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HOMEBASE MANAGEMENT Est. 1989 We specialise in Residential Lettings & Property Management and have a strong demand for properties in the Wallingford area for individual and corporate tenants We have a range of services including rent guarantee insurance As members of ARLA we provide the highest standards of letting and management services If you are thinking of renting your property call us now LET WITH CONFIDENCE - 01491 824470 Ground Floor, 16b St. Marys Street, Wallingford, Oxon. OX10 0EW email: [email protected]

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Victorian family house set in twenty acres of beautifully maintained grounds. Private rooms with en-suite bathroom and independent central heating, television and telephone. Luxury living with independence and dignity. Wallingford (01491) 836685 26 thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford EDITORIAL ife is always a bit disorienting for editors of periodicals at this time of year. We’re sitting indoors while the first autumn storms blow and rain pours outside the house, wondering what to do with yet another bag of Lapples falling from the tree, while we have to sort out articles about Christmas events … not a snowflake or reindeer in sight to get us in the mood!

Our local Christmas begins on 30th November, when we have the internationally renowned (well, I know someone in Australia who heard about it) United Charities Christmas Bazaar. This is Father Christmas’s first public appearance in Wallingford each year. It’s a typically Wallingford event, run by volunteers to benefit many of our smaller charities in the town and taking place in the Town Hall at no charge as our Mayor, Councillor Bernard Stone, has agreed that it is ‘for the benefit or the inhabitants’. Why not go along, browse the stalls and then have a cup of tea or coffee and some cake in support of our Emergency Food Bank?

That same afternoon, you can go to the Methodist Advent Fair and then on Sunday 1st December we’ve got the fantastic extravaganza that is the Christmas Festival, complete with more charity stalls in the Regal. You may, by then, have bought all your cards from the Cards for Good Causes shop which will be back in St Mary’s Street from 1st Novmber. If you haven’t got all your presents sorted out by the end of that lot, and aren’t thoroughly into the Christmas spirit, you won’t have been paying attention … Lynda Atkins 839120 Editor [email protected]

Getting Back in Touch e’ve been contacted by Troy Norris, who is trying to find his wife’s long-lost sister. She Wwas called Marisa Valerie Giles, and may have lived in the Wallingford area in the 1990s.

If you have any information which you are happy to share with Troy, then you can contact him at [email protected] Lynda Atkins Editor

v v v v v Dolphin Pub Lunch for the over 50’s

very other Wednesday from 12:30pm. The Dolphin is offering a fantastic deal for people Eover 50 that is £6 for a main course, tea and coffee. Seated in the lovely new back area, there is no need to book, just let them know you are there for the Age UK offer. Please give Milly a call on 07827235417 to find out more.

Milly Macpherson-Bruty

We roast Messy Church High Grown Coffees and we stock Quality Teas together with a range of Messy Church will be taking place in the Methodist Herbal beverages and Spices church again in November. It will be on the first plus a wide variety of Saturday of the month, the 9th, from 2-4pm and all Tea and Coffee accessories ages are welcome! Wallingford Tea & Coffee Company Limited For more information, please contact me on 6a St. Martin’s Street Wallingford, Oxon. OX10 0AL 07720571620 or at [email protected] Telephone: 01491 836263 [email protected] Sarah Ifill 1 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Your very last chance to see..... River of Life Project Begins

here is a last chance to see he Earth Trust and the Environment Agency are this year’s special exhibition working in partnership to create an extensive wild T‘A Monk’s Tale - the hidden Twetland habitat, with wet woodland, fen, ponds habits of Wallingford Priory’ at and backwaters, called the ‘River of Life’. The project Wallingford Museum, as the will create a unique wetland nature reserve alongside Museum closes for the winter on 2.5 km of the riverbank between the 30th November, to prepare for a new major Wood and Bridge. Creating these habitats presentation ( 'Siege and Strife - Wallingford at War') will help to protect threatened wildlife, improve river for next year. water quality and will give an insight into how people can benefit from water and wetland landscapes (often referred to as ecosystem services). As a main exhibition ‘A Monk’s Tale - the hidden habits of Wallingford Priory’ includes new research The River of Life is expected to take several years to from archaeology and documents on the layout, complete, involving approximately 50 hectares of Earth people, daily life and achievements of this hitherto Trust land, much of which will be converted from little known but important institution which was species poor permanent pasture. The new habitat will linked to the great abbey of St Albans. It stood close be of high conservation value and will include areas to the High Street, in what is now the Bullcroft, suitable for a wide range of species, including owned numerous properties throughout the town mammals, birds, invertebrates and amphibians, and and would have been a dominant part of will link directly to Little Wittenham Wood. Wallingford’s medieval scene. Work began at the end of September, and although, There is also the 'Midsomer Murders' display and the for health and safety reasons, there will be some expanded 'At home with the Queen of Crime: temporary footpath closures, longer term we plan to Agatha Christie' where new information has been open up a new permissive path across the Earth Trust presented that has been learned from several people Farm. Please bear with us during this time and keep to in the town who came into contact with the famous those paths that remain open. The project aims to crime writer. engage with local people and provide recreational and learning opportunities once the initial construction Of course our 'resident' attractions also include 'The work is complete. Wallingford Story' - a sight-and-sound experience . For further details of the footpath closures, a map of In addition, the highly successful Museum bookshop, the new site and general information on this project, please visit with its constantly changing stock of good second- hand books (all modestly priced) will also be open. Kirsty Warren Do please continue to donate your second-hand books!

The Museum is open until 30th November on Tuesdays - Fridays 2pm - 5pm, and Saturdays 10.30am - 5pm.

Stu Darby

v v v v v Information Fair We know what Sells

ge UK are organising an in Wallingford Information Fair which will take place at St AMary-le-More Church on Tuesday 5th And how to sell it. November from 10am until 1pm. The event is free to attend and there will be a free prize draw and demonstrations taking place, as well as refreshments Contact us for a free available. There will be a wide variety of information market appraisal and advice on leisure and exercise, health, insurance, finance, footcare, safety, home aids, mobility, falls on 01491 824000 prevention, arts and crafts, moving services and housing. Milly Macpherson-Bruty

2 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford News from our MP

s we are now approaching the first anniversary of the Localism Act, it’s worth remembering Athe range of powers and programmes which communities can use to shape their areas. The Government has published a guide which can be accessed at this website: the-power-a-quick-and-simple-guide-to-community- rights

It’s described as quick and simple, and as it runs to just 23 pages it is a model of brevity compared to many documents produced by civil servants. There’s concise guidance on the options that might be available in different sets of circumstances and then advice on what each process will involve as well as examples of how each of the powers has been used by a different community. It’s well worth a look.

