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The Anchor, Volume 103.09: November 7, 1990

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Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 103.09: November 7, 1990" (1990). The Anchor: 1990. Paper 22. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1990/22 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 103, Issue 9, November 7, 1990. Copyright © 1990 Hope College, Holland, Michigan.

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Cole Porter's music Football team takes News p.2 redone for AIDS K-zoo for second in Editorial p.4 benefit M1AA Opinion p.5 p.8 p.9

Mope rollciic ' ' s

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Voiume 103. Number 9 noific] Ihe distance Novefiioer 7. 1990

Hope aims to improve faculty compensation ii\ S( nil K.iuKKni'r; Vr. i'.M $:).i.HOV a iili (DmjK-nsa nru > rdilof •inn lor '.'.mw'.M» a hi le the a1, ei-a^e Hc^* professor for ai i Ili'lK' ( proff-ssor^ on (hr ranks made $ WT 4o*< average ''.irri less than thnr Xecordin^ to Provost .Jacob (irt'al Liikrs ' nlirtirs Asstn ia \\ennuis over the pas! sever.li ari'l \ss(Kia!<'(l ' olic^cs of \ears taeults salaries m the fhr MuKrvi i,l.( A A< M (i L( A A i M ha ve risen on count r'p.i i 1 s Hut f 'rrsl'jrnl average hetueen seven ^urn :»*s.sors on .tveiage received a mcr has made the irnprovenuTil •' -i [HTceni nu rease in salarv ol Ihis ^iluation <>nr oi '.lie tins >e«ir based u^>on an increase highest pnontirs in new monev from UMjuests in A stuilv ol facultv coniptTisa excess ol $1 million This tion (or lA of the 25 (iLCA Al M represented an across the Ixuird schools m revealed that increase of $1 'NKi per full pro Hope s professors comjK'nsation fessor ranked 14th of the Z\ schools President Jacobson s plans to when base salary and fringe improve Hope s standing in the benefits are combined Fringe area of faculty compensation will benefits include retirement, ma center around an increased en- jor medical insurance, life in dowment surance. long term disability in According to Nyenhuis. "The surance and tuition waiver way to do that to a large extent is The average Hope full pro fessor made a base salarv of continued on p 3

Newbigin encourages During the Nykerk Cup competition, Rebecca Weigle ieads the sophomores In "Ma, He's Making Eyes at Me." The Ciass of '93 went on to win the Cup. See story and increased Church unity Iphotos p.7. Pholo by Line# Everl

by Jill Sandor some people but all people Not Newbigin quoted the phrase and purpose in Jesus Christ, said Newbigin attended Cambridge staff writer just my Savior, but the Savior of "technological optimism, Newbigin. Seminary and was a bishop in the the world " Newbigin said that literary despair" to show the "We have a name to tell and a Church of South India for many Bishop Lesshe J. Newbigin em- this truth must be related "to all crisis our culture is in Although story to communicate. The years Today he is working phasized the importance of secters of human living " there is advanced technological name and story is Jesus." towards visible unity of the church unity in a lecture to a communication, thoughts are church and emphasizes the im A challenge in mission work is packed audience in Western despairing and many people portance of cross-cultural mis presenting Christ to a skeptical Theological Seminary Chapel 'Jesus is Lord not just have no worthwhile message to sionwork. world that feels our belief in Him Newbigin, presently a minister over some people but communicate, he said. He is the author of several is not proof enough But we must books, including "Foolishness to of the United Reformed Church all people. Not just my in the U K. has devoted many Newbigin criticized the think remember that faith in God the Greeks" and "The Gospel in years to the global missionary savior, but the savior ing of French philosopher Kene comes through the work of the a Pluralist Society " task of the church. of the world.' Descartes, who found a starting Holy Spirit, not just the accep- The lecture was followed by Newbigin addressed a number -Lesslie Newbigin point in the certainty of his own tance of a group of facts." questions from the audience and of theological concerns related to existence. Descartes" flaw was Newbigin said a reception in the seminary com- mission work and church unity His lecture outlined the disuni- in believing there could be a "Mission is not a one-way pro- mons He stressed the responsibility of ty and chaos of Western history basis for certainty in his own gram," he said Evangelism is Newbigin's speech is the first the church in proclaiming Jesus and the many attempts of mind without relerence 10 God. rather a two-way process in of several he is giving for the an- Christ to a confused, philosophy and religion to Newbigin said which Christians can both share nual theology lectures presented deteriorating society establish a "starting point" for The starting point for thought their faith and learn more about by Western Theological "Jesus is Lord not just over thought. today must be God's revelation their own beliefs. Seminary Page 2 the anchor November 7, 1990 News

