December 2000 Issue No. 11 Editor: Steve Krentz PALLID RECOVERY UPDATE - the latest research and management actions for recovery -

1999, there was no successful Between January 1 to May 19, artificial breeding of pallids. 2000, Daryl Feit at Nebraska’s Aksarben Aquarium reported 6 Thus far in the fall of 2000, a total lake and 6 pallid sturgeon caught of 98 sturgeon have been collected and released either in the Missouri, in two net nights of fishing and the Platte (tributary to the returned to NNFH for propagation Missouri), or the Elkhorn purposes. The fall collections are (tributary to the Platte). One lake centering on mature males for sturgeon tagged at Herman, M O cryopreservation studies in (RM 97.7), on September 29, conjunction with the 1994, in the (Kim State University Aquaculture Graham, personal communication) Louisiana Pallid Sturgeon Center. Biologists have selected was caught and released on March what are believed to be mature Activities 13, 2000, at RM 590, just south of males and a few select females and Plattsmouth, Nebraska, which is 1999-2000 are returning the remainder of the close to the mouth of the Platte to the river after River. This sturgeon was 27.5 The Louisiana Department of morphometrics PIT tagging. Only inches in length when it was Wildlife and Fisheries (LD WF) in those fish that are “certified” (high caught and had traveled 49 2.7 cooperation with the U.S. Fish and index sco res) are being used in miles upstream from the original Wildlife Service at Natchitoches propagation and cryopreservation tagging site. Another lake National Fish Hatchery (NNFH) trials. All other “ types” are sturgeon died in a July 2000 P latte continue to sample and PIT tag being returned to the river. Tissue River fish kill south of Columbus, pallid sturgeon at the Old River samples are being sent to the which is 100 miles above the Control Structure (ORCS) at the repository in Alabama for storage. mouth of the Platte River. It was junction of the Mississippi and approximately 48 inches long and Atchafalaya Rivers in Conco rdia Bobby Reed weighed 22 pounds. Aging should Parish. Sampling is done during LA De pt. of Wildlife & Fisheries help ascertain whether or not this the cool fall, winter, and spring Lake Charles LA 70601 particular lake was wild or if it months when sturgeon 318-491-2577 could have come from one of concentrations are highest. In [email protected] Missouri’s stocking. The lake addition to standard samples of sturgeon is a Nebraska threatened measuring, tissue removal, and species, which has not been tagging, many suitable broodstock Nebraska Game and Parks augmented within the State to date. candidates are returned to the Commission NNFH for propagation purposes. 2000 Sturgeon Report Two 24-inch pallid sturgeon were reported caught and released in the During the fall/winter/spring Platte River approximately one Note on lake sturgeon. The 1999/2000, a total of 46 pallids mile downstream of the Aksarben Missouri Department of and 21 hybrid types were collected Aquarium on April 18, 2000. T his Conservation is augmenting lake at ORCS and were either tagged would have been about 5 miles sturgeon in the lower Missouri and and released immediately or above the site where 412, 10 to 12- Mississippi Rivers. Accord ing to returned to the hatchery for inch pallid sturgeon were stocked Kim Graham, lake sturgeon were potential breeding. All were in October 1997 (see March 1998 stocked in 1984, 86, 88, 90, 91, 93, returned to the wild at ORCS Nebraskaland, pg 24-27). Since 94, 95, and 96. In 84 and 85, fin when spawning activities were these were angler caught and clips were used, and beginning in terminated. While biologists were released fish, there was no 1994, lake sturgeon were marked optimistic d uring the spring of opportunity to wand the pallids for and stocked with coded wire tags. 2 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

coded wire tags. The angler was sturgeon chub in the lower Platte sturgeon using a benthic trawl on a knowledgeable and reported River. river bend just south of catching both fish on Plattsmouth in May 2000 . This nightcrawlers. ' Document the phenology and fish, which was not tagged, is relative abundance of larvae for pictured on page 6 of the July The pallid sturgeon is one of four pallid sturgeon, sturgeon chub, and 2000 issue of Nebraskaland threatened and associated species in the lower magazine. being addressed in a Department Platte River. of Interior and three state (CO, Biological comments were also WY, NE) Cooperative Agreement ' Determine if changes in ambient offered to support pallid sturgeon for the central and lower Platte river habitat conditions influence reasonable and prudent alternative River. The key question being habitat use by pallid sturgeon and recommendations in the July 2000 asked in regard to pallids in the sturgeon chub life stages in the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lower Platte is - will flows lower Platte River. Biological Opinion to the Corps of released for the central reach of Engineers on their 2000-2001 the Platte have a beneficial impact ' Document the catch of sturgeon Annual Operations Plan for the on the pallid sturgeon and/or its in the lower Platte River. Missouri River. Comments were habitat in the lower Platte? generated for the Nebraska Game Simple to ask, but much harder to ' Develop management and Parks Commission, as well as quantitatively determine. Much recommendations and educational the Missouri River Natural information is needed to answer materials to facilitate app ropriate Resources Committee. basic life history questions. recovery efforts for pallid sturgeon Vaughn Snook, M .S. graduate and sturgeon chub in the lower Gene Zuerlein, NE Game & Parks student of Dr. Ed Peters, will be Platte River. Commission completing his thesis sometime Lincoln, NE 68503 this fall in regards to movement of Gerald Mestl and staff participated 402/471-5555 pallids in the lower Platte. in the MICRA pallid sturgeon [email protected] Microhabitat parameters of depth, study by sampling two sections of velocity, temperature, D.O ., the upper unchannelized Missouri conductivity, etc., were measured. River above Share what you are doing for in May, June, and September 1999. conservation of pallid sturgeon Because of water right issues on Although no pallids were sampled, and/or o ther elements of its the Platte, a number of parties shovelnose were. Using a ecosystem. Submissions of representing Natural Resource Kolmo gorov-Smirnov test (SAS articles and associated Districts, Public Power Districts, Institute 1989), the length materials are welcome. Please Irrigation Districts, Reclamation distribution of send a hard copy, disc copy or Districts, and the Nebraska Game captured in this reach in 1999 was email (preferred) to Steve and Parks Commission forged an found to be significantly different Krentz, U.S. Fish & Wildlife interlocal cooperative agreement (P<0.0001) than the length Service, B ismarck, N orth (different than the three state and distribution of shovelnose sturgeon Dakota, Interior Department cooperative sampled in the unchannelized reach [[email protected]]. agreement) to help fund an below in 1998. additional 5-year pallid sturgeon The question has to be asked as to and sturgeon chub study with Dr. why shovelnose sturgeon in two Peters starting in 200 0. The reaches of unchannelized river 45 Big Muddy National Fish objectives of this peer reviewed miles apart exhibit such differences and Wildlife Refuge study are as follows: in population structure. Monitoring

' Document habitat use, relative While sampling Missouri River Lisbon Bottoms and Jameson habitat preference, and species mitigation sites, Kirk Steffensen, Island are the first complete units assemblage associated with adult Mark Staab, Jason Skold, and of the Big Muddy N ational Fish and juvenile pallid sturgeon and David Isoodle of Gerald Mestl’s and Wildlife Refuge. Lisbon crew sampled a 49-inch pallid Bottoms is approximately 2,300 3 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

negotiating with the Corps to get acres and Jameson Island is from adjacent river stations, 34 the inlet notch widened and approximately 2,200 acres. from nearby river side channels, 13 deepened. CMFRO will continue Primary objectives of the Refuge from Lisbon floodplain wetlands, monitoring of this area to evaluate are to create and restore a and 32 species from a channel impacts of the Corps’ project on diversity of riverine aquatic border sandbar complex at habitat and of the Lisbon habitats and reconnect the Jameson Island. Federal listing Bottoms Unit of the Big Muddy Missouri River to its floodplain candidate species sicklefin and National Fish and Wildlife Refuge. where feasible. Management seeks sturgeon chub were collected, as to accomplish this through were species of concern, plains Jim Milligan, USFWS , Columbia encouraging natural processes of minnow and blue sucker. Larval Fishery Resources Office, erosion, deposition and succession sturgeon were collected in Lisbon Columbia, Missouri, 573/876- to the greatest extent possible. Chute by benthic trawl in August 1998 and 1999. Three of these 1911, [email protected] The predominant aquatic feature have been confirmed as pallid of the Lisbon Bottoms Unit is a sturgeon and seven others newly created 2-mile long free- identified as probable pallid Pallid Sturgeon Activities flowing chute or side channel. sturgeon. No pallids were found in from South Dakota This chute began forming as a 2000, but a small number of larval levee breech scour hole during the and juvenile shovelnose sturgeon Study Area 1993 flood. The chute continued were collected. to develop during the 1995 flood The riverine reach of Lewis and and finally cut through to a The Kansas City District Corps of Clark Reservoir extends flowing side channel during the Engineers (Corps) completed approximately 72 km from below 1996 flood. Extensive erosion and construction of grade and flow Fort Randall Dam to near bank sluffing continued during control structures in the chute this Springfield , South D akota, were its 1997-99 due to sustained high spring to maintain the integrity of features become more like a flows, which occurred throughout the navigation channel. The notch reservoir. To aid in sampling, the most of the year. The chute on the flow control inlet appears to riverine rea ch was divided into became progressively wider and be too small and sometimes plugs four samp le areas of approximately deeper with a developing meander with debris. It currently allows equal length. The upper site pattern and formation of channel about 6 percent of the river to flow extends from Fort Randall Dam and point bars. down the chute at 170 kcfs (river mile (RM) 880) to discharge and about 3 percent of downstream of G reenwood, South The Columbia Fishery Resources the flow at 70 kcfs. This has not Dakota (RM 865). The upper- Office (CMFRO) initiated fishery been sufficient to keep suspended middle site extends from RM 865 survey and monitoring work on sediment moving and resulting to near Verdel, Nebraska (RM the chute in 1997. Thirteen sedimentation has filled the upper 856), the lower-middle site extends sampling stations were established half of the chute with fine sediment from RM 856 to Running Water, in the chute and adjacent Missouri and severely degraded aquatic South Dakota (RM 845). The River from River Mile 219 to 213. habitat over the past 4 months. lower site comprises the remainder Field surveys are conducted 4-6 of the river (RM 845 to near times per year with seine, mini Preliminary review of this year’s Springfield , SD). T he fifth sample fyke nets, benthic trawl, and data indicates species diversity and site is Lewis and Clark R eservoir hoopnets. Depth, velocity, overall abundance have declined from downstream of Springfield, substrate and some water quality dramatically from previous years. SD, to G avins Point Dam. If all parameters were also measured at Overall abundance of larval and fish are found to remain in the sampling stations. juvenile fish has been much lower riverine reach, this section will be at all sampling stations this year, excluded as a sample site. Over 8,000 fish have been indicating that a suitable spring collected in Lisbon Chute and the hydrograph, which did not occur Methods adjacent river monitoring stations this year due to drought, is to date. Sixty-four species have necessary to provide usable habitat Six adult and 50 juvenile pa llid been collected in the Chute, 26 in this area. We are currently sturgeon, Scaph irhynchus albus, 4 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