This has been a busy month in politics. The major parties have all had their conferences and Parliament has returned for the autumn. With all the issues that have arisen and the policies that have been discussed in recent weeks, it’s no surprise that my mailbag has also been keeping me busy. I have had emails on a wide variety of issues but 2 campaigns have been particularly noticeable:

Firstly, there is a campaign to speed up the approval of a Royal Charter to regulate the press. I can assure you that the Government and I are committed !to implementing a tough new system of press self- regulation, and a royal charter with cross par!ty agreement was agreed to earlier this year. This is now being fully considered, to ensure that the process !of implementing the Leveson recommendations is !as robust as possible. While I understand the desire to see changes made as soon as possible, given th! e importance of these measures I would be reluctant to see the process rushed in any way. ! ! Secondly, there have been a number of emails arising from the film ‘I Am Breathing’, which tells the story !of Neil Platt, a young man with motor neurone disease. ! MND is a dreadful, devastating disease and I am sure OPEN MORNING that his important film will not only raise awarene!ss of the condition, but act as an inspiration for others. at The cause of MND is unknown and therefore there! is Fir Tree Junior School no known cure. However, the treatment of MND an! d other long-term health conditions remains a priority Come and see us on in this Government’s plans for the NHS, which is w!hy Tuesday 19th November there is now a £3.8bn fund to aid the joining up of 9 – 10.30 am ! different health and care services to ensure that people get the specific care that is right for them. ! Refreshments will be available from 9:00 Ms Khan will speak to our visitors at 9:15 As ever please feel free to contact me at the House !of Commons, SW1A 0AA, 020 7219 6350 or Classes will be open to all until 10:30 [email protected]. Surgery details can be foun! d at !



!! thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford

Wallingford Town Council Update

ere’s a brief update of some of the key issues the Town Council are working on. As ever, should you need to address any of these matters or anything else Town Council related then do please get in touch Hat 9 St Martin’s Street or 835373 or [email protected] We are delighted finally to be able to announce that work is to commence on the new Children’s Centre facility and youth worker base in Wigod Way (on the site of the former Pentecostal Church) in early December, due for completion in the summer of 2014. This project has taken much longer than we had hoped, and required a huge amount of work, but now that the end is in sight it does seem like it’s all been worth the effort.

On town centre matters, a Shop Front Improvement Scheme has now been launched. Do please visit the town website for full details. Meetings continue to take are taking place to adopt the decriminalisation of parking in the district, freeing the Police from this duty and probably ensuring more regular inspections. After some weeks of contract discussions Bybox units will be installed into six locations in the district, including one in Wallingford. The first of a regular newsletter from the Town Council and Market Town Coordinator, Kate Rayner, for local business and community groups is due to be launched very soon. We encourage recipient engagement!

Following some helpful feedback we’ve received recently the Town Council are reviewing the opening & closing times of the Castle Gardens, with a view to making changes before next summer. Councillors confirmed their support for busking on the Market Place, and are looking into the potential of booked musical or other entertainment taking place on the Market Place.

The Town Council is considering the adoption of a Neighbourhood Plan. For those who aren’t familiar with the phrase, this is a plan developed by the community and should achieve more say from local people on the development of the town. We would encourage you to have a look at what this could mean for you. There is a myriad of reference material to refer to but you might like to start from the SODC website, under Planning.

Towns and villages are able to apply for infrastructure improvements funding. A small working party (councillors and non councillors) has been meeting periodically for some weeks and has thus far made two (successful) applications, but further funding is still available both for this year and next. The Town Council encourage residents to make their suggestions. For more information please refer to this link: improvements-funding

Councillor Ros Lester has asked me to remind readers that the Christmas Lantern Parade will take place on Wednesday 18th December. For those of the community that might not be familiar, this parade it is a prelude to the organised Town Carols where the younger members of our community congregate at approximately 6pm in the Regal Centre and then parade with their lit lanterns around the Market Place and into St Mary’s Church for the Carols. The Council has agreed that in future the Carols will take place in St Mary’s Church rather than around the tree so that if the weather is bad we are not faced with the chaos of a last minute change. For more information do please refer to the website.

This year, our Remembrance Sunday service will again be conducted on the Market Place, on Sunday 10th November. Please refer to the advertisement placed in this edition of Window For Wallingford for full details.

Jamie Baskeyfield Town Clerk

WFW ADVERTISING RATES THE WALLINGFORD BOOKSHOP 10C ST. MARTIN ’S STREET B/W £30 MONTHLY WALLINGFORD , OXFORDSHIRE OX 10 0AL Telephone / Fax: 01491 834383 £130 6 MONTHS Email: [email protected] £220 1 YEAR excluding VAT We offer friendly informed assistance and an excellent range of books, audios and fine art stationery. supply copy in any format jpeg/pdf Many titles not stocked can be obtained Contact 836282 for more info. within 24 hours

4 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Update on Wallingford Emergency Food Bank

here has been quite a lot of coverage in the media about food banks and the growing use Tthat is being made of them. Many people, even in our relatively affluent area, are struggling to make ends meet and to provide the basics for themselves and their families. Those that volunteer in the food bank do not make judgements about character or whether the need is genuine. We leave that to the professionals who usually are familiar with the situations of those that they refer organisation and most comes from individuals to us. As a general rule we don’t accept off-the- donating privately or through their churches. street clients. Vouchers are issued by many organisations in our area, including SOHA, PACT, If you are one of those people in need you could SODC, Doctors Surgery, Health Visitors, CAB and go to any of the organisations listed above and all the church leaders who are part of CTWA, There obtain a voucher that can be redeemed at our are also support groups in and Benson office in the Bullcroft on Mondays and Thursdays and some other villages that have them. 11am – 1pm. If you would like to donate you can leave non-perishable food or cash/cheque (in a Each person receives a three-day supply of food for sealed envelope marked Food Bank) at “The themselves and each member of their household. Fountain” in St Mary’s Street during normal shop- We thought you might be interested to hear a few opening times. statistics. We started in December 2011. At the end of our first year we had helped 400 people and Contact for further information in the first six months of our second year a further [email protected] 291. It now stands at about 50 people per month. Neville Burt We stress that it is an “Emergency” resource. Chairman When appropriate we encourage folk to seek long term help from the Social Services.

We don’t ask people about their situations but some tell us voluntarily. Some pour their hearts out in gratitude and it moves our volunteers to tears to hear some of the stories.

We are very grateful for the continuous stream of donations in both food and money. Waitrose, for example, have helped with their “green token” scheme, donating well over £1000 earlier this year, and the Goring Lions donated £200 worth of food, but that should be seen in the context of approximately £1000 worth of food being given out each month. We are a Christian based ADAM McCONNELL Gas Services for Installation Servicing & Repairs Boiler Replacement/Upgrades - Central Heating - Gas Fires - Cookers Gas Boiler Service £60 • Fire Service £55 Cooker Service £40 Free Quotations, No Obligations Ex British Gas Engineer Gas Safe, ACS Certified TEL: 01491 839662 or 07974 245033

5 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford The Beauty and Diversity of Foliage Plants       t the November meeting of the Wallingford Gardening Club, Brian Fisher will talk about     A"The Beauty and Diversity of Foliage Plants". Brian has lectured on horticulture for 35  years. He is a well recognised plantsman who has travelled extensively, and now acts in a design      and advisory capacity.            The talk will be held in the Town Hall at 7.30pm    on Thursday 14th November. Visitors very   !   welcome £2. " #$%&  %'( Isabelle Darby  && )! v v v v v * +  Hillforts of the Ridgeway: Living * *,   with the White Horse  - . &/  +  0       his month's talk to The Wallingford Historical and TArchaeological Society and Wallingford Ramblers (TWHAS) will be by Prof Gary Lock. He will present 'Hillforts of the Ridgeway: Living with the White un 3rd 10:00 SU599807 Moderate 8 miles. Horse ' Meet in Goring at the car park behind SCatherine Wheel PH. A hilly walk which may be Gary Lock's talk will discuss the Uffington White muddy in places. Please bring packed lunch. Dogs Horse within its wider landscape context. Excavations on leads please. Contact John Rust 836563 around the Horse within Uffington Castle hillfort, as well as those at Segsbury Camp and Alfred's Castle, two other nearby hillforts, will give an informed view Tues 5th 10:00 SU578940 Moderate 8 miles. Meet of the ways of life of the people who built and used at Bridge End car park, Dorchester. Walk to Day's the Horse in the Iron Age and Roman periods. Gary Lock, Thames Path to and Lock is Emeritus Professor of Archaeology at the returning via Paradise Wood and Wittenham Institute of Archaeology, Oxford University and he Clumps. Dogs on short leads please. Richard Birch directed the 'Hillforts of the Ridgeway Project' which 07719 692355 ran between 1994 and 2000.

