
r"""0_- I) '\' ) Lake St. Clair high-water levels near record set in 1986 '-.'S -~,-U..L-l By John Lundberg est level recorded m 1986 The readmg snow meltmg An mformatlOnal meeting regardmg \. Put a lc Staff Writer wa" also taken on a calm day, whICh The cIty has been notified of Impend- the hIgh water le\eb of the lake \\111be ...' r i!l< little Spring Lake St Clmr ha~ reached alarmIng means any readmg IS low compared to Ing hIgh water CODlIng from Lake 8t held on Wednesday Apnl 9, at 7 p m In !!Co,"'.... I \\

WEEK AHEAD clears first hurdle Monday, April 7 to build on site The Grosse POinte Farms CIty CouncIl meets at 7 30 By Jim Stlckford p m In councIl chambers, Staff Writer second floor of CIty hall at 90 A more modern, larger Kerby, Grosse Pomte Farms In Grosse POinte 'The Farmer Jack • Woods came one step closer to The Grosse POinte Woods reahly when the Grosse Pomte plan llnd the sup- CIty CouncIl meets at 7 30 Woods Planmng Commls~lon P m In councIl chambers at recommended to the Woods port of both St. cIty hall, 20025 Mack Plaza city counCIl a plan that would mean the end of the former Red Michael'., The Grosse POinte school Lobster restaurant buddmg board conducts Its monthly and the beglnmng of a new era Episcopal Cilurch conference meetmg at 8 p m m Grosse Pomte grocery shop- In the Wlcklng Library at ping and Christ tilt' Grosse POinte South HIgh The commISSIon, at ItS regu- School, 11 Grosse POinte lar meetmg on March 25, held King. Their ltmd Blvd, In Grosse Pomte heanngs on Farmer Jack plans Farms concermng the recently pur- abuts the Farmu chased Red Lobster restaurant Tuesday, April 8 Last Thursday, March bUlldmg located at 20422 Jack property.' The Influence of flo\\

The role 1< ,oluntarv The ~Ite 1001\ at<>dand and more a\\ are been- In U<" ~mce 1q'lR F\"for" h~rmlp". or gap ml1l.lg, gT,lmc:. of the 1 mportanc" of fit appIO\l'd b\ \of,'," 10 19<)41 \Vhaf thn can make. r"com thilt fund< for !'ilch 'Itc \\ cn. ne~~ II < ont of th<>be,t 10 mrndaflon, on allocat<>d .1lmo1; h, Th" ,rhonl ",tf reCl'I\ <>d \\ a\, to ,Uw ,oung " th, cl'ntml admml'tmtlOn Sf> 27; p'l pupd from Ih" ~tat<> • J),,(ml ng \\ hat lhl' budget rl'flcct them" ',ntHI bv PAr m<>mb"r, to the lOa, h! hrt\ll'<>n $117 'lnd $FiR Ken Welch ,chool hOlldln \'Pll""fhl'\! for n"xl \' 11 S('(' BUDGET, page 3A EDITORIAL: 882-029'" • D1SPlA) .\D\TRTISI'\G: S~2-3:;OO • CL\SSIFJED: ~~2-1)4(10 • C IRCL L \ no\,. ~1)-~:;:-:- • PRODLC f)\, ~~2-4)90 ,

.r--' CORPORAn O.. fCI•• , I Rnl! "l H lrnl1nn r-- (]q nnw M ARflO, t A ( In 1<;)n<;1A SEQUENCE IR II) ~~A '~\o -.' 10.111/1'9) IAJl SCOTT IOIIINIGH (mol dmqlBl( \ om f' f'~ dt'nl R.GIOMAL O.,IC •• o Y)f R()t h M )l tf' ?"J? • • & i ( 1 rl Hovt"n MI49411 I1I1I H"~ HI1I tn .. !flltl RAlcVAl

(>~ dmo7~nV()(]ntf' ()"I'I April 3, 1997 2A News Grosse Pointe News 50 years ago this week ~esterda~'s headlines 50 years ago this week Clmton Incmerator reaches 80 pdrt\ ordinance whICh holds percent completIOn, dIsposal pdrent, re;,ponslble for tl'enage • Even though Farms voter;, authOrIty offiCIals predIct It drinkIng pdrtles said no to a $350,000 bond Will be fired up and m opera • Long tIme haIr salon request to overhaul the VII. hon by late August lage s samtary and storm owner Leon Sehoyan IS fea- water sewer system, the Farms • When Fisher Road mer- tured as thIS week's Pomter of board of trustees decIdes nev. chants complain about Grosse Interest ertheless to proceed wIth the fOlnte :'outh tilgh ochao! stu- dents USIng all the customer prOject 5 years ago this week • The Wayne County Road parkmg, the Farms counCIl CommIssion announces that It agrees to ask the school board • WIth the final two of the to proVIde 50 more parkmg WIll WIden Mack Avenue SIX defendants m the Feb 8, between CadIeux and Kerby spaces at the school for stu- 1990, murder of Grosse Pomte thIs year dents Farms busmessman BeI\lamm • WIth the Woods defendmg Gravel receIving probatIOn, It Its nght to limIt Its new pro- 10 years ago this week appears that none of the kIllers posed park near the Edsel Ford WIll have to spend any hme In • When the ventIlatIOn sys- pnson estate to resIdents only, offi. tem breaks down at Grosse ClalS m the other Pomtes are Pomte North High School, • A Grosse Pomte task force concerned about malntalnmg teachers become frightened, urges reSIdents to stop or the exclUSIVItyof their mumci- and school supermtendent reduce theIr use of lawn and Photo by Fred Runnell. pal parks John Whntner responds that garden pestICides because of their lInk to cancer, particular- Looks as if Pointes need more pools the problem IS partly psycho. ly In pets The swimming pool at Grosse Pointe Hith School is one of the community's most 25 years ago this week lOgical because wmdows at the • The Supreme Court rejects popular spots. It is busy practically all the time. This picture was taken during one • WIth SEMTA losing money school cannot be opened to let In fresh ror of the Saturday morning sessions when the youngest group works out. There are and ndersmp droly, Pomte offi- a redlstnctmg plan that would about 75 in the clus and when they all get in the pool at once, it's haret to find wat CIalSurge resIdents to use the • The March 27 bust of a have splIt Grosse Pomte Park er. Members of the high school varsity team help instruct the kIds. There are swim- regIOnal bus system whenever Carver Road teenage party - from the other Pomtes and ming classes for all ages and both leZ08, (Grosse Pointe NeWllphoto April 3. 1947) poSSible where a large number of teens Harper Woods and place It m an otherwise all-DetrOIt county • As the Grosse Pomte- and quantitIes of beer were found - could be the first test commISSioner dlstnct Totlot------Lake------case of the Farms' open house -John Mmnrs From page 1 property From page 1 However. the new Tht Lot Sandbags are avrolable from will focus on eqwpment that Wollenweber said the CIty IS WIll take place early to mid- the department of publIc will be more entIcIng to Its not encouragmg anyone to wrot May, Huhn Said works The first 100 bags are mtended age group Benches for the meetmg, however free for reSIdents liVIngeast of for parents will also be a part COMO'S Because of the current condi- Jefferson After that they are The plan Includes the mstal- of the plan, as will small tables tions, he IS adVlSmg residents latIon of new metal and plastic 35 cents apIece, and sand IS and benches at wluch toddlers to act now to prevent poSSIble available for delIvery at $5 a OlllSION play eqUIpment that will meet may SIt. floodIng current safety guIdelInes, yard The CIty IS talung all steps Barwm said smce accurate- Guaranteed Quality Work • Pick-up and DeUvery along \11th a spooal fiber and CIty of Grosse POinte resI- wood.chlp play surface that necessary to asSISt residents ly predlctmg the weather Complete Collision RepaIr & Refinishing dent Paul MueUe IS the land- OffiCIals have placed a lake depends on "100 vanables," no wIllcomfort the fall of a toddler scape arclutect for the project. Utilizing the Latest State of the Art EquIpment usmg the playground measunng grapmc behind CIty one can predIct how far over- Muelle - an archItect for hall on 11 MJie to help demon- land f100dmg WIll extend, and We've satisfied our Huron Clmton Metro Parks - strate to residents how lugh cIty offiCials are adVISIngresI- • Rental Cars AvaIlable The color scheme of the works dally on arclutectural customel'li through the yeal'li the water level IS Up-to-date dents of tms potential condI- for your convenience equipment IS red, green and projects relating to umque water levels are also beIng tIon so that they may ImmedI- by domg work dIrectly With blue, wmch IS consIstent WIth propertIes and concerns asSOCI- broadcast on the CIty'S local ately take the steps to pre- theIr msurance companies • ForeIgn & DomestIC the park's other play area ated WIth recreatIOnal needs cable Channel 5 to Infonn resI- serve theIr property Includmg AAA, Slale Fann, Vehlcles wluch enjoyed a $90,000 reno- and safety dents of condItIOns The city IS For more mformatlOn, call Citizens, Safeco, All Slate, USAA vatIOn some four years ago, prepared to do whatever ISnec- (810) 445-5200, or the DPW at • Towmg ServICes Huhns81d 'We're thrilled to have Paul essary to safeguard 1J.feand (810) 445-5363 workmg WIth us, he has 22015 MACK AVE. Between 8.9 Mile • (810) 771.5757 WIule that play area IS tar- tremendous expenence III tms geted mostly for chIldren ages area," Huhn SaId Loans For Homeowners 5 to 13, It does contain some transItIOnal areas, Including a Muelle also served as the small slide, that would attract architect for the Richard chJ1dren ages 2 to 5 ElementarY School playscape

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'If ...~ 'Q'" - itS pJ~ s""'~ by ~~ FoOdI' J P"'<;er,'E' &...a"''' "'C' l'le ~.W ~" M",. '1P ~r Pr"lk.f .l"d a"f""'1~ 21);"' ,,(',,1 "a r""o"r~t'l "'p 'TlJI'r "" A~ ~ A....., 'Xl'" p,a I"'1fln J' ~""1 1>.11 ~ rt1 V,., ... S CN'" "u i!1 P " 'l(' l r'lDPrt,t"ql '>e-c /fl>'; f-qIJrt r.{' r,..,,, ~ u ~, "Q.jrj,1> ar1"1 t. (11 nlp!' ...1 Tar Jw<:iilfps,ub","'C rC.}l~".Qe-a"l(J ndr,1 ~ aT 1J.11r) Solar'! 19q St~ clJrd~eljfoiJ B.ln~

D • • • Q Apn13,1997 Grosse Pointe News News 3A Sewer separation work hard on Park roads By Jim Stlckford nI'l project ~,lld KI aJOldk TIll', sense to repair TOdd

mtense road repan later thIs the pipe" that" 111feed Into the Later thl" spflng uew~ will We dIdn't gtt d Jut ,1 r1(m year, thanks to a harsh wlOter 11ftstation In Pdtterson Park begm repavmg the streeb tOIn thl' year but "t dId h l l lilt ana WlILlIIueu wn"tl U~L101l of ... D~"jJ ,ulln~llng I, progres" up a" ..I re"ult 01 tlle WlIlLeI 01 I!ULt' lullowu.l 0) 111 sepdrated sewer ~ystem Ing," Krajfllak 'dId Th .. tun sewer ton~truttlOn Rep,ur" folio" I'd by h eefe, KrdJrll' CIty manager Dale KraJOIak nehng along Bdlfour ,hould be could not beglO earher, 'That kllld of \Hdth. r I' h II d saId that constructIOn on the completed 10 the next 30 days explamed KraJmak, because of er on road, than If the temp, J separated sewer system wlll Our next deep tunnehng pro state regulatIOn" hmltlng the ature stayed below fl eUlOg I'JI continue for the rest of the cal- ject Will be along FaIrfax from WeIght of constructIOn eqUIp the'" Illter"

endar year RIght now crews Barnngton to Trombley, dnd ment on road" dunng wlOter The redson thaw and ill (I, are working 10 and around from Trombley bdck to the because of the cold weathtr I' hard on the ro Id, Patter~on Park, bUlldmg the Essex proJett that IS CUflently "Cold roads are more vulner "aid Krajlllak, I;' that wat, J hft or pump statIOn that WIll be 109 completed' able roads,' sdld KnlJOldk "::'0 gets he1\\ een cracks 10 th, act as the collectIOn and dls- Becau"e most of the tunnel 1" dUllOg the wmter there a. t ~tl eet \Vhen water fl etze, It charge pomt lOl storm wdter underground, dhl uptlOns to welght •e,tflctlOn;, plaled on expand", and thl' caus" th, mto Lake St Clair street~ won't be a" ;,evere a, m Ioad~ A" a It"ult a~phalt trdCk:. to become bigger, 1\ hlch The 11ft~tatlOn I~ bemg bUllt the E~sex area, Said KJ aJOlak m,mufdcturers don t 1'\ £n ('\ entually leads to potholt~ Ins.de the park, Said KraJmak That project I~ where fi\ I' pipe' heglll produclIlg the a,ph,llt and genI'I dll) pOOl load, It WIll be 40 feet under the converge to tran,port wate. to needed for road nwrfaclOg In a fe\\ week", the cIty engl ground so when It IS complete the hft statIOn As a result, the uotll April neer \\ 111 present hiS road there WIll be only a small hole III the ground ha~ to be "Street~ that WIll he •ep<1lnd • epalr prlOrlty list, sdld bUlldmg markmg where the bigger than 10 other areas thl' yeal w1l1 be !Il1lled and KI <.1JIll.lk The tit) hd' about station WIll be 10 the park around the Park then resurfaced,The Clt) engl $200 000 budgeted fOl rep<.lll' In addItIOn to bUIlding the Road repa.r projects must be neer has Just ,tarted lO"pect thl~ \ ear And ante the Clt) 11ft statlOn III the pdrk, con- coordmdted "lth the "1'\\ e. lIlg ~treet~ to determlllt ,dUlh wunul I('cel\e, tht lI,t, ,1 \ ot< structlOn crews are also out on constructIOn proJect, said one" rate the hlghe;,t PllOllt\ \\ 111be taken on which load, to Sweet spr;l1Cl; Es~ex workmg on a deep tun Krajmak It doe, not make III term~ of need of rep,lII I (P,1lI

Claiming he just al",,,,,, wanted to do it, a Woods Ameritech aim to improve service doesn't please all man, Ho~ard German "I 'orth Brys, went to the Grosse POInte hbrary read c orne books and success- By JIm Stlckford hon doesn't really help ty III usmg the servIce cellular phone users WIll l>tJlI fully tapped his maple tre~ il Ihe first three days, he Staff Wnter CIty of Grosse Pomte resI- When he called to complam be able to make and receIve collected 3-1/2 gallon, of "'I 'hich boiled down to Amentech IS planmng dent Chuck Howe IS a bIg user about the dlfnculty m gettmg calls on theIr old cell phones 1-1/2 cups of syrup - and th D s still running I Improvements to Its cellular of cellular telephones Through an open hne, Amentech repre- Dlgltal telephones will have telephone network that should hIS busmess, he saId he has sentatIves told hIm that begm better sound, and addItIOnal proVlde more servIces and bet- about 15 cellular telephones, mng m late 1997, the company servIces hke vOIce mall as well ter sound for customers But and because of the populanty should be able to prOVIde better That's the problem, saId for some customers, the solu- of cell phones, has had dlfficul- semce by usmg dlgltal eqUIp- Howe If someone wants to ment that breaks down radIO take advantage of the new sys- Lee's Resale experiences trouble SIgnals mto computer codes, tem, that person WIll have to makmg It eaSIer to transmIt purchase new cellular tele- By Jim Stickford person they leave the Items ThIS method compre~ses the phones For someone hke hIm, Staff Wnter WIth whom they Wish to sell " radIO SIgnal, freemg more air- who must have several Grosse Pomte Woods police The seIer, Podeszwlk, acts as waves for customer use phone~, that's an expensIve officers have receIVed a num- an agent for the person putting Currently, Amentech use" PIOpo,ltlOn ber of complalllts from area objects on conSIgnment analog equIpment whIch "end" What I object to IS the customers about dIfficultIes Because the relatlOnshlp IS vOIces over the aIrwaves dIrect notIOn that there IS a magic encountered 10 recelvmg theIr contractual, It falls under the Iy Amentech spokesperson bullet commg down the hne property or money owed to junSdlctlOn of CIVIlcourt Cheryl Conway saId that the that WIll fix the problem of them from sale of clothes at "We can only act lf we have company WIll al~o have more sound quality and gettmg ..I Lee's FashIOn & Furs eVldence that the person who radIO band~ to send phone slg 1mI' when you want It," Said Detechve Sgt Thomas takes somethmg on consIgn- nals WIth, so that should also Howe "In order to get thdt Podeszwlk of the Woods pubhc ment mtend" to permanently make It easIer to get n hne maglc bullet, you have to pur- safety department saId that depnve the owner of his or her WIth a dIgital celluldr tele cha"e new eqUIpment In the hiS department has receIved a property," smd Podeszwlk "We phone medntlme, Amentech I~ stIll number of calls from people have no eVIdence of that Lee's The new system WIll be 0\ el- "ellmg analog telephone ser- who have left clothes and furs owner, PatriCIa Mester, has laId on top of the old analog \ Ice addmg new cu~tomer, to at Lee's for re~ale made good on c131ms when "ystem, ,ald Conwn\ So ,Ill all I'ad) ,aturated clll Podeszwlk "aid that those people have bepn <.Ibleto get 1!1 Ampntech ~ 2 5 mllhon ,lIlalog phonp w~tcm " calling III ~ay they have had touch With her" dIfficulty m obtammg money The ~tore hdS been c!o"ed for for the sale of clothe" left on the past few weeks, Said consIgnment or 111 gettmg the Podeszwlk, but the owner, clothes back that they left on have been good about speakmg consIgnment WIth public safety offiCIals "We have been advlsmg peo- When contacted by the pIe who have complamed to file Grosse Pomte Ne",,~, Mester an actIOn m CIVIl court," saId saId that she has been ~Ick and Podeszwlk "We have consulted that she IS the only per~on III With the Wayne County prose- the store who takes Item~ on cutor's office and we. e told conSIgnment People \\ Ishlllg that when a person leaves to find out about thmr Items somethmg on consIgnment need to speak WIth her The they are entenng mto a can- store opened agam on Apnl 1 tractual relatIOnshIp WIth the edmund t. AHEE jewelers Pepper to address Eastside Republicans 20139 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods Jon Pepper, bUSllleSS colum- 'IUesday, Apnl 15, at the IlIst for The DetrOIt News, WIll Grosse POlllte War Memonal, (313) 886-4600 address the EastSIde 32 Lake Shore Road, Grosse Repubhcan Club at 730 pm POInte Farms EastSIde Repubhcan Club chaIrman John Stempfie says, "Jon Pepper IS one of DetrOIt's most respected columlllsts " The EastSIde RepublIcan Club holds ItS mformatIve "Forum" senes on public affaIrs on the thIrd Tuesday of each month at the War Memonal For more mforma- tlOn, call (810) 358- 7336 -,

Budget- • Addition .. • All type .. of Exterior Siding • G.lragc., • Recreation Rooms • Window .. • B.llhroom .. From page 1 • Kitchen .. • Dormers • Rl'fl,rt'nll'" Way~ to ~upport tht, scho01\ JOdlvldua I lmprove ment plan, the dl~tnct's Improvment planHow WIll OVer65 VeIIldfS To 5ene YOU • Free Interruptible EIectrk 5enke ~chool ~upport It sown IlcIllgu's ~rgest lfllllOl Dealer • 10 Year Glarantee 011COtIpressor Improvement plan and rnam- Fill S-leM Parts & Labor warranty On Eftf'ftIIllg We IMtalI tam North Central A~~oclatlOn (NCAl accreditatIOn goals? FREE ESTIMATES F'rNANC'I>IC AVAJ1A.BU "They can look at the ~chools' matenal need~ " Klem saId "If m one year they ordered a lot of IiiI™ paperbacks and textbook~ or '~Pointe Windows, replaced all the map~ and "i 114!' ,. For All Your Window Needs globe_ they won't nl'ed to do _ 22631 Harper, Sl. Clair Shores that thl' npt year Therl' may B I not bl' the for capItal Improve ment~ each year There are 772.8200 ~11,~",o~'I 'ROO\t, Troy Detrott W3rTen _amp expendlture~ that are ~R~I'''''\T~I1TO''~H\Ol (07\ III HIR (2481524.1700 (313) 527.1700 (810) 582-1700 p{'f1odlc

cOltPO•• n O"ICII, , FlOIl ') lom Ikn ';oqlnow MI ~Rf,O? ,., I ( " 19 J {)914 SEQUENCE 18()OI9,R I~II> 10, 1,1/11Q7 7~" SCOTT IlOIIINION (''1''101 dmq 1 ftrfl ...(om f' f'~ d~nt •• OION.L O.ncl: 'lIt-, R()hhn~ ')'11(' ')~? (,rOrlel HOV(lofl M' 49.411 II> ~J 8.~ 8111> In. 1611» R4/ 0141 ... ,...... ,.J ~ ... ')A-. __ ..... Apn13,1997 4A News Grosse Pointe News This Pointer turned after-hours interest in fitness into a day job By Shirley A McShane fir"t time expenenLe ;'~ (' t II hp ....1th 1:c:c::,c:t1.nt Rather than "earch neigh de,,].. Welch PiiN111 mile run Over the years hIS responsl- bormg suburbs for the facIlity Ilith dub nWlllb( I' I WI he poehc, controlled blhtles grew and by the tIme he he WdS lookmg for (he doesn't v.orkout motIOns (of rowmg) and the left he was a treatment coordI- like the corporate, mega!O m~ Il" ]..no\\_ ill !lers mtense pam your body goes nator m the behaVIOral ser where club members get lo~t m I here, Illl' ir-old man through to create that motIOn vIces department the crov.dJ he decIded to open )~h(h(' I"f, h" lilli'" idS been comlllg ness) IS everythmg I expected b..l.(h t \( 1 .. C In fact, Welch ha" several facIlIty - POlnte Fitness ,md It to be, from the headaches to Trammg Center on Mac" m Dl'l bad knee" he has rowmg machmes m hIS gym and he uses them to motIvate the triumphs There are times DetrOIt (across from Staple' I Ill' n r I IL!lllg a respectable when tlungs are tough but I \I ~ club members by stagIng com- IS the first of Ib kmd m 01 Welch sald Ken Welch opened his gym on Mack in Detroit Uust petitIOns for best tIme m the have never regretted domg ImmedIately adjacent to thl I 11' there's the harried across the border from Grosse Pointe) in 1995 and has 1,000- and 2,000 meter races thIS, never felt It was a filS- Pomtes i. lltant whom Welch con- made a point to get to know each of his customers. He The top placers receIve a vart- take" But smce hl<;place opelll'd 1I1 , t J had 20 mmutes a day particularly hopes to get the fitness message out to February 1995, then' ha' b" II I ,e tImes a week to dedIcate young people. ety of prizes As to what the future holds, a "fitne~s boom m the POint' - fitness Welch saId he Will contmue to There are now thn'l' l \ll' , 'What Jams people up (about number of youth teams - soc- often carn", close, Welch s81d The variety of Jobs he has focus on the busmess and studIOs/gyms m the POlllll- 1 begmmng and m81nt81rung a cer, softball, volleyball and the hIS crew never won any natlOn- held over the years - every- reach out the commumty addItIOn to the aerobll 'Id fitness regImen) IS that they Grosse Pomte South HIgh weIght trammg d,b-' ' , I' led expect too much of them- School varsIty and Jumor var- through contmUJIll; ,till ltlOn selves," he said "If they can't sIty cheerleadmg team~ and neIghborhood 01 HlIza- fulfill theIr expectatIOns, they ThiS fall he plans to teach a Grosse Pointe N~ws tIons (USPS 230 4000) get dIscouraged and gIve up weIght trammg cl

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,I _...... -..... ,.. I t A o • • & i ApnJ3,1997 Grosse Pointe News 5A VILLAGE FOOD

HOME OF THE BELL RINGER SPECIALSl 18328 Mack Avenue - Grosse Pointe Farms • 882-2530 - Fax 884-8392 ;: Open Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 7 p.ol .l'o- Fine Wines and Liquor • Prices in effect April 3, 4, 5, 7, Band 9 fRESIf GROUND COffEE SPECIALS ''''&li'CiOU~' PLANTATION l'" ~ n~:::> ""fii1'7 BLEND I •• ', ~)~~ ~J)TOASTED NUT $699 "~ ~ --~.-/.", FUDCE LB. '.. ':. '.: BONELESS, SKINLESS $198 ALL COKE PRODUCTS CHICKEN BREAST LB. 12 PACK $ 99 FLORIDA $ 00 PORK COUNTRY STYLE $2 CANS CRAPEFRUIT FOR SPARE RIBS 59 LB • dep 2 dep 4 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .. + . + • LARCE 14 SIZE $ 00 FRESH FROZEN $ 29 ALL ,-UP $299 BROCCOLl 2 FOR 1 TURKEY BREAST 1 LB. , dep POLE CROWN $ 00 VILLACE'S OWN 99 IIPRODUCTS 12 pac~can~ ~A~~~c:~ERS & CREEN PEPPERS 5 FOR 1 PEAMEAL BACON $4 LB. 1 ~I ALL PEPSI $299 ~~.~~EE~EANS 78 LB. ;.{ ~T~I~STEAK $598 LB. 00 ~ PRODUCTS 12 pac~~::~ KIWI 10 FOR$1 VpIOLLRACKE'SSAOWUNSACE $199 ... • FRESH SQUEEZED ACID FREE LB. 78 , '--;: ~I:' ~j ORANCE JUiCE $2 112 CAL. CAJUN, ITALIAN SUPERIOR CANADIAN 3 ~100 SILVER FLOSS SHEDD'S SPREAD ~ SPRING WATER FOR ~ SAUERKRAUT COUNTRYCROCK ~ Ywm SlO/alq-M~

s.orteap 16.• :C~~Z~~~S:;~!!:~i~ft~:r89~~ &tAfnI. &~S ~:;;:~ A 11 99 I 1 6 your fav~rltesk$299 SOUPS CNOCCHI TUNA STEAK $8 LB. oz. cans .. pac With Potato 29 $ 99 Minestrone, Lentil, [th D I $1 5 CHRISTIAN MOVI EX iii.,. I ,] Tomato, Htv. Blk. S~ctl:n a1"loz. SALMON STEAK LB. ::~~~::~u~erlot $749 _ ~:~~:v:u:~~~~ .~ SMOKED WHITEFISH SAUSAGE $599 LB. "Oml. S'VE$3."--~ I gget CLASSICO. _. I FRi~L2~RJ&~;tAL AL DENTE ~TALIAN PASTA SAUCE i-:Jii.t .... K(fffJ WINES PAST14 .~::~:~~;::m .'''''''7''2'7777' Red CGL.GUII VOLANT- Chardonnay. .sp Pepper Cabemet and $599 Rst P ./0' $179 .,~5"9.. Merlot 750 ml. Reg. Flavors $ 69 :~it,=r:. :MR SWISS LORRAINE CHEESE LB. 79 SAVE 3.00 Squid Ink. $ ;:; .. zuccftlnllParm eiRARD'S CHOICE BOARS HEAD LOW SALT TURKEy $4 LB. tkh,"0~1~~, ,1!lh\)!?I,'I/ ~~R~~~CE 2 pk9. SALAD DRESSING 0 RSH A .c NO S I $489 ~ ~- M All varieties $239 B A E D E A ALAM LB. 29 NAPA VALLEY ESTATES ~l. a 12 oz. h _ KRAKUS HAM $3 LB. Chardonnay 750 ml. SAVE$4.00 $979 ;;(}unue. Jf~ ITALIAN BREAD cabernet 750 ml. SAVE$5.00 $'12 99 $109 IMPORTED $199 sauvignon Blanc 750ml. SAVE$3.00 $799 20oz. PRESERVES 13oz. FRESU FROM OUR UNCLE BEN'S BEE MAID CIlEESE COUNTER SONOST;::'COI~NTY RICE PUDDINC BAR-BEE-O SAUCE ~ Clnn.IRalsrn 79 Chardonnay 750 ml. $799 V' 5.4 OZ. box $ MBestBuy" SAVE$5.00 '''ALo.D~'sget 1 Uaa;K1IaD 18.5oz. 99 COOK'S CHAMPACNES NATURAL SUN KASSERI $4 LB. . CROSSE POINTE'S #1 Brownbem LEMONADE FIOR DI LATTE $399 SPARKLINC WINE WHEAT BREADS In the Frozen 69~FRESH MOZZERELLA CHEESE...... LB. Extra Dry, spumante, Natural, SOft $...... 9 Section 12 oz. can $3 IRISH BLARNEY $ 29 s Crand Reserve, Brut YOURCHOICE • lOaf ~ KLEENEX 99 RECULAR OR SMOKED CHEESE LB. and White Zinfandel ORE-IDA I 4-PACK TISSUE 5 SAVE$1.50. 75Oml. TATER TOTS $499 TURNINC LEAF ." $169 Onions.Reg With HONEYCUP250 ct. Fume Blanc, Chardonnay. $599 - - :z Ib bag IMPORTED MUSTARD White Zinfandel TRIX POPS $~ ...9 FRESH Zinfandel. $649 "KIDS FAVORITE" ..:; B oz. FROM OUR cabernet Sauvlgnon • Regular LAND 0' LAKES IN-STORE '. FRANZIA 5 LITER -SugarFree SOUR CREAM BAKERY White Crenache, Rhine, • Fruity $1 ~~i~.'Reg.• No-Fat, I BlUSh,Mt Chablis. $889 • Rockin' Red 49 - Light YOUR 99~.. :5 '/ French Colombard. Mt YOUR CHOICE _ CHOICE16 oz. 16 - BurgUndy,ChlllableRed 12 Pack MJB KOLACKYS 4 for $1 19 CONCHA Y TORO CRgUND COFFEE PUMPERNICKLE BREAD $1 LOAF eabernet Sauvtlf"OlIIMet'lot $ 399 Chardonnay,SallYlgnon 699 26 02 can IlanclSemlllon 1 5 Liter BROWN IES 49~EACH $ COFFEE MATE Merlot 1.5Liter 99 NON-DAIRY CREAMER SEALTEST CROWLEY'SSILVERPREMIUM COTTACE CHEESE FROZENFAT FREE CORONA $'149110z 12 PACK BOTTLES ...--~ Small, Large 24 YOCURT oz. YOURCHOICE 1/2 gal. Regular, Light $ 99 69 All YOURCHOICE Green Bean Mushroom ScaliOpeCl Potatoes • $'1 $499 Casserole n.ma NOOClleCasserole 2 FOR Flavors Mac & Cheese Turkey Pie MILWAUKEE'S BEST Potatoes Au Cratln Chicken Pie SEALTEST C.F. BURGER 30 PACK CANS Corn Souffle ChiCken A La '(Ing Spinach SOllffle Single Serve Stuffed Pepper HALF AND HALF Reg., Light, NOOdles RomanOff Spaghetti W/Meatsa"ce 2% MILK CreameCl Spinach I YOURCHOICE I $79 9 89 49 ~ +dep + dep. 00 qt. i YOUR CHOICE 2 FOR $3 $1 gal. $1 '1

7 1_-;.'-',;l1li_-'0;>-"''''1.:1IIt'l:'IIJ~.!!!.'_2.-6 ...... _--r \ COlt".A" OP'PJCI'. , !=IO'" \ Hmr lIon \og now M ~81107 111')lQ/l>'i14 SEQUENCE WXll968 1~ III ...-' 10,) >11) 19; ?~71 :on IlOIIINION f>mn rlmq lftcr.~ «()m df"nf •• GIOMALO"ICII

"";)t ~()hh ns ..... 11(> ') 57 r ()''In HMP"'l M ~9"17 I~,f Al/\817/\ I" 1616) AU 1\141 "mati dmQ}@nnvoont(' (om fund-rdl"lIIg a, unhedlthy" and said the Can Ford heal Clmton White Hou,e hd" "abused that more than any White Hou"e m history In hi" first 11 COII/-,'1e'''lOnal electIOns, GOP as he he "aId, he had "pent $20,000 per elec- tIOn, and $40,000 In the la,t two because he thought he had ,I ,tlOng Democratic did the U.S.? Opinion opponent That same dl"trlLt Iw went on, 111 "the dn formel Pre'ldt'nt Guald R FOId Mlltuga'l" onh LOntllbu la"t electIOn, I thlnh both the Republican and Democrat ,pent ovel d half ml!lIon tlOn to the ndtlOn\ h"t of 42 pre,,- Hou~e unll" they operate to have all ele- Gap to 'go down the middle of the C ments pdllilipate and go down the mId- dollars" Ident'>, nOlI do fOl the Hepubhcdn Republican philosophy," he Ib remmdmg Parh what he dId for the natIOn altel he dle of thl' Republican phIlosophy The party leaders of the best !'Oute to success A"ked about Gov John Engler's "-;-I~.", ••.,-.;:, u~ oLtLu~ ... t'hrr t ....p p,..nSldentlal WOK OllJ~e III 1tJ /4 ...'\trr~Jl ,\S !eft 0.1 li.6ht "'111 Jl~Y~t W.lU III Amencan pohtl~'" a pre'ldt'ntJal electIOn ~ And so now he IS seekmg to berve as 01 vICe pre",dentlal norm natIOns 111 2000, In an mtpr\'le\\ Charhe Cam of The A" the only non-elected preSident, Ford the healer of hI" pdrty by pOlntmg to the Ford "aId hl' thought Engler had done "a DetrOIt Np\\" a~ked Ford \\hether he dId succeed III hIS mISSion of healmg the fact that moderatIOn afTer, the best hope first-cia.,., lob d' gO\ ernor of MIchIgan agrped \\ Ith ,orne moderate Hepubhcans, \\ounds, pohtlcal and otherwIse, that had for vIctory for the Gap 'There h no qup,t1on that come 2000, such as former GO\ WIlham Mllhken, been mfhcted by the admllllstratlOn of In hIS mtervlew 111 The DetrOIt News, he (Englel) wJlI hdve the credentials," that the GOP ha" become too beholden former PreSIdent NIxon before he Ford also recalled that dunng hIS "erVlce Ford said But he added, "If he runs to the politic II right" reSIgned In Congre"s, "there wa" a hIgh degree of and gctl. 1'1' elected (as gOvernor), then he I \ Igorously oppo"e any element of OUI That accomphshment was performed clvlhty," and that whIle there were "vast Il. an even morc Viable candidate (for pal t\ dommdtmg controlhng the pdl t\ by the low-profile Ford who was dIfferences pohtlcallj, the tone was pre~ldent) " pur,e, , Ford responded Immensely popular m both houses of entirely dIfferent Not everjone "eel. Engler as a moder- Congress, as a result not only of hIS long "There were debates on ~ubstance: he ate, and ,om(' CritICS would challenge Our Democrdtlc friends m three prl,l- servIce as a U S representative from went on "Today a lot of the debate Englel's record on financmg the pubhc dentlal elections (GeOlge MeGolt) n In MIchIgan, but also because of hiS com- gets Into personal vendettas, charges and schools '72 \Valter Mondale In '84 and :"hchael mItment to faIrness countercharges I thmk It'S a serlOU" But Ford\; comments burely will bene- Dukakb m '881 represented the left wmg True, many young voters today have development and I hope It can be turned fit the governor and enhance hIS stand- of the Democratlc Part\' The\ ,dllost forgotten or never really knew Ford as around ~ mg WIth most party leaders, espeCIally Republican" cannot reg,lln the White preSident, but WIth hiS qUIet call for the He also cl'ltlclzed modern pohtlcal those who move to the center

Roberl G Edgar EDITORIAL CLASSI FIED 882 6900 DISPLAY ADVERTISrl'.G fRODUCTIO ...... 882.()m B.ubata 't'azbeck \elhacKe 8823500 882_ PublJ-lll r john Mmms Cnuln Krunll'1 '1..., ~H l\hrgll!~ Rems Smith \.1anahLr Roger B Hag,es Ad\l,.rllslnh Mill~~U V..ltonf' Fnchl"fl Editorand General A"SLSotantEdltor/Feature Edllor Fran Vrlardo Klm M Koz.lowskl A .....I<;tant to lhl 'l<;3-55~ Ad \ ull'iolng \1anagc.r \,' lJrt Pr >JUt" n '1:arw~lr Robert B ldgar Manager A<;'iol<;lan! ~anJ:gu ShAwn Muter Chuck Klonke Spl.lrh Editor '41 ,..,',11 Peter 1 Birkner f ,'undlr and Publisher (313) 343-5590 Ida Bauer A~"'lXIJl .. \lH'1 ....t WLlbur Elston. EdLtonal \\nIN 143 "1:)97 Ad\.em"llng Rt'pR~ntaIL\C (l q~ll 1<;entall\ l '" 'l \ r1ptr b" .. <.l. ... Jtl n

Impeach Clinton? It's doubtful W~EN THEY OPEN, '/OJ KNOW SPRINGTIME oth Democratic and Repubhcan and mSlsted that "there IS no baSIS for any congressmen from MIchIgan type of Impeachment of the preSident or HAS COtt\E. 10 THE POINTES.tt B doubt that PreSident Clmton's vIce-presIdent campaign troubles WIll result m "You have to have sel'lous \'1olatlOms of Impeachment or a forced reSIgnatIOn the law," he went on "You have nothmg Most of them seemed to agree WIth the hke that here Bob Barr's call (a Gap comments of Gap Sen Spencer Abraham member who had proposed ClInton's who, in a story by RIchard A Ryan, The Impeachment) IS way off base" DetrOIt News semor Washmgton corre- Rep Fred Upton, St Joseph spondent, said Republican, saId he was "appalled" by the "It would be really mappropnate to ana- "almost daIly drumbeat of new revela- lyze or even be dlscussmg It at thIS early stage" tions" but added that he still dId not thmk they were "strong enough to tie dIrectly to Abraham stated he had heard no sen- ~ •• ll the preSident and be an 'Impeachable ous conversatIOns on the Senate SIde of offense ," the Capitol about the Issue, and, 111 fact, mo"t of the talk ha' come from the House The MIchIgan congressmen, both Gal' members RepublIcan and DemocratIc, are WIse to Abraham added that he thought It Jom the state's U S senators to aVOid call- ...RnIOI.ESI Important that the members aVOld pre- mg for the preSIdent's Impeachment, Judgmg anythmg because Congress would because no sel'lous charges have yet been proved agamst eIther of the Clmtons have to SIt III Judgment If any attempt were made to force Clmton out of office But With hearmgs scheduled 111 both Democratic Sen Carl Levm defended houses, and some Republicans ob\'1ously the preSIdent, and dId not really answer almmg to get the preSident, there still IS a the questIOn put by the News reporter pOSSlblhty that proof may be dIscovered Instead, he emphaSIzed the preSIdent's about some Issue on whIch the preSident "great ablhty to stay focused on the Issues IS culpable Letters that matter most to Americans" Yet, hke all CItizens, the preSIdent must Rep Bart Stupak, Menommee be regarded as mnocent until proven ConventIOn, an internatIOnal a 1996 North graduate Yet Democrat, stoutly defended the preSIdent gUIlty Maire Faire treaty bannmg productIOn, when my son's school sent us a To the Editor: pos<;esSlonand use of chemical notice that he had made the On behalf of the Maire Falre weapons E'n"tmg chemIcal dean's Irst, It remmded me that A view from the sidelines CommIttee, I would hke to weapon~ and productIOn faclh our school dlstnct ha~ a great extend a sincere thanks to all ties" ould be de<;troyed, and an deal to be proud of the famlhes who have donated inspectIOn/verificatIOn system Our son, Michael Ludington By Wilbur Elston to our school Your generous would ensure comphance FaIrchIld, IS a freshman at the Best movies? addItIOnal awards at the annual cere- donatIons - whether It was ThIS treaty began under Umverslty of Notre Dame He momes But my WIfe and I found It con- time, money or an Item for the PreSident Rt'agan, negotiated entered as an above 40 GPA fusmg and too long Millionaire's Party - WIllhelp and SIgned by PreSIdent Bu<;h, student At Grosse Pomte MaIre Elementary School But not for all If we had read the book m ad\Oance, as supported strongly by North he was on the varSIty enhance the computer lab and Prebldent Chnton, Jomt ChIefs soccer team and preSIdent of my son-In-law did, perhaps we would playground equIpment e had seen two of the supposed- have caught on earlIer to the flashbacks, and the secretary of defense the Student ASSOCIatIOn We would hke to inVIte the The U S chemIcal Industry, ly best mOVIes of 1996, but we but for us It was not a great success I\hchael Aubrey, "on of dIdn't rate eIther one as high as entire Grosse Pomte Includmg Dow, DuPont and Lorrame and MIChael Aubrey, W Admittedly, however, It dIsplayed some Community to attend the Union Carbide, helped craft was vice preSident of the Hollywood dId at the recent great photography ComputerlTechnology Open Academy Awards dmner the pro\ I'lons and supports Student As~oclatlOn, and IS As for "Fargo," also nommated as best House on Thursday, Api'll 10, the CWC "The EngIJsh PatIent," for example, was also a freshman at Notre pIcture of the year but Just an also-ran m at 7 30 p m at Mall'(~to see the If the Senate falls to ratify, Dame Peter Blake, son of rated best pIcture, and also won a flock of the final standmgs, we dIdn't understand new and excIting changes tak- trade re~tnctlon" could cost Peter and LoUIse Blake, was a what made It even a contender Ing place WIth our computer" the United States $600 ml1hon 1994 graduate of North He The accents adopted by most of the The Maire Falre Committee m lost exports per year The also held the pOSItIOnof presI- would also hke to have all of actors and actresses mIght have been Umted States WIll be unable to dent of Grosse Pomte North's Big Ten OK you Jom us for a day of fun, appropnate years ago, but no longer, Jom the bodIes used to mflu- Student ASSOCiatIOnand ISnow he BIg Ten, dended by some food and pnzes at the ence In<;pectlOnprocedures and except perhaps m ~ome Isolated town pop- m hIS thIrd year at Notre DetrOIt ~ports writers, sttll dId "Storybook Adventure" ThIS budgetary declslOn~ ulated chIefly by Scandmavlans Dame Donny Pierce, son of SIS wellm the t""0 natIOnal basketball will take place at Malre on The United States must ratl- and Donald PIerce IS the cur- T Perhaps It was hIghly rated entertam- Saturday, Apnl 19, from 10 tournaments that finally ended fj the ewc by Apnl 29 when rent preSIdent of North's tht> sea~on at the college level ment because the local pohce chIef was a am t04pm It becomes mternatlOnal law Student A~soclatlOn He has woman She dId wm the best actress We hope you WIllJOin us for MIchIgan, a" everyone knows by now, We must bUlld support m the been a""arded early admISSIOn award, but the movIe sttll dIdn't score too these events and see why we're won the NatIOnal InVItatIOnal Senate for the CWC to tbe Umvenlty of Notre well WIth u~ Older Mmnesota fnends so proud of our school Contact your US n Ing hi' nopher, 1I1tothe ~eml-fin'll., of the So perhap., thE' movlC' ofthp 1990<;have Thl'rl' 1<;a world" Ide E'fTort the Gro,~l' POIntf \nrth and Ivan Ludmgton .Jr. tournamt>nt Ju~t pas.,ed u~ hy to pa~<;thp Chl'mlcal Wellpon~ Parent<; Cluh and thl' parl'nt of t , ., Gro'lse Pointe Shores t •

. , _. , - 0 • ... l I t ' A 54 o Pe • • & Q I~ not the ~lLe of a teacup, not gl\tnt"., • Head tdbl, " at h,myu. t, Pets, peeves the "Ize of a bread box not the The'" ,ltl-, Illd\ Indeed be Espelhilly If I hdv, to '>It ..t ~I,le of the ~alad-preparer's fist Chrl,tHJn" thmg, to do one Even morl e,puldll, Ii and more I want mouth-~lzed lettuce The) m,l) al"o be .1twl,h the ~alad ha' Ii"t .,lLCd ILUUll Le~~than 2 mches 10 dIameter thmg., to do 01 Buddl\l,t In It I have one pet Two pet About the ~Ize of a saltme thing" to do, or Mu,llIn thll1g~ • Rdu,tjoke, peeves 1I.cker cut In half, or smaller to do Or whatl \er .Flrl\\ork~ ':>un"t, The pee\('~ are about food Eatmg 10 pubhc l~ often Chn"tlan~ don t h .. V( dn 'lUnrl"t' If )OUv( ",n onl and religIOn but a .ub pee~ I' IS challenging POise, dewrum exclu~l\ e p<.1tent on kmdnl'" )OU \1' "I'll thl m dll about peb dignIty are often at nsk Some ,lOd ethical beh'l'dol" • 1-l1ghfalutln av.drd" prl A good ~alad can be rUlned food~, I thmk, are dehberately Margie Reins Smith So thue 'lnted for trl\ lal dlLOmplJ~h by ItS lettuce Not the lettuce designed to make the eater" Now, ....OJne nllnor PlP\ t" menb One Ylar Ilonl'; long Itself, but how It'~ presented look hke buffoons Thmk about • MlspronunclUtlOn 01 thl agol my ,ororlt) th<.1pter kItchen for rf' SlZll1g describe ~omethlllg \ I It'" Lettuce should not be tacos spaghetti bagel sand word "Feb-ru ary earned the Mlnnll Mae I ;:>Lvuldu'~ h ...... tv ..,;JC,J...... -:.e::[' .....t ().... l.r .....rl allowed mto a salad bowl until wIChes hard rolls, caramel • The tlull' cyde on my Pre,wtt Award tor LJr.lllOU' chunk of lettuce, separate Its rlghteou" or ethllal 01 IlH>1 d It ha~ been washed, tnmmed, candle., watermelon wedge." drver What'" It for? LIVing leaves fold them mto accor- "That would be the <- hrhll " tamed, and cut down to Sl,le npe plum~ • People who don't keep ThIS meant WI dldn t pIck dIOn pleat~ and bend them thmg to do," "omeom ',II Proper ~ILe IS bIte-sIzed Salads should be easy to eat t !t"lr dogs' water dIshes filled our teeth at the dmner table lengthWise and cro~swlse so referring to an offer to III 1p Blte-~lze I~ the dimensIOn of I don't think It's appropnate to II, y he has two tOllets to and v.e dldn t ,cmtch or SPit Il1 they'll fit III my mouth someone 10 trouble, or th. an extremelv small per50n'~ have to cut a salad wIth kmfe (j I h out of " they'll say pubhc and we were exceedmglv I v. ant dlgmty speedy return of a \ aludblL mouth and fork And when I order a • "tle~ clerks (and others) pohte to stranger~ on the My second pet peeve IS the found Item, or the executlOn 01 Not Martha Rae's mouth, not salad at a restaurant, I don't \\ I I II me "Dear" or "Honey" phone u~e of the word "Chn~tlan" to a kmd deed, or a gesture of for Mlck Jagger's mouth BIte sIze want to send It back to the ." " heels BIg deal

