Land of the Red Man

"Lrmd of the Red People" - or in the Language. - has a lengthv Find colorful historical heritage. Portions of 67 Indian tribes inhabit the region. more than in any other state. and their customs and traditions portray a way of life no longer in existence. This coupled with the excitement and adventure of the settlement of the last frontier in the makes Oklahoma unique. A blend of all aspects of America's heri­ tage, its vivid and historic past has produced a culture reflecting its diverse legacy. Though Oklahoma did not become a state until 1907, the history of the region reaches far into the past. Centuries previous, in the era of prehistory, nomadic Indian tribes emigrated to the areas for reasons as yet undetermined by historians. Though leaving little behind to record their civilization. physical indications of their habitation are still evident in the mounds constructed by these prehistoric people in the eastern portion of the state and the remains of irrigation ditches and primitive pueblos in the western part of the Panhandle of Oklahoma. Where they originated and what was their eventual destiny remains a mystery. but with them began the colorful heritage of Oklahoma. For countless years after the appearance of these early people. Oklahoma was the home of numerous Indian tribes as nomadic hunters followed the wandering huffalo across the Great Plains. The period of Indian dominancy soon ended. Marching northward in search of riches and fame, the Spanish conquistadors - Hernando DeSoto and Francisco Vasquez de Coronado - were the first non-Indians to view the region. The European portion of Oklahoma history had begun. Soon England. and France joined Spain in claiming the area. The European powers were quickly followed by Mexico. the United States and even the Republic of Texas in the contest for ownership. Located at the crossroads of the American West. Oklahoma was coveted as a key for control of the region. The French from their possessions in New Orleans and Quebec moved down the waterways seeking furs for trade; the Spanish in their search for the fabled Northwest Passage marched across the country; the English produced patents from their king granting them possession of a vast domain stretching from the Atlantic seaboard to the Pacific coast; with Mexican in­ dependence. the new nation inherited Spain's claim to the territory; likewise when Texas revolted against Mexico. Texas officials wanted the land included within the boundaries of the new republic. Nevertheless. the efforts of the other nations were in vain as the United States through a series of wars. treaties and purchases acquired legitimate but shaky ownership. On May 2. 1803 in Paris. the document was finalized. This land was destined to become 13 future states. including all of present Oklahoma except the Panhandle. For $15 million the United States had gained possession of a vast area for less than four cents per acre. President Thomas Jefferson summoned the Congress in Special Session and on Oct. 19. 1803. the Senate ratified the treaty embradng the Louisiana Purchase by a vote of 24 to 7. A portion of Louisiana became Territory in 1819. Present Oklahoma was a part of the region and it was known as . The formation of and Nebraska in 1854 reduced the territory to approximately the size of present day Oklahoma. In 1834 a portion of Indian Territory was attached to Arkansas for administrative purposes.
