FREE Useful Information Walkers Countryside - Coast - City There are three categories of public rights of Do... way in the county - please remember that you Listen for cyclists or horse riders who may be can only cycle on Bridleways and Byways, and approaching not on Footpaths. Please remember that most Be prepared to let cyclists or horse riders pass you, public rights of way cross private land, often step out of the way if you can farmland, so follow the Countryside Code. Take extra care in areas with poor visibility All routes featured in this guide have been Keep your dogs under control when cyclists or horse verified prior to publishing, however, problems This is breathtaking. riders are nearby, remember horses may be spooked can occur from time to time such as fallen trees, by loud or sudden noises broken gates and plants obscuring signposts. If you do encounter any difficulties whilst exploring Do not... This is Durham. Durham’s great outdoors, please report them to Obstruct the passage-way for other users by taking
[email protected]. up the full width of the path Please take care when other walkers and cyclists are around, and be aware of their needs. Be polite and courteous to other users, a nice wave and a ‘thank Cyclists you’ goes a long way to keep everyone happy. Do... All users should take their rubbish home with Give an audible warning and slow down when them, and should leave all gates as they are found. overtaking other users If you have a dog with you, please clean up after Take extra care when approaching children, it and take the waste to the nearest bin.