The MONITOR-LEADER The MONITOR-LEADER • BEHIND THE SCENES MeKENNY ON MACOMB PUBLISHING COMPANY Page 18, 1942 Mount Clemens, Michigan • BRIDGE Mount Clamana 6 December IN WASHINGTON PuMMm* Dally «xc«pt Sunday at Caaa Avtnu* and Walnut straat. ¦ntarad aa gutter ad tba aacond claaa at tba poatofflca at Mount Clemens. Mich. E. ~ BY PETER EDSON During the last war the term BY WILLIAM McKENNEY TELEFEONEB At the end of the last war, “shell shock" was commonly America's Card Authority • • • • Mount Clamane IMO . « M #4 For Newa Call Editorial Department The Desert Fox many people who were supposed used, but psychiatrists today say If you enjoy good bridge, drop or Manager On Other Bualneea Ask tor Publisher General to know, predicted that when that this is a misnomer, and that into the Mayfair Bridge Club " MEMBBB OF TSB ASSOCIATED PBSSS the next war—meaning the there never was any such dis- when you get to New York, and CLIENT OF UNITED PBKBS present one—came along, it ease as shell shock. Their proof ask Harry Fishbein to show you Tba aaaanlatif Prom N exclusively entitled to use any or all news dispatches cred- not otherwise credited. In this newspaper and also the local news would be so much more horrible is the fact that civilians under the little black book in which ited to it. or IS nublished herein. SUBSCRIPTION BATES: By carrier In Mount Clemens. cents than World War I that it would bombardment in todays w’ar he jots down interesting hands. n week! flfJS per year. By carrier In any suburban town In Macomb County where $0 per yw.By put large percentage of the don’t get it. enjoyable eve- the Monitor-Leader maintains a carrier service. 15 cents a week; $7 a I spent a Tnost malL strictly paid in advance In Macomb County where carrier service la NOT earth s inhabitants in the bug REAL WAR OF NERVES ning getting this series of six $4 00 per year: $3.00 for six months; $3.00 for three months; $1 00 for one maintained ordering yepr house. hands from him. df state $5.00 per year. Subscriber saves substantially by a Out rate What was accepted as shell el a time. All subscribers moving from country to city will be credited at the Well, this war isn't over yet, will confer a favor tty shock in the last war was caused Os IS cents a week for the amount due them. Subscribers so there's no telling. But pres- promptly any tnafularlty In delivery whether by mail, or by carrier. not by the explosion of shells in *9 fSsnrtim are that a lot V AQBS4 MEMBKB MICHIGAN PBESSASTN ent indications barrages and but up in hos- bombardments, 4 10 8 6 5 more people will end by the fact that the last war was OUT-OF-TOWN OFFICES from ?A Q 7 Verb 4- 4- Devins k Associates, tne. pitals and institutions warfare, static trench warfare, ¦! 76 415 Lexington Avenue plain, brutal starvation than *B2 .. *AJ A Associates, ine. war of fixed positions, where the —i 5 3 4. J. Devins from nervous breakdown. For ff 7 N SO7 North Michigan Avenue soldiers had to live for days and ?A9 E VJ1063 4. J. Devins A Associates, lne one of the surprising develop- W Atlnata weeks in the same deadly mono- * J 10 8 6 2 $43 Boulevard Drive, N. E. global war thus far 3 ments of the with bad unsanitary 5*32 ? None psychi- tony, food, LDjaUrJ is that the percentage of living conditions, cooties, dysen- lower than for a atric cases is tery, constant strain. AKQIO4 A LESSON FOR US comparable period in World War one The most serious outbreak of VK9 The North African adventure teaches valu- I. what went for shell shock in the ? KQJ7432 neuro-psychiatrists ? None too hasty in Reputable last war came after the battle of able lesson. That is we should not be in mental and Rubber—None vul. —the specialists the Somme, in 1916. Then war nothing. more Cut judging something about which we know nervous diseases—make neuroses became almost an epi- South West North interesting observations in try- 1 4 Pass If 1 * campaign to demic in the British army, * For months there was a concerted ing to explain this fact. The 2 4 3 * 4 Pass which had taken a terrific beat- . Pass bombings on the nerv- 4 4 Pass 5 4 discredit the State Department (particularly Secre- effect of ing and had been forced into a the popu- Opening—V 7. It Vichy govern- ous systems of civilian series of costly retreats. Psychi- tary Hull) for its policy toword the far less than was lation has