This talk will be held on Friday 8th November, 8 pm Sun 10th 13.30 SU526882 Moderate 7 miles. Meet at Wallingford Town Hall. Visitors (£3) are most at at Upper Cross, near the church. welcome. This is a monthly village ramble that varies from 5 to 9 miles at a quick pace. Contact Paul Chambers Stu Darby 01235 816365

Thur 14th 10:00 SU695902 Moderate 6.5 miles. Meet at Cookley Green at the south end of the village green. Walk to . Dogs on short leads please. Contact Nuala Clements 835387

Tues 19th 10:00 SU702868 Moderate 7 miles. Meet at the Old Kiln, . Circular walk via , Russell's Water and Park Corner. Dogs on short leads please. Bus friendly. Contact Richard Birch 07719 692355

Sue White 6 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Christmas Concert in St Mary’s Norwegian guide came and collected him, phew! Big sighs of relief all round, and a very big thank Church you to the lady who brought him in and stayed until she knew he was safe. should like to give readers early notice of a Christmas Concert being given by Wallingford Please note that as from Monday 3rd December IParish Church Choir on Saturday December 7th at until Saturday 1st March 2014 we will be closing 7.30 pm in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support and at 2pm every day. Church Funds. Lynne, Penny, Maureen and Wendy The music will include some beautiful works for choir Wallingford Town Information Centre and harp, together with a selection of favourite 826972 carols. The concert will also feature the wonderful [email protected] new Grand Piano which now resides in St Mary’s.

Tickets will be on sale nearer the time from the v v v v v Wallingford Town Information Centre (priced £7 and Thameside (Wallingford) U3A £5 for under 16s) and they will also be available on the door. I hope you will be able to join us. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served during the ometimes November can be gloomy, and evening. For more information please contact me, there’s not much going on, but here are 5 local Sue Ledger on 835207 Sevents to look forward to events we have planned this month, which include a Members Sue Ledger Coffee Morning which will be held at Centre 70 from 10.30 -12 noon on 1st November. On 16th November a group of our members are off to v v v v v Windsor to enjoy a performance of the Nutcracker by The Vienna Festival Ballet, then on 20th November Wallingford Town our speaker this month is Susanne Carr who will give a talk called “Seize the Breeze” based on 20 paintings Information Centre found at the Courtauld Gallery. The meeting takes place as usual in the Baptist Church, Wallingford don’t know if you feel the same, but where has starting at 2pm. the year gone! After our lovely summer, IChristmas will soon be upon us! So, with In addition on 6th November the Thames Valley Christmas in mind Wallingford Town Information Network are running “Crushed Grapes” Office has a limited number of free, nicely Understanding wine and wine tasting, at Benson presented, ‘guided walk’ books to give away, Parish Hall and on 15th November: Benjamin Britten which would have retailed at just under £20. They 1913-2013, a study day to celebrate Britten’s cover from Henley on Thames, Aston Rowant, centenary year, presented by the international Lechlade and Watlington, fantastic for someone conductor Nicholas Cleobury, and run at Rewley who really enjoys walking and would also make House, Oxford. an ideal gift. Should you wish to make a donation Who said November was a boring month? New for the books we will give it to Poppy Appeal, but members are always welcome, and you can find out the choice is yours. more by contacting Milli Eaton on 835689, or via our website http://www.wallingford- Here in the office we’ve had a busy year with a vast variety of questions and people from all over the world, and one or two unforgettable Jan Menzies incidents. One afternoon at 4pm (closing time) a very kind lady brought in a very lost Norwegian, who had very little English and didn’t know where he was staying. All he knew was that his hotel was fairly new and was red bricked but he was E. R. GERRING unable to say how far away, he was very worried. KITCHENS • BATHROOMS I thought he must belong to a tourist group as I SHOWERS had seen a Norwegian coach earlier in the afternoon, and they had left without him. TILING • PLUMBING Eventually we found a tag on his satchel with a PHONE/FAX 01491 833635 Hemel Hempstead hotel address on it and they were able to confirm he was one of their guests. MOBILE: 07831 407337 They contacted the coach driver and eventually a ted 7 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford


LEGION et Christmas off to a good start by visiting an Advent Fair where carols will be sung to you ur speaker for the September Gas you enjoy a festive meal. The event, at meeting was Jamie Wallingford Methodist Church, seen by many in the OBaskeyfield, Wallingford’s town as part of the start to their Christmas festivities, new Town Clerk. We promised him a short evening, will begin at 3 pm on Saturday November 30th with which turned out to be a much longer one than the opportunity to buy handcrafted gifts, cards and anticipated, especially when the subject of Morrisons decorations. Later, between 6pm and 8 pm, diners came up! However, it was enjoyed by all, even Jamie. are welcome to listen to or join members of the church in St Leonard's Square in singing favourite We will be well into the busiest time of the year for carols and festive songs while meals are served. us, when you receive your copy of the Window for Wallingford – the annual Poppy Appeal. We can On Sunday December 1st the church will be joining always do with help and it does not finish until the the town's Christmas event by throwing its doors 9th November, so it will not be too late if you can open between 2 pm and 4 pm. There will crafts for help us. Brightwell cum Sotwell Branch have now children to make while others can look around, joined with us, so we are now supplying that area discover the many activities which take place there, and with poppies. and enjoy some refreshments.

Remembrance Sunday is on the 10th November in Nicky Lidstone the Market Place. We will be assembling in the Market Place again on the 11th November, Armistice v v v v v Day, to mark the actual moment of the armistice at 11am. From one extreme to the other: It will be the annual Poppy Award evening on are floods and droughts the Thursday November 28th, at the Branch meeting. There will be a buffet supper as it is also our last new normal? meeting of the year. We hope to see as many of you as possible that evening. consortium of Linda Shoebridge Sustainability groups (SOS) is organising a 598479 free Public Talk and discussion on Tuesday Frank Hames A 26th November 7.30 pm at Pavilion. Jamie 01865 858393 Hannaford, Leader of the Hydrological Status & Reporting Group, NERC Centre for Ecology and Lofty Ladders Hydrology. This will be followed by a discussion with an invited panel, including representatives from Oxfordshire County Council. Refreshments Loft ladders supplied and installed. Retractable aluminium including wine and hot drinks will be available and and wooden ladders complete with new loft door. donations towards costs will be welcome. Loft floor boarding if required

Contact Peter Whittington Member of Guild of The meeting is organised by SOS (South Oxfordshire Master Craftsmen Tel. 01235 848681 Sustainability), the consortium of South Oxfordshire Mob. 07780 600818 community groups. Achievements and current projects from the member groups will be on display. SOS was created two years ago to bring together local community groups and to use their combined weight to influence SODC and OCC to move environmental issues and sustainability higher up their agendas. SOS has four sub-groups: Water group, Waste Group, Food Group and the Planning Group

