DY 268-1636 881-8526 GR~~~()()DS l h COIDm«eW DA..'1'S I , aDd I I • 1DIured 1.K:eDsed ----. ---~ . CAll.. TOM TOGGER L-\WS • GARDE:'Ii j Aftet 6 P m 2Il6-Wi7 ~t-\I~TESA..'1CE JA!\1ESJ. LEA~tO~ To place your 1----- I ."DSCAPING .SPRL...G CLE..-\..'1.L"P r------~ D -.-. * POYi'ER RUI!\G L"'I", DSC,"'IPI,G OL<:;((;' COMPANY .TRI'I,n:-tG \'\,n • Spi.Dg C1ea.n-l:p i71)-~ I'L\ ....TI ....C Classified Ad, f • CuttinI I DO Au.. WORK //w • Hedge Trimming YYSELF. SOdc1ln~ PaTiOS !X-c"-s • Edging IXlrdenrns< 7 Lowest Prxes :\round l~ml SUPERIOR 14 • F'l'ee E5tlmates • m-4l52S - 294-1602 EXTERIORS ~8 ~9 ,,, 20 21 15 ~ /." HOWARDS For The Best OutsIde Care At Call Reasonable Rates Spong ~22 TREE SERVICE Clean.up, Bna PatIOS, S0d- 23/214 • tree remo\-al ding, Shrub Remo\-al and .... premoval Topsoil Call .Larry it 882-6900 7!11-~"" Ytkea! ~ Expenen( ed LH en'>ed /~ ...... -trlmrning /29/~/ -cabimg FOR :M 5 l Landscape-I. 'ursen. Graduare -storm damage Full) ll1SUTed. (ree estimates CLAS:.;rFIED ADS 824-0852 822-7979 758-6949 CALL 882.6900 OffICe Resodence

< '


r Buy , - "OW~~ , . FIRST CLASS CAR, ~ FIRST ClASS DEALER ~'.~ 8)1984 COUP DeVillE \A,A~Ttk tll2l~ TOWN" COUNTRY 51 WGH l..la~()'"~' f A'lL • I ~I' k..9Q (.c- a.r ~eo PIIT .. ""J 'lr.$ tl«" ('.!'1.Oe VERY I Al._ ~ "at ,""t1' '\u "r" ..CM VILE"GE' .... 15 ~ Ji f • I , ,."It r ~ NEW '84 CELEBRITY ,M2 Fo\lAflIIONT FUTURA 4 DR"'''>.'!': 6 cl ..,r S1e-C -'V1oda'f " :j X : - •

r/ , Prese11ted by the Assista11ce League to the Northeast Guidanee Center

PAGE ONE EIGHT PAGES Fourteenth Annual GUIDANCE GAZETTE-SUPPLEMENT TO THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS MARCH 29, 1984 Stress Can 'Yield Success Q \\11\1' T\PES OF PHO- HI E'IS DO PEOPLE SEEK IIELP FOR 'lOST \1' '\ORTII- E\ST GllD-\.W'E CE'\TEH" ,.\ There are mam reasons lh,lt people :"eek help' !.Jut the pro blems peuple .Ire e'perlenclng ...... It.PT. r. rt 10.1i l_trllWJl "0 nMl' I" Cdn be generdll~ grouped Ilk", thiS 38% have ploblems \\Ith I'ela tlOl1shlPS II e dlffJcult~ \\ Ith peers. marital troubles. child management I 21% seek help \\ Ith emotlOn.Il dlffJculhe:" such a:"depre:"slOn or grief. i~ seek counseling because of dlsturbmg though Is \\ hlch the chent feels are inappropriate. fr:ghtemng, extreme or unusual -1% are ha\ Ing problems at :>chool. and 4% seek substance abuse counseling and treatment These people ma~ be experienc- Ing problemb \llth alcohol, prescnptlOn or even over-the- Ell 11111II lilt IIIU 1111II111I111It III II 1Il11111ll1111ll1111ll1l111t 11I1I1111II1111I1U 1111Il11111l111l111111ll1111l1111ll11111l111l1E counter drugs L'p to 500;) of our clients seekmg help for othel problems also ha \'e ~ub"tance A MESSAGE FROM Children: abuse problem" ~O\'o that \\e have a special Alcohol dud Chemical Dependency Treat- THE DIRECTOR Little People in a Big People's World ment program. \1 e will be reachmg out more directly to By Freida Chomsky, l\I.S.W. and Chinyel'e Neale, I\1.A. sen e these clients Stress seems to be a 'hot' tOPiC these days But Just what IS Q. HO\\' \I.\""Y PEOPLE DOES meanl by 'stress,' and what causes stress? Many people think of children as inno- another problem himself, Children tend TIlE CE:'\TEH SEll\ E PER cent and worry-free. But any social to keep stress in and magnify it within YE-\R? Just about anything that matters In A DUring one yea r, betll een our lives - money, relationships, worker or child psychologist will tell you themselves. 1.200and 1300 regIstered clients security and safety, success, that that's a bunch of baloney. Kids in to- Being a parent brings its own stresses, are treated at Northeast 5 SOCial obligatIOns, self-Improve- i day's world are experiencing heaps of These stresses are reality, economical- GUidance Center They average 3 ment. health, you name It - can !! ly and practically oriented. Jobs, money between fIve and ten VISits each stress! ThiS number does not mclude ~=i_. ~~e:s sou'ce 01 anxiety, wo"y, =~=~ Children are little people in a big peo- and security are always on the parents' people who are seen only once. ple's world. They are subject to all of the minds because we believe that as one-time emergencIes. No one IS Immune to stress, and parents, we must always be in control, unregistered telephone con- same types of stresses that their parents tacts and the many hundreds E many of us have learned to hide, i suffer. Only, because they seldom always be able to say, "don't worry." :: and therefore, internalize, the :: \'0 ho partIcIpate III our educatlOn understand problems within their proper But those words often cause a child to and preventIOn programs symptoms of stress Things like contexts, the worries are magnified. An worry, simply because the suggestion is Q \\ II \ l' IS THE FEE FOR high blood pressure, headaches, made that there is something to worry TRE.-\. 1'\1 E'\ T? and generalized pain are some adult may be worried that there's not A :\ortheast GUIdance Center indicators enough money to buy groceries before about. Kids see and hear manifestations has estabhshed a fee policy payday. A child's interpretation of that of adult problems and worries - which IS graduated III accor- We've dedicated thiS Issue of arguments, tension, other extreme dance \\ Ith the client's mcome. the "GUidance Gazette" to stress problem might be simply, "I'm hungry famll) size. and abJIity to pay because we feel that stress JS a and there's no food! !" A child feels par- behaviors. Parents are stressed by the The maxImum fee IS $60 per cause of concern for all members of ticularly unstable when faced with his need to always be the protector, the'need hour That IS substantlallv less our community Adults, teens and to say, "this won't happen to you. Iwon't than fees charged for treatment parents' apparent inability to take care by most pnvate practIce c1lll1CS youngsters all suffer from stressful of everything. ' let you be hurt." But there is no :\1any of our chents do not pa) situatIOns But we want to make School, learning how to play with other guarantee in today's society that a that maximum fee the POint that stress IS not all bad Jonathan L. York, Ph.D. children, and learning to reconcile feel- parent can always protect children To obta In a "dJ'>counted f('e. Stress can offer th~ extra edge that Executive Director the chent complete<; a confIden- gets us moving toward self-Jm- ings about others are responsibilities totally. tial econom Ie as~es"ment A provement, better communicatIOn. or making time for ourselves If equal to "job stress" for children, since Nobody, not even children, can com- famIly of four \'olth an annual III we dIdn't have stress, we wouldn't perform For example, a little school and play are the child's "work." pletely eliminate stress trom theIr lives, come- of $30,000 \\ould probably stress energizes us when we are about to take on an Important task Kids tend to feel responSible for much of nor is stress absolutel~ negative. be asse,,~ed a fee of 51!) per ~e~ liKe speaKing before a group or Wrttlng a report slon and an\ m~uran(e the what goes wrong at home as well. client ha'> \\ mild cover a major Everyone has different signs of excess stress or distress Arguments between parents about portIOn of that The client pol' Generally. they can be put IOta three groups. PhySIcal Signs like money may cause a child to feel guilty tlOn \\ ou Id be pa Id at thf' enn of stomach palOs. tight shoulders, or headaches, Intellectual Signals each '>Ci>blOn;\fo<;t<.llent" drc III because he realizes that he costs, es- such as forgetfulness, memory loss and worrYing, and soclal/emo. treatment for fJ\ e to ten pecially since he constantly asks for the se'>510n'> tlonal signs like anger, depreSSion and difficulty gettlOg along With things he wants and that his friends E~[(,'\EJ) threaten to affect our family life, our work IdentificatIon of stress and Kids may realize they can't have SPECIFI( \LLY FOH PHI.. ItS causes IS the first step to controlling Jt everything. but they rar('}y possess the M BOOL C HlLDHE'\" control not to ask - they may blurt out A \\e don t hdve <1 pre ,>(honl After Identifying distress, however, we can make changes either nur,-pr~ a request in spite of themselves progra m or but v. e '>ec' In the environment or In our way of reacting to the stress We may mdn) pre' '-(hooleI'''' a<., In'at delegate more responSibIlity. manage our lime better or find more The news medw present additional mf'nt <:a...p<, dlHJ \~I' off('J (om mumt" {on<,ultatlOn<, and time to relax or exercise stressors to children. Coverage of rapes, v.orkc,hop<, on ('arl\ (hJlnhood murders, kidnappings, war, nuclear df'veJopmenl ~on)(' of our Once we are aware that stress IS affecting US, we can also do dangers and envlronnwntal contamina- v.ork<;hop" ...uc h d... .\10\eflwnt thmgs like eat better and dnnk less alcohol. because unconscIous- tion are often sensatIOnalized Add to ~kilh for (hJldn'll ,ll ("pt ly we tend to eat sporadically. gobble our food too fast, and con (hlldrf'n a ... J0tlng ,,'- fr,ur J" "'c\pr.J) pro~r,lm<., v.nl( h In relaxation and exercise. we must be careful not to add stress and the kids can 1)(' lIterally over- IInilC eXCPSSIV(' strrss by ta Ikmg tn ha \ t' lmp,ll I upnlJ pn' <,eh(Joll'r<, by engaging In competitive pursuits or sellmg unrealistiC goals Thl:l their et1l1dren a bout problt'llls anti gt'l- a... \~pll lht> l'clrpnllog \\llh whelmed with gPll('rallz('(1 f('a'r about purpose IS 10 eltmmate worry and to burn off excess energy. not to Issues they don't understand Many tmg thf;>!ll to ask qUt.\stlOns ahout the UtI(' I'rogr"m tlll,r ...p"n'nlll1g win or become mstant sports heroes ...kill<, ftJlun'rl,H/mnJo! ,md ..(.If children hay£, drpams 01 dpath of 111('11' parts tht'y don't undt\rsland Pan.'llts ('<..[C('m ('nh,lnc pm"nl for I('('n = OlH'S ca.n bl' .hOllt'st (~bout worry and ('\.pl,un aw.(j mothpr<, Th(' (hildn'/1 .In' ~ Talktng With an understanding fflend or co-worker often helps =~ parents and loved which gPlwrate reduce stress as well 111speCifiCS partlurl wncerner:l It IS exces.lye or unchecked stress that can cause tho a~ IWHd or stomach adH'~. incrt'aspd Ir- pel \'/'Ight)(,rhoorl f' MIll h /{1 ....OU rt (. :: h,Hfnful mf,rtal and phySical effects we hear so much about And i ritability and flghtlllg with [)(,PI'S, lhat allows lIWtn to survive By Il'tt1l1g «('nlt'f Othr'r (1II'nl; ,Irr' rl'lf'r Ii If str£>$'>IS haVing a negative effect on your hfe we hope you II at IE night mar('~. ~('hooll)('havlOl'i11pro )h>ITl~, kIds know our plans and what w(' t.'xpt'<.'t n.rJ ~J\ thl' \\',I"nr (ountv i leasl seek out a litllo help It can be IUGt a phone call away I unuswtl qUIt'tlH'S~ or I>roodlllg an' sonw to happ~'n, we l'an them antH"patl' f )('!Jd rl ITI! nl II( ....O( I .1 <." r" II f .... twlp 'f hr. ( rlrfHnunJl" <"('f, J( ('- I ntl I'" ~ign~ of ~tf('SS '1'11(' child may 1)(' ullal>lt' ~OnH'thU1g. and rea 11/(' 01(' prohlt'm. i Jonathan L York ell"" part (If thr' f 11\ v,ld,' ((Jail J or unWilling to tt'll arlult~ wllat ttw troll- and say. "thiS is hapP<'llIn~ nght !lOW, If cmllnufOd on J',,~" 21 hIp i!->, ~om('tlln('s lor I('ar 01 h(I('omill~ hut it won't alwavs 1)(' likt.' thl~ " 1111111111111111111111111111 It II UlllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllH 111111111111111""""11 1111111IN 11111111111111111111111111111 . .