Grosse Pointe N~ws The Op-Ed Page Apnl 3, 1997, Page 7A ~_i _

Another sign • Cookll1g - 176 UMVSMSU, ~port) Olds • Gardenmg - 'i'i 1'.1 avada on Fishel at of sp ring 'Gardenll1g IS u~uallv high 1\, cheval er," says the hbrary ~ director He DBENZ, cherry-red The Ice nnk 10 Patterson Vickey "Wll1ter IS the \Ill' des 560SL coupe 10 the Park has offi- slow time" p !rhln,! lot at Patterson Park clally shut ~ VOl" B<\L on a green VARIATIONS down for the f ~ Laboring in Explon 1 outSIde Damman season and Hard\\ " ONA has gone back ~\. the vineyard DRRA '''lite Chrysler Tllwn to bemg a ~:p) & eountn 1>\'-,t Paul School fl t 2" Drop 10 early some weekday THEME reI' c In g 4X FORI:. II d Jeep Wrangler '" k evenll1g at Sparky Herbert s poo I .0 ma e by Damman, sure former and you may find owner BEATS 2 l)'1 HO"1dRunner skaters get Darrell Finken, surrounded Il1 the Wood, th by bottles and wtne glasses, I' message ISELL4L IIl\ltl ( Intury 21 th NO hard at work I' What s he d01l1g? Tastmg van parked 10 front III 1 house HOCKEY sIgns have been for sale replaced WIth ones that read wll1e~ for the famous Sparky THNXLUV red PontI H con- PLEASE DO NOT ENTER cellars vert/ble at CadllU\ md WATER A few weeks back It was With Jefferson the Park s Anthony TO COLD on a belgt 'm Eat your Delsener, preSIdent of outSIde ,Jake slOthI' V,!lag, Vll1tners Ltd , and the samples GPAC, black Cadd) on heart out! were from northern France, Ftsher m front of the GP HIS peers keep cookll1g up near the Rhone Valley Athletic Club honors for Lucy s Tavern chef "We stock dozens of dIfferent AIR DR blue OId~ Il1 the Rob Imesch, who was voted wll1es - hundreds of bottles - War MemOrial lot Chef of the Year by the and I m always mterested Il1 MI AM OR, on a NI~san upgradll1g," says Darrell, who The '650-lifer' punishment is a crime Amencan Cuhnarv FederatIOn lIould be hard plessed to keep MaXima Il1 the Village By MOnica Pratt 111 '96 FUN, red Mercedes LOn> ert- the "pmt of the act" $65 mIllion to $127 bl1hon, ahe'ld of all the vll1tages If he lbl(' behll1d Rite Aid The nse ofTJ.m Allen s career Rosenbaum s comments makmg It one of the f"stest ThIS )ear Rob WIll receive the Chef, Prof"s he hd\iC to Award f. om the Chef, lOO nes of thIS decade HIS teleVI- Arrested 10 October 1978 (the budget check thmgs out Il1 the vmo Fisher at South High Club ofthe FederatIOn m a pre- sIOn program, "Home ~ame month a" Allen), Young, a In 1986, pn~on ~pendJng d ? E I REPACK, black Jeep Grand ,entatIOn at the Chefs Ball epartment " very coup I' of Cherokee Il1 the Mack A\ enue Improvement," cdphvates 25-year old mother and herom con.umed 64 percent of weeks, at lea~t," Darrell says Amencan audIences WIth hiS addict, receIved a lIfe sentence MIChigan', genI'I al fund, but Apnl 28 at the Fern Hili He doe~ It all hImself Some post office lot Country Club "regular guy" humor, which Without parole for possessIOn of by 1996 It consumed 15 1 per- bosses just II on t delegate the ELMO, white statlon wagon has also led to success on the over 650 grams of herom With cent It I" projected that drug "ThiS award I~ for a chef on Fairfax near Westche"ter member who promote" the wel- tough Job~ IIs the drl\ er t!ckh.h? J big screen and 10 books Today, mtent to dehver offenders II III occupy more Allen reaps the rewards Young's co-defendant, James Michigan prison beds th'll1 fare of the club and commul1l- ty," says Rob brought by hiS glft for makmg Gulley, was the target of a murderer", rapist. and VIOlent Plates make HIS quallficatlOn~ 1l1cluded Date gets later people laugh But there was a major undercover 10\ estlga- cnmll1als Il1 1997 bemg food coordmator for the their Pointe A commUlIlcatlOn mIxup had tIme III hiS hfe when no one tlOn PolIce observed Young Are people 11kI' 1'110 Allen June Il1 :\Iarcb llI~tead of Apnl wa~ laughmg, especially 11m plallng a pla~tlc bag that con and Jedonna Young great St Ambrose Church playscape I~ It F) I" ImaginatIOn, or Il1la~t \\lek" FYI That s right Allen tamed herom III the trunk of a constructIOn project, m which are there more and more of enough threats to public safety June Mabarak's cpramlC, In October 1978, TImothy car she was drl\mg WIth to justlf~ thIS enormous outlay he put together between 1,500 thco"e cle\ er hcen~e plate~ around tOil n the'e da),? A fe\~ .howll1!l" at thl' ?>.rack A\ en up Allen Dick was arrested WIth Gulley The Sn..th CirCUit Court of tax dollars and u"e of "carce and 2 000 meals (breakfa~t, Framll1g Galler) 1" tlih Frida) over 650 grams of cocaine m Young v MIller found that pnson space? lunch and dmnerl for the vol- of the late,t crop Aprtl4 (about 14 pound~11lI an undel- beyond thIS mstance, Young Allen was lucky enough to unteer worker~ o\er a five-day 2LTL2LT on a red Ford penod cover drug bust at the was not a partner m Gulley's know other dl ug dealers to :\Iu"tan!l" com ertlble at If you hate an FYI tIP, Kalamazoo airport busmess, had no cnmmal "I couldn t have done It With- York,hll I lI'd l\tack turn 10 m exchange for a reduc- call Ken Eatherly at (313) Later, when 11mothy DIck record, and was a drug addIct, tIOn m hiS sentence He ended out my co-chatrman Patricia 6 KlD '-, Red :\Iercede~, Kerchp\ 11,\. \'"tle D'tme 822-4091 became 1'101 Allen, he would not a kmgpm up bell1g pro"ecuted federally, Buttiglieri, who lIve, m the say the bu~t "probably saved "In thiS case, \'>Iebeheve that dId tv. o-and-one.half years In Park,~ he say" my hfe" But at the time of the tiger trap may have sprung pnson, and went on to a suc The enterpn~mg chef got all arrest, hl~ future wa" far from upon a SICk kItten We are not cessful career Young wa"n't so the fi"1l1 s donated bv local bnght Just a month before at all conVInced that petitIOner fortunate As a low-level drug places mclud1l1g Sparky s, MIchigan lawmakers passed Young IS the type of "kmgpm" addict, she had no valuable Jumps, Luc) ~ Blue Pomte, one of the harshe~t drug Iav.s drug dealer the MIchIgan legls- mformatlOn to trade for her Bruegger" LIttle Caesar~, ChIanti VIlla Lago and Ea"t III the country, the "650-hfer lature has targeted for Its freedom Instead, ,he WIll SIt III law" harshest pUl11shment," wrote pnson untIl ~he dle~ She has Side Bagel A conVIctIOn for dehvenng the court 10 1989 already sened 17 years behmd more than 650 grams of Young's case IS not an excep- bars Read between coca me or herOIn meant that tIOn MIChigan Department of MIchIgan leglslators have Timothy Allen Dick v.ould CorrectIOns data for 1996 show tmkered WIth the 650 lifer law the lines spend the rest of hiS lIfe m that 86 percent of the mmates hut never fixed It The leglsla Almost everyone reads pnson No breaks, no parole, servmg hfe under the 650 law ture recently pa.,sed a bIll that thnllers and romance novels, no klddmg had no pnor pnson record at permIts Juvel11le~ convicted but when you get to the non- The law that threatened 11m the time of theIr arrest, and under the 650 law to sen I' 25 fiction ~hel VI', of our local Allen's future and ~et a prece- seven v. ere teenager~ when years wlthout parole 1l1stead hbranes you can see what dent for mandatory drug sen- conVIcted for hfe Drug offend- of hfe, but that Improvement Il1tere~t. charactenze tencmg law, across the country ers nov. represent 15 percent of doe~ not h('lp 1l1mate~ ilkI' Pomter5 In partIcular was endcted qUIetly by MichIgan's total pnson popula Young For both fi~cal and So, what ar .. v.e readmg? Dr. Angelo Tocco MIchigan lawmaker~ eager to llon, a 932 percent mcrease ~orlal rea.on~ MIchigan la\\- For the month of Februarv -& throw the book at drug kmg. smce 1983 rnaker~ need to fil1l~h the Job (the la~t complete month FYI pm~ Tacked on to a mas~lve Longer sentence, and and repeal or further modlf) hasl, here are the top ~eHn Tom Johannes Optician publIc health bIll the lav. mcreased plo,ecutlOn of nonvi th'~ dracol11an and counterpro mo~t popular categone, for pas~ed Without hl'arlngs or olent drug offenders ha~ co~t duchve mea'ure the Central Llhran and the economIc anal~~ls MIchigan taxpayer~ big money Pratt I~ proJCcl (/]nclor (or number eh"ckcd out EYE EXAMS • CONTACT LENS MIchigan Judges \\eren t con To keep pace With the Famlh('~ Again ,/ ,Handa ton • Tra\el - ,:;91 ~ulted either The new 650 lifer explodmg pn ~on popu latlOn .'4lnlm"m~ In i\a'lil7l"ton • \-tl'dlcal - 1R7 la\~ problblted judges from the correctIOns hudget DC and an ad}und ,f' boater" fe,OIlrC( manage bIll, 'pon,or~ Pllul nOll' ~peCle" can now obtam It through the World V'hde \\I'b ml'nt agl'nCle, 'ludent, RO~l'nbmlm the bl1l'~ ongll1ill through thl' Great Lake~ Sea Telnet or dlrecth throllgh "1 teacher, outrl'ach profe-'lon 'pon~or ,md, The ~tatute I~ Grant Net\\ork modem at a1, and rl"l'archer, Althcough flllwed bI'C,lII~C It I'hmmatl" a The Sea Gr,lllt 7l'brll mU'~1'1 http 1/" II \\ an,c pllrdlle l'dll 'g Cllffl'nt], foclhed on 7( hr,1 Judge' llblhty to eX( rCI~e dl' and non mdlgenou, "pecll" nl' A CD ROV! \ er~lOn \\Iii ml1 ...."~I.., th(' ,,1t(' .nl....o ('ontain ... crl'tlOn It hil' bl'cn u~l'd to \Vorld Wide Weh 'Itl' I~gl1l~ I ,oon h( '1\ al1al-,ll' for tho,1' "ea linnt m rormatlOn 0"1 fOlll ~nilrl' too miln, II ho fit thl' liln contam~ a comprl'hen'lvl' col lhl'r, \\ ho do not h.1\ f Intel nl't other \0\ Idl'r, the FUrI'l'ln gu'lgc th( 1l'1I1r of thl' llCt hut lectlOn of rl"I',lI eh puhllcatlOn, llCC(l''';'''' luffl' the round gob\ ~e I 1.lm "ho m no WllV fit thl' mtent, and educatIOn mlltena I, pro Thl' ~Itl' I~ Il, ..ful for mdll' pre\ 'lnd th" 'pm\ \~,l« rlle'l •••• rme=e::T::::::::".:T=:::::=:~~~!~E~•• ~t=:_:.:E:::~__ ~-:~-;:------COIIPO.An OPJICII. l:lO.tl ) Hom 110..., \og r)OW MI .48(0) I' IJ '920914 SEQUENCE ROO) 91>8 14~6 In, 1~171 '9224°1 pmnl rlm~ I f)n s ((~m .. OIO .. AL O .. ICII 9)1 R('hh rH ~ 'f'1'52 ( rond tlO'lf'fl M~ -19417 I~ ~I AM. R7?~ In' 16161 RAI6I47 f"motI dmq7t»ronvOQOte M1 April 3, 1997 _8A __ O_pinion Grosse Pointe Newt Hip, hip hurrah Mulling extra-terrestrials, UFOs and comets Surgl'f> hll t lUll B~ V,ctor Bloom MD your SPll'lt by commlttmg sw- explamed any other way but to ISabout a bnlltant but psychot- Some op,r,'tlll h .Ir. l,dll'd l'!l'LlI\P nll',lIlIlIg till' I'ltl. III mass "ulcldes of 39 clde, and to tlunk you can nde assume that we have had VISI- IC SCIentISt who claimed to ha, d dlOlCl'to Illd'" n'g,mhng tlll' hlv,tyle he t!Wlh<, ,l,l'r', of the Heaven.., Gate a space-ship m the tatl of a tors from outer space Of travel to other planets, In his CerLllnh LO~Illl'lll"'UIgl'rv h mo~tl) eleLll\ e but tl1<'1P 1- III I continues to attrat tour comet and fly to heaven course, so far such eVIdence IS free-associatIOns on the couch, are.! whllh 111\0lvh the chOile of LOmfort ,(lentlOn In Members of tlus group suc- not completely clear or con- he was tellIng Jus analyst all If one Ihh ,uffl'n'd 101\ l',lr, \\ Ith ,m old IIlJUI\ th It h .- ,,'cent memo- cumbed to a chansmattc leader vmcmg Carl Sagan has about Jus relatiOns and conYer. turned mto pam/ul ,Irthnth .1 Pl'l"'Ollh.h .I tllOll' "I l' III ry the Branch and to blurred boundaries remmded us that we are prob. gatlOns With mtelhgent bemgs lnnCT" 1 ,.., ... J...... ~ If. I 4 _ + , n'1y".l'3.TlS c...:.!t On ..... t b ...t~ ...c:;n urgun.l.,t;eJ .l.;-lJIi.lv.u, "l.>ly VIII} ull" lll,l.>lt"l.>l" .,1"II"t vn Mar", Venus, Satu.--n and routine-.., th.clt unc{} \\ en~td.h.l}1l fVl !{I d.nted or 11 l\ Lr1~ t ! J was reduced sCience-fiction and New Age out of bllhons and bllhons, and Jupiter The analyst, trymg to llon.ll surger, m the hope of ,dlt'\ l.ltmg ttll' lOIHilll<>1l to ashes m a philosophy If we are sendmg space probes understand the nund of his The~l' cholle~ arc not hght h <011'1<1('1 "d FOI ""ll 1 lH conflagratIOn What has happened With the to other planets, who can deny patient, was enthralled. md ed<;Ydecl~lOn penullll.! Il'\\ \\t'p", olf tOl n (UP' I 'l at Waco, Texas otherwise mtellIgent and that other superior mtelh- !lot time the opP' dtlOn fOl .I l \ (uls Who but family tal Illness and a dIstortIOn of Wlthm those bookshelves I prototype of thiS fantasy and was cured and the analyst was and do,e frl('nd" "dnt _ tll il, ,~ III dc tails anyway? relIgion and reahty found several dozen books recent re-releases of "Star able to wnte a fascmating case What Wl'do ",Illt to do I' I •\ our gratitude to the Sound relIgIOUS behefs are about UFOs and people send- Wars" and "Star Trek" and report countles, people for thl'1I hill I '" to us dUring the past based on baSIcally normal mg messages from preVIous "2001" gIve further credence to The story lets us know that few \\eeh' 1\1.111\ of th," ,\I I ,wns of compassion functIOning and a good contact hves Their names were Seth, the Idea of space travel there IS not a frne line between occurred \\Ithlll tIll' lllnl". '"1tJohn Hospital The nurs- With reahty VarIOus mental 111- MIchael and Emanuel It IS as If we have over-popu- fantasy and reahty, that the mg care \\'1' "'lell, III II, pport care from nurse's aides ne"ses are assocIated With Apparently some readers are lated our planet and are killmg compleXIty and creativity of to mamten,lIlle per,,,nlll I \I h superior They were agree- abnormal and deVIant func- aVidly searchmg for more ourselves WIth toXlCwaste and the human mmd often blurB able and \\ lllmgh r( -1' I ," d to our concerns and Wishes tlOnmg, based on a relative loss mformation from the other a dISturbed ecology and have the boundanes, sometimes \\'hen \\ e retllJ II' d Ii IIlethere was a small army Involved of contact WIth reality ThiS IS world from them nowhere else to escape It IS WIth tragIc consequences. In the rel",bdll It1 "' I ,'W"S We have had dally VISitSfrom often due to faulty transmis- There are whole bookstores one tlung to escape m fantasy, Shakespeare suggested that vI~ltmg nur-l'- Itl I J l\ ~Ical and occupational therapists sion of npuronal messages presently taken up by New Age and another to escape m reali- our waking life is but a dream, After C\ ,llu,ltm,; 11 home turf, as to bathroom access, Recent research has taught us books, whIch have common ty. The media and mformatlon but still we do well to maintain height of h, d -I lh to be negotIated, etc , they were able to that neurochemICal Imbalances themes of extraterrestnal trav- explOSion have enabled us to a fU'IIl and clear distinction olTertheir L\PC ,II-l' .IS to the best methods of na",gatlon for may be genetically determmed, el, extraterrestrIal Visitors, push the envelope of poSSibili- between our daydreams, our the p,I!llll! III "d work, temps and therapy were all accom- as well as enVIronmentally pro- time warps mto other dimen- ties and our creative mmd night-dreams and reality. plI-hed III th, lomfort of our own home and With httle diS- duced SIOnsand vanous other pseu- knows no hnnts to the nnagI.- comfort II)dl,turbance It IS well known by mental dO-SCientifictheones to explam natIOn. Dr. Bloom IS Climcal On uur lir,t outmg, back to the hospital for a doctor health profeSSIOnals that some supernatural phenomena and Many years ago there was a AsSOCIate Professor . of appo1l11trllllt, courtesy contmued to follow us Doors were people who are otherWise mtel- mystical experiences. popular book on psychotherapy Psychiatry In Wayne State held , I,\ ,Itor buttons pressed and help olTered With the hgent, artIculate and highly What gives credence to some called "The Fifty Minute Unwersity's School of \\ h, ell h,m These thoughtful gestures came from all dIrec- functlOmng, may also be har- of these theones is archeolOgi- Hour" In it was a story called, MedICine. He hlJeS and prr» tIOn- hospital patients, cleamng crews and VISitorsof all bOring paranOId SUspiCions or cal "evIdence" wluch cannot be "The Jet-Propelled Couch" It tu:es In Grosse POinte Park . .lac ,md natlOnah ties obsessmg about needless wor- I remember takmg my mother to an appomtment once rIeS md she started to cry I asked her what was upsetting her In the case of Schlzophrema, She answered that someone had Just opened a door for her there IS a mechamsm we call She had been such a proud mdependent woman and thor- losmg boundaries such as the oughly hated bemg dependent on others She was deeply boundarIes between the real touched at any kindness shown to her by complete and the unreal, fantasy and strangers I finally know what she was feelmg realIty, the conscIous and As I have stated, surgery IS no fun True, It can be fraught unconscIOus With mconvemence and pam However, the carmg support It IS one thmg to be a good team of strangers dnd friends goes a long way In easing the Christian and pray for Journey to recovery We thank those m the field of heahng, strength, understandmg and the profes"lOna!s Involved, the friends who sent cards, gIfts, faIth, faith m the knowledge food or flowers and called WIth words of cheer You all that there IS an Immortal soul helped to make an uncomfortable experience a httle eaSIer whICh survives boddy eXlS- Ell'" \OU _ O{{ennq from the loft tence It IS another thmg to take It upon yourself to release

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., ~ 1 J l ' A Ie '" Apnl 3, 1997 Grosse Pointe News News 9A Capturing the fleeting moments of childhood is a priceless joy By Monte Nagler The unplanned and the unex- plllures Special Wrller pected prOVIdethe opportumty Tn u~mg a telephoto lenb A Old you know thdt Llllidren for that exceptIOnal photo lenb of 100 200mm m focal are the most photogrdp/ll d of graph of your child The oblec- length that allows vou to keep all bUbJe<-tb'Alter dll, onll ,I tlve Ib to capture the !1eetmg jOur dlbtance WIll be far less photograph can proHde 1lment,let the child "do har"h shadow'l are ehmmated utmost care and attentlOn to hi, "'In thing" Let hIm If It IS sunny, pOSitIOnyourself portray the preclOus tunes of as~ull\' posItions or faCIal so that the sun IS behmd your chIldhood exprp<>oL'>Ihthat reflect h1S subject dnd then use fill m Most Important In pho perbonalil\ fldsh to add sparkle to the face tographmg chIldren IS captur It\ very InLportant to get on If mdoors, try usmg natural Ing their spmt Some kIds are the child" I(I I F;ven get down hght from a Window You may natural "ham,," and Will on the floor PIctures lookmg need a faster film In thIS clr respond dehghtfully In front of down on kld, df( !Lotflattermg cumstance the camera ChIldren !lve llL l world of By photographmg chIldren But others become very giant adults dnd huge sur- naturally, you'll be able to aware of the presence of a cam roundmgs By glltltlg low, you record the spmt of youth that era and wJ11not react well to can capture a d\lld, I rspec- your family and friends WIll posmg dIrections tlve and greatly lmpr J\ I ,our enJoy for many years to come StIff po'les and artificIal expressIOns will tend to replace a natural look and It IS only after the camera IS put away that the chJ1d's natural- BUYING SINCE 1957 ness returns ESTArES • COLLECTIONS. ACCUMUlATIONS But If a chIld IS enJoYIng a toy or an actiVlty of lus own All US & Foreign Gold & Silver COins & choosmg, he or she becomes Paper Money • Gold, Silver & Plallnum unaware of the camera and Watches (Pocket & Wrist) • Tokens captunng the child's "spmf' Medals, Military, Michigan Memorabilia A telephoto lens enabled Monte Nagler to "move in close" and capture this delight- Will be easy ful. spontaneous shot of a young girl In Shanghai, China. So concentrate on candlds • FREE APPRAISING •

Drunken driver street In unmarked patrol cars, COINS a STAMPS, INC. blockIng vehicle escape routes 17658 Mack (at University) hits parked cars The man tl'}'lng to cash the PUBLIC SAFETY REPORTS check was captured on foot and 885-4200' M - F 10.5:30 SAT. 10-2 Grosse Pomte Farms pohce they came across the purse of dlately helped by nearby resI- heard a loud crash lfnmedlate- hIS three compamons were caught as they attempted to the car's passenger, a 19-year dents who heard the shoutmg ly outSide theIr station on drIve away old DetrOit woman The purse and called the Park pohce An Kerby Road on Thursday, All four men are bemg held contained a handgun WIth the unmarked patrol car was sent March 27, around 2 40 a m serial number filed off The to the area and officers saw Village Locksmith (1 Home Repair Co. A 42-year-old Grosse Pointe m the Wayne County J81I, two for uttering and pubhshlng woman was charged WIth car- the getaway velucle leave the Farms man who had been whJ1e the other two are bemg rymg a concealed weapon and scene of the cnme The officer ,.. Digital Deadbolts heading southeast on Kerby held on preVIous warrants IS free on personal bond pend- In the unmarked patrol car fol- toward Grosse Pomte mg her arr81gnment lowed the getaway car and ",. Digital Garage Boulevard told pohce he fell Informed fellow officers that It Door Pads asleep behmd the wheel of lus A traffic stop Armed robbery was heading on north 1996 Ford Taurus, drove hiS Wayburn When the getaway ,.. Electric Strikes car to the left of the center of turns up a gun car went past Mack, It was the road and crashed mto a in the Park (() 24Hour Emergency Grosse Pomte Woods pubhc A Park couple walkIng In the mtercepted by several patrol 1995 Jeep Wrangler that was umts that were w81tmg for the Service parked The Jeep rolled WIth safety officers turned up more 800 block of Berkshire were such force mto a parked than they expected when a rou- held up at gunpoint at about suspects' car Aerostar van that It traversed tinE.'search of the btOPPedvehI- 6 30 p m Sunday, March 23, The three suspects were across Kerby and mto a picket cle turned up a handgun at when a Juvemle eXited a car ImmedIately taken mto cus- about 12 17 d m Friday, March f~ce that had stopped In the street, tody The two Juvemles were The release of arrbags In the 28 pomted a rIfle at them and placed In the Wayne County Juvemle Home and the adult Taurus woke up the sleepy dn- The whole thing began when demanded money IS bemg held at press time In ver who was coming home from an officer saw a car go through Neither one of them were a bar on Mack Avenue In a red Ilght The car was carrying cash, but the man the Grosse Pomte Park Jail Grosse Pomte Park The man stopped m the area of Harper gave the gun-WIelding suspect while warrants are bemg pre- admltted to haVIng consumed and Woodmont A background hiS Wrist watch The suspect pared to charge hIm WIth ra.,. "two vodkas, two beers, and check of the drIver revealed contmued to shout at the cou- armed robbery - two Wlnes " that he had never obtamed a ple and demand money, but - Jzm StlCkford 881-8603 • 18554 Mack • Grosse Pointe Farms • 48236 He faJ1ed field sobriety tests hcense The driver told pollce, eventually fled to the awrotlng pollce admlnIstered to hun. HIS after he was ordered out of the vehIcle which was occupIed by prehmmazy breath test, and car, that he had Just obtamed a two other males, one a Juve- two subsequent blood alcohol permit and It was In the car mle and the other an IS-year- tests regIstered 0 129, 0 12, When Woods officers old o 13 respectively searched the car for the permit The two VIctIms were Imme. CFARMS 8JA~T The man's car, wluch suf- fered extensIve front-end dam- t '.' • • ON THE CAMPUS Fax 882.0220 age, was rmpounded He was '~355 FISHER RD. WE DELIVER 882.5100 arrested and charged WIth operatmg a car under the OPEN 8 to 5 30 p m DAILY Wed tll Noon - Closed Sunday Influence of hquor, possessIOn U PS PICK-UP DAILY SALE PRICES GOOD APRIL 3RD - APRIL 9TH of an unlawful blood-alcohol Choice level, and "driVlng left of cen. Aged American Tender Lean Lean ter" HIs court date had not DELMONICO RIB LAMB PORK BABY BACK been scheduled yet, accordmg to pohce reports STEAKS CHOPS SCALLOPINE RIBS - Amy Andreou Miller 49 $599 lIn''Immcd $5 99 i\~>1 ,. $349 Car shot at $6 LB. lB. lB. \ ' .• 1f. LB. on Moross Perdue Bone-In Fresh Farm Raised Usinger's Farm's Own CHICKEN BREAST CATFISH FILLETS LIVER SAUSAGE HAM lOAF, VEAL LOAF A Grosse Pomte Woods man -,""- OR MEATLOAF reported hiS car was shot at I j"" 79 99 (BrawlI(lmelgerj I#?# " ' ~.J $1 LB.. $4 J) ~ u}{IIev and a passenger WIndowshat- tered whIle he was dnvmg LEGS 99~ Bontl' " LB, V ChlinJ. $299 $299 ,,~~ toward 1-94 from Mack at 7 40 & THIGHS ,,{S,mle« ~ orSh"d LB LB~; p.m on Monday, March 31 He S81dhe beheved the shot came GROSSE POINTE'S LARGEST PRODUCER OF FRESH SQUEEZED ORANGE JUICE from a home along Moross and Otis Spunkmeyer Carr's ALL COKE New Cantatti reported the InCIdent to DetrOIt pollce No one was COOK ES TABLE WATER PRODUCTS BISCOTTI ALMOND mJured \a:';~/" CRACKERS $299 ITALIAN COOKIES Check Idters $169 $449 • High rate 4 S OZ BOX J2P1a tDFP PKG. caught by police • Totally liquid Grosse Pomte Park pubhc Blue Diamond Cracker Barrel Ma Cohen's Smuckers safety officers were called to a • $5,000 minimum to open R~r,u&~'¥J~DSHARP CHEDDAR HER R IN G .STRAWBERRY JAM bank across the street from pollce headquarters when a REPUBLIC teller noticed that the Signa- ~ $299 $2CHE~~ ;2,""~,~c""m"",,~ $259 ture of the endorser of a check =.BANK __ 601 C<\N leOI A\R 12 oz. IAR 14.25 oz. matched the handwntmg of the maker of the check ~,.-:. -:...-:.•.•...•.•_- Corbett Canyon The inCident took place at Fresh Florida Roma about 11 20 a m on Tuesday, I'" VIe; t 1ny hnrrh ') I I t rrlt on Cf''lt t hy CHA~~~O~AYoR.f' ASPARAGUS SWEET CORN March 25 After notlcmg that TOMATOES the check appeared to have 1.800- 758.0753 H0 <::. M 1"y t: 1~1 1 rr ~ r 'T ')1 rday q 1 M Nr"'0" 69 49 been forged, the teller checked $7 >j ~ 1 $1 ~ 2/79~ bank records, Includmg the 1';l I lB ~ 99~LB. sIgnature card Records Bloomheld H .lIs (810) 258 5300 California Bartlett Ripe Aunt Mid's Sweet showed the sIgnature of the Grosse Pomte Farms (313) 882 6400 check endorser was false and Farm",glon Hills (810) 737 04+4 Golden Pears BANANAS SPINACH BAKING that the account was closed In , ~ j late 1996 ~,,2lBS,L ~ P~TATOES So the teller called pohce, 1 and detectIves crossed the '. 99"lB'~ )99 '~99IBAG e29"l8,

•••7•••• "1'...:.::::::::::::::::::~:::I::=C:r~~.~:~FI.R!!~~::-:-~-~r------(------."""'" ----~-- COINIAn O"ICII. , f:) R(M ~ Hnm' tnn ~oqmow M it 860 ') 1, I'll 19;091. SEQUENCE IROO! 91\814 16 1m I, 71/91 ? Gros"e POInte North and Pomte Farms Events SchOOiers,and theIr parents South hIgh schools partICIpat- The French students WIll can attend Call Sue FrederIck ed In the Michigan School stay for three weeks wIth The University Liggett at (313) 8844444 Band and Orchestra GrosS{'POlOte famIlIes, attend School College Fair WIllbe Associations' State Solo elementary school and engage held on Wednesday, AprIl 16, and Ensemble Festival March 22 at Eastern MichIgan In educatIonal and recreation- at 6 30 pm m the gymnasIUm The Greater DetrOIt al actiVItIesm and around the and dInIng room on the Cook InterfaIth Round Table WIll Umverslty Pomtes Road Campus, 1045 Cook, host Its 45th annual In turn, the Grosse POInte Grabse Pomte Woodb "Rearing Children of Good Rated on a scale of one students enrolled m the pro Will" conference from 8 a m through five, WIth one bemg the hIghest pOSSIble ratIng, gram WIll VISIttheIr French RepresentatIves from more to 1 p m on Wednesday,AprIl counterparts m theIr home- 9, at the UnIversIty of DetroIt Grosse Pomte hIgh school stu- than 100 colleges and umver- dents receIved nme "one" rat- town, attend school there and sibes across the country Will Mercy Conference Center- Ing<;and three "two" ratmgs tour the BrIttany region coun- be at ULS to dISCUSStheIr Outer DrIve Campu'! trysIde schools' programs and admls. The conference IS aImed at Attendmg the festIval from Saint Malo ISa seaport and slons standards With prospec- brmgIng together a group of North were Juhe Paavola on mternatIonal sallmg center tIVe students and theIr par- students m grades mght oboe, LIsa Johnson on plano and home to thousands of ents through 12 so they may and Momque BrIdeau and boats JUlllor and semor students engage In meanIngful dIa- Ellen Safran on VIola Smce the 1988.89 school theIr parents WIll want to logue necessary to InCreabe

St. Clare meets I cool cat' The students of St Clare of Holyfield and Nathan Dachllle, Recipe for success Montefalco Cathohc School In along WIth the St Clare of A Great Rei~rn I AbigaIJ Oman a senio~ at Grosse Pointe North High Grosse Pomte Park WIll meet Montefalco Dad's Club, wlIl help lead the ceremony The '1chool, 15 a finalist and scholarship win'1er in the the Selectcare "Cool Cat" at a heaWuul dwner category of the eighth annual SpecIal ribbon cuttmg ceremo- Dad's Club then WIllmstall the ny at 2 30 p m Tuesday,Apnl 8 soccer hnes For Your Money N;:tional HIgh School Recipe Contest held at John. St Clare school was nomI- SOD & Wales University in cooperation with the Amer- on the soccer field ican Cancer Society and the American Heart Associ- nated as a Blue RIbbon School atIon Oman is among 19 finalists from an original The school won an award of by the Umted States field of 400 competitors throughout the country. cash and soccereqUIpmentIn a Department of EducatIOn In Oman, the daughter of Ann and Jonathan Oman, was grant-wrltmg contest spon- 1995 awardc~ 9. $2.000 renewable tuition scholarship. val- sored by Selectcare ued at $8.000. to Johnson &: Wales University. the Several fourth-graders put Pnnclpal Cathy Pnetz s81d together a grant request and the legend of the natlOnal des- 6.05%~' world's largest culinary school. WIllbe on hand for the ceremo- Ignation contmues WIth the ny ongomg commItment of staff, Charles Redmond, Caltlm students, parents and the pas- 11~Month Costello, C81tbn Bowl, ChrIS tor, the Rev Joe McCormIck Certificate of rAr;yoU'ii8Ving , Deposit NonCE OF PUBUC HEARING uninvited guests The Wayne County CommISSion, Call our Information Center at this evening? Commlltee on Public Safely and JudICIary. will hold a pubhc 1Ieanng on 1-800-758-0753 Burglary l'on a Proposed Ordmanee 10 estabhsh thOI the me, 50 Hour~: MOllda~••'nday 7 a.m,.7 p.m. ! cerlaln beha\l10r and related IOU need to represenlohons of Idenhty and Saturday I} a.m,-Noon be on the alen ~ \\.~ aumotlty are pros cubed , and 10 or Weofterafull ~ \~ estabhsh penallles and sanctions for a Republic Bank office: mnge of ad\ anced I"" '21~ .AI vlOlllllons thereof, deuronlL ~ .....' 111 Bloomfield Hills 810.258-5300 securlt) systems to At Its meetmg held Gro~se Pomte I-drms 313.882.6400 safeguard lour home and Farmington HiII~ 81O-737.04-W family One of them IS perfect Wednesday,Apnl9, 1997,200 P m fOt iour needs and budget Wayne County Board of Comnussloners Call, \\flte or ,top In today Cheers for volunteers 600 Randolph, Heanng Room 402 Because there are some guests DetrOlI, Mlclugan 48226 The Ferry Elementary School PTO honored its you can do wlthout grandparent volunteers at a March 6 luncheon host- ed by PTO parent Susan Kopr, Each volunteer was You may duecl any queshons to the presented with a service pin and a personalized col- CommISSIon Clerk's OfCtee, 406 lage created by Ferry faculty and students. Recipi- Wayne County Butldlng, 600 ents included, from left, Eleanor Golinske. (Kopf), Randolph, DetrOit. MI 48226 Koczara and Margaret Morgan, as well as (313 )224 0903 MumEHF DIe- Lois Smith. Shirley Wright, catherine Lang. Julia McKee, Holly Socia, Kathleen Mourad. Stella Fox and G PN 04ftl3m Esther Bentin. Distinctive Personal Banking

YOlJ CAN ADVERTISE TOO! GROSSE POINTE ALARM 17006 Mack Ave. Grosse POInte Park CALL 882-3500 PRICES IN EFFECT THROUGH APRIL 9TH To RESERVE 0 SPLAY AD"ERTlSI'IG SPACEBy 2 00 PM FRIDAY L 8!~3~~ .J ~~!.. q~ BABY BACK ~~~RIBS ")lm ••••• ... $8.99 J-~ MARINATED CHICKEN RICHEMONT (H""'!)(J\\I\'l ))"H • ..$4.99 ~~~~ CORN 3/99~ ~~~AJ~ifrEATFOR$32\8 L,\ VJELLE fERME \ ..... () \, ROL {t '} \H $5.99 SPINACH 99~PKG l 8fRo\. AI ,,'\,( ~() \~ $5.99 HEAD LETIUCE 69~, MARINATED BOGLE .'\ FLANK STEAK \I .$7.99 PEPPER, CUKES, HAYWOOD GREEN ONIONS 3/99c TURKEY BREAST l \.)\ $6.99 HESS Advanced Placement Irisbmen & College Accreditation BARTlETT KABOBS (DnIKn~d.:l'o our stlld~nlS ~Q'" cof1qr (97 100-'" of !VOI'~DQ~ GradMDIn (by Indepnttk'" &:ltHU Ass(Kumo" PEARS 69\B TURKEY ITALIAN GUENOC crt!dlt ", JuxJr ~chtH'Jl) go 0" to coUege'& ItItiW'nlly It/,) O'fl"~ Central Statn) I LABAn'S BLUE SAUSAGE LINKS $29\8 S~~\NE\~;~~ AP Amenc.m PolLlIcal c;"clcncc I oyo [a Unl vently Chicago Area schools which ha"e met ISACS AP Lateulu<;. Ba<>cd PhY<;.lc"i LJnlVCr"ilty of Notre Dame stnct accred ltallon rcqUi rements 99 AP Non-<: ale Ba=l Ph,,,,,,-, Un Iverslt) of (hlcago Ii] ~lrl~~~ $7 • DEP DEARBORN HAMS ~';~~G~~ ~u BOEUF AP (omrutu "\clcnce Columbia University 3 , 1 AP f uro()Can HI<;t"',", "') racuseLJnl'.ctslty Notre Dame Illgh 'khool ~ 24 PACK CANS 1/2 OR WHOLE $2 \8 \I' ~ :"" 1\P A TTlCf1U>1l ) h rook 49 .:. Harbor 'ipnng~Bronzeor ROUGHY S5 lB 9 (enter of (rcattve C;;tudlC"'i HTJur~a" """y SfllN lit Notre Amber IARU $5 fROZEN SWORDfiSH ~~RaIEL~ S19 !;.AL. MIChl~VUl <;. T/2 GAL

"I .. I I ..- t . A o • • & Q April 3, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Schools 11A Local retailer supports art programs

De"plte dll II t1u\. of rewarch art work will be ~hown on Mdurer "dld "J hh I" one of the thdt pro~h till v Ihdlty of an Wedne&ddy, April 'J. dnd k .... 0PlJortullltH.''> for the &tu drt& edulatlOn blldgl t cuts are South's "how will be on dents to bee their ....or" dlb makmg the hIgh 'ehool art Wednesday, April 16, at the pldyed III d gdllu") ,>cltlng' teachers' Job mCred"l1gly dIffi- Great Frame Up 20655 Mdlk ,J,Kk f,umml'r", ,Irt tedcher cult near Vermer dt South, "tre""ed the Impor Whether It's Idck of lunl}, for tdnLe 01 strenl,'themng the tieS haslc <;unnhes to ~hrH" nO' Onp of the best thin!!" ahout hf1twppn ci.rt dnd hl1,-,np'-,.c.; amounts of space for <;tud, t,h CSE IS that It not only show toddY to create d bettpr pdrt to dl&play theIr work, tlad" r, cases the work of talented art ner"hlp for tomorrow today are forced to find InnOVd c,tudents, but also provlde<; Brmglng art mto the busl- tlve ways to mamtdln pro pportumties and incentIves neo<; wmmumty dllow<, every- grams and &t1mulate student f, r those who have taken an one to See Its value" Summers mterest 1Jlldual art class m addItIOn sllld "It mean" a lot to "ee thl" to III Ir core studies Its pur- kmd of support lor the drb In The Great Frame Up store pose I to help foster creatiVIty our locdl bU"lnes~ LOmmumty" on Mack m Grosse POInte In ,Ii students, saId Sue The artb bhould not be Woods IS partlclpatmg m a Maurlr "lorth art teacher regarded a" a priVIlege but cham WIde program of adoptIng rather, as a funddmental pdrt local high schools, called '"Ihlc, h our first year m the of a high &ehool educatIOn sdld Creative Self-ExpressIOn program <.lnti my students are Tom Recht, owner of Gro""e (CSEl, that IS helpmg art stu- really looklllg forward to It," POinte's Great Frame Up dents at Grosse POinte North and South hIgh schools The CSE program Involves Foundation says 'Thanks' the donatIOn of mat boards, art portfolio cases for aJI students, Some of the lhlldren who Thanks to commIttee peo- ~Mathletes' T-slurts and aJuried art exhIbI- attend the Found'llon for ple MIchelle Hartman, Juhe Lattimore, Kun Kmg, Matt The Mathcounts team from Parcells Middle School in Grosse Pointe Woodscom. tIOn of student work at the Exceptional Chlldru Just want to say thank) Oll to all KornmCler, Pam McShane, peted March 22 against 46 other middle schools in Michigan in the 1997 Math. local store of those people who have Bill Grambo and Hal Smith, counts state competition hosted by General Motors. The Parcells team placed sec. ApprOXImately 25 students, donated their time cll1d the Robm Hood BaJl raised ond in the state, Members are, Eric Chan. eighth grade; James Van Loon. sixth whose work IS selected by the money to two recent fundrdh $5,000, wluch wlll be used to grade; Alan SUverston. coach; Charles Gaidica. sixth grade; and Erik Green. sev. art teachers, WIll be featured In era - the foundatlOn\ 20th fund the foundatIOn's therapy enth grade. two shows, each runrung from 6 30 to 8 p m North students' annuaJ Benefit Party and thl md summer camp programs. Robm Hood BaJl U-M students gain hands-on field experience They hIke In heat and ram, Wagner and Barnes deSIgned seruor m the School of NaturaJ Zald says Nurse~K' • sometimes Simultaneously, as the course m 1965, emphaslz- Resources and EnVIronment, Wagner believes ''Woody they tramp through Mlclugan's mg field work that demon- enrolled m "Woody Plants" two Plants" helps students develop ~ur6~ forests Umverslty of Mlclugan strates to students the chverse years ago and found the class a sense of appreciation for 1D5TlJFF students from the "Woody habItats and natIOnal woody "SpeclaJ " nature and the beauty of life Plants" class have been study- plant species CollectIOns of "ThIS class IS not about how He saId the course reminds 313-881-2938 mg trees in theIr natural habl. leaves, tWigs, buds, and fruIts to make money or how to mem- umverslty students that learn- tats for more than 30 years, are aVallable m the "Woody orize some useless facts that mg m a naturaJ setting IS as \ regardless of the weather con- Plants" lab for students to can never be applied to your Important as their work on dItions study seven days a week dally life," Zald says "It's about computers and In classrooms Taught by U-M bIOlogy pro- Students learn SCientific and how we should reach out to the "I fear that life IS centered fessor Warren Wagner and for- common names of more than world and learn why nature IS around computers," Wagner est ecology Professor Burton 180 specIes - their form, orgamzed the way It IS " says Barnes, the course combmes bark, and the site condItions Zald chums professor Barnes lectures, laboratory work and where they hve and Wagner as the two most Both Wagner and Barnes weekly treks to Ann Arbor Jacqueline Courteau, who eXCltmg teachers on campus s81d the course also prepares forests, the HIghland took ''Woody Plants" three He saId their enthUSiasm m students for the vanety of con- ReereatlOnArea to the east and years ago and became the teachmg encourages students dItIOns they WIll encounter south to Mllan class' teaclung assistant last to research different names when they conduct field work "Students enJoy gettmg out year, says the course "opened and structure of plants on thelr In dlsclphnes hke archaeology, m the woods," Barnes says my eyes" In terms of the own anthropology, bIOlogy and nat "It's ObVIOUS that you can't dIverse species and colors of "Some people even study ural resource<; Student,; study a 100-foot-tail oak tree In trees samples of plants collected dur- become used to the lec,<; than the classroom" Harold Zald, a fourth-year mg the field tnps at home," Ideal conth t It)n- Your Home Could Be The Ticket You Need To Fly Free 15000 WORLDPERKS@ BONUS MILES

