T H E O H A S S O C I A T I O N 17 Brenner Drive, Newton, New Hampshire 03858 The O H Association is former employees of the AMC Huts System whose activities include sharing sweet White Mountain memories Save the Dates LINKING UP WITH your hut buddies has never been easier, and we’re taking steps to make it easier still. Over the 2011 past year your Steering Committee has been working hard to Details to email later and on website spruce up www.ohcroo.com, produce full-color on-line edi- tions of the Resuscitator, and administer OH pages on Face- May 14 Cabin Spring Reunion book and Linkedin (enter “O.H. Association” for both). The Prepay seafood $30, $15 current croo and kids only tweets you’ll hear are still coming from Black-capped under 14. Non-seafood is $12, $10 for croo & kids. Chickadees, but if anyone wants to help develop an OH Twit- 12:00 lunch; 4:00 lobster dinner. Email Moose Meserve ter account, we’re all ears. If it worked for the Egyptians, at
[email protected] and mail check to think of what it could do for us. 17 Brenner Drive, Newton, NH 03858 Keeping our communications current with how people actually keep in touch is just part of the package. The OH is equally committed to meeting other needs of our members— particularly younger OH—whether it’s access to job leads and career advice via Linkedin, or linking to your former hutmas- ter’s blog while trekking the backside of beyond.