Present: Cllr B Price (Chairman) Cllr (Mrs) N Adams Cllr P Bickerstaffe Cllr F Cheadle Cllr N Leeson Cllr (Mrs) J Malkin Cllr E Mateu In attendance Mrs Liz Harrington-Jones (Parish Clerk) Cllr J Pert, SCC Cllr R James, Borough Council (SBC) Cllr J Nixon, SBC 6 members of the public Apologies: Cllr D Butler Cllr (Mrs) K Ong 20/01 As the Chairman and Vice Chairman had both sent their apologies, the Clerk asked for nominations for a Councillor to act as Chairman for the meeting. Councillors unanimously elected Cllr Brian Price to chair the meeting and Cllr Price took the chair.

20/02 Public Participation Time Cllr Price welcomed everyone to the meeting. There were no matters raised by members of the public.

20/03 Reports of County Councillors and Borough Councillors Cllr Pert reported that SCC Highways were aware of the parking issue at the bottom of Winghouse Lane and were working to resolve the problems. The exploratory digging planned by HS2 in Hanchurch had been postponed thanks to lobbying by residents. Manual recording of speeds of traffic exiting the motorway at Hanchurch to support the reduction of the speed to 40 mph had been inconclusive and would be re-visited in the future. Cllr Pert had asked for accident statistics and historic traffic speed data at Hatton Manor. Gullies in Swynnerton had been cleared before the recent extremely wet weather, but one was missed in the centre of the village. This had been passed to another team for action shortly. Cllr Pert had recently provided a paper on drainage and asked if it could be included on the SPC website. The consultation on double yellow lines in Northwood Lane, and Swynnerton should take place before the end of March; it was hoped to include the build outs (chicanes) in the centre of Swynnerton, and grassed areas in front of Swynnerton bus shelters. SCC Highways were discussing the mud piles that had appeared on pavements south of Swynnerton with Biffa, Cold Meece. The soil treatment centre at Cold Meece has been using wheel washers, and has invested in wheel baths which should be operational by the end of January. A resident reported that he would be sending his bill for car cleaning to Biffa at Cold Meece. The Chairman thanked Cllr Pert for his report. Cllr Nixon SBC reported that he had met residents who had raised concerns about the bus shelters south of Swynnerton; wheelchair and pushchair users had to negotiate a grassed area between the bus shelter and the road, and there were no dropped kerbs. He would forward the Biffa Site Manager’s details to the Clerk so that the Manager could be invited to a future meeting of SPC.. Cllr James SBC reported that the Consultation for the Revised Local Plan for Stafford would start the following week, and urged Councillors to respond as individuals as well as submitting a Parish Council response. The Chairman thanked Cllrs Nixon and James for their reports and closed the public session of the meeting.

20/04 Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Butler and Ong.

20/05 Declarations of Interest and to consider written requests from Councillors to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) No Declarations of interest had been received.

20/06 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 19 December 2019 RESOLVED That the minutes of the Swynnerton Parish Council meeting held on 19 December 2019 should be approved and signed by the Chairman.

20/07 Clerk’s Report, Items not on the agenda The Clerk had nothing further to report as all items were covered later in the agenda. Cllr Leeson reported that an application had been received by the Sir Richard and Lady Katherine Leveson Trust from a resident in Trentham to accompany Scouts to Poland. The applicant had already received a contribution from the charity.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..

20/08 Financial matters 20/08.i January accounts for payment The following accounts were considered – Clerk’s salary and expenses 296.10 Mr E Challinor, moving speed sign 35.00 Total payments for January 2020 £331.10 RESOLVED – That the accounts for January 2020 should be approved for payment.

20/08.ii. Precept requirements for 2020-2021 The Clerk confirmed that the recent increase in the precept for 2020-2021 would equate to 79p per month.

20/09 Traffic issues in the Parish 20/09.i Update on available speed sign data Cllr Butler would comment further at the next meeting.

20/09.ii Reduction in traffic speeds near Hatton Waterworks Cllr Pert would obtain data on traffic speeds and accidents in the area.

20/09.iii Speedwatch operation in Swynnerton Cllr Mateu reported that during a recent session 450 vehicles had been recorded in one hour, of which 8 were travelling above the speed limit, the fastest at 42 mph. He reported excessive speeds being driven in Fairbanks Walk and a damaged vehicle. The Clerk would ask the PCSO to visit the area and advise. Action: Clerk

20/09.iv Vehicular diversions The Clerk would place notices of vehicular diversions in Drayton Road, Beech, and A519 Newcastle Road, Hanchurch, on the notice boards and the website. Action: Clerk

20/10 Ward matters 20/10.i Swynnerton, issues raised by residents, bus stop access Cllr Pert had confirmed he hoped this could be included in traffic calming measures later in the year (Minute 20/03). Cllr Mateu reported a parking issue in Frobisher Drive; customers using the Fitzherbert Arms were parking on the bend in the centre of the village; parking on both sides of Park View were creating problems. It was agreed that the Clerk would ask the PCSO to visit and advise. Cllr Matheu would also ask Speedwatch for guidance. Action: Clerk

20/10.ii Tittensor, issues raised by residents, traffic hazard on Winghouse Lane Cllr Pert had reported that the issues over the parking bay on Winghouse Lane were being addressed |(Minute 20/03). A new gas main was being installed along Winghouse Lane. The pavement between Strongford Bridge and Trentham Roundabout had been cleared.

20/10.iii Trentham, issues raised by residents, condition of Grade II listed bridge A resident had raised concerns over the state of a Grade II listed bridge between Trentham Golf Club and Trentham Gardens. The Clerk had visited the site and also met the SBC Conservation Officer, who was hoping to carry out a site visit the following week. Photographs of the bridge were circulated

20/11 Changes to grass cutting contract with SCC SCC were reducing the number of grass cutting cuts that they currently fund from 8 to 6 for the current year. After discussion Councillors agreed that they would continue to cut the grass in Tittensor to a satisfactory standard and had increased the precept to cover this expense.

20/12 Civic Amenity Vehicle visits After discussion Councillors agreed that they would continue to cover the increased cost of visits by the Civic Amenity Vehicle to the three Wards in the Parish, and had increased the precept to cover this expense.

