Forde ." CIAE JOL -- Caricatures and Cartoons
POLTTICS AND GOVERNMENT - FEDERAL (cont. ) 4271 Higgs, William Guy, 1862-1951. To the eZectors of Capri- eornia. Melbourne, printed by. Shovelton and Storey, 1920. 16 p. Reprinted from Melbourne Arp, 17 Sep. 1920. W.G. Higgs was expelled from the Labor Party, became Indepen- dent member for Capricornia, and later joined the. Nationa- list Party. NL 4272 Hughes, Colin Anfield. 'The. Capricornia by-election 1967', AustraZian quarterzy, vel.. 39, no, 4, Dec. 1967, pp. 7-20. By-election caused. by. death of ALP.member George Gray. History -of the ca,mpa.ign and -Dr.EVeringham'S ALP victory. 4273 Hughes, Colin Anfield' and Graham, B .De . Voting for the AustraZim House of Representatives; 1901-1964. Canberra, Australian National University; 1974.- .xiv, 544, xiii p. Gives figures. for lXvision of Capricornia for each. election. CUE 4274 Larcombe, James, 1884-1957. Defence of Am&vaZia, federaZ ezeetion, 29th May, 2954.. Rockhampton, City Printing Works, C1954J [TI p. RDHS 4275 Whitington, Don. 'fie house w~ZZdivide: a revim of Austra- Zian federal polities- in the past twenty-five yeam. Mel- bourne , Georgian House,. 1954 ., 193 p, ,'pp.. 29, 30, 42,. 57-59, 61, 81,. 91,.133', 138, 139, -178: references to.F. Forde ." CIAE JOL -- Caricatures and cartoons 42.76 ClgOlJ. Job lot auction sale.. Wash drawing in pencil.. (M, L. Martin) 26x32 em. Cartoon of G.S . Curtis,. Wallace Nelson, John Ferguson, C.H. Buzacott,.Bishop Dawes,-R. Morley, on .occasion .of Wallace. Nelson's.. selection as Labor candidate for first.election in Division of Capricornia. RDHS 4277 tlgOl?J. Political. cartoons and caricatures, probably for !7."he People's newspaper, 25.
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