FIRE THIS TIME The Newspaper of the Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice Issue 18/19 - September/October 2004 Double Issue FREE 40,000 Dead Iraqis, 1,000 Dead US Soldiers: Student Struggles Welcoming Back For What? By Mike Krebs

Students With More ‘The US will have more levers than you think, and maybe more than the Iraqis think.’ Back in November 2003, we ran Debt & Poverty this quote by a senior Whitehouse official, who was explaining that the ‘handover’ in Iraq would have very little impact on the presence How Students are Exploited by of the US-led occupation forces and their ability to pillage the wealth, resources, and markets the Canadian Educational and of the Iraqi people. Three months after the so-called ‘handover’ of sovereignty to the US-picked Financial Institutions interim Iraqi council, the question is not whether Iraq is still By Tamara Hansen commitments and our MLAs occupied, or whether or not the US will always remain accountable still has any ‘levers’ in Iraq, but to you.” – BC liberals, Election whether the US-led occupation by imperialist powers. The ‘liberators,’ and blaming Iraqi University and college students campaign 2001 ‘New Era’ forces have handed over a single ‘sovereign’ Iraqi government, resistance on ‘Saddam Loyalists around British-Columbia will platform brochure, Page 33 lever to the ‘sovereign’ Iraqi like every other strategy and and Al-Qaeda,’ the last three be returning to school, some interim government. justification that the US has put months in Iraq have been three happily, others begrudgingly. Since the BC liberals were elected in 2001 we have seen tuition fees forward in its war, invasion, and months of US claims about the However, there will be at least Since the ‘handover,’ the major occupation of Iraq, has been occupation of Iraq exploding into some communality for most increase, the introduction of a forces in Iraq remain the US-led $6 ‘training wage’, ripped up exposed as being a myth. Like the the sky and vanishing. post-secondary students in BC, occupiers on one side, and the nowhere-to-be-found weapons which is higher tuition fees employment contracts, lowering Iraqi people on the other, who Alongside this crisis of legitimacy employment standards, cuts to of mass destruction, the lie that and more economic worry and are fully aware that they are still US troops would be greeted as Continued on page 2 uncertainty. welfare, and major attacks on living under a brutal occupation British Columbia’s workers, “If elected a Gordon Campbell students and marginalized government will serve British people. Especially hard hit International Struggles Columbians with honour, respect and integrity. We will keep our Continued on page 21 Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Venezuela FREE POSTER INSIDE! Hugo Chavez Emerges as a New Revolutionary Leader of the Third World By Shannon Bundock grown for the past 6 years with the Venezuela with the Chavez on the progression of major social change, top of this leadership. & Ali Yerevani which oppressed people have led in Continued on page 7 On August 15th 2004, millions Also Inside of people sat beside their radios in Caracas, in Havana, in La Paz, Struggle in Iraq: 3-6 Indigenous Struggles: 20-21 in cities and towns across Latin Shutting Down the Media | 3 Skwelkwek’welt Vs. Sun Peaks | 20 America, waiting with nervous, Chronology of US Assaults on Media| 3 Interviews with Skwelkwek’welt Defenders | 20 hopeful confidence for the results Resistance in Iraq | 4 War Resisters at Home | 5 Students in Struggle: 22-23 of ballots cast in the Venezuelan Students Lead Antiwar Movement | 22 Presidential recall referendum. In International Struggles: 7-15 the afternoon of August 15th, hours Korean Students Speak Out | 7 Reports on Local Events & before polls closed, the National Second Intifada | 8 Struggles: 24-33 Poetry from Palestine | 8 Aug 28: Vancouver Demands Hands Off Iraq!| 24 Election Council(CNE) announced Is Ralph Nader a Progressive Alternative? | 10 Interview with Meegan Maultsaid| 24 the discovery of a recording Cuban Foriegn Affairs Minister at the UN | 12 Two Speaches from August 28th Rally | 25 Discurso de Felipe Perez Roque | 13 containing the altered voices of Conference on Cuba and Venezuela | 26 council officials reporting a victory Struggles in BC: 14-16 Cuba in the Era of War and Occupation | 26 for the recall of President Chavez Speech by Marysol Torres - Venezuela’s Victory | 27 FOCCED Antiwar Film Release | 14 with a “yes” vote. Join MAWO! | 28 CEP Local 1129 on Strike | 16 Euphrates: Iraqi Hip Hop | 29 Disconcerting? Perhaps. But the poor Justice for Jeff Berg | 16 Letters from the Cuban 5 | 30 and working people of Venezuela Six Bucks Still Sucks | 17 Join VCSC in Defence of Cuba | 32 maintained unfazed strength and confidence. This strength has 7000 Signatures Against Occupation! | 33 The Occupation of Iraq The ‘Handover’ in Iraq, Three Months Later: Is it Working?

From page 1 over 800 of which were killed after US president George Bush for the US where each of its lies declared major operations ‘over’ about the occupation of Iraq are on May 1st 2003. This politically being revealed, the world is also significant threshold of American witnessing all of the ‘levers’ casualties has emphasized the US has in Iraq bending, for working and poor people malfunctioning, and breaking in the US, who make up the down. overwhelming majority of those The ‘handover’ and hangover sent to die in Iraq, that the US of US occupation government’s claims of an end to occupation in Iraq or ‘progress’ The US never intended to for the US mission are simply actually give sovereignty back more lies. to the people of Iraq. From the beginning, this was a process Cities lost or gained? designed to fail, buying more One of the biggest crises now time for the US and its imperialist facing the US-led occupation is allies to establish Iraq as a the growing numbers of cities potential launching pad for that, according to the US military, further military interventions in have been ‘lost.’ Fallujah is one of the area. At best, this process the many cities that the US is now of ‘handover’ was intended to unable to enter at all, or at least provide a cover for the continued is unable to control militarily; occupation and pillaging of Iraq, also on this list are Sadr City (a while at the same time reducing suburb of Baghdad), Ramadi, Tal the level of resistance in Iraq Afar, and Samarra. Coupled with to the occupation by suckering this loss of military control, in the US Marine blockade around the city of Fallujah, September 2004. Iraqis into the process of ‘building majority of these cities the organs democracy.’ of the ‘interim’ government are forces has also not been ‘lost’ It was hypocritical for the US and 18 months, ‘reconstruction’ has as the US military continues to its occupying allies to destroy a proven to be yet another myth put In terms of its impact on the either completely ineffective, have been driven out of the city, conduct daily bombing raids country and then claim that they Continued on page 6 resistance of the Iraqi people, and massacres against them. want to ‘rebuild’ it. Now, after the ‘handover’ has been a or were never established in the first place. In Fallujah, the September 13th, for example, complete strategic failure for was a particularly bloody, but the US. Currently the US-led brigade sent in to retake control of the city from its inhabitants nonetheless typical day for the forces are facing an average cities, when over 100 Iraqis This is the newspaper of the of 84 attacks per day. This is was officially ‘disbanded’, with its members either having left were killed in these ‘lost’ cities an increase from before the alone by US bombs, missiles, and Fire This Time Movement for handover, when attacks per day Fallujah, joined the resistance, or disappeared. gunfire, mostly from helicopter Social Justice decreased slightly following the gunships flying overhead. The US - ISSN 1712 -1817 - April massacre carried out by It is of course misleading to is carrying out escalated attacks US forces in Fallujah. Attacks describe these cities as ‘lost,’ as if against these ‘lost’ cities in a vain also continue on the few Iraqis all of a sudden the US can’t find attempt to punish the people who September/October 2004 Issue 18/19 collaborating with the occupiers, them anymore. To the people who live in them for participating in whether it is the repeated live in these cities, they have been or supporting resistance to the Editorial Board: Shannon Bundock, Mike Krebs, Ali attempts to assassinate members ‘gained’ as the driving out of US occupation. Yerevani, Nasim Sedaghat, Ivan Drury of the Interim government or the forces have put the people in these ‘Reconstruction’: US fans Editor: Ali Yerevani flames of discontent Layout & Design: Mike Krebs Coupled with this escalation are Copy Editing: Tamara Hansen plans to divert $3.37 Billion from Spanish Language Editor: Carlos López the US State Department’s funds Publicity and Distribution Coordinator: Brennan Luchsinger for Iraq ‘reconstruction’ and use the money instead for the training Phone/Fax: (604) 322-1764 of Iraqi police and military Email: [email protected] forces. This plan, drafted by John Mail: PO Box 21607 Negroponte, head of the largest Vancouver BC US ‘Embassy’ in the world in V5L 5G3 Iraq, reveals the depths to which the US is losing its ability to One year subscription outside the Lower Mainland, claim interest in ‘winning the make cheques payable to “Fire This Time” hearts and minds’ of the people in ( $15, USA $20, International $30) Iraq. Not only is the US relying more and more on brute force For Fire This Time in your area; to maintain its grip on the Iraqi Distribution: people, but this diversion of funds across BC, Canada and internationally please contact reveals even further the sham of Publicity and Distribution Coordinator Brennan ‘reconstruction’ in Iraq. Luchsinger Phone: (604) 338-9006 This $3.37 billion that is being diverted comes from a fund of Email: [email protected] $18.4 billion that was allocated in November by the US Congress Submissions: We welcome articles, letters, and unsolicited submissions. However, we cannot promise supposedly for water, sewage publication. Submissions can be made by email, fax, or and electricity projects. Since its mail. Submissions will not be returned. bombing of police stations set up cities, and people throughout establishment, however, this fund by the occupying forces. Iraq, in a better position to fight has been largely unspent, despite for their self-determination and The opinions expressed in this newspaper are those of the This continued resistance under the horrific living conditions authors, and do not necessarily represent those of Fire This Time. the fake ‘handover’ pushed the deepens the quagmire the US-led facing Iraqi people because of the occupation is sinking into. destruction brought down on their This newspaper could not have been possible without the number of US troops killed generous contributions from our supporters. in Iraq since the March 2003 The location of these cities and country after over a decade of invasion past the 1,000 mark, what they mean for occupation sanctions and two US-led wars. 2 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 3 Shutting Down Media in Iraq American Military Democracy in Action

By Ivan Drury way that dictatorships tell lies all contradictions were much in the time, both about themselves evidence in Fallujah where the and about us.” – Alastair Americans one day announced “The self-discipline, self- Campbell, British government there was a truce that was censorship among the war director of communications beginning at 12noon. Then al- correspondent was surely moral “[Al-Jazeera] takes every Jazeera [which had journalists in and patriotic but it was also the city] would transmit images practical in a sense of self- opportunity to slant the news and present it in the most outrageous of American jet fighters bombing preservation. Some subjects were the city and breaking the truce.” taboo. Certain people could not way possible for the purpose be criticized or even questioned. of inflaming the world and Al-Jazeera insists that the charges The foolish reporter who broke appealing to the basest instincts.” against Allouni are trumped the rules would not be printed – Colin Powell, US Secretary of up and meant to intimidate at home and in addition would State other journalists and the station be put out of the theatre by the On August 9th the great truth- altogether. command, and a correspondent tellers, George Bush, Tony Blair The US has targeted al-Jazeera with no theatre has no job.” – John and co. banned al-Jazeera from above all other media because Steinbeck, in the introduction to filming or broadcasting in Iraq they have been the most his book ‘Once there was a war,’ for one month. On September effective in exposing the lies of a chronicle of first world war- 8th, that ban was extended the occupiers because of their time correspondence from the indefinitely and the al-Jazeera popularity throughout the Arab frontlines office in Baghdad was sealed world and beyond, and their “[The banning of al-Jazeera is] a with red wax. The soldiers who heavy investment in covering positive step to protect the Iraqi performed the operation told the war and occupation. The people from the poison being the journalists that if they took station has as many as 100 broadcast by the channels. We pictures, they would be arrested. people in its Iraq bureau and has won’t let them broadcast footage Al-Jazeera correspondent Tayseer distributed hundreds of cameras of US soldiers being ripped Allouni, who was arrested last and phones to people throughout apart.” – Entifadh Qanbar, year on ‘terrorist-related’ charges Iraq to report on unfolding news. spokesperson for Chalabi, explained this repression in an Allouni recounted a tip al-Jazeera interview with the Guardian, a had gotten about an attack in al- explaining why Al Jazeera Mazen al-Tumeisi, a Palestinian journalist for Al-Arabiya was banned from government British newspaper: Meria, a town north of Baghdad. News, was killed by a US missile attack on a crowd of people offices and news conferences in “The American troops didn’t Al-Jazeera was refused access to September 2003 in Baghdad, 12 September 2004. like us because we contradicted the town by the US military, but CNN was allowed in. “CNN had Before the US started bombing difficult for the US when it has “Democracies, we are expected to through images and words Iraq in March of 2003, they come to bougeoise-Arab news explain; we cannot tell lies in the what the Americans said. The Continued on page 6 issued a warning to independent media sources. Channels like al- journalists that all television Jazeera and al-Arabya are owned signals that stretched their arms by Arab capitalists whose national up to satellites above Baghdad interests are in many ways would be ‘fired on.’ Kate Adie, different from the interests of US-led Assaults on Arab Media Sources: A Brief Chronology a BBC reporter, ((hardly to be US imperialists.((, and of course considered truly ‘independent’ without reflecting some political The targeting of al-Jazeera and other The newly founded Iraqi Governing promised in writing that it would not news in the same way as Fire interest of Arab population under predominately Arab media networks Council bars al-Jazeera and the ‘encourage terrorism.’ Al-Arabya imperialist attack is not able to independent of the US forces has Saudi Arabia-based station al- got the attention of imperialists This Time)), said that she asked increased in direct relation to the Arabya from government offices when they covered the US’ brutal the Pentagon whether they sell any ad time)). Consequently, deepening of the quagmire that the and news conferences for two- massacre of people in a wedding considered that there would be their TV stations, newspapers and occupying forces are stuck in; directly weeks for their views on the party in Afghanistan. websites have expressed different in proportion to the imperialist’s need occupation. Al-Jazeera responded, journalists at the base of those February 2004: signals being ‘fired on.’ The views of the 160,000 troops to lie. The following list of attacks on “We don’t have views, we just Pentagon responded, “Who occupying Iraq. journalists in Iraq is by no means report what is happening on the Al-Jazeera office in Baghdad closed cares? They’ve been warned.” complete: ground. We are not enemies here. down for one month for ‘disrespecting’ The US-UK have responded to We are not part of the conflict. We prominent Iraqis. There is a saying that echoes back the operation of al-Jazeera and try to achieve objectivity and we August 2004: to the first recorded imperialist al-Arabya with blackouts, shut- March 25th, 2003 - Four days after always will.” the war began: Iraqi police seize 60 journalists at wars that ‘truth is the first downs, bannings, arrests, torture, rd November 3 , 2003: gunpoint from a hotel in Najaf and bombings and shootings of the Al-Jazeera banned from entering casualty of war.’ In Iraq, truth Al-Jazeera camera operator Saleh take them to the police station. the New York Stock exchange for its was sacrificed on the alter of the stations and their correspondents. Hassan is arrested while interviewing Media included BBC, the Guardian, position on the . foundation of the war and lack For poor and working people people at the site of a roadside the Independent, the Times and the of truth, cover-up and straight- around the world, including in April 7th, 2003: bombing attack on a US-convoy in Telegraph. up lying have been the most the US and Canada (where, in US announces that al-Jazeera is the eastern Iraqi town of Dialah. He August 9th 2004: consistent base of operations for July, the CRTC approved al- to be banned from Iraq, and then was accused of knowing in advance Al-Jazeera office in Baghdad closed imperialism in Iraq. Jazeera for broadcast, but with immediately retracts the ban. about the bombing and replied that he had arrived 30 to 40 minutes after down and the station banned from heavy censorship restrictions th The international spread of April 8 , 2003: the attack. “They told me I was a liar,” operating in Iraq for 30 days for that will likely keep it off the air “showing a lot of crimes and criminals information media has led to US US tanks fire on the Palestine Hotel, said Hassan. by default), media opposition to on TV, and [sending] a bad picture signals reaching the Middle East the de facto base for non-embedded He was transported to a military about Iraq and about Iraqis and the racist-imperialist stories of journalists in Baghdad. Four Reuters and stations like al-Jazeera being base, bound and hooded and held for encouraging criminals to increase CNN and CBC are increasingly staff were injured in the blast and viewed in the US as well. Media four days in two different bathrooms their activities.” (Iraq’s interior important. Even if we never two journalists killed. After one hour, has become a weapon both at and then shipped to the Abu Ghraib minister, Falah al-Naqib) Al-Jazeera see the news, the very fact that the US declared a ‘cease-fire’ on prison. There, he was stripped naked was told that they were being given a home, and on the frontlines. the hotel, claiming that there were it is being broadcast challenges and forced to stand outside all night, month to “readjust their policy against snipers on the roof. No journalists In order to carry out their the lies of imperialist media kicked by soldiers who called him Iraq.” disinfomation campaign and breaks the stranglehold that heard any sniper fire. Colin Powell only “al-Jazeera,” “boy,” or “bitch.” called it a ‘mistake’ and claimed he Al-Jazeera responded that the move successfully, imperialists have had Steinbeck’s War Effort / Home didn’t know there were journalists He was not released until December “was contrary to pledges made by th to eliminate opposing views in the Front media holds over the spread inside the hotel, even though the 18 after his employer hired a lawyer, the Iraqi government to start a new media while creating a monopoly of information. Al-Jazeera reveals Pentagon had been informed of their and a judge released him because era of free speech and openness.” on the spread of information. In that the struggles of the oppressed position in the hotel. of a total lack of evidence. Another And, “We don’t need to give anything al-Jazeera correspondent, who was in writing because we don’t support the past, this has not been very people of Iraq against imperialist After the Palestine Hotel ‘ceasefire,’ held in a cell just down the hall from terrorism, that’s a given. Gagging difficult because the bougeoise occupation is a struggle that the military moved on and bombed th Hassan, arrested on November 18 the media is not the way to deal media has controlled the flow of we, as working people under an the separate offices of al-Jazeera th was not released until January 25 , with the media. If the request is and Abu Dhabi Television, killing one information for as long as there imperialist government, must again for lack of evidence. Dozens of that al-Jazeera will compromise its al-Jazeera journalist. An al-Jazeera has been a bougeoise, but the follow, learn from and support as al-Jazeera staff have been arrested independence, that is a request that spokesperson denounced the attack; rise in imperialist rivalry, and our own. and subjected to such treatment in will not be entertained.” splits and differences between “It couldn’t have been a mistake. Iraq. Embedded in imperialism or We’ve told the Pentagon where September 9th, 2004: competing national-ruling-classes November 2003: in the walls of the Palestine all our offices are in Iraq and hung has been reflected in the media as Al-Jazeera banned indefinitely from Hotel? banners outside them saying ‘TV.’” Al-Arabya station forced out of Iraq well. This has been particularly all operations in Iraq. September 24th, 2003: and not allowed to return until it 2 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 3 Resistance! Resistance! Resistance! Vietnam Syndrome Then, Iraq Syndrome Now

By Thomas Davies town of Fallujah. The polarization in Iraq today is definitely not one based in religious tendencies, it is A year and a half into their brutal between two groups: the people, occupation and the world’s largest and the occupiers along with their imperialist army has still been collaborators. unable to find even one safe corner within Iraq, and yet they Workers: backbone of resistance would still have us believe that The organization of workers has the forces beating them back in all also played a huge role in the areas are only “isolated militants”. resistance. Most of Baghdad was Giving simple consideration to shut down over the weekend of the conditions Iraqi people live April 10th-11th, as residents in under occupation: widespread heeded a joint call by Sunni and lack of basic services, widespread Shiite clerics for a general strike bombings, shootings, murders, to the occupiers’ brutal widespread detentions and torture attempt to retake Fallujah. The - it would be ridiculous to assume occupation forces kept Saddam’s that the reaction and resistance to laws which outlawed independent these conditions would not also be trade unions - and then on January widespread. The resistance takes 28th, 2004 the Iraqi Governing many forms - daily demonstrations Council passed resolution number around Iraq, workers organizing 16, which endorses the executive into trade unions, work stoppages, bureau of the Iraqi Federation of student organizing, as well as armed Trade Unions-IFTU as the official elements - but all point in the same and legitimate representative of direction: “US OUT!” Together, the labour movement in Iraq. Demonstration in Iraq against the US-led occupation, September 2004. they all point out of Iraq and demand This means that all other trade that the occupation forces leave unions and labour organizations, al Najif, Babel and Mesan). This is previously worked in a graphics Colin Powell comments at a recent immediately so the people of Iraq which came as the result of free again, despite being outlawed and shop designing business cards and press conference demonstrate the can begin the real reconstruction of election by workers, are illegal persecuted by occupation forces stationery United States’ desperation in trying their lives, dignity, and country. and unofficial. This attempt at state and the Provisional Government. The increasing number of Iraqis to minimize the damage done by the popular resistance which finally False divisions wear thin control of workers’ organizations Youth against occupation who have taken up arms against is immensely important for the forced American troops to leave Young people and students also the 160,000 occupation troops is Despite the diverse and widespread coalition in laying the groundwork an indication of two things: the Najaf, “In this case, the violence nature of the Iraqi resistance, it for foreign firms to come in and came to the head of the anti- is being perpetrated by outlaws occupation movement. This surge in severity of the violent repression still faces a virtual ban by western exploit a desperate population. under which they live, and the and by former regime elements and media sources regarding anything Despite this, workers have been resistance is met with the brutality by terrorists who respect no truce, typical of occupation forces. During resolve of Iraqi people in the face but armed conflict. Shaikh Mahdi organizing themselves and winning of the coalition forces. There is respect nothing except force. And al-Sumaidaie, a Muslim cleric and major victories around Iraq, and a demonstration in Fallujah outside as long as those individuals don’t of a school which had been taken between 40 and 60 reported attacks the Secretary-General of al-Irshad refuse to let the coalition forces on coalition troops daily comprising understand the spirit of and and al-Fatwa Association in Iraq posturing that “Iraq is open for over by over 100 American soldiers, reconciliation, are not willing to troops opened fire on 200 unarmed all areas in Iraq. This is consistent recently slammed world media business” go unchallenged. with Iraqi people’s history of work for democratic, free Iraq, stating, “If media provides one hour protesters. 13 civilians were killed they have to be dealt with. And The Interim government’s immediately. Ahmed al-Essawi, anti-imperialist resistance - even of honest coverage to what the Iraqi within the last 50 years- when they so your question really should not resistance are doing on a daily basis, attempt to recognize the IFTU is aged 15, who was shot in his arm be addressed to us. It should be a demonstration of the immense and leg, said he saw no evidence overthrew British Imperialists in I bet you the mothers and sisters of 1958. addressed to those who are causing US soldiers in Iraq will pour into pressure they are under by the of weapons in the demonstration, the violence, who are setting off “All of us were trying to run 12 Years of United States and United the bombs, who are destroying the away. They shot at us directly. Nation sanctions have recently hopes of the Iraqi people.” The soldiers were very scared. crippled their ability to resist, but There were no warning shots, and we see now in the constant activity Unfortunately for the Imperialists, I heard no announcements on the against coalition forces that they to characterize or to understand the loudspeakers.” The crime of these are driven to fight these foreign resistance in Iraq would mean the young demonstrators? Demanding instigators of violence until all have realization that they are fighting that the U.S occupation forces left and Iraqis are able to dedicate a losing battle in Iraq, as well as leave the school and allow them to their energy to the rebuilding of around the world. The Coalition continue their studies. their lives and families. forces crisis of legitimizing in Iraq continues, as a June 17th survey Young Iraqis desperate for The armed resistance’s ability to published in The Independent employment have also been a grow and be effective has always newspaper cites that a meagre 2% target for coalition forces in their been dependent on the support of of Iraqis regard the occupying attempts to recruit and train a police the population, and while we may forces as liberators. The Iraqi and military force, yet occupation see images from Fallujah, Baghdad people have shown themselves forces again find stiff opposition and Najaf most often - it certainly perfectly capable of understanding and complications in this task. does not end there. In Baquaba, who really is the biggest obstacle On April 21st, General Martin Coalition forces have also fled, as to the “peace”, “reconciliation” and Demonstration in Baghdad against the US-led occupation Dempsey, commander of the US resistance grew against them, with the “democratic, free Iraq” of which Army’s 1st Armored Division, told one resident explaining simply, after car-bombing, 15 September 2004. Mr. Powell blusters, and even more Associated Press that about 10% “The freedom fighters took control capable uniting against occupation the streets of America screaming at workers movement. Formed of the US-recruited Iraqi security of everything here and kicked the forces. forces “actually worked against” Americans out of the city”. Bush to pull the troops from Iraq.” on May 16th, 2003, the Iraqi Faced with this deep resistance, The tired emphasis of supposed Federation of Workers Trade Union US troops during the recent upsurge Inside and Out: More than one of resistance attacks, and an the occupation troops are now divisions between Sunni and Shia has achieved many important crisis for imperialists forced into a new strategy: all wear thin as huge contingents of victories against the odds. In just additional 40% had deserted their posts. These deserters were now “The coalition’s inability, or out aggression with the intent of both joined together all around Iraq over a year, 12 national unions demoralizing and crushing the Iraqi during the March 20th International in key sectors of Iraq’s economy militarily trained and armed, posing unwillingness, to fully characterize another front against the occupation what it is up against suggests that it people’s resolve. It isn’t working - Day of Action against the have been established. The IFTU as a diverse and widespread network occupation. This is ontop of every now includes the following force. has not achieved the understanding necessary to defeat the resistance.” of resistance continues to grow other day when there are unions: The Oil and Gas Union, By any means necessary against each attack. With Iraqis of the unemployed, working poor, the Railway Union, The Transport – The Middle East Quarterly (a “I know the Americans have pro-Imperialist think-tank) on of all backgrounds, of all sectors, and brutalized. The occupation’s and Communication Union, the under one common goal “Occupiers conditions and cluster bombs do Mechanics, Printing and Metal better weapons. They have better August 3rd. plans. They have uniforms that Out!” the Iraqi resistance is uniting not discriminate based on religious Union, The Textile and Leather Occupation forces now face two and winning. It is now the job of the beliefs; everyone is a target. Graffiti products Union, the Construction cost $3,000, and we have only our full blown crisis’, first in trying to clothes. But I have principles. I worldwide anti-war/anti-occupation praising the “valiant uprising” and Wood Workers’ Union, the contain the mass Iraqi resistance, movement to take the leadership of of Shias in Najaf appeared on Electricians’ Union, the Service have holy land to defend. I have and secondly attempting to explain family to protect, so I feel stronger resistance in Iraq and apply it to our mosques and government building Industry Union and the Agriculture their complete failure to do so own work in its persistence, in its walls in the Sunni city of Ramadi, and Food Staff Workers’ Union. than them. The occupation forces to the American public. This has are nothing but mercenaries who diversity and mass base, and in its and the whole world watched as These unions organise in Baghdad lead to deep divisions within the unity with the demand, “END THE Shias collected and ferried food and fight for money, so I feel stronger.” leadership of the United States and across Iraq’s 15 provinces (such – Eisa, 34 year Najaf resident who OCCUPATION!” medicines to Sunnis besieged in the as Basra, Kirkuk, Mosul, Kurbala, ruling class. Secretary of State

4 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 5 War Resisters: Why Working and Poor People in Canada Should Support Them