into the riverine portio n of Lewis were surgically implanted with a tributary mouths, and tailrace. and Clark Reservoir in July of sonic transmitter and a PIT tag at Combinations of these descriptors 1999. Following that time, 16 of Gavins Point National Fish may be necessary to get specific the 22 juveniles and 4 of the adults Hatchery. Each transmitter emits habitat types, like side channel a unique code specific to an island or m ain channel island. individual fish, and has a life Tracking in tributaries will be expectancy of 36 months. These conducted if deemed necessary, Pallid Sturgeon Recovery fish were held several weeks, and will be recorded as a separate Team Members following im plantation, to habitat type. Along with the determine tag retention and habitat types, surface water Steve Krentz (Team Leader), survival rates. Following this temperature, bottom flow, water US Fish and Wildlife Service, holding period, surviving fish depth, turbidity, and percent Bismarck, North Dakota. were transported and released near maximum depth were collected at Verdel, NE, in the riverine portion fish relocation sites. Percent Dr. Bob Sheehan, Southern of Lewis and Clark Reservo ir. maximum depth is the ratio of the Illinois University, fish depth relative to the maximum Carbondale, Illinois. Two tracking methods are cross sectional depth where the fish employed during each sample is located. Jim Milligan, U.S. Fish and period; extensive and intensive. Wildlife Service, Columbia, Extensive tracking involves the Diel movement patterns were Missouri. location of as many fish as determined by dividing a 24 h possible per zone, and intensive period into four sub-periods; dawn Kim Graham, Missouri tracking is the following of a few (1 h before to 1 h after sunrise), Department of Conservation, fish for the entire tracking period. day (2 h after sunrise to 2 h before Columbia, Missouri. During each sample period, at sunset), dusk (1 h before sunset to least two zones were tracked 1 h after sunset), and night (2 h Aaron DeLonay, extensively, and at least one fish after sunset to 2 h before sunrise). USGS/BRD Columbia, intensively. Tracking began The tracking periods were Missouri. immediately post stocking and determined randomly, and as many continued bi-monthly, i.e., every fish as possible were followed Doug Latka, US Army Corps other week, until weather during that time. Water level of Engineers, Omaha, conditions prohibited tracking fluctuations and poo r visibility Nebraska. during the winter months. made night tracking difficult due to Tracking will resume as early as decreased flows and safety. To Bobby Reed, Louisiana feasible in the spring. All sample minimize risk, night time tracking Department of W ildlife and zones and sample periods are was conducted in conjunction with Fisheries, St. Charles, selected at random to reduce bias. dusk and dawn periods. T his Louisiana. An ultrasonic receiver and allowed biologists to begin tracking directional hydrophone were used during daylight hours and finish Karen Kilpatrick, U.S. Fish to determ ine fish locations. A tracking during daylight hours. The and Wildlife Service, location was recorded when the GPS coordinates and habitat types Natchitoches, Louisiana. coded impulses fro m the sonic for each relocated fish were transmitter b ecame equally audible recorded approximately every hour. Cliff Stone, South Dakota with a 360o rotation of the Tracking is planned to continue Game, Fish and Parks hydrophone. Once a fish location through 2002, or until transmitter Department, Chamberlain, was determined, latitude and batteries fail. South Dakota. longitude coordinates were recorded with a PLGR+96 Global Results Bill Gardner, Positioning System (GPS) receiver Department of Fish, Wildlife and hab itat types were assigned . Twenty-two of the fifty juveniles and Parks, Lewistown, The habitat types were designated and the six adults survived the Montana. as: main channel, side channel, tagging operation and holding backwater, island, reservoir, period. These fish were stocked 5 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

studies to: 1) describe, have been relocated at least once. A series of three reports are in characterize, and id entify Currently, too few relocations on progress describing the methods important habitat elements and multiple fish have occurred for developed and discussing the variables during telemetry studies statistical analysis. The following results of 4 years of pallid sturgeon with sturgeon and other native fish data merely summarize what has telemetry data. These reports are species; 2) identify and evaluate been found to date. Both juveniles scheduled to be released beginning areas where sturgeon may be and adult data are combined, at the Winter 2000-2001. congregating during staging or this time, but will be separated as spawning; and, 3) complement the samples increase. Development of Side Scan Sonar Capabilities deployment of traditional fisheries sampling gear to increase the For all relocated fish, the mean safety of open river gear depth of location was 3.6 m The Columbia Environmental deployment, to evaluate gear (N=29, SE=0.231), turbidity Research Center (CERC) has performance and efficiency, and to ranged from 3.3-36.8 N TU’s initiated the development of side verify the area of habitat sampled. (mean 6.2 NTU’s, SE=1.9), and scan sonar capabilities to bottom flows ranged from 5.3- complement existing biological Pallid and Shovelnose Sturgeon 42.1 cm/sec (mean 17.6 cm/sec, remote sensing and physical habitat Behavior, Reproductive SE=2.02). mapping capabilities. The Center has acquired a 900 MHz high- Physiology, and Population Modeling All fish were relocated in main resolution side scan sonar system channel habitats. No fish have manufactured by M arine Sonic Four proposals for work with been located in the reservoir Technology, Ltd. of White Marsh, pallid and shovelnose sturgeon proper or the river marsh area near VA. This system provides high- were submitted by CERC for Springfield, SD; in fact, the most resolution, underwater images of funding consideration in the downstream relocation was river beds and lake bottoms. These internal USGS Species At Risk approximately 100 m up stream of images reveal fine-scale details and (SAR) program. Work includes: Running Water, SD. features not detectable with other technologies. This sonar has the 1) documentation of the reproductive physiology of During intensive tracking, most unique ability to image soft tissue Scaph irhynchus species and the fish stayed within a few hundred and has b een dep loyed successfully development of a suite of meters of their original location. in the Columbia River to detect measurements to rapidly assess However, one fish mo ved stead ily sub-adult sturgeon and has been sturgeon reproductive status; 2) in a downstream fashion, traveling successfully used in the Missouri work towards the development of a approximately 11 km over a 12 h River to detect biological targets, population viability analysis period. This was the largest single including benthic fish. Imagery (PVA) model to guide directional movement observed. data collected is geospatially referenced and can be mosiaced to management and recovery efforts of Scaph irhynchus species; 3) For further informatio n, contact; create complete habitat coverages laboratory behavioral studies George Jordan, USFWS, for habitat mapping and examining the physical habitat Fish and Wildlife visualization. CERC plans to preferences of Scaph irhynchus Management Assistance Office complete protocols for system species; and, 4) intensive telemetry Pierre, SD 57501 deploym ent and imagery data studies with shovelnose and pallid (605)224-8693 ext 33 processing by the spring of 2001. sturgeon on the lower Missouri [email protected] This system will be deployed in the Missouri River to collect River. While funding through the continuous imagery over the Species At Risk (S AR) program is highly uncertain, CERC will Columbia Environmental bottom of the river to determine substrate, detect sturgeon presence continue forward and will pursue Research Center and abundance, and identify unique these efforts within a more limited Columbia, Missouri habitat features, such as woody scope until reliable funding debris and other structural features. opportunities can be identified and Reporting of Pallid Sturgeon This system will be dep loyed in secured. Telemetry Study Results conjunction with multiple field 6 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

