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The Messages Revealed Through Matty's Way of Solving the Conflicts in Lois Lowry's Messenger

The Messages Revealed Through Matty's Way of Solving the Conflicts in Lois Lowry's Messenger




Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 124214106





Presented as Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements For the Degree of Sarjana Sastra in English Letters



Student Number: 124214106




A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis


By MARCELLYNO DRYAN WIRANTOKO Student Number: 124214106

Approved by

Drs. Hirrnawan Wijanarka, M.Hum. July 16, 2019 Advisor

Dr. Tatang 1skarna July 16,2019 Co-Advisor


A Sarjana Sastra Undergraduate Thesis


By MARCELLYNO DRYAN WIRANTOKO Student Number: 124214106

Defended before the Board ofExaminers on July 24, 2019 and Declared Acceptable '


Name SigJ}ature

Chairperson : Drs. Hinnawan Wijanarka, M.Hum. ~ ~ Secretary : Dr. Tatang Iskarna

Member 1 : Dra. Th. Enny Anggraini, Ph.D. f/dW'

Member 2 : Drs. Hinnawan Wijanarka, M.Hum.

Member 3 : Dr. Tatang Iskarna

Yogyakarta, July 31, 2019 Faculty ofLetters Sanata Dharma University Dean



I certify that this undergraduate thesis contains no material which has been previously submitted for the award of any other degree at any university, and that, to the best of my knowledge, this undergraduate thesis contains no material previously written by any other person except where due refero:nce is made in the text ofthe undergraduate thesis.

Yogyakarta, July 15, 2019

Marcellyno Dryan Wirantoko



Yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, saya mahasiswa Universitas Sanata Dharma

Nama : Marcellyno Dryan Wirantoko Nomor Mahasiswa : 124214106

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Demikian surat ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya.

Dibuat di Yogyakarta Pada tanggal 15 Juli 2019

Yang menyatakan,

Marcellyno Dryan Wirantoko


“Mbok gek ndang lulus, Le !!”

My Mom






First of all, I would like to say thanks to Allah SWT for everything You have given to me and still gives me blessings and time to finish my study.

My greatest gratitude goes to my advisor, Drs. Hirwjlwan Wijanarka,

M.Hum and my Co-Advisor Dr. Tatang lskarna who supported me and advised - me throughout the writing process ofmy undergraduate thesis with their patience, knowledge, critical mind and willingness.

Furthermore, I would like to thank my mom Jacqueline Kelly Manumpahi, my dad, my sister and also my girlfriend Siti Hasnah M. Nasution who always support me with never ending encouragement so that I can finish my study. I dedicate this thesis to all my friends in English Department, Horde of Kopmasus,

Kotabaru Skateboarding and Hola-Holo Squad, those are Asmara as my personal tutor, Amos, Antony, Andre, Alex, Baped, Bernard, Dida, Dwigo, Desty, Dhanny,

Enbe, Gatot, Gusti, Gusnanputra Gelen, lkhsan, luno, Jampes, Julyan, Kevin Jon,

Kevin Khalista, Lydia, Mbak Ninik Sekre, Niko, Nopen, Odie, Papam, Penyik,

Ranjang, Rany, Satrio, Satya, Sela, Shuko, Sony, Tony, Toto, Wisnu and Simbok

KOPMA. They all mean a lot to me and thanks for the endless friendship, togetherness, and motivation.

Marcellyno Dryan Wirantoko



CHAPTER I: INTRODUCTION ...... 1 A. Background of the Study ...... 1 B. Problem Formulation ...... 3 C. Objectives of the Study ...... 3 D. Definition of Terms ...... 4

CHAPTER II: REVIEW OF LITERATURE ...... 5 A. Review of Related Studies ...... 5 B. Review of Related Theories ...... 7 C. Theoretical Framework ...... 11

CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY ...... 13 A. Object of the Study ...... 13 B. Approach of the Study ...... 14 C. Method of the Study ...... 15

CHAPTER IV: ANALYSIS ...... 16 A. The Characteristics of Matty ...... 16 B. The Conflicts Faced by Matty ...... 31 C. The Messages Revealed through Matty’s Way of Solving the Conflicts . 37