I l 'I y

;'" r • .r.' ?~;I..., \ ~ ">l~ .. ...r,""(04 ... p ,~'}' AGE 2 GUIDANCE GAZETTE - SUPPLEMENT TO THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS THURSDAY. MARCH 29, 1984

" ' ~-'~~l-_~ EDITORIAL SPACE COURTESY OF Our AdVItrtisers F.e. Stella Produdll Co. Mr. and Mrs. Gartand Knight deserve Your Patronage Mr. and Mrs. Gary Vasher The ASSIstance lNgUe wIshes to express Futuristic Business Machines sIncere thanks to thIS year's ~nce de Bary TraveJ I Inc. Gazette advertisers Without thetr generous support the Gazette wouad not have been Michigan Coffee Service possIble We encourage you to patronIze Flame Furnace these bUSinesses who have contributed so Byrne Plywood Co. generously to help us help the Northeast S&G Grocer GUidance Center Magna Communications Corp. Mr. and Mrs. Brian DeFour ~ Supplement to the Grosse Pomte News March 29, 1984 Co-Eoltors Lisa M Vallee Jayne M Rose-Vallee COllzp/irnentJ G.! Contributing Edl!Or Chl!1yere N€a1e M A Back Page Editor F!oramae Kllber Advertlsmg Co-ChaIrmen Barbara Ja~' F&M DISTRIBUTORS, INC. Virginia Vallee Techntca! AdVisor Phylhs Neal, Grosse POinte News FEATURE WRITERS --.. Floramae Khber Lisa M Vallee ChlOyere Neale, M A Sharon Vasher Fran Pastona Marvin A Yanke, M A Jayne M Rose.Vallee Kathy York Edmund J Sheenn, PH 0 CONTRIBUTORS Fneda Chomsky, M S W Lmda Walterrelt Sylvester Hackney Pam Wilson

For their generosIty and assistance The AssI~tance League to the , Northeast Guidance Center extends speCIal thanks to ; THE GROSSE POI~TE NEWS

ADVERTISING SALES STAFF Mary Bonten Beth Moran Judy Sieber EHen Cooke U2 Dates Demse Sramatakls Joyce Janowski Sue Ritter Tom Stewart Beth Kastner Judy Sf Amour Laurence Vallee Nina McDonak1 Sandra Seale Ltsa Vallee Sharyn Manmno Mary Shammas Mr & Mrs Paul Wilson l./,r "1 A_I .. Questions and Answers (COIKiJHI~ from Page 1). tlonal workshops on man) sub- Elderly Substance Abuse Ser. tJon whJch IS exammmg and at- JeCts regardmg posItive mental VICes Program helps tempting to rectify the tremen- health skI Us Persons hvmg caregIvers, family members. dous infant mortality problem of ""IUlln certain geographical and others Identify cases of the city's east side. boundanes are elIgible for fee akohol, pres<:rlphon or over- Q. WHO CAN l'SE THE SER- discOWlts based on their mcome. the-counter medICatIOn abuse VICES AT NOR mEAST family SiZe and abIlIty to pay among seniors. We help famIlies GUID:\SCE CE:'\'TER AND One needs only to call 824-8000 of seniors to provide care for, HOW WOULD O:\'E APPLY for services and understand the unIque FOR SERVICES? Q. WHAT DOES THE CE'\'TER needs of the elderly. and prOVIde A. Anyone In the area IDa} use DO FOR SE~IOR CITIZE,,\S? educational programs to senior our sen'lces. regardless of age. A. Through our Older Adult ser. cItizens' groups. There is a pro- as well as anyone who IS ex- ,,;ces Umt, we offer a number ot gram of dally telephone reo perieocmg emotIOnal ot' mental speciahzed serviCes to asslsl assurance, and a~lstance In illness. anyone needing help, or older adults to deal WIth depres Idenlifymg comrnwuty groups with personal or family cOO' sion, loneliness. phySical and and services to help sentors flicts We offer profesSional psychological changes. adjust. Fmally, there is a SOCIalization psycholOlical and educational ment reaclJons and famll\' rela- group whlCh prOVIdes weekly ac- testing services. and educa- honsl'llp difficulties A special hVlhes to a smaU number of olckr adults