Food service listens to survey Collegiate News

by Kris Olenik Melchiori emphatically suggests ing they do to other schools is go- NEA's no-obsenity pledge feature editor that they take it back up, tell so- ing well, according to Anderson, meone about it right away and and they are planning to expand withdrawn from grants If you are on meal plan, you get another piece of chicken or more next year. In the future may have participated in last steak or whatever. That way the they may be able to use profits to The National Endowment for the Arts quietly dropped a con week's food service survey con- food service can do something benefit Hope students. troversial requirement that grant recipients sign a no-obscenity ducted by Student Congress. In about it immediately, he said, Anderson said, 4lIt also pledge. an attempt to keep students hap- because they don't know if depends on the students and if The move came last week as endowment chairman, John E py, Creative Dining Services (the something's wrong unless so- they like the food. The more Frohnmayer, who instituted the pledge late last year, ruled to food service co-owned by Hope meone tells them. students we can get to stay on drop it. The pledge has spawned three federal lawsuits charging and Calvin) and the Student Con- At the same time, Melchiori meal plan, the less the cost is for that it violated the Constitution s free speech guarantees At last gress Food Committee took a said the food service needs everybody." count, 16 artists and arts institutions refused to sign the pledge survey of student opinions and specific feedback about things As for next year. Anderson and forfeited more than $318,000 in endowment grants last year suggestions. that are or aren't done properly, said that their primary goal is to According to Chuck Melchiori, "things we can react to." maintain quality and not raise food service director, the overall Another area where they costs more than they have to. comments were positive. He also welcome feedback is in regard to It's possible that meal plan costs Spiritual interest in Hong Kong said they appreciate the com- the Kletz. So far the Kletz lunch will go up slightly with the in- ments that were made in regard program for seniors hasn't been crease in food costs next year. to specific things that can be as successful as they had hoped, Another problem is the in- grows after Tiananmen changed. though it is getting better. crease in fuel prices which will The first 10 week menu cycle is Melchiori said that people aren't have an effect on food transpor- Philemon Choi, director of Breakthrough Ministries in Hong finished so the food service is taking avantage of it. Whether tation costs. How much of the Kong and an expositor for the "Urbana 90" student mission con making some changes through this is due to lack of publicity cost will be passed on to students vention, said the massacre last year in Tiananmen Square has in the benefits of experience and about it, or that it's just not con- has not yet been determined, tensified spiritual interest among Hong Kong residents student suggestions. Melchiori venient, he didn't know. said Anderson. "For the past year or so, there is a very obvious sense of said there will be some additions William Anderson, vice- The Student Congress Food openess among the non-Christians towards the Gospel " Choi to the menu and some deletions. president for business and Committee is chaired by Joe said One addition that has already finance, said that the real benefit Miklosi, vice president of Student been made (a suggestion made of having our own food service is Congress, and exists to provide by an R.A.) is the hot dog the ability to put on special pro- another outlet for student feed- Summer Camps to recruit machine. Another suggestion grams for the students (like the back and concerns. The commit- Melchiori said they are trying to World Series Special in the Kletz tee deals not only with student counselors in Maas accomodate is mixing up the and the upcoming Las Vegas concerns about Phelps and the ac good and bad (or popular and un- Night at Phelps) if they take ad- Kletz, but also about the vending E h Bummer, many Hope college students spend a few mon ths working as camp counselors. popular) entrees. Students have vantage of them. machines on campus. If a stu- said that there are too many good Anderson also said, "Having dent has a problem or suggestion Interested students will have the opportunity to check out or bad things served in the same our own food service allows us to regarding vending machines various camps Monday. Nov. 19 from 10:30 a m to 3 p m meal and they need to be spread react more quickly to feedback." they can bring it to their dorm ,rom more,tan out. But again, he noted, the students representative who will, in turn, SauSIT « Melchiori said, "We're in- have to be involved and give address it to Miklosi at Student ®ncTaged by the ChaPlain's Office to come and terested in more student feed- feedback in order to benefit. Congress. see what opportunities are available and what the application back." He would like to hear In addition to special programs Two members of the food com- avSlfuSS Ca,nP Man, CampS Wi" have more of what students say and reaction time, the food ser- mittee had the opportunity to go without having to rely on vice may have other benefits for to the Gordon Food Show in Oc- Piinn'na6"^. d^6 further <3uest'ons> they can call the Career surveys. He said he hates to students in the long run as well. tober with representatives from SsM P'acement Office, x7950, or the Chaplain s Office. think that some people never According to Anderson some of Creative Dining Services. It was would have said anything if they the costs for students might be a purchasing food show and gave hadn't taken the survey. offset by savings derived from the students a better idea of what Princeton women apply for For instance, some students owning the food service but it's the food service buys and what is complained of undercooked food. still too early to tell. The cater- actually available. eating club integration FIUNCETON, N.J. (CPS) - Just days after a federal juu^ -lus ed to stop them 21 Prnceton University women formally applied to become the first female members of the 111-year-old Ivy Club Police continue party crackdown one of the two all-male eating clubs left on the campus In mid-September, federal Judge John Lifland refused to delay (CPS) - A chaotic fall term of a state Supreme Court order to integrate the club The decision unsupervised student apart- prohibitions. tough new drinking rules and a by a fernaie student who wanteOAL\tE AHIL who are the show's creators and the confidence to pursue a career p-teLFs C>u WdUlV fl VCWMlf n? actors. in theater." I I "Show By Us," is a "collabora- Martin quickly ad- tion of scenes, monologues and ded,"Maria's one of my dearest ." The description came friends." from the women in charge of this Vaver said the theater depart- "showcase," Jennifer Martin ment is really misunderstood by ('91) and Maria Vaver ('91) its audiences because so much Tliiv tree production will be happens that they can't see. She shnun Nov 9 and 10, at 8 p.m said this performance has been 'It s a very intimate rhow clc: • •%3ce - more fW If i SIT i H*n MIT.'PCH'T 7 SMART [V(\ human and not so untouchable." WHAT? JUST THtiE TVlM lU -- Maria Vaver ('91) UWTCM... M| LPS V FLICS [ At 0U^ (US w both nights, in the DeWiii handled solely by students - ^0 60 Ha'-R ffciW. Center's main theatre. from backstage work to lights to MtW i-r Both Martin and Vaver are publicity. / theater performance majors. < ^ \ Martin agreed, but added that /i Both were in the recent produc- the audience always sees the tion "The Boyfriend". Martin magical end product of shows, P .43 was Madam Dubonnet and Vaver but this time they'll see "the bare /XV 'J. played Maisie. necessity aspect, the roots" of ( v - ' -l Martin said of the show, "I'm theater. She also wanted to j: I proud of the work we've put into qualify the effort as independent •3d it. It's definitely been a challenge from outside help. "It's a very in- in the sense that I've had to pull timate show - close space - from all my resources as a per- more human and not so un- AMERICAN LUNG former. touchable." Vaver agreed. ASSOCIATION* ''There's very different This weekend, they want to in- i imiMhimh >nl INmi|Hn* ]slew characters in 'Show By Us.' The t vite the audience into their ability to move into these dif "close space" to share in the It's a matter of ferent characters has been an ex- make-believe world that theater ploration of what I can really creates life and breath' The 1991 MC AT Salaries continued trom p 1 Be Prepared. and allow us to remain com- looking to enter the teaching pro- through endowed chairs tu sup^ petitive." fession. port salaries or to add new posi- Nyenhuis anticipates tougher "The competition will be competition among colleges in tions." Hope currently has eight fiercer," said Nyenhuis. "Hope the next decade to attract quality Kaplan Is. filled endowed chairs. must be ready to compete. We According to Nyenhuis, the faculty due to a significant believe our students deserve it Education and General portion of number of retirements on the na- and our Christian commitment the budget consists of 75 percent tional level and a lack of people requires it." of the total budget. Of the Educa- HOPE AVERAGES (1989-90) tion and General portion of the budget, 69 percent is provided for in tuition and fees. Hank Bftsc Salary Total Compensation GLCA/ACM Free Informational Seminar Thirty-two percent of the Full $41,594 $55,807 16/23 Education and General budget Assoc. 35,115 45,919 13/23 Oate: Thursday, November 15th provides for faculty compensa- Ass't 28,480 38,133 8/23 tion. Money from the endow- 7 p.m. - 8 p.m. ment is used to cover scholar- AVR. 35,622 Peale Science Center ships and financial aid. 47,409 14/23 Time: Nyenhuis said that Hope's Room #243 relative weakness in finances GLCA/ACM Member Averages (1989-90) available to faculty has not had For more information or to much of a negative impact on Rank Base Salarv (Low) Base Salarv (High) RSVP: hiring. "We have been able to Full $37,198 $54,593 recruit most of the peole we Assoc. 30,646 42,145 wanted to hire. We've made it at- Stanley H. Kaplan Educational Center Ltd. Ass't tractive enough...in terms of en- 24,568 33,8*3 2627 East Beltline, S.E. vironment, the type of faculty start-up programs for research, Avj>. 31,625 43,750 Grand Rapids, MI 49506-5937 faculty support.said 957-9701 Nyenhuis. Rank Tptal Cvmp (Mnv) Total Como (High) "The faculty we have and con- Full $47,477 $72,046 tinue to attract puts pressure on Assoc. 38,600 54,031 the president and myself to in- g STANLEY H. KAPLAN Ass't 31,541 42,380 sure that we have programs of dm lake Kaplan Or lake Your Chances compensation that will iuiiy reward the fine faculty we have Avr. 40,616 55,840 l or other locations ull 800-KAP-TEST Page 4 the anchor November 7, 1990 Editorial