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1.1 -'01 rt- "'~ 1 t1 "tr~ I Ro'"'r'l(0 7ti2lS94 l l (rr Hf'f ...... (k OPlank Raad lktllJl'l'n 21 & 22 MIll' Raad. Maromb Mm"tps from IAkl'slde Mall

r...... r;::ii=.. iii.~~.C:-_..""l~ - .._------_ ...... _-----_._---~ t. -.r;"'.",- ., ....-----.- COltPOttAn Ot'P1CI.. , .l2 flO<'t (;, Horn hon r~') 1'~?;n~~/"6'9~~~Q;l SEQlJENCE'" (~()(\I 9M 1~'6 100 1\ 71797 7~71 scon IlOIIINION t"'lT10 Of'Tq I (nm P (''\.dpnl "0~ •••• O.....LO"ICI. 9)f, Rnhh n!,. ".111/1'" 25, ("(Jnd Hov<>n M 49 .. 11 (0 I~I p~~ 8116 100 1~161 AM M41 ,.mI"IIII rimn?ft..v,v ...... ____ April 3, 1997 12A Automotive Grosse Pointe News The 'B' in Buick no longer stands for boring Truth h bonng hd~nt ::;f,,\ l,r" ,lil'l I Ill'" [\, I, I I \ with an all-new chas room IS more :;,paclOu:;,than In I 'lpplIed to 111<.1111 oj lh. LII'->111 IO""l!~thltl!plntlr 1 Id four-wheel mdepen- a Camry or an Acwrd thc Gcm rdl Motor.., BUJt~ bt In..; \ liUIU .., J t \lplt ! I ,u:;,pl'nSlon No under The Century feels 1,lrger dlvlblOn, lIlIeup fOi !lUlU j [null It ,hdl' [[l \\ered four cylmder engme than It Ib Big (ar fans who ,ome tUlI .. But th., ( tlltun IL(()I/Jpl"h t h il "I 1\ a base model on thlb one a:;,plre to Park Avenues .lnd 'h It I"..lhl, rl, ~ 'hI • 1 lherp's lU...t onp p[}<'1np 'V",J C ,,l,l1:l"'" "! !.kc ~h fl'"o!! wart \\ !u(h \\ d~' forled 10 \1,llt BUI I",,ntuIJ delivers espelldlly make 0\ ('r, hdd l ome to '\ III I" [,'_i Ill( om,l) refined over the years It while crUISing on mterstateb I bolIw dull Plt ....U 1 jl1h Ib mated to a four speed auto BUick hd' done a good Job m !e Avmldble 111 rt'Lt'nt ,dltl 'II' h" p ( 't\I[ mdtlc \Hth overdrive The Isolatmg r

fect for thl dn\Lr \Iho \1 llll,d tllt )\\. I mIleage 20 mpg lIty/29 mpg <.I nice 100"1IIA" lOlhPr\ ,ltl\ l I il llrketmg hIghway functIOnal I ehlc]e In t hl I hI ,hi I \ l!ll met bv Pldtmum-tlpped bpark plugs couple of mode] H,lr, (( nllln Jll H \ \ , trymg now e"tend the tIme of a first buyer, \\er(' fill,l]h Irl Illd I' \ \. !r ~ Il bUilt Catera major tuneup to 100,000 cupholder.., \\l'1l IIIdrh. d IIId ( Illmage I:;,nt null':;' usable "lIolb IIId bUllon, ,"l m be done Antllock brakes dre stan- the In"trUIl1t'1I1 P [ill] lit from a bchool dard So are dual mr bags Impro\pd '('.II, tilt llllll - lr to a hot rod, The Century Limited, an that ()\\ ner, or I" ndll r \ ,"hd II than ItS predece"sor Its protectIOn 1hIS feature dIS- ,Ilong the 1\ .1\ \\ lu], t I wheelba ...e Ib 4 1 Inches longer, ables the power door locks -l1e front drJ\ leI/ 1 [he Ford 1aurus \Vlth a base able the starter when the (1\ t!rdgt agflo {j { t ntul") O\\Jlers model priced under $20,000, engme IS alread) running " -aId to be I'll 60s The dlH we thlIlk It oITt'r' ,;ub'-t antl,}l These thmgs are taking all the 'IOn II ill drop It,; smalle ...t compNll101l to t))()~l' £.1\ antes risk out of drlvmg, aren't fIIa't lIT, rd.lble namepl1te For 1997 IhIlf" pun Ided ItS they? Now we must find new / and better ways to publicly I humiliate ourselves -z The new Century offers -"--~. child securIty rear-door locks as standard eqUIpment Century Limited buyers may choose Integrated rear seat child seats But lest vou fear the sedan IS deSigned only for younger drivers, there IS so much headroom that almost anyone can wear a proper cha- peau inSide thIS car The back seat IS raised slightly above the front seat, thus creatmg an effect BUlck calls theater seatmg" Rear- Century instrument panel is easy to read and styled In spat passengers can sep better contemporary luxury fabhlOn Unveiled at the New York Automobile Show was this '98 Audi A4 Avant, the German out of the wlndo\\ ... Re Ir seat maker's new sport wagon entry. 'jU2:),JlllvJ~ ~[P@(sUCil~~m AT DRUMMY OLDS ASS SUPREME 24124,000 Lease for ZERO DOWN 837995* M.S.R.P. plus, plus $19,500 r1I ~'!i" EIGHTY EIGHT /~ " 24124,000 , \ ~ 1 Lease for

"'.': ~ - 8 3995* ZEROM.S.R.P.DOWN !t!fIIIp~ '~ 4 plus, plus $23,100 ""-"'_1997 BRAVADA 1, r"" S ..,~"I( ,...,. «5 r-e ea,. r-e rn /! ~ j .... s. s.<> "'" t ~~ '>.JtH"'- "c ~ 24/24,000 Lease for 12 MONTH LEASE ZERO DOWN 1997 MIArA "LOADED" 5 Speed TransmiSSion M.S.R.P. Cassette CD Changer $30,800 Secunty System, 8195*- Alloy Wheels Leather Seats month and much morel Slk #1658 "LOADED" ZERO DOWN M.S.R.P. $36,400 Drummy Oldsmobile <;;0 The selling, servicing, caring dealership! I ."f'<' nro ... H

~ \11i 810 772.2200 8 Mile & Gratiot "All RIHUblAM To HOURS Mnn &: T/rUrl 9a m 1118pm., rut's, Wt'ds, Fn 9 a m. 10 61' m. DnuNlll01ds"

.rlmed ('(1<1 (,./IA<\C ')~rttro'>t' w.., nrpl(WM f'(1' 101' 24 men", s 24 000 m If. I m 'otJ()(" Lr-s'>!'E'IS re-.pot1s blp ~ C!J:C4!!'n"Wf!O orod tear Lenee hrH 0p'lon '0 pJ (hrHl" r'll !roi(' l"fld 01 pr (C d"lP m nt'd at n(rptjor; Sec::vrty d"'f"'1'S I oulW'l-d '0 S2S l'J00ve poyrnent SO c:kr.vn P'lus 1st mon~

and pbte EI((P~S"'ro rT1 N>q(' r-o CY' of 1 ~<: rr-f m (> f '}d OCJO IT Ie I .....tatoo IS r,(~ 0 gM to~ CO\t mvltJpfy payment l( rI"l()(l~S f o • • a i Apn13,1997 Grosse Pointe News Automotive 13A Autos From page 1M Potholes 100m large on spring horizon sIde the Century, where It In W"ynL County dIone, road tYPlldll.:. rewlve" between hole, dude U,I[" 'L- l III C05t as belongs The car has that sub an unwanted l'lICOuntlr oj Uw on thp rOdd "urraw 'I he mOl5 trey,,, hll dpproxlmately 10,000 and 15,000 pothole stantlal GM feel and ride It s muth d" "eVl rdl liJ III llld dol- pothole kind ture frl(,fe" durrng cold wedth 20U,OOO pothole" ppr year At ddlms annuoilly ldr" to IljJdlr not as sporty .lnd mmble dS ''Be sure to take you r (dr III l'r ',lu"lng the ground dnd an 01' er oIge dppth of four mth Potholes lOst the average the Taurus and Camry It How ldn 1ll0t"rI~h ""Id for a checkup If "tepnnr; ride, jJdvem, nt to exp,llld upwdrd es. "tlVLn pd,r,' seems more 11kI.'a luxury tlir tire or n0l5e problem" dppear, ' \Vhen l of '-,(\(rl bumps" rep81r, potholes dppLar to be Often the simple dct of turn- Poll, I,,, are credted when 'blooming" more thiS "ed"on mg a corner or pllotmg mto d snow 'JI 1 nn seeps Illto cracks than III past years parkmg space caused an unpleasant sWItch from CBE clasSICS to a nelghbonng rock WHEN IT S AUTO RELATED 'n roll statIOn WE DOITALll On occasIOn, the attrdctlve "GRO<;<;F POIl "ummer is the '98 Audi A4 2.8 with five-valve V-6 engine, The remote keyless entry IS delivering 190 hp. nice on any car The one In the ARE BLOWING IN SAVINGS!! Century had the good sense not to beep or squeal when the car IS locked from the key fob ~~~~ioi-wiE'~~M~~MAINTENANCE The BUIck Century dates I II • II SERVICE I back to 1936 That was the ITUNE.UPII & FILTER II SPECIAL I More Than Just An 011Chinge year BUIck began usmg names I 4 cyl. II COMPlm SERVICEllN5PECTION II I mstead of numbers to IdentIfy $4290 Its models, BUIck says I S~~:!:g II 95 -- II Mosli The nameplate ran up to $18 II =: Cars the war years, then dIsap- 1$ 95 V II I peared untIl 1954 when It was I 49 II --:;::.:....,:.:::: . II'ChangeflUId I re-mtroduced as a midSIze I ~~~511. 12 pl Safety JIiIwJIiJe II.Replace Pan I !ugh-performance car Inspechon ---- Gas~el The name agam was retIred I Includes II' Od Filter "::;.'~'':- II'Clean Streen I after 1958 In 1973 It was Labor II: LUUbet5 qt I II .AdlustBands & I back I & p 0 S 01 LIn~age The flfSt front-drive I Adjustments I U'~PON_- - ,.2P,2'lU I .R:d'Tes\ I Century bowed as a 1982 model, the '97 represents the I :;~= I I WICOUPON I flfSt all-new versIOn m a L.":~.J L..:.v:....1 decade and a half Base prices start at $18,395 J'(f",,,, "'<"'C), ~I.fc", ~'l~ (f.o.r ">.._ o~'" for the Century Custom and ~ ~ ~ $19,770 for BUIck Century 1Jnnted ONE STOP VEHICLE SERVICE SHOP, CARS, VANS. TRUCKS Looks 1Jkea sure bet to transport BUIck mto 2001 and Lmcoln s new '98 NaVIgator luxury sport-utility WIll be introduced in dealer show- beyond In style and luxury rooms in July, but dealers are taking orders now.

,0 cf:;;C?'

9 M, Rd (1 M, E of I q4)

cCHlPO.a" O"ICI •• , A"o1 <, 11m ( nq n(Jw M dRoOl I 1 U )914 SEQlJENCE ("0< I "p t~,~ f n: ~ <., II 19, ;>-1) 1 "mo M A9411 (I ~I RM> R11~ 1m (6jtJ~ RJlI t-,1t11 r"rW dmn?@n("'nnn1t "'rI'l April 3, 1997 Grosse Pointe News 14A Obituaries • Mildred Dabich Sally Ann Clancy Wednesday, March Barger, M 0, Department of phy He took r tn(' altern ltnr dnH' bf>lt \I(,HT\ \\Il \\H/\f\ll\ I \TII 1998 SIl,\ I P \(}\i qhould be cheCKed for loo ...('n(..,,, tnd a captam the vnlt1.g(' Tf'guhtOT p"(1Wlnt d to ....Pt 0\ \~ ELIC,IBLF ~ER\ I( E rL\\ TO GrT THF \1O~T TI\lE An active member of the If 1t l!> ~orkmg proper]} rlth('r (if th(";{' condItIOn", could C1!.lliie Plthrr community, Mr Cole was the the- chargf' ~arnln.R IJ~ht or th<. longest servIng board member dlr;rh"ug'i' mdlcator on the' dnm('tf'T to appear Anolhf'r IndicatIOn of a fad£'d of Home Federal Savmgs alt(>mator 1 Iii a o;hnll nOI Thl'" n )l"( ('1;n hf> c'lou ....pd b\ \01 R LI\/\ To HfTTfR of Pobce and Fire a Odd dlOd(' the (';Blurr of ....hKh nr. ~ I I r 1 J ROO-\U)BTLt I ~ l , h "T CommiSSIOners for Highland T('ducl tllr ,,It('Tn1.tor... m1"(lmUITl I I (0'1\1\ \1( AlIO\ Park and also served on the output Thrr{' ... n I m lch H II ('l.n d Lhlul foundmg board of the DetrOit a fall( d 'lit. rn n r ('xc pi rt"pl1n It Science Center \V1Un)OIl do "OJ ....10t ..,....hop ...... h~n ;on f{'('1 comfort lhlr kn(l'v.ln~ tht J"h Mr Cole was also a longtime ....ill be dWH n,.,ht At RI'\h.r member of St Matthews-St TOYOTA ..... u ( thf' ht('<,.t f'qu1pm( nt Ie ('n"'ur{' 1. prOJ>f'T Joseph Episcopal Church In d~ IgTlO"l<: ()f \ UT C;f", rnb1e m • DAHTO FUR~ITURI & Mmoc:ELl RAPID PAGI IN( Takmg 11mr e ul (' f \ I l" ....('( k t g<,t Detroit, where he "'ab a for- AP1'UAN(1 M ~ qo ; 0 ge\t()e.olo- ::: 1'.... Hom"'a'N_ i" DP!'!o )our nr fixf'd Coln fl. I ha ...... lr ....hrr ~800 [loud! 3 ul5 !i3 1 mer senIOr warden He was "OUT Ilf. Ie; hll"," -,( .. t dr ..rT h ...t J J 8.4 "'00 • _51 AUT01IL f( to'AIRADIO also a Mason and a longtime rlCCunt(' rrp'1 r m 11...1 \ liT Ilf" llISCOUNT VID(() We~ Bc""...led member of the Michigan k""':;l a \) Q(')()j ,7 "'~ n';; ff' ~ ~ I "') f)h:l~~\7~1~l~~ .' '\ ~;o~11~~:~ I...\~ I o tj 0 b9~~S.t.l B ) oe;J~S'" Funeral Directors ASSOCiatIOn MIDWEST ElKnONtCS HIGHEST OVfRALl CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IXPlIESS PAGING r-() fa loco 0 Nf!'o YOIJ SIO'NfT COMMUNICATIONS 888J .....DYoE<;,T Twp NP.,., P-l '" He served two terms on the AMONG CEllULAR USERS 1 0 4),~ HINT -'. diod~ IS the solid stitt B tJ I( NtlO PAGI COM Michigan Slate Board of elt::tronlC dtvlce In tht ilttfNtor whIch • ffNlSH1NG T04XHES AVAILABU AT YQYR AMERITfCH L.QCATIONS D.a bo SOUND SIC"'ITY Mortuary Science as well as (hJr)ges or rl!c(lflt:s attt:rn4ltln! currtnt MOfOl1NG 11150J 00.:1.0 'ho .. :> ('J' " 3 rr lrorr on the board of the Umted Ir.ta CI~t(t currt:nt for U~ by the car s .PAGfONl A\)6 'XY e cctr Cdl sv>ttm AMUtlTECH Novo ADVANCED COMMUNlCATTOHS d "' , 1. FoundatlOn for many years CEUUiAR CENTtRS GENERAL CEUULAR SALIS ~ ) e;, OOeX) sr.... I COMMVNtCATlONS C,<.,,."'-" 1,., d,.,.... [)t. -1 Ann Arbor PAG£TK INC r- mli'ii. Qi \iir\ , ~ ~ ~ l' 11 :j') ... l ~ Mr Cole IS sun-wed by hIS I AIllPAGI COMMUNlCAnO'U I 0\0 eM ~,. 'I''IJ a~"',"f H> '_NlIlOMl (;-~13 f' rTI STAn COMMUNICATIONS Wife Jo Ann Cole, two daugh- Por1'Huron ElKTllONICS AHO Al'I'tlANCI ...... ~ .. 1 Oil, Filter & 1 PAGt!'«)I'tU$ ,., ~ "" "\ .... " .. I-,IJ or ters Paula C Stem berg and ~ A L! nME AU[HO Jt. no. Po I: ""9""'" "1~DfRSOH GLASS ~ -o..,A ,11 LeslIe Cole, a son. Charles T 1 Lube 1 ItOC"'if'H I-~ mCOMUSA o.o.t>om PALCO ElKTllONICS Cole III a step-daughter. Jlli.hlll, ... ,..pln 4 qHArto,o!lnmlln, I. I AUTO ADD ON CEUULU '" oI-.q ~"" C\.,.,.,. \I'P Dawn Diet?, a Sister, Leontine l"I'\ofa {11 I It.ayolOak .. GLASS ((NTlItS USA IMAG( COMMlINlCA1'tONS ,21 j") " '>I' rRliIMOUP I• ("11 111, 11\ 1111,,, ...1.l.1..." pahnhrl f'h Smith, and two grandchildren (attpotm-e p, ~ E ",I,E .P1l1M1OCEUutAR ~(r ....l.fl,l Ill''' 1111,1'\ II ml n1 \\llh I AUTO ALUM A~ITY ~ Cllm_uESS J 1 IInll ..dnl1n'JN:51 \11.1\, '1111 m ...lllllflllon ; , I' , Funeral arrangements were Formlr.gton ""b " ~ US W1IELESS • Illhmal/ '11(\\hl n Hpplll.flhll) 1 ,,'\... f T~ QUICK PAGI IN( • ( !li.(.k IlII nmrl f"'Y .... ,,,,, '1q Wn~1 handled by the Chas "UfO A Ml'CSTM • JfIlOMl DUNCAN fOlIl) Fhnt I- • p r oj ~ I ~ ~A Verheyden Funeral Home In 1",\- 1 , ~,. q\.. W ...... ';l ~ ~\i •IAllIOS '_S WOW! COMMUNICATIONS Ho"-town , GroSSl' Pomte Park Memorial ell TU W1I'fUSS SI'IAKEIS & I'H1NGS " ... SIGNAl. :l, 0 R~8 1/1' 1 .. p. contnbutlOn~ may be made to W.01la1Ml ~ t. '(r '1 $18.951 LGh ... Umted C'C'rebral Palsy of • T ~.... "J..Jl1IIlll, •.d ..1 , 1 e .. ll1 ~ "rll. eM AMPION COMMU~ICATlOHS MfGAlm "COMI'Vr'EIS DetrOit, 23077 Greenfield AI( WArUHOUSf ______.J lo,'"""V""'vo I 3U1te 205, Southfield M1Ch, C.II 1.IOO.MOIILE.1 48075 '/1"1. II hat \0/1 d" or mr T"lOla-

• f I I I A o • • • Q Apn13,1997 Grosse Pointe News Obituaries i2. - fourth degree knIght and ue nldd, terved on Funeral arrangempnts were H, Wd~ al"o d mcmrH r a1<;oa member of the Veter,m~ (',t), and he wa~ dlso former many American Bar Nancy Schumaker handled by the ChdS prl'IU' nt of the MId" of Foreign Wars publIc admllll,trator for the ASSOCIation commIttees, A funtr,1! M,l'> ,,,II be cele- Verheyden Funeral Home of A!>~oudtlon of CPAs a~ '" II ~tate of Mldugan a!> well d!> A noted attorney, Judge mcludIng the ABA''i !>enlOr brated on r nddY Awl! 1 at 10 Grosse Pomte Park the Metro l)ptrolt Chapt, pol"t prebldent of the DetrOIt Hathaway practIced 10 all judge's commiSSIOn on ethIC!> a m III St l'.lUl ( ,thohc the Mldllg,lIl In,,tltu!t c()urts 10 MIchIgan, federal a~ Board of EdUCatIOn and a for dnd profeSSIOnal re;pon'ilb hty Chunh 1Il Gn...,,, IOlnte Brent M. Smith ( PAs Iller member of the !>tdte board well as state, and was d proctor He was program chair of the Farm; for former (lty of A memOrial service wIll be He w"s dlso d memb"r (,I t' III the AdmIralty, a member of of LducatlOn\ CommIttee on ABA'~ semor lawyer's dlvl!>lOn Gro~~p POInte reSIdent i'.. ,m, y held III St Armands Key Harvdrd Club ()f f>"rdsot 1 1 (~~ L I..:>L.J!J1 :\:lui alH.) dUJ luc DLL.lVJ..L BUI A;:'~Ut.ldtJOIl, Irom 1~ts'.1~~4 A ;'CllUlUdKCl, WIlO (lIeU 111h, r Lutheran Church m ::>arasota, be!ollgpd to Gre P,p,,' the MIchIgan Bar AsSOCIation, Value Educ.JtlOn He wa~ a for- Judge Hathaway l'i SUrVIVed home on Sunday, Manh ,llJ Fla , for Gros;e POInte Farms Umtpd Church In the I II I the Federal Bar ASSOCIatIOn mer memb"r of the advI!>ory by hIS WIfe, Carmehta Bach 1997 reSIdent Brent M Smith, who and St Armdnds Key Lutl,. 1 commIttee for hIgher educatIOn and the AmerIcan Bar Hathaway, a daughter, Mary Mr; Schumaker, 74, W.J' dwd III Sarasota on Sunday, Church In Sard!>oLi m !>outhea;tern MichIgan Ab~ouatlOn He was euetary for the Hlrdm Walker DetrOIt and Harvard Busllles~ grandchIldren, and one f" Court and Wayne Country Michigan A;SOclatlon for Arthur Hathaway, CSB, and 27 Co In Canturbed grandchildren Mrs Schumaker loved flow ment program He earned the Interment IS at the Judge Hathaway was a dedI ChIldren and New DetrOIt Inc Interment IS at Holy ers and wa~ an aVid gardener rank of E"gle Scout In the Boy Armands Key Luth( I cated public servant whose !>er- where he !>erved on the com' Sepulchre Cemetery m She was also a great lover of Scouts of Amencan and was a Church Columb," I II vIce dates back to the 1'ruman mIttel' on !>afcty and legl~ld- Southfield Funeral arrange anImals dnd was dttached to member of the Delta Sigma PI Memonal contnbutlOns III 1\ I admmlstratIon when he wa!> tlOn ments were handled by the her dachshund Idr fratermt) made to Grosse Pomte U,n!' appomted by the president to He wa; also a member of Chas Verheyden Funeral Mrs Schumdker I; prede- Mr Smith wa, an active Church, 240 Chalfonte, (,[I the Presidential Committee on Benevolent Protective Order of Home III Grosse POlllte Park ceased by her hu;band, Gerald member of the communIty and POlllte Farms, MlCh , 482,ll) Traffic Safety He was former Elk!>, the KnIghts of Columbus Memonal contnbutlOns may C Schumaker, and by her belonged to the I ochmoor to the American H, I The comet Hale-Bopp lights up Michigan's April sky this year

April Will brmg stnkmg mght Seen from a good observ- space far beyond the farthest space sun," Teske says "1hat ;hould brightness and taIl length 11 I VIews of Comet Hale-Bopp to mg Site, the tall looks half a!> planet Pluto, left over from the '"I'he tenuous gas of the solar make AprIl a time of enhancPd make for a fine comet sho', MIChigan sky-watchers, long as the handle of the Big formatIOn of our solar system wmd pushes on the rarefied accordmg to Umverslty of DIpper and actually extends . gas of the comet's head creat- Michigan astronomer Richard over 20 millIon miles" "Some of these Iry lumps mg part of the gossamer tail r------~'" i Teske enter the mner solar system which we see streammg rear- Teske recommends lookmg Comets are creatIons of the from time to time, plungmg ward energized by sunlight," I " ~" CIlE~I.DRl' of lAKESHORE ! for the comet about an hour sun, Teske explamed "A unseen, toward the warmmg Teske explamed IT;;,,. CARPET & UPHOLSTERY CLEANING ! after sunset comet's brIllIant head, ItS taIl fires of the sun, guided by ItS I ~ .f.,.N"'.rltkr;~""....p."tu ~ and all of the phenomena we gravltatlOnal pull," Teske says The second effect IS called ctt "At that hour It should be see, are caused by the sun 'When a comet nucleus comes "radlatlOn pressure" of sun. I IndIV~~ - FREE CARPET f hanging motIOnless m the Itself A!> the comet draws clos- closer to the sun than JupIter's lIght WhIle the effect IS a Owned & Oper"ed WImI t PROTECT ANT ! I by Paul Bemiss I On One Room D northwest about two hand- er to the sun, Its head and tail orbIt, ItS surface Ices begin to small one, It IS real and Impor- breadths above the horizon, Its grow more promment They evaporate In the mcreasmg tant I 1-800-404-0023 (~ ~~~l1tt ~ I tall extendmg almost vertically fade as the comet recedes from solar glare Planetary SCIentists must I 810-775-7651 Job Order r upward," he says "The comet's the sun» c~ ... DRY ~ a iE'<;l S oP'ed 't"~mart< cl Haoms l'le'S-f'.It"Cr1 'l( ~ '\. ">e account for ItS effect upon CHE"'OR"'S'(1lfom.a.~l\u~~pe~~ ....Jt"\J'lOl!~oe~~~.. _...... r: f head Will appear to be a fuzzy The heart and core of every The Ice becomes hazy, rar- spacecraft travehng to dIstant L .....~ star as bnght as other stars m comet IS a sohd Icy fragment of efied gases spreadmg out for planet;, lest the vehicles ------_ that part of the sky» space debriS three to Clght 200,000 mIles around the still arrIve at their destlllatIons For best results, Teske rec- miles across, the SIze of a sm- solid nucleus, said Teske hundreds of miles off course ommends pICkmg a dark obser- gle Earth mountam "SunlIght has caused some of "In maklllg a comet tall, the Tijl vation site With a low, unclut- ThiS core IS made of frozen the Ice to evaporate, now sun- sun's lIght pushes on the tmy ~~~~A~,q!~~~~~~ea~~~~g~tS 1 tered honzon far away from water, frozen methane and lIght causes the gas to glow, rocky bits associated With the A New 40 Foot Conlamer From EnglilJ1d Received Every 60 D 1 f artificial hghts other Ices m which gritty, rocky makmg the comet VISIble ThiS comet's nucleus, forcIng the "Comet Hale-Bopp will bits are embedded IS the bnght head of comets bits rearward lOto the tall English Pnmltlve Pine Pieces' .;, remam VISible durlllg all of ~e . hke Hale-Bopp," saId Teske There they reflect sunhght m • Wardrobes' Harvest Tables' "" AprIl," says Teske Space photographs of the When the comet moves wlth- all directions addmg to the ~ ~ • Collectables and <;malls • ~ ~" "For the first two weeks, It nucleus of Comet Halley m the orbit of , a tall taIl's I1lummatlon Monday-Frtday 9 to 5 will appear about the same showed It to be shaped lIke an appears - the result of two WE BUY AND SELL! altitude above the hOrIzon Idaho potato additIOnal solar effects One of "Hale-Bopp Will be closest to Saturday 10to 5 (810) 777-1652 R'1 when darkness descends After Astronomers belIeve a huge these IS the solar wmd whIch the sun on April 1, at a diS- 197 \ 7 EastNine MIle St Cia" Shores Between I 94 ilJ1dHarper.L.!. T, April 15, It Will gradually get number of these chunks eXist blows perpetually outward tance from It slightly less than lower m the sky from Illght to m the dark, deep freeze of from the sun mto Interstellar our own distance from the Great Lakes water levels are Measure Your above average EFFERSO Durmg the month of CHEVROLET '\~ Savings February, preCipitatIOn was Grosse Pointe Park Gee Detroit above average on each of the 15175 E Jefferson Ave. 2130 E. Jefferson Ave. Great Lakes basms except for 313-821.2000 ~ 313.25901200 the Lake Superior basm which ------received below average precipI- ALLNEW 1997 VENTURE MINI-VAN 1997 MAUBU tatIOn WAS NOW ~~ For the year-to.date, precipi- tatIOn IS 49 percent above aver- 522,083 - - ~O, 17S age for the entire Great Lakes basm ~ The net supply of water to With each of the basllls was above ORDER YOURS TODAY! an~:~'~ average III February Power wmdom power locks muse Ilh ccsse"e Adjustable ~ In companson to theIr long- Olr keyless enlry 7 passenger Stk #nJ65 STARTING AT $14,899 ! term (1918 - 1996) averages, THIS WEEK1S USED CAR SPECIALS the February monthly mean Rate Mortgage ,Y water level of Lakes Supenor, Top Dollar Paid $ 1996 OiEVROLET TAHOE IT WAS S28,495 Michigan, Huron, St Clair, S $ for All Trades! loaded lea+her and clean Now 27 995 From First Federal Erie and Ontano were 10, 19, 29, 22 and 12 IOches above 1995 OiEVROLET CORSICA nfinanCing a home the more you saveon monthly average, respectIvely S8 995 $Top Dollar Paid $ payments means all the more home you can buy ShorelIne reSidents are cau- lroHt

YOU CAN Loan'> for owner or up Pd home::. on., w h SSOO 000 m::j)' rnLJm ~oa'" amount Annual p( f of' ADVERTISE TOO' JOE RICCI SUBARU agA Rare (APRf9-.:ampe bac;ed a1 S5\J 1JO oar af<;t~tf>dronl ~l ratp ar.d a30 ye~r "'1'Orl z 17181 MACK • GROSSE POINTE • BETWEEN CADIEUX & MOROSS fon m01thly payment<> al nlprp<;t ~n1"') ..., pa 0' ~JOl Q,1 ('onlacl nlNest ate and manl CALL 882-3500 payment ilpplles anydurr"19 nta ronll Pf' 0<1 ArR ~ btPCI 0 ncrpast"aftercon~Um'T'1l mal( m 1m ZO rate (lpc eaw or ncrpftSfl pf'1 rld l<;lmf'r'l ~f) 'Imp mi'l':l:' murr Armuar (' ... To Res~ Dsp3Y M.erU51"9 So3CP 313-343-8288 Rate ,CA.P f'<:' Ma C01trad r~ f' -h f'P ;'€'i1 P r p~y'npr! r~;Hqe ru"a oan <1 'M...l\Io~ ~I\.p&~ 1\,1~lc'1odeo~ ~O'" liOf"~ ,.....+t ).""'<'>"1",do'W"d~~~ "I~,..,I.,.\P""'"yt"O 10'1 r-m ~1'o .. $1.'"V'( By 2 ()) ~ '!1 fndilY r~'" <>ubtA<:1 to aur appra q and \ nderw t r'Cj <>l:j"lda doe,wt1K'h .:I f' Wrt a~e on raqufK,! f ~ lXq ,,",&~fM.diJflCl'l 'XflphOt' ';oC)"'WO'?'lQl)r'\t-JpV":'lmt"lf'J """'.J~~by2A ~fo ..... (p.,(J~(Jl~~f"'.d otPf~d&""'''~I'''' ,. n~ur

.' - I I ~::..!Ii~".-""'-1""'''--''-''------_.''''._--'''''-''.''''''''------' COll'O •• n OPPICII. ,. AOJl ~ Hnm h n 1'1 nnw W. <18607 I <., I i '(,1,09 1.1 SEQUENCE IAoo) 4; A ,~\~ -.' In' I' 71 N} 7~?1 SCOTT ROlliNSON pmn 1mq IIBo ~,elm ~ f'~ df'r'l I ••• OM.L O"ICI. Y)6 j(()~hn .. ') 1(> :?'S:.? ( nr"1rl riel (On M .d9.dll 11\1;'1 H.~ An~ In' I~I( 1HAl M. Pmrnl Nnn ?6rv,,,,,,,,,,.,,.. """ Aprlld,1'd97 16A Grosse Pointe News •





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I l I A o • • a Q Apn/3,1997 Grosse Pointe News Seniors 17A Advanced retirement planning is good for our emotional state Jo"eph Willing former dlll'l hut th, operatIOn goe~ on It I" people complete thl' prou ,<, of tor of the Duke In~tJtutl' Oil of th .. fdIn'!) knl'w thdt It I~ d ~till tr the pomt of the who rellre a.., to what hdppen, d 1l11....Llk(, 1tlP r~t Irpp ,....pnf ("r '1('tn,nhpc:; th~t TflAttpr And (np rH'( rl t,... 1 d. r!.'l1'"'.ru::1b' fc:", IJI !Jl-'''fJll- 1'1 om d plJJlo"ophl mg .~~1cerns that make a dlfferenw m l


M CARE Semor Plan means familiar faces and the extra benefits you "anl WIth no premIUm be\ond famlhar place~ That's because our network of doctors yoU! monthh medicare paymenl

and ho~pltals ISone of the large~t In southeast :>- More comprehenSl\ e hospltallZaLJonCO\ erage MIchigan ",. $7 prescnptlOns In fact, your doctor ISprobably already an ",. $7 office VISIts\\Illh ~mor Plan phpIClans M CARE Senior Plan proVIder And If not, It'Seasy to > Extra \\ ellness and heallh promotion benefits find an e"cellent Senior Plan phySICianwho will elU1l > Virtual I) no pdpemork ) our trust plus ha\ e an office near ..au M CARE s"mor Plan nldkes Medicare Simple b) You may choose from 2,O()() doctors and more than offenng more doclor~, les; papemork and e"tra benefits 40 hospitals and health cenlers \11 ho participate In the to people who are enlltled to Medicare 'lel' au pa, no M CARE Semor Plan mcludmg Beaumont, Botsford, addttional plan premIums! for details or lo ;chedule a Chelse", Genes)s Regronal Medical Center, Oak\\ood, home appomtment wllh an PrO\ Idence, 5t John, 5t Joseph Mercy Macomb and the M CARE Senior Plan Sales GJ€ARE Unlverslt, of MIchIgan Medical Center Representati"e, caJJ toll free SENIOR PLAN Equally Important, M CARE Semor Plan offers [ROO) RIO Ih9'l

(ImeSof credit of $40 000 or more) plu. no .nnu.' fee for the first y•• r r------I __, I I Hurn' tOla ..hmon ,our l10nu f'lwr, Rf'ud., (""h"11ha Imt of I r M.CARE SENIOR PLAN INFORMATIONAL MEETINGS: ('r~ .III dt an Ul1rodul Ion T.ttl Ihdt ... do f1l11112 ( hI Ill~ Prim. Rdtt I I ,",Jmph 3rrdn~f for d Iml Hf I rl 41•• of ~ ~nUUH nr mOTI (t hlr r,th ... I arr- louJ!h to hi dl on ..mdll. r hnt ..of (T"4ill tnu) • on ..r~hdah ,"our I I h.~~Jlf"rmh n ..t rah I n'4ht I drd hdf .. or hu\ Ih. thm~ ..."nU \lidnt Location Grosse POinte War Memonal or nf'f'11 ,"on I_a' no IJl'fronl f. t.. '\0 ~lnnllII mt mhl r ..h.p f. t 32 Lake Shore Dnve for thf' fir .... 'f .IT \nd Itlt mlf'rl ..1 "otl pon ma, hI td\ d, lim I .lllf' (on,,"h "nUT 1..1'.• uhl ..or~ 1f \on n,fd Ht"~llh (d ..h ldkl Grosse Pomte Farms d(hdnta~f of shl f qlllh In "oHr I'f r ..ondl (..t .. h mal hmt Apnl 4- - 10 00 AM Trlrl.honr I.. an ( ,ntr. 1.llm.lJ1 \I .n \Ill '1lIHI' 112' '1\61 Apnl 18 - 10 00 AM

FIRST FEDERAL I t--..: Refre,hnwnl' \\ ill bp ,en ed 11 Ii l11Celllll!;'and prm lde more IIlformalion and appliCalH)J1lorm, 'I'el\oll' recl'l\ 109 \lpdl( arl' III11( Ii" 101 1 nd "1.\1.:' ]{I Inl ))I\P,I'I' J-'1RD) or JlOIPI[( ( are arl nol eh,.,TJhllfor Ihe \1 ( \ RJ- "clllOr Plan '171111 "\1

t ,t.:...... -...... ---11 • .... • - ..."...... - ...... - ...... --...... _ ..... -...... _ ... _ .. UP 2' • I ..Ht' •• • I COIIN.A" 0"'"'. , R .. \ ~hrr I ( '\nq' "w M AAflO, ("' , 'O()9~11 SEQlJENCE IRe, I 41>H ,~,~ fnl( 1~lll '9/1A.?, ;con ROBINSON f'mn f rlmq ~r,~ nt'T1 .'.'ONAL O"teI, Y t 1"( ~ t ~ ~l ,I,. ') '},

(1' rl r lVf'n M 49411 II f H" Rn~ h, IM~I R Kog!.'1 pn ~llh n' <>1 \IIhole,all' Iln' Dealer" III Southfield, 1\ ,I' leu nl h • 1•• 1 ed to the]> Ight !\Il1e Boulelolrd r\"~Oll,ltlOn 1~\1B \ I'. d,,'ocldtlOn\ nll~'lOn h to revltahLl' md pn>1lH)!t 11 1- keep seat belts fastened! EIght !vhll' tran'portdtlOn bU~lllt,~ and I hl(h no,tI ", dor b) hn"lIlg the dTorto of the publll ,Hul pm ,II, " I. By Joseph Mengden the lack of growth from the I Yc ,' ...... , ,...... <),.,. Q"" {' ~ l" ....Ad T"'("{n"!'(' 'b()ncl~ Gro""""p POlntp F'drnl .... I (,'-,ldl nt Dean :E RI('h.dl d .. II born;'~ C~l;f~;n~: ;h~n the Let's falk. ••STOCKS ..:fh;t'b why many professlOn- \\a~ flll'1I1il reelected to d thre" )l'al tl'rlll I- l ,r captain's vOice I~tones the al~ recommend an asset alloca- of the 2 1 ImlllOlI mUllhl'r \ \ \ \' III headline above - AttentIOn hon of more than 50 percent to at It:, annudl member' Ill)' r rn 'IUrbulence, keep ;,eat belts fas the equitIes' portIOn, maybe Dearborn tenedl 60/40, or 2/3 113, or even 75 25 III of the Rlcllolrdoon h ,I forlll.) Sounds almost hke la;,t ;,cheduled to mel t untIl late Intere;,t lIlcome from bonds percent ThIS IS the allocatIon tI Corp board of l\l,muf,l(tUl' I- \ 1 hur~dav'~ ~tock market fore- May, but bond mdr"ets are remams unchanged tor the hfe of the remamder, after deduct- j of AAA He a1 ....0 \,a.., bnolld 1..11 t . cast Volume alreadY dl;,countmg another of the bond _ meanmg a port- lIlg the emergency reserve IIIhas been MIchIgan flOm l'JlI(I I I ~.... on Thursdav ratlhet up foho of 100 perwnt fi"ed Let's say our model portfoho a hOdrd nll'mbel ,"I • 470 mllllO'~ What do I do now? mcome ;,ecuntle;, would throw of $500,000 was created on Ir of DetrOlt RIlh,lrc!-on I- , shares on 'Mo,t every wee". LTS IS off an ever.dechmng stream of March 27, 1992, about 5 years "roducts Co He Fd",on(" ,1Ildl'l ,...,.." J NYSE was aSh.ed, "What should I do now?" mcome, bdsed on purchasmg ago when the OJ! closed at >It and MIchigan h a IIlLIllb" (I II, about' aver SlIlce LTS IS retired as a power 3,231 Let's say, we play con- also a past presl- Richardson har ,1"Oll,It)(l! - age only most hcensed broker and adVIser, Most Investment adVIser" servabve, and we put aSide "ankers AsSOCiatIOn dent oftll(' \lId of 'It was LTS cannot gIve speCIfic and trust officers recommend $50,000, or 10 percent: In the I and a director of the He I;' a tru;,tee of till' (,r 1\ III I do wnw a r d adVICe But I can urge you to the asset allocatIOn wlthm a emergency reserve It s earn- DetrOit ExelutlH' Sen IU ( Mengden DUring the agam rpvlew your mvestment portfolio be somewhat bal- mgs WIll float wlth short-term II • e from Michigan State 3 He earm'd h", bel(hl'] day the DJI objectIves, update your person- anced Set dSlde 5 or 10 percent mterest levels That leaves a I ee from Umverslty of UIll\er~lt\ and hi' '1\\ fell 218 pomts, but a strong al bdlancp shpet, mcome tm.. of thE' assets for emergencies, remamder of $450,000 for MIchIgan recovery III the last 30 mmutes bracket and your will mve~ted m cdsh eqUivalents lIlvestment of tradlllg brought the close to fhe Fed chairman IS hdppy (1redsury BIlls, CDs or money Bemg aggressive WIth eqUl- ('Ill of (,,,,,,, I' -ldents Melanie Mebus and down only 140 pomts, or 204 If lIlflatlOn stays at or below 3 market funds), then allocate ties, we used the 2/3-1/3 alloca- Patricia Ste\\ dl t ~ I Care Consultants of Grosse percent, at 6,741 Lookmg back percent annually the balance between eqUities tlOn formula, and bought Pomte rl(l'nth IT I( d the Jafra Trarnmg Inshtute to year-end, the DJI IS stlll up So what IS 3 percent mfla and fIXed mcome bonds $300,OhOO'bof hlg~-gr~ h~~- Th" e\cnt II I- h, by Jafra CosmetIcs InternatIOnal of 45 percent, even though It IS growt, Ig-cap s . e We~tla"(' \ dl. ( I .hf for approXlmately 4,500 of theIr down 50 percent from It~ hIgh other $150,000 went mto top lOll ull lilt- magers, and dIstrict directors III the of 7085 last February Michigan mUlllclpal bonds, Jalr,1 S Ii Of ,/atlon The three-day semmar, held m The Fed chairman's requ('st, Emergency Reserve $ 50,000 6.0 matunng III 10 to 15 years, the 12 L'llltld "I 1 ,locations, was focused on career devel- for a 1/4 of1 percent Increase Eqlut~es 625,800 75.8 lIlterest lIlcome belllg trIple oym(nt m the Fed Funds rate, was M 1 B d 150 000 18.2 tax-exempt hfr I ( netlcs International, Inc, IS a SUbSidIary of approved by the Federal Open un~c~pa on s, Where IS that portfoho thl' (,lIl • Company, offers lugh-quahty skm care, color Market CommIttee ("FOMC") TOTAL PORTFOLIO $825,800 100.0 today? The emergency reset;Ve ana tOllltn products for men and women, as well as an on March 25 Not only did and the MichIgan mUnicipal cln)'! ,nolI career opportulllty Jafra US holds a major short term mterest rates Here's how our Model Portfolio is doing now, bonds are valued about the p(hltl II m the dIrect-seIlmg cosmetics and personal care ratchet up 1/4 (as predicted by Income and Yield-Wire: same as onglnal cost Let's !II 11).. t, WIth more than $100 mllhon m sales LTS and others last week) assume our hlgh.grade, !ugh- /111 IS approXlffiately 50,000 consultants are tramed skm but' the bellwether 30-yea; growth, "blg- cap" stocks only (In Speclahsts offermg personalized semce to their Treasury Bond tanked on dId as well as the DJI (they Ilents Wednesday and agalll on Emergency Reserve $ 2,250 4.50 Yes prohbabhlYDwJdlmuchtb6et7t4elr), so Thursday Whereas at year Wit t e now a , , our Grosse Pomte Park reSident Robert P_ Young, Jr., a end, the "Long B'ond" was Eqw.tJ.es 11,953 1.91 Yes portfoho IS up 1086 percent m judge WIth the MichIgan Court of Appedls, wa;, recently prIced to yIeld 650 percent, Munic~pal Bonds 9,000 6.00* No market value, over orlg1nal appomted to the Board of DIrectors of Vista Mana last Thursday It closed to yleld TOTAL PORTFOLIO $23,203 Part cost The accompanymg chart VISta Mana IS a private, not-for-profit resldenhal and 7 14 percent This produced a 2.81 shows the present asset alloca- commurnty-based treatment agency which provides edu- pnw loss, SInce year-end, of 7- *based on cost, not market value. hon of our model portfoho, val- cation, therapy, treatment, shelter and care to girls 11 - 17 3/8 pomts, and a Total Return ued at market who are struggling to cope WIth numerous challenges m \the Pnce Change plus Interest tlOn? Well, over 10 years, It Is there a perfect asset allo- Note the over-concentration hfe, lIlcludlllg lustones of abuse, neglect and delmquency Income) of mlllUs 5 75 percent means your dollar today Will be catIon ratIo? Only the one you m eqUities, above, as compared As Michigan's largest glrls'treatment agency, Vista Mana If you histOrIcally track back worth less than "SIX bits" feel most comfortable with over to our orIginal asset allocatlon has been prOVIding help, healmg and hope to girls and mterest rate changes by the (that's 75 cents) If your dlVl- the long term Smce the fixed of 60 percent to eqwtIes. Next their famlhes from and throughout Federal Reserve, they don't do dend mcome from stocks Isn't lIlcome from bonds won't week we'll show how ttus can MIchigan slIlce 1883 It only once Usually, changes growlllg at more than the 3 change, then the dIVidend be remedied Most recently, a VIce preSident, secretdry and general come In twos, threes, or fours, percent ml1atlOn each and Income from eqUItIes must not Joseph Mengden IS a City of counsel for AAA MichIgan, Young was also a partner In before changing directIOn The every year, then your purchas- only grow enough to cover the Grosse POinte reSident, and a the DetrOIt Idw firm of Dlckmson, Wnght, Moon, average time to repeat IS 30 to mg power IS gettmg further inflatIOn of the equities former chairman of the board VanDu~en & Freemdn, for 10 years 60 days The FOMC IS not behmd each year mcome, but must make up for of Fu.st of Michigan Young lb a former \IIlavnp State Umver~lty Adjunct Profes~or of La", and former Chalrmdn of the Mldugdn Board of Law Exammers Young has been actIve WIth the Umted Way Community Semces and the Michigan CIVIl Service CommISSIOn, served as a trustee for Central Michigan Ulllverslty, the Grosse Pomte Academy, the Detroit In;,tltute for ChIldren and the Greater DetrOIt Chamber of Commerce LeadershIp DetrOIt Program He IS actlYe m numerous other profeSSIOnal and CIVICorgalllza- hons

