

S The Dark Age of the

Jordi Miralda-Escude´1,2,3

PECIAL The Dark Age is the period between the time when the cosmic back- geneous and in thermal equilibrium) also S ground was emitted and the time when the evolution of structure in the universe led reveal that for these primordial, small-am- to the gravitational collapse of objects, in which the first were formed. The plitude fluctuations to have grown into the period of started with the ionizing light from the first stars, and it ended present , clusters, and large-scale when all the atoms in the intergalactic medium had been reionized. The most distant structures of the universe through gravita- sources of light known at present are galaxies and quasars at z Х 6, and their tional evolution, the presence of dark mat- spectra indicate that the end of reionization was occurring just at that time. The Cold ter is required. More recently, another com- theory for predicts that the first sources formed ponent has been identified, called dark much earlier. energy, which has become the dominant component of the universe at the present It was only about 75 ago when Edwin the wavelength of the light emitted by any epoch and is causing an acceleration of the Hubble discovered that we live in a universe object at that epoch and reaching us at the expansion of the universe (10, 11).The of galaxies in expansion. At about the same present time has been stretched, owing to the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe time, used the cosmo- expansion of the universe. (WMAP) (12, 13) showed that the baryonic logical principle (the assumption that the uni- matter accounts for only ϳ17% of all mat- verse can be approximated on large scales as The Cold Dark Matter Model ter, with the rest being the dark matter, and homogeneous and isotropic) to write down Cosmological observations can be accounted has confirmed the presence of the dark the basic equations governing the structure for by the Cold Dark Matter (CDM) model energy (14, 15). Although the CDM model and evolution of the universe in the [see (1–3) for reviews]. The model assumes with the added agrees with model, starting from Einstein’s theory of that in addition to ordinary matter made of many observations, cosmologists have no . By the end of the 20th protons, neutrons, and (usually re- idea what the nature of the dark matter and century, much evidence had accumulated showing that the early universe was close to homogeneous, even on the small scales of the present galaxies. The fundamental question is how the universe went from this initial nearly ho- mogeneous state to the present-day extremely complex form, in which matter has collapsed into galaxies and smaller struc- tures. I will review the history of the universe from the time of emission of the cosmic microwave back- ground (CMB) to the time when the first objects col- Fig. 1. Overview of the main events discussed in this review, with the top axis showing the age of the universe and lapsed gravitationally. An the bottom axis the corresponding redshift, for the currently favored model (same parameters as in Fig. 2). Blue represents atomic regions, and red, ionized regions. Matter in the universe recombined in a homogeneous manner at overview of these events z Х 1200. Later, when the first stars formed and emitted ionizing radiation, ionized regions formed around the sources will be described, with re- that eventually overlapped, filling all of space. The size of the HII regions should be much smaller on the redshift scale spect to the time and the than shown here and is drawn only for illustration. redshift at which they take place (Fig. 1). Cosmologists generally use the ferred to as baryonic matter in ), the dark energy may be, and why this mat- redshift z to designate a cosmic epoch. The there is also dark matter, which behaves as a ter and energy should have comparable quantity 1 ϩ z is the factor by which the collection of collisionless particles having no densities at the present time. universe has expanded from that epoch to the interactions other than gravity and which was Nevertheless, as the parameters of this present time and is also the factor by which initially cold (that is, the particles had a very CDM model are measured more precisely, small velocity dispersion). Observations have the predictions for the number of objects of confirmed the existence of dark matter in different mass that should be gravitationally 1Department of Astronomy, The Ohio State Univer- halos and clusters of galaxies [e.g., collapsing at every epoch in the universe 2 sity, Columbus, OH 43210, USA. Institute for Ad- (4–9)]. The intensity fluctuations of the CMB have become more robust. Bound objects vanced Study, Princeton, NJ 08540, USA. 3Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya/ICREA, Barcelona, (the relic radiation that is left over from the form when the primordial fluctuations reach Spain. E-mail: [email protected] epoch when the universe was nearly homo- an amplitude near unity, entering the nonlin-