(MeOH) and dimethyl sulfoxide Aaron D eLonay, USGS-BRD, hybrids, and 2 pallid sturgeon. The (DMSO) were used as Columbia Environmental first pallid (701 mm FL, 1333 g) cryopro tectants, each at 5 percent, Resource Center, Columbia, was collected in March in 0.6-10.4 10 percent and 15 percent (v:v). Missouri 65201 m of water, with a surface Each cryoprotectant was mixed 1:1 [email protected] temperature of 11.3 C, turbidity of with HBSS prior to the experiment (573) 876-1878 45 NTU, and bottom velocity of 0.08 m/s. The second pallid (785 to reduce toxicity effects. Sperm mm FL, 1733 g) was collected in were mixed with the cryoprotectants, loaded into 0.5-ml Columbia Fishery April in 0.9 2-3.05 m of water with a surface temperature of 15.0 C, straws, packed into goblets (5 Resources Office Monitors tubidity of 48 NTU, and bottom straws per goblet) and placed on Lower Missouri River velocity of 0 .58 m/s. B oth the lower portion of aluminum Bridge Replacement Site sturgeon were collected in canes. Motility was estimated for Pallid Sturgeon Use stationary gill nets fished behind before freezing to determine the wing dikes. samples from effects of cryoprotectant toxicity. After a 2-minute equilibration The Missouri Department of all pallids, pallid hybrids, and a period, the canes were lowered Transportation (MDOT) has subsample of shovelnose sturgeon into a nitrogen vapor shipping proposed replacing the Route 19 have been sent to Southern Illinois dewar. Samples exposed to 15 Missouri River B ridge in University (SIU) to be stored for percent DMSO retained Hermann, Missouri, at River Mile genetic analysis. significantly lower motility (P = 98. During project consultation, 0.0113) than did samples diluted in concerns were raised that bridge Joanne Grady, USFW S, Colum bia the other cryoprotectants. The replacement activities may affect Fishery Resources Office, cooling rate (-22 oC/min) was pallid sturgeon habitat. Columbia Columbia, Missouri recorded by thermocouples Fishery Resources Office (FRO) 573/876-1911, inserted into 0.5-ml straws filled had located pallid sturgeon in [email protected] with extend er and cryoprotectant. similar habitat within one river After freezing, the samples were mile of the b ridge alignment in shipped to the Warm Springs Fish spring and summer 1999. Cryopreservation of Sperm Technology Center and stored in MODOT is providing funds for of Pallid Sturgeon liquid nitrogen. Columbia FRO to conduct field ( albus) surveys, analyze data, and provide After 1 year, the samples were advice and recommend ations to We sought to develop sperm shipped back to avoid and/or minimize potential cryopreservation methods for the National Fish Hatchery (GDNFH) impacts to pallid sturgeon. T his pallid sturgeon, a federally listed for use in fertilization trials. work is being done in conjunction endangered species. Four males Straws were thawed in a 40 oC with the USGS-C olumbia were injected with synthetic water bath for 9 sec, and motility Environmental Research Center luetenizing-hormone releasing was estimated. There was no (CERC). hormone at 0.05 mg/kg of body significant difference (P = 0.06) in weight in June 1999, at the post-thaw motility among the CERC staff is mapping the Garrison Dam National Fish cryoprotectants tested. Each physical habitat characteristics Hatchery (GDNFH). After 24 hrs, sample was used to fertilize ~200 (substrate, bottom contours, water sperm were collected by use of a , which were incubated at 21 velocity) of the project site. small diameter tube attached to a oC. The eggs began hatching after Columbia FRO will correlate 60-ml syringe inserted into the 3.5 days and hatch rates were pallid sturgeon presence/absence urogenital opening. The sperm determined after 5 days. Eggs with CER C's habitat data. Field were diluted at a ratio of 1:4 fertilized with sperm work began in January 2000 and (sperm:extender) with a cryopreserved with 5 percent or 10 will be conducted monthly until commercially prepared Hanks’ percent MeO H had significantly January 2001. As of September balanced salt solution (HBSS) higher fertilization rates (P < 2000, 293 nets fishing 6,132 hours (H4385, Sigma, St. Louis, MO) at 0.0001) and hatch rates (P < have collected 1,190 shovelnose 100 mOsmol/kg and kept 0.0001) than did eggs fertilized sturgeon, 14 pallid sturgeon refrigerated until use. Methanol 7 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

morphometrics and meristics did with 15 percent MeOH or DMSO University of Alabama identify most specimens correctly, at any concentration. Eggs Activities but numerous hybrid specimens fertilized with sperm had values for pallids and cryopreserved with 5 percent or 10 The USFW S produced specimens numerous shovelnose specimens percent MeOH had similar of pallid, shovelnose, and pallid x had hybrid values. This same fertilization and hatch rates as shovelno se hybrids at Miles C ity pattern was observed for small control sperm. Cryopreserved State Fish Hatchery, Montana, and specimens 78 to 2 27 mm SL (85 to sperm can be used for the Gavins Point National Fish 245 mm FKL ). Unfortunately, our conservation of genetic diversity Hatchery, South Dakota. All of the sample of larger sturgeon (> 250 and the creation of a germ plasm breeding stock was captured in the mm SL) was limited; we only had repository to aid in the recovery of upper M issouri River Drainage in 5 and 2 specimens of shovelnose this species. extreme western North Dakota and and pallid sturgeon. All indices eastern Montana. Samples were correctly identified large Other studies included: 1) addition preserved in formalin at various shovelnose sturgeon, but of antibiotics to extenders to times from early in development up specimens of pallid and hybrid increase refrigerated storage time to small adults. Here at the sturgeon were difficult to and reduce the risk of disease University of Alabama, Rick distinguish. One specimen of transmission; 2) ionic analysis of Mayden and I have been examining pallid sturgeon was identified as a seminal plasma composition; 3) a total of 61 of these specimens (14 hybrid and several hybrid preservation of blood and sperm pallid, 13 shovelnose, and 34 specimens were identified as for genome size analysis by flow hybrids) ranging in size from 78 to pallids in indices by Carlson and cytometry; and, 4) 600 mm standard length (SL) (85 Pflieger (1 981) and Keenlyne et al. cryopreservation of sperm in 5-ml to 641 mm fork length (FK L)). (1994). The M issouri River Fish straws, which may allow more Specimens appeared no rmal, and Wildlife index correctly efficient hatchery usage of except for the lack of spines on the identified the pallids, but had some cryopreserved sperm. These snout and a reduction of spicules hybrids with scores very close to studies are still being analyzed. laterally and dorso-laterally. Snout these. Bo th the morphome tric spines are present in almost all index and the morphometric and William R. Wayman and Gregory wild-caught pallid and shovelnose meristic index of Sheehan et al. L. Looney sturgeon. (1997) graphically separated pallids and hybrids, but several U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service We have use d these specimens to hybrid specimens had values Warm Springs Regional Fisheries test the various character indices outside of the given range for Center Fish Technology Center used by fisheries biolo gists to hybrids and within the range of Warm Springs, GA 31830 identify between these two pallids. These results indicate that [email protected] sturgeon species and potential current character indices do not [email protected] hybrids. Some indices rely solely correctly identify between small on head and body measurements specimens of pallid, shovelnose, Robert L. Holm (Keenlyne et al. 1994, Technical and hybrid sturgeon. All indices U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service Notes from Missouri River Fish work well identifying adult Garrison Dam National Fish and Wildlife Management shovelnose sturgeon, but even the Hatchery Assistance Office 2000), while latest indices can incorrectly Riverdale, ND others have formulas for either identify hybrids as pallids. [email protected] measurements only or for bo th Additional analyses by us may measurements and fin-ray counts reveal other measurements useful Terrence R . Tiersch (Carlson and Pflieger 1981, in distinguishing pallid sturgeon Aquaculture Experiment Station Sheehan et al. 1997). When all 61 from hybrids. Louisiana Agricultural Center specimens were evaluated together, Louisiana State University pallid and hybrid specimens were Rick Mayden and Bernard Baton Rouge, LA 70820 indistinguishable, while most, but Kuhajda, University of Alabama not all, shovelnose specimens were Tuscaloosa AL 35487-0344 identified correctly. The Sheehan et al. (1997) index using both 8 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

new fish, but was not PIT tagged 205-348-1822 roller rock lead line. The trawl was due to lack of tags. Three [email protected] 2 m wide, 0.5 m high, 5.5 m long hatchery-reared juvenile pallid [email protected] and had an inner mesh size of 0.32 cm and outer mesh size of 3.81 cm. sturgeon were captured by drift The pallid sturgeon were caught at netting trammel nets (one-inch bar, Larval Pallid Sturgeon depths ranging from 0.92 m-3.97 75-feet long) in the Fairview m. Surface velocities recorded bridge area of the Yellowstone Collected in the Lower ranged from 0.40-0.55 m/s and River during August. These fish Missouri River bottom velocities ranged from had been released August 11, 0.30-0 .43 m/s. Water temperature 1998, upstream of the bridge area, Columbia FRO staff collected on August 13, 19 98, averaged 26.6 and were from three different three larval pallid sturgeon in a oC and turbidity averaged 112 families of pallid crosses. These monitoring study on the lower NTU . Water temperature on fish appeared to be in excellent Missouri River. A total of 44 August 20, 1999, was 25.6 oC and condition. Original lengths and larval sturgeon were collected turbidity was 94.0 NTU. River weights are unknown, so growth from 1997-2000 in a 7-mile stage at the Glasgow gauging information is not available. stretch (RM 213-219) of the station during pallid sturgeon Missouri River. Three larval collection was similar fo r both Plans to release hatchery-reared sturgeon were identified as pallid years at 4.9 m. pallid sturgeon progeny, produced sturgeon, 3 as shovelnose in 1999 at the Garrison hatchery, sturgeon, 31 as Scaph irhynchus Verification of the larval specimens in Montana waters were again sp., and 7 were tentatively was made by Darrel Snyder, postponed because of p ossible identified as pallid sturgeon. The Curator for the Larval Fish viral prob lems which surfaced in three recently confirmed pallid Laboratory, Department of Fishery 2000 at the Garrison hatchery. sturgeon were caught and Wildlife Biology, Colorado However, the Gavins Point approximately 9 miles south of State University, Fort Collins, hatchery in South Dakota also has Glasgow, MO, in Lisbon Chute Colorado. hatchery-reared pallids from 1998 (RM217), a 2-mile naturally and 1999 and has not experienced formed side channel of the lower Louise Mauldin, U.S. Fish and any pallid-associated disease Missouri River. The side channel Wildlife Service, Fishery Resource problems. The M ontana Fish is located in the Lisbon Bottoms Office, Columbia, Missouri 65202, Health Committee decided these Unit of the Big Muddy National 573/876-1911, fish would be acceptable for Fish and Wildlife Refuge. The [email protected] release in the lower Yellowstone Lisbon side channel possesses a and Missouri Rivers this year. As diversity of habitat, including a result, 200 juvenile pallids raised point mid-channel sandbars. Lower in 1998, and 480 from 1999, were released at two sites in the Two of the confirmed larval pallid Missouri/ Yellowstone River (Sidney and sturgeon were collected August Pallid Sturgeon Study-2000 Fairview areas) and two sites in the 13, 1998, in the side channel Missouri River (Culbertson and trough, over a soft detritus Thirteen adult pallid sturgeon were Wolf Point areas) during October. substrate. T he third larval pallid captured in the Yellowstone River All were PIT tagged and weighed sturgeon was collected August 20, confluenc e area during April 2000. and measured at the hatchery so 1999, also in the side channel Seven of these fish were “new fish” movem ents and growth trough, over a sand/gravel and the others were recaptures from information will be available in the substrate. T he three pallid previous years capture and tagging future. sturgeon were 26.2, 25.9, and 25.0 efforts. Several were transported to mm in length. This is the first the Garrison National Fish Young-of-the-year (Y-O-Y) documented evidence of natural Hatchery to determine state of shovelnose sturgeon were again reproduction of the species in the gonad maturation and a few were captured during August by bottom lower Missouri River. later used for spawning at the trawling in the lower Missouri hatchery. One additional adult was River (below Highway 58 Bridge, The sturgeon were co llected by a captured in August, also in the ND). A total of 144 Y-O-Y benthic trawl equipped with a confluence area. This fish was a 9 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