By Ivan Drury will to struggle against war and ‘Bring them Home Now,’ (www.b occupation and for the rights of ‘Veterans people in the occupied country. for Peace,’ (www.veteransforpeac “Some folks inherit star spangled Most terrifyingly for the capitalist-, and ‘Iraq Veterans Against eyes, imperialist class, this translates the War,’ ( formed Ooh they send you down to war, into a political will to fight for the in July 2004) are a sign of this Lord, rights of poor and working people spreading consciousness. These And when you ask them, How at home as well. groups of soldiers, veterans and much should we give? Although it is still in its early soldiers families are speaking out, Ooh, they only answer More! stages today, this new sort of organizing against and refusing More! More!” – Creedence political will is beginning to to participate in the occupation Clearwater Revival, Fortunate destroy the will of soldiers to fight of Iraq because they see that the Son for the occupation of Iraq. war is no good for people in Iraq, th and no good for poor and working On Sunday September 12 , a story Why Soldiers Refuse to Fight played on CBC radio comparing people in the US. Vietnam-era draft dodgers who “If you want to support the troops, There is a collision of interests at fled the US war-machine for demand their return from Iraq.” play in the US war-machine. The refuge in Canada to War Resisters – Sgt. Kelly Dougherty, Iraq capitalist ruling-class needs to go Jeremy Hinzman, Brandon veteran to war in order to guarantee their Hughey and Dave Sanders fleeing On September 7th, the US military continued theft of the wealth of the murderous Iraq war today. recognized that US soldier deaths the people of the world, but the The story was sympathetic to had crossed the 1,000 mark in Iraq. occupation of Iraq holds nothing draft dodgers and the tradition Since the June 30th ‘handover’ of but further hardship for poor and that Hinzman, Hughey and power, the resistance and attacks working people in the US. War Sanders are continuing with their on the occupying forces have Resisters are only the tip of the claims in Canada. The increased, with 65 deaths and over ‘bunker-buster’ bomb for the US. question that CBC did not answer 1,000 wounded in August alone. Their bigger problem is that they convincingly is: ‘why should cannot convince anyone to enlist Brandon Hughey. One hundred and forty-eight US we support the War Resisters?’ troops have been killed since June in the military. Why is in the interests of poor 30th; ten more than died from the The Hearts and Minds of and working people in Canada to as serious.” – From “The Armed to take part in the slaughter of the Forces Journal,” 1971 Vietnamese people. Throughout initial invasion of Iraq up to May potential recruits support the flight of US soldiers? st the history of imperialist war, 1 2003 when Bush declared the Throughout the course of the war ‘over.’ “My concern, honestly, is the The Canadian-imperialist decision there are examples of the same: impact this [occupation] is having of whether or not to grant refugee Vietnam War, more than 50,000 young Americans left the US During World War I, in Austria in But it is not fear of dying that is on the American people and status to Hinzman, Hughey 1907, army recruits were sent off propelling the movement of War our ability to be strong in this and Sanders will have great for Canada in order to evade the draft. These ‘draft dodgers’ were a with funeral marches and all the Resisters in the US, it is that, as war.” – Spec. Joseph Roche, a implications for these three young walls along the streets plastered War Resister and Canada-refugee 1st Armored Division soldier who men, their families, and also for very small part of the US military that refused to fight, and an even with posters declaring, “You will applicant Brandon Hughey recently returned from more than US imperialism. This trio of War not shoot at the people!” Fifteen says on his website, “under no a year in Baghdad Resisters represents many more smaller portion of the people in people than themselves. Between the US who were against the war 1996 and mid-2003 over 20,000 in Vietnam. In 1971 alone almost US soldiers have deserted from 100,000 US soldiers deserted the military. If US soldiers can from the army (went AWOL for claim refugee status in Canada more than 30 days). rather than go off to kill people in On top of those who refused to Iraq, then many, many more will fight in the war were the soldiers choose to come north. involved in active combat who This is a problem for the US refused to carry out orders, who because, in order to maintain mutinied, or killed (‘fragged’) their the occupation of Iraq, US officers. The US army documented imperialism needs more than a 600 confirmed ‘fraggings’ massive military budget; it needs between 1969 and 1973, and the cooperation of people in the noted that more than 1,400 died US, both civilian and military. It in ‘suspicious’ circumstances. In is this critical factor that they are the army, the killing of an officer losing more and more every day. by a soldier was only considered ‘fragging’ if done by a grenade, The impact of deserters on the so these numbers overlook all ‘war effort’ those officers killed by shooting, “Those who don’t offer our armed stabbing or any other means. forces their unconditional support The growth in draft dodging, are to all intents and purposes , soldiers gone AWOL, helping the communist enemy, fragging and refusal of orders grew during a time when the US army alongside the antiwar movement is carrying the heaviest load in at home in the US. In 1965, defending peace and freedom in 25,000 people marched against the the world.” – AFL-CIO statement, Vietnam War in Washington DC. June 1966 Six years later, a march with the “The morale, discipline and same demands boasted 500,000 War resister Jeremy Hinzman. battleworthiness of the U.S. to 750,000 people. Together, all Armed Forces are, with a few of these factors amounted to a massive shift in consciousness soldier’s unions formed in the circumstances would I allow In 2001, at the beginning of the salient exceptions, lower and army in Belgium at that time myself to become complicit in the announced US ‘war on terror,’ an worse than at any time in this against the war amongst working people in the US that spread and when troops were ordered illegal occupation of Iraq.” anti-desertion bill was passed that century and possibly in the history to fire on strikers in France, the returned deserted soldiers directly of the United States. By every throughout the soldiers in the Following a period of complicity military as well. It was this shift soldiers refused and declared their with the occupation of Iraq (“We to their fighting unit, rather than conceivable indicator, our army allegiance with the workers. to court and jail. This change, that now remains in Vietnam is in consciousness, which the ruling might as well finish what we class refers to as a ‘lack of political Historically, the weakening of started...”) a growing segment of was even denounced by military in a state approaching collapse, officers because it returns soldiers with individual units avoiding will,’ that assisted the Vietnamese the ‘political will’ of soldiers to US soldiers and their families, resistance in ending the Vietnam fight the wars of the ruling class along with masses of working to the front who do not want to or having refused combat, be there. This move reflected the murdering their officers and War in favor of oppressed people has meant that the army has people throughout the country, are all throughout the world. become polarized, unstable and opposing the occupation of Iraq beginning of the desperation the non-commissioned officers, drug- army is feeling for willing soldiers. ridden and dispirited where not In the Vietnam-era, draft dodgers unreliable for imperialism to carry and refusing to participate. near-mutinous. Elsewhere than were an important part of this ‘lack out its wars and occupations. This Groups like ‘Military Families Vietnam, the situation is nearly of political will’ of working people ‘political will’ is replaced with Speak Out,’ (, another sort of political will, the Continued on page 6

4 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 5 ‘Iraq is Worse Than it Ever Was in Vietnam’

From page 2 due to continued US bombing.These are the conditions that fuel the resistance to forward by the US-led occupying forces the occupation. It is this general resistance, to hide the realities on the ground for the the daily mass resistance of workers and people of Iraq. oppressed people in Iraq, demonstrating In a September 2004 report, the failures of on the streets demanding jobs and basic the ‘reconstruction’ process to meet basic necessities, that is threatening the ability living and health standards in Iraq were for the US-led occupation to maintain its documented and compiled by the Center presence in Iraq. It is worth mentioning that for Strategic and International Studies, a in the1991 first Gulf War, the US bombed Washington-based right wing think tank. Iraq for 42 days. The level of destruction The paper, entitled Progress or Peril? of infrastructure in Iraq was at least Measuring Iraqis Reconstruction, reports three times more than in 2003 and 2004 that in the areas of ‘Security, Governance altogether. Back then it took the Saddam and Participation, Economic Opportunity, regime only less than six months to bring Services, and Social Well-Being,’ based back Iraq to normal situation. How come on both data and interviews with Iraqis after 18 months of ‘reconstruction’ of Iraq, about their day-to-day experiences, no people still suffering from shortage of tap substantive ‘reconstruction’ in Iraq has water, electricity and medical help? taken place. Military Solution: the only solution the This situation exists because the US-led US has occupation forces are unable to provide “Strategically and politically, the situation even the most basic improvement for in Iraq is worse than it ever was in A house damaged during US bombing raid in Fallujah, September 2004. the people in Iraq, and clearly they Vietnam.” – Richard Holbrooke, former aren’t interested in doing this either. US ambassador to the strategy is. A September 16th article in these guys planned is ludicrous. There The deteriorating conditions of life At the same time that the US is betting the Manchester Guardian quotes several are no good options.” – General Joseph under occupation that ‘reconstruction’ more and more of its cards exclusively US military experts pointing out that the Hoare, former Marine Corps commandant is not solving, including over 70% on the strategy of military suppression military strategy for the US in Iraq has and head of US Central Command. unemployment, a lack of basic services and brutality, high-ranking officials of the been a ‘disaster’: including clean water and electricity, and US ruling class and military are pointing “The idea that this is going the way the mounting destruction of Iraqi cities out how much of a crapshoot this military Continued on page 11

Lift the Ban on the Media in Iraq Now! Bring All Troops Home Now! From page 5 people in the US is directly tied to the ability From page 3 and only the news that fits into the narrow of the army recruitment officer. To support little world of imperialist war gets danced The White House and the Pentagon have War Resisters means supporting poor and been in but did not transmit [a story] even up to the satellites and over the seas to the responded to this troop crisis and the working young people against capitalist though several people had been killed and US and Canada. need for a constant flow of new troops exploitation when they are pressed up almost 400 arrested.” The new initiative of the US war-machine to fill the spots of dying ones with an against the wall of economic crisis and the is an ‘alternative’ Arab news station. Al- accelerated recruitment drive. This has choice between flipping burgers forever, Creating news that doesn’t exist for an included expanding on the ‘great success’ joining a gang, or registering for the army. occupation that shouldn’t exist Huda (‘The Free One’) was launched in February of this year with a broadcast of a of the US Army produced video game By fighting for the rights of non-status The US relies on two institutions they pre-recorded interview with George Bush. “American Army”. Which has been called workers, women, all workers and poor have created in order to counter the It is a feeble attempt to capture the ‘hearts “a fantastic recruiting opportunity,” by Lt. people a strong antiwar movement has the Col. John Gillette at a video game show that potential to support oppressed people in the ‘negative impression’ that the pictures and minds’ of young people in Iraq and he attended with recruiters at the door. “We US against being sent to Iraq to kill other of the occupation give people. For the throughout the Arab world with a slick would like to sign up as many as possible.” oppressed people, and also to support them audience at home, they have embedded annual budget of $62 million, and Colin This game, specifically targeting young against no-choice capitalist racism. journalists who must play strictly by the Powell on the Board of Directors. On this people for pre-enlistment (as happened with rules of the War Effort and the Home Arab TV station, there is no occupation, War Resisters: Sand in the gears of the Front, reporting nothing less and nothing War Resister Brandon Hughey), has been war-machine only terrorists and insurgents killing the used as the basis for development of an more than the army commanders decide liberators... just like at home. “Obviously, the Nuremberg Tribunal was for them. Army video game studio to develop further Bush Lies, People Die: End the games glorifying the lives of soldiers. saying as a soldier you have a responsibility Michael Wolff, a former embedded occupation now! to not carry out illegal acts and that’s the reporter for the New York magazine wrote However, trickery is not enough to logic I use for what I’ve done. If I were convince young people to go to Iraq, and in about his experiences in General Tommy People in Iraq and poor and working to go to Iraq, I would be taking part in a August the military boosted it’s recruiting Franks’ million dollar press centre for people all around the world oppose the criminal enterprise.” – Jeremy Hinzman, in bonus from $6,000 to $15,000 to rope in embedded reporters at the beginning of occupation of Iraq because we know an interview with Lateline their usual market: poor-working people. the war in an article called ‘You know less what is happening. Refusing to show Singled out amongst those most likely In his above statement, Jeremy Hinzman is than when you arrived.’ In it he said: the bodies of soldiers or the shooting of crowds in Iraq does not hide the truth it to recruit are Latinos. According to John taking a clear stand with oppressed people “The other shock is that this warehouse just obscures it. McLaurin, Deputy Assistant Secretary of against imperialist war and occupation. is it. If you are in Doha, this is where the the Army for Human Resources, the goal is This statement is contrary to the hundreds second Gulf war will take place. These The US cannot fix the problem with “to boost the Latino numbers in the military of hours of ‘training’ the army subjected are your confines. You are shut in. War their propaganda war or by suppressing from roughly 10 per cent to as much as 22 him to, contrary to his job as a US soldier, is dehumanising and excessively air- independent, non-embedded or disloyal per cent.” and contrary to US law. For taking this conditioned. War is hermetic. Up to 20 reporters any more than they can fix the stand, he will be thrown in jail in the US, problems of the occupation by brutally George Bush pushed forward this goal and all financial support for his family has hours a day inside isn’t unusual waiting when he made an order in July 2002 for information. suppressing the rising of the Iraqi people. already been cut off. On the other hand, for The truth is that our sisters and brothers allowing 31,000 ‘non-citizens’ to join the taking this brave stand, Jeremy Hinzman, “It takes about 48 hours to understand in Iraq are being murdered so that the military to apply for nationalization at the Brandon Hughey, Dave Sanders and all War that information is probably more freely US can continue with their imperialist start of their active duty. He was good on his Resisters must be welcomed, protected and available at any other place in the world strategy to control the people, resources word too. The first US soldier to be killed supported by the antiwar movement and all than it is here. Eventually you realize that and politics of the Middle East, Asia, in Iraq was Lance Cpl. Jose Gutierrez, a 28 poor, working and oppressed people in the you know significantly less than when Africa, Latin America and the world. year-old Guatemalan orphan who came to world. you arrived, and that you are losing more Los Angeles in the mid-1990s. He was not Even a camera-lens-filter as dense as a In Canada, we occupy a special position to sense of the larger picture by the hour. At shower door cannot hide that. a US citizen before he was killed in combat some point you will know nothing. on March 21st, 2003, but Bush granted him assist War Resisters as part of the struggle to Poor and working people in Canada must status posthumously... without any benefits weaken US imperialism through weakening “This may be the plan, of course. There demand to know the truth of what is to be extended to his family. Though the the ruling class’s control over the armed are two kinds of forward reporters: the happening in Iraq, we must demand that Pentagon denies that it is the policy of the forces of the US. We must demand refugee official embeds with units on the ground the ban on al-Jazeera and al-Arabya be army, recruiters have been caught in high status for all war resisters in Canada and in Iraq, who know only the details of lifted and we must demand: schools in Tijuana, distributing recruitment demand: the action they see, and those posted to fliers to more potential post-humus US BRING ALL TROOPS HOME NOW! Visit military press centres in Kuwait or Qatar LIFT THE BAN ON THE MEDIA NOW! END THE OCCUPATION citizens. the War Resisters websites and sign the (as close to Franks, the presumptive petitions for their refugee claims: conqueror of Baghdad, as it’s possible to NOW! US-UK OUT OF IRAQ! SELF- The primary target for all army recruiters get), who know only what they are told. “ DETERMINATION FOR IRAQI are people who don’t have any options for, PEOPLE NOW! university or a decent job besides the army., These reporters serve imperialist media, Because of this, the position of oppressed

6 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 7 International Struggles Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Venezuela Hugo Chavez Emerges as a New Revolutionary Leader of the Third World

From page 1 and attacks attempting to derail d’etat led by an opposition alliance their efforts from the petroleum that immediately overturned recent In August 15th, 2004 the Chavez oligarchy, the employers federation progressive legislation and threw government in Venezuela, along with Fedecameras, big entrepreneurs, out the constitution. Within 48 hours the majority of working and poor owners of private media, bureaucrats mass demonstrations, along with a people globally, won a historical and of corrupt pro-management unions, revolt in the rank-and-file military decisive victory. This achievement traitorous military chiefs and kicked the coup leaders out and was a step forward in the battle reactionary opposition parties. One restored the president. for working class democracy and major very active organization of the After this failed attempt to overthrow self-determination against counter- reactionary opposition is the coalition Chavez, in April 2002, a bosses- revolutionary forces of the capitalist Coordinadora Democratica (CD). imposed oil “strike” in December ruling class in Venezuela and their These reactionary opposition forces 2002 and January 2003 paralyzed the imperialist backers in Washington. have objected to the government’s oil industry and damaged Venezuela’s The confidence of the Venezuelan plans to spend oil revenues on economy. The reactionary opposition people on their leadership and social social programs, which range from also organized a contingent of and political gains in the last six years subsidized food to classes on literacy over 130 Colombian military and proved itself this August when, of the and farming. They have opposed the paramilitary forces to spread violence. 9,789,637 who poured into the polls, constitution, which was ratified by Throughout all of this, the counter 59.25% reaffirmed the presidency of a majority of Venezuelans in 1999. revolutionary opposition controlled Chavez and delivered their “gift to And ultimately, they have attempted media (which is 90 % of all tmedia) Bush”. Demonstration in Venezuela celebrating the ‘no’ result of the to oust Chavez though a variety of has attacked Chavez and spread lies increasingly dangerous, criminal and and anti-government propaganda Recent History referendum to recall Chavez.. desperate strategies. nationally and internationally. The history of Venezuela is shared opposition from the capitalist class, The Chavez government has faced In April 2002, Chavez was kidnapped with nations across Latin America, which formally ruled the nation. a series of obstacles, propaganda Continued on page 11 from the Presidential palace in a coup all of which have suffered since 1492 from the colonial operations of European “explorers” and later on from sustained interventions and attacks from their northern neighbour, and colonial settler-state, United States. Since the footsteps of the first Europeans touched Latin America, South Korea a history of foreign intervention, plundering and destruction has wreaked havoc on the region. These attacks have been met with heroic Working People Moving into the Centre struggles against poverty, genocide, devastation, and inequality; heroic struggles for national freedom and Stage of Social Struggle; sovereignty. The recent history of Venezuela has been characterized largely, An Interview with Two Members of Korean Student Network Against War by further economic depression, austerity programs, IMF loans and people living abroad can most major social and political upheaval. By Shannon Bundock This was under these conditions that effectively contribute to the Hugo Chavez’ Movimento Quinta global fight for a better world. For more than 50 years the US Republica (MQR) was formed, and FTT: There are some major based on the political, social and has had tens of thousands of troops stationed in South Korea. issues affecting people in economic polarization of Venezuela South Korea currently. First of MQR gained the confidence of many With these troops, the US has poor and working Venezuelans. been able to maintain a strong all, there was a demonstration dominance over the people held by KSNAW in the spring In 1998 Hugo Chavez Frias was to protest the impeachment of elected to presidency in a landslide of South Korea, using their position as a strategic foothold President Roh, who was later vote. Over the next six years, Chavez reinstated by South Korea’s and the government of the newly in South East Asia. Constitutional Court. Can named Bolivarian Republic of As a result of this intervention, Venezuela (BVR) made incredible you explain why Roh was steps forward in favour of oppressed as well as the prior decades of impeached and why people people. Through land and oil industry fighting Japanese colonization, in South Korea demonstrated reforms, a restructuring of the national the people of South Korea have against this impeachment? oil company (PDVSA) and through built a long and heroic history developing widespread literacy and of resistance to invasion and Korean Students Network healthcare programs, the BVR has occupation. Against War organized a improved the lives of millions of Candlelight Vigil to nullify the Venezuelans. These gains were major Today, as the threat and impeachment and for democracy blow to the economic monopoly and impact of imperialist war and on March 19th, 2004 at the political domination of the capitalist occupation expands globally the Vancouver Art Gallery. This was class and their foreign supporters in US forces in South Korea are the first event we organized by Venezuela. facing ever-growing opposition. ourselves. KSNAW recognized In the past six years Venezuela South Korean people are not that what happened on March has become a unique example only holding demonstrations 12th, 2004 was an act of for a progressive change in Latin and strikes that demand the US parliamentary coup by right- America. Venezuela has emerged forces get out of South Korea, wing parties in Korea. We think as a leadership force for oppressed but also that imperialist forces this was obviously a setback for people across the continent who get out of Iraq. democracy in South Korea. Many have fought for centuries against war, Korean people think that we occupation, plundering, domination, Early this September, Fire This suppression and exploitation. In Time sat down with Jungmi have accomplished democracy Venezuela the upheaval, unrest and and Sangdo, both members of with lots of bloody sacrifices constant struggle of the impoverished the Vancouver-based Korean in protests and in struggle. majority has begun to bear fruit Students Network Against That’s how we have formed and has delivered an example of War (KSNAW), in order to get democracy until now. So, lots leadership that may prove to be the some insight on the struggle of of people were outraged when Police use water cannons against students worst threat the US imperialist ruling Korean working people against right-wing parties impeached class has had to face yet. demonstrating in South Korea. imperialist attacks. As well we the president and they came out Attacks By Reactionary Forces discussed domestic attacks that to demand and chant “Nullify the Impeachment! In our view, we actually don’t because he has liberal politics, Venezuela has not gone through this are affecting working people in support the impeached president process without facing major internal South Korea and how Korean Continued on page 9

6 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 7 Four Years After 2nd Intifada Began... Crisis of the Israeli Occupation of Palestine: Disengaged?

By Mike Krebs September 9th 2004 The only thing clear about the Israeli government’s decision on the Things are not going well for Israeli prime ‘disengagement’ plan is that it has shown minister Ariel Sharon and his government. how divided the Israeli ruling class is on Since April, when he unveiled his plans for how to best continue its suppression of unilateral ‘disengagement’ from the area of Palestinians. At least since May 2nd, when Palestine known as Gaza, Sharon’s strategy the ‘disengagement’ plan was voted down has been met with opposition from virtually in a general referendum by Sharon’s own every direction possible, whether from Likud party, attempts to move forward with within his own government or the loss of the ‘disengagement’ plan have met repeated moral legitimacy in the eyes of working and opposition within the Likud. oppressed people all over the world. Just recently the plan suffered another blow Mainly however, the resistance of the from within Sharon’s party when the central Palestinian people to the brutal occupation committee of Likud voted against inviting of their country, which has gone on now for the Israeli Labour Party to join the Likud’s over fourth years, is creating an even deeper coalition government. Since the National crisis for the Israeli ruling class as they Religious Party (NRP) quit the governing struggle to find a way to kill this resistance. coalition earlier in the year, Sharon and those It is precisely this crisis which Sharon’s in Likud who support the ‘disengagement’ ‘disengagement’ plan is intended to solve plan need to make a new coalition in order for Zionist Israel. to have a majority push the plan through in Israeli government thrown on roller- the Israeli Knesset (parliament). coaster over ‘Disengagement’ In an attempt to deal with the strong ‘There was a clear decision by the opposition to the ‘disengagement’ plan government on disengagement.’ - Ariel within the central committee, Sharon Sharon, interview with the Jerusalem Post, announced on September 8th that he intends Palestinian girls waiting to get into school, 6 September 2004 to push through electoral reforms Opposition to disengagement that would have Likud candidates by the settler movement running for the Knesset elected The conflict within the in primaries by the Likud Israeli government over the A Lover From Palestine membership, as opposed to the disengagement plan represents current setup where the central not only opposition within the committee and other party organs Israeli ruling class over how By Palestinian Poet Mahmoud Darwish appoint Likud candidates. Sharon to deal with the Palestinian hopes that this will lead to a set of resistance, but also the fact that Likud candidates more willing to the far-right settler movement Your eyes Unbending to the storm ratify the ‘disengagement’ plan, in Israel, which opposes the A thorn in my heart I saw you on thorny hills Heedless of the hewer’s blows based on the assumption that ‘disengagement’ plan, is well- Painful yet adorable A sheepless shepherd-chased Beyond the claw and the fangs of there is strong support among the organized and in a strong position I shield it from the wind I saw you on the ruins and once the jungle beasts general membership for the plan. to oppose the plan. And stab it deep through the night You were a green orchard Through pain I stood a stranger Come to me wherever you are This latest move, rather than mark On September 12th, tens of Its wound illuminates the darkness Knocking at your door Whatever you have become a potential change in fortunes for thousands of settlers and their Transforms my present into future The doors, the windows, the And return color to my cheeks Sharon’s plan, has only revealed supporters staged a rally in Dearer than my soul cemented stone And meaning to my being the depths of the crisis within Jerusalem against the removal of And I shall forget as our eyes meet Vibrated Return and take me into your eyes Likud for ‘disengagement.’ First That once we were together behind Take an olive branch Israeli settlements in Gaza. The of all, Sharon’s announcement has settler rally also fueled opposition the gate I saw your face in the wells Take a verse of my tragedy led to a sharp increase in the level In the granaries-torn A toy to the ‘disengagement’ plan Your words were my song I saw you a waitress in the night Take a stone from our house of opposition to his plans within within the Likud , with Binyamin I tried singing cafes So that our descendants the party’s central committee. Netanyahu, Sharon’s major But winter replaced the spring I saw through the tears and Will remember their way home Several popular leaders of the competitor in Likud, calling for a Your words, like the sparrow, flew wounds Likud central committee have national referendum on the issue away And you are the words on my lips Palestinian are your eyes already started meeting in order of ‘disengagement’ before it goes Like the sparrow who left our You are the fire Palestinian is your name to plan a strategy to block the doors And the water Palestinian your thoughts-dreams before the Knesset. This was only reforms. As one Likud member the latest of several rallies and After you Palestinian your mantilla, your of the Knesset (MK) put it, “No Our mirrors broke-sorrows I saw you at the mouth of a cave body actions in recent months organized engulfed us Hanging your orphan’s rags Your feet Likud MK would take the risk by the settler movement in Israel We picked the splinters of sound I saw you in the stalls, in the Palestinian the words-the silence of supporting this now. It would who have strategic and tactical And only learned to lament the streets Palestinian the voice be political suicide.” Second of differences with Sharon over the Fatherland Warming yourself by the fire Palestinian in life all, this latest plan is relying on disengagement plan. I saw you in the lamentations of Palestinian in death support for ‘disengagement’ by We shall plant it together misery the same membership that already Head, chest, or foot? Over the breast of a guitar In blood dripping from the sun I carried you in my diaries voted the plan down! Play it over the roofs of our In the salt of the sea and the sand Inspiration for the fire of my words This opposition from the further- tragedy And yet The food for my thoughts With such a crisis within to-the-right elements of Israeli To disfigured moons and rocks You were as beautiful as the earth And in your name I shout in the Sharon’s own party, we have to society should not lead us into But I have forgotten As children valleys: ask: what government is Sharon the false idea that Sharon and I have forgotten your voice Invaders’ horses!-I met them referring to when he says that his plans are somehow more Was it my silence I swear Though the times have changed there is a ‘clear decision’ about progressive or less murderous Was it my silence or From my eyelashes I shall weave Beware-beware hooves and stones disengagement? There is no than those within Israeli society Your departure you I destroyed the big idols who oppose giving up even a That rusted my guitar? A kerchief The thunderbolt has struck the clarity on this question, and if with words sweeter than honey flint there is any decision, it is overall single Israeli settlement. This is I saw you last at the port And kisses I shall write: I shall fill the expanses of Sham opposed to the plan. The crisis of especially clear given the Sharon A lonely traveler without luggage And kisses you were division and opposition within government’s history of brutal With my songs I ran to you like an orphan, a child And so you will remain Sharon’s party, around such a war against Palestinians, not to Seeking answers in ancestral In your name I have shouted to the crucial question for Israel as how mention Ariel Sharon’s decades- wisdom: I opened my doors to the night to maintain its occupation over long history of leading, carrying How could the green orchard be storm enemy: If I sleep the Palestinian people, will likely out, and ordering some of the imprisoned On a bronzy moon worst atrocities ever committed Exiled, banished to a port I wandered the back streets in the Let maggots eat my flesh continue at the party’s next major And still remain green darkness Ants cannot breed eagles convention on September 21st. At against the Palestinians. And the snake hatches only snakes And I have a date with words this convention, Sharon will again Sharon has repeatedly made it I entered in my diary With the dawn of light Long ago be pushing for the Likud party to I turned away the invaders’ horses clear that the ‘disengagement’ I love oranges You are my virgin garden as form a coalition with the Labour, plan is not intended to open up And hate the port Faithful as the wheat Deep in my soul! I know Shas, and United Torah Judaism space for Palestinians, but as a way Where I stood With our songs we shall pierce the parties in order to have the As torrents of rain poured down air I will turn them away again to put Israel in a better position We only had the orange peels And plant fertility in the dormant majority in the Knesset required to suppress Palestinians in the And behind us stretched the earth to push the ‘disengagement’ plan endless desert And you like the braided palm tree through. Continued on page 14

8 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 9 The Importance of the Student Movement in South Korea

