1 Pretty T Girls July 2012 The Magazine for the most beautiful girls in the world 2 In This Issue

Page Editorial by: Barbara Jean 3 Ten Easy Eyeliner Tricks Every Woman Should Know 5 9 Common Beauty Problems Solved 6 Guide to Buying Cosmetics Cheaply 8 From a Wife’s Point of View—Nan & Amy Garbati 10 Most People by: Dee Gregory 15 The Exploits of Barbara Marie 16 New Book by Carollyn Olson 21 Tasi’s Musings 22 Humor 27 Angels In The Centerfold 28 Mellissa’s Tips & Tricks 30 The Adventures of Judy Sometimes 35 Kathy’s Korner 37 What to Wear if You Have an Apple Shaped Figure 39 Tasi’s Fashion News 41 Lucille Sorella 43 How to Make Your High Heels Bearable 48 The Gossip Fence 50 Shop Till You Drop 62 Calendar 72

3 The Pink Fog An Editorial by: Barbara Jean

For years you have been deep in the closet, but now you have busted down that closet door. You have come out to your wife. She has accepted, even goes to the point of helping you with clothes and makeup and how to act like a woman. You start to go out enfemme, people seem to accept you, life to you seems so much more wonderful as a woman.

Now you find yourself dressing enfemme more and more, you start talking about taking hor- mones; it would be so wonderful to have your own breast, and oh what a chore it is to shave every day, your hair grows out and you start to style it in a much more feminine style. You are caught up in that pink cloud of fog.

It is so easy to become wrapped up in a pink fog. We go to places like SCC, Be All and other conventions where we spend a week enfemme. Everyone calls us Miss or Ma’am while we are out shopping in those beautiful feminine clothes that we love so much. A whole week of being who we want to be. We feel so relaxed during that vacation, and then when it is over there is such a let down. Oh why did it have to end? Why can’t it be like this forever?

The result of being able to live enfemme for a short period can be euphoric, why does it have to end? Why do we have to go back to that life where we can be who we want for only a few hours or a day or a weekend?

Oh, but what is the cost?

Now your wife is starting to get cold to you, she doesn’t help anymore, she is not quite as ac- cepting as she was, she is starting to talk of leaving you. She wants her husband back.

I guess I got to ask, “What did you expect?” She has seen the change in you, you try and tell her you are the same person that she married, but the question is “Are You?”

Your wife married a man and now in her eyes you are turning into a woman. You may argue all the time that you do not intend to become a woman, to have surgery, but she has seen so many changes in you since you came out that she does question that.

How many times have people who know you cross dress ask “Are you ?” Well, how many times has your wife had that same question asked of her? To your face people may say one thing, but behind your back what are they saying? What is she hearing from others?

4 Gossip; I remember an exercise back in school where the teacher would give one student a note. The student would read that note and then tell the person behind them what the note said. That student would then tell the next student behind them what they were told. It went on and on like that till it got to the last student who would then write down what they were told. Of course the two notes were nothing like each other. There really was no comparison between the two.

Hearing the gossip is something that probably bothers your wife more than anything. It’s not just gossip about you, but gossip about her.

For the past two years I have lived full time as Barbara. Initially in going full time it was nice, but in time life just got ordinary. Oh yes there is differences. In my old bubba mode it was simply put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, shave, brush my teeth, and maybe comb the bit of hair that I have. Never was there a question of what to wear, and never was there a question if a shirt would go right with a pair of pants. Now, not only is it the usual shave and brush my teeth (I have not had any electrolysis for lack of the funds for it) but now it is put on the makeup, then try and decide what I will wear. Does the top go with the skirt or slacks? What shoes go best with the outfit? This is now all part of a daily routine. Dressing is not a fun thing anymore for me.

Oh yes, when I go out places people do call me Ma’am, but I have heard an occasional sir still. Last year I took my car in for repair and was treated like the dumb blonde who did not know anything about cars.

I have the advantage that many of you girls don’t have. I am widowed, the only child I had passed away. I am alone in life. I don’t have to worry about trying to please a wife. I don’t have to worry about her fears. My late wife was one who was accepting and somewhat suppor- tive of Barbara, but I know she would not be if I was full time. There were times my cross dressing did get to her.

Life often does get lonely for me now. What woman wants a husband that is a cross dresser? Most do not even want one who only dressed part time. Most of those who you find seek us out; well, they are what you would call dominants who seek us as a slave, a toy for them to play with. Men who want us, well all one has to do is look at sites like LVTG.com or Club , or even CD Meet, or any of those sites and you will see they do not want us for anything but sex, and on their terms. To them we are nothing more than a cheap whore.

Girls, if you have a wife who is accepting, supportive or not, be considerate of her feelings and fears. Don’t get caught up in a pink fog and throw a good thing away. That pink fog in time may well become pink smog. The short term happiness could turn into a long term disappoint- ment. Always consider the cost before making any life altering decisions. 5 Ten Easy Eyeliner Tricks Every Woman Should Know By RealBeauty.com | Beauty on Shine

It's all in the eyes. Even on a plain day, most ladies rely on liner for quick definition. Keep these easy tips in mind to perfect your peepers.

#1: No Smudging Use waterproof eyeliner on the lower lash line to avoid hav- ing unflattering dark rims beneath your lashes.

#2: Try color Instead, try shades that would match better with your eye color. Blue-eyed girls, for example, highlight their color best with mauve colored liner.

#3: Gel alternative If you like the ultra-dark color and flawless look of a liquid liner but don't have the steadiest hands, get the same effect using a gel pot and an angled brush for easier ap- plication.

#4: Improvised liner If you forget to pack a liner on your next vacation, wet a thin makeup brush and dab it in your black or navy eye shadow. Apply it to your lids as if it were liner.

#5: Baby steps Don't think you have to get liner right in one swoop. Get it perfect by using a brush or pencil and drawing smaller dashes or dots against the lash line for a flawless straight line.

#6: Beat Irritation If you find yourself constantly reaching to scratch itchy eyes, keep the germs away by applying eyeliner with a disposable applicator. Liner should be replaced every three months. Also, don't share your liner with friends!

#7: Lasting results Get your liner lasting longer by lining your eyes with a pen- cil liner, concentrating the color at your lash lines, and lay- ing on powder shadow in the same color to "set" the liner. 6

#8: Go bold Don't shy away from vibrant, bright colored liner. For a fun party look, try lining the upper and lower lash lines with two different, complementary colors (like pink and green or teal and red.)

#9: Freeze it If the tip of your eyeliner pencil crumbles and smears on your lids, store the liner in the freezer for 15 minutes before use so the tip is firm and goes across your skin smoothly.

9 Common Beauty Problems Solved By Good Housekeeping | Shine's Spring Beauty Guide

Have a hair, skin, or makeup problem that you just can't solve? Hair expert Eva Scrivo, makeup artist Mally Roncal, and dermatologist Dr. Amy Wechsler answer your most challenging beauty questions.

Hair Expert: Eva Scrivo Eva Scrivo, owner of Eva Scrivo salons in New York City, an- swers three commonly asked hair questions.

Q: Is it better for your hair to change the shampoo and conditioner you use every few months? Only if you are unhappy with how your hair looks or feels. Hair is reactive to products in general, so changing your shampoo and conditioner can create a different effect. For example, if you want more smoothness, try a hydrating shampoo, which depos- its moisturizers that close the hair cuticle. But if you are using hair care that you love, there is no reason to make a change.

Q: What are some easy tricks that will help me pick a natural-looking color for an at-home hair dye? Match the color to your eyebrows. Your brows are always a guideline to what looks natural and what would be a complimentary base color. This works even when you are going gray, since brow hair typically doesn't lose melanin and therefore doesn't go gray at the same pace as the hair on your head.

Q: What's the most universally flattering hairstyle for a woman over 40? A side-swept bang with soft layers around the face. It softens the neck and strengthens the cheekbones. The A-symmetrical line of a long bang pushed to the side also slims the face. 7 Dermatologist: Dr. Amy Wechsler New York City dermatologist Dr. Amy Wechsler answers three commonly asked skincare questions.

Q: Between a cleanser, moisturizer, night cream, and eye cream, where does it make sense to spend the big bucks? You definitely don't have to spend big bucks to get quality skin- care! You can find lots of great options for cleansers and moistur- izers at the drugstore, but if you are going to splurge on one prod- uct, consider buying a pricier antioxidant serum. A good serum requires a high concentration of antioxidants - highly effective anti-agers that boost the price - so I tell my patients this is one product that's worth the extra bucks.

Q: Do I need to change my skincare routine seasonally? You don't need to change it completely, just make a few minor tweaks. For example, in winter you may need to moisturize more because dry air, central heating, and wind can dry out or chap your skin. In summer, add a toner with salicylic acid to remove the layer of dead skin cells on the surface that hold onto oil; it will prevent shine, make you look refreshed, and provide a natural glow. Look for one with no more than 0.5 percent salicylic acid to avoid over-drying your skin.

Q: Do I need to exfoliate? If so, how often and with what? Yes, but the answer really depends on your skin type and age. Exfoliation is something you want to start in your teens, and for sure by your twenties and thirties. By the time you reach your thirties, your skin begins to thin and becomes more vulnerable to the environment. At the same time, the natural enzymes in your skin begin to remove dead skin cells less efficiently, so they hang on and prevent your skin from reflecting light. As a result, you look ashy. Start by using an exfoliating cleanser once or twice weekly. Look for ingredients like sugar, oatmeal, or small synthetic beads (all of which are found in common exfoliating products). Or, if your skin is particularly dull, flaky, or red, try a cleanser with salicylic acid, which is less irritating than other chemical exfo- liators.

Makeup Expert: Mally Roncal Makeup artist and president and creator of Mally Beauty Mally Roncal answers three commonly asked makeup ques- tions.

Q: No matter what I do, I can't cover up my dark under eye circles, any tricks or new products? A good trick for camouflaging under eye darkness is to brighten the outer corners of the eyes, where we all tend to have a bit of darkness and discoloration. Apply highlighter by sweeping it in a C shape from the corner of your eyelid, to the top of your cheekbone. It really opens up the eyes. 8

Q: What are the top three essentials I need to have in my makeup bag? My top three must-haves: concealer, mascara, and blush. Concealer and mascara can immediately light up your eyes, and blush will perk up your complexion. Choose cream formulas of concealer and blush, and you won't even need to carry a brush with you. Using your fingers is the fastest and easiest application method, and the best way to help blend the product seamlessly into skin.

Q: How do I choose among the many foundation formulas out there? Use your skin type to guide your foundation choice. For example, if your skin is oily, then opt for a powder foundation. If you have dry skin, I would recommend trying a cream foundation instead. You know that old school rule about matching your founda- tion to your neck? Your neck is in a perpetual shadow, so it tends to be a bit paler than the rest of your face. Instead, match your foundation to your collarbone, which is on the same plane as your face and will give you a more accurate shade!

Guide To Buying Cosmetics Cheaply By YML Staff

These days there are many expensive brands offering the best in cosmetics. These include many popular brands that survived many generations. But do these high-priced makeup manufacturers really offer something more than their bargain counterparts? There is good news for cost conscious consum- ers. There are many less expensive cosmetics that compete very well with their celebrity counterparts even if you do not see them being advertised in glossy magazines or in adverts on television. When buying cosmetics cheap, you must know that there are some things, like neon makeup and semi permanent hair colour, that you can buy cheap without worrying about the lower quality affecting your skin or hair. Cos- metics that are applied to your skin should always be bought from reputa- ble brands.

Bargain Quality makeup Many consumers assume that a bargain is a bargain. But the question is if there is a price to pay for those bargains. Not necessarily, at least not al- ways, when it comes to cosmetics. There are many inexpensive brands of cosmetics that offer quite a bit for a reasonable price. Most high street makeup products are in an affordable price range while also offering a rea- sonable quality.

Most shops carry the most popular high street cosmetic brands. These brands offer a full selection of cosmetics, exactly what one would expect a brand name to carry. Examples of what these companies may offer include foundation, bronzers, eye shadows, blush, powders, creams, liners and 9 more. They even offer a selection of various sized cosmetic brushes for ap- plying makeup.

There are hard to find items available from many discount retailers too. That means for less than half the price of more expensive brands, fun items including false lashes may be purchased from discount cosmetics providers. Many inexpensive items like these are perfect for someone who wants to try them to see if they like them on a night out.

Try Before You Buy Many discount retailers allow customers to test a product and return it if they find they do not like it or that it does not work for them. This provides a way out in the event a cosmetic product is not working well. Quality prod- ucts are typically available to fit every budget.

When shopping online, it is often possible to try out a product at a local re- tail store, and then buy in bulk online. This is the best possible way to save money, and then ensure a proper match of cosmetics.

Foundation colours can be sampled, eye shadows reviewed, and lipstick col- ours can be tested. Often cosmetics offered online, even discount cosmet- ics, come at a fraction of the cost when purchased online, especially in bulk or when shopping is done in larger quantities.

