Winter 2004 Pages 01-09.PMD

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Winter 2004 Pages 01-09.PMD National Park Service Park News U.S. Department of the Interior The official newspaper of Big Bend National Park & Rio Grande Wild & Scenic River PaisanoPaisanoTheThe BigBig BendBend Volume 25, No. 3 Winter 2004 / 2005 Gary Donihoo The South Rim of the Chisos Mountains as seen from the top of Elephant Tusk Beyond Boundaries WELCOME TO BIG BEND NATIONAL PARK AND Four state and national parks in the United States and two What’s Inside THE RIO GRANDE WILD & SCENIC RIVER! Big protected areas in Mexico, with a total acreage of What’s Inside Welcome..................................2 Bend is one of the largest and least visited of America’s nearly 2.5 million acres of protected lands, preserve the national parks. Over 800,000 acres await your explo- unique environment of the Chihuahuan desert on both Bookstore.............................3 ration and enjoyment. From an elevation of less than sides of the border. Issues concerning the resources of 2,000 feet along the Rio Grande to nearly 8,000 feet in Big Bend National Park, such as pollution, endangered the Chisos Mountains, Big Bend includes massive can- species, exotic species and water quality affect all of the Park News...............................4 yons, vast desert expanses, and the entire Chisos Moun- protected areas in the region. tain range. Here, you can explore one of the last remain- Trans - Boundary Protected ing wild corners of the United States, and experience un- In this issue of the Big Bend Paisano, we explore the larger Areas............................5 matched sights, sounds, and solitude. landscape of the Big Bend, including the parks and protected areas in the United States and Mexico that share Rio Grande as a Big Bend’s Skies......................6 While Big Bend National Park is the primary draw for visitors to this boundary and protect the Chihuahuan desert. region, it is merely the oldest of a number of protected lands Keep Wildlife Wild...............7 throughout the region, and on both sides of the border. What To Do?.........................8 “La Historia” Brings the Past to Life Hiking Trails.........................9 Ranger Doug Thompson The Terligua Cemetery Out and About.....................10 During the last weekend in October, several staff members of Big Bend National Park took part in La Historia, a homecoming event Big Bend Mountains...........11 sponsored by the Terlingua Preservation Foundation for former residents of the town of Terlingua (located just west of the park) and the surrounding area. La Historia included a number of social General Information..........12 events at Terlingua, including the decorating of the cemetery, a dance, a communal potluck, food and craft booths, and a perfor- Backcountry Planning.......13 mance by the folklorico dancers of Terlingua High School. Park staff members helped conduct oral history interviews with some of Park Map/Phone #s............14 the returnees and also presented a tour of the abandoned site of Terlingua de Abajo, a small settlement located about twenty miles Safety Tips.............................15 south of Terlingua and within the boundaries of Big Bend National Park. IN CASE OF EMERGENCY Park Rangers are available to pro- During the first half of the twentieth century, hundreds of Mexican vide assistance. Dial 911 or (432) and Mexican-American miners and their families lived in and 477-2251 around Terlingua. Most of the miners worked for the Chisos Mine, Phones are located at: the largest of about thirty cinnabar mines in the region. (Cinnabar visitor centers, is the ore from which mercury is extracted.) Although life was diffi- campgrounds, 911 cult by modern standards, those who returned for La Historia re- Camper Stores, and the called many good times in a colorful and exciting era. Chisos Mountains Lodge. Superintendent’s Welcome The Big Bend PVolumeaisano 25, No. 2 Welcome to YOUR Park Bienvenidos Welcome to Big Bend National Park and the Rio Grande Wild & Bienvenidos al Parque Nacional Big Bend y al Natural y Escénico The Paisano is published by the National Park Service and the Big Bend Natural History Associa- Scenic River, two premier units of our nation’s National Park Sys - Río Grande, dos unidades memorables del sistema de parques tion for the orientation and education of visitors to tem. We hope you have a wonderful time as you explore and expe- nacionales estadounidense. Esperamos que tenga una visita Big Bend National Park rience these great parks. maravillosa mientras que usted aproveche la oportunidad de National Park Service explorar y gozar de estos asombrosos parques. Editor, Eric Leonard, Park Ranger The Chihuahuan Desert is the largest desert ecosystem in Chief Naturalist, David Elkowitz North America, encompassing nearly 630,000 square kilo- El desierto Chihuahuense es el más gran ecosistema Superintendent, John H. King meters along Rio Grande/Río Bravo River in the south- desértico en Norte América lo cual encuadra casi 630,000 