Page 1 of 5 Minutes of Parish Council Meeting held on 27.09.16 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday, 27 September 2016 in the Parish Hall at 7.30pm.

Chaired by: Councillor P Risdon Clerked by: Sue Squire

Present: Councillors Agenda: - Representations from the Public S Baber Co-option of Parish Councillor P Brown Apologies Mrs J Smyth Declarations of Interest P Risdon Approval of the Minutes of 26/7/16 and Planning T Wall until Minute No. 47.1 Sub Committee on 12/9/16 D Webber Reports Matters Arising County Councillor R Edgell Planning & Planning Correspondence Finance 1 member of the public during Minute No. Correspondence / Notices & Publications Received 44.2 Matters raised by Councillors / Clerk Date of next meeting


39. Representations from the Public. No members of the public present at this stage of the meeting.

40. Co-option of Parish Councillor. No letters of application had been received. The matter was Nov deferred to the November 2016 meeting. Agenda

41. Apologies. District Councillor Mrs S Croft.

42. Declarations of Interest. None.

43. Approval of the Minutes of the Meetings held on 26 July 2016 and Planning Sub Committee Meeting on 12 September 2016. Approved and signed as a correct record after it was noted that County Councillor Edgell was present.

44. Reports. 44.1 Mr T Pullen, Community College Academy Trust.

An email had been received from the College extending an invitation to Councillors to visit the College. Everyday is an open day. The Parish Council Chairman is to be invited to the annual Year 12 Presentation Evening on 15/11/16. The College would be sending regular updates to the Clerk for circulating to Councillors.

44.2 County Councillor R Edgell. Libraries. None had been closed in . On1 April, the library service transferred to be known as Libraries Unlimited. There are over 50 libraries in Devon run by this Community Interest Company and they are run in line with County Council Policy. As an independent company, they can apply for grants and had been awarded £200,000 from the Arts

Council. There are 350 staff and the possibility of opening more libraries. The County Council still provide funding but not the full cost of running them, Other areas in the Country have closed libraries.

Hedge at Moor End. If no action is taken by the householder, this could be a County Council matter.

Councillor Webber advised that pothole repairs had been carried out at Rusden Hill but they were not satisfactory with some people not realising the work had been done. Parishioners are saying that the roads that really needed doing have not been attended to. County Councillor Edgell advised there had been top dressing to roads. This is a cheap extension to Page 2 of 5 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on 27.09.16 the life of the road. Roads requiring more serious work have been placed in a queue.

The Clerk to advise the following to County Councillor Edgell via email for him to follow up as he thought that some should qualify for pothole funds apportioned for each Division: Clerk  Wood Park Cross to Affeton Moor Cross.  High Cross (Three Hammers Cross) to Boundy’s Cross.

44.3 District Councillor Mrs S Croft. Councillor Wall was concerned that Councillor Mrs Croft had not attended a Parish Council meeting since May 2015.

When sending her apologies, Councillor Mrs Croft sent the following Report:

It is not always possible to get to the East Worlington PC meetings although when I do, I enjoy the discussions and friendly atmosphere! It is unfortunate that many meetings clash with others and involvement with other Committees can mean four or five meetings arranged for the same day - and/or evenings.

I thought I would jot down some thoughts and comments and pass these to Sue Squire - I know Richard Edgell will be attending your meeting this month while I will be at Burrington. Following the outcome of the Brexit vote, it appears so far that very little has changed for NDC. Our stated priorities have not changed - Housing, Regeneration and a new Leisure Centre are still high on the list and NDC intend to move forward with them.

FUTURE SERVICE DELIVERY OPTIONS for WASTE & RECYCLING: Discussions are taking place at NDC with the aim of establishing a Service that can meet or surpass the 50% recycling target set by the Government for 2020 (currently we are at 44%) and to meet a year-on-year minimum £340,000 revenue savings target that was set within the Medium Term Financial Strategy. In addition, NDC aim to increase the amount and type of recyclable materials that can be collected every week. A presentation was given at the Parish Forum on 9th August.

BLACK BIN COLLECTIONS: Just two weeks ago, Executive councillors agreed on two trial areas being set up where black wheelie bins would be picked up EVERY 3 WEEKS. These trials, along with other improvements to be made to the weekly recycling service, should ultimately lead to less waste being placed in black bins/black bags.

GREEN BIN COLLECTIONS: There are around 5,000 homes in that do not currently benefit from a garden waste collection service. This is often because the properties are either in an area that cannot be accessed by the refuse collection vehicles, do not have any space to store a bin - or have no garden. NDC is not legally obliged to provide this service but recognise that this service is valued and are looking at ways to continue it. The Executive councillors have agreed to introduce a charge for those households that wish to opt- in to continue to receive a green wheelie bin service.

FOOD WASTE SERVICE: Around 38,000 homes in North Devon currently place their food waste in green wheelie bins - which are collected every two weeks. A further 5,000 homes have a weekly food collection service. NDC are planning to introduce a weekly food waste recycling collection service from a date yet to be decided. This will mean using a special kerbside caddy, which will be collected at the same time as their recycling boxes and bags.

