Dales Constituency Labour Party 100 Club Application Form and Standing Order Mandate

Please fill in this form to apply for membership of the 100 Club and to set up a standing order to the CLP 100 Club. Please complete both parts of this form and return it to the Promoter as soon as possible. Alternatively if you have online banking you may set up a standing order using the CLP’s account details below, but you will still need to send in the top part of the form to confirm that you want to join the 100 Club.

I would like to join the Derbyshire Dales Constituency Labour Party 100 Club

Name: ......

Address: ......

...... Post Code: ......

Email: ...... Tel: ……………………… Ways to pay: please tick ¨ Monthly Standing Order paying in multiples of £2 for each entry each month, or Total Monthly Cost £______¨ Annual Standing Order paying in multiples £24 for each entry each year Total Annual Cost £______Signature………………………………………………………………………… Date …………………...

STANDING ORDER MANDATE Please PAY: Account name: "Derbyshire Dales CLP 100 Club", Sort Code 60-83-01, Account Number 20360393.

(Unity Trust Bank, 9 Brindley Place, Birmingham B1 2HB) the sum of £ ...... starting on the 6th / ...... / 20... and then o monthly on the 6th day of the month, OR

o annually on the 6th day of ………..…...(month) and thereafter until further notice from me in writing.

Please debit my account as follows:

Name and address of Bank: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Account No: ……………………………………………. Sort code: …………………………………………

SIGNED ...... DATE ...... / ...... / 20...

Name: ......

Address: ......

...... Post Code: ......

Please return to: Martin Pape, 100 Club, • Stable Grange, Road, , MATLOCK, Derbyshire, DE4 3RP [email protected] (01629 820265)

Printed and promoted by Phil Whitney (07969687582) 229 The Hill, Cromford, MATLOCK, Derbyshire, DE4 3QL & Martin Pape – Stable Grange, Derby Road, Cromford, MATLOCK, Derbyshire, DE4 3RP on behalf of Derbyshire Dales Constituency Labour Party

100 CLUB

Please join our 100 club and help us raise funds for Derbyshire Dales Labour Party.

It is a mini lottery open to Labour members and supporters.

There will be 3 prizes each month to the value of 50% of receipts.

• The subscription for each share shall be £24 per annum. • Subscriptions shall be paid by Standing Order either as a single annual payment or as monthly payments. No subscription shall be refunded. • A participant shall be included in each draw for as long as a subscription is received for the month of the draw. Any participant whose subscription falls into arrears shall automatically forfeit the right to be included in any future draw until payment is made. • Each participant shall be allocated a permanent number for each of their shares which shall serve as a chance in each lottery draw. The number(s) allocated to each participant shall be notified to her/him in writing together with a copy of the rules of the 100 Club. An allocated number is not transferable to any other person. • A draw shall be made in each calendar month. The draw shall normally be made at the All members meeting. If for any reason the draw cannot be held at a scheduled meeting the draw shall still be held and must be witnessed by at least 3 members. • The prize fund for each draw shall be 50% of the total subscriptions received that month. There shall be three prizes each month from the prize fund - one of 30% and two of 10%. • The Promoter shall make all reasonable efforts to pay prizes to the winners within two weeks of the draw. The cheques shall either be handed personally to the participant or sent to their last known address. Participants are responsible for informing the Promoter of any change of address. Any prize cheque not cashed (or the winner not located) within 6 months shall be deemed to be a donation to the CLP. • If a participant wishes to leave the Lottery, they shall give one month’s notice to the Promoter and cancel their Standing Order with their bank. The share number shall then become available for allocation to a new member.

Full rules and regulations can be requested from Martin or Phil.

Printed and promoted by Phil Whitney (07969687582) 229 The Hill, Cromford, MATLOCK, Derbyshire, DE4 3QL & Martin Pape – Stable Grange, Derby Road, Cromford, MATLOCK, Derbyshire, DE4 3RP on behalf of Derbyshire Dales Constituency Labour Party