Installation & Repair • Free estimates Enquiries to John Gordon, Chair of SOS, on Over 25 years of quality workmanship 652243. Phone/Fax 01491 837939 Mobile 07740981597 Email [email protected] Alison Smart 8 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford The Success of Gift-Fest An Evening of Exploration with Science Express at the CEH hanks to everyone who came along to Gift- Fest on the 5th of October. Centre 70 was any of you may be familiar with Science bursting full of unique-ness. Artisans, Crafters T Exchange Wallingford. This November we and Customers all had a great time. We had stalls are putting on a special Science Express selling Statues, Wooden Items, Jewellery, Candy and M event. We will be hosting a free evening of science Cards, along with Upcycled Homewares, Dolls exploration and discovery at the Centre for Ecology Houses and Vintage Collectables, such as Quilts, Bags and Scarfs. Customers loved the Painted & Hydrology (CEH) in Gifford. This free Pebbles, Personalised Accessories and Jams that event, open to the public, will feature early stage were all available too. research scientists from a wide range of local institutes, companies and agencies. It takes place Overall over 80 cups of free Tea & Coffee were given on Tuesday 19th November from 7pm to 9pm. out, along with 60 cupcakes, which raised £20 for Macmillan Support. With such a positive response There will be food and refreshments, and and customers begging for another Gift-Fest, we participants will have the opportunity to discover can confirm that there will be another event before and discuss research with those who are actually Christmas. Keep an eye out for the posters and signs doing it. to find out when. Our local area is home to a wide variety of Clint White innovation and research. Science Express will feature researchers from the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, the Environment Agency, Fugro, HR DO YOU OWN A 4 WHEEL DRIVE? Wallingford, the Medical Research Council and WildCru. Experts on wildlife friendly farming, frogs SPECIALISE IN THE SERVICE & REPAIR and toads in the Thames valley, submarine OF ALL MAKES OF 4WD A PROFESSIONAL & PERSONALISED landslides, the value of tropical rainforests, cutting SERVICE edge medical research and so much more will be on AT A “VALUE FOR MONEY” PRICE hand to share their knowledge and enthusiasm CALL/EMAIL FOR NO OBLIGATION HELP & INFORMATION The event starts at 7pm with a 3 minute trailer from T: 01235 832100 each researcher, then guests will be free to eat, E: [email protected] drink and explore. Children are welcome, as long as they are accompanied by a parent. The only qualification required for Science Express is an enquiring mind. St Leonard’s Square Further details are available via the Science Exchange Wallingford web page.

Thursdays 10-30-12.00 Call in for coffee and a chat For details of other activities, including mid-week prayer & house Amanda Holland groups, please contact our minister, Rev. Dr. David Rankin Telephone: 01235 813242

9 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford News from PiP - Patients in Partnership with Wallingford Medical Practice

Have your say!

he time has come round again to Tprepare the Patient Satisfaction Survey for 2013/14. This survey enables us to get feed-back from you, the patients regarding the service you receive from Wallingford Medical Practice (WMP). Is there is a topic that you would like included in the survey? Drop us a line by email or letter to the surgery and your suggestion will be taken into consideration by members of the Survey Team.

Last year, 750 patients completed the survey. Comparing the findings from the year before, we were able to judge where improvements had been made and where there was still need for change. Hopefully even more patients will complete the survey when it is launched at the end of the year.

Carers Discount Card

The Carers Oxfordshire Discount Scheme is being launched in December 2013. There are savings and ‘Your’ local dry cleaners offers to be had from thousands of leading brands Wallingford and local outlets including weekly groceries, high 73 High Street, Wallingford. OX10 0BX 01491 834 077 street shopping, insurance and holidays - M & S, Sainsbury’s, Currys PC World, Asda to name a few. Goring Wheel Orchard, Station Road, RG8 9HB This scheme will be provided free to you by Carers 01491 871 187 Oxfordshire and Oxfordshire County Council if you Wantage are a registered carer. 9A King's Walk, Grove Street, OX12 9AJ 0793 574 0722 24 hour service Caring Matters Conference Professional alterations Our services include: - 29th November 2013. & repairs to garments wedding dresses, laundry, carpets & rugs, and most household items. leather & suede. This conference will be held at Unipart Conference Centre, Cowley, Oxford and brings together experts in many fields including: Young Carers, Care in Employment, Loneliness and Isolation, Parent Carers Wallingford based: and so on…. Also there will be a variety of workshops. The guest speaker will be the Sir Tony SAVEYUR PAST Baldry MP who is the co-chair of the All-Party Share the gift of your precious memories this Christmas Parliamentary Carers Group will be talking about the draft Care and Support Bill which offers significant opportunities to improve support for carers. Free tickets are available to carers registered with Carers Oxfordshire. To check eligibility call 0845 050 7666. To order tickets visit 01865 522111 DVD slideshows Digitise Photos, Slides & Videos Web Galleries The next PiP Carers’ Support meeting will be on Tuesday 12th November at 2pm in St Mary’s Church.

Val Wolsey 836820 [email protected] 10 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Cards for Good Causes is Back! shadowy forces of Freemasonry. And Mozart – the composer, who fears he is being poisoned. Tickets £15. he Cards For Good Causes shop will be back in 52 St Mary’s Street this year and the opening Ttimes are 1 November – 18 December, Monday This is followed by two National Theatre shows, –Saturday 10 – 4. the 50th Anniversary production of The Habit of Art on Thursday 7th November and National We are going to have cards from 34 different charities Theatre Live Richard II starring David Tennant on this year, including Thames Valley & Chiltern Air Thursday 14th November, both 7pm start, Tickets Ambulance, Help For Heroes and the Alzheimer’s £12.50. Society, which was last year’s best selling charity. And we will have a good selection of Christmas Goods as A date for those diaries to ensure you get your usual, including a choice of 15 different advent tickets for the upcoming pantomime ‘Robinson calendars in various shapes and sizes (but not Crusoe and the Pirates’. Showing from Friday 17th containing chocolate!), advent candles, wrapping January to Saturday 1st February at 7.30pm paper and tags, tree decorations, table napkins and (Saturday matinees at 2.30pm) Tickets: for Tuesday small gifts and toys. to Thursday performances £10 for adults and for Marilyn Clarke Friday and Saturday performances £12 for adults and £6 for children for all performances. Tickets go on sale at the Box Office and online on Friday 15th Real Nappy Fair and Toy Swap Shop November at 10am. Our pantomimes are extremely popular so do buy your tickets early to avoid disappointment. xfordshire Waste Partnership has chosen Wallingford to be the venue for the next Real ONappy Fair. This event will be taking place in Then a returning event for the Corn Exchange; The The Regal Centre on Saturday November 2nd Kinecroft Dance Academy are presenting their between 2.30 and 4.30pm. A real nappy fair offers annual Dancing Show on Saturdays 16th & 23rd parents and parents-to-be the opportunity to meet November at 7pm and Sundays 17th and 24th Oxfordshire’s nappy sellers, including Wallingford’s November at 2.30pm, Tickets Adults £9, Under 18s The Nappy Shed, and have a look at real nappies. and Senior Citizens £6. Finally we end the month Parents can also sign up for a free nappy trial kit. It is on two more National Theatre Live shows, thought that approximately 8 million disposable Frankenstein starring Jonny Lee Miller on Thursday nappies per day end up in British landfill sites, a figure 21st November and then another chance to see that Oxfordshire County Council is keen to reduce. Richard II starring David Tennant on Saturday 30th There will be free goody bags for the first 50 visitors November both starting at 7pm, Tickets £12.50. and a free prize draw. All evening performances commence at 7.30pm For this event the Real Nappy Fair will be joining unless otherwise stated. Bookings can be made in forces with Sustainable Wallingford to run a Baby and Children’s Toy Swap Shop at the same time. Clear out person at the Box Office (open 10am-2pm every your cupboards in time for Christmas, or come along Friday and Saturday and 7pm-8pm every evening), to pick up some free toys for your little ones. If you online at as well as by have any questions about the event please call me on telephone on 825000 and post. Published events 07837 009774. may change from time to time, please consult our website for the most current listings and complete Sally Eccleston cinema listings.