1904 20 JUNE 2003 VOL 300 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org T HE D ARK S IDE S PECIAL forms has a velocity dispersion v determined difficult to observe because of the foreground by its mass and the size of the region from emission by dust (24, 25). which it collapsed, v2 ϳ GM/R, and a corre-

sponding virialized temperature of the gas, How Did the First Stars Form? S

ϭ ␮ 2 ␮ ECTION kTvir ( mH) v , where is the mean The Dark Age ended when the first stars were particle mass in units of the hydrogen mass formed. In order to form stars, the atomic gas

mH. It is this virialized temperature that de- must be able to follow the collapse of dark termines the physics of the rate at which gas matter halos. This happens when the halo can cool to form stars. This prediction of the mass is above the Jeans mass of the gas (26) number of objects that were forming at each at the virialized temperature and density of z forms the basis for our ideas on the end of the intergalactic medium, a condition that is տ the Dark Age, the formation of the first stars, fulfilled when Tvir 100K(1, 27). In halos and the reionization. with lower temperature, the gas pressure is sufficient to prevent the gas from collapsing. The Dark Age In addition, there must be a radiative cooling At very high z, the universe was practically mechanism for the gas to lose its energy and Fig. 2. The solid line shows the present time (z ϭ 0), linearly extrapolated rms fluctuation Ͻ homogeneous, and the temperature of matter concentrate to ever-higher densities in the (␦M/M)2 Ͼ 1/2 of the mass enclosed in a region and radiation dropped as the universe ex- halo centers until stellar densities are that contains an average mass M, expressed in panded. Atoms formed at z Х 1100 when the reached; without cooling, the gas reaches hy- the horizontal axis in units of solar masses. The temperature was T ϭ 3000 K, a low enough drostatic equilibrium in the halo after the ϭ ϭ other two curves are for z 9 and z 19, value for the plasma to recombine. At this gravitational collapse and stays at a fixed when the universe was about 500 million and epoch of recombination, the CMB filled the density without forming stars. The ability of 200 million years old, respectively. Fluctuations grow with time, and when they reach an am- universe with a red, uniformly bright glow of the gas to cool depends on Tvir and the chem- plitude near unity at some scale, nonlinear blackbody radiation, but later the temperature ical composition of the gas. Tvir was low for formation of halos takes place, and small halos dropped and the CMB shifted to the infrared. the first objects that formed and then it in- merge into larger ones as progressively larger To eyes, the universe would then have creased rapidly with time (Fig. 3). The pri- scales undergo collapse. The flat CDM model appeared as a completely dark place. A long mordial gas in the first halos was mainly with assumed here has period of time had to pass until the first composed of atomic H and He. Atomic H the following parameters: Hubble constant Ϫ Ϫ Ͼ H ϭ 70km s 1 Mpc 1, matter density ⍀ ϭ objects collapsed, forming the first stars that induces radiative cooling only when Tvir 0 m0 4 0.3, baryon density ⍀ ϭ 0.043, amplitude of shone in the universe with the first light ever 10 K, when collisions can excite and ionize ␴ ϭ b fluctuations 8 0.9, and primordial spectral emitted that was not part of the CMB (Fig. 1). H atoms (28); the gas can then readily con- index n ϭ 0.93. The period of time between the last scattering of the CMB radiation by the homogeneous ear regime. The power spectrum of the fluc- plasma and the formation of the first has