Some councillors have expressed their concerns surrounding the proposals for a three weekly collection; NDC is now working towards identifying two contrasting areas in North Devon where the trials will take place - intended to provide a better understanding of how the service works and whether or not it can be rolled out across the district. The trials are likely to start after April 2017 and would last around six months.


The Freedom Centre in is no longer able to provide the cold weather provision for rough sleepers.

The FC will continue to offer hot meals during zero and sub zero temperatures, but they can no longer offer overnight sanctuary. Discussions have taken place with Andy Dodwell (the vicar of Newport) who chairs a group of church leaders in Barnstaple to see if the local churches can help. Their responses are not yet known - but any suggestions as to another or better way forward would be welcome.

THE HERITAGE CENTRE: Discussions have taken place between NDC and Barnstaple Town Council for NDC to take the Queen Anne Building (Heritage Centre) back following the end of their lease arrangements. Final decisions on the building future have not yet been taken, but it seems the transformation into a new but smaller Civic Centre with a Council Chamber and easy public access is a strong contender. There is no further information on a timetable for this.

Page 3 of 5 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on 27.09.16 THE BRYNSWORTHY DEPOT: Moving NDC operations from the Civic Centre to Brynsworthy continues. Even though many redundancies have taken place at all levels, there is still a scarcity of space. On the table at the moment is a plan to add another building to sit on top of the existing meeting rooms. It seems the original foundations were laid to accommodate such expansion should be required. The new arrangements could mean that NDC staff currently working out of the Museum, Legal Services, Housing & Environmental Health departments, plus HR would all be moved to Brynsworthy. The main drawback is that members of the public are unhappy about travelling out to Brynsworthy - and even more so if meetings such as Planning Committee Decision meetings are to be held there.

44.4 Police. Not present, no report received. Councillors spoke about concerns reported over children living in a caravan and playing in the road where concern had been raised for their safety with tractors frequently using the road.

It was known that following the Clerk alerting the Police about this, a visit had been made.

44.5 Parish Plan Review. Councillor Brown reported that a Housing Needs Survey would not be carried out in conjunction with the review. Mr Martin Rich of Devon Communities Together had given a talk to the Working Group on techniques on designing questionnaires. The Group felt they would be able to devise their own questionnaire, distribute and subsequently analyse. They are looking at other Parishes to gain an insight as to how other questionnaires were prepared. When the original Parish Plan was prepared, Devon County Council provided questions and questionnaires which were distributed and collected by the then Working Group and DCC provided the analysis.

Nov A reply was awaited from the Parish Council and the Primary School. The Parochial Church Council Agenda and Neighbourwood Watch had replied to the letter sent out.

Councillor Baber reported on the following: 44.6 Parish Hall Committee – The Report had been circulated to Councillors giving details of the Business Plan for the Parish Hall.

Clerk to 44.7 Telephone Box – The Report had been circulated to Councillors, who were concerned there is contact no mobile signal in the village and felt the public telephone should remain for emergencies. BT in this regard Councillor Wall felt the Parish Council should not be responsible for the ‘phone box and preferred the option, as detailed in the Report, of a ‘Friends of the Kiosk’. Proposed by Councillor Baber to pursue the ‘Friends of the Phone Box’, seconded by SB Councillor Wall and unanimously agreed.

44.8 Emergency Plan Update – The Report had been circulated to Councillors. There was a checklist for Parishioners and Councillors felt the whole document was helpful. Nov To be signed off at the next meeting, be included on the website and in the new residents welcome Agenda pack. Proposed by Councillor Brown, seconded by Councillor Webber and unanimously agreed. SB

4.9 Snow Plan (draft) – The Report had been circulated to Councillors. Neither Councillor Baber or the Clerk had received confirmation from the Snow Warden regarding the gritting plan for the Parish. Proposed by Councillor Baber, seconded by Councillor Mrs Smyth and unanimously agreed. SB

44.10 Parish Magazine Planning 2016/17. There was discussion about the 2015 booklet. Councillor Baber felt it was important to nominate a Councillor to co-ordinate and another Councillor to collate. Councillor Baber volunteered to liaise with organisations. SB

44.11 Noticeboard Improvements. The Parish Hall Committee had suggested a new Parish Council notice board on the Parish Hall wall. The Clerk enquired if permission would be required for this from the Parish Hall Committee and also Nov reminded Councillors that a notice board had been given a few years previous. Agenda The matter was deferred to the November meeting for more enquiries to be made.

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44.12 Grant Application to support community activities. Councillor Baber had checked the position with the Big Lottery in connection with a projector and screen to be stored and used in the Parish Hall. The Big Lottery had advised the grant goes to Organisation that applies for the funding

and receives the money. In the circumstances, Councillor Baber advised he had moved forward with an application from the Parish Hall.