western United States and northern Mexico. In the greater kilómetros cuadrados a lo largo del río bravo en el suroeste Big Bend Natural History Association Executive Director, Mike Boren Big Bend region are six large “protected” areas including de los Estado Unidos y el norte de México. Dentro de la Sales Manager, Sarah Bourbon Cañon de Santa Elena Área de Protección de Flora y región de Big Bend hay seis grandes áreas protegidas, Assistant Sales Manager, Barbara Hines Fauna and Maderas del Carmen Área de Protección de cuales son los áreas de protección de flora y fauna Visitor Services Assistant, Anita Johnson Flora y Fauna in Mexico, and Black Gap Wildlife Maderas del Carmen y Cañon Santa Elena en México, Management Area, Big Bend Ranch State Park, Rio y en los Estados Unidos, el área estatal de manejo de Superintendent John King The National Park Service was Grande Wild & Scenic River and Big Bend National vida silvestre Black Gap, el parque estatal Big Bend established on August 25, Park in the United States. These adjacent protected areas and pub- Ranch, el Natural y Escénico Río Grande y el parque nacional Big 1916. “to conserve the lic lands represent a protected core of the Chihuahuan Desert, and Bend. Juntos estos terrenos públicos representan un núcleo de scenery and the natural and present a tremendous opportunity to visitors to experience the full protección del desierto chihuahuense y además presentan una historic objects and the wild- diversity of flora, fauna and landscape that the desert provides. tremenda oportunidad para los visitantes de gozar de la diversidad life. and to provide for the enjoyment of de flora, fauna y paisajes que ofrezca esta región. the same in such manner and by such National parks like Big Bend belong to us all, and as such we have a means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.” As shared stewardship of these special places. The numerous parks in Parques nacionales como el Big Bend pertenecen a todos nosotros, conservation educators, the Division of In- the Big Bend region not only preserve this unique environment, but pues entonces tenemos la responsabilidad compartida de proteger terpretation provides guided walks, talks, also serve as a testament to the desire of two countries to protect estos lugares especiales. Los varios parques dentro de la región de evening slide programs, workshops, and our shared natural heritage. Please be mindful of that as you spend Big Bend no solo protegen a este ambiente único sino sirven como other educational activities as well as writ- time in the Big Bend. testimonio al deseo de dos países de proteger nuestro patrimonio ten materials such as this newspaper. natural. Por favor que sean atentos a este sentimiento durante su Experience Your America! visita en el Big Bend. The Big Bend Natural History Association, established in ¡Explore su América! 1956 as a private, non-profit organization, champions the John H. King, Superintendent mission of the National Park John H. King, Superintendent Service in facilitating popular interpreta- Did You know: tion of the scenic, scientific, and historic Volunteer Honor Roll values of Big Bend and encourages re- Park animals are wild. Do search related to those values. The Asso- Each year, volunteers contribute thousands of hours to the National not feed or approach any of ciation conducts seminars and publishes, Park Service. A vital supplement to paid staff, volunteers bring spe- Big Bend’s wildlife. Enjoy ani- prints, or otherwise provides books, maps, cial skills, dedication, and fresh approaches to our work in inter- mals at a safe distance and and interpretive materials on the Big Bend pretation, visitor protection, maintenance, administration, and allow them to find their own region. Proceeds fund exhibits, films, inter- resource management. natural foods. pretive programs, seminars, museum ac- This last fiscal year, volunteers at Big Bend National Park contributed 38,355 hours! Most of tivities, and research. Do not remove any natural these volunteers work in visitor centers and as campground hosts; however, volunteers also objects from the park, help in science and resource management, maintenance, and administration. On matters relating to this publication: including rocks, cactus, National Park Service reptiles, and fossils. Collecting specimens of any Join us in thanking the following individuals and organizations who have recently donated Editor, The Big Bend Paisano kind or defacing park features deprives other 100 or more hours in volunteer service to Big Bend: PO Box 129 visitors. Leave everything as you found it for Big Bend National Park, TX 79834 Americorps Gail and John Kamaras others to enjoy. If you must collect, pick up Barbara and Bill Baldwin Mark Kirtley litter! Nancy Bauer Alex McIntosh The National Park Service cares for special Jennifer Bollen Kim Miller All bicycles, including mountain bikes, must places saved by the American people so Judy Brinkerhoff Danielle Norris remain on paved or unpaved roads.
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