20/13 Report on SCCA Annual General Meeting Cllr Mateu reported from the SPCA AGM, where it had been announced that a part time Training Officer had been appointed. The problem of speeding traffic in rural areas had been addressed, with no conclusion being reached. After discussion Councillors agreed that SPCA should be a regular agenda item in future to evaluate the value of the subscription to the Parish Council.

20/14 Neighbourhood Plan, progress on submission of Plan SBC were hosting a Forum at the beginning of February to brief Parish Councils on the revised Local Plan for Stafford. It was agreed that Cllrs Ong and Price would attend. PC would host a training session on 29 January on existing and Neighbourhood Plans in preparation with the revised Local Plan for Stafford, and it was

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .…………………………………………….. agreed that the Clerk would attend. The Chairman was continuing to update the Plan by removing all references to and checking the validity of the data derived from the questionnaires, and would liaise with Cllr James SBC.

20/15 HS2, update on project No progress was expected until the report of the Review which was due within the next few weeks. Yarnfield Parish Council had recently met with HS2 to discuss their Petition to the House of Lords.

20/16 Parish Council Newsletter A draft Newsletter had been approved at the November meeting. However subsequent discussions had favoured utilising Stone Gazette, Stone Local, and Trentham Local, by purchasing a column or page to disseminate information to residents, which would be considerably cheaper than printing, delivering and posting copies to residents. Cllr Leeson would obtain details of ‘Junction 15’ which was also published locally. Cllr Mateu was continuing to work towards producing a local newsletter to cover the area.

20/17 Items for next Church magazine Information had been submitted for the final edition of the Church magazine.

20/18 Correspondence and circulars received by the Clerk The Clerk reported the receipt of a letter from a Trentham resident re Grade II listed bridge; The Clerk magazine

20/19 Date of next meeting The next meeting of Swynnerton Parish Council will be held at 7.15 pm on Thursday 20 February 2020 at Tittensor Village Hall. There being no other business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, and declared the meeting closed.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..


Present: Cllr (Mrs) K Ong (Chairman) Cllr P Bickerstaffe Cllr F Cheadle Cllr N Leeson Cllr E Mateu Cllr B Price In attendance Mrs Liz Harrington-Jones (Parish Clerk) 1 member of the public PCSO Rebecca Moores Apologies: Cllr (Mrs) N Adams Cllr D Butler Cllr (Mrs) J Malkin Cllr J Pert, SCC Cllr R James, Stafford Borough Council (SBC) Cllr J Nixon, SBC

20/20 Welcome and Public Participation Time Cllr Ong welcomed everyone to the meeting. PCSO Moores reported that 11 calls had been received by the police during the last two months relating to Tittensor. There had recently been a significant attempt at a scam citing Amazon Prime; Councillors and residents were urged to be vigilant and put the telephone down as soon as they became suspicious of any call. Call blockers would filter out most unwanted calls. Police could be contacted for non urgent issues by dialling 10l, or using Facebook. Potholes should be reported to SCC Highways; if contacted the Police would forward reports to SCC Highways. Cllr Ong thanked PCSO Moores for her report. Mr Underhill, a long-time resident of Tittensor reported on the preparations of the village for the 2020 entry to the Best Kept Village competition, and thanked the Parish Council for their support and help for the village to be winners for the last two years. This is the third year that the village has entered, and the first year the competition is being organised by Community Foundation for Staffordshire; the emphasis this year is on community involvement, and entries must be made on-line. Mr Underhill was hoping to site additional recycling facilities in the village. One resident has undertaken to litter pick three times a week, and there had recently been a successful meeting to encourage residents to become more environmentally aware. Councillors were invited to attend a community meeting on 13 March at 7 pm in the Village Hall. 5,000 daffodil bulbs had been planted around the village Councillors agreed to arrange for the hedge surrounding the play area to be cut as soon as possible. Action: Clerk The Chairman thanked Mr Underhill for all the work he and his team had done around the village, and confirmed the support of the Parish Council

20/21 Reports of County Councillors and Borough Councillors There were no reports from Borough or County Councillors as Cllrs Pert, James and Nixon had all sent their apologies.

20/22 Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Adams, Butler and Malkin.

20/23 Declarations of Interest and to consider written requests from Councillors to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) No Declarations of interest had been received.

20/24 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 23 January 2020 RESOLVED That the minutes of the Swynnerton Parish Council meeting held on 23 January 2020 should be approved and signed by the Chairman.

20/25 Clerk’s Report, Items not on the agenda The Clerk reported that Cllr Pert had asked her to brief Councillors on the proposed consultations on yellow lines at different sites in the Parish. Cllr Pert has gained agreement to start the consultation with local residents for the build outs and double yellow lines in Swynnerton at the end of February 2020. Subject to the outcome of the consultation, the Traffic Regulation Order will be advertised with a target date of May 2020. Implementation of the Traffic Regulation Order should be during the summer holidays. This is all subject to the feedback on the scheme proposed. The proposed double yellow lines for Tittensor and Northwood Lane will be progressed on the same timeline – assuming all of the consultations are positive. All other matters would be considered as agenda items.

20/26 Financial matters 2026.i January accounts for payment

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..

The following accounts were considered – Clerk’s salary and expenses 296.10 Mr E Challinor, moving speed sign 35.00 Baralaston Parish Council, Training course on Planning 25.00 Tittensor Village Hall, contribution towards broadband installation costs 300.00 Total payments for February 2020 £656.10 RESOLVED – That the accounts for February 2020 should be approved for payment.

20/26.ii. Contribution to installation of broadband at Tittensor Village Hall Swynnerton Parish Council had previously agreed to contribute £300 towards the installation of broadband in village halls in the Parish.

20/27 Traffic issues in the Parish 20/27.i Update on available speed sign data Cllr Butler would comment further at the next meeting.

20/27.ii Reduction in traffic speeds near Hatton Waterworks Cllr Pert would obtain data on traffic speeds and accidents in the area.

