HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES Senate of the Following Title: Serious Nature of Events in the Panama S.J
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1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 281 vival of Free Enterprise, composed of repre- PROPOSED AWARD OF SIX STARS adjournment until Tuesday next, at 12 sentatives from every industry, large and TO GENERAL MACARTHUR o'clock noon. small, in the United States, to conduct a The motion was agreed to; and (at ·4 - marketing and advertising campaign com Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, i ask mensurate with the importance of the sub- unanimous .consent to have printed in o'clock and 3 minutes p.m.) the Senate ject and lateness of the hour. ...- the RECORD a radiogram which I have adjourned, under the order previously This Joint Public Information Committee . entered, until Tuesday, January 14, 1964, on Marketing and Advertising must call received John N. Hart. In it, Mr. at 12 o'clock meridian. upon and utilize the best minds to create Hart expresses opposition to the bill, ideas and dramatize them via all of the which has been introduced in the Sen media of communication to .. reach every ate, to award six stars to General Mac- segment of the American public, · Arthur. It is the position of Mr. Hart NOMINATIONS The formation of the Joint -public In- · . formation committee for the survival of that such an award should first go, 1f to Executive nominations received by the Free Enterprise must be a top management anyone, to Gen. George Marshall. Senate January 10, 1964: project on a long-range basis and must be There being no objection, the radio FEDERAL 'I'RADE COMMISSION under the direct supervision of the president gram was ordered to be printed in the John R. Re111y, of Iowa, to be a Federal · of the firm. The responsib111ty for the sue- RECORD as follows. Trade Commissioner for the unexpired term cess of the program to sell free enterprise ' · of 7 from September 26, 1962, vice A. · must be given to a specific individual with a DECEMBER 28, 1963. Leon Higginbotham, Jr. sufficient budget to carry out his company's Hon. WAYNE MORSE, program. I think every group of stock U.S. Senate, AaMY DESIGNATION holders would be pleased to read in a com Washington, D.C.: The following-natned officer under the pro-. pany's annual report of such an enterprise, As American citizen, former Oregonian, visions of title 10, United States Code, section the cost of it, and the basic information ex strongly oppose Symington bill award Mac 3066, to be assigned to a position of im plaining why it ts necessary. Arthur six stars without beforehand similar portance and responsib111ty designated by This project would be a massive counter recognition George Catlett Marshall, whose the President under subsection (a) of sec offensive effort to awaken the Ame.rican peo contributions to our Nation exceed MacAr tion 3066, in grade as follows: ple to the good things we have because of our free enterprise system. It would also thur's and whose character far more praise Maj. Gen. Andrew Jackson Goodpaster, serve to awaken the public to the constant worthy. 021739, Army of the United States (lieuten internal and external campaign which is be JOHN N. HART, ant colonel, U.S. Army), in the grade of lieu ing waged to destroy our free enterprise a. F. Sharp Co. tenant general. MANILA. system. Am FORCE DESIGNATION We hope that this book and its ideas wm Maj. Gen. Harold C. Donnelly, 647A, Regu contribute to a better understanding of the TO lar Air Force, to be assigned to position of meaning and importance of our free enter- ADJOURNMENT TUESDAY importance and responsib111ty designated by prise profit system. We hope, too, that it Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, in ac- wm contribute to the reawakening of the the . President in the grade of lieutenant American businessman to again become the cordance with the order previously en- general, under the provisions of section 8066, leader in his community and his Nation. tered, I move that the Senate stand in title 10 of the United States Code. the House to a joint resolution of the Mr. ABERNETHY. Mr. Speaker, the HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Senate of the following title: serious nature of events in the Panama S.J. Res. 136. Joint resolution providing Canal Zone cannot be overestimated. It MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 1964 for renaming of the National Cultural Cen is a first-class crisis which will get worse ter as the John F. Kennedy Center for the and spread if not properly and firmly The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Performing Arts, authorizing an appropria attended to. The Chaplain, Rev.Bernard Braskamp, tion therefor, and