heRe we go Iowa is set for its big showdown with Maryland tonight at Madison Square Garden. SPORTS THE INDEPENDENT DAILY NEWSPAPER FOR THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 TueSday, aprIL 2, 2013 NEWSPAPER •DAILYIOWAN.COM • TELEVISION 50¢ Library project on course Profs work on autism By Cassidy Riley
[email protected] Researchers at two Big Ten univer- sities are working together to broad- en scientific understanding of a fairly mysterious yet growing more common disorder. Molly Losh, a Northwestern as- sociate professor of communication sciences and disorders, is working in collaboration with Thomas Wassink, a University of Iowa professor of psy- chiatry, and Dianne McBrien, a clin- ical associate professor of pediatrics. Their study conducts in-person test- ing that includes collecting a blood sample from families of individuals with autism for later DNA testing. They hope to identify social and lin- guistic features that may be inherit- able and which genetic patterns may create these features. This is one example of the kind of groundbreaking research people can take note of today on World Autism Awareness Day. One in 88 children have an autism spectrum disorder. Construction continues on the new Learning Commons at the Main Library. Construction is scheduled to be completed this fall. (The Daily Iowan/Nicholas Fanelli) One in every 54 boys is identified with autism. After a minor setback, officials say the University of Iowa Main Library updates are looking promising. Mark Harris, the director of UI stu- dent disability services, said officials cater to the language challenges of By staCey muRRay autistic students by working with fac-
[email protected] ulty.