20/27.iii Repairs to gate at Swynnerton During a recent snowstorm damage had been caused to the traffic calming gate at Swynnerton and to a lamp post on the opposite side of the road. SCC Highways had removed the damaged lamp post, and Mr Challinor had confirmed that he could repair the gate. The Clerk would contact SCC Highways for any information available on the driver involved so that if possible an invoice could be forwarded to cover the expenses incurred by SPC. Action: Clerk

20/28 Ward matters 20/28.i Swynnerton, issues raised by residents, including report on Councillors’ surgery Cllr Mateu reported on a surgery held the previous evening, which had been attended by 17 local representatives and residents. The Chairman read the minutes of the meeting, and it was agreed that the Parish Council would request the cutting back of a hedger obscuring visibility in the centre of the village, and contact the owner of The Old Post Office to request his co-operation with the village’s entry to the Best Kept Village competition. Action: Clerk It had not yet been ascertained who was responsible for digging up a section of pavement to the south of Swynnerton. Cllr Leeson reported that a 3-day Zombie event would be held at Cold Meece during the following weekend. Councillors agreed that the manager of the soil treatment site at Cold Meece should be invited to a future Parish Council meeting at Swynnerton Village Hall, and should be asked to provide figures on the number of wagons using the site and the tonnage of soil processed beforehand. Action: Clerk Cllr Mateu reported that the Swynnerton Speedwatch Group had recorded 426 vehicles passing through the village In an hour with 23 drivers guilty of speeding, leading to a possible income of £2,300 from any fines imposed, thus demonstrating that the system could work profitably. 20/28.ii Tittensor, issues raised by residents, traffic hazard on Winghouse Lane The drain at the end of Beechcliffe Lane had still not been cleared. Action: Clerk

20/28.iii Trentham, issues raised by residents A resident had raised concerns over an application for three telegraph poles to be installed in the Conservation Area on Trentham Golf Course land. This had been reported to the SBC Conservation Officer. The Clerk had spoken to SBC Biodiversity Officer, who had confirmed that the Parish Council’s responsibility for Ferndown Nature Reserve would only apply to the play area, and Councillors agreed that funds from the Friends of Ferndown should be accepted and should be ring-fenced as solely for the use of Ferndown Nature Reserve. RESOLVED That funding from Friends of Ferndown should be accepted and ring-fenced as exclusively to be used for Ferndown Nature Reserve.

20/29 Review of Local Plan for Stafford The Clerk had attended a briefing meeting on the Review of the Local Plan for Stafford, which was very general in its approach to long-term planning for the Borough.

20/30 SPCA (Staffordshire Parish Councils Association) After discussion Councillors agreed that they would review their membership of SPCA at the meeting to be held in May 2020.

20/31 Neighbourhood Plan, progress on submission of Plan The Clerk would attend a training session at Barlaston on Neighbourhood Plans. The Chairman was continuing to update the Plan by removing all references to Yarnfield and checking the validity of the data derived from the questionnaires, and would liaise with Cllr James SBC.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..

20/32 HS2, update on project The government had confirmed the continuation of the HS2 project, including the Handsacre link. A resident in the vicinity of the HS2 site off the A51 had reported difficulties in contacting SCC Highways with regards to problems on the roads. The Clerk had contacted the resident, SBC Planning Enforcement, and SCC Highways.

20/33 Parish Council Newsletter Cllr Mateu confirmed that he was progressing the production of a local newsletter, and would report back to future meetings.

20/34 Correspondence and circulars received by the Clerk The Clerk reported the receipt of SBC Members’ Digests Nos 263 and 264; SBC Good Practice Guide for Co-option of Councillors; Broxap street furniture catalogue

20/35 Date of next meeting The next meeting of Swynnerton Parish Council will be held at 7.15 pm on Thursday 26 March 2020* at Hanchurch Village Hall. There being no other business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, and declared the meeting closed.

*cancelled due to coronavirus government guidance

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..


Present: Cllr (Mrs) K Ong (Chairman) Cllr (Mrs) N Adams Cllr P Bickerstaffe Cllr D Butler Cllr F Cheadle Cllr (Mrs) J Malkin Cllr E Mateu In attendance Mrs Liz Harrington-Jones (Parish Clerk) 1 member of the public Apologies: Cllr N Leeson Cllr B Price Cllr J Pert, SCC Cllr R James, Stafford Borough Council (SBC) Cllr J Nixon, SBC

20/36 Welcome and Public Participation Time Cllr Ong welcomed everyone to the meeting after a break of several months. A Swynnerton resident raised concerns over a very overgrown hedge on a sharp bend at the south of the village, which obstructed the pavement and was hazardous for pedestrians. After discussion Councillors agreed that the Clerk should write to the occupier of the property and request that the hedge be cut back. Action: Clerk

20/37 Reports of County Councillors and Borough Councillors Cllr Pert reported that he had been contacted by residents on Whitmore Road, Trentham, who were hoping to set up a Speedwatch Group to combat the problems of speeding traffic along the road. Cllr Nixon had also been contacted by Whitmore Road residents with concerns about speeding traffic; he had delivered leaflets throughout the Parish, and was pushing for Amey to complete the work of removing the grassed area from the front of the bus shelter south of Swynnerton. The Clerk had written to two residents on Whitmore Road and updated them on the Parish Council’s plans to install permanent flashing speed signs (SIDs) at two sites on Whitmore Road and one on Northwood Lane, Trentham. The Chairman closed the public session of the meeting.

20/38 Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Leeson and Price, and Cllrs Pert (SCC), James (SBC), and Nixon (SBC) and these were accepted.

20/39 Declarations of Interest and to consider written requests from Councillors to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) No Declarations of interest had been received.

20/40 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2020 RESOLVED That the minutes of the Swynnerton Parish Council meeting held on 20 February 2020 should be approved and signed by the Chairman.

20/41 Clerk’s Report, Items not on the agenda The Clerk reported that the business of the Parish Council had continued during Covid 19 restrictions. There had as yet been no decision made on the resumption of Civic Amenity vehicle visits. All other matters would be considered as agenda items.

