At the Portuguese Football Federation (PFF), we are training offer, in response to the current needs that the committed to create long-term sustainable value for global framework of the sports evolution brought to the everyone connected to Sports and to the Portuguese football world. As on the field, PFF’s seeks to connect people that we proudly serve. hearts and minds. As the largest national sports organisation, our goal is to Thus, PFS in partnership with some of the most prestigious expand PFF’s work on sustainable business practices and world educational and research institutions – Nova School positively contribute to the thriving of the Portuguese of Business and Economics (), Centre de Droit et society and to raise awareness and good-will for our d´Economie du Sport (France) and Loughborough London country abroad. University -, established Football Management Course for To this end, in recent years, we’ve established a set of Executive Leaders, where the newest findings in various priorities that are intimately connected to our core activity, areas of study, such as governance, leadership, law and such as vocation and higher education, promotion of finance, innovation and entrepreneurship, digital media, exercise as a necessity for a healthier lifestyle and sports branding and marketing, science and medicine will be leadership best practices. lectured. To work with our trainees, the most emblematic In all PFF does, it tries to take the approach of staying figures of sports leadership and international science will be “constructively discontent”. We are always encouraging at “Cidade do Futebol”, from January to November 2018. our partners, colleagues and ourselves to achieve more, We welcome your suggestions as we continue our therefore we’ve launched Portugal Football School (PFS) relentless pursuit for greater value creation. It is our firm last March. belief that only together, where our collective power lies, PFS is an integral part of PFF’s Research & Development as partners, as family, as a “Football Family” will we be Unit – part of the investigation network at Fundação able to achieve greatness. de Ciência e Tecnologia -, and aims to be a centre of excellence in education, striving to be at the forefront of

3 pff

Portuguese Football Federation is a non-proffit-making local, district and national competitions and guarantee the private law organization with established public development of football in Portugal, in accordance with benefit legal status. Comprises 22 district and regional sportsspirit and educational, cultural and humanitarian associations, one club league, associations of sports values, through training programmes for the various sports agents, clubs or sports societies, players, coaches and agents. PFF ensures the management of 22 National referees, registered or affiliated in compliance with its Teams, in football, futsal and beach soccer, and organises Statutes. It’s main purposes are the representation of 32 annual competitions. Currently, Portugal has 177.000 Portuguese football at national and international level; the registered football players. competitions of the National Teams; the organisation of

"cidade do futebol" - pff headquarters

With a privileged location and excellent infrastructures, gained life and can now be found in the higher hill of the “Cidade do Futebol” is a highly versatile and innovative valley of Jamor. The building is full of details containing space, characterised by its functionality, security and the brand of the Portuguese spirit. Each small space is an technology. Cidade do Futebol was created to fulfil an old example of that. From the pitches with a view to the Tagus promise and is a result of months of hard work. to the entry doors decorated with the lyrics of the national After the public presentation done by the President of hymn or the colours of the spaces which were inspired by the Portuguese Football Federation, Fernando Gomes, in the national flag. Even the façade has the typical tone of November 2014, the drawings made it off the page, they the National Team’s shirt.

portugal football school

The Portugal Football School (PFS), launched in March Thus, to achieve these purposes, several scientific research 2017, is part of the research and development unit of PFF projects and educational and training programmes have and its main activities are research in Football, Futsal and been carried out, focusing on the different areas related Beach Soccer, as well as the education and training of the to the universe of this sport (coaches, referees, managers, stakeholders with responsibility in the development and players, physicians, nurses and physiotherapists). promotion of Football.

4 5 overview

The Portugal Football Federation, through the Portugal corporate governance, how to improve brand value, Football School, in partnership with NOVA School of and the most effective ways to use technology and Business and Economics, Loughborough London management to keep fans engaged with the football University and the Centre de Droit et d’Économie du Sport clubs. The course will include sessions from expert faculty are coming together to offer the Football Management members who are closely linked to the sports sector, as Course to executive leaders of sports organisations. well as initiatives with exclusive speakers from the world Participants will learn sports-leadership best practices, of governance and management of football.

programme overview

The course comprises six intensive modules (96 hours) over 11 months, each of which deals with a different aspect of football administration and management.