WIRANTOKO, MARCELLYNO DRYAN. The Messages Revealed through Matty’s Way of Solving the Conficts in Lois Lowry’s Messenger. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2019. This thesis analyzes the novel entitled Messenger which is written by Lois Lowry. The story tells about a boy named Matty, who works as a messenger by delivering messages across villages which are surrounded by a harmful forest. There are three research objectives that are analyzed in this thesis. The first is to identify the characteristics of Matty. The second is to discover the conflicts faced by Matty. The third is to look for the messages as revealed through Matty’s way of solving the conflicts. This undergraduate thesis uses library research method. The new criticism approach is used in this thesis to analyze the character, conflicts, and messages. It is applied in order to answer the problem formulations in this research. The writer is able to reveal some possible messages from Matty’s characteristics and the conflicts that are faced by Matty. Matty has five characteristics. They are obedient, curious, responsible, brave and wise. Those five characteristics show how Matty is described in the story. Matty’s conflicts are divided into two types, they are internal and external conflicts. The internal conflicts happen inside of Matty when he actually has superpower and wants to tell others but he is still in dilemma because he does not want to promise something that seems impossible. Also when he is about to begin his journey, his friend is sick and he wants to help, but he needs to save his energy. Then the writer divides the external conflicts into two conflicts. First is when Matty prepares himself to begin the journey but Leader forbids Matty to go. Second, Matty’s conflicts against Kira. Matty wants to heal Kira’s twisted leg but Kira does not want to be healed. She accepts herself the way she is right now. Based on the analysis toward Matty’s characteristics and conflicts, the writer found the messages that are revealed through Matty’s way of solving the conflicts. They are, we have to be wise in making decision, we must dare to take a risk to achieve our goal, do not give up easily, and we must ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of goodness. Keywords: messages, conflicts, Messenger



ABSTRAK WIRANTOKO, MARCELLYNO DRYAN. The Messages Revealed through Matty’s Way of Solving the Conficts in Lois Lowry’s Messenger. Yogyakarta: Department of English Letters, Faculty of Letters, Sanata Dharma University, 2019. Studi ini menganalisis tentang sebuah novel yang berjudul Messenger karya Lois Lowry. Novel ini menceritakan tentang seorang anak yang bernama Matty, yang bekerja sebagai pengirim pesan kepada penduduk yang bertempat tinggal di sebuah desa yang dikelilingi oleh hutan yang berbahaya. Terdapat tiga hal yang diteliti di studi ini. Pertama, mengidentifikasi karakteristik Matty. Kedua, menemukan berbagai konflik yang dihadapi Matty. Ketiga, mencari pesan yang terungkap melalui cara Matty mengatasi berbagai konflik yang ia hadapi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode studi pustaka. Pendekatan New Criticism diterapkan untuk menganalisa karakter, konflik, dan pesan dalam novel. Metode ini, diterapkan untuk menjawab rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini. Penulis dapat mengungkap berbagai pesan yang didapat melalui karakteristik Matty dan konflik yang ia hadapi. Matty memiliki lima karakteristik. Karakteristik tersebut adalah, penurut, ingin tahu, tanggung jawab, pemberani dan bijak. Kelima karakteristik tersebut menunjukan bagaimana Matty digambarkan dalam cerita. Konflik yang dihadapi Matty dibagi menjadi dua jenis, yaitu konflik internal dan eksternal. Konflik internal terjadi di dalam diri Matty ketika ia sebenarnya memiliki kekuatan super dan ingin memberi tahu orang lain tetapi ia berada di dalam dilema karena ia tidak ingin menjanjikan sesuatu yang mustahil. Adapun ketika Matty hendak memulai perjalanan, temannya sedang sakit dan Matty ingin membantu, tetapi ia harus menyimpan tenaganya selama di perjalanan. Kemudian, penulis membagi konflik eksternal menjadi dua bagian. Pertama, ketika Matty mempersiapkan dirinya untuk memulai perjalanan, namun Leader melarang Matty untuk pergi. Kedua, konflik Matty terhadap Kira. Matty ingin menyembuhkan kaki Kira yang cacat, namun Kira tidak ingin disembuhkan. Kira menerima dirinya apa adanya. Berdasarkan analisis mengenai karakteristik dan konflik Matty, penulis menemukan beberapa pesan yang terungkap melalui cara Matty mengatasi konflik. Pesan tersebut adalah, kita harus bijak dalam mengambil keputusan, kita harus berani mengambil resiko demi mencapai tujuan kita, jangan mudah menyerah dan kita harus siap untuk mengorbankan diri kita demi kebaikan.