Best Products The best way to find out what products work best is to ask around. Trust reliable friends and experts that use discount cosmetics. This is a good way to find out whether a product has been tried and tested. There are dozens of reviews of products available online as well. These are free and available for just about every possible eye shadow, lipstick, and foundation, mineral, cream and other type of cosmetic on the planet.

Selecting the Best Products Sometimes shopping for discount cosmetics comes down to making a deci- sion between eye shadow and blush, or foundation and mascara. So a deci- sion has to be made when on a tighter budget and only small quantities can be purchased. But there are only a few essentials needed to look fabulous. If it comes to investing in just a couple of key products, go for a foundation that will smooth and even out skin tone, and mascara or eyeliner, which help the eyes to really pop out. If you purchase a lip stick or lip stain, it can also be used as a blush, be creative with your purchases and make the most of them. Buying a semi permanent hair colour will help anyone invest in the best products. Sometimes, investing in something like a new colour for hair will be enough to make a bold statement. 10 From A Wife’s Point of View Amy & Nan, A Story of Transition by Nan Garbati

Hi, my name in Nan and I am 58 years old and have been married to a closeted crossdresser for over 25 years. He started sneaking his mothers clothing and make up as a teen. We grew up in the same town, but as I am 5 years older than him we didn’t really know each other. We met in June and were married in December. He made me aware of his compulsions early on in our relationship. He said that he liked woman’s panties and nities, but I didn’t know the real depths of what this meant at that time, I thought it was just a sexual thing.

He did not get the opportunity to dress very often for the first 22 years. We had 4 kids between us, so he only had the opportunity when they all stayed with friends, or if we got away alone.

The last of the kids moved out in 1999, but at the same time my elderly parents moved in. So 11 again, the only opportunity was if we went away to a hotel for a weekend.

With the lack of opportunity and busy lives, he pretty much just stopped dressing. Add to that, the fact he wasn't accepting of that side of himself, he consciously resisted those urges (this I was not aware of).

However, the desire was still there, so he turned to the internet, trying to satisfy the urges with stories and pictures of other crossdressers and transvestites. What happened was, he pretty much withdrew on both sides of his personality. He wasn't expressing his desires to become feminine, and unwittingly became less masculine, in that his relationship with me became non- existent physically. He says that he just got to the point where, if he couldn't be feminine, his sub-conscious rebelled by taking away his desire to be masculine.

In late November of 2005, I happened upon my husbands, hidden internet links and email sites, and was angry and hurt to find that he had been having a relationship and satisfying his desires with a computer, while I lay frustrated in the bedroom, thinking he didn't love or desire me any- more. I didn't understand, why he wasn't open about his needs and desires, seeing how I had never opposed his dressing. He told me it was hard for him to explain, but that he had experi- enced an identity crisis, and that he didn't know who he was or wanted to be.

We had some very long soul-searching discussions, and I spent hours on the computer learning more about issues. The end result being, I have helped him to accept himself for who he is. I believe that my acceptance and support at that time encouraged him to fulfill his desires and helped him to come out to a point.

While he was still in the closet to the rest of our family, friends, and co- workers, he dressed nightly in the privacy of our bedroom (my elderly parents still lived with us), and every week- end, for most of the day & night.

In January 2006, I took him to Myrtle Beach for 5 days en . We went shopping, out to dinner, got her a manicure & pedicure and met some other local TG’s. It was wonderful for him, as it was the first time he every got to talk one on one with someone like himself. We stayed in the little restaurant for over 5 hours talking with them. At the time, Amy weighed 285 lbs., so we did lots of shopping while we were there and once we got home. I felt so bad about her having suffered in silence for so long, that it was me not her that went thru gender euphoria, and bought her over $5,000 worth of clothing, wigs & make up. However, with the weight of the secret off her shoulders, Amy started loosing weight and lost over 80 lbs in 3 months, so that led to more shopping. LOL

In April 2006, we went to our first transgender event. We left Charleston and drove to Atlanta, GA, where he turned into Amy and we had contacted some local girls and met them for dinner. The next morning it was off to Eureka Springs, AR for the En Femme Getaway. We spent the night in Memphis TN, before reaching Eureka Springs. Amy was really enjoying her cross- country trip en femme.

12 The Getaway was a wonderful experience, and we made many new friends both TG’s & GG’s. On the way home we stopped overnight in Nashville, TN and that morning Amy had to change back into boy mode, as we were driv- ing straight thru back to Charleston. She hated every minute of it. But it had its humorous moments.

Myrtle Beach Condo January

As my parents still lived with us, Amy had to stay in the closet other than in the privacy of our bedroom or if we went away for the week- end. But she was very happy and we grew closer than ever. During the Getaway there had been a fash- ion show, and many of the girls had EnFemme Getaway April 2006 modeled wedding gowns. Amy said, if we came back next year she would like to model one. I told her, oh no you don’t. I’ve been married 3 times and I never got to wear a real wedding gown, so you don’t get to wear one be- fore me. Well that led to our deciding that at the next En Femme Getaway in 2007 we would re-new our 25th wedding vows as two brides. Thus the shopping began again. LOL

Let me tell you, you can’t just buy a wedding dress off the rack for a TG that is 6’ 2”. We or- dered a custom made gown from China off from ebay for Amy and I bought a used gown on ebay for me. We spent the next few months buying all the other goodies, i.e. shoes, jewelry, slips, flowers, bouquets, etc. Then went on to the cake and refreshments etc. and of course we had to write of vows. It was a great and exciting time for us both. Amy asked a girl named Crystal from San Diego, that we had met the year before to be her maid of honor and I asked Amy from Glamour Boutique in Vegas to be mine ( she had done make-overs at the previous Getaway and we had grown close).

Crystal & Amy planned a bachelorette party for us for the night before the wedding. We all had a wonderful time. Crystal had bought us banners & hats and had bought a pack of cards that are used for GG’s bachelorette parties, so we had to modify what was on the cards, since it was TG’s not GG’s carrying out the tasks. Crystal kept saying that Amy had to spend the night with her, as it was bad luck for the bride to see the bride before the wedding. LOL I told her that after 25 years of marriage, I thought we could skip that part. The wedding was wonderful and 13 although we couldn’t have our real families there to share the special day, we had our trans family with us. Here are some of the photos from the wedding & a copy of our vows:

The Cake! The Bachelorette Party April 2007

The Wedding Party April 2007


(Amy) My darling Nan, 25 years have passed since we first pledged our commitment to one another. We have seen good times and bad, shared laughter and tears, The Happy Couple known joy and sorrow. The only constant has been our de- votion to each other. Your unconditional love, unwavering acceptance and never-ending sup- port are gifts that I will cherish for eternity. Today, I want to renew those vows and again pledge my love and life to you. You are my best friend, my lover, my confidant, my soul mate. I love you without reservation and I will treasure your love for as long as I live.

(Nan) Dearest Amy, it was 25 years ago that I met, fell in love, and married a man named Gary. He was the love of my life. I pledged to honor, encourage, and support him through our walk together through life. I promised to stand beside him through thick & thin, good times and bad, and joy and sorrow. Then, in November of 2005, Amy came into my life. She be- 14 came my partner, my best friend, my everything. Today I take you Amy, as the love of my life. I want to spend the rest of my life hearing your thoughts and seeing your dreams. With every beat of my heart, I will love you always.

Next, came our 1st time at SCC in Atlanta. Wow, it was so awesome. There were over 840 paid at- tendees in the beautiful Crowne Ravina hotel in Atlanta. We met many new friends and ran into people from the En Femme Getaway that had been present for our vow renewal. We attended many informative seminars on various transgender top- ics. The most informative and moving was one given by Julie Nemechek & her wife. Then there was the first ever Transgender Career Fair where we picked up a lot of very useful & informative information on trans friendly employers.

It was on the way home from SCC that I turned to Amy and told her I thought she needed to start looking into transitioning to live 24/7. I think she was shocked, to say the least.

When we returned home, she set up a meeting SCC 2007 with her ex-boss to talk with him about the possi- bilities of their company’s policies on GLBT poli- cies (he is gay and had worked his way up in the company). He told her he didn’t think the cor- poration would support her transition on the job and if she planned to transition she should look for a company with trans friendly policies.

She confided in her doctor and he made an appointment for her to see a therapist. Amy has been on hormones since January 2008. She is out to all of our close friends, and all of our fam- ily, and it has gone very well on that front. I don't think my parents really understand it all, but they are trying to be supportive.

In September 2008, she got outed at work and was expecting a rough ride. She went to her boss and explained everything to him. Other discussions followed and the end result was that the company was going to support her transition at work. Her last day as Gary was February 12, 2009 and her first day as Amy was February 23, 2009. On February 17, 2009 she went to court for her legal name change.

Her transition went better than we could have ever hoped for, and shows that it can be done. Many other wives / so’s of a transgender have asked me how I was able to get thru this or to accept it. My reply is there is nothing to accept, I love the person I married and that person just 15 happens to be transgender and that doesn’t change the love I have for the person. This is the same person I married and have loved for over 29 years and will continue to love till the day I die. MOST PEOPLE By: Dee Gregory

Some of you mention that you're hesitant to venture out into the real world.

I guess it's your turn for the "most people" lecture....

I should preface that if fear of public response is the ONLY thing holding you back, then I’ve found there’s little to worry about. We all have ‘other factors’ (family, career, public position, etc) and the other factors are serious and definitely worth con- sidering.

Four years ago, I was also hopelessly incognito, fearful of stepping into the light. A dear GG friend, soon after confiding to her about Dee suggested that we go to the movies or out to dinner, her and Dee. I was, of course, hesitant. (“Wait…you mean out there…in the ‘real’ world? Uhhh…no.”)

She told me of a close friend of hers who was so obviously, flaming-ly gay that he was afraid to go anywhere because he feared public response. On day his counselor looked him in the eyes and said; "Randy, most people really don't care one way or the other what you're doing! ...and how arrogant of you to think otherwise."

So every time she'd suggest and I'd hesitate, She’d say; "Most people...".

So…as I began to venture out, expecting her to be wrong, I only continued to prove her right. Then I started thinking about it. When you’re out and you see someone out of the ordinary, what do you do about it? Nothing, right? EXACTLY! Obviously, you don’t do stupid thing like wear fishnets to a biker bar or such. If you’re dressing appro- priately for the situation and are not overdone, no one seems to even notice you. (Which can be quite a blow to the ego too! *LOL*) I’m not telling you that you have to go running into the street; but being cautions, you should have very little to fear. The 3% that would mess with you, would do so no matter how you are dressed. You might as well enjoy the opportunity. Most should have very little to fear about stepping out. Confidence is a powerful ally as well.

So…there you have it…*giggle* ------

Peace, Love and Light ------Dee

16 The Exploits of Barbara Marie BARBARA’S MADNESS FOR MAY/JUNE 2012 BY


Well,, here I am again still writing. If you remember, I had a legal name change in Feb- ruary. I did learn/have learned a very valuable lesson about credit ratings. As I was notifying my credit card accounts of my name change, I found out that two of them had been cancelled for not use although the expiration date was good for another year. All of my other credit cards, bank accounts, car loan, etc were changed without any trou- ble. I was able to renew my Firestone card with no trouble and even got a $3000 credit limit. I was not as lucky with my Mobile/Exxon card as I got a letter from them saying that according to Equifax I had no credit rating. It seems funny that on Febru- ary 20th 2012, “William” had an excellent credit rating. Yet on February 21st, Barbara had none.. I have since written Equifax, with a copy of my court order, an explanation of my name change and a copy of both of my social security cards for William and Bar- bara showing the same SS# on both cards, just a different name. I also mentioned the accounts that “Barbara” currently has with the various credit cards. I hope that they will get their records straightened out and Barbara Marie gets her excellent credit rating as “she” deserves. I am mentioning this just in case any of your ladies out there are con- sidering a name change, to be prepared.

I had a very pleasant treat the other night as my son and daughter in law brought their twin girls up for the evening for me to watch while they went to a graduation of Ogeechee College here in Statesboro. I took the girls to a picnic which I was planning to attend that was being given by the Pilot Club here, of which I am a member. They not only did they have a good time; I was able to show them off. The same day I about fell over as I got a text message, from my daughter, on my cell phone with some pho- tos of my other grand daughters who live in Albany Ga. I have not seen them in almost 2 years now, but I can talk to them on the phone. Thus, I was able to show the folks at the picnic my 4 granddaughters. It actually felt good to be able to be a true “grandparent”. The picnic was a lot of fun for all of us there.

Several days later, Diane asked me to go to the private school where she had enrolled her 4 year old in Pre K as she could not leave the nail shop. I knew the headmaster of the school, but he did not recognize me at all. For about 10 years, when I was playing the bagpipes, I played for their High school graduation. Several days later, I saw him again as I went by the school to pick up an application for one of the other couples that had a daughter entering the first grade in the Fall. She had been in a catholic school in 17 Atlanta. The tuition here will be a little over $4,000 where as in Atlanta it would have been close to $6,000.

