Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1969-09-13
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, . ght flght.r·bembers. a.uthorities said b ail tried to mount Serving the Univerlity of Iowa Iowan an· and the People of IoWQ City against Egyptian across the Gulf ~ Eltabllsbed fa 18111 Associated Preas Leased Wire aDd WIrephoto Iowa City, Iowa 5220-Saturday, SepWnber lS, 1 the r alders were driv. , I Pullout Seen in the afternoon, Is Release of Phosgene struck back wlU! Egypt/an bases In sector of the Suez ~ ~y H~peful down three planes, military in Tel Aviv said. For Senate Feared in Train Fire E-------. I. .y LoweLL MAY GLENDORA, Miss. fA' - About 10,· Ind w. must do It quickly." T1It . DItenst Department, am.rtl .. I cl Stlld,nt Publlc.tionl Inc. 000 residents returned Friday to the A 74-year-()ld man was critically Injur frtm III earlier controversy ever A strong frontrunner for the U.S. Sell- homes they fled under the threat o[ ed when he was struck by the train's pMSftnt Ihlpment through lowl Ind ,'\ .Ie seat of the late Everett Dirksen pre suspected lethal gas, while officials ar engine. apparently triggerIng the derail· ather midwestern It.... Issutd • atate dicted Friday that there will be an 10- gued over whether the evacuation was ment when the engineer applied t b e ment Friday cltnylng lIlY ~Ien ceJeratlon of U.S. troop withdrawals frail necessary. brakes. A power company repairman with Iht vinyl cfliorida shlpmant. Vietnam this year despite stepped'lIJ The residents were evacuated and a uffered minor burns while trying to Civil defense authorities declared the lighting by the North Vietnamese in re 300-square·mile area sealed off Thurs re ·tore fallen power lines along the evacuated area safe Friday afternooD said this savings cent weeks. day night when five tank cars conta1nlng track. after It was cleared by • team of mlli· vinyl chloride burst into flames after a The evacuation wu ordered after Dr. tary chemical experts from Ft. McCle~ over nine of the dam's Rep. John Anderson (R·Il!.) told The of operation. derailment and state officials said dead· J. T. Minyard , a state chemist at Mis lan, AJa. Dally Iowan, after a brief address to u. ly phosgene gas was being released. sis ippi State UniversIty, a.nd other re Burleigh spoke to Johnson County Eisenhower Republic. melnbers of the Iowa A spokesman for a company shipping searchers warned that the burning ,I Club at the Carousel Restaurant in Coral the vinyl chlorid. contended tilt gil chemical was releasing pbosgene. Club at a lunch ville, he "predicted" an announcement Club. WII not lethal. UnlroYII, Inc., which orltlllllttcl part Youths, Jobless of substantial troop withdrawals by Nil· The live burning tankers and two oth of the vinyl chlorfcM Ihlpment nm of the Corps hydrau· on soon. said 1967 and 1961 er cars carrying the chemical were Geismar, L•. , Hid, hoWl¥or, that the As ch.irm.n of the HOUM Republic:. only years without among 16 Illinois Central Railroad cars chemical WII not Ieth.1 .... ............ Clean Up Streets Conhlrenc. CommlttM, Anderson I, t. which derailed near Glendora . no MrioUI health hllal'll other thM .... since the dam W88 1 the September 1958. thinl highest r.nking R.publlc.n In Some livestock died and two men were fire Ind .xplollon that lCeVrrM. said that the dam's House. He I, responsible for muc:h of .. injured in the Incident, officials said. "It is impossible to llberate phosgene, Of Philadelphia in other years had communication between the administr. Inmates .t the Mluiulppl St.t. P.nl. o the r than Inconsequential trace tlon "nd Congr • ., "nd regul.,." IIIftts tentiary .t Parchm.n w.rt .v.cu.ted amounts, when vinyl chloride Is freely PHILADELPHIA ~ - WIth 4SO Uft. and land owne~ \ with Nixon. Iowa River about $11 in the g.1 sc.re. burning In the air," a company 8pokes employed men and youths 1II the front since it was opened. Anderson arrived in Iowa City aboul Among those evacuated from 10 small man said in a statement from New rankls, Philadelphia waged a four-week, to Burleigh the $11 an hour later because of a special Thur!r Delta communities was Sen . James O. York. *1.2 million "war on dirt" in Its dlrtl t about $6 million short day night meeting he had with Illinoia Eastland m-Miss. ) who said he would Robert T. Van Aller, chairman of the neighborhoods. Now, officials ay, It's up cost in 1958. Gov. Richard Ogilvie concerning Ogil ask Congress to take an Immediate look University of Southern MiSSissippi's De to residents of the crowded, blighted vie's imminent