1. Governance and strategic management in football 2. Positive leadership 3. Legal and financial management 4. Innovation and entrepreneurship 5. Sports digital media, branding and marketing 6. Science and medicine in football


› Purpose Giorgio Marchetti // UEFA Deputy General Secretary, Director of Competitions This module examines the importance of governance explored. Lastly, an examination of governance practices Giorgio Marchetti joined football’s European governing body in February 2004, as Director of and strategic management in football organisations. In across systemic, political and organisational domains will Professional Football and Marketing. In 2007, his department was renamed UEFA Department of parallel, theoretical perspectives related to governance form a core component of the module. Competitions and Giorgio’s became UEFA’s Director of Competitions, responsible for all UEFA club and the relevance of these to the sport environment will be and national team competitions, at senior and youth level. In December 2016, he was promoted to UEFA Deputy General Secretary in addition to his role as UEFA Director of Competitions. During his career, Giorgio has been a key figure in some of the main issues and developments in European football governance, such as regulation of transfers and competition models. Prior to starting at UEFA, Giorgio › Contents had been General Secretary of the Italian League (Lega Calcio) for seven years, between 1997 and 2004, having served as deputy secretary from 1991. - Evolution and fundamentals of the football industry; - Successful strategic management in football - Governance and regulation of the football industry; organisations; - Governance structure of football organisations: FIFA, - Premier League: how good governance has played a vital Rick Parry // International Football Consultant confederations, national associations, leagues and clubs; role in its success. Rick Parry was a management consultant from Ernst & Young when he was hired by The Football Association to advise on the creation of the Premier League in 1990.In 1991, he became the league’s first CEO and stayed until 1997, when he left to join Liverpool FC in the same capacity. Liverpool won ten trophies while Rick was there, including the UEFA Champions League in 2005. › Teaching Staff Since leaving Liverpool in 2009, Rick has carried out a variety of football consultancy projects in the Middle East, the Far East and North America. He has acted as a special advisor to the UK Government”s DCM’S Select Committee on its review of football governance and is currently a Tiago Craveiro // CEO, Portugal Football Federation and Vice-President of UEFA National Team member of the Investigatory Chamber of UEFA’s Club Financial Control Body.” Competitions Committee Tiago Craveiro is Chief Executive Officer of PFF and Vice-President of UEFA National Team Competitions Committee. Prior to his appointment at PFF, was General Secretary of the Portuguese Professional Football League (2006-2012), Head of Cabinet of the Secretary of State for Youth (2004- 2005) and member of the Office of the Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister (2002-2004). Tiago Craveiro holds an Executive Master in European Sports Governance and was recently nominated as candidate for CEO of the year, by the prestigious World Football Summit.

Michele Uva // Vice-President, UEFA Executive Committee and CEO, Italian Football Association Michele Uva is Vice-President of UEFA Executive Committee and Chief Executive Officer - Direttore Generale of Italian Football Association. Uva performed several roles in sports organisations, such as: Italian Football Association (FIGC), Italian Olympic Committee (CONI), professional football, basketball and volleyball clubs, as well as acted as consultant expert in, amongst others, defining business plans dedicated to sport. Michele Uva was appointed by the Italian Treasury Minister as CEO of CONI, a post which he held from May 2013 to September 2014. Currenthy, is an associated professor of Foro Italico University (Rome), member of the Strategic Committee at the University of Rome 4 Foundation and lecturer of several courses organised by various Italian universities, Michele Uva has dedicated his entire career to professional sport in several contexts, disciplines and environments.


› Purpose In this module participants will learn and discuss the core on developing individual strengths rather than working to concepts of positive leadership, an approach which focuses improve areas of weakness.

› Contents - A brief introduction to positive organisation research - What makes for generative interactions; findings; - The secret of effective teams; - Developing positive individuals; - Positive Organisations.

› Teaching Staff

Miguel Pina e Cunha // Nova School of Business and Economics Miguel Pina e Cunha (Ph.D.) is Professor of Organization Studies, Organizational Behavior, Leadership and Change Management, and Positive Organization Theory at Nova School of Business and Economics. He has authored several books and academic articles in journals such as: the Academy of Management Review, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Human Relations). He received teaching awards as best professor in the undergraduate and MBA programs.

Fernando Santos // Head Coach - Portugal Football Federation Fernando Santos is the Head Coach of the Portuguese Football National Team. He joined PFF in 2014 after working as head coach in different teams such as: Estoril, Estrela da Amadora, FC , Sporting CP, AEK, SL Benfica, PAOK and Greek National Team. Fernando’s qualifications include a graduation in Electronic Engineering and Telecommunications by Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa (1997) and an honorary degree from Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (2016).


› Purpose This module examines the ways in which the power of force in driving the development of regulation in sport domestic, European and international law impact upon the internationally and how long-standing practices can be sports industries. It considers how the law is a fundamental challenged in the courts.

