Wilfiaitt fraw, fbrm'erly of Vine-Street, Su'nderland, DVrham, aforesaid", Farmer, and late of , in' t&e County" Keelman, afterwards of Zion-Street, , Durham | of Durham, out of employment. aforesaid, a Travelling Primitive Methodist Preacher, after- Abraham Thompson, formerly of Barnard-Castle, in the County wards of the same place, Running-Fitter and Coal-Fitter, of Durham, Journeyman Draper, and late out of business. afterwards of the Low-Street, Sunderland, Durham, Run- Thomas Hope, formerly of , Durham, Licenoed ning-Fitter and Coal-Fitter, and Keeper of a Cookshop, Travelling Hawker of Drapery Goods, afterwards of Saint afterwards of the same place, Captain of the Sarah Stearu- Helens Auckland, in the County of Durham, Travelling Koat, belonging to -Sunderland, afterwards of the Pottery- Tea and Coffee-Dealer, afterwards of the same place, Li- Bank, Sunderland aforesaid, Captain of the Indefatigable cenced Dealer in Ale and Porter and Tea and- Coffee-Dealer, ( Steam-Boat, belonging to Sunderland aforesaid, and Inn- and late of the same place, Publican and Tea and Coffee- keeper, afterwards of the same place, -Captain of the Milo Dealer. Steam-Boat, belonging to Sunderland, and Innkeeper. John Hood, late of , in the County of Durham, Bartholomew Tully, formerly at Lodgings, with his Son,.'at Cordwainer and Publican. Darlington Weigh-House, near Darlington, Durham, La- William Porteous (sued as Porteus), late of , bourer, afterwards of the same place, and sometimes at County of Durban, Joint Contractor with Robert Parker Ixjdgings with Mrs. Proud, at Whitfield-Place, near , for the Winning Working and Loading of a quantity of Stone Durham, as a Partner with Joseph Dixon and John Allason, at and for the Hartlepool Docks. as the Owners or Lessees of the Deanery Colliery, near John Allison, formerly ot Chester-le-Street, in the County of Bishop-Auckland, in the said County, and late of Darling- Durham, Saddler and Constable of the Township of Chester- ton Weigh-House aforesaid, and out of employment. le-Street, and late ef the same place, where he was out of John Graham, formerly of Easington-Lane, then of Haw- business as Saddler and Constable of the Township of thorn, and late of , all in the County of Chester-le-Street aforesaid. Durham, Pitman. Joseph Taylor, formerly of -Harbour, in the County Thomas Atkinson, late of , Durham, Baker and of Durham, afterwards of Yatton-un'der-Roseberry, near ' Flour-Dealer, in Partnership with Isaac Atkinson, of the Stokesley, in the North Riding of Yorkshire, and late of same place, as Bakers and Flour-Dealers, under the firm of Hartlepodl, Durham, Stone-Mason. Thomas and Isaac Atkinson. William Coulson, formerly of Haltwistle, in the County of I»aac Atkinson, formerly of Addingham, Yorkshire, Grocer, Northumberland, ivlason, afterwards of Blenchland, Bear Flour-Dealer, anH Ironmonger, and late of Gateshead, Dur- Derwent, Northumberland, Mason, afterwards of Prudhoe- ham, Baker and Flour-Dealer, in Partnership with Thomas Street, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and late of Gateshead-Fell, Atkinson, as Bakers and Flour-Dealers, under the firm of Durham, Mason. Thomas and Isaac Atkinson. George Garth wait e, late of East-Street, Sunderland near the George Clennell, formerly of Houghton-le-Spring., County of Sea, in the County of Durham, Mariner. Durham, Joiner and Cabinet-Maker, and Clerk to George John Allason, of Stockton-upon-Tees, in the County of Dur- Clennell, in the Kxcarating of part of the Seabam Railway, ham, in Partnership with Joseph Dixon, as Coal-Fitters, and late of Trewitt's-Bnildings, Bishop-Wearmoutb, County afterwards also in .Partnership with the said Joseph Dixon of Durham, Joiner and Cabinet-Maker. and Bartholomew Tully, as the Owners or Lessees of Deanery Nicholas Mould, late of West Holborn, South Shields, in the Colliery, near Bishdp-Auckland, in the said County, after- County of Durham, Grocer and Tallow-Chandler. wards of Stockton aforesaid, in Partnership with the saiid Reuben Griereson, formerly of Sadler-Street, in or near the Joseph Dixon, as