20/42 To award dispensations for Councillors unable to attend meetings due to Covid 19 restrictions The 6 month rule states that if a Councillor fails to attend a meeting for 6 consecutive months then they cease to be a Councillor. RESOLVED to grant dispensations to Councillors unable to attend meetings due to Covid 19 restrictions.

20/43 Financial matters 2043.i To note transactions made between March and June 2020 Expenditure between March and June 2020 is as follows; March Clerk’s salary and expenses 321.55 HMRC/NI 200.20 SPCA subscription 350.00 E Challinor, gate repairs sign 122.00

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..

Avdec, web hosting 72.00 SBC Election Recharges 285.43 1,351.18 April Clerk’s salary and expenses 471.04 D Malley, payroll 81.00 552.04 May Clerk’s salary and expenses 450.60 Defibrillator battery 216.00 BHIB insurance cover 782.47 1,449.07 June Clerk’s salary and expenses 676.82 HMRC PAYE/NI 303.40 E Challinor, moving sign 55.00 1,035.22

Councillors confirmed the payments made between March and June 2020. The Friends of Ferndown were no longer operating, and had forwarded their remaining funds of £1,960.87 towards the upkeep of the play area at Ferndown Nature Reserve.

20/43.ii July accounts for payment The following accounts were considered – Clerk’s salary and expenses 457.44 E Challinor, moving sign, replacing swing seat 75.00 Play-Ground Supplies, replacement cradle swing seat 126.00 John Green Landscapes 576.00 Total 1,234.44 RESOLVED – That the accounts for July 2020 should be approved for payment.

20/43.iii. To consider financial contributions to village halls as in previous years Swynnerton Parish Council has previously contributed £500 annually towards each of the three village halls (Swynnerton, Tittensor, and Hanchurch) in the Parish as a means of supporting an important village asset. Tittensor has submitted an invoice for £200 for the rental of the play area; as the Parish Council pays all maintenance and expenses of the play area this is normally deducted from the £500 grant so that each village hall receives the same amount. After discussion it was agreed to continue this practice. RESOLVED That £500 should be paid to Swynnerton, Tittensor, and Hanchurch Village Halls.

20/44 Traffic issues in the Parish Cfllr Bickerstaffe had reported to SCC Highways the damage to a traffic sign in Tittensor. 20/44.i Update on installation of solar powered speed signs Quotations had been received for the provision of 4 SIDs (3 in Trentham, 1 in Tittensor) at a cost of £2,119.90 per unit, or 3 SIDs (3 in Trentham) at a cost of £2,164.80. The provision and installation of poles would be an additional cost and an estimate for this should be received within the next two weeks. After discussion Councillors agreed that four solar powered SIDs for Tittensor and Trentham should be purchased and installed as soon as possible, and that an order should be placed for an additional solar powered SID for the south of Swynnerton in September/October when the second tranche of the precept had been received. RESOLVED That 4 solar powered solar powered flashing speed signs should be purchased for Trentham and Tittensor Wards, with a further solar powered flashing speed sign for Swynnerton to be purchased in September/October.

20/44.ii Public consultations on traffic calming/double yellow lines etc There was no progress to report.

Cfllr Mateu reported that the Swynnerton Speedwatch Group had met earlier in the day; traffic would seem to have reverted to pre Covid 19 levels, as 15 drivers had been recorded exceeding the speed limit with two drivers recorded travelling at 50+ mph. Cllr Malkin reported that Wm Gilder vehicles were not delivering to or collecting from a local farm as claimed, and would continue to monitor their vehicle movements. The road by the soil treatment centre at Cold Meece was still very muddy and dangerous , and it was agreed that the Clerk should contact SCC Enforcement again to make them aware of the situation. Action: Clerk

20/45 Ward matters 20/45.i Swynnerton, issues raised by residents The oil drums outside the military base at Cold Meece were extremely unsightly but were outside the Parish Council boundary. The Clerk would investigate who had tidied the path area south of the village. Action: Clerk 20/45.ii Tittensor, issues raised by residents

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..

The drain at the end of Beechcliffe Lane had still not been cleared. Action: Clerk

20/45.iii Trentham, issues raised by residents The three telegraph poles would no longer be installed in the Conservation Area on Trentham Golf Course land. Damage to the Grade II listed bridge on Golf Club land had been reported to SBC Conservation Officer. The Clerk would consult with the former Chairman of the Friends of Ferndown for advice on where to site a notice at the play area giving details of procedures to follow in an emergency. Action: Clerk The Clerk reported slight movement on two items of equipment at the play area and it was agreed to ask Mr Challinor to investigate. Action: Clerk

20/46 Review of Local Plan for Stafford No progress had been reported since February..

20/47 Neighbourhood Plan, progress on submission of Plan Updates on the information submitted in the questionnaires were still awaited from Cllr James (SBC). The Clerk had the original questionnaires and would analyse them and report back to the September meeting. Action: Clerk

20/48 HS2, update on project Trentham residents were hoping to present their Petition to the House of Lords in the autumn. They had declined the offer of a virtual presentation, preferring to present their Petition in person. HS2 were obliged to hold an annual meeting with parish councils affected by the project; Swynnerton PC had stated their preference for an actual meeting rather than a virtual meeting.

20/49 Correspondence and circulars received by the Clerk The Clerk reported that only routine correspondence had been received; relevant email correspondence had been forwarded to Councillors.

20/50 Date of next meeting The next meeting of Swynnerton Parish Council will be held at 7.15 pm on Thursday 27 August at Tittensor Village Hall. Councillors considered the arrangements that had been put in place for the meeting that had just been held, and agreed they had worked well. After discussion Councillors agreed that the wearing of face masks at future meetings should be voluntary, unless government instructions instructing otherwise were issued. There being no other business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, and declared the meeting closed at 8.10 pm.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..


