J -PAL, Vol. 9, No. 2, 2018 ISSN: 2087-3522 DOI: 10.21776/ub.jpal.2018.009.02.01 E-ISSN: 2338-1671

Provisioning and Cultural Services of Restored Ecosystem in Mount Kelud after 2014 Eruption

Ardina Tanjungsari1, Luchman Hakim2, Catur Retnaningdyah2

1Master Program of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, , 2Department of Biology, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia

Abstract Mount Kelud eruption in 2014 was recorded as the largest eruption in the history of Mount Kelud volcanic activity. The ecosystem restoration was implemented after the eruption. However, few studies regarding the value of the restored area, mainly focus on the perspective of ecosystem services values. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the ecosystem services of restored area of Mt. Kelud after three years or eruption restoration program and develop appropriate restoration strategies based on the potentiality of its cultural services. A field survey was done at the restored area after mountain eruption in 2014. The location of Mt. Kelud is administratively located at Sugihwaras Village, Ngancar District, Regency, . Ecosystem service was observed following Wunder and Thorsen ecosystem service classification. Interviews with key sources were performed to generate data regarding the socio- ecological aspect of restoration program and determines the ecosystem services in the perspectives of the local community. In order to describe the strategy for the development of nature-based tourism as one of the important cultural services in Mt. Kelud, a SWOT analysis was performed to evaluate the possible strategy to developed nature- based tourism in the restored area. Results of this study showed that two ecosystem services, the provisioning and cultural services, were identified to contribute to the local community. Their contributions demonstrated through numerous forestry program and nature-based tourism activity. The potentiality of nature-based tourism development in the restored area depended on the ability to drawn restoration planning which was combined with sustainable recreation activity in the restoration area.

Keywords: Ecosystem services, Mountain Kelud, Mountain restoration, Mountain tourism

INTRODUCTION has a wide impact from economic, cultural or Mt. Kelud is one of the active volcanoes social values, and ecosystem services. Effort to in East Java. Ecologically, Mt. Kelud provides a repair mountain degradation after eruption has significant role in environmental aspect, ranging been done for numerous purposes. Restoration from water resources regulation, climate programs has been implemented after eruption, regulation and home to numerous biodiversity with the objective is recovering and developing which is important to support human life native vegetation of Mt. Kelud after eruption. surrounding mountain area. Mt. Kelud is one of Socio-ecologically, it is also important to reduce the active mountains on Java Island. Socio- natural hazard which are resulted from culturally, Mt. Kelud is important sites for abandoned lands after mountain eruption. The Javanese. As many mountain areas in Java, Mt. first restoration was performed by Perum Kelud has been considered as one of the Perhutani and Unity Stakeholder Forest Kediri mountains with spiritual value. These lead Mt. conservation program after the eruption of the Kelud is one of the religious tourism destination volcano in February 2014 in cooperation with the [1,2,3]. . Degraded mountain restoration is Volcanology and Geological Hazard one of the important programs in many regency Mitigation Center records frequent activity of the in Java, especially region which are located at the mountain and reports that the last eruption on mountainous area [4,5]. February 13, 2014 is one of the biggest eruption Mt. Kelud, Kediri Regency, East Java, a in history of Mt. Kelud eruptions. This eruption strato-shaped mountain, is one the famous nature-based tourism recreation area. Mountaineering, sun rise and sun set seeing are Correspondence address: the favorite’s tourism program in Mt. Kelud. Ardina Tanjungsari Email : [email protected] Statistical data shows that the number of tourist Address : Master Program of Biology, Faculty of in Mt. Kelud area increase significantly. In order Mathemathics and Natural Sciences, Brawijaya to increase tourist satisfaction, the local University, Malang


Provisioning and Cultural Services of Restored Ecosystem (Tanjungsari, et al.)