Several days ago, I got another letter from Exxon mobile again denying my second re- quest for a credit card based on the report from Equifax. Three days ago, I got s letter from Equifax telling me that they had updated my records with them to reflect the changes in my name. The following day I got a card from Exxon/mobile with a $1,500 credit limit that expires in 2015. Several day later I got a copy of my credit rating/record from Equifax showing my credit rating which had ben returned to the excellent rating I had before. I just need to use my card every once in a while to keep it current. I am mentioning this to you ladies to make sure that you cover ALL bases if you have a le- gal name change.

This is the weekend of the Lions Club state convention which is being held in Savan- nah, Ga. I am the only one from my club that is in attendance. They were planning on about 600 lions from all over Georgia attending the various activities over the week- end. However, only about 450 actually attended. I was wearing jean caprice and a red polo shirt with the lion’s emblem embroidered on the left “breast area” when I arrived. I also had my Vest with me as well.. The meeting was held at the Marriott on the river- front. I had made arrangements to stay with my son who lives in Pooler. As Lion Tamer, I had to be at the hotel at 645 am on Saturday and Sunday mornings and set up the district governor’s equipment for had the opening ceremonies.. Most everything in the way of activities took place after breakfast in the morning. I went to the Melvin Jones luncheon where we had roast pork, rice and mixed vegetables. Then it was on to Zone chairman training. The gala banquet was Saturday night. They had mashed potatoes, green beans as well as steak and . The speaker and honored guest was the incoming President of Lions International who will be sworn in at the interna- tional conference in Soul South Korea next month. After Breakfast on Sunday, there was a necrology service for those lions in Georgia that have passed away this radiolo- gist telling mpast year. When that was over, I was suppose to pass all of the district governor’s things over to the new lion tamer for next year as my duty was done. How- ever, he and his wife were not in attendance as they both had to work.

A little history about Melvin Jones, He was basically the founder of Lionism. He was a member of the Chicago men’s club in 1917 and the club did not have a purpose. At some point in time, he met Helen Keller, who challenged him with a purpose. Aid for the visually and hearing impaired individuals. Out of that challenge grew the lions club. . Today, Lionism is located in over 200 countries and is the only service club that is allowed to operate with in the borders of China. This year’s international director is from China. There are well over 1.5 million lions in these 200 plus countries. They pro- 18 vide hearing Aids and eyeglasses for those who cannot afford them. They have sum- mer camps for the blind children to attend. They provide aid in times of disasters with no strings attach. They also provide for eye surgery for folks that cannot afford it. Ba- sically, lions get $10.00 worth of service for every $1.00 donated to LCIF. A Melvin Jones “Fellow” is someone who has donated $1,000 dollars to LCIF. Yours truly is a ‘Melvin Jones Fellow”. Now you know. LCIF does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, age, religion, sexual preference, or sexual orientation. They are only inter- ested in service to mankind. That was you tid bit of trivia for the day.

So far, I have been accepted for the person I am presenting, a Lion by the name of Barbara Marie. There were a few folks there that knew who I really was. They have also been treating me with the respect due any female in attendance. By the way, they had about 600 who registered for the convention. However, there are only about 450 in attendance. I met this lady from Atlanta. She spoke to me like she knew me. However, it was a case of mistaken ID. She worked with TG and TS patients at the Fulton County Health department. She “pegged” me right away as we were talk- ing. She was also a Past District Governor from 18A (north Georgia Area including At- lanta.)We had a very informative talk before parting company For the Banquet Satur- day night I wore a green dress with white trim, hose and low heeled black pumps I set with folks for three other clubs in my area. Sunday after breakfast, I went to the ne- crology served for the lions of GA that passed away this past year. The whole weekend was quite nice and as I said, I was accepted for the person I was presenting. I was home by 1230 and at the nail shop by 1315. (115 PM). When we closed the shop, one of the couples that work there had a BBQ at their house. The bill of fare was chicken wings, beef “flanken ribs”, and pork ribs all marinated in a homemade marinate sauce that was quite good. We also had steamed corn and noodle with lettuce and great dessert. It was all washed down a several wine coolers and a couple of beers. We also had some beef and noodle soup (Pho”) before dinner. No one walked away hungry.

The shop was open on Memorial day and for whatever reason, they did a “brisk busi- ness” all day. This reminds me, I hope that all of my “sisters” out there had a wonderful and safe Memorial Day weekend. Wednesday, I was scheduled for a stress test as part of my pre op workup for some possible plastic surgery next month. After the test, my cardiologist said that everything looked great and next week he would write my clearance for the procedure when he gets back from Fernandina Beach. While I was at the hospital, I was treated with the respect due any female patient although most of the folks knew who I was as I had worked there for 18 years as “Bill”. The rest of the week was fairly un eventful, until Saturday/Sunday morning. Early Sunday morning, my phone rang and it was my son telling me he was working and did not know what time he would get home and he did want me to worry. Not quite 2 hours later, I got a frantic 19 call from the daughter of one of the ladies from the nail shop who is pregnant, She told me that Anh was bleeding and that EMS was on their way. I got dressed and arrived at the “Women’s Center” about the same time as EMS.

Anh does not speak a lot of English. She was 26 weeks and carrying a girl. At this point in time, I used my knowledge as a Registered nurse, and deduced that she was in labor and the bleeding was from a possible Abrupto Placenta. After the doctor on called examined her, 2 of my deductions were correct. Yes she was going into labor. Yes, she was having an abrupto Placenta. Placenta Previa had briefly entered my mind but I had about ruled it out. Her 4th problem was the baby was in a transverse lie rather than in the normal vertex position. However, she had all 4. It is terminology time for you non medical folks. Placenta previa is a condition that occurs when the fertilized egg plants itself low in the uterus, usually near the cervix. It can cause a number of problems later in the pregnancy. Abrupto placenta occurs when the placenta begins to separate from the uterine wall resulting in massive bleeding and can be fatal not only to the mom but to the baby as well. Treatment of choice to save mom and baby is a Stat C-section (emergency surgery, like now!). Transverse lie means that the baby was laying cross-wise in the uterus that meant the a vertical incision in the uterus would have to be made instead of the normal horizontal incision done in the majority of the C- Sections done. They took her to the OR at 0450 and at 0457, a 2 lb baby girl was born. Baby was stabilized and sent to the Neonatal ICU at Memorial Hospital in Savan- nah. At the time of this writing, both mom and baby are doing well. The baby (if she makes it) will not be able to come home until she weighs at least 5 Lbs.

Sunday morning I got home about 0715 am and decided to go to the catholic 8 am service as my church has gone to one service for the summer. I left the house wearing a brown and tan skort with tan top and brown shoes(which I had worn to the hospital)l. From there, I did go to my church as we were having our parish picnic and I had sliced tomatoes and onions along with lettuce and cheese for the hamburgers and hot dogs. That was my contribution to the picnic. As usual I worked in the kitchen helping to get things ready for the picnic. After the picnic was over, I took some of the onions home and will chop them up to make an onion casserole later this summer. I spent the rest of the day at the nail salon. When I did get home I was in bed by 2130.

Monday morning I left the house at 0900 and was wearing a black and red skort with a black top and black sandal as I was taking one of the ladies from the salon to her den- tal appointment. Needless did I know that it was to be an all day affair. From the den- tist we went to the mall, where we spent the better part of 2 ½ hours window shopping, The it was to red lobster for a late lunch. Then to the Vietnamese market. It was about 7 pm when I got her home. We then made egg rolls (spring rolls) from scratch. She 20 first “ground the pork by chopping it fine with a knife on a hardwood cutting board. While she was doing that, I chopped fine onions, garlic, and carrots. She then mixed all of the ingredients together with several different spices. We then hand rolled close to 200 “spring rolls” I put about 80 in my freezer when I got home. It made for a long day! However, the ladies had a great time together.

Tuesday Morning, I was wearing a tan skort with a matching top and gold sandal when I left the house to visit the girl in the hospital. I had to fill out all of the information for the baby’s birth certificate as well as talk with the folks about the babies Medicaid. When I was done there, I picked up another one of the worked from the nail shop and took her to buy a new cell phone. From there, the ladies spent the next several hours hour shopping at the mall after which we went out to lunch. I took her home stopped at the nail shop for a short time then went on to my Lions Club meeting. Wednesday, I got a call from my Cardiologist and that as far as he was concerned, I was cleared for my plastic surgery procedure. I was one happy girl to her that. The only other obstacle is my Coumadin (blood thinner) and I must go off of it for 3 weeks. I have decided that I will do it as I really want to surgery done even at my tender age of 69. I go for my pre-op on the 13th and my surgery is the 25th. II have a friend who is a RN and she will be going with me. I went with her last year when she had a face lift and took care of her for the first 36 hours at my house. She is going to do the same for me at my house. I have known her for about 22 years and played the pipes at her husband’s fu- neral when he died a number of years ago.

My friend Anh is now Home and He Baby is doing a s well as can be expected for a “2 lb infant”. However, She has several things going for her. She is receiving the best care possible from a hospital unit that specializes in premature babies. Also, it is a proven fact that baby girls do much better than boys when born at her age. So, sorry guys… Last night, Saturday June 10th, we closed the shop early and drove to Savan- nah as a number of the ladies wanted to go to Hang Tan Market (a Vietnamese Mar- ket) to buy groceries. The close at 7 p on Sundays and we got there at 20 minutes to the hour they wound up closing about 1945 as there were eight, not including me, who were shopping. From there, we all went to the King Buffet (a Chinese Buffet) for sup- per. It was about 1030 (2230) when I got home. All of the ladies had a good time as no one went home hungry.

This looks like a good place to stop as I have been going from the 15th of one month to the 15th of the following month. I do hope that with this hot weather we have been having down here in GA, that everyone is/are staying cool. I also hope that all of you had a safe and pleasant Memorial Day. With the 4th of July around the corner, enjoy 21 the grilling and please be careful with the firecrackers. Also, be careful when celebra- tion the 4th with a fifth and have a safe and enjoyable 4th of July.

Barbara Marie Davidson New Book by Carollyn Olson

My latest novel "Look Through Any Win- dow" is now on sale. It's my sixth book and I believe it's my best effort EVER.

It's actually two books in one as the pub- lisher could not handle a 63,000-plus manuscript in one edition.

The story chronicles the teenage life of Danny Mitchell who befriends, then falls in love with his next door neighbor. It is a love story, but the story line isn't what you might think...

I would like to thank all the girls who allowed me to use all or part of their names as characters: Dani Mitchell, Lisa Harris, Trisha Leigh, Vickie Collins, Bridgett Sommers, Robyn Michaels, Sheri Zenor, Holly Kaye, Amanda Richards, Lena Gibbson, Chryss Kohlmann, Heidi Phox, Jaye Carolan, Karen McCarthy, Tina Steier, Donna Kelli (Kelly), Dee Wallace, Maryanne Milano, Angela Borges, Linda Robinson (name split for two characters), Michele Popkov, and the late Lowla Valentine. I hope I have not left any one out..if so, I'm sorry.

The cost is $25 for the two books and includes Priority Mail shipping in the United States.

If you wish to purchase the book, please let me know. You can send cash, check or money order to:

Carollyn Olson, PO Box 1241, Loomis, CA 95650.

All profits go to the Vanity Club Scholarship Fund.

22 Tasi’s Musings: July, 2012

Greetings from Merida. This month was spent getting ready for a trip to the US to visit our only living parent, and working on our web- site, Sister House, which should be to the developer later this month. Instead of talking about the pleasures of Merida, let me relate a really interesting story that demonstrates that whatever your language, women are always observant, least you think that what you wear is not noticed.

My wife and I frequent a local restaurant, quasi sports bar, where the food is good and the location is convenient to our home. Entry to the front door is via a long concrete ramp. As we approached the bottom of the ramp, an elderly Mexican lady, with her granddaughter and great Granddaughter were slowly coming down the ramp. We waited at the bottom so they could pass easily. As the older woman approached us, she asked, “Habla español?” My wife answered in Spanish and what ensued was a lengthy conversation about shoes. She was asking my wife what kind of sandals was she wearing and where did she get them (Clarks, from the US) . Her own sandals were bought in Paris. She asked where we were from, etc and after a pleasant 5 minute conversation she left. Good quality shoes are difficult to find in Merida, if not most of Mexico.

I never cease to be amazed by the depth of conversation that women have, an art which most of us in the TG world have yet to master. I subscribe to a website called CafeMom in which women talk about the events in their lives. The conversation and comments range from raunchy to intuitive and only demonstrate that we have much to learn about being a woman. I hope each of my readers will join us in the new website later this year where we will explore many aspects of femininity. Fun Fact:

On a yearly basis the average woman spends 170 hours shopping for clothes! Does this sound like you?

