The Cuba Family Archives for Southern Jewish History at the Breman Museum
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THE CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES FOR SOUTHERN JEWISH HISTORY AT THE BREMAN MUSEUM Mss 381, Wittenberg Family Papers Box 1, File 7 Cohen, Clarence – “The Book of the Book,” 1971 ANY REPRODUCTION OF THIS MATERIAL WITHOUT THE EXPRESS WRITTEN CONSENT OF THE CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES IS STRICLY PROHIBITED ● ● ● THE BOOKS OF THE BOOK BY CLARENCE H. COHEN CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS SUITE 406 "500" BUILDING CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES11~, {jetJll<fia 30902 1 THE BOOKS OF THE BOJK FOREWORD I 1 This publication which you are about to read is the unique presentation of an outstanding Mason, Cla;i:;ence H. Cohen ot Augustav Georgia. As a member of the Education and Historical Commission of the Grand Lodg·e of Georgia, he volunteered to compose and submit monthly articles tu the Masonic Mess- enger, outlining and interpreting the "Books of The Book". The articles published in this volume are approximately two years in advance of final publication in the "Masonic Messeng·er". Tributes and praise have been voiced by t..l-i.e families of over 95, 000 Masons in Georgia; and Masons in other State jurisdictions. This volume should be considered as a real literary gem, dud acclaim given to the deep study and research of the Author into tl:.e "Books of The Book". The small part I have played in slight editing, and technical arrange- ments was meant only to emphasize the great work of t..ri.e author. Elliott C. Serotta May 21,. 1971 Augusta, Georgia CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES ... THE BOOKS OF THE BOOK INDEX Page Page c. H. Cohen - Biography i THE PENTATEUCH THE PROPHETS Genesis 1 Isaiah 24 Exodus 2 Jeremiah 26 Leviticus 2 Lamentations 28 Numbers 3 Ezekiel 29 Deuteronomy 4 Daniel 31 Joshua 5 Hose-a 32 Judges 5 Joel 34 Ruth 5 Amos 34 The First Book 0£ Samuel 7 Obadiah 35 The Second Book of Samuel 8 Jonah 35 First Kings 9 Micah 36 Second Kings 10 Nahum 37 First Chronicles 10 Habakkuk 37 Second Chronicles 11 Zephaniah 37 Ezra 12 Haggai 38 Nehemiah 13 Zechariah 39 Esther 14 Malachi 39 The Book of Job 15 Psalms 18 Proverbs 19 Ecclesiastes 20 The Songs of Solomon 21 THE APOCRYPHA THE GOSPELS First Esdras 42 Matthew 51 Second Esdras 43 Mark 52 Tobit 45 Luke 53 Judith 47 John 55 Additions to the Book of Esther 49 The Wisdom of Solomon 49 (Additional articles are to be published in the future on CUBAthe Apocrypha) FAMILY ARCHIVES CLARENCE H. COHEN, SR. Biography Born November 23, 1901, New York city, oldest child of Adeline Levy Cohen of Augusta, Georgia, and Isaac Harris Cohen of Charleston, South Carolina. Educated in public school of Richmond County and graduatea at Apademy of Richmond County, Augusta, Georgia; and at the University of Georgia. He is married to the former Rhode Green of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. They have two married children, Clarence, Jr. of Ric5field, North Carolina and a daughter Betty - Mrs. Hilman Kleeman of Nashville, Tennessee. He is a FOURTH Generation member of Congregation Children or :rsrael (Founded 1846) and has served as a TRUSTEE for many years. He has served in various military posts in the United States and over seas. He retired in February, 1946 with the rank of COLONEL. For many years, he has served as Treasurer of the Augusta u.s.o. and on its Board. He is also a member of the American Legion V. F.W. and D. A.V. He has a Distinguished record in Masonic endeavors. He was raised to the Sublime Degree of Mast~r Mason in Lodge #166, F. and A.M., Augusta in 1925. Serving in various officers' chairs in the Lodge, he served as Worshipful Master in 1932. He is a member of the Scottish Rite Bodies of Augusta. In 1951 he was coroneted as a 33° Honorary member; and has served as Almoner and Class Director for a number of years; also on the Executive Corrunittee. He is a member of the York Rite Bodies, including Past High Priest, Augusta Chapter #2, Royal Arch Masong, Past Illustrious Master Adoniram Council #1, Augusta and a member of Georgia Commandery #1, Knights Templars. He is a Past Thrice Illustrious Master, Silver Trowel of Georgia. He is al~o a member Committee of 33, National Sojourner~. In October, 1961, he was elected Most worshipful Grand Master of The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Georgia . On the Grand Lodge Level he is a Past Grand Lecturer, Past Trustee Masonic Home of Georgia, a member of the Educational and Historical Commission, Grand Orator and Chairman of the Grand Lodge of Georgia Masonic Home Fund Endowment