sturgeon were captured and FED- monitoring is to collect and Shovelnose Sturgeon in the Ex’d live to the University of establish baseline information Lower Missouri and California, Davis, for iridovirus relative to fish populations, water Middle Mississippi Rivers testing experimentation. A similar temperatures, and physical habitat of the river. This information will effort last year failed to detect any (Excerpted from: Grady, J., J. be used to evaluate the possible evidence of an iridovirus. In Milligan, C. Gemming, D. Herzog, benefits to fish populations, addition, 86 wild juvenile G. Mestl, L. Miller, and B. shovelnose sturgeon were particularly pallid sturgeon, by Sheehan. in prep. Pallid and captured in the lower Yellowstone increased flows and water shovelnose in the Lower River during August and tissue temperatures associated with Missouri and Middle Mississippi samples extracted from fins and a releasing reservoir water via the Rivers. Final Report Prepared for barbel for viral testing at the Fort Peck spillway. There has been MICRA.) Bozeman Fish Tech Center. no documented evidence of Finding evidence of this virus in successful spawning or recruitment Recent concerns about sturgeon the wild would show it to be of pallid sturgeon in Montana harvest have led to an endemic and alleviate some of the waters for at least the past decade. examination of long-term trends in concern relative to its presence in Releases from the spillway will be shovelnose sturgeon numbers. hatchery conditions. It would also an attempt to somewhat mimic the Excessive exploitation of help to accelerate the recovery natural hydrograph of the river shovelnose sturgeon may be efforts of pallid sturgeon in during the spring prior to the evident in reduced numbers of Montana waters, particularly in construction of Fort Peck D am. large reproductive fish. Although Recovery Priority Area 1. Other Even if pallid sturgeon do not large historic datasets for species of interest captured by respond to the increased flows and shovelnose sturgeon are not trawling included 997 channel warmer water temperatures by available for statistical testing, catfish, 44 sturgeon chub, 63 migrating upriver and spawning, average length of shovelnose sicklefin chub, 23 stonecat, 20 other native fishes such as sauger, sturgeon can be compared over freshwater drum, and lesser shovelnose sturgeon, , time. Evermann (1902) reported numbers of carp, smallmouth goldeye, freshwater drum, sturgeon females in Ohio River commercial buffalo, longnose dace, flathead chub, sicklefin chub, flathead chub, harvest averaged 645 mm and 1.5 chub, sauger, fathead minnow, and others should definitely kg, while males averaged 551 mm goldeye, and sauger/walleye. benefit. A “m ini-release” is scheduled for 2001, primarily to and 0.9 kg. Barnickol and Starrett (1951) collected shovelnose Trawling was done in the Intake check the physical integrity of the sturgeon in the spillway, with a sustained release area of the Yellowstone River that averaged 589 -mm in length scheduled for late May and June during July to help Fish and and 0.6-kg in weight. Wildlife Service personnel collect 2002. The present low reservoir sturgeon chub for transplanting in level may negate or delay spillway The minimum reproductive size the Little Missouri River recovery discharges, particularly during for females and males appear to effort. A total of 516 sturgeon 2001. A high mountain snowpack vary by study location. In the chub, as well as 430 stonecat, 102 and above average winter/spring Missouri River in South Dakota, longnose dace, and lesser numbers moisture is needed to recharge the the minimum sizes were 48 cm for of flathead chub, sicklefin chub, reservoir in order for spillway females and 44 cm for males. In burbot, carp, sauger, blue sucker, releases to occur. the Lower Missouri, Carlson and channel catfish, plains/silvery Pfleiger (1981) found minimum minnow, and shovelnose sturgeon James Liebelt sizes of 51 and 45 cm, were captured. Montana Fish, W ildlife and Parks, Fort Peck, MT 59223 respectively. In the Upper Mississippi River, the smallest Nine sites of the Missouri River 406-526-3471 sexually mature females were 60- below were [email protected] 64 cm, while males were 47-56 cm monitored during June and July by (Monson and Greenback 1947, netting, trawling, seining, larval Helms 1974). fish sampling, hoop netting, and electrofishing. The purpose of the 10 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

collected by Carlson et al. (1985) Carlson and Pfleiger (1981) (Boreman 1997, The Russian to 1 in 724 (0.14 percent). All but reported average lengths, percent Environmental Digest 2000). one of the pallid sturgeon were of catch over 50 cm and percent of Sturgeon populations in the collected in deep holes associated catch over 60 cm for shovelnose Missouri and Mississippi Rivers with wing dikes. The remaining sturgeon collected in the Lower should continue to be monitored pallid was collected in a side Missouri and Middle Mississippi for potential overharvest. channel b order habitat. River from 1978-1979. These values were compared with recent Joanne Grady, USFW S, Colum bia Six pallid-shovelnose sturgeon statistics. With the exception of Fishery Resources Office, hybrids were collected in the the St. Louis site, values for mean Columbia, Missouri Middle Mississippi River, while 14 lengths, percent over 50 cm 573/876-1911x101, were collected in the Lower (minimum male reproductive [email protected] Missouri River. The rate of size), and percent over 60 cm hybridization increased from 1 in (minimum female reproductive 361 (0.3 percent) river sturgeons size) increased for shovelnose Pallid Sturgeon in the in the late 19 70s to 1 in 133 (0 .8 sturgeon in most locations in the Lower Missouri and percent) in the 1990s (Carlson et Lower M issouri and Middle Middle Mississippi Rivers al. 1985). Mississippi Rivers. The largest increase in mean size was found Columbia Fishery Resources Office The shovelnose sturgeon da ta near Brownsville, Nebraska. (CFRO), FWS, is coordinating (2,861 fish) were also examined to While Carlson and Pflieger (1981) report preparation for the MICRA determine if the long-feared found shovelnose sturgeon pallid sturgeon project. The increases in exploitation caused by increased in size as moving cooperative project covered the decline of Russian sturgeon downstream in the Missouri River, sections of 1,000 river miles in the stocks was impacting the this trend no longer appears Lower M issouri and Middle shovelnose population. There was evident. Mississippi Rivers, and included no apparent decline in mean sampling efforts by the Nebraska shovelnose lengths, percent of fish Work currently being completed Game & Parks Commission, greater than 50 cm (minimum male on Ohio River shovelnose Department of Natural Resources, reproductive size) or percent of sturgeon indicates a significant CFRO , Southern Illinois fish greater than 60 cm (minimum decline in shovelnose sturgeon University, and Missouri female rep roductive size) from late lengths between 1999 and 2000, Department of C onservation’s 1970s values (Carlson et al. 1981). and has raised concerns about Long Term Resource Monitoring In addition, the average length of shovelnose sturgeon exploitation Program station. Field sampling shovelnose sturgeon co llected in rates (Chad Stinson, FWS, pers. began in November 1997 and was the Middle Mississippi River was comm.). Shovelnose sturgeon completed in Ap ril 2000. In total, the exact same number reported by lengths were compared at 5,400 fish of 39 species were Barnickol and Starrett in 1951. Hermann, Missouri, between collected in 1,033 nets and lines. March 1999 and March 2000. No The report is scheduled for Joanne Grady, USFW S, Colum bia significant differences were found completion by the end of the Fishery Resources Office, in length distributions or relative calendar year. Columbia, Missouri weights between the two sample 573/876-1911x101, years. Four presumed wild origin p allid [email protected] sturgeon and two recaptured In summary, over-exploitation of hatchery pallid sturgeon were shovelnose sturgeon stocks does collected in the Lower Missouri not seem to be a problem yet in Nebraska FWS Pallid River by CFRO staff. Seven the Lowe r Missouri and M iddle hatchery origin pallid sturgeon Sturgeon Activities Mississippi Rivers. However, were collected by M DC-LTRM sturgeon populations are sensitive Much of the activity involving staff (see Peterson 1999). The to fishing mortality and the 2000 pallid sturgeon issues in the Grand ratio of wild pallid sturgeon to all Russian sturgeon harvest was 60 Island Ecological Services office river sturgeon collected dropped percent lower than in 1999 has revolved around the P latte from 1 in 3 96 (0.2 percent) 11 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

