Curriculum Vitae/Basis Joop Hartog Universiteit Van Amsterdam

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Curriculum Vitae/Basis Joop Hartog Universiteit Van Amsterdam Curriculum vitae/basis Joop Hartog Universiteit van Amsterdam December 28 2018 1 1. Curriculum Vitae 1. 1 Personal information 1.2 Education 1.3 Work experience 1.4 Visiting positions 2. Publications 2.1 Books 2.2 Articles, book chapters: international 2.3 Articles: forthcoming 2.4 Articles: other 2.5 Book reviews 3. Research grants and commissioned research 4. Presentations 4.1 Conferences 4.2 Invited seminars 4.3 Entry and exit 5. Professional activities 5.1 Research advice 5.2 PhD supervisor (”promotor”) 5.3 External PhD examiner 5.4 Referee 5.5 Editorial positions 5.6 Organisor conferences and workshops 5.7 Advisory and supervisory boards and committees 5.8 Other 6. Teaching 7. Prizes and honours 8. Administration 9. Consulting 2 1 Curriculum vitae 1.1 Personal information Name : Joost Hartog (Joop) Address : Groeneweg 10 4223 MD Hoornaar The Netherlands Phone : +31-183- 58 1526 Born : June 29, 1946 at Sliedrecht, The Netherlands Nationality : Dutch Marital status : married, two children Work : University of Amsterdam, Roetersstraat 11 1018 WB Amsterdam phone: +31-20- 525 4298/52 : emeritus since June 29 2011, with Visiting Scholar position e-mail : [email protected] homepage : 1.2 Education 1953-1958 : elementary school, Sliedrecht 1959-1964 : secondary school (hbs-A, Dordrecht) 1964-1970 : Doctorandus, Netherlands School of Economics 1970-1971 : MA, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada 1978 : Ph.D., Erasmus University Rotterdam Dissertation: ‘Personal income distribution, a multi-capability theory’; promotor: Prof. C.J. van Eijk. 3 1.3 Work experience 1968-1970 : research assistant, prof. Van Eijk 1972-1981 : Erasmus University Rotterdam, Macroeconomics (wetenschappelijk medewerker, 1e klas, October 1, 1974; Hoofd-medewerker, January 1, 1978) 1981-2011 :professor of Microeconomics, University of Amsterdam 2011- :Emeritus; affiliated with UvA as Visiting Scholar 1.4 Visiting positions 1978 : April-August: Project Associate , Institute for Research on Poverty, University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wisconsin, USA 1979-1981 : September 1979-August 1981, 0.2 at Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau, Rijswijk (Government Research Agency), Benefit incidence of government expenditures) 1984 : June-August, Fulbright scholar at School of Education (IFG), Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA 1986 : June-August, Research Scholar, Department of Economics, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ontario, Canada 1988 : June-August, Project Associate, The World Bank (Human Resources and Welfare) 1991 : June-August, Visiting Fellow, Cornell University, New York State School of Industrial and Labor Relations 1994 : April, Visiting Scholar, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal 1995 : June-September, Visiting Scholar, Economic Research Center, School of Economics, Nagoya University, Japan 1998 : February-March, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka 1999 : October, Erskine Visiting Fellow, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand : November, Visiting Scholar, Australian National University, Research School of Social Sciences, Canberra, Austrialia 2002 : March, Visiting Scholar, Stanford University, Graduate School of Business 2003 : January, Visiting Scholar, University of California at Santa Barbara 2004 : March, Visiting Fellow, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, Fiesole, Italy 2005 :September-October, Visiting Professor, Institute for Research on Economics of Education, Peking University, Beijing, China 2006 February-March, University of Madeira : August-September, Visiting Professor, Institute on Economics of Education, Peking University, Beijing, China 2007 :September-October, Wertheim Fellow, Labor and Worklife Program, Harvard University 2009 :September-October, Visiting Professor, University at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY 4 2010 : September-October, Visiting Professor, Arhus School of Business 2011 :August-September, Visiting Professor, Institute on Economics of Education, Peking University, Beijing, China 2012 :August-September, Visiting Professor, Institute on Economics of Education, Peking University, Beijing, China 2015 :Februari-March, NIDEA Distinghuished Visiting Professor, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand, 2018 :November-December, Visiting Professor, Institute on Economics of Education, Peking University, Beijing, China 2. Publications 2.1 Books 1971 : Optimale grootte van stadsgewesten, Instituut voor Stedebouwkundig Onderzoek, TH Delft, with P. Engelsman 1980 : Tussen vraag en aanbod, een onderzoek naar de arbeidsmarkt van 1950 tot 1980, Stenfert Kroese, Leiden (an empirical study on the Dutch labor market in the