NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE of Rrhursday, AUGUST 26, 1915
Jumb. 102. 3077 SUPPLEMENT TO THE NEW ZEALAND GAZETTE OF rrHURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1915. WELLINGTON, SATURDAY, AUGUST 28, 1915. TENDERS FOR INLAND MAIL-SERVICES FOR 1916 AND 1916-1918. Tenders Jor ln/,and Mail-services Jor 1916 and 1916-18. I 9. Birkenhe&d, Glenfield, Albany, and Dairy Flat (rural delivery), thrice weekly to Dairy Flat; five times General Post Office, I weekly to Glenfield and Albany. (Alternative to No. 9A.,) Wellington, 26th August, 1915. 9A,tt Birkenhead, Glenfield, Albany, and Dairy Flat (rural EALED alternative tenders will be received at, the several delivery; by four-wheeled motor vehicle ; see special S Chief Post-offices in the Dominion until Thursd&y, conditions), thrice weekly to Dairy Fiat : five times the 30th September, 1915, for the convey&nce of m&ils weekly to Glenfield and Albany. (Alternative to No. 9.) between the undermentioned places, for periods of ONE year IO. Cabbage Bay and Port Charles, weekly. and TBBJ:111 years, from the 1st January, 1916. 11. Cambridge and Frankton Junction Railway-staticn (by horse vehicle or motor vehicle, to connect with the POSTAL DISTRICT 01!' AUCKLAND, south-bcund Main Trunk expre~s), five times weekly. 1. Aris, Rira, and Ka.ea.ea, twice weekly. 12. Cambridge, Karapiro, and TaotaorDa (rural delivery, 2. Auckland Chief Post-office, Railway - station, &nd also delivery of correspcndence to settlers' hexes Wharves (by horse vehicles or motor vehicles), as re erected at both places), daily. (Alternative to No. I 2A.) quired. 12A,tt Cambridge, Karapiro, and Taotaoroa (rural delivery, 3. Auckland, clearing receivers within a radius of four 1niles by four-wheeled motor vehicle; see special condi and a half of Chief Post-office (divided into four areas), tions; also delivery of correspondence into settlers' (by horse vehicles or motor vehicles), thrice daily.
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