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\ ------~---_._------~-~~------~ THURSDAY, MARCH 29,1984 GUIDANCE GAZETTE - SUPPLEMENT TO THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS PAGE 3 Michigan Council 1~~~:~:,,~~~~J~~~I,~~~h~~;~~~~~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;~~~\\ for the Arts ~~~~~~~:~;~~'~I~)l'nh t'l ~Il \ of [)l'lI oit ~~~~;fel'd ,.lI1d enel'gw! e\'er) cell III out the udl'enals to know \\ }wn to pn', which reach the outel' layers of the ~ ~ Franklin Dl'lc.lno Hoo~l'\ ell ('I It'd bodlC~. <1k Idlley ") ~tem to purify pare the body to mel.t Sl>rlOUl>!'Iltu,\- ,ldren,lIh (COt tex). lJ1structtl1g them Awards NEGC Grant Ollt ,and. IHdKH l' tl ~Ir(,i>~ s., stem The uni>\\'er I~ ~llnplc Ihl'! Sudl Ii>OUI fabuloui> sll e~!> i>Yi>' The !\1ldllg,1Il ('ounnl 101' Ihl' Art~ ~H1!>again awarded Northeast GUld hto prepai'e alii don't know They have 10 be lold It tl'm It 1~ our gUdl unlel' of !>urvlval ancl' ('enlel a gl ,mllo ...upptllt a dllldrcn 0, program of creative mov('ment We .Ire nO\1 1II1he '1l0i>.dlld II Ii>Ihe l'llllre bact) fOI Illlmedldt(' and ur. Ii>the brall1 Ihat 1Ili>lrudo; Ihem 10 'I'll£' ...lle ...!>~y!>lem do<'!>not abuM' Ui>, and ;Jlll'>lIc l'Xpl (''i.,lon fear of slIesi> that dl:.tICS::.l'::' ml'lI gl'1l1 dctlOn 10 l'i>C,lPC 01' ICIl10V{' a soon liS we percl'l\'p ,I redl bul \Ie abui>e It by sendmg fdlse \\0111('11 and rllI/eit en frol1l "lI1dl'r "ol'llllU~ till f:.ll, dangeloI' emerg 01' IInaglllar)' dangel 10 lI[e 01' hmb :.111'm ... \\-lwn Wl' fooll!>hly see clle. T~J{'m'" progld m '" III (.om hull' drl Ihl'l ap) ,lilt! p~:vchodra ma \\-llh If('(j gdrlen to Ill{' lllghe~t 1('\l'l 01 lOl l'nC\ 01' ego, our bram alel'l~ Ihe adrcn,ll IlIle~ behllld evcl'Y curiam, IInaglllc 11v(' movement ,,~III!> d{'~ l'lopllll'nl '[ he "'l'lll'<' \I III hcgm WIth an Orienta porale life \\'p do nalll\ (' 1IIfe,l! of OUI lung~, glandi> allCl lhey tn ...I,lntaneou~ly tlln ••II~ ,Illd III,wl)) III our famlllc~, lIOn for p:lI{'n!.~ and (hddn'n folll)\l,{'(1 hy 12 ~l''''hlOn., [rom the Mea., of In the 80~, \1I." need to c.lll out our he1o.of prl'p.l1 d frll'mb dnd dcqualllt, III our Vli>lwl arl!>, p ...ychodrama. dIllJ IIIl1\ 1'1IH'lIt .,kIlJ ... The .,('%lOno, urf' dC<,lgn . LeI no st re~::- (hslrl'~!> \ ou' OUI flll'neh \\ 11\ IhCli, ~hould \1etlan. co \\ ork{'r ..., l-oupcrvlMH sand em ed 10 ::.tITIIlll ,I'dangeloll"o fedl i>tn'i>~ , The ('OIllIllUl1\('.ltlOll ...,,,t{'1ll bel pl{Wl'I'" \~hel{' none eXI~t or are m lI.,{'d a!> a dlilgno ...ll{ 1001 for tlll'l dpl"'" pll'dd phcllollwnun It 1"0 Withoul Olll lung ... \\ t' could not \\ el'n the bl,l1tl dlld till' '"Irl'!>::- ~\ ~ Il'IHied The fUllle pi e!>!>lIIg of our ,,~ pt'l"\

  • I\e ,I!>!lw gptlel ..d fl',11 Ih,ll hI ('.Ithl' dm! Illthoul om fnends lem I!>~o IInpolldnl to OUI i>1I1VI\'<11 "tll'i>'" i» "tem II1tO.lLl 1011 too oftpn or '1'11('progr dill \\ 11l1l!' ('() 1l.(J b\ I' n'ldd ( horn ..k ~ , A C "l 1,\ Llld Krrmrd. ab::'01ued t1w ('ountl) dUllllg Ihl' tlw ddl end I gldlltb \1e could nol that natul'l' ha" provided ll~ \1ItII two 100 long 11'..1n~fol'lm i>tre~~ llIto dl" !'egl ...tered dlllhl'ldpl ...1 'Illl! I'dln 1,\11.,011, II" PhY ...I(<.d Education .....Ith Jtl~ And.llkl' ,lIlle,lI', Ill~ bd~ed 10 ei>cape ddngcl or ,>ui>lalll ..I prolong totd]]y dl!lerpnl dnd IIldl'pendrnt II P...... a fe'Mlul pl'll'l'to pay for un certlflcatl' III KllIe"'lOlo~\ d Idlge dl'glcp on IgnOldllCl' 01 ,II pd ph)~ICdl efforl WII"t belleI' communH.',IILOn ...\~I('m ... (Jill' I~ aglndlY f{'dl''' m till' Hl80'!> Ip:lsi on ,I IdC" of llndl'r~lalldlllg litend~ do \\e hdve \\hen Ill' need electrical thaI e,ilrle'> m{ ....",lgP" Thp~e ddyi> .Ill' the onl) da>~ \\C ()nl' ...e...... lOn \1III tn'glll \11 \I,m II d lid h fJlwn tll I hlldn:n I rom th .. ( {'nlt'r " The III,I~'" l1I('dl,1 111u:>I I.lke "'OIllP Ihem till' 1ll0"t') from the bl ,lIn to the .1(11 {'nab at a hd\ C 10 11\ p ~h.lll we alllm dl~tr e!>!> Child Outp,IIIOIl,dlllllg ot '1Ill' l'l'IlII.l1 ...In' ...::- Olg,ltI:, lIll' r.llcof2ll01l1lle"pt'l IllIIlUIl'llllOUgh todlll1ll1l!>hlheJoyofllvlllgfol'evt>n addltl ('01111101 t',,> dIll endl gl,llJd:. 1I0 ],11 gpr Ihdll 1\\ 0 our centl al 11l'1VOUi>..., i>lell1, foi>tel one dd} ? The plm er to ~ay no re"ti> very u"eful for dJagllo"lng and IrhllJllg P{'PI <1nd olher relalwt].,hlp dlff1 lope IIldlcllllpnt llpe plum ... nel>llp 1)l'ml~ ,1lIchored than .I phone c,11I 11 i... Ihli> ~p('('d) \\ Ithm u!> Let Ui>heglll by acceftmg cultlei> dnd abo ofh.r ...lJJlpmllllllll{ ....fill' hedllh) (.hlldren III ImprO\e motor ~~rt's~ ~:l~ ~''2,'::~L::~:~ ,! 18: :~:J::'~ 011 lOll ot IIii' Io.lom'\... ('ornmulllcalloll !>\'i>tcm that enables our 'ill ei>!>!>y...lem as a falthfu and l>KIIl!> .... {'Il {.::-teCIJI "JIll .1 Ihtl Cllt. "0" 11110 I iU.1 U 10 1l10bl11le 111i>('colld ...10 JO)dl lnend, and ...Iand Ilrm In the "i"., ~klll~ Parpnh II1tere~tl'd III cnrollmg their (tllldrt>n In Ih .. '>ummer "cs 1,Il'k 01 mlNe,;1 111 \\ 01'10., It alii [,HI ...tllke!> 01 till edl('lli> ll~ the"e dmal a\,OId an Olll'OIHll1g Cdl face of .Ill ql'e~i>or ... SlOn ,o,hould (',III Pat "'Im~ of the Child llulp,IlH'nl l mt B24 ure 111bU!>lI1ci>:>10 lallUl'e m hfe Il1g .ldl enal glalld:> I 1I~1l to alii Ie:, llo',\ often h,lVe we III1i>!>eddealh Reprinted Irom Feb 27 1984 Issue of tho 8000, ext 221 from !>\Ieaty pdlmi> to ht'drl dl~l',l~e I lIe The, 1I1"lruclthe heal I 10 bedt by i>ccondi>') We cdlllhdnk our ~trei>~ New Center News and Cdll('CI :\lenllOn a pel",ollul 01 fa::.tel', liw e)e ... to open wHiel, the i»i>tem and the rapid electncal nel- i>OCldlproblem .1IId thelp. IUI"Illg 111 Iung~ to hi ea the deppel and the IIvel work bel\\ een the bl' It) mob) Ille plll1g dnd to [('ed tht' mu,>cJ{':, 111their oncom {'d the medulla de\lllll' ,ou II1g ,,>Illlgg!{' Bvcn If Ihl~ i>':.lem \\('1 e de~troy, TOBINS LAKE STUDIOS II Ii>time to lh dn alternatlvc, and It I!>Illne 10 take stres~ b\' the 1<111 dllpct Ihe dlgp,>ll\'C !>y:>tem, thp ::-ex though much slo\\ el ~Yi>tem of com and fllld out \\ hat ~ort of .i bedi>1 1... \.Idl i>ystem and Ihe Immune s) stcm mUlllcallllg \\ Ith the adl'enab The GOLDEN AGE BENEFITS thl!> letlom.e III the '80s Is sl res:. 111 I() ~hut dm\ n, thel eby preser\'mg bl am USCi> Ihe ::-IO\~ route ot Ihe deed our IIIveterate CIWIl1\ 01 Ii>II "'<.dle pncl gy for the Immlllent con- our daul1L1e~!> fnend?' Ihc! 01 dal1gerou~ encounlel' Kno\\ledge provldc~ the an!>wcr, In but kno,~ ledge grow~ m .1 qUiet mllld pl,lce t he entire body to an un. and nolm an anxIOus heart We 1\ III medldte sIdle of readmess for fight ne\'er appl'eclal£> stre!>s If we fear It 01' Il1ght Can) ou name a better sys. \\ e WIll never dli>mantle It'> lelhal tem 10 elanD credit for our survival POI\ er If \\ e stand III a \~e not 0111Y .IS IlIdl\ Iduals but also as a We must learn to appreciate OUI I ace In Ihe face of IlInumerable stress s~ stem, and apprecJatlllg. death.deallng hazal ds confrontmg Compliments come to respect It, and respectmg, us from th£> cladlc to the grave'l come to admire and be grateful Without our gifted stress system. \\e of The human bod., IS endowed \I Ith would be always too slow, always remarkable dnd' marvelou!> sys. tou l,lle III ddJu!>tlng to ph}slcal and