postwar period); reviewed in: Economisch Statistische Berichten, September 16, 1981 (by A. van Ravestein) : De Economist, 1981, 129 (3), pp. 429-431 (by J. Muysken); Maandblad voor Bedrijfsadministratie en Organisatie, November 1981, pp. 373-374 (by K. Groeneveld) 1981 : Personal income distribution, a multicapability theory, Martimus Nijhoff, Boston; reviewed in: Economisch Statistische Berichten, October 7, 1981, pp. 987-988 (by J. Tinbergen); Economic Journal, September, 1981, p. 786 (by O’Higgins); Journal of Economic Literature, June 1982, pp. 625-626 (by S. Lebergott); De Economist, 132 (1984), pp. 100-101 (by J.M.M. Ritzen) 1985 : Economische aspecten van onderwijs, Lisse: Swets & Zeitlinger (editor, with J.M.M. Ritzen) 1990 : Panel data and Labor market studies, Amsterdam: North-Holland, (editor, with G. Ridder and J.J.M. Theeuwes) 1991 : Trouw aan Adam Smith (Faithful to Adam Smith), Schoonhoven: Academic Services, collection of columns written for Trouw, a national newspaper (with J.J.M. Theeuwes) 1992 : Capabilities, allocation and earnings, Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, reviewed in: Journal of Economic Literature, June 1993 (XXXI, 2, pp. 911- 913), by M. Sattinger; Labor Economics, October 1994 (1,3/4, pp. 392-395) by S. Siebert 1993 : Labour market contracts and institutions, a cross-national comparison. Amsterdam: North-Holland (editor, with J.J.M. Theeuwes) 1997 : Creëren van werk aan de onderkant, Den Haag: Welboom, (editor, with J.J.M. Theeuwes) 1998 : Corporatism or competition? Labour contracts, institutions and wage structures in international comparison, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (with C.N. Teulings); reviewed in: Economic Journal, October 2001 5 (111, 474, pp. F 802-F804), by S. Bazen; paperback edition; 926 copies sold (31-12-14) 2007 :Human Capital, Advances in Theory and Evidence, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, editor, with H. Maassen van den Brink; paperback edition 2009; 911 copies sold (31-12-14) 2.2 Articles, book chapters : international 1976 : Ability and age-income profiles, Review of Income and Wealth, 22 (1), March, pp. 61-74 : Age-income profiles, income distribution and transition proportions, Journal of Economic Theory, 13 (3), December, pp. 448-457 1977 On the multicapability theory of income distribution, European Economic Review, 10, pp. 157-171 : Income tax rates and proportional sacrafice, Public Finance, XXXII (3), pp. 321-332, with W.J. Keller 1978 : Dutch treat: long-run changes in personal income distribution, De Economist, 126 (4), pp. 521-549, with J.G. Veenbergen 1980 : Earnings and capability requirements, Review of Economics and Statistics, LXII (2), pp. 230-240 1981 : Wages and allocation under imperfect information, De Economist, 129 (3), pp. 311-323 1983 : To graduate or not: does it matter? Economics Letters, 12 (2), pp. 193-199 : Inequality reduction by income taxes: just how much? An investigation for the Netherlands 1914-1973, Empirical Economics, 8 (1), pp. 9-13 1984 : On the private benefits of subsidies to education, Economics of Education Review, 3 (1), pp. 23-35 : On the efficiency of labor markets, De Economist, 132 (3), pp. 279-299 1985 : The emergence of the working wife in Holland, Journal of Labor Economics, 3,1 (part 2), January, Supplement Trends in Women’s work, Education and Family Building, S235-S255, with J. Theeuwes : Earnings functions: testing for the demand side, Economics Letters, 19(3), pp. 281-285 1986 : Earnings functions: beyond human capital, Applied Economics, 18, (12), pp. 1291-1309 : Allocation and the earnings function, Empirical Economics, 11(2), pp. 97- 110 : Participation and hours of work: two stages in the life-cycle of married women, European Economic Review, 30, pp. 833-857, with J. Theeuwes 1988 : Education, allocation and earnings in the Netherlands: Overschooling? Economics of Education Review, 7 (2), pp. 185-194, with H. Oosterbeek : Poverty and the measurement of individual welfare, a review article of A.J.M. Hagenaars’ “The perception of poverty”, Journal of Human Resources, Spring, 23 (2), pp. 243-266 6 : Non-linear regression with discrete explanatory specification variables, with an application to the earnings function, Journal of Econometrics, with H.J. Bierens : Equity and efficiency in Holland, a reconnaissance, in Y. Brenner, ed., Income and wealth distribution in historical perspective, Brighton, Sussex, U.K: Wheatsheaf, pp. 190-208, with J.G. Odink : An ordered response model for allocation and earnings, Kyklos, 41 (1), pp. 113- 141 : Estimating a hedonic earnings function with a nonparametic method, Empirical Economics, 13 (3), pp. 267-294, with H. Bierens, reprinted in A. Ullah (ed.), Semiparametric and nonparametric econometrics, Heidelberg: Physica-Verlag, pp. 145-172 : Testing the relevance of job search for job mobility, Econometrics Letters, 27, pp. 299-303, with
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