for other purposes. We have heard a lot of historical D.D., offered the following prayer: analysis as well as visionary speculation Timothy 2: 7: The Lord give thee un LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM as to the causes of these unhappy events. derstanding in all things. I would like to add a thought which I O blessed God, our Heavenly Father, Mr. ARENDS. Mr. Speaker, I ask have not heard voiced or seen in print, we humbly acknowledge that the coming unanimous consent to address the House but which I think is shared by many events and experiences of this new year for 1 minute. observers. are unknown to us and veiled in mystery. The SPEAKER. Is there objection In my opinion the United States is to the request of the gentleman from Grant that we mci.y trust Thee and reaping a whirlwind of agitation and de Illinois? not be afraid, believing that as our days fiance which was sown in seeds of ex There was no objection. so shall our strength be and that the cessive toleration of past threats and Mr. ARENDS. Mr. Speaker, may I insults. future is as bright as the promises of God. inquire of the majority leader as to any May each day be joyous and glorious Excessive toleration by our Govern possible change in the program for today ment invited the revolution in Cuba. with new hope and inspire us to go for and tomorrow? ward to higher achievement for none has Excessive toleration helped to establish Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, in re the Castro-Communist government. ever done enough for Thee and humanity. sponse to the gentleman's inquiry, in Constrain us by Thy love to meet our Excessive toleration has invited one view of the inclement weather and the problem after another-the confiscation duties and responsibilities with new re fact that many Members have not been solves and may we be determined to keep of American property, the kidnaping of able to arrive at the Capitol, the rice American citizens, widespread disrespect the lamp of lofty ideals and principles · bill will be put over to follow the airport burning brightly until our sun has set for the American flag, and the tempta bill tomorrow. There is no other change tion to use the United States as a scape and the eventide of life has come. in the program. Hear us in Christ's name. Amen. goat. Mr. ARENDS. I thank the gentleman. We ought to learn a lesson from the present crisis, but first it must be · re solved. THE JOURNAL THE PANAMA CANAL ZONE The Journal of the proceedings of The administration deserves great Mr. ABERNETHY. Mr. Speaker, I ask Thursday, January 9, 1964, was read and credit for &o promptly sending a peace approved. · unanimous consent to address the House making team of top-level diplomats to for 1 minute and to revise and extend Panama. Responsible officials of Pan ------- my remarks. ama and the United States deserve great MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE The SPEAKER. Is there objection credit for their eminently statesmanlike A message from the Senate by Mr. Mc to the reque::;t of the gentleman from conduct in submitting to the Organiza Gown, one of its clerks, announced that Mississippi? tion of American States the joint pro the Senate agrees to the amendments of There was no objection. posal to send an OAS team of negotiators 282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE January 13 to Panama. This imaginative maneuver CLAUDE S. SCHECKEL Mr. ALBERT. I am glad the gentle- headed off a debate which probably Mr. HOEVEN. Mr. Speaker, I ask man has taken this time for this pur would have degenerated into a propagan unanimous consent to address the House P?Se.. I desi~e to myself with da shouting match with the troublemaker for 1 minute and to revise and extend him m the tribute he :paid to a very fine nations doing most of the shouting. my remarks. -... form~r servant of this House, an able I applaud these efforts and I do not The SPEAKER. Is there objection ~~ci:3-1 R.eP(!rter,. Claude Scheckel. I want my observations and suggestions to to the request of the gentleman from Jom m wish~ng him well throu~h the detract from them. My comments are Iowa? year~. In domg so, I an_i sur~ I v01ce the intended to be constructive and I hope There was no objection. sentiments of all of us m this Cha1:11~er. they will be so accepted and considered. Mr. HOEVEN. Mr. Speaker, one ' of ~r. HO~VE~.N. I thank the distm- The establishment of a peacekeeping the Official Reporters of Debates of the gmshed maJority leader. patrol under supervision of a peacekeep House of Representatives, Claude S. ing authority composed of two Ameri Scheckel, found it necessary to seek re cans, two Panamanians, and two repre tirement on December 31, 1963, due to EFFECTS OF SMOKING sentatives of the OAS seems a little far illness.