ISSN: 1401-5617 ASYMPTOTICALLY ISOSPECTRAL QUANTUM GRAPHS AND TRIGONOMETRIC POLYNOMIALS. Pavel Kurasov, Rune Suhr Research Reports in Mathematics Number 2, 2018 Department of Mathematics Stockholm University Electronic version of this document is available at Date of publication: Maj 16, 2018. 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 34L25, 81U40; Secondary 35P25, 81V99. Keywords: Quantum graphs, almost periodic functions. Postal address: Department of Mathematics Stockholm University S-106 91 Stockholm Sweden Electronic addresses:
[email protected] Asymptotically isospectral quantum graphs and generalised trigonometric polynomials Pavel Kurasov and Rune Suhr Dept. of Mathematics, Stockholm Univ., 106 91 Stockholm, SWEDEN
[email protected],
[email protected] Abstract The theory of almost periodic functions is used to investigate spectral prop- erties of Schr¨odinger operators on metric graphs, also known as quantum graphs. In particular we prove that two Schr¨odingeroperators may have asymptotically close spectra if and only if the corresponding reference Lapla- cians are isospectral. Our result implies that a Schr¨odingeroperator is isospectral to the standard Laplacian on a may be different metric graph only if the potential is identically equal to zero. Keywords: Quantum graphs, almost periodic functions 2000 MSC: 34L15, 35R30, 81Q10 Introduction. The current paper is devoted to the spectral theory of quantum graphs, more precisely to the direct and inverse spectral theory of Schr¨odingerop- erators on metric graphs [3, 20, 24]. Such operators are defined by three parameters: a finite compact metric graph Γ; • a real integrable potential q L (Γ); • ∈ 1 vertex conditions, which can be parametrised by unitary matrices S.