Ideas for Using this Guide: Before showing the film, ask the group to be looking for answers to these questions: STUDY GUIDE FOR Jeremy had tremendous natural ability. How did he learn to be humble? LINSANITY: How did Jeremy respond to personal attacks/racism that came his way? What did Jeremy state were his priorities, and how did he keep them straight? THE JEREMY STORY After watching the movie, go through one, two, or all three of the themes included in this guide: “You Don’t Get Better If You Win All The Time” Introduction: Linsanity tells the early life story of Jeremy Lin, A study on humility and disappointment from his boyhood in California as the son of immigrants to his rise “Playing for God” to fame in the NBA with the . Throughout the ups A study on working hard and doing your best for God’s glory, even in the face of personal attacks and downs of his career, Jeremy learned to rely on the “Family Matters” Lord and trust His plan, to stay true to his heritage, and to walk in A study on keeping your priorities straight and the value of humility and integrity. Christian community in making dreams come true Another idea is to break up into three groups and have each group study one of these three aspects of the Jeremy Lin story, then share key points with everyone. The official Jeremy Lin website is Visit the site to find current news for Jeremy, as well as to read more examples that demonstrate each of these study topics.


Back to the Basics: Plagued with disappointments, Jeremy focused on others that summer, leading a basketball camp for kids and taking a family trip to and China, where he was “YOU DON’T GET BETTER IFYOUWINALLTHETIME” reminded of his family’s humble beginnings and rich heritage. A Not- So-Merry Christmas: Going into his second year with the NBA, Jeremy felt confident, Humility and brokenness are so valuable to God that My sacrifice, O God, and a players’ lockout gave him extra time to practice and improve. But within a two week span He will often allow us to go through severe is a broken spirit; a he was dropped by both the Warriors and then the , the second cut coming on disappointments as we pursue our dreams. In the broken and contrite Christmas Day. He was picked up by the New York Knicks, but after five games had not gotten to process, we learn about Him and ourselves and come heart you, God, will play once. to depend on Him more fully. God teaches us that not despise. Sleeping on the Couch: The security guards at the Knicks stadium didn’t even know Jeremy was having a close relationship with Him is greater than Psalm 51:17* a player. He slept on a teammates’ too-short couch, and the coach told him not to bother shipping his car from California to New York. Jeremy finally got to play in one game and did any worldly success we can experience. God opposes the poorly. His original two-year basketball contract was forty-eight hours away from expiration, and Broken Ankle: By Jeremy’s own account, he was beginning to proud but shows Jeremy fully expected to be dropped from the NBA permanently at that point. develop quite an ego in high school, when as a junior he was the star favor to the humble. This string of disappointments all culminated on February 4, 2012, as the Knicks faced the New player of the Palo Alto Vikings, leading his team towards a state James 4:6* championship. But on the eve of the semi-final game, Jeremy fractured Jersey Nets. Jeremy’s mom prayed that God would reveal His will for Jeremy’s future. He was his ankle and faced the first great disappointment in his life. His As for God, his way given one last chance to play and simply focused on putting his heart into the game. At that season was over—and so was his team’s. However God’s bigger is perfect: The Lord’s point, “Linsanity” began as he started breaking records and winning games, amazing his team, plan was just beginning as Jeremy learned the need to depend on word is flawless; his fans, and himself. Him instead of his own talent. As a senior, Jeremy helped move the he shields all who Jeremy’s disappointments included physical hardship, rejection, being overlooked or passed over, Vikings to the state championship. They defeated Mater Dei, take refuge in him. and great uncertainty about his future. Through his experiences, Jeremy recognized that God’s considered the superior team, and Jeremy made the three-point victory Psalm 18:30* perfect plan didn’t mean everything would always work out according to his own design or shot to secure the win. He was named player of the year. desire, but it would work together for his ultimate best. Therefore, when Jeremy did experience The Lord is good to No Schools Seeking: With such a reputation, it would seem that tremendous success, he had no trouble giving God the credit for it. He came to understand the colleges would be begging him to come, but here Jeremy faced his those whose hope is value of disappointment and brokenness, which so often become the means to shape our second big disappointment. Many schools for which he wanted to in him, to the one character and bring us closer to God. “You don’t get better if you win all the time,” Jeremy stated, play seemed unwilling to give him a chance due to their stereotypes who seeks him; it is recognizing that the real growth in both his spiritual and professional life came through the losses. of his Asian ethnicity. However, because his family had always good to wait quietly encouraged him to put school before athletics he was able to attend for the salvation of prestigious and had a great basketball career there. the Lord. It is good Reflective Questions Not Picked in the Draft: In the 2010 NBA draft at Madison Square for a man to bear the 1- Have there been times when God has allowed painful circumstances in your life that have Gardens, Jeremy did not get picked. Just after the draft ended, the yoke while he is helped produce a humble spirit before Him? general manager of the Mavericks called and asked him to play on young…. For no one his summer league team. Jeremy was able to play successfully against 2- How have you grown in your faith, your character, or your skills due to disappointments that , the number one draft pick. is cast off by the Lord you have faced? forever. Though he Yo-Yo Rookie Year: Jeremy was brings grief, he will 3- Have you experienced a broken dream? How did God use or how might God be using thrilled to be able to sign with the this disappointment to shape your character? NBA and play for his home team, show compassion, so the . But in great is his unfailing 4- What are the “basics” in your life, the foundational principles that guide your life? his rookie year he got very little love. (Some potential answers: Bible, family, virtues such as honesty and courage.) How do you playing time and was sent down Lamentation 3:25-32* go back to the basics to refocus your life when everything seems to be in a tailspin? to the “D” League three times. This led to intense stress and made it *New International Version hard for him to do his best. 4 5 LINSANITY STUDY GUIDE