been atrists today are of the opinion this has proved Keterring to today’s hand, ment, which was announced as one of appeasement. expected, and that war neuroses is more fre- just sim- through the cam- Harry said. “This is a true right quent in defeat. Attacking ple little safety play." However, Now we have reaped some of the fruits of that Ethiopia, in Spain and paigns in victorious troops have a I am afraid that most of us People may be troops, policy. We have accomplished most of a major vic- in Great Britain. low incidence. w'ould not have made the right while raid is but terrified a on. After Dunkirk the re- safety play. Declarer won the tory, unquestionably will shorten the war at a quickly and they and which they recover treat across the channel in the opening lead with the queen of to take relatively in time, armaments, and human learn it. present war, the British army hearts. Now if he leads a dia- petty cost name for all ner- The correct experienced again many cases of mond, West will win, return a mental breakdowns of lives. vous and war neuroses. The depressive spade to his partner’s ace caused by the impact of war on and discard the king of the verge clearing the Mediterran- influences of utter rout played clubs We are on of is “war neuroses,'' his own hand. Now human beings on the soldiers' minds to cause hearts from supply. We have nearly of the nervous system. it was impossible for the oppo- ean for use of United Nations' or disease this increase in psychiatric cas- to win any more than the upon es. The symptoms were much nents prepared a jumping off place for the attack Con- ace of spade’s and ace of dia- the same—increased body pre-democ- ten- monds. tinental Europe. We have strengthened • sion, exaggerated reflexes, trem- FLASHES Harry, a safety play, but ors, But psy- Yes, racy neutrals, and frightened pro-axis neutrals. We terrifying dreams. good one. chiatrists handling those cases a mighty have oil but ruined Italy's morale. OF made two amazing observations. We obtained control over Dakar without firing a Most of these cases of war neur- • oses developed in soldiers who • THEY SAY shot. We deprived the Nazis of any possible use of the LIFE unstable in civilian life, or who SO had a bad psychiatric back- strong French fleet, and even obtained portions of it WOOO! WOOO! We have got a running start —¦ ground—soldiers who SAN FRANCISCO A wail had been meeting food needs. We ourselves. raid had relatives with neuro-psychi- toward for that sounded like an air have good reserves of food and patrolmen atric case histories. siren sent startled the task ahead of us is largely into dashing into a morning house. SURPRISE NO. 2 one of good management of Moreover, we maneuvered Der Fuehrer i~ work- ¦n Walter Plobner, itinerant The second surprising obser- those reserves and of our pro- Spreading his forces yet thinner by forcing occupation er with a gift for imitations, vation was that nearly all of the duction facilities.— Agriculture of In doing he has an- was brought before Judge Twain cases of war neuroses made Secretary Claude Wickard. of the remainder France. this Michelsen and sentenced to 30 quick recoveries. One good •• • • • days night’s sleep, rest and relaxa- tagonized most of the French people who had any IN HOLLYWOOD for drunkenness. When the stakes are mortal, The the next tion, a bath a change into court calle! and when the gain is life and death, slight leaning toword him. questionnaires fill out, Economics Stabilizer James F. express train’s clean clothes plus a few good hot BY ERSKINE JOHNSON a few to case. Then an we Americans just naturally to fighting in Tunisia, nor NEA Service Staff Correspondent too. ByrAes. whistle shrilled through the meals under the belt proved - There still remains bitter * * • find a killer instinct.