Pioneer Surveyors of New South Wales
Surveyor ISSN: 1832-4460 (Print) (Online) Journal homepage: Pioneer Surveyors of New South Wales John Weingarth To cite this article: John Weingarth (1919) Pioneer Surveyors of New South Wales, Surveyor, 32:3, 54-57, DOI: 10.1080/18324460.1919.10439464 To link to this article: Published online: 01 Aug 2012. Submit your article to this journal Article views: 1 View related articles Full Terms & Conditions of access and use can be found at Download by: [University of South Florida] Date: 24 June 2016, At: 08:17 54 THE SURVEYOR. Pioneer Surveyors of New South Wales. By JOHN WEINGARTH, L.S. GRIMES AND MEEHAN. Before closing these papers I wish to add some particulars about Grimes and Meehan. " Grimes returned from England in 1806, Meehan was then sent once more t.o Tasmania, Grimes was there in April, IB07, Meehan returned to Sydnev late in IB07, Grimes returned earlv in I80B and in April was sent to 'England on account of the Bligh trouble; -Meehan kept out of that affair. he did all the surveying in New South Wales. and compiled a splendid .Map of Sydney in 1807, most valuable to historical students. On the uth December, 1809, he surveyed Roberts' grant at Bondi, he calls it Bundi Bay in his Field Book, No. 5B ; in connection with this, I may mention that in a book callen. the Queens of Society by Grace and Philip Wharton Vol. I, Page 240 are the words" in the forests of Bondi near Paris in 1642." It is to be regretted that the original spelling has not been adhered to, every generation seemed to think it only right to spell names to agree with the pronunciation by the natives then living, forgetting that the later natives would pronounce quite differently in conse quence of learning pidgin English.
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