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HAROLD HOFFMAN WILL PITCH FOR BANKERS' 9 y gain in major leagues% Leaders L SOUTH AMBOY, Aug. 28.—Harold G. Hoffman .treasurer of the South Amboy Trust Company, and one of Session To The Little All Sons Of Stars the New Jersey assemblymen. Is Important Nats, going to prove to a number of his friends that he, although growing This old, Is able to hand out an awful Be Held Evening wallop, when called upon to do It. This time the Honorable Harold la to do some hurling for the bankers At Raritan Yacht Club of the city, when that aggregation opposes the Grocery Clerks tomor- row night on the Sacred Heart oval. Harold and Ollie Welsh, a neigh- Ait the regular meeting of the Ing for the season prize 00 far, with bor of Mr. Hoffman, and an active Raritan Bay H^ght Racing Associa- the Compton brothers’ ’’Naida,” in member of the Rotary Club In this / lion, to be held tonight at the Raritan third position. city, have been quite busy warming Yacht Club, on Water street, final At tonight’s meeting the regatta up for the past two weeks or more. plans for the big sail boat regatta will be outlined by the committee. When asked about Harold’s condition to be held on Sunday afternoon, un- It Is also expected that a discussion, yesterday Mr. Welsh said smilingly, H fler the auspices of the Prince Bay with reference to the poolnts of the | ‘‘Well, I’m not much of a Judge, Yacht Club, will be made. last regatta at l’rince Bay being | but I believe two or three years The main event on Sunday after- added for the season trophy, will would bo none too long to give Har- noon Is the one that interests yachts- take place. A large crowd is ex- old to get In shape. As a pitcher," "Harold Is a darn men in this vicinity most. The points pected out to the session. Mr. Welsh informs. gathered in this race by the con- It will be remembered that at good banker.” and the testants will be added toward the the regatta held on August 17, at At any rate the grocers are to come together season trophy of the association. Prince Bay, the “Naida” came in bankers going exhibition. About 5 To date, two legs of the trophy first. If these points are added for In a twilight o’clock the game Is to get under race have taken place. In these the season trophy the Compton boys’ team the ground rules oan two events, which took place dur- boat will have an even chance with This might well be called the Little National*, or the Washington Junior*. It is made up exclu- way, providing stars be upon. Emmet Mahoney ing the three-day regatta given by the leaders in the race. sively of son* of on the Washington American League team. From left to right they are: Bob John- agreed Is slated to do the firing for the gro- the Raritan Yacht Club, the Hous- The question of whether the son, Bill Hargrave, Walter Pecklnpaugh, Eddie Johnson, Ralph Pecklnpaugh, George Mcgrldge, Walter cers and he refused to state whether man brothers' ‘"Tempest” won one races on that day should be declared Johnson, Jr., Roger Pecklnpaugh, Jr. and Joe Martina Jr. The manager, who appears In this picture dreaj- he will pitch right or left handed. and Nelson Macon's “Indian.” unofficial will be discussed tonight. ed funny enough to get a laugh out of the kids, is A1 Schaoht, Nick Altrock’s partner In comedy. event, Neither pitcher will wear a Sacred the other. These two boats are lead- The will start at 8 o’clock. ~ I meeting Heart uniform. THE OLD HOME TOWN LAUREL CLUB PROGRAM WILL BE GIVER TONIGHT The postponed show of ths Laurel Club, of Newark, an outdoor event. Will be put on tonight, weather conditions permitting. In the feature bout on this card, and Zalari Jack Britton, former welterweight Regan May Play Organization of Big Leagues champion of the world, will take with Loeser and Roger for This Branch of Sport on Jack Rapaport, of Orange. This show was arranged for Mond-y Team on ac- 40 Baseball Is Looked for night and was postponed count of the heavy rain. Tiger Nelson, of the Pioneer (Messrs. Doeser and Rogers, of the The season for basketball is rapidly Club, Is booked to go up against IF0RJLUGUE1Perth Amboys, are planning to make approaching and we will expect to Gilmore Curtis, colored battler, of room for at least one of the local hear about the organization of major Newark, In the semi windup event athletes performing on foreign soil basketball leagues In the near future. on this program. Curtis has an ex- at the present time. Last winter the