Jane Foster What’s On at The Corn Exchange Wallingford in November

pening entertainment this month is the return of The Merry Opera Company Opresenting ‘The Magic Flute’, a delightful part-pantomime, part opera directed by Kit Hesketh-Harvey showing on Saturday 2nd November at 7.45pm. This new production re- lives the music and triumphant opening in 1791 of the Magic Flute. With Lofty divas and low comedians flourishing, watched closely by the 11 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Christmas Festival Charity Stalls in the Regal

he Regal Centre will be available for local charities to have a table to make money for their good causes at this year’s Christmas Festival on 1st December. A table, approx. 5 x 3 foot will as usual be provided and the Tcost this year will be £6 per table to meet the hire costs of the Regal Centre. The Centre will be open at 10am for set up and it has to be vacated by 6pm.

If you want a table please call me on 839415. Tables will be allocated on a first come first served basis, so early contact is essential to avoid disappointment. Derrick Hoare Handel’s Messiah

veryone’s favourite at this time of year! Forget worthy authentic performances with baroque instruments and tiny choirs, this will be a big one with over 100 singers gladdening your hearts with the Hallelujah chorus Eand the big Amen. Pass by St Mary’s in Wallingford on a Tuesday and you may hear those familiar sounds as we practise! This is by Benson Choral Society, the Elgar Orchestra and a set of sparkling soloists with Chris Walker at the helm. It’s in Dorchester Abbey on Saturday 30th November at 7.30pm. Ring Stephanie for tickets on 01865 407395 or email [email protected] – they are priced at £15, £12 or £10.

Roger Morgan What's going on at Rainbow Pre-School ?

ainbow has had a busy 2 months, we said a sad farewell to our leavers who now are excelling themselves Rin 'big' school and we offered a warm welcome to the newcomers who have now settled in extremely well. We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who has helped raise the wonderful sum of £490 from the green tokens in Waitrose through the Community Matters Scheme.

We have a couple of dates for your diary. Remember remember the 9th of November! It's Wallingford's Firework display and once again Rainbow Pre-School have been chosen as one of the charity bucket collectors, so come along and not only witness what is said to be 'Fireworks to remember', but also you will be supporting local charities. Sunday 1st December will be Christmas Decoration day for the Pre-School, if anyone can lend a hand to help us decorate the school and make it fantastically festive for the children we would be very grateful and even offer you tea/coffee and a mince pie!

Sarah Andrews Chair, Rainbow Pre-School

Wallingford Day Centre: CLIVE THE HANDYMAN We Need You! Over 35 years experience in the Building Trade Painting & Decorating e are looking for a volunteer to produce our monthly newsletter. This goes out to all our Patch Plastering Wclients at the end of the month giving them Woodwork, Tiling, and their carers information about what is happening Fascias, Roofing/Gutter Repairs, within the centre the following month. Repointing, Boxing-In, Much of the work could be done at home, how ever Small Plumbing Jobs, there computers available within the centre, with a Flat Pack Assembly, couple of visits to the centre for printing and putting Blinds & Curtain Rails together etc. You would be given some of the General Household Repairs information but you would need to be able to source No Job Too Small suitable quizzes, word searches and so on to go in the newsletter. If you think you may be interested All Work Guaranteed please contact Carol on 836467 for an informal chat. Fully Insured Give me a ring on Carol Harrison 01491 411321 / 07766 540117 12 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Inner Wheel Club of Sinodun Henley Philatelic Society

e have had some excellent meetings so far n January 2014 the organisation known as Inner this season and we would be delighted to see Wheel will be 90 years old. Wany newcomers who are interested in I collecting anything that is to do with The Post – stamps, What is Inner Wheel? It is the largest service postcards etc. Do make a note in your diary to come organisation for women in the world. As the role of and see what you can do with them, rather than hiding women in society has changed over the years, so has them away in a drawer. Inner Wheel, but its basic principles remain the same: Wednesday November 13 – A display about Northern  To promote true friendship Nigeria from 1900 – 1913 A presentation of stamps and  To encourage the ideals of personal service stories on how the British colonialists set up and ran a  To foster International understanding postal administration across their large West African Protectorate of Northern Nigeria. The Inner Wheel Club of Sinodun (its name was taken from the Sinodun hills) was formed in 1981. Its Wednesday November 27 – Guest speaker Harry members come from Wallingford and the Wright will give his excellent display on Slania the Stamp surrounding district. Over the years we have Engraver ‘Extraordinaire’. A display not to be missed! appreciated the wonderful support of readers of this magazine and others have given to our events for Meetings are held on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of local, national and overseas charities. Some of the the month at Bix Village Hall at 7.45pm. Details 681739 local ones are the Day Centre, the Toy Library, the or on our website: Stroke Club, the Museum and Hospices. Penny Black We meet once a month and, as a Club, have enjoyed social occasions, interesting speakers and fellowship. THE PARISH OF WALLINGFORD You would be most welcome at any of our meetings The Churches of St. Mary-le-More and St. Leonard and if you would like any more information please SUNDAY SERVICES contact: 8 a.m. St. Leonard - Holy Communion 10 a.m. St. Mary-le-More Parish Communion and Sunday School or All Age Worship Pat Brumfitt (201386) 6.30 p.m. St. Leonard - Evensong Eira Hoare (839415) For details of services and other activities Mildred Sanders see Club Correspondent Team Rector: The Revd. David Rice Telephone: 01491 - 202188


Fresh Coffee/Tea and Homemade Cakes Available 8.30am – 4.00pm

Freshly made Baguettes/Sandwiches & Rolls Delicious Hot Dishes Available Lunch Time Only

Ample Parking/Free ATM Machine

Come and try our Café Restaurant, located in the Manor House of Howbery Park overlooking our beautiful lawns and new patio area

