Avon Sub-Regional Economic Strategy Prepared by RPS in collaboration with the Wheatbelt Development Commission Funded by Royalties for Regions, State Government of Western Australia rpsgroup.com.au Special thanks to following people: Dee Ridgway – President, Shire of Beverley Jacky Jurmann – Manager Planning Services Shire of York, Graeme Fardon – CEO Shire of Quairading, Steve Pollard – President Shire of Northam and Dacre Alcock - CEO, Shire of Dowerin Wendy Newman – CEO, Wheatbelt Development Commission Valuable support and input to the project was provided by the Avon local governments including: Shire of Beverley Shire of Cunderdin Shire of Dowerin Shire of Goomalling Shire of Koorda Shire of Northam Shire of Quairading Shire of Tammin Shire of Toodyay Shire of Wyalkatchem Shire of York Prepared by: Prepared for: RPS THE WHEATBELT DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION 38 Station Street, SUBIACO WA 6008 PO Box 465, SUBIACO WA 6904 298 Fitzgerald Street T: 618 9211 1111 NORTHAM WA 6401 F: 618 9211 1122 E:
[email protected] W: www.rpsgroup.com.au Report No: WPE04038.00 Version/Date: FINAL v1.1 February 2013 RPS Australia East Pty Ltd (ABN: 44140292762) Avon Sub-Regional Economic Strategy Document Status Review Format RPS Release Issue Version Purpose of Document Orig Review Date Review Approval Date Draft v1 Draft report for client review SD WO 23.10.12 23.10.12 23.10.12 23.10.12 Final v1 Final report for release SD WO 21.11.12 21.11.12 21.11.12 21.11.12 Final v1.1 Final report for website SS WO 25.02.13 25.02.13 25.02.13 25.02.13 Final v1.2 Final report for website (amended) SS WO 23.09.13 23.09.13 23.09.13 23.09.13 Disclaimer This document is and shall remain the property of RPS.