Editorial / PBfc?? Endowment should fund / faculty salary increases A summary of faculty compensation and tuition rates at Great Lakes Colleges Association iGLCA) and Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM) schools (Hope is a member of both) indicates a correlation between the levels of faculty compensation and tui- tion Those schools which provide their faculty with the higher levels of financial compensation are also the schools that charge their students the higher amounts for tuition IMCUM&ENTS We are pleased that Hope has been able to keep its tuition among the lowest of the GLCA-ACM schools, while concurrently keeping its faculty compensation levels at a relatively high level We recognize that in the coming decade, inflation and a decreased supply of professors relative to the demand will force colleges to sweeten their compensation programs in order to re- tain and attract the finest faculty President Jacobson said in his State of the College address in August, that Hope needs to im- prove its faculty compensation and set as a goal placement in the second-quartUe of GLCA-ACM schools by the mid-1990s Because of the general correlation between tuition and faculty compensation, in part due to the arrangement of the budget (for example, the endowment is basically used to provide for finan cial aid), we are concerned that the burden for increases in facul- ty compensation, warranted though they may be, will fall on the students If tuition increases are to be avoided, the money would necessarily have to come from the endowment. Hope's other ma jo r s ourc e o f i ncom e Letters to the Editor However, President Jacobson has also stated as a goal for Hope to have a 10 percent minority population by the year 2000. Such a goal would benefit from the use of finacial aid, funded by theendowment, as an incentive to attracting minority students Provost Nyenhuis has indicated that the major source for in- Idea protection is justified creasing faculty compensation would be through fundraising to increase the endowment While recognizing the delicate Dear Editors. as it is created. To notify others balance between tuition, faculty compensation, financial aid and have heard faculty members say that the author wishes to protect the endowment, we would applaud efforts that approach the en- that they do not think that it is Although using copyrighted his or her creation.all that is dowment first, and tuition second as sources for increased fun- stealing to copy computer soft- material without permission on t- necessary is to affix the ding of faculty compensation ware without paying the author shirts may seem like a trivial copyright symbol, a c within a At the same time, we urge the administration not to sacrifice for it. What would be your fed violation of the law, the protec- circle, the year and the author's the financial aid aspects of the endowment to achieve lower tui- tion of intellectual property is a ings if you had spent a year of t i o n levels. name. If the copyright is your life creating something and hard-won right of all of us whose violated, then to pursue the main product is ideas. It is easy another person simply took it as violator it is necessary to his own0 to protect one's real goods from register the copyrighted Hope College ^ These attitudes reflect the theft but the protection of in- material. To protect both Stall Wrilea. tellectual goods is much more position that the only valuable 1 he anchor fcychca Boreas copyrights and trademarks, it is goods are tangible goods and that Amy G4M diffcult. The right of authors to necessary to pursue violators ideas and intellectual creations Gift or Moms own their own writing is fairly vigorously otherwise the Jon 0 3nen old but the right of composers are not of any real value At an Hooe ZHcof material may fall into the public institution based on the com and artists to own that which domain. This has happened with J* Sondor they have created is of more re- merce of ideas, we should bt* Jute Souer the word Kleenex for instance. leading the fight for the right to Pom ScnnxJT cent origin It is only within the I have heard many persons say Scnni 'enhcx protect our creations We should last few years that it has been that they feel justified in making Snety Veoemo not look the other way when so- possible for the creators of novel a few copies of another's work as Loec 'oa meone steals another's posses Jm Monnen computer programs to protect it cannot matter much to that Beth Pechto their intellectual property from sions New* icvc* person. I believe that this is akin Scow Koukoneo theft for profit. Assoc It 5 Ecitc* KmOerA Typtth. to saying it is all right to take a Arts Ecrtor W Meengj It is my understanding an item Sincerely, Comcjstcwc* Tof>o Anoerson single item from the store Peotu e Ed'c* Come Map*es Jerwfer A.T»ng is protected by copyright as soon James D vanPuttenJr Pom Lundbero Chost a A'onson because it won t be missed I Soorts Ec*t(y Professor ol Ph.«ics PTXMC £c>tor Rochele Andeaon Downer Rcfxyd LOri Poiosk) Avwtcnt Photo Edrtc* LOTCO Evert Ao Monogef Sieve Koukoneo AswfC-»? Ad Morogen Tonyo Col Ovisti Humes Demonstration purports change in tradition Bijsmc ss Monoger Ken Londmon COOV -ditor Bi Tec^ert Ptoioo*aphr Jonet Bowdcn Dear Editors: Cortconttt ... tions that are racial, social or fOCuT. ioson Mode Gogro Ho*y Von VWt preciated without discrimination OovidJomes gender barriers have no place in and stereotypes. In anticipation of complaint, our society Allowing women to we wish to clarify the purpose of participate in the Pull and men to A number of non-student au- the demonstration agii^t the sex- dience members showed support participate in Nykerk may seem a o pfockjct of sfuoent effort one ts funded trvough Layout Staff; ism of Nykerk. It was not our in- for our efforts It is our hope that •^e Hcoe Co#ege Student Congress Approprtotons Comrrwnee, painful to those who have been Tommy B*e*e-sooced ond must rctude that those who participated and sideration to our proposal as the s»g-otue ond the phone ncmber of the outhoKi) The generations, an integrated PuT well. ooimo-tt addressed m the edrtooal ore $o*e^ thote of the those in the audience enjoyed and Nykerk would be nautral • ear or S10 o semester We reserve the nght to accept a Otstrtbutton; Let s not only think of reject any odvertisng postuastep SModcMchv^Mio JoeCGrody it our intent, however, to ourselves. Let s work for a better flDCUfiL Cw>iw _Hgpe Hoiand. Mi 49iC3-iflCe voice our dissatisfaction with a Thank you, tradition that is sexist. Tradi- future • one in which people's Kerstin Byomi('92) talents are recognized and ap- w ) Laura Eleanor Hollowayt '91) November 7, 199C the anchor Page 5 Opinion

mores upon Sylvester Stallone's comp. to your arms for several hours of Carlyco movie company. Her voice was, alas, not the sweaty, perverse sexual In other words, I am ready for same as Alice's over testosteron- gratification. I don't need that," SLIP OF THE MIND a case with movie distribution ed voice. she said crushing my hopes of rights. Joe McGinnis where are This was the kind of sultry either of us doing any happy you? voice that is used to sell swooning. ,4Knock, knock,'' Someone's deoderants to men who think that "I apologize, I thought I was either at the door or they're a new deoderant will make thinking..." Breaking cardinal rules plunging the toilet upstairs women swoon. I might have con- again. It always gets stuck sidered swooning if her words "Does your tongue always flop after...maybe that's not impor- didn't pounce on my jagged out when you think. For some of tant. recollections of the night before 4, us who think a lot that would be JIM MONNiiTT Grabbing last Thursday s Are you the Mike Stapler I embarrassing." newspaper off the floor I pretend met last night at the Primrose?" Apologies weren't working so I 44 to read as I call, Come on in." What could I say? I could deny tried a new tack...OUCH. My eye is caught (not literally, it, but what good would that do? "Tact, not tack." Sometimes standing up is not Here I sit at my weather that would hurt) by a story about She could aways glance upward "Shut up and listen, Mike in my best interest not even my beaten, coffee stained desk a transvestite stripper who'd to paragraph four and see it. Stapler. I've been hired by all the best differed interest. I came to waiting for my eyes to refocus on been arrested while performing women at the Primrose last work because I live in my office. the door that just won't open with before the governor's inaugueral night. They told me that you It was a short walk. I didn't even some paying customer that dinner. It seems she had the let- Does your tongue drank too much beer, drooled on need my raincoat. But I wore it wants me to investigate a global ters G O.P. written in places the always flop out when too many arms, told too many anyway. Us P.I.'s have to look conspiracy or even just a good Governor's party would prefer you think?' crude jokes and generally were a like Mike Hammer or Bogey. It's juicy divorce. No, all I've gotten not to be written. total cretin." a clause that we had to sign to get lately are bank checks of middle But I digress again (I "Moi?" our license. To P.I. that is not to class Americans who want to sometimes think I'm Herodotus). "Shut up. They hired me to in- drive. take out a loan to pay for their As I read the lewd details, I Instead 1 did the manly thing, I form you that last night was the But I digress. Great word, new bar-b-ques and patio hear the wonderful clickety click grunted that I was. Not only that last time you ever drink too 0 huh Makes me sound literate enclosures of four inch high heels. My mind by I also decided to lower the much and act like every woman and not like an unshaven Not the kind of work 1 was born is thrown back to my first love, newspaper and look at my guest. there was there for you to hit on character in a cheap, accidental- for. I was born for the daring Alice. Maybe this is her. She left I had never met anyone drop like you were pricing ground ly knocked off the sink into the case. The corning crystal glass me to return to the rollar derby dead beautiful before, chuck at Mel's." toilet pulp detective novel. briefcase that will make me a where she's known as Head Butt but...SLAP. "Was I that bad?" My names Mike Stapler. I'm a legend in the wallets of the Sam for reasons I never quite en- Her words bit into my She nodded and pulled out a private investigator, a P I., a reading populace or at least a joyed. hangover as hard as the rings on pistol. private dick, a cop, a rogue, a guest expert on Jesse Raphael's Slowly I raise my head to see if her hand had bit into my un- "You're not going..." She ob- loner, a Lion's fan, a third cousin next show about the effects of the the love of my life has returned to shaven cheek. viously was. f wice removed of someone who demographic changes wrought apologize so that we can live hap- "Don't give me that sexist, My last thought was that this knows a movie star s hair- by the immigrant population s pily ever after on her derby winn- macho, women as brainless would break a cardinal rule dresser. continual infusion of new cultural ings and my unemployment bodies that just want to swoon in- about first person narratives...