For any queries, please contact 01491 822305 13 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Langtree Sinfonia Autumn A new Monograph exploring the Concert 2013 Archaeology of the Origins, Growth and Transformation of Wallingford he Autumn concert of the Langtree Sinfonia will be held in St Mary’s Church on Saturday, TNovember 23rd, at 7pm. new publication details the results of the major The evening starts with the overture to Weber’s early A Burh to Borough opera `Peter Schmoll’. Written in 1803 it was archaeological project, based Weber’s first success as a popular composer and the on and around the historic overture is an attractive, if rarely played, piece. Elgar town of Wallingford. Founded delighted in writing miniature pieces and in the in the late Saxon period as a key Romance for Bassoon and Orchestra he portrayed the defensive and administrative focus next to the bassoon not as clown but as a poet and singer, and Thames, the settlement also contained a as a result produced a piece of real charm. It also substantial royal castle established shortly after exists in a version for cello and orchestra. the . Excellent conditions of Weber’s Concerto for Bassoon was written in 1811 in archaeological survival mean that Wallingford is Munich and together with Mozart’s piece is one of the an important case study for exploring urbanism two staples of the bassoon repertoire. The bassoon in between the early and late does not have a great number of concerti to its name, Middle Ages. and in hearing the Weber piece with the Elgar we will be hearing this fine instrument in all its many aspects. The book details both the project fieldwork The Langtree Sinfonia will be accompanying (comprising excavations, test-pitting and Madeleine Millar for this performance. The evening extensive geophysical and other surveys), and will be rounded off with Schubert’s’s turbulent 4th data from developer-led interventions and other Symphony, known as the `Tragic’, possibly for sound previously unpublished excavations in the town's commercial reasons! Written in 1816 when the composer was just 19, it shows a combination of historic core. It highlights in particular the strong classical form and youthful exuberance. community-led approach of the project, with a highly successful blend of academics, Paul Cox conducts. Tickets will be available at the professional archaeologists and locals helping to door or from 0118 941 5498. Adults £10, Students bring much more of the town’s heritage to light. £5 and under-16s free The volume traces the pre-town archaeology of Wallingford – from late Iron Age landscape to Nick Kiff early Saxon cemetery – and then analyses the town's physical and social evolution from Saxon Nearly New Sale burh to chartered borough, and assesses its defences, castle, churches, housing, markets, he Treehouse School in Cholsey is organising a material culture, coinage, communications and Children’s Clothes and Toys (age 5-12) Nearly hinterland. Core questions running through the TNew Sale to raise some funds. The Treehouse volume re-late to the roles of the river Thames School receives no government funding, doesn’t and of royal power in shaping Wallingford's charge parents and is run entirely on fundraising and donations. fortunes and identity and in explaining the town's severe and early decline. The Nearly New Sale is taking place on Saturday November 16th in the Regal Centre, 2.30-4.30pm Further information about this Wallingford and will be run on the same lines as an NCT Nearly project is available at: New Sale – ie you will receive a sellers pack with some labels and your unique sellers number. You will h/projects/wallingford receive 75% of all proceeds from what you sell and The Treehouse School will receive 25%. "Transforming Townscapes. From Burh to Borough: The Archaeology of Wallingford, AD The timing is ideal for having a clear-out before 800–1400" is available from Wallingford Museum Christmas. during normal opening hours. Discount price If you would like to register as a seller please email (until 30 November 2013) - £30; normal [email protected] or just turn up on price - £45 the day to grab some bargains. Gerard Latham Sally Eccleston Archaeological Sub Committee of TWHAS 14 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford

Hunt, Storytelling, Fairground Rides, Go Karting – and no Festival would be complete without Santa's Parade and his beautiful Grotto. A 'must visit' for all the kiddies.

Many of these activities are completely free too – even the Face Painting. The Living Nativity was a huge hit t's hard to believe we are now just a few short last year – with hardly a dry eye after each performance weeks away from this years Christmas Festival, and – we are so happy that there will be another chance for we thought it time to give everyone a taste of the I everyone to enjoy these lovely plays again this year. great day we have planned. We now have over 40 Once again The Regal Centre will be full of beautiful stalls booked with a wonderful and interesting hand-crafted items as well as specialist stalls and, as selection of gifts and food on offer. Even though last always, all the proceeds from these sales are for year was a great success we are delighted that so many Charity. more stallholders want to attend this year – obviously good news travels?!

There will be entertainment throughout the day – with stages in the Market Place and St Leonard’s Square. We are thrilled that Totie Southwell will be performing again – and very excited to announce that Rory Evans has agreed to attend. Rory was a huge hit at this year’s Bunkfest – and is definitely a star of the future. We will also have performances from GreenRoom Collective, Drum Club, Bell ringing, Choirs, the list goes on and on – there really is so much to look forward to!

Lastly I would like to remind everybody that the 'Christmas Countdown' is at 5pm – and the annual switching on of the Christmas Tree Lights will be followed by a spectacular Firework display. A great way to finish what we know will be a very happy and enjoyable day.

We are truly excited about this years Festival – and hope you have all put the date in your diary – it's going to be fantastic!!

Ashley and The Festival Team We haven't forgotten our precious VIP's either - the children! They will be entertained all day, with a host Don't forget – no parking worries either! There is a free of things to keep them happy. This includes the Shuttle Bus running from SODC to the Kinecroft and back. Activity Play Bus, Face Painting, Children’s Treasure 15 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Remember, Remember the 9th of toward the end of the night see if you can spot what the organisers have hidden in the embers...... November! The Guy Fawkes competition will take place again in 2013, make sure you are there slightly early with your his year the Wallingford Town Fireworks will be entry at 5.45pm ready for judging by the Deputy Mayor, back and it is going to be better than ever! Local Cllr Jane Titchener at 6pm, there are some great prizes up Tcharity and organisers Wallingford 1155 have been for grabs for the top 3 entries: hard at work all year to bring the town something very special for 2013. Enlisting the help of Wallingford based and six times musical firework champions, Spyrotechnics First Place: You get to push the plunger setting off the – Professional Fireworks are promising the best and explosive charges in the bonfire! Cash prize, sparklers biggest display ever seen on the Kinecroft! This is and a box of fireworks to take home probably the biggest display in the county this November. The entire event has had a complete revamp Second Place: Cash prize, sparklers and a box of while maintaining the traditional elements of the evening fireworks to take home there will be a few surprises throughout the night! Project1 29/9/10 12:02 Page 1 Third place: Cash Prize and Sparklers Please note sparklers and fireworks must be collected by somebody over the age of 18. The Guy Fawkes will be placed around the fire and burned at 6.30pm.

The Wallingford Fireworks organised by Wallingford 1155 is a non-profit event. A all money raised from the evening will be given back to local charities and organisations, please give generously!

The fireworks are bought to you in association with Wallingford 1155, Spyrotechnics – Professional Fireworks, Flash FM Oxford, Haynes Car Care, Paul Simmonds Removals, Chequers Garage, Unhinged Audio, Blanchfords, Grundon, Minster, Oxford Aerials, Scorpion Signs and the Charities and organisations that help on the night. For more information and updates visit 6pm - kids Competition or find us on facebook. Bring along the best 'Guy' Judged by the mayor Mark Brett First prize is £15 Second prize £10 Wallingford 1155 Chairman Third prize £5

All 'Guys' can be burned on the bonfire that starts at 6.20pm and the fireworks shortly after.

1155 Charity Number 1126104

The fireworks display will be choreographed and perfectly timed to music, fired using computer controlled firing systems this is the first time a show of this kind has been seen in Wallingford. The display soundtrack has been masterfully edited by local internet radio station Flash FM Oxford who will be undertaking a LIVE broadcast from the Kinecroft for the duration of the event. The sound system has this year been upgraded somewhat thanks to Didcot based Unhinged Audio.

