Llnierchandise Continues to Thrive, Since Ueven Ihe Most Revered Indie-Rock Labels Rarely Inspire I
_ANCE LABELS: Record lalrel- mer cnandising Uevenllnierchandise Ihe most continues revered indie-rock to thrive, sincelabels dancerarely Inspireones do. Ihe same kind of allegiance as weiring your of lelling■ Kyou peopleboy a label's you're merchandiseinto bouse or ifsgarage, a way Mil (orMerchandising example," explains (which créâtes Mark Dixon lines offor Impacl the flIVI:PMand Distinctive labels, among others). A 1 î" ""'sisette everyhody,But merchandising observes Lewisdoesn't Pennington, work (or the growing market for dance-related, logo-emblazoned merchandise suppliespartner in dance Merchandising labels including Mallers, has become ever more innovative and adaptable, says Peter Lyle i Positiva, Krr, Jackpot and 5 i soonStrictly discovered Rhythm UK. unless "We a iANCE ACTS: Conventional wisdom says thaï this year's merchandising companies such m label is of a certain size il _ landmost the prominent Mercury dancePrize-winning acts - the Roni chart-topping Size - willr Pulfnot inspireDaddy as Underworld and De-Luxe, simply tlnesn't have the Ihe same kind of dévotion as a rock band like Oasis n whichUnderworld includes the inband ils rosier(whose rangeprofile ot le merchandising," support a full U2.their Consequently loyalty by having dance their fans logosare unlikely blazoned to expressacross memb s double as design says Pennington. their chests. JamiroquaiJa[rcollectivecoll Tomato) (whose andlogo breakDixon an agréés,unknown "Ifs label. hard If theto Virgins and Our shirtîrtRock as longinnn fans as will that go T-shirfsT.chSrtv out in a gotndirty* Ihe pair logoi-.„„ of ijeans and■ a, dirty T- rone of the best fi Prices aren'l (amiliar with the product, they wail says Mark Dixon, sales executiven at Impact Merchandising.
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