45. Matters Arising. 45.1 North Devon Link Road Consultation. Councillor Baber had responded to this on behalf of

the Parish Council. Councillor Edgell advised there was to be an update meeting shortly to advise County Councillors of the progress. The next stage would be for the Ministry of Transport to comment and an application made to the Local Majors Fund for the funding of the improvements.

45.2 Reporting potholes and other problems on the DCC interactive map. The Clerk had

forwarded details to Councillors on how to report this.

45.3 Overgrown Hedge at Moor End. Councillor Risdon reported he had spoken to the householder who had advised this will be attended to, but no date given.

45.4 Dog Fouling. The Clerk had requested the Dog Warden to contact Councillor Webber. He had not been contacted and a reminder to be sent. Clerk

45.5 Parking outside the Parish Hall. It was noted that Mr P Winter is in dialogue with the relevant

parties. Councillor Baber had become involved because of school parking. The Clerk had contacted the Solicitors in who prepared the original Lease and was waiting for a return call. Councillor Baber informed he had a copy of the Lease and would send to the Clerk. SB

Post Meeting Note: A copy of the Lease had duly been forwarded to the Clerk by Councillor Baber. The Solicitor had telephoned the Clerk the day after the meeting and confirmed that the Lease referred to the building of the Parish Hall only, not the land outside which did not appear to belong to anyone.

46. Planning & Planning Correspondence. There were no Planning Applications to consider.

Planning Correspondence. Application 61657 – Change of use of agricultural field to caravan storage at Yeatheridge Caravan Park, East Worlington. It was noted that a response of ‘no objections’ had been submitted to North Devon Council. Councillor Wall reminded that the Committee did not have powers to make a decision which would have to be ratified at a Parish Council meeting. The Sub Committee comprised Councillors Risdon, Webber and Brown who was in place of former Councillor Winter.

North Devon and Torridge Local Plan 2011 – 2031 and Traveller Site Allocations DPD 2014 – 2031. Email circulated to Councillors advising that representations on the proposed main and minor modifications, the related Sustainability Appraisal Addendum and the North Devon Torridge Traveller Allocation DPD should be made during the period 15/9/16 to 27/10/16. The documentation associated to these consultations had been advised to Councillors. Noted.

47. Finance. 47.1 Balances. Lloyds Bank Treasurers Account as at 9/9/16: £2,191.61.

Budgetary figures to the end of August 2016 were tabled.

Councillor Wall left the meeting.

47.2 The following payments were approved and authorised: Page 5 of 5 Minutes of East Worlington Parish Council Meeting held on 27.09.16 Mrs S Squire Salary £169.84 Clerk Contribution towards Broadband £ 4.50

Photocopying £ 6.15 Mileage £ 6.00 £186.49 HMRC PAYE £ 42.40 Ch.No.507 Ch.No.508 Came and Company. Insurance Policy Renewal Premium due on 1/10/16 £275.00 Ch.No.509 Details of the cover had been circulated to Councillors.

47.3 HMRC. It was note that a VAT reclaim had been credited to the Treasurers Account in the sum

of £21.11 for the period 1/4/15 – 31/3/16.

47.4 Bank Mandate. Following the variation mandate being submitted after the last meeting to add Councillors Risdon, Brown and Baber, identification and confirmation of address is required for Councillor Risdon. He would attend to this by visiting the bank. PR

47.5 North Devon Council. It was noted that the second tranche of the Parish Precept (£1,633.00), Parish Grant (£196.00) and Grant Assistance (£42.19) totaling £1,871.19 has been credited to the Treasurers Account.

48. Correspondence & Notices / Publications Received (these were placed on the table & available to read). 48.1 DCC. Road Closures as follows:  12-14 October; 17-21 October; 25-26 October. Town Moor Cross to Bealy Court Cross  8-9 November. Cheldon Cross to Affeton Castle Cross.  15-19 November. Cross to Mouseberry Cross.  10 – 14 October. Bealey Court Cross to Affeton Moor Cross. (Received after the Agenda was published)

48.2 Consultation: The 2017/18 Local Government Finance Settlement. Councillors had been circulated with the details from the Devon Association of Local Councils. Noted.

49. Matters raised by Councillors / Clerk. 49.1 Clerk’s Annual Leave. Councillors noted this would be from 4 – 13 November 2016 inclusive.

50. Date of next Meeting: Scheduled for Tuesday, 29 November 2016 in East Worlington Parish Hall at Clerk to 7.30pm. check if Hall is Due to the Clerk having a problem with the date, Councillors agreed that the meeting was moved to available. Monday, 28 November 2016. If not, book the The Meeting ended at 9.45pm. School.

Summary of Decisions:  Minutes of 26 July 2016 and the Sub Committee Meeting of 12 September 2016  Adoption of the telephone box on a ‘Friends of the Phone Box’ basis  Emergency Plan  Snow Plan  Payments

These Minutes are agreed by those present as being a true record.

Signed: Date: Chair of East Worlington Parish Council: