RMIT DESIGN ARCHIVES JOURNAL VOL 5 Nº 2 2015 Meadmore Originals EDITORIAL ARTICLES Simon Reeves 4 Krimper in context: The place of provenance in design research Catriona Quinn 28 Selection of drawings from the Rosenfeldt Collection 44 rmit design archives journal Journal Editor Harriet Edquist Editorial Assistance Kaye Ashton Design Editorial Board Suzie Attiwill rmit University Michael Bogle Sydney, nsw Nanette Carter Swinburne University Liam Fennessy rmit University Christine Garnaut University of South Australia Philip Goad University of Melbourne Brad Haylock rmit University Robyn Healy rmit University Andrew Leach Griffith University, qld Catherine Moriarty University of Brighton, uk Michael Spooner rmit University Laurene Vaughan rmit University contact Front Cover image
[email protected] Cover of A Catalogue of contemporary furniture by Meadmore issn 1838-9406 Originals, 1953, Published by rmit Design Archives, rmit University issued by Kenneth Text © rmit Design Archives, rmit University McDonald. Courtesy Caroline Simpson and individual authors. This Journal is copyright. Library and Research Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of research, Collection, Sydney criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Living Museums Act 1968, no part may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted by any means without the prior permission of the publisher. Australian modernist furniture enjoys unprecedented popularity today, carried along in the slipstream of the mid-century modern architecture revival. It has been showcased in exhibitions such as the 2014 Mid-Century Modern. Australian Furniture Design at the National Gallery of Victoria, at specialist auction sales which realise increasing prices for pieces by well-known and documented designers, and in published research that has brought new designers to our attention, such as on Coulson, to add to the well known names of Meadmore, Featherston, Fler and Ward.