releases ha ve subsequently River Cooperative Agreement. that at this point in time, occurred because of the concern Pallid sturgeon utilize the lower measurable goals cannot be defined about the Missouri River Sturgeon Platte River, and as such, is one of for pallid recovery in the Platte. Iridovirus, discovered in the p allid four target species to be addressed The group outlined the research sturgeon hatcheries since 1999 . under the agreement. Due to the questions that first must be Therefore, only this initial pallid need for more time to develop a answered in order to define such sturgeon release has been viable program and provide the goals in the future. They then evaluated over the past 3 years. necessary program details for developed a recommendation to analysis under the Endangered “preserve, or restore where Attempts were made to capture the Species Act, the term of the appropriate, the hydro-geo morphic HRJ pallid sturgeon drifting small Cooperative Agreement is being processes and functions that are mesh gill nets and using a benthic extended. While the details of the responsible for creating or trawl. A total of three HRJ pallids extension are still being worked maintaining the physical habitat were recaptured during 1998, all out, the individual parties to the template characteristic of the lower using the trawl. Their average agreement have settled on another Platte River: a dynamic, sandy, sizes were 11.5 inches (10.4-13.2) 2 years as the working figure. The shallow, free-flowing, braided and 0.18 lbs. (0.12-0.27). Two of intent of the effort is to develop a river.” these were recaptured in the program that can serve as a nearby site where they were reasonable and prudent alternative Funding was provided to Ed Peters released, while the third pallid for a number of de pletion projects at the University of Nebraska – moved 135 miles downriver. All that have been developed over the Lincoln to monitor river three pallids were captured in the years throughout the North Platte, temperature, turbidity, and total lower reach of the study area. South Platte, and Platte drainages. suspended solids in the lower Platte These specific projects have been River and some of its larger A total of three HR J pallid found to jeopardize the continued tributaries beginning this year. sturgeon were recaptured during existence of the whooping crane, This should begin to answer some 1999; all in the lower reach of the interior least tern, piping plover of the questions abo ut water quality study area. One was captured with and pallid sturgeon. The program in the lower Platte River, which can the trawl and two while drifting will provide specific land and hopefully dovetail into his ongoing gill and tram mel nets. T heir water benefits to endangered pallid sturgeon studies. average sizes were 15.3 inches species in the central Platte, and (13.3-17.8) and 0.42 lbs. (0.26- test the assum ption that it is Steve Lydick, USFWS, Grand 0.68). Only one of the pallids was possible to improve habitat for the Island Ecological Services, Grand recaptured near its release site; the pallid sturgeon in the lower Platte Island, NE 68801 other two both moved about 65 River by managing flows in the (308) 382-6468 miles downriver since the 1 year central Platte River. In addition, [email protected] they were at large. the program will provide a monitoring and research A total of five HRJ pallid sturgeon component that should provide Evaluation of the Pallid were recaptured during 2000; three substantial information on the use Sturgeon Release in pallids were captured in the lower of the Platte River by pallid Missouri River Upriver of reach of the study area, while the sturgeon. Fort Peck Reservoir, remaining two were captured in the upper reach of the 168-mile study A workshop was held on Montana area, all while drifting trammel September 26 and 27th to develop nets. They have now been at large species recovery goals for the A total of 758 hatchery-reared in the wild for over 2 years. Their Platte River for those four target yearling (HRJ) pallid sturgeon average sizes were 18.2 inches species. The effort involved (1997 year class) were released (16.3-20.4) and 0.70 lbs. (0.46- species experts from Federal and into the Upper Missouri River, at 3 1.02). Four of the five pallids State agencies, as well as the locations, during the summer were checked for tags and o nly academ ic comm unity and private 1998. The average weight of these three pallids were detected with a sector. The pallid sturgeon yearling fish were 0.17 lbs. and all PIT tag. Of these 3 fish, 2 moved workshop participants determined were PIT-tagged. No o ther pallid 12 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

iridovirus. The decision was made downriver about 140 miles. The Bill Gardner; M T Fish, W ildlife to continue with stocking of third pallid moved upriver 41 and Parks, Lewistown, MT 59457 paddlefish into the Missouri River miles. It is still too early to state 406-538-4658 x 225 (specifically, Lake Francis Case). with any certainty about how [email protected] successful the pallid release was in 3. On September 14, 1999, a total the Upper Missouri River. of 15, 1999-year-class fingerling However, there are a few items Bighorn River Shovelnose pallid sturgeon were shipped to the that are worth noting. The pallids Bozeman Fish Health Center, MT, are growing at a rate of 3.4 inches Sturgeon Restoration for iridovirus testing/screening. per year after 2 years in the wild. Shovelnose sturgeon were The results came back negative. The recaptured fish originated reintroduced into the Bighorn River mostly from the upriver release in Wyoming during 1998. These 4. Dr. Bruce Barton, Department sites (Loma and Judith Land ing). were fish produced from of Biology, University of South Six of the nine pallids with known Yellowstone River broodstock and Dakota, Vermillion, SD, release site locations (as reared at Gavins P oint NFH. forwarded a copy of our most determined from detected PIT tag Iridovirus concerns have prevented recent publication entitled readings) were from the upper and any further stockings, however, “Juvenile Pallid (Scaph irhynchus mid-release sites. recaptures are being observed. The albus) and Hybrid Pallid X stocked fish appear to have Shovelnose Sturgeon (S. It an attempt to capture and phenomenal growth (up to 27" Platorynchus) Sturgeon Exhibit preserve a portion of the Upper length) in the 3 years and are Low Physiological Respo nses to Missouri River pallid sturgeon distributing widely throughout the Acute Handling and gene pool, a pilot effort was upper Bighorn River Confinement,” which was also initiated to test the feasibility of presented at the Aquaculture collecting sperm from wild male Tom Annear Canada Conference ‘99 in British pallids in this area and ship the WY Game and Fish D epartment, Columbia. This project was a fresh milt to Garrison Dam Cheyenne WY 82006 cooperative effort/venture National Fish Hatchery (GDNFH) 307-777-4559 between the University of South for use in their pallid sturgeon [email protected] Dakota and the Gavins Point NFH, propagation program. River flow Yankton, SD. This paper was conditions during June 2000, were published in the Journal of Comp. exceptionally low and allowed for Biochem. Physiol. effective sampling for mature Gavins Point National Fish adult pallids. A total of 11 Hatchery Activities 5. On October 12, 1999, a total of individual adult pallids were 400 fingerling, young-of-the-year netted, 6 o f which pro duced milt 1. The pallid sturgeon series, pallid sturgeon were shipped to Dr. samples. These samples were sent sampled for thyroxine (imprinting) Ron Hedrick, University of to GDNFH, which took 2 days to analysis, were shipped to Dr. Allan California, Davis, CA, for him to arrive at GDNFH from MT. Four Scholz, Eastern Washington do research to learn more about the of the six sperm samples arrived in University, Cheney, WA. The identification, susceptibility, and good shape and contained viable tissue from these fish was analyzed transmission of iridovirus within sperm, that was subsequently used for thyroxine concentrations to this group of fish. in the 2000 propagation program. determine whether they display a tendency for imprinting or 6. Sixty live pallid sturgeon from These results were promising and returning to their natal areas when the 1999 year-class were shipped I plan to continue with collecting they . to the Bozeman Fish Health Center sperm samples when conditions to be inspected for iridovirus. allow. Future Upper Missouri 2. We were informed by Dr. Ron None was detected. River pallid sturgeon sperm Hedrick, University of California, samples will also be Davis, CA, that the paddlefish 7. Blood was drawn from 10 cryopreserved. advanced fry, that we shipped to shovelnose sturgeon, and these his laboratory, were not able to samples were shipped (10/15/99) contract the disease caused by the 13 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