› Contents - Legal framework; - Regulation of the sporting field and labour market; - Financial and economic framework; - Financial regulation.

› Teaching Staff

Didier Primault // Centre de Droit et d’Économie du Sport (CDES) Didier Primault (Ph.D.) is the General Manager of the CDES. Prior to joining CDES, he was a Founder member of the International Association of Sports Economists (IASE) (1999-2010) and a Secretary General of the Fédération Nationale des Associations et Syndicats de Sportifs – FNASS (1991–1997). He has authored several books, academic articles and studies (FIFA and European Commission) in the field of sport economics. Didier’s qualification includes a Master in law, economics and management of sport, University of Limoges

Christophe Lepetit // Centre de Droit et d’Économie du Sport (CDES) Christophe Lepetit is an Economics researcher & partnerships coordinator of the CDES. He is an economist expert in economics of professional sport, economic impact of sporting events and sport on territory relationship.

Julien Mondou // Centre de Droit et d’Économie du Sport (CDES) Julien Mondou is a Lawyer of the CDES. He is the co-manager of Stadium Manager Diploma and co- writer of the French Code of Sport (Dalloz). Julien’s qualifications include a Master in public law and a Master in law, economics and management of sport, University of Limoges.

Marie Anglade // Centre de Droit et d’Économie du Sport (CDES) Marie Anglade is a Lawyer of the CDES. Marie’s qualifications include a Master in business law and a Master in law, economics and management of sport, University of Limoges.


› Purpose Leonor Gallardo // University of Castilla-La Mancha This module examines the importance of entrepreneurship business practices and technology innovations to Leonor Gallardo (Ph.D.) is Director of the Group IGOID (Investigación en la Gestión de Organizaciones and innovation in a changing football business landscape. transform sport organisations to attain a higher e Instalaciones Deportivas) and Professor of Sport Management at the University of Castilla-La In addition, it explores how entrepreneurs are applying performance. Mancha. She worked as Technical Advisor and Program Coordinator at the National Council of Sports (1994-1996) and as Technical Consultant (1997-1999) and Director of the School of Sports (1999-2001) for the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha. She has authored 25 books and over 60 academic articles in peer-reviewed journals. › Contents - Understanding creativity and its influence on innovation - Developing the sport innovation and Entrepreneurship Hugo Freitas // Information Technology Unit - Federação Portuguesa de Futebol and entrepreneurship; ecosystem; Hugo Freitas is IT Director of the Portuguese Football Federation, being responsible for the digital - Recognising and assessing entrepreneurial opportunities; - Technology and innovation in football. transformation project that has, as one of its many objectives, the development of IT systems that supports business growth. No IT Unit is relevant if it’s not a part of the identification process of business growth opportunities. He was appointed as project manager for the IFAB video referee project in representation of the Portuguese Federation, one of the 6 pioneer Federations in this project Now a reality, the project counts with more than 73 official matches. He also leads the › Teaching Staff Business Intelligence unit that began the process of transformation of corporate data into information, information into knowledge and through it enabled data driven decision processes.

Ravi Mehta // College of Business - University of Illinois Ravi Mehta (Ph.D.) is Associate Professor of Business Administration at the University of Illinois. His research interests are in the areas of consumer behavior and consumer psychology with specific focus on consumer creativity and innovative thinking. His work has been published in top-tier academic journals (such as: Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology). Ravi teaches courses related to new products and innovative thinking across various programs. He also has a strong industry experience. Prior to joining academia, he worked in various managerial positions at ITW Signode, United Technologies (Otis Elevators) and GE (Medical Business) for over a decade.

Allan Edwards // Institute for Sport Business - Loughborough London University Allan Edwards (Ph.D.) is Programme Director of the Sport Business and Innovation programme at Loughborough London University. He is member of an international team working with the HYPE foundation to develop a SPIN Lab sport accelerator hub. Allan has had extensive experience in executive roles within major sport organisations and sport franchises and has an in-depth understanding of the sport entrepreneurship ecosystem. He has published 4 books in the area of research within sport and is currently co-authoring a book on global sport ecosystems. Allan is still actively involved in a sport marketing company and he founded and has consulted to a number of local, national and international sporting organisations.


› Purpose This module aims to provide an understanding of digital digital technologies enhance innovation through new sports media, branding and marketing management issues business models, e-commerce, digital communication, in the context of sport. They will explore the various ways collaborative marketing, funding of new ventures.