campaign. He has served for twenty-five years as Trustee of Masonic Hall of Augusta and is a past chairman of that group. He is now a member of the Finance Conunittee and the Library - Museum Committee. He has contributed a number of Articles to the Masonic Messenger, CUBAincluding the onesFAMILY on "The Books of The Book" . ARCHIVES • i He is a member of Elizabeth Chapter #43, Order of Eastern Star and Unity Court #21, Order of the Amaranth of Augusta, Georgia. He is a recipient of the Legion of Honor - Order of DeMolay. In 1963, he was singularly honored by the Grand Lodge of Germany, for services performed on behalf of German Free Masons. Probably, he is the only Jewish Mason in modern times to receive this honor. The Gramd Lodge of Germany bestowed upon hfurn the HONOR DECORATION of the United Grand Lodge of Germany. Jews and Non-Jews, Masons and Non-Masons have acclaimed him for out standing Character and Personality and Integrity. CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES ii THE BOOKS OF THE BOOK GENESIS The first five 'books of the Old Testame~t are called the "Pentateuch" or the written law. Pentateuch comes from the Greek penta meaning "five" and teuch meaning "roll" or ""cook". Genesis means "beginning" or "origin" . This book is thus named not because it is the first in the Bible ar.d hence has the earliest stories; rather, it is because it answers such essential questions as: How did the world begin? How was man created? Why did God create mar. and give him "dominion over all the earth"? wny did God choose the people of Israel as His people? Israel was not chosen for her power in numbers nor for her righteousness as a nation, but because of God's love and promise to the Patriarchs. The people of Israel were not to consider this a privilege, but rather an obliga tion. Historians feel certain this book was written by Moses, but at what time is uncertain. Many suppose it was composed while Moses kept the flocks of Jethro, his father-in-law, in the wilderness of Midian. Other critics are of the opinion Moses wrote Genesis after the departure of the Israelites from Egypt and the receiving of the law on Mount Sinai. This Book gives no account of how the world was created; but does give a history of the preparation of the earth for the reception of man on its surface. In Genesis I:l we read: "In the beginning God created the heavens and earth." The great controversy that exists tcday is what is meant by the be ginning. It may have been eons before Adam was created. Maybe, the most important statement in the Bible is verse 2 of Chapter l: •. and God said: "let there be light". Without this willing of God, man would have no intellect. He would have only an animal existence. Genesis contains accounts of the original innocence and fall of man; the propagation of mankind; the rise of religion; the general defection and cor ruption of the world; the deluge; the restoration of the world; the division and peopling of the earth. The call of Abraham, and the Divine Covenant with him; together with a history of the first Patrian::hs, and the death of Joseph. The key word in Genesis is "promise". This is primarily the record of how God led his chosen people in ways of righteousness . CUBA FAMILY ARCHIVES EXODUS Exodus is the second book of the Pentateuch. The word Exodus in Greek means "departure", the "going out" of the Hebrew people who for more than four hundred years were sojourners and slaves in Egypt. The bitter oppression of the Hebrew race by the Egyptians and their dramatic release under the leader ship of Moses, is the central theme of Exodus. That Moses was the author of this book there can be no doubt 1 as it is a history of matters of fact; it was doubtless written after the giving of the law on Mount Sinai and the erecting of the tabernacle o The Book of Exodus records the cruel persecution of the Israelites in Egypt; the birth, exposure and preservation of Moses; his subsequent flight into Midian; his call and mission to Pharaoh; the miracles performed by him and his brother Aaron; the institution of the Passover; the passage across the Red Sea and the destruction of the Egyptian army; the Journeyings of the Israel ites in the desert; their idolatry and murm~rings against God; the Promulgation of the law from Mount Sinai, and the erection of the tabernacle. One of the greatest utterances of all times is the cry of Moses to Pharaoh, "Let my people go" (5:1). How many times has the cry been uttered since? Every one who is reading this should turn to his Bible and read Exodus 20: 1-17.. In the Decalogue are expressed the moral and religious teachings which governed the people of Israel " The meaning of the Covenant is given in 19: 1-6.