From page 7 more killings in Iraq. After Kim Sun Il’s death the antiwar such as the dispatching of our movement in Korea got more troops to Iraq under the US momentum to organize people government’s pressure. But we and started to take action to stop had no choice but to chant and the war and bring the troops back demand “No Impeachment!” it to Korea. was for democracy not for the FTT: Recently, as a result of president. So more than 70% of IMF measures and growing Korean people chose to support economic crisis, joblessness and the impeached president against poverty are on the rise in South right-wing parties that ran for Korea. Many strikes in private government. and public sectors have taken FTT: Since the reinstatement, place, most recently in August President Roh has come under by petrochemical workers, fire from many Koreans hospital workers, bank workers especially working class unions and maritime workers. What for his decision to send 3,600 are the main demands of troops to Iraq. How have the working people to address this people of South Korea fought employment crisis? How is the this and why? government responding? We need to begin talking about The employment crisis is a really the antiwar movement in South big problem in Korea. Many Korea with the incident of 2 companies are hiring based young schoolgirls who were run on limited time contracts with over and killed by a US tank in employees. That means, almost June 2002. When the armored all Korean people who are finding Korean Student Network Against War organizer Sangdo. tank hit the girls, they were jobs are hired in non-regular jobs walking on the pedestrian side or temporary jobs, even though work temporary jobs can’t join help maintain the division on who commit crimes. Since 1945, road. But Korean news media they hold a university degree. the labour union. In addition, the peninsula. How has this US soldiers have committed over according to the labour laws the affected the people of South 100,000 crimes, but nobody has had deliberately been reporting That is the main problem of foundation of unions is legal, Korea and their ability to have been punished. this accident as an insignificant the employment crisis. So, the but most managements interrupt an independent and sovereign minor accident because there Korean Confederation of Trade The United States always the creation of labour unions. country and their demand to were World Cup soccer games Unions (KCTU) and affiliated needed a pro-American or Besides, the government abuses unite North and South Korea? being held at the time. labour unions first demands are puppet government to continue their official authority to stop However, when US soldiers “No more non-regular jobs”. We have to look at the history its presence in South Korea. As strikes, so negotiations are getting received a non-guilty verdict for Also they demand shorter of North and South Korea after you know, the US engineered harder between the unions and the murder of the two schoolgirls working hours, pay for over- the brutal 50-year Japanese and backed up the military coup the management. Sometimes they the Korean people were angry time work, guaranteed holiday colonization. This was at a time by General Park during 1960. arrest the executive members of and thousands of people gathered pay (especially for the special when the level of consciousness They repeated this action with unions to exercise fear and terror to protest across the nation. I holiday for woman workers every of people was at its highest. another military coup by General and to show off their power to the think, this was a unified voice month), and the abolition of the After decades of fighting against Cheon in 1979 and supported the against the unjustifiable acts of Japanese occupation, the Korean dictatorial and corrupt regime the US military in South Korea. people were rapidly organizing through the 1980’s. Together This was a large and growing themselves through people’s they suppressed the people’s anti-US movement in Korea. committees to fight for national movement for democratization independence, land reform and such as the May 18th Gwangju As the US government kept labour rights. democratic uprising in 1980, pushing the war on Iraq, this which ended up in blood shed anti-US movement moved to Truly, people were taking control with hundreds of people killed. an antiwar movement because of their own country. But, despite Korean people were worried all of these efforts and struggle, However, since the two young about another possible war on US forces intervened militarily schoolgirls were killed by the North Korea, as George W. Bush in South Korea and joined with US army’s tank in 2002, anti- branded N. Korea as a member of the local landlords and local US sentiment has grown and the “axis of evil”. Then on March capitalist ruling class who were exploded across the nation. 19th he attacked, and bombed pro-Japanese occupation to People have started to rethink Iraq. When the war started the US repress the liberation movement. what the relationship should be pressured the Korean government The US troops were seen as a between the US and South Korea to send troops to Iraq. So liberation force at the beginning, and how the US has dominated Korean activists, labour unions but eventually it became very our political and economic and students started to demand clear that the US intention was to situation. I think we should “No Dispatch!” Korean people replace Japan’s role in the country recognize the role the US plays don’t want our government to with American domination. in our independent and sovereign get involved in an unjustified, The US military government country and we must demand that imperial and aggressive US-led outlawed the people’s committees, the US troops get out of South war because they knew that once imprisoned, tortured and killed Korea. we got involved in the war, there thousands of Korean patriots and FTT: Can you explain when would be a lot of tragic, innocent directly ruled South Korea, until KSNAW formed and why? How victims like the two young it finally instituted the US puppet can Korean students in Canada schoolgirls. regime of Syngman Rhee in 1948. most effectively contribute to Since the beginning of the war in This was first step of US colonial the antiwar movement and Iraq there were a couple of global intervention in South Korea. the fight against imperialist days of action, which happened Then in 1950, the Korean civil aggression, war and occupation in Korea. This was the first time war broke out between North and across the globe? Korea responded to the requests South, which followed for four Korean Students Network of the global antiwar movement years. After an armistice, which Against War was formed in aside from the rallies and huge was made between the US and November 2003 because we protests that were happening in North Korea in 1953, the US did are against war and against the South Korea. not agree to withdraw its troops Korean government’s decision to from South Korea. So, that’s why Unfortunately, despite the strong send troops to Iraq and are against the US troops have continued opposition of the Korean people, getting involved in this imperial their presence in South Korea. the Korean government decided Korean Student Network Against War organizer Jungmi. war. We just want to voice out our According to the Status of Forces to send our troops to Iraq as the demands and protest against this Agreement (SOFA) between the largest coalition partner after the discrimination between regular public. imperial war even though we are US and Korea, the US military UK. But when Kim Sun Il was jobs and non-regular jobs. here in Vancouver. FTT: Since early 1945 there has forces have ‘lawful’ status in beheaded by a militant group However, on the opposite side been heavy US intervention in South Korea, which undermines Since we founded KSNAW we in Iraq, Korean people realized of the unions, the government Korea with the US orchestration the sovereignty of South Korea. have realized it is really hard to how catastrophic our military and company managers are of the 1950-53 war and to this The most serious thing is that the organize Korean students who involvement in Iraq is. Lots of taking an uncompromising day nearly 40,000 US troops Korean government doesn’t have people say that we should avoid attitude. Actually, people who stationed in South Korea who jurisdiction over the US soldiers Continued on page 32

8 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 9 Is Nader an Alternative to Bush and Kerry?

By Andrew Malieni this “peacekeeping force” would be “less Israel/Palestine the prosecution of Nazi war criminals, expensive” than the current occupation of “A conflict that is eminently resolvable among other things. Iraq primarily by the US. “He’s an interesting politician. My sense of with U.S. leadership is constantly This June, Buchanan interviewed Nader him is that the more dynamic the citizenry The UN, starting in 1990, administered postponed because of the occupation of for “The American Conservative” becomes, the more engaged voters become, sanctions against Iraq at the cost of 1.5 the West Bank and Gaza, and the cycle of magazine to discuss why Nader’s the better a candidate he is.” – Ralph million Iraqi lives, 500,000 of them being violence that keeps getting more and more “third-party presidential bid ought to Nader, talking about John Kerry after a children under five. One UN official in grievous. And if we don’t break that cycle appeal to conservatives disaffected with recent meeting charge of the sanctions, Dennis Halliday, of violence, we will become continued George W. Bush.” Nader and Buchanan actually resigned and said that the prisoners of it, just as the Israelis and actually have similar views on a number economic sanctions Palestinians are prisoners of the cycle of of issues. Nader even declared that he on Iraq “have violence.” – Ralph Nader was “against feticide,” implying that created genocidal Many commentators, like Nader, speak he shared Buchanan’s opposition to the conditions.” In fact, of a cycle of violence between Israelis legality of abortions. However, the key almost since the very and Palestinians that needs to be broken. similarities have to do with international inception of the UN, In reality, the roots of the Israel/Palestine trade agreements and immigration. Both it has had a history of conflict are very much due to the actions of Nader and Buchanan appeal to American approving imperialist one side. The Zionists forcibly expelled or imperialist nationalism. Both Nader and interventions and terrified into leaving hundreds of thousands Buchanan employ populist rhetoric in interference, one of of Palestinian-Arabs around the time order to attract working people, but both the first major ones of Israel’s founding in 1948. They have offer nothing but Capitalist and imperialist being the war against since denied the right of these alternative. Korea in 1950. There and their descendents to return, invaded is no doubt that this neighbouring countries several times hypothetical “UN and seized territory which it continues peacekeeping force,” to occupy, expelled more Palestinians, with or without a imprisoned almost half of adult Palestinian US presence, would males at some time or another since 1967, serve the interests subjected many to torture, and killed more of imperialists, as than 4,000 Palestinians since the start of before. What is the first Intifada in December 1987. The really needed is the cause of the Israel/Palestine conflict is not immediate withdrawal a “cycle of violence,” but the actions taken of all foreign troops by Israeli Zionist state and its brutal army, from Iraq, but Nader, which Nader does not admit. although verbally condemning the Nader and the Democratic Party invasion itself, “I think he’s very presidential. He has a maintains that since very confident demeanor. I’ve noticed it on Iraq has already been TV.” – Ralph Nader, about Kerry again invaded, it is necessary that it continue to be Nader, supposedly an independent occupied. candidate, is pursuing a policy of trying to help John Kerry win against Bush. To Afghanistan this end, Nader initiated a meeting with Nader supported Kerry to give advice on how to win the the invasion of election. He has praised Kerry and made US Presidential Candidate, Ralph Nader. Afghanistan, although suggestions to him, including a suggestion for Kerry’s vice presidential running Nader and immigration Ralph Nader is sometimes put forward as he disagreed with mate, John Edwards. Nader’s strategy is an alternative to George W. Bush or John F. some of the tactics that the US/NATO “We have to control our immigration and to put pressure on the Democrats to adopt Kerry. Although Nader is somewhat more used in the invasion. Nader criticized our borders. We have to limit the number of a different policy closer to progressive progressive than Bush or Kerry on certain the way the invasion of Afghanistan was people who come into this country illegally position on certain issues, not to break with issues like gay rights, and sometimes offers carried out, condeming it as illegal since and see if a Canadian type temporary the Democratic Party. condemnations of some of the actions the US did not go through the formality of permit system can work for seasonal jobs.” taken by US imperialism or corporations, getting authorization to go to war against Nader and the extreme right – Ralph Nader Afghanistan from Congress, as the US overall he defends the same imperialist The right wing Reform Party, which in 2000 In addition to this, Nader doesn’t propose framework that exists to serve the interests Constitution requires. “If we’re gonna do any major reform of the US immigration what we’re gonna do, we should do it in ran Patrick Buchanan as its presidential of the US ruling class. He has stated that candidate, has endorsed Ralph Nader this policy that literally costs lives. The US there is a need for a policy of “‘waging a very constitutional way,” Nader said, already controls its borders against “illegal” referring to the invasion of Afghanistan. election year, an endorsement that Nader peace’ to anticipate problems” and having accepted. The immigrants, with deadly consequences. a “multilateral ‘peace force’ ready to go,” a Reform Party For example, since 1985 up to the present, concept very similar to Kerry’s “muscular has endorsed more than 5,000 people have died trying to internationalism.” Nader to the get across the Mexican border into the US. This means that Nader supports the use of extent that Again, this is similar to Buchanan’s view military force to protect the needs of the Nader is that the US needs to be protected “against US ruling class. For further evidence, it actually running foreign invasion [that is, immigration from is sufficient to look at Nader’s views on as a Reform the Third World].” different occupations. Party candidate The ruling class doesn’t allow itself to be in some US Iraq constrained within the US borders. It is states. always ready to send forces to intervene “The quagmire of the Iraq war and P a t r i c k in various corners of the world, whenever occupation…needs to be ended B u c h a n a n the people of a country try to pry off the expeditiously, replacing US forces with a who has an tentacles of US imperialism or whenever UN peacekeeping force…” – Ralph Nader extreme right intervention is needed for its interests. Ralph Nader’s main criticism of the wing ideology Although Nader has called for ending occupation of Iraq by the US is that it and has held support of “dictators and oligarchs south is harmful to the interests of the US. He a number of of our borders,” there is the question of warns that, “more U.S. casualties, huge positions under what this means. In addition to support financial costs, and diminished US security or assisting for a “peace force” always “ready to around and from the Islamic world.” former US go,” he supports policies that “assist” the Although in reality Iraqis are in much more p r e s i d e n t s former Soviet Union, and not unlikely danger, with a recent estimate of 37,000 Nixon, Ford other countries, in moving toward a “more Iraqi civilians killed up to November and Reagan, open…economic system.” The countries of 2003, in addition to tens of thousands of Nader commented in an interview that it is including three years as senior advisor the former Soviet Union have been moving Iraqi military deaths and thousands more a “lot easier to get into Afghanistan than and speechwriter to then-president Nixon towards a more open economic system Iraqi civilians since November 2003. to get out of it.” However this neglects during the US war against Vietnam also for some time, but even the UN, which Nader does not speak prominently about the fact that to end the occupation troops has endorsed Nader. Buchanan is also supports this policy, said in a 1999 report the threat posed to Iraqis by occupation would just need to get onto planes and notorious for his support of fascism, that the transition years have “literally forces. It is not surprising that he calls fly out. This also makes it clear that he condemning the idea that “white rule of been lethal for a great many people,” for replacing the US occupation with an supports the continued occupation of a black majority [that is, apartheid South occupation by the UN: Nader suggests that Afghanistan in one form or another. Africa] is inherently wrong” and opposing Continued on page 11

10 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 11 Referendum in Venezuela a Huge Setback for Reactionary Opposition

Continued From Page 7 nationally televised speech on June 3rd, October 31, 2004. The opposition currently years even before Chavez, in spite of many Chavez said he was “happy that instead of controls eight of the 23 state governorships ‘extreme’ measures that taken by Chavez, prefer coups, the opposition is planning a democratic and over half of the country’s 335 mayors. to do business with his government. The reason The most recent strategy that the opposition referendum,” demonstrating that “Venezuela is Considering that a portion of the opposition is that they see Chavez government an stable employed was a massive campaign for the a country with participatory democracy.” intends to boycott these elections, it is clear that government who guarantees the possibilities of recall referendum, which has also proven to This was his response to the unrelenting there is a total lack of confidence in their ability investment and making very reasonable profit, be a failed strategy. Two attempts to collect to maintain regional and local control as well as while a Venezuela without Chavez would be in signatures in August and September 2003 and bitter attacks on his legitimacy, a calm confidence and unfazed conviction. This national leadership. chaos without perceivable future, which puts turned up invalid, suspect and fraudulent everything in risk. signatures. Finally, with the third attempt, a leadership, and total defiance of the former Post Referendum recall referendum date was set. status-quo is the same sensation that was shown The US had to give up on the referendum Recently, through the Freedom of Information by Venezuelans across Venezuela when faced because their strategy in Latin America is one Act (FOIA) documents have been revealed What was Chavez’ response to this? In a with the latest assault. In response to record turn outs on the From page 10 referendum day, the National Electoral Council (CNE) extended polling hours until midnight on Aug 15th. Venezuelans spent and --that-- “there are nearly 5.9 million the day standing in seemingly unending line- ‘missing men’ in the Russian Federation ups with record numbers of people casting alone and another 2.6 million in Ukraine. ballots. The total for the transition economies as a The final showdown in this battle had begun. whole is nearly 9.7 million.” When the polls finally closed, and the Nader and capitalism counting finished, the CNE announced at 4: 03AM on August 16th; that Chavez had won Nader has called for restoration of “the the referendum. responsiveness of government to its The opposition had two choices: to accept citizenry,” and suggested that in earlier defeat in this battle and re-organize, or to years the US government was better. reject rationality and deny the figures. Some However, a government is always opposition forces rejected reality, such as responsive to the interests of a part of the Coordinadora Democratica (CD), which that country’s citizenry. In the US, as well continues to allege the Chavez victory was as Canada, the government has always based on election fraud, despite providing any been responsive to the interests of one evidence that would prove this. Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez greeting some of his supporters class: the capitalist class. The real task The defeat and the setback faced by the in Venezuela. is not to “restore the responsiveness of opposition through the failure to win the government to its citizenry,” but to make referendum has also led to fractioning in the of long-term and lasting establishment. They that show that United States Agency for Coordinadora Democratica. Alianza Bravo must take into account the balance of forces and International Development (USAID) has it responsive to the majority of people the fact that they cannot afford a major crisis in provided millions of dollars in term of funding who are oppressed and who do not benefit Pueblo (ABP, Brave People’s Alliance), Visión Emergente (Emerging Vision), Fuerza Venezuela that would result in mass uprising. to various organizations in Venezuela, many from the various imperialist interventions Liberal (Liberal Force), Un Solo Pueblo They took this defeat because, with desperation of which are aligned with the opposition. One internationally and domestically, with cuts (One Single People), and various individuals they face in the occupation of Iraq and from their of the key groups collaborating with USAID to wages and social and other programs all have left CD in recent weeks because of own internal economic crisis, they can’t afford is Súmate, the organization that promoted the carried out for the benefit of the national differences on whether the opposition should another big battle. The other factor though is recall referendum campaign against Chávez and capitalist class. participate in upcoming regional elections for that a group of international corporations who is now rejecting the results. have been doing business with Venezuela for Although certain earlier presidents of the state governors, mayors, and city councils in Continued on page 33 US, as Nader indicates, have agreed to make limited concessions to the working class, these are not for any principled reason, nor are the concessions themselves meant to be permanent. They are made People of the World, People of Iraq; Resistance Swells! when there is increased threat to the dominance of the ruling class, and are From page 6 raids on their homes and neighborhoods. an international movement to defeat the only maintained through struggle. Nader If the US-led occupation forces cannot forces of imperialist war and occupation. says there is a struggle between plutocracy “I see no ray of light on the horizon at all. contain the forces of Iraqi mass resistance This movement is building as imperialist and democracy [rule based on wealth vs. The worst case has come true.: - Jeffrey within Sadr City and other ‘lost cities,’ forces threaten to expand their war and rule from the people], but really, there is Record, Professor of Strategy at the Air they might have to contend with more destruction in the coming decades to actually a struggle between classes. The War College. than just a bomb or two launched at the more and more corners of the world as the government is not neutral in this. Even Green Zone, but a mass uprising at the global economic crisis deepens. “I don’t think you can kill the insurgency. when concessions are made, this still very site of occupation headquarters. This awakening is significantly happening benefits the ruling class, since it makes it We have a growing, maturing insurgency This could be the worst ‘beheading’ that group. We see larger and more among people living within the very easier for its rule to continue. the US-led occupation forces would ever imperialist countries that are waging these coordinated military attacks… The have to contend with in Iraq. Although Nader often denounces the political culture is more hostile to the US wars and occupations of destruction. The behavior of corporations, he never presence. The longer we stay, the more End the Occupation of Iraq! quagmire for the US-led occupation in addresses the root of these problems. they are confirmed in that view.” – W. “`The last shall be first and the first last.’ losing the ‘hearts and minds’ in Iraq is He attributes them to everything but the Andrew Terril, professor at the Army War Decolonization is the putting into practice paralleled by steadily decreasing support capitalist system itself. For example, Nader College’s Strategic Studies Institute. of this sentence.” – Franz Fanon, The for the war within the US, as more and laments the outsourcing of US jobs abroad. Wretched of the Earth more poor and working people question He attributes this to individual unpatriotic Reports by US military officials on the whether they have anything to gain in CEOs. Solution? Nader writes a letter to ground paint the same gloomy picture for It is the continued, and increasing, supporting ‘their’ government in its 100 top CEOs “asking that they establish US military strategy in Iraq. According resistance of the people in Iraq that has occupation of Iraq, or risking their life an annual practice of pledging allegiance to a September 15th article from the exposed every myth put forward by the for it. of their corporation to the flag and the British Financial Times, US military US-led occupation forces. Every lie, officers expressed uncertainty over their every sham strategy has come down to As people opposed to the continued Republic for which it stands.” However, brutality inflicted on the people of Iraq, CEOs do not outsource jobs because they ability to maintain security even for the nothing more than the brutal murder and ‘Green Zone’, the heavily fortified area suppression of Iraqis for the purposes of we must build an international antiwar are unpatriotic. They do this because in movement that is not only successful at other countries it is easier to pay lower of Baghdad that is the headquarters of imperialist plundering. both the US-UK occupation forces and bringing the troops home, but one that wages and demand longer hours than it is The people from one of the most decimated can bring the Iraqi spirit of resistance within the US, even so the US ruling class the Iraqi ‘interim government’. The countries in the world, facing outlandish article reported that “at a briefing earlier to the imperialist countries as well. A is taking measures to minimize this gap. If living conditions, bombings, harassment, strong international movement against these CEOs pledged allegiance to the US this month, a high-ranking US officer in murder, and torture at the hands of the charge of the zone’s perimeter said he had the occupation of Iraq needs to do its flag hourly, this would not change their US-led occupation forces, are showing part to weaken the US even more. Only function of increasing their profits. insufficient soldiers to prevent intruders their ability to fight against and eventually penetrating the compound’s defenses.” by continuing to demand an end to What Nader really proposes is to uphold defeat the most powerful military forces the occupations of Iraq, Palestine, and the interests of the ruling class, albeit This must certainly have a chilling in the world. The humiliation suffered Afghanistan, and defending the self- while making certain concessions to the effect on the occupation forces nestled by Iraqis under occupation is turning determination of oppressed people, can we oppressed by providing limited universal within the Green Zone. This paints a into a resistance movement capable of build an effective antiwar movement that healthcare and some other limited grim picture for the occupation forces, humiliating the US, Britain, and the other will support the Iraqi people’s struggle to reforms. In effect, Nader’s policies are the with questionable security inside the imperialist countries with their eyes on end the crisis they are facing. We must equivalent of someone who, needing his most fortified area in Iraq. The green the wealth and strategic value gained from demand an end to the occupations of or her tooth extracted, wiggles it slightly zone is only a few hundred meters from controlling Iraq. Iraq, Afghanistan, and Palestine. We must daily for 30 years. What is really needed Sadr City, one of the many cities in Iraq This resistance is also opening up the eyes demand all imperialist troops out of Iraq is for the oppressed class in the US and to have been ‘lost,’ a city of over two of working and oppressed people around and Afghanistan, and all Canadian troops internationally to become the ruling class. million mostly Shi’ite muslims who are the world, who are slowly recognizing the out of Afghanistan. Nader rejects fundamentally this idea. struggling against almost daily bombing possibility, and necessity, of taking part in

10 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 11 ‘We Have Faith in the Struggle of the Peoples and We Are Certain That We Will Accomplish a New World Order Based on the Respect for the Rights of All’

Statement By H.E. Mr. attained by 2215, two hundred Felipe Pérez Roque, Minister years after what was envisaged of Foreign Affairs of The – and only if our species Republic of Cuba, At The 59th survives the destruction of its Session of The United Nations environment. General Assembly. New York, • We proclaimed the aspiration 24 September 2004. to achieve universal primary education by 2015. However, more than 120 million children, Mr. President: 1 in every 5 in that school age, do not attend primary school. Every year at the United Nations According to UNICEF, at the we go through the same ritual. current rate the goal will be We attend the general debate accomplished after 2100. knowing beforehand that the clamor for justice and peace by • We endeavored to reduce by our underdeveloped countries two-thirds the mortality rate will be ignored once again. in children under five years of However, we persist. We know age. The reduction is symbolic: that we are right. We know that out of 86 children who died per one day we will accomplish 1,000 live births in 1998, now social justice and development. the figure is 82. Every year, 11 We also know that such assets million children continue to die will not be given away to us. We of diseases that can be prevented know that the peoples will have or cured, whose parents will to seize them from those who rightfully wonder what our deny us justice today, because meetings are for. they underpin their wealth and • We said that we would pay arrogance on the disdain for our Mr. Felipe Pérez Roque, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Cuba. attention to Africa’s special grief. But it will not be always needs. However, very little like this. We say so today with forthcoming 60 years. It pales, In spite of the imperial monopoly anachronistic privilege of the has been done. African nations more conviction than ever it pants, it feigns, but it does not over information, the peoples veto will remain; that the Security do not need foreign advice or before. work. always get to the truth. Someday, Council will not be democratized models, but financial resources Having said this and knowing and access to both markets and Who handcuffed the United those responsible and their as it should or expanded to – as we do – that some powerful technologies. Assisting Africa Nations named by President accomplices will have to deal include Third World countries; ones, just a few, present here will would not be an act of charity, Roosevelt? President Bush. with the consequences of their that the General Assembly will be chagrined, and also knowing actions in the face of History and continue to stand ignored and but an act of justice; it would that they are shared by many, Second: US troops will have to their own peoples. that at the United Nations there be tantamount to settling the Cuba will now tell some truths: be withdrawn from Iraq. historical debt resulting from Third: For the time being, there will be more actions driven by After the life of over 1,000 the interests imposed by the centuries of exploitation and superpower and its allies. We, pillage. as non-aligned countries, will • We undertook to put a halt to have to entrench ourselves in and start reverting the AIDS defending the United Nations pandemic by 2015. However, in Charter – because, otherwise, it 2003 it claimed nearly 3 million will be redrafted with the deletion lives. At this rate, by 2015 some of every trace of principles such 36 million people will have died as the sovereign equality of of this cause. States, non-intervention and the non-use or the threat to use Sixth: Creditor countries and the force. international financial agencies will not seek a just and lasting Fourth: The powerful collude to solution to the foreign debt. divide us. They prefer to keep us in debt; The over 130 underdeveloped that is, vulnerable. Therefore, countries must build a common even though we have paid off front for the defense of the sacred US$ 4.1 trillion in debt service interests of our peoples, of our over the last 13 years, our debt right to development and peace. increased from US$ 1.4 trillion Let us revitalize the Non-Aligned to US$ 2.6 trillion. It means that Movement. Let us strengthen the we have paid three times what we G-77. owed and now our debt is twice Fifth: The modest objectives of as much. the Millennium Declaration will Seventh: We, as underdeveloped not be accomplished. We will countries, are the ones that reach the fifth anniversary of the finance the squandering and the Summit in a worse situation. opulence of developed countries. • We endeavored to halve by While in 2003 they gave us 2015 the 1.276 billion human US$ 68.400 billion in ODA, beings in abject poverty that we delivered to them US$ 436 existed in 1990. There had to be billion as payment for the foreign a yearly reduction of 46 million debt. Who is helping who? Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba, Under the Volcano Festival poor people. However, excluding China, between 1990 and 2000 Eighth: The fight against August 2004. extreme poverty rose by 28 terrorism can only be won million people. Impoverishment through cooperation among First: After the aggression on American youths was uselessly will be no valid, real and useful does not decline, it grows. all nations and with respect Iraq, there is no United Nations sacrificed to serve the spurious reform to the United Nations. for , and not Organization, understood as a interests of a clique of cronies • We wanted to halve by 2015 through massive bombings or It would take the superpower, the 842 million starving people useful and diverse forum, based and buddies, and following the which inherited the immense pre-emptive wars against “dark on the respect for the rights of all death of more than 12,000 Iraqis, recorded in the world. There corners of the world.” prerogative of governing an order had to be a yearly reduction of and also with guarantees for the it is clear that the only way out conceived for a bipolar world, to Hypocrisy and double standards small States. for the occupying power faced 28 million. However, there has relinquish its privileges. And it barely been a reduction of 2.1 must cease. Sheltering three It is living through the with a revolting people is to will not do so. recognize the impossibility of million hungry people per year. worst moment of its already Continued on page 15 subduing them and to withdraw. Since now, we know that the At this rate, the goal would be