Kata kunci: messages, conflicts, Messenger





A. Background of the Study

Literature is a branch of art that comes in form of literary works. Literary works also can be found in so many forms, like novels, poems, lyrics, short stories, and so on. The authors can possibly create literary work based on their experiences, imaginations, or probably their close relatives’ background or story.

There are some literary works that are based on true story and some are fake or based on imaginations and is called as fiction.

It can be seen that literature is connected to people in their lives. It is like a strong bond telling each other’s stories. Sometimes, literature can be a getaway for some people to escape from their problems or instead, to solve their problems and sometimes, literature is a reflection of humans’ lives.

The statement above is supported by Wellek and Warren in the following quotation

Literature is the reflection of human feeling toward his life. It is closely related to human experience through which we can learn the image of human beings that is expressed in the written way, It can also be defined as the work of arts which represents human life (1956: 94). It can be seen that literature helps people to express their feelings, experiences or imaginations, to work as a bridge so the idea can be poured into a beautiful artwork for the readers to enjoy. Artist or author is also a part of certain society.



They learn a lot from their social life and they get through conflicts and problems in their life and with the presence of literature. Its function does not only prove that literature is also part of human’s life but also as a reflection of humans’ experience or simply as a reflection of their life. It can be their problems or simply the picture of their imaginations. Some seek for a way out, to have a better life so that people can learn lessons from their life.

Messenger is a great example of modern fiction novel that contains some valuable messages inside the story. The writer tries to reveal what are the messages inside the book for the readers, so the readers will have no difficulties in understanding the story with the messages provided by the writer.

The writer believes that the messages can motivate the readers. Some messages actually simply are taken from daily life. Therefore, the readers may think that the messages are relatable for the readers and the writer hopes that with the messages provided later in this thesis, those messages will be able to help the readers to overcome the problems in their life.

Messenger is a story about a population of people who live in a place called village. The village itself is an isolated place because it is surrounded by a dense forest. The people who live in this particular village came from other village-like place and they must walk their path through thick forest to enter the village. Some of the villagers have a special name, and their name comes from the unique ability they possess. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


The protagonist the writer wants to bring to be the main discussion is

Matty, who work as a messenger to deliver messages. He lives with an old blind man called Seer. One day the border of the village is going to be closed and outsiders can no longer enter the village, while Matty has to do one last job the

Seer asked him to do. He has so little time and he is not allowed to be late. The border will soon be closed and he will never be able to enter the forest forever. It is obvious that Matty has a lot of conflicts and the writer also wants to analyze his willingness to survive and his struggle to finish the task.

The reason why the writer chooses Lois Lowry’s Messenger as the object of the study is because the plot is interesting. There are lots of conflicts between man against himself and against nature and the most important thing is the story provides several valuable messages which can be taken as lessons for the writer.

So, with all the conflicts Matty faces, the writer wants to analyze them and later can reveal the messages from the story through this thesis. Therefore, the readers can understand the story with the messages provided by the writer.

B. Problem Formulations

1. How is Matty described in the story?

2. What are the conflicts faced by Matty?

3. What are the messages revealed through Matty’s way of solving the conflicts?

C. Objectives of the Study

The first objective of the study is to analyze the characteristics of Matty as the main character in the story , second objective of the study is to identify what PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI


conflicts faced by Matty inside the story and the third objective of the study is to find out how Matty’s characteristics and his survival spirit becomes the key in revealing the message of the story in Lois Lowry’s Messenger. The series of the analysis is in great order because in order to reveal the messages, the writer needs to figure out Matty’s characteristics and followed by analyzing the conflicts he is dealing with that later the messages can be revealed.

D. Definition of Terms

To avoid misunderstanding and misleading of terms. The writer uses some terms as follows for the readers understanding this study.

1. Messages

Message can be obtained from conflicts and how the main character deal with the conflicts. It is different from synopsis. Synopsis summarizes the whole story into several paragraphs, while message is more like moral values or lessons that can be taken from a story. Beaty and Hunter define message as the real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (1989: 899).

2. Conflicts

According to Holman and Harmon, conflict is,

The struggle that grows out of the interplay of the two opposing forces in the plot. Conflict may be an argument between opposing forces, like man against man, nature, fate, society, or perhaps the internal one between the two opposing parts of man’s personality (1986: 107).