City of Grosse Pomte reSident David B. Stephens recently was appointed to the Board of Directors for Vista Mana VIsta Mana IS a pnvate, not-far-profit reSIdential and commulllty-based treatment agency whIch proVIdes edu- catIOn, therapy, treatment, shelter and care to girls 11 - 17 who are strugghng to cope WIth numerous challenges III hfe, IIlcludmg hlstones of abuse, neglect and dehnquency As MichIgan's largest guls' treatment agency, Vista Mana has been prOViding help, healmg and hope to girls and their famlhes from metro DetrOIt and throughout the state of MIchigan ~mce 1883 Stephens IS E'xecutIve VIce preSIdent - pnvate bankmg general manager WIth Comenca Bank A certIfied trust finanCIal adVisor, he IS a member of the American Bankers As~oclatlOn Trust ExecutIVe Committee, the American Bankers ASSOCiatIOn, the ABA Trust Management AsSOCIatIOn, and a board member With WIlson Kemp Stephens IS a member of the St John Hospital Board of Trustees and ChaIr of the hospItal board s Finance Committee, a board member of Good"'11I IndustrIes and a trustee for the DetrOIt Chamber Mmlc Society

Martin Murdick AlFD, a de~lgner With Conner Park Flon~t, Inc wa~ hon ored by the MichIgan Floral ASSOCiatIOn (MFA) of Lansmg Conner Park FlOrist Murdick has two retaIl locatIOn ... one 1Il Grosse Our Home EqUity Line of CresJlt lets you save while you borrow With a great Pointe, and one on the east Side of DetrOit It al~o hab a whole~ale dIVJ,lOn rille and more Your dreams may have grown but you can still aflord them Michigan NatIonal Murdick made a clean sweep III the profe~~lOnal dlVl makes It happen With Equi Morey our Homp EqUity Lme of Credit Look at these great features slOn deSIgn competItIOns held annually at the MFA -Ready cash for major purchases 690% I ConventIOn 'A low ,ntroductory ,nlere~t rale _ - _ APR"J In th£' qUdhfymg round MurdIck took fir~t place 1Il 'Interest IS usually tax deduct,blp thre£' cat£'gorle~ of dC~lgn, beatmg out a field of ,~4 can Combme Equi Money With RalePLUS Bankmg and you II save even more RatePLUS IS a te~tant~ from around MIchIgan 1 hi ...wa, the fir~t time 1Il thE' hl~tol'\ of the a"'~OClatlOn that thl~ had ever been checkmg and sav1nqs package WIth one of the best Ilqu;d savmqs rates around And we I' accomph,hl'C1 AI<;Q,one arrangement I' ~el(>ct<'das be~t W,l'VPthe annual fee on Eq(JIMoney every ye<1rwhen you have RatePLUS You can also Overall m all dlvlslOn~ htudent, profe~~lOnal ,lIld acade get the peace of m nd of overdraft protectIon for your RatePLUS checking i'nd the my) and MurdIck's de~lgn won, earnlllg hIm the pre~tl corwenlencp of onp combmed stiltement Save time 100 and apply by phone Realize glOU~' Chuck Rannow Award n your dreams today Only at MIL.hlgan Nallonal Solid Thinking Smart Ideas fhf'n the top five fina!l~t~ from thc prp!lmlllary compe tltlOn comppted lTI a tImed evpnt for ~"hchlg-an J)e~lgner For information call: of thc Ycar MurdIck won The wmnlllg of \ lh ~fI'< Murdick ha~ been employed at (onner Park FlorI~t, I \ I " I " I'" ~ • ~ ,,, .11 I " <." In "'1 "';1/ h I \lk , r ~ ~ I r-. \1 II \1 R II,( ()f1('f rnc , ~mce 1991 k , I I , I " I \1 \ I I II l ~~ II Y I I \ '" ...II I I 1 '" \ ~ t, I I "" I ""

~I J I I ~ o • • • i pn13,1997 rosse Pointe News 19A orks ire 1oo~


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H•• lth n mN . Entert.lnment ...... _ .....,. •••

/ I G. P. Farms woman \'\Torksto develop breast cancer vaccine \ By Amy Andreou Miller death lIte III thp natlOlI and In<;tltute Whllh ....as credt"l bl de\l lopl d Staff Writer Harpel Wood, ,llId the Gro"e when Peter Karmano, .JI In ordll f'i1 I \,!"IIl( to ) In a sm,Ii I cr"mpLd oflice POllltl ~ h'l\ I Ollt oj the hlghe,t chdlrman ofCompu ....dre CO!p \\llIk thl bod, rnu,t h, tlll(l,d

and l"bor"ton 10 I tall bUIld bl{ d~t l"ncer d,'ath I"te~ III don,lted $15 IIIlllion thl t() I {Lognl/t \\ hl n i flll t 19n u. Il mg downto\\ n onp Gl O~"P the ~tatl large,>t lontrIbutlOn ('\pr III h prE '>£ nt \\ IH'T\ thl ho(h , III Pomtt' F,1l Ill" \\oman " pur,u \Vel \\ ho ha~ a doctoral MichIgan to fight l,lnCU - In III lkl '>uch ,I dhtlntllon It l.lIl mg Ing medilal ,Id\ anClnknh dq;1 ee m blOlog\ from Brown memory of hi" late \\Ife \\ho tnubJll/( tlrtun {ld..., to (hr,p to help \\ omen ,1\ Old de,lth UlIl\ pr"t, tpalh" doctor,,1 dIed ofbre",t canler In 1989 at tht fUll 19n ( Dr Wel-Zen Wei Dr \V,'I Zen Wel I'> \\orkmg 'lIld InlUOblOlog, .It W,I} ne Wel's team shares IlIform,l d,undgl tll< bod., (l ,1IIlt I " ( u t rlntl} WI'I ,md hI r wi on produung a \ alCllIe for :,tate UlIlHlOlt, "nd head'> a tlOn y.lth other rese<1rlher, "t thl Unt hlL kl'd mult'l'" Ing of II "h'UI , u"e mill to te~t thlll Speech! Speech! bl ea~t cancer '>1>' pLr,on re,earch team at Karmanos, a'i "ell a' "Ith the lllt.11l1 lplI, \\ Ithlll thl 11,,(1\i Il lctWI1 to ""('gm('nt~ of glnt .... About 2 000 :-'1Iclllgan the Barbm a Ann Kdrmano,> medical re,earch commulllt\ Th(' P nll( ullr ,alCIIll \\ l , h 1I11l'1luj Into thelll I Glne, ,Ill Are \ ou a member of a \\ onwn da eal h ) em from Cancer In,tltutl lVorld\\lde, \~hlch abo I'> t<1ck \\ orkIrlg on IIk, 1\ \\lll bl I( "d, \ll\ long protlln moluull, CI\ Il gl oup lookmg for a brea,t lanc('r :'IlIchlgan h,,, \Vel ~ tE-am 1" dnlong ..,e\ era] lIng ~lmllaI I~"ue~ III gene to tr\ on hUIll in b('lng., In See VACCINE, pagE' 2B ~peaker to addre", \ our the ",th Illgheot brea~t lancer re,edrch group, \\ 01 klllg at the thuap\ '-0 that 'aClllle~ md., dbout t \\ 0 \ l 11 .. (1 h...,.. group at a future meetmgl The Health ActIon Team (HAT) of the Gro',e Pomte' ,.. r r- I / r ~ and Harper \\ood, " team J.- ...J J 109 up y.lth officIals from the Barbara Ann Karmdno, It's stili not too late to SIgn md <1thletlc abllItle~ art Cancer Im,tltute and area up for the Rale for The Cure E'ncour,j~pd to partICIpate In hospItals to provIde speech - the 5K run dnd \\alk to be the e\enh es on brea~t cancer held Saturday, AprIl 19 at the Expected Number of One Grosse POInte or DetrOIt Zoo, at WoodWard Participants Harper Woods woman Avenue ,md Ten Mile Iat I dies every 16 day., from 6961 The r<1ce " spon~ored '\'l,lrh 15000 runners 'Illd breast cancer accordmg locallY by the Barbara Ann \\ dher" ,1I e e'l'lltl d to partlc lp It, 1I1 the e\ ent th", ;car to Wayne Count) Health Karmano<; Cancer InstItute \"ordlng to Race Chair Department ~tatI~tl~~ What the Race The ~peeches pro\ Ide Jane Hoes, the In'>lltut!" ll"J":>l..t lilt dlTLctor of hl C,l"-lt insIght on the ne\\ est Events' Proceeds Ulnl<...r (dUL Itl0n and oul knoy. n factor~ that ma\ Support rL l( h TlH Il Increa~e a woman's rIsk of Se\ent\ -five percent of pro th"l1 71111 developmg breast cancer ,1I ceed, from the e\ent e used bn ,ht (lllt' 1 The goal IS to mform women bv the Karmano~ Cancer WIth the most up-to-date l,Uf\I\m..., u~ Instltute to fund breast cancer e,p' lt, d tu (a.~ mformatlOn, and to Impart a\\ arene"" and earl\ detectIOn GPIHW area specific data to "Ul nd thl programs, and to aS'lst low lqq7 (\llIt ralh women to actIOn mcome \\ omen needmg addl To schedule a free iO tlOnal te~t~ follOWIng abnor TIll'" 7111) mmute speech, call HAT mal mammograms ....Uf\l\m ....<-lit ch,urper"on Am\ "t (n,i I RemaInder of proceeds I'>used ~ OUI nugh Race Chair 886-9966, or Ste\ e Gold of b) the Komen FoundatIOn to hOI-" ('0 Jane Hoey the Wavne Count, Health help fund It, NdtlOnal Grant Entry Fees Dept at(,31,31467-1364 \\ O! k l 1 "- Program Entrv fee I" SIb If p,nd Il\ fn, nd" I1ld f.11l11" llll ll,bll'

La~t ) edr" I ,Ice netted Apll1 4, (;20 b, AplIl 11 .Ind ThE'\ " pi (I(Jf tklt \\ I (In Artnles alld layollt $200 000 for bre,i't l !lIcel ~notbel e,lft, r Thu l , no I l( l ITllh, " dIlTlI' Ill( 111 lhh dl' research and "drh detectlOn da\ rebr"tr,ltlOn Flt't ,ntn (" h( ...,lld HlJl \ 1 fOl Dill by Amy Andreou MIller, and treatment progl dllh In fill chIldren 10 ,IJHi und, 1 gredter DetrOIt Women and IIIln of ,Ill ,ll-:l' See HACh IN" 0, page 2B


NATIONAL .... MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Sunday SOCIETY ... l April 13, 1997 I h(' \1" \\"Ik ,It)( \1" "0' It 1\ , DAN~ ~ll1gl{. olgg( ~I 11Innr,IN'r HI T\\ all.mg dnd ~( lilfl~ pl( dgt .... \ 01 BUCHMAN', unle( "'11l~or '-,Hllpl\ pit (ig n~ \ Oll IOUI tt,oll ....dnd ....or Pchool \I( lid\( I I ortl{ r ....r( <.., 10 (. tl()()""t fnHl1 rlUoll~tHHII slim skirt Ilt .., (11f" IlH hiding H.Hrll r ~Il un and button Ot..uborn \rm \rf)or" Hi \1( l H()( f or Illon l/lll rrndll Hl pit (l....{ IIII our front jacket Iht 1011<\\ TH •., r( '!UC"'I t(nTl Illd \\( II ....t nd \ ('Ill dlllt"'lt Inlorrlll on \ell II rH (d Just a part to ..,lgl1 up 't( HI Od\ dl....~1 ph()) It or 1 l' 1I .... <11 of a great (810) 350-0020. ext. 216 collection (810) 350-OO29-Fax r------~, : MS W AL.K I'wo RI:QPE'>TFOR ..I : :..J l("r\\()\ dllhc IHr( nlorrlllll_lIl n : ~ Hll \1"'" \\ III-. Pic 1 ..... ( .... ( [l j tIt I ,i I,------...... H \( I I I I ,I \Ii 1rt ...... I r I : ( 1\ ...... 1 III I , I I It ITl( I I : ..J I nJ (1)1 II It 1 II HI 1 t( "t \\ I ~ ~ I I r ( r ( i..... r jl II 1 I I " I L ~ I (I.... ~ f..l I • f...... , I l\ r ( I .. : The '~llIonal \fuiliph c,,( j~ rn"'i, 'M)( II ') L .I I MONDAy.FRIDAY 106. THURSDAY 109 I '\'allTo .!hITII\(r~n('n "'"1h 100- L SATURDAY 10530. NOW OPEN SUNDAYS 12-4 L------: t.,nuthflf 1<1 \11 ~XO'7h 44" I : .. J ..

•f _. ~'" . " -- COll'Ol"" O"ICII. , I P • A 11 w V ,.-1AM1),. SF:QlIF:NCE ~ ( ,0 Fi' )1.,(-

I. J Y ;.; SCOTT ROBINSON lmq,a ... m f'f'\ j(' I.GIOM"L o.m •• o ~ t ~ ,,'" 'f')' ') • • • i I'I,j v(> M 119tl 1 t t HM FIll'/'} ~ .. tJ t A.., 1 II;' ,rr~ ~rr l?ttn V(lClnf" '" 28 Apnl3, 1997 Community Grosse Pointe News New associate pastor ;' Meetings

joins S1.Paul Lutheran Fox Creek m Grosse Pomte Farm', for a ReservatIOn; are reqUIred WIth monochrome and color prmt no cancellatIOns permitted St Paul E\ angelical m relIb'lon Questers competitIOn and plctonal and after Saturday, Apnl 15 For LuthO:I an Church of Gro~~o: He IS a graduntp of tht The next meetlllg of Fox nature s;lde competttlOn mformatIOn cdll Lorrallle POinte F dl ill.., hd..., clnnounced Lutheran School of ThUllo/,,> Creek Questers WIll be held Vlsltor~ are welcome For mfor Broomham at (810) 296.5550 the call of the Rev 1ll ChIcago today, Apnl 3 The program matlOn, call (313) 824 9064 or Chn~topho:r A Ff\e a~ a',oci (31318817011 (.Ht.,. 1J.d,,>lUI \... 11 ~L 'F.o.L<..lf5L,'" L,) DUll::. He wa, ordallled at ~,lit III English. Adler Hostess WIll be Carol Fr; e s dutJe~ '''Ill begm In E\ angelical Luther'lIl ChUl ( I Sauter Co.hostess Will be Apnl 1I1 Lebanon Pa. on l\lll ,h '! La Leche League Speaking Union Mane Lane Pregnant and nursmg moth fhe EnglIsh Spe,klllg Umon He I' a native of St Paul E\,1I1g']ll,11 ers are InVited to the next \\111 meet at 630 pm Penn,~I\aJlla and graduated Lutheran Church h I'K,Il' d at Audubon Society meetlllgs of La Leche League of Wedne,day, Apnl 9, at the from Lebanon Valle\ College 375 Lothrop l{o ,"e~ the cancer gene most wntmg committees Ing cells) to recogmze that the at times Yet Wel emphaSizes DON'T LEAVE amplified In their bod~ - Wel DespIte the constant battle foreIgn body IS mdeed that there are many less com- ...ald for dollars, and the slO\\ garbage" plex thmgs m hfe that she HOlVIE WITHOUT US! progress ofworkmg WIth some- Then the body can proceed manages to enJoy Spoken lIke an optImist' But In addItIOn to all those text books you'll be readmg. no the \ an al~o the words of a thmg as complex as genes Wel on ItS own - the dIsease-fight. "I love to cook a meal, I love educatIon IS really complete WIthout readIng YOUI' also ha~ good reason to be opti- mg cell~ can dIspose of the can- to teach Sunday school (at pa"lOrale vet humbl£>, '>cJen home-town newspaper tht She a lmo,t blu~he' and mIstiC they have achIeved cerous cells by choppmg It up Grosse Pomte Untted Church), huge successeq so far ~o that It I~ no longer a cancer I love to make crafts, I love to fidge t~ at the notIOn that peo And now you can take a lIttle pIece of home WIth you pIe 'uch a, her are remarkable For example, to even be ous whole but u~eful, and recy- shop m the VIllage and on the \\orkmg WIth the gene Her by takmg advantage of our speCIal back to school 1 n the.r effort, to h£>lp other~ clable, ammo aCld~ for the HIli, and I love ralqlllg my chil- subscriptIon offer - 9 months for $15 "I ~m Ju,t dOIll!! a Job I am 2Ineu for utlhzatlOn ",thlll a body dren," she saId of John and tr1lnl d for" ~he ~aJd down vaccme they had to decode ItS Vnhke chemotherapy and BenJamm, both of whom are pin mg h£>r effort, entire ,equence - all 4,000 radIatIOn the prGpo~ed breast accomphshed cello players I'" BACK*sCiioOLmiscmTioNO;PD" 'lh, 'md hel doctoral 'tudl£>s nucle! of It That took the world cancer vaccme will not be On Saturday, Apnl 19, Wel : Just $15 00 for the entll'e schoolyea.rl : tr'lneri her to thmk a certam community of medical pamful and her family Wlll partlclpate \\ '\ tc con~t antl\ a~k que~ re~earcher, mcludmg Wel "No more pamful than a flu for the second time m the fund- I Name I about 10 year~ Ilon, 10 I£>am from m"take~ ,hot or ~mall pox vaccme In ral~lllg "Race For the Cure" 5K mri to look at problem~ cre The} have Identl fied the fact, tho~e vaccm£>c operate RunlWalk hosted by the I Name of SchooL I entIre gene also kno\\ n as a (11\' h In~lde the hody m the ~ame Karmano~ Cancer In~tltute "h, ,,,ri hpr cr£>at1\,t~ ro:all} protem molecule They have W3\ th" \ accmf' \\ III" We! She de~cnbe~ the race atmos- : Student Address ._ : Identlfied every part of the pro- rorH' out III hrr appl,catlon~ ~ald al~o empha'J 7mg that on phere a" one of camaradene tem~' bUlldmg blocks, known fo! grant, Brmglng III a dally ba~!~ a hf'alth} hody I' and happllless, despIte the fact I Please start my I n " ,rrh dollar, ,~ her pnmarv as ammo aCIds reutlh71ng u~ef\ll amlllo aCids that hundreds of partIcIpants subscrIptIOn on CDate) _ In ~hort, Wel and her team IO}, \\ Ithout grant mone\ ~h£> from broken down cell~ ha\e battled cancer IS Ind h£>r te~m \'ork \\ Itho\lt no" know every part of the Wel ha~ ~t3\ ed patllnt but She WIll return to her office I 0 Enclosed my payment of $15 00 ..I gl'ne and what IS each part'~ focu~ed and dete! mmed L P 1\ \\h"h la~t happ,ned III and laboratory the followmg 1'1'11 functlOn through the \ear, of piece Monday even more Ill~plred - Then Wel ~ team modIfied mf'al progre,,~ to d£>cod£>the that I~, !f a hIgher lev!'1 of com H, Ing rn ,1!1\' I' '1 mll,t ,n ------the gene ~o that the gene\' gr ,nl "nllng \\" h I\£>10 ,ho" grne and re dlr£>ct how It oper mltment and pa~'lOn are PO"SI hulidmg blork~ - protem~- ate' III Ih 11 '" lTl thlnklng of lh,ng~ hiI' a person already qOdedI h, rl th,,' our rolll.lgur, are forced to locat£> m an area 'In thl~ hu~me', }O\l l£>arn cated

• f ,; .. -" -' - l I A se D ~"' • • • Q Apnl 3, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Faces & n_Ia_c_e_s 3B Guests of honor walk on all fours at Bow Wow Champagne Brunch There will be no long-wind mtlOn for hImself," ddded the dtddllny ed speeehes made by the Delln 'I he Atddem v of the Sdued guests of honor at the eighth 'Rd)' Smith loved hlS com Hedft, Mlchlgdn's oldcst llld, annual MIChiganHumane mumt)' and those to ledve d pendent '>choul,offers a wllew. Society (MHS) Bow Wow legdcy for Its future," said preparatury wrnculurn fur Champagne Brunch on Mariam C. Noland, preSI- gIrls In pre"chool through Sunday, Apnl13 The MHS dent of the Commumty upper ,>thooldnd bov' In ::I:1dSOffi~ .~,) "p"",,,l ~"luh~ !'oundatIOn We look forward presthuo! dnd lower '>choo!A guests InVlteyou to a wonder- to carrymg out hiS mterests member uf thL Illternat.ondl ful and rare afternoon to help throughout the generdtlOns to network of SdLred Hedrt the ammals, from noon to 3 come" f:>choob1Il 3':;wuntrles, the pm at the RItz-Carlton The Commumty FoundatIon academy eduLdtes "tudents of Dearborn for Southeastern MIchigan, mdny cultures and fdlths from JOin master of ceremomes founded 1Il 1984, IS a perma throughout metropolltan Joel Alexander ofWJR as he nent collectIOnof endowment DetrOit The Academy of the "shakes paws' With the best of -....:::.... fund~, bUIlt by gIft~ from thou- S,lcred Hedrt was founded III them In an effort to support ::.~". - ~ -~;;1 ~ands oflndlvldudls and orgd- DetroIt III 1851 dnd moved to the over 53,000 homeless, :r~ . -~...... -"'Ii.'1I" mzatlOn~ who are committed ItSpresent campu" In Injured and abused animals _ • .. 'to the future of southeastern Bloomfield Hllb In 1958 cared for by the Michigan "' _ • -~~' MIchIgan Humane Society annually ---::!!'" '~v ,1'.;.,,' }--.",'.. ~ - -- GUIdedby a 49-member The program Includes a G~) .,.. -' board of CIVICledder", the Lodges for children: champagne reception, gourmet .... - '" Commumty Foundation The second annudl dlllncr brunch, a touching Vldeodnd admlmsters assets totdlmg benefit hosted by the Lodgv.. musICby the Simone VItale ". $150 million making grant~ to of the POinte Mdsomc 'Iemple Band There will be opportum- -..... outstandmg charitable pro- & Golden SpKe of Llfe ties to meet Withsome of the Jects primarily m Wayne, Catering of Gro<;sePomte Michigan Humane Society Alumnae of the Academy of the Sacred Heart enjoying the PHANTOM of the AUCTION Odkland, Macomb, Woods for the Children's success stones of the past year benefit at the Detroit Athletic Club are Sally Teppert of BumlDgham with Grosse Pomt. Wa~htenaw, Monroe, Home of Detroit on March as well as two new adoptable ers Joan DuMouchelle Walker, Dorothy Sweeney and Mary Oldam LIVlngston and St ClaIr coun- 12 raIsed over $2,000 for the MHS call.1nefriends tIC;'as well as throughout the ChIldren s Home TIckets are aV8.llabiefor a State of MIChIganand the Those who attended the dm $125 a person minimum dona- Umted States The foundation ner benefit enjoyed an ItalIan tion and reservations must be has dlstnbuted over $40 mll- dmner donated by Golden made by Friday, Apnl 4 For lion m more than 6,500 grants SpIce of LIfe Catermg and more information or to make since Its foundmg were entertamed by St Lucy's your ticket reservations, call ChOIrand the Grosse POlOte AImee Pollet at the Mlclugan Phantom returns: More North High School band They Humane Society Rochester than 300 friends enjoyed a also took part In a Silent auc- Hills shelter at (810) 852- hvely evenmg of blddmg and tIOnand rame 7420. action at the recent Academy The Mlclugan Humane of the Sacred Heart's 40th Other Grosse POIntebUSI- Society receives no state, fed- annual benefit, PHANTOM of nesses and mstltutlOn;, that eral or local funding The SOCI- the AUCTION, at the DetrOIt contributed to the commumty ety has three area shelters Athletic Club event were The Seuet and chantable ammal hospi- Guests enjoyed buymg gIft~ Garden CarmKhael tals and has been servlng the for their kids from the hun. Photography StudiO, homeless alllmals of metro dreds of Items at the Silent Verheyden Funeral Home, Joe DetrOItSIllce1877 dUctron, With the most active Parente's Art Gallery, Elan blddmg centering on Bea.rIX CandIeS by Maralyn, Park Walk the Walk: RegISter Potter Items, sports eqUIp Place, NatIOnal Bank of now for the 1997 MS Walk for ment and the basket of 30 DetrOit, Muller's Market, MultIple SclerOSISRaIse Beame BabIes donated by the Schummer's Ski Shop, Mr C's pledges wlule walkIng for MS sophomore class A highlight Car Wash, ChIcken Shack, on one of five beautIful routes of every auctIOn ISthe one-of- The Great Frame Up, Pomte III metro DetrOIton Sunday, a-kInd student creatlOns- Hardware & Lumber Co , Apnl 13 Choose from routes pamtmgs and qUIlts, thiS year Hanson's Runnmg Shop, III Grosse POIllte, - that ehcited numerous bids Lochmoor Hdrdware, A M J , Blrnungham, Dearborn, Ann from parents representing Edsel & Eleanor Ford House, Arbor or Monroe and lut the those grades of students Alger Deh & Liquor, FOP streets WIthover 300,000 peo- As guests dined on an ele- Lodge 103 and AAAof ple nationwide In the fight Participating in a check presentation to the Children's Home of Detroit following its gant dmner, academy parent MIChigan against MS March 12 dinner benefit are, from left, George Karchner, W.M. Composite Lodge No. and WDN-TV news anchor RegIstratIon begIns at 8 499; Ray Michael, P.M. Composite Lodge No. 499; Joe Arcand, Golden Spice of Life am (11 am m Monroe) The Steve Garagiola teamed WIth New director: The Catering; Fran Miller, Children's Home of Detroit (receiving the check); and Dan Car- longtime academy supporter Barbdra Ann Karmdno~ MS Walk mcludes routes from ron, Golden Spice of Life Catering. 10 to 20 lalometers, free and ductroneer Bob Cancer In,tltute ha'> DuMouchelle of announced many new .Ippomt lunch, rest stops, support Smith lived hiS hfe dedicat- he could do for the CIty WdS Detroit" Dumouchelles Gallene<;In ments to It~ board of dIrpctors velucles, medical support, ed to the betterment of the Important to him," said Joan Over the years, hIS pnvdte pnzes and entert8.lnment City of DetrOIt and Its people DetrOit to conduct a mo~t suc and board of tru<;tl'e, Among Warren, a fnend of Ray foundatIOn supported such cessful hve auction of 45 exclt them, Stephanie Gennack of Proceeds help to fund As a busmessman, Smith was SmIth and Commumty programs as the renovdtlOn of mg trips and packages High Gros~e Pomte Farm<;"a~ research, support groups and a real estate IIlvestor who FoundatIOn Trustee "He was the fountam In Hart Plaza, an bidders took home exoticJew. named an Honordry LIfe educatIOnal programs for peo owned property throughout a qUIet gentleman who loved after ~choolprogram for youth pie WIthmultiple sclerOSISand the DetrOit area As a phllan elry, furmture pieces, sports Member of the board of to make hfe better for other run by the Church of the memorabilia, furs, student their fanulles For details on throplst, he supported the people' trustees MeSSiah on Ea"t Grand creatlon~, Oriental rug" art walkIng, pledging or volun- arts, health care, lOW-income Smith began workmg With Boulevdrd, and the Cypnan and plans for speCial vacatIOns The Karmano~ Cancer teenng, call (800)247-7382 housIllg development and job the Commumty FoundatIOn In Center, which ISa rehdblhta and pnvate parties Institute ISone of the natIOn'., tralnmg programs that served 1988, many yedrs before he tIOnand housmg center for Dessert and dancmg to the leadmg cancer re,earch, treat- Bequest of a lifetime: A the people of DetrOit died m 1995 He asked that adults With developmental dIS- $4 5 milhon bequest from HISrecently settled estate of nme piece Bill Meyer ment, educatIOn and outreach follOWinghl~ death the former abilitIeS Orchestra topped off the gala Raymond C. Smith, a life- over $4 5 mllhon has endowed trustees of hISpnvate founda- center" It ISaffillated With "Ray helped bUIlda new evenmg All proceeds from The DetrOIt MedIcal Center long reSident of Grosse POinte, the Raymond C Smith tion mcludmg Warren, David faCIlityfor the Cyprian Center will benefit the local oommum- FoundatIOn Fund of the PHANTOM of the AUCTION and Wayne Statp Um',er~Ity L. Denn and William C. and named It after hiS par- directly benefit educatIOnal ty The CommuIllty Commumty FoundatIOn for Rands III, adVIsethe and 1<;supported by"everal ents, Conrad and Ida Smith and scholarship programs at area Umted Ways Foundation for Southeastern Southeastern MIchigan The Community FoundatIOn on He never wanted pubhc recog- Michigan has announced that Smith Fund Wlllperpetuate distributIOns from the Smith when Mr Smith passed away hiS mterests In developing Fund at age 97, he left nearly hiS DetrOItneighborhoods and "He learned hiSdevotIOn to entire estate to support pro- enhanCing the DetrOit metro- Detroit from hiS father, who "You Want The Best Care For The One YouLo\e" Jects that WIllImprove life for pohtan area for the benefit of was m the family grocery It \OU JT.. tf\Jn~ Il1 hJ1Jnlt Ihl \.kmand .. III I.l.ort.. mJ IJmll\ \~hlk lr'1 I ~ \ r J r nl people who live m DetrOIt and the general pubhc busmess," SaId Rands "Ray Call us today for full details .. or drop In and VISIt the surrounding metropohtan "Raymond SmIth was a hfe- always felt he owed hIS faml regIon long DetrOlter and anythmg Iys success to the people of ~ORorN CALVARY DAY CARE FOR ADULTS A Center of Lutheran 1"-1I!!!!!l NURSING HOME Social Services of Michigan .... New Arrivals 1l~5 F \.,T JUFFR.,Ot\ m TROIT. "reH -1950 Catel!lead 88 ~ lIear M(/( /..and MOlOn 1.3374 ~ Zachary Russell Hill Kenosha, WIS Buchdnan KOZik,born Feb 12, 821-3525 QiJAUrr NL R.,IVC; ( tRE Partially funded by the UOited Way ard the Delro I Arel" l' r q , Chns and Angela HIli of Nathan Christopher 1997 Maternal grandparents Atlanta are the parents of a Steinkampf are Wilham and Barbara son, Zachary Russell HIli, born Buchanan of Grosse Pomte ~~~~ '" ------Mr and Mrs Randall Woods Paternal grandparent,; March 7, 1997 Maternal Stemkampf of Harper Woods grandparents are Brenda and are Fred and Mary KOZik of are the parents of a ~on, Dryden PRO DUe T I~ 9.b lit Charlie Brown of Eastpomte Nathan Christopher O and Donald and Margaret • T'Ht:GlOB! PO Pof" ,,",S _.... ~ _ Stemkampf, born Feb 18, ,. ""H,VAl'V''''.,..~l'''''' Roddy of Wmdsor Paternal 1997 Maternal grandparents Paris Alexander grandparents are Cmdy and are Mr and Mr~ Richard Russell HIli of Grosse Pomte Nacey of Grosse Pomte Woods Amore ...... ,,,•.•.•,...... ~Advertising your business? Farms Great-grandparents Paternal grandparents are Mr Benny and Dana Amore of are Russell and Margaret HIli and Mrs Harry Stemkampf of Seattle are the parent.,; of a of Fort Lauderdale, Fla, Harrison Township son, Pan,; Alexander Amore, WIlliam and Ehzabeth born July 10, 1996 Maternal ~ Designing a corporate logo? SIlverthorn of Land 0 Lakes, Cameron Buchanan grandparent,; are Dr and Mrs Fla , and Lily and Delmar Day Walter IA){',;chcof Ann Arbor ~ Producing a newsletter? of BeVIer,Mo Kozik Pat('rnal grandmother I'; Martm and Beth K07Ik of ShIrley Amore of Gro,;<;ePOlnte Pearce Hill Manson Grosse POInte Woods are the Farms Great-grandmother IS Whatever your needs: Brochures, Flyers, Annual Reports, Catalogs, Direct Mail, Wendy and DaVIdManson of parents of a son, Cameron Phylh,; Womack of DetrOit our f'xperts can create a unique print product for you, Marquette arp the paren!.,; of a son, Pearce HIli Manson. born Develop your look and win your audience! March 26, 1997 Maternal 51.Paul women to discuss Peru grandparents are Cmdy and The women of St Paul Ev dpphquPd fabnc PIPCP'>that ~ PUBLISH7NG IN A Russell HIli of Grosse Pomte Lutheran Church, 375 Lothrop are crl."atpd bv the wompn of Farms Pat.ernal grandparents III Grosse Pomte Farm<; Will South Ampnc~ and are PXhlblt are Tom and Sue Manson of meet at 7 30 p m Wedn('sday, I'd as art. Marquette Great grandpar- Apnl9 ents are Rus<;elland Margaret Cervpnka Will tellahout her B1GWaY HIli of Fort Lauderdale, Fla, A talk wlll b(' conducted by expPIIencp<; wIth Peruvian For more information, call us anytIme. Wilham and Ellzabl."th Sl~ter Barhara Cervenka, col wompn fherp wIll 1)('a dl<;plav Silverthorn of Land 0 Lakes, lector of cuadro,;, whlCh r('f('r,> and <;aleof cuadro'> Peruvian Design & Production @ The Grosse Pointe Hews: (313) 343.5570 Fin, and Gi>orge Manson of to ,;tltched, embrOlderpd and d('<;<;ert<;Will1)(''>l."]';cd Fax: (313) 343.~571

.7 ••••••• -=;=i=::;;;;:.:::...~"-:~:..:.....:-~-~ cOIlPO_.n O"ICII. , ~().d: ') dam "on \(]q ow MI48607 II J/I 'OJ 091. SEQlJENCE I ROCI 9(\~ ,. I~ 1m 111/, 197 7.71 PR'(l ~ rlmq I Ci'r \ ")m _ •• 'OllALO"IC" ,J)~ Ro~hn "ol tl"' 15') Irl'" Hnvf'n M 49.41/ I~ 1<11R,~ ~n6 1o' /616 RMM.7 f'~ dma?~(lvoa(JIP(i"lm Apnl3,1997 4B Churches Grosse Pointe News r------:.J The Pastor's Corner IR:------~ E..-. t t-R-e-la-tl-.ve-dl-.st-a-nc-e-;~ - ng!!gemen s By the Rev E A Bray ",y~• Patterson of Chdrlotte, N C A Grosse POinte United Church ' May weddmg ISplanned B) leaps and bound" our "orld hab become so small that e\ C'I") where and ever,onp h onh a hop, skip or aJump away O'Connor graduated from I retail readIng letter" \I ntten m the mid 1800" between a Mount Holyoke College With a man dnd hIs son The father In ed m the old country" 'Ihe bachelor of arts degree In hlSto- ~u ;1\it.,"'U Ul AJlIll !t<.l ~hWd::". one oJ llle bOU::. Ue~lllll1UUL;:' J) S.L,\... ~h.H~ J.H the. .. hUfhc.iIl \I ho shared the letters WIth me ) rebources department of Ho\\ very aware of the dl"tance between them they were Presbyterian HospItal In How overwhelmed bv the thought that wlthm the time one's Charlotte, N C \I ord" reached the other, the writer might not e\ en eXlst any Patterson earned a bachelor more of sCIence degree m natural You could feel the )0\ each had III recClvmg new word from resources/forestry from the the other You could al"o feel the pam each felt at the dls- Umverslty of the South He tdnte between them works for Gardenworld 10day, I can "catch a plane" and be at my "on s home or my Landscapmg In Charlotte ddughter'., home \I lthm three hours - and they each live half a contment a\\ ay, III oPPOsitedirectIOns I tan pick up a telephone to talk With either one WithIn -,ewnds Berry- I can e-maIl a letter to them dlmost as qUickly as my fin- Anne-Marie Unger and Meredith O'Connor and Deanne Nicole Berry and gers can type It Distance almost means nothIng anymore David Francis Werner James Patterson Gordon Scott Stewart Distance IS,however, a word that ISstili an obvIOUSfactor dmg ISplanned and AnnUity Co m Littleton, Stewart when apphed to how people feel about theIr relatIOnshIp With Unger graduated from Colo WIlham Rand Lmda F. God Throughout all of humamty" eXlstence, there has Unger- Berry of Orchard Lake have alwdys been the ability to be In Instantaneous contact Wlth Marquette Umverslty m Milwaukee She IS workmg on announced the engagement of God a master's degree m bUSIness theIr daughter, Deanne Nicole Yet bomethIng WIthIn us all makes us more mclmed to see O'Connor- Werner admInistration at the Berry, to

",,-..;~.... . f -

..... l .' K n PreSI •• a,~~Q April 3, 1997 Grosse Pointe News Health 58 Celebrate volunteers Lose weight - without fad diets Apnl Fools' DdY IS d tIme of Charle., Webb, M D and presl u.,ual WdYof eatmg 13pconung By Roberta Lady practKdl Jokes But sometimes, dent of the AmerICdn lI~drt overwl'lght do~~n't hrthe course of the v.tek, The maJonty of hospItal volunteers loss, frequently by overempha deficwncleb, becaube no one Ill"tead of one day ThIS allow" some flexlblhty In chOOSing do not begIn volunteermg for such sIzmg one particular food or type of food has all the nutn foods dnd fits the theme of con heroic reasons The reasons gIven for type of food Sometimes these ents for good hedlth.' adds summg a varIety of foods and startmg volunteer careers vary, howev- unhealthy dIets are even Webb ''Most people eventudlly reducmg gUIlt from eatmg er, there are some common themes. rumored to come from the return to their old eatmg Amencdn Heart AsSOCiatIOn something high fat now dnd Some feel a duty to gIve back to the habits, which were rebponslble then commumty, others need to occupy time For example, last year, a "cab for their weight gam In the and still others want to fulfill a need to bage soup" diet, which recom- firbt place To learn about the AmerIcan mended a very limited menu, help others "Even If an mdlvldual can Heart AsSOCiatIOnrecommen was erroneously promoted as Whatever our reasons for begInnmg, change their edtmg habIts for a datlOns for eat:ng a nutfltlOn bemg endorsed by the aSSOCIa- short tIme, It IS dIfficult to we remam hospital volunteers for two ally balanced diet, lo"mg tIOn mamtam a fad diet over time mam reasons weight and maintaining d "Many people crave Instant Successful dlCter" prepare healthy weight, or reducmg the The fIrst IS that volunteermg IS results and turn to fad diets, themselves by ,ettmg clear amount of fat m your dIet, con. extremely rewardmg Every volunteer like the cabbage soup diet, goals, anticipating roadblocks tact the AmerIcan Heart with whom I have ever spoken. refers because they beheve the myths they'll encounter, and deciding ASSOCiatIOn's Metro DetrOit to the good feelIng he or she gets from that certam foods - In thIS beforehand how they'll dedi Office at (810) 557-9511, or Roberta Lady workIng at the hospItal case cabbage - have magIcal WIth challenges They're also VISit our Web site at We all feel that we get much more weIght loss properties," said committed to modifYing their www amen can heart org out of the expenence than we could SometImes It seems that the only ever put mto It constant m this dynamIC atmosphere IS The second reason gIven for remam- Center offers free services for families the hospItal volunteer mg a volunteer IS that we very qUIckly The City of DetrOIt's Head counselIng, emergency assIs- Servtce Center ISfunded by the Volunteers go about our Jobs much as come to feel that we are an mtegral Start program IS offering a tance, educatIOn, employment, City of DetrOit Department of we have always done part of the hOSpItal We care about It vanety of free servIces to Head domestic VIolence, substance Human Servtces The center IS Of course, It IS true that we have had as much as the salaned staff does, Start famlhes and staff at abuse, and other CrISISsitua- committed to creating a path Head Start Family Service tions ProfeSSIOnalSOCIalwork- to make changes m our routmes as the Most hospItal volunteers refer to "my" for self-determmatlOn and suc- Center, 8420 Woodmont, Bldg ers answer the calls In stnct cess by provldmg services to system has changed, but our basIc or "our" hospital when they dIscuss 506 In the Herman Gardens confidence Other Family Head Start famlhes objectIve remams the same - to help theIr volunteer jobs A volunteer may Head Start Complex, located at SerVIce Center programs offer For more mformatlOn about out m any area of the hospItal m which be the first person encountered by a Joy Road and the Southfield substance abuse counselmg Head Start programs and the we are needed fIrst-tIme patIent or VISItor to Cottage Freeway and tutormg Faml1y Service CentE'r, call Volunteers do not do the Jobs of paid HospItal, or the last face seen by a har- Counselmg, "surfing" the The Head Start Family (313) 945-7920 staff Rather, we assist paid staff so ned employee on hIS or her way home Internet, and the employment that theIr tIme IS free to do those In all cases, we try to make those workshops for parents are thmgs in which they have expertIse. encounters as pleasant as pOSSIble some of the programs bemg Volunteers can be found m many We are proud to be assocIated WIth offered In addItion, mtroduc. tlon to computers, software, areas of Henry Ford Cottage Hospital Henry Ford Cottage HospItal and we American Heart ~ and parentmg workshops are We greet patIents m admlttmg and m want patIents and VISItors to leave avaIlable for Head Start faml' Association.,. the emergency room, we gIve out VIsi- WIth a posItIve ImpreSSIon That IS as F,ghtlng Heart Ofsease hE'S and Stroke tor passes, we staff the surgIcal wait- Important a part of our jobs as the Parents also can call the mg lounge, we delIver maIl and stuff tasks we are gIven to do. DetroIt Head Start Help Lme envelopes, we work on patIent floors The week of Apnl 13 IS Volunteer at (313) 945-7922 to receive and behInd the scenes m the admInis- Week In the state of MIchIgan. It IS a assistance and referrals for Exercise. tratIve offices such as the pharmacy, week that IS set aSide to honor the the medIcal lIbrary and more We women and men who gIve so generous- delIver flowers and keep the waiting ly of theIr tIme to hOSPItals and chari- Your Skin areas supplIed WIth magaZInes We are table InstItutIOns Deadline buyers, managers and staff m the hos- DurIng that week, do somethmg mce by Lisa A Manz-Dulac, MD pital gIft shop. And the lIst goes on for a volunteer you know. Better yet, Wnnkles physlclan"lmolvement There may be some areas of the hos- contact one of our fine east SIde hospi- for the scars and More advanced techmque, PItal, such as the operatIng sUlte, other hnes lOcludeCO la

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.. --~~,~ ...... ~ ..i' ..• ~":. .-:&:..>------~------I-.....------C""IAft O"tCII. ,. e) A04 ~ Hamillon '09 now M ~B601 1\171 797 091~ SEQUENCE ... IAooj 968 3~,6 I...... Ii 7\ 70') ~Ol on IOaINSON pmn.r dmq I@nsrom den' ••• 'ONAL O"'Clt 9,{) ROhhm.. ';ute :t5:t (. onrl Hovpn MI A9.. l7 1611>18~1> An", 10' 1616 A41 U~7 _....J...I.-. ")A...... Apnl3,1997 6B Entertainment Grosse Pointe News A riotous, rambunctious trip on the Salmon