12 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 13 ‘Tenemos fe en la Lucha de los Pueblos y Estamos Seguros de que Conquistaremos un Nuevo Orden Mundial Basado en el Respeto al Derecho de Todos’ INTERVENCIÓN DEL Séptima: Somos los países 400 millones actuales a 160 mil FELIPE PÉREZ ROQUE, subdesarrollados los que millones de dólares por año. MINISTRO DE RELACIONES financiamos el derroche y Finalmente, Excelencias, EXTERIORES DE LA la opulencia de los países quiero expresar claramente la REPÚBLICA DE CUBA, desarrollados. Mientras en el convicción profunda de Cuba de ANTE EL 59 PERÍODO 2003 ellos nos dieron como que los 6 400 millones de seres ORDINARIO DE SESIONES Ayuda Oficial al Desarrollo 68 humanos que habitamos este DE LA ASAMBLEA 400 millones de dólares, nosotros planeta y que, según la Carta GENERAL DE NACIONES les entregamos como pago por la de Naciones Unidas, tenemos UNIDAS. NUEVA YORK, 24 deuda 436 mil millones. ¿Quién iguales derechos, necesitamos DE SEPTIEMBRE DE 2004. ayuda a quién? imperiosamente un nuevo orden, Octava: La lucha contra el en el que el mundo no esté en terrorismo sólo puede ganarse vilo, como ahora, esperando Señor Presidente: mediante la cooperación entre el resultado de las elecciones Cada año cumplimos en todas las naciones y con respeto en una nueva Roma en las Naciones Unidas el mismo ritual. al Derecho Internacional, que participará solo la mitad Asistimos al debate general y no mediante bombardeos de los votantes y se gastarán sabiendo de antemano que el masivos ni guerras preventivas aproximadamente 1 500 millones clamor de justicia y paz de contra “oscuros rincones del de dólares. nuestros países subdesarrollados mundo”. La hipocresía y los No hay desaliento en nuestras será otra vez ignorado. Sin Felipe Pérez Roque, Ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la dobles raseros deben cesar. palabras, debo dejarlo claro. embargo, persistimos. Sabemos República de Cuba. Dar refugio en Estados Unidos Somos optimistas, porque somos que tenemos la razón. Sabemos a tres terroristas cubanos es revolucionarios. Tenemos fe en que algún día conquistaremos un orden concebido para un doscientos años después de lo un acto de complicidad con el la lucha de los pueblos y estamos la justicia social y el desarrollo. mundo bipolar, renunciara a sus previsto y eso solo si nuestra terrorismo. Castigar a cinco seguros de que conquistaremos Sabemos también que no nos privilegios. Y no lo hará. especie sobrevive a la destrucción jóvenes luchadores antiterroristas un nuevo orden mundial basado serán regalados. Sabemos de su medio ambiente. Desde ahora sabemos que el cubanos, y a sus familiares, es un en el respeto al derecho de que los pueblos tendremos anacrónico privilegio del veto • Proclamamos la aspiración de crimen. todos; un orden basado en la que arrancarlos a los que hoy se mantendrá, que el Consejo lograr en el 2015 la enseñanza Novena: El desarme general y solidaridad, la justicia y la paz, nos niegan la justicia, porque de Seguridad no podrá ser primaria universal. Sin embargo, completo, incluido el desarme hijo de lo mejor de la cultura sostienen su opulencia y democratizado como debiera ni más de 120 millones de niños, 1 nuclear, es hoy imposible. Es universal y no de la mediocridad arrogancia en el desprecio a ampliado con países del Tercer de cada 5 en esa edad escolar, no responsabilidad de un grupo de y la fuerza bruta. nuestro dolor. Pero no será así Mundo, que la Asamblea General van a la escuela primaria. Según países desarrollados que son De Cuba, a la que ni bloqueos, siempre. Lo decimos hoy con continuará siendo ignorada, y que UNICEF, al ritmo actual la meta los que más venden y compran ni amenazas, ni huracanes, ni más convicción que nunca antes. en Naciones Unidas se seguirá se alcanzará después del año armas. Sin embargo, debemos sequías, ni fuerza humana o Dicho esto, y sabiendo –como actuando según los intereses 2100. seguir luchando por él. Debemos natural pueden apartar de su sabemos- que incomodará a impuestos por la superpotencia y • Nos propusimos reducir en exigir que los más de 900 mil rumbo, no digo nada. algunos poderosos –pocos- aquí sus aliados. Tendremos los países dos terceras partes la mortalidad millones que hoy se dedican El próximo 28 de octubre esta presentes, y sabiendo también No Alineados que atrincherarnos en menores de cinco años. La cada año a gastos militares sean Asamblea General discutirá y que son compartidas por en la defensa de la Carta de reducción es simbólica: de 86 empleados en el desarrollo, y muchos, Cuba dirá ahora algunas Naciones Unidas, porque de lo votará por decimotercera vez niños que morían por 1000 Décima: Existen los recursos verdades: contrario también será reescrita una resolución sobre el bloqueo nacidos vivos en 1998, ahora financieros para garantizar el y borrado de ella todo vestigio de contra el pueblo cubano. Otra Primera: No existe, después de mueren 82. Siguen muriendo desarrollo sostenible a todos los principios tales como la igualdad vez la moral y los principios la agresión a Iraq, la Organización cada año 11 millones de niños pueblos del planeta, pero falta soberana de los Estados, la no derrotarán a la arrogancia y la de Naciones Unidas, entendida por enfermedades que pueden la voluntad política de los que intervención, y el no uso ni la fuerza. como foro útil y diverso, basada ser prevenidas o curadas, cuyos dominan el mundo. en el respeto a los derechos de amenaza del uso de la fuerza. padres se preguntarán con todos y con garantías también Cuarta: Los poderosos conspiran razón para qué sirven nuestras para los Estados pequeños. para dividirnos. reuniones. Vive el peor momento de sus ya Los más de 130 países • Dijimos que prestaríamos próximos 60 años. Languidece. subdesarrollados debemos atención a las necesidades Jadea, aparenta, pero no construir un frente común para la especiales de África. Sin funciona. defensa de los intereses sagrados embargo, se ha hecho muy ¿Quién maniató a las Naciones de nuestros pueblos, de nuestro poco. Los pueblos africanos Unidas a las que el Presidente derecho al desarrollo y a la paz. no necesitan ni consejos ni Roosevelt les puso nombre? El Revitalicemos el Movimiento modelos foráneos, sino recursos Presidente Bush. de Países No Alineados. financieros, y acceso a los Fortalezcamos el Grupo de los mercados y a las tecnologías. Segunda: Las tropas 77. Ayudar a África no sería un acto norteamericanas tendrán que ser de caridad, sino de justicia; sería retiradas de Iraq. Quinta: Los modestos objetivos de la Declaración del Milenio no saldar la deuda histórica de siglos Después que la vida de más de serán cumplidos. Llegaremos al de explotación y saqueo. 1 000 jóvenes norteamericanos quinto aniversario de la Cumbre • Nos comprometimos a detener fuese sacrificada inútilmente para en peor situación. y comenzar a revertir para el servir a los intereses espurios de 2015 la epidemia del SIDA. Sin Felipe Pérez Roque recieves a gift from Pope John Paul II, una camarilla de amiguetes y • Nos propusimos disminuir January 2000. a la mitad para el 2015 los 1 embargo, en el 2003 provocó casi socios, y tras la muerte de más 3 millones de muertos. A este 276 millones de seres humanos Un impuesto para el desarrollo Termino recordando las palabras de 12 mil iraquíes, está claro que ritmo, en el 2015 habrían muerto, en pobreza extrema que había de apenas un 0,1 por ciento a que 25 años atrás pronunciara en la única salida para el ocupante sólo por esta causa, 36 millones en el año 1990. Se requeriría las transacciones financieras este mismo lugar el Presidente ante un pueblo insurrecto es de personas. reconocer la imposibilidad de reducir más de 46 millones de internacionales generaría Fidel Castro: pobres cada año. Sin embargo, Sexta: Los países acreedores dominarlo y retirarse. A pesar recursos por casi 400 mil “El ruido de las armas, del excluyendo a China, entre y los organismos financieros del monopolio imperial de la millones de dólares anuales. lenguaje amenazante, de 1990 y el año 2000 la pobreza internacionales no buscarán una información, los pueblos siempre La condonación de la la prepotencia en la escena extrema creció en 28 millones solución justa y duradera a la llegan a la verdad. Algún día, los deuda externa a los países internacional debe cesar. Basta ya de personas. La pobreza no deuda externa. Nos prefieren responsables y sus cómplices subdesarrollados les permitiría de la ilusión de que los problemas disminuye, crece. deudores, es decir, vulnerables. enfrentarán ante la Historia y sus disponer para su desarrollo de del mundo se puedan resolver Por eso, aunque hemos pagado pueblos las consecuencias de sus • Quisimos disminuir a la mitad no menos de 436 mil millones de con armas nucleares. Las bombas 4,1 millones de millones de actos. para el 2015 los 842 millones dólares anuales, que hoy dedican podrán matar a los hambrientos, dólares por servicios de la deuda Tercera: No habrá por el de hambrientos registrados en el al pago de la deuda. a los enfermos, a los ignorantes, mundo. Se requería disminuir 28 en los últimos 13 años, nuestra momento reforma válida, real y Si los países desarrollados pero no pueden matar el hambre, millones por año. Sin embargo, deuda creció de 1,4 millones útil de las Naciones Unidas. cumplieran su compromiso de las enfermedades, la ignorancia. apenas se ha estado reduciendo de millones a 2,6 millones de dedicar el 0,7 por ciento de su No pueden tampoco matar la Requeriría que la superpotencia, 2,1 millones de hambrientos millones. Es decir, hemos pagado Producto Nacional Bruto como justa rebeldía de los pueblos…” que heredó la prerrogativa por año. A este ritmo la meta tres veces lo que debíamos y ayuda oficial al desarrollo, su Muchas gracias. inmensa de usufructuar sola se lograría en el año 2215, ahora nuestra deuda es el doble. contribución se elevaría de los 68

12 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 13 Imperialist Plans Fail

From page 8 old Palestinian was killed when he was run over by an Israeli army jeep during a West Bank and in Gaza. With the West brief incursion into a refugee camp near Bank, the disengagement plan includes Ramallah. expansion of the largest Israeli settlements In addition, the routine demolition of within the West Bank and finishing the Palestinian homes by the Israeli military construction of the brutal Apartheid Wall. continues to escalate, a tactic which to This wall not only consolidates more of date has left over 13,000 Palestinians in the West Bank into Israel ‘proper,’ but Gaza homeless. has also caused untold destruction for Palestinians living in the West Bank. Most recently, almost half of the over This includes the destruction of homes 7,000 Palestinians in Israeli prisons took and farmland, separating roughly half a part in a hunger strike to protest the million Palestinians from their farmlands, dehumanizing conditions they face, further and making it almost impossible for exposing the complete moral bankruptcy Palestinians to travel to work in Israel. of the Zionist state of Israel. The regular On September 9th Sharon announced imprisonment of Palestinians is an that certain unfinished parts of the wall important part of overall Israeli strategy route are being redrawn to include even in suppressing Palestinian resistance, but more Israeli settlements on what he the current level of Palestinian resistance refers to as the ‘Israeli’ side of the line. is so great that even the routine arresting For Gaza, the ‘disengagement’ plan and detaining has created an enormous amounts to removing the small Israeli logistical and financial problem for Israel, population and turning the whole area who cannot afford to ‘jail them all.’ into a prison camp for Gaza’s 1.3 million 2500 of the Palestinian prisoners inside Palestinians, with Israel still controlling Israeli prisons were detained from the the borders and airspace of Gaza, and Demonstration against the Aparthied Wall in Deir Samit, West Bank in the last year alone, and reserving the right to enter militarily Palestine, 14 September 2004. according to a Reuters article from ‘when needed.’ September 7th, many of them are being For Sharon, the main strategy behind the would cause more brutal Palestinian hardship imposed on Palestinians at held in ‘administrative detention’ without Gaza ‘pullout’ is that it will be easier deaths at the hands of Israel was even the hands of the Zionist occupation of charge or trial. for Israel to escalate the slaughter of the critisized by Israel’s Attorney General, Palestine has shown that Israel’s existence The list of over 140 demands presented Palestinian population in Gaza from the Menachem Mazuz, as amounting to a is based primarily on its ability to brutally to the Israeli Prisons Services by the sky primarily through airstrikes, rather ‘war crime’. suppress Palestinian people and their right Unified Leadership of the Hunger Strike than with the regular on-the-ground Israeli Israel’s moral legitimacy to end the occupation of their country. on August 11th stands as a comprehensive forces currently in Gaza. According to an In Gaza especially, the last few weeks documentation of the inhuman conditions August 31st article on the Israelinsider If implemented, the ‘disengagement’ plan have been marked by the ruthless which Palestinians in Israeli prisons are daily online magazine, Sharon stated will only feed what is one of the most slaughter of Palestinians at the hands of forced to endure. They also show the extent that ‘shelling Palestinian targets’ would serious crises that Israel is facing, which Israeli military forces. On September 9th, to which the conditions in these prisons be the standard means of suppressing is the crisis of moral legitimacy in the five Palestinians were killed in the Jabalya are getting worse as Israel steps up its Palestinians in Gaza when they resist the eyes of working and oppressed people refugee camp after the camp was ravaged crackdown on the Palestinian resistance. brutal conditions imposed on them by the all over the world. In the last few months, by missiles fired from Israeli helicopter Israeli occupation. This strategy, which the escalation in ruthless bloodshed and gunships. On the same day, a fifteen-year Continued on page 15 FOCCED Newly Released DVD and Web Site Expose War, Occupation and Hypocrisy

By Brennan Luchsinger The documentary is going to be the first in the British mandate of Palestine. That is is downloading a copy of this show, and a series of documentaries. This is a broad when the colonization of Palestine began setting it up on a peer-to-peer service so it overview look at the electoral process, by Europeans, and until we acknowledge can be downloaded by others. Information, comparing and contrasting the policies of this until we acknowledge that there are the truth, can be viral and that’s what we The FOCCED (Finnace Oil Chemical the United States government in the Middle fundamental reasons for these problems, need to do, is we need to make the truth Credit Energy Defence) foundation is a East. The reason we wanted to do this is to we are not going to be able to get past into a virus. non-profit educational society founded show the difference in treatment of Israel terrorism. for one specific purpose- to try to get compared to the Arab states, because in FTT: What’s the next step for people involved in the political process. the eyes of the Arab world this treatment FTT: What kind of initial response has FOCCED? On September 11th 2004 the FOCCED is unfair, and you know the United States there been to the documentary? foundation held a release part for their The next step is to do, hopefully, if we get may have it’s reasons, both economic and new documentary “FOCCED: US Foreign We’re hoping that we’ll have some replay some interest out there from the public and security reasons, for wanting to engage Policy in the Middle East”. The film value. This is something that you will be the public decides that what we are doing in a certain amount of these policies of features a soundtrack by the Iraqi hip-hop able to listen to not just once and fire and is worthy and decides to donate enough propping up these dictatorships. But at the group Euphrates. FTT had a chance to forget, like your usual documentary, but money for us to continue, we plan on doing same time how can you say, with a straight meet up with the director of the foundation, you can leave it on as background music one to three shows a year depending on the face, that we believe in democracy while Hsing Lee, for this interview. in an underground club. That’s part of the level of donations we receive. Virtually all propping up a regime in Saudi Arabia, by deal, is that we want to do this for young the money that is sent in is going to appear propping up a regime in Kuwait where FTT: Could you introduce yourself people so that it becomes part of the culture. on screen, because we have very low, little human beings can still own human beings and give us some information about Let’s forget the mainstream media, they’re to no overhead we’re literally working out as slaves? It’s Hypocrisy, it’s beyond FOCCED? not going to help us guys, you’re talking to of our own homes. We’re hoping that in hypocrisy and I think that if the American a brick wall if you want to get yourself on doing this we can create a fundamental My name is Hsing Lee, I am a director of public, if the public in general were aware , ABC, NBC, or CBS. lasting change in our society one where we the FOCCED foundation. The FOCCED of just how much support the Saudi’s get If you want to get your message out there, can have our capitalist system, we can have foundation was founded this September from companies like the Nell corporation, you need to use the file sharing networks our cake and eat it too, because we can around the first or second of the month, the Carlyle group literally companies that before they get shutdown. have that cake without having to oppress and our purpose is to try to educate the the Bush family owns shares in, that are other people or put them in a situation public about what is being done in their propping up this dictatorship, I think that The production company that made of abject poverty for a corporation that name. they would be horrified. That’s why part FOCCED from day one, is called Thousand doesn’t need another billion dollars. of this process in this show is to explain to Miles Productions. The point behind that: FTT: Could you give us a quick people, listen those planes did not just fall A wise man from my people once said For more information about FOCCED visit explanation of what the new FOCCED out of the sky on 9/11. This is something that a journey of a thousand miles begins documentary is about? that goes back to September 11th 1922 and with a single step. Well, that single step

14 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 15 Occupation = Resistance

From page 14 Israel has never existed as an ‘independent’ Occupation equals resistance state to the exclusion of all non-Jewish country, and so long as the Palestinian All of the major crises faced by the Israeli Palestinians, and under this occupation, Some of these demands included: people resist its brutal occupation of their government, whether they are political, life for Palestinians can only get worse. • To allow personal contact with country, Israel can not exist without the moral, or economic, have a common root: The movement in Palestine and the children as in the past financial, military, and political support they are driven by the continued resistance demands of the Palestinian people are • To allow prisoners to take photos of the US. This includes the $4Billion of the Palestinian people to the Zionist the same demands being echoed by with family members and children US Israel receives every year to keep its occupation of their country. Without being the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, and incredibly weak economy afloat and fund • To make family visits on Fridays able to ‘defeat’ this resistance decisively, Haiti. These demands are also being its military suppression of Palestinians, Israel will remain a deformed capitalist echoed by Indigenous people in Canada. as in the past (the day of prayer for Muslim not to mention the immense diplomatic prisoners) settler state on the brink of collapse, This universal demand of oppressed shield that the US provides for Israel’s despite Zionist’s false claims of Israel’s nations globally is simple: SELF- • To allow prisoners murderous crimes in exchange for serving strength. DETERMINATION. representatives to make phone calls to US imperialist interests in the Middle prisoner’s organizations and lawyers and East. Even top officials of Israeli security The response of the antiwar movement have started to raise concerns about must continue to be one in support of the to the Palestinian Ministry of Prisoners In the new era of war and occupation, Affairs Israel’s military capability to continue popular movement in Palestine against the fate of Zionist Israel’s occupation of its suppression of Palestinians, which at occupation and for the Palestinian right • To end all collective Palestine is now even more connected this point is its only option to sustain the to return to their homes. The people of punishments with that of US imperialist designs for occupation of Palestine, and recently the the world cannot be distracted by the the Middle East. As early as 1996, plans • To compensate prisoners for chief of staff referred to Israel’s military attempts of Zionists - all types of them were drawn up by several current US capacity as ‘a barrel without a base.’ - to undermine the movement against every item that was damaged intentionally government officials, including Pentagon through raids on cell-blocks Long Live the Intifada! occupation. In order to build a movement consultant Richard Perle and State globally that can truly oppose and defeat • An overall medical checkup for Department official David Wurmser, for a The current developments in Israel under the occupation of oppressed nations, our every prisoner at least once a year war and invasion of Iraq, which was partly Sharon’s ‘disengagement’ plan show that demands must be clear and independent intended to shift the balance of forces in • To stop searching prisoners each there can be no peace, let alone justice, from ruling classes: No ‘Disengagement the region more in favour of Israel against time they leave for the recreation area or for Palestinians so long as the occupation under Occupation! No to the Zionist the Palestinian people. Part of this strategy to prayers of their land continues. Israel is a state Occupation of Palestine! Yes to Self- was for Israel to hold off or sabotage any founded on occupation, built as a ‘Jewish’ determination for Palestine! This is just a small glimpse of prison life negotiations with Palestinians until the for Palestinians living inside the prisons war on Iraq could be carried out. of the so-called ‘democracy’ in the Middle However, based on the disaster that the East. US is facing with its occupation of Iraq, Israel, the US, and failed imperialist the outcome of this strategy has had the plans for the Middle East reverse affect for Israel. The balance “When it comes to the security of Israel, of forces in the Middle East are overall only we will decide on this matter, and no shifting in favour of Palestinians as they one else can determine the security needs draw strength and inspiration from their for Israel, only Israel. If Israel wants to brothers and sisters resisting in Iraq. The exist as an independent country, only it combined struggles of Palestinians and will determine its security needs. - Ariel Iraqis for self-determination is creating an Sharon, interview with the Jerusalem Post, almost uncontrollable crisis for both the September 9th 2004 US and Israel. ‘We Are Optimistic Because We Are Revolutionaries’

From page 12 If developed countries complied with their commitment to set aside 0.7% of Cuban-born terrorists in the United States their Gross National Product as ODA, is an act of complicity to terrorism. their contribution would increase from Punishing five Cuban youths who were the current US$ 68.400 billion to US$ 160 fighting terrorism, and punishing their billion per annum. families, is a crime. Finally, Excellencies, I want to clearly Ninth: General and complete disarmament, express Cuba’s profound conviction that including , is the 6.4 billion human beings on this planet impossible today. It is the responsibility of – who have equal rights according to the a group of developed countries that are the United Nations Charter – urgently need a ones that most sell and buy weapons. new order in which the world is not left in suspense, as is the case now, awaiting the However, we must continue to strive for outcome of the elections in a new Rome in it. We must demand that the over US$ 900 which only half the voters will participate billion set aside every year for military and nearly US$ 1.5 billion will be spent. expenditures be used on development; and There is no discouragement in our words, Tenth: The financial resources to I must say so clearly. We are optimistic guarantee the sustainable development for because we are revolutionaries. We have all the peoples on the planet are available, faith in the struggle of the peoples and we Palestinian girl amid the ruins of her destroyed home but what is lacking is the political will of are certain that we will accomplish a new those who rule the world. world order based on the respect for the Gaza Strip, 12 September 2004. A development tax of merely 0.1% on rights of all; an order based on solidarity, justice and peace, resulting from the best of this General Assembly will debate and language, of the haughtiness on the international financial transactions would vote on a resolution about the blockade international scene must cease. Enough generate resources amounting to almost universal culture and not from mediocrity or gross force. imposed against the Cuban people. Once of the illusion that the problems of the US$ 400 billion per annum. again, morality and principles will defeat world can be solved by nuclear weapons. The cancellation of the foreign debt About Cuba, which cannot be detoured arrogance and force. Bombs may kill the hungry, the sick and from its course by blockades, threats, incurred by underdeveloped countries I would like to conclude by recalling the the ignorant, but bombs cannot kill hunger, would allow these to have available for hurricanes, droughts or human or natural disease and ignorance. Nor can bombs kill force, I will not say anything. words spoken right here 25 years ago by their development no less than US$ 436 President Fidel Castro: the righteous rebellion of the people…” billion on a yearly basis – money which is Next 28 October, for the 13th time, Thank you very much. currently used to pay off the debt. “The noise of weapons, of the menacing

14 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 15 Struggles in BC Workers Struggle at Home: Over 100 Members of CEP Local 1129 still on Strike After 5 Months

By Kira Koshelanyk and bosses over the last few years, Norampac has used the BC courts and police to hit workers harder. On April 10th of this year, 103 Although 22 other pulp and out of 130 workers at Burnaby’s paper mills in BC have already Norampac paper mill, members of reached agreement on essentially the Communications, Energy and the same framework, Norampac Paperworker’s Union of Canada refuses to sit down and negotiate, (CEP) Local 1129, walked off the despite numerous attempts by job and went on strike. The failed the union. Instead Norampac got negotiations were characterized a court injunction against the by Norampac’s agenda of cutting striking workers stating that they back on the workers rights existing can block the entrance to the plant within the agreement that expired for no more than 2 minutes at a in May 2003. The company time. On June 9th, two members wants to cut the worker’s health of local 1129 were arrested and benefits package, remove for failing to comply with the provisions against contracting enforcement order presented by out, and pull out of the province- Burnaby police. The company has wide job evaluation program. continued to show its arrogance Norampac’s ultimatum to accept by moving both finished product concessions on these issues was and raw materials to and from the Members of CEP Local 1129 on strike. rejected by a vote of 94.5% and mill, while the workers are forced the CEP workers at the plant went to stand by. on strike by a vote of 60%. Since workers in all sectors in an has been an almost immediate employing methods intended to then Norampac has clearly shown The ongoing strike in Burnaby attempt to solve their problems. jump to tactics such as ‘back to destroy the effects of the strike its approach to these workers – by is looking more and more like Through this vicious process work’ legislation which makes on their money making potential refusing to negotiate by any other the many fought in “battlefield we have observed the pattern their strike illegal, arrests, and towards demoralizing the means than ultimatum and by BC” over the last few years. As of the bosses, the government court orders and injunctions workers through these same bullying with force. the Canadian government and and private companies alike, against effective picket lines. means. Workers across Canada corporations’ panic increases who are refusing to abide by The companies are determined are under attack in all levels of Norampac has not waged this at the deepening economic fair bargaining processes and to make the fight for workers industry, from health care to attack alone, and like many other crisis, they continue attacking practices. Simultaneously, there rights a war of attrition. They are production workers in private cases of dispute between workers plants and factories, and any gains the government and corporations make against the workers now mean devastation for those next in line. With regressive legislation having been introduced and still Justice for Jeff Berg! being introduced against the most marginalized and vulnerable workers, such as farm workers, youth and non-status workers, it A Case Against Police Brutality is necessary for us to unite behind the struggle of our sisters and brothers currently under attack. An Interview with Julie Berg By supporting union workers in their fight to strike fairly and By Ivan Drury in any threatening way. From for Jeff Berg in this landmark here, it’s a tragedy all around, but effectively, non-union workers what I could see, he was standing case against the brutality of the what’s important is that the truth are improving their position. still, like a statue.” Vancouver Police Department did come out that it was a real By supporting each other on In October 2000, Jeff Berg was and the corruption of the Police homicide, and it’s a real victory in concrete demands and making arrested by Vancouver police According to eyewitnesses, a gains we are not only building group of officers stood around Complaints process and internal that respect. It’s not that he died constable #1593 David Bruce investigations unit. from a pre-existing aneurysm, solidarity among all workers but Thomas in an alley in a residential over Berg’s unconscious body also making those gains for all of and did nothing to help him. We join her in demanding an which is what they were trying to part of East Vancouver. In the tell our family. us by setting precedents. Workers course of the arrest, Jeff Berg An internal investigation was independent complaints process, under direct attack, workers was brutally assaulted by the performed and, despite extensive the firing and criminal charging The police tried to turn this around locked out, workers on strike and arresting officer and died two damning witness statements, of Constable Bruce Thomas and and give the public information those who are being bullied by days later from an aneurysm no charges were laid against an end to police brutality and that was in fact not factual. They their employers need our support. resulting from a blow to the side Cst. Bruce Thomas and no harassment of all poor, working tried to portray a story that shed As we rally behind their struggle of his neck. disciplinary action was taken. and oppressed people. a positive light on a member of and concrete demands for: fair their police force. The greater treatment, the right to work under Sari Fujikawa witnessed the Since Jeff Berg’s death, his FTT: In August, the courts ruled that your brother’s death picture here for Chief Graham is safe conditions and living wages arrest and assault from her sister Julie Berg has taken up that he has full confidence in his with benefits, it puts us in a better home overlooking the alley. At a campaign against police in the custody of the Vancouver Police Department (VPD) was force... well, I think the bigger position to fight for our own rights the Coroners inquest, she gave brutality, demanding an inquiry question is whether the public has in our jobs, unionized or non- eyewitness testimony stating that into his death. This campaign has a homicide, meaning that he died because of the actions of full confidence, and clearly they unionized. We must fight against she saw Berg standing at the back won widespread attention and do not. the erosion of all workers rights, of a car with his hands on the support from poor and working the police. How did the police department respond to this As we all know, the department because it constitutes an attack trunk and his legs slightly apart. people throughout BC and all on all. For further information on She testified that a police officer around the world. In 2003, Police news? has been rife with controversy over the last many years. It’s true CEP local 1129 strike please visit approached him from behind and Complaints Commissioner Dirk In my view the police response hit him in the neck/shoulder area Ryneveld finally ordered a public was one of damage control. They that Chief Graham did inherit with his gun and then, once Berg hearing, which began in April. sought to lay the blame on the these problems, but it’s his duty No more breaking unions! No had fallen to the ground, kicked victim instead of the member of as chief constable to not make more contracting out! Workers Fire This Time interviewed Julie irresponsible comments. He unite for fair wages and him twice in the back of head. Berg less than a week before the the force. The day following the verdict, Chief Graham came out clearly demonstrated that he has contracts! “I felt sick, angry, numbed and final stretch of the public hearing no understanding of the justice shocked at the same time,” her was set to begin after a summer- with his statement saying that this officer should be congratulated. system, he shifted all blame to the We encourage everyone to join testimony continued, “The man break. We encourage all readers and support the pickets of the had not moved toward the officer to support her struggle for justice Well, there’s actually no winners Continued on page 17 striking CEP workers!