tuations can be represented in terms of the come to be known as the Dark Age of the root-mean-square (rms) fluctuation of the universe (17). mass, ␦M, enclosed by a sphere of radius R, Observations provide detailed information which on average has a mass M, equal to its on the state of the universe when the CMB volume times the mean density of the uni- radiation was last scattered at z Х 1100, and verse. The linearly extrapolated rms fluctua- we have also observed galaxies and quasars tion ␦M/M is shown in Fig. 2 as a function of up to z Х 6.5 (18–21). The theory suggests M for the CDM model, at the present time that the first stars and galaxies should have (z ϭ 0) and at 1 ϩ z ϭ 10 and 1 ϩ formed substantially earlier, so we can expect z ϭ 20. Note that linear fluctuations grow to discover galaxies at progressively higher z gravitationally in proportion to (1 ϩ z)Ϫ1, as technology advances and fainter objects except at z Շ 1, when the dark energy starts are detected. However, beyond a z of 10 to to dominate (16). At the present time, fluc- 20, the CDM theory with Gaussian fluctua- Fig. 3. The velocity dispersion v (right axis) or tuations are typically of order unity on scales tions predicts that the dark matter halos that virialized temperature Tvir divided by the mean containing masses ϳ1014 M (where M is can host luminous objects become extremely particle mass ␮ in units of the hydrogen mass J J ␮ϭ ␮ϭ solar mass), corresponding to galaxy groups. rare, even for low-mass halos (Fig. 2). Dis- (left axis; 0.6 for ionized matter and 1.2 for atomic matter) of halos collapsing from At the epoch z ϭ 9, typical fluctuations were covering any objects at z տ 20 should be- ␴ ϳ a1 fluctuation (of amplitude shown in Fig. 2) collapsing on much smaller scales of M come exceedingly difficult as we reach the is shown as a function of redshift, as the lowest 6 10 MJ. Because the probability distribution period of the Dark Age. During the Dark thick solid line. At every redshift, the fluctua- of the mass fluctuation on any given region is Age, before the collapse of any objects, not tion amplitude required for nonlinear collapse Gaussian, there should be rare regions in the much was happening at all. The atomic gas is reached at progressively larger scales, form- universe with a density fluctuation of several was still close to homogeneous, and only a ing halos of increasing mass and velocity dis- persion. The higher solid thick lines indicate times the variance that will correspondingly tiny fraction of it formed the first molecules halos collapsing from (2,3,4,5)-␴ fluctuations, be able to collapse earlier. For example, our of H2, HD, and LiH as the temperature cooled which form increasingly rare objects from a galaxy may have formed from the down [e.g., (22, 23)]. One of the few suggest- Gaussian distribution of fluctuations. The 12 collapse of a 10 MJ halo from a 1␴ fluctu- ed ideas for an observational probe of the dashed lines indicate halos of constant mass, ation at z Х 1, but at z ϭ 5 halos of the same Dark ge is to detect secondary anisotropies on and are separated by a factor 10in mass, mass were already forming from 3␴ fluctua- the CMB that were imprinted by Li atoms as with values indicated for three lines. Objects 6 of fixed mass have increasing velocity disper- tions. On a scale of 10 MJ,a1␴ fluctuation they recombined at z Х 400 through the Х ␴ sion as they form at higher redshift from a collapses at z 6, and a 3 fluctuation resonance line at 670.8 nm, which would be more rare, higher amplitude fluctuation be- collapses at z Х 20 (Fig. 3). Each object that redshifted to the far-infrared today, making it cause their size R is smaller.