No firework display is complete without the bonfire! The huge bonfire will be as big as ever thanks to no less than two articulated lorries full of pallets courtesy of Grundon and Minsters. Wallingford 1155 assure us they are hard at work building a larger than life effigy to sit atop the fire before a specially designed explosive ignition sequence sends the bonfire to it’s infernal doom, as the fire burns 16 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford

What’s On at The Corn Exchange Wallingford in November Live Saturday 2nd November: The Magic Flute by the Merry Opera Company at 7.45pm, Tickets £15 Thursday 7th November: National Theatre 50th Anniversary: The Habit of Art, 7.00pm start, Tickets £12.50 Thursday 14th November: National Theatre Live Richard II Staring David Tennant, 7.00pm start, Tickets £12.50 Friday 15th November at 10am Tickets for the upcoming pantomime ‘Robinson Crusoe and the Pirates’ showing from Friday 17th January to Saturday 1st February at 7.30pm (Saturday matinees at 2.30pm) go on sale at the Box Office and online. Tickets: for Tuesday to Thursday performances £10 for adults and for Friday and Saturday performances £12 for adults and £6 for children for all performances.

Saturday 16th & 23rd November and Sundays 17th & 24th November at 2.30pm with 7pm performances on Saturdays: The Kinecroft Dance Academy’s Annual Dancing Show, Tickets Adults £9, Under 18s and Senior Citizens £6

Thursday 21st November: National Theatre Live Frankenstein with Jonny Lee Miller 7pm Start, Tickets £12.50.

On Saturday 30th November, National Theatre Richard II Encore starring David Tennant, 7.00pm start, Tickets £12.50

All evening performances commence at 7.30pm unless otherwise stated. Bookings can be made in person at the Box Office (open 10am-2pm every Friday and Saturday and 7pm-8pm every evening), online at as well as by telephone on 01491 825000 and Post. Published events may change from time to time, please consult our website for the most current listings and complete cinema listings.


thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Wallingford Photographic Club

s part of its November programme, Wallingford photographic club welcomes two Aexcellent landscape photographers. On November 14th, we have Robert Harvey who is a professional environmental scientist, horticulturalist, photographer, writer and speaker who travels the world photographing landscapes and wildlife. November 21st brings Paul Franklin for a presentation on coastal photography and the large format camera.

So, for some stunning images and entertaining talks to brighten up the dark November evenings, come join us at Crowmarsh pavilion Thursday evenings from 8pm to 10pm. Visitors are always welcome. Please visit our website at www.wallingford- for further details or email [email protected]

Pam Sandhu-Dickens

v v v v v Fir Tree Christmas Fair

ome and have a browse at Fir tree Junior School annual Christmas Fair on Friday 29th CNovember, 6 pm-8 pm. There will be refreshments and lots of stalls and something for the children. Entry is Adults £1.50, Children free.

Please contact the school on 836341 for more details.

Sarah Beechey Fir Tree Junior School PTA


CONTENTS PREMIUM BUILDINGS PREMIUM SUM INSURED SUM INSURED Knitwear Sample and Stock Sale £30,000 £79.99 £250,000 £235.68

£50,000 £79.99 £400,000 £243.99 FANTASTIC CHRISTMAS BARGAINS £75,000 £179.49 £250,000 £243.99 Venue: Centre 70, Wallingford The above premiums are based on a 3 bedroom house of standard Date: construction located in the OX10 post code and are correct as at the Saturday 30th November 20/03/2013. Cover is on a standard basis. Other terms and conditions apply and insurances are subject to acceptance. Time: 10am - 4pm For a personal quotation please contact Address: ARTHUR MARSH & SON The Kinecroft, OX10 0DT INSURANCE BROKERS 01491 877273 [email protected] THE MANOR HOUSE HOWBERY PARK WALLINGFORD OX10 8BA MALCOLM PITTS IS AN APPOINTED REPRESENTATIVE OF ARTHUR MARSH & SON (BIRMINGHAM) LTD WHICH IS AUTHORISED AND REGULATED BY THE FINANCIAL CONDUCT AUTHORITY 18 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford Wallingford U3A

ur Autumn and Winter programme is Ounderway. We have a trip organised to tour The Globe Theatre, and to visit the site of the Rose Theatre. The visit to Sonning Theatre is fully booked, although there may be the odd cancellation.

A Current Affairs Discussion Group is being started, to add to the 12 Interest Groups that are already established. Our November 6th Speaker will be Tony King, who will talk about the History of London's Underground Railway. The Christmas Party will be on December 4th. Nursing Meetings are held in Crowmarsh Village Hall at 2 pm on the first Wednesday of each Month. Visitors are Home always made welcome. For more information visit googlesites/, or phone 18 Winterbrook, Wallingford Hermione on 01865 858024 Tel. 01491 833922/0118 9668845 Fax. 01491 836166/0118 9351862 Deirdre Wilson WHERE CARE COMES FIRST v v v v v AIRPAL TAXIS The Friends of St Mary's and St AIR CONDITIONED 24HR SERVICE Leonard's Churches AIRPORTS-LONDON-ANYWHERE he annual general meeting of the Friends will be BUSINESS or PLEASURE held on Thursday 14th November at 2.30pm in TSt Mary's Church. Following a brief meeting the 07862 721698 organist, James Garnett, will give a talk with musical examples on the organ. This will be followed by a 0ric1h4pa9l@1 t2al6kt0al7k.8ne4 t delicious tea. All are welcome as visitors are invited to join us for the afternoon. Call Belinda Lee-Jones on 836223 for more details. Tutor Belinda Lee-Jones Experienced tutor available for v v v v v Physics & Mathematics

Provides excellent exam preparation for Wallingford WI Common Entrance, GCSE, A Level, IB & Oxbridge Entrance. Contact Dr Sean O’Leary MA (Oxon) DPhil on: 07976 283142 ur November meeting gives you the chance to make a Christmas Wreath with the help of OHelen Risk. Helen will be providing the greenery wreaths and you will just have to bring the decorations you would like to bring it to life in the spirit of Christmas. The choice is yours. If you would like to participate please Ring Kate on 201273 so that Contract and Domestic Flooring Specialists she may order a wreath for you. 52 St. Martin’s Street Wallingford Maureen Hughes Oxon. OX10 0AJ Tel. 01491 833701 Free estimates 19 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS thewindowforwallingfordthewindowforwallingford