were imp lanted with sonic tags to (along with the carcasses of the 10 Experiment Station (COE), monitor their movements after dead fish from which the blood Vicksburg, MS, for stamina tunnel release. All three of the fish were was drawn) to Dr. Ron Hedrick, research (endurance testing). previously PIT-tagged. Total University of California, Davis, weight of these fish was 121.8 lbs. CA. He wanted the blood and 13. Twenty-two sonic-tagged carcasses in an effort to determine pallid sturgeon juveniles (1997 18. One hundred juvenile pallid whether the disease (iridovirus) year-class) weighing 44.4 lbs. were sturgeon from the 1998 year-class can be detected again, even though stocked in the Missouri River near were released (9/20/00) into the the fish were asymptomatic after Verdel, NE. Missouri River at the Verdel, NE, having the disease. 14. The 1998 year-class pallid boat ramp. Each of these fish had been PIT- and Dangler-tagged. 8. On March 7, 2000, the sturgeon were PIT- and Dangler- Total weight of these fish was 83.8 Bozeman FH C sampled 84 pallid tagged prior to them being stocked lbs. sturgeon juveniles to determine in the Missouri River near Verdel, whether they might possibly have NE. 19. Fifty pallid sturgeon from the the iridovirus. Nothing was found. 15. We received a copy of Justin 1998 year-class were PIT-tagged for identification as future captive 9. The hatchery crew PIT-tagged Sipiorski’s Masters Thesis entitled broodstock at the hatchery. all 125 of the 1997 year-class “Neurotransmitter Activity in the pallid sturgeon that will be used Fore- and Hind-brain of the Pallid 20. Herb Bollig attended a for future broodstock at our Sturgeon (Scaph irhynchus albus) meeting (9/26-28/00) near Grand hatchery (4/20/00). These fish Following Acute and Chro nic Island, NE, entitled “Workshop to were derived from five male- Stress”. This thesis project was Develop Species Recovery female crosses, resulting in these completed as a cooperative venture Objectives for Four Target Species five family groups (25 fish/family between the Department of in the Central Platte River group). Biology, University of South Dakota, and the G avins Point NFH . (Who oping Cranes, Least Tern, Piping Plover, and Pallid 10. A total of 397 pallid sturgeon We encouraged Justin to do this Sturgeon).” juveniles (1997 year-class) were project, provided him with the PIT-tagged and Dangler-tagged surplus pallid sturgeon, and 21. On September 28-29, 2000, (5/31/00). A total of 50 pallid allowed him to use our tanks and 680 juvenile pallid sturgeon from sturgeon juveniles from the 1997 facilities for conducting the the 1998 and 1999 year-classes year-class were sonic-tagged by experiments within the Endangered were PIT-tagged prior to them surgical implantation within the Species Building. being stocked during mid-October, abdom en of each fish (6/1/00). 2000, below Fort Peck Reservoir Six pallid sturgeon adults were, 16. On September 14, 2000, the in the Missouri River and lower also, sonic-tagged on 6/1/00. Gavins Point NFH received an Import Permit from the Montana Yellowstone River. Scheduled stocking dates will be October 11- 11. The entire hatchery staff Fish, Wildlife, and P arks. This 12 and 17-18. participated in the stocking of the permit authorizes our hatchery to endangered pallid sturgeon in the import up to 700 live pallid Herb Bollig,USFWS, Gavins Point Missouri River near Verdel, NE. sturgeon juveniles into the State of NFH, Yankton, SD 57078-6364 A total of 397 pallids from the Montana for stocking purposes (605) 665-3352 1997 year-class weighing 58 2.8 below Fort Peck Reservoir in the [email protected] lbs. (18.0" long). Six pallid Missouri and in the lower sturgeon ad ults weighing 248.6 Yellowstone Rivers. No fish may lbs. were stocked in areas from be stocked above Fort Peck Dam at Verdel, NE, to Springfield, SD. this time. Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks, Miles City 12. A total of 36 pallid sturgeon 17. Three adult pallid sturgeon juveniles (1999 year-class) were released (9/20/00) into the Attempts were made this past year weighing 5 .26 lbs. we re shipped to Missouri River at the Verdel, NE, to capture shovelnose sturgeon to Jan Hoover, Waterways boat ram p. Two of these adults continue the virus studies. 14 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

Patch Interspersion Index – a Objectives were to spawn Starve Out Flat (Missouri above measure of the degree of shovelnose sturgeon in order to Judith River confluence) fragmentation of patches in each document the presence of the Culbertson (Missouri below Fort class type. Larger values indicate a recently found iridovirus in the Peck) higher degree of dispersion of a wild populations of sturgeon. The class type among other classes, first occurrence of the virus was Habitat map analysis has been i.e., higher fragmentation of the originally found in shovelnose completed for the Intake site, for landscape. sturgeon that originated from the discharges ranging from 1,000 cfs Yellowstone River in M ontana. to 100,000 cfs. Habitat classes Landscape Statistics Unfortunately, all 27 fish captured were defined by combinations of from the Powder River, a tributary depths and velocities. Shannon diversity – a measure of of the Yellowstone and suspected landscape composition, spawning habitat for the We used the FRAGSTATS spatial approximating the probability that shovelnose sturgeon, were female. analysis program to generate 40 two patches selected at random Due to the early spring arrival and class-level and 46 landscape-level will be different types. A high time restraints, further efforts were habitat metrics. Many of these value for Shannon diversity would not attempted. measures contained redundant information, however, so we have represent a landscape containing all potential patch types, all of Brad S chmitz, M T Fish, W ildlife reported only eight class statistics which are about the same size. and Parks, Miles City MT 59301 and six landscape statistics in our Diversity indexes do not account 406-232-0914 summary. These statistics and their for interspersion or other measures [email protected] definitions are as follow: of landscape configuration. Class Statistics Patch richness – the total number of class types represented in the Comparison of Fish Class Area – the sum of the areas landscape at a particular discharge. Habitat Availability in the of all patches of each class type, Richness is not affected by the Yellowstone and Upper reported in hectares. relative abundance of patch types Missouri Rivers Percent Area – total class area in the landscape. divided by total landscape area Richness density – standardizes The purpose of our project is to (sum of all patches) expressed as richness to a per area (of compare the fish habitat percentage. landscape) basis that facilitates characteristics for sites in the Patch Density – the average comparison among landscapes of lowerYellowstone River and the number of patches of each class different size. Missouri River above and below type, per hectare of landscape area. Shannon evenness – a measure of Fort Peck Reservoir. To Mean Patch Size – the average area habitat diversity compared to accomplish this purpose, we are of patches in each class type, maximum possible diversity. using two-dimensional expressed in hectares. Evenness equals zero when there is hydrodynamic simulation mo dels Edge Density – the average only one patch type, and 1 when in concert with Arc/Info GIS perimeter of patches in each class the distribution of area among technology to prep are spatially type, per hectare of landscape area. patch types is perfectly even explicit models of habitat Mean Shape Index – the average (proportional abundances are the distributions in all three segments, ratio of patch perimeter to the same). for a range of flows from low base square root of patch area. The Contagion – measures the extent to flow (about 1,000 cfs) to high larger the ratio, the more irregular which patch types are aggregated flood flows. We have completed the patch. This can be an important or clumped. Higher values may the hydraulic simulation phase for metric for edge-loving species. indicate landscapes with larger, the following sites on the Core A rea – the sum of areas of all contiguous patches, whereas low Yellowstone and upper Missouri patches greater than 2.0 m diameter values generally characterize Rivers: of each class type, in hectares. This landscapes with smaller, more metric is similar to class area, but highly dispersed patches. Intake (Yellowstone) does not count small patches in the Interspersion/juxtaposition – an Elk Island (Yellowstone) sum. index of patch adjacency Fairview (Yellowstone) 15 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

from shovelnose sturgeon, and throughout the landscape. The approximately 200 times. Pallid hybrids were intermediate. The interspersion index measures the sturgeon were most often in the majority (89.7 percent to 90 extent to which patch types are main channel (MCL) (43 percent) percent) of specimens identified as interspersed, but no t necessarily and main channel border (MCB) pallid sturgeon by the indices were dispersed. Higher values result in (33 percent). They were also classified as such by DFA. This landscapes where patch types are frequently (15 percent) between morphological evidence supports equally adjacent to each other, wing dams (WDB). This habitat the status quo of pallid sturgeon whereas low values indicate a use pattern was consistent through and shovelnose sturgeon as distinct disproportionate distribution of much of the year, with the species with some hybridization patch adjacencies. In other words, exception of spring. Pallid (Wills et al. in press; American the higher the score, the more sturgeon appeared to seek lower Fisheries Society Special random the adjacency of one patch velocity areas during spring Publication). Our concurrent type among all other patch types. flooding. They showed positive development of genetic methods This may be a measure of selection (Strauss’s Linear that discriminate among heteroscadasticity, the tendency to Selectivity Index; Li) for the MCB, Scaph irhynchus indicate these patch type s to align longitudinally downstream of island tips (ITD), indices work well. A guide for use and grade consistently into other the WDB, and wing-dam tip and interp retation of the indices is patch types (a natural habitats. They showed negative now available (Sheehan et al. characteristic of river habitats). selection for MCL, downstream of wing dams, and upstream of wing 1999) from the Fisheries and Illinois Aquaculture Center, SIUC. Over the next few months, our dams habitats. Com parison o f Li Low levels of genetic variation at first priority will be to complete values for 4 temperature ranges and traditional molecular markers have the map analysis for the remainder 3 daily mean discharge ranges hampered genetic research within of the Yellowstone sites. We will revealed little change in habitat the family Acipenseridae. In an then com plete hydraulic selection. Observed home ranges effort to develop a large set of simulations and maps for the were 1.0 km (0.6 mi) to 97.0 km polymorphic genetic markers, a Missouri River sites. We expect (60.3 m i), with an average of 34.1 total of 172 clones were sequenced to write a draft journal article km (21.2 mi). Pallid sturgeon from three shovelnose sturgeon comparing the seasonal tended to move upstream during (Scaph irhynchus platorynchus) availability of class types in b oth the months of July through sub-genomic libraries enriched for rivers sometime this winter. October, slowly downstream during the months of December through two di- and one tetranucleotide microsatellite motifs (CA, GA, and Ken Bovee, Zack Bowen or Terry March, and had variable TAGA) by researchers at SIUC Waddle, U.S. Geological Survey movements from March through and the University of Califorinia- Fort Collins, Colorado 80525 July. Pallid sturgeon were active Davis. Primers were designed for 970-226-9100 day and night, although movement 113 of the sequences and tested [email protected], was greater during the day than at o against shovelnose sturgeon, pallid [email protected] night at 11-12 C (GLM, F = sturgeon (S. albus), white sturgeon [email protected] 14.298, P < 0.0001, df = 44). (Acipenser transmontanus), lake We constructed two indices for sturgeon (A. fulvescens), and green sturgeon (A. med irostris). Of the Summary of Pallid identifying pallid sturgeon by applying multiple regression 113 primer sets tested, 96 percent Sturgeon Work—Southern analysis to morphometric and amplified in one or more species Illinois University meristic data from Carlson and (58 dimeric and 50 tetrameric). In Pflieger (1981). Consistency of Scaph irhynchus, 93 percent of all During November 1995 through identifications made by the two loci amplified and 76 percent were the fall of 1999, we implanted 26 indices was examined using polymorphic. Within the pallid sturgeon with sonic Discriminate Functions Analysis individual species, 65- transmitters, returned them to their (DFA) on 257 Scaph irhynchus 80 percent of loci amplified with capture p oints in the middle from throughout the pallid sturgeon 42-58 percent b eing polym orphic. Mississippi River, and monitored range. Specimens identified as Polymorphic systems for their movements and locations. pallid sturgeon gro uped distinctly Scaph irhynchus predominately Study fish were located 16 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