In the News

The Platters. This doesn’t relate to transgenderism, but to those of us that grew up in the 50s, it should bring back many memories. Herb Reed, the last surviving original member of the 1950s vocal group The Platters, has died. The group's hits like "Only You" propelled them to stardom. Reed founded The Platters in 1952 and sang bass on the group's four No. 1 hits, including "The Great Pretender," "My Prayer," "Twilight Time" and "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes 23 The Platters were inducted into The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1990. Reed was the only member of the group to appear on all of the nearly 400 recordings. He continued touring, per- forming up to 200 shows per year, until last year. Listen to this famous old tune, one that I re- member dancing to at many a high school hop: http://www.youtube.com/watch? v=57tK6aQS_H0

Sparkle 2012. Transgender people from across Britain are gearing up for a weekend celebration of unity as Manches- ter plays host to Sparkle 2012 in July. The annual celebration, run by transgender charity ‘Sparkle’ is now in its eighth year and aims to bring to- gether the transgender community and spread awareness among the public. http://mancunianmatters.co.uk/content/01063773-sparkle- 2012-manchester-gears-annual-celebration-unity-across- transgender-community

CANAL STREET: Ready for celebrations

JC Penney came under fire for running an ad in its Mother's Day catalog that featured a family with two moms -- one group even threatened a boycott unless JC Penney pulled the ad. Well, not only did JC Penney stand by its ad featuring two moms, in its June Father's Day catalog, it ran an ad featuring a family with two dads. Eventhough these ads dealt with the gay commu- nity, they represent Penneys commitment to the LGBT community. We need to support them with our business GLAD publishes Transgender Family Law: A Guide to Effective Advocacy, the first book to comprehensively address legal issues facing transgender people in the family law context and provide practitioners the tools to effectively represent transgender .clienthttp:// www.therainbowtimesmass.com/2012/04/19/glad-publishes-groundbreaking-transgender- family-law-book/


Following the groundbreaking U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) rul- ing protecting transgender people under the Title VII sex discrimination law, we now know that the EEOC will take seriously and work to resolve claims of anti-trans discrimination. To help indi- viduals understand and assert their rights in the workplace, the National Center for Transgender Equality is releasing Know Your Rights: Employment Discrimination and Transgender People, a new resource outlining the laws protecting trans people in the workplace and steps for report- ing job discrimination. The resource details how individuals can file a complaint with the EEOC, as well as through a state or local civil rights agency or their union. http:// 24 transequality.org/Resources/EmploymentKnowYourRights_May2012.pdf

Books, Movies and Exhibits

Trinidad. WINNER of the Cleveland International Film Festival Documentary Jury Award TRINIDAD uncovers Trinidad, Colorado’s transformation from Wild West outpost to “sex change capital of the world,” and follows three transgender women who may steer the rural ranching town toward becoming the “ mecca.” Directed and Produced by PJ Raval and Jay Hodges. Trinidad is also now available for educational purchase and screenings: to purchase/rent from the TRINIDAD website to purchase/rent directly from The Cinema Guild

"Out of the Box" is OUT! After years of planning, months of filming and weeks of editing, "Voices of Witness: Out of the Box" is now "ready for prime time" ... playing on IntegriTV's YouTube Channel. Here are some "early reviews:" http://youtu.be/QzCANWGsEdc This video is moving, thoughtful, and the humanity of transgender people shines through every frame. This is a wonderful tool to educate all about a subject that is so misunderstood and feared. Great work!!!

Christer Strömholm: 'Les Amies de Place Blanche'

Christer Strömholm (1918–2002) was not, de- spite the ICP website's claim, "one of the great photographers of the twentieth century." Rather, in the global range of his assignments, and the dark hues ofhis black-and-white prints, he typified a brand of suave, personal European photojournalism that flourished in the post-World War II era.

His reputation should, nonetheless, by now have traveled beyond his native Sweden, where he is justly honored. The small selection of photographs in ICP's lower gallery is his first U.S. museum show.

Curatorial assistant Pauline Vermare has chosen 26 prints from a remarkable documentary se- ries (c. 1955-1968) Mr. Strömholm did in the red-light districts of Place Pigalle and Place Blanche in Paris. His subjects were a group of —men with a wish to become women who sought company with one another, often hustling as prostitutes to raise money for sex-change operations. In the book about these "girls" that he published in Sweden in 1983 (soon to be reissued in English and French), Mr. Strömholm exhibits none of the usual leering sensationalism. Transsexuals in his photos aren't freaks but sexy members of an exclusive so- rority. More here: http://www.icp.org/museum/exhibitions/christer-stromholm-les-amies-de- place-blanche

25 Fashion and Beauty

Annette Benning’s Enduring style. Annette Bening is one of those Hol- lywood actresses whose on-screen charm and red carpet style we'll never tire of. Which is lucky for us, because she isn't going anywhere soon. I remember Annette when she starred opposite Michael Douglas in “The President”, a truly classic film. This Kansas-born star has a cool and ef- fortless beauty. Her unique look is one that's hard to ignore, favoring a choppy, short haircut and tailored, menswear-inspired ensembles. There's not doubt that she is distinct, and while she usually does favor a sharp suit, she's not one to shy away from a form-fitting cocktail dress or gown when it comes to stepping out on the red carpet. Stylelist recently cele- brated her birthday. Take a look at her memorable and enduring style here: http://www.stylelist.com/2012/05/24/annette-bening- style_n_1543582.html

Another Bucket List. 29 trends you need to try before you die http://www.refinery29.com/ trends-to-try/slideshow#slide-1


My wife and I are watching this terrible(!) television show called "My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding." The story on this episode is that hillbilly dad is taking 15 year old daughter to a custom dressmaker to buy a gown for this big party they are throwing where she can "meet a husband!" Hillbilly dad takes one look and says. . . "Makes me wish I wuz a crossdresser!"

I just bust out laughing and my wife spits water all over the sofa! You just can't make this stuff up.

Here's Archie as you've never seen him before - as a girl! The iconic Riverdale teen will be get- ting a sex change in August's Archie No. 636 - changing into Archina.

And while Archie Comics has been dealing with some serious top- ics of late, including gay marriage, the heartthrob won't be trans- forming due to hormones or an operation. "There's some magic," Archie president Mike Pellerito said of the story, entitled "The Great Switcheroo." "It's really fun, silly and kind of goofy."

The gender swap happens after Sabrina the Teenage Witch's cat hears Archie and long time love interests Betty and Veronica argue over who has it easier - boys or girls. 26 "The grass is always greener on the other side," Pellerito said.

Betty and Veronica are also affected by Salem's spell - becoming Billy and Ronnie in a world where they've always been boys and Archie has always been a girl.

Pellerito said "Archina is still the most popular kid in school," and she still can't decide between the filthy-rich Ronnie and the perfect boy next door Billy.

"Even in 'Reversedale,' some things are forever," Pellerito said

Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/ gender_issues_wOB9yhY1N5cv3OgoOXr6rN#ixzz1srwu7W49

So until next month, Hugs to everyone …….Tasi 27 Humor

The Old Farmer and the Pond An old farmer had owned a large farm for several years. He had a large pond in the back, fixed up nice; picnic tables, horseshoe courts, basketball court, etc. The pond was properly shaped and fixed up for swimming when it was built.

One evening the old farmer decided to go down to the pond, as he hadn't been there for a while, and look it over. As he neared the pond, he heard voices shout- ing and laughing with glee. As he came closer he saw it was a bunch of young women skinny dipping in his pond.

He made the women aware of his presence and they all went to the deep end of the pond. One of the women shouted to him, "We're not coming out until you leave!"

The old man replied, "I didn't come down here to watch you ladies swim or make you get out of the pond naked. I only came to feed the alligator."

Moral: Old age and treachery will always triumph over youth and skill!

28 Angels In The Centerfold

Tammy Trueheart Camille Brandon

Paula Mea 29

Tamara Hart Shella Schyuler


Jasmine Soto 30

Mellissalynn’s Tips & Tricks

Wow, it’s summer and it’s hot! I hope you girls are all enjoying the sun and fun as much as I am. I could barely pull myself inside long enough to write this month’s col- umn!

I’m starting to think my family is cursed and blessed at the same time or something, girls. Less than three months after I rolled my van, my son rolled a car! He swerved to avoid a deer, went off the road into a ditch, came back up onto the road, went off the other side and went airborne, did a complete circle in the air and landed (on the wheels) in another ditch. That’s the cursed part. The blessed part is that, like me, he was wearing his seat- belt and walked away with no injuries. That’s the blessed part. Of course, the car is totaled…but I can re- place a car, if you all get my meaning.

In other news, I went to a Japanese animation, or anime, convention, the first weekend of June. It was a blast! I have an article coming about my experiences there, but I also have some tips and tricks I learned at the convention to share in here.

If any of you have rolled a car recently (I hope not!), or went to an anime convention (I hope so!), I’d love to share stories. E-mail me at mlat- [email protected] and we can chat.

On with the column!


A shimmery powder applied over the top of your cheekbones can make them appear higher. Here's how to apply it. Locate the exact place to put the powder by placing two fingers side by side underneath the outer corner of your eye, then sweep your powder along this spot.


Here's a neat way to try highlights in your hair. They now make temporary highlighting kits. You simply apply the highlighting mixture and go about your business, then wash it out with a regular shampoo. Simple but fun!

31 @@@@@@@@

Want to try something different with your nails? Nail art is all the rage right now, and it's cheap and easy to try. You can find nail stencils at your local drugstore or beauty supply. The de- signs are numerous, and your nails will look stupendous afterward.


I learned recently that the texture of a blush determines the best way to apply it. For powder blush, you should use a fluffy brush. Cream blushes work best with your fingertips. For stains, try using a makeup sponge. @@@@@@@@

Here are three quick shaving tips that, while designed for shaving the legs, can be applied to shaving anywhere.

1. Stand in the shower or wet the area for at least five minutes. This lets the hair stubble soften and makes it easier to remove.

2. Shave with short, upward strokes to catch every hair (this mainly applies to shaving the body).

3. Try to tighten the skin you're shaving; this lets the blade glide more easily and helps to pre- vent nicks.


If you're trying to grow your nails, try using a nail strengthener that contains horsehair. The herb is full of silicon, which will help to strengthen weak or brittle nails. You can also use a horsehair top coat.


I learned a lot of nifty little makeup tricks at the convention. One of them is this: to prevent your lipstick from feathering or bleeding, take a cotton swab and dip it into some translucent powder. Trace this around your mouth. The powder will help set the lipstick and keep it in place.


This is a quick way to see how your hair is doing and if you could stand a deep conditioning treatment. Pluck a strand of hair, then gently stretch it. If the strand snaps instead of stretches, you may be in need of a good deep conditioning. I prefer to have this done at a salon, but you can do it at home very easily. All you need is your regular conditioner, a shower cap, and some heat (not hard to find that in the summertime!) You can even do this in boy mode if you like.

32 Wash your hair as usual, then apply your conditioner. Put the shower cap on, then apply some heat for about twenty minutes or so; a nice way is to sit outside in the sunlight with a good book and let nature do the rest. The heat helps the conditioner really settle in to the hair and strength- ens it considerably. Your hair will feel SO much nicer when you're done!


I found the neatest little thing at a garage sale this weekend! It's a miniature, refillable perfume atomizer. It's a glass container encased in a cork shell, with a cap. You simply add your favor- ite fragrance tot he bottle and voila! Instant travel version. According to the instructions I have it should be good for about fifty uses. There was a website listed in the instruction (Travalo.com), if you're interested.


Dark shadows on your skin, especially in places like around your nose, the outsides of your mouth, and in between your eyes, can cause you to look older than you are. Try using a lumi- nous, creamy concealer. It will brighten these areas and make you look several years younger.


Remember, when you're filling in your brows, don't go too dark! This looks unnatural and harsh against your skin. You want to go about a shade or so lighter than your natural hair color.


All right, ladies, it's time to tell you all how to make your own DIY manicure set. Collect a pair of nail clippers, a few emery boards, and a pair of cuticle scissors. Swing by the dollar store and pick up a cute eyeglass case. Load your nail tools in the case. Bingo! Instant mani kit!


Varicose veins are an unhappy side effect of aging. They’re caused by calcium exiting the bones and coating your veins. The calcium clogs the veins and makes it difficult for blood to flow back up to the heart. The blood pools and causes your veins to stretch and bulge.

If you want to prevent this, try taking a dose of vitamin K2 (most doctors recommend a 100mcg dose daily). The vitamin will help reverse calcification and let the blood flow. This is an im- portant health benefit as well; it can cut the rate of heart disease by nearly half (42%). Most people will notice an effect in six to eight weeks after starting a vitamin K2 regimen.


When you do your hair, go light on the product. Too much can actually cause your skin to ap- pear dry and older. Try using a lighter hold hairspray; it’s better both for your skin and your mane. Look for one that’s fortified with conditioners to get a softer finish. 33 @@@@@@@@

Is there a shade of polish you’d love to try, but you don’t want to be stuck with it if it just does- n’t work? This is another convention tip: cut a piece of transparent tape and put it on your nail. Apply the polish to the tape. You’ll see how it looks on you without having spent the time ap- plying it only to remove it, or having to live with the results.


