Recursive Approach in Sparse Matrix LU Factorization
51 Recursive approach in sparse matrix LU factorization Jack Dongarra, Victor Eijkhout and the resulting matrix is often guaranteed to be positive Piotr Łuszczek∗ definite or close to it. However, when the linear sys- University of Tennessee, Department of Computer tem matrix is strongly unsymmetric or indefinite, as Science, Knoxville, TN 37996-3450, USA is the case with matrices originating from systems of Tel.: +865 974 8295; Fax: +865 974 8296 ordinary differential equations or the indefinite matri- ces arising from shift-invert techniques in eigenvalue methods, one has to revert to direct methods which are This paper describes a recursive method for the LU factoriza- the focus of this paper. tion of sparse matrices. The recursive formulation of com- In direct methods, Gaussian elimination with partial mon linear algebra codes has been proven very successful in pivoting is performed to find a solution of Eq. (1). Most dense matrix computations. An extension of the recursive commonly, the factored form of A is given by means technique for sparse matrices is presented. Performance re- L U P Q sults given here show that the recursive approach may per- of matrices , , and such that: form comparable to leading software packages for sparse ma- LU = PAQ, (2) trix factorization in terms of execution time, memory usage, and error estimates of the solution. where: – L is a lower triangular matrix with unitary diago- nal, 1. Introduction – U is an upper triangular matrix with arbitrary di- agonal, Typically, a system of linear equations has the form: – P and Q are row and column permutation matri- Ax = b, (1) ces, respectively (each row and column of these matrices contains single a non-zero entry which is A n n A ∈ n×n x where is by real matrix ( R ), and 1, and the following holds: PPT = QQT = I, b n b, x ∈ n and are -dimensional real vectors ( R ).
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