unique substitutions for pallid, displayed simple, disomic banding below, although work is still shovelnose or . patterns, while those for Acipenser ongoing. typically displayed banding The fourth mitochondrial marker is patterns characteristic of tetraplo id Methods a 496 b ase pair region of a highly or higher polyploid levels. These variable region of the new microsatellite loci provide a For the majority of the markers, mitochondrial control region using group of genetic markers that are PCR primers were designed based primers designed by Campton et detectable with non-invasive upon literature research. Because al. in 2000 for use on the sampling and should prove useful almost all of these primers were not Scaph irhynchus species. Five in the preservation of threatened originally designed for use on pallid, 73 shovelnose, and 3 and endangered sturgeon species sturgeon, the initial step for each Alabama sturgeon have been worldwide (McQuown et al. in primer set was to alter PCR sequenced so far; the remaining 30 press; Transactions of the conditions to achieve optimal pallid and 64 shovelnose are American Fisheries Society). amplification. In many cases, currently being sequenced. Initial investigations using some primers p roduced multiple products (20 percent) of these newly of different sizes. In cases where Microsatellite Markers developed genetic markers suggest manipulating PCR cond itions could the following: 1) the pa llid not diminish spurious bands, PCR All eleven of these primer pairs sturgeon is a good species; 2) products where separated by gel were designed by May et al. in population structure is apparent in electrophoresis and physically cut 1996. Conditions described by both the pallid sturgeon and out of the gel. The PCR product May et al. are designed to be shovelnose sturgeon, based on was then ligated into a p lasmid analyzed using agarose gel specimens collected throughout vector and cloned using Invitrogen electrophoresis. For our purposes, the pallid sturgeon range; and, 3) Original TA Cloning Kits. the conditions for some of these interspecific Scaph irhynchus Multiple clones from each ligation loci must be altered and/or primers hybridization appears to be were sequenced and verified by redesigned to optimize conditions occurring. multi-species alignment. for use in the ABI 377 sequencer. Three of the eleven microsatellite R.J. Sheehan, R.C. Heidinger, Markers markers have been cloned and P.W. Wills, B.L. Sloss, K.L. sequenced, while the others are Hurley, Cooperative Fisheries Mitochondrial Markers still in progress. New primers Research Laboratory have been designed for these three Southern Illinois University Primer sequences for three NADH loci, and sequencing of the Carbondale IL 62901-6511 dehydrogenase genes were database reference samples is in 618-536-7761, [email protected] designed by Cronin et al. (1993) for use on Chinook and Chum progress. salmon. For ND-1 and ND-3/4, the Nuclear Markers Scaphirhynchus Update cloned sequence could not be verified as ND-1 and no further work was done o n these markers. One of the eight nuclear markers is Since January 20, 2000, the ND-5/6 clones were verified and known as ITS-1. This marker is USFWS Forensic Laboratory has three new PCR primer sets were the first internal transcribed spacer been working on developing new designed with M-13 sequencing region of the ribosomal RNA gene diagnostic markers to distinguish tails for direct sequencing. Two of cluster and was amplified using between shovelnose, pallid, and the three primer sets produced primers d esigned b y Booton et al. Alabama sturgeon. With this sequences without difficulty, the (1999 ) for use on Cichlid fishes in purpose, four mitochondrial third is in need of primer redesign. Lake Victoria. The expected size markers, eleven microsatellite So far, 10 pallid sturgeon and 50 range was 550 base pairs (bp), markers, and eight nuclear shovelnose sturgeon have been while observed PCR product size markers were initially identified sequenced using the first two ND- ranges were between 200-600 bp. for examination. All 23 markers 5/6 primer pairs, however the These products were cloned, and have been subjected to the sequences do not identify any the resulting sequences were majority of the methods described positively identified as 18s rDNA 17 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

sequence. Further primer design produced fragments of 170 bp and Potential Indicator of is in the works for large-scale 280 bp that appeared to be Imprint Timing. (Draft databank sequencing in promising markers. Ten pallid and abstract) Scaph irhynchus. 40 shovelnose individuals were sequenced, however these markers Thyroid hormone peaks are failed to provide variants. C-mos is another nuclear marker indicators of critical periods for that we have been working on. C- metamorphosis and imprinting in a Primers described by Oakely and mos is a proto-oncogene that variety of . W hole Phillips in 1999 for Growth encodes a serine/threonine kinase body thyroxine [T ] concentrations Hormone 1-Intron C are currently 4 expressed in germ cells. were measured in pallid sturgeon, in the process of being optimized, Amplification was just recently Scaph irhynchus albus (Forbes and while primers described by Colgan optimized using primers described Richardson 1905), to ind icate in 1999 for Phosphoglycerate by Saint et al. in 1998, and cloning potential p eriods for imprinting. A Kinase (PGK) have given poor and and subsequence sequencing is in total of 600 F progeny derived inconsistent amplification products. 1 progress. from one female and three m ale parents collected near the The eighth nuclear marker is The Von Willebrand Factor gene confluence of the Missouri and Calmodulin gene (CaM-1) intron 3. codes for a plasma glycoprotein Yellowstone Rivers, Montana, Primers described by Côrte-Real et that plays two major ro les in were sampled. Eggs were al. in 1994 have an expected length haemostasis. We used primers incubated and larvae reared at of 500 bp in Mus m usulus. described in Huchon et al. in Gavins Point National Fish Amplification resulted in a 1999. The expected size is 1300 Hatchery in Yankton, South fragment of approximately 120 bp bp and the resulting amplification Dakota. Eggs and larvae were in Scaph irhynchus and was verified from shovelnose and pallid collected at daily intervals from as calmodulin genes, the intron of sturgeon produced multiple day 0-17 post-fertilization and 3-4 which is only 75 bp in length. products ranging in size from 250 day intervals thereafter until day Sequence primers have been bp to 100 bp. Products were 76 post-fertilization. M ean whole designed for Scaph irhynchus, cloned into plasmid vectors; body T content of eggs between although there appears to be an 4 however, the resulting sequences days 0 and 10 post-fertilization extremely rich GC region in the failed to be positively identified as ranged from 1.1 to 2.1 ng/g body intron that seems to be interfering vWF. weight and peaked on the day of with direct sequencing. Solutions hatch (day 11 post-fertilization) at to this prob lem are currently in A very promising gene is the 3.2 ng/g body weight. After progress. Majo r Histoco mpatibility receding to 1.5 ng/g body weight Comp lex E²2 gene, class II. on day 15 post-fertilization, T Dr. Steve Fain 4 Primers were designed by S. Fain content peaked a second time at [email protected] based upon bovine, mouse and 4.8 ng/g body weight on day 17 Dyan Straughan human sequences. The expected post-fertilizatio n (day 6 p ost- [email protected] size is approximately 1,000 bp, hatch). This coincided with the and resulting amplification from period of yolk reabsorption. After USFWS, National Fish and pallid and shovelnose sturgeon receding to 3.0 ng/g body weight Wildlife Forensics Laboratory was approximately 700 bp. The by day 30 post-fertilization, T 1490 East Main Street, Ashland, 4 sequences from these clones are content peaked a third time OR 97520. currently being analyzed. between days 34 and 44 post- Tel: (541) 482-4191 fertilization (day 23-33 post-hatch) Fax: (541) 482-4989 P53 primers designed by Park et at 6.0-6.7 ng/g bod y weight. This al. in 1996 amplified prod ucts in period coincided with the the size range between 75 bp to developmental transition from 350 bp, while expected length is Evaluation of Thyroxine protolarvae to metalarvae life 1082 bp. Although clones of these Content in and Larval stage. Thereafter, T4 content products could not be varied as Pallid Sturgeon steadily declined until d ay 76 po st- P53 products, primers were fertilization, when it was 0.7 ng/g designed for two clones that (Scaphirhynchus albus) as a body weight. The first T4 peak 18 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