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tract to form galaxies. In the intermediate form by cooling provided by heavy elements lead to the collapse of a halo and the forma- Ͻ Ͻ 4 Ͼ 4 Х range 100 K Tvir 10 K, the gas settles (46), or by atomic H when Tvir 10 K. tion of a star at z 30 (Fig. 3). A more

ECTION into halos but atomic cooling is not available Abundances of heavy elements as low as specific question we can ask is: From a ran-

S and, in the absence of the heavy elements that 1000 times smaller than that of the can dom location in the universe, when would the were formed only after massive stars ejected increase the cooling rate over that provided first light from a star have been observed?

their synthesized nuclei into space, the only by H2 and can also cool the gas to much Because an observer receives light only from available coolant is H2. Because two hydro- lower temperatures than possible with H2 the past light-cone (53), the further away one

PECIAL gen atoms cannot form a molecule by collid- alone, reducing the Jeans mass and allowing looks, the greater the volume that can be S ing and emitting a , only a small frac- for the formation of low-mass stars (47–49). surveyed (and hence a more rare, higher- tion of the gas in these first objects could A fascinating probe to these early events amplitude fluctuation can be found) but also

become H2 via reactions involving the spe- is provided by any stars that formed at that the further back into the past one observes, Ϫ ϩ ϳ cies H and H2 , formed by the residual free time with mass 0.8 solar masses, which which requires an even higher primordial electrons and protons left over from the early could be observed at the present time in our density fluctuation to form a star. By requir- Ͼ universe (29–31), limiting the rate at which Galaxy’s halo as they start ascending the red ing that just one collapsed halo with Tvir the gas could cool. Simulations (32–37) have 2000 K is observed on the past light-cone shown that the first stars form in halos with [and for the CDM model (Fig. 3)], a hypo- Х ϳ 6 Tvir 2000 K and mass 10 MJ; at lower thetical observer located at a random place, temperatures, the rotational transitions of H2 after having experienced the dark age, would do not provide sufficient cooling for the gas have seen the first star appear in the sky at z to dissipate its energy. The slow cooling in Х 38 (54), when the universe was 75 million these first objects leads to the formation of a years old. This star would have formed from

central core with a mass of 100 to 1000 MJ of a 6.3␴ fluctuation (with a probability of only ϳ ͌ ␲ ͐ϱ Ϫx2/2 Х ϫ Ϫ10 gas cooled to 200 K, and this core may 2/ 6.3 e dx 3 10 , implying 6 form a massive star. that a volume containing a mass of 10 MJ/ Ϫ10 15 As soon as the first stars appeared, they 3ϫ10 Х 3ϫ10 MJ would need to be 6 changed the environment in which they were searched to find one halo of 10 MJ at this formed, affecting the formation of subse- early time). Soon after that first star, many quent stars. Massive stars emit a large frac- more would have appeared forming from less tion of their light as that can ionize H rare fluctuations. (with energies greater than 13.6 eV), creating Because we can now see the very first HII regions and heating the gas to T Х 104 K. stars that formed in the universe out to a very While these ionizing photons are all absorbed Fig. 4. Spectra of the large distance on our past light-cone, we can at the HII region boundaries, in the vicinity of quasars J0019-0040 at z ϭ 4.32, and J1148ϩ5251 survey a much larger volume than could the the stars that emit them, photons with lower at z ϭ 6.37. The flux is shown in units of 10Ϫ17 erg overjoyed observer at z Х 38 at the sight of Ϫ Ϫ energy can travel greater distances through cm 2 s 1 as a function of wavelength. The peak the first star. With this larger volume, the ␣ the atomic medium and reach other halos. of the spectra is the redshifted broad Ly emission highest z star on the sky should be one line of the quasars. Absorption by intervening ␴ Х Ultraviolet photons with energies above 11 hydrogen is seen at shorter wavelengths. At red- formed from an 8 fluctuation at z 48 (54). eV can photodissociate H2, and this can sup- shifts below 6 (␭ Շ 850nm), the medium is Although this first star would be too faint to press the cooling rate and the ability to form photoionized and the very small fraction of hydro- detect with current technology, brighter

stars in low-mass halos that are cooling by H2 gen that is atomic produces a partial, strongly sources can pave the way to discover more when they are illuminated by the first stars fluctuating absorption reflecting the density vari- primitive objects than the presently known Х (38). The importance of this suppresion and ations of the intergalactic medium. At z 6, the most distant galaxies at z Х 6.5. Perhaps we absorption suddenly becomes complete. This other effects are being debated (37, 39–43). probably indicates the end of reionization. At z Ͼ may discover more objects at higher z than Such effects might imply that the first mas- 6, the medium still contained atomic patches that expected in the CDM model, for example due sive stars formed through the radiative cool- are highly opaque to Ly␣ photons, and, even in the to the presence of non-Gaussian primordial