16 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 17 Child Labour and the Six Dollar Training Wage Two Pillars of BC Liberal Attack on Young Workers

By Brennan Luchsinger The benefits of the training wage have While the government insists that situations employers have been using the been corporate businesses that can feed businesses that use the training wage training wage inappropriately beyond the off this cheap labour and constantly exploit are being monitored for abuses, the 500 hours, relying on young workers lack The BC Liberals wage a two-pronged the position of young workers. There have ESB has been entirely removed from of knowledge of employment standards, or attack on the workers of BC been many cases of workers rights abuse the process forcing young workers with the ineffectiveness of self-mediation. Over the past three years the BC Liberal that have slipped through the cracks of the instable positions within society, and their The deregulation of employment Government has waged a new series of new lack of regulation towards employers. workplaces, to rely on self-mediation. In standards attacks on the rights of workers. With The six-dollar wage also serves as an many incidents workers have been laid off the introduction of the six-dollar Training attack on all working people, effectively or fired after completing their 500 hours Passed in May of 2002 bill 48 changed wage, the Liberal government claimed lowering wages across the bar by creating of employment and becoming eligible for they had started a new initiative to increase a source of cheap labour. the regular minimum wage of $8. In other Continued on page 28 youth employment. Nothing could have been further from the truth. Since 2001 students and youth have lost jobs and suffered to make ends meet as wages decline and tuition has risen by as much as 150 % . Alongside the introduction of the Exposing Police Brutality & Fighting for Justice training wage, the Liberals also slashed the regulations on child labor, creating a new resource for large employers: low-wage From page 16 child labor. victim of police brutality while turning Along with cuts to wages, employment a blind eye to the more important role of standards in BC have been rapidly police accountability. evaporating under the heat of the Liberal agenda. The introduction of self-help I believe the proper response from Chief kits and the removal of the Employment Graham when there was a homicide Standards Branch (ESB) from disputes verdict was that he should have showed have left workers helpless against the neutrality, control and leadership by exploitation of their employers. saying that he should not comment because there are still witnesses coming While the government has employed a forward and a public hearing and potential two-pronged strategy of attacking young other civil proceedings. workers, and all other workers alike, employment standards have been lowered For him to assign premature guilt or across the bar, and the interests of working innocence without a trial was clearly people have been left off the agenda in BC. inappropriate, and tragically, with the This legislating away of workers rights attitude that Jamie Graham displayed is a sign of the overall agenda of the BC on behalf of the police department, he Liberals. This agenda includes driving is showing that more people will die at employment standards into the ground, the hands of the VPD because there is no and the creating greater “freedom” for accountability. There will be more Jeff employers to take advantage of, and profit Bergs, more Frank Pauls, more missing from, the oppressive labour conditions that women. now exist in BC. FTT: How did you respond to the Youth unemployment rises verdict from the courts and to Jamie Graham’s comments on behalf of the “…Schools are closing, youth VPD? unemployment is up, training opportunities are disappearing, tuition fees have more Well, I held a press conference the than doubled and funding has been cut to following day and said that my family every ministry affecting people under 19.” was shocked at his callous attitude. – B.C. Federation of Labour President Jim It’s the jury that is the finders of the Sinclair facts, not chief Graham, not Constable Bruce Thomas. The jury found it was a Introduced in November of 2001 the homicide, so he should accept that verdict six-dollar training wage was billed as and look at their findings. an opportunity to create jobs for young, inexperienced workers. The training wage Our family was completely in shock; I affected all workers who do not have 500 couldn’t accept media calls that day, I hours of employment experience prior was so upset. He immediately turned it to November 1st 2001. Since 2001 the around instead of accepting that verdict training wage has failed to create jobs for and showing neutrality. Our family was youth. In April of 2004 the Ministry of completely disgusted and I was not Skills Development and Labour reported impressed at all with his irresponsible comments. that youths lost over 4,000 jobs. The rates Jeff and Julie Berg at Julie’s wedding party. of youth unemployment have increased FTT: You were not involved in anything over the past three years as the training like this before, but since your brother’s Prior to this I never had any problems, brother’s death has brought forward the wage has created fewer jobs that pay death you have invested a great except for a speeding ticket or something, larger picture of how the VPD is rife students and youth decent wages. The amount of time in pursuing justice for but never been involved in anything of this with problems and those problems have unemployment rate for youths aged 15- him against the VPD. Obviously your serious a nature. I only pursued it because not been dealt with, those problems have 24 has risen to 15.8 from 14.9 in April of brothers case is important. What does my questions were not being answered. been pushed under the rug. 2003. your brother’s case mean now for other I am a diligent levelheaded person, and people who have been assaulted by the I know that more deaths will occur and The training wage is used mainly in the I can certainly speak my mind and ask more tragedies, not always just death but restaurant and foodservice industry, which VPD and for all poor and working questions, and if the questions don’t make people in this province? certainly abuse of power and authority. has forced youth into low paying jobs, with sense to me, then I pursue them further. A We have to keep in mind that the police inconsistent hours. It was promised that This is a case, a very extraordinary case, lot of people don’t have that ability and work for us, they are accountable to us, the training wage would provide greater involving police and a civilian death. we know that time and again, there are to the public and the public does have a “freedom” and “opportunities”, but the real Now most people believe that there are many cases that go unrecorded, that no say in how that system works. I wanted question is who benefits from this freedom safeguards in place, and process, and one hears about. to bring this forward to show that we and opportunity? Inexperienced and we put our trust in the process. Now, I feel this case is very important do have a voice, that one person can experienced workers alike have all felt the my experience has been that that process because it brings to the forefront of make a difference. My case has clearly negative impact of this legislation, while is very flawed, very biased and there the public eye what actually happens shown that there are serious flaws and I big businesses have reaped the numerous is definitely a thin blue line and they in these proceedings. If I did not bring think it’s important that the public talks rewards of the increased “freedom” and actually close rank. The public is not this forward, it would be just one more “opportunity” for further exploitation of aware of the seriousness of these flaws unrecorded, bad in custody death. My Continued on page 33 workers. and errors in the VPD.

16 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 17 Resist War! Resist Occupation!


MOBILIZATION AGAINST WAR AND OCCUPATION [email protected] FIRE THIS| www.mawovancouver.orgTIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October| 604-322-1764 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 19 Indigenous Struggles Skwelkwek’welt vs. Sun Peaks! The Struggle of Native People to Regain Their Stolen Land in British Columbia

By Aaron Mercredi march ended up at a higher point on the mountain, where a new Sun Peaks village and an 18-hole On August 29th, over two hundred golf course are in the process protestors marched on Sun Peaks of being built. At this location, Ski Resort, located 30 minutes the Skwelkwek’welt Defenders North of Kamloops, to rally began to build a foundation for against its continued expansion a building that would act as their on to Secwepemc (commonly monitoring centre. In a traditional known as Shuswap) territory. The way, Secwepemc people exercised demonstration, which brought out their rights to their land by felling indigenous people and supporters two trees to begin the construction from all over the country, brought of a permanent structure. attention to and built solidarity The structure will be used to with the struggle against the monitor environmental damage resort’s relentless expansion at Skwelkwek’welt, to inform and development on to unceded tourists and potential investors Secwepemc land. of the on-going land dispute, to The march stopped at various assert and exercise Secwepemc parts of the resort for speakers rights and title to their land by from different indigenous nations occupying it, and act as a cultural and solidarity groups to speak, centre. Rally against the continued expansion of Sun Peaks ski resort on Secwepemc territory, 29 August 2004. including at the entrance to How colonial expansion in Delta Hotels, which is one of Secwepemc land started government of BC in 1997 without $285 Million development. This and the development of Mount the main companies involved in the consultation of Secwepemc development now includes its Morrisey which had previously the expansion of the resort. The The $70 Million expansion of the people has been increased to a expansion to 20,000 bed units, been untouched. With utter resort that was approved by the disregard for Secwepemc rights and title to the land in question, this expansion would continue to destroy the natural habitat of the mountain area and continue to We’ll Just Keep Challenging infringe on Secwepmec land. Sun Peaks ski resort was originally purchased in 1992 by the Japanese holding company, Nippon Cable. Since then, the size and scope of It Over And Over Again the resort has expanded ten-fold from a capacity of 100 beds to 4000, along with other projects like the construction of an 18-hole Two Interviews with Skwelkwek’welt golf course. Secwepemc people never agreed to the construction or expansion of the ski resort, and have responded by building the Defenders, Janice Billy and Ska7cis Skwelkwek’welt Protection Centre to occupy their own land and put an end the illegal development. By Aaron Mercredi Since this began, more than 54 people have been arrested for defending the unceded territory, Janice Billy including youth and elders, and FTT: Last Friday, you and other members of more than 8 Secwepemc homes the Skwelkwek’welt Protection Centre were and traditional sweatlodges have in court in Vancouver. What was the issue at been destroyed by bulldozers. stake? Despite this, Secwepemc people have continued to fight back. Well, we were presented with an injunction and a trespass notice. The trespass came first, then The BC government has we went to court there were two things brought continued its colonial policy up: the injunction to remove us from where we towards indigenous nations like are, the trespass charge and the enforcement the Secwepemc, in spite of recent order to remove people. precedent-setting victories for FTT: Is it related to the protest rally that you indigenous people in the Canada’s had on August 29th? own colonial courts. Despite the recognition of inherent land rights Well, it’s not directly because it is an occupation of Aboriginal people as Aboriginal of our lands that we actually just started the title in the Delgamuukw case, and same day as the demonstration. the result of the Haida case, which FTT: What was the result of the court required provincial and private hearing? interests to have consent from and The judge granted the injunction and said that accommodate Aboriginal interests we had to leave immediately, I guess. And then before developing on Aboriginal she granted an enforcement order and said that territories, the BC government has we had to leave immediately, which was Friday Skwelkwek’welt Defender Janice Billy (middle). undermined the self-determination at around 4:30pm, when the judge made the of Secwepemc people and ignored decision. trespass notices, everything they give us. We the Swelkwek’welt defenders? their legal right and title to the area refuse to obey it. currently occupied by Sun Peaks. FTT: What impact will the court’s decision Well, it’s still there and it will stay there as FTT: Now that this injunction has been put have on Secwepemc people? Continued on page 20 in place, what is going to happen to this Well, we’ve refused to obey all injunctions, all Continued on page 20 Protection Centre currently being built by

18 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 19 Interview with Skwelkwek’welt Defender Ska7cis

From page 19 Ska7cis long as we keep it there. And if (Pronounced “Skasheesh”) people are willing to be arrested, FTT: As a young Secwepemc if that’s what it’s going to take person, why do you oppose the then we’ll just keep challenging it expansion of Sun Peaks ski over and over again in court and resort? by whatever other means we have. And it’s not a protection centre, To maintain our culture, to maintain it’s a monitoring centre. It’s also a our way of life. It’s just genocide. cultural learning centre because we It’s a third party extinguishment have people there, the elders, that of aboriginal title. That’s what it come up and the people there that comes down to. We can’t practice teach our youth and even the non- our right to occupy any land we Secwepemc people about our way want or cut any trees we want or of life, about the culture, about the hunt wherever we want. Right now environment, about our land rights, there’s the injunction that stops so it’s also an education centre too. us from doing that, right, it’s the beginning of extinguishing our FTT: How do the Secwepmec aboriginal title and the loss of our people plan on responding to this culture. That’s why I oppose it. injunction? FTT: What do you think the Well first of all, by refusing to obey effect of not only this injunction, it. Refusing to accept those laws but also the expansion of Sun that are imposed upon us. That is Peaks Ski Resort will have on the the first thing- we just absolutely future of Secwepemc people, the Skwelkwek’welt Defender Ska7cis (left). do not recognize them. We do not Secwepemc youth? recognize the BC Land Act that 9 square kilometres of Secwepemc Well, first of all it’s for the house. I don’t want it to be like that the trespass notice was issued Well, we’ve been here for 10,000 territory that the courts don’t want environment. It’s for the water. It’s here in Secwepemculecw where we under and we do not recognize the years, the Secwepemc people, us to occupy. They don’t want us to for the animals. It’s for the oxygen. have to pay for our own water, and assumed ownership of Sun Peaks and we’ll be here for 10,000 more be Indian in these areas. To have clean water, everyone eventually it might come to that if resort or the government of BC. years. And it’s displacement, right? should have the right to clean we keep on letting developments Basically that’s a “No Indian” FTT: Why do you think it’s And then, also looking at all other important for indigenous as water, because in Europe, for every happen like Sun Peaks, mass means of challenging those court zone now. It’s a “No go” zone. No glass of water you have to pay a tourism and mass logging. Indians allowed in the base land well as non-indigenous people to decisions imposed on us. support this struggle against Sun dollar. You go to a restaurant and FTT: Thank you. area of Sun Peaks which is 8.74 you pay a dollar for a glass of water FTT: Thank you, Janice. Peaks? hectares, right, so that’s just about and you pay for the water in your

RCMP arrest Skwelkwek’welt defender Henry Sauls, 21 September 2004. Fighting for Sovereignty

From page 19 be used by Secwepemc people. government’s long-standing On September 21st, the RCMP policy towards indigenous The struggle continues executed the court injunction and people, a policy of theft and enforcement order against the extinguishment, has been exposed. On September 3rd, members of the defenders at the camp, arresting The convergence at Sun Peaks ski Skwelkwek’welt Protection Centre three Secwepemc Nationals. resort on August 29th represented appeared in BC Supreme Court in Henry Sauls, George Manuel Jr., the importance of people uniting Vancouver after they received a and Arnie Jack have been charged against this policy, against Sun trespass notice from Sun Peaks with contempt of Civil Court Peaks and the BC government Resort. During the hearing, the order, and are to appear in Court who have been working together judge agreed to an interlocutory in Kamloops on November 15th, to undermine the sovereignty injunction by Sun Peaks that 2004. and borders of the Secwepemc ordered the defenders out of the The resilience of Secwepemc nation, and who have relied on base area occupied by the resort, brute force to act it out. With which would effectively remove people has been shown to the people of BC, Canada and the the level of anger and frustration them from their own land. This that exists over this colonial injunction was followed up by world. Since the Skwelkwek’welt defenders have taken on Sun dispute, uniting Secwepemc an enforcement order that would with other nations, indigenous give the RCMP the authority Peaks and the BC government, they have inspired acts of and non-indigenous people, and to arrest anyone who violates other people under attack by the that injunction. The defenders solidarity by indigenous and non-indigenous activists, from same BC government, in broad refused to leave, and continued to mass movement could directly ‘occupy’ their land despite police to Germany, building international solidarity against the challenge this theft of indigenous harassment. The monitoring land. centre that began to be constructed illegal occupation of their land. on August 29th remained next to With the current direct struggle SUN PEAKS OUT OF the 16th hole of the golf course to over Secwepemc land, the BC SKWELKWEK’WELT!

20 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 21 Students in Struggle Why Students and Youth Must Join the Protest Movement Against War and Occupation

By Nicole Burton development of oppressed people in North America as culturally, ethnically, and racially oppressed “In foreign countries the minorities, who began forming students have helped bring about their own organizations: the revolution-it was the students who Organization for Afro-American brought about the revolution in Unity, the Puerto Rican Young the Sudan, who swept Syngman Lords, the Black Panther Party for Rhee out of office in Korea, Self-Defense, and the American swept Menderes out in Turkey. Indian Movement. The students didn’t think in terms of the odds against them, and The foundations established they couldn’t be bought out. “ - during this era led to further Malcolm X, 1965 development of youth and students as a force necessary for change in Today, students and youth around society, capable of uniting across the world are becoming the nations, cultures and religions forefront of the movement against against imperialist forces that imperialist war and occupation. continue to plunder the planet Whereas in 2003, the global in an effort to save themselves upsurge against the war in Iraq from economic collapse. This marked for many the beginning of has led to the current era of their involvement in this struggle, war and occupation that we young people across continents now live in, where imperialist are becoming committed to nations like the US, UK, Canada, building this movement in their poor and working people looking for refusing to be drafted into the The student movement identified France and others have become campuses, cities and nations. This to find better jobs with a post- army. Thousands more deserted with oppressed people around increasingly desperate to find is the beginning of a clear-cut secondary education. their posts and left the country to the world, and worked to build new markets and battlegrounds radicalization of youth around While youth and children as avoid military service. a movement of international for economic survival. the world. In doing this, they young as seven were organizing The war in Vietnam became a solidarity - with them, by are developing themselves as an resistance in countries like the turning point for students around them, for them. This led to the Continued on page 22 advanced element in the anti-war Congo against the Belgians, and the world, polarizing campuses movement, educating, organizing Vietnam against the French and into heated discussions, crowded and mobilizing against the later the US, students within workshops and lecture halls, occupations of Iraq, Afghanistan, aggressor imperial nations began sit-ins and walkouts. In 1964, Palestine, and Haiti. looking to these passionate antiwar organizers, primarily How Students History of student and youth freedom fighters of the third based out of student groups on leadership world as an example of leadership. campuses, organized the first Alienated by the imperialist march against war on Washington, in a mobilization of 25,000 people are Exploited by - at this time, the largest antiwar demonstration in American history. These mobilizations the Canadian grew year by year, as news of the war reached home and more coffins came home draped in American flags. Pro-war support Educational and from poor and working people plummeted, and students began organizing with them, forming Financial Institutions student-worker organizations with demonstrations totaling over From page 1 with the average student’s tuition 1 million people. nearly doubling in the last three During this time in France, college by these attacks are students, years. This year alone BC students students of L’Universite Nanterre who are forced to deal with are watching angrily as their fees stormed their Dean’s office increased tuition as well as more rise by 15.6% with the average protesting the arrests of members exploitive working conditions. student paying $4,735 a year to of a Vietnam solidarity group. This is in contrast, to those who go to school. The momentum generated by are gaining off the oppression of According to an e-mail sent out these and other student organizers students, which is their employers, by Simon Fraser Student Society on campus led to the 1968 Paris the BC government and their (SFSS) “SFU Administrators School and university students protest US-led war on Iraq in capitalist financial institutions. Manchester, England, 20 March 2003. uprising, during which tens of have said that the reason behind thousands of students mobilized Tuition fees on the rise! the fee increase is a shortfall in support of a free Vietnam while in government funding for our The foundations of this nature of their own countries, When the BC liberals came to extending an arm of solidarity to university, and is expecting that phenomenon are grounded and frustrated by their own lack power in 2001 they promised to the working class, in an “outright there will be another funding as much within a historical of political power, students “Support the 5 per cent tuition rejection” of the conditions that gap for the next school year. That background as they are committed and youth of North America cut and tuition freeze and fully created imperialism, and the means that students at SFU can to the future that we as young and Europe began to develop fund it in the current fiscal year consequential conditions created look forward to yet another fee people are building. Students and politically. Ultimately many to offset costs to post-secondary for students and workers, from increase in 2005.” youth have led these movements young people concluded that institutes.” According to their overcrowded classrooms to since the 1950s, when resistance they had nothing in common with website this promise was kept, It is not only the SFSS who decreasing wages, to massive to colonialism across Africa, Asia imperialists and colonialists, who because during the 2001/02 are predicting these increases. unemployment and poverty. and Latin America gave rise to waged war around the world while school year tuition was cut by According to the BC government’s mass movements of oppressed attacking workers, minorities and This era of student organizing is 5%. However as post-secondary ‘Budget 2004’ website ‘post- people who began winning their women at home. In the US, a high characterized by a reassessment students across the province can secondary fees’ are set to increase independence, and destroying point of this awareness led to the of alliances for youth and students attest this promise was far from to provide revenue for a balanced the colonial empires built by now well-known draft resistance, in imperialist countries, who kept, and was violently broken budget. This ‘post-secondary the most powerful nations in the when young soldiers ultimately increasingly saw their leadership in 2002 when the BC liberals fees’ revenue was measured world. This came at a time when refused to do the dirty work of as that of Che Guevera over removed the provincial tuition at $440 million in 2000/01, is college and university campuses their governments any longer. Richard Nixon, and their flag as freeze that had been in place estimated at $713 million for in North America and Europe Between 1963 and 1973, over that of the Vietnamese liberation since the 1995/96 school year. this year (2004/2005), and is began opening their doors to more 9,000 young men were prosecuted fighters over the stars and stripes. Since 2002 tuition fees around the province have been skyrocketing, Continued on page 22

20 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 21 Young, Working, & Poor People Must Demand Free & Accessible Education for All

From page 21 government forming the largest wages, destabilizing workers, cabinet in BC history, costing over increasing tuition fees, etc. These projected to be $837 million in $3 million dollars to taxpayers. attacks must be seen as the same, 2006/2007. All this means that Campbell’s cabinet also gave as they are an over all offensive students will be faced with an themselves a $150 per day pay on the world’s working people by educational system that drives perk under the Capital City the ruling classes in an attempt to them into poverty and makes their Allowance, which basically gave stabilize their position in this time living standard even lower. The ministers a pay raise of about $11, of unstable economies. obvious result of these draconian 000 a year. However, in case of Canada the measures is that students’ debt Then in January 2002 the ruling class power is currently will increase even more and Liberal government announced becoming less and less stable will force thousands of students a 5% salary cut for its ministers, because their ability to make to quit their post-secondary attempting to show that they too Canadians feel like their education. Gordon Campbell’s were willing to make concessions government is representing Liberal government is creating with their wages. This measure their interests is slowly failing. a situation where students must however, was purely tokenistic Canadians across the country either accept the heavy burden and based on the way the pay cut can see and feel the attacks being of debt and payments for years to was scaled most ministers only waged against them and the attacks come, or colleges and universities had 3-3.5% of their six figure being waged on their sisters and will become accessible only to wage shaved off. brothers abroad. They can also middle class and rich students. If the BC government is see the widening economic gap Students are not alone – representative of the people of between themselves and those Everybody is under attack BC why are young and working who are supposedly representing These tuition fees increases British Columbians being forced them. This is leading to major must be seen in the context of to pay higher tuition, suffering dissatisfaction and potential for all the overall attacks on working, from wage cuts and job losses, students, workers and oppressed poor and marginalized people by while the government gets more people to come together to oppose the BC Liberals since coming to ministers and larger pay checks. the attacks being waged against power in 2001. Whether it was The answer is because the BC them both at home and abroad. the introduction of the $6 an government and governments What we need to demand and hour training wage in the name of across Canada are not representing what we need to fight for reducing youth unemployment, or the interests of majority of the As students in BC return to the fact that youth unemployment people in Canada. school this fall it is important that has risen since the implementation The attacks on students and we recognize the attacks being of the training wage, we can see Students in BC protest against tuition increases 6 February 2002. workers in BC and Canada are waged against us, and who our how youth and students are happening right now in the same co-fighters against these attacks facing severe economic worry context as the war on Iraq and must be. Looking at BC we must and uncertainty. This is coupled options are becoming more and and around the world young more limited as many job sectors people, students and workers are the occupation of Afghanistan. recognize the need to bring young, with the fact that in July 2003 Each of these attacks, wars and working and poor people together youth unemployment in BC are facing wage cuts, contracting coming under attack. out, and less job security. occupations are the imperialist as oppressed layers of society was the third highest in Canada In BC and Canada these attacks ruling classes attempts to and fight back by demanding that at 14.1%. Demonstrating how Why these attacks are represent a desperate capitalist maintain and further their power education be free and accessible unemployment-wise much of happening now? Why it isn’t ruling class and their government and capitalist interests. Right now for all people and an end to all Canada is in a better situation just the BC Liberals? who are trying to scrounge up capitalist economies are falling attacks on oppressed people at than BC. Although the Liberals have waged money in the name of ‘balancing into crisis around the globe. home and abroad! On top of this BC’s apprenticeship these cuts and attacks in BC, it the budget’ or ‘raising youth Imperialist governments are employment levels’. While it is Tamara Hansen is a second programs and youth summer is important to realize that these moving into third-world countries year student at Simon Fraser employment training programs attacks are not isolated to the clear, especially in BC that the to steal resources and cheap government itself is not willing University and the Copy Editor of have been cut. Disastrous changes BC Liberals or to the people of labour, as well as attacking people Fire This Time. were also made to the Employment British-Columbia. Across Canada to budget with the BC Liberal in their own country by lowering Standards Act, which gave more power to non-union employers by lowering the standards for hours of work, overtime, etc. The number of people employed Educate, Organize, Mobilize! by the government to insure that employment standards are met was also cut by one third. From page 21 Seoul, Mexico City, and Jakarta. Which gives employers more In Vancouver 10,000 people chance to exploit workers and go No to War in Iraq! mobilized in less than 24 hours unchecked. The student and youth-led notice, taking the Burrard Street Bridge and marching to the The undermining of workers movement against the war in Vietnam in the 1960s and 70s Vancouver Art Gallery, refusing rights and long-fought for gains to leave the streets until long have impacted students and young had remained unchallenged historically as the largest and after official “rallies” were people in a very serious way. With declared over. The leadership post-secondary prices increasing, most powerful mass movements the world had ever seen -- until taken by students and youth and many students being forced to in 1968 was based in the same take out student loans, job stability 2003. Across the world, millions mobilized months before the foundations as student and youth and job standards are increasingly leadership in March of 2003, and uncertain and deteriorating. bombing in Iraq began, with over 40 million marching together the movement as it continues to The BC Liberals attacks on during the global day of action on develop today. The axis of this workers and marginalized people February 15th. During this time, foundation of student and youth are connected to students in campus groups and cross-campus leadership is the political ability many ways, but mainly because networks appeared overnight, we have to lead movements with a large section of students are organizing and preparing for vision, determination, and above workers. With less standardized the encroaching day of US/UK all, hope. job training and a higher level invasion, or “day X”. Students In organizing against war and of youth unemployment, young and youth took immediate occupation, the tasks of all people are being forced into positions of leadership in the students and youth are those of ‘unskilled’ labour jobs where streets, postering cities top to leadership. While the US/UK they are easily replaceable, have bottom and speaking on tabletops occupation forces in Iraq continue little job security and suffer Students march against US-led war on Iraq in Madrid, in their campuses. to look for justifications to their from an absence of labour Spain, March 2003. plundering, our role takes place unions to represent them. The As “day X” arrived on March not only in the streets, but in our ‘unskilled worker’ label also gives 19th, 2003, students across that carries oppressed people in one voice demand: classrooms, campuses, lecture employers a good opportunity to North America --in high schools its leadership, including youth EDUCATE, ORGANIZE, halls and libraries-- educating, legitimize paying their workers especially-- organized walkouts and students, as well as women, MOBILIZE! less, and giving workers little to with classmates and faculty, organizing, and mobilizing workers, people of colour, people END THE OCCUPATIONS! no benefits while profiting off of canceling classes. Millions against all foreign intervention from the third world, immigrants their labour power. poured into the streets of San in Iraq. The responsibility we and refugees. Students and SELF-DETERMINATION FOR now carry is to develop ourselves youth alone have the capability IRAQ!! At this point, even graduating Francisco, New York City, London, Paris, Barcelona, politically in order to build a mass to develop such a movement, from post-secondary provides movement for self-determination unified across the world, and with little shelter to students whose 22 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 23 Reports on Local Events & Struggles Vancouver Demands: Hands Off Iraq!

By Nicole Burton for opposition to the brutal and day with news of the current war destructive attacks on the Holy being waged by US occupiers on city of Najaf by US forces. the Iraqi people and their holy On Saturday, August 28th, On this day, over 150 people sites, specifically the Imam Ali Mobilization Against War and Mosque. This was followed by Occupation continued their came out in the pouring rain to unify their voice, demanding Dr. Muzaffar Syed, a Pakistani- work to build a dynamic and Canadian Muslim community effective antiwar movement self-determination for the people of Iraq. Despite these conditions, leader who echoed the demand with a demonstration in the of Iraqis and spoke against the streets, demanding “The War is a diverse gathering of students, workers, women, people of ongoing war and occupation. This Not Over -- The Occupation in was expanded by Shiek Hasneyn, Not Over!”, “US/UK, HANDS colour, as well as several prominent members of the who emphasized that we win our OFF IRAQ!” This event marked demands by unifying. This was both the continuing need to Muslim community made for a dynamic and powerful event. The especially relevant on August organize against occupation after 28th, as people across cultures, the supposed “Handover” of program began with Vancouver City Counselor Tim Louis, a religions and communities sovereignty on June 28th, as well came together -rain or shine- in as addressing the immediate need longtime activist and fighter for social justice, who opened the solidarity with the Iraqi people. Under The Volcano, Festival of Culture and Resistance An Interview with Meegan Maultsaid

By Kira Koshelanyk For other people, coming to Volcano more interesting were the titles provides them that opportunity so and themes of the workshops, MAWO organizer Min Kyou speaking at August 28th rally they’ll read the program, they’ll like “Women’s Resistance to against the US-led occupation of Iraq. Meegan Maultsaid has been one of go like “Oh, there’s a protest at Illegal Occupation” “The Empire the central organizers of Under the Sun Peaks I didn’t now that” and Strikes: Coups, Embargos and Volcano (UTV), the annual festival then they can contextualize and Imperialist Interventions.” There Shiela Patterson of the Peace IRAQ!” This was then followed of culture and resistance in North understand what’s going on and was an obvious focus on anti- and Justice unit of the Anglican by an inspiring speech by Min Vancouver, for ten years. She is also understand why the protest at Sun imperialist politics this year, am I church, now well-known as a Kyou Park, an organizer with a main organizer of Vancouver’s Peaks is going on or what’s going on right? Why? powerful speaker at many of MAWO and student from Korea. annual Rock for Choice Music within other sovereigntist struggles. Meegan: I think every year by Festival and Conference. Fire This MAWO’s recent demonstrations, Min Kyou explained his reasons default the workshops and the Time had the opportunity to sit down FTT: One of the very interesting gave a moving speech in for getting involved in the programming are anti-imperialist. In with Meegan and ask her some and important political aspects of solidarity with all oppressed antiwar movement only months the winter the group of people gets questions about this year’s Under UTV this year was the organizing people fighting for their before, with the deployment of the Volcano festival and its future. of many forums and workshops humanity, and condemned the South Korean soldiers to Iraq. on different political issues. Even Continued on page 27 FTT: First, I’d like to congratulate leaders of powerful imperialist This was followed by Shamas you on 15 years of Under the nations in their attempt to confuse Umedaly of the Muslim Volcano and having maintained and divide them around world. community, who gave an this connection of resistance and Brother Khosro, representative inspiring speech against US culture. For 15 years, UTV has of the United Muslim Alliance aggression in Iraq. The last of the brought the culture and art of brought the struggle for Iraqi day’s speakers was Mike Krebs of resistance to the people of the independence into a historical lower mainland. What is the idea the Blackfoot nation, a member context, linking it for the struggle of Mobilization Against War and behind connecting culture, art of oppressed people in Africa and struggle? Occupation, and the SFU First organizing against colonialism. Meegan: I think the important Nations Student Society. Mike Victor Finberg of the executive made the essential link of US thing about Under the Volcano of the Vancouver-Kingsway NPD is that during the year within the and Canadian aggression abroad spoke next, urging that opposition with the 500 year struggle of larger movement people kind of to war and occupation must lead operate by themselves a lot. They Indigenous peoples of North have their network of people who to effective action in building a America for the right to manage are their tightest allies, and they’ll movement. MAWO organizer and govern themselves. do a conference and bring together Syed Asif Ali Shah then took some groups but maybe that doesn’t the stage, and with passion and Finally, amidst cheers of appeal to or reach out to other determination, condemned the support, Allison Bodine, a communities. attacks on Iraq, linking them with student organizer with MAWO The thing about Volcano that is imperialist attacks happening and Coalition Against War on so positive is that, because it’s a around the world - from Pakistan the People of Iraq (CAWOPI) larger environment and there’s so to Cuba. Chaudhry Sannulah, at UBC, and a member of much room for individual art, and vice-president of Pakistan- Youth-Third World Alliance, also with editorials in the program Canada Association, gave a led the crowd in a resolution, there’s always different ways for truly inspirational address to the condemning the continued war, people to participate. It enables the current struggle against injustices occupation and devastation of larger activist community to come in Iraq, and linking it to a future US and UK forces. August 28th together in that space. Anyone who of peace that we all are working made turned these needs into a has any kind of analysis knows that reality for Vancouver’s antiwar every year there are 8 or 10 or 12 hot towards. topics that need to be brought to the movement, bringing many After several chants led by different people together for the forefront and that information needs MCs Shannon Bundock and to be brought out to people outside goal of achieving one powerful, Nicole Burton, MAWO co-chair unified voice, that demands: of our own communities. We follow and student at Langara, Kira what goes on in activist culture and Koshelanyk rose to the stage. Kira US/UK: OUT OF IRAQ! SELF- resistance culture. That’s part of our DETERMINATION FOR IRAQ day-to-day lives. led the crowd in more chanting: “US/UK OUT!!”, “HANDS OFF NOW! Meegan Maultsaid.