—Lieut. room. Even the judge jumped. be all the psychological cure that Dear Santa Claus: From the Commander Gene Tunney. will the attack upon the Continent be easy. But when 2. Bring your quota of share- WATCH THE REINDEER the Sacramento was necessary. going “That was • • • way things have been the riders, dim your headlights Oh, yes, and don't let some Northern,'’ Plobner called from Asa result of the speedy re- the time comes, we shall have only Germany to lick, It docs not seem right, if the down this way, the general im- over the Pacific Coast defense wise guy talk you out of those th* lockup. covery of the post-Dunkirk cases poeple up there (in New Eng- Instead of Germany plus France plus a moderately pression in Hollywood is that reindeer down here. Hayburners The judge warned him to si- of war neuroses, many of the area, and come in on the beam. land) are going to be without are at a premium now. lence lest he be derailed for hospital beds which the Britisn Italy. you may not make it this year. By the way, better paint an heat, that people should be using affective Just in case you still plan on another 30 days. medical authorities had prepar- Nowadays nobody is giving American flag on each side of gasoline for pleasure driving. things possible Secretary making the trip, we submit the —o— ed and set aside for psychiatric These have been because Hollywood anything. If you the old sleigh this year. And Joseph White, New England following list of Christmas gifts; DETECTIVE cases were soon emptied. And, associates, ignoring the bitter jibes of should make the attempt, how- watch out for P-38s. member Oil Advisory Commit- Hull and his Jane Russell: A home projec- MISSOULA, Mont. When after the blitz bombings, when ever, here are a few new rules caught bearing tee. critics, stuck to their unpopular task 3. Don't get tion machine. After all, it’s the manager of a department the civiliain population failed to Uninformed you’d just paste on • • which better any gifts that are made out of • your windshield. about time the poor kid got to store took a picture of the holi- develop war neuroses by the iintil events justified their faith. critical materials unless you see herself on the screen. day shopping crowd, he got a thousands of cases that had been The best answer to all talk 1. Bring your birth certificate, have been able to get a priority about is to get out is obvious, now, why the public could not be Edward Arnold: His studio good picture. anticipated, there was a further the dimout It you produce don’t bring any- to in the as will have to it number. And has just banned all fat-man pub- In fact, it was good enough lelief from the anticipated and try cross a street in the wind. Deprived of that know- before they’ll let you into the body any more than they got dimout. We want people to be told what wos licity on Eddie. Please, Santa, to display in a courtr om. strain on hospital facilities. forget to unless more is provid- careful. We drivers ledge, were talking of ignorance. They country. Also, don’t last year, bring him an AA-1 priority on It showed a woman stuffing Today's war has in practically very want the critics out register with State Department ed in a bona fide contract signed slow down in the dimout. a girdle. merchandise into a market bag. every campaign been a war of to the as a visiting alien and leave prior to last Oct. 4 or you may Anything New York Safety Council. should heed lesson. Clark Gable: he •—o — movement. Where this mobile • A • your fingerprints. may be find yourself in hot water with • * • There wants—for taking it on the chin BOOBY PR’ZE warfare obtains, say the psychia- like a trouper, and for being the SPOKANE, Wash. Faced tiists, there is a psychological The statistical record of the nobody should greatest all-round But— this does not mean that guy of an ac- with a waiter shortage during a background of change and fre- year reveals a production tor we know, and 1942’s no other Criticize anything about the.conduct of the war. In- great- high school basketball tourna- quent relief which does not pro- achievement such as est credit to the industry. ment, Gonzaga university, the duct the same mental effect as a nation on earth has ever ap- criticism Program Bud Abbott (who recently got long telligent, consistent, persistent has forced Radio war of position with its pe- proached. sponsor, produced this scheme: By himself which might B. A F. MacL jailed for talking back The losing tem of the first riods of sub standard food and —National Association of Manu- our leadership to correct many errors to a cop): A copy of “How to game in each day’s program will living conditions. facturers report. easily have caused our defeat. Win Friends and Influence Peo- Time WJR WWJ CKLW ple.” wait tables. When a project is complete, and it has foiled be- N«wi Rackstage Wife Dusty Lane • * * :15 