VETERANS WE ARE ONE JANUARY / FEBRUARY 2018 Issue 1 1st Edition Official Newsletter of the VFW Philip Billard Post #1650 3110 SW Huntoon St, Topeka, KS 66604 OFFICE HOURS: Monday-Friday 09:30—12:00 noon; 1:00—3:30 p.m. Closed all holidays. Phone: 785-235-9073 Fax: 785-235-9075 Email:
[email protected] Website: Like us on Facebook: FROM THE COMMANDER OF VFW POST 1650 : SHANNON GOLDEN. With the holiday season coming to a close, I look forward to the upcoming events and the new calendar year. Our membership is always out in the community doing great things for veterans, and being a general positive light for all of our brothers and sisters in arms. During the 2017 holiday season, we hosted our first ever Thanksgiving meal for Veterans in the community that may not have family to spend it with. The idea was thought up and executed by our bar manager, Kourtenay Main, and was a great time and I hope we can continue to host this each and every year. Christmas is a time to spend with family and enjoy the good things in life. The post was closed Christmas day to allow our family to spend time with their families. Even as Christmas closed in, our membership still worked hard to ensure that our Veterans were taken care of. I am so proud of the people that make post 1650 what it. Every time I think that there isn’t anything more we can do, the membership of post 1650 proves me wrong.