ing of H2 were a short-lived and self-destruc- reionized regions, the ionizing background inten- fluctuations on small scales [e.g., (55)]. tive generation, because their own light might sity was too low to reduce the neutral fraction to ␣ destroy the molecules that made their forma- the very low values required for Ly transmission. The Reionization ofthe Universe This figure is reproduced from [(18) fig. 3] and tion possible. [(19) fig. 6]. The most important effect that the formation When some of these massive stars end of stars had on their environment is the reion- their in supernovae, they eject heavy ization of the gas in the universe. Even elements that pollute the universe with the giant branch (50) if the halos in which they though the baryonic matter combined into ingredients necessary to form dust and plan- formed were later incorporated into the Milky atoms at z Х 1100, the intergalactic matter 6 ets (44). In a halo containing 10 MJ of gas, Way by mergers. These stars should carry the must have been reionized before the present. the photoionization and supernova explosions signature of the elements synthesized by the The evidence comes from observations of the from only a few massive stars can expel all first supernovae (51, 52). spectra of quasars. Quasars are extremely the gas from the potential well of the halo luminous objects found in the nuclei of gal- (45). For example, the energy of 10 superno- When Did the First Star Form? axies that are powered by the accretion of vae (about 1052 erg) is enough to accelerate Because the primordial density fluctuations matter on massive black holes (56). Because 6 Ϫ1 10 MJ of gas to a speed of 30 km s , which in the universe are random, the question of of their high luminosity, they are used by will push the gas out of any halo with a much when the very first star formed does not have cosmologists as lamp posts allowing accurate lower velocity dispersion. The expelled gas a simple answer. The time when the first halo spectra to be obtained, in which the analysis ϭ can later fall back as a more massive object is with Tvir 2000 K collapsed depends on of absorption lines provides information on formed by mergers of pre-existing dark mat- how rare a fluctuation we are willing to con- the state of the intervening intergalactic mat- ter halos. The next generation of stars can sider. A 5␴ fluctuation in the density field can ter. The spectra of quasars show the presence

1906 20 JUNE 2003 VOL 300 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org T HE D ARK S IDE S PECIAL of light at wavelengths shorter than the the gas in their own halos, allowing ionizing only, before reionization) ejected by massive Lyman-alpha (Ly␣) emission line of H. If the photons to escape. The reionization then pro- stars (71, 72). intergalactic medium is atomic, then any pho- ceeded by the expansion of ionization fronts ␣ tons emitted at wavelengths shorter than Ly around the sources (Fig. 5), separating the uni- Scattering ofthe CMB by the S