Raymond Scott Stella Dallas News, Rhythm Matinee THE GALS WANT GARTERS FORMER SPANISH RULER do Matinee Lorenzo Jones Conga Rhumba Time HOPES FOR HOPE faulty administration, then we not criti- :31l Rythm’ cause of " ALBUQUEQUE, V. M. The 4:00:4ft M Widder Brown 808 HOPE: A supplemental gals need garters. Rubber is Puzzle furniture (pi.) cize out of ignorance but out of knowledge. Girl Marries News. Rhythm ration book for unlimited gas, HORIZONTAL Answer to Previous Are You a Cenlue A scarce. So— 21 Negative. :15 Mother and Dad Portia Faces Life Turf Club. Interlude and a priority for all the tires he 1 Depicted l£(L MgTßfl |D|Ajv| 1 isL_ It is only on pending matters, both the objective MO Between the Line* Plain Bill Superman They are asking men espe- 25 Compete. Page Rhythm King This, Santa, is former s:im»:4ft Ben Bernie Front Farrell wants. because cially entering military the which must be military secrets, Bob, those Spanish ruler, 27 Clear. and method of Tyson, Recordings Rollin' Home in addition to giving his S.fWl N ' T.E N!E|T News service to donate suspenders. Queen . 31 Hawaiian food that judg- :15 Today At the Duncans Slosson. Music World News time for more run-of-the-mill that common sense and patriotism require MO Frank Parker News. Recordings Conga Rhumba Time Suspenders with plenty of snap 8 She sold her MR bIEmEI 32 Footed vase. " benefits than any other actor, 6MK>:4ft Melody Marvels Lowell Thomas arc preferred, said Miss Nella to aid amio m WE 33 Matching ment be withheld. has also shown the w-ay in enter- nSiNIU 5 DAVIS B ASEISTr group. Amos ’n* Andy Fred Waring Val Clare Brashear, who started the idea. Columbus. Weapon Evening taining Uncle Sam's fighting ll]sj_ As for the rest, let's shoot the works and spare no :Ift Our Secret News of World Melodies “Stockings now arc being Tranquil. f ~PmE 35 Dolt. MO Easy Aces Mischa Kottler Fulton Lewis men. 15 Abstract being 'fSITEEPS f|SL 36 Be in debt :4ft Mr Keen Music by Arno Halls of Montezuma made with a slick finish," she 7:00 Victor Mature: An autograph- 37 Through. feelings. explained, “and only a really 37 Earn. WiARpPP|Q SIJ EPKKE.E Kate Smith Hour Service Hour News picture ’ Reproduction. '* ** ed of Victor Mature. Weight ÜBS 3ajC:EMR 41 :Ift Organ firm garter will hold them up. &8 aVa lIEB MO ** Please ’s Diary Zorina (in memory of being allowance. 42 Regret. Information — gpp ASffE ** —o SHS 8:00:Ift replaced as Maria by Ingrid 19 Exist. 43 Necessity. ROMMEL RUNS OPEN SEASON IREN TER 1M0R,4 STP Playhouse Waltz Time Gabriel Heatter Bergman in “For Whom the Bell 20 Upon. 44 Possess. " M CLAYTON, M. Western- In the quartermaster's war in North Africa, the :Ift College Series Tolls’): large N. 22 Crippled. 45 Measure of • pair of MO Brewster Boy Plantation Hour Double or Nothing A shears on M ers who’ve collected bounties 23 Senior language. depth of water :4ft and five minutes alone in the (abbr.) general who has the guns and gasoline usually looks 9:00 from cattle rustlers 48 Fabulous same room with Ernest Heming- everything 24 Verify. 50 Sorrow. explorer. -ge :00 Camel Caravan People are Funny Boxitlf Bout coyotes may add anew quar- 26 Harbor. 52 Liquid birds. good. For some weeks now Marshal Rommel's name 1,8 way. to VERTICAL 1I IIn MO ** Other Horizons ry to their kill-for-rash list. 28 Epistle (abbr.) measure. 1 Devotees. 49 Music H *• Director Sam Wood (after hasn't borne quite the aura it carried after Tobruk. I V city willpay three 29 Chief (Sp.). 54 Music note. 2 Celestial body. instrument. more two years The council than on the same tails —with 30 Id est (abbr.). 56 Execute the 3 Atmosphere. 51 Head (slang). euphemism, he has been "detaching" News News News picture): cents apiece for rat In Berlin's :Ift Goodfellow Program Orchestra Comrade In Arms Five minutes alone in 4 52 Spanish dollar, ** '* cent.; if you get 31 Thrusts. commands of. Whiten. MO Road to Danger any room WITHOUT a bonus of 50 M •• •• Ernest 34 Hang down. 58 Perform. 5 Cloth measure 53 Within. himself westward before the relentless drive of the n:00:4ft as many as 25 between De- Hemingway. rock, Sly 54 Wife (Ger.), January 2. 38 Mineral 59 Half an em. 6 glance. * : Reporter cember 21 and British Eighth Army. Once more comes the news that g* oo News. News. Club 39 Reverential 60 Auto warning 7 Any. 55 Emmets. | :Ift Goodfellow Program Conga Rhumba Time The rodents came to tow n aft- I/ :to Dawn Patrol fear. dqvice. 