Who Are You Playing For? Jeremy recognized that it is a fight to constantly live and play for God, but made that his driving force. At the Jeremy Lin Academy (basketball camp for kids), he “PLAYING FOR GOD” told the kids that what got him through his season of disappointments was knowing that God had a plan. He learned not to play for anyone but God, which enabled him to walk in peace, and finally joy, even in the uncertain days of his career. Jeremy repeatedly was passed over, faced But God chose the discrimination, or was made the object of racial foolish things of the slurs because, as an Asian-American, he did not “fit world to shame the wise; God chose the the mold” for a basketball player. He had to work weak things of the harder than others to prove his talent. When he was world to shame the finally signed by the NBA, critics said he was just strong. God chose there as a marketing ploy. And when he did the lowly things of this world and the achieve phenomenal success, critics claimed the despised things—and only reason Jeremy was receiving media attention the things that are not was because of his race, not his record-breaking —to nullify the things performance. that are, so that no one may boast before Jeremy’s natural response to such insults and him. … Therefore, as it is written: “Let the personal attacks was anger. But he recognized, one who boasts boast “When I play out of anger, I play horrible.” He in the Lord.” turned the hurtful and hateful words into valuable I Corinthians 1:27- lessons in self-control and forgiveness. 29, 31* Reflective Questions 1- Are you working diligently at the tasks before you? Has God placed opportunities before Hard Worker: Jeremy consistently worked hard and was a leader My dear brothers and among his team. His Harvard Assistant Coach, Kenny Blakeney, said sisters, take note of you that you need to work hard to take advantage of? that in 15 years of coaching he had never seen anyone work as this: Everyone should 2- Is there an area of your life where you have been able to succeed despite all odds or diligently and as hard as Jeremy. Blakeney was the first one to be quick to listen, others’ expectations? How can you give God the credit for success in your career, abilities, encourage Jeremy that he could play basketball at the professional slow to speak and or spiritual life? level. slow to become angry, because 3- Do you feel the need to prove yourself against a lingering insult? How can you choose a So, Who’s Kobe? At the height of “Linsanity,” Jeremy was dissed by , but chose to respond graciously vs. arrogantly after human anger does gracious, God-honoring response vs. an arrogant, self-centered response? defeating Kobe on the court. He could have used the press not produce the conference to fuel an ongoing feud, but rather, he diffused the righteousness that 4- Have you unfairly and unkindly been criticized or had others mock you over who you are? situation after contemplating, “What would Jesus do?” God desires. Considering the example of Jesus, and thinking about how Jeremy Lin followed that James 1:19-20* example, determine how you can exhibit self-control, love, and forgiveness in your response After his first “Linsanity” game Jeremy stated, “I am Thanking God: to your detractors. thankful to God for this opportunity.” “In your anger do not sin”: Do not let the 5- How does learning humility help in dealing with others’ unkind personal attacks? Giving God the Credit: In his first nine starts, Jeremy averaged 25 sun go down while points a game, which was unprecedented in the history of the NBA. you are still angry, 6- In what areas or relationships in your life is there built-up bitterness or anger? How can He went from a no-name to international fame in two weeks, with a and do not give the you learn to forgive and be motivated by Jesus' love for you rather than by others' hate huge press and social media following. Yet his attitude remained: “I devil a foothold. towards you? know God orchestrated this whole thing. There’s just too much out of Ephesians 4:26-27* my control. And just the way it happened. It’s just miraculous.” *New International Version 6 7 LINSANITY STUDY GUIDE