(121.6 nm) would be scattered by H at some verse into ionized bubbles and an atomic me- Reionized Universe ECTION point on their journey to us, when their wave- dium between the bubbles (63). The ionized Reionization made most of the electrons in length is redshifted to the Ly␣ line. The mean bubbles grew and overlapped, until every low- the universe free of their atomic binding, and density of H in the universe, when it is all in density region of the universe was reionized; able to scatter the CMB photons again. Be- atomic form, is enough to provide a scatter- this moment defines the end of the reionization fore recombination at z ϭ 1100, the universe ing optical depth as large as ϳ105 (57). The period. High-density regions that do not contain was opaque, but because of the large factor suppression of the flux at wavelengths shorter a luminous internal source can remain atomic by which the universe expanded from recom- than the Ly␣ emission line is called the because the gas in them recombines sufficiently bination to the reionization epoch, the elec- Gunn-Peterson trough. fast, and they can self-shield against the exter- tron Thompson scattering optical depth pro- In quasars at z Ͻ 6, the Gunn-Peterson nal radiation. When the ionized bubbles over- duced by the intergalactic medium after ␶ trough is not observed. Instead, one sees the lap, photons are free to travel for distances reionization, e, is low. If the universe had ϭ ␶ Х flux partially absorbed by what is known as much larger than the size of a bubble before reionized suddenly at z 6, then e 0.03. the Ly␣ forest: a large number of absorption being absorbed, and the increase in the mean Because the fraction of matter that is ionized lines of different strength along the spectrum free path implies a similar increase in the back- must increase gradually, from the time the (Fig. 4). The H atoms in the intergalactic ground intensity. The exact way in which the first stars were formed to the end of reioniza- ϭ ␶ medium producing this absorption are a small background intensity should increase at the end tion at z 6, e must include the contribution fraction of all of the H, which is in photoion- of reionization, depending on the luminosity from the partially ionized medium at z Ͼ 6, ization equilibrium with a cosmic ioniz- function and spatial distribution of the sources, and it must therefore be greater than 0.03. ing background pro- The sooner reioniza- duced by galaxies tion started, the larg- ␶ and quasars (58). The er the value of e. absorption lines cor- The WMAP mis- ␶ respond to variations sion has measured e in the density of the from the power spec- intergalactic matter. trum of the polariza- The observation that tion and temperature a measurable fraction fluctuations of the of Ly␣ flux is trans- CMB. A model-inde- mitted through the pendent measurement Fig. 5. Results of a simulation of the reionization of the intergalactic medium in a cubic box of universe implies that, Ϫ1 from the - ϭ co-moving side 4 h Mpc, from (64) (Fig. 3B). The gas density (left panel), neutral fraction after z 6, the entire (central panel), and temperature (right panel) from a slice of the simulation are shown. The color temperature correla- ␶ ϭ Ϯ universe had been coded values indicate the logarithms of the gas density divided by the mean baryon density, the tion gives e 0.16 reionized. neutral fraction, and the gas temperature in Kelvin, respectively. The simulation is shown at z ϭ 9. 0.04 (73), but a fit to However, recent- The pink regions in the central panel are atomic, and the green regions are ionized. The sources of the CDM model with ly discovered qua- ionizing photons generally appear in halo centers where the gas density is high, but once the six free parameters us- photons escape from the local high-density regions, the ionized bubbles expand most easily across sars (19, 59, 60) show the lowest density regions (compare left and central panels). The ionized regions are heated to ing both the correla- a complete Gunn- about 104 K (see right panel), and they grow with time until they fill the entire universe at the tion of temperature Peterson trough start- end of reionization. and polarization fluc- ing at z Х 6 (Fig. 4). tuations found by ␶ ϭ Ϯ Although the lack of transmission does not has not yet been predicted by theoretical models WMAP, and other data gives e 0.17 0.06 ␶ ϭ automatically imply that the intervening medi- of reionization [e.g., (64)], but a rapid increase (13). An optical depth as large as e 0.16 is um is atomic (because the optical depth of the in the mean free path should, if present, tell us surprising because it implies that a large fraction atomic medium at mean density is ϳ105, and so the time at which the reionization of the low- of the matter in the universe was reionized as even an atomic fraction as low as 10Ϫ3 produc- density intergalactic medium was completed. early as z Х 17, when halos with mass as low as 7 es an optical depth of ϳ100, which implies an The observational pursuit of the reion- 10 MJ could collapse only from 3␴ peaks, and undetectable transmission fraction), analysis of ization epoch may be helped by the optical were therefore still very rare (Fig. 3). The errors ␣ Ͻ ␶ the Ly spectra in quasars at z 6(61, 62) afterglows of gamma-ray bursts, which can on e will need to be reduced before we can indicates that the intensity of the cosmic ioniz- shine for a few minutes with a flux that is assign a high degree of confidence to its high ing background increased abruptly at z Х 6. larger than even the most luminous quasars value (74). ␶ The reason for the increase has to do with the (65–70), probably due to beaming of the What are the implications of a high e if it way in which reionization occurred. Ionizing radiation. Because gamma-ray bursts may is confirmed? Measurements of the emission photons in the far-ultraviolet have a short mean be produced by the death of a massive star, rate at z Х 4 from the Ly␣ forest show that to ␶ Ͼ free path through atomic gas in the universe, so they can occur even in the lowest-mass obtain e 0.1, the emission rate would need they are generally absorbed as soon as they halos forming at the earliest times, with to increase with z (75), and a large increase is Х ␶ ϭ reach any region in which the gas is mostly fixed luminosities. Among other things, the required up to z 17 to reach e 0.16. In atomic. Initially, when the first stars and qua- absorption spectra of gamma-ray burst op- view of the smaller mass fraction in collapsed sars were formed, the ionizing photons they tical afterglows might reveal the damped halos at this high z, it is clear that a large emitted were absorbed in the high-density gas Ly␣ absorption profile of the H in the increase in the ionizing radiation emitted per of the halos hosting the sources. The interga- intervening atomic medium (68) and ab- unit mass is required from z Ϸ 6to17. lactic medium started to be reionized when sorption lines produced by neutral oxygen Models have been proposed to account for an sufficiently powerful sources could ionize all (which can be present in the atomic medium early reionization, based on a high emission

