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Index Note to the Reader: Throughout this index boldfaced page numbers indicate primary discussions of a topic. Italicized page numbers indicate illustrations. Active Directory Installation Wizard, 21–31, 23–30 Active Directory-integrated zones, 459 A Active Directory services database, 758 /a switch in WINNT, 89 Active Directory users, 155, 790 /abovenormal switch, 702 Active Directory Users and Computer utility Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP), 790 defined, 790 access control entries (ACEs), 372–373, 373, 790 for groups access control lists (ACLs), 372–373, 372–373, 790 creating, 197–198, 197 Access Control Settings dialog box, 531, 531 properties of, 199–202, 199–201 access for Active Directory users, 188 for user accounts Access This Computer from the Network right, 232 creating, 182–184, 182–183 access tokens properties of, 184–191, 185–191 creating, 371–372 active partitions, 730 defined, 790 Active Server Pages (ASP), 483 Accessed property, 725 AD (Active Directory), 3 accessibility features, 102 defined, 790 Account Is Disabled option, 169, 172 group policies within, 215–218 account lockout policy, 790 installing, 21–31, 23–30 Account Lockout Duration policy, 225 logical organization of, 22 Account Lockout Policy folder, 221 structure of, 215–216 Account Lockout Threshold policy, 225 Terminal Services for, 561 Account Operators group, 157 Adapter tab, 123 account policies. See policies adapters Account Policies folder, 221 defined, 790 Account Policies template, 252 network. See network adapters Account tab, 186–189, 187 video
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