to go on, let's step beyond the morals?" Another rationale is that por- relatively simple censorship vs. Generally speaking, that which nography often serves as a trig- SCOTT KAUKONEN sponsorship issue and make is deemed by society to be moral ger for sexual and physical abuse things a bit uncomfortable. or otherwise. of children and spouses, not to Does the First Amendment "We can't do that. This is mention the innocent pedestrian. Should we worship protect free speech as ex- America." This is not to say that anyone who the First Amendment? emplified by pornography? Good morning. We do it every- wallows in the muck is going to Should the First Amendment be day. It is the very basis of all our automatically become the next w .E interpreted to protect free laws. It has never been the argu- Hillside Strangler. It does speech at all times, irregardless ment in the United States, can we recognize that we, as a society LAST WRITES of content? Dare I say 44no?" (I pass moral judgments as a socie- have a responsibility (there's know. Only on such a prudish ty, but to what degree may we do that word that we so often forget campus in such a ''conservative so? goes with "rights") to one town, one of few outside of the This can be a difficult concept another and that sometimes we Censorship. It's hot. It's hip. portant distinction here. Can you South, would anyone dare to ad- for our generation to com- must be willing to limit our .t's now. Everyone's against it. say "sponsorship?" vance this backwards, narrow- prehend. We have been raised in "rights" to protect our communi- Every open-minded, truth- Censorship would involve the minded notion in this enlightened an educational system which ty. seeking, art-loving, fascist- government saying, "Sorry, age). teaches the relativity of, and I recognize the potential im- hating Hope College student is Mr.Serrano. You can't produce ready to stand from the highest such a work. It is illegal." Spon- hill in the Pine Grove and shout, sorship means the government "Down with censorship. Hang says, "Sorry, Mr.Serrano. But Should steps be taken to place controls on porn Or should we just Jesse Helms." due to the offensive nature of give them all NEA grants? The cry rings out, "We have your work to certain groups, we our rights. The First Amend- do not believe we should pay for ment. Who would dare to your exhibit. Fund it yourself or threaten our, oh, most sacred find some friends who will do it." Free speech is not an absolute. uncertainty to, truth as "truth" plications of such a statement truth?" A similar line of reasoning has (Shock. Gasp.) The Supreme (Even at a "Christian" school and will leave it open for An artist can't understand why been used for years on the part of Court has ruled as much (More such as Hope where many ponderance. some taxpayers just might be certain groups to prevent shock. More gasp). Remember? "Christians" seem uncertain of Should steps be taken to place slightly offended at the use of religious organizations from us- Is it legal to exercise your right whether or not their way is the controls on porn, at least some of their tax monies for something ing government funds. I wonder to free speech by shouting way and less than willing to say the hard-core material? Or they believe is offensive to their how Serrano's communities "Fire" in a crowded theater? thatitis). should we just give them all NEA religion. Any attempt on their would react to an NEA-funded No. Why? Protection of society The issue has been raised in grants? My radical, right- part to halt this funding, and the project which could be inter- (the people in the theater) from the nation and in this community winged, blinded opinion probably arts community cries, "Censor- preted to say that homosexuality the potentially dangerous conse- as to the possibility of "censor- need not to be expanded. 1 just ship." It's hot. It's hip. It's now. was immoral? Would they call quences of one person's free ex- ship" of pornography to protect ask that before one bows to and But hold it. Let's define terms, the artist "homophobic" and ask pression. the society. The basic rationale worships the First Amendment always an essential beginning to that funding be revoked? The First Amendment is a behind those who favor such ac- that one be willing to read it to any political discussion. The Let's make it a little tougher. cloak often offered by people who tion is that pornography exploits the sexually-molested child and issue regarding the National En- Some of you have probably cannot morally justify por- men, women and children, degraded wives and husbands. dowment for the Arts has been already exercised your First nography. treating them as objects of sex- Is fighting pornography a "sponsorship," not 44censor- Amendment rights and burned 44Morally justify? They ual gratification rather than as "worthy cause?" Not only is it ship." There is a clear and im- this column. For those who dare shouldn't have to do that. Whose people. worthy, it is necessary. Page 6 the anchor November 7, 1990

Congress Corner: Congress members Nykerk competion puts review organizations women in the limelight Dear Editors everyone to look at Hey gu . Student Congress is presently Also discussed was the the complish some of these tasks. looking at three different student that's what the Romans (iid possibility of starting a featured Outside of Congress I had the It may sound biased coming concerns at Hope. These include look at where it got them artist series which might be opportunity to meet with various from me. a morale guy. but will organizational review, the Now . you have a perfect nu-.r more appealing to the student administrators to discuss the all you Eric Westra supporters by which to change, to encmmi possibility of cable television and 0 body then the Great Perfor- possibility of adding cable to please lend me an ear that traditionally "female n... the possibility of improving cam mance Series GPS is unrelated dorm rooms pus advertisement. I basically have one thesis to Nykerk presents that role i • to SAC and run by the Music I found out this could be very promote, give it a rest, nothing else can by puth There are close to sixty social Department. expensive to students because gentlemen: Let's face it. there is women in the limelight and and academic organizations at But overall, SAC received a they would have to pay for the in- absolutely no way you can sa\ ing the men behind the scen»- Hope, and Student Congress great deal of praise for their stallitaion and removal cost, but men and women are equal am proud to have taken a st. . funds twenty-four of them with hardwork and for their tradi- that it could be possible. I do not Check out your psychology texts outside my traditionally ' mail the students activity fee In the tional events. want to build people's hopes up. There you will find that men and oriented ego and into this nt past two weeks we have review The following week Congress but I will continue to pursue this women differ not only world. I wish more of you woui ed two of these twenty-four met with a few representatives idea. physiologically but also in the open your eyes to what reall. organizations: (SAC.) Social from the anchor. TTiis was very Another idea that could way they develop, respond to goes on Activities Committee and the an- educational for all involved and possibly improve Hope would be chor. stimulus, and receive gratifica- I know you're saying "that - most members of Congress left the installation of three kiass! tion. just reverse discrimination " M\ Congress first met with a few quite impressed with the staff These are circle or triangle wood Basically, it comes down to the answer to you is this; So what representatives from S A C and their paper. stands that could be placed fact that there are at least some We live in a world that. I m sorr\ where the discussion centered on Concerns that were addressed around campus to improve com- differences between us. Men. •o say. it still vastly dominated the overall social atmosphere at included the need for more na- munication and advertisement face it; you can't have babies no by the male gender, and for no Hope. Various concerns were tional and international on campus. These kiass would be matter how hard you try. On the apparent reason mentioned that included the coverage, the possibility of ap- abailabie for all to use. same level, you can't expect to Down the road a bit. be it a cen possibility of adding a non- plying quotes that would portray Please do not be afraid to use get the same experience from the tury or two. when the women alcholic bar in the Kletz on the true intent of the person your Student Congress represen- same events women do That's have put us men beneath the role weekend nights to attract more speaking and the poteibilty of tative for any concern or com- people and whether or not SAC part of why events like Nykerk of dirt, go ahead and make your covering college events more in plaint you may have. With cor- are so special. sponsored too many events depth. rect planning, constituent's con cry. For now. show some res pert which might result in low atten- I have a bold statement to for them It was also noted that the an- cerns can be met and together we make \ou Eric Westra sup dance. Chor would need more staff tn ar. can really make a difference Nykerk is the first event I have porters are being more sexist ever seen that actually promotes than I. I have removed myself the competition and dominating from the normally dominant, aspects of women If you men are Nykerk provides spectrum of experiences competitive role that gets crude- so insecure in your male world to ly stereotyped into a male world let it go on then by all means Dear Editors; and am now practicing a role of Before you entered the doors to odd and even years, friendship keep crying. I would just hope being supportive, nurturing, and this magical palace of talent, you that goes beyond social (real or that as time goes on you could \m- Nykerk was indeed an evening compassionate. It seems that heard from some other people imagined) boundaries, and last- mature enough to just give these that nearly 2500 people happily those of you on Westra's behalf who experienced Nykerk in yet ly. respect for a few Ulents these fine young women a chance experienced this past Saturday can't seem to do the same. another way Protestors (male wonderful women possess It's night. Their experiences varied, It seems that even with thi; and female) were there to tell not just a competition without no doubt, in numerous ways. I, event you want to stick with youi you about how they see Nykerk. proper integration. Proudly. for one, thoroughly enjoyed They chanted "I-N-T-E-G-R-A- own old-fashioner sexist role as a Possession is such a Fred W Vance dressing in the mistaken garb of T-E" repeatedly, attempting to competitive foca! point for troublesome word and emotion "94 Morale a local pizza place and transfor- make a point about the sexism Some people get so caught up in ming myself into a Special Spec- they see in Nykerk's continued what they believe to be theirs and tator "Special" because 1 was use of the traditional masculine theirs alone, that they become Pinball machines violate in last year, was the Orator and feminine stereotypical roles disillusioned. They see only the for 9 days this year,and attemp- the participants play, and to the competition, only the odd versus ted to participate in Song again declined pleas to allow a the even. And that is terribly sexual harrassment policy this year. sophomore Hope student to be To me, Nykerk was not just sad. Making something yours IS Dear Editors the first male Song participant. I, similar patters as the other jog important, but in order to grow another traditional event of class too, see the problem here. I as a person, as a class, as a socie- gers but with no material over clashing. It was instead, a very believe traditions are good, but I would like to draw your atten- tv. you must be willing to share her legs. A man in a harness magical production. Leslie and not all are. Segregation in the tion to the "Future Spa" pinball yourself. What's the point of "Go- shows super-human musculature Barbara took command of the south was tradition, but it chang machine found in the gameroom ing Together " if the togetherness while lifting weights in the cor Civic Center with their enthrall- ed. And so must we. Integration next to the Kletz Cafeteria. ner. is a mask? True unity can only ing orations. The Song women is a traditional event elsewhere, The machine depicts several be achieved by those who grasp pointed out the importance of do- let's make it one at Hope. Unfor- normal actions occurring in a On the face of the machine its meaning. It's too bad that ing things together and of having tunately I also think someone is spa transposed to a futuristic set- where the pinball is played, some of you are grasping at HIM making eyes at you. Both lost in the shadows and thus fails ting. For example, one woman women swim in bikinis with their meaningless hot air. theatrical performances were to give Nykerk its proper creden- wearing bikini bottoms and a hands in positions tha draw at- Special Spectator, brimming with witty and silly tials that were once self evident. thin strap covering herbreasts is tention to various parts of their Michelle A. Mcintosh humor. And in the end, '93 shone Nykerk is to create leadership in shown exercising, using a pulley bodies. One more shackled '93 Song (1969) and '93 like the sun the upperclass, unity among the shackled to her ankle. Another woman wearing a bikini has her Oration (1990-briefly) woman's profile is shown while leg lifted at a nintey-degree bathing, her arms upraised so as angle while using a pulley A not to show anything indecent nearby male stretches in his and the water at hip-level cover- bikini briefs. On each bumper WIO denies supporting censorship ing the essentials while her male ring (4 total) there is a side-view companion shows us a front view sihouette of a nude female torso of his chest with the water lapp- All in all, there is a total of four Dear Editors : one thing Womens Issue Group sions about the effects of por- ing at his hips. teen images of women and five not once stated that pornography A third w o m ~ n is men. The week of 10-28 to 11-2 was nography. Pure censorship only is wrong and should be taken demonstrating the merits of og- dedicated to Pornography leads to ignorance. It is onjy away. As a matter of fact, in ging in a body suit with Wie machine is ir a public Awareness Week. Women's through individual conscious planning for the week, we took generous cut outs in :he chest room in which other video games Issues Group, very concerned decisions that one can decide careful measures to not support what is best for them. and lower abdomen areas; her are also presmt Please note Sec- with this subject tied white rib- the issue of censorship. Censor- tion I, Paragraph B of the Hope bons in the Pine Grove to signify male jogging partner wears a ship is just as harmful as similar jogging suit, but the bar- College Sexual Harassment the week. An immediate negative media. Womens Issue Policy and Grievance Procedure response was take by person(s) Sincerely, ing of skin stops at waist-level. Group supports the awareness of Another couple jogging in the for .nformaton on verbal and accusing Womens Issues Group Lara Delamaf jr pornography. Only through background sport skimpier non-verbal insults with censorship. Member of Women s Issues awareness and education can one outfits-the man wears a bikini However they failed to notice Group be free to make rational deci- and the woman a body suit with Sincerely. Elizabeth ^chultz p aqfi