22 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 23 ‘The People of Iraq will be Liberated’ Two Speeches from August 28th Rally Against War and Occupation Kira Koshelanyk were not given their share of this war. MAWO co-chair To all imperial nations you are Thank you Nicole, and thank the essence of war. You kill you for warming everyone the people of the third-world. up because I think I might be You killed Pakistan, you killed asking you some questions, Venezuela, you killed Saudi and I’m expecting you to Arabia, you killed Afghanistan, answer. The first thing that and you killed Palestine. You I wanted to say is that I’ve are killing the human beings; noticed that people in Canada you are working against and people in Vancouver human beings. There are no appear to be affected by rain. ethics, there is no morality, It seems that some times it and there are no Geneva makes them stay home. conventions. You are killing Well I was wondering, would the human beings. people in Iraq stay home I will salute the freedom because of rain? (NO!) fighters of Iraq who are Would people in Iraq stay fighting for self-dignity and home because of heat? (NO!) honor, and for the resources of Have they stayed home at their country. I will salute the all since their country was freedom fighters of Palestine invaded in 2003? (NO!) who are fighting against the imperialist power of Israel the Have they stayed home at all pampered child of America. I in the last three weeks when salute Fidel Castro of Cuba, they were under siege in who during tough times Najaf? (NO!) defended the freedom of his No, they mobilized, they fought MAWO co-chair Kira Koshelanyk speaking at August 28th rally against the US-led nation and is standing against back, and they marched by the occupation of Iraq. Imperialism. thousands to meet with their We MAWO will mobilize the brothers and sisters in Najaf. of third-world countries; we’re The United States of America people of Iraq. people of this country; we will Why is that? Because they going to see more attacks on and the UK invaded Iraq, and I’m telling the people of America educate the students against know that the occupation is the people of the world. It they are continually bombing imperialism. With the efforts not over. It has not been over that the people of Iraq are not is our human obligation, it is the cities of Najaf, Fallujah your enemies; your enemies of MAWO with the circle of since it started, never-mind the our job and our responsibility, and other cities in Iraq. Bush, freedom fighters, with the June 30th transfer of power. are the capitalists and the we have to organize and before going to war told the elite class of your country. I efforts of these peace loving It’s not over because they can mobilize, and connect with world that there were weapons will not applaud the next prime people, the people of Iraq feel it, every second of every people all over the world who of mass destruction in Iraq. I minister of Canada. I will not will be liberated, the people am asking Bush, what are you applaud the prime minister of of Palestine will be liberated, dropping on the cities of Iraq? France. I will not applaud the and the indigenous people of Are you dropping fragrance of prime minister of Germany. If Canada will have their rights. flowers? No, you are dropping they are not in this war, it is not I have the message of MAWO I’m telling the weapons of mass destruction because they love humanity, on the people of Iraq. Before the key to living is freedom, it was not because they love and the key to freedom is going to war Bush told the peace. It was because they world that there is a democracy coming. people of America in Afghanistan, and that there “ will be democracy in Iraq. I am telling Bush that we that the people of have seen your democracy in Afghanistan; we have seen your democracy in Iraq. We’ve Iraq are not your seen how you humiliated the people of Iraq in Abu Ghraib prison. How you deal with the people of Afghanistan, 3,000 enemies! Afghan people were held in containers and they all died of suffocation. day, with bullets and bombs are under attack. We need Mr. Bush if you are looking for and air strikes, attacks on their to educate and spread the weapons of mass destruction, homes and holy places. They word. And most of” all we need go to Israel, Israel is in the can feel it especially because to echo the demands of the possession of 360 nuclear of the 160,000 occupying demonstrations that we saw weapons. Israel used the troops that they see on their in Iraq last week. We need deadly chemical weapons streets everyday. to echo the demonstrations against Arabs in 1948. Israel I want to finish actually, pretty that we see in Iraq this week. used these deadly chemical quickly and then start chanting And every week since the war weapons against Palestinians with you, because I think that began, and every week as this in the first Intifada in 1989. war goes on. with all this rain, and all this Israel is the pampered dampness we’re probably And those demands are US/ child of the United States pretty cold. UK Out! Hands Off Iraq! Self- of America and the UN is I wanted just to let everyone determination Now! doing nothing. The UN is know that we need to keep helping the imperial powers to an eye on the people of Iraq. establish imperialism. The UN We need to watch them Syed Asif Ali Shah is helping the colonial powers because we need to follow MAWO organizer to make neo-colonialism in the their example. We need to world. It is a great injustice organize, we need to mobilize, Ladies and Gentlemen that an agent of the CIA, Allawi we need to get up and we need welcome to our rally. We are is now prime minister of Iraq; it working for peace, and we is a great injustice that Hamid to stay up. Because this era of MAWO organizer Syed Asif Ali Shah speaking at August war and occupation is not over, are against imperialism. Our Karzai is the prime minister of it’s only just beginning. We’re subject is humanity, and our Afghanistan against the wishes 28th rally against the US-led occupation of Iraq. going to see more invasions duty is peace. of the people of Afghanistan, against the wishes of the

24 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 25 In Solidarity with Cuba and Venezuela Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba Holds Successful Conference

By Kira Koshelanyk The section on Venezuela was opened with a showing of Marta Harnecker’s film “With the Poor On August 21st, 2004 Vancouver of the Earth”. The film shows Communities in Solidarity with the struggle of the Venezuelan Cuba (VCSC) held its first people to maintain their president conference titled “Cuba and Hugo Chavez despite imperialist Venezuela in the Era of War intervention and internal pressure and Occupation: Why the US is from the reactionary oligarchy. This targeting Cuba and Venezuela (and was followed by a presentation by what you can do about it)”. The Marysol Torres of the Vancouver conference linked the attacks on Internationalist Bolivarian Circles the sovereign nations of Cuba and on Venezuela’s history of struggle Venezuela with the ongoing era of against imperialist domination. imperialist war, occupation and She also spoke of her personal destruction. The event also lived up experiences as a Venezuelan- to its name by including dynamic Canadian and the Venezuelan discussion on the role of oppressed people’s inspiring organization and people in Vancouver and Canada action in defence of their rights. taking action in solidarity with the Torres presentation was followed Cuban and Venezuelan people. by a political discussion on the US At the IWA hall, surrounded by goals in supporting the reactionary VCSC’s banners and slogans of opposition in Venezuela and “Against the new US aggression!” the importance of following the “End Imperialist Intervention Venezuelan people’s example of in Latin America” “Hands Off political preparation. In 2002, Cuba!” and Cuban and Venezuelan when there was a US-backed coup flags, the conference was opened against Chavez, the Venezuelan by Vancouver City Councillor, people were ready for action and Tim Louis. Louis spoke of the mobilized to bring him back within referendum in Venezuela which 48 hours. The people of Venezuela had happened only six days earlier demonstrated their strength again th FTT coordinator Shannon Bundock (l) speaking at Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba and how it was a major victory, not in the August 15 referendum and only for people in Venezuela, but are leading with the oppressed and Conference with conference MC and VCSC Coordinator Tamara Hansen (r), 21 August 2004. for all working people around the the poor of the world against the film shows the Cuban people’s break Cuba’s government and then gave the political presentation world. He also linked the struggle new era of imperialist aggression fight to improve their lives in Cuba people because to the last breath, on Cuba. in Venezuela to that of Cuba and and intervention. under the oppressive US economic they are with Fidel and he is the the US’ role in trying to overthrow In her opening Bundock explained The second half of the program blockade. The film shows Cuban manifestation of their will to fight both governments that are a symbol the importance of the Cuban was opened with the film “Desafio” people explaining that the US for dignity and humanity. Shannon of progress and hope for people in peoples historic struggle for (“Challenge”). The Cuban made will have no success in trying to Bundock, an organizer with VCSC, Latin America. dignity and independence. She also explained why the US is targeting Cuba and the role of Cuba as a leader for the people of the world against oppression, war, occupation and imperialism. Cuba in the Era of Imperialist The discussion on Cuba was as lively as that on Venezuela as many expressed their different views about the era of war and occupation and its effect on Cuba. War and Occupation Examining Cuba’s situation today in the context of the era of war and occupation is crucial in What We Can Learn From Revolutionary Cuba understanding its relevance and importance. The discussion also delved into why the US is so Presentation by Shannon Bundock Cuban embargo did hurt the Cuban a crime is whatever Castro wants it with this article running in the interested in Cuba and why it has at the Vancouver Communities economy but only marginally.” He to be. He has criminalized not only National Post - later we can go into insisted on attacking the island for in Solidarity with Cuba (VCSC) says, “Castro’s economic miracle the discussion of human rights but that a bit further as well. fifty years. Even more interesting is conference, “Cuba and Venezuela was always a hoax. His rhetoric also the discussion of the economy; First of all, as far as the US in how the Cuban people have fought in the Era of War and Occupation” never succeeded to either exhort or not only letters of complaint to the particular, the US really intervened back and defended themselves. August 21st, 2004 inspire Cubans to participate for the international press but letters of heavily in the nation of Cuba in the This aspect of the discussion was an I want to thank you for coming cause of socialism.” He says on complaint to the Cuban government. late 1890’s after a war with Spain. important natural development and today and I hope that my talk here the blockade, “The US embargo did It is a crime to visit a friend or The US began an agenda of making it became clear that the struggle of not eviscerate the Cuban economy, relative in a neighboring jurisdiction today will help to explain and do Cuba a leisure spot for American the Cuban people was understood justice to the topic and look at Castro’s policies did.” “Cubans without government permission.” tourists, using it for plundering now consume less food than before And finally he concludes with as our own as well. the Cuban revolution not only cheap Cuban sugar and for using st an accomplishment as for Cuban the revolution. And less food than “Sadly, none of this matters to Cuba as a military base. In fact in The conference on August 21 people, but also an accomplishment citizens of any other Latin American Castro’s supporters. For them, no 1902, the Platt Amendment, wrote was another important step toward for the interest of working people country.” amount of suffering by the Cuban into the Cuban constitution the basis building the unity of people in people can wipe away the romantic and oppressed people everywhere. “As for the Revolution’s great gains for Guantanamo Bay. Article five of Vancouver with oppressed people myth of the Cuban Revolution.” worldwide. It is clear that VCSC’s What the enemy says about US in health and literacy, those, too, that [the Platt Amendment] says “To are public-relations shams. Castro And you read this and you think… enable the United States to maintain approach to organizing consistently Before I begin, I want to share a declared illiteracy to be eradicated ”Well, maybe we shouldn’t be the independence of Cuba, and to and effectively is necessary couple things with you that I read in 1961, after a one-year Great biased.” protect the people thereof, as well as in building a Cuban solidarity in the National Post on July 9th. Campaign that ended ‘four centuries A little bit of history for its own defense, the Government movement in Vancouver and that In this particular issue, there were of ignorance.’ Health care is good of Cuba will sell or lease to the it is a successful method. The a few articles on Cuba. The one in Cuba, but only for tourists and Maybe after I present, and in the United States lands necessary for conference on August 21st showed I want to read from is titled “The the government elite, who want for context of what we heard about coaling or naval stations, at certain that only through expanding the revolutionary myth that won’t nothing. The poor do not have access the Cuban revolution through [the specified points, to be agreed upon solidarity and sympathy of people die” and is written by Lawrence to good hospitals, or to almost any film] Desafio, we can discuss Mr. with the president of the United in Vancouver toward the Cuban Solomon, the executive director drug - unless they carry dollars.” Solomon’s attacks on Cuba a little States.” and Venezuelan people and all of the right wing institute Urban more in depth. oppressed people internationally Renaissance. Throughout the article “An estimated 100,000 are now So Cuba for the next 50 years after Right now I’m going to begin with a will we be able to unite and prevail Solomon attacks Cuba on a series imprisoned - 500,000 in all since this, from 1902 to about 1952, which bit of a historical basis for the US’s of fronts and I hope we can keep the 1959, with thousands executed, was when the coup d’etat in which over those who attack us. attack in particular on Cuba. And points he raises in mind, when we according to human rights Batista took power happened, Cuba what is interesting here is putting United in Solidarity with Cuba! discuss the current situation of Cuba. agencies.” this in a bit of a Canadian context In this article Solomon says, “… the And the last couple here, “In Cuba, Continued on page 26 United We Will Win!

24 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 25 From page 25 after the OAS pressured by the US, expelled Cuba from the organization Onward to Victory! The Struggle to Advance and that followed the defeat of US went through a series of US backed invaders at the Bay of Pigs. After presidents and administrations. this Fidel gave a speech titled “The In this period the US controlled 2nd Declaration of Havana” where something like 70% of Cuba. he asked and answered the question: the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela And in these conditions Cubans “Why does the US fear Cuba?” became increasingly hostile to US Here are a couple excerpts of what intervention as a result of poverty, he said, An excerpt from Marysol Torres’s to $17.47 per barrel in 1999. OPEC objective was to destabilize the as a result of exploitation, as a result presentation at the Vancouver then introduced a price of $30.28 per country by creating a civil war of clearly seeing the plundering “What is it that is hidden behind Communities in Solidarity with barrel on that occasion. because people did not have food, and exploitation of their economy, the Yankees hate of the Cuban Cuba (VCSC) conference, “Cuba Since Chavez has been in power, gasoline or gas to cook. resources and people at the hands Revolution? What is it that rationally and Venezuela in the Era of War Cuba has been receiving oil. Cuba The opposition groups took the oil of pleasure seekers, and at the hands explains the conspiracy, uniting for and Occupation” of US corporations. There were the same aggressive purpose the had been excluded from the group refineries so that no supplies of strikes during this period as well most powerful and rich imperialist August 21st, 2004 of countries covered by the San Jose gasoline were delivered. Farmers and organization that was successful power in the contemporary world The uprising of the Venezuelan agreement formed by the Caribbean could not sell their produce to the at kicking out a few of Batista’s and the oligarchies of an entire people in 1988 took place because countries to receive oil from market. There was no milk, no flour, predecessors, a few of the reactionary continent, which together are the people rejected the neo-Liberal Venezuela and from Mexico. Chavez and no products for people to buy at leaders. In 1952 things got polarized suppose to represent a population agenda that was taking hold also created the program called ‘Oil the supermarket. A lot of stores were to such a point and the conditions of three hundred fifty million human of the country. Spontaneously, for the People’ whose objective is to told to remain closed because the got so unstable in Cuba, and much beings, against a small country without leaders, people all trade to other countries, food or raw owners of the commercial centres of the organizing was being directly of only seven million inhabitants, throughout the nation took to the materials for industry. For example, would not open the malls. targeted against US intervention, economically underdeveloped, streets to demonstrate against the for Italy there is a trading exchange Oil production remained closed and as a result the US called upon without financial or military means unacceptable increase in gasoline for house construction. For because the opposition leaders had Batista himself to come to power to threaten nor the security nor the prices, the privatization of education Argentina, Venezuela is exchanging control. They flew to Miami and and take over the nation. And in ’52 economy of any other country?” and other things. oil for agricultural products and from Miami they changed the codes that happened in a coup d’etat. The dairy products. “What unites them and stirs them What did the government do then? of the computers in the refineries to conditions that led the US to call on up is fear. Not fear of the Cuban It used the army to massacre those The opposition also had plans. The stop production. The crude was left Batista, also led to more widespread Revolution; the fear of the Latin who dared to disagree with such main union federation deterred the in containers and it was lost and also and stronger anti-imperialist, anti- American revolution. Not fear of Indigenous workers strike together the facilities were lost. US and anti-Batista organizing. plans. Human rights groups never the workers, peasants, students, with the Chamber of Commerce. These conditions is where Fidel and condemned the actions. There was The people started to react and they intellectuals and progressive The strike had been going for about other young Cubans, and people the media... where was the media? went to the refinery to control it. The layers of the middle strata which a month when the coup happened. like Che Guevara - internationals, Perhaps it was playing cartoons? opposition people who were there by revolutionary means have The opposition had been planning began to organize the July 26th at that time escaped. The people taken power in Cuba; but fear that I was in Venezuela then. I was and it came to April 11th, 2002. Movement. Between their first the workers, peasants, students, running away, looking for my started to take control but it took attack on Moncada, which was only intellectuals and progressive son, I didn’t know where to go. a year after Batista came to power, sectors of the middle strata will, by Everything was a traffic jam. There and the overthrow of Batista in 1959, revolutionary means take power in was shooting everywhere. The taxi the Cuban people had developed the oppressed and hungry countries drivers stopped and said, ‘What a revolutionary movement that exploited by the Yankee monopolies are you doing in the middle of the directly opposed the interest of US and reactionary oligarchies of street?’ I said, ‘I’m trying to go imperialism and successfully kicked America; fear too that the plundered US imperialism out of Cuba. home.’ And he said, ‘OK, jump in people of the continent will seize and lay down and don’t get up. If I US vs. Cuba the arms from their oppressors and get killed, just stay there.’ declare themselves, like Cuba, free This was a serious set back for US people of America.” Luckily, he passed through, I just imperialism in all of Latin America. heard the shooting, and finally I was As a well as a set back for imperialist This I think shows that from the home safely and my son was there. nations generally, as it promised and beginning, from 1962 until today, delivered a program and strategy Cuba understood, and the US Chavez for President! which rid the nation of foreign understood that their relationship When Chavez came to power in domination. Concretely what this wasn’t just a nation-to-nation 1998, in that election, he won by meant is that US allies fled from relationship. Their relationship 85% of the vote. Among his highest Cuba; the Batistas, the elites and was within the context of Latin priorities was to strengthen OPEC the former ruling class. As we talked America, it was within the context and raise the international prices about before, some of the differences of US interests in oppressed nations. of oil. Oil had dropped to less than Marysol Torres (r) speaking at Vancouver Communities in between the process in Venezuela As that interest has developed, $10 a barrel. He was not as radical Solidarity with Cuba Conference with conference MC and versus Cuba, is that in Cuba this so has that relationship and so as he was in 2001 when he executed VCSC Coordinator Tamara Hansen (l), 21 August 2004. was a mass-kicking-out within a has that objective - the serious the land reform, reform of the laws very short period of time, of the objective of overthrowing the Cuban of fishing, banks, hydrocarbon laws opposition. Not that minor elements government. and others. They underestimated the power of almost two months for Venezuelans didn’t remain of course. US strategy the people. When the people started to get control of that because these The neighbours of Venezuela got to realize what happened, they people were threatening the truck What it meant too, was that major The US has attacked Cuba to a high percentage of the revenues started gathering. drivers and were putting nails on the US sugar and cattle companies, meet this objective using many from the oil and the Venezuela floor so that tires went flat and they which owned a lot of the land were strategies since 1959. We’ve heard government only got 16%. When the There was no media informing the affected by some of the very first couldn’t travel. of these strategies many times. In the law was changed, the government people. There was a national and acts after the revolution. Through beginning with increasing hostility; started to receive 30%, so that was international information blackout. Many cargoes that were sent to Agrarian Reform and redistribution the secret training of Cuban exiles a big change. No information was being given different countries because of the of land, which was a direct defense in the US; hundreds and hundreds to the people. A group of women quotas were returned mid-way against the policies of these of assassination attempts on Fidel President Chavez did not accept gathered together and went to where back to the Venezuelan ports companies and their pressure trying Castro. I’m sure people have read any loans from the International the national TV station was and made by opposition generals. It was a to defeat what had been gained by political cartoons about exploding Monetary Fund (IMF) because he the opposition who were there leave. nightmare. Venezuelans didn’t have the revolution. All these measures cigars etc. But there are assassination rejected the conditions; like reducing They took over, called the national equipment at that time. As a result, taken after the revolution, again attempts that have happened that are the budget to social programs and guard and called the technicians so the government started to open small were a direct response to attacks, for documented in CIA evidence. There subsidies to agriculture or local the channel started to work. markets in all the different places in example when the US oil refineries industry. This was more radical than are the economic attacks in 1960, A great soldier who met Chavez in Venezuela so that farmers could were refusing to process Soviet oil of reducing sugar imports and in the government of the US could bring their products directly to those and the US boycott of Cuban sugar, accept. prison at that time asked Chavez 1962 of completely boycotting to write a letter and he went to the places. They sold it to the people at which began within a couple years of Cuban sugar, which is a base of affordable prices so everyone could the revolution. Chavez traveled around the world station, risked his life to get there, their economy. In 1962 there was after approving the new constitution. to fax the letter. So he faxed it to buy food at low prices, especially in From the beginning, with these very the imposition of a full, what the The opposition never agreed to Cuba and to other fax numbers that low-income places. first steps the objective of the US US called “embargo”, which was these changes. The following year Chavez had given to him. When the Chavez told a story of a woman who in this was to overthrow the Cuban the still standing blockade. There President Chavez spent much news came out on Venezuelan TV he met. She had a wooden bed and government. They were hoping was also the bombing raids in 1961, time travelling to both OPEC Channels, Venezuelans gathered the days that she didn’t have gas to there was the use of chemical and that immediately through as much countries and non-OPEC countries in masses. They went to the hills cook she took the pieces from her biological weapons against people pressure and attack as they could to consolidate their commitment in Caracus to stand in front of the bed and burned them and cooked and against crops in Cuba. There put on, that this could be successful. to constrain oil production and palace and started to demand that food. was the Bay of Pigs invasion - which I’ll get into how they actually went to convince them to attend the Chavez be re-instated. through that strategy and how this I am going to go into a bit more second ever gathering of the OPEC People were desperate but they knew is related to what we are doing deeply. There is the US directing summit, which was held in Caracus The opposition had failed; the power they had to be strong and win the the Organization of American States today. This was actually a very long- on September 27th, 2000. Chavez of the people had won again. battle again because it was another to expel Cuba. There is the October standing objective of US imperialism opened and hosted the second OPEC After the coup attempt... the coup. Missile Crisis. There is the Helms- in relation to Cuba. To overthrow the summit. struggle continues By the middle of last year, the Burton Act, which is also referred Cuban government is the objective Venezuelan oil sector had not today and has been since 1959. to and titled “Cuban Liberty and Some of OPEC’s members, such as Then in December of 2002, the Democratic Solidarity Act” of 1996. Mexico and Russia, were increasing president decided to change the only recovered, but Chavez also Politically to understand what And then there is the case of Elian production considerably, further directors of the oil company who mentioned that in the short future the Cuban revolution meant for Gonzales which we saw Cuban driving down the price of oil. were running such an important it would be offering greater imperialism in 1959 we must put it in people mobilizing against in the film Chavez basically got both OPEC and business as their own private products, not only crude oil. the international context. What can Desafio. The Elian Gonzales case be used to explain that pretty clearly non-OPEC oil producing countries property. Again, the main union was a huge political attack against is in the 2nd declaration of Havana, to reduce production or abide by organizations, the Chamber of which is a speech that Fidel gave the OPEC market quota. The price Commerce and the oil companies Continued on page 29 Continued on page 30 rose from $12.28 per barrel in 1998 declared an indefinite strike. The