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    ~I \ PAGE 4 GUIDANCE GAZETTE - SUPPLEMENT TO THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 29,1984 .. -- ...... Performance Under Pressure by LIs. M. V.I... 81116160

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    Recenth, Dr. Jona. one can tolerate the mumt" and at work as lhon .. ork conducted more effectl\ e perfor- \\ ell . a <;tress manageml'llt mance \\ III be There Usmg one or more of "p",in~r for thp f)ptroit a\s Dr York, through ratIOnal prob- But did vou know that "to help combat fatigue lem solvmg Dr York It can help to Improve and burn off excess en- suggests that we begm your performance? erg) . He \\ arns. ho\\- by listmg on a piece of Fmnk B.Hall & Co.of Michigan STARLIGHT e\ er that an exercise papt'r external sources The notIOn seems ab- program should be pro- of stress m everyday Internatiooallnsurnnce Specialists surd However. Dr gressive A Hurd com. life Then, for each Item York made It clear that ARCIIRY co. ponent 15 relaxation m on the list. we should \\ hen properly con troll. the form of recreation ask ourselves: Is this ed. pressure can have a or what IS termed the stressor chromc or In: • IndocM' Range poSitive Impact upon "relaxation re~ponse " acute? What IS its dura- Propert~~Casualty • Y.... Round L...,.. our performance RelaxlIlg recreatIOn tion') Do we have con- International Services c.r1ified To Introduce thiS, the can be anythmg from trol over It and, If so, to ArcMry AMoc. Yerkes-Dodson law washmg the car to tak. what degree? Is this a Employee Benefits Inlltruetcws was explamed Devel- Ing a \\ alk - whatever home stressor or a Captive Management oped In 1908, it demon- turns ) ou on The key IS work stressor? Once strates that as stress m- to fmd an activit) that you have answered Aviation (IU 7 DATS creases. perfOl'mance IS truly relaxmg The these questions you are Marine mcreases as well This relaxation response in- on the road to controll- one-to-<>nerelatlOnshlp volves time and tram. mg stress In your hfe Reinsurance ACCESSORIES. REPAIRS \\ III contmue untIl the Ing Examples of thiS Export Credit RENT Al EQUIP. pomt where stress pro- are TM, Zen or yoga Tension and pressure Surety Bonds duces a maXIIDUllllevel The fourth and fmal are lIlevltable III a con- of performance When component comes from temporary society But • IEAA • BROWJIMG the pressure level goes e:>tabh::-hmgSOCialsup- \\ e don't have to be- • lIEN PEARSON. DARTON beyond thiS pomt. how- port s)-stems Especial- come VIctim to it On ever, performance be- ly durmg perIods of the contrary Working "Ivy Your Bow Whet. You Can Try It" gms to fall off. The key stress we need relatIOn- With methods such as to stress management, ShiPS to help clanfy the those Dr York sug- therefore, IS to Identify gests, we can live with WAIIR !lOYAl. OAK situation. We should In ourselves thiS optI- create personal rela- stress and even per- 200 Renal.~sance Center PR1.1580 585.1818 mum point The mech- tionships not only at form more successfully SUite 3200 amsm for IdentIfymg It home but m the com- because of it 21570GROE.a 3001 ItOQtiTBIIlID IS through signs and DetrOlI .\hchigan 48243 ~"'NeflM1 SOUTM Of 13 Ml symptoms In our o\\-n " 313-259-0200 bodies. When we are under too much pressure we may develop anyone of a WIde range of symp- toms mcludlllg ulcers, memory loss, errors III \\-ork and loss of pro- A B ductlVltv These are dIf- ferent "for everyone TRADE AND AUTO SHOW O\V For example, some people gam weight and others lose It In the short term, these ef- fects may not be of much consequence But THE ABOW COMPANIES the long-term possibilI- tIes may be as tragic as a heart attack Dr York recom. mends two alternatl\.es for keepmg stress un- .. ABOW FI"A'C1Al PLA ...."II'-,G der control The first It',> II\PPE,b.G at the Guidance Center. Pic- ABOv.. CROUP SPECIALISTS ABOW RET1RE"'E" T PLA ....I>.,f .... C deals \\-Ith mcreasmg tured abo\{' are from leU to right Hedi Suczek, ABOW GROUP & PE....SIOi'. SERVICES tolerance to stress and Heather Spencer, Johanna Suczek, Peter ABOW PROPERTY & CASl>AlTY AGfl>.,C'r the second deals With Spencer, and (,uthrie Hardest). The children are controlling stressors, exploring !>hape!> during a :\fovement Skills and those events that \\orkshop led h) ph)'sical education teacher cause str~s Pamela \\ilson, each \\ednesday at the Grosse Increasmg one's abll- Pomte W{)Q(}" Pre<;b~terian Church. There "'ill be Ity to handle stress IS a FREE trial se..sion :\prilI8; call Linda Lane at based upon the premise 884-7775for registration information ALE that the more pressure ,.2',\E~TBICBE"\Eiil«)"') ,UTE.ll TR(J, Vlr-1 C'" 41ll Pol II \ ',J.<, l'J9fl Slightly used NATIONAL Auto Editorral space made pos.sslble through the generouslty of William and Jane Burnett Show and Convention Carpeting now Ed and Carol Massura available in a wide range of colors and COOPER styles. TRENDSETTER RADIAL 2 STEEL CORO BELTS + 2 POLYESTER CORO PLIES Announcing that Bob Hozdish COME IN NOW $1.00 has resumed doing business to $3.95 per eq. ,Mdl FOR BEST lqth. Up To SELECTION 150 ft. long at GROSSE POINTE PHARMACY 19795 MACK AVENUE pm 8OR13 - 3271 IN THE WOODS - PADDING AND INSTALLATION AVAILABLE - P1SS-8Ol:n3 - 36 13 P185 8!'.!R13 - 39 09 881-3394 P18S 75R14 - 3950 P195 75A14 - 40 10 P20575P14- 4130 and will be happy to P21S 75R14 - 45 75 DONALD E. McNABB CO. P201 75R15 - 44 15 serve you either there or at P215 75R15 - 4575 FAST FREE MOUNTING P"125 75R 15 - 48 90 22150 W. 8 Mile Rd. (W. of Lahser) 357-2626 P235 75R15 - 49 90 A.J. MEYER PHARMACY RJ.R. TIRE & WHEEL 16361 MACK AT OUTER DRIVE Hours: Mon.-Thurs. 9-5, Frl. 9-9, Sat. 9-1 882.1040 r::.::l 17355 MACK 1Iif. GROSSE POfNTE 811-4063 l__ ...... JI ~ I TWI • ~ TMES • c.u TMES THURSDAY. MARCH 29, 1984 GUIDANCE GAZETIe - SUPPLEMENT TO THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS PAGE 5 April Workshop Northeast Guidance Center now has BUSINESS PATRONS on '10m') !\IUIIngt' ..Wilt four facilities serving our community Ronald L. Konicov In tlmt's of high mfla- tlOn and unemployment Alloys Unlimited, Inc. makll1g enough money IS a problem for many DESMOND PROn:SS SlJPPl. Y CO. C.H. Curtiss & of us '" ho make a Associates 'decent' hvmg, manag- lllg our money to cover Illlllllilli all our CObts and yet N. William O'Keefe, CLU leave some to enJoy Remus & Hernden PC can be a problem , "II~ NOl'theabt GUidance Less, Inc. 111 Center, cooperatIOn "'"F UIt .~ p", I"'. r... JI I If. WayneApothecaries~lnc . \\ lth !\toney l\lanagel!>, IJ .! IJ l J P.A ~ ~l t •• " JJ" r , Inc , I!> holdlllg a \\ ork- ~hop 011 de\ eloping budgeting !>kJlls The one dnd one-half hour CHEERS FOR \\orhhop will lIlclude IdenllftcdtlOn of .~) mp- VOLUNTEERS lomb' of monev nlls- The staff of the Northeast GUIdance management.' .lnd Center would Ilke to extend a ~pecJaI cover "lIow To Get Out Thank You '! to all those genel'ou::, 01 Debt." ..Ho\\ To Do YOlll' Own Rud~{'t Ana- fulh." "liv 11<1\ t vffl.l ul ,' .lIld "Develop- m the past year You'\(' helped \I., 11If; FlIlunclal Goals " strengthen our service::. to all your b i4{) F ~~ lI'i l fnend::. and nClghbOl s' The workshop w1l1be (J'rr • aJI 4rl.l in led by KalhrYll Grelller: President' of Money Managers, lnc , Mary Meyer and be held on Wedne!>- Di\'i!>ioll of Community---- 1\1ental Health Sen ic..... GIO,>M' Poinh' Offic(' , 18134 Mack .\vellnr. dd), Apnl18 from 7 00 2~iO Chalmer!>, Detroit. GI ("' .. Point .. Honored to Ii 30 P m at Nor- thea!>t GUidance Cen- tel, 17000 E Warrell <;t Space IS limited and An Exceptional Board enrollment IS free, so call 824-8000, ext 290 now Lends Strength by Jayne M. Rose-ralle Non-proFit organization!> all hdv(' a hoard of direltors, Such group!> are a requirement of the organizational bylaws, and they ma) val') tremendousl) in size, !>hape, style and de~ree of par- Board of ticipation. Some are \ ery activ(', but many are relath f'1) inactive and M'r\ e more as hgurehratl'> Contrary to some non-profit boal'ds, !':orthea!>t Guidance Center's Board of Directors is ill\ 01\ cd Directors in the rUllning of the Center, while at the same time allo\\ing the E"ecutiH Director and starf to deal with the Center'!> daily routines. The Board member .. art' active, enthusia'>Uc, and hard\\ork. Pl'esident ing so that \\-e, the public, reap the benefits of a finely-tuned mental ht'allh center. Edward S The Board of Directors serving the ;\lorthea!>t Guidance Center currently consbts of 34 individual!> Egnahos who meet each month to discuss financial operations of the Center and to oversee all polk) mak- t ing matters. Each member is extremel) con'icientiou!>, and the) all share the!>e common goal,>: .;ii_~ To help the Center continue to be the bf'!>t mental facility in !>outheastern Michigan, and to !oel' that Vice President The Metro D£'tl'oit Chapt£'r of the ~ational the Center remains r¥spon!>iH' to the communil)",; lieI'd!>. Association of Social Worker!> hu'i cho!>cn :'lIar) LOiS Scott The Board does this by dh'iding it!>1'1finto subcommittee!> which handle specific aspects of th .. ;\11'\ er as its Social Worker of the Year. The a\\ ard Center'!> functions. Each subcommilll'c is comprisf'd of Individual Board members with a profes- is gh en annually to thl' individual demon!>tratmg Recording sional Northeast Guidance Center slaff mem bel' acting al>liaison beh\ een Center and Board, Thi'i extraordinary achie\ ement in his/her profe'i- Secreta.'y has proved effective in keeping thl' Board as closely in tune with the Center as possible, thu'i en- sional car£'er, and \\hose commitment refle,-ts the Vickie Hertel couraging a smoothly run op('ration 0\ ..rail. highest \ alue!> or the !>ocial work proh's!>ion. ;\Ial ~ The committees include: has been at Northeast for 91 ~ years, and i!>the Corresponding Executive, Finance, Personnel, Planning, Community Relations, Nominating, Housing, Relirf'- newly appointed Director of the Division of Com- Secretary ment, Development. munitv :'I1ental Health Services and the Gl'Osse Jean Steinhauer The role of these committef's i.. to ill\estigal(' is!>ues which fall within their re!>pective r('alms, Pointe office, She \I as honored, along \\ ilh Dell oil examine alternatives, thrash out any problems and concern .., and finally, make recommendation!> Police Chief Willidm Hart (selected 'Citizen of the Treasure.' to the Board of Director ... This s)'!>tem ha .. proved quitf' effective, and after some discussion, 1l10!>t Year' by thf' Association) at a special program Denms Nally recommendations are accepted. held on March 22 at the l'nh er'iit~ of Detroil. The Board encourage!> anyone intere!>ted in acti\ el) participating on the Board to contact thf' Cellt«>I' at 824-8000, ext. 2-16. New nomination .. to the Board are al\\ays \\elcome. Wilham Aurehus Eugeme Beall On the Move Mary Bezalre Editorial space made possible through the generosity of: Susan Browne Judith Buchanan Hannon Flowers, Inc. Leon Chestang Anne Crane Robert DeDeckere James Garavagha Jim Gibson Darrell Heck For Just Being You Wilham E Kohr .Jack Liang John R Lawrence Creighton Lederer Betty Loeher Manon McCarthy Denl1ls Nally Esther Riske MichaeJ Stack Dale Steiger Tom Stewart Syhester Hackne), ~J.~ W., has been appointed Russell Stralth The Director of the Dh i'iion of Outpatif'nt Service!> at Jacquehne Thomas ~ortheast Guidance Center. The Dhi ..ion merge .. Gregory J Vasse the Adult Outpatient and Child Outpatient Units Sharon Vasher \\ith the Alcohol and Chemical Dependene,r Treat- Cheryl Waldeck ment Program, the Emplo) el''' AS!>I,tance Pro- General Motors Agnes Williams gram, and other outpatient ,en kl"\. S) Ive!>tl'r has Henry Wllhams been \\ith \orthca~t for ~ ,eal'>, and pre\ iou,h directl'd the ('ri"i" lntt'r\ I'nllon ~en I( r, Jnd lhe Adult Outpa !il'nt In it Ladies diamond identlflcahon bracelet Commitment. crafted in 14 karat yellow gold and set With 23-fully cut diamonds (also available without diamonds)