Class of 93 captures Nykerk

1 1 1 1 1 I . M r, 1 ^ M »< 1 ''ijf . • • * Ik • f • >u > I 1 n»"l i miit'< l .' ' ! 'I.l' j M ' I If j * > ^ • • • .f • • uf f ii 1! in: 'j i !< in> "', h.Hlrfi^rs .,11(1 om- ' ii'il:^ • I In .I i 11.. I HM ' rl .IK !• ! fn.irlM'v | |/ K.'l\ r 1. 1 11 .11'rihut»'s 'i) inrri tIk)s» dn ••( i mn Iron, ific a inning >"iiL • nil < h.irlrfir H ishrr WJ Ihr 'M , fi.ilU'iiue- • •».u hfs V\ci^|c.in(l V .indei I 'i ip i , > M ti ^ " in r ii |m' r t o i in r, If uKick |x)>111\• iu r^\ a»• Ih-I. 11iiM't tn'f VS hrrrv rr V\ »• (,( '•*on ( h.i\ lh»' [kiuin on rj \ftcr the .Hni.i rn.iler 'nc • a • «• Sori^ uomen [HTlornu'd fonir hfr s rw^.jiivr^ V\(xnlniH lasses had the tradition.t! \lii Hr s Milking fvw's At ,M( s.lK] in the Middle u hen .di under fhe dir'^'tion of KrfHHc.i Rof fi p|,i \ v took on ro\ .1! •he participant^ and their morale l Heinle i] .ind j Ann \ wilder themes this \far Princ' t!u\s rushed to^rthiT for hu^- ( PopfM-n H I'uns f

ibdfj Woodruff t^c 9 1 ofdlor. speaks of energy in • 'ilCrpretatlOn Of "n. oration topic. Photo by Ldnce

(K.^N tA^)


About twelve Hope students call for gender Integration of the Nykerk Cup competition before the 55th annual event Saturday night. Photo by Lane® Evert

Julie Philllpps and Suzy Gajewskl storm their brains In ; their portrayal of Fleecefoot and Lord Stlffstep In the 4* ' 94 play "Prince Punyfoot". Photo by Lance Evert & 4 • & ^ •h: r Jfc- 4

m r f: -Jf Rcbecca VanHekken, the chairperson of Nykerk, Is T . anya Call ,as the King, "did her best" In the 93 play Leslie Schoon, the S3 escorted to the stage by her father Jim VanHekken, ^titled "The Ugly Duckling". Photo by Lance Evert orator. Photo by Lance Evert Photo by Lance Evert November" 1990

Modern Musicians offer tribute to Porter that is 'Red Hot and Blue'