I should have been prepared front of ,I huge boulder dlld, pTlvate rafter., who can 'put town of Blackfoot to host us for Shepp IS run as a full-time when I talked wIth fhyrd o\t'r we wellt In n\ er pdr m" on dn) glVen day l~ stTlctly the mght The mashed pota- guest ranth by Lynn and Warren before our raftmg tnp Jdnce, \"C "went o;.,\'wlnlnllng" at regulated and everyone paces mmJ:ml! toes they served - natch' - Mlcaehl Demerse, and IS popu- on the Sdlmon River m Idaho Ldlll B.lr them~elves '>0 as not to mter- were to dIe for "In fact, I dug lar With familIes who come for "T~e, most Important thmg 'ou M" oh mv did till' (,llIlerd fere With one another So, these spuds rl~ht out of mv week-lon~ stavs "If you want ""ilJ (Jf Jug lb d ittlU :::'UH, :::IlIe ...,ULlU •.LI ~ ... tH..-h. d" Wl "'" lIt. dJlUUll~U Wt,.. WOU!U Ol.l-d,::"!OlldJ IAI back yard thiS mar !ling," Stan to ride, float, lish, hIke and be adVIsed But httle did she dnd I drdgged out of tIll' fnpd v.ater Iv pas'> by another rdft or boasted And he served coffee In the \'dlderness, thIS IS the know that It wouldn't be b) our lIfl' ve"h dnd of «)ur.,e, campblte, for mObt of the time from an old fashIOned alu- place," MIke explams enough we \\ould hedr about our lIttle we were all alone, and It was mmum percolator WIth a glass Oh, the ram SUIt was fine for 'epIsode for the re,t of the bplendld M bulb on top One of the hands IS 19-year- travehng down the river m the week However, after that we The 425-mlle Salmon RIver ~:'.i.J~__ At the WhIte Water Ranch, a old Scott Valro from Traverse oar boat In fact the September con"ldered our,ehes river vet- begms at elevatIOns above By Cynthia Boal Janssens woman's touch was clearly eVl- CIty He says he first came to weather was so balmy that erans and the wave~ that 8,000 feet m the Sawtooth dent and we surely appreciated Shepp Ranch on a hunting trip most days" e had stnpped to spld"hed 0\ er us hardly both- Mountams and ends at ItS con- One of the funmest occurred the gourmet vegetarldn meals With hIS father (yes, he did T-shIrts and shorb by noon ered fluence WIth the Sndke River the first !light When we gath- prepared by MIchel Lloyd She shoot an elk) and lIked It so No, It was what we weren't ThIS five-dd) raftmg tnp at an elevatIOn of 905 feet, ered for our room assIgnments and her husband, Brandon much that he returned to work planrung for down the Mam Salmon RIver drammg 14,000 squdre miles at the Salmon River Inn, we Lever, and theIr 5-year-old there He plans to attend col- Her husband Dave, owner of of Idaho was filled v.lth other of land were Informed that two couples daughter Rae live here year lege m Idaho durmg the oIT- would have to share a room Warren RIver ExpedItIOns and ad\entures although none of Next to Hell's Cdnyon on the around as caretakers of thIS season the oarsman on one of our t\\ a them were qUIte so mVlgorat- Sndke River, thIS IS the deepe"t WIth four bunks We were one ImpreSSive spread which was ThIS country has that effect boats, had alTered us the oppor mg" The scenery was as gorge on the contment The of those couples and let me tell homesteaded m 1897 We spent I want to go back to the Salmon tumty to kayak alongblde the breathtakmg as we'd antICIpat- portIOn of the nver we were you, were the men squeamIsh an extra half day here, giVIng River I want to brmg my chll- bIg Inflatable rafts, each of ed and the river qUIte peaceful floatmg was a 79-mlle stretch "Heck I ha ..en't shared a room us the opportumty to watch the dren and grandcluldren here whIch contaIned SIXpassengers and lovely, when we weren't between Corn Creek and WIth strangers smce I was In weekly mall plane fly m and EIther we'll do a family raftmg and the oarsman So, for a day barreling through the whIte- Vinegar Creek from road's the Army," muttered Herb out, delIvermg grocenes and tnp, or we'll come to Shepp and and a half, I took the helm of water on the "RIver of No end to road's end The only way LIvesey, our new roomIe HIS WIfe Joann and I chuckled, It packages We also helped Ista ut EIther wa I WIll be the mflatable kayak along with Return" In or out of thIS area IS bv Jet Brandon pICk a tree loaded bar p y, was no bIg deal to us The next John Moore, a Just retIred Dave Warren, 35, has run boat or airplane WIth pears, whIch he was try- morning, there \\ ere a few Jabs school teacher from the Pme thiS nver over 125 times Our ThIS trIp had been pubhclzed mg to save from bears who about snoring, but otherWIse A SIx-day float trIp WIth RIdge reservatIOn In South other oarsman, DIck Hauff, 62, as bemg for "semors," because came to eat the fruIt at mght we'd made a couple of new Warren RIver ExpeditIons Dakota He and I dId Just fine had also made the tnp plenty mstead of campIng on beaches At Chma Bar we were treat- frIendb costs $1,175 per person, a SIX- together of times as well durmg hIS at !light, we were to overmght ed to a whole salmon fillet In general, the lodges were day lodge tnp costs $1,450 Then my husband Chet years as supervIsor of the m nver lodges However, Dave gnlled by owner MIke funky They are used pnmanly Semors and children are dIs- decIded he should try It WIth Salmon NatIOnal Forest Even Warren and a few other mnov- McClam, who later serenaded by hunters (moose, elk and counted 10 percent me And, agam, we were com- Dave'b dog was experIenced, atlve outfitters have dIscovered us WIth guitar tunes and petent as we dIscovered the thiS was Manah's 10th tnp bear) and steelhead fishermen that people of all ages lIke the poems by a beach campfire I For more mformatlOn, con- nuances of gettmg through the thiS season We felt plenty - few mcetIes, plenty of card lodge-to-lodge concept, both for must say that the sleepmg tact Warren RIver ExpedJtlOns. rapIds nose first, cutting secure tables But the people who the phySIcal comfort of real bags and outhouses were more PO Box 1375, Salmon, Idaho around rocks and stayIng I'd been concerned that It operate them are special. beds and bathrooms (OK, there than oITset by bemg able to 83467, or call (800) 765-0421 upnght Well, almost Maybe mIght be a bIt crowded m par- were a few outhouses) and for For example, the RIver of No hear the nver rushing by at VISit their Web sIte at we got Just a bIt cocky, maybe It adIse, that we would encounter the wonderful hospitalIty of Return Lodge IS run by cousrns !light www Raftldaho.com For mfor- was destmy But at the final many fellow floaters on the the lodge-keepers GaIl and Stan Watt Potato- Our finalmght was at Shepp matlOn on the other lodges, rapIds before lunch, we nver, but that didn't happen These hostelnes prOVIded a farmers by trade, they had Ranch, certaInly the most elab- outfi tters and all of Idaho, call encountered a deep hole In The number of outfitters and whole other set of memOrIes traveled SIX hours from the orate of all of the lodges The (800) 714-3246 Bartoli's a vocal sensation; Perlman's not bad on narration Here are thoughts on three BartolI IS an authentIC vocal There's no problem WIth vol- IntensIty and high pohsh than fiddles CDs featunng major musI- sensatIOn At a time when ume on a CD, of course, and TuE RECORD Rudolf Barshal's orchestratlOn In general the perfor- Cians, all but one performmg man) smgers seem pnmardy OFF BartolI's latest, In which she IS of ShostakoVlch's EIghth mances, led by Yael LeVI and m our area Wlthm the span of concerned WIth Imltatmg each superbly partnered by Myung- ~ Strmg Quartet lllumillates ill LoUIS Lane, are more correct several weeks "t ~ ~ '- other, the 30-year-old Bartoli Whun Chung, shows her phe- a startlmg way what IS per- than msplred, although the Imbues her vOIce WIth such nomenal gifts to especIally . haps the most deeply personal Samt.Saens, ongmally ISSUed Cecilia Bartoli ''Chant deep personality you could good advantage Except for of the late RUSSian composer's to accompany a new set of d'Amour;" Songs by Bizet, almost WTlte her bIOgraphy Dellbes' popular "Les Fllles de works poems WTItten and narrated Dellbes, Viardot, BerlIOZand based solely on her smgmg CadIX," the repertOIre on the "M:uslca dolo rosa," composed by Peter SchIckele of PDQ Ravel, Cecilia Bartoli, mezzo In addItIOn, she's blessed CD WIll probably be unfamIl- m 1983 by LatVIan composer soprano, Myung Whun Chung, Bach fame, IS played WIth WIth an unusually fleXIble Iar to most lIsteners Heanng Petens Vasks, was prompted panache PUlTW(London) Ratzng **** vOice of an extremely WIde her SIng them, though, should by the death of hIS sIster and Perlman's narratIOn of new (out of 4) range that seems able to con- soon malte all 19 songs old the polItical oppressIOn texts by Bruce Adolphe IS dls- quer any technIcal dlfficuJtles favontes endured by hIS fellow cItizens armmgly well done He takes The Rome-born Bartoli can- thrown at It The one recur- EspecIally wmnmg- Bizet's endary ancestors, the great Yun Bashmet's orchestra- on a varlety of accents - celed her March 29 recital m rent CTltlclsm leveled at her "La Coccmelle," wherem mezzo-soprano Paul me tIOn of Alfred Schmttke's TrIO Yiddish, German, French, Ann Arbor Dlsappomted fans vOice IS that It I~ a compara- Bartol! mImiCS the vOIce of a Viardot, BerlIoz' stunnIng Sonata gives new meamng to Brooklyn - WIth excellent can find solace m her latest tIvely small mstrument that ladybird, "Havanalse," com- "Death of Ophelia", Ravel's the composer's unIque wntlng results Adolphe's poetry, whIle CD, devoted to French songs has trouble fillmg a large hall posed by one of BartolI's leg- "Chants popul8lres," where style not supplantmg the standard she SWItches handily from Wlule all three pIeces were Ogden Nash collectIOn, IS French to Spamsh to italIan to composed III tlus century, none mtermlttently WItty Farm spa is close by and affordable YiddIsh IS unapproachable In fact, these glOWIng perfonnances Perlman IS set to perfonn Treat yourself to a wonderful exercise dIrector, IS hostess of hot tub or sauna, stroll may Just change the way you WIth NeemeJiiTVl and the time of fitness and relaxatIOn thiS lovely centenmal farm- through fragrant pille forests Stuttgart Chamber thInk about contemporary Detroit Symphony Orchestra at AssumptIOn Center's SpTlng house and share sunset snacks m a Orchestra, Dennzs Russell musIc's abilIty to reach audI- at Orchestra Hall on Sunday, Farm Spa, located Just a short EnJOY healthy homemade delightful gazebo by a pond DaVIes conductmg MUSIC of ences AprIl 13 It IS no secret that dnve from DetroIt In the beau- mea]", exercIse seSSIOns, lec- The follOWIng weekends Shostakovzch, Vasks and hIS playmg of late has been tIful Thumb area tures by guest speakers and would make great gift Ideas for Schmttke (ECM New Senes) Itzhak Perlman plagued WIth techmcal prob- From the moment of arrival traft classes OptIOnal services Mother's Day, graduatIOn or Ratmg **** "Classical Zoo" muszc of lems and mdIITerent artistry, you WIll be charmed by the Include mamcure!pedlcure, bTldal showers ROSSini, Resplghz, Szbellus whIch makes one wonder If Ius peaceful settmg of thIS umque faCial and make over, dnd ther- • June 27 - 29 - Master gar- The Stuttgart Chamber and Seunt-Saens, Atlanta successful narratIOn on thIS spa Barb Otul, Kalosomatlcs apeutIc massage Relax m a dener weekend WIth Victona Orchestra, led by the Toledo Symphony Orchestra (Telarc) CD might prove a more satls- Lang, master rosanan born DaVIes, WIll play at the fymg way to expenence hIs • July 25 - 27 - (;Qlf week- Macomb Center for the Ratzng *** gifts Love poems sought for contest end (early tee-time) Performmg Arts on Saturday, ThIS CD contains borrowed A$I,OOO grand pnze IS bemg Poetry AllIance "Poets all' the • August 22 - 24 - Total fit- Apnl19 goods Each of the perfor- oITered In a free poetry contest, bnef chromclers of our time In ness weekend - learn the lat- Old-timers Will remember mances (RoSSInI'S "La Gazza open to everyone m the Grosse a world so full of hate, we'd est on all fitness eqUIpment, the WIdespread fame thIS Ladra" Overture, Resplghl'S Pomte area There are more lIke to see what poets say nutntlOn tIps and massage orchestra achIeved under Karl ''The Birds," Slbehus' "Swan than $3,000 m pTlZeS, and the about love We trust thIS con- Munchlllger, who founded the of Tuonela" and Salllt-Saens' deadlIne for entermg IS test WIll produce excltmg Group rates are aVailable for ensemble In 1945 and headed "CarnIval of the AnImals") Wednesday, ApTlI 16 Wmners results Beglnner~ are wel- weekend or Saturdays only It untIl 1987 Its fame contm- has been Issued preVIously by WIll be announced on or before corne" SprIng Farm Spa IS located ues under DaVIes, who was Telarc Tuesday, July I III Snover, MIchIgan named chief conductor In They are apparently bemg "Poems must be WTItten on To enter, send one poem 21 ReservatIOns are hmlted For 1995 reIssued to serve as fIllers for love, or have a love theme," lines or less to Free Poetry more InformatIOn, call The three selections on thiS Itzhalt Perlman, who appears said DaiSY Rudge, contest Contest, PO Box 1588, New - AssumptIOn Center at (810) CD, all for stnng orchestra, only In the Samt-Saens, dIrector of the New York York, NY 10116 1588 7796111 are performed WIth deep where he narrates rather Mr. LouJs World Attended Blue Rose ~~ Premiere Free Every Thursday --~. Comedy Parking ~~~ Folk Singer .JeH .Jan1es friclaV. April 4 I Saturday, April 5 I Wednesday, April 9 ChiselBrothers Masters Of None JamNight wrth MImIH~rn~ FREE SUBMARINE SANDWICHES AFTER 9 PM DANCINC • LIVE MUSIC • CALL FOR INFORMATION 16117 Mack Aye • 882.9700 Tue\ Sof at 5 m

..net., \pnl4 al 1f)4lil 111mand R 00 pm '.turd., \pnl c;. II H: W) pm 'undl' .\pnii,. at l"OOpm I ) flt IRon ,,\ \IPIIO" ORClit" 1R\ 'rNM h,nl ('ondocfor ".d,. "Ikrn{)o'onnr"'r~ \1011n RR \ 11\1" Tr.~" (h,rlurr R~ \ If\'" , lohn ( orK"t'rlo In n mlJ'Or RR\'1\1" "'rrn.d. '0 I InIl moJOr ive U.S. Savin~s Bonds. Get them at your bant!. ~f 1\ ;., I \ flt II About a

I "' and be sure to ast! for a ~ift certificate. i " fir Goofy " I Guy ~ ~ t "r'- 1~ ~ fa. , . (J;tl"i(il{ - \ 'I I " ~ • Ta~tHSSAVINGS I~ I \ 1,1 X:U :"Oll Stock Bo,~m(l "~fJ In Amenca • • nUJ ~ ,. ,_. 1 t ' n • • • Q Apn13,1997 Grosse Pointe News • Metro calendar 78 by Madeleine Socia • Each address appears only Tuesdays, Apnl 8 through May endary Cote du Rhone, nmg epic produc- 12, at 830 p m A Fnday Pre- team talent, for a ClassIc, on once, check preVlOUbh~l!ng If 6, from 7 to 10 p m The class France'~ oldest growmg reglon, tIOn of the Jerome Kern and Concert ConversatIOn with the Lake wncert on Sunday, address IS not Included mvolve~ homework assign- WIth VIdeos, maps, handouts Oscar Hammerstem mU"lcal JablonskJ dnd DSOH Generdl Apnl 6 at 4 pm, In St Mary's ments and concludes with a dnd SIX tastmgs per evenmg "Show Boat," dIrected by Manager Paul Chum mer" wIll College at Orchard Lake, 3535 Friday, April 4 field tnp to Greenfield Village under the expert guidance of Harold Prmce, docks at the be offered at 7 pm Tickets Indian frail m Orchard Lake Inspiring blooms on Saturday, May 10 Bonme Delsener dunng a Masomc Temple through range from $16 to $58 Tickets TIcket'> are $10 and $17 50 PartIcIpants must have com- course at the Grosse Pomte Saturday, May 24 Evenmg dre now aValldble for the DSO The mnuence of nowers on Call (810) 683 1750 pleted baSIC photographv and War MemorIal Mondavs Apnl performances are scheduled for Soeclal Event Concert Lollt"'L>t;:, trlrUUb}".Jl,U.. t..Jh: dg~b WIll be a~ked to pass a test 7 through Apnl 28, from 7 to Willbe the focus of a shde pre select Sundays at 7 30 p m Appearance 01 legendary VIO Romance & mystery before reglstermg The course 8 30 p m The course IS $48 and Tuesday through Saturday !Jmst Itzhak Perlman on sentatlOn by Judy Knowles of Travel through tIme to fee IS $165 Call (313) 881- plus a $35 wme fee Advanced at 8 p m Matmee, are slated the DetrOit InstItute of Arts Sunday, AprIl 13, at 4 pm reveal multIple mystenes m 7511 registratIOn IS reqmred Call for Saturday and Sunday at 2 Tickets range from $35 to $110 Founders SOClCty Speakers the romantic comf'dy Arcadia, (313) 881-7511 p m With a ~peclal perfor- Afterglow tickets, which Bureau at the Grosse Pomte at the Meadow Brook Theatre mance on Wednesday, Apnl 16, War Memorial, 32 Lakeshore Thursday, April 10 mclude box seatmg, are $200 through Sunday, Apnl 13 Boating safety at 1 p m Tickets range from Call (313) 833-3700 Performances are slated for m Grosse POinte Farms, on Family Issues $2250 to $70 Call (810) 645- Tuesday, Apnl 8, from 1 30 to Learn the rules of the water- Thursday and Fnday at 8 pm, DetrOit Free Press colummst 6666 2 30 p m The fee IS $5 Susan Ager concludes a senes ways, naVIgatIOn, charting on Tragic requiem Saturday at 2, 6 and 8 pm and RegistratIOn IS due by Fnday, on current, familY-OrIented Lake St Clair, marIne law Murder and mJust!ce are the Sunday at 2 and 630 p m Apnl4 Call (313) 881-7511 Issues WIth a talk entitled The enforcement and weather, dur- Rigoletto opens tragic themes of Greensboro A Tickets range from $18 to $32 Lessons I Have Learned on Ing a Grosse POinte Power The MIchigan Opera Theatre Requiem, a drama based on the Meadow Brook Theatre IS Squadron Boatmg Safety brings Verdi's tragic Jester, Sunday, April 6 Thursday, Apnl 10, from 7 30 true story of an attack on an located on the campus of to 9 pm, m the Grosse POinte Course offered Mondays, April RIgoletto, to the DetrOIt Opera anti-Klan rally m a black Oakland University, Just off Contemplative concert War Memorial ThIS event WIll 14 through June 2, from 7 30 to House, 1526 Broadway m neighborhood, staged by the the 1-75 Umverslty Road eXit, Refresh your mmd and SpIrIt be co-sponsored by the 9 30 pm, m Grosse Pomte DetrOIt, Saturday, April 5 Umverslty of Detroit Mercy's In Rochester Call (810) 377- With the beauty of the Amencan ASSOCIatIOn of North High School, 707 Vernier through Sunday, April 13 Theatre Company Friday, AprIl 3300 Evensong as presented by the Umverslty Women AdmiSSion m Grosse Pomte Woods The Performances are scheduled 11 through Sunday, AprIl 27 Christ Church Grosse POinte IS $7 Call (313) 881-7511 pnnclpal partICipant's $30 fee for Wednesday, FrIday and Performances Will be offered m Exhibits & sales ChOir of Men and Boys on covers the course plus a binder, Saturday at 8 p m and Sunday the McAuley Theatre, on the Sunday, April 6, at 4 30 pm, In Lake St ClaIr chart and the at 2 pm Tickets range from UDM campus at Outer Dnve ChrIst Church Grosse POinte, Spring stars exam Relatives of prinCipal $20 to $95 Call (313) 874- and Southfield In DetrOit, Modernists & muralists MIchael Best continues hiS 61 Grosse POinte Blvd In partICipants can regIster for 7464 Thursday through Saturday at The Edsel & Eleanor Ford Grosse Pomte Farms Call Star Struck series at the Edsel $18 RegistratIOn Will be held 8 p m and Sunday at 2 pm House IS hosting the travelIng & Eleanor Ford House on (313) 885-4841 on AprIl 14, at 7 p m Call (313) Lots of laughs Tickets are $10 for adults, $8 exhIbitIOn In the Splnt of Thursday, AprIl 10, from 7 to 885-5005 for students, semors and UDM ReSIstance African-American 8 30 pm, With a presentation The Second City-DetrOIt Blue Sunday Comedy Theatre, 2305 alumm and UDM students Modermsts and the MeXican fOCUSing on Sprmg Skies With In enter free, Call (313) Murahst School, featurmg the Paul Carey & the Weather permitting, patrons Terrific tours Woodward m Detroit, offers ItS Nltecrawlers serve up the Take advantage of the Edsel mnth reVIew of hve, cuttlng- 993-1130 works of Charles Alston, John will star. gaze over Lake St Biggers, ElIzabeth Catlett, Blues at the Blue MarlIn Bar & Clair so dress warmly and & Eleanor Ford House's ternfic edge comedy, Ambassador Gnll, 17501 Mack m DetrOIt, Sprmg Tour Schedule The Bridge Party through May Alternative screen Sargent Claude Johnson, Jacob brmg your bmoculars Lawrence, Charles White, on Sunday, Apnl 6, from 8 p m AdnllsslOn IS $5 ReservatIons publIc can explore the hIstoriC Performances wIll run The Detroit Film Theatre m to rmdnIght Call (313) 881. grounds and home, on the Wednesday through Sunday at The Detroit Institute of Arts John Wilson and Hale are recommended Call (313) Woodruff, through Sunday, 3600. 884.4222 hour, Tuesday through 8 p m With addItional shows offers a schedule of Interesting Saturday, from 10 a m to 4 on Friday and Saturday at alternatives to commerCial May 25 The show Willbe open Tuesday through Sunday from Jumpin' jazz P m and Sunday, from noon to 10 30 P m The cast performs fIlms Capture the bad VIbes of Saturday, April 12 4 p.m. Tour and grounds an ImproVISatIOnal comedy set the last of the flower-power era 11 a m to 5 p m AdmISSIOnIS Marge's Bar, 15300 Mack In $2 Call (313) 884-4222 Grosse POinte Park, WillJump Swing dance admIssIon IS $5 for adults, $4 after each performance on musIc festivals as chrorucled m With the Dooeland Jazz of 'Ibm Keep IIIstep With the sounds for semors and $3 for chIldren Sunda~ Wednesday and the documentary Message To Saunders' DetrOit Jazz A11- of Glenn Miller, the Dorsey Guests are welcome to stroll Thursday and after the 10 30 Love, FrIday, Apnl 4 through Fairchild exhibit Stars on Sunday, Apnl 6, from Brothers and Benny Goodman the grounds for $3, which p m shows on FrIday and Sunday, April 6 Screerungs are A substantial selectIOn of 8 to 11 pm Call (313) 881- as the Lake Shore Includes VISitation to the exte- Saturday TIckets are $12 on scheduled for FrIday at 7 and Roy Fairchild's serIgraphs, 8895. PresbyterIan Church, 27801 nor bw1dmgs Call (313) 884- Sunday and Wednesday, $14 on 9 30 pm, Saturday at 4, 7 and IncludIng hiS clasSIC best sell- Jefferson In St CIlW' Shores, 4222 Thursday, $17 50 on Fnday 9 30 p m and Sunday at 4 and ers and sold out original edi- presents a Big Band Dance fea- and $1950 on Saturday Call 7 p m On Monday, Apnl 7, at 7 tions, are now avaIlable at The Book signing turmg the Swmg Shift (313) 965-2222. p.m, meet World War II's Grosse POinte Gallery, 19869 Author Lee Meadows wIll be Assumption classes Orchestra on Saturday, AprIl Expand your mind and Imag- mdomltable snowmen, the Mack In Grosse POInte Woods slgIllng copies of hIS book 12, from 8 to 11 30 p m skiers and mountaIneers of the FaIrchIld ISknown for rus VIVId "SIlent Conspiracy" on Sunday, InatIOn With classes at the Brassy performance AdmiSSion IS $8 In advance or AssumptIOn Cultural Center, Today's Brass Qwntet will 10th MountaIn DIVISion,In the colors and textures Gallery Apnl 6, at 4 pm, m Barnes & $10 at the door Call (810) 772- powerful new documentary hours are Monday through Noble Book Store,19221 Mack 21800 Marter m St Clair take aud1ences from Baroque 3740 or (810) 772-6345 Shores. ReceIve your offiCial to Broadway durIng a LyrIC Fire On The Mountain Saturday, from 10 a m to 6 III Grosse Pomte Woods Call Tickets for all performances pm Call (313) 884-0100 (313) 884-5220 Mark your certificatIOn In Adult Chamber Ensemble Concert on CardIopulmonary Sunday, Apnl 6, at 11 am, m are $5 50 for adults and $4 50 calendar ••• Tuesday, April 8 ReSUSCitatIon after a course the Gem Theatre, 58 E for students, semors and DIA Latin perspective Tuesday, April 15 offered m cooperation With ColumbIa In DetrOit Tickets Founders SocIety Members Get a new perspective on Fascinating folklore Saratoga Hospital on 1\1esday, are $45 for adults and $20 for Call (313) 833-2323 Latm Amenca through the lens The young and young-at- Author's event Spend an evening WIth John AprIl 8, from 6 30 to 10 p m students Call (810) 357-1111 of color photographer Dave heart are mVited to enJoy fasci- The fee IS$10 or $5 for seniors At Macomb Thomas durmg a showmg and nating folklore as related by Berendt, best-sellIng author of "Mldmght In The Garden Of Refine the art of graceful pen- Drama & romance A vanety of entertaInment sale of hIs work at the Ashley- storyteller Laron Williams on manship during an abounds at the Macomb Center Chns Gallery, 15126 Kercheval Tuesday, April 8, from 4 to 5 Good And EVIl" on Tuesday, The CruCIble,Arthur MIller's Intermediate CallIgraphy allegory set amidst the Salem for the Performmg Arts, 44575 m Grosse Pomte Park Gallery pm, In the Edsel & Eleanor AprIl 15, at 7 30 pm, In the course offered Wednesdays, WItch tnals, IS on stage at the Garfield m ClInton Township hours are Tuesday through Ford House, 1100 Lakeshore m FrIes Audltonum of the Grosse Apnl 9 through Apnl 23, from HIlberry Theatre, 4743 Cass In Zorba, the remarkable musical Fnday from noon to 6 p m and Grosse POInte Shores POinte War Memonal. ThiS free event wIll be sponsored by 6 30 to 9 30 p m The fee IS$25 DetrOIt, through Saturday, tale of an agmg Greek story- Saturday from 11 a m to 4 p m AdmISSion IS $6 ReservatIOns Learn to make your own pIC- The Grosse Pomte Pubhc AprIl 26 Performances Will be teller, comes to the stage on Call (313) 824-0700 are reqUIred Call (313) 884- ture frames durmg a You held on Tuesday, Apnl 8 at 10 Fnday, April 4, at 8 pm, and 4222. LibrarIes m celebration of NatIonal Library Week Frame It course, Thursdays, am, Thursday, Apnl 24 at 8 Saturday, AprIl 5, at 3 and 8 Luminous creations AprIl 10 through May 22 (Apnl Perfect pictures TIckets are avaIlable at all pm, FrIday, Apnl 25 at 8 p m p.m Ambient Lummoslty, an all- 24 excluded) The fee IS $40 Master photographer Bryce lIbrary branches or the Grosse and Saturdays, Apnl 12 and Tickets are $29 for adults medIa exhIbItIOn focusmg on Demson wIll help you learn the Pomte War Memorial Call The PreservatIOn and Apnl 26 at 2 and 8 pm and $26 for students and InterpretatIOns and reactions tncks of the trade to make your (313) 343-2074 Protection of Your Estate IS the The eternal struggle semors EnJOY vocahsts from to a.-tlfiClal lIght, opens at the Important pictures perfect dur- title of a free course m estate between passIOn and money IS the Ford Motor Company DetrOit Artists Market, 300 mg an IntermedIate Live & learn plannmg which Will be pre- the central theme of The Chorus, DetrOit Edison Glee River Place, SUIte 1650, m Photography course at the French wine sented on Thursday, Apnl 10, HeIreSS, a dramatic adaptatIOn Club, GM Chorus and the DetrOit, on FrIday, Apnl4 and Grosse POinte War Memonal, Explore the wmes of the leg- at 7 p m Challenge your cre- of the Henry James' novel Gentlemen Songsters, Masco runs through Fnday, May 9 atiVIty by makJng CharmIng WashIngton Square, whIch WIll Corp as they harmOnIze In the Victonan Boxes on Thursday, play through FrIday, Apnl 11 40th Industry Smgs Concert on Gallery hours are Tuesday AprIl 10, from 7 to 930 pm Performances Wlllbe offered In Saturday, Apnl 12, at 8 p m through Thursday and The fee IS $10 rotatmg repertory on select Tickets are $7 for adults and Saturday 11 a m to 5 P m and Last week's Wednesdays and Saturdays at $6 for SenIors and students Fnday 11 a m to 8 pm Call PreregistratIOn IS recom- 2 p m and Thursday through Call (810) 286-2222. (313) 393-1770 puzzle solved mended for most courses Call Saturday at 8 p m (810) 779-6111 Tickets for both productIOns Premiere theater range from $9 50 to $16 50 On See an old favonte In a new History & art Shape up stage downstairs at the theatre as the premiere season The Scarab Club, 217 Farnsworth In DetrOit, Will ACROSS The Lake Shore HIlberry through Sunday, Apnl for the DetrOit Actors GuIld at 10 1 Treasure Presbytenan Church, 27801 6, IS the mOVIng,true drama the new Alley Theatre In unVeil Its NatIOnal Registry of Hlstonc Places plaque dunng seeker's Jefferson m St ClaIr Shores, IS The Elephant Man Trapper's Alley, 508 Monroe In aid offenng a class m Low Impact Performances Will be offered DetrOit, opens With the adult the openmg receptIOn for the 4 !'redl exhIbitIOn 50 Years of Scarab camenl AerobiCS each Monday and Thursday through Saturday at comedy Frankle and Johnny In 7 Fonner Wednesday, year-round, from 8 p m and Sunday at 2 p m the Clair de Lune runnmg Club ArtISts commemoratIng Senate 10 to 11 a m AdmISSion IS $1 Tickets range from $5 to $7 through Sunday, May 18 the 90th annIversary of the MajOflty per sessIOn Call (810) 777- Call (313) 577.2972 Performances Will be staged Club on Sunday, Apnl 6, from 2 lc.1der to5pm 11 Melamor. 8533 Wednesday through Fnday at phoses • 8 pm, Saturday at 6 and 9 pro DSO notes 13 - Medicaid mysteries The DetrOit Symphony p m and Sunday at 4 p m The exhibitIOn runs through nob,s Wednesday, April 30 RoundIng 14 Eye pan Solve tne mystery of Orchestra contInues ItS 15 lJnaaom. Medicaid regulations by get- InternatIonal Season In Tickets range from $20 to out the day WIllbe a receptIOn pamehng and Joe Wilhams Will shme m Event _ 37 Prefix (or 61 ConcluSIon 19 A"""tto game around, and learn a lot of other amves an Amentech Jazz Senes con act or breed DOWN 4' Malure claSSICsteps too, WIth Ballroom Date _ 391rregul8l' I Ov.r ,0 21 Fortune 48 Read har Dancmg Classes offered each cert on Thursday, Apnll0, at 8 SLain perunt 23 lIrhan codes pm llme _ 2 Acknowledge tran-port 49 Take care of Saturday, from 830 to 11 30 4\ Nancy Ticket<; range from $12 to K("ffigan • g 1 Nuclear 2' SkIp over 501"'11. p m AdmISSIon IS $4 Call Place . _ 43 H.avy welghl reacl()!' 26 Some home' 'I Invenlor (810) 776-6768 $58 SwedIsh plalllst Peter 44 Fiddler s 4 hempl.r are 00,11 ~hllncy Jablonski makes hi" DSO Cost _ p1ac. of p.t1

be e • ~ ..-..-. -. ...-.- ...... ?2 ;r's':i:.: ..----~-~~.~h.....J[--••.• cOlIPO... n Omelli. , ROd <) l~l1m I on \agmnw M .dAf>O:i 1~1111Q, 09H SEQlJENCE 1. 18001 '16814 \6 In ... "17 lO??A?1 con .. INION t'ma I rlmq 1 f.t(rl\ ((;m s dpnl ••• ,O.... l o,neil 9/0 Rohh n~ c.wlf' :157 (,onitlClVf"l"l M'.49.411 16110)A46 An6 10> (616) P4/61iol ...... J A-~')~ ~ ..... April 3. 1997 88 Famil features by Madeleine Socia Grosse Pointe News Addressing A.D.D. P,uk has lot~ of entertammg, ones m Kmdergarten through Asch, be~t known for hI';' entitled Clayworb '1 he Great Frdme Up, 20655 Children dnd 'Idulh wIth fn'p progrdm'> to mtroduce Grdde three Cdn pdrtdke m a beloved Moonbear dldracter, Imagmallve Dmnerware 'I he Mdtk m Grosse Pomte Woods, AttentIOn DefiCIt Dl"order Cdn your chIld to the mdny way" QUilt PlCung Worbhop on .....III tell "tone" and dehght course fee IS $7 for dllidren pre"enh j he Creative Self- add res; theIr "h"red WIlWff!'> thdt WOId" open world" Fnddy, Apnl11, from 4 to 4 45 ,mdwnce, wIth Ill', (ralt durmg and $3 for adults or $6 for chll Expre""lOn Show, aJuned exhi- dnd explore new mformdtlOll DI-dppednng Duck" \\111 be the pm (313) 822-1559 NatIOnal Library Week festiVI- dren and $2 for adult DlA bitIOn featunng talented stu- though the Ea"tern Wd) ne fedtured 1,lle durmg the ties on Saturday, Apnl 12, at 2 members Buddmg Disney',>, dt:nt ,lftl~t,> dnd Macomb CountlC~' chaptel Pre~chool Storyllme on Beanie benefit pm, m the Central Branch of ages 11 through 14, can deve! of thp IIlternatlOndl ~upport Monday, Apnl 7 at 11 and The Village Toy Compdny the Gro,>~e Pomte Pubhc op theIr own character~ and The event open~ WIth a !,'TOUpCH ADD On I\w,>ddy, 11 30 d m and 'l'ue"ddY, Apnl WIll fill the Cryqtal Ballroom of Llbrdry, 10 Kercheval m plots usmg d vanety of medl receptIOn for artl;ts from April 8, at 7 pm, the

~IUFFINS1"08 Jacobson's Jacobsons Tresses would hke to ""elcome two TIlE MONTH new mamcun~ts/naJ!-techmclans, SPECIAL FOR APRIL Choose .JennIfer dnd Candyn to our staff We from three dIfferent flavors (reg 90(/) are offering a specIal mtloductory speCIal 70(/ each - mIll.and match offel for a wash, haircut, "tyle, With Janet, and a regular manIcure WIth .JOSEF'S Jenmfer 01 Candyn Thl'" IS a fifty percent savmgs at twenty-one dol- t'8.:,\('11 .- \STltlt:S "There's always something MACKENZIE-CHILDS, LTD. lars Offel good for Mondays and at 21150 Mack, Grosse POinte happenin' at Jacobson's" has been a VItal Influence In Tuesdays only GIft certdicates are Woods, (313) 881-5710 AmerIcan deSIgn SInce ItS Involve- always available for all servIces Call HARTMAN LUGGAGE. WIth any ment In 1988 DInnerware, glass- for your appomtment today - (313) purchase of a Hartman bUSiness case ware, hnens, tiles, furnIture, lamps, KISKA JEWELERS or luggage pIece, you can purchase tassels, tnms and more keep JOlnIng 881-4500 at 16914 Kercheval In the parade of productIOn wrap- Avenue, In-the-Village, Grosse the 20" duffel (retaIl value $199) for New deSIgns for Spnng Just $90 pIng the world In layers of pattern Pomtc arnved - nIce selectIon of colOl ed Men's Department, Luggage and color JOIn us for an open house stone Jewelry BeautIful rings, ear- AprIl 18, 11 00 • 3 00 P ill rings and pendants Dress up your TIFFANY GIFT WITH Store For The Home outfits WIth flaIr at 63 Kercheval on- PURCHASE. Purchase two Items the-HIll, (313) 885-5755 from the TIFFANY COLLECTION ATTENTION LLARDO and receive a SPA GIft of your chOlce SOCIETY MEMBERS. LImIted edI- (value $25 - $40) tIOn GuardIan Angel avaIlable Cosmetics through April Please bring In 'rour redemptIOn ticket to place your spe- Lookmg for gIft", for tho'ie hard to Movmg out IS one thmg, moving m LANCOME GIFT WITH cIalorder bu) for fnends well VALENTE and gettIng settled IS another Call PURCHASE. Jacobson's and China, Store For The Home JEWELERS ha", d nice selectIOn of Orgamze UnlimIted unpack servIce Lancome are offermg our customers a ",elected ladIeS' and men's watches at Ann Mullen and Jean VIsmara customIzed gIft With any purchase of ARMETALE GIVE AWAY. Stop In to regIster for your weddmg and enter 50<,7,OFF Pick up that great gIft at (313) 331-4800 Insured, bonded, $1850 or more French ReflectIOns IS confidential our gIft thIS season It IS a collectIOn drdwlI1¥ for an AI metale tl ay/lazy the perfect pnce Somethmg you can't Su",an (:l\250 I resIst at 16849 Kercheval m-the- of beauty travelers, featUrIng a color chOIce for hp"" In a sporty spectator China, Store For The Home VIllage, Grosse Pomte (313) 881-4800 edlnundt.AHEE case Through April 5, while supphes last TOO BUSY TO SHOP? Let our Cosmetics Personal Shoppers do the work for " co. you In your home, place of busmess Lookmg to remount your Jewelry? SHARON MEYER TRUNK or our stole Let our experts help you There's no better place than edmund SHOW. Meet Sharon Meyer and VIew WIth all your shoppmg needs Just t AHEE Jewelers to be assured of the the sprIng collectIOn of semI-precIOUS phone (313) 882-7000, or come In and best quality, styhng and value Let beaded necklaces, bracelets and ear- ask for a Personal Shopper theIr deSIgners and sales profeSSIOn- nngs Apnl 4, 1200 - 700 pm & als aSSIst you m mak'ng the perfect AprIl 5, 11.00 - 4 00 p m. ALL YOU CAN EAT BUFFET selectIOn RIght now, they have Fine Jewelry DINNER. Adults, $10 95, Children, assembled a larger collectIOn of cus- (under 10) $595 Every Thursday, tom settings than ever before All the SPECIAL OCCASION DRESS 430 to 7 30 work IS done on the premIses VISIt TRUNK SHOW. From taIlored dIn- St. Clair Room them today at 20139 Mack Avenue ner "UltS to flowmg formal dresses, at Oxford (between 7 & 8 l\hle Roads) let our speCIal occasIOn dress experts 1997 Birmingham Antiques Grosse POInte Woods Hours. Monday help WIth your speCial orders for that Ed Maliszewski Festival Events - Saturday 10 00 am - 6 00 pm Important SOCIalevent Large selec- Carpeting Antiques Table Settings Display except Thursday 10 00 am - 800 tIOn Informal modehng 10 00 - 400 pm, (313) 886-4600 Monday, AprIl 7, P m Saturday, Apnl 5 Karastan & Lees carpetmg on sale 10 00 d m - 5 00 p m Dresses, Second Floor now at 21435 Mack Avenue, (810) Tuesday. Apnl 8, 9 00 a m - 1 00 P ill e•• 24 Hour ~ 776-5510 AN ODYSSEY SAND WEDGE IS Festival Preview Party Towing & Road Service YOUR GIFT. Odyssey's Sandi Thursday. Apnl 10. 6 00 p m FaIrway Blackspm Wedge (value Antiques Show hours: Hononng AAA In all the POIntes and $100), fea tunng theIr patented Friday Apnlll, Surrounding Area StronomlC Insert whIch prOVIdes supenor feel and control, IS your gIft 10 00 am- 8 00 P ill Complete Auto ServIce & RepaIr Saturda) AprIl 12. when you purchase a Hart, Schaffner Foreign & Domestic Lookmg for a umque gIft that'~ 10 00 a m - 6 00 P m & Mar\. SUIt or sport coat-and-trou- Sunda), AprIl la, Noon - 5 00 p m Je.SS'S Suuittntu. Int. "er'i combmatlOn Through April 13, unusual for that certaIn someone whIle supplJes last who's so hard to buy for The 46 Dealers • Door PrIzes 15302 E Jefferson at Beaconsfield Men's Department NOTRE DAME PHARMACY IS you • SIlent AuctIOn Gro~"e POinte Park one stop gIft store We have a large • Tented, heated cdfe on (313) 822-5434 INVITING COLORS. TrlCla GUIld selectIOn of fine wme~, gourmet foods Van Du<,en Terrace I., known for her mVltmg colors and and Items, speCIal candy fine cologne, • VPranda. a ~ft boutIque fre"h de"'lgn<; Her exqUIsIte gIft wrap IJquor, hqueur" picture frame"" • Free lecturc'i on collectmg antiques IS no"" available to you through presented by antIques dealers DeSign GUIld, Inc Choose her collec- Grosse Pomte T-shIrts and 'iweat- tIOn for all your gIft wrap and enter- shIrts etc, etc at 16926 Kercheval For tlcket~ or more mformatIOn. call Our Spnng and resort wear IS m-the-Vlllage, (313) 885-2154 (810) 644-3832 tamment paper goods arnvmg daIl" In an array of bnght Stationery color'i at 23022 Mack Avenue (acro'i<; from S (' S PO'it Office ELLEN TRACY GIFT WITH pdrkmg In back), 18101 774 1850 PURCHASE.Pant<; arc what's hot

~~l of' ~ f ,. for Sprmg 1997 Stock up With trou- "pr >,ock.,from Ellen Tracy WIth your J)rllppru .....llnd Interior .... t '- purcha"e of three paIr of "ocks. VI<;ltOur Showroom rpCC1VPa free pair of the baSIC matte ShIm Managrd by and 'i('(' our nC'we<;teXpan'ilOn on .J('nnmg~ & Mc;'vhllan mlcl'ofilll e 1n black. whde "upplJe~ la"t HOME ACCESSORIES - Hosiery lamp". furmture artwork FAIRCOl'RT DENTAL Update your homp WIth a npw and more mantpl ~taIr raIl, crown moldmg, SPRINGTIME ACCESSORY. 289Ra Lltt!£>l'vLlck St Clall Shore<; French door<; bookca"p<; a recr('atlOn P,Itpnt t()te~ hy Shanf In gold and (1'1101772-1196 Whpn ~Oll rille ('nough to have the room paneled IIbrarv. nrV\' kltch£>n or rpd, a""ortpd "17£>",and ~tyl£>s H'n bp"t 20040 Mack AypnuC' ""mdo\', ~ Fml~hed carpentrv "pp- Handbags To advertise In thIS column call Gro",,(' Pmnte ('~1.11HH2 2000 (,Idll<;t (31.11881-466,1 (313) 882-3500 by 2 00 p.m Fridays

( ,

.,' ~ .. ' : . -. -. '/~' -. ~=~===:;;;=:;:::;::--~",,.,,:at' ( • .. ~"'~~!;M.;"""" COltI'O."" O.. IClI. , AI.-:l I., fj 'T rtnr"\ t ",l1q n 1w M -1A~OI , <., /1 ' -I 414 SEQlJF:NCE Ik)~IIt" 1"1 1"1' 1)/91101 scon ROBINSON ,..mn nmq 16(1" ()m P r\OPrll .1.10 M"LOfPlCl. o i)t~()f!n\<; If'/')} • • a i (J j 1 lVf"n MI 494 I I~ ~I RM AI)I f)'o' 10161 AJ\' <,VA 7 r'~ c1mql~n(voootf1' ('om ----- Secti()n C ,'.'j;ig

Classified Index p.g. 3

Neighborhood Club page 2 Go X-treme and get Airborne at local man's new skate park

By Amy Andreou MIller b) bef,'lIlner to .1(1\ ,1IlLc'dIn line ,June 22 In fdlt the skater, Will be drea will ,lllOml1lOddtp two "kdtl' park ,dread) WIth dbout Staff Writer ~kdtl'r~ dnd ~kdtebodrdt'r~ Alrbollw , 75 perlent 01 them belllg loddl Apnl 3, ..I long tune (See dCWmpdIl) lIlg grdphll of ~Idered for a "ewnd major tdll, brand nLW hght mdu",tndl dnd bIg 'ueen 1v s Grosse I'omte area rbld"nt" dlldlll lOme' trul' hr IIll'~~ pdrtner, 'I he ,tvle of ,k,ltmg I'" ldlled III Spptember '1he bUlldmg - OIl H.lyes 'Hit the l'rdil", sports "tore ~old to boy~ rdther than glrl~ bot h of II horn .11(' d\ Id mIme dggrec,sl\ e Although d televi ESPN likely \\ 111te)evl"e the 01 erlookmg thl tr,l(k ..It pI.lIl to ll~e the televl~lOn<; Member~hlp" are about $100 ,k Iter, slon progrdlll on ESPN ha'" ,Junl competltlOIl, and tlcket~ MaLOmb (ommul1ltv (oll"gl samet lines to tde\l"e \ Ideos of per year \\ lth d $5 fpe pl'r ~kat ?llark F drnen 46 of Gro,~e mcknamed tht' ~port X treme \\ III be dV311able to VIeW It In - Wd" orlh'1n.tllv butlt to hou~e dggre,,,,ve c,kat mg LOmpetJ mg ~esslOn DIlTerent member PC!lnte Fdrm, \u borne Skdte I'drk ho,t the pIpe apparatu" patented by 'safe, clean, ne.... bUlldll1g a~ and Gddd pJdl1 to offeI Skdtll1g between 7 dIld 10 p m Ro,eville AmellLan .Skdtmg F drnen, a manufacturer's rep thiS one" after they wastpd )e,~ons, and )e.,sons on how to , SOCIal' member"hlps are fhe park W11l boa~t "'ewr,tl \~Soc11tlOn'~ N

own parking lot and clrculdr "all ramp \\lth mnl lmhc>'" ffvpr dnveway tICdl pltch 1.t I P ...."' will a lot here for those who don't tr IH>r"t. h llf PiP! It ltx ut 2'") mph M('t'll h'llf plJX l<; 20 \~ldl md skate," saId Farnen, who "kul{'r" C m tr Hl ....t LH mpn ~kates dbout 75 to 100 mIles ~PInC .,lml1.lr to \~ 111r Imp 'llid per week, and IS founder and h Ilfp pi: '-,kattr'- I In ptrform preSident of the City Rollers tunto; l ....