    edmund t. AHEE jewelers 20139 MdC k AV('lluP Groc,c,t' Pomte Woexl" B86-460n hc lued of hllllJlIlg qll


    'HAil OXFOJ!1l oaOll1 PllINTE WOODS

    I I' PAGE 6 GUIDANCE GAZETTE - SUPPLEMENT TO THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS THURSDAY, MARCH 29,1964 I CALENDAR Teenage Alcoholism by ChInyere NNte. M.A. Good M~~ \taug~.ftll I-H56 E Jefferson ~r or later, all teenagers 10 on many other factors, mcludUlg Wednesday. Apel! 18 Detroit. ~II our society are faced" Ith the deci- the Incidence of alcoholism in the 7:()(Hl'JO p m ".\.!. Parents Gro... Older" - held joil1tl~ b~ SIOn, "Should I or shouldn't I dnnk raml1~, the youth mayor may not E N I A 17000 E Wa~ Famih Life Education Council alcoboP" Three-fourths of them become an alcohol abuser or x Call 82H~.~. e:xt ~\ tl' n'"gl:-ter SLX,,'eeks, from April 11 through May 16, Will decide "yes" - and begm to alcoholic Many youthful alcoholics 200400pm use alcohol before the) dre legally are Inlson ~hddle School the peer group seltmg IS gener.illy settmg There are several signs G~ !'ornle Woods, MI 4lI21h C.c :...... ~CJ.L.L::.: ....: :::.-:H-:-:-75for det.lIls lJUOOE~sex at Dickerson considered "normal" A 1978 \\ hlch can help a person to Identify (313) 88~~ hiS or her 0\\ n alcohoh~'11 Thf' key bu.ac H....11a Promolioo Pr..1Ject BJ.b~ Sho\\ er DetrOIt :.\11 sur\"e) among high school semors mdicated that only 10% of all 12th Signs emphasize not the quamtlty or _\.;'c'...." ::- ,x J.~: 2 1'4.1 P m Call B2~ SOUl) ext _19\.) for information about graders had ne\ ~r used alcohol frequency of alcohol use. but J~t~~~'['_ .\\ ~l.l~ l fl' :e.j \ltOthod.I~t Chun:h abm e programs About 90% had used alcohol once or rather the \\ a~ it is used These II more U1 the preceedmg 12 monl~, signs are ************+************\ \bcDon1ld • Thom... A»ocI ..I..s " 65% had lI.5ed It 51\ or more times 1 PreoccupatIOn ....Ith the use of * * UQ~ FIsh .... Budding Driro,l \"1l' II ;'6J~:)-tha;-glrl~ (5:l(~;;~'-.' _v.' v 7 Increased tolerance 8 Black-outs ~ • NEW & USED GUNS : Researchers have Identified 9 Repeated S\\ eanng-off or 17727 MACK @ ~mall" behaVIoral and SOCial cor- promises to cut down use * . AMMO & RELOADING COMPONENTS * 1\1 2.901.5 Cor, u..Mnlty Businf!SS Personil Eslate and PmSlon Pbnnlng I, • C relates to teen drmkmg, such as Parents, teachers or other con- * IN STOCK * lo\\- self-€steem. impulsiveness, cerned adults should look for Isola- * ~ poor attitudes about school and tIOn, mterruptton m commumca- *: 21006 MACK G PW 881.5000 * 10\\ academiC aSplI'allons ;\[any """",.88477101 M. .. __ - tlOOS, excessl\'e use of eye drops, w also cite famll~ dlsorgamZ3tlOn, behaVIOral changes, sleepmg habit ***********+*************: AUhOn.zeo Dea,er II poor parent-duld relatIOnships, changes, poor grades. habitual tar- t------, and general deLmquent behaVIOr as illness or absenteeISm from school, I Pointe Paint & Decorating Center ;; other close correlates Ho\\-ever, faIlure to respond to disclphne, THINKING of LEASING? , GROSSE POINTE cautJOD must be taken In asswmng mood swmgs, guilliness and t that problem use of alcohol among AUU -