upbeat duet of "Who Wants to be by Jim Monnett lyrics than Porter's. that shortened Porter's life. is all O'Conner's. Her emotions a Millionaire" into a keyboard' co-editor Changing the lyrics is fine for As noted the best interpreta Rre touchable and powerful. updating old material and allu- tions are the ones that stick with The best updating of music dominated progressive song. The. composed music sions, but the songs that work the Porter's big band jazz style, but with the same lyrics are dark overtones come from the for the American musical best are the ones that stay closest updjte the sound to give it new Erasure's "Too Darn Hot" and dubbing and nrxing of the' theater in the 1920s and 1930s to Porter's lyrics regardless of lifr David Byrne's (of Talking British mid-eighties sound. before dying of Acquired Im- the musical style used. Heads) "Don't Fence Me In." Strangely enough besides mune Defiency Syndrome. His Consequently, the worst song is Erasure takes Porter's lyrics O'Conner's song, Tom Waits" music lives on and has been a rap tune by the Jungle Brothe; The songs that work the puts them to the Erasure sound. "It's All Right With Me" is the, reinterpreted by rock musicians that is insultingly called "1 Get a best are the ones that It's still upbeat, but fun to hear only other song to use most of on the new album "Red Hot and Kick" (Out of you) from Porter's stay closest to Porter s the modem sound with lyrics Porter's own lyrics. Like O'Con- jike, i'd like to coo with my baby ner. Waits' make the lyrics all Blue." classic musical "Anything lyrics regardless of the The album has a wide range of Goes." Someone should have told Gright,-And pitch some woo his own. Waits sounds like he's' artists from U2 to Sinead O'Con- the Jungle Brothers that there musical style used. with my baby tonight-Cause - recovering from throat surgery - ner to Jody Watley to Neneh was a reason "I Get a Kick Out of It ; too darn hot." The classic lines, "It's the wrong Chery. The twenty different You" is one of Porter's most The two best examples ol this Byrne's "Don't Fence Me In" time and the wrong place --' songs are an ecletic mix of rap, popular songs. The Jungle are Lisa Stansifield's "Down in has Spanish rhythms with Though your smile is lovely, it's, dance, big band and ethnic Brothers wrote a rap song that the Depths" and Jody Watley s Western music lyrics about "sad- the wrong smile" are totally dif- musics that is often wonderful uses none of Porter's lyrics ex- "After You, Who?" Both have a dles", "cayunes" and "hobbles. " ferent. The first reaction is to' and sometimes jarringly bad. cept the refrain line of "I get a big band sound and yet the ar- Its light, fluff, but fun. hate the song. But it grows on you^ The compact disc comes with kick" used to nauseum. tists capture the lyric intensity of Another standout that is played as a familiarity with the voice in- two inserts. One about Porter s On the other hand Neneh lines like "I could search years- extremely stripped down is Aztec creases the tones and style take a- life, the evolution of his pre-rock Cherry opens the album with the But who else could change my Camara's slow ballad "Do I Love hold of the lyrics and twist them music to rock music through other rap song of another classic tears- Into laughter after you" You?" into something different and' todays music which has Porter song, "I've Got U Under that Watley sings with a sultry U2 gives "Night and Day" new sometimes 41 lost most of its My Skin." Cherry uses Porter's and passionate sound. their distinct rock sound. Bono's Other artists included are the vitality and sense of originality" refrains and deftly turns the song Sultry is the politest way to throaty wailing of, "It's no mat- Neville Brothers, Salif Keita, the* according to project director inside from a love song to a post- describe Sinead O'Conner's ter, darling, where you are, -- I Fine Young Cannibals, Kirsty^ John Carlin. The other insert love song about having AIDS. It "You Do Something To Me." The think of you, night and day" is MacColl and the Pogues, Annie e.ves the Porter lyrics to the is a frightening beginning to the song is hot and husky with O'Con- vintage U2. It's nothing new: not I^ennox, Les Negresses Vertes.* twenty songs. This is fun since album, but sets the tone well of ner singing it just as Porter bad. not great. K D. Lang, and Jimmy Somer- the songs often have different the seriousness of the disease wrote it. Yet the voice and sound The Thompsons Twins turn the ville .E.M. collides with Prince Award winning writers to present work aking Hindu Love Gods 'Landscapes-Cityscapes' at reading [Bill Meengs ly lacking when Prince recorded (HOPE) - Award-winn'ng Pen-Nelson Algren Special Cita- and have appeared in publica * • and entertainment editor the song. writers Sharon Dilworth and Jim tion for Short Fiction. She is a tions such as " Review,' , Hindu Love Gods is a pet pro- Daniels will read from the work masterful landscape artist "Kenyon Review," "Prairie What would you call it if ject; it's just a group of guys who on Thursday, Nov. 8 at 7 p.m. in speaking of small town life, of the Schooner," "Michigan Quarterly' R.E.M. played Prince? Giant got together in a studio to jam. the gallery of the DePree Art unbearableness of being caught Review "and more then 50 others ^ Records calls it Hindu Love As such, a listener must keep in Center at Hope College. in that snowy, white world for His work appears in more than Gods. mind that the band has it's The public is invited to the months on end. 30 anthologies, and he has giver* Hindu Love Gods is a pet pro- tongue planted firmly in cheek as reading, which is titled "Dilworth knows the wildness, more than 100 readinga Hof singer and songwriter they play the material. But "Landscapes-Cityscapes," and the waywardness, of ordinary throughout the country. larren Zevon, who teams up where some similar collabora- admission is free. lives," said fiction writer Janet Ith three members of terminal- tions have failed because of this, Dilworth's "The Long White" Kauffman. "She looks close, and "Jim Daniels' tough Motown |hip R.E.M. to cover some Hindu Love Gods somehow (University of Iowa Press and does not flinch." narratives are stark urban crea-, •classics, Woody Guthrie, manage to pull it off without a Norton) as the recipient of the Daniels, whose volume tions," post Paul Zimmer has •yes, Prince. hitch. prestigious Iowa Short Fiction "Places-Everyone" (University written. "He has an infallible' ^ listen to the album glw the Award. Her stories, many of of Wisconsin) won the ear for the words that come from, •R.E.M. driving, Atlanta which focus on the Finns and distinguished Brittingham Prize, our stricken industrial cities." •sound. In fact, it could be Native Americans of Michigan's and whose most recent volume, The reading is sponsored by' next R.E.M. album were it A listener must keep In Upper Peninsula, have appeared "Punching Out" (Wayne State), both the Hope College Departs Warren Zevon singing in mind thst the band has in literary magazines such as has been widely praised, takes us ment of English and "OPUS," ,4 •of Michael Stipe. Its tongue plented New Letters," "Indiana inside the world of the city, the the college's literary magazine. • The album itself is a rocking firmly In cheek. Review' and "North American world of the auto worker. The works of both Dilworth and, •of blues Maarii- like Review." Laniels' poems have been Daniels are available at the Blues," "Traveling In 1988, Dilworth received a heard on national Public Radio Hope-Geneva Bookstore. | Blues," and Muddy taters* familiar "Mannish Hindu Love Gods is an album •And coven ot Woody that is full of outstanding blues Soviet pianist begins Hope piano series Guthrie's "Vigilante Man" and oriented rock and roll. The broad Prince's "Rssberry Beret" variety of material also (HOPE) - Sergei Babayan, the babayan, who is from the also studied privately with Lev1 | The band ripe through the strengthens the appeal of the first prize winner of the 1989 Soviet Republic Armenia, was Naumov in Moscow. >lues songs with Zevoo's deep, album. One could fault them for Robert Casadesus International born in Leninakan and grew up in ^ In his first trip outside the nisky voice providing the perfect sounding too much like R.E.M., Piano Competition, will open the Yerevan. He began his music Soviet Union, he entered the' compliment to the whirling der- but when you consider 3 of the 4 1990-91 Artist Piano Series on studies at the age of sue at Sayat- Robert Casadesus International. vish guitar lines. Hindus are from R.E.M., it Friday, Nov. 9 at 8 p.m. in Dim- Nova Music School in Yerevan, Piano Competition in Cleveland, Though it seems like an im- seems like there's a pretty good nent Memorial Chpel. and at age 15 he entered the Ohio, in August of 1989. He won* possible match when one sees reason for it. He will be performing works Tchaikovsky School of Music n urst prize at that event, com-, Rasberry Beret" on the track This isn't one of the 1990's best, by Mozart, Prokofiev, Ravel, Yerevan. peting with 33 other contestants list, the band manages to pull but it is a fun rock and roll album Chopin and Liszt. Tickets, which from 18 other countries. In his» that one off with success as well. will be available at the door, are He enrolled at the Moscow Con to throw on after classes are done second trip to the United States.t The band tears through Prince's and simply blow off some steam S4 for general admission, $3 for servatory at the age of 19, and in January of 1990, he was award * originally Beatle-esque composi- It's a solid effort that should hold senior citizens and students, and completed his post-graduate •-•d a first prize in the Palm Beach* tion; giving it all the rock and you over until the next R.E.M. free for those with a valid Hope work there in 1989 as a student ol Invitational International Piano roll intensity it was so desperste- -aUauo, student identification. Profe:sor VeraGornostaeva. He Competition. November 7, 1990 the anchor Page 9 Sports