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efficiency at high z (76–84). A possible rea- ature variations in the atomic medium (95–100). 33. T. Abel, G. L. Bryan, M. L. Norman, Astrophys. J. 540, son for this high efficiency is that if the first Several radio observatories will be attempting to 39 (2000). 34. T. Abel, G. L. Bryan, M. L. Norman, Science 295,93

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REVIEW New Light on Dark Matter

Jeremiah P. Ostriker1 and Paul Steinhardt2

Dark matter, proposed decades ago as a speculative component of the universe, matter to explain the structure and nature of is now known to be the vital ingredient in the cosmos: six times more abundant the universe (7). The only thing dark energy than ordinary matter, one-quarter of the total energy density, and the compo- has in common with dark matter is that both nent that has controlled the growth of structure in the universe. Its nature components neither emit nor absorb light. On remains a mystery, but assuming that it is composed of weakly interacting a microscopic scale, they are composed of subatomic particles, is consistent with large-scale cosmic structure. However, different constituents. Most important, dark recent analyses of structure on galactic and subgalactic scales have suggested matter, like ordinary matter, is gravitationally discrepancies and stimulated numerous alternative proposals. We discuss how self-attractive and clusters with ordinary mat- studies of the density, demography, history, and environment of smaller-scale ter to form galaxies. Dark energy is gravita- structures may distinguish among these possibilities and shed new light on the tionally self-repulsive and remains nearly nature of dark matter. uniformly spread throughout the universe. Hence, a census of the energy contained in The dark side of the universe first became vinced that the universe must be flat and that galaxies would miss most the dark energy. evident about 65 years ago when Fritz the total energy density must equal the value So, by positing the existence of a dark energy Zwicky (1) noticed that the speed of galaxies (termed the critical value) that distinguishes a component, it became possible to account for in large clusters is much too great to keep positively curved, closed universe from a the 70 to 80% discrepancy between the mea- them gravitationally bound together unless negatively curved, open universe. Cosmolo- sured mass density and the critical energy they weigh over 100 times more than one gists became attracted to the beguiling sim- density predicted by (8–11). Then, would estimate on the basis of the number of plicity of a universe in which virtually all of two independent groups (12, 13) found evi- stars in the cluster. Decades of investigation the energy density consists of some form of dence of the accelerated expansion of the confirmed his analysis (2–5), and by the matter, about 4% being ordinary matter and universe from observations of supernovae, 1980s, the evidence for dark matter with an 96% dark matter. In fact, observational stud- and the model with a dominant dark energy abundance of about 20% of the total energy ies were never really compliant with this component, as illustrated in Fig. 1, became density of the universe was accepted, al- vision. Although there was a wide dispersion the concordance model of cosmology. The though the nature of the dark matter remained in total mass density estimates, there never existence of dark energy has recently been a mystery. developed any convincing evidence that there independently confirmed by observations by After the introduction of inflationary the- was sufficient matter to reach the critical the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotrope Probe ory (6), many cosmologists became con- value. The discrepancy between observation [WMAP (14)] and has become accepted as and the favored theoretical model became an essential ingredient of the standard model increasingly sharp. (15). 1Department of Astrophysical Sciences, 2Department of Physics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544, Dark energy came to the rescue when it Dark energy has changed our view of the USA. was realized that there was not sufficient role of dark matter in the universe. According to

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