The way you sleep can lead to wrinkles, girls. If you use a lot of pillows, arching your neck to sleep can cause your skin to stretch and lead to wrinkles. You have been warned…


Take care of your girls! I love wearing spaghetti-strap and/or strapless tops, ladies, especially in the warm summer days where it’s just too hot to be covered up. Unfortunately, while it feels good not to have the chest covered, it’s also a prime area to get more rays than you’d like. I’ve been applying sunscreen to my chest and breasts when I go out, which helps with sunburn. I’ve also, after talking to a dermatologist friend, started using an exfoliating cream every week. She told me that this will help with Any minor discolorations, and helps refine the skin texture. So far, it seems to be working.


Time to reiterate a past germ warning, folks. It’s summer and we perspire a lot. When wearing makeup, it melts off pretty easily (which is why I love the airbrush makeup, but that’s a tip for another day). One place that makeup will gather is on your cell phone. Your phone can get really grungy pretty quickly, and that’s a great place to have bacteria starting to grow. Wipe your phone down with isopropyl alcohol as often as you can to keep your phone clean.


Here’s a nifty recipe I found for a strawberry lip gloss. You’ll need a quarter cup of petroleum jelly (Vaseline), a half-teaspoon of imitation strawberry extract, four lip gloss pots (available at your local beauty supply store), and a microwave-safe glass bowl.

Melt the jelly, stirring in 30 second intervals, for about three minutes or until it’s liquefied. Let this cool until it starts to become cloudy, then mix in your extract. Stir the mixture until the color is evenly distributed, then pour it into your gloss pots.

I tried this already; it looks delightfully pink on my lips, and smells good too!


And with that, dear girls, my column reaches its end. Wow. We’re already a third of the way through the calendar summer. Time certainly flies, doesn’t it? For the US girls, I hope you 34 have a great 4th of July, and everyone else, have a great month. It’s time to get back out into the sun and have some fun!

If you can yourself inside long enough to send me an e-mail, tell me about your summer! Or post an idea or tip you’ve heard or thought of. Once again, the address is mlat- [email protected] . I love hearing from all of you!

Mellissalynn’s Quick Tips

Hi, girls, it’s your tips & tricks girl with a fast idea for you to try. I was at the gym recently and playing around with a treadmill as I was doing my cool down. Well, I set the speed for a rather slow setting and started walking, and without realizing it, slipped into my girl strut. I realized that this is a great way to practice walking as a girl, and did this for a good fifteen minutes.

What I did was, I set the speed for about 1.2 miles an hour, which is a good slow pace. I forced myself to start taking shorter steps, and soon got into a rhythm. It’s much easier to prac- tice this when the pace is being set for you. In fact, my real issue was, when I got off the treadmill, I caught myself still walking this way!

The practice really paid off at the anime convention I attended, and also last weekend when I was out shopping. I highly recommend this to you all to try! 35 The Adventures of Judy Sometimes


The story I had hoped to share about my Mexico trip didn't quite go as planned. An incident on our first night there pretty much flushed any hopes of presenting in my femme attire. As I had posted a few weeks ago my plan was, at the very least, to go to the wedding dressed and hopefully spend a couple nights in the frilly wear as well.

After a smooth flight and a reasonable van ride to our resort we met up with the bride and groom, a friend and her granddaughter at the bar in the hotel lobby about 7 that night. I hadn't dressed for dinner as we were both rather tired from our 12 hours of traveling; little did I know it probably would have turned the whole course of our trip in a more favorable direction if I had.

Those of you that visit Mexico probably know its customary for gentlemen to wear long pants and closed toe shoes at the specialty restaurants at the resorts. Well, I've been traveling to Mexico for about 25 years and for the most part have adhered to these rules, but on occasion have worn shorts and tennis shoes to dinner without a problem. Tonight was one of those occasions because since I had planned on dressing most evenings I hadn't even brought any long pants with.

I pretty much knew I was in trouble when we walked into the bar of the restaurant and saw that I was the only male wearing shorts. I decided just to play the part of the dumb American and paid the price for it. I led the pack into the restaurant in full view of the maitre de and was seated without any problems...or so I thought. Shortly after settling in the very same maitre de approached me and said that I couldn't be at dinner in shorts. I explained that I didn't have any long pants with me, he then asked what size I was, I thought he was joking. A few seconds later he showed up with a pair of dress pants that looked like they were from the 70's and I said, seriously, he said yes. I grabbed the pants and muttered to my dinner companions that if they didn't fit, I would- n't be back. Of course they were about a size 30 and didn't even come close to fitting. By then my wife had joined me just outside the bathrooms and grabbed the pants from me and stormed into the restaurant and gave the guy a peace of her mind. Now, I knew I was in the wrong and didn't make a big deal of it, after all there was still the buf- fet, which has no dress code.

My wife and I then made our way to the buffet and were soon joined by our friends who had observed something quite interesting on their exit from the specialty restaurant. There in full view of the maître de who had pretty much thrown me out, were two males in shorts...and sandals as well. Our friend asked him why they could be there in shorts 36 and his answer was that they were under 18, which according to my friend, wasn't the case.

I didn't give the incident much thought the next day until my wife mentioned that she thought dressing at the resort probably wasn't a good idea as she was afraid if I showed up dressed and was recognized by the maitre de I would likely be kicked out of the resort. OK, I know that sounds extreme, but that’s what was going through her head. Later that day the real truth came out. My wife had been asked to sing at the wedding and she was a nervous wreak and she didn't need the added pressure of me being there dressed in front of people we didn't know. Truth be told, out of the 52 guests invited to the wedding, the only ones who wouldn't know about me were the grooms parents, his two brothers and their wives.

I knew right then and there all the outfits I had brought with me were not to see the light of day and now I had a bigger problem, I had no long pants for the groom’s dinner or the wedding, not to mention every dinner we would eat if we were going to the spe- cialty restaurants.

I thought to myself, where in Playa am I going to find a pair of pants with a 38" waist...Walmart? Plan B was set. We still had plenty of friends that were coming down Wed., Thurs. and Fri. so I called back to Fargo and had my friend Paul stop by my house and grab a pair of kaki pants to wear to the grooms dinner, the wedding and re- ception. Was I happy about it...HELL NO !, but I chose not to show my angry as it would have only made my wife feel bad. She’s been so good about me expressing my- self pretty much at will, how could I hurt her especially when she was already on pins and needles about singing at the wedding. As it turned out, her fears were justified, not because of her performance, which was excellent, but by the errors made by the wedding coordinator and the minister. Be- cause of the nature of the wedding and tight time schedule there was no rehearsal the night before as in traditional weddings so timing couldn't have been worse. My wife had her cue down when to start the song, but the minister was still speaking when it cued; my wife chose not to start until he was done. Unfortunately the wedding coordi- nator jumped in and started screaming at my wife to start. She chose to wait and start in on the song at on appropriate spot after the minister was done. Now the song has an instrumental part about half way through and the minister thought that the song was over and started to praise my wife for her performance and about 3/4 of the guests started to applaud, while the rest of us knew the song wasn't over. The music kept playing and my wife embarrassingly said, the songs not over, which got quite a chuckle from the guests. By now she had become flustered, but recovered wonderfully. Of course in her mind she thought she had made a fool of herself in front of all our friends. Needless to say she was not happy after the wedding and reamed the wedding coordi- nator and the minister new assholes before we made our way to the lobby bar. Those that know my wife close knew she would be feeling badly about how things went and truly came to her rescue. It took a few hours for her to regain her composure, not to mention a few drinks.

37 So, there you have it, not the story I had hoped to tell, but just the shit that can and does happen in the life of someone who is duel gendered. On a bright note I was probably the only male guest who was sporting acrylic nails and bright orange toenails during our weeks stay.

Judy (we'll try again next year) sometimes

Kathy’s Korner

With My Eyes Wide Open


This month I had major surgery on my lower back to fuse 2 discs and remove a cyst. I thought I did my homework and asked the pertinent questions of my surgeon, as far as what I have to expect from the surgery, rehabilitation, pain levels and most of all, “will the surgery correct my back problems”. My sur- geon said he had performed this surgery many times with success in all operations. This made me feel good, but I still went to the internet to second guess my surgeon and see what I was really going to face. I learned as much as I could, printed photos of sev- eral operations like mine and felt confident of the out- come. My wife and I met with the surgeon for the last time we were complemented on our research and I was mentally and physically ready.

I woke up after surgery, with this horrendous pain in my lower back, all I could hear was the nurse say push the red button if you need pain relief, needless to say that red button and I were best friends.

Now the fun starts, the prodding, the poking and the question, can you sit up? Need- less to say I tried to sit up and was asked what is your pain level, from 1 -10, 10 being the highest what is your pain level. You got to be kidding it’s a dam 12. Who was the nut job that created pain chart? I just had 1’ of my spine cut open, with nuts bolts and screws installed and they ask how your pain level is? The next question - can you walk, move your feet, toes? Right foot looks good now try the left, NO good; my toes 38 will not move and are numb. The nurse and physical therapist look at each other shake their heads and say the sur- geon must have nicked a nerve when they scraped out the cyst. Don’t worry, they will grow back, but it will take time. All I can do is shake my head in disgust.

The insurance company’s want you out of the hospital as soon as you can walk and pee, so 1 ½ days later I was given my trusty steed (walker) to hobble off into oblivion, NEXT! Don’t let that bed get cold!


At home I was uncomfortable to say the least, but I was in good spirits. The problem was with my left foot. The toes were numb and my left foot has turned to the left, my calf, shin and ankle muscles are sore and I have to walk with a cane.

My dear wife has been my nurse, best friend and cheer leader, but I know in my heart that this is a straining her and will not last.

3 Months Later

Most of back pain is gone, but the nerves in my left foot still don’t want to cooperate. I have been fitted with a brace that will keep my foot in line so the nerves will heal in the normal direction. My Physical Therapists says it could take up to a year or even 2 years to get back to normal.

My job is getting worried that I will not return and at this point I could give a rats behind if I ever return.

Even though I walk with a cane, wear a Star Wars storm trooper leg brace and not be- ing the most nimble person alive, it’s the most freedom I’ve had in years.

As far as my dressing it’s been hard, especially physically hard, but the compulsion is driving me crazy, so I decided to experiment. Can I walk in heels that were a mistake; a broken hip will be the result of that folly. Flip flops, no my toes on my left foot can’t control the shoe, flats or something with a 1” heel, now we are talking. I still need the cane to keep me stable but I can walk, not with the most feminine gait, but walk.

Now I have a plan, my dress code will be casual, with no brace just my cane and most of all my peace of mind that I can dress with confidence and be Kathy Ann when I want (when my wife is away).

I never thought what the consequences would be for this operation, physical, mental, and financial even though I did my homework and went into this with my eyes wide open, with no regrets.

Note: In the photo above I have my cane out of the photo and my brace off. I am sitting 39 because I can’t stand in the 2” heels and stay horizontal. (The price to pay, to be the person within.) Love, Kathy Ann If you have any comments please Email me – veemey01yahoo.com

What to Wear if You Have an Apple Shaped Figure By Jill Martin and Pierre A. Lehu

Apple-shaped women are fuller around the middle. If they gain weight, it shows up around their belly and upper body. They’re usually larger-breasted and their upper arms and shoulders are broader, too. Their legs tend to be thin and their butts tend to be flat.

As an apple, you want to emphasize your strong points (your bust and legs) while camou- flaging your weaker ones (your midsection), keeping it all in balance. Since the idea is to draw the eye toward those parts of your body that shine and away from those that don’t, you want to show off your great legs.

You can wear patterns, just follow these guidelines. Any large pattern is going to draw attention, so don’t wear a large pattern on top. Wear a small, subtle pattern on top, or save the

An apple-shaped woman. patterns for the bottom. A great print skirt with a solid sweater set is a great way to express your- self while also flattering your figure.

If you have a fuller chest area (and are comfortable accentuating this area), draw attention to it. Doing so keeps straying eyes from your midsection. Wear a sexy V-neck. (Ooh la la!) Wear bras that support your bust. And any straps on your tops should be wide enough to cover your bra straps.

If, like most apples, you have great legs, short skirts are in order. If you’re in the office, the shortest your skirt should be is just above the knee. If you’re going out for a night on the town, go a little higher! 40 A-line skirts also work with your figure. Since they flare out from the waist, A-line skirts offer balance and proportion to your upper half.

If you don’t have much of a backside, and you want to give the illusion that you do, wear pants with back pockets. Your jeans should have a rise lower than your natural, wider waist. Don’t wear pants with pleated fronts, as that only makes your middle look larger. Don’t wear pants that are too tight, even if you have good legs, because that makes your top seem extra large. Remember, while you want to emphasize your better attrib- utes, the challenge is to do so while also keeping your overall look in balance.

Go for longer jackets. Your jackets should be on the long side, never ending at waist level. Make sure they come down to your hips to create a long, lean line right over your waist and tummy area. And opt for single- breasted jackets that you can keep unbuttoned. A double-breasted blazer that needs to be buttoned to look right only makes you look larger on top.

Opt for drop waists. A dress or top with a drop waist (that narrows down at the point of your hips instead of your true waist) bypasses any constricting fabric around the tummy area and makes your torso appear longer and leaner overall. This ilustration shows an outfit appropriate for an apple-shaped woman. It hides the problem areas and accentuates the positive features.