Coal-Fitters, and with the said Joseph City of Durham, in the County of Durham, Hatter and Dixon and Robert Sherwood, as the Owners or Lessees of Glover, and late also Attorney's Clerk. the said Deanery Colliery, afterwards in Partnership with Henry Heavisides, formerly of the Square, Stockton-upon- the said Joseph Dixon, as Coal-Fitters, and as Owners or Tees, Durham, Shopkeeper and Printer, and late Journey- Lessees of the said Deanery Colliery, and late of William- man Printer. Street, Bishop-Wearmouth, in the County of Durham, out John- Mynell (sued as Mennell), formerly of Lower-Row, of employment. Bishop Wearmouth, Durham, Sawyer and Milk-Man, after- Joseph Dixon, of Stockton-upon-Tees, in the County of Dur- wards of Lower-Quay, Sunderland near the Sea, Durham, ham, Coal-Fitter, afterwards also in Partnership with George Publican and Sawyer, and late of Lower-Row aforesaid, Sharp and Thomas Matthewsou, as the Owners of the' Sawyer. Schooner Hebe, belonging to the Port of Stockton, after- Thomas Stothard, formerly of Numbers Garth, Sunderland wards in Partnership with John Allason, as Coal-Fitters, near the Sea, iu the County of Durham, Master Mariner, and with George Sharp and Thomas Matthewson, as Owners and late of Covent-Garden, Sunderland near the Sea, Mate of the said Schooner Hebe, afterwards also in Partnership of the ship Indemnity. with the said John Allasou and Bartholomew Tully, as the Robert Kirton, late of DeerVLane, South Shields, Durham, Owners or Lessees of-the. Deanery Colliery, near Bishoo- Currier and Leather-Cutter. Auckland, in the said County, afterwards of Stockton afore- Robert Watson, formerly of Hetton-le-Hole, Sawyer, after- said, in Partnership with John Allason, as Coal-Fitters, wards of Four-Lane-Ends, Easington-Lane, in the Parish of with George Sharp and Thomas Matthewson, as-Owners of •Houghton-le-Spring, Publican and Sawyer, afterwards of the Schooner Hebe, and with John Allason and Robert South Hetton, in the Parish of Easington, Publican and Sherwood, as Owners of the Deanery Colliery, afterwards Sawyer and Treasurer of a certain Society called South in Partnership with the said John Allason, as Coal-Fitters, Hetton Building Society, and late of Easington-Lane afore- and as Owners of the said Deanery Colliery, and late of said, in the County of Durham, Sawyer. Stocktan-upon-Tees, out of employment. .lames Riseborough, late of the High-Street, Sunderland, Dur- ham, Grocer and Bread-Baker. TAKE NOTICE, Thomas Langstaff, formerly of Newfield, near Bishap Auck- land, Farmer, afterwards of Sunderland-Bridge, Toll-Gate- 1. If any Creditor intends to oppose a Prisoner* Keeper, and late of Gilesgate, in or near the City of Dur- dischtuge, notice of such intention must be given ham, all in the County of Durham, Publican and Labourer. John Newby, formerly of Newbottle, in the County of Dur- to the said Prisoner, in writing, three clear «}ay« ham, Tailor and Draper, afterwards of the same plac«, before the day of hearing, exclusive of Sunday, Publican, Tailor, and Draper, and late of the same place, and exclusive both of the day of giving such notice Tailor. and of the said day of hearing. William Taylor, formerly of the Low-Street, Sunderland, Dur- ham, Tinman and Brazier and Ship-Owner, and late Tinman 2. lint in the case of a Prisoner, whom his and Brazier. Cieditors have removed, by an order of the ConiJk John Batty, formerly of Ornisby, near Guisborougb, York- shire, Farmer, afterwards of Marsk, near Guisborough afore- from a gaol in or near London for hearing in the said, Farmer, alter wards of the Nest Farm, in the Township country, such notice of opposition will be sufficient of Felling, in the County of Durham, Farmer, and late of if given one clear day before the day of hearing. New Grey-Street, Sunderland, Durham, Publican. Richard Appleby, formerly of Grumon, in the Parish of Man- field, and of Blarehops, iu the Parish of Oldborough, in the 3. The petition and schedule will be produced Korlh Hiding of Yorkshire, farmer, afterwards of Gruutou j by the proper Officer for inspection and