    JOHNSTO"olE & JO+

    Divorce Medlatlon IS not the answer for all GUS RUSSO divorcing couples. As f'rM;Oent Bus Phone 886-3000 10 the traditional ad- versanal process, con- fliCts can a rise Howe- ver, by maximizing c0- operatIOn and mini- mIZIng competition, by helping the couple to amve at mutual a- greements, and by em- phaslzmg a "wm-wm" philosophy as opposed DIVORCE to the "Win-lose" ori- entatIOn mherent III the adversanal process of divorce, Divorce MediatIOn can help to- MEDIATION day lead mto a brighter tomorrow by by \{arvln A Yanke. gains more control of leavlllg all parties less ~t A the divorce process bruised

    ~ortheasl GUidance ('enter no.... offers 01- EdltorlQl space made poSSible through the generosIty of \ orce ~tedla hon a nev. servJce \\.hlch has Warren Laurence, McCullagh Leasing, Inc. emerged to help mlm- mlze the conflict and e motIOnal pam which often accompany the tradlllonaJ ad\ ersanal divorce process DI- \orce \tedlatlOn em. pha<;17cs a healthy tran~ltlOn, \\ hiCh facil- Itate. a more bnght and positive future for all lnvol\'ed parties

    The "dHr<,anal pro- c~s requires that the hu<,band and \\.Ife e~ch hIre attorne\S ~ho compete against each other to <;ee ',l, ho v. In!; • In the divorce DJ\ orce \fedlatoN v. ork togethpf \ldlh the ((,uple empha"17lng cooperdtlOn rather tn,ln competitIOn Al 10'1. 109 the couple to be dlre<.tl} 1n\ olved In ma king a II <;ettle. mcnl<: agreements and decl'I,ons jpnd., more to their v.lll. mgnf''i<; to accept and adhere to their agree ments Through the mc