Men's cross team tops Alma, claims share of second in MIAA \ by Steve Kaukonen Roberts was supported by ad manager Mark Walters ('91) 8th, 27:07; » Bruce Fletter ('91) 10th, 27:09; Calvin clinched both the men's Pat McCarthy ('91) 17th, 27:47; and women's 1990 MIAA overall Cody Inglis ('93) 21st, 28:07; and Cross Country Championship at Doug Burchett ('92) 23rd, 28:15 the Holland Country Club last The women's race also saw Saturday, while the Hope men's Calvin cruise to a victory, plac- team beat Alma, placing second ing five runners in the top 10. and claiming a share of second Sarah Braunreiter of Alma won place overall for the season. the race by a comfortable 27 The Hope women's squad seconds, running the 3.1 mile finished behind Calvin and Alma course in 19:23 She was followed for a third place finish. by Lisa Kuiper of Calvin (19:50) In the men's race. Calvin ran and Jilanne Bannick ('91) of away from the competition by Hope (19:53). This third-place placing five runners in the top 10. finish earned Bannick her fourth including the top three spots. first-team All-MIAA selection for John Lumkes was the overall cross country winner, covering the five mile "I felt good and I was mentally- course in 25:57. Lumkes was prepared for the race," Bannick followed by teammates Thad said. "The team did quite well Karnhem and David Sydow. and placed where we were sup- lihe Dutchmen defeated the Kalamazoo Hornets last Saturday with a final score Hope was led by Billy Roberts Ot 21-15. Photo by Lance Ever! posed to, given Alicia's ('91) who placed 4th in a time of (Mendenhall, '94) injury." 26:54, earning him a spot on the Mendenhall, normally Hope's A11-M1AA conference first team. third runner, pulled a ligament in "I felt I ran very well and her foot, causing her to run close believe it was because the race to four minutes slower than her Dutchmen reclaim Wooden Shoes was run in a style I liked," average time. Roberts said. "The team ran Other Hope runners were well, and obviously we proved Theresa Foster ('94) 12th, 20:48; K(K nelle Anderson later. will be greatly missed." one thing to ourselves and that sports editor Shiela Brink ('91) 15th, 20:57; "I was glad Schorfhaar made Kalamazoo made critical er- was we can beat Alma." Cara Luchies ('94) 16th, 20:57; some big catches I think that has rors to aid in Hope's victory. At Roberts said the team has a Sonja Langlois ( '94) 21st, 21:25; The Flying Dutchmen clinched been a pattern of our ball club," one point in the second half the good chance for placing high at Gretchen Sligh ('93 ) 30th, 22:05; second place in the Michigan In- said Smith, "and I sort of wish he Hornets were forced to punt, but the regional meet Nov. 10 at Cheryl Becker ('92) 38th, 23:07; tercollegiate Athletic Associa- could have caught a long one and the snap was bad. Kalamazoo Heidelberg College in Tiffin, Mendenhall, 41st, 24:15; and tion football standings on Satur- gotten into the endzone." could not get the punt off allow- Ohio "We definitely have a shot Sarah Arnsman ('94 ) 46th, 25; 12. day when they defeated the Swartzmiller left the game ing Hope to recover the ball on at going to nationals as a team." Kalamazoo Hornets 21-15. when he reinjured his ankle with the Kalamazoo 30 yard line. This ended coach Kay Smith's 13; 19 left to play in the first half One minute later. Howe was 21st season and returned the pair After Brian Walls('93) com- running for the goal line for a 10 of hand-carved wooden shoes pleted his first pass of his college yard touchdown. that go to the victor of the Hope- career. Swartzmiller returned to "When you give a good solid Kalazamoo game to the mantel complete six out of 16 passes lor football team like Hope good over the fireplace at Coach H9 yards and fun interceplion.s field position, eventually their I ' Smith s house going to get something in on For 19 consecutive years those you," said Kalamazoo coach shoes, the trophy in the 80 year 'We finished up much Dave Warmack. football rivalry between the Fly- better than we thought Hope's defense kept ing Duthcmen and the Hornets, we would. We feel very Kalamazoo out of reach of their were held by coach Smith Last goal until the last quarter. Kelly year, though, Kalamazoo took good about the Clark ('93) made his fifth and those shoes in an 23-21 upset. season!' sixth career interceptions. Coach Hope leads the all time series Smith said, "They (the defense) 34-28-6. In the event of ties, each Hi the bdiiic diive, ^v\dil did a Herculean job today." coach took one shoe home for the zmiller took the ball on fourth With 5.30 left to play, \ year and one. He ran it in for a nine Kalamazoo scored their second * "I didn't think either team was yard touchdown run to put Hope touchdown and decided to go for particularly sharp today. That's on the board 7-0. Smith said, two when Hope's penalty put unusual at this point in the "That's what we call a quarter- them on the two yard line for the 4, season," said Smith, I was back sneak, wedge right." extra poing. delighted that Hope College was Both teams had a hard time "We decided to go for two," ahead in the end." getting going, with no one scor- said Warmack, "I wanted to go Key players made the dif- ing in the first quarter. "We sput- for two and the players were ference for Hope. First on the list u red a little bit to their credit," right there. That's what they would have to be Chris Howe( '91) Smith said. "We were playing a wanted too." The try was suc- who rushed for out of Hope's dek-nse we hadn't seen all year cessful. 187 net yards rushing. and of course, Stefen, our "We finished up much better Kalamazoo had only 88 yards quarterback was hardly 100 per- than we thought we would," said rushing for the game. cent. He's the guy we want in Smith, "we feel very good about On the pass receiving end of there " the season It's a credit to the the game, Jeff Schorfhaar('91) Duy uang( '91) added three ex- many seniors that we have play- caught four passes for 89 yards tra points to complete 17 con- ing for us. If anything, this is a including a bomb from quater- secutive career high extra points tribute to the seniors. We wanted back Stefan Swartzmiller('92j in a row. "We're going to miss to go out on a winning note Coach Mark Northlus applies first aid to a pulled for 56 yards in the third quarer Duy a lot. He was our primary because we came much further ligament that Alicia MendenhallC94) suffered during This set up a mchdown recep- kicker for four years and he than we thought we could at the the meet. Photo by Lane* Evorl tion by Ric Blesch( '92) two plays along with many other senior beginning of the year." Page 10 the anchor November 7, *190 Cross-cultural experiences found on Japan May term Dr. Roger Nemeth Past participants have been perial Palace, elaborate^ ior inc » . jm. " . ' In order to Japanese, I wondered how the guest writer granted credit in many areas in- designed landscape gardens, understand the historical bomb had effected their lives cluding biology, business, open-air markets, colorful development of the country, Where were they when the bomb (HOPE) - This year marks the economics, education, fine arts, festivals, traditional Kabiki and students will also travel to many was dropped? Being an 27th year of the student exchange religion and sociology. Noh theaters, and many small of the historical and cultural American, I wasn't exactly com- program between Hope and Mei- Research topics have ranged neighborhoods provide tremen- centers of Japan. Near Tokyo, fortable visiting this place. Hav- ji Gakuin University. Hope's from the production of Japanese doue contrast to the highly these centers include Nikko (con- ing had this experience, relationship with Meiji Gakuin, Sake, to single-parent families, westernized and technologically- sidered the cradle of Japanese however, I learned an incredible however, dates as far hack as to preschool education in Japan. advanced commercial and ad- religion), Mt. Fuji and amount about nuclear weapons, 1877 when the schools headed by According to Nemeth, "This pro- ministrative areas of Tokyo. Kamakura (site of the world s the United States, destruction by J.C. Hepburn and Reformed gram offers students the rare op^ Classes will be held in the mor largest Buddha > radiation, and the will to live Church minister Dr. S.R. Brown portunity to explore topics oi in- ni"^ on the campus of Meiji The fifth week of the seminai l^et's hope that the evil which joined to form Union Seminary terest within a non-western set Gakuin. The university setting will be a study-tour based ir happened in Hiroshima will (the precursor of what is today tirr " Kyoto, Japan's ancient capita nwer be repeated." Meiji Gakuin). allows participants to observe The May-June Term begins and interact informally with and one of its most imporUiii During the 1991 Spring While the two institutions have with students flying out of Grand Japanese students, espeoial'y cities. Kyoto has some of the best Semester, students will attend a been involved in many joint ven- Rapids on May 9. Upon arrival in those who will be coming to Hope examples of architecture re- series of orientation sessions tures over the past 113 years, the Japan, participants will meet in August. maining from the Shogun era. most significant and long-lasting which are designed to enhance students from Meiji Gakuin at a From Kyoto students will visit the overall value of the program. has been the student exchange The class lectures will focus on seaside resort, not far from Nara (the cradle of Japanese Topics covered at these sessions program. T okyo. the study fo social and economic arts and literature) and will include Japanese food, Leading the 1991 May-June issues in Japan, Japanese The role of the Japanese Hiroshima (site of the dropping customs, and current events Term will be Ion Agheana, pro- culture and religion and "sur- students is to "help us become of the first atomic bomb and the Details about international fessor of romance languages, vival" and conversational accustomed to Japan and to location of the International travel and individual ar- and Roger Nemeth, professor of Japanese. Students will be hous- assist students with their Peace Park and Dome). The rangements will also be discuss- sociology and social work. ed in the central area of Tokyo research projects,"said Nemeth. dome was left standing after ed. Nemeth was also the leader of The same Japanese students will and within easy access to many World War II as a Students interested in finding last year's Japan Term. travel to the U.S. in August for historical, cultural, and commer- rememberance of the holocaust. out more about the 1991 May- Students have the opportunity their stay at Hope. cial points of interest. The experience here, accor- June Term in Japan are en- to take the five-week seminar for A major portion of the next While in Tokyo, students will ding to Dr. James Gentile, leader couraged to attend an informa- variable credit. All participants four weeks will be spent in spend three days with a host of the 1986 May-June Term,"is tional meeting scheduled for will be granted three credit hours Tokyo, one of the world's largest family. Homestays are arranged always a profound and sobering Monday, November 19 at 4 p.m. for IDS 280 (Seminar on Contem- and most important cities. Tokyo by trying to match the interests one for students." in the Fried International porary Issues in Japan*. is the center of Japanese educa- of students with those of their Elizabeth Kaye (a 1990 May- Center. Interested students Students have the optior, tion, economy and national host families. According to Dr. June Term alumna) remembers, unable to attend this meeting are however, of researching a topic government. Elliot Tanis, leader of the 1987 "I was anxious to visit the Peace urged to call Professor Agheana of their choice for three addi- It is also a city with a unique May-June Term,"The homestay Park. As we wandered through it (x7557) or Professor Nemeth tional hours of credit. mixture of old and new. The Im- is the highlight of the program and among hundreds of (X7556).

