IVI Independent Voters of

Purpose and Policies Josef Michael Carr, State Chair The IVI has been in existence since 1944. IL Governors Dwight H. Green (R) — 1941-1949 Adlai E. Stevenson II (D) — 1949-1953 William G. Stratton (R) — 1953-1961 Otto Kerner (D) — 1961-1968 Samuel H. Shapiro (D) — 1968-1969 Richard B. Ogilvie (R) — 1969-1973 Daniel Walker (D) — 1973-1977 It has been dedicated James R. Thompson (R) — 1977-1991 Jim Edgar (R) — 1991-1999 to good government George H. Ryan (R) — 1999-2003 activism and an (D) — 2003-2009 Patrick J. Quinn (D) — 2009-2015 idealistic vision of Bruce V. Rauner (R) — 2015-2019 open, honest government in Illinois Mayors of with whom we have worked

Edward J. Kelly 1933 1947 Martin H. Kennelly 1947 1955 Richard J. Daley 1955 1976 Michael A. Bilandic 1976 1979 1979 1983 1983 1987 (acting mayor) 1987 1987 1989 Richard M. Daley 1989 2011 2011 2019 2019

The IVI–IPO is a not-for-profit, multi-partisan, independent political organization.

The organization's primary tools are

voter's registration, voter information and candidate endorsement

IVI-IPO MISSION STATEMENT To achieve social justice through good government by increasing voter participation and knowledge, by providing a framework for candidate evaluation, and by electing responsive government officials.

Lobbies for / against on-going issues / legislation at the federal, state, and local level that reflect our agreed upon policies

3 Committees National Affairs (US Congress) Legislative Action (Illinois General Assembly) Community Action () The following are examples of the issues and legislation favored by the IVI -IPO.

Women's Rights Education Labor Civil Rights and Civil Liberties Environment Consumer Affairs, Transportation, Utilities Ethics, Election Reform, Government Reform Economic Issues Health and Human Services, Housing Military and International Issues

Samples of Issue Positions

Policy: Election Reform, Government Reform

IVI-IPO favors public financing of election campaigns, abolition of PAC and "soft money" contributions, complete disclosure of party finances and lobbyists' expenditures, and prohibition of conflicts of interest by elected officials. IVI-IPO opposes solicitation of campaign contributions from public employees and favors a ban on campaign contributions from vendors and contractors. IVI-IPO opposes patronage and "double-dipping." IVI-IPO supports broadening the Open Meetings Act and strengthening the Freedom of Information Act.

Policy: Environment

IVI-IPO supports a national energy policy stressing environmentally safe and renewable sources, control of toxic substances and toxic landfills, and more money for the EPA's Superfund. IVI-IPO favors strong enforcement powers for the U.S. and Illinois EPA, land use legislation, protection of water resources, increased funding for the operation and extension of the national park and wilderness systems and monuments, and mandatory recycling. IVI-IPO is opposed to expansion of nuclear energy. IVI’s positions on issues are the basis of the annual Best Legislative (IL General Assembly) and Best Aldermanic (Chgo City Council) Voting Record Awards

Other Annual Awards Legal Eagle Leon Despres Labor Young Leadership Harold Washington Voting Rights Social Justice

Annual Independents' Day Dinner IDD Guest Speakers Wayne Morse William Proxmire Richard J. Daley Leon Despres Adlai Stevenson Richard Ogilvie Hubert Humphrey Ramsey Clark Francis Biddle Ralph Nader Claude Pepper Julian Bond Paul Douglas Sidney Yates Walter Reuther Jacob Javits

Newsletter / Action Bulletin for the informed voter Meet the Candidates Pre-Election Event Occasional Topical Programs / Events Training for Candidates

How to Run a Campaign and Get Elected National Affairs Committee Charles Paidock, Chair http://www.iviipona.org/ Political Action Committee Endorsement Process Aldophus Kindle, Chair

Sample schedule Sunday, September 27, 2020 4:00 pm - 4:30 pm: Marie Newman, 3rd Congressional District 4:30 pm - 5:00 pm: Danny Davis, 7th Congressional District

To see the candidate's questionnaires, Click here Questionnaire 4 steps Interview Committee Recommendation State Board Approval or Rejection of Candidate

IVI-IPO 2018 GOVERNOR QUESTIONNAIRE Part I: Instructions and Candidate Details Page 1 of 8 2018_Final Instructions: From within your Word processor, please answer all questions in Part I (Instructions and Candidate Details) and Part II (Issue Questionnaire). Part II includes yes/no and short answer questions. Please mark the appropriate box Judicial Recommendations

Circuit Court Judicial Circuit Court Judicial Retention Retention Mauricio Araujo - NO Mauricio Araujo - NO Michael Toomin - NO Michael Toomin - NO Kenneth Wadas - NO Kenneth Wadas - NO Membership Membership levels include $35 for individuals $50 joint membership and $15 limited income State Board of Directors

PURSUANT TO ARTICLE THREE, SECTION 9 OF THE IVI- IPO CONSTITUTION, BOARD MEMBERS MUST ATTEND 50% OF THE BOARD MEETINGS TO BE ELIGIBLE TO RUN FOR ELECTION OR RE-ELECTION TO THE BOARD Endorsed Candidates for the November 3, 2020 General Election President/Vice President of the United States Joseph Biden/Kamala Harris

Cook County State's Attorney Kim Foxx

Water Reclamation District Commissioner (vote for 3) Cam Davis Kimberly duBuclet Eira Corral Sepúlveda

Congress Marie Newman (3rd District) Thomas Wilda (5th District) Danny Davis (7th District)

State Representative Robyn Gabel (18th District) Charlene Eads (79th District) Anna Schiefelbein (85th District) Seth Wiggins (90th District) David Seiler (107th District) Kody Czerwonka (110th District) Randy Auxier (115th District)

Circuit Court Judicial Retention Mauricio Araujo - NO Michael Toomin - NO Kenneth Wadas - NO Information http://www.iviipo.org