    I '=4 _ ...... --. ... ,=. If" ... ~ ~--_..~------~--~ THURSDAY, MARCH 29,1984 GUIDANCE GAZETIE - SUPPLEMENT TO THE GROSSE POINTE NEWS PAGE 7 · R · · Resolving Custody Disputes ALCOHOLISM NEGC ReceIves ecognItIon POlit~:~>p~~c~~e~~~~;~radi- FRIENDS OF The NatIOnal Council of Com- "', tlOnal Programs, New 1.>elllgn THE GAZETTE: Illumty Mental Health Center!> hd!> • "".i, Mary C Meyer, A C.S W . ...America's No. 1Drug ,Iccepted ten paper~ by Northeu!>l .• ~ Child Sexual Assault John and Jc1.J GUlddnce Center staff member!> ., 1,.. Colleen R Reed, M S W Williams Addiction for presentatIOn at thc 1!IB-t Annual ~ .! " A DynamiC Future. Growth for Robert and l\1eetmg of NCCMlle The ten pa- It' ')- ~'1' Secretaries 10 CMHC's Eileen Choate \lcohoJ h .1 IMI t of dlmostl'\ ('I') per!> dccepted \\ CI C wntten by • '#:~ C~nthla A Parker \\ ho u!>e ,III\ 01 the:.e \\ III bl' t\\ elve staff persons and I'epresenl " 'I Lll1da M Lane ':t ....~ . Mr. and Mrs. d~ped of our ddl!) loutllle enter. eOIlll' dl'pendl'nt on t1ll'1ll 1J.lJllllg, rellglou<;. cel emolllal and h The 1l1dblhty to reguldt(' or con. 1001\; of the paper!> ~lIbnlltt('d by • I ft rA'~:+~ll;> Labor Relations 10 CMIIC Garland Knight i\ol'theast GUidance Cenler The ':V Management dlJllng .\I<:ohol I:. ~OCH111yae{'('p- trol thell u.,e n Ift Mr. and Mrs. t.lble \101 (' Ihan 90 fjl'lTent of :\11 c :\d\<'I::.e Jffl'l'h on Intelper.,on paper!> covel' mdll) al {'J:. lI1c1l1dlllg I'" I - Jonathan L York, Ph 0 Ihel',lpeutlc modeb, planl1lllg, clel" System Treatment for GnevlOg James A. Carty dllg,1ll rl'.'"dl'nh ha \'l' u~ed .tleohol dlrelallOlhlllp" ,1I1dthe ('('onom- III ICdl support and IIlformatlOn ~er. !,'amlhes 10 \e. ph):>I<.,d dnd p,,\chologlCdl Christina E. Young One Ollt 01 of tho">l' u:.er~ bel'ome vice,> The Annual i\leetlllg will be Carol l\1 Zielinski. M A and Wilham J Sarasln, M A ,1lcollolll lilt' ,ill ohollc lo!>e:.control \\dl IWlIlg oj till' Il1dl\ Idu,l! ,1l1d h{'ld 11\ New Orle,\n" from 1\1,ly 30 CUlol A Ghdden, M S W Gary Kupper, B A Mr. and Mrs. on'r 1m. 01 her III lllkmg He I:' com. Jd1l11!\ through June 2 111m to :\.,.,emble an Effective PR Creative Hypnotherapy Techmque \1.< o IHkl:"> \1 .~ \ !"\\IILY Bernard A. pelled tu dllnh the bod) demdnd!> The paper:. aceeptl'd for pre!>en. Progr,un lor a Mental Health Wilham J Sarasln, M A it Ill' lIld\ dlmh ~) Illptom:. Me fll:.t Grabowski notIced dnd fell b\ the {,lind, Con latlOn at the mectmg mcludl' ('entl'l Psychotherapy With Invulnerable I) PCllOdic,dl) but Oil tho~e o('C.l Elderly Subl>t,lI1ce Abu.,e Sel Clllnypre Neale, M A Children Mr. and Mrs. ~Illn:, th"tlw drlllh.~ he loses conti 01 fll'lon IHlpl'll''->olil'"'' .1Ild ptl) .,;I<:aI \'Il'(''' Pr(>jPct In the B('!>t Intere,>t of the Child Gary Kupper, B A DenniS Janowski .\lLohoI dlled!> the p::.)chomntor dlrH.'~:' .II (' common .1I1long falllll) :,\ .,tl'lIl Illllhculdl control ('enter III l1H'mbel" ,\., the dl"l'd:.e pro. Itle bl a In) \\ hen alcohol rl'uche., gn,.,~e:,. f .,!.1111!l1~llillt) 'Illd -.~~~~~..- r~~~~~'~e the bra depre.~,wt and "l'l'lInl\ l'Jll Ill' de'ltlo\ed l ,A~OJ l ::,, f \...\.l f~r4('" )~~{\.(l moml'nl,ll'l!> IJnngs I elle! from THEHf: \H E " 1:'~1'''' \TED bY)aLente JEWELERS t f the __ • QUALITY t SELECTION ten!>lOn l'l edted b) PS) chomalor 2j.,W 'Ill 1.10\ (IIILDHE'\ OF ,....(Y ~ /~ • t actllll\ TIll' mon' thp ~I('f)h(\h(. \LCOIIOU( 'i 1'\ '1'111<' I \ITED • 1)1\/1;/111\ oj r/llf Ifill") ~1I1(f 1934 • bed.'bathaan.ns. SERVICE ,. dllllk>. Ihe more rellef bul \\ hen ~ I \ I E~ J2 I') Jllll11011 :or€' tUll'cnt- VALUE , Iw qUill> dnnhlllg PS) chomator dC I) 11\ mg \\ lth alcohol or dt ug de. , '~'state. 11\ II~ hlllld!> to an e\ en higher I{'\ el pendl'Il1 pdrl'nb Wlthollt Illter\'en- ESTATE AND t ' INSURANCE • dnd mOl e ,llcohol IS nere~"al'\ 10 tlOn, 40-:;O(JI) of the:-.e clllJdren \\ III 10\\('1' It \ \,ICIOU:. ell cJt' begll1:. 1>l'l:onH' J!cohol or ell ug dependent. t APPRAISALS t ~~~,:.~~~ ~ th"t :.0011 redche:. a POint of 110 marry :,oll1con(' \\ ho IS. or a!> a • Watch and Jewelry Repain IrHcMn NMnt-pIua much more retUl n :'0011 It ~ llnpo~slble to dull:> . ha \ c problem., \\ Ith tl ust, Ill. t t drcl ease the actl\'Il\. 110 m,ltlet Innac)'. ("Pi C%101l of feelmg and , .. 1 4100 depre!>'-lOn :ll> a l'l~~lIlt of alcohol t PHONE: .. 1.1180 f hm\ m Ulll thl' J leoh<)lll drlllk<; 80 ,,( rl nl"'~d III 1.... KEftC .. VAL • • ~ 16906 KEACHEW (IN THE VILLAGE} Ism the fJll1lh f 9 ., 3.7 \.I ~l r-" ..... Fd · 1 J)E~I \1. \'\1) H \TI()~ \LlZ.\- Tnurs 830 B::l2 J:,Q l , GROSSE POINTE ti SOllie impOi tant fact.. TIO'\ (Ill. \:\11,\(. OTHEB t :lOOut alcoholism: 1111,\(.S OH OTHER PEOPLE ..~:E=:'::~~ ~.~~~~~~ \LeOUOUS'l IS \ Dl5lE \SE. No FOR O'\E'S PIWBLE;\lSl .\HE ,\ one begml> to dnnk With the mten. S\,:\IPTO:\l OF ,\LCOUOLlS:\1 r~Q:l~~Q:l~~Q:l~~ tlOn of becomll1g an alcoholiC The ,\'\1) OTIIEH DHl G DEPE;\;D- dl!>ea!>cIS not the IIldlVldual's fault. E'('lE~. -\Icohol or drug depen- 5) IlO',~ ~ GrossI but I eco\ er) IS hiS or her dent mdl\ Iduab and their families, 1 Irlll':\~111 V I esponslbillty fl'lends, and co.workers often do I)() 'II 1 C \LCOIIOLIS'l \~[) OTIIEH I t h f I ~ 1~ Pointe DHl'G DEPE'DE~CIES AF- not want to see \\ 13 t ey ee ~ ~. ,'\I' d::. ~ hopeless and powerles!> to change FECT ALL RACES ,\;\;0 ClASSES .\LCOHOLlS:\l IS A THE \TABLE FOOD & SPIRITS ~ Properties OF PEOPLE. They affect people ILL \'ESS. Although there IS no 1 \\ Ithout regard to race. sex. age, known cure. recovery IS pos~lble ~ YOUR GENIAL HOSTS V SOCial background or occupatIOn and most treatment programs ~ ANTHONY MANGIAREllI (S ~-;SL 1II111! .... t i Over 50% of people With alcoholism report recovery rates rangmg from J DON DUCHENE ~ have allended college, and are 5{) to 80 percent Over half a century of specializing employed III profesSIOnal posItIons SOMEO~E YOU K~OW liAS A 123 KERCHEVAl. ON THE HII.L ~ in Grosse Pointe property. Less than 10% have major psycho ALCOllOLlS\J, IS CURRENTL \' ~ GROSSE POINTE fARMS. MICH V logIcal problems .\Icoholism IS LIVI~G IN .\N .\LCOllOL OR 13131 884.7774 C 3 GROSSE POINTE OFFICES their problem DRl'G DEPENDENT FA 'liLY. 884-0600 • 881-6300 • 811-4200 , -\LCOIIOLIS;\l \i\D OTHER OR GREW 1.:1' IN Oi\E. YO!: ('1\1'11 ~~~~~~~~~~~A UHl'G DEPE'IDE:\ClES .\,RE IIEI P Le::.s than 15°0 of the people ---- \ \10,\(, TilE ;\1081' l>Al\IAGI:'IiG affllcled With thiS dlsedse are .\:\D \'EGLECTED PROBLE~IS recel\nng the help and proper FOOD AND SPIRITS l~ .\ 'IERICA TOD-\. Y. ExceSSive treatment thai IS readll\' avaJlable dnnkmg IS a factor In over 50% of Ledrlllng more about. alcohohsll1 all hlghwa) fata1Jhes and SUICides, and other drug dependenCIes IS one III over 60% of all major crimes, way we can all help and III over 50% of all reported ALCOHOL IS A DRlG. It does nol cases of domestic violence In the matter whether the drug IS con- \',ork place. at least one in ten sumed via beer, wille 01' liquor, It •• 704 H""~I" employees has some type of alco. has the same effects More ethyl .T. CLAIR .H01l18, MICHIGAN 4eoeo hol or drug dependence and 25% of alcohol IS contamed III d 12 ounce their salary IS bemg lost m absen- contamer of beer than III one ounce ...... Lit • It • &\'J.1Ml teelsm, health care co.sts, reduced. drmk of 100 proof whiskey 885-8522 E..-lItl 117-111' productiVity and InCl:eased.J.ur.no",,~ -SOME- PEOPLE ,\BE ESPECI \L- ...... ,iii...... CIiIIlIII MUllS yer Amel'lcan business loses LY 111GB H ISKS. If your parent,> WM. J. 81LLUOIIIO (JII.I 774-t01O w. WeM;o"'. You, fllkfJ""'" CIt.r!J'l I S2.J-$40 bilhon each year because of are alcoholtc, there IS a 50% chance 20513 MACK AVE., GROSSE POINTE WOODS "'nIrA"'.tlCM(J 0' .... "', C""pe alcoholism The cost to the ll1dlVI- that YOU Will be an alcoholic or that dual and family IS priceless you \vtll marry an alcoholic \L('01l01.l8'1 AND OTIIER The most Important fact IS lhat DHLC. DEPE;\;DENCIES ARE alcohoh~m IS treatable If arrested DlSE \SES CHARACTERIZED m hme If you would 11kI.'to learn Shores Auto Wash BY. more about alcoholl~m, contact Two Convenient locations to Serve You a Excps"lve or compulSive use of Northedst GUIdance Center's AUTO RECONDITIONING alcohol martJuand, lranqlllli. Alcohol and Chemical Dependenc) 22421 MaCK Avenue zen,. <:hmulants, pam medica- Treatment Program at 82-t-BOOO, SI Clair Shores MI 48080 tlons dbout olle III ten people ext 225 (313) Tl69133 23809 Harper Avenue SI Cla,r Shores MI 48080 (313) Tll.0505 thzl> page made pOSSIble through the gPllerOf>lty of Shores ServicenteI Schureman, Frakes, Glass & Wulfmeier Complete Auto Care Facility NATURAL GAS TIRES • BATIERIES • TUNE.UPS RUSTPROOFING • ACCESSORIES • Clean GAZETTE PATRONS 22517 Mack Ave SI Clair Shores MI 48080 m 1690

    Mr & Mrs Randolph Mr & Mrs Russell Mr & Mrs Robert St • Economical J Agley Hoole III Amour Mrs SylVia Antonrshen Mr .. Mrs John Jay Mrs Sandra l Seale Allee Bernhardt Mr .. Mrs Edward F Mr & Mrs George • Efficient Mrs Richard Kliber. Jr Shammas r;;~:;;;~~I" Bersehbaek Mr .. Mrs Charles Mr .. Mrs I'looert Mr .. Mrs Charles loeher Southwell EAST SIDE Bon"" Mr J Edward Lundy Mr & Mrs John N • Dependable Energy Beth M BfOOks. M D Mary Meyer Stewart

    GIFTS OF DISTINCTION W. LAWRENCE LONG, ~ ANR P1peUneCompeiDf • SMALL FURNITURE. Insurance ~ An Amencan Natural RetOwces Company

    • LAMPS • Member Profeulonlll Insurence Ag.nrs • STATIONERY GOODS.