Sports Scoreboard I In Celebration of their 150th anniversary... I FOOTBALL Alma d. Hope 16-14, 14-16, 15-5, 15-12 Central Reformed Church of Grand Rapids THE STRONGEST Albion 29, Alma 0 Calvin d. Kalamazoo is presenting a Gala Concert: ANIMATION Hope 21, Kalamazoo 15 Works to be performed are: COLLECTION TO DATE Adrian 16, Olivet 13 15-1, 15-11, 13-15, 15-6 — Gary Arnold, Washington Times Adrian d. Hope F. Poulene's "Gloria*' MEN'S SOCCER 15-6, 15-11, 15-13 M. Dupre's "Cortege and Litanie" THIS IS THE PLACE and J. Jongen's "Symphonic Concerte" TO BE!" League Games |ami Bernard, New York Post Albion 2, Alma 1 CROSS COUNTRY David Hill, Choirmaster from Winchester Cathedral Men's Results London conducting ASTOUNDING... Non-Leaeue Games Championship Meet Points | Tickets are available for $5.00 to Hope Students and Faculr ( THE BEST ANIMATION Adrian 1, Siena Heights 0 Calvin 22 | Call: 392-1326 On Campus IN YEARS." Michigan Slate 2, Calvin 0 Hope 60 ^ chard Harrmqion. 456-1773 in Grand Rapids vVashmgion Posl Univ. of Mich. 5, Alma 2 Alma 74 • I Albion 79 THE BEST IN WORLD tf NCAA Division III Playoffs Kalamazoo 140 ANIMATION 168 Ohio Wesleyan 1, Kalamazoo 0 Adrian —Charles Solomon, Olivet Did Not Finish Los Angeles Times • Bahrain France Austria African Countries Hungary ALL NEW! 18 PREMIERES! WOMEN'S SOCCER Women's Results NCAA Division III Playoffs Championship Meet Points Kalamazoo 3, Mary Wash., Va. 1 • HOPE COLLEGE ANNUAL Calvin 34 Methodist, N.C. 1, Kalamazoo 0 Ftaluring Alma 53 • INTERNATIONAL FOOD FAIR BALANCE Hope 67 1989 ACADEMY AWARD v WINNER FIELD HOCKEY Albion 103 for Btst Anlmatod Mich .-Indiana-Kentucky Iny Kalamazoo 113 Saturday, November 10 Short Calvin 4, Kalamazoo 0 Adrian Did Not Finish 6:30 - 8:30 U. of South, Ky. 1, K-zoo 0 in the KLETZ Hope 3, Centre, Ky. 0 MIAA ALL-SPORTS Goshen 3, Hope 1 HI XXII INTIIIUTIOlUl TOUXNff Of STANDINGS Calvin 3, Bellarmine, Ky. 2 Open to everyone!!! AHIMATIOK (flickoff) (through Fall Sports Season) «Ma90 Eipanded EfHwiammfH Calvin 1, Goshen 0 1. Hope 62 TASTE INTERNATIONAL FOODS 2. Calvin 61 FOR A MINIMAL COST! Now Thru Saturday VOLLEYBALL 3. Kalamazoo 53 4. Albion 43 7 & 9:30 nightly League Matches 5. Alma 42 Japan China Maiiawi India Germany Singapore Admission $3.00 Adrian d. Olivet 6. Adrian 28 Knickerbocker Theatre 15-9. 15-7. 15-7 7. QliYd 20 392-8167 November 7, •,990 the anchor Page 11

Classifieds Nykerk so special. I'll miss you 93 SONG, ORATION, Play, boys! Mike. Morale, and Coaches: You Rock- & CLEVELAND BOUND for ed! Congratulations on an Thanksgiving? Call Jim, x6283. outstanding performance. We did it together! Personals NATE, MIKE-You guys lit up our lives Saturday night! You '93 NYKERK - Way to go!! SWEET CHEEKS! Senior both are so awesome! Thanks year ..Nykerk '93! Understand?! again - Tracy and Becky 93 MORALE guys - You done Loveya! B.B. me proud. I'm gonna miss you ANCHOR MEETINGS - every next year! Jim. CONGRATULATIONS SANDY Wednesday and Sunday nights at B!!! The Song Coach for '95 7 p.m. in the DeWitt office (down CHRISTA A's 21 tomorrow! It's Nykerk. Love, your roomie. P.S. the hall from off-campus jobs about time! We can't wait for Get better soon! and WTHS). Join us for a little Chigago! Love, your housies (& controversy! Isabella) NEED A Break? How does pizza BECKY, TRACY, and Rhea - sound? The Sybilline Sorority '94 AND '95 Coaches and Com- This Friday, November 9th "Eiee, Eiee, Eiee!" It's all over and the Kletz are sponsoring a mittee -1 can't wait to work with and it was great! I loved working pizza and study break Tuesday, all of you! We are going to have with you. Love: The sophomore Nov. 13 in the Kletz from 9-11 so much fun. I hope you're as ex- "Eiee" p.m. Pizza will be $.50 per slice. cited as I am! Love, Holly. All money received will be CHAD, ERIK, Brian; It's your donated to Hospice. TWO SPACES in a car bound for gourd now - run with it! Keep the Cleveland for bird day. Call Jim Junior Valentine odd-year pride rolling! Ex- STEVEN. I'VE noticed the X6283. coaches Skunk, Tone, Smoove gleam in your eyes. It's back! Keep bouncing. You're always in GOOD LUCK to the Hope cross BECKY! YOU did an awesome my heart. Love. Chris. & the All-Stars country teams at regionals in job! Tnanks for putting up with Heidelberg! all my questions. I had so much 93 PLAY and Coaches - Anyone fun working with you! Are you for thumbs-up-7-up? Way to go '93 PLAY Morale Guys and nex sure you don't want to do it aga.u ladies! Your Play morale year's coaches - Mike, Brian, next year? You are the best! coaches love you. Mike. Brett, Randy - thanks for making L " v e . T . B Tom FOOD SERVED 11 a.m. - 8.p.m. Mondav-Sqturday 234 S. River, Holland Wanted: n novations Managing Editor Paid Position and Distribution Manager w/car and available Now open Monday-Thursday 9 a.m.- 9 P.m. at 11 a.m. on Friday 9 a.m. - 5 P.m.. Saturday 9 a.m. - 2 p.m. Wednesdays call X7877 for details HOPE COLLEGE DISCOUNT $9 haircuts kormer 1 tth and College 596-2915

SAC Silver Screen Series "THE FIRST COMEDY HIT OF THE 19f s. Check out our evening specials!! Tom Hanks is bigger than ever. Meg R\an is three times as good as she was in When Harry Met Sally.'.." B..b ihom^ imm> pif>s Available every night Monday thru Thursday - 7 p.m. to 11 p.m. ^00 'mnM mm- •••••• Friday - 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday and Sunday - All Day

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MONDAY MIGHT - Funday Night Football rrlilny nml Snlurdny. Novcmbor 9 & 10 TUESDAY NIGHT - T^ofer Twosday TOM HANKS MEG RYAN WEDNESDAY NIGHT - Weenie Wednesday JOE VERSUS THE Wmanls Auditorium THURSDAY NIGHT - Muchos Nachos night VOLCANO Shnwinr'v 1:00, 9:30 and midnight FRIDAY NIGHT - T.G.I.F. SATURDAY NIGHT - Pizza Pie Party WBAfMBWfV VHtVM.- Admission $2.00 BUNDAY NIGHT - Peg's out for the night, >Tr\iN *ja. MWIN nwuwNWi PG muMwaMinto .. so Al's doing the cooking. Page 12 the anchor November 7, 1990

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