Present: Cllr (Mrs) K Ong (Chairman) Cllr (Mrs) N Adams Cllr P Bickerstaffe Cllr D Butler Cllr F Cheadle Cllr (Mrs) J Malkin Cllr E Mateu In attendance Cllr J Nixon, SBC Mrs Liz Harrington-Jones (Parish Clerk) 21 members of the public Apologies: Cllr N Leeson Cllr B Price Cllr J Pert, SCC Cllr R James, Stafford Borough Council (SBC)

20/51 Welcome and Public Participation Time Cllr Ong welcomed everyone to the meeting. A number of Tittensor residents had attended to raise concerns over the behaviour of residents at The Groundslow, Stone Road, Tittensor. Due to Covid 19 restrictions implemented by the government and Tittensor Hall Management Committee, no more than 21 residents could be allowed entry to the building. A copy of a leaflet circulated round the village earlier was handed to the Chairman. Residents reported a year of anti- social behaviour, noise pollution, and nuisance, since the home opened Residents stressed they were not blaming the children, but believed the home to have been sited in the wrong location and near to several retirement properties. Residents believed there was insufficient recreation and outdoor space provision ; those residents in neighbouring properties were unable to use their gardens due to the noise, obscene language and gestures; food had been thrown over the fences, and damage had been done by stones thrown over fences, and on occasion bricks had been thrown over. Although staff would come round to apologise for unpleasant incidents, and compensation would be paid for damage caused, residents felt the incidents should not have been allowed to happen. Concerns were raised over the safety of the children, who on occasion had been seen climbing out of upper storey windows or exiting skylights; a child had had to be restrained when found in the churchyard; children had begged for cigarettes in the village. Residents reported that staff smoked outside the property. The Clerk explained that Parish Councils were not given prior notice of the change of use of a property to a children’s home as they were approved by use of a Local Development Certificate (LDC) and not a planning application for Change of Use, being classed as a domestic dwelling. After discussion the meeting agreed that the Clerk should write in the first instance to Unity Care, the management company for the home, to ask them to address the public nuisance caused by the home’s residents, and concern for the safety of the young people; the Clerk would also contact SCC for further information on the commissioning of services from Unity Care. Cllr Nixon would make enquiries with SBC about a statutory notice, and pass on details of the Local Safeguarding Officer so concerns over the safety of the children could be raised. Residents would consider raising concerns with their local MP. Action: Clerk, Cllr Nixon SBC Residents were urged to keep diaries of incidents and report them by letter or email so that a full record would be available A resident reported that the number of Wm Gilder HGVs travelling through the village seemed to have diminished in the past few weeks. The Chairman thanked all the residents who had attended, and assured them the Parish Council would do all it could to assist them with the problems they had experienced.

20/52 Reports of County Councillors and Borough Councillors Apologies had been received from Cllr Pert SCC and Cllr James SBC. Cllr Pert had reported to the Chair that work was continuing to prepare public consultations on proposals for traffic calming measures for build-outs in the centre of Swynnerton, and proposals for double yellow lines at sites in the Parish. A request had been made for a 40 mph speed limit between and Swynnerton, which would also go out to consultation. The government’s ‘Eat Out to Help Out’ campaign had been very successful locally. Cllr Nixon SBC reported that he had met residents of Whitmore Road, Trentham, and 47 volunteers had come forward for the proposed Speedwatch group. Residents had been very pleased that the order had been placed for permanent solar powered flashing speed signs (SIDs) on Whitmore Road and Northwood Lane, and would continue to press SCC Highways and the police for action on the traffic issues in the area. Work was continuing on the feasibility of a garden village at Meece Brook and further information should be available in the next few weeks.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..

Proposals had been made by national government for the establishment of unitary authorities, merging Borough and County Councils, as a cost saving measure. The Chairman thanked Cllr Nixon for his report and closed the public session of the meeting.

20/53 Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Leeson and Price, and these were accepted. Cllrs Pert (SCC) and James (SBC) had sent their apologies,

20/54 Declarations of Interest and to consider written requests from Councillors to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) No Declarations of interest had been received.

20/55 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 30 July 2020 RESOLVED That the minutes of the Swynnerton Parish Council meeting held on 30 July 2020 should be approved and signed by the Chairman.

20/56 Clerk’s Report, Items not on the agenda The Clerk reported that she had written to the Friends of Ferndown to thank them for forwarding their remaining funds to the Parish Council; Mr Challoner has secured the screws on play equipment at Ferndown p (20/43.i, 20/45.iii). SCC Enforcement had been contacted about the soil treatment plant at Cold Meece, and will visit the site (20/44.iii). Lord Stafford’s Estate has been contacted about the hedge in Swynnerton and will cut the hedge back further if requested (20/45.i). The earthworks to the south of the village had apparently been cleared on instruction from Cllr Pert.

20/57 Financial matters 2057.i August accounts for payment The following accounts were considered – Clerk’s salary and expenses 436.16 Hanchurch Village Hall 500.00 Tittensor Village Hall 500.00 Trentham Village Hall 500.00 E Challinor, moving sign, checking play equipment 75.00 John Green Landscapes 576.00 C Heelis, audit 75.00 Total payments for August 2020 £2,662.16 RESOLVED – That the accounts for August 2020 should be approved for payment.

2057.ii To receive the governance statements on Annual Return for financial year 2019/2020 RESOLVED That the governance statements on Annual Return for financial year 2019/20 should be approved.

2057.iii To receive the accounting statement on Annual Return for financial year 2019/2020 RESOLVED That the accounting statement on Annual Return for financial year 2019/2010 should be approved.

20/58 Traffic issues in the Parish 20/58.i Update on installation of solar powered speed signs The order had been placed for three solar powered SIDs for Trentham and one for Tittensor. Delivery was expected late autumn. A fifth unit for the site at the south of Swynnerton would be ordered in the autumn. Suitable posts had also been ordered through SCC. 20/58.ii Reporting of traffic and road issues to SCC Cllr Bickerstaffe reported on the difficulties experienced in reporting issues, particularly if urgent, to SCC Highways as the only communication is via email or an app. There had recently been a diesel spill in Tittensor, resulting in a traffic accident; the only means of reporting the incident urgently was via the police using the ‘101’; or ‘999’ numbers. It had taken time for the incident to be sorted out as the cleaning crews had attended the wrong site (Chase Lane rather than Winghouse Lane). Other problems in reporting issues in the Parish were discussed, including the necessity of making three separate reports if a road sign is obscured, and the difficulty in identifying which category an incident should be reported to.

