Miharaite, Cuafepbbis6, a New Mineral from the Mihara Mine, Okayama, Japan

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Miharaite, Cuafepbbis6, a New Mineral from the Mihara Mine, Okayama, Japan American Mineralogist, Volume 65, pages 784-788, 1980 Miharaite, CuaFePbBiS6,a new mineral from the Mihara mine, Okayama,Japan AsAHrKo Sucnl I nstitute of Mineralo gyt,Petrology, and Economic Geology,Tohoku University Aobayama,Sendai, JaPan HInour Sruun Departmentof Mining and Mineral Engineering Faculty of Engineering, Yamaguchi University Tokiwadai, Ube, JaPan AND ARASHI KITAKAZE I nstitute of Mineralo gy, P etrolo gy, und Economic Geologlt, Tohoku University Aobayama, Sendai, faPan Abstract Miharaite, CqFePbBiSo, is a new sulfosalt discovered at the Mihara mine, Okayama Pre- with fecture, Japan. It occurs only as minute (<0.3 mm) grains in bornite, closely associated chalcopyrite, galena, and wittichenite in bornite-rich skarn ores. The crystallographic param- : eters of miharaite at 25"C are: orthorhombic, space grottp Pbmm, Pb2m, or Pb2rm, a 10.854(4),, : I1.985(4),c : 3.871(l)A, Z:2, cell volume: 503.6(3)43.The stronge,stlines in the X-ray powder pauern are 3.75(60X130),3.25QO)(O2L),3.11(55X320)' 3.03(l00x2ll)' 3.00(90)(040),2.68(80)i301),2.18(60)(4ll).The calculateddensity is 6.06 g/cm3. In reflected light, it is pale gray to grayish-white with slight bireflectance and moderate anisotropism from grayish-tfi to pi.kish-brown. The optical propertiesare quite similar to thoseof wit- tichenite.Reflectances in air are: 29.6-30.Woin 480 nm, 30'8-3l.5voin 546 nm, 31.7-3257oin 5g9 nm, 3Z.l-34.2Voin 657 nm. Vickers microhardnessis 190-230kg/cfr. The averageof six microprobeanalyses gave Cuo.-Fer ooPbr orBir.oos5 e18s 8Il empirical formula, very closeto the proposedformula CueFePbBiSr. Introduction of Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, and of Mining and Mineral Enginssring' During an investigation of the copper bismuth sul- f" ?tp"l|ent Facultyof Engineering,YamaguchiUniversity' Ube' fosalt minerals in the ores from the Mihara'";;;, Japan' Okayama Prefecture, a mineral was found similar in tF: stu.dy was financed in part by a Grant-in-Aid optical properties to wittichenit" uo, ,l'; ^ "oo,"ioilg for Scientific Research from the Ministry of Educa- iron and lead in addition to copper u"a Uir-"tilit ir tion of Japan' a new sulfosalt mineral wiih a composition of CuoFePbBiS..The mineral is named miharaite (pro- ^__^-^, r^^--:-^. General description nounced mi-ha-ra-ite) after the location of its first oc- currence. The mineral name and designation as a Miharaite has been found in bornite-rich skarn ore -l -l2th new mineral were approved by the Commission on from the stopes on the lth and levels in the New Minerals and Mineral Names of the Inter- Honpi deposit of the Mihara mine, which are the national Mineralogical Association in April, 1976. lowest levels of the mine. The Mihara mine (now Type materials are deposited in the Institute of Min- closed) is located at Yoshii-cho, Shitsuki-gun, the Petrology, and Economic Geology, Faculty western part of Okayama Prefecture close to the bor- "i"togy, 0003-0sx/80/0708-0784-$02.00 SUGAKI ET AL.: MIHARAITE 785 der with Hiroshima Prefecture,and is about 20 km west of Takahashialong the Hakubi railway line be_ tween Kurashiki and Niimi. The mine is a metaso- matic skarn deposit of copper, embeddedin the Koyamaichi Paleozoiclimestone group (Soeda, 1960; Soeda and Takeno, 1975; Soeda and Hirowatari. 1975).In the Honpi deposit,one of four depositsin the mine, the copper grade of the ore increaseswith Fig. l. Photomicrographs of miharaite intergrown with chalcopyrite and/or galeta in bornite. (A) depth, and the bornite in which miharaite has intergrowth with been chalcopyrite; (B) intergrowth with galena, and exsolution found occursat the lowest lamellae levels.The bornite occurs of chalcopyrite in bornite. mih: miharaite; cp: chalcopyrite; bn: as disseminationsin a hedenbergite-garnet_epidote bornite; gn: galena. skarn associatedcommonly with chalcopyrite. Oc- currencesof copper-bismuthsulfosalt minerals asso- is not affected;in addition, the former is etchedwith ciated with bornite from this deposit were first re- KCN (207o),whereas the latter doesnot react to it at ported by Soeda (1963), and Sugaki et al. (1974a\ all. Miharaite is slightly stained to a bluish tint by confirmed by microprobe analysesthat the copper- KOH (sat.) and is negativeto HCI (l: l), FeCl, bismuth sulfosalt mineral was wittichenite, Cu3BiS3. (2OVo),and HgCl (sat). Wittichenite occursboth as separategrains and asso_ The optical reflectivity of miharaite was measured ciatedwith chalcopyrite and/or galenaas small gran_ with a Leitz microphotometerMPV II at four wave- ules or drops (10-30 microns) in bornite, and some- lengths,480 nm, 546 nnt,589 nm, and,657nm, as ob- times along grain boundariesof bornite as stringers tained by line filters. The