9/22/2021 History: Establishment of the Mughal Rule: from to - FlexiPrep

FlexiPrep History: Establishment of the Mughal Rule: Mughal Empire from Akbar to Aurangzeb (For CBSE, ICSE, IAS, NET, NRA 2022)

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The Mughal Empire from Akbar to Aurangzeb Akbar Akbar succeeded to the throne after the death of . He was only thirteen when he ascended the throne.

Akbar ruled his empire through his regent Bairam Khan. His regency period was called as Bairam Khan՚s Regency.

Bairam Khan was the wakil of the kingdom with the title Khan-i-khanan.

One of the achievements of Bairam Khan was the defeat of and Afghan forces in the in 1556.

Akbar initiated a policy of expansion and consolidated his power. Major political powers of the period were Rajputs, Afghans in Gujarat, Bihar and Bengal, regional kingdoms of Khandesh, Ahmednagar, Bijapur, Golkonda, and Mughal factions of Kabul and Qandhar.

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Akbar and Territorial Expansions The first step was the dismissal of Bairam Khan.

The expansionist policy started with central India.

In 1559 - 60, his first expedition was against Gwalior. Followed by Malwa, ruled by Baz Bahadur. Adham Khan led the Malwa expedition. The war resulted in the defeat of the Malwa army.

Gondwana, ruled by Rani Durgawati, was captured to the Mughal empire in 1564.

Afghans of Gujarat, Bihar and Bengal Conquest against Afghans started with Gujarat in 1572. Itimad Khan invited Akbar to come and conquer it.

Surat was captured.

Akbar placed his conquered territories of Gujarat under Mizra Aziz Koka.

A rebellion broke out and revolted against the Mughal rule. The rebellion was under Ikhitiyar ul Mulk and Mohammad Hussain Mirza. Hearing the rebellion, Akbar marched to Ahmedabad and suppressed the rebellion.

After the Gujarat expedition, Akbar concentrates on Afghan domains of Bengal and Bihar.

2 of 3 9/22/2021 History: Establishment of the Mughal Rule: Mughal Empire from Akbar to Aurangzeb- FlexiPrep

In 1574, Akbar, along with Munim Khan-i- Khanan conquered Hajipur, and Gaur. This ended the independent rule of Bengal by 1576.

By 1592, the Mughal mansabdar Raja Man Singh brought Odisha under Mughal rule.

In 1581, a series of conflicts arise in Bengal, Bihar, and Gujarat. The root cause of all problems were the Afghans since they were overthrown everywhere from the Kingdom.

Apart from this, Akbar policy of jagirs was also a reason for the conflict.

The new policy of jagirs insists on the jagirdars to submit the accounts of the assigned jagirs. This made the jagirdars to revolt.

The main leaders of the revolt were Masum Khan Kabuli. Roshan Beg, Mirza Sharfuddin and Arab Bahadur.

Todar Mal and Shaikh Farid Bakshi crushed the revolt, along with the help of Aziz Koka and Shahbaz Khan.

The rebels declared Hakim Mizra, Akbar՚s brother, as their king. However, the Mughal forces crushed the revolt.

Rajasthan Rajput kingdom was relevant foe establishing a large empire.

The Rajputs were suppressed and appointed them into Mughal services.

Akbar entered into a matrimonial alliance with Rajput rulers like Bharmal. Bharmal of Amber was the first to enter into a marriage alliance with Akbar.

Rajput kingdoms like Merta and Jodhpur were also annexed with the matrimonial alliance.

Mewar force under Maharana Prathap was defeated in Chittor.

After Chittor, Akbar turned towards Ranthambhor, Kalinjar, Bikaner and Jaisalmer. The conquest of Rajput states led to the hostility between Rajput՚s and Mughals.

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