A. Review of Related Studies

In this study, the researcher summarizes several studies which are related to the topic of this study. The first study is “The Messages Revealed Through

Thomas’ Conflicts in James Dashner’s The Maze Runner” written by Dwigo

Biyas Tarigan (2017) from Sanata Dharma University. He explains that

the purposes of this study are first, identify the main character, Thomas; second, identify the conflicts faced by Thomas; and third, showing the messages as revealed through the conflicts faced by Thomas (Tarigan, 2017). In Tarigan’s undergraduate thesis, he has three problems in writing his thesis.

First, he wants to identify the main character. Second, he wants to identify the conflicts faced by the main character who is Thomas. Third, he wants to show the messages as revealed through the conflicts faced by Thomas as the main character.

It is actually almost the same as this study which is to find the messages of the story. However, the difference between this study from Tarigan’s is that this study has more focus in finding the messages through the way the main character solves the conflicts.

The researcher also finds another thesis from Sanata Dharma University entitled “The Messages Revealed through Hasari Pal and His Conflicts in



Dominique Lapierre’s the City of Joy” by Agustinus Damar Priyanugraha. In his thesis, he explains that

message in a story is intended as suggestion related to practical lesson that can be taken by the readers through the story. They are closely related to the problems in life, such as attitude and behavior. The readers can find them in a real life, in the same manners as they are reflected on the story through its characters (Priyanugraha, 2013: 13). The study quoted above has several similarities with this study which discusses messages. Priyanugraha also wants to find out the messages of the story from

Hasari Pal’s characterization and his conflict. Though the approcahes of the study are the same, it is still different compared to this study because the researcher uses a different object of study which is Messenger written by Lois Lowry as the author.

The other thesis is written by Natasha Godeliva from Sanata Dharma

University in her undergraduate thesis entitled “The Messages as Revealed by the

Characters’ Series of Tragedy in Lemony Snicket’s a Series of Unfortunate

Events: The Bad Beginning” she explains that

it is important for any works of literature, especially novel to communicate the messages that are intended by the author, so that the reader can understand what is intended and gain some good points and better perspective in their life (Godeliva, 2011: 17). In Godeliva’s undergraduate thesis, she has three purposes in writing her thesis.

First, she wants to find the children’s character and characterization. Second, she wants to describe the tragedy which happens in the story. Third, she wants to know the moral message which is revealed by the characters.



Godeliva’s study is quite the same as this study, the main purpose is to find the message of the story. However, what makes it different is that Godeliva is trying to find the messages revealed thorugh the author, while this study is trying to find the messages through Matty as the main character in solving the conflicts inside the story.

The researcher learns that in writing this study, there are some studies that are related. Those related studies helps the researcher to develop the main focus in this study which is to reveal the messages through the way Matty solves the conflicts.

B. Review of Related Theories

1. Theory of Character and Characterization.

According to Abrams, he says that

characters are the persons characterized in a story, who are interpreted by the reader as being gifted with specific moral, intellectual, and emotional qualities by inferences from characters’ conversation and their distinctive ways of saying it and from what they do (Abrams, 1999: 32). The details about characterization theory are explained by M.J Murphy (1972:

161-173). a. Personal Description

Characters are described by the author regarding his/her distinctive body parts, like face, outfits, or personal traits. This particular description about the characters is very important and can usually be found inside literary works such as novels or a plays.



b. Character as Seen by Another

Characters can also be described by the author through other characters’ perspectives. This kind of opinions from other characters will do a lot of help so that the readers can easily understand the story. c. Speech

Clues and insights can be obtained through what the character says.

Whenever a conversation happens between two or more characters, there will be clues about each character’s characteristic throughout the story. d. Past Life

Learning about a character’s past life is also useful for the readers to explain what had happened earlier. The author of this story gives clues about the main character’s past life so that the readers are able to picture past events in order to understand the character better. e. Conversation of Others

The conversation between two characters can contain infromation about the main character’s characteristic in the story. f. Reaction

The author can also give the readers some clues about a character’s characteristics through how he/she reacts to a certain situation or condition.



g. Direct Comment

The author can give the readers knowledge about what is going on inside the main character’s mind or feelings that reflect his/her characteristics. h. Thought

The readers are given the knowledge by the author about what a person is thinking about. Through the story, the author is able to tell the readers about various thoughts that are experienced by the main character or other characters. i. Mannerism

The author can describe a character or more about their habits, manner, or attitude that can also be a clue for the readers to learn more about the characters inside the story.

