Social Media and Buyers’Power: The Cottage Cheese Boycott Igal Hendely Saul Lachz Northwestern University The Hebrew University and CEPR Yossi Spiegelx Tel Aviv University, CEPR, and ZEW January 14, 2014 Abstract In the summer of 2011 a consumer boycott on cottage cheese was organized in Israel via Facebook. The boycott was prompted by the steep increase in prices since price controls were lifted in 2006. We document the evolution of cottage cheese prices and quantities before and after the boycott. The boycott was successful as prices declined immediately and stayed low until the end of the sample period (April 2012) and beyond. We …nd that price elasticities, in particular cross price elasticities, substantially increased following the boycott. Larger increases in elasticity and larger declines in sales happened in areas with higher computer utilization and more education, suggesting the importance of social media in facilitating consumer mobiliza- tion. Increased price elasticities, however, cannot fully explain the observed price changes. We conjecture that …rms lowered their prices to avoid further damage to their image, from fear the boycott will spread to other products, from concerns about re-regulation of prices and, possibly, from class action lawsuits. JEL classi…cation numbers: L1, D12 Keywords: consumer boycott, social media, price elasticities We thank Tim Feddersen and Manuel Trajtenberg for useful comments and Dan Aks, Max Bocharenko, and Ariell Zimran for excellent research assistance. Saul Lach grate¤ully acknowledges …nancial support by The Israel Science Foundation (Grant No. 858/11). yDepartment of Economics, Northwestern University, 2001 Sheridan Road, Evanston, IL 60208, e-mail:
[email protected].