The Case of Kyrgyzstan CAP Paper 221, July 2019
The Many Challenges of Native Language Journalism in Central Asia: The Case of Kyrgyzstan CAP Paper 221, July 2019 Elmurat Ashiraliev is a journalist at Kloop Media, an IWPR in Central Asia, Abahon Sultonazarov, summarizes well independent Kyrgyz media outlet that covers topics the many issues faced by Kyr- including politics, human rights, and corruption. As a gyz-language media outlets: part of the Kloop Media team, Elmurat served as the News websites in Kyrgyz were most- Kyrgyz editor for the UNDEF- and UNESCO-supported ly tabloid [yellow press]. Or they be- “Community Media Centers” projects. He is a member longed to certain politicians. They of the “Esimde” team that researches the history and could be opposition members, cur- rent and former politicians, and so memory of the Kyrgyz Republic. Elmurat earned an M.A. on. Kyrgyz is a beautiful language, in Central Asian Studies from the American University of but you know, it was used, I would like to emphasize, unfortunately, for Central Asia in 2016. blackening, uncovering who slept with whom, what they did, who is the The influence of the Russian lan- and issues varies in tone, em- relative of whom. Kyrgyz is spoken in guage is still apparent in almost phasis, content, and perspective. rural areas. The majority of people in all spheres of life in Central Asia. Russian-speaking news outlets our region [Central Asia] live in ru- Despite the new states’ policies of are more Bishkek-centric and ral areas and they are the electorate. The politicians used mass media to developing their native languag- some are likely to cover stories discredit their opponents.1 es—policies that have now been from a Russia-oriented perspec- tive, while Kyrgyz-language mass in place for nearly 30 years—Rus- Based on a study of 21 countries media are more conservative and sian remains a key language in across Europe and Eurasia, the “provincial” in the sense of doing the realms of politics, education, IREX 2018 report on media sus- more reporting on regional is- economics, culture, and informa- tainability2 ranks profession- sues.
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