2. Theory of Conflict

Holman and Harmon say that conflict is the struggle that grows out of the interplay of two opposing focus in the plot (1986: 107). They also state that conflicts may occur in various situations as described below. a. A Struggle against Another Person

It shows how the main character is struggling when facing other characters. Sometimes, it occurs when the main character has different thoughts about something toward other characters and end up in arguments.



b. A Struggle against Nature

It presents how the main character survives or deals with their surroundings, including nature forces and environment. In general, it can be earthquakes, landslides, flood or storm. c. A Struggle against Fate or Destiny

It presents how the character deals with their creator, God. It shows the struggle of how the character attempting to change their fate or destiny. d. A Struggle against Society

It presents the character’s struggle when they deal with the society’s value systems. The main character can say the opposite about society’s conventions, customs or annual events.

In a book entitled An Introduction to Fiction, Stanton divides a conflict in two kinds of conlficts, which are internal and external.

1. Internal Conflict

This type of conflict emerges in between Man vs Himself which happens inside the main character. Therefore, it is basically an argument that happens between a man and himself. It usually happens when the character is facing an obstacle or conflicts that later a decision has to be made by the character.

2. External Conflict

This conflict happens when the character has different ideas with other characters that later can make a conflict because other characters are opposing the



main character. Frequently he fights with a single person or more than one (1965:


3. Theory of Messages

Henry Hudson says that a good message is a message that discloses a new large possibility they do not realize. Most writers would try to tell and show those possibilities by using their work. A good message does not tend to follow general pattern or norm but it creates a new pattern based on human values (1958: 23).

Beaty and Hunter also states some ideas about a message that is defined as the real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art (1989: 899). Therefore, a message is the whole idea of artworks.

Another theory about a message also is said by Sinclair as stated below

messages is something important in the story, message can evaluate us for better life. Message is defined as an idea that someone tries to communicate to people. It it also the meaning, thought or idea that is intended to express (1956: 490).

From the quotation above, a message can be defined as the media for the readers to understand about the meaning of life. It gives the readers a vision about life and is to appreciate what they have because people only live once and cannot be repeated. Therefore we can solve our problems in life more wisely. Through this study, the readers can get the important messages that can be used as supports or motivation in their lives.

C. Theoretical Framework

The topic that the writer wants to discuss in this study is the message revealed through Matty’s way of solving the conflicts in Lois Lowry’s book



entitled Messenger. The theories mentioned above are the guidance that can be used to answer three questions as the problem formulation.

The theories of character and characterization are used to identify Matty’s personality since he is the main character of the story. For that reason, it is important for the writer to examine Matty’s personality thoroughly before examining the conflict of the story.

Second, the theories of conflict are used to answer the second problem about what the conflicts are faced by Matty. By examining the conflicts the writer is able to develop this study through the conflicts found in the book and also how

Matty reacts over the conflicts.

The third is theories of messages. The theories of messages are used to answer the last formulated problem about what messages that can be found through Matty’s way of solving the conflicts. This study is in a great order because in order to reveal the messages, the writer needs to identify Matty’s personality and then the conflicts faced by Matty that later those two will become a lead to reveal what the messages are of the story. Therefore the readers and the writer will be able to see what lesson we can get from Matty’s ways of solving the conflicts that later give us the messages of the story.




A. Object of the Study

The writer analyzes Lois Lowry‟s novel entitled Messenger. This novel consists of 169 pages and was published in hardcover by Houghton Mifflin

Company, New York in 2004.

The type of Lois Lowry‟s artworks is Fantasy. It means that the story is inspired by the situation in the real world but it is developed in form of Fantasy literature. Lois Lowry also writes some books which are related to the story of

Messenger. They are and . Those 3 books are related to one another because most of the background pictures about how the characters deal with the society. Lois Lowry won several awards achieved from her books.

In 1990, her book entitled Number the Stars won Newberry Medal and National

Jewish Book Award for children‟s literature. In 1991, Number the Stars also achieved The Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children‟s Book Award. In 2002, her book entitled won the Rhode Island Children‟s Book Award.