the follOWing features Rail "]..a1('r<:;tr In, l. to"''1Td It • a Video game arcade ndJutnp or ....tlp nillt wtl • a NautIlus weight room h'Tlt I \\ Ith ",I-. 11£ t Hlht lit to the r Iii \ IT Jtll n Jl ~"r nd n,." • a pro shop for ~kdtlng mlnU(\tr.., lI--

Yoo Know the Brands Yoo Know the OuoI,ty oro Yoo Mow Bavaron Vllago If I, Good We ve Go. It Just Arrived In Time For Fox! Tgyak}r,J C lVk1Ue' T,BUBBLE 2 TitanIum Bubble GraphIte Drive,

Standard with every Jeffrey Acura • Servlcer loaner for life • 24 hour emergency • 24 hour roadSide towing assistflnce • Trip routlnq


MSRP $30 995 $339* A MONTH

INTERNATIONAL SKI & GOLF MITItO Si99 ~SJj'99 19435 Mack Avenue ~ ~u.~ Jeffrey (J5) Just North of Moross ,~ > "" r~.S'J2?i GRATIOT at J 3 MILE ACURA .,...... -)~sa;'?? Grosse Pointe. 885.0300 f

, .~. - '".:..~" ~.- ~. ~- CotIl'ORAft O.PtCI', , I ArM om 11(') 191 lW "i 4RI'1()) t ~ 1 , i (l~14 SEQUENCE IROOI YI H IA)/ 10'[ 119/IA)1

SCOTT ItOIIINSON f'm., rlmqltt{( 0, om F p ~ rl('n .. GIONAL O .. te" o Y; ~ ht"lno, \,,(' )~') • • a i ( ( jH1Vr'f1 MI49411 I; , R.'H'n 1 '1M" RMM., f'T')(l1 drt(1)~(,l'o'oorl1',..(()rr Apnl 3, 1997 _2C __ Sports Grosse Pomte News Park-- From page Ie b lkony dreas Plans are In the works fo.' membershIp priVIleges to "Atend to prIvate partIes held after hours at AIrborne SOCIal membership purchasers would be mcluded DespIte Farnen and Gadd's entrepreneurial dreams, they are both married WIth chIl- dren, and do not want youths to spend so much tIme at AIrborne that theIr grades In school suffer In fact, they have a clause m the contract that every mem- ber must SIgn allOWingparents to revoke their child s member- ship prIVIleges If they see school work performance suf- fering a result of exceSSivetIme spl.'nt at the skate park While tuned mto the Impor- tance of dlsclphnmg youths, The Whalers defeated the regular-season champion GrlzzUes for the playoff UUein the Farnen and Gadd are also Grosse Pointe Hockey Association Pee Wee house division. In front. from left. are Paul tuned mto the culture of Jankowski, Freddie Moore. caJder Gage. Greg LaTour. Jeffrey Moore aDd Joe Gaylord. youths The skate park plays In the second row. from left. are Kevin Amori. Johnny Coleman. Eric Kelly. Evan Scott. mUSIC from the hottest new Ryan Haas. Andrew Beer and assistant coach Dennis LaTour. In the third row. from left. bands. and soft drInk and area are coach Mike Haas, assistant coach Rob McCurdy aDd manager Ann LaTour. In back, radIO statIons are clamormg to from left, are Robbie McCurdy, Andrew Sweeny and Geordie McKenzie. post theIr SIgnage at AIrborne to attract a younger clIentele to their products Also a part of the skating Whalers' rally nets Pee Wee title culture, "dog tag" necklaces A two-goal defiCit In the play- Haas sood after the Whalers Whalers and MIchael Bill of WIll be Issued to Id.mhfy ofT champIOnshIp game In the came from behInd to beat the the GrIZzlIes were outstandIng AIrborne memberslup, Farnen Grosse Pomte Hockey regular-season champion In a scoreless first perIod. and Gadd sood Stickers. too. AsSOCIatIOn's Pee Wee house GrIzzlIes 4-3. Bob Karle put the Gnzzhes for members to wear on theII' diVISIon, dIdn't faze the ''Even when we were down 2- on the scoreboard dur1l1g the helmets Will show what skill Whalers 0, the boys were confident they first mInute of the second pen- level they have attooned '"The boys worked hard all could come back and WID I was od and teammate ChrIS For more InformatIOn, call year and everybody on the proud of theIr effort all year n Casazza made It 2-0 in the AIrborne Skate Park at (810) team contnbuted," coach MIke GoalIes Joe Gaylord of the final mlllUte of the perIod. But 776-7500 the Whalers got some momen- tum back when Calder Gage Metro D hoops camp scored with only five seconds Royals earn left In the second penod It carned over Into the tlnrd berth in now taking registration penod as Jeffrey Moore and Evan Scott scored during the The fifth annual Metro D players. whue the regIStratIon first two mInutes to gIVe the state tourney basketball camp WIll be held fee for the 8-12-year-oldll IS Whalers a 3-2 lead Gage durIng three weeks In July at $90 added hIS second goal of the Harper Woods and Lutheran Several Grosse Pomters Each camper receIVes a T- game later In the period and It East hIgh schools slurt and shorts The full-day turned out to be the WInner were members of the MIchIgan Camp dIrectors John Royals 16-and-under gIrlsAAU campers get a hot lunch dally when Karle scored agaIn for SWltchulls, JIm Champme and the GnzzlIes WIth two mInutes basketball team that qualIfied Jun O'Connor have worked all for the state AAU tournament For more informatIOn or to left four years at the Metro D camp The Royals posted a 3-1 have a camp brochure maIled, The Whalers had assists and they've worked together at call 884.3057 from Johnny Coleman, Greg record m the recent eastern basketball camps for 14 years, regIOnal at Birch Run. LaTour, RobbIe McCurdy, Ryan IncludIng the Macomb Haas, Andrew Sweeny and They wIll be one of 16 teams Community College camp Haskell homers competmg for the state cham- EriC Kelly Boys ages 12 through 18 WIll NIck Hoban, Jeff Schroeder. pIOnshIp m Grand RapIds thIs meet from July 7th through for Michigan weekend and a trIp to the Chns Burger and Casazza col- 11th from 9 a m to 4 P m GIrls Former Grosse POInte North lected asSiStS for the Gnzzhes natIOnal tournament In July 12-18 WIll meet from July 14- Grosse Pomters on the team standout MIke Haskell was the 18 from 9 a m to 4 p.m only bnght spot for MichIgan's are Lmdsay SImmon of Grosse Boys 8-12 WIll meet from 9 Pomte North, Meghan baseball team In a recent 19-3 # a m to 12 45 P m from July loss to Alabama Photo by Amy Andreou \flller McGahey and CaItlIn Shapiro 21-25. whIle gIrls 8-12 WIll Owners of Airborne Skate Park. Rick Gadd of Chester- of Grosse Pomte South and Haskell, who IS the meet from I 15 to 5 p.m. from WolverInes' startmg catcher, field Township. left. and Mark Farnen of Grosse Pointe Mary ClaIre Hathaway. who July 21-25 Farms. stand 11 feet in the air. atop one of eight sec- attends RegIna had a double and horne run for The cost IS $140 for the older MIChIgan tions that together make up a half-pipe that will be The team IS coached by MIke 1997 EXPEDmON 4X4 among some of the challenging equipment featured at Shapiro of Grosse POInte Eddie Bauer the new place for inUne skaters and skateboarders. The Royals lost theIr regIon- al opener 53-47 to the Mid- Cllyof(f;rosseJointe .0005 M"hlgan LOADED MIchigan Cougars NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NotIce" hereby gIven that the 1997 EXPEDmON 4X4 The Royals traIled by 14 Planmng CommIssIon of the Clly of Grosse POInte Woods, In XLT POInts WIth five mInutes accordance YoIIh Sedlon 5 7 2(B) CommunityFacliltlesD,stnct of the remoornng but rallIed to cut the 1975 Clly Code. WIllhold a public heanng at 7 30 p m on Tuesday. LOADED ~ Neighbortmd Highlights Cougars' lead to two POInts Apnl 22 1997 Inthe CounCilRoomof Ihe MUniCIpalBuilding,20025 Mad. Plaza Gros,e POinteWoods 10 hear the requestof ServIcesfor 1995 WINDSTAR GL C L U B WIth 30 seconds to go MId- Loaded. mint MIchIgan lut a three. poInter as Older OllZens (SOC) 20090 Mornmgslde Dnve, to construct a bulidmg at Barne, School 20090 Morningside Dnve All Interested from time expIred for the final mar- parties are In\lled to allend $14.995 weekend gIn Louise S. Warnke 1992 EXPLORER XLT Youth T-ball All partIcIpants must pro- The Royals won theIr next G PN 04/0,/97 City Clerk 4X4.low miles. won't last Youngster, clge~4 through 6 V1detheir own skates, hockey three games. rolhng past the can ~Ign up for the stick, helmet WIth full cage or OrIOnVIpers 72-43. beatIng the $12.995 Neighborhood Club 'I ball pro face shIeld. knee and elbow Owosso WIzards 55-52 and edgIng the U P ConnectIOn 56- 1987 TAURUS LX gram pads, hockey gloves and a 4 door. low miles, sharp The "ea"on WIll begm mouth guard 53 SUMMER OF 1997 Saturday Apnl 26 fearn, Will The league fee IS $60 and the Other members of the Royals $3.488 meet on Saturdays to practIce regJstratlOn deadlme IS Apnl are Stephame MartIn and and play game, 10 Players must also have a Jenmfer Dumm of Fraser, All New!!! Transportation -\ chIld must be 4 by Aug 1, current club membership LaUrIe Kmgstrom, RegIna, Specials Always 1997 to play pIe kindergarten RegJstratlOn may be done m JulIe Becker. Bishop Gallagher, Matille Thebolt. m,(ructlOn,ll T ball per, on or by mall (0 the on Hand Prl' kmdl'rgarten game~ WIll Neighborhood Club. 17150 Immaculate ConceptIon. be '-

. --- .- - .----_ ...... _------_~ J~ • ..1 ~ I 'f ,A o • • a Q Thursday, April 3, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection r:tnSSIFlflN DEADLINES I &\3 Boa' PaIlS.od s...... ,. 943Sooo~aI~ !1S3Ms..r"~r-iE'rrtR~ 9toI S€-Ni' Clearog~o'lfe 97. VCR Rl!pa< REAL ESTATE FOR REAl ESTATE FOR SALE & ANNOUNCEMENTS MERCHANDISE 6&l Boa'S ':147 t1€alrl931ldCy.....-q ,h Pbl"IJ:I .. ~ SiY"R€'W c1. 954 Wa~ 40J A"",,,' 656 Mo«lI..,..., ==-, r CLASSlFIEDS '0' AttOO'ej'l'9'!S !l4! I'''''''''' ~3 P.j.'lo ... IHt- Ji., rr'S1t""OItd.,.,11"" 504HItlIIIleSooelle' 70Go.l".lla_"',1""Cou,~ 916 c.'IO"''''''''''' 120 TLltorog EliX:atO'l 5(:) lost and FOl.'l'ld 0'" HoIJ-ses- 917 t>Lrq RepaI" a II1gwrthprepaymenlOf credrt (313) 882-6900. Fax (313) 343-5569 927Or_, 5lIG POI 810edng 5' CliWsmeoS/ 91B ~n1Woo: a approvalCallfOlrates orlor 507P",E_, ~acorrb C a 2QJ "'4>w.1ll!d DeI1la1l.1l!OcaJ 603 GtoI!faJ Me"'s 713 r1dus'nal'liar"""""Al!fltar 925 Ded<,~"", adurde< 11$ aw~te Madlng : .J, 1'1< .J 2 Wks .J 3 W,s __ .J 4 Wk, .J__ l'Iks _ 204 He;> WanteortsGa, 72(1 Rooms let Aeonl ~32 Engavt'9i?rrWg 611 TI\.OO 111 Vac.:l"'" Renta>- f1O<WtieveIed a 30l SaIi!s s.:2 Garages a 512.75 $1340 51405 51410


CALLIGRAPHY: Elegant VIDEO picture albums NOVENA TO ST JUDE PRAYER TO THE GIVE THE GIFT NEED Document Process DON T know what to do ATTENTION dog loversl hand let!enng for wed- photos & slides on video May the Sacred Heart of HOLY SPIRIT of mg? Spread Sheets With your computer? Need a responsible dings parties, certlfl tape A terrifiC glftl Jesus be adored, glon- Holy Spmt, you who make HEALTH .:iraphlcs Call Docu Consultation tralnrng young adult to walk our cates, etc Call 313-521- Terry V,deo SelVlces fled loved and pre me see eve rythong and CertifIed Theapeutlc ments By DeSign 810 3138244258 lovabte golden relnever 2619 (313)886-0325 served throughout the who shows me the way to 401-2741 weekdays Must have MASSAGE GROSSE POINTE wo rid now and forever reach my Ideal You who By Chelle own transportation Sell. Come Dance With Us LEARNING CENTER Oh Sacred Heart of Je gives me the diVine gift to By ApPollltment only BUSINESS AND ous inquires onty Call Ms Renee' & Co Dance • Tutoring All Sublects sus pray for us Wor1nts 313 feur seekmg to do the Public Works Dept •• 445-5363 1791 answered DEB cludes popular classl Thank you for prayers cal jazz Also plano 8247713 same Salary & benefits Laborer slarnq at $600 hr acceptabledrrvn9 r9Cord answered J C negotiable Call Tom andvald M,cngan Drrvers License seasonallandscape lessons for all ages COMPUTER typing laser 'OO'ERSONAIS 100 'ERSONAI S 3138732432 excer ence THANKS to St Jude for 3138856215 prmtmg Research pa many prayers answered pers resumes corre Job applIcationsnd deSl:npt.onscan be obtainedat any 112 HEALTH t NUTRITION SpeCial thanks to our spondence Reasonable Citydepaf1menlor Crty~1127600Jefferson CircleDrive SI Cia" ShOfes m n mum age at bme 01h re 5 18 e,cept as noted Mother of PerpetlJal '~' ' ENJOY relaxmg thera rales' (313)8821902 alme MUSI be warlabl€ lor wor'< SatrudaySurday and BOOK EDITOR Help M M •.he day' Da~a'ld af"ernoonshft< Fe"ble Slal1lllQda'es No peuloc massage SJbra ,esdoocj l'Qurel1enls An EqualOpportunityE"'ployer The Ken Eatherly Fischer 313 882 7768 To Order THANK you St Jude for Coy oop-; r'11t de"C' 'l1nale on the bas~ 0' (ace re~l()n color WorclNct I

o _' oj b ..~ -- _ t • ~ ...... ,~ ...... ~~ ...... It ..... ':;: t •• ~. b~~"!.: t _. . - ...... >.:*:. t::~ ~ , COal'OllAn omCl •• -- , e) AOA <:, Homlllon '>oq now MI 4860} l'IlI19?0914 SEQUENCE ..' IROO! 9~R 1A\6 10,1\ 7)19? ?A?1 con IIOIIINION rmo rlmq 1 ftn • ("om \ldenl •••• OIlALO,ncIt 9?6 ~nhhn> \, Ie 252 (,ronrlllnvPrl M1 49.411 16 61 RA6 k126 10' 1616 RM 6747 ...... 1 ,",-",')tfiIl,;. ~_ .... Thursday, April 3, 1997 Grosse Pomte News I The Connection

203 Hili' WANTED 200 HElP WANTED GENERAL II " " " DENTAL/MEDICAl CAREER POSITIONS FULL lime posllion for ex LIBRARY Media SpeCialist OFFICE MANAGER PLUMBERS Heating, WANTED. early morning NATIONALLY known SPRING a time for AVAILABLE cellent tyPist & computer Full time SeptembPr Medical Specialist new Plumbmg and Cooling paper route drivers company needs mature change A medical offIce Exper enced people need literate IndiVidual Gen 1997 Grades K 8 Pn practice location In St company seeks expen $140 $150 per week data entry clerk Good seeking candidates -ed for long and short eral office dulles Include vate school suburb John s Hosp,tal Medical enced Plumbers Indi- No colleCling EastSide typing handwrltlng and ready to bloom Into an term asslgnmenls Tem a vane!} of detail onenl M l S degree reqUired BUilding lookmg for Viduals must have 3 5 Grosse POinte area secretanal skills plus autonomous POSitiOn porary to permanent ed tasks Benefits & Has competency With ambit,ous motivated years expenence good Must have good trans- good phone vOice that requires diligence legal & ExecutIVe hourly wage negOllable technology knowledgea- experienced IndiVidual communocatlon sk,lIs portalion 313884 2430 Send resume 10 The and reliability PoSItion Secrelanes Send resume to Bien & ble about curnculum & to assist With practice and own tools and trans 4am 6a m Bresser Co 684 W available for full tlme ra- Word Processors Associates 1500 First ch,ldren s literature en start up and to manage portahon Excellent Baltimore DetrOit 48202 ceptlonlst 5 doctors 2 Data Entry Clerks Nat onal Bldg Detroit JOys working with stu day to day operallons wage and benefit pack 201 HELP WANTED or Fax to 313874 locations Awesome Receptionists 45 wpm MI 46226 or Fax to 313 dent~1 teachers Send Manager must have age Includln g 401 K UIYSIHEIl 3510 alln Patti benef,ls package Send Plp:: HILI' WANTED 810-n3-1230 wanted Gymnastics In. occer Referees Youth ------POinte News & Connec HilT TIME Rollerblade Hockey Offl PART time. Galileo Es UPHOLSTERER expen- Expenence helpful but THE RENTAL PLACE structor Dance Instruc PART trme office help FII. clals Youth Softball Um presso Bar, across from ence necessary part! tlonG 96 Kercl-eval. not essenllal Posilion 22400 HARPER AVE tor Wellness Center at Ing typing phone Com S II C full t me top pay 313 rosse POinte Farms requires baSIC typing ST. CLAIR SHORES tendant! Instructor Con pires and Adult oftba obo Hall 313-961- • I MI 8236 pute r skill s Appt 800- tact Mark Adamski 810 Scorekeepers Apply In 6991 Anne 8851829 4 and computer skills suI MI. 48080 361 82B2 7785811 person at the Club ------D- -G-A-R-D-E-N-C-e-n-t-e-r-s-e-cr-e-ta-- flclent phYSical strength DISHWASHERS: full and 17150 Waterloo Grosse PART time be your own VALET help needed e ry Tuesday Wednes to handle file storage 207 HELP WANTED SALES part time Apply L Bow LANDSCAPE workers Poonte Monday Fnday boss. $20 + !hour An. pendable Call for ap. cartons Excellent bene. t ent 313 245 day, Thursday, lOam Room 313-884-7622 needed experienced or 900 am 430 pm 885- chor lighting Will train pain m - fits Salary commensu Are You Senous About A Will tram call (313)885 4600 you to sell and onstall 2146, Larry or Kenny 4pm Computer skills rate With experience and DRIVER. small fruck Must Send resume by Apnl Career In Real Estate? have good dnvlng re 4045 NOW honng expenenced low voltage yard lights VALET. days and IIIghts. 15th to Grosse POinte skills Call Mrs Kellogg We are senous about your and landscape lighting II t d t fl bl Garden Center. 32 Lake 313-885-5820 cord Apply on person LANDSCAPE workers landscape field workers lor free" All you need IS co ege S u en s eXI e success' 16901 Harper Michigan dnver s license Must have valid dnvers a truck and hand tools hours 810-751-5689 Shore Rd Grosse -M-E-D-IC-A-l-a-s-s-ls-ta-n-t-E-x-p-e • Free Pre licenSing classes ELECTRICIANS. Electrl deSired Wages negotla- license Bnan 313-885 Call (313)882 7360 ------POinte MI 48236 Infor. "ence Vena puncture ble 3138828268 3410 WAITRESS and dlsh- matlon 313,886-4692. • Exc Ius Ive Success cal company seeks ex- PEOPLE PERSON washers needed. part! or 3138824089 and medical procedures Systems Programs penenced Electnclans LANDSCAPE. lawn cutter NOW hlnng, waitresses, full- time Grosse POinte (313)885-5070 • Vanety Of CommiSSion IndiViduals must have 3 gardener for crew serv hostesses full or part Rapid advancement lor Reslaurant 313 884- MULTItalented general of- Plans 5 yea rs exp erIence Ing Grosse POinte area lime must be available talented people 6810 f,ce assistant. for east MEDICAL Receptlonost JOin The No 1 good commUnication Call Tom 8103989226 days and evenings, ben. $2 41<1mo potenllal Side manulactures rep Full time Expenence Coldwell Banker affiliate skills and own tools and after 7 30 p m eflts and paId vacations (810)5n-0420 WAITSTAFF and bar ten W,th computer skills to preferred Busy Rose In the M'dwest' transportation Excellent LAWN cutters needed Ex- Apply at the O"glnal PROFESSIONAL der Apply at 1585 handle receiving billing Ville Family practice Call Call George Smale at wage and benefit pack. perlenced only Good Pancake House 20273 Franklin at Orleans vanous other duties after Apnl 7h 810 294- 886-4200 age Including 401 K pay (313)885-68851 Mack Avenue Grosse PERSONS East of Ren Cen 2 4 Health 401K plan send 9600 Coldwell Banker Please send resume MIke POinte Woods or 313 who would like ------_ resume and salary re Schweitzer Real Estate and salary reqUirements 8844144 WAITSTAFF needed Day qUirements 10 ARB PO PART time dental ass IS to RBC Attn JEK PO LAWN-CUTTERS! land a nice income & nrght shift Apply With. Box 24077 DetrOit lant. f"endly and outgo' ENTREPRENEUR'S Box 24021 DetrOit MI scapers! truck dnvers ORGANISTI ChOir workmg from home. In Tycoon s 12210 E 48224-0077 'ng for family practice Must have expenence. director part tIme Tnm- 30 year old E,ght Mile Rd ----_____ One year expenence DREAM 48224 #1 pnvate company on references dnvers Ii ty Episcopal Church St East,slde legitimate SECRETARY part time for chair Side assisting ra- Amenca EXPERIENCED landscap cense Top pay Call for Clair S~ores enthuslas- bUSiness needs your WAITSTAFF- mghts P, Grosse Poonte Insurance qUired 810 nl 1990 expanding In area er Drivers license apPOintment 313-885 tiC choir walling lor you help Will train rates Cove. 17201 Mack executive Computer (810)5n.Q420 Growing company room 2248 Call 810-294-0740 Great opportunity (near Cadieux) Apply In and telephone skills es. -P-A-R-T-t-,m-e-m-a-m-m-og-ra-p-h-y for advancement 313 ------Monday Thursday Fn call Mr Todd for details person between 400 & senMI Fax resumes to tech registered 313- INSURANCE- Grosse 8844795 1:t dayfrom9amt02pm 313-88&1763 600 3138229601 8843133 810-228 POinte State Fann 01- lice, seeks Sales! Serv- FENCE all poSItions In WAITSTAFF 8000 cludlng Installers help Ice Representatrve 2 FULL OR PART TIME 200 HELP WANT£D GENEUL 200 Hm WANHD GENEUL 200 HUP WANTED GEN(RAl ers & sales Apply year college degree re MORNING, DAY SEEKING OphthalmiC as 29t80 Gratiot RoseVille slstant for east Side qUifed Will train & NIGHT. TIME (313)886 3060 MAINTENANCE! Delivery APPLY WITHIN praCl1ce Full time avail. able Will train Fax reo person for pet shop 3 VilLAGE GRILL ClaSSified AdvertiSing sume to 313-8854198 6pm 313881 9099 16930 KERCHEVAL an IDEA that sellsl


iI Orie Republic Bank 1Sactively searching for an outgoing and delall Oriented person for the grow ng Grosse Pomte office Will be tramed to be BENEFITS a mortgage processor must have computer and • Weor .Ieons & boseboll cop to work typing experience customer service skills and a Pay olf your credit cords $ team work attitude Salary plus ncentlve~ and a • Earn extra pocket cosh lox free WI,h tipS $ $ complete benefit package Please send your and mileage cover letler and resume to REPUBLIC BANK, EARN EXTRA CASH Central Human Resources 500 N Homer Street • Fmt pace ond greol worbng otmosphere BY lanSing MI1l8912 or FAX 517351 4342 EOE!AA • Nlghlly ovg 20 to 30 runs $35 $50 tipS per ntghtl DELIVEIfINC JUST ONCE A WEEK REQUIREMENTS AND • Deperldob Iity good running cor RECEPTIONIsT NO COLLECTINC INVOLVED WORDPROCESSING SECRETARIES Republic Bank an upscale bank ,n Grosse • Greol personol,ty/greot smile - MSW With Windows - Word Perfect 5 1/6 0 Must like 10 work With people POinte IS seeKing a P'=lOFESSIONAL person - Excel- Powerpolnt. Pagemaker -Lotus 1 2,3 • Musl have sharp mmd to read mops for street to answer mcommg ;alls and greet our locollonl customers In a fnendly manner Must have TOP PAY FOR TOP LEVEL SKILLS phone answenng expenence With a minimum IS sl'eklng reliable & consclentluous IndiVIduals of 4 lines and word processing skills Salary to deliver In St Clatr ShorltS & Harper WOOds and a complete benefit package Please send your cover letter and resume FREE MORE INFORM AnON, CALto \---.~s;CM; to REPUBLIC BANK Central Human m TEMPORARY SERVICE IN<: Resources 500 N Homer Street LanSing MI 810-294-1333 48912 or FAX 517351-4342 (313) 372-8507 EOEJAA $ Eqval 0pp

... l l , Thursday, April 3, 1997 Grosse POinte News I The Connection

207 HElP WANTED SALES 300 SITUATIONS WANTED 301 SITUATIONS WANTED 30$ SITUATIONS WANTED 307 SITUATIONS WANTED 400 MER(HANDISE 401 FU~NITU~E IAIYSITTE~S CONVAIISCENT CUE HOUSE nEANING NUItSES AIDES ANTIQUES INSIDE ADVERTISING ALL AMERICAN PRIVATE duty nursing II CATHY'S CLEANING PRIVATE Duty Aide With TOWN Hall Antiques Don I Sell Your Old DINING room lable With 4 SALES PERSON NANNY censed registered HOUSES! APARTMENTS 23 years expellence Downtown Romeo chairs 2 leaves beautl Part time evenings ORIENTAL nurse references 810 Excellent Work Desl res pllvate duty Michigan s lalgest selec ful wood excellent can ExclUSively live ,n RUGS Sales and computer 334 7649 or 810916 8107796432 case Cover all shifts t.on of quality antiques d"lon 313 882 1004 or providing quality childcare ------Until You See Us expenence necessary 7925 leave message 3135267020 and selet.lf'd collect.bles 8107399663 $175 $500lweek CLEAN Sweep Cleaning We Beat Any Cash Offer Resume reqUired at affordable pllces Honest reliable team By 20% ETHAN Allen en!ertam CALL 1 800 3 NANNYS PRIVATE Duty Nurse Spend the day wllh us POINTE CARE SERVICES provldmg personalized Ghall Inc Troy ment center th match Mall resume to box 08005 Full Part TIme Or Lhle-In Give TlC to your loved decoratmg your home w housecleaning to meet c/o Grosse POinte News -eURAUPA-IR-- Personlll Care one One excellent shoppmg for your favor 1 800 841 1181 Ilig dark p ne end tables Companion.hlp your specific needs ard coffee table Touch and Connection lnlured - Bonded Grosse POinte refer Ite dntlque lover or en INTERCULTURAL Debbie (810)294 5284 ESTATE Q~ KClr""""e.2' ~n('o Plp~C'n ,...:::111"lito .. ~ 110 npp(jp(j ;ql~ ()H~rc, ~r u. " - ::;t ...... v lot.... CHILO CARE Gro~:eryp~t::~ue~r:ent Kathie (313)521 5400 " - FURNITURE Grosse POinte Farms pm 3135260989 cepted must sell Imme U S Gov t deSignated ex collection Open 362 AT M148236 885.6 44 CLEANING woman estab days per year 10 6 d ately 3138867221 change program places 308 SITUATIONS WANTED RELICS In Hamtramck Iished In Grosse POinte 810 7525422 well screened English OFFICE ClEANING 10027 Joseph Campau FOR sale th s weekenD speak.ng Au Pa.rs 18 A+ Live-ins Ltd. area Sunday only Rell JEWELRY store looking EMERALD Isle Clealllng (313)874-0500 Solid Cherry triple dress 24 hour Live In able honest 313 821 for good sales people In 26 years for culturally Open 11 6 Tues thru Sat er w th mirror and PersonalCare 1827 Service ProfeSSional Easlland Mall Good pay enriching f1ex.ble I,ve.n Traditional furniture dC matching dreSSing table Cleamng Cookmg Laundr\ c1eamng people to clean & benefits Call 313 child care experience END YOUR DAY cessorles ant,ques & Thomasville A 1 cond, Bondedand Insured your office bUilding 20 371 3440 or apply at EI 45 hours! week Aver With the contentment of years expellence Fully collectib'es Good qual t on Pecan table desk las Jewelry Store age cost $220J week 779.7977 knOWing thai your home Insured (810)7783101 ty at affordable pllces With computer return Id Call has been cleaned With ble alld file on wheels 400 MERCHANDISE NEWSPAPER ad sales Sharon at 313 881 5643 SPECIALIZED your standards and ESTATE sale' 4408 Three like new (313)881 2771 ANTIQUES Growing automobve or 1.800-960 9100 HOME CARE satisfaction as the only Mile Saturday 9am MAHOGANY dmelles trade paper $300 $500 ..,- _ conslderatlon ANN ARBOR ANTIQUES 4pm liVing room set SERVICES ' reclmer Cash and car New Stearns Queen base Generous com SEEKING responsible NEED EXTRA ASSIST ANCf? 313 521-3078 MARKET THE BRUSHER The Community House ry 313 3882683 mal1ress Rallan chair miSSion Newspaperl young and energetic In We are here fOf you SHOW Apnl 19 & 20 380 S Bates magazine ad sales pre. d,vldual to care for 3 We prov,de reliable ENGLISH lady expanding Saturday & Sunday 8 Birmingham MI -----....~,.- Iron! glass table dmelle ferred Send resume to young children ages 4 canng profeSSionals bUSiness now has a m 4 pm "Celebrate WVE BUV BOOKS 313881 1388 up to 24 hours a day opemngs Weeklyl bl 47 Dealers AND LIBRARIES POBox 36730 Grosse 2 1/2 and 1 In our Spnng- 5055 Ann Arbor MAHOGANY d nll\g room POinte MI 48236 Or call home June through .. RNs/LPNs weekly 8 years cleamng Saline Rd eXit # 175 off JOHN KING .. HOmemakerc- Grosse POinte homes Formal & Country 313-961-0622 set 4 chairS table & 810 2g4 3649 and leave September Monday .. CompanIons I 94 then south 3 m,les Rellablel (810)775 1902 Furntture Porcela n Michigan s Largest Bookstore matching buffet 5950 message through Fnday 9 to 4 30 .. LIlJa In Serv cas Over 300 dealers In ~ lee lCJ6,,) Potlery Silver Jewelry • c.. P dl cJ Savo H ~ available for live In POSt 9305 tlon No agency fees No and fllendly service Winter scene Approxi tlonal quality Able Appll Dellvered Anne wlngbfack Ch~~ JUNE'S Leamrng Center rosse mately 22" x 38 40 ance 25925 Gratrot (flame stllch abnc) IVla hIgher rates for week Reasonable G SALES Summer only home day ends Call 517-851-4293 POinte references Also For more Infomnatlon 1. RoseVille (313)884 81Q.264-9725 hogany bedroom high. REPRESENTATIVE care Certified teache r 810-771 8667 after 6 1540 boys chests dressers 810-775-0235 or 313- do offices 810.776- pm beds mghtstands Ma WANTED COMPETENT 245-3884 7722 -E-L-e-C-T-R-IC--s-to-v-e--$-50- hogany krng and queen IN-HOME Thl~ IS a route sales QUALITY, reliable house Manchester AntIque Gas stove $100 Refng ANTIQUE dark mahogany size four poster beds CARE SERVICE LICENSED day care CPR buslnes\ from a cleamng Bonded Expe- Mall erator $100 Washer dmrng room table With Crystal chandeliers seven TLC Elderly Non smokmg Infants- mobile tool truck rrenced references Call Antiques & Collectibles $110 Dryer $95 Nlcelll leaves 8 chairs $1975 foot tall Secretary desk Hourly. ovemlght rates preschool Open Kimberly. 810 4631119 116 E Main, Manchester Delivery Call 810293- Beautiful forest green (Chippendale blockfron1 ~ervlcmg auto. truck. 6 30am 9 mile! Jeffer- Expenenced ,n the Grosse Open 7 Days 10 to 5 2749 leather sectional sofa Newport style) Pair carved tractor, aViation, elc , POinte area Licensed & son (810)776-0360 RELIABLE woman look- 313.428.9357 $750 313-882-3487 Chippendale mahogany repair shops Bonded 304 SITUATIONS WANTID Iny lor lovable family to GE matching stove and re arm chairs 011palntrngs Sally (810)772-0035 do housekeeping Rella ------CALIFORNIA King size 1-800-622-8665, GINERAt MARINE CITY fngerator $300 1 best I rb d th galore Mahogany Chip ble transportation and ANTIQUE WAREHOUSE Call Mike 313 884-8797 w~ve ess wate e w~ pendale game table With Ext. 27126 NURSING student looking excellent references In 05 N F k (M ) pll owtop mallress II e needlepOint top Lows XV GAOS0819 for midnights for pnvate Grosse POinte 313881 1 alrban s -29 MOVING Sale Washer new $300 Susan 810 duty Excell ent referen- 9710 leave message In Belle River Plaza dryer m,crowave air 774.2823 French wing chalf Chip Open 6 days 10 5 ------pend ale ball and claw foot ces Barbara 313-822 " EASTWOOD Check Our Employment THE HOUSE.KE.TEERS Closed Sundays conditioner $70 each CUSTOM loveseats neu- end tables coffee tables 3612 lJstmgs Weekly L7 HOUSE CLEANING SERVICE (810)765-1119 313885-7270 tral tones cut velvet ex and mghtstands, sets of Servmgthe dderil m the ProfeSSional, Bonded and REMODELING 1986 cellent condition $400 Mahogany dlmng room 207 HELP WANTED SALES .207 HElP WANTED SAtES h em of Harper Woods Insured teams ready to SIMPLY CHARMING #201 R Subzero while _3_13_'_8_84_-_8_3_2_1 chairs (Wide assortment of We offer 24 hour care Ln 3. ""Home l-m'lronment'" clean your home or ANTIQUES wood panel refllgerator DINING room set black styles Includes 4 14 per bUSiness 325 E East Fourth $1 000 or best GE 4 marble table SIX chairs set) Too much to list' CAREER OPPORTUNITY [poS TenD (aT( hlen~d Carpet Cleaning Royal Oak bumer gas white cook. excellent condition 810-545-4110 IN 24 houf' 7 davs/"cck (altemall\C'h\1ng) Extenor WindOWS Tuesday Saturday top. Thermador $400 313881-8553 OA-K-b-u-n-k-b-e-d-s-e-t-dr-e-s-s FINANCIAL SERVICES $5 00 Off WIth ThiS Ad 810 541-9840/1 Oam-4pm #MSC239 double black -F-U-L-L-s-,z-e-bed-r-o-o-m-s-e-t er and bookcase 5750/ lll Adult 01,) Care 7 am 7pm Met Life IS looklllg tor people WIth enlre Respite Carc Take a For First Time Callers' Buy Sell Consign front ovens Best offers o Serving the Grosse POinte Call 313-882 2625 dJliJllg room set chair oHer High chair end preneunal skill, and a driVing ambitIon Qualified \~e(k.end 1\\3\ or 3; \\c:C'k, \\c area lor 14 years TEDDI'S ANTIQUES and sofa (313)8822983 table 3138869717 lIalnees can earn up to $800 per week ,n our paid Cart'('r \~1ll (MC' fon our lo\Cd one Skills lralmng pro£lam which enabl.s you to learn what Member of BBB Formerly MIngles UPRIGHT Whirlpool lreez- laated on 1'"\\0 acres ot you need to know 10 succeed In sales while you earn 582-4445 17330 E Warren er 158 cu ft (newer) p ropcrt\ Rccn:atl on taoh n 406 ESTATE SALES I.vel ,"lllal compensation Once appointed as an 313-8840181 313885 1988 I on prcrnLS('s' 306 SITUATIONS WANTED Account R.presentat,v. you II be supported by a stat. Open Wednesday HOUSE SITTING of.the-art computerized marketing system rece.ve an To mqUlre, please <411 thru Saturday 40S (OM'UTUS atlracllve ben.fils package and quarterly IncenlNe 313-526-4223 RETIRED Flonde couple 11- 5 SUSAN HARTZ opportunilies Meticulous! handy for- USED COMPUTERS GROSSE POINTE CITY SO II you re looking for a challenging career Opportulllly LOOK mer POInters to house! VICTORIAN Empire sofa Startmg at IBM 386 1iartz~ 886-8982 wh.r. lllcom. could qUickly malch your enorts send Classified Advertlsmg animal Sit any part July, Omate wood comuco $200 486- $375 586 HOUSEHOLD SALES your resume to 882-6900 August September plas & fruit basket tnm $600 Free color Trust your sole to us knowlIIg that we are the most Dorothy Warner Fax 343-5569 (954)946-4707 $900 81 D-465.5880 monitor 3138829686 205 Main 51 SUlle 119 expell8nced movlll9 and estate sole company In the MI CI.mens MI 4804 > Grosse PoInte area 406 mATE SAlIS ~06 mATI SAlES 406 ESTATE SAlES 406 !STATI SAllS 810 4686060 • FAX 468 8737 For Ihe past 15 years we have prov ded first qualify service to over 850 sot sfled c"ents 400' MERCHANDISE 4DO ME~CHANDISE :.1(atfienne .9lT7UJft{ and assocUltes .: ( ~II Tm 241f0l R IfOTlI\t 1l8<1~lll ANTIQUES ANTIQUES HlR l P( ()\II'\(, \~I t I'\H}R\I HID'" "utateSales .. • 'J,{O1!lngSales. • Apprrusals ESTATE SALE THE BLUE WATER • 'f?!ferences Living room set, couch & love seat, ANTIQUE DEALERS ASSOCIAOON recliner, end tables, cabinets, lamps, :. EXPERlEI'ICED • PROI'ESSIOI'IAL SERVICE .: Now In It s 17th Year antique desk, computer. Presents Our PATRICIA KOLOJES~I HOUSEHOLD MOVING ONEDATONLT Spring 1997 Show 313-885.6604 EsTATE • MOVING SATURDAY APRIL 5. 9-4 & ESTATE SALES! New Haven High School CAUA1\DYOR LI\DA ADH50'J East English Village • 4408 3 Mile 57700 (J1"8tlot A,'CnUc. \'c" IIft\cn. ~n IRlillR,,~I;l 313 388.2683 more info. Call Tim (J1lbl" "hm\ (haitman at (810) 72.; 1 iqa ~ WEEKLY SALE INFORMATION for m01"l infonnatlOl1 nWlnll~ ..hO'i\ 81: cootrBc1"i (810) 901-5050 CASH & CARRY ;e~ Euau Sata ~J$T'S INISrlTtAfrCl ~MOlO uu:s ExIWI'T_"C!tA~T~ M~AEK(S Sat., April 5, 1997 • 10 a.m .. 6 p.m. Excellenl Complete SeTVJCe tnCEO T4Pl.I'fSUAAlfC£ 4""1:,1,'$,1,1.$ Aelerences Glen and Sharan Bur1l'c1~ GalleTl/l.«alrd In TIre Old Ch,wh bike". pmg pong table and more SERVING THE POINTES FOR 10 YEARS No 4 \6 (oumtan rug loolbf'n( h ,\ " Jrd, n 1001, olrl At Th, Comer Of ~lllh (of IJJfa~r'le Rova' On, number" thl" week Qu~llflerl • Expenencl'rl • Pro'I'~"on~1 glmr<., (lnrl n1Prl ...., 515 S Lafayelle Royal Oak MIChigan ,~ 'lTRFf T ....1 \1m RS l!O'lOR. n AT 0)' ..... J'Il(; WFwnLHO"lOR~N1rmJERS AT 'imAM Mary Ann Bol1 ~ 810-399-2608 ~ I«>nf'e A. NI1l:on N.'T WH 1\ <;TA"'HOPt OURNUMRERSwnJ RJ AVAIl.AR ....: 313.882-1498 313-822-1445 LOOK FOR THE RAINBOW'" FROM'HlO lltOOAM

t". t t t ••• $ $ t • 0 - '.Ph _ : I:::: "::...:;::"'_.~b_.•••• 'r' e., (. 4, " COIIPOIIA" O'ftCII. A04 ') Ham lion e, log,oo"" M 48602 1I11J 1970914 SEQUENCE '4' IRool 9M 14~6 1m 1111119/1411 pm1l1 dmQ lftc( \ rom • ..,ONALO'ftC. 91~ Robb" 1 It, 2S, (J ond Llavpn M149<411 I~l/\I R41> R1I6 10.IM~18M6747 ,.mntI t'Jm ....Jfti~,..1> ...... Thursday, April 3, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