    Chmupagne Gazette Guider!!! Reception Fetes Gazette Patrolls, "

    r rUIII 1I11~ \.UIlIpt:U:IIL Kruup r4UldL~~ UIl: tAli t'\. llUIl VI Ul~ -t~~I~ .. tll\.t' Lrd~ur III 1:://)'}-0 •• '\vllhr"~l GUidance Center is the onh communi!\ menIal cenler lof \I hl\.h II e are ,1\\ are) lhat has such \ 01- unleer support organizalion Follo\\ iug are 8031 d and COllll1l1llee ('11.111"\\ OI1H'I1 and lhelr r{'!>pon- slbililil'S: Top ro\\. I to r.: Jl'DY RL'T -\\, \rraugemenls, KHIS GR-\BO\\ SKI, Trea!>url'r, K-\THY HEIT\I-\\, Records; -\LlCE BER\H-\RDT Pnntlllg \hddle ro\\. Rl TII CISCO, Bull, -'failing. Co-Editors J -\\':'\'E \' .-\LLEE and LlS.\ \. \LLEE ha\ I" III thl'ir beautifulh decorated honH', P \ THiel \ Iill!>t'ltl SL'E L-\l'PPE, \,P \lembership. REGGIE STOCKl, COJrt'!>pollding Secret<1r~: BETT\ LOEIIER, presented this 13th annual supplement to thl' Gro~se Pointe dnd ROGER HEIbl-\\S gl'aclOu!>l~ hO!>tl'd a pal't~ 101' Prl'Sident.Elect; BETH ~IORA~, Recording Serrelan , J -\\ BR \DY.llbtorian Front ro\\: RL'TH ~e\1 s Its purpose is not onl) to raise funds, but to inform Patroll!> of Ihe Guidance Gazelle, and PI'O\ idrd tht.' fint K.HL,' P Senice; SUE RITTER. Program; JO-\~\E UeFOL H, 'P Projet'l!>; SH-\RO~ \ ASHER, residents of the Grosse Pointes. Harper \\ oods, and north- gl.lIlce of it!>pages. Supl'n bing <1rrangl'llll'J1t!>fOi tht.' press President: K-\THY DeMEYER, Public it) , '1 \HY \lL HR \ Y, B~-L,n\s So '\ l'arboo". \ot sho\\n: l'a~t Detroit about program!> and assIstdnce 3\ aildble dt reception .Irt.' Jl'DY Holden, Lisbeth O,lll'!>, ('hall \\ oman, Jo' 0\ -\ CISCO, Bull, 'tailmg; DE\ ISE ST -\" \ T -\KI~. \Jail Lbl. TO\ I 8TE\\ un, Imml'di.He \orlheast Guidance Center. IlIsl'rt, FLO KLIBER, back- and Sue Grambo. Past President; JA~E 'an FAASE\, Telephone. page editor. Lights Polaroid Road Rally ... Shining Party Idea Birthday Auto Show Previews on Star-Shined Charit)' Night ' Candles ..... "On May 22 the r ASSIStance League Will T'" 0 11\eh SL SA\!>... R IITER and L \ l'PPE, celebrate Its 20th left. orgailited a mo"t unusual e\ ening in (k- blrthda\ We started as tober ~e\l and e'\isting members piled into cars a group' of 12 concerned equipped ....ith Polaroid cameras The~ '" ere \\ omen and have grown gi\t'n ten situations to shoot. FIrst car back'" ith to a membership of all instructions completed, and picture-proof nearl)' 200 We have posith e \\ ere \I inners. One inst ance called for a raIsed \\ ell over photo of the fullest market shopping cart. $400,000 for the North. Originalit) \Ion \\ ith shot of. .. not east GUIdance Center groceries ... but \\ ith 6 people in the cart! through the seUless ef. forts of our hard-work- mg and dedIcated vol- unteers. Some of our members don t mmd at all bemg in the lime- light - others remain Swmy Scene for "Art on the Pointe'" at Ford Estate as silent heroes What. \ ever differences we have m personalIty or appearance. our memo berslup shares at least one common traIt - ~,:--:.~~, JA:"\E POOLEY and LINDA SHAALA~, general co-chair"'omen ba\'e planned for a spectaCUlar spirit. We accomplish outdoor Art and Craft "Art On The our goals because we --it - -- Sho"'. -. -; ~ - ~ -; belIeve 10 the Assls. Pointe," tbe fint of its kind. The Eleanor and ;:~- ~--":.~ ~ Etlsel Ford Estate. all 90 acres, is the glorious tance League and In ...... ~.....~ ....~ j setting for jaried exhibits .ith internaUoaal en. Northeast GUIdance ~-..;~';: ~"'''; Center, and because we -.:.;;:.- ..""'~ ~- trants, DuMoehrile will coaduct an auction. ~ortheast GUidance Center was one of the four designated reCIpients of the DetrOit Auto Show Wine and cbeese "ill be served on tbe terrace have such a fme group of conscientious, car. Preview NIght at Cobo Hallin January All proceeds of tickets sold In It!>name directly beneftt overlooking Lake St. Clair. and music ",ill fill the the commumty mental health center. George and MaQ Shammas (far fight and rar left) were air. Their committees are bllSy with details of Ing women. Happy birthday Assistance honarary chaIrmen for the formal black-lie evening :\Iarge and John T)rer (second and third this artistic festival to be held on June 17and 18. League ,. left) hosted an Afterglow Buffet In their home Alice Bernhardt (second from nght, \\ as general Watch for information and promotion to come. -Sharon Vasher, chaIrwoman of tlus profitable event. Assistance League President Say Volunteer . . . "The Sunshine Of Your Life" ma) come at ) our local men- You're in. tal health center \\hen }ou'\e finally decided ". . . I need good HELP!" company Santa George Bernard Sba\\ y,rote cI. the ess. ence of volunteensm Fran Pastoria, ASSlS. Hans tance League Past President and .'tough "Come Rain or Come Shine" on the grounds of love" expert, relates, Assistance League is e\ er "ThIs IS one of my strh ing to raise funds and the Grosse Pointe favorIte quotattons gi\e direct senice to \or- Hunt Club was a which truly speaks to theast Guidance Center. In three week event me of the giving of one. these da) s of tight budgets self for commuruty ,. and unemplo) ment in our that required hun- Quoting from the area, the need for fund .. for dreds of hours great GBS. "ThIs is the mental health is greater than from at least half true JOj of life, the e\ er. Ironicall\, "hen times a hundred volun- being used for a pur. are bad, stre ..s lllcrea!>l'S, pose recognized by funding decrea!le'i, but the teers. Members of yourself as a mighty '" armth and reassurance of Sharyn ~lannino and Marilyn Stedem organized a the Assistance one. The bemg a force counseling is in grt'aler de. League, their of nature instead of a mand. Support ~our com. great kIck.off "Suppt>r With Santa" pa rt). I)y,. ayne X. Rile) and "'if I" Sharon lof WDI\:.TV) Joined toe feverish. selfish IItlle munit\ mental health agen- spouses and fam- Lorraine and Lester Detk \\-ere Chairmen of the Santa ('ommittel'! group for cocktails and dinner at the Hunt Club. clod of ailments and C\, '~orthf'ast Guidance ily generously de. They had to see to it that Santa and Mrs. Clau!! \\ere on dut\ \\bl'n the grievances complain- Center. Join the \ssistancl' voted themselves }oungsters appeared. . ing that the \\-orld Will League. Call 82-1-8000 for not devote It self to information. to bring the spirit making you happ)' of Christmas to I am of the opmlOn the community. that m} hfe belongs to the commumty, and as Busloads of pre- long as I 1I..e It IS m) school, nursery priVIlege to do for It and elementary whatever I can I ....ant to be thoroughl} used school children up \\-hen I die. for the roamed through harder I ",or\( the more \\-ouldn't It fef'1 J.(ood to hl'ar the playroom of I live fiomeone ~a.., "'\ au \rf' Tht' Raggedy Ann and I reJoKe In life for Sun'ihlnf' Or'~h Llff'?" .\'i'il'i- Its 0'" n $::!:~ Ljf~ IS no tancf' Lea~ue pro\ Idl''' thp op. Andy They visit- bnef candle to me It IS portunil,. for,", omen and nlt'n ed the enchanted a sort of splendid torch of all agf''i to \ oluntl"l'r limp forest, saw San- Y,hlch I've got to hold and talent'i \\ orkln~ al lht' up for the moment and (f'ntt'r. to hp an ad\ocale for ta's Workshop I want to make It burn mf'ntal and f'motional huUh and finally had as bnghtly l:lS posSible \\ hat a ,",ondl'dul ff'f'ling juice and cookIes before handmg It on to to !\'h f' f'\ f'n onf' pi'r<;on future generatIOns ' JH'act' of mllld' Tht'rf' i'i a WIth Mr & Mrs platt' for \our f'~pertl'ie dnd Santa Claus mlr-rro'it III mf'ntal hf'allh There wa~ a Bou- Tf'll'phont' ~2.l-1lOO(lto turn on thf' Stln for ..our'if'1f a nd for tique for grown- 'iomf'Onf' el'it'. ups and a Shop for Children.

    I. to r. - Jady Rutall. Group ReservaUonll; Beth Moran, Consign. mt'nt",; Santa; Mary Berschback, Crafh; Krill Grahowhkl, S< IH-du 1f'1I , This page Compliments of a Friend

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