Moreover, in 1994, Lois Lowry herself was awarded the Regina Medal, the literary award conferred annually, by the U.S.-based Catholic Library


The Messenger tells about a boy named Matty. Matty used to be a naughty boy. He often steals something and causes many problems. He lives in a small



place called the village. The village is an isolated place surrounded by a dense, harmful forest. Other people who live in the village also come from other places similar to the village where they are staying now. To enter the village, the newcomers must walk their path through a dense forest which can bring death upon them because the branches, vines and other parts of the forest are sharp and poisonous. Some of the villagers have special names. The names come from the unique ability they are possessing.

The main character, the protagonist of this story, that the writer wants to bring as the main discussion is Matty, who works as a messenger to deliver messages across the village and even outside the village. One day, there is a petition about closing the border of the village, and the petition causes a conflict.

If it is closed, the outsider can no longer enter the village, while Matty has one last mission to do before the gate of the village is sealed. This mission comes from

Seer, the blind old man Matty is living with. In order to accomplish the mission,

Matty has to walk through the forest which can bring death upon him.

B. Approach of the Study

In this analysis, the writer applies a new criticism as the intention to analyze Lois Lowry‟s Messenger. This approach is used in order to examine the artwork itself. It means the new criticism does not require the readers to connect the work to the other aspects.

Selden states that new criticism is a method which does not talk about context – historical, biographical, intellectual, and so on in analyzing literary work

(2005: 19). However, new criticism only focuses on analyzing the “text in self”



with its language and organization. New criticism does not reach text‟s meaning but the way the text „speaks itself‟.

In addition, Wilfred L. Guerin states that new criticism approach concentrates on the literary work itself, which means new criticism delivers the analysis based on the text itself (1979: 20).

Based on the two statements above, new criticism is not affected by other aspects from outside the novel. Therefore, the writer applies the new criticism because it is the most appropriate approach in order to assist the writer to analyze this study.

C. Method of the Study

This study used library research as the method in order to analyze the study. The first step was the writer began to read the novel entitled Messenger written by Lois Lowry. It was done to understand well about the whole story. The second step was choosing the topic that is going to be analyzed and created problem formulation in order to discuss the character, characterization, conflicts and messages. In the third step, the writer examined the conflicts inside the story before analyzing the messages from the story.

The fourth step, the writer decided the most appropriate approach for this study and collected sources from books and the internet to support the evidence.

The fifth step, the writer analyzed the way Matty solved the conflicts and delivered the potential messages through the characterization of Matty and the conflicts. The last step, the writer made a conclusion based on the entire analysis in this study.




This chapter contains the analysis of the literary work in order to answer the problem formulation. The analysis is divided into three parts. The first part is the explanation about how Matty is described in the story. The second part is about the conflicts faced by Matty. This part focuses on two major points. They are internal conflict and external conflict. In the final part, the writer wants to reveal the messages obtained from the story with the assist from Matty‘s characteristics and the conlficts. However, this study focuses on the messages which obtained from how Matty solve the conflicts.

A. The Characteristic of Matty

Matty is one of the major characters in Lois Lowry‘s Messenger, and this study focuses on Matty. He lives in a small area called village. The village is an area where people live ordinarily, whereas some of the villagers has various profession. The place where Matty lives is surrounded by a dense, harmful, deadly forest. This forest is considered as scary forest, because it has magical power as if it is alive. As a result, it makes people are afraid to go outside the village or inside.

This kind of condition is actually inappropriate for a boy like Matty to live. Matty‘s physical condition has been mentioned in the book.

Matty was no longer a boy, but not yet a man. Sometimes, standing outside the homeplace, he measured himself against the window. Once he had stood only to its sill, his forehead there, pressing into the wood, but



now he was so tall he could see inside without effort. Or, moving back in the high grass, he could see himself, reflected in the glass pane. His face was becoming manly, he thought, though childishly, he still enjoyed making scowls, and frowns, at his own, reflection. His voice was deepening (Lowry, 2004: 1).

The characteristics of Matty in this study can be understood by paying attention on his conversation with another character. According to the paragraph that has been stated above, it can be seen that Matty is still a young boy. The writer uses ―Personal Description‖ from the details of character and characterization by Murphy (1972:61-173). The other characteristics which can be seen from Matty are obedient, curious, responsible, brave and wise.