propagation efforts this last spring, occurred when the fish rapidly lost Allan T. Scholz two families began exhibiting body weight at the time of hatch. Eastern Washington University symptoms of the virus and were The peak probably does not Cheney, WA 99004 subsequently tested positive for the represent a thyroid surge so much 509-359-6397 virus. This put the remaining as shedding of fluids and egg coat [email protected] families from 1999, as well as the membrane that did not contain T . 4 progeny from 2000, under Thyroxine was selectively retained quarantine and postponed any because it was bound to target Missouri River Fish and stocking effort. Meetings with cells that were not shed. This T 4 Wildlife Assistance Office pallid sturgeon researchers and the was probably maternal T , already 4 Activities fish health and fishery personnel present in the egg before from M ontana, N orth and South fertilization occurred. Maternal T 4 A pallid sturgeon recovery team Dakota resulted in a decision to content of unfertilized eggs was meeting was held this A ugust in St. destroy the remaining 1999 2.7 ng/g b ody weight. This Louis, Missouri, in conjunction progeny and continue holding the maternal T appeared to fluctuate, 4 with the National AF S meeting. negative testing progeny from first becom ing reduced in The primary discussion is the 2000 until additional research concentration as the egg gained process of updating the Recovery results were presented. The weight by becoming water Plan for the pallid sturgeon. Since difficultly lies in that the virus hardene d; then increasing in it was finalized in 1993, does cause mortality, however, if concentration as the hatchlings considerable information has been left to run its course, survival is lost weight at the time of hatch. learned about this species. Enough possible and likely and currently The latter peaks represented the that an upd ate on the life history is fish health policies do not time when the larval thyroid gland warranted and needed. We’ll adequately address these became functional and began attempt to have a draft available for circumstances, especially with producing T . These data suggest 4 the team sometime in January. warm water diseases. The that if pallid sturgeon experience meetings did result in a decision thyroxine m ediated imprinting to This office was again involved with that the adults used in the sites where their parent’s spawned, collecting b roodsto ck pallid propagation were returned to the they likely do so before the sturgeon for propagation efforts wild following testing and the protolarvae/ metalarvae transition, this past spring at Garrison Dam progeny from Gavins Point NFH because all the T peaks occurred 4 NFH. Due to virus concerns, (‘98 and ‘99) were stocked into the prior to o r during this transition. quarantine limitations and space Missouri and Yellowstone Rivers Larval pallid sturgeon be gin limitations, it was decided in the below Fort Peck Dam. drifting passively downstream on fall of 1999, that propagation water currents soon after hatching attempts would not take place at The Service and the Corps have and begin to stop drifting between Gavins Point NFH in 2000. The initiated a stud y that will identify days 8-13 post-hatch. Depending facility had 2 year classes that had post and pre-spawn behavior of upon the water current velocity, not been stocked out and had never pallid sturgeon broodstock, as well the larvae m ay be carried 40 to tested positive for the virus and the as hopefully identify spawning 400 miles downstream from the Upper Basin Pallid Sturgeon behavior and habitats. Over the spawning site during this time. Recovery Workgroup decided that next few years, adult pallid The timing of the first T peak 4 it would be prudent to hold off sturgeon of known sex and stage would potentially allow spawning until further information was will be implanted with sonic/radio site imprinting to occur before obtained on this virus (Missouri transmitters. This year, two larvae begin to drift downstream River Sturgeon Iridovirus, females and eight males were into nursery areas. The second T 4 MRSIV). Since pallid sturgeon implanted, released, and peak may also allow spawning site progeny that had been cultured at subsequently relocated before imprinting to take place if some Garrison Dam NFH in 1999 hadn’t winter. These fish are located in (small) percentage of the tested positive and had not had any the Yellowstone Confluence area hatchlings re main in contact with connection with previous above , ND. For the bottom for several days before outbreaks, these wo uld be held additional information on this starting to drift. over winter for potential stocking project, contact Wade King, in 2000 . Unfortunately, following 19 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

the components of the Reasonable Steve Krentz and Wade King, needed to provide secure sandbar and Prudent Alternative. The USFWS, Missouri River habitats for the birds and shallow Corps’ plan will be circulated for FWMAO, Bismarck, ND 58501 water habitat for juvenile sturgeon. public comment in draft during the 701-250-4419 Decem ber/January time frame. [email protected] Flow modifications below Gavins The Corps’ plan will be completed [email protected] will not be implemented before 2003, because they will involve by February 2001. The Fish and changes to the Missouri River Wildlife Service will continue to work with the Corps on Endangered Species Act Master Water Control Manual. The Corps will prepare an implementation of that plan. Consultation on Missouri Environmental Impact Statement River Operations on these and other proposed Mike Olson, USFWS, Bismarck, revisions to the Master Manual. ND, 701-250-4481 The Fish and Wildlife Service and [email protected] the Corps of Engineers have Flow enhancement below Fort Peck completed section 7 consultation – will provide spawning cues for on the Corps of Engineers’ pallid sturgeon and improve the Endangered Species Act Missouri River operations. These temperature regime to increase the Consultation on operations include the operation of amount of warmwater habitat. six main stem dams and Mississippi River reservoirs, the Bank Stabilization Unbalanced intrasystem regulation The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and Navigation Project, and the – alternating the distribution of (Service) and the U.S. Army Corps Kansas River projects. stored water among the upper three of Engineers (Corps) have reservoirs will increase the completed a process under the The endangered pallid sturgeon, availability of tern and plover Endangered Species Act known as the endangered least tern, and the habitats within the reservoir formal Section 7 consultation to threatened piping plover are the reaches. address threats to endangered primary species covered by the species resulting from operation consultation. Habitat restoration – goal is to and maintenance of the 9-foot restore, enhance, or conserve 20-30 navigation channel and its The Service’s biological opinion acres of in-channel shallow water associated locks and dams over the finds that the Corps’ current habitat per stream mile. next 50 years. operations are likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the Pallid sturgeon propagation and The stretch of river covered by the pallid sturgeon, least tern, and augmentation – ensure genetic biological opinion extends from piping plover prim arily due to integrity and prevent of Minneapolis, M inn., to Cairo, Ill. modifications to habitat and existing pallid sturgeon populations Within that area, the impacts of modifications to the flows, while other aspects of the RPA are operating the lock and dam system, temperature regime, and water developed and implemented. channel maintenance dredging and quality of the system. The material disposal, and biological opinion includes a Adaptive management – included construction/maintenance of Reasonable and Prudent to address areas o f scientific channel training structures on Alternative that the Service uncertainty. The adaptive several endangered and threatened believes would avoid jeopardizing management approach, coupled species were exam ined. This the listed species. with environmental monitoring and included the endangered p allid assessment, will allow for efficient sturgeon. Flow modifications below Gavins modification of management Point – higher spring flows are actions in response to new The Service concluded that the needed to provide spawning cues information and changing operation and maintenance of the to the sturgeon, to build and environmental conditions. 9-foot navigation channel is likely maintain sandbars for tern and to jeopardize the continued plover nesting, and to reconnect The Corps has committed to existence of the pallid sturgeon. floodplain habitats to the main developing a plan for implementing The pallid sturgeon is jeopardized channel; lower summer flows are 20 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000

Donald E. Campton, USFWS, because of the expected continued DNA (mtDNA) control region Abernathy Fish Technology degradation of its habitat. The among the three species. We Center, Loungview, Washington reasonable and prudent alternative observed 16 mtDNA haplotypes 98632 for the pallid sturgeon includes: defined b y 27 single base-pair implementation of a long-term substitutions (transitions) and one 360-425-6072 ext. 231 habitat/life history study and single base-pair insertion/deletion [email protected] habitat resto ration in the Middle (indel) am ong 78 individuals Mississippi River. examined. The maximum sequence divergence among those haplotypes If you've ever had a chance to look Joyce Collins, USFWS, Marion (2.06 percent) was less than values into the eyes of a sturgeon, there Ecological Services, Marion usually observed between fish are unfathomable depths there that Illinois 62959 species. However, Alabama take you back millennia; they take 618-997-3344 sturgeon (n = 3) were distinguished you back ages and ages ago. And [email protected] from the other two taxa (n = 75) by having loo ked into the eyes of a a unique base-pair substitution and sturgeon, you can fully understand Genetic Distinction of haplotype, and pallid and that these swam practically shovelnose sturgeon at their Pallid, Shovelnose, and unchanged from the way they are northern range of natural sympatry today when dinosaurs walked the Alabama Sturgeon: (upper Missouri River) did not earth. Emerging Species and the share any haplotypes. On the other U.S. Endangered Species hand, only frequency differences Christopher Letts, Hudson River Act (Abstract) among shared haplotypes Educator distinguished (P < 0.01) pallid and shovelnose sturgeon at their What I do you cannot do; but what The sturgeon southern range of natural sympatry you do, I cannot do. The needs are Scaph irhynchus consists of three (Atchafalaya River), and genetic great, and none of us, including recognized species. Pallid and distances between northern and me, ever do great things. But we shovelnose sturgeon (S. albus and southern localities for each species can all do small things, with great S. platorynchus, respectively) are were nearly as large as the love, and together we can do sympatric in the Missouri and distances between species. These something wonderful. lower Mississippi Rivers of the latter results are consistent with central United States. The several hypotheses, including Mother Theresa Alabama sturgeon (S. suttkusi) is reports (based on morphology) of endemic to the nearby Mobile putative natural hybrids in the River drainage and is isolated ...conflict is the primary engine of Atchafalaya River, but not in the geographically from the other two creativity and innovation. Peop le upper Missouri River. Overall, species. Pallid sturgeon and the don't learn by staring into a mirror; these mtD NA results indicate extremely rare Alabama sturgeon people learn by encountering significant reproductive isolation are listed as endangered under the difference. between pallid and shovelnose U.S. Endangered Species Act sturgeon in areas of natural (ESA). In contrast, shovelnose Ronald Heifetz sympatry, and recent evolutionary sturgeon are relatively common divergence of Alabama sturgeon. and are not listed. Despite these These mtDNA results provide the Note to Readers taxonomies and morphological first molecular genetic evidence for evidence, some biologists have distinguishing the three questioned the genetic and Scaph irhynchus species and, taxonomic distinctions of the three coupled with morphological and species, thus raising doubts This issue is also biogeographic data, indicate that concerning the validity of available on the pallid and Alabama sturgeon protecting pallid and Alabama should be evaluated as distinct following website under sturgeon under the ESA. To species under the ESA. pallid sturgeon activities: investigate these questions, we compared a 436 base-pair sequence of the mitochondrial 21 PALLID STURGEON RECOVERY UPDATE December 2000