› Contents - Sport consumer psychology; - Social media and marketing; - Sport brand equity; - The digital divide; - Collaboration and co-value creation; - Mobilising digital data; - Connecting communities; - Future brand fans. - Fan Loyalty;

› Teaching Staff

James Skinner // Institute for Sport Business - Loughborough London University James Skinner (Ph.D.) is the Director of the Institute for Sport Business and a Professor of Sport Business, Loughborough University, London. James is also a Visiting Professor at the Russian Olympic University, Sport University and Ulster University. In 2013, he was elected as a Director and Board Member of Football Queensland, a member affiliate of the Football Federation of Australia. He has published over 100 academic publications, including 10 books and numerous industry reports, and has worked as a consultant to international and national sporting organizations addressing these issues.

Aaron C. T. Smith // Institute for Sport Business - Loughborough London University Aaron Smith (Ph.D.) is a Professor of Sport Business in the Institute for Sport Business. He has worked with more than 100 sport organizations across the Asia-Pacific, Europe, North America and the Middle East on their marketing, branding and business performance. He has authored 18 books and over 100 academic articles concerning these issues. Aaron’s qualifications include a Bachelor of Applied Science and two doctorates, the first in change management and the second in cognitive science.

16 João Brito // Health and Performance Unit - Portuguese Football Federation 6. SCIENCE AND MEDICINE IN FOOTBALL João Brito received his Ph.D. in Sport Sciences by the University of Porto. He joined PFF in 2014, to lead applied sports sciences within the Federation. He was the exercise physiologist for Portugal during the EURO 2016. João is an active researcher, with special interests on monitoring training and competition loads, fatigue and recovery, and injury prevention in football.

Pedro Figueiredo // Health and Performance Unit - Portuguese Football Federation › Purpose Pedro Figueiredo is the physiologist for the Under-21 Portuguese National Team. Pedro completed his Ph.D. in Sport Sciences at the University of Porto. He joined the PFF in 2017 after serving as This module is designed to help football executive leaders senior sport scientist at the University of Maryland, USA. He is also an Auxiliar Professor at the understanding the fundamentals on core biological and University Institute of Maia, in Portugal. Pedro research interests are related with monitoring training behavioural sciences supporting football performance. and competition loads, fatigue and recovery, and injury prevention, particularly in football. He also investigates topics related to muscle changes with aging at the National Institute on Aging, NIH, USA, as guest researcher. Pedro has authored over 60 academic articles in peer-reviewed journals.

› Contents Paulo Beckert // Health and Performance Unit - Portuguese Football Federation - Science in football; - Talent identification and development; Paulo Beckert is the Coordinator of the Health and Performance Unit of Portuguese Football Federation. - Medicine in football; - Substantive aspects of the game analysis. Since 2014, he is the physician of the Portugal football national team. Paulo’s qualifications include a graduation in Medicine, with specialization in sports medicine, by the Nova University of Lisbon. He is also the Clinical Director of Alvalade CUF Institute.

› Teaching Staff Rita Tomás // Health and Performance Unit - Portuguese Football Federation Rita Tomás has been working at Health and Performance Unit of the Portuguese Football Federation Steven Martens // FIFA’s Technical Director since 2011. She has served as team physician for several of the women’s youth national teams. She Steven Martens is the Technical Director of FIFA. Prior to joining FIFA, he was the CEO of the Royal is currently the team physician of Football and Futsal Women’s national teams. Her areas of interest Belgian Football Association (2011-2015) and COO double pass (talent development) (2015–2017). are sports injury prevention, the female athlete, long-term consequences of elite sports and physical Steven’s qualifications include a master’s degree at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. activity promotion.

Mark Williams // College of Health - The University of Utah, USA Pedro Marques // Global Lead Football Performance - City Football Group Mark Williams (Ph.D.) is a Professor and Chair of the Department of Health, Kinesiology, and Pedro Marques leads and promotes the development of ‘Coaching Methodology’ and ‘Performance Recreation at The University of Utah. His research interests focus on the psychology of expertise and Analysis’ for Manchester City, and the other CFG clubs: New York City FC (USA), Melbourne City the development of skill. He has published 16 books and over 200 articles in peer-reviewed outlets, FC (AUS), Yokohama F. Marinos (JPN) and more recently Girona FC (ESP) and CA Torque (URY). and has delivered almost 200 lectures in over 30 countries. He delivers courses for numerous Football Previously, as a coach, analyst and scout he worked at Sporting Clube de Portugal’s Academy and Associations across the globe, including the Swedish, Irish, English, US and Welsh associations, and he 1st team (2004-2010), before moving to England to participate on the emerging success story of has worked for several other Olympic and professional sports in the UK and across the globe, including Manchester City (2010-2014), as their 1st Team Performance Analyst. UEFA, FIFA and several English Premiers League clubs.

