WORKING PAPER 2 – 2020/E THE CIRCULATION OF WEALTH DIGITISATION, INNOVATION AND TERRITORIAL FORMS: COMMERCIAL SEXUAL ACTIVITIES BETWEEN SOLICITING AND LIVECAM Salomé Donzallaz, Olivier Crevoisier Authors Salomé Donzallaz, Olivier Crevoisier Salomé Donzallaz, PhD-assistant at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Neuchâtel and member of the Research Group on Territorial Economics (GRET). Her main areas of research are sex work, digitisation and value issues.
[email protected] Olivier Crevoisier is Professor of Territorial Economics and Director of the Research Group on Terri- torial Economics (GRET) at the Institute of Sociology of the University of Neuchâtel. He approaches economic phenomena according to an institutionalist and territorial approach. His main areas of research are innovative environments, the financial industry and cultural resources.
[email protected] © 2020 by the author Abstract The livecam, a form of commercial sexual activity (CSA) emblematic of the digitisation of society, has been developing rapidly since the mid-2010s. This boom is explained in this article by the spatial forms that this digitization allows, notably a new spatial division of labour and consumption. In addition, compared to other traditional and more concrete forms of ASM, the livecam is also transforming the content of the service. Mobilising Adams' (2010) approach to the relationship between media and space, this article discusses the impacts of digitisation and the economics of platforms on market activities, both in terms of production and consumption. Key words Commercial sexual activity Digitisation Livecam Spatial Division Platform Economics Acknowledgment We thank Hannah Juby for the English translation of this article and Nils Kapferer for his proofreading.