9 Type measure. 57 Make a he has "disengaged" his forces, this time at El Ag- ¦¦¦ " bins elevators be- :4ft • er grain and 40 Confine. 62 Body of troops 10 Wallow. mistake. heila, 800 miles west of El Alamein. BARBS gan to bulge. 44 Sacrifice: 64 Motor coach. 11 Period of time 61 Sphere. Symbol • 46 Billiard stick. 66 Honey and 12 Citrus fruit 63 for tin The two positions were similar, each a "bottle- • TOMORROW It would be much nicer if win- YOUTHFUL NIMROD 47 West Africa, mulberry Juice 13 Stair part 65 Upper Canada ter came during the cheap sea- RALEIGH. N. C. Eleven- (abbr.). 67 Placid. 16 Soak up. (abbr.). neck" where defense lines could be formed between Happy Joe News Salute News, son overcoats. year-old Gene Hester is the envy < helped 19 Bedroom 66 Greek letter.- :Ift Rev. Roller, Talk for 48 International 68 She in the desert. Twice be- 1.10 Tim Doolittla ** ** • • • of all his friends. the sea and natural obstacles ** 7:00:4ft Happy Hank Aunt Jamlma He bagged a 139-pound buck ST"® *9™TS"TT""7T"S™ the had been unable to push post El The government has handed fore, British no N«w* New* News, Happy Joe the lowly doughnut a knockout on his second deer hunt in the :IA Cowbova Minute Parade refuge. •* ** holly shelter game la with tired forces at the end of a far-stretched MO Musical blow. Due to the need for saving Aflhei 8; ** ** :4ft Freedom grease, dunk you! H* I supply time apparently General Montgom- • • • line. This Greenfield Village Everything Goes News, Happy Joe DOUBLE SURPRISE Melodies BRAZIL, A Rounds, . tXsR :Ift Ind.—P -* ** The best gamble the world -" ery rested his men ond made sure of sufficient ar- "MO Garden Cat# Myrtle Labbltt in • a farm, at 27 •• proprietor of chicken 75 F *T" iT' : |ft Musicals is to take a chance on yourself. mored forces. 9:00 decided to surprise his mother. "J « • • . n ;00 it. of M. Encores Newa, Matty Malneck Who lives 25 miles away in On road to Tripoli there is one other place 1 fl Rainbow House As long as Mussolini rules, the 111 MO Hillbilly Champions Nellie Revell Terre Houte, with a visit. •** the Italian people don't have to ,o :4ft Mrs. Page Det. roltce Do You Know En Route. Rounds’ car collid- *5 where the Germans and Italians might attempt worry a shortage of apple- nn 3i Rythm Boys Rhythm. Romance about News. „ Creightons ed w’ith another —his mother's. * ’ hold, but it now appears more likely that General lift God’s Country News sauce. She had decided to “surprise MO Let * Pretend U. R Coast Guard U. S. Army Rand • • • ** ** “ n:00: Ift him. Montgomery has got his "feet under him" and can Now we told tl>at horse re —o— 40 4S -as s«*o Theater Plays For You Newa Rommell ” Time Dance Rhythms meat may become common. VICTORY _ leap the rest of the way. Marshal is expect- |"M lift Consumer’s ANOTHER NAVY I B MO Hollywood News. Music New* Which may mean the passing of Navy • *• GETTYSBURG. Pa in last of Libya. ¦ :4ft OCD Program Serenade ed to make some stand the corner the old horse laugh. recruiters didn’t chase William Country Journal Pan American National Newa 808 College Hitler is not giving up Africa cheaply. What defense " M Khaki Scrapboow H. Holt. Gettysburg stu- :IA hoarding srrrri 53 1 bttsT MO Ad. In Sctenca All Out for Victory Folks nabbed for dent. He chased them—for 50 srfwsrpr can make at Tripoli will depend in large :4ft David Cheskin War News Orchestra gasoline will get some transpor- _j L _ Axis forces 1:00 - ~ —U- ¦ ~ 1 1 ' i ¦¦ * "¦ “¦ miles. r News. Books M ittne# In Rhythm Boys Town tation they didn't figure on—- Just after a recruiting caravan measure on how soon Allied power cleans out Tunisia. ” He Announced Ift ro right the here, out by auto- - , , Spirit Commin's Orch. to left Holt set .izLsi MO of '4.1 Music t * • " Sritish-Americon successes there could force Rommel 2:00:4ft • War News mobile in pursuit. Fifty miles The lines on a husband's brow highway he caught up, way :no FOB. Detroit Wamma Wamma Jeta To Be Announced down the to jump quickly ond "detach" himself all the ” naval re- U. S Marine Band sometimes come from his wife's and was swmrn into I; MO Hello Son* of »addla i — from Hawaii st. in ceremony. n bock to Italy From Christian Science Monitor. ****** ruling. ve a roadside -MM H- I H 3:lft:«ft