If you’re an apple with great legs, you can get away with anything on the bottom, even knits. As far as your top goes, stay with materials that offer more structure, like a straight cut cotton blouse, or something blousy like silk. Both of these camouflage the midsection. You want to avoid tight knits on top because they cling and accentuate this area.

An A-line skirt is a great cut for an apple-shaped woman. 41 Tasi’s Fashion News

What Outfit Should I Wear? Tasi Zuriack

Wow! What a loaded question, because the answer is “It depends.” Regardless of age, all women want to feel beautiful and confident. They also want to feel sensual and be noticed, but in a positive way. Now many, if not most of us in the transgender community, would not want to stand out; but we will, either because of our height, our build, our features, or our walk. So the trick here is to be very well put-together so the first glance that we get while shopping in the mall, or walking into a restaurant is an ad- miring glance, saying “I like what that woman is wearing” and believe me, they will no- tice, both the good and the bad.

Just today, a CD friend said to me that a couple of her GG friends have refused to go out with her in the past because she is always so put together (hair, nails and makeup, nice outfit, etc.). They tell her they don’t always want to do that, but wouldn’t be caught dead having her look better than they do.

Then how do some women, no matter what their age, so confidently demand attention without seeming to try? The secret — they have taken off the ‘cloak of invisibility,’ by creating their own unique, personalized look that boldly says, “See me.” They are the ones who see their bodies as a blank canvass and their clothes and accessories as their ‘I’m Awesome’ wearable art.

Learning your own archetype fashion style is a key to how you dress and express your own inner self. You may even identify with more than one archetype and create a blend of wardrobe styles. We’ll talk about these archetypes next month, but now I want to set you on the track to two very different classical looks that any of us can achieve and which are knockouts.

I, for instance, love a dress, but look far better in slacks because they lengthen the line of my form. We just need to be flexible in our approach to clothes, knowing that the special look can be achieved when we understand how the elements of fashion come together for the total look. We can become our own fashion icon.

So, let’s look at some possibilities. When building up your attractiveness, it’s enor- mously useful to have a go-to outfit. For many of us, that’s going to mean a pair of jeans, heels, a blazer, and a bag you’re glad to carry.

42 There are a staccato of choices and almost everyone can find jeans that flatter. Because those sturdy blue trousers have become a cornerstone of American culture, a version can be found for most shapes and sizes. If you are a plus size woman like me, then Lane Bryant’s Right Fit jeans are geared to the size, shape, and length of my body. But J Crew, Eloquii by The Limited, Macy’s, Target, or your favorite boutique all are good choices. Same for heels and blazers — say stiletto, blunt-toe, cropped, or lapelled. How do I know this is a go-to outfit for attraction? Very scientific research. Lisa from Privilege puts it this way: “First, I cast my mind’s eye back over the years, and realized that whenever I felt the time had come to make my intentions clear to a man, I wore jeans, a white shirt, and pearls . . . Second, I reviewed Pinterest. Yep. One of the most prevalent outfits? Jeans, jacket, heels, bag.”

Of course, some of us just don’t like pants. We don’t like the way they feel, the way they look, or both. How then to choose a go- to? Despite Pinterest’s fondness for shorts and skirts and maxi- dresses, I don’t think those are the most attractive solutions. I think it’s got to be a dress. One that allows for movement, but highlights your favorite bits.

If you don’t care for pants, it’s quite likely you’re fond of your bosom, as they said in previous centuries. And somehow, with all that leg showing, I think you’re going to want to wear boots for stomping around. For two feet on the ground, there’s little quite as attractive as an effortless, enthu- Devastatingly attractive, and still comfortable. featuring black leather boots 43 siastic, authoritative stride (and most of us are pretty good at that J). You will notice, being the insightful lot that you are, a certain Sturdy quality to these outfits. Yes. That’s true. The single most attractive outfit you can own ties directly to your style archetype, whatever that may be. But Sturdies are also quite likely to act as a net plus in your life, i.e., Attractive, so perhaps it’s not only my archetype preferences at play.

You may also notice some androgyny. My theory, until a better one comes along, is that gender testing is dangerous, even today, even now. And those who dare, attract. Try a little daring. A little stomping. See what transpires.

So, until next month, may you be the beautiful woman that you are. Hugs……Tasi

About Tasi Zuriack: Tasi Zuriack is a married, lifelong cross dresser and transgender lady. She’s the founder of the Ladies of the Blue Ridge trans- gender group in Roanoke VA, a prolific writer, commentator and blogger in- cluding fashion articles for Tri-Ess and the Pretty T-Girls magazine. Tasi cur- rently resides in Merida, (Yucatan) Mexico.

How To Get An Hourglass Figure

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Lucille Sorella is a GG (genetic girl) who teaches crossdressers, transsexuals, and transgender how to look, act, and feel like real women. Her goal is to help T-women ex- press their inner and outer femininity and increase their confidence as women. She has a professional background in fashion, beauty, dance, and natural healing and has been working with the transgender com- munity for the past 12 years. Her website is loaded with useful infor- mation and is located at http://www.flat2fem.com/index1.html 44 One of the best parts of being a woman is having CURVES galore! Butt maybe you’re wondering … is it really possible to look like an hourglass if you’re built like a rectangle or an apple (as most transgender women are)? The answer is YES!

Keep reading to learn how to slim your waist and enhance your hips to achieve an hourglass shape:

1. Try corset training

If you’ve never worn a corset before, you’re in for a treat. A corset can take up to 6 inches off your waist and make you look and feel ultra feminine. A corset can even be used for per- manent (or at least semi-permanent) waist size reduction. Corset training isn’t fast or easy, but it can work wonders when combined with a proper diet and exercise.

Check out Romantasy.com to learn more about corset training. They offer corsets, training materials, and even a 3-month waist training coaching program. 45 2. Wear a waist cincher As lovely as corsets are, they aren’t always practical. A big drawback is that corsets can look stiff and bulky under most clothes. Waist cinchers, on the other hand, are de- signed to be worn under clothing. A waist cincher can take 1-4 inches off your waist while still allowing you to move and breath easily. Here are 3 top-reviewed waist cinchers available in small to extra-large sizes. · Flexees Instant Slimmer Waistnipper · Squeem Magical Lingerie Waist Cincher Rago Waist Cincher – Style 821

Flexees Instant Squeem Magical Rago Waist Cincher – Slimmer Waistnipper Lingerie Waist Style 821 Cincher

3. Improve your posture Most of us have poor posture from being slumped over computers all day. Good pos- ture can make you look 10 pounds lighter around the middle, so pay attention to the way you sit and stand. Think: stomach in, chest lifted, and shoulders back. Even better – put on your waist cincher! A waist cincher improves your posture by forcing you to keep your tummy in and your spine straight.

4. Try the vacuum pose Traditional exercises like crunches and sit-ups can overdevelop your abs and increase the size of your waist. Have you ever noticed that many modern bodybuilders have bulging abdomens? Compare this to the wasp-waist look of old school bodybuilders like Arnold Schwarzenegger or Jack Lalanne. 46

You obviously don’t want to look like “The Terminator”, but these classic bodybuilders were onto something. Their secret was the “vacuum pose”. The vacuum pose is an exercise that tones the transverse abdominis. The transverse abdominis is the innermost ab muscle, which supports your posture and helps hold your stomach in. Everyday crunches don’t target this muscle. The vacuum pose can take 2-4 inches off your waist, so it’s definitely worth a try. (I personally lost 1 inch off my waist after vacuum posing for 2 weeks!) Here’s how to do it:

1. Exhale all the air from your lungs. 2. Expand your chest and suck in your stomach as much as possible. Imagine trying to touch your belly button to your spine. 3. Hold this pose for 5-15 seconds and then relax. 4. Repeat for 3-5 minutes. 47 5. Enhance your hips A small waist is only half of the equation. Your hips should appear approximately 10 inches larger than your waist for true hourglass proportions. Here are some tips for enhancing your hips: · Wear padded panties. Classic Curves carries the best hip and butt enhancers for crossdressers and transgender women. You can also find a big selection of removable hip and butt pads on LoveMyBubbles.com. · Go for skirts and dresses with gathered waistlines. Gathers are the easiest way add inches to your lower body and create the illusion of hips. Look for peplum styles. A peplum is a ruffle or overskirt attached to the waistline of a top, dress, or skirt. Besides adding fullness to the hips, the peplum is a very fashion- forward look.

Padded panty Gathered waistline Peplum 48 How to make your high heels bearable By The_Stir | Working It –

I was flipping through a magazine the other day and noticed thatDr. Scholl's has a couple of products just for fashionable girls like us -- products that I now HAVE TO HAVE.

The first is a pair of cheap, foldable, rollable flats that fit in a clutch and come inside their own tiny bag. Her Fast Flats are just $12.99 at Walgreens, and they really make it possible for you to wear impossibly high heels and actually get where you need to go, pain-free. Love.

But that's not all that's out there to make your sti- lettos more comfortable ...

Dr. Scholl's Her High Heel (Walgreens, $11.99) is a set of insoles created specifically for shoes that are 2 inches and higher. They're designed to be invisible under your foot and I'm dying to try a pair!

Speaking of making heels wearable, I have GOT to get a few pairs of these Heavenly Heelz (Foot Petals, $6.95-$18.95). These heel pads adhere to the back of your shoe so that your feet won't slip out of your stilet- tos. I have a couple of pairs of shoes that I hardly ever wear for just this reason!


These Tip Toes (Foot Petals, $6.95-$18.95) also come in lots of different colors and keep your foot from sliding down in your sti- lettos. GENIUS!!

And check out these Strappy Strips (Foot Petals, $3.50-$6.95), thin strips that keep your shoe straps from digging into your skin. Brilliant.

Of course, I know some of you are saying, "Why not just buy COMFORTABLE pairs of shoes? Then you won't need any of this stuff!"

But if you're like me, you have at least one pair of high heels that were so gorgeous, you couldn't resist them- Now, you might actually be able to wear them without hobbling around for three days afterward!

Do you have any secrets when it comes to making high heels more comfortable? Dish!

50 The Gossip Fence Transgender In The News

California Prop 8 Headed to U.S. Supreme Court

A federal appeals court in California has denied a petition to have Prop 8 -the 2008 California ballot initiative that defines marriage as between a man and a woman - further reviewed by a larger panel of judges, which means the case likely is headed to the Supreme Court of the United States.

Supporters of Prop 8 - opponents of gay marriage - had asked for "en banc" review of the case. This would have meant that the Chief Judge of the circuit along with 10 ran- domly selected judges would have mooted their colleagues' decision and started anew. But in a filing today the court said that a majority of judges had voted to deny the peti- tion.

But the court stayed the three judge ruling pending an appeal to the Supreme Court. "Today's order is yet another federal court victory for loving, committed gay and couples in California and around the nation," said Chad Griffin, the Co-founder of The American Foundation for Equal Rights, the group that brought the challenge to Prop 8. "This is a great step forward towards the day when everyone will be able to marry the person they love," said AFER attorney David Boies.

But Andy Pugno, general counsel for ProtectMarriage.com, the official proponents of Prop 8, said his group will appeal the case to the Supreme Court.

Critical Transgender Concerns Awaiting Action at the Social Security Administration

The ACLU joined a letter to the Social Security Administration (SSA) drafted by our coalition partners at the National Center for Transgender Equality. The letter expresses a shared concern over a lack of action from SSA on several policy matters of critical importance to transgender people and their families.

The three areas addressed in the letter include the need for an updated policy for changing gender information in SSA records; revising guidance regarding marriages involving a transgender spouse to accurately reflect state and federal law; and phasing out the use of gender data in SSA computer matching programs.

51 The ACLU views the ability of transgender people to have identifying documents and records that accurately and consistently reflect their lived gender as essential. As the coalition letter states, having identification and records that misrepresent one’s lived gender “outs” a transgender person in any situation where he or she needs to rely on these records, whether for purposes of employment or conducting business with state and local government offices. This not only violates the privacy rights of transgender people, it also puts them at serious risk for discrimination, especially in the 34 states that currently lack explicit nondiscrimination protections for individuals based on gen- der Identity.

Free Assistance for Transgender Persons Seeking Legal Name Change

DETROIT — A coalition of LGBT community partners, Affirmations Community Center, Central United Methodist Church, Equality Michigan, and the Ruth Ellis Center is proud to announce the launch of the Transgender Name Change Project (TNCP).

Recognizing the economic, legal and social barriers transgender persons face when their legal name differs from their preferred name, the coalition is excited to announce that a number of selected applicants will receive assistance to complete a legal name change at no cost.

Know Someone Interested in a Legal Name Change?

If you or someone you know is interested in a free legal name change, you can begin the process by completing an application as well as the appropriate fee waiver forms for your county. Coalition members Equality Michigan's Department of Victim Services and Affirmations Community Center will provide assistance completing these steps of the process.