20/60 Ward matters Swynnerton, Tittensor, Trentham There were no further matters raised; Tittensor issues had been discussed during the public question time.

20/61 To confirm and adopt Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Financial Risk Assessment, Code of Conduct The Internal Auditor had stated that the above documents should be confirmed and adopted annually, and not at the Annual Meeting which would be held in 2021 due to the Covid 19 pandemic. The Clerk would edit Standing Orders to remove the word ‘Model’.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..

RESOLVED That Standing Orders, Financial Regulations, Financial Risk Assessment, Code of Conduct should be confirmed and adopted.

20/62 Website Cllr Bickerstaffe urged greater use of the website, which could be used to provide more up to date information on the Parish and be interactive for opinion gathering through the use of polls,

20/63 Letter of thanks from the Lord Lieutenant of Staffordshire for Covid service in communities Trentham Councillors discussed possible recipients and agreed to send cards to Tittensor and Swynnerton Post Offices and the Fitzherbert Arms, Swynnerton. Action: Clerk

20/64 Neighbourhood Plan, progress on submission of Plan After discussion Councillors agreed that as almost all the work was completed the Clerk should investigate the possibility of applying for further grant funding to cover the cost of employing a professional to complete the Plan, amending it to cover the removal of any matter relating to the former Yarnfield Ward. Action: Clerk

20/65 HS2, update on project Residents of Hanchurch Crossroads were expecting to submit their Petition to the House of Lords on 16 September 2020, along with SRCG and residents of Yarnfield. No date had yet been set for the annual meeting between HS2 and residents affected by the project, which would be virtual despite the clear majority of residents having stated a preference for a face-to-face meeting.

20/66 Correspondence and circulars received by the Clerk The Clerk reported that playing equipment brochures, bank statements and cheque books had been received; relevant email correspondence had been forwarded to Councillors. SBC had emailed earlier in the day to ask for reports on how Parish Councils have coped with Covid 19 and how they have assisted residents.

20/67 Date of next meeting After discussion Councillors agreed that the September meeting should be moved to Thursday 17 September to avoid clashing with SBC Parish Forum meeting, and would be held in Swynnerton Village Hall. There being no other business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, and declared the meeting closed.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..


Present: Cllr D Butler (Chairman) Cllr (Mrs) N Adams Cllr F Cheadle Cllr (Mrs) J Malkin Cllr E Mateu In attendance Mrs Liz Harrington-Jones (Parish Clerk) Apologies: Cllr (Mrs) K Ong (Chairman) Cllr P Bickerstaffe Cllr N Leeson Cllr B Price Cllr J Pert, SCC Cllr R James, Stafford Borough Council (SBC) Cllr J Nixon, SBC

20/68 Welcome and Public Participation Time As Cllr Ong was unwell Cllr Butler welcomed everyone to the meeting and took the chair.

20/69 Reports of County Councillors and Borough Councillors Cllr Pert SCC had earlier informed the Clerk that the public consultation on yellow lines (Tittensor) and build outs (Swynnerton) had taken place earlier in the year in May or June. No Swynnerton Ward Councillor had received any correspondence and it was agreed that the Clerk should contact Cllr Pert to ask for details of the consultation. Action: Clerk 20/70 Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Ong, Bickerstaffe, Leeson and Price, and these were accepted. Cllrs Pert (SCC), Nixon and James (SBC) had sent their apologies,

20/71 Declarations of Interest and to consider written requests from Councillors to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) No Declarations of interest had been received.

20/72 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 27 August 2020 RESOLVED That the minutes of the Swynnerton Parish Council meeting held on 27 August 2020 should be approved and signed by the Chairman.

20/73 Clerk’s Report, Items not on the agenda The Clerk reported that the issues raised by Titttensor residents at the previous meeting had been forwarded to Unity Care, who in their response had offered to meet residents. The response had been posted to the residents’ representative, but no reply had yet been received from them. The Clerk would obtain a spare set of keys to enable |Mr Challinor to inspect the notice boards.

20/74 Financial matters 2074.i September accounts for payment The following accounts were considered – Clerk’s salary and expenses 449.04 HMRC, PAYE/NI 303.40 E Challinor, moving sign 35.00 fJ Green, grass cutting 288.00 Total payments for September 2020 £1,075.44 RESOLVED – That the accounts for September 2020 should be approved for payment.

20/75 Traffic issues in the Parish 20/75.i Update on installation of solar powered speed signs The flashing speed signs are not expected to be delivered until well into October. The Clerk will contact SCC to confirm the installation of posts. Action: Clerk The flashing speed sign would be moved to a different site on the following Monday.

20/76 Ward matters Swynnerton, Tittensor, Trentham A resident of Frobisher Drive, Swynnerton, had asked to plant bulbs at the entrance to the Drive, and this was agreed. Cllr Malkin reported that Gilders lorries were again travelling through Tittensor.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..

20/77 To confirm and adopt the Accessibility Statement for Swynnerton PC REOLVED That the Accessibility Statement for Swynnerton PC should be confirmed and adopted.

20/78 Neighbourhood Plan, progress on submission of Plan After discussion Councillors agreed that the Clerk should contact Urban Vision to obtain an estimate for completing and submitting the Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk reported that approximately £7,000 funding should be available, with opportunities to apply for further funding if appropriate.

20/79 HS2, update on project Councillors were reminded of a briefing by HS2 the following day via Zoom on the archaeological discoveries that had been made since work started on the project.

20/80 Recruitment process for new Clerk SPCA has provided an information pack, not all of it relevant, which the Clerk would edit and circulate to Councillors. The Clerk would prepare a draft advertisement and job description and circulate them to Councillors.

20/81 Correspondence and circulars received by the Clerk Bank statements had been received by post. All relevant email correspondence had been forwarded to Councillors. Councillors were reminded that the SBC Parish Forum would be held the following Thursday by Zoom.

20/82 Date of next meeting The next meeting would be held in Tittensor Village Hall on Thursday 29 October 2020 at 7.15 pm. There being no other business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, and declared the meeting closed.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..