1. Obedient

The characteristic of obedient person is doing activity based on what he is told to do. This statement is supported by Hornby, which says obedient is doing what you are told to do; willing to obey (2015: 1028).

Matty can be considered as an obedient character because he always does the exact thing as Seer told him to do. Relating to the story, Matty lives together with Seer, a blind old man. Everyday, Matty and Seer always cook together in the kitchen to prepare food for supper. They have a garden full of crops and vegetables so they do not really bother themselves to buy groceries from the marketplace.

Matty looked. The butter was bubbling slightly and golden brown. ―yes.‖ ―Add the onion, then. Stir it so it doesn‘t burn.‖ Matty obeyed. ―Now smell that,‖ the blind man said. Matty sniffed. The gently sauteing onion released an aroma that made his mouth water (Lowry, 2004: 3).

From the quotation above, it can be seen that Matty does as what Seer told him to do, since Seer is blind, he needs Matty‘s assistance to cook for food. In the other



side, Matty is also considered as an impatient character considering his being curious. He wants to finish everything quickly in order to do his own activity,

―Add some sugar. Just a pinch or two. Let it cook for a minute and then we‘ll put the rabbit in. Don‘t be so impatient, Matty. You always want to rush things, and there‘s no need‖ (Lowry, 2004: 3). Based on the statement before, Matty is clearly an impatient character. In the story, Matty wants to finish the supper quickly in order to go outside to check the forest before night comes. Even though the timing is not suitable for Matty, he still does what Seer asked,

―It doesn‘t matter to you if it‘s dark or light outside,‖ Matty told him, scowling,‖but I need the day-light to look at something.‖ (Lowry, 2004: 3). ―What something is that?‖ Seer asked, then added,‖When the meat has browned, add some broth so it doesn‘t stick to the pan.‖ Matty obeyed, tilting into the pan the bowl of broth in which the rabbit had been boiled earlier. The dark liquid picked up chunks of onion and chopped herbs, and swirled them around the pieces of meat (Lowry, 2004: 4). Relating to the statement above, Matty still follows what Seer asked for him to do.

He does not leave the supper preparation as his daily routine with Seer to do his bussiness, but stays at the house to finish the food preparation for him and Seer.

The other proof that can strengthen the idea of Matty being obedient is when he begs Seer to go to the Trade Mart and comes with an argument with Seer about letting Matty go or stay inside the house. Trade Mart is a custom and be held annually where people bring something to be traded. Seer says that Trade

Mart is not something to joke around.



―I know you said I was too young, Seer. But I‘m not. Ramon‘s going. And maybe it‘s important for me to go. Maybe I can figure out what‘s happening.‖ Seer sighed and nodded. ―promise me one thing,‖ he told Matty. ―I will.‖ ―Make no trade. Watch and listen. But make no trade. Even if you‘re tempted.‖ ―I promise‖ (Lowry, 2004: 54). But not tonight. Tonight he would only watch. He had promised the blind man (Lowry, 2004: 55). From the conversation between Matty and Seer, it can be seen that Matty obeys

Seer and even promises Seer to make no trade on the Trade Mart. Moreover,

Matty thinks that he has nothing to be traded so there is no reason for him to trade.

In the first characteristic of Matty, the writer uses theory of character on

―Mannerism‖ from the details of character and characterization by Murphy (1972:

161-173). It is found by taking a closer look on how Matty‘s attitude in daily lives when doing his daily routine which is cooking supper with Seer.

2. Curious

As how a boy should be, Matty is curious about almost anything. He tends to pay attention to detail. His curiosity is shown along the story. Hornby states that curious is having a strong desire to know about sth (2015: 365). For instance,

Matty has a friend named Ramon, his family had recently traded something for a

Gaming Machine or more like a slot machine. He is curious about what Ramon‘s family traded to get the Gaming Machine.

Matty frowned. ―Sometimes you get licorice,‖ he said as a last attempt. ―Do you know what they traded? Has Ramon told you?‖ ―No. Nobody ever tells.‖ ―Maybe he doesn‘t even know. Maybe his parent didn‘t tell him. That‘s probably good‖ (Lowry, 2004: 23).



From the conversation above, Seer tries to convince Matty that to get a gaming machine, it probably came at high cost. But, Matty keeps on curious until finally the conversation about the gaming machine is no longer be spoken. Matty decided to find out by himself but it seems to be clueless.

