Diamond Jubilee Recipes
L .;.::_ ARCHIVES G. S, Cr tnk%-c.1%-ftalZVIii'a3YZVYZ. DIAMOND JUBILEE ECI riTt 6--14)Tr. 644)". t•-?..)e ft • The SISTERS of SAINT JOSEPH SAINT PAUL, MINNESOTA Copyright, 1925 The Sisters of Saint Joseph St. Paul, Minn. /ARCHIVES C 3, `i( rl ► 5- L co p, 5- Dedication TO THE DEAR DEVOTED SISTERS, WHO, THROUGH THE YEARS HAVE LABORED TO MAKE COOK- ING ONE OF THE FINE ARTS, TO OUR FAITHFUL ALUMNAE FAR AND NEAR, TO OUR BENEFAC- TORS, PATRONS AND FRIENDS EVERYWHERE, TO EACH AND ALL THE SISTERS EXTEND SINCERE GRATITUDE AND EVERY GOOD WISH. S HE DIAMOND JUBI- LEE COOK BOOK makes no claims to or- iginality. It is a com- pilation of tried and tested recipes contributed by friends of the Sis- ters of St. Joseph and by members of the various alumnae of the Sisters' Schools. In a special manner the Sisters are indebted to Marian Cole Fisher for valu- able suggestions and for the gen- erous expenditure of her time proof-reading the book. Grati- tude is also due to Mrs. Susan Crain, to the Misses Muriel and Helen Nolan, to the business firms whose advertisements helped to make the book a financial success, to all who so generously re- sponded to the call for recipes. CONTENTS Page BEVERAGES - - - - - - - - 1 BREADS AND HOT BREADS - - - 5 CAKE - - - - - - - - - 17 CONFECTIONS - - - - - - 48 COOKIES - - - - - - - - - 38 DISHES FOR INVALIDS - - - - - - 53 DOUGHNUTS - - - - - - - - 61 FRIDAY DISHES - - - ._ - - 71 ICINGS AND FILLINGS - - - - - - 80 ICE CREAMS AND ICES - - - - - - 82 MEATS, POULTRY, GAME - - - - - - 85 PIES AND PASTRY - - - - - - - 99 PICKLES AND RELISHES - - - - - - 136 PRESERVES, JELLY, JAM - - - - - - 106 PUDDINGS - - - - - - - - 109 SALADS - - - - - - - 116 SANDWICHES - - - - - - - 132 SALAD DRESSING - - - - - - - 128 SOUPS, SAUCES - - - - - - - 140 VEGETABLES - - - - - - - - 145 CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK Malted milk powder-1 tablespoon Water-3/4 cup, boiling Cocoa-1 teaspoon Sugar—to taste Mix the malted milk powder, cocoa, and water, stirring well.
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