412 MISCEllANEOUS 412 MISCElLANEOUS 40. FURNITURE 415 WA~TED TO IUY 503 HOUSEHOLD ms '02 AUTOMOTIVE 603 AUTOMOTIVE 605 AUTOMOTIVE UTiClES UflClES FOR SALE fORD GENERAL MOTORS fOREIGN OAK Dresser With mirror ALEEA hand painted TREASURES & TRASH JAPANESE Samurai COLLIE Rescue has sev 1993 Ford Taurus 58000 1995 Chevrolet Lumina 1989 JAGUAR XJS red matching chest and two glassware Closeoul de swords from WWII eral full size Collie s miles $7500 31388t 3 4 whilel gray 29 000 With tan leather, moon nlghtstands Light colo signs & seconds Large 1700 eiScult Jar wanted Collector available $125 fee 7116 miles excellent condl roof 34 000 miles nlal style Spotless con Assortment of FIgu"nes discounts Very trendy (810)4783437 3133262806 ------t.on $13200 810 775 $125008t09499950 d,t.on $500 313823 Old Cuff Links 1987 Ford Tempo five Vases plates candel 4414 1279 holders etc Call LOOKING for lawn tractor speed black good con 1988 Jagu3rXJS:-ireen Antiques and Collectibles 50S LOST AND fOUNO Please call Jim 313 dltlOn $t 400 31333t 1985 Chevrolet Celebrity tan lealtler 72K $8500 Aleea s StudiO 3t3886 Resale elldal and SECOND SEASON 7802145 7147 (313)6400912 6280 Grosse Pomte Formal Wear GROSSE POinte Ammal Mom s ca' 56 000 ac 1~60\\<" I'\llic R".J tual miles 4 door auto PAR~Y Ten!s 19 Wide Climc has a black arld 1987 Ford Escort 4 door 1990 .!ellaWolfsburg" Ihrklc\ \lldll-Jil APRICA single stroller 1 23712 Harper matlc power brakes 40 or more length Call white Cocker Spaniel all automatic 42 500 93 000 miles crUise a" year old great condition St Clair Shores, MI power locks tilt Air <:::1 ['Ipc:t l'lffp.r Kn N~ft 8108255046 leave found In Grosse POinte miles 1 owner $1 875 CD alarm great condl F~"t3 fllrru(;;"'"gs ('1M ~Of SID " .. 9316 rne~~age 0:> Lo l"V uvvu \."V IV I U consIgnment S ngle stroller best offer ::'hores and Irom at 16820 Kercheval tlon ~b llOU tllO 4btl Grosse Pomte Park a $2 500 (313)885 6958 0058 M'SSion desk and rocker 3138827417 TV S (2) 20" & 27" PAYING CASH black female mixed 1994 Lincoln Mark VIII after6pm K.ttlnger breakfront VCR S all new Com For Jewelry Watches Loaded Excellent condl 1992 Mazda MX3 excel BEANIE Babies for sale breed dog about 50 1993 Chevy Cavalier Mueller desk and console pact dISCS 8tO 773 Diamonds Antique Jewelry lion New tires $17500 lent condition 56000 85 dIfferent Beanies 7 pounds a Chow mix Beachley challs 1608 Anything Made of Gold clean 58K locks cas miles manual power retlled Call 810779 male that is black and a After 7 pm 810776 pnmlt,ve step back or Silver sette must sell $58001 alc garage kept 2778 US Navy deck clock Lab miX male puppy 2009 cupboard Jelly cupboard Will travel for transacllons offer 313881 1318 $6 500 Call after 6pm (WWII) junior roll top black Call 313822 1994 lincoln Continental and cabinet and much BOBCAT 48" Walk behmd In excess of $1000 1986 Chevy cavelter Z24 3138854826 'awn mower good con desk small bayonettes 5707 40 000 actual miles Ex more loaded $t 200 firm dltlon $950 Small lawn lures Buddy L & Tonka tended 100000 mile 1990 Mercedes Benz 810-414-9026 The Gold Shoppe MOROSSJ Mack area, 3133438889 toys Coca Cola electnc warranty Clean & no 190E 2 6 6 cylinder, equipment trailer good 22121 Gratrot lound mature white cat tram m bo x old bow IIng rust 8 a m to 5 p m 1989 Corsica hatch back black loaded moomoof condition $550 313 Eastpornte MI 48021 With black ta.1 Declawed .tems old kitchen porce 31356t 6222 burgundy 68 000 miles excellent condition TRADITIONAL Oak dining 884 4795 (810)774-0966 very fnendly Call 810 lam table old small & 28 Iller V6 $3250313 $14900 Rinke Toyota room set 48 roJnd -B-O-X-S-P-R-I-N-G-S------(-2-) 465 4050 to Identify and 1990 Lincoln Contlnenlal large tables chairS PING Pong table 313 8826811 8107582000 pedestal table 2 18 Queen Good condition lamps Old children s claim excellent condition dark 8821815 1989 Mercedes 300SE leaves 2 arm chairS 4 Moved won t ht In new Wicker doll buggys red leather Intenor 1988 CorSica V6 103 000 SHOTGUNS, nfles and YOUNG male cats & kit ,mmaculate dark bluel Side challs china buffet house 1 $50 1 $70 youth chair tea wagon many extras 83 000 miles clean no rust handguns Parker tens shots & fixed One gray sunroof records cabinet and dry bar Please call 313 882 old Edison victrola wi re miles $62001 besl 810 burgundy all changed Browning Winchester Calico 313521 3669 like new $15000 313 $1200 or best 2376 cords 4 stack bookcas 7747918 every 3000 miles Colt Luger others Col '01 AUTOMOTIVE $2 000 or best offer 313 8840044 (313)6409586 BROWNING BL 22 CAL es rattan furnltu re and 1985 Lincoln Continental lector 8104783437 CHRYSLER 884725t TRAVERTINE Marble Din Leverl Achon new con much more 23215 Nrnel Onglnal 50000 miles 1989 Mercedes 190E 26, Ing Room Table With SIX dillon $175 after 6 pm Mack Loop (between WANTED a complete set 1997 Chrysler LHS triple Like new $5 0001 firm 1995 Cutlass convertible auto air sunroof upholstered challs Ex 313.881-7705 ClallWood & Doremus) of used golf clubs Must black loaded Must sell 3138864232 313882- teal tan leather low 91 000 miles dealer cellent condition $600 St Clair Shores Thu,s be top quahty (810)995 sacnflce $22900 Ask 3909 miles loaded excellent maintained looks like 313-8231279 DESIGNER fall wedding day Saturday Sunday 7970 for Mr Cullan 313886 new $12700 or best of ------gown off while (size 7) 1985 Lincoln Mark VII condition $17400 or 8107740900 ------1234 fer (313)885-9338 TWO double bed walnut onglnally 54500 best of WANTED- used comput LSC 2 door V8 full best 810 725.1543 WALK Fit by NordiC Track bedroom sets Early fer Full length Canadian ers Will buy almost any- 1994 Chrysler LHS power leather No rust 1991 Cutlass Supreme 1987 Mercedes Benz 190 60 s style Good condl raccoon fur (Saks) 313 like new 7 months old thing Call John 810 49 500 highway miles onglnal paint New tiles, convertible 70 000 E 2 3 charcoal gray tlon $300 each 313 6408380 5200 313 884 7539 7765039 $15 000 or best oHer exhaust suspension miles Excellent cond. loaded sunroof excel- 886-4931 (313)343.0969 brakes radiator battery lent condition 75000 GAS stove tall wood WEIGHT set Incluarng WANTED motorcycles tlon anginal owner More' Looks & runs like m,les $9,500 (313)885- WANTED to purchase bookcase wood dinette bench press leg 11ft (5OCc and up) mopeds 1994 C hrys Ier Concorue $10 500 or best offer new needs nothing 7089 Antique LOUIS XV or cabmet 2 blue chairS many more excerc,ses British cycles and parts Original owner 44,000 313881 72t 1 Country French chest $150 '313-881 8553 miles, clean auto air, have records $3 9951 1976 Mercedes Benz 450 armoire desk Must be $65 all (313)8868421 8107785401 1995 Geo Prism LSI su- stereo power anlt lock 313 839-4462 SEL Gas V8 engine WESLO Cardlo Glide less 500 ANIMAl perb warranty $9250 In good condlhon 810 GOLF Clubs Ping Eye 2 brakes $10,895 313 1994 Me,cury Capn XR2, loaded very clean' than 1 year old $150 ADOPT A PET 313-886-7426 375 5065 through wedge, lions 8860642 convertible Irke new, $5500 Rinke Cadillac 313-640 9382 also 2 Wilson staH COCKER Spaniel light loaded black with black 1994 Geo Pnsm LSI low 810-757 3700 409 GARAGE/YARD/ 1993 Chrysler Town & clubs Asking $440 313 WOLFF Tannrng Beds brown male 10 years leather, manual 27,000 mileage one owner ex U5EMENT SALE Country Loaded Leath- 1985 Nlssan maxima 8859353 TAN AT HOME old needs lovrng home miles $8500 (313)331 cellent condillon loaded AIR conditioner 5 cubiC er $13,500 313-884- loaded, new parts, some GOLF, lUnior sets starter Buy DIRECT and SAVEl 8107724669 4291 $12900 (313)331 3200 freezer dresser dehu 5027 damage, good transpor- set also men's set and Commerclall Home Umts days, (313)823-6386, mldlher records & re FOUND & "Saved" (from 1995 Mustang GT black! tation, $950 313881 graphite dnvers 313- From $19900 1990 Dodge Dynasty evenings cord player household starvation) handsome black, leather auto CO 7104 8825558 Low Monthly Payments Great condition All ma Items Friday Saturday one year old Shepherd 460 sound, all malnte 1994 GMC JImmy, SLE FREE Color Catalog Jor maintenance Within 1987 Porsche 924S Red 9 4 22522 Downing, GRANDMA'S housewares mix VERY lOVing obe nance $14,900, Loaded air ASS High Call Today last 12 months 98,000 black Automallc Load- (313)8826627 after way miles Only St Cia II Shores and garden tools Satur dlent puppy playful tOI miles G,eat student or ed Sharp AnXIOUS day Apnl 5th, 9 00 to 1-800-711-0158 let tramed All shots, seven $12950 Please call APRIL 5th and 6th 10 to second car $3,800 $5,9001 offer 313.882- 300 667 lincoln, follow -W-O-W-!-B-e-a-u-tl-fu-I-D-,m-en- neutered Cannot keep (313)331-5060 3 Queen of Heaven (313)885-0519 1992 Sable leather Interi- 0039 Must find "good home" gym on Lantz between arrows slon One spal hot tub 7 or Excellent condition 1993 Pont,ac BonneVille 313882-5279 313-824- 1986 Dodge Anes $700 1996 Toyota Camry LE Van Dyke and Outer HANDGUNS, Taurus 38 wi cedar surround $7 000 After 7 & week SLE extra clean leath- (313)882-5453 Loaded including factory 4674 er, full power, new tires Dnve Collectables lew- revolver new $175 Priced way below value ends (313)368-1337 leather & moonroof elry fumlture Some WWII Czech Semaru $19503138823487 GOLDEN Retneverl Shep 1993 Duster V6 red sun 39000 miles $12 800, 1992 Taurus LX Wagon, 12 000 mIles pertect 380 With onglnal hol pa,d mix male needs roof sport wheels air (810)771-2567 thing for everyone' Sal 413 MUSICAl condition $20,000 cassette 15000 mil es excellent condition 3 8 urday bargain day' ster $190 (313)882 INS TA UMENTS good lovely home 2 1991 Pontiac Sunblrd (313)882-9268 mint condition, $8500, liter engine runs great Clothes $1 00 per bag 8847 years old, well trained Convertible, new top AREAS LARGEST (810)7795577 very well maintained 1993 Toyota MR2 21K 5 gets along With other Tires, 65,000 miles EXTRAVAGANZA Garage HUMMELS. private collec SELECTION OF 94 000 highway miles, speed white T-tops l pets (313}884 1233 af $5700 Evenings 313 Sale Saturday Apnl 5th tor 30-50% off 313 QUALITY USED PIANOS 1995 Eagle Talon ESI red, $5,200, (313)881-2214 CD, loaded 61100K, ex- ter 6 30pm 8855147 9 a m till 2 P m Bishop 8826586 moving tuning refinishing air 5 speed extended tended warranty Gallagher High School warranty (transferable) 1991 TEMPO GL 4 door ICE Rmk 35 X 90 $650 rebUlldrng estimates GROSSE POinte Animal 1991 Pont,ac Sunblld 4 $14,750 810 405 8748 19360 Harper Ave low mileage, need to sell 49K miles excellent (Fence With 2 openings and appralsels CliniC has about seven door auto air cruise leave message Harper Woods for tUlllon best offer condrllon $4500 313- Included) 36 cement PIANOS FROM $799 d'fferent dogs locking for 80,000 miles $3800 810-7837520 881 2199 1989 Toyota Tercel HUGE Sale Something for patio blocks $290 313 lovmg homes Different 313882-4878 Mlchlgna P,ano Company AUTOMOTIVE Coupe auto all 30 000 everyone 304 Beaupre 8850113 ages and breeds are -1-99-0--E-a-g-le-P-r-e-m-,e-r--4 '03 (810)548-2200 1986 Sedan DeVille silver miles one owner Farms Frldayl Salurday ava.lable Please call for door All power till, GENERAL MOTORS KENWOOD Stereo Re call anytime' With black top loaded $4,750 Rinke Toyota 9-3 rnformallon 313 822 tape cruise 69,000 1996 BUick Regal Grand celver $200 Kenwood clean high miles 810-758-2000 6 CD Player $150 Ken BALDWIN P,ano very 5707 miles New brakes Sport 4 door all HUGE yard sale Antiques $2200 313824 7113 1988 Toyota Supra Targa collectibles and lust wood Cassette Deck good condition With tun PUPPY OBEDIENCE, 10 $4 500 (313)521 2696 options leather moon- SEIZED Cars from $175 convertible 5 speed plain gocd stuffl 8am $150, TechniCS Tumta lng, bench delivery and weeks 4 112 months 1990 Impenal loaded, roof CD $18000 810- 65 000 miles excellent 330p Fnday & Satur ble $65 Two Bose 401 warranty $1 499 Other AIso aduIt dog 0bedI non smoker excellent 790-7760 • _ Porsches Cadillacs pianos from $799 Mlcht- Chevys BMW s Cor $6200 (313)884-6372 day April 4th & 5th Direct Reflectmg Speak- ence For Information condition tnple black 1994 BUick Roadmaster gan P,ano Company vettes Also Jeeps 8am 5pm Sunday ers $400 All In perfect Carolyn House 64000 miles $8500 Grandma s carl Loaded 1988 Toyota Ceirca Red, (810)5482200 Call 4WD s Your Area Toll 19115 Woodcrest at order 3138231279 (313)8846855 (810)4159006 leather new condition sunroof Great condition anytime Free t -800-218-9000 Lansdowne Harper LANDSCAPERS' 61 Skag AMI FM $1,9501 best IIRDS fOR SALE 1994 LeBaron GTC con- 8107904869 after Ext A 5803 fo' current Woods BECKSTEIN Grand P,ano 501 (313)881-4598 rider 48 36 Encore 48 vertlble Wh,te extenorl 5 00 listings Model B 68- polished MANY years accumulated Deere trucks trailers HAND fed Cockatiels, all gray Intenor 50 000 -1-9-90--B-u-'C-k--S-ky-l-a-rk--4 1987 Toyota Celrca con- ebony like new Very treasures 19975 3138854259 types mcludlng While- miles Asking $9,300 door new brakes bat- 19920lds Royal vertible 5 speed, 67,000 OMara Ct Off falrford $55000 (810)5837750 good condition 313- mIles excellent condl PRECIOUS Moments Fig face Silver & Fallow, 810-749-3451 after tery good cond.t,on 881-1054 (Parking) between Mor- lion $6900 313-886- urmes miscellaneous GUITARS, banJOS and splits available 810- 5pm 28000 miles $5,500 ningside & Wedgewood pieces Retired Sus mandolins ukes 776-7483 after 5 pm 605 AUTOMOTIVE 0647 after 6 p 10 or Apnl 4th 5th 10- 2 En- 1995 Neon 22000 miles 313886-3729 perlded & Members only wanted Collector 886 503 HOUSEHOLD PETS fOREIGN weekends ter rear docr to base- air cruise, power locks 1988 BUICK Century Limit- from 1990 & earl,er 4522 fOR SAlE 1987 Volkswagen Golf ment No pre sales AMIFM cassette, 5 ed Blue 4 docr sedan, 1991 BMW 325 converti- Green book price only auto AC 4 door, power TOP dollar paid for quality 16 month old black Lab speed $8,000 or best dark blue velour Intenor, ble 6 cylinder leather MOVING sale Fnday Sat (810)776 7483 after 5 locks and Windows, high used planas Immediate AKC male neutered, oHer 884-1949 fUlly loaded very good phone, auto air 38000 urday Apnl 4 5 9 a m l miles new exhaust sys ROLEX, stainless 18k profeSSional pick up lov,ng family dog good miles pertect $16800 4 p m Everything must 1985 New Yorker 53 000 condition 84 000 miles tem brakes and tune mint appraised $2 600 Cash paid 810997- With children $300 Rinke Toyota 8t 0 758 gol Fumlture household miles, one owner, Aon $2850313882-5577 up good condition, asking $2 500 810 774 0032 (313}884-9284 2000 Items 356 Carver off da car loaded $1995 1988 BUick Realla one $1 500 or best offe r 8180 1988 BMW M5 beautiful Moross UPRIGHT player plano 2- t/2 year old AKC choc (313)885-7057 owner 40000 miles, ex- (313)640-9943 S & W Mod 4006 40 Cal alate lab needs gnod black With tan leather, MOVING to condo clear Great sound board 1991 Plymouth Voyager cellent In! out red With 2 la'ge capacity clips home With olde, children four door 5 speed olle 1991 Volvo 740 SE turbo Ing out everything Old needs new bellows 89000 miles Well main- tan $10 600 313882 $450 permit reqUired or lust adults Loyal well of 2500 bUilt Dunlop leather, sunroof heated record albums resin Asking $1 000 talnes Air cruise roof 2649 313-881-7705 behaved ve ry well 040 s With Alplna seats Book, records, and plaster molds 2 (313)8247723 rack $7 800 Call after 6 -1-96-9--B-u-'C-k--L-e-S-a-b-r-e, tramed house broken, wheels 179000 miles, dealer maintained desks With hutches tocd SCHWINN Aerodyne all USED PIANOS crate tramed loves peo pm 3t3-884-4179 26000 anginal miles senous Inqulnes only 93000 miles Perfect I processor many dishes accessories I,ke new $9500 or best 313- Used Spinets Consoles pie and walks! runs 1990 Plymouth Sundance $3000 313-881-6251 $12,900 313884 4266 Fnday and Saturday $350 (313)882 590-; dally Please ca II 31 3 886-2424 April 4th and 5th 9 OOam Uprrghts & Grands two doc' auto air 1997 Cadillac DeVille tn- 1985 BMW 325e black SET of complete 1996 881 2554 to 200pm 1251 Ed ABBEY PIANO CO 98000 miles Immacu- pie black loaded exec wth pearl cloth 5 speed 1989 Volvo 740 GL sedan Thomas Register $95 excellent condition mundton Grosse POinte ROYAL OAK 810 541 6116 6 MONTH old rare blue lately maintained u1lVe car low miles sport package recent 3138858619 Woods PIANOS WANTED Chuahua female cham $3 400 3138242922 $28900 Ask for Mr exhaust shocks clutch grayl gray 100 000 miles Must sell $5200 SKS Rifle all accessorres pion bloodline $200 1990 Plymouth Grand Cullan 3138861234 onglnal owner always RESALE Shop Lakeshore TOP CASH PAID 1993 pre ban $3501 3136408380 Voyager 99 000 miles babIed 178 000 miles 3138857089 Church JeHersonl 11 1994 Cadillac Eldorado best (313)8825544 415 WANTED TO IUY New transmiSSion at full records must be 1986 Volvo 240 GL power Saturday 10'0 2 Mon ADORABLE Sibenan Hus Tou rI ng cou pe Black 60000 V6, new starter seen $4 450 313 884- steenngi brakes! win day 10t03 SUPER Nlntendo 96 2 ky Male 13 weeks old Excellent condition BUYING china (complete AC crUise casselle 4266 controls 9 games In- AKC All shots papers $19700 (810)463-8285 dows sunroof CD, ST GertrUde Flea Market 0' partial sets) Call Jan anginal owner no acci clean $3320 313 640- clUding Super Mano All Needs lovmg home With 1988 Camry OX 4 wheel Saturday Apnl 5 9am 810-731-8139 after 6 dents 56 100 or best 1990 Cadillac SeVille STS neccessary hook up ,n yard $ 150 Senous calls dnve 96 000 miles Ex 9382 4pm 28839 Jefferson 313 882 6934 after 4 docr all leather full cluded Also Play Action BUYING old furniture only after 4 pm 313 cellent condtlon $5 300 1985 Volvo 740 GLE Tur St Clair Shores Over 5pm power 69 500 mIles "Barte r Up" to Interact glassware china and 8824972 (313)882 1753 50 dealers I Grosse POinte owner bo (gas) 4 speed! over With baseball game other Interesting Items 1995 SEBRING Silver drive all hIghway miles, AKC German short hair $9 000 or best 313 884- 1994 Honda Accord LX Bought In August Worth John 313 882 5642 loaded low mileage an rT'alnta,ned Runs Great 410 HOUSEHOLD SALES puppies excellent blood 6101 Wagon full power great over $500 Excellent tl rust protected Must Dnve $4 0001 GUITARS banlos mando Ime $150 Available condition certified one condition $2251 takes $16500 After 6 pm 1986 Cadillac Fleetwood best (8tO)4656826 90 p'ece Nontake dinner I,ns and ukes Nanted Apnl 24th 313 393 year warranty' $12880 all Please call 810795 8102545848 low miles well maIn set "Goldana 313 884 Collecto" 886 4522 6934 or 313884 8259 Rinke Toyota 810758 talned 0001 negotia- BMW. 1971 As IS $975 or 0212 5022 after 6 pm $4 2000 ------1988 Sundance 4 door ble 313885 1367 after best offer 313 882 412 MISCEllANEOUS SWIMMING pool 4 x 18 413 MUSICAL 413 MUSICAl Automatic air cruise 530pm 1994 Honda Prelude St 8268 ARTIClES Very good condition Ev INSTRUMENTS INSnUM(NTS AMI FM cassette excel erythlng Included $550 ....,...... , black 5 speed loaded LEXUS "92" LS400 Black! lenl condition anginal 1990 Cadillac Eldorado 3 sleel arch bUIldings new Excellent cOMlIIon only tan Interior Tract,on owner $:> 8001 best leather full power 40x 30 was $6 200 now 810 545 4002 • Mahogany Spinet Piano $995 I 15K 10,Ies A II records controll Nak stereo 59000 miles one year $2 990 40x 56 was 313882 1360 $17000 3t39616666 THERMADOR double built Mahogany Baby Grand $4,995 warranty Included' Nonsmoker Mom s car $10840 now $5990 '01 AUTOMOTIVE ext 3511 All records Loaded ex In combination ovens Cherry Frenc~ PrOVIncial Spinet $2,295 $'0 500 Rinke Cadillac 50x 120 was $20450 fORD ------Excellent condilion 8107573700 1986 Honda Accord LX 4 cellent condition now $11 990 Endwalls Wine making press etc Dork Mahogany.Baby Grand $2,290 1995 Ford Contour LX all door 5 speed power 524 995 Rochester 1994 CavalIer RS 4 door available 1 800 745 $100 3138823487 Mahogany Baldwin Sludio $1,195 oatlons great condltlonl wlndow~ locks all well 810 3755022 Work auto all power Win 2685 Must sell $t25OO 3t3 malntalneo new ex 810652539595 Other Pianos from $875 dews! locksl mrrrors & 386 computer hard drive 6409245 haust system $1 900 606 AUTOMOTIVE All include luning, bench, delivery, warranty more Till Cruise stereo keyboa rd $400 810 8107849607 Armada JEEPS /4-WHEEl $O':re'~L$ 1995 Ford Escort Wagon cassette excellent con 7725586 RUGS MICHIGA, ~ PIAt\'O CO. excellent condition low d,t,on $6 5501 best 1991 Inf,nlty G20 excel 1996 Dakota Club Cab BEANIE Baby Tye dye My lilt l1li' COIIdIIIOI m.leage alarm must Central Leas ng & lent condition fUlly load 4x4 loaded V6 Must bear Gi'"cla Best offel • GHAUINC" TROY. • 810 548-2200 see $9 800 or best of Saes 3138858300 ed $8400 or best 313 sell' $17500 313886 3138226048 ~ 1 800 841.1181 ~ .. r..n ~ytuM .. I fer Call 3 t 3 893 7656 839 4462 evenings 881 0989 4232 313881 t318

, ...... :;-~-.-;.... - . ~.. ,~ - T----- 'I

~, I .' A o • • a Q Thursday, April 3, 1997 Grosse Pomte News I The Connectton

'06 AUTOMOTIVE '12 AUTOMOTIVE 700 APTS/FlATS/DUPLEX 100 APTS/FlATS/DUPLEX 701 APTS/FlAYS/DUPLEX 70S HOUSES FOil IlENT 707 HOUSES FOR RENT/ 6S4 10AT STORAGE/DO(KING JEEPS/4.WH\H VANS POINTES/HARPER WOODS POINUS/HARPER WOODS DETROIT/WAYNE (OUNTY POINUS/HARPER WOODS S CS/MA(OMI (OUNTY 1987 Bronco XL T 50 1991 Plymouth Grand COVERED boal>vells near BEACONSFIELD/ Jeffer MARYLAND, Grosse KENSINGTON, two bed LAKEPOINTE- spectacu WATERFRONT VISTAS 4X4 51 000 miles ex Voyager LE 68000 Grosse POinta Ideal for son SpacIous 1 or 2 Pomte Park One bed room upper porch lar colon al Completely Refreshing new decor cellent condition power miles clean excellent fishermen or sport boats bedroom Excellent 10 room $450 plus depes parking appliances remodeled 3 bedrooms await you In thiS wonderful wmdows! brakes! steer condltron $8 600 Call up to 24 313 882 9268 cation $525 313882 It Heat appliances In laundry heal Included 1 112 baths New reSidence on Lake 5t Ing till auto air after 5pm 810773 7065 c1uded No pets No $500 I monlh First last kitchen all apphances Clall Located near 10 LUXURY beat sl~ps 40 l ' AMIFM dark blue 3716 ---- ,mokmg (313)885 5472 security 3138863164 New lamlly room Hard mile thiS darling home of St Cia "I Prlvate Stor CARRIAGE house on ' $6450 (810)2934536 ' ~------wood floors natural fire fers a great room With fire ------,13 AUTOMOTIVE agel barbeque $1 800 Lakeshore Dr lake MUST see I SpacIous spet MORANG! Kelly two bed 1994 Explorer XL T 4X4 place central a" Fmlsh place and spectacular WANTED TO IUY 8103293464 view Newly remodeled Iess 2 la rge bed room room lower Immaculate fUlly loaded 53000 ed basement & 2 car ga views updated kitchen QUiel no pets non upper new carpet ap appliances heaV water miles $15900 or best ALL car, wantedl The rage $1375 plus With eating area conven 656 MOTOUIKES smoker $16001 month pllances garage lake Included laundry room I")~ '"JiQOA C'Q"1~ 000<11 Thp t"o~rjl Thp ~ '"' ... .., ~"' .... ~ dpr,o<;lt 111111 1fi,),) ,pnt l~tJnrirv f rc;l floor \,.... '"'IV .... '-'v ...... )1000 ... .).,)1 .... ~ Ilk S:J7.J ~v I :;)030 bottled quality water In uglyl Top dollar paid I 1996 KX 250 Mint condl master bedroom and full 1992 Ford Explorer Xl T CHARMING two bedroom _1_9_2_4 _ kitchen off street park VERNIER 2013 Grosse $50 $5 000 Seven tlon trail ndden 7 times bath two spac ous bed four door red SO000 upper available Immedl NEFF Ing Message service Pomte Woods 3 bed days 8tO 447 2745 No time to nde' Gear II rooms and second full miles excellent condl ately appliances heat lower flat near the Village 313 752 0742 room 1 112 bath hVIng balh upstairs Attached ga l wanted $4 000 tlon $11 500 Pager CASH for cars Wanted Included Private en LIVing room with fire room kitchen With eat rage 1 112monlt'ls sewn (313)8225172 STUDENT or ret,'ee pre 8109084864 dead or alive 3 13 372 trance No smoking place library dlnmg Ing area and all appllan Iy depOSit No pets Mini 3099 leave message ferred West Village 5tU ces $800 per month 1991 Ford Explorer XLT 4 'Sl MOTOR(Yr :erc~'~~ooShO~~3~~: flleplace, central a~r, dry LOVELY, qUiet fumlshed heat apphances 313 810-771-3374 floors Attached garage ference room kitchen alarm excellent condi- basement With washer upper one bedroom In 885 0031 Appliances $12001 storage Available fax tion $3 9001 best 810 2983 Farms for one person • \1aln[I"O..tn"c Fn..e LlIdn,l:. month 810296-1693 photocopier law library 773.1125 after 6pm dryer Available Immedl Utilities Included $520 BUCKINGHAM! Mack • Tr.m\p.._rt..ttHm 1995 SeaDoos GTX and ately $1295 810594 3138851513 .ACII\IIlt. .. BeautifUlly renovated Grosse Pomte area ST Cla>r Shores 2 bed- .12 AUTOMOTIVE SPI wllh double traIler 1984 non smoking Reasona Three bedroom fumrsh- room liVing room Fami- VANS Extended warranties ---- LOWER 3 bedroom flat 70S HOUSES FOI !tENT ble (313~882 7784 low hours excellent 841 Nottingham modem 2 Appliances, central air ed lower flat $550 ly room appliances 2 1996 Astro LT All wheel condition 3138813880 bedroom flat completely Available nowl Referen monthly First last se POINTES/HUPER WOODS 112 car garage $750 EASTPOINTE 1 200 sq ft dnve loaded low miles upda,ed new appllan. ces (810)2280545 currty requrred 810-773- 3 bedroom bnck ranch plus secunty and utillt A>r Retail or office 810- -.1Q %0 131318821761 25' Slickcraft 1975 Cabin ces Nasherl dryer, air 8849 Grosse POinte schools, les No pets (810)771- 8791964 or 810949 1993 Dodge Grand Cara Cruiser TWin Chevy 4 condlllOnlng Best apart LOWER apartment In 4 CADIEUX at Harper 1 clean $900 (810)543- 8808 4813 Lease van SE factory child cylinders Inboard out. ment In the Park $750 Unit bUilding 2 bed bedroom upper neutral 2122 t (2) I d d 57K board Full cabin good (313)8246043 rooms large closets ST Clall Shores Lake EASTPOINTE decor clean Incluties -3--b-e-d-roo-m--b-u-n-g-a-lo-w- milessea s 33 V6oa e$10800 condition $6 500 or best kItChen app Ilances Iur front 3 bedroom 2 bath Completely remodeled 3138822224 offer Or Will trade for 876 Trombley SpacIous nlshed private base. appliances and water Stove refrrg€'ator Air appliances Boat Keyed restrooms near early 90 s Cargo van tudor 3 bedroom 2 bath ment car port no pets $350 (810)644 2549 Fenced yard Complete well Lease $995 810 X ways 200 sq ft 1989 Ford Club Wagon 3138233199 upper appliances File $625 (313)884 3207 CADIEUX! Warren 3 bed Iy remodeled Washerl 4651557 2700 sq ft truly mce One owner LARSON 16 1/2 120 place 2 car garage No MARYLAND near Charle room bnck duplex dryer (810)778.8479 8107765440 Eight passenger air Mercrulser low hours pets 1 year lease 5 I Large master bedroom ------ST Clair S'lores three $7100 (313)882 3294 $1 2001 month Call Sal VOIX room ower 2 Basement $4651 month GROSSE POinte Schools bedroom brrck carpet HARPER WOODS Inboard outboard good Iy Coe Coldwell Banker bedrooms no pets (810)777 2635 Country Club 4 bed ed appl,ances two car TWO 121very ",e. lull ... 1988 Ford Aerostar fully condlllOn 3138866344 Schweitzer 313.865. $4201 month plus secuP Each 1,600 SQ. FT. Iless room $900 Work 810 garage $850 Rental .'.111. EASYACCESS TO loaded low mileage WEL..L-C-~R-AFT~.1986 19 2000 ty Northeast Realty EAST English Village two 7762060 home 313 (46000) no wmters ex 810-n171oo Profess ona's 810 773 194 (AT VERNIER) Park. bed'oom upper newly 941 0807 Ing ...many atftftnit,.s.. cellent condition 313 112 bow rider 205 V I> 990 N tt h 5 RENT dual batteries dept" 0 Ing am upper MARYLAND upper 2 bed painted and carpeted Mr. Roberts 313-886-2900 Mr. Sinciaor 810-540-1000 824 5248 evenings sounder trailer Immac I rooms stove refrrgera rooms Flonda room- Clean appliances laun HARPER Woods three THREE bedroom 2 bath 1986 Ford Club Wagon ulate $7900 or best of tor carpeted no pets walk In closets aoplian dry garage QUiet area be'lroom bnck bunga ranch AMached garage newer brakes! tiles f 8104680765 $510 per month plus ces laundry $600 plus no pets $550 plus se low air f,nlshed base great area $1 000 I OFFICE space available to $2000 or best offer er • utilities (313)571 1866 secunty No Pets no CUrity 886 7599 ment pets OK 5900 month plus secunty de share 5t Clair Shores Rental ProfeSSionals area 10 Miler I 94 3138853501 CHRIS-CRAFT 35 Sea AFFORDABLE town smoking 3138233036 GUILFORD- basement ef pes It No pets Call San 810773 RENT dy (313)331 0330 (810)773 7720 1992 GMCSalari XT E;;- ~klff W~d ~~assl~ 6~ house I~vlng In Grosse MARYLAND, 10511 Spa flc,ency apartment All ufllines Included $325 cellent condition Load. 10~~:~ehealth Probl~~: POinte Woods Metlcu CIOUSwell maintained 1 702 APYS/flATS/DUPlEX 702 APYS/fLATS/DUPLEX 102 APTS/HATS/DUPLEX rronth $500 secunty ed New tires! brakes $11 000 or best 313 lously maintained 2 & 3 bedroom apartment In. S.CS/MA(OMI (OUNTY - bedroom uMs Includes 3138844180 S.CS/MA

7 h ••• '., he .. 1 P •... ,~ t • t t the P. h 'QZ ::1tJ !!WS...... , ( • ;~:n t== ::ve:::: ' r .... ~ COltPO ..... OffICI •• ,. ~O.4 t. Ham bar e, Ingonaw MI A8607 1'1717070914 SEQUENCE IROOl9fR 1~'6 10' 15171197 7~n f'm(ll rlmQ 1e(r,~rom ".IOIIAL GnICl1 9?f, R')hh ns <) lilt> ") S2 ( m ....d H(Jv,.n MI 01190417 166) R46 8176 1m 16161 R~/I\7A7 f'~ dm()?~W1(1"'t>r...."., Thursday, Apnl3, 1997 Grosse POinte News I The Connection

71. OFflU/COMMERCIAL 71. OFFICI/COMMERCIAL 721 VACATION IENTALS 720 ~OOMS FOI lENT 123 VACATION RENTALS 123 VACATION IENULS 723 VACATION ~ENTALS 723 VACATION RENTALS FO~ ~ENT - FOI lENT HOIIDA NORTHEIlN MICHIGAN NORTHERN MICHIGAN NOITHERN MICHIGAN NORTHERN MICHIGAN IMPROVE your company s SMALL office (7x 10) NON- smokmg professlo SIESTA Key Flonda 1 & BAREFOOT Beach Resort DRUMMOND Island cozy GLEN Arbor Sleeping TORCH Lake newer ex Image Sho"case your 17901 E Warren De nal woman wanted to 2 bedroom condos Cottages Oscoda Go secluded two and three Bear Dunes 3 bed ecutlve style home, 125' "ares or services In this share 2 bedroom Lake tro t $110/ month Beach pool boat docks Ing fast I One and two bedroom chalets com room~ 2 baths Spnng of frontage sleeps 13 classIc bUIding on Ker (313)885 1900 shore Vii age townhouse & more 1 941 349 5600 bed room clean knotty pletely furnished 616 weekend specials $350 $2000 per week Prop. cheval Ir Grosse POinte 8107768128 pine cabins full kitchen 531 8337 Spflng week speclals erty Management One Farms Ask for R G ST Clarr Shores from 8 722 VACATION IENTALS 121 VACATION IENTALS HBO gnlls trreplt laun $725 Broker 313881 Jodie 616 929 7372/ Edgar 8866010 4 400 sq ft LaHood Re OUT ol STATE dry boats on beautiful GAYLORD area sandy FlO~IOA 5693 6169476600 alty (313)885 5950 HUNDRED year old log Lake Huron s sand lakefront 4 bedrooms 2 LARGE executive otf ce BEACH Resort Treasure cabin on moulltarn lake beach Adlacent to baths boat dock all PETOSKEY/ Walloon ------Prestigious bank bu Id SUITES from 500 4 000 Island Great view' Pool Rangeley Maille $400 Lakewood Shores Golf amenities "golf mecca' Lake area 3 to 7 bed ClassifIed Lme Busy? Ing 9 and Jefferson sq It Great for large spa cable kitchen Huron National Forest $8501 week (810)642 room homes available FAX (313)343-5569 area $400 per month per week 3134179279 mf?~tmos conferE'l1cf? Wf'P~lv 1 ROO31R <;632 AlJc>~hlE" ~I\ltlor ~"mp 2891 Fully furmshed Ideal va 0wi..t;,.. :::.ervll,._l,~ dVdlld 124 VACATION R£NTAlS hall aerobics class NEW Hampshire Beauti- weekly s stili available cat lOll spot Great golt- ble (810)445 1190 KEY West oceanfront 3 GAYLORD. brand new IESORTS sales seminars or mod fully maintained and gar for June July August Ing Reserve now 800 bedroom 2 bath Beau spectacular cedar home PRIME professional off ce em open floor plan Plus dened hlstonc cape cod 517739 1818 or 313 7540222 1930'S waterfront cottage tlfully fumlshed on Otsego Lake 5 bed spacE' for rent on the lO offices with wrndows cottage on 14 acres In 4255025 Harsens Islalld! 2 bed (810)7757777 room sleeps 12 Mosl TORCH Lake secluded HIli Two 1 000 square Call John Kurczak foot hills of white moull room! freighter vlew/ CASEVILLE waterlront weeks stlll available estate 5 bedroom 2 rt sUites Contact fv'ar (810)771 1211 MARCO Island and Mara talns on nver and qUiet fishing! $500 per week, cottage on Saginaw $2500 per week For bathroom and! or 2 bed cia Lobalto 313886 thon Key ocean front lake 3 bedrooms 1 1/2 $100 per day 313721- Bay Sleeps 8 Cable Info call 847 735 0414 room, 3 bath shore 7070 720 ~OOMS FOR lENT condos 1 and 2 bed baths, 2 fireplaces 5603 room Weeklyl monthly washerl dryer Great VCR Everything provld LA KE MI chi gan vacatIOn homes from $1 200 PROFESSIONAU Medical sWimming canoeing ed but linen $8001 weekly Brochure 810 -C-A-S-E-V-IL-L-E-p-n-v-at-e-I-a-ke-. GROSSE POinte 2 rooms 810 2478901 & home Beautoful custom sUite for lease 5 rooms fishing In lake Mountain week 313331 6989 & bath Furnished ------spacIous pnvate beach 644 7288 front homes Booking 750 square feet Harper cllmbmg gOlf & tennis ------Available year roulld 8 1/2 mile Rd 810772 Kitchen pflvlleges No Visa & Mastercard -T-O-P-L-A-C-E-A-N-A-O- now lor spnng week- nearby $600 week Call CLASSIFIEOS ARE $700 $1 1001 week ends/ summer weeks 1360 313881 9535 smok,ng 3138851839 Accepted 810645.6756 COOLI 313886-8996 CALL (313)882-6900 5178745181 DIH([IOHY o f SfHVI[(S ••••••••••••••••••••••• IiI1liIIIIIl1?ml'liu~1WiMm~_,,' -4:'&MDiimmi ••••••••••••••••• 900 AIIl CONDITIONING '07 IASEMENT WA TlR PROOFING 911 IIICK/ILOCK WORK 912 IUILDING/REMODHING .17 C(llING/I'LASTlIING 91 & CEMENTWOIK 920 CHIMNEY IEP"IR 927 DUPERIES RAY'S arr condltlomng Some Classlfactlons EXPERT Bnck Reparr AFFORDABLE plastenng J&J CUSTOM DRAPERIES service All wmdow wall are reqUired by law to Tuckpolntlng chimneys YORKSHIRE 25 years expenence CEMENT CHIMNEY Blinds carpel wallpaper, and central unrts servo be licensed Check With porches steps SpeCial. guaranteed work free BUIWING& Driveways walkways, Bedspreads, & decorative proper Slate Agency iZlng In mortar, texture! SYSTEMS, INC, RENOVATlON,INC estimates Insured Lou paltos garage floors Accessofles to verify license color matching The Blackwell 810 776. MICH L1C # 71-05125 903 APPUANCEREPAIRS footing VISit our Showroom at Bnck Doctor Richard • Add Ions 8687 Chimneys repalred Waterproofing 22224 Gratiot THOMAS KLEINER • K'lChen & Bothroom rebwlt, re-Ilned Pnce Licensed, 313. DRAPERIES BY PAT EASTPOINTE BASEMENT Remodel ng ,ANDY SqUires Plaslenng Phil Pltters Co, 882-3804 Gas flues re-Imed n8-2584 APPLIANCE CENTER WATERPROOFING • AlCh,leclvrol Serv eel & Drywall Stucco repair 2226 Alter Cleanrng Glass Block No Service Charge • Dlgglng Method J W. KLEINER SR • Avo,klble Spray textured Ceilings Certified Insured With Repairs (810).755.2054 (313)824-4447 929 DRYWALL .AII New Drain Tile MASON CONTRACTOR QUALITY WORK 795.1711 Courteous ProfeSSional SERVING THE HISTORIC restoration. Ex- .llght Welght10A l,cen,." & Insured ICEILING repairs water EMPIRE HOME Service On All POINTES FOR 35 YEARS pe rt re~al r, porches 923 CONST~UCTlON REPAIR damage cracks paint- Malor Appliances slag stone & backfill Bnck block and stone 881-3386 chimneys The Bnck RENOVATIONS Deal Direct with Owner .Spotless Cleanup work aild all types Ing wallpaper removal, Doctor Richard Pnce A & N QUALITY CRAFT plaster, texture or Drywalll Plaster Framing! 776.1750 of repairs Licensed 882-3804 General Contractors .W;llis Straightened & smooth Licensed con- Electnca~Palntlng Brick & Flagstone Patios "4 (UPENTRY 810-296-0668 904 ASPHAlT P"VING Braced or Replaced Fmls hed Bssem ents/ & Walks Porches, tractor Joe 881-1085 R.L. 810-704-5402 REPAIR ADDITIONS, partitions, ~-- __ Drop Ceilings .Foundatlons Underpinned Chimneys, Tuck-POinting High quality services at a G & T Asphalt seal dormers openings, en. STREMERSCH Licensed! Insured .Brlck & Concrete Work Patching 0 reasonable pnce for all coating Free estimates closures, rough or finish CEMENT CONTRACTOR Violations Correcled of your home Dnveways, parking lots .20 Years Expenence remodeling needs (313)882-1314 SpecialiZing In Small Jobs 313884-7426 E & J Plastenng Drywall Cemenl 313.521.7930 313-435 .10 Year Transferable Bonded and Insured Free Estimates/Licensed CARPENTRY- Porches plaster stucco 810- Driveways 1769 pager Guarantee Please call for an 313-8820717 Doors Decks Fmlsh & 598 8753, 313.714- Patios appointment .Dralnage Systems Rough Carpentry Re- 0131 Bnck Work e&flAdp~U MOUNTAINVIEW Mason- Installed iiiii Basement Waterproofmg 'Dnvewlrys re!U!foced & leGI coaled ry RepairS Chimney re- pairs & Small Jobs Free PLASTER & Drywall reparr 924 DECORATING SERVI([ COLVILLE licensed & Insured estimates 20 years ex- and palnling Grosse Steps .Pmbla loti repored & resurfoced pairs cap & flues Tuck- ELECTRIC CO. A.1 Quality penence 885.4609 POinte references Call Tuck-POinting pointing Pre-cast steps Ranges Dryers Services .tww & Job Workmanship No Job 10 small II Po'ches repalred Fully L!:T us help you create Charles "Chip" Gibson Doorbells Owner SUpe,rv1 Free Eslfmates Insured 810-296-3882 Insured & references quality fumlture to SUit 313-8845764 VIOLATIONS your personal taste and _ 810.773-8087 St Clair Shores, MI Free estimates 810.779- DECORATING Service FAST EMERGENCY SPECIALIZING IN 0462 personal needs From PLASTER repairs paint Cuslom sewmg,*' draper. SERVICE 907 IASEMENT DRIVEWAYS & WATERPROOFING free standing pieces to Ing Cheapl No Job too les, valances, comfort 774.9110 CAPIZZO CONST. buM In units or shelVing small' Call anyllme In BASEMENT ers, headboards cor' _ -BASEMENT 912 IUllDING/IEMODEllNG AMERICAN Call us to fulfill your fur- sured (810)774-2827 WATERPROOFING nice boards decorative WATERPROOFING WATERPROOFING Licensed EMPIRE ELECTRIC • WALLS STRAIGHTENED STEVEN SIMON nrture vIsion I A Grosse accessories upholstery AND CONSTRUCTION POinte native With over PLASTERING, Drywall, AND REPLACED LICENSED BUILDER slipcovers Fabncs avail- ReSidential/Commercial 24 Years experience Additions Renovations 10 years custom wood Tapmg & Spray Textur- 884-7139 able 313.885 1829 New Conslrucllon Done the RIGHT way New Construction Cer creation expenence Ing SpeCialiZing In re- All Electncal Services Peastone backfill - 6~~~~~TEEf{~«: tlflcate of occupancy Peter (810)545-8044 pairs No lob too small 919 CHIMNEY Cll~NING ClaS51flod Ad,e"llSlng Service changes ~ '. Free Estimates Insured Spotless Cleanup Family 313 343-0321 Code Violation corrections WINTERS CARPENTRY 30 years expenence 882.6900 Quality Won.'1'1anshlo BUSIness Licensed 1 Insured 10 YR GUARANTEE LICENSED & REMODELING Jim Upton 773.4316 NEW DESIGNS, INC SAFE FLUE 925 DICKS/PATIOS SENIOR OISCOUNT INSURED Ccmr l1.. Ho,.. .. I... rt"'rmmt ~, .... Manlels, bookshelves, (313)882-1314 TONV Cu<;tom KlIcheM & Baths baseboard crown any PROFESSIONAL CHIMNEY SERVICE $000 Down t I In<>ed & In ....ured Pager 810-916-6071 885-0612 and all types of custom CRAFTSMAN • Ch,mney Cleanxng DECK cleanrng and seal Free Estimate Rttl'rt ..rL(" .,al '<775-4268 772-0033 "( • Run ~ n ~e-def s1 10 rnsure suf'floent dra na9'" tIec1r'C sr.a~e ::>..>-.,v.,,->.'.>,•.:>-)y ...... >.,,"->.'>-.> .>">-"'>">-"~~ SECURITY SYSTEMS b~r~s lr"(>(es.sary -PPi! s"~ 0< lull s.ag <;,IMe wrthm 12 oj gtriA 911 CEMENTWORK I 'II' ClMINT WORK '23 (ONSTltKTION IEI'AII STARTING F CoWmer mer1 b an(! laoe appfred at fop seam ~ Vl~ 923 CONSTRlKTlON IEI'AII - lop ~ I:J ~ adE IMlM p Xlef p!tc~ II'1fe I()( crac~s Mea I nllo(;l:>SSoal) Fora. $99INSTALLEDI • Thcxougt1 W'XKl'T\3nst' ~ arx:l ...lea" up ~ Low Aa I S¥otoam r\S1. atl(\t'1 ~ il"'j TO\lIIall ~ reQUeSred WINTER CONSTRUCTION MASONRY BASEMENTWATERPROOFING COPlCRETE Security Ut- ~ April Brook. 8<>cl; 'BI<:ct S'"" WalsS,,,,,,._ andBtacJ ~ Pa!>OS s Oo:"t> ~~4 T~llepo~ Foo"'9SU~ Wa~ Dnveways • Patios 31900 Shprman Dllve \~w<" 0<''''9" S~'ems PO't!>es Ra~ement \\aterproofmg • Bnck Pavers Madison Heights MI 48071 AddItlOns • Garages • Bridl Tuck Polntins Telephone 810 583.2400 Ex12543 313/885-2097 STATE • Chimney Repair • Gutter Cleaning Fax 8105834214 LICENSED (810) 826-9251 Home 313441 1958 All Cal, Relum<'dll0 YearTransferable G".ranlee A GUARAIfTEE IS ONLY AS GOOOAS TIlE GUARANTOR Steve • 313-526-4354 • Insured~