26 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 27 people there. It’s very important at Under the Volcano that young people participate not Students and Youth, Fight War and just by being there, but by helping direct how the festival evolves. Lots of the volunteers are young people and I think it can be an entry point. They come and they’re like “Oh, there’s bands and it’s cool” but there’s a deeper meaning behind the project and that Occupation! Join Mawo! empowers them too. Also, we know that people in Vancouver and By Nicole Burton the Lower Mainland look forward to Under the Volcano, they wait for it all year. It sort of recharges their batteries and provides From the initial invasion and war to the people with the opportunity to network transition to occupation, and then to the with each other and for the groups that are handover of “sovereignty,” occupation there, it gives people the opportunity to talk forces have had no legitimacy in Iraq. about the work that they’re doing and the Justifications for this brutality, ranging campaigns that they’re working on. We also from fighting terrorism to liberating the want to be an inspiration so younger people can start their own projects. Maybe someone Iraqi people, are entirely false. This is will look at UTV and say “Wow, I can do a truth seen in the homes of every Iraqi that” maybe on a smaller scale, but Volcano family, the facilities in every empty school, started smaller too. So that’s the challenge the halls of every ransacked hospital and with younger people, to bring them into our museum. project but hopefully to inspire them to take Iraq has become one picture in the what they’ve learned through working on the festival and apply that to other events in their gallery of countries invaded, plundered, own community. and destroyed by imperialism. It is the second country in 3 years to have been FTT: I’m also curious about something. pre-emptively attacked in the US-led Of course, another great aspect of UTV is the music, and I have to say, it was “War on Terror”. And with the people excellent this year. I know you have a lot of Afghanistan, as well as Haiti, Iraq to do with that, how do you do it? must now experience its occupiers’ endorsing members, including student a movement that fights for jobs, health notion of “democracy”: Thousands dead, unions, student groups, labour unions, care and students’ rights: a movement in Meegan: So much research and more communities demolished, millions out of organizations of women, indigenous solidarity with the people of Iraq, who and more research, goes into selecting the organizations, immigrants and refugees demand self-determination. We must echo music. I’ve worked on the programming of work and fighting the occupation of their the music since the beginning and it’s been country to defend their basic needs, and groups, and groups of people from the this as students and young workers here third world. We work tirelessly with in Canada who are fighting for the same my forte. In the last few years we developed rights-- the very first thing from which a programming committee so that we have they were “liberated”. communities and campuses across things. More than any other group in the someone for each stage; I do most of the Vancouver to build a dynamic, strong, antiwar movement, students and youth In this era of war and occupation, we main-stage programming. The first seed is a and effective anti-war movement, against understand the importance of fighting for lot of research. Talking to a lot of artists and should not treat the US’ brutal behavior the occupations of Afghanistan, Palestine, the right to determine their own future. This people we’ve had in the past. as if it were an isolated incident. The Haiti, and Indigenous land in Canada. As is the struggle every Iraqi is now a part of, bombing of civilians, the torture of Iraqis For example we had these guys from LA, well, the most important task for us today as they continue to successfully beat back they’re like a Chicano Zapatista inspired in Abu Grahib and other prisons and the is to connect with Iraq’s anti-occupation the strongest military power in the world. destruction of Iraq’s internal structure hard core hip-hop group and I keep in touch movement, as it is one of the largest and We must support them by developing a with them and I might ask them if there are is systematic and determined to crush most powerful movements in the world movement led by people here in Canada-- other groups that are in their community resistance to imperialism around the fighting against war and destruction. a movement that develops and strengthens who might be interesting for the festival. world. So we use the network that we’ve already Understanding this, it becomes our central us in our fight. United across borders, Mobilization Against War and Occupation cultures, and religions, against war and created and throughout the year I flag stuff role to build the movement, and continue I see that’s interesting. I just saw a show (MAWO) is Vancouver’s dynamic and to expose US strategy in Iraq as the occupation, we will build this movement that puts Iraq and all oppressed people of on CBC about this woman who was in the most active organization building for same face in a different mask. With this “Little Rock 9”, one of the first groups of social justice around the world. MAWO we expose the complete injustice that the world in a better position in the global black children to attend white schools and is a coalition of over 50 different is the entire Iraq occupation, and build human struggle for social justice. already I was like, “Oh I’m going to invite her to speak”. So pretty much right through the year we’re planning and thinking about people we see or hear about and we check out other events too. We do get some Interview with Meegan Maultsaid Continued submissions, but it’s rare that we book through submissions, because those who submit are more apolitical. And they just From page 23 FTT: From performers and speakers on the and I mean that is something that we struggle want to come because they think it might be stages and in workshops to organizers and with. When you come to volcano you’re like, “cool” and that’s not what Volcano’s about. crew, women held important positions of “It’s so well organized”, but you don’t see the together and we discuss what could be an over- leadership in the festival. Do you agree with craziness and it’s actually this disjointed thing The programming begins in September/ arching theme. We want to choose something my observation? Was it a conscious effort? that just gels beautifully on the day of the October and we develop the program over that can be broad enough to encompass a lot festival. It is hard in some ways to bring in new the winter and it is usually wrapped up by of different campaigns and movements that are Meegan: I definitely agree with the observation. people because we sort of have a model and the April of the following year. Those guys going on. Of the crew of people who worked on Under the from Montreal, Euphrates, I’ll keep in Volcano this year there were 8 people in the core way we’ve tried to branch out more is to have This year we took into account the current touch with them and ask them if they know group, 3 of which were men (2 men and 1 trans) certain parts of the festival done by committees climate of post-9/11 and global capitalism. people in their community who might be and 5 are women. I don’t think it’s a conscious or get submissions or suggestions by groups in This has a long thread through history and we interesting for next year not necessarily hip effort. It hasn’t been a conscious decision to the community. wanted to tie it in with the historical context hop but people in their community. It’s nice involve more women on our part. It grows and FTT: Every year thousands of young people and then bring it into the present with examples to book some who are more well known, evolves as people come and go. There’s always attend UTV, with this exposure to social like the war on Afghanistan, or the war in Iraq, like the Gossip. They’re political anyway, been a strong feminist slant to the festival and justice politics and organizing, what role does stuff that’s going on in Haiti. I mean there but they’re well known and they serve a that has strengthened over the years because the festival play for young people in the lower are things that are obviously fomenting right particular demographic, and it was sort of a some of the women who have come into the mainland? now and I think that the anti-imperialist slant coup to get them. project are ardent feminists and of course bring always creeps into any activist stuff that you’re Meegan: Well I agree somewhat but I think we that feminist analysis to all of their work. The programming is the thing I love because presenting because it’s such a strong force and wish that there were more young people who of doing the research and making those it’s really at the root when you look at different In terms of the programming of the workshops, come. It actually started as a by youth for youth connections and dialogue with other political things happening locally and globally. It’s all it is a mandate to make sure that it’s balanced project, 15 years ago. Irwin Oostindie, who is artists and finding out about what work interconnected and at the root of that is the and to make sure that different gender roles are the founder, started by doing youth shows and they’re doing and what they can bring to the struggle against imperialism and the struggle represented. I think that as it mirrors culture cultural events and productions in North Van festival. A lot of them coming into it don’t against global capitalism. itself women are moving to the forefront of a and of course any project grows and evolves know what they’re getting into. “Clann Zu”, lot of movements and the sexism that has been and takes on a life of its own and so forth. It has People’s feedback about the workshops was that the lead singer is from Ireland, and I booked so rampant in the activist community is starting become a day that’s meant to be for youth and they were really, really strong and people were their whole tour with Volcano as a part of it to shift somewhat. I mean you see it in all kinds also for immigrants and also for sovereigntists interested in the topics. I think that is because we and they were just like blown away, they said of groups that if you went to a meeting of some and lefties and for progressive people and for pushed ourselves and challenged ourselves to be it was the best show they’d ever played in particular campaign that’s being worked on the public to come and take part in a day of open to and think of groups and places that we their whole lives. For me, I think definitely there’ll be a lot more women. I just think that resistance and culture. Even if they’re people don’t normally think of. We went, like “Wow, “Clann Zu”, Ward Churchill and Euphrates there’s a lot more balance, that’s what it seems who don’t necessarily frame themselves as we have a lot of solidarity with Latin American were my highlights for this year. to me in a way. activists. We don’t want to have some sort of communities but we haven’t had one of the elitist mass. We want it to be a cultural event FTT: Give us your overall assessment Cuban groups that I can even think of”, so that Within our larger movement people are for all kinds of different people and anyone with of UTV this year? And give us your was really important. It was really important to starting to challenge and allow themselves to any learning curve should be able to come and perspective for the next years. talk about Haiti and the situation there as part of be challenged on our own inherent sexism, add their voice. a larger context. There’s something recent that’s or homophobia, or racism, and the more Meegan: I felt like it was a very positive happening there so it’s important for people to we challenge ourselves and allow people I think in terms of youth, the musical element year and that for our anniversary it really get information and analysis that is not what the to challenge us on how our movements are is always what brings young people out, that’s came together and through the programming, mainstream media usually represents. I think constructed, the more those people will be able a no-brainer. When we program we bear that the workshops and the info fair that we were that’s part of why the workshops are always to come into positions of power and will be in mind and I book a lot of hip hop, because successful in representing what we wanted to good but this year we worked harder to do more able to help the rest of the movement grow and everyone who works on the festival loves hip- represent. I felt like it was really diverse and research, to invite more groups and communities evolve. Though one thing about the core group hop and secondly because it’s very political by that we haven’t necessarily had in the past. of people is that unfortunately it is quite white nature and it is a music that will bring young Continued on page 31

26 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 27 Liberals Lower the Bar for Workers

From page 17 Some of the changes as within Canada. and their anti worker agenda. women, people of color, and all implemented by bill 48 include The Agenda of the BC Liberal Attacks on Youth, attacks on poor oppressed communities that are employment standards to further the deregulation of child government goes against the and oppressed people affect us the first to be affected by these benefit the anti worker interests labour. The Liberal agenda has basic interests of working people all, lower the wages of workers attacks. We must demand an of employers. The changes created enough “freedom” for in BC. Over the past year we’ve across the board, and further end to the attacks on workers, created a void of worker rights employers that they can now witnessed the government attack oppress all working people in and protect what few rights we and information at job place hire children 12 years and older workers, Healthcare, Public BC. as working people still have. leaving workers with no way of with no special permission from Education and provide greater In order to win back decent living We must fight back to ensure settling workplace disputes other the ESB. Previous to bill 48 “flexibility” to big business. As wages and dignified working that employment standards are than self-mediation. employers were required to apply poor oppressed people that suffer conditions for everyone, we must returned to the hands of workers. The Self-help kit requires workers for a permit with the ESB for the injustice of the removal of our oppose the Liberal government The first step to achieving this to file a grievance with their any employee under the age of rights, we must unite to fight back and their attempts to exploit is that the Campbell Liberal employer who will then submit 15. Now only a note is required against the Liberal Government youth, immigrants and refugees, Government must go. it to the ESB who will decide from a parent or guardian. These on the case. In many situations changes put the oppressed layers workers cannot settle disputes of society under direct attack, The Culture of Struggle with their employers through as many low-income families this process without the risk of have no option except having being fired, or suffering further children work for six dollars workplace abuses. In one case a an hour to support the family. teenage girl’s parents complained As this example is frequently Euphrates: The Sound of Iraqi to the ESB after the girl had been increasing, more and more youth laid off after completing her 500 are dropping out of school to hours of employment only for take low paying jobs just to get the ESB to rule in favor of the by. How does this deregulation Resistance in Montreal employer. of labour standards protect the interest of young workers? Laws By Ivan Drury Along with the self-help kit, like this have been fought against there is no longer a requirement all across the world in order to for employers to display a poster prevent businesses from taking At the Under the Volcano with information about workers festival of music and resistance advantage of children and their th rights (minimum and maximum marginalized position in society, on August 8 this year, a hip hours per day, overtime rules, yet they have managed to take hop “group of displaced Iraqis” scheduling requirements etc.) at effect at home in B.C. blew up the stage. The crew workplaces. The minimum hours from Montreal called Euphrates for work days were cut in half As Tuition for students has been - Narcisyst and Sandhill - from four to two, making it easier rising over the past three years introduced a re-definition of for foodservices to have on-call wages and employment standards political music and cultural workers for rush periods then have come under serious attack. resistance to Vancouver that send them home. These conditions have created a redefines more than music. decline in the numbers of students The challenge that Euphrates Workers are also subject to involved in post secondary presents to all progressive “agree” to a balancing agreement education, and employers are people is to never allow that entitles employers to eager to take advantage of this. ourselves to grow comfortable calculate overtime over four It’s becoming more difficult for with the limitations, restrictions weeks. This “agreement” is used youth to get an education, and or divisions that capitalism and to have workers put in overtime the only other option is being imperialism imposes on us. shifts, and then balance them forced into a vulnerable position out over four weeks so that where they are easily exploited There has always been a employees don’t receive their and suffer further oppression for strong political current to hip regular overtime pay. All these a lack of education. hop. Even when the lyrics conditions have been enforced on are not explicitly political, employees with no option but to Fight Back! Protect the Rights the music has represented the accept their employer’s terms or Of Workers dissatisfaction and alienation of Within the same song, they “soldiers caught up that’s what face losing their jobs. The effects The deepening economic crisis oppressed young people within repeat a pledge to resist this happened at Abu Ghraib.” of bill 48 have removed all rights that faces the Canadian economy imperialist countries. Euphrates war: Euphrates is a positive and for workers and provided greater is forcing the ruling class to has taken this rebellion and, in “We won’t accept it, let it be progressive example of what “freedom” to employers and their expand their economic influence the tradition of KRS-1, have known can be done with music as a agenda of exploiting workers. abroad as well as at home. Prime focussed it into resistance to We suffered death and peace political tool of mobilization imperialism and the oppression and the expression of resistance Child Labour in B.C. Minister declared grown that Canada is prepared to take and racist division of poor and In action soldiers, leave no mo’ through art and culture. They are “These changes ensure greater the “world stage” as Canadian working people in Canada. Iraqnophobia.” a fierce, angry and intelligent fairness and eliminate redundant imperialism expands its military They pull this off through hip hop group that remain true red tape that can affect the dominance over third world the bold musical blending of There are times in their music to the artistic expression of ability of young people to find countries. The effects of this Middle Eastern rhythms with that Euphrates represents the life and humanity throughout jobs,” – Minister of Skills crisis are felt at home in Canada classic hip hop beats and with voice and demands of the Iraqi their consistent attacks on and Development and Labour and this new era of war and flowing poetic lyrics. resistance, with a rage against imperialism. They carry sharp Graham Bruce occupation will bring attacks on the occupation of their country and analytical songs without On the song “Spider Hole” off expressed through sharp workers across the world, as well their new record, “Stereotypes resorting to cliche or rhetoric, criticism of the era of war and and throughout, their call to Incorporated,” MC Narcisyst occupation: tells the groups experience of action for hip hoppers and being arrested at the US border “The states got prepared; the all poor and working people while they were on their way to chain started a planned trigger against injustice remains clear: perform at an anti-discrimination to stereotype Muslims and you can’t be neutral in a struggle concert. Characteristic of their Arabs to sand niggers, for humanity. challenging style, he does they bombed Afghanistan and not just attack the racism at raided Iraq twice Euphrates released their first the border but explains this Imperialism returns as we burn album, ‘A Bend in the River’ racism through the context of and lost life.” independently and have sold imperialist war at home and over a thousand copies without And there are other times that promotion or advertising. Their abroad under the cover of Narcisyst speaks from the heart September 11th: upcoming album, ‘Stereotypes of a US soldier who realizes the Incorporated’, will also be “Cuffing Euphrates at the quagmire he has been sent into released independently. Fire borders, that’s racial profiling / by imperialism: This Time encourages the Pucks to hockey, your goal is to “I should’ve stayed at home, readers of our paper to pick up stick us / now I’m in Basra / their records and check them All of a sudden you’re told with British troops, everyone out online. you’re a victim / dying but us.” You can listen to Euphrates and Then believe you’re stepping to and; order their CDs on their website heaven like Led Zeppelin since at: September 11th”

28 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 29 Solidarity with the Five in the Vancouver

By Thomas Davies

In the midst of augmented attacks on Cuba by the United States, the Free the Cuban Five Committee - Vancouver continues to organize in defense of these five Cuban prisoners of Imperialism. The group’s major campaign - a petition to demand the Cuban Five’s immediate release from United States jails, now has well over 2,000 signatures. A full slate of events and materials to continue the worldwide campaign to “Free the Five!” is also well under way in Vancouver. The group has also recently begun working with the Free the Cuban Five Committee – Courtenay, BC. The groups will undertake the petition campaign together, and we will support their upcoming forum at North Island College in Courtenay on Friday, October 22nd. As part of an to expose the brutality and hypocrisy of international movement, this collaboration the United States. Among over 210 “Free Onward to Victory in Venezuela! the Five” organizations worldwide, we between local groups is integral to building From page 26 difficulties people were determined to vote. In effectively and our Committee looks undertake our work in a constant effort some cases in the morning when the process forward to increased collaboration on a to connect their struggle to Cuba’s overall started, the technicians who were supposed to Reactionary Referendum: Mobilizing the national and international level. fight for dignity and sovereignty, and to be running the scanning machines [to verify vote in defense of the Bolivarian revolution a broad and dynamic movement for self- identification] did not show up on time and Two of the Cuban Five, Gerardo determination worldwide. We commit to The recall referendum is a new constitutional they did not accept to start the process if Hernandez and Fernando Gonzalez continue organizing around the case until right that Venezuelans won thanks to the the machines were not running. They didn’t recently took the time to write individual they are all free. new constitution drafted by the Electoral want to risk losing their vote the same way letters to the Committee - expressing Constituent Assembly during Hugo Chavez’s it had happened in the past; so they organized solidarity and thanks as we work together To be part of this work, please join us at first year in office and approved by popular again, went to the Venezuelan TV stations and for their release, an excerpt from Gerardo’s our next meeting, 5:30 p.m on Monday, majority. demanded that those machines start to work. letter is below. These letters reaffirm the October 4th at 5:30pm. Contact: cuban5_ [email protected] or phone (778) 889- The recall of elected officials was an idea Today I heard in the news that the official important and appreciated work that is opposed by the opposition and proposed by 7664. amount given by the national electoral council being undertaken in defense of the Cuban Chavez to the assembly. It was supported by of votes was 74.64%, so Chavez won by almost Five in Vancouver. To contact the Free the Cuban Five the majority and rejected by the opposition. 75% of the vote. This is the third election that As the Cuban Five continue to maintain their Committee - Courtenay, e-mail: cuban5_ Now the opposition uses it to oust the the president has won; the first was by 68%, innocence while held in US prisons today, [email protected] or phone: (250) 339 president. The opposition puts all their hopes the reelection was by 69% and this time by 5490. in the recall referendum to oust the charismatic almost 75%. they are vital in a worldwide movement leader before the end of his office term. So This means that the amount of people who they exercise their right to recall. support the president has increased. They collected the signatures in December The battle is won, but the war goes on last year and in June 2004 the final results were given by the National Electoral Council Millions of Venezuelans now have access (CNE). Chavez had to be reevaluated by the for the first time to medical and dental care, people of the nation. education, literacy programs, free university, micro-credit loans and even some land that has There were plenty of irregularities in the been re-distributed in rural areas since the law collection of the signatures. When the results of land was changed, benefiting all groups of came out, Chavez accepted the challenge and people but especially indigenous people and instead of rejecting it, he started to organize the women. country by using a legend called ‘Florentino y el Diablo’ and it was like a party, everybody Venezuelans know that there is an active neo- was playing songs and organizing in groups. Liberal agenda, therefor they defend their president and their democracy because they In April this year a militia group was found in feel included in the participative democracy. a farm that belonged to a Cuban contra. They President Chavez advised that the battle had planned to kill the president, attacking the here remain active because the battle is not opposition areas and blaming the government finished. These units have been formed supporters. All these paramilitaries had because of the campaigns for the referendum uniforms that belonged to Venezuelan soldiers and he advised these units to continue working so when they attacked the opposition areas, together to face any difficulties that may arise people would not recognize them because and Venezuelans are always ready to come in they were wearing the Venezuelan military masses to join the battlefront. uniforms. We can see by the results, the percentages Mural for Cuban 5 in Havana. Venezuelans, every time, have demonstrated since the president won the first time have their patience, civic behavior, and continually increased and it’s expected that determination to keep Chavez. it will rise to almost 100% when the new During the recall referendum, there were long law of the media starts to run, soon it will be Letter From Fernando Gonzalez to lines to vote. The CNE had underestimated the approved. great amount of voters that were going to show The elections for the Governors are coming up so no new voting centres were opened to on the 26th of September; most Governors accommodate this great amount of people who are going to be changed for people who want the activists of FC5C Vancouver were 94.49% of the eligible population. Of the to work for the revolution. Then probably almost 14 million people who were eligible in December there will be the election for voters, almost 13 million voted. August 12, 2004 decision on our case by the deputies. If the media law has not been Dear Friends: Court of Appeals in Atlanta. On Sunday the 15th of August at around approved for then, it will for sure be approved I am very optimistic and noontime, there was a news release that for next year so 100% of Venezuelans will Thank you so much for your certain of the strength of authorities had found a CD containing sound be able to listen to the truth everyday, not a message of solidarity and our arguments so, I have recording. This recording had the same voice bunch of lies like they have been listening to your kind words regarding reasons to expect important as CNE president. This message said that the throughout this process. our resistance to opposition had won the referendum by more corrections of some of the Chavez says that the constitution is a project imperialism and injustice. than 11million votes. The recording was injustices in the case, that Simon Bolivar started in the 1800’s when supposed to be released by Sunday at 8pm. All I am very glad to know However, I believe that he liberated five nations. The project stopped afternoon the private channels were airing this it will be solidarity that because Simon Bolivar was sent to Colombia that you got together to news despite the CNE’s advice to wait until the celebrate the anniversary will have the last word in when the oligarchy attacked him. bringing justice. official result were given. The first plan to ruin of the attacks of the the referendum had failed. Chavez says that after the referendum, Moncada and we are very the conclusion of this process, and the To all our friends in The election on Sunday was supposed to grateful for your efforts consolidation of this project comes. The Vancouver I want to express be finished by 6pm. The electoral council in solidarity with Cuba Venezuelan people don’t want promises, they my deepest gratitude… extended the hours to 8pm, provided that and our cause. want acts, and Chavez is giving that. “Venceremos! nobody was waiting in line, and then until We are still awaiting a midnight. At 1:45am on the 16th, there were ONWARD TO VICTORY! Fernando Gonzalez” still people lining up to vote; in spite of the (Applause)

28 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 29 Cuba’s Successes Against Imperialism

From page 26 number three - international work different than any other leadership. This needs to be understood with revolution which against all odds has and internationalism. Different from ex-Soviet Union and what has been happening since 1959. meant a total eradication of illiteracy, of course different from Canada and Despite the fact that the Cuban people has meant 95% access to healthcare, Cuba, it was used by the US as The response of Cuba, without the US. The result of this strategy are strengthened today because of the has meant that Cuba has gone from propaganda against Cuba in as many exception, to US attacks has been in Cuba is based on politics that past 50 years that they have been 1958 where 27% of children had ways as possible. the response of masses of people in motion. From the beginning Cuba were developed very early on, fighting and developing, they are still access to schools, to today when Three major attacks responded through mobilization, this objective of the development facing and coming up to a period, and 100% of have schools. There are three of these attacks which whether its calling people to of a new human being. All these Fidel has said this repeatedly as well, So the strategy of mobilizing, the I think are particularly significant defend with arms or whether its strategies for mobilizing people where they will be tested again and strategy of voluntary work and and which I want to expand upon calling people to mobilize against and impacting people politically again. A period where the US, in its the strategy of internationalism a bit. Number one, the Bay of Pigs, the blockade. When they’ve faced - expanding leadership, expanding desperation, will attack with more have created not just a series of which was a major set back for the economic pressure, voluntary work active participation. ferocity. Today Cuba is continuing to accomplishments, it has essentially US. What happened in this was that brigades were mobilized in order Era of imperialist wars and respond with those three significant created a Cuba and a Cuban people the US organized Cuban exiles to to build schools, in order to build occupations strategical elements. Through that are leading and have become invade Cuba in 1961 and they were a leadership. And created that new defeated. This was a set back for leadership and new human being. the strategy to militarily destroy the What the role of us is, is what I want revolution and overthrow the Cuban to close with. What this means for government. The Cuban people were Latin America, what this means mobilized and only 3 years after the beyond Latin America, what this revolution they successfully drove means here in Canada, is something out invading forces that were backed that is a really major political struggle by a tremendously powerful military. for all oppressed people and all What this meant is that the US and the working people. At the beginning I world really realized that defeating said that we have to understand and the Cuban people and overthrowing talk about the Cuban revolution as an the Cuban government wasn’t going accomplishment for Cuban people, to happen with an easy strategy of and defending it for Cuban people, a military invasion. This is when but also defending it in the context long term political and economic of working and oppressed people strategies emerged. everywhere. The economic blockade is the In July 2003, Vladamir Mirabal second attack I’m going to explain. was speaking in Vancouver and he Following the cutting and then said that effective solidarity work in stopping of sugar imports, the US Vancouver, is not sending bikes or imposed a full economic blockade sending computers to Cuba. He said on Cuba. This has been strengthened that effective solidarity work with more recently. It is one of the biggest Cuba is that Cubans need friendship. and most longstanding attacks by That Cuban people need strong the US against Cuba and has caused political solidarity. I think that that is an incredible impact on the nation. something that we can’t take lightly. It is interesting to note as well, in We must build a solidarity movement the context of the fact that there is FTT coordinator Shannon Bundock (l) speaking at Vancouver Communities in Solidarity here, we must build an education no declared war on Cuba by the movement, an action movement US, that this is a fully illegal attack with Cuba conference with conference MC and VCSC Coordinator Tamara Hansen (r) that expands awareness and support internationally. Of course we could 21 August 2004. of the Cuban revolution across the look at the many things the US lower mainland, across BC, across does to defend its interests that are hospitals, in order to strengthen the Today what we see is that the mobilization, through voluntary Canada. And we must support Cuba completely illegal. The severity and institutions needed and in order to attacks on Cuba are happening in the work and through internationalism. as a unique example. An example for consequences of this blockade have maintain quality of life in Cuba. context of a global economic crisis. As far as the objective conditions of the world of a new society, a new way been felt very deeply throughout Cuba even responded to illiteracy They are happening as inflation the current pressure on Cuba, this is a of life, an example of a new human Cuba. Despite that it has failed to through mass-mobilization. Cuba increases, unemployment increases quote, or an excerpt from the speech being. succeed in its objective of destroying fought for Elian Gonzalez through in imperialist and first world made in June 2004 by Fidel Castro. Cuba’s role the Cuban government. mass-mobilization. nations. They are happening as the “In October 1962, a year and a half situation becomes more desperate Interestingly as well, in 1996, which This mobilization has the character after the Bay of Pigs, not a single Cuba shares a common enemy for imperialist nations and the is some time after these first two of Cuban people overcoming Cuban fighter batted an eyelash at with the people of Iraq. It shares response of the US to this, and the attacks, the Helms-Burton Act was obstacles with the essential element the thought of the very real threat of a a common enemy with the people response of many of the competitors passed. This, again, is referred to as of voluntary labour. In the face of nuclear strike. Not a single inspection of Afghanistan, with the people of of the US - like France, Germany and the “Cuban Liberty and Democratic the most dire economic conditions, of our country was allowed, in spite Palestine, with the people of Haiti, Canada itself - has been going into Solidarity Act”. It continued and at the beginning of the revolution, of what the two superpowers had with Indigenous Nations who are third-world nations, occupying those strengthened US sanctions against all the way up until the Special agreed. occupied here in Canada and America nations, plundering those nations and Cuba. It was in response to the Period in the early 1990’s, voluntary and with poor and working people attempting to get as much as they can Dozens of years of dirty war sabotage developments around a terrorist work has combated problems and of all nations globally. The Cuban gain through those wars and military and terrorism, in which many of your threat in Cuba. Two planes, which developed the Cuban people as people need for all working people of occupations as they can in order to current friends from Miami played were operated by “Brothers to active and voluntary participants in the world, and especially for people combat their own problems. And they such an outstanding role, could not the Rescue”, which is a terrorist the revolution and the development under attack in the most severe must secure themselves against their bring Cuba to her knees. organization that works out of Miami of their nation. Again, voluntary examples of imperialist assault, to competitors. which has made different attempts work is connected very deeply to The collapse of the European socialist rise up and throw off the occupier, to try to sabotage and drive people international work. International This era began with the intervention in bloc and of the USSR itself, which the war monger, the invader. deprived us of markets, fuel, food and out of Cuba. They [Brothers to the work and internationalism is perhaps Afghanistan, the launching pad. Then As a leader of the Cuban revolution, raw materials, added to a blockade Rescue airplanes] were shot down the most threatening and the most the intervention in Iraq. From this we Che Guevara said “There are no made harsher by the Torricelli when flying in Cuban airspace. So effective element of the strategy see as well, the new policy and new boundaries in this struggle to the and Helms-Burton Acts and other the US responded to that with the of Cuba. International work, of attack on Latin America. The position death. We cannot be indifferent to measures did not break the Cuban Helms-Burton. This act has been sending doctors, of sending teachers, of Cuba in Latin America is very what happens anywhere in the world, people and what seemed impossible condemned by various governments sending skilled laborers, sending special and important. I think that for a victory by any country over came to pass, we stood firm! This is in the world and as well is understood soldiers, to other nations to work from looking at the history of Cuba imperialism is our victory; just as something that is now in the blood by the Cuban people as another major with oppressed people. Through we can understand and develop why any country’s defeat is a defeat for and traditions of patriotic Cubans, and more recent attack which shows practicing internationalism Cuba this is. What the US is doing today all of us.” of the significance of Cuba to the US. cannot be isolated and destroyed as a is launching and strengthening the who in the last war against Spanish These three examples of how the US lone fighter in a sea of sharks. attacks that they have been making colonialism, clashed with, wore And I don’t think, again, that this down and virtually defeated 300,000 was something said lightly. In order is maneuvering to overthrow the Cuba is strengthened politically against Cuba for decades. Tamara Cuban government have also shown [Hansen, conference MC] mentioned Spanish soldiers; it is the spirit of to effectively weaken imperialism because through this, not only does fighting against the impossible and and to effectively prevent further us how against such incredible odds, Cuba develop relationships with at the beginning of this that on May the Cuban people have not been 6th, 2004 the US passed legislation winning.” plundering of resources for the benefit oppressed people’s movements, of the global imperialist countries, we defeated. what it really develops, what it most strengthening the blockade, putting Cuba’s success 59 million dollars into new attacks. must unite and strengthen our forces How the Cuban leadership significantly develops is something We have started to see the new With this, Cuba is showing again as oppressed people. responded that Che Guevara introduced and that how it is surviving and responding political attacks by the US through Castro has called upon the people is the development of a new human and moving forward. Concretely, How the Cuban people have such things as the recent accusation of the world to solidarise and to being. In Cuba this means that they’ll people talk about some of the things responded historically and how they that Cuba is engaged in sex tourism, unify and we have to heed this call defend Cuba to the end, but they that Lawrence Solomon was saying, continue to respond to these attacks; which Fidel Castro responded to. I and truly realize it. People of the will do that with an international which are interesting to respond to whether they are the refusal to refine believe everyone has a copy of this world must recognize that pressure understanding and context. In a with basic factual evidence. As far Soviet oil as US companies did in response speech in the conference and attacks on Cuba are a part of country that is under such severe as accomplishments of Cuba and the beginning, or an actual military package, which is the Second Epistle an expansion of the era of war and attack, being able to send doctors, how, under such desperation attacks invasion, or if they are propaganda, addressed to George Bush. What occupation and part of the ultimate completely free of charge to places on Cuba are made with absolutely there are reoccurring elements this means too, with intervention in goal of realizing the overthrow of like Venezuela, and all around the nothing to back them up whatsoever. and strategies in how the Cuban Haiti and the establishment of Haiti the Cuban government. With this world is an incredible act. It is done If people are interested as well, people respond. Three of the most as a launching pad in Latin America understanding we must mobilize in for a very significant and important I encourage you to read through significant strategies are: number one is that the US is going to be putting support Cuba, in defense of Cuba and political reason. Vladamir Mirabal’s speech, which is - mobilization. Number two - through more and more energy and strength against any US intervention and for, included in the conference package. voluntary work, which has even been What this means, what all of this behind its objective of overthrowing overall, for a better world. rejuvenated and has been a huge part means, is that in Cuba there is a the Cuban government. Near the end of it he explains the of maintaining the revolution. And different leadership. One that is accomplishment of the Cuban Thank you. 30 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 31 Vancouver Communities in Solidarity with Cuba - JOIN US! By Tamara Hansen work of organizing in support of Cuba- its government, its people, and their right to self- On May 6th 2004, new measures determination. were announced by George Bush which have escalated We agree with Fidel Castro the criminal attacks by the when he said to US President US government against Cuba. George Bush, “In the world that Some of these measures include you seek to impose on us, there making $59 million available is not the slightest notion of over the next two years to pay ethics, credibility, standards of for illegal actions aimed at justice, humanitarian feelings, destroying Cuba’s sovereignty, nor of the elementary principles including money for financing of solidarity and generosity.” It and training mercenaries is because of this that Vancouver working for the US in Cuba. Communities in Solidarity with Cuba is dedicated to show the These attacks show the people of British-Columbia falsehood behind the US’ claim that there is an alternative to that they are fighting for the the US’ policies of aggression. freedom of the Cuban people. It We are currently organizing a also further limits Cuba’s ability Student Week in Solidarity with to survive as an independent Cuba for this fall, and have just sovereign nation. launched a petition campaign to Cuba’s response levels of literacy, knowledge keep their revolution alive. Since then VCSC has continued “Lift the Blockade on Cuba”. With these campaigns we aim to th and culture than those in the Vancouver shows its solidarity to organize large events in On May 14 2004, Fidel unite the people of Vancouver most developed countries in the with Cuba solidarity with Cuba, including Castro and one million Cubans against the blockade and new gathered in the streets of Havana world.” a celebration of the Cuban In May 2004 Vancouver th US aggression and to defend And indeed Cuba’s revolutionary revolution on July 26 and an to speak out against the new US Communities in Solidarity Cuba and it’s right to self- aggression demanding President government has brought many all-day conference on August with Cuba (VCSC) formed 21st entitled, “Cuba and determination. George W Bush re-evaluate his gains for its people, including with the goal of fighting with Venezuela in the era of war We encourage everyone who true position on human rights, free education, free healthcare the Cuban people against the and occupation: Why the US is is interested in defending Cuba justice and freedom. Castro also and high employment rates. new US attacks. On June 26th targeting Cuba and Venezuela against US attacks to become spoke out against the US’ claim Furthermore, the million 2004, VCSC along with over and what you can do about involved with our organizing that the Cuban government is people who came to the streets 250 people gathered in the it.” Both events have sparked and contact us at: cubacommu tyrannical saying: “You label to support Fidel Castro and streets of Vancouver to declare a tyranny the economic and demand an end to US aggression interest in Vancouver and have [email protected] their opposition to the new US made VCSC organizers more political system that has guided on their country shows, that attacks on Cuba. Venceremos – We will win! the Cuban people to higher Cubans are willing to fight to dedicated to the long-term