results are compared with or chains of drops. From this association,Sugaki et those of coexistingwittichenite in Table l. The con- al. (1974a) suggestedthat wittichenite, as well as ditions of the measurementswere as follows: light chalcopyrite, is probably a product of exsolution source,halogen tungsten lamp 10.5Y,7 .l A; applied from a bornite solid solution stable at high temper- potential of a photomultiplier (EMI 9558B) 700 V; ature. objective lens x20; measuredarea 30 x 30 microns. Miharaite occursin bornite in the sameassociation The reflectancestandards used included tungsten-ti- and textural settingas wittichenite. It occursonly mi- tanium carbide and silicon carbide calibrated by croscopically, generally several tens of microns in Zeiss Ltd., and glassprism 1.9 by Leitz Ltd. Table I size but up to 0.3 mm, as tiny granular drop-like shows that the reflectanceof miharaite is slightly shapesor irregular masses,closely associatedwith lower than that of wittichenite in the short wave- chalcopyrite,galena, and sometimeswittichenite. Se- length range,but are nearly the samefor both in yel- lected examplesof these occurrencesare shown in low to reddish light. Figure l. Miharaite grains,up to 150microns, occur The Vickers microhardnessnumber ranges from in bornite closely associatedwith chalcopyrite (A), 190to 230 kg/mn2; this range is similar to those for and an irregular intergrowh of miharaite and galena other copper bismuth sulfosaltminerals as described is found in bornite, with exsolutionlamellae of chal- by Uytenbogaardt and Burke (1971).The measure- copyrite (B). ment was carried out with the Akashi microhardness Physicaland optical properties Table l. Reflectance in air and Vickers microhardness of In reflectedlight, miharaite is pale gray to grayish_ miharaite compared with coexisting wittichenite white with faint bireflectanceand shows moderate anisotropism from grayish-blue to pinkish-brown. Miharaite tlittichenite No internal reflections were observed.The optical PafI a^frn^a l9\ propertiesare so similar to those of wittichenite that tr (nm) it is almost impossible to distinguish the two by 480 29.6 - 30.3 30.9 - 34.7 simple microscopicobservations. However,when the 544 30.8 - 3r.5 3L.7 - 35.4 minerals are in contact with each other, miharaite - f6y 3L- I JI.Y - Jf,. J appearsslightly darker. With chemicnlslshing miha- - o)/ Jz.I 34.2 JI.U - J+.] raite can be readily distinguishedfrom wittichenite. Vicker's (kqlmm2) When exposedto HNO. (l:l), wittichenite etches he4lness slowly and gradually becomesbrown, but miharaite t90 - 230 180 - 2I0 SUGAKI ET AL.: MIHARAITE 3pm on CdS testerMVK-D with 25 gload and 15 secondsloading O.O2p.Aon CuFeSr, electron beam size FeKa, PbLa, time. crystal, and crystalsof LiF for CuKc, and BiIc, and ADP for SKa. Synthetic Bi2Sr,PbS, ChemicalcomPosition and natural chalcopyrite were used as standards for Miharaite contains Cu, Fe, Pb, Bi, and S, as is Bi and S, for Pb, and for Cu and Fe, respectively' mean values of clearly indicated by the X-ray scanning photographs The measuredX-ray intensities, on each grain and of miharaite coexisting with bornite and chalcopyrite five tines counting for ten seconds Bence-Albeeproce- shownin Figure 2. Other elements,especially Ag, Sb, standard,were correctedby the sulfideminerals of the or As, which may possibly occur in solid solution in dure (1968)using a-factorsfor et al-,1974b' 1976)' such sulfosalts,have not been detected. Cu-Fe-Pb-Bi-S system(Sugaki were ob- The chemical compositionsof six grains of miha- The a-factorsfor the Cu-Fe-Pb-Bi sulfides basedon the rel- raite in two polished specimenswere determinedby tained by a least-squarescalculation sulfide electron probe microanalyzer.The Hitachi electron ative intensities measured on synthesized probe microanalyzer model XMA-5 was used. The minerals. 2 conditions of analysis were as follows: accelerating The analytical results are listed in Table along voltage 20 kV, take-offangle 38", absorptioncurrent with the atomic formula basedon 13 ions calculated of miharaite coexisting with Fig. 2. X-ray scanning microphotographs showing the distribution of elements in an assemblage (D) inage; (E) BiZd image; (F) SKc chalcopyrite and bornite. (A) reflected electron irnage; (B) CuKc irnage; (C) FeKc image; Pbl'c rmase. SUGAKI ET AL.: MIHARAITE 787 Table 2. Results of electron probe microanalyses on miharaite from tle Mihara mrne Weight percent -T"t-f Atomrc Chemical fomula cu Fe pl sl-- S Cu Fe Pb Bi_ S (Totaf atons=l-3) I 28.00 5 .94 22.64 22.90 20.67 100.15 3I.24 7.55 7 .75 7.17 45.7L Cuq. 6 pFeg, g ePbr . o 1Bi t . 9 155.9 q 2 28.17 6.25 22.53 22-45 20,63 100.03 31.33 7.9I 7.69 7.59 45.48 Cu4. e7Fe1.s1Pb1. 96Bis.9955. 9 1 3 2a-42 6.12 22.7r 22-7A 20.40 Ioo.42 31.68 7.'16 7.76 7 .72 45.O7 Cu4.1 2Fe1.o rPbr. o 18i1.6 655, s5 4 2A.23 5.92 23.01 23.06 20.54 100.76 3L.46 7.5L 7.86 7.81 45.36 Cur.
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