Dec/Jan-Mar. 2018 NETWORK NEWS Vol. 35 - No. 4 Quarterly resource publication for single mothers Call or email to be added to News mailing list: 262-251-7333
[email protected] New HOPE Network director From Lisa Lopacinski, HOPE Network board president: We’d like to welcome Martha Collins, our new executive director! We were so pleased to find a candidate of her caliber to lead HOPE Network. Rebuild. Reshape. Refocus. Martha Collins is passionate about work with meaning. She brings to the job a passion for serving individuals, believing all people have the right to live with dignity. Martha was a raised by a single mother and is a long-time resident of the City of Milwaukee. She is the proud single mother of two boys, Sean (16) and Seth (11). Martha grew up in the inner city of Milwaukee, which shaped her personal values and beliefs. Her life experiences created a strong desire within her to be part of something bigger than herself. Raised by a par- ent who was not only hardworking but deeply involved in the com- munity, Martha learned firsthand the impact and rewarding experi- ence of giving back, and affecting change. She received a bachelor’s de- gree in management from Cardinal Stritch University, and is working to complete her master’s degree in nonprofit management and lead- ership. She has previous execu- tive leadership experience, which Help support programs for HOPE Network families during our expanded her skills in program annual campaign (see p. 4 for program successes). The mothers development and community en- and children are counting on your generosity! gagement.