Interview with Meegan Maultsaid

From page 27 it. I think that there was about 5000 people which is really good for us. I think we all agree that we’re kind I felt like the workshops were really of on a plateau now where I don’t strong and the programming was think we’re going to get bigger and really strong. we’re a bit too radical of a festival to As I moved through the festival get any bigger. I mean 5000 people that day I felt like there was a lot is pretty good and it’s a comfortable of strength and messages, others number, it’s manageable and we said this too. Again the idea of broke even and we’re non-profit people coming and recharging their so that’s great. It’s a good number batteries I felt like it really happened of people and the only way we and a lot of the post festival could get 7, 8, 9,000 people would feedback was that it was a great be if we programmed outside of day. It totally was a celebration that our parameters and booked more is really important too. And its not mainstream acts and that’s not just the pedantic-ness of politics it’s in the spirit of Volcano and we’d also about people who are political, rather keep it as a really radical and it’s about people who are political progressive event and hope that the being able to come together for this weather cooperates and hope that 4 day and be able to celebrate that or 5,000 people come. we have this commonality and this So for next year, we have a meeting common goal as activists from all in a couple of weeks! Lots of the these different little pockets. same people are going to work on it When I cruise through the site next year because people come and and watch people interacting go and maybe only work on it for a or watching artists or watching year or two, which is great because different workshops I think, “This is they’re committing a year of their what it’s meant to be. It’s serving its life to it but I think it’s exciting purpose in the community.” People that there’s some continuity and really had a sense of celebration. I commitment and that’s helping to myself didn’t particularly enjoy the streamline how we do things. I’m day, I think everyone who works on excited because we have a strong it finds it hard to enjoy because it’s working group and I’m not sure stressful because we’re trying to yet exactly what the plan is yet but keep the momentum and deal with I know I’m going to be inviting little fires that keep coming up, but Aleida Guevara, Che Guevara’s that’s not the point. daughter, to speak, that’s my big The point is that the 5000 people thing for next year. that were there got something out of Thank you Meegan.

30 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 31 OPERATION: CANADA OUT! MAWO Campaign for Afghanistan and Haiti 7000 Signatures: A Victory Against War & Occupation!

By Kira Koshelanyk own interest on the world stage. MAWO’s method in carrying out this Since February 2004, over 7,000 people major campaign is very important in across the Lower Mainland have said looking at its success. The petitions “No” to Canadian imperialism. From themselves, “Canada Out of Haiti!” Burnaby to Surrey to North Vancouver “Canada Out of Afghanistan!” are living and New Westminster, poor and working tools for education and mobilization. people, students, youth and immigrants Through MAWO’s strategy of “setting and refugees have joined MAWO’s down and engulfing” an area during the campaign against Canadian imperialism, traveling Petition Tour Stops, MAWO “Operation: Canada Out!” organizers saturate an area during the course of the day with anti imperialist MAWO’s “Operation: Canada Out!” politics and also the challenge of viewing is the first campaign of its kind in the Canada’s reputation as a “peacekeeper” history of Canada. The political focus as a farce. and uncompromising fight against Canadian occupation, at home and The challenge ahead for “Operation: abroad, is un-precendented and also Canada Out!” remains in its successful vital to the expansion of the anti war expansion across Canada and in the movement in Canada. It is our job to continued activity of the campaign to take on our “local imperialist” and build consciousness around Canadian develop people’s understanding of foreign policy. As people living in our own government’s role in war and Canada, these issues are directly related to our lives and to those of the 7,000 occupation. In the context of the new Mobilization Against War and Occupation CANADA OUT! petition stop in Surrey, and unfolding era of war and occupation who’ve already signed on. We must look 4 October 2004. where imperialist nations have plans to at this victory to move forward and to see invade and plunder more and more third that the 7,000 are a representation of the anti imperialist sentiment and potential the movement against imperialist war More Info, Join the Campaign, Sign the world countries, we have to recognize and occupation at home and abroad! Join Petition: Canada’s increasing aggression in its there is in our cities, suburbs and communities. Get involved in building MAWO’s “Operation: Canada Out!” [email protected] Korean Students Mobilize! US-UK Out of Iraq! From page 9 an independent country, we are not going to get involved in the come here to study English or US-led war. who are living here. They have We were pleased and envious The Intifada Lives! a hard time studying English of the Canadian Liberal because studying foreign government’s decision not languages is so stressful, so to participate in the Iraq war. they don’t have any time to However, when we review get involved in this kind of the reasons behind Canada’s Defend War Resisters! movement and realize what is decision they didn’t support the happening in Iraq. But, we are US-led war, but they encouraged continuing to organize people the US government to send more and to get Korean students US soldiers to Iraq by deploying involved in the antiwar more troops to Afghanistan. MAWO Newsletter #6 movement through rallies or Now that we are more educated fundraisers or film nights and on the history of Canada and the Available at: forums. Actually, we want to history of indigenous people, effectively contribute to the we are more disappointed. So, antiwar movement in Canada I just want people who came to as much as we can. We will just study English or immigrants or keep doing our job. whatever to study more carefully FTT: Is there anything else about the history of Canada, you’d like to add? which is rich and encouraging, but also sad for what has Canada has a welfare and social happened to indigenous people. assistance system for people We can’t talk about Canada who live here, so Canada is one without mentioning the struggle of the good places to live in the of indigenous people and the world. Canada is also known role of Canadian troops in as a peacekeeping country. As Afghanistan. former Prime Minister Jean Mobilization Against War & Occupation Chretien declared, Canada is FTT: Thank you both for the interview. 604 322 1764 | [email protected]

32 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 33 End Police Brutality! Justice for Jeff, Justice for All

From page 17 FTT: What can people do to help stories; people have been doing win justice for Jeff Berg and all so. People who have had wrong about it and realizes that they can victims of police brutality? doings by the police. I go make make a difference and if we don’t I am the voice of the average speeches to the police board, I then we’re just going to see a tragic person, I have no special skills, bring these people together and I deterioration of our policing force. other than that I am a people- think it’s important because there’s person, I am an honest person, a common thread, it’s not just about FTT: What’s happening with the Jeff, it’s about every person. I hope case now? Vancouver-born-and-raised family-person and businesswoman. that some people will find it in Starting September 13th, there is Perhaps I am just the first to bring their hearts to help me continue going to a public hearing ordered forward these injustices. the fight. by Dirk Ryneveld, the police Thank-you very much Julie complaints commissioner. It’s I have set up a trust fund for my for ‘use of unnecessary force brother, if anyone wants to donate causing death’, not ‘excessive,’ any money to keep me rolling, To donate money to the Jeff Berg but ‘unnecessary’ force because because this has cost me an extreme Defense Fund: financial burden. The emotional of civilian eyewitnesses that saw Bank of Nova Scotia, 1004 West my brother basically frozen like toll, I don’t mind, I accept that, because it is par for the course and Broadway, Vancouver, BC V6H a statue waiting to be handcuffed, 1E6 - Account #20370 - 33413. spread eagle on the trunk of a car. it is part of my family’s emotional closure as well. But there is a All donations will be applied Now, the public hearing commences financial burden, I hate to bring it th to legal services rendered by A. on the 13 , and it’s scheduled for a down to dollars but it’s extremely Cameron Ward & Co. three-week period. Of course all true, it is costly for my lawyer to the police lawyers will be there, keep this case going forward. If Cheque donations can be made at everyone trying to defend their anybody, please, if anybody can any Scotiabank branch and will be side of the story. But it’s up to the donate anything at all, $20 helps, sent to Broadway & Oak branch. adjudicator to decide. It’s not the $100, anything at all. You can also mail a cheque to “Jeff jury that matters, but an adjudicator Berg Defense Fund”, c/o Neto will be present and both sides will This is not to be fooled around with, this is extremely serious, Leather, 252 East 2nd Avenue, present the facts and it will be ruled Vancouver, BC V5T 1B7 whether there was unnecessary it affects everybody, it’s not just force causing death. about Jeff. It’s about every citizen Contact Julie Berg with stories here. Rich, poor, it doesn’t matter of your experiences of police The heaviest penalty that can be where you live, we’re all the same, misconduct: justiceforjeffberg@ho held here against Constable Bruce we’re all equally entitled to the Thomas is dismissal from the force. same laws and the same protection Or see Julie Berg’s Website: For me that’s not good enough at by those laws. all, but it’s the only system that we have in place. People can also e-mail me their Venezuela as a Positive Example for Poor and Working People

From page 11 Pact, but rather a community of objectives expressed in our common actions…” – Fidel Castro in Venezuela, February 27, 2002 Since the referendum, the US has maintained its critical and hostile view of Venezuela, albeit, Cuba’s most revolutionary practice since through cautions and guarded statements. After 1959 revolution has been the commitment to the referendum, US Secretary of State, Colin revolutionary internationalism. From decisive Powell told the Associate Press: military defeat of South African army in Angola to the humanitarian help and assistance to the “We have concerns about some of the actions more than 50 third- world countries Cuban that President Chavez has taken over the years government has practiced consistently the in pursuit of his vision of Bolivarian democracy. revolutionary internationalism in action. This We want the Venezuelan people to do well. We remarkable achievement has done by a country are friends of the Venezuelan people. And now that itself is considered a third-world country. that the election, or the referendum, is over, we No wonder since 1998 Cuba has been the most will just have to see how things develop.” important supporter and assistant to Chavez When it comes to taking action however, the US Government and his progressive policies. is not waiting to “see how things develop.” In Diplomatic relations and friendship with mid-September the Bush administration decided revolutionary Cuba has brought many gains for to sanction Venezuela and stop $250million Venezuela. Some 16,000 volunteers including in loan requests. The justification for this was doctors, nurses, teachers, technician are a series of false and totally unsubstantiated helping Venezuelian people in their Bolivarian accusations of human trafficking, reminiscent revolution for a better and dignified life. Two of recent political slander used against Cuba. countries have increased their trade ties from Not only was this a justification for economic $550 million in 1998 to almost 1 billion in 2004 attacks, it also functions as a political ‘We Are an Overflown River’, says a banner at a pro-Chavez rally outside of and still increasing. Through mutual interest attack, attempting to vilify and discredit the the presidential palace in Caracas, Venezuela. Venezuela has become Cuba’s biggest trading Venezuelan government. This is really ironic partner. Cuban has helped to build 3000 new that While Venezuela is a signatory to the opportunity to decide the future direction of activities of the reactionary right wing schools and helped to educate more than 2 United Nations Convention Against Organized the country and to end months of political opposition in Venezuela. Bill Graham then and million new children that have been added to Crime and Protocol to Prevent nd Penalize polarization and instability. I wish to emphasize Pierre Pettigrew now, both while giving lip the educational system. Human Trafficking, US is yet to sign these the importance of a violence-free vote, service to the Chavez government since 1998, The revolutionary cooperation between these important documents. with results that are accepted by all sides.” in fact none of them ever showed any genuine – Canadian Foreign Affairs Minister Pettigrew interest in progress made by working and poor two countries is a conscious decision by their The latest economic and political attacks on on August 13 people of Venezuela. Back to coup in December respective leadership based of the understanding Venezuela are further indication that the US 2002, no official statement issued against the of importance of role these countries are playing Despite the apparent importance of the August is keeping a close radar on Venezuela and undemocratic and illegal coup against elected in the whole Latin America for a future that no 15th referendum from the point of view of intervening in any way it possibly can. It is president Chavez. imperialism or Yankee dominance is in picture. also becoming clear that the strategy of direct minister Pettigrew, he said nothing about The Question of Questions: The Question of attacks from Washington may increase. With the success of referendum and victory of Cuban Government on Chavez, A Positive Leadership the fracturing, weakening and failures of ‘democracy’ or even simple official recognition Model the opposition, the US cannot rely solely on of the result of very democratic referendum “Our cooperation with Venezuela is inspired Now, what has the Chavez government done in funneling funds to Sumate or the Coordinadora that he wished to be processed in Venezuela. in ideals much more transcendental than trade the last six years to get all this attention from Democratica. Just after OAS observers official statement exchanges between the two countries. We share Washington? What actions could have resulted Canadian government urged all sides in a mutual awareness of the need to unite the in statements such as: Canadian Government on Chavez, A Venezuela accept the result. In fact Canadian Negative Model Latin American and Caribbean nations and to “U.S.-Venezuelan relations have suffered government has never been friendly to or struggle for a world economic order that brings “This referendum is an important milestone truly respected Chavez government and never more justice to all peoples. This is no written in Venezuelan democracy, and It offers the directly criticised criminal and undemocratic Continued on page 34

32 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE September/October 2004 September/October 2004 FIRE THIS TIME MOVEMENT FOR SOCIAL JUSTICE 33 Stand in Solidarity with Venezuela!

From page 33 a massive literacy campaign that “The recall referendum was not just a reached by Barrio Adentro. contradictions and subsequently reduced the illiteracy substantially referendum on Hugo Chavez, it was As well, a national literacy program, deepening class conflict and class in recent years. Chávez is mostly to and still is going on, forming and a referendum of the revolutionary Mission Ribas has spread across the polarization in rural areas. Through blame, given his administration’s creating new mass organizations process, and a majority of country. The goal of the campaign this important process and struggle abuse of democratic institutions and including unions like a new National Venezuelans articulated their support. is to teach reading, writing, and most oppressed layers of urban and its embrace of rogue groups abhorred Union of Workers (UNT), set up It is time to deepen the revolution.” arithmetic to more than 1.5 million rural areas will get closer to each by Washington and the international more than 130,000 grassroots- – President Chavez on August 16 Just people who are illiterate, about 12 other and will solidify the foundation community, such as Cuba, Iraq community groups called Bolivian after victory of referendum percent of adults in this country of of worker and peasant unity. Struggle and Colombia’s guerrilla armies,” Circles to educate and politicise poor “…To build the new economy, 24 million people. On top of this a for this unity could finally establish – Miguel Diaz director of right wing with the goal of raising the level of transforming the capitalist economic second stage has been developed a worker and peasant government in think-tank the Center for Strategic consciousness of poor, farm and model into a social, humanist through Mission Sucre, which offers Venezuela. and International Studies working people. More importantly and equality economy…The free adult education courses to people After 1998 election, just after Chavez has turn Venezuela a country “Today, 22 of 23 Latin American time has come to accelerate the seeking to improve their skills. Chavez became elected president of of despotic dictators and coup planner countries are considered to be transformation.” – President Chavez Venezuela, he started advancing the to a country of masses in motion Next to these programs is the democratic. (Cuba is the exception.) calling on private business to join the revolutionary process right away. through education, organization and grassroots political organization of But some states, especially those with Bolivarian Revolution The first agrarian reform law, which mobilization. Chavez successfully Venezuelans through the Bolivarian leftist-leaning leaders and economic was protecting small fishermen from and skillfully has used the mass Since winning the Presidential recall Circles, which have tackled problems (such as Ecuador and giant capitalist fish industries was the mobilization as a tool for social and referendum, Chavez has increased regional and local social problems. Argentina), might folow Venezuela’s first step to tackling the important political advancement, not by decree pressure on the capitalist class by The Venezuelan government path. This would be a significant task of agrarian revolution. Since from above by a elite ‘progressive’ appealing to the most unconsolidated has economically and politically setback for the hemisphere and its 1998 Venezuelan parliament has government but with the deep elements of the opposition. Rather supported the extensive social and people.” – Peter Brookes, senior ratified numerous laws in favour of social change from the below. This than mechanically attacking the base political activism organized by the fellow, with right wing thin tank rural workers and peasants including is a perfect classical social change of Coordinadora Democratica, he has Bolivarian Circles, as well as their Heritage Foundation added pressure to the fracturing of the work and efforts to feed the hungry, in 2001 that Chavez signed 49 with people in motion growing and economic and land reforms for The fact is that Chavez has been a coalition by appealing for dialogue providing after school care for poor developing their social thinking stage more equal distribution of wealth in threat to US imperialist interests and pushing to recruit some of the children, securing resources for by stage and subsequently acting Venezuela. Just after the August 15th in Venezuela in both the short and unstable elements. This strategy is small businesses, etc. Empowering politically in a concrete demand and the victorious referendum Chavez long-term sense. The anti-imperialist part of the further polarization of the the oppressed majority through struggle to achieve. tackled the question of unused land impact of the Bolivarian Republic of big land owners for the purpose of will increase as Venezuela develops making them useful for agricultural its leadership in Latin America and production the and taking a step gains more sympathy and support forward to reduce the dependency from popular movements and on food and agricultural import. This oppressed people in the region. In the measure will undoubtedly advance immediate and concrete sense, the the distribution of land among Chavez government has undermined hundreds of thousands of landless and eroded the hegemony that US and poor peasants. economic interests have established in the nation. In that sense Chavez Solidarity With Venezuela has consolidated one of two most “There are no boundaries in this central task of any social movement struggle to the death. We cannot or revolution in Venezuela or for that be indifferent to what happens matter any colonial or semicolonial anywhere in the world, for a victory countries: Struggle against by any country over imperialism is imperialism with the achievement our victory; just as any country’s of truly national independence defeat is a defeat for all of us.” – Che in the course of widening and Guevara deepening bourgeois democracy with the goal of facilitating mass This international spirit is one that mobilization and building further all people of the world must respond mass democratic institutions. To to. As Venezuela delivers blow after achieve this his government refused blow to US and imperialists interests, to accept the Free Trade Agreement the question of internationalism and of the America (FTAA) and instead international solidarity become more Venezuela developed the Bolivarian and more important. Alternative for the Americas (ALBA) The role of progressive people all as a counterweight to the argument over the world, people who fight that the only path towards regional for social justice and a better world, integration is economic subservience must be to build solidarity with to the imperialists in the north. In Chavez supporters in Venezuela. the fight against imperialism and addition, the Chavez government reactionaries in Venezuela. We must has rejected International Monetary The threat of Chavez is in the force country and building progressive and improvements in education, housing, understand that the revolutionary Fund involvement in the country. process in Venezuela has a long-term In April 2004 Finance Minister of Venezuela’s leadership in Latin revolutionary leadership forces in the health and literacy, has meant that the America. The unity and confidence nation. people of Venezuela have become strategy. With each battle won by the Tobias Nobrega said “Venezuela is Chavez government the position of overcoming its financial difficulties Venezuela has generated among poor In addition, national programs to stronger in their political capacity to and working people in Latin America lead the country in favor of oppressed oppressed people is improved against independently of the IMF and it is promote the interest of poor and the counter-revolutionary forces of doing this by applying the opposite has inspired and strengthened the working Venezuelans are increasing. people. fight against foreign interference the capitalist ruling class and their of what is recommended by the well- Recently, the Chavez government The character and strength of the imperialist backers. known but limited IMF recipes.” and imperialist interests. Chavez dedicated more than $500 million Bolivarian project in Venezuela is has shown an alternative that is Chavez came to power and the Anti-imperialist stands of Chavez also for a revolutionary mission to deal in the mass participation of poor systematically sharpening the class with the housing crisis in Venezuela. and working people. The people Bolivarian revolution began against has been consistent with is domestic contradictions into class struggle and the capitalist class remaining in and international policies. He was There is a deficit of almost 1 of Venezuela are consistently therefore polarizing the oppressed million 800 thousand houses in the mobilized to defend their rights and Venezuela. This meant that the the first head of state to visit Iraq in majority against imperialism. Chavez government had to develop defying of ban travelling by United country according to the Ministry make advances in their standards “Chavez is constantly underestimated of Infrastructure (MINFRA) and the of living. The support of voluntary a specific strategy for improving States. He offered ousted president by people who do not understand the position of oppressed people, Aristide of Haiti asylum and military ministry in charge of housing has set Cuban doctors and teachers has his patient, methodical approach a goal to build 130,000 houses before also impacted Venezuela and while dealing with the pressure of assistance. He has condemned war to recruiting and strategy, Chavez the counter-revolutionary opposition. in Afghanistan and Iraq and his the end of the year. demonstrated a great example of never provokes the U.S. or other internationalism. Chavez has not This opposition has employed government supported the Palestinian nations, but instead works obliquely There is also a national health care constant criminal strategies to struggle for self determination. And program underway, based in primarily allowed Venezuela to be isolated, to erode the position of his enemies.” and instead, has united the fate of his maintain the status-quo of an above all has developed a closed said a retired U.S. Army officer who poor areas, called “Barrio Adentro” irrational, alienating, dehumanized revolutionary tide with Cuba. The providing free primary medical care. nation with the fate of all oppressed worked in Venezuela people in Latin America and beyond. and brutal system of operation and domestic balance sheet of Chavez When the program faced a lack of exploitation. Despite all of this, they is even more amazing with his Where Chavez and Venezuela are doctors, the Venezuelan government President Hugo Chavez has also Going are weakened, they are desperate and Bolivarian Revolution, which in brought in voluntary Cuban doctors started to consolidated the second they are failing against the people of essence is nothing but a declaration “The doors of Miraflores [the who live on allowances provided central task of any social movement Venezuela. The people of the world of war on neoliberalism . To name Presidential Palace] are open. I by the Cuban government. That or revolution in Venezuela or any have a decisive role to play in this a few of these gains: universal call on the leaders of the democratic was more than a year ago. Today colonial or semi-colonial countries: fight. We can fight in solidarity with health care, droping infant mortality opposition, the media, and the there are over 10,000 Cuban doctors Agrarian revolution. This means the people of Venezuela and add our by 25% in four years, founding business organizations that have practicing in the poorest Venezuelan struggle against the feudal remnant tremendous weight to the fight for special pharmacies who sell drugs made me their adversary and who neighbourhoods and a training food and agricultural product sovereignty, dignity and ultimately, to poor 30 to 50 percent cheaper oppose me, the officials of the Catholic program has been developed to industry including, big landlords for a victory for oppressed people, in than market, creating hundreds of Church, and the young leaders of increase participation of Venezuelan and landholders, and big multi- which the honor of humanity prevails. local clinics in the poor and working some movements that are leaving doctors in the program. According to national farms. The most important “You have shown today that you class areas, 3000 new school with the Coordindora Democratica, to government statistics, in this past year aspect of the agrarian revolution is are truly victor … [The referendum two million more children added to come and dialogue,” – President in the country more than 18 million nationalization and the distribution is] a victory for the people of Latin the educational system, free food in Chavez after the referendum on his people have been treated and more of land. Most beneficiary layers of America and the Caribbean who school, creaing more than 500,000 weekly television program, “Aló than 6,000 lives have been saved. these measures are landless and poor are struggling for their freedom.” - job, building more than 200,000 new Presidente.” This means that approximately 70 peasants and farm workers. This is Chavez August 16th post-referendum units of social and public housing, per cent of the population has been advancing the process of deepening speech.


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Action in Toronto

Mining in the Developing World: The Dirty Role of Canadian Corporations Wednesday October 6th at 7 PM St. Vladimir Institute. 620 Spadina Avenue (Between Bloor and College) Organized by: The Philippine Solidarity Group of Toronto and Asian Solidarity Network-Toronto For more information, contact [email protected] or asians4soli [email protected]

6th Annual Left Words Festival of Books and Ideas Sunday November 7th - 11am to 5pm The Tranzac Club 292 Brunswick Avenue For more information, contact or 416 516 9546 Public Meeting Public Meeting Building an Independent Building an Independent Anti-Imperialist Movement: Anti-Imperialist Movement: Lessons from the Past, Visions for the Future Lessons from the Past, Visions for the Future

Examining Christian Zionism- Theology, Politics, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict Lecture by Rev. Naim Ateek PhD., Director of the Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center- SABEEL in Jerusalem Tuesday, Oct 12th at 8 pm SFU Harbour Centre, Fletcher Challenge Rm. 7 PM 7 PM Admission by donation.Thursday, For October 7th Thursday, October 7th more informationUniversity contact: of Toronto University of Toronto [email protected] Smith Building Room 2127 Sidney Smith Building Room 2127

Ivan Drury, Mobilization Against War and Occupation & Fire This Time Ivan Drury, Mobilization Against War and Occupation & Fire This Time Spartacus BooksMovement for Social Justice - Vancouver BC Movement for Social Justice - Vancouver BC Fundraiser Ahmad Shokr, Arab Students Collective - University of Toronto Ahmad Shokr, Arab Students Collective - University of Toronto Friday October 15thChristina at 7:30 Hernandez, Coalition Against War and Racism Christina Hernandez, Coalition Against War and Racism PM As well, featuring speakers from: As well, featuring speakers from: WISE HALL 1882Toronto Adanac June 30th Organizing Committee Toronto June 30th Organizing Committee (Just off Commercial)Grassroots Anti-Imperialist Network (GRAIN - York Univ.) Grassroots Anti-Imperialist Network (GRAIN - York Univ.) Cost: Sliding scale $8-$13 Endorsed by: June 30th Organizing Committee, GRAIN (Grassroots Anti-Imperialist Endorsed by: June 30th Organizing Committee, GRAIN (Grassroots Anti-Imperialist (Includes lots of freeNetwork), gifts) Coalition Against War and Racism, New Socialist Group, Mobilization Against Network), Coalition Against War and Racism, New Socialist Group, Mobilization Against War and Occupation (MAWO - Vancouver), Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice War and Occupation (MAWO - Vancouver), Fire This Time Movement for Social Justice Presented by Work(Vancouver), Less Party. Youth Third World Alliance (Vancouver) (Vancouver), Youth Third World Alliance (Vancouver)