government of Kediri has been established Data Collection tourist facility in Mt. Kelud. Recently, the Field observation was done in the accessibility of Mt. Kelud easier than before, and restored area in Sugihwaras village. The this situation lead to the increasing tourism observation was done through direct observation activity in Mt. Kelud [6]. regarding the category of ecosystem services. After four years of restoration program, Semi-structured interviews consist of several key however, less ecological services of the restored questions that asked to define the areas to be area has been implemented. Basically, the explored. A total of 13 informants were success of Mt. Kelud restoration is very interviewed to determine the ecosystems important in the sustainability of tourism in the services of restored area of Mt. Kelud. natural environment. The concept of ecosystem Informants in this study consist of an informal services theoretically was brought into common leader, regency staff of Kediri Regency, use by the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment representative of PERHUTANI (Indonesian Forest (MA), a global initiative established in 1999 to Enterprises) and local farmers. The questions assess how ecosystem change would influence were asked to key sources. Descriptive analysis human well-being [7]. The MA divided these was performed to generate the comprehensive services into four categories, they are supporting fact about the restoration and tourism aspect of services, provisioning services, regulating Mt. Kelud. services, and cultural services [8]. The aims of the research were to RESULT AND DISCUSSION describe the ecosystem services provided by Mt. Description of Recent Restored Area Kelud after four years of the restoration The restoration site administratively was program. located at the upper zone of Sugihwaras Village. In the perspectives of area management, the MATERIAL AND METHOD restored area is an integral park of mountain Study Site forest of Mt. Kelud under the management of The location of Mt. Kelud is PERHUTANI. Thus, PERHUTANI as one of the administratively located in the district of Kediri, state-owned enterprises has a responsibility to Regency and Malang Regency in East Java keep and maintain the forest. In fact, several Province. The altitude of the observed area limitations in forest management facing ranges from ± 1097 m asl to 1200 m asl. fundamental problems, they were including Interviews related to the environmental services number and capacity staff. These lead to a of the ecosystem was conducted at Sugihwaras strategy to involve surrounding community forest Village, in which the local community in the as a group in forest management, with sharing villages interacts with the restored area. benefits scenarios in the implementation [9]. Geographically it is located on 112°29'35,9 BT After three years of restoration program and 7°93'26,3 LS (Fig. 1) in Ngancar District, in the degraded area, Mt. Kelud become greenish Kediri Regency, East Java. The restoration area is when seen from distance. There were various located close to the forest Modangan and ± 500 plant species has been found in restored area, m distance from the crater of Mt. Kelud until they were stake plants including Calliandra pathway corridor tour to Mount Kelud. calothyrsus (Red Kaliandra), Caliandra tetragona (White Kaliandra), Clidemia hirta (Harendongbulu), Macaranga hispida (Mahang), and Trema orientalis (Anggrung). In addition, there are herbaceous plants such as Homalanthus sp. (Tutup), Anaphalis longifolia (Edelweiss), Imperata cylindrical (Alang-alang) and Eupatorium inulifolium (Krinyuh). These plants provide regulatory services as producers in food webs or climate settings through carbon sequestration. Several species, however, is

Figure 1.Research location in Sugihwaras Village, Ngancar invasive species (i.e. Eupatorium inulifolium) District, Kediri Regency, East Java. which are able to minimize to opportunities of native plant ecosystem to build new population after degraded. The species of Trema orientalis


Provisioning and Cultural Services of Restored Ecosystem (Tanjungsari, et al.) and Homalanthus sp. are the native species to or in a degraded area with farmer’s obligation to the mountain area in Java [10]. plant and maintain some tree species The restored area has been used by recommended by PERHUTANI [14]. human for several purposes, ranging from A local community who are joint in activity to meet daily life (i.e. collecting resources LMDH can use the restored to cultivate some for food and farming) to the optimizing services vegetables following the strict conditions. The aspect potentiality of restored sites (i.e. tourism). annual plant tree which is planted in restored are The numerous human activity shows that included Hevea brasiliensis (rubber), Albizia humans have interested in the ecosystem’s chinensis (Sengon), Durio zibethinus (Durian), resources in the restored area, and therefore it is Carica papaya (papaya), Persea americana important to increase the ecosystem services of (Avocado), Musa paradisiaca (Banana). Basically, the area to support human prosperity. The these plants are considered as multi purposes situation in Mt. Kelud basically similar to another tree species (MPTS) which were planted to serve forest that was resources usage by the local both ecosystem functions and economical community. In such a case, the challenges for the benefits for the local community. Many species forest resources management, including basically has economic value and planted as part restoration programs, is involving community of the farmer’s strategy to increase the into forest conservation programs and household’s income. With this schemes, it is establishing many economic and social wished local community support the resortion opportunities which are able to attract local programs in the degraded area [15]. community involved in the program [11,12]. The climates of Mt. Kelud provides opportunities for the development of plantation Types of Ecosystem Services on Restored Site area and horticulture. This study records that From four aspect of ecosystem services, plantations in the area around the peak of the namely regulating, provisioning, supporting and mountain included are Coffea canephora culture [5], provisioning service and cultural (coffee), Hevea brasiliensis (rubber tree), services have been observed in restoration sites Saccharum officinarum (sugar cane), Syzygium in Mt. Kelud. There is the potentiality of aromaticum (cloves), and Albizia chinensis supporting and regulating, but to determine such (sengon). In addition, many planted fruit crops, ecosystem services many filed evidence was such as Ananas comosus (pineapple), Durio needed. Identifying ecosystem services of a zibethinus (durian), Hylocereus polyrhizus (red particular area, including restored area, is dragon fruit), Carica papaya (papaya), and others important to determine the potential public are widely grown by local companies and support in the restoration area. Sites with the communities. Mountains often provide fertile ability to contribute to the human life often soils and suitable climates for cultivated appreciated, and support can be generated from numerous plants [16]. publication [13]. In the restored area in Mt. Ecosystem restoration on a landscape Kelud, two observed environmental serves; the scale, aside from the sustainable management of provisioning and cultural services were observed, other land use types including pasturelands, and such ecosystem services can be described agriculture, forestry, and the expansion and below: consolidation of protected areas, is increasingly recognized as important activities for biodiversity Provisioning Services conservation [17]. The restored area of Mt. Kelud successfully provides provisioning service to the Cultural Services community who lives in surrounding restored The restored area recently plays an area. The provisioning services officially important role in the cultural aspect. This study facilitated by PERHUTANI program called PHBM found two aspects of the cultural landscape, (community forest-based management). These namely recreation used through nature-based programs allow community in forest farmer tourism, and spiritual enrichment. These can be called LMDH (Lembaga Masyarakat Desa Hutan). described below: Through the collaboration, local people 1. Tourism and Aesthetic Values surrounding Mt.Kelud which area member of Mt. Kelud provides spectacular LMDH has access to use lands in PERHUTANI to landscapes for sightseeing and mountain trekking cultivate some crops species under tree stands, for adventure activity. According to informant,