Reflective Questions Make my joy FAMILY MATTERS 1- How would you describe your Christian “family”—the people complete by being who help you to grow and stay strong in Christ (e.g., small like-minded, having Throughout Jeremy Lin’s story is a strong thread of family, church, and group, Bible study, church body, biological family where the same love, being community. When unchecked, personal dreams can cause division in members are believers)? If you are not connected to such a one in spirit and of group, how can you become connected? one mind. Do nothing relationships, but through the power of God, His family (the church), 2- Think of your closest friends. Do you know their goals and out of selfish ambition can work together to support and encourage each other and help dreams? What have you done or could you do to encourage or vain conceit. each member achieve his or her best. Rarely does a person achieve and help them to grow in Christ and achieve His best plans Rather, in humility spiritual maturity or success in reaching a goal without the selfless for their lives? value others above efforts of many others along the way. 3- Like Jeremy’s mom, have you ever developed a new interest yourselves, not looking to your own Not a One Man Show: Jeremy did not become a basketball success—or a strong because of the interests of someone you care about? interests but each of believer—all by himself. His father first introduced him to the game and made sure he 4- It’s easy for a church to become fractured if everyone is you to the interests of had the opportunity to develop his talent. His mother became a huge supporter and prayer seeking after their own interests. How can working together to the others. warrior, who developed an interest in basketball out of love for her sons. Together, his parents fulfill the Great Commission help to keep everyone unified? taught him about God and made sure church was an important part of his life. Pastors Philippians 2:1-4* 5- Have you checked your priorities lately? Is your relationship and coaches offered encouragement, wise counsel, and sometimes needed But seek first his redirection. Close friends (including his brothers) stuck with him through the with God first? Are you valuing relationships with brothers and kingdom and his ups and downs of his early career . sisters in Christ over your personal talents, dreams, or hobbies? Are you letting something you enjoy hinder more important righteousness, and all Correct Priorities: Jeremy’s family emphasized that God priorities such as your education or job? these things will be came first. Family and school came next, and athletics 6- How are you giving back the good given to you as well. was after that. This order allowed Jeremy to achieve things others have invested in you by Matthew 6:33* success in life, not just success in sports, and helped him passing on your faith to others? to set the right priorities on into adulthood. Be devoted to one another in love. Passing It On: Many have poured into Jeremy’s life; Honor one another now he pours into many others’ lives. Whether above yourselves. leading a camp, encouraging a teammate, or sharing LINSANITY Romans 12:10* about his faith through a film, book, or website, he has available on DVD used the platform of his success to introduce others to Christ and A friend loves at all encourage believers to keep walking with Him. times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity. Proverbs 17:17*

*New International Version

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