Present: Cllr (Mrs) K Ong (Chairman) Cllr (Mrs) N Adams Cllr F Cheadle Cllr (Mrs) J Malkin In attendance Mrs Liz Harrington-Jones (Parish Clerk) Apologies: Cllr P Bickerstaffe Cllr N Leeson Cllr E Mateu Cllr B Price Cllr J Pert, SCC Cllr R James, Stafford Borough Council (SBC) Cllr J Nixon, SBC

20/83 Welcome and Public Participation Time Cllr Ong welcomed everyone to the meeting; there were no members of the public in attendance.

20/84 Reports of County Councillors and Borough Councillors Cllr James had forwarded information on the latest Covid 19 situation locally. The Chairman closed the public session of the meeting.

20/85 Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Bickerstaffe, Leeson Mateu, and Price, and these were accepted. Cllrs Pert (SCC), Nixon and James (SBC), Mr Stefan Amison, had sent their apologies,

20/86 Declarations of Interest and to consider written requests from Councillors to grant a dispensation (S33 of the Localism Act 2011) No Declarations of interest had been received.

20/87 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 17 September 2020 RESOLVED That the minutes of the Swynnerton Parish Council meeting held on 17 September 2020 should be approved and signed by the Chairman.

20/88 Clerk’s Report, Items not on the agenda The Clerk had provided -Mr Challinor with a set of keys to enable work to start to update the notice boards. Councillors were concerned that only two premises in Swynnerton village appeared to have been consulted on the proposals for traffic calming, including build outs; the Clerk would forward the information she held. Action: Clerk The Clerk would circulate to Councillors details of the lamp post in Swynnerton village for which the Parish Council pays an annual charge. Action: Clerk

20/89 Financial matters 2074.i October accounts for payment The following accounts were considered – Clerk’s salary and expenses 475.62 E Challinor, moving sign , making zip wire safe 105.00 John Green Landscapes, grass cutting 576.00 Eon, annual charge for lamp post 99.96 Royal British Legion (2 wreaths) 34.00 The Play Inspection Co Ltd 180.00 Wychwood Play Surfaces (F’down repairs) 420.00 Total payments for October 2020 £1,890.58

RESOLVED – That the accounts for October 2020 should be approved for payment. Natwest Bank had supplied a form to enable additional cheque signatories to be created, and this would be completed as soon as possible. The Clerk would seek clarification from Natwest on various points. Action: Clerk

20/90 Traffic issues in the Parish 20/90.i Update on installation of solar powered speed signs A date from SCC Highways is awaited for the installation of the new posts to carry the solar powered units; once this has been confirmed the delivery of the SIDs from France can be confirmed and the installation can then be completed. The Clerk would contact Eccleshall PC for information on how they installed and move their solar powered units. Water running down Chase Lane, Tittensor, and on to the A34 had been reported to SCC Highways again, and was classed as being addressed within 60 days.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..

Councillors discussed the increasing numbers of HGVs travelling through Tittensor, using Winghouse Lane as a through route. The size and speed of the vehicles caused problems due to the number of parked cars on the route; there is no weight restriction on the road. Councillors discussed different options to address the problem and agreed that the Clerk should send official letters to three companies known to be using the route, how long any existing contracts had to run, and seeking their co-operation in re-routing their vehicles. Councillors were asked to provide photographic evidence where available. Action: Clerk, Cllr Malkin The Clerk would also contact SCC to ask for advice and possible solutions, such as experimental traffic orders, re- routing of HGV traffic. She would also research and if necessary seek help from the Staffordshire Freight and Communities Forum. Action; Clerk Councillors discussed siting a flashing speed sign, either solar powered or the battery powered unit, in the vicinity of the Groundslow site and would consult Groundslow Residents Association and SCC for advice.

20/91 Ward matters Swynnerton, Tittensor, Trentham A resident of Frobisher Drive, Swynnerton had, as agreed, planted bulbs at the entrance to the Drive. Tittensor Village Hall had requested financial support in view of recent expenditure on roof cleaning and replacement equipment for the defibrillator. Councillors agreed in principle to support the maintenance of the defibrillator; the Clerk would circulate information on the contribution made towards Swynnerton village defibrillator and running costs for maintaining defibrillators. Councillors confirmed that the recent quotation provided by a local specialist company to repair the Hopscotch grid at Ferndown play area should be accepted; it was hoped that the work could be carried out within the next few days (weather permitting). The cost was considerably reduced as local volunteers would ensure that the Hopscotch area would not be used for 2-3 hours so that the repair work could be allowed to dry completely. RESOLVED That Wychwood Play Surfaces should be instructed to repair the Hopscotch grid at Ferndown play area.

20/92 Neighbourhood Plan, progress on submission of Plan Urban Vision had agreed to complete and submit the Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk reported that approximately £7,000 funding should be available, with opportunities to apply for further funding if appropriate.

20/93 HS2, update on project The Clerk would contact the Trentham residents who had recently petitioned the House of Lords for an update on their progress. Action: Clerk

20/94 Recruitment process for new Clerk Advertisements had been placed with SPCA and SLCC, and notices of the vacancy had been placed on SPC notice boards. Councillors discussed preparing a less formal notice for display and this was agreed.

20/95 Co-option procedure to be followed to fill Councillor vacancy Councillors agreed that notices should be displayed in Swynnerton advertising the vacancy on the Parish Council and encouraging applications to be made to the Clerk as soon as possible, so that the co-option process could be implemented quickly and preferably at the November meeting. Action: Clerk

20/96 Correspondence and circulars received by the Clerk Only routine items had been received by post. All relevant email correspondence had been forwarded to Councillors.

20/97 Date of next meeting The next meeting would be held in Swynnerton Village Hall on Thursday 19 November 2020 at 7.15 pm. In view of the impending changes to procedures resulting from the continuing effects of the coronavirus pandemic, and reduced SCC and SBC business during December, it was agreed to cancel the December meeting. The next meeting following the November meeting would be 21 or 28 January 2021; meeting arrangements would be confirmed closer to that date. There being no other business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, and declared the meeting closed.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..