Metropolitan cellent record and a. win for Nel- Ed "Blackie" Regan, of Water league and the New York state league son will be a big boost. street, is the most advanced of the wore the as far as There are several other big organizations good .. athletes playing league ball at this professional basketball was con- bouts on the slate for this show. /—.. ■writing. The Water street speed cerned. and Mien there were numer- merchant iSMvith the Danville, Va., ous independent semi-professional team in thF Piedmont league and combinations. Is holding down the center pasture The Metropolitan and New York tor that aggregation. state circuits should be reorganized Raritan Trust Co. Regan has played great ball with for the coming season and it is School Danville the past few seasons and probable that a big Western league last year led the circuit in home run also will be formed. Basketball Now Located in Our New hitting, individual hitting and base went big In the West last winter and stealing. He is one of the fastest that section of the country should Days! Building, 107 Smith Street athletes ever turned out in this city. get many big attractions during the With the Crlsfield, Md., nine of 1924-25 season. In Our In- Eastern Shore is Johnny con- Money Deposited Special _ the league, As far as local basketball is Zalari, left fielder of North Amboy. cerned. little can be said as the men Zalari has played left field in hangup who had planned to take over this terest on or Before fashion for Crlsfield this campaign branch of sport, are doing little in Department Sept. and has established a new home run preparing for boxing, for which they hitting record for the organization. recently obtained a license from the Draw Interest from 1st at Early next week his league sched- state commissioner. 3rd will Sept. ule will be completed and by the The first basketball team to be contest is time the final played organized in these parts this season, ready? Zalari hopes to have a total of twen- is the Hopelawn Athletic Club quin- 5 clouts to his credit, ty-flve circuit tet, a light senior combination ol EverybodyTom and Jerry are! i ts of Zalari's North Amboy proud Hopelawn. Practice sessions will They just bought peachy record in the South and no doubt be starteed by this team at an early turn out close to a thousand Eberhard Faber Station- would date and an early start for a success- 4% strong to see the boy in action in this ful campaign will be made. Other ery Sets. They are show- city. and senior clubs | junior, light senior them in our window. — ing are expected to follow. And they are giving away •hopelawn gets ready a pamphlet showing TRUST CO. M'KEESPORT FIGHTER TO “How a Lead Pencil is RARITAN FOR COURT CAMPAIGN CHAMP Made”. Come In and get St. Perth N. Rqjtgfrttoj1 TACKLE BANTAM one—no charge. 107 Smith Amboy, J. of Announcement has been made .. ... * Fight fans of New York and vi- the organization of a basketball team The Gift and Stationery Shop will be given an opportunity « to represent the Hopelawn Athletic cinity to see a new Philip Sclileslnger, Prop.’ Club, the leading sporting organiza- next Tuesday night world's bantam- 283 MADISON AVE. tion of Hopelawn. contender for the Cost for Wheels The new No Extra Practice has been started by the weight title, in action. is of Mc- members of the squad and at an early contender Tommy Ryan, is as date the manager will be prepared Keesport, Pa. and if he good If You a Set of as of earlier days, Abe Buy to arrange contests with light senior the Ryans F. J. MONAGHAN, Opt. D. -=. opponents. Home and traveling Goldstein should be given a real “WHITNEY" CHAINS 1 tilts are to be played. run for the money. EYESIGHT M. fifteen will T. Saboy, S. Kaminsky, J. This bout, a rounder, specialist Yuracha, C. Turek, M. Fedor, F. La- be fought at the Qufienaboro Sta- <S®S|lp; io* smith st. bancz, F. Grezner and J. Gerogo- dium and si.juld draw out a record WmKr IHBr vltz will play with thee Hopelawn crowd. Ryan showed up well in and Starter Established IS Tears Telephone 2170 Generator name has the Cam, outfit, and the manager's two no-decision bouts with not been announced as yet. Chal- champion and fans who witness 1 firestone (FOR ALL CARS) the lenges should be addressed to the fight say that Goldstein will - Hopelawn A. C. clubhouse. have to step at top speed In order Full-Size Balloons Seconds Form to hold his championship. are with Junior teams There is a classy supporting pro- desired by the Hopelawn A.