Applications are available at Affirmations Community Center in Ferndale, Central United Methodist Church in Detroit, at the Ruth Ellis Center in Highland Park, and via email at [email protected] or [email protected]

Whitman-Walker Launches Transgender Legal Clinic

Whitman-Walker Health, the nonprofit community health center specializing in HIV/ AIDS and LGBT health care, announced today that it will provide a free, ongoing legal clinic for transgender clients beginning in June.

The ''Name and Gender Clinic'' will be held every other month – following initial June and July – and will allow clients of WWH to meet one-on-one with trained attorneys from Trans Legal Advocates of Washington , who will provide counseling and assistance with processes for changing one's name and gender in public records and other official documents, such as driver's licenses, passports and birth certificates.

52 ''Having identity documents, Social Security and other legal records that accurately re- flect one's name and gender is so vital for any transgender person to live, work and thrive in our community,'' said Don Blanchon, Whitman-Walker's executive director, in a release announcing the clinc. ''The processes and procedures to make changes to these documents can be burdensome and confusing. As part of our ongoing commit- ment to care for the transgender community, we are proud to offer this service that will make a difference in people's lives.''

Clients are served on a walk-in basis and no appointment is necessary, but participants are encouraged to RSVP by calling 202-939-7627 or emailing [email protected].

Report Anti LGBT- murders rose 11 percent in 2011

The National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs reported that the number of anti- LGBT murders in 2011 rose 11 percent from the previous year.

The NCAVP’s annual report documents 30 anti-LGBT homicides across the county. While it showed that incidents of anti-LGBT hate violence decreased 16 per- cent from 2010, the number of anti-LGBT murders in 2011 is the highest that the agency has documented since it began to issue it began to issue its annual report in 1996.

NCAVP further noted that 87 percent of the 30 anti-LGBT homicide victims in 2011 were LGBT people of color—trans women comprised 40 percent of those who lost their lives to anti-LGBT bias-motivated crimes.

Anti-violence advocates maintain a lack of housing, employment and legal protections leave trans people particularly vulnerable to bias-motived crimes.

Metropolitan Police Department statistics note that there were 43 reported bias-related crimes based on sexual orientation in the District of Columbia in 2011, compared to 35 in 2010. The MPD reported 11 anti-trans crimes in the District in 2011, compared to 10 in 2010.

Ejeris Dixon of the New York City Anti-Violence Project noted that the anti-LGBT bias- related crimes documented in the NCAVP report are only “the tip of the iceberg.” She and other anti-violence activists note that many victims remain afraid to report these attacks because of their immigration status or previous experience with law enforce- ment officials.

Miss USA 2012 Supports Transgender Rights

Newly crowned Miss USA 2012 is a supporter of transgender rights.

Olivia Culpo – a 20-year-old cellist from Rhode Island – was asked, “Would it be fair if 53 a transgender woman won the Miss USA title?” during the pageant’s final interview round.

"I do think it would be fair…” because “there are so many people who have a need to change for a happier life. I do accept that because I believe it's a free country."

The question followed the Miss Universe Organization’s recent decision to admit trans- gender contestants. After a controversial disqualification was overturned, Jenna Ta- lackova competed for the Miss Universe Canada crown last month, where she finished in the Top 12 and earned the title “Miss Congeniality."

Court: Heart of gay marriage law unconstitutional BOSTON (AP) — A federal appeals court declared that the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutionally denies federal benefits to married gay couples, a groundbreaking ruling all but certain to wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court. In its unanimous decision, the three-judge panel of the 1st U.S. Circuit Court of Ap- peals in Boston said the 1996 law that defines marriage as a union between a man and a woman deprives gay couples of the rights and privileges granted to heterosexual couples. The court didn't rule on the law's more politically combustible provision, which said states without same-sex marriage cannot be forced to recognize gay unions performed in states where it's legal. It also wasn't asked to address whether gay couples have a constitutional right to marry. The 1st Circuit said its ruling wouldn't be enforced until the U.S. Supreme Court de- cides the case, meaning that same-sex married couples will not be eligible to receive the economic benefits denied byDOMA until the high court rules. That's because the ruling only applies to states within the circuit, including Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maine, New Hampshire and Puerto Rico. Only the Supreme Court has the final say in deciding whether a law passed by Congress is unconstitutional.

Janet Jackson Producing Documentary On Transgender Community 'Truth' will look at struggles of transgender people around the world.

Janet Jackson has spent her career bouncing from TV to music and movies, but now the R&B legend is moving into the producing game.

According to the The Advocate, Jackson has agreed to executive-produce a documen- tary called "Truth" about the lives of transgender people around the world. Not only is Jackson, 46, working behind-the-scenes on the movie, but she is expected to sit for some on-camera interviews as well. The movie will start filming this summer. In a statement announcing the film, Jackson said she agreed to sign on to help stop dis- crimination against the transgender community.

54 "All people are very important to me. I've been fortunate to make friends and learn about very different lives," Jackson said in a statement. " 'Truth' is our small chance to ask that you try and understand someone who lives their life in a way that is a little bit different from yours, even though all of our hearts are the same. We want to stop the hate and find understanding."

"Janet Jackson will take us on a visually innovative, cerebral journey through the turbu- lent lives of transgendered people of all ages around the world and their epic struggle for equality," Just as it is hard to believe that there ever was a time when different com- ponents of society were required to use separate drinking fountains, it is as incredible that one's gender expression remains just such a target for discrimination."

Jackson's involvement in the documentary comes on the heels of last month's news that Against Me! singer Tom Gabel has come out as transgender and is now living as a woman, Laura Jane Grace. Gabel became the most high-profile major-label musician to undergo a gender transformation.

ExxonMobil shareholders reject protections for LGBT employees

DALLAS, TX -– ExxonMobil shareholders voted against a resolution that would have prohibited workplace discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity. The resolution, rejected by 80 percent of shareholders, would have specifically amended “ExxonMobil’s written equal employment opportunity policy to explicitly pro- hibit discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity and to substantially implement the policy.”

More than a decade ago, before Mobil Corp. was acquired by Exxon Corp., Mobil pro- hibited discrimination based on sexual orientation and offered health benefits to do- mestic partners of its employees.

Beauty who beat hundreds of women to final of modelling competition revealed to be a man

Thai lady boy Angkookrat, known as Toon, was one of 200 'women' to enter the Brigh- ton's Next Hot Model contest. Shy Toon sailed through the preliminary rounds, wowing judges with her deep brown eyes, long dark hair and slimline figure. After being given the green light by every member of the panel, the Lady Boys of Bangkok star, 26, re- vealed that she was born a man.

Organiser Scott Woolgar said: "During the selection process it did not cross any of our minds for a minute that she was a man. "I know a lot of judges showed pictures to friends and family to get a bit of help and nobody twigged.

"When we were deciding who to put through to the final she was on everybody's list. Everyone thought she was one of the prettiest girls. "The competion is based on ap- proach, looks and personality and Toon has all of that. It is about beauty pure and sim- 55 ple regardless of whether Toon was born male or female.

"We believe beauty is more than skin deep and would be honoured to have Toon in our final."

Police look to recruit more transsexuals

Britain's biggest police force is recruiting more sex-swap police, it's been revealed. The Met, which polices London, now has four transsexuals, who have had operations to switch genders, and a further eight hermaphrodites, who were born a mix of male and female.

The Sun revealed that they investigate crimes against cross-gender victims, which are believed to be on the rise and which the Government has vowed to fight back against.

There was controversy when it was revealed that police officers who wish to change sex while in the Met will get a year's paid leave, with 183 days at full pay.

NCTE Releases Trans Job Discrimination “Know Your Rights” Guide

Following the groundbreaking U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) ruling protecting transgender people under the Title VII sex discrimination law, we now know that the EEOC will take seriously and work to resolve claims of anti-trans discrimination. To help individuals understand and assert their rights in the workplace, the National Center for Transgender Equality is releasing Know Your Rights: Employ- ment Discrimination and Transgender People, a new resource outlining the laws pro- tecting trans people in the workplace and steps for reporting job discrimination. The resource details how individuals can file a complaint with the EEOC, as well as through a state or local civil rights agency or their union.

We’ve already gotten lot of questions about the EEOC ruling and what it means for transgender people and for our advocacy work. For answers to questions not covered in NCTE’s resource, we recommend the Transgender Law Center’s: Frequently Asked Questions: What the EEOC’s Decision in Macy v. Holder Means for You . In addition, we want to remind everyone of our other “Know Your Rights” resources that outline existing protections and how to file discrimination complaints in the follow- ing areas:

Download the resource here . New Irish human rights legislation for LGBT people

Same-sex civil marriage and protection for LGBT students in schools are just two of 56 the positive steps which may result from new legislation published in Ireland today. The proposed legislation will create a new body in charge of human rights and equal- ity, the Irish Human Rights and Equality Commission (IHREC). This merges two previ- ous organisations, the Equality Authority and the Irish Human Rights Commission, and will have a direct impact on the LGBT community in the country.

The definition of ‘human rights’ will be changed in the new body to include ‘new and emerging human rights’, including the needs of LGBT individuals.

Under the new plans, LGBT equality will be a high priority and mainstream public ser- vices will be adapted to suit the needs of the wider community. Sheenan said this could extend to schools, who would be obliged to consider how their LGBT students were being treated and put protective measures in place to help and protect them.

Using Christian faith to justify 'LGBT Pride Month'

Since taking office in 2009 President Barack Obama has declared the month of June "Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month." Now he is celebrating his "evolved" thinking and pushing for marriage equality.

On Friday, June 1, just after a group of African-American pastors requested a meeting with Obama to discuss their concerns with his "endorsement of gay marriage as a civil right," the president pointed to his wife and told ABC News, "[W]hen we think about our faith, the thing at root that we think about is not only Christ sacrificing Himself on our behalf, but it's also the golden rule -- treat others the way you'd want to be treated."

Manitoba's Human Rights Code to protect transgender and socially disadvan- taged

Justice Minister Andrew Swan introduced a bill on May 23 that will protect Manitobans who are transgender, homeless, unemployed, or undereducated.

The proposed changes to Manitoba's Human Rights Code will prevent discrimination based on gender identity and the socially disadvantaged.

“Manitoba’s human rights legislation was ahead of its time 25 years ago when protec- tion from discrimination based on sexual orientation was added to the code,” Swan stated in a news release. “These changes will build on that legacy and ensure the commission has the tools it needs to effectively address current and emerging chal- lenges.” Quebec already has similar protection for the impoverished while Ontario is currently in the process of introducing increased protection to transgender citizens.

Further changes to Manitoba's Human Rights Code will improve and streamline ser- vices by expanding mediation provisions, permit joint Manitoba Human Rights Com- mission proceedings on similar complaints, and also permit the commission to sit in smaller panels for decision-making purposes. 57 Ontario passes anti-bullying bill

Sixty-five MPPs voted in favour of the bill and 36 voted against it.

The Liberals' Accepting Schools Act, Bill 13, is expected to pass a final vote June 5. The vote will take place after Question Period. MPPs had their last chance to speak to the legislation after Education Minister Laurel Broten moved the bill to third reading on June 4. The bill contains an amendment mandating gay-straight alliance (GSA) sup- port groups in all schools if students request them.

“We know that words matter,” Broten says. “We know the power of words to create fear and pain and to spread hatred, homophobia, sexism and racism, and we know that if we can’t name it, we can’t address it. Speaker, we must address it.”

The of Bill 13 will cap a one-and-a-half-year battle in Ontario that has pitted queer students against Catholic school administrators who have repeatedly denied stu- dent requests for GSAs.

Meanwhile, debate in mainstream media has fuelled renewed criticism about the public funding of faith-based schools. A recent survey found more than half of Ontario resi- dents, 53 percent, oppose public funding of Catholic schools.

Transgender War Veteran Pushes Army to Allow Her to Re-Enlist

Iraq war veteran Specialist John Ackley, who served in Iraq with the 34th Red Bull In- fantry Division in 2009 and changed her gender afterward, is asking the military to al- low transgender people to serve on duty because she wants to enlist again.

Ackley, who know goes by the name Ashley, was denied her request to re-enlist, and said in an interview with CNN that when she first contacted officials expressing her de- sire to rejoin the National Guard, they were happy to have her back on board – until she mentioned that she was living as a female now, which ruled her out for re- enlistment.

Lt. Col. Kevin Olson, a spokesperson for the Minnesota National Guard, sent a state- ment to CNN that stated that transgender people are considered to have a disorder, which is why they are not allowed to serve.

"A history of, or current manifestations of...transsexual, gender identity disorder to in- clude major abnormalities or defects of genitalia such as change of sex or a current attempt to change sex...or dysfunctional residuals from surgical correction of these conditions render an individual administratively unfit," the statement read.

58 Alberta reinstates funding for gender reassignment after delisting surgery in 2009

EDMONTON — Alberta will reinstate funding for gender reassignment surgeries June 15, more than two years after delisting the operation as a cost-saving measure. The policy change will mean up to 25 people per year can have the surgery for a total an- nual cost of about $1-million.

Former premier Ed Stelmach’s government cut funding for the operations in April 2009. At the time, gay rights activists estimated there were about 600 people on a waiting list.