Present: Cllr (Mrs) K Ong (Chairman) Cllr (Mrs) N Adams Cllr S Amison (co-opted at meeting, Agenda item 20/103) Cllr F Cheadle Cllr (Mrs) J Malkin In attendance Mrs Liz Harrington-Jones (Parish Clerk) 1 member of the public Apologies: Cllr P Bickerstaffe Cllr N Leeson Cllr E Mateu Cllr B Price Cllr J Pert, Staffordshire County Council (SCC) Cllr R James, Stafford Borough Council (SBC) Cllr J Nixon, SBC

20/98 Welcome and Public Participation Time Cllr Ong welcomed everyone to the meeting. Mr Amison reported that there was no lighting outside the properties at Williams Walk, Swynnerton; the Clerk would contact Stafford & Rural Homes. Action: Clerk

20/99 Reports of County Councillors and Borough Councillors Cllr James had forwarded information on the latest Covid 19 situation locally. The Chairman closed the public session of the meeting.

20/100 Apologies for absence had been received from Cllrs Bickerstaffe, Leeson, Mateu, and Price, and these were accepted. Cllrs Pert (SCC), Nixon and James (SBC), had sent their apologies,

20/101 Declarations of Interest and to consider written requests from Councillors to grant a dispensation S33 of the Localism Act 2011) Cllr Malkins reported that she was an Officer of Tittensor Bowling Club. No other Declarations of interest or written requests for dispensation had been received.

20/102 To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 29 October 2020 RESOLVED That the minutes of the Swynnerton Parish Council meeting held on 29 October 2020 should be approved and signed by the Chairman.

20/103 Co-option of Parish Councillor to fill vacancy for Swynnerton Ward One resident of Swynnerton, Mr Stefan Amison, had applied for the vacancy on Swynnerton Ward, and was co-opted to Swynnerton Parish Council. The Chairman welcomed Cllr Amison to the Parish Council.

20/104 Matters arising from the Minutes and not covered in the agenda Councillors were concerned at the lack of consultation over the proposal to install ‘build outs’ in the centre of Swynnerton village; neither the Parish Council nor individual Councillors had been consulted, and Councillors were not aware of any residents who had been consulted. After discussion it was agreed that the Clerk should contact SCC Highways to request a list of those who had been consulted. Action: Clerk

20/105 Clerk’s Report, Items not on the agenda The Clerk had received an email from SBC asking for facilities in 2021 to help with the Census; this would be passed to village and church halls. Action: Clerk Mr Challinor had commenced re-siting the Parish Council’s notice board in the centre of Swynnerton village. Cllr Leeson had forwarded a report on the work of The Lady Katherine and Sir Richard Leveson Charity, which had been forwarded to Councillors.

20/106 Financial matters 20/106.i November accounts for payment The following accounts were considered – Clerk’s salary and expenses 469.89 SPCA Training course 20.00 John Green Landscapes, grass cutting 288.00 Total payments for November 2020 £777.89

RESOLVED – That the accounts for November 2020 should be approved for payment.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..

RESOLVED – That, as the December meeting of the Parish Council had been cancelled, the Clerk should process requests for payment received, after notifying Parish Councillors of their receipt. . 20/106.ii Consideration of payment of NALC nationally agreed pay award for Clerks After discussion Councillors agreed the payment of the nationally agreed pay award for Clerks, backdated to 1 April 2020.

20/106.iii Consideration of precept requirements for 2021/2022 Councillors discussed likely expenditure for 2021/2022 and agreed to await further information on the precept for 2021/2022 from SBC. The Clerk had received information on companies who should be qualified to re-point the War Memorial at Swynnerton, and would obtain estimates for the work.

20/107 Traffic issues in the Parish 20/107.i Update on installation of solar powered speed signs SCC Highways were hoping to install the heavy duty posts for the SIDs during the week commencing 30 November 2020; when that was confirmed the delivery of the SIDs would be confirmed. Eccleshall PC had supplied contact details for the building contractor who installed and moved their solar powered SIDs. 20/107.ii Chase Lane, junction with the A34 at Tittensor Work had commenced at the junction of Chase Lane, Tittensor, with the junction with the A34 and it was hoped that this would improve the situation where water and debris had been carried on to the carriageway. 20/107..iii Speed and volume of traffic along Winghouse Lane, Tittensor Councillors discussed the possibility of installing an additional SID near to the properties on the former Groundslow hospital site, and agreed to liaise with SCC Highways and Groundslow Residents Association.

20/108 Ward matters Swynnerton, Tittensor, Trentham 208.i Ferndown Play Area, Trentham The repair to the Hopscotch area had been completed. A quote was still awaited for the repair to the zip wire. 208.ii Tittensor Bowling Club, request for financial support After discussion Councillors agreed to make a one off payment to Tittensor Bowling Club to cover insurance costs and help them to cope with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on their income. RESOLVED That a payment of £409 should be made to Tittensor Bowling Club to cover insurance costs. 20/208.iii Progress on refurbishment of notice boards This had been covered under Minute 20/105.

20/209 Neighbourhood Plan, progress on submission of Plan Urban Vision had agreed to complete and submit the Neighbourhood Plan. The Clerk reported that approximately £7,000 funding should be available, with opportunities to apply for further funding if appropriate; a response and confirmation from My Community was awaited.

20/210 HS2, update on project The Clerk would contact the Trentham residents who had recently petitioned the House of Lords for an update on their progress. Action: Clerk

202114 Recruitment process for new Clerk Advertisements had been placed with SPCA and SLCC, and notices of the vacancy had been placed on SPC notice boards. One application had been received; it was agreed to close the period for applying on 10 December 2020.

20/115 Correspondence and circulars received by the Clerk Only routine items had been received by post. All relevant email correspondence had been forwarded to Councillors.

20/116 Date of next meeting The next meeting would be held in Tittensor Village Hall on Thursday 21 January 2021 at 7.15 pm. The Clerk would book Parish Council meetings for the first half of 2021, when it was hoped the situation regarding meetings and procedures would be clearer. There being no other business the Chairman thanked everyone for attending, and declared the meeting closed.

Date ……………………………………… Cll K Ong, Chairman .……………………………………………..