appointment of Dirksen', at railway safety. partment o! Chemistry, agreed with areas to keep them cle.n. successor. "Death may be riding our railway. Minyard's conclusions. He said vinyl "It will stay clean OIIly as long as olition Anderson emphasized that the meeti~ dllily," Eastland Ilid from a Clevel.nd, chloride burning openly would produce people let it," said John Samuel, 17, one was calted by the governor only .to ac Miss ., hot., aft.r flMing hI. home .t phosgene and "even a little bit of phos 01 the temporary sweeptrl. quaint him with Anderson's qualifica Doddsville. "Tragedy could be lurking gene gas is dangerous. It is an Insidl· "Don't knock It brethar," lnoth.r orce Cars j tions for the Senate post. on ev.ry train. W. must do wh.t.v.r ous poison in that it does not act im· aWMper, Klmson Spelrmln, 11, replied. ~) How.v.r, Anderson Slid th.t the m.... w. can to pr.v.nt traged'.. like this, mediately." "It IIlve UI • lob .nd WI got I 101 of of Lot Ing .fflrmed th.t h. (Anderson) w. dirt. " of cars parked in a very much Interested in the .ppoint More than 30,000 tons of trash and 2,· parking lot a era S 5 ment. 043 abandoned autos were hauled from Civic Center, 400 E. ' H. added that he c:ame from the mttfl. the neighborhood • where Oil ·fourth or St., are risking ins "very much e"couraged." Nixon Halts, the clty's 2 million people live. Tn addi fines and towing fees Anyone selected fo, the post must be tion, hundreds or vacant lots and bulJd to city officials. able to work well with the administration ings were cleaned out, ewer Inlets clear 25 cars Ire and "my relations, obviously, with the ed, and rat control programs tarted. on the site with· President are very good," Anderson said. It was 8 seven-day • week program, Then Resumes financed by f\lnds the mayor scratched Iowa City officiaL! When asked where he stood in the p0- out of a tight budget. litical spectrum, Anderson identified that the car own , hlmsel! as a "good Nixon Republican." "It VIIIl I IIrlm.tlc .xample If how the lose their free park· city c.n work with Itt cltinnl In Ih. when building demo Anderson said that two other men were Int.re,1 0' cl ..n"",,, .nd h.,lth," Illd across from '1h e being considered as candidates by Ogil Vief Bombing th. mlyor, J.m" H. J. T,te. this week. vie: ''It was a very worthwhile program." a re being reo Ill. Atty. General William J. Scott and SAIGON !A'I- U.S. B52 Stratofortre es spokesmen said. Streets Comml. loner David M. SmaU way for a 311· Illinois Speaker of the House Ralph T. M.rtln Chapm.n, G. Ohio, .rrived In resumed their bombing 01 enemy targets Since the interval was lhort, the wood said. lew. City to register Friday but found lot. Smith. Both are Republicans. in South Vietnam Saturday after a 36- tight·.ngin. bombers prob.bly fltw "It hows that the city can do a good no place 10 liv •. So, h. decided to try It said if the cal'S However, Johnson County Republican hour halt ordered hy President Nixon to from bases in Th.lllnd. would tlk. cleanup job, if it must do Lt. but the pe0- on the site when C.ntral Committee Chairm.n Marion Take Me Home the commerci.1 melns of finding an test the intentions of the Communist long.r to SInd mlltlon. from Gu.m, the ple have to develop their own desire to begins, the cars NHly Hid Friday that Anderton WI. .partment - h. adv.rtised. H. could command. oth.r 852 b.... keep it that way." tagged and towed Nixon'. choic •• be seen Friday sitting nellr the north The 36-hour period ended at midnight, The targets and number of missions "It's likely going to take a few monlhs the owner's expense. Anderson said that both he and Ogilvie .nd of the Old Armory T.mporary. Saigon tim e, and soon the B52s were were not announced . U.S. spokesmen said to see if people really want to keep it - Photo by Rick Gr"nllw.1t back pounding enemy positions, military thought the appointment should be this would be reported in a communique clean ," he said. --------------------------------------------------------- later Saturday. R"ldenta of Ih ••r .. 'etmed Imprell' ttl with the resulh. The While House disclosed that Nixon ''It sure looks nice," WUlie Jones, 61. had directed that the BS2 raids be re said, watching the sweepers' move up sumed after ordering the haIt to see his street. ) Sutton Lists. Requir.ements what the enemy intended to do alter Mrs. Mae Hodges, leaned out h r sec· the three-day Viet Con g cease·fire ond floor apartment window and ob called to mourn the death of President served, "My front step is crubbed clean Ho Chi Minh of North Vietnam.