Provisioning and Cultural Services of Restored Ecosystem (Tanjungsari, et al.)

mountain tourism recently grows significantly 2. Spiritual Enrichment and it is basically provides economic One of the spiritual activities which are development opportunities for many villages the cultural services of Mount Kelud is the larung surrounding Mt. Kelud, especially area which sesaji. Larungsesaji is an annual agenda that is area related to tourism activity. Before last carried out by villagers located around the slopes eruption in February 2014, the main attraction of of Mt.Kelud. This activity is a form of local Mt. Kelud is the lake in the crater of mountain. wisdom that reflects on one of the legends that The lake disappears after eruption and small are about beautiful princess Kediri, named Dewi peak occurs after eruption. Other important Kilisuci and Lembu Suro. Local people attraction in Mt. Kelud are including park of Mt. surrounding Mt. Kelud shows high respect to the Kelud and hot springs. Numerous tourist traditional legend and in some situation related programs has been proposed, including rock to Mt. Kelud uses the legends as one of the social climbing, walks to Gajah Mungkur hills, hot norms. Specific events have been done by local spring bathing, souvenir shopping center, people, especially in Muharom month in Islamic outbound, and theater. However, the growth of calendar system, or often called Suro in Javanese tourism in Mt. Kelud decrease after Mt. Kelud calendar. The aim of larung sesaji are asking to eruptions, the tourist destination has increased God for the public salvation of Sugihwaras and the number of visits during weekends, national surrounding villages were given salvation, then holidays and school holidays, which averaged asking for blessings for the farming community to 1,000 people per day, compared to normal days be given a satisfactory agricultural production which average only 250 people per day [18]. [19].

Table 1. Tourism Development Strategy in the restored area in Mt. Keludbased on SWOT Analysis

Internal factors Strengths (S) Weaknesses (W) 1. Strategic geographic location 1. Poor understanding and support of 2. The increase of media promotion and the local community, especially in communication the restoration program 3. Local government policy on tourism 2. Poor of technical approach in the External factors development in the natural area restoration program Opportunities (O) 1. The increase of 1. Providing standard tourism facility in a 1. Promoting human resources mountain-based sustainable manner. It can be involved in development to implement popularity planning the design of the mountain as a restoration and tourism 2. The increase of tourism destination. The carrying capacity development program. conservation agency in of mountain visitation should be 2. Promoting restoration program in the restoration program developed as an environmental Mt. Kelud as important instrument in achieving sustainable environmental programs which are tourism destination. able to succeed with the support of 2. Socializing regional policy in tourism tourism development intensively to community and stakeholders with the objectives is generating public support for restoration program and mountain tourism development Threats (T) 1. Increase travel interest 1. Establishing roles and code of conduct for 1. Providing comprehensive planning to to natural tourist who will visit Mt. Kelud optimize tourism potential, while at environment leads to 2. Strengthening local community and the same time promoting restoration mass tourism management to implement sustainable programs as part of the design of 2. Competition with tourism principles, and strengthening the tourism product in Mt. Kelud other nature-based ability of local community and tourism management to provides numerous tourism product which area meets ecotourism principles


Provisioning and Cultural Services of Restored Ecosystem (Tanjungsari, et al.)

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