Bowman and Elizabeth Gray House Any Other Historic Name(S): Brookberry Farm Current Name: Bowman and Elizabeth Gray House
PROCEDURAL INFORMATION FOR LOCAL HISTORIC LANDMARK DESIGNATION 1. To obtain an application for local historic landmark (landmark) designation, visit the Forsyth County Historic Resources Commission’s (HRC) website at or contact staff of the HRC at 336-727-8000. 2. A complete application is required to verify that the property meets the requirements of State and local laws to designate it a Local Historic Landmark. All application materials must be submitted prior to consideration. If the application is incomplete, it will be returned to the applicant for completion. All components become the property of the HRC and can be used for any public purpose. 3. One (1) copy of a complete, reproducible, original application and one (1) electronic copy must be filed with the HRC staff at the Planning & Development Services Department, Second Floor, Bryce A. Stuart Municipal Building, 100 East First Street, Winston-Salem, 27101. There is a non-refundable $50.00 fee due at the time of submittal. 4. It is preferred that the application be typed or that black ink be used. Attach additional pages for maps, photos, and supporting documentation. 5. After a complete application is accepted for consideration, it will be forwarded to the State Historic Preservation Office of the North Carolina Division of Archives and History in Raleigh for comments and recommendations. 6. Following receipt of comments and recommendations from the State Historic Preservation Office or the expiration of 30 days, the HRC staff will register the application for consideration by the HRC. HRC staff will arrange for advertisement of a public hearing on the proposed landmark ordinance.
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