Kris Wells, a spokesman for the Institute for Sexual Minority Studies at the University of Alberta, called the new policy an historic victory that will save lives. He said some people who couldn’t have the operation considered killing themselves.

Massachusetts Gender Identity Law Goes Into Effect July 1, 2012

Massachusetts employers take note: Massachusetts' Transgender Equal Rights Bill, signed into law by Governor Patrick on November 23, 2011, goes into effect on July 1, 2012. Massachusetts is the 16th U.S. state, along with Washington, D.C., to offer transgendered individuals protection from discrimination, although the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination has taken the position for years that transgendered individuals are protected under the definition of "sex" as a protected class.

The law prohibits discrimination on the basis of gender identity in employment, as well as housing, credit, and education. Massachusetts' existing state anti-discrimination law, Chapter 151B, is amended to include "gender identity" as a protected category. Chapter 151B applies to public employers and private employers with six or more em- ployees.

Scanners will display prosthetics and identify transgender travellers

CONTROVERSIAL full body scanners due to be introduced in airports next month will identify prosthesis wearers, including breast cancer survivors and transgender passen- gers.

Earlier this year the federal government announced that the new scanners to be in- stalled in eight international terminals would be set to show only a generic stick figure image to protect passengers' privacy. But documents released under freedom of infor- mation show that in meetings with stakeholders, Office of Transport Security represen- tatives confirmed the machines would detect passengers wearing a prosthesis.

Breast Cancer Network Australia said it had alerted its 70,000 members that prosthesis wearers should carry a letter from their doctor and speak to security staff before pass- ing through the body scanner to ensure discreet treatment. While breast implants would not be detected, prosthetic breasts used by those who have had a mastectomy 59 will be.

During the meetings, OTS officials confirmed the situation would also apply to trans- gender passengers. A spokesman for the Infrastructure Department said there were ''procedures currently in place for the appropriate clearing of medical devices and aids and these will continue largely unchanged''.

The introduction of the scanners is a response to the failed 2009 Christmas Day under- wear bombing attack on a US-bound airliner involving a passenger trying to detonate chemicals hidden in his underwear and in a syringe.

Anti-bullying guide blocked under Romney

Ex-Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney's administration blocked an anti-bullying guide over the use of "bisexual" and "transgendered," state records indicate.

An e-mail written in May 2006 by Alda Rego-Weathers, then deputy commissioner of the state Department of Public Health, and obtained by the Globe through a public re- cords request, cited use of the words "bisexual" and "transgendered." "Because this is using the terms 'bisexual' and 'transgendered,' DPH's name may not be used in this publication,'' Rego-Weathers wrote.

That effectively stopped publication because DPH had been the primary sponsor and funding source for the guide, the Globe said. In the e-mail, Rego-Weathers said she had been consulting with Romney's office on the issue.

The Globe said stopping publication of the guide was among moves by Romney, a Re- publican, and his aides during his last year as governor to distance himself from state programs intended to specifically support gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender peo- ple. "Romney put his own political interests ahead of the safety of vulnerable youth,'' said Don Gorton, a gay-rights advocate and the author of the 120-page anti-bullying guide.

About 10,000 copies of the "Guide to Bullying Prevention'' were published in 2008, dur- ing Democrat Deval Patrick's first term in office.

SEIU Members Unanimously Pass Trans-Inclusive Health Care Resolution

In a groundbreaking unanimous vote at the Service Employees International Union’s (SEIU) convention last week, members passed a resolution calling on local unions to bargain for trans-inclusive health care benefits. SEIU is the fastest growing union in North America with over 2.1 million members, and the vote is another sign that access to transition-related care is a fundamental part of supporting the health and well being of workers.

Findings in the National Transgender Discrimination Survey verify that health care in- 60 surance coverage poses serious challenges to transgender people:

• Respondents reported that when they were sick or injured, they postponed medical care due to discrimination (28%) or inability to afford it (48%). • The high costs of transition-related care and their exclusion from most health insur- ance plans render these life-changing and life-saving procedures inaccessible to most transgender people. • 41% of respondents reported attempting suicide compared to 1.6% of the general population.

Last year SEIU introduced trans-inclusive healthcare coverage for international staff members. This step towards trans-inclusive health care allows for greater access while setting a new standard for the labor movement everywhere. SEIU’s healthcare plan exceeds the San Francisco city plan.

..Download our health care “know your rights” guide here . A State-by-State Examination of Nondiscrimination Laws and Policies

Every day gay and transgender employees face alarmingly high rates of discrimination in the workplace.* For instance, 15 percent to 43 percent of gay and transgender workers have experienced some form of discrimination on the job. According to the Williams Institute, a think tank out of UCLA School of Law, “17 percent reported being fired because of their sexual orientation, 13 percent reported being denied a promotion of receiving a negative job evaluation, and 20 percent reported being harassed ver- bally or in writing on the job” because they are gay or transgender. Transgender peo- ple in particular face extraordinarily high rates of employment discrimination. Ninety percent of transgender individuals in a 2011 survey reported encountering some form of harassment or mistreatment on the job, or took actions to avoid it.

Eighty-nine percent of Americans mistakenly believe it is illegal under federal law to be fired because you are gay or transgender, but this type of discrimination is perfectly legal in a majority of states.

Where Congress has failed to act, states have stepped in to provide employment pro- tections to the gay and transgender workforce. Sixteen states and Washington, D.C. have passed laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity. An additional five states have passed laws or enacted policies that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, but not gender identity.

Download this report (pdf)

61 Ontario amends Human Rights Code to extend protections to transgender peo- ple

TORONTO — Ontario’s Human Rights Code was updated for the first time since the 1980s to extend protections to transgender people, something Manitoba was expected to do the next day. Members of all three parties in Ontario’s legislature voted to amend the code to add the terms “gender identity” and “gender expression” to prevent dis- crimination against transgender people.

Manitoba may follow Ontario on transgendered protections

Manitoba is expected to follow Ontario's lead and amend its Human Rights Code today to extend protections to transgendered people.

In Toronto, members of all three parties in Ontario's legislature backed the landmark legislation. The code was amended to add the terms "gender identity" and "gender ex- pression" to prevent discrimination against transgendered people.

NCTE Release Student’s “Know Your Rights” Guide

Following the Obama Administration’s groundbreaking letter to primary and some sec- ondary schools clarifying who is protected under Title IX, courts and federal agencies have concluded that discrimination or harassment because a person is transgender or gender non-conforming constitute sex discrimination.

To help students understand and assert their rights in schools, the National Center for Transgender Equality is releasing Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Students: Your Rights at School, a new resource that outlines the laws protecting trans people in school and steps for bringing harassment and discrimination complaints to the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.

Download the guide here . 62 Shop Till You Drop! Want to advertise your TG--friendlyfriendly store,store, service,service, club,club, group,group, or your own personal items here? There is NO charge for this … just email the editor [email protected]

EnFemme Boutique is a VERY CD and GLBT friendly Ebay store. Nan is the wife of a Transgendered person, and understands how difficult it can be for some to purchase items. She started this store for CD, TV, TS and TG’s that do not go shopping in public, need help with sizing, or finding certain items. It is a place where you can find items at reasonable prices and ask questions without worry. All listing are PRIVATE listings, so no one will see what you have purchased. Most are NEW With Tags and are 70 –90% OFF Retail Prices. This is Nan’s way of supporting her spouse Amy and the T-Community.

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http://www.spellcosmetics.com/Home_Page.html 64 We're a Different Kind of Company... Why? Because we understand non-traditional families share the same traditional bonds of love and respect. We also appreciate the desire of all people to convey their feelings to those they hold dear. Greeting cards are a vital means of communication that touch lives, as they distinctly identify thoughts, words and ac- tions; they comfort, inspire, celebrate, and stir a vast range of emotions. For years we, too, have felt the void when looking for a greeting card to express our feelings during life’s special occa- sions only to have to edit the available selection. It is this vacancy that inspired us to create our Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans- gender friendly greeting card company.

Why Teazled?... because it’s new. Teazled is a company whose motivation is to pioneer traditional greeting cards for the non- traditional family so that they might also be able to celebrate those meaningful moments, express their innermost thoughts and communicate with those they cherish. We are two nurses, Dina and Dina (Dom), who have seen all sides of life and the wonderment it holds. We know the most Www.teazled.com powerful gift is that of communication as we have seen the hard- ships caused when we don’t have the words to express our deep- est emotions. Don’t let another moment go by. Tell them... with cards by Teazled. 65

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Welcome to Just You, We're a transgender (GLBT, TG) friendly, male to female trans- formation and crossdressing service. Our boutique is located in Las Vegas, NV, USA where Amy and her staff provide products and personalized services to help you be- come "The Person You Always Wanted To Be". The Just You Family have years of experience transforming men into beautiful women.

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FemmeFever :: KarenKaren hashas developeddeveloped aa won-won- derful site and TG resource! Along with coordinating many TG events in the lower NY area, she has a store full of shopping opportunities online.

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Hide and Sleek isis aa wonderfulwonderful onlineonline shopshop withwith 22 physicalphysical storestore locationslocations inin ScotlandScotland asas well.well. Owned and run by Loraine (a gg) and also sponsors the Miss TV Scotland pageant every year. 68

Austin’s Angels … by Jamie Austin

I can’t say enough really terrific things about Jamie. Simply put, he works wonders. Careful though, he has done such a wonderful job that several girls have seen how wonderfully beauti- ful they can be that they have become full time girls! Jamie offers several different makeover packages … well worth every penny girls


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"Crowning Glory" is now on sale. I believe it is my best book ever. Read how Aaron and his business partners attempt to win a national advertising account in a very unconventional way. The cost of the book is $12 including shipping. To order, contact me at: carollynol- [email protected], or contact my publisher Mags Inc. (www.magsinc.com) and click on the Re- luctant Press tab. "Crowning Glory" can also be bundled with "Breaking Point" for an additional $6, but only through me. To purchase a signed copy, please send cash, check or money order to: Carollyn Olson, PO Box 1241, Loomis, CA 95650.

"Tricks of the -- A Beginners Guide to Cross Dressing." Earlier this year she released a novel "Breaking Point," which is also available. Tricks of the Trade is the fourth book penned by Carollyn, a married, straight, conservative, 50 year old cross dresser from California.

Ms. Olson has been an ambi-gendered cross dresser for over 30 years and is very active in the community. She's a proud member and the Post Mistress of the Vanity Club and the co-founder of the Mature Woman "My desire is to create an illusion which is a compliment to all women," said Ms. Olson. "Cross dressing is not meant to demean women, but to uphold their presence and beauty. I try to ac- complish that goal every chance I get."

"Reaching your goal as a woman is the reason I wrote this book. I hope I have given you the information you need in the following pages to help you gain insight and confidence in every aspect of your feminine life." Whether you cross dress full-time, frequently, rarely, or even just in your thoughts, Carollyn Olson will get you on your way with this new guide full of prac- tical tips and advice.

The book is $12, including shipping, and can be purchased by contacting Carollyn (PO Box 1241, Loomis, CA 95650 or [email protected]) or Mark (800-359-2116) at MagsInc ([email protected])

70 Request for Transgender Identification Card ALL information is required. Please print clearly. *Starred fields must match with the legal document.

Date of request: ____/_____/______Email Contact:______

*Legal name: (Last, First, Initial [opt.]) ______

En Femme name: (Last, First)______

*Driver’s License state: ______*DL Number:______

*Height: ______Weight: ______lbs.

Tri-Ess Member No. ______Chapter (Opt)______

Be sure to include: ð Head and shoulders picture (preferrably .jpg file) ð Head and shoulders picture en femme (preferrably .jpg file) ð SASE with sufficient postage to return pictures or disc and ID card ð Check, cash, or money order (US funds) for $15.00 payable to “G Cirak”

I hereby certify the above information to be correct and accurate. I understand that incomplete application/ attachments will be returned. I provide the above information, and attached pictures, willingly and author- ize them to be used in the creation of a Transgender ID Card. The information supplied is not to be used for any other purpose, but may be retained for use in providing additional cards to the requester. Tasi Zuriack and sub-suppliers are released from all damages that might arise from the use of the information provided or the use of said Transgender ID Card.

Signed: Date:

Please mail this completed document, your CD or floppy picture files (or pictures to be scanned and returned,) along with your payment to:

Tasi Zuriack 1521 Luz de Sol Dr El Paso TX 79912

Thank you for your order!

Questions can be e-mailed to: mailto:[email protected] .

71 Stress or Desire? $10.00 - by Terri Lynn Richards.

It has been several years since Teri transitioned at work. Her tran- sition was initiated by her spouse, Jill, because she recognized that "Terry" would never be completely happy until he became Teri. Jill was aware of the constant stress in Terry's life and re- membered that when they were dating, Terry had mentioned that at one point in his life, while he was single, he had attended a Halloween dress-up party, going as the office secretary.

Stress or Desire is available from Mag Books http://www.magsinc.com

Pals Breast Forms by Super Gel Prod- ucts

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