José Carlos Noronha // Health and Performance Unit - Portuguese Football Federation Ricardo Santos // Game Analysis Unit - Portugal Football Federation José Carlos Noronha is the Clinical Director of the Health and Performance Unit, Portuguese Football Ricardo Santos is member of national team technical staff and has the responsibility for the Federation. He is an orthopaedic surgeon at Trindade Hospital, Porto, Portugal. He received his Ph.D. opponent’s match analysis. He joined PFF in 2014 after serving as analyst in different teams such as: from the University of Porto. He is also a researcher at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, AEK, SL Benfica, PAOK and Greek National Team. Ricardo’s qualifications include a Master in Sports University of Aveiro. José has published several books and is worldwide considered a top expert and Physical Education by the University of Lisbon. surgeon leading with orthopaedic injuries in football players.

18 19 WHO CAN APPLY location

This course is designed for experienced managers and aspiring to take on leading roles in their organisation. The The sessions will take place at Cidade do Futebol. The technical centre, is located near national stadium, in Jamor, in executives within football confederations, national participants will be selected after a preliminary interview in infrastructure, which includes the new PFF headquarters and the surroundings of Lisbon. associations, leagues and clubs that seek to reflect on, and order to discuss their profiles and validate their coherence further develop, their own leadership style, as well as those with the course.


The company Vimeca runs three bus routes 108 that go to Football City. The no. 115 departs Reboleira from Praça de Espanha in Lisbon and finishes (Metro) its run at Avenida das Seleções, in Oeiras. calendar 2018 115 The no. 108 leaves from Reboleira Metro station, Praça de Espanha  min stops at Football City, and goes on to Caxias  min (Metro) The course will take place from January to November railway station. In the opposite direction, the

2018. There will be 6 sessions held all day on Fridays and Lisbon no. 108 runs the Caxias-Football City route, Saturdays, every other month. heading on in the direction of Damaia. min Finally bus no. 6 can be caught in Algés, with 8 min its final destination Queluz de Baixo. It stops in 6 108 front of the Main Stand of the National Stadium. Algés Caxias Choosing this bus necessitates a short walk modules Dates location Train Station Train Station around the complex that only has one entrance on the opposite side to the bus stop. Governance and strategic management in football 12-13 January 2018 Cidade do Futebol Positive leadership 2-3 March 2018 Cidade do Futebol Legal and financial management 16-17 May 2018 Cidade do Futebol Innovation and entrepreneurship 6-7 July 2018 Cidade do Futebol Sports digital media, branding and marketing 14-15 September 2018 Cidade do Futebol Car Science and medicine in football 16-17 November 2018 Cidade do Futebol

Thanks to its central location, there are plentiful A9 CREL A5 road links to Football City. A junction of the Lisbon A5 motorway is nearby, giving access in both directions (Lisbon-Cascais and Cascais-Lisbon), and the complex also has direct connections to A5 Cascais the CREL, and the Avenida Marginal is a small drive away. Finally, driving along the interior roads of Caxias one can reach the Avenida das Seleções TEACHING METHODS and the various links to the A5.

Teaching methods will focus on interaction and sharing solving issues related to managing a business in this experience to foster a productive, stimulating and specific area. Leading experts in the field of governance challenging environment. The modules combine formal and management of football also provide valuable lectures and interactive presentations of the very latest practical insights and their first-hand experience enriches concepts and case studies that enable you to practice the course content. Marginal


There will be a mixture of individual and group work throughout the modules. Types of assessment will include report and essay writing, presentations, case studies, poster and reflective activities. language

The language of instruction is English.


The Football Management Course for Executive Leaders costs € 7500,00. Managers and executives registered in football confederations, national associations, leagues and clubs receive a 25% discount. The fee covers course materials, refreshments, daily lunches, receptions and the programme dinner, unless mentioned otherwise. Please note, that the above mentioned fee does not include travel and accommodation costs


Registration open in October 2017. 20-25 seats available.


If you are considering the Football Management Course and would like to speak with the Portugal Football School (Director: André Seabra, Ph.D.) please email [email protected] or contact +351 213 252 700.