, .:o.llr~~~- -:- ..-...... 1'" .t - -- .... I I .' A D • • & ~ Thursday, April 3, 1997 Grosse Pointe News I The Connection

.43 LAND6CArlRS/ .43 lANDSCArERS/ .51 rlUMIiNG t .30 ELECTRI Insured references "He!erences RESIDENTIAL DISCOUNT Power Raking 9059 Seavers Home "'All Work Guaranteed COMMERCIAL 886.4448 Aerating 313.885.3410 Maintenance 882-0000 Gardening MICHAEL HAGGERTY TEAR OFF 15215MACK Spnng & Fall Clean ups SHELBY- Ryan Custom L1c Master Plumber RESHINGLE FRANKS WALLPAPER Painting Intenorl exten T"mmmg Evergreen REMOVING SERVICE CERTIFIED or, quality work, free es TOMA & Shrubs 3rd generation APPLICATIONS OF tlmates Steve 313-526 Seeding! Sodding Local & since 1940 stateWide DISCOUNT $ MODIFIED SINGLE ELECTRIC Landscape Planting 3369 $ Long Distance (313)451-1444 PLUMBING PLY BOB TOMA Snow Removal • For all Your FLAT ROOFING STEVE'S Painting Licensed Master FREE ESTIMATES Agent for FREE estimates Reason- Plumbmg Needs SYSTEMS 81o-n5-3078 IntenorlExtenor Special Electrical Contractor Global Van Lines able rates Nick Karout- Sewer $60 VENTS sos, ProfeSSional Pamt- IZlng In plaste nng and 885-8030 FIVE SEASONS Drains $40 GUTTERS er Intenor! extenor 30 drywall repairs, cracks, TREE SERVICE WHY PAY MORE?? REPAIRS Reasonable Rates years expenence Call peeling paint Window FAMOUS Maintenance 7 DA'fS 24 HOUR 5 Free Estimates Landscape Renovation 885-3594 glazing caulking Also LICENSED INSURED Tree Tnmmlng, removal Window & gutter clean ~ 810,412.5500 Commercial Residential pamt old aluminum Sid- stumping, shubbery Ing Llcensed, bonded New, Repairs, Renova. GHI Painting Intenorl ex- Ing 313.8741613 886.0520 sculpting Insured since 1943 313- 822-4400 tlons, Code Violations, tenor ProfeSSional, ex. AaratJon & power raking 88443DO • large and Small Job. EMIL THf- PLUMBER .64 SEWER ClEANING Service Upgrade penenced references WALLPAPER Landscapes, lawns, • P,ano. (our 'ee<:laltyl Free esllmates Insured "'ather & Son~ SERVICE GUTTER repairs. clean REMOVAL (Improved or replaced) • Appl,onces Greg, 313-527-1853 Smce 1949 Ing reasonable rates BY TIM EVANS Sewer & Drain TOP SOIUGRADING • Saturday Sunday Bnt MA~If.RPLl'18I-R"1(i" 15 years m POlntes Call E;.cpenenced qual11y CleaOlng Also repair 934 fENClS George Sperry Service INTERIORS 882.0029 Steve (313)884 6199 WNk d~pendable, Over 30 years expen- Free estimates 19th yr • Senior Discounts BY DON & LYNN lowest pnce AARDVARK FenCing ence Well eqUipped GUTTERS- Installed re -Husband. Wife Team 771.4007 L S. WALKER CO Residential, light com- Owned & Operated Clean bUSiness track re 810-n8-4331 paired, cleaned -Wallpapenng Plumbmg Drain Cleaning merCial Custom wood By John Steininger cord Very reasonable Screens Power wash 1!l~1!I A II Repal rs Free rates 90 days wrItten specialists Free esti- GREEN Sweep Landscap- 11850 E, Jefferson -Painting Ing FREE estimates LI Estlmatesl Reasonablel warranty Michigan II mates 3134382829 Ing Spnng and fall clean MPSC.L 19675 885-2633 ~ lIKE'$ PROFESSIONAl~ ups bush tnmmlng, etc censed, Insured North. licensed Insured Insured cense (042882) 313 Griffin Fence Company Free esllmates Call eastern Improvements, J & M Painting Co. ~ PAINTING ~ 8102861799 8356124 DaVid (313)886-6890 Inc 313-372-2414 FREE ESTIMATES 313-705-7568 pager 971 rHIPHON£ 'All Types Of FenCing Specializing 10: ~ & INSTAllATION 'Sales SEAVER'S Home Mainte- * Extenor/* lf11enor, WAllPAPERING ~ 960 ROOFING SEIlVla 'InstallallOn, Repairs GREENSTAR nance Gullers replaced, Resldenllal & CommerCial ~ Interlorl&1er1or Includes ~ ALL types outlets cable repairing dalTlllged plaster. 'Senlor Discount repaired, cleaned roof EASTPOINTE Pamtlng ALL PRO ROOFING com puler netwo rks etc ~ cracks, peeling pamt, ~ 822-3000 800-305-9859 LANDSCAPE repairs 3138820000 MOVING AND *Plaste"ng & Drywall ProfeSSIonal roofs. gUllers, 313- 882-2079 ~ window glazing caulking ~ sldlng, new, repaired (313) 884-5165 repaIrs and cracks, peeling ~ pamllngalumlnumsldlng ~ MODERN FENCE Reasonable Reliable 973 TIlE WORK Call now for estimates on 945 HANDYMAN STORAGE CO. pamt WindOW glazing, Top Qualily malenal White Cedar Specialists 21 years expenence Lawncullmg caulking ~ RU50fIabie prices. ~ CERAMIC kitchen coun- Serving the Grosse POinte All Work Guaranteed! L1CENSEDIINSURED FertiliZing 10% discount *Washlng & Painting old ~ All work Guaranteed. ~ ters bathrooms walls, since 1955 Carpentry, plumbing, John Williams for Spnng pre-pay floors Water damage 29t80 Gratiot, RoseVille electncal, painting Roofing, aluminum Siding ~ Call Mike anytime ~ 313-885-5813 Aerallng 884.8380 regroutlng Any type LI 810-776-5456 w1yI sdng Power washing *Wood Staining! SprIng Clean-up 777.8081 censed contractor 1- Vmyl! ceramic tile Code LICENSED & INSURE D Varnishing JAMES A Smelser Roof eo 93S flOOR SANDING/ landscaping 1!l~1!I 1085 Violation repair FREE estl PACKING & MMF;RIAI.S Grosse POinte References Repair & Maintenance RlFlNISHING Sod, Woodchlps, flower In 910 WINDOWS MVF LAWN CARE slate rooff repairs 810- plastenng Estimates work Insured Seaver's, finishing, old & new (al- Serving the Grosse POinte 296-2274 Lowest Call now (313)881 1038 references FUlly Insured "~nbJ~':T~:l'"%~eoa~~ so banisters) Insured (313)882-0000 UNIQUE area for over 10 years pnces Free estlmales C.II Ken • 87~ 1755 Expenenced 313-535- ______BOWMAN Painting Inten- 882-5038 WINDOW & DOOR CO Prompt, rellable,com- 957 PlUMllNG t Some Classlfactlons 7256 plete weekly service POINTE Malnlenance-- orl Extenor ReSidentIal are required by law to Replacement Repair NUGENT Painting & Pow- INSTALLATION Call Mike for free rea- complete handyman 26 years expenence be licensed Check With InstallatIOn Vmyl Wood MARBLE Restoration Sys- er Washing Intenor/ ex- sonable estimate services Roofs to floors Call Gary 81 0 790-0030 proper State Agency 313-640-3940 tems Inc Floo rs te nor, plaster/ drywall re- COMPLETE 810-412-0499 Expenenced 810 775 to venfy license counters, tables & morel 7303 BRENTWOOD Palnllng! pairS, Insured, free esti- PLUMBING 931 WINDOW WASHING TIle cleaning Free esti- POINTE Maintenance Wallpapenng 30 years mates 313-245-1817 SERVICE mates 313-459-5712 complete groundskeep- FAMOUS maintenance SCHNEIDER'S Home Re of quality & service to Paintlngl FREE MARTIN VERTREGT Mike 109 services weekly serving Grosse POlnle pairs Plumbing electn- POintes Shores Harper estImates, reasonable licensed Master Plumber R.R. CODDENS lawncare, power-raking, s.nce 1943 Llcen sed WOOD Floor Sanding! re- cal, carpentry painting Woods Free estimates rates 12 years expen- Grosse POinte Woods Fanuly Busmess smce 1924 clean-ups 810775 bonded Insured Wall finishing Wood floor In code Violations 313- Bill, 81Q.776-6321 or ence, Intenor/ extenor 886-2521 Shmgle Roofs 7303 washing! carpet clean 8864t21 pager 810- 810-7718014 10% oft New work repairs, staliallOn Michigan Quality work' John Kar- Flat Roofs mg 8844300 22725 Greater Mack 903-6351 With thiS ad outsos, 810-778-9619 renovations, water Spnng Clean Up Rubber roofs ne" 1-80Q.6OS 1515 heaters sewer cleaning GEORGE OLMIN BRIAN'S PAINTING Power Raking PAINTING, wallpapenng code ViolatiOns and repair WINDOW CLEANING 937 FURNACE REPAIR/ ProfeSSional painting Inte WEEKL V CUTTING PAT THE GOPHER wall washing Jan, 884- All work guaranteed Tear offs SERVICE INSTAllATION nor and extenor Spe- Tnmmlng HOME MAINTENANCE SERVICE 8757 Judy 81Q.294- _ Chlmnf?Y rcpalrs 40 YEARS IN TfolE Bush CialiZing m all types of RETIRED heating contrac 'Small HomeRepa"s 4420 DAN ROEMER POINTES & Removal • Guller Cleaning & Repa IS painting Caulk,ng, win tor 40 years • Sma II Roof Repairs dow glazing and plaster PAINTING- Intenor exten- PLUMBING 810-791-0070 expenence reasonable 313-885-1889 886-5565 :\t'~~I,~~er.~al repair All work guaran- or spackling wallpaper- RepaIrs remodeling code MADAR Malntence for 313-881-2023 SPRING Clean- ups • SId,ng & Deck Installal100 teed For Free Esti- 109, WindOW glazing work, fixtures merly hremans ad Hand - 931 fURNITURf Planllng rotolliling and Insun4 mates and Reasonable FREE estimates LI- Water heaters Installed wash wmdows and WINIIHING !U'HOIIH~ING tnmmlng Insured Tom for more GENTILE ROOFING Rates, call 872-2046. cenSed, Insured North Licensed and Insured walls Kitchens are our Nez 313-885-8224 mformatlOn -~iNCElt«l FURNITURE refinished eastem Improvements, 7722614 speCiality' Free est I I CUSTOM PAINT • Sh,ngle Tear-offs repaired, stnpped, any STARLIGHT Tree Servce 774.0781 Inc 313-372-2414 mates & references FINISHES by DAVE'S Sewer Cleaning type 01 can Ing Free es- Tnmm,ng & removal • Flat Decks 313 82t 2984 JEFFREY ADAMS PAINTING! Wallpapenng Plumbing Repair If It s timates 3456258, 661- trees, shrubs Prune 946 HAUliNG • Copper Installation ElCpenenc8d In G(osse PM8S Quality jObs at reasona. broke we'll fiX It LI 5520 frUit trees Call Dana • Expert Repairs LOOK " "'.,., homos ble pnces Intenorl exte censed & Insured Free (810)755-9421 leave DEMOLmON-HAULING lIcensed & Insured ClaSSIfied AdvertlslnQ FURNITURE stnpplng! re- Ga rages sheds, MetIculously neal & clean nor Call Dennis eslimates SenIor dls message 774-9651 882-6900 finishing! repair done by basements mIscellaneous (810)790-9117 (810)776-3796 count 313.5267100 F8ll 343-5569 hand With profeSSional STUMP REMOVAL and rubbish removal CUSTOM INTERIOR , care Free Estimates Free estimates SERVICE 960 ROOfiNG SIRVI(E 960 ROOfiNG SERVIn 960 100FING SERVIC{ 960 100FING SEIVICE 10% for referrals 313- 313-526-9288 DESIGN REASONABLE Interior - Exterior 839-0840 FREE ESTIMATES MOVING-HAULING Faux flOlShes, plaster Smce 1936 Smc~ 1936 9H IANDSCArf RS/ QUICK SERVICE C Appl,ance removal repair and wall papering 0 GARDENE~S 81~5-0225 4:S'7 1 Garage yard basement Licensed and IOsured J &JROOFING 0.'7'79' c:'j7 ALL3 3 -521'20 WOODLAND HillS Land TREES Shrubs & hedges cleanouts Construction FOf' your free 10 home (810) 445-6455 OR 1 800-459-6455 S\ "O\..~ F"0l.." ~5 scape complete lawn! removed Stump gnnd debns Free estimates estimate CALL "icE HOW AFFORDABLF QUAI In C~N BF' ~oQf E. D. Foley ~ 1'/ gardenmg selV1Ce Call mg Free estimated In MR B'S 313-882.3096 to year woo'Tlansh,p warranty nome Improvement Co. 81Q.3989226 fured 810778 4459 810-759-0457 810-445-0436 25 year or longer malenal warranty servmq -the Pomt('~- for ovn ';0 V('ar~ $peC1allzlng In TEAR OFFS TFAR OfFS RfCO\fR'i lIf~V)WfJ(JtlT '>lilNGLt'i Loe"""", ';INGLf PI Y ROOflNfo fXPt RT WORKMAN5111P 954'AINTING/OlCOUTING 954 PAINTING/DlCOUTlNG .S4'AINTING/DE(QUTlNG \O\!(' [)o Ollr O""n Work CALL US TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATEI 11( n"i("d &. lnc,urpc1


tilgh-t Qj,\Q'~ PAINTING <;ponglng Rag"ln" <;r 1( "" Dr ",glnr ()[I'(' 'I" D"", 111""<1er R'l'm Kirchen, R llh, Ii '" menl Faux Fml~he~• Wall Covenng~ SpecialIZIngIn InlenorlExlenor PaIntIng We offer Rpmodf'1 ng 1\,£\\ \'\lnno\,\.oyf)ooroli [)('(~ ... J( 1)«(<:' INTERIOR!PI A';TER REPAIR<;/EXTfRIOR It1e best In preparatIOnbelore palnllng and use on~ lhe Pore h" Dr""n ~t'n tn~ (,roHf' PO/nIl' ,mct' /9HI l,nest malenals for It1e longest lasllng results 1/\011 h,rc (hIp ,nUT pmnt "on t Gr&at Western people are quality mInded and courteous 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE (313) 884-5764 REASONABLE RATES FREE ESTIMATE. FULLY INSURED i Iccn"-C'd & Im.urcd • J-ull) Warranted FREE ESTIMATES' FULLY INSURED 885-4867 886-7602

~~._.-::.~._.~.-._*_t_ ~7'!dtlllry-1IIIl1r _t.__oII._,.':r., •••,_ W _ .._ _ _ _ bllll tt- '-_.t.._tt __. ~,-,-..." -...... -=- dT _ , CHI'OlIA"Omalt , 4_, ~ ROd'; Hnm I~or .-~ ~Clgmaw MI 4860, SV .... 1)17)19)0<>14 ,'I'..QUf:NCE IRool QI>R 14 II> In' 11111 'Qi 1471 ICOn .. INION f'mo l'imq 1 @in \ r()I"'l Prpsldfo.nl •• OIO..AL0',,"* 9?f. Ranh 1)1 ')\ llf> 151- (1(("nrlHn~n M 494'7 11>1> R4!> RlJl> In> 1611>1RM 6147 "mn.I rtrn..,)~ .. --.-.. 10C April 3, 1997 Grosse POinte News

SPRED SATIN@ FLAT LATEX WALL PAINT 'Whrte PREMIUM PLUS INTERIOR • Scrubbable nal ~nlsh FLAT LATEX WALL PAINT • Easy soap and water clea n up • For walls woodwork and ceilings • Hides minor surface 'Malte,flalhmsh _ Imperfections • Super scrub and washabllrty I - Y3400 (609901) • E-aSl water clean up ... 19 e • 100 • acrylic latex 41 19" , 5 GAl(609896) •.. $37.95 105001 (135992) 5 GALLON (136433) 11:6005 $71.95 WHY BUY WHY BUY BEHR? GLIDDEN? • Rated 1t1by the leading consumer • Computer color match to bngh~ cnsp • leading name brand reporting magazine colors •The brand you trust • 100% acrylic latex • Recommended and warrant,ed by the • Custom calaIS avaliable • A great value • Durable flexible, and stain resistant Home Depot- OUR BEST PAINT • Great coverage & durabillty

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CPlfYrEt Tin(~~FN,,~tl=J

RUSToOLEUMTM ,=/l9hu ru5l1" A"'Hl",,m KILZ-PRIMER, SEALER and STAIN KillER THOMPSON'S WATER (~~f,-SPRAY $2.94 SPRAY SEAl@ (8223881 $3.44 - WolaIpIools lOXICl. bn:lI, eoncrelt mll"",'1 __ is $19.97 f4fJ] ~~PN GALLON 1~~84) PROFESSIONAL FAST DRY (8223531 $9.84 12 Oz. AEROSOL ENAMEL 15 oz. 5 GAUON (1l22345) $49.20 GAL 10100 (402176) $4.63 (110582) $4.67 'lCil 5GAUON 60732 (474619) $34.95 (1

- -:..--=-- -- $II~J $I~ T' STRIPPER PAINT THINNER INTERIOR/EXTERIOR ALEX PLUS ACRYLIC SILICONE II WINDOW XL DALE ANGULAR f4!1 - ~ dUlY sem-posle '~,!llayel'SWlIhor.e' :~~~::~~~IY'P''''' ENAMEL LATEX CAULK and DOOR SEALANT NYLONiPQLY BRUSH WOOD FINISH IIIlll'lCalOOO IThn$O~bo1SedPilnland¥i1(jHS~ .,:~ ADHESIVE .W!vIf .~~ -2' • Rerroves IU r 11shes ncJiJdl"lg -c_. bill.... "1 Ol.~ "05 ... -1010l. "010l. 'Nc>01llbMl1_ - FClIIly WOOd ""' ... """" ...Ilant, Io'I9t • The ""l'0iI poneIlIld - PooM.lIlII • ClMr Of willie • S 15667091 il~= G~!~= 08032lJ(422391) lN60'B-""(78'5681 GUARANTEE" LOW PRICES. ~AV-I.t.."A'I-OUT,

COMMERCE EASTLAND REDFORD SOUTHFIELD 355 Haggerty Rd 20300 Kelly Road 12too Inkster Rd 29801 SoulI1Iklld ROllI (810) 624-0196 (313) 24509216 (313) 937-4001 (810) 423-0040

CANTON ROSEVILLE UTICA NORTHLAND MON.SAT 6I3Oam.1Opm 39825 Ford Road TAYLOR 20500 13 Mile Rd 453llI Nof1hpo!nle 8M. 16400 W 8 Mile Rd 21100 PMn SIreel FRIDAY 6:3Oam-11pm (3131844-7300 (810) 415-9620 (810) 997.1411 (810) 42307777 (313) 374-1901 SUNDAY 8:OOam.7pm

.... - ...... -- ...... _- .. !l:-""~---""~~'t' ...... -...... ~...... --:-...~ ... .1 • .« " $ 7? ?? -. • CO.PO.Aft OPPfClS, , "'( 1\ 'nm' l · lOt'l] ..... M oiRf1(') <., '''- '1(.)1<1 SEQlJENCE IRnrl~ RW' fl)(r'i! '9//4)1 SCOTT IIOIIINION "rnn' dmq lib, ()ll"o f' f'\ot" ••• IOMALO"tel. o :I)t K tin If' '/~) • • a i In j ~ v('n M~ 4941/ (rdt1 kt1t IV:l~ I • I" "I RA1MAI f no l omo)@nnll/V1nf,...... m '.

~OLLJME 6 NO 1 3 "~ APRIL 3 ~~--~ ------""".;,.,':'os >-"",

, ---.-.-&_ .._----- I I ~ • ... Page 2 YourHome Thursday, April 3, 1997

h~ Laura Hallmark Wallcovering Smigielski HOME INSPECTIONS offers fire retardant paint You have JU'lt found the "perfect" hou.,e. but It IS Important to remem- A new paint product, which will ber that It may not be perfect You .,hould have a structural mspector go make a difference in keeping your over the house from the foundatIOn to the roof .,0 that you can make an mformed deCISIOn make children's rooms, play- family safer." A structural expert can give you cruCial mformatlon about the plumbing, winng, heatmg rooms, game rooms or any other and air conditIOnIng sy~tems He wIll check. the roof, give you an indIcation of the condi- area of the house safer in the Majic Kidproof Fire Retardant tIOn of the appliance." and help you ~et up a long-term budget for replacement and repairs event of a fire, has recently been The Inspector can al~o show you where the water cut-off valve and cirCUit breakers or fuse Wall Paint is the first such prod- box are located introduced by Hallmark uct available to the do-it-your- In Wallcovering and Paint. "Majic Your Realtor can adVise you about how to mclude an engmeenng InspectIOn your seIfer that includes a fire retar- offer to purchase and give you the names of lO"pector., In your area. The purchase of a Kidproof Fire Retardant Wall home IS a major Investment, and the cost of an In''pectlOo IS well worth the peace of mmd II dant element. ''The addition of provides Paint" has been formulated to Fire Barrier II makes our unique include Fire Barrier II - an UL Laura resides and works in Grosse Pointe as a top realtor for Coldwell Banker kidproof product even more fami- SChweitzer covering the Grosse Pointes, St. Clair Shores and Harper Woods. recognized product that creates a ly-friendly," says Naylor. ''This protective coating that is resistant For professional advice on all aspects of buying or selling, call her at to fire. paint's special fire retardant prop- (313) 886-4200 or (313) 201-8070. erty gives a room extra protection The new product, which is the against the ignition and spread of first of its kind available to do-it- fire, providing more time to yourselfers, is available at the escape death or injury." Grosse Pointe Woods Hallmark Majic Kidproof paint is already Wallcovering and Paint outlet at known for its durability, scrubba- 19849 Mack. bility and stain resistance, com- bined with a soft eggshell finish. The paint finish will slow the ''Now, this product gives families spread of flames and retard their both the attractive finish they ignition, in addition to providing want with the safety and durabil- the durable, scrubbable decorator ity they need," says Naylor. "It's A rendering of one of the homes to be built on a dead end street finish of kidproof paint. "Unlike perfect for every room in the leading to Lake St. Clair. ThIS may be your last opportunity to build other types of fire retardant coat- house that is subject to wear and your dream house just a few feet from the breakwall. Suggested plans ings that blister and emit problem tear." and facades are available in vanous pnce ranges. gases, our special blend will only Call R. G Edgar & AsSOCIatesas we are now accepting reservations on lots char, thereby slowing the travel of The paint is available in white a flame across a wall or surface," and tint base, making it ideal for says product manager Guy custom tinting. For more informa- R.Q~ 886-6010 Naylor. "Use of this product may tion, call (313) 881-9760. '-l?assodates 114 Kercheval • .. .. - .. - - - .. Lewis G. Gazoul, CQo* -,• • Thursday, April 3, 1997 YourHome Page 3 Unclogging the jets in the upper rim Q. I have a toilet that has a this time listen to the shower and tion is that you don't have to shut mind of its own. Sometimes when basin drains. Did they gurgle? If off the water, call a plumber, or it is flushed, the water will spin they didn't it probably means the have much more skill th an be able around and come up to the rim vent to the roof isn't plugged. to pour some acid into a one inch and almost overflow.Sometimes it Great, we now know what the hole. That is the dangerous part; will flush normally. problem isn't. What is it? My the product is an acid and not to Before I purchase a new toilet, guess is it's probably calcium be used carelessly. is there something I can do to buildup in the jets in the upper For about $3, an average person determine what the problem is? rim of the toilet bowl, especially if Ask Mr. Hardware can bring new life to a toilet that A. My favorite test for a ques- it is about 30 to 40 years old. In B Blair Gilbert they were about to replace - tionable toilet is to give it the the old days my father sold muri- ter and quicker job. We add a step probably with less quality. bucket test. Get a large pail, fill it atic acid to de-lime a toilet. He'd by having customers remove If you can't find the time to do it with about three gallons of water pour a quart of it into the overflow about one half of the water in the right when will you find the time and dump it into the toilet bowl. tube in the middle of the toilet bowl before pouring the de-Hmer to do it over? Slow at first, then if it is going all tank, wait 20 minutes and then in the overflowtube. This enables Send any questions or com- right release the last of the water flush. Sometimes this procedure the product to remove some of the ments to: Blair cia Gilbert's Pro all at once. will take several doses to com- lime in the trap of the bowl. It has Hardware 21920 Harper, St. Clair Did it go down quickly? If it did pletely clean the jets in the rim. been known to clean some of those Shores MI. 48080, (810) 776- it must not be clogged internally Today we have a toilet de-limer unsIghtly stains at the same time. 9532. E-mail at blair@multi- or in the drain pipe. Do it again, by ROOTOthat seems to do a bet- The real beauty of this opera- techcx.com Pointe company participates in home show Grosse Pointe Alarm Co. Inc. of dent of BIA and of S.H. Jacobson For a special highlight of the Admission is $4 for adults; $3 Grosse Pointe is one of over 100 Development Corp. in Bingham show,DonAslett, America's undis- for seniors and children 6-12 and featured exhibitors at the first Farms. ''Wise homeowners will puted King of Clean, will present children under 6 are admitted Home Improvement Show which take advantage of the convenient several sparkling clean seminars free. Family tickets for two adults is open April 3 - 6 at the Novi one-stop shopping and special to make housework faster. and accompanying children are Expo Center. prices which many exhibitors Novi Expo Center is located at available at Farmer Jack for $9. "When companies of this caliber offer." 1-96 and Novi Road. Show hours Ample parking is available at get together under one roof, you Grosse Pointe Alarm Co. Inc. are from 2 - 10 p.m. Thursday and Novi Expo Center for a fee. For know something special is going will feature residential and com- Friday; 10 a.m. - 10 p.m. Saturday more information, call (810) 737- on," says Scott Jacobson, presi- mercial alarm systems. and 10 a.m. - 7 p.m. Sunday. 4478.

Ji!!!.~aros A8ency", Inc. presenL~ Beline's Best Buys ..2.•.:..-..- ~ ., HOMES FOR SALE.•• ~ \'~" / ~ r' J- 'J'~.. GROSSE POINTE PARK C!' tm3lli _ f/ 13 32 Harvard 2 hdnn 1 1 bath Lease thl~ Colomal month to month, ne\\ kitchen, den, natural fireplace, ~no\\' remmal/la\l n cutting IncluJed, also PCh' 854 56 Nottlni;ham Multi tamil, on dead end street" lth tI\O hedrollm~, Jlnlng [(\(~rn,'eparate ha~ernent' 10 each unit 1)050 Jetfmon Otflce Sp,KC tor lea,c . 3,200 ~quare teel \\Ilh c\Lellent rwklng, centr,11 air Call !l)[ the detail, GROSSE POINTE WOODS 724 Ha"lhome 4 hJrm 2 h,Hh Care Cod 1\Ith nel\ klllhen narural tnerhle In lhe 11\ Ing [(lI.Im nl\1 [(lilt, F-IOIJJ1 [(lI)m ,me ,100 ,me halt ldr gar,lge

1581 SunnlngJale 4 hdrm 4 I Iwh Ranch \\ Ith mNer hednx1m II Ilh ,tale of the art fwh, t lmd\ r,'om leadmg ((l the ,\I Immlt,g ['llol/hol tuh, tlnlsheJ hasemenr

1041 Blalrm(xlr 5 hJrm 2 1 h,lth Colonial II Ilh updated kllchen, nel\ \I InOO\l" nC\\ turnace/centr al air, ne\\ [(\(1f t\\ l~ car garage 590 S. Drys • $450,000 19673 BIO"Sllm Lane 3 hdl1ll 1 1 hath FOR LEASE/REDUCED Cape Coo home'" Ilh 2,000 Grosse Pointe Woods -.quare feet, dmmg room, ,creened porch, two GU garage EXQUISITE AND CONTEMPORARY FAMILY HOME. Five • GROSSE POINTE CITY bedroom .... three and or~e half baths; octagonal famIly room WIth 604 Notre Dame 2 hdrm 1 hath Clo,e to Village, fre,hl~ palnteJ, nell. Cdrpel, n' ntlrm lll,r,'m rlT1,h It Hur,' 1 t 1111111 ronm tlnl,he,l ~l'l mlnt nUL BELINE DBEID · 343.0100 '111 tllt\ hlldt hl,llth1!1 I,r IT1 Im tIt Ild1t r \llth kltlhen !I\l' ~, fr, k111l' 11\ II _ r , I I II' I hit h Certified Residential Specialist e The Prudential ~ Grosse POinte Real Estate Co. ~m ~ A8 .!}EJ, In~ v. 882-0087 17108 Mock ot Cadieux • Grosse Pointe, MI48224 • (313) 886-9030 hltp:/I~~ ~./)(>Iine .com ht>line(a ht>hne.com

... ~ .. --"-2"';------J.4-- ..-I1111!1~~=-=-- Park. Statelv English Manor with Harrison Township. LAKE ST. CLAIR green acreage to water's edge on Lake Farms. Beautiful center entrance Algonac. PRICE REDUCED! A prime WATERFRONT property recently Colonial, completely remodeled With St Clair Offers' Spacial arrangements reduced EnJOySWImming, boating, or North Algonac location on the St. for family and guest A home to love; quality appomtments.. New kitchen Clair River With canal frontage; truly a Just plain relaXing m thIS quality lake- featurrng granite counters. Thermador a place to cherISh $2,373,000 front home Call for list of amenities one-of-a-klnd home Unique charac- 'Il' 34295. (HD-F-10WIN) Island cooktop and SubZero refrigera- $599,900 1l" 32975 (GPN-GW-93SEA) teristICS, modern amenities, attached tor. Wonderful garden court Side yard boat house, pOSSible separate build- and extensive new landscaping able lot. $575,000 1l" 33105 (GPN- $585,000. 1l" 3b835 (GPN-H-49NEW) CW-03LOC).

St. Clair Shores. Today's state of the Woods. SPACIOUS CAPE COD Four art luxury condo SpacIous, open floor Shores. OFF LAKESHORE ROAD ThIS bedroom home located on 300 toot City. CHARMING TRADITIONAL plan .....Ith all the good things, air con- three bedroom brick ranch features deep lot Just across tram Lochmoor COLONIAL WIth three bedrooms, ditIoning, single floor plan, two car formal drnlng, family room, natural Country Club. Newer kitchen, family newer kitchen With breakfast nook, garage, alarm 'iystem Monthly fee fIreplace, central air condltlOnmg room, heated garden room and fabu- formal dll1lrlg, family room With large $300 $428,800 'Il' 34315 (HD-F-01- Many Improvements rn the last sever- lous ba~ement $425,000 'Il' 36675. bay Window, natural fireplace In liVing HAR) al years Finished ba~ement With wet (GPN-H-07-SUN) room, extra Wide lot, two car garage bar $299,500 'Il' 33415 (GPN-CW- $239,900. 'fr 33265 (GPN-GW- 45CRE) 39l0R)

Farms. UNPACK YOUR SUITCASEsr Woods. CUL-DE-SAC LOCATION Fasv to care for brick ranch with Farms. SurpriSingly <;pauou<; English Well maintained three bedroom Farms. INVITING NEW PRICE' Hurry, dttM hed garage pertect for the travf'l- one and one halt story Detailed pias- at thl., prrce tlm wondertully main- Colonial WIth formal dlrlll1g room and ter moldIllg, ral,;pd natural fireplace In 111[; Illf'<'!yle Updated kItchen and tarned home won't last longr Three family room Newer central air and \;rl'dl room \\ Ith fireplace IS ,deal lor Irvrng room FrnI<;hed basement With bedroom<;, tamrly room, refinished humidifier $174, ')00 1l" 36')25 IGPN family room aeJditlonal bedroom dnd 1

Harper Woods. SI\'C[ f OR ML III Park. '\,( \\ i I1gl.ll1d ( olonlll IE ltl,rlflg FAMILY home nr\lr St John Hr)'>))II.ll 11\li1g room \\ Ilh 11<11111.1\ llrl'pl](!, Harper Woods. OPEN SUNDAY 2-4 Woods. AFFORDABILrTY clnd morp M,lny upd.1te<; )C'PtH,llp utdlllP" for lJpd,ltl'd kite 1)('11 ~('_H found \1(1) 21248 Parkcrest. PRICE Rf-DGCEDI! S('cond floor corner IHlII In 111(' Up'it,llr<;With liVing room krtc fwn, hed room, flr,>t Iloor dpn th.lt (,111 hi Tlm'C' bedroom Imck rdnch featuring Ikrk"hlre'> LIving room ,1nd two room and bath Thrp(> bedroom lov,pr tUrI1pd Into ,1 powdpr room A mu'>! uprtltf'd kltc hf'n, form,ll dining, f.lml 'iPdCIOU" bedroom'i overlook reM With formal dining clnd tamily room '>('P $14(),9()O fr ~4IH) IH[) F \'1 lOom ndtural flrf'plac e, c('nlral air c u"tom courtyMd (u'itom dr.1perlC''' $1 ')4/JOO tJ' 3 \11") ((,PN (,W 27SLOj ORf11\R) r ondlllol1Jng, two car gJrag(' Gro'i'iC' throughout $119,000 'Il' 141\ ') ,. POint! '>'hool'> $114,900 'Il'11IVi (HD F-')O-VFR) ( ll"!:'J o IiII EVERY PROPERTY. EVERY DAY UNTIL IT'S SOLD™ SCHWEITZER • Internet Site http://cbschweitzer.com • Homefacts™ (810) 268-2800 "lJ' • Real Estate Buyer's Guide REAL ESTATE bcpcd tlE lx'!t. •..-. ... .r- ...... L _ .. :H I , 1 I ______T.h.;;.ur;.;s,;;,da;;:.Yt.l",.:..:lApril 3, 1997 YourHome Page 5 j Public Health Week: Get the lead out Mortgages People dismiss lead poisoning ". , 1 dusty areas. - It s someone ese's problem, I • Wash children's hands often. keep my house clean." The truth • Keep play areas clean. Wash Purchase Construction is, homes painted before 1978 (the pacifiers and toys regularly. year of the lead-paint ban) may • Keep children from chewing pose a serious health risk. window sills or painted surfaces. FHANA bIIiU First-Time Nomebum Most victims of lead poisoning • Make sure children eat low- are children. The effects can be fat, nutritious meals high in iron devastating. Lead from paint, and calcium. Children with good AHordable Housing Programs dust and soil can be dangerous if diets absorb less lead. not managed properly. • For larger lead hazards, con- If ingested or inhaled in the tact a lead abatement contractor, Pre-_roved Conventionals form of fine particles, it can create a person with special training for severe health problems. Lead in correcting lead problems. At Flagstar Bank, we have the products the body can cause serious dam- Brochures exist for special situ- age to the central and peripheral ations such as renovations in and service to get the job done! nervous sys~em, the cardiovascu- homes with lead-based paints. lar system and the kidneys. Call (313) 467-3300. Children and Exposure to high concentration pregnant women must be absent of lead can cause retardation, con- from homes during work periods. vulsions, coma and sometimes Wayne County celebrates death. Public Health Week, April 7 - 13. l~a9st1ft:::,Jleyk Lead-based paint in good condi- The Wayne County Public Health tion is usually not a hazard. division's scope of operations Peeling, chipping, chalking or includes the evaluation of commu- cracking lead-based paint is a nity-wide health needs and envi- hazard and needs immediate ronmental conditions. The staff attention. monitors air, land and water pol- If you suspect lead hazards lution, tracks diseases and sub- exist in your house: stance abuse and makes sure chil- • Clean up the paint chips dren are immunized. immediately. "We so often take for granted • If you rent, notify your land- how large a role our county public } lord of peeling or chipping paint. health workers play in everyone's • Clean floors, window lives," says Edward H. Mc frames, sills or other surfaces Namara, Wayne County execu- Kathleen A. BoruckI weekly. Use a mop or sponge with tive. ''This is the time of year we 810-786-8376 warm water and a general all- step back and acknowledge the purpose cleaner or one made many people who work to make specifically for lead. Remember, our lives healthier." never mix ammonia and bleach Public health offiCIals are tar- products together because they geting each day of the week with a form a dangerous gas. particular health topic. • Thoroughly rinse sponges and For more information call (313) mop heads after cleamng dirty or 467-3372.

15525 KImberly A Fuhrman Thomas G. Speer Wmdmill 313-210-1156 313-376-5609 Pte. (-;rossc Pointe Park $585,000 . Extraordlnarv family honw Scrupulou'ily maintained S bedroom, ~ 1/2 b,;th ( olonlal WIth lull bedroom and bath on Ilr'il tloor LIpd,lted klt( hen ,lIl( bath'i With Conan counter,; Central aIr, 111replac(''i 1'('1/,1 \\ HlrlO\~ ", ll1(lib1e foyer, (athedral (eillnged tamily room, hdrdwood I/O<)h 2 (.H )p.lte( garagE' plus detached 4 (ar garage With heat tull bath, n,l!uralllrf'pla( e John E. Nelson Krys K Schroeder Wonderful potential for home studiO, gUP"1 hou"(' or Inlaw quarter<; 810-401-4691 For sale by owner. 313-821-3424. 313-376-8236 G) 19251 Mack Ave ,--LENDER (Poi nte Plaza) \/lIE 1


~------,.,....,.....-..--..------_.------I , • ,======~~~- .....:.T~h~u~rs~d,:;:,aYL:.,~AeriJ3, 1997 YourHome 813 NORTHERN MICHIGAN 813 NORTHERN MICHIGAN 820 BUSINESS HOMES . HOMES" 817 REAL ESTATEWANTED 819 CEMETERYLOTS OPPORTUNITIES SPECTACULAR log home HOMESTEAD Condo CASH for east side prop- FRASER- property for 2 ESTABLISHED DeSigner with Lake CharlevoIx Glen Arbor. 4 bedroom, erties No commission, plus stone. St. John Label Consignment (Re- vIews situated on 3 acre 2 bath, 2 story. Upper no clOSing cost, no re- Cemetery $850/ offer. sale) bUSiness. Located lot with additional acre- level 011 Lake Michigan pairs Fast closings. 810-939-9473. In excellent Eastside 10- age avaIlable. This 3500 beach. $264,000 fIrm. Allied Real Estate. Early fall possession eatlon. Contact Lmo Re- sq. ft. home offers many (313)881-8373 alty at 810-263-5111 unique features, includ- Serious rnqUiries only! ing massive fieldstone 616-334-3118 fireplace, ceramic tile, cherry wood floors and outdoor hot tub over- lookmg the lake. Availa- 19646 WOODMONT, ble for $349,900- well Harper Woods. Open below appraised value. house April 5, 6 12- Rest and relax in this 4. 3 bedrooms, 1 spectacular Northern bath, new kitchen, 2 Michigan retreat. Call car garage Must Pat O'Brien at ReMax of see $119,500. 313- Boyne for your Lake 885-1288 CharlevoIx needs. 1- 800-968-5092. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • EAL ESTATE 830 GROSSE POINTE SHORES 835 DETROIT Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 84 Claireview 4/2.5 SpacIous center hall colonial No Listings ~vail~ble Large wooded lot By owner Call ------313-331'7709 68 Vernier 4/2.5 Open Sunday 2-4. Executive style Colonial With great space Hig~ie Maxo~~nc. $367,000 313-886.3400 ,836 HARPER WOODS . Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone • 20001 Woodmont 3/1 Open house April 5, 6 12- 4. New root, wlndow~, kitchen Mu,t see $119,500 313-884-9245 831 GROSSE POINTE WOODS _ 18915 Kingsville 2/ Open Sunday 4/6 2- 4 p.m. Nicely decorated & updated Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Tappan & Assoc. $64,900 313-884-6200 617 S. Higbie Place 3/2 Great location I Cu,tom features, 20847 Beaufait 2/1.5 Open Sunday 1- 4. Ranch 1st ranch Call 313-882-7065 tloor laundry Don Symons C-21 $86,900 810-445-6516 1609 Brys ~r. 3/2 Open Sunday 1- 4 $148,000 313-886-6253 20541 Williamsburg Ct. 2/1.5 Open Sunday 1- 4. Townhouse 2135 Beaufait 3/2.5 Beautllully renovated (Olonl,1l $175,000 313-885-7472 Custom h.ltchen Hardwood tloor, Grosse POinte Schoob Coldwell Banker Schweitzer Real Estate. Ask for Pat Mastro $76,900 313-886-4200

832 GROSSE POINTE FARMS 837 ST. CLAIR SHORES Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 244 Williams 3/1.5 DeSigner h.ltchen ~amil\ room $295,000 313-882-2959 22205 Erben 3/1.5 Open Sunday 2- 5. 8m" ran, h dou ble lot $179,000 810-775-0172 20300 Mauer 4/3 L rd,1ted (olonlal Fam dy room \\Ith llreplace, many extras $229,500 810-771-8808-. 23066 Englehardt Open Sunday 1- 5 833 GROSSE POINTE CITY Bm h.ranch Famdy room Call 810-777-0975 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 16650 St. Paul 4/3 Open Sunday 2- 4. Rrturlmhed (ondo Nrw kItI hpn 1/2 hath fl,l! 10 838 NORTHERN MICHIGAN '. ~ & on & on Tappan & Assoc. $245,500 111.884-6200 Address Bedroom/Bath Description Price Phone 541 Neff 2/1 (ute farmhouse In the Cltv 313.886-')609 New kltlhen $121,000 810-774-8180 No listings Available

839 FLORIDA - 834. GROSSE POINTE PARK . Addre~s B('droom/Bath De~CfIptIon Price Phone Price Phone Address Bedroom/Bath Descrlplion No Listmgs Available 954 Berkshire 3/25 Open Sunday 1- 4 (,orgt'OlJ', (olnrllli' ()\( r'l/t'd lot wllh iii ( k' HlghH' Maxon, Inc. $29Q,000 111-118(,-1400 1')')25 Windmill Pointe ')/l 'l I \lr.lllrdll1,1r\ t1ml!) horlH' 840 ALL:.OTHER AREAS '''1 (' bordl'r ,1d (1,1" !lor)) $')8'),000 111-821-1424 Address Bedroom/Bath Descrlptron Price Phone 881 Nottmgham 4/1 Open house: Sunday April 6th 1. 4p.m. $118,000 311-822-1')41 St. Joseph, MI. 2/1.,) [l(',WI dill w,l!l'rtrOllt ( ClndCl $1 'l9,(100 11l-881-858l ------.•,..--- .', , '1 ,~~

I " . e Z- l 7/rZ e s

ClaSSICbungalow With leaded glass and hardwood floors Three bedrooms With two full baths SpacIous rooms and fleXible floor plan

We Have Seven New Listings

~ More Styles £ More Sizes

\'\! 1(1,1 rI,l ~. ~ '1, • More to offer you This f:dll In' unit condominium ha<;a <;uperb j~d III lltt,,~ ~"()"ltt P dk location and I~ In spar~lrng londltlOn Tllo in every price range! Four bedroom Colonial on an extra large lot bedrooms pm ate patio and 10\el) dpwrl \\'oodma<;ler kltch£'n 1\ Ith COrlan lounter<;, jennaJre rang£' and Sub fero r('(r1~eralor Den plus updat£'<; New Offering

Thill Illrl,oom(dpt'(lir! \\al~lI1~rll'lllIlll to ' ) ,ll)ul( III I hill k I lIll h III 11 the H Uill ( Iub I (,1111 II , I , . +1](\ illl~t lIld \ 1lit I Il h01l1 l pd 111 d ~II( hi n !Jal fl111 k ilun~ 111)\\ (In Ihl' jlOII,rld' Iln (I four l~r( Itrlll)illkltlhlilllllh,k\II~I,1 Illpl,HI 11\11 1hru htdlllol1llJIII k (trlonlal f( llulln~ IJlII IIld \\llldlll\' 11(\,U!Jdlh, UIl'llllll pHIII" Q1I~rll ll('drolJm tlllJ lull 11.1Ih'pili' 1 Ilrq Iloor l.luncln lull h'llb lilt! 1 tl\ I ',11 ,Ilt 11 hi rI Q,ll I~l 0111 hall b,lth, l1a(ur Ilwrpl)( I !dllltil mom room .1Ild I 'Ull room \ 1(( 11((plot I 1(1111<11 1Ir I 11I1r!IIIOIlIl1~ (OIl\('I1II'I1II\ 101 atl Ii

- , "

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April 6th • 2 - 4prn

1985 Lochmoor Gros~e Pointe Woods 11)81() lakeview Ct. Grosse Pointe Park , 20675 Morningside Grosse Pointe Woods 1434 Nottinf;ham Grosse Pointe Park 1435 Torrey Grosse Point(' Wood~ 781 loraine Grosse Pointe "ln~l( Ian ill II 'Id, Ill' III II olldlll11llllllm 101)8 Woodbridge St. Clair Shorr., 1 III 1111111111 rill II \111,1 II] 111\111'11111111111' .t81 Fi"hN GroS'ie Pointe Farms 401 lac Ste. Clair St. Clair Shore., '),,,111', 1,\1111 11111, II ( "I I'll IIII \\11)(1, 111 l1 Man(he~IN Harper Woods

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