HAT’S ON November 2013

Every Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday 1st Cards for Good Causes opens Coffee at St Mary’s Church 10 – 12 2nd Real Nappy Fair and Toy Swap Shop First Monday The Music Club for children with disabilities 2nd Toy Library for Children with Special Needs and and additional needs call Sophia Nicholls 07768 298 297 or Julie Hinton 01189 722322 their families. Contact Pamela on 07717280995 Every Monday Optimists over 50 Badminton, Regal 5th Age UK Information Fair Centre 2.15 – 4 5th Friendship Group Places around the World Every Monday Table Tennis at the Regal Centre, 7.15 - 10.00pm tel 835074 Every Tuesday Lunches at Methodist Church Centre 6th Wallingford U3A London Underground 12.30 pm 6th Wallingford WI 7.30 at Ridgeway Community Every Tuesday Wallingford and District Art Club, Centre Centre. Kate, 201273 for details 70 at 7.30 8th TWHAS Talk 7.45 at the Town Hall Every Tuesday, 2 – 4 Age UK Games Afternoon at 9th Deadline for copy for the Window for Wallingford Millington House 9th Messy Church Second Tuesday PiP’s Carers’ Support Group, St 9th Bonfire and Fireworks Mary’s Church, 2pm 10th Remembrance Sunday in the Market Place 2nd/4th Wednesdays Henley Philatelic Society Bix Village 11th Two minute’s silence, 11am in the Market Place Hall at 7.45 (not July/August) 14th Friends of St Mary’s and St Leonard’s AGM Every Wednesday 6pm at The Methodist Church - Boys' Brigade ages 5 to 18 14th Wallingford Gardening Club: Foliage Plants, Every Thursday Coffee Morning, Methodist Church Town Hall 7.30 call 837429 for info Centre 10.30 to 12 15th MP Surgery at the Town Hall, 5.30 – 7pm Every Thursday Wallingford Photographic Club 7.45 16th Nearly New Children’s Clothes and Toy sale in Crowmarsh Pavilion (not July/August) the Regal, 2.30 – 4.30 Every Friday Wallingford Country Market 8.30 – 11.15 in 19th Farmers’ Market the Regal Centre. 19th Friendship Group Petra and the Nabateans Every Friday and Saturday, Coffee at the Corn Exchange, tel 835074 10 – 2 with soup from 11am 19th Science Express Every Friday and Saturday Coffee at St Mary’s Church 10 20th Thameside U3A: Seize the Breeze – 12 23rd Langtree Sinfonia Concert Every Friday - Charter Market in the Market Place 26th SOS talk and discussion Every Friday No Strings Drop in for young people at the Methodist Hall, 8 – 10pm 28th RBL Branch Meeting 7pm, Masonic Centre Every Saturday WAGS Store open at Centre 70, 10-12 28th Collection and Distribution day for The Most Saturdays Local Producers’ Market, Regal Centre 10 – 1 Window for Wallingford Every Sunday Wallingford Runners meet for a run. Contact 29th Fir Tree Christmas Fair number is now 07720 204783 or 07919 692532 30th Charities Christmas Bazaar, Town Hall 10 – 1 Second Sunday Wallingford Model Club meet at the Fire 30th Advent Fair, Methodist Hall 2 – 4 Station 10 till 5. All welcome. Tel George Clark 200841 1st December – Christmas Festival

INDOW FOR WALLINGFORD is published on a Editor: Lynda Atkins Wnon-profit making basis and is compiled and 39 Station Road, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 0JX distributed entirely by volunteers. Telephone: 01491 839120 [email protected] All material published is copyright and may not be copied, stored, reproduced or transmitted in whole Distribution Manager: Andrew Blackwell, or in part by any means whatsoever without the 7 Chalmore Gardens, Wallingford, OX10 9EP Telephone: 01491 - 825991 written consent of the Editor. For adverts/inserts, contact Albry Printing Co. Ltd. The opinions expressed in this magazine are not Telephone: 01491 - 836282 necessarily those of the Editor. The Editor is pleased to receive material for publication, but Publication Date: 1st of the month reserves the right to amend or reject it at her discretion.

20 PLEASE MENTION WINDOW FOR WALLINGFORD IF YOU RESPOND TO ANY OF OUR ADVERTISEMENTS Tailor-made Trips to suit at Competitive Prices HOWARD CHADWICK WHITES COACHES of OXFORD FUNERAL SERVICE Family Run Business Est since 1984 Covering All Areas & All UK Airports A caring family owned and managed Funeral Service ¥ 33-53 Seaters Available • Dedicated Private Chapel of Rest • ¥ Corporate & Contract • Golden Charter Pre-Paid Funeral Plans • ¥ Days Out, Theatre Trips, Races and more ¥ Day Excursions • Specialists in Memorial Stones and Designs • Discounts Available – Please Call for details 33 Benson Lane, , Wallingford OX10 8ED 01865 340516 Tel: 01491 825222 90 Colwell Road, Berinsfield, Wallingford OX10 7NU

Wallingford Tyres & Exhausts FRIENDLY, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE AT COMPETITIVE RATES PHONE: (01491) 824145 FOR A QUOTE or call in at: AYRES YARD, STATION ROAD, WALLINGFORD, OXON. OR BY APPOINTMENT OUTSIDE WORKING HOURS Mon.-Fri. 8.30 a.m.-5.30 p.m. Sat. 8.30 a.m.-1.00 p.m. [email protected] (Just past the Esso Garage on the way to Didcot)

Paddocks Pre-School SHOE KEY Paddock Road ENGRAVING Wallingford REPAIRS CUTTING Oxon. OX10 9LT FEET FIRST a small & friendly pre-school environment offering a wide range of activities • Flexible sessions for 2-5 yr olds 21 St. Mary’s Street, Wallingford • After-school care available Contact Gary on: 01491 825224 • Pick-up from St. John’s Primary School • Government funded sessions for 3yrs+ • Holiday play schemes for 2-8yr olds WATCHSTRAPS STITCHING TRAVEL GOODS For more information or to visit please call Helen: BATTERIES REPAIRS LUGGAGE 01491 825333 / 825514 WINTERBROOK GARDEN SERVICES LTD.

Garden Design, Construction and Maintenance Fencing • Patios • Full Pruning Service

Tel: 01491 838189 24hr Ansaphone Mob: 0775 3636333 Outstanding Local Pre-school Education and Childcare

• Flexible term time hours for 2 – 5 year olds • School holiday playschemes for children up to 9 years old Come and join our friendly group and have fun as you learn For more information contact - The Bullcroft, High Street, Wallingford Oxon OX10 9BX Tel: 01491 826209 [email protected] Scotlandss Ash Garage ¥ MOT testing from 6am by appointment HUGE ¥ Servicing to all types of Vehicles including Vans NG and new vehicles under warranty SAVI ON ¥ Air Conditioning Specialists S ¥ Tyres, Exhausts and Clutches TYRE ¥ Selection of Free Courtesy Cars The perfect setting for your wedding ceremony, reception, ¥ Recovery Service available private party or corporate function. ¥ Diagnostic Fault Finding and rectification for any make of car We have a fully licensed bar and provide catering at the highest standard. 01235 850707 Contact: Lains Barn, Grove Park Drive, Ardington Main Street, Wantage, Oxfordshire OX12 7QG Didcot, Oxon OX11 0NA Tel: 01235 832745 • [email protected] • Patricia Newman Practice CHARTERED BUILDING SURVEYORS 2D & 3D colour plans of your project for Planning, Building Regulations & Project Management Call for a no obligation fee quote

Party Wall Surveyors Planning Appeals Surveys

9 St. Mar y’s Street, Wallingford 01491 833373

JIM PINK (WALLINGFORD) LTD The Friendly Family Firm Serving the Motorist since 1960 38 Sinodun Road,Wallingford Tel:01491 837932 NEW & USED CAR SALES • SERVICING ALL MAKES Fruit & Vegetables • Newspapers • Magazines MOT CENTRE • AIR CONDITIONING SPECIALISTS Beers & Wines • Mobile Top-up Vouchers TYRES • BATTERIES • EXHAUSTS • BODYWORK In-Store Bakery with Freshly Baked Bread & Cakes CAR SALES • SERVICE CENTRE plus the National Lottery Wood Street Garage,

WE ARE HERE Wood Street, Wallingford 01491 836017 1960-2010 D A O best value locally R 01491 836022 UN D O N Didcot SI Garage Opening hours: Mon-Sat. 6.00am-8.00pm Retail Motor years Industry Sunday 6.30am-1.00pm Federation [email protected] - [email protected] WANTAGE ROAD STATION ROAD