He decided he would find out. But first he had the other thing to worry about, and the troubling awareness that he had not dared to tell the blind man of it (Lowry, 2004: 24).

Matty‘s curiosity grows when he realize that Mentor, Jean‘s Father, is the most enthusiastic person to close the border of the village. He notices that there are several changes on Mentor. Seer asks Matty whether Mentor traded or not but

Matty does not notice anything until when he stops by Mentor‘s house to check on the puppy Jean promised him. His curiosity toward the Mentor is proved in quotation below

Jean led him into small house, and though he was concerned for the dogs, Matty found himself looking around as they walked through, remembering what the blind man had asked. He noticed the sturdy furniture, neatly arranged, and the bookcases filled with Mentor‘s books. In the kitchen, Jean‘s baking pans, and the bowl in which she mixed dough, were set out, ready for her wonderful breads to be made. He saw nothing that hinted for a trade (Lowry, 2004: 37)

Matty‘s curiosity does not resulting anything suspicious about what the Mentor has traded. It is clear to see that Matty is trying to find out what causes Jean‘s father to change. Matty has not visit Mentor‘s house for weeks until he finally comes to pick up the puppy Jean promised him, it is when Jean tells Matty about what is wrong about her father. Jean said that her father has traded her deepest self for the Stocktender‘s widow.



Another proof that shows Matty has curious characteristic is when he comes to see the new comers at the village entrance. Within his curiosity, Matty tends to assume about the probability of some changes. When he attends to greet the new comers he sees Mentor. There, he notices something about the Mentor has changed.

Odd, Matty thought. The birthmark across Mentor‘s cheek seemed lighter. Ordinarily, it was a deep red. Now it seemed merely pink, as if it were fading. But it was late summer. Probably, Matty decided, Mentor‘s skin had been tanned by the sun, as his own was; and this made the birthmark less visible (Lowry, 2004: 51).

As it is been told in the story, Mentor has distinctive mark across his cheek and it is called birthmark. Matty feels uneasy about Mentor‘s changes and still cannot name the differences. He thinks that Mentor is slightly taller now, because his shoulders are hunched over.

The writer also finds that there is another proof related to the change on

Mentor‘s birthmark. It is shown during Trade Mart and Matty happens to attend that annual event. Later that night, after Matty comes home, he describes everything that happened in the Trade Mart to Seer. Seer asks a lot of questions and Matty answers right away while hardly trying to remember during the event and in the end of their conversation, Matty said that Mentor‘s birthmark has completely gone.

Then he said something else, almost to himself. ―So now she has a Gaming Machine,‖ the blind man murmured. His voice sounded scornful. Matty, at the sink, remembered something. ―Mentor‘s birthmark is completely gone,‖ he called to Seer (Lowry, 2004: 66).

The quotation above shows that Matty is actually pays attention to detail, he notices people mimic, expression, and his surroundings especially during Trade



Mart, but in this case, he remembers how Mentor‘s birthmark previously was more like a crimson birthmark that spread across his face and now he notices

Mentor‘s birthmark has transformed slightly brighter and now it has completely gone.

In the first characteristic of Matty, the writer uses theory of character on

―Reaction‖ and ―Direct Comment‖ from the details of character and characterization by Murphy (1972: 161-173). The author gives clues about how

Matty reacts and thinks toward certain situations that are proved in several quotations above. How Matty reacts and thinks helps the writer to understand about how Matty deals with those certain situations.

3. Responsible

In living his life in the village, Matty is considered as a responsible character. Matty has a job to deliver messages from place to place. Matty is reliable because people trusted him and also he knows the path not only in the village but also in the forest. According to Hornby, responsible is having the job or duty of doing sth or taking care of sb/sth, so that you may be blamed if sth goes wrong (2015: 1278).

The people needed Matty, too. They trusted him to know the paths, to be safe on them, and to do the errands that required travelling through the thick woods with its complicated, mazelike turnings. He carried message for them. It was his job. He thought that when it came to time to be assigned his true name, Messenger would be the choice. He liked the sound of it and looked forward to taking that title (Lowry, 2004: 9).

In doing his job, Matty does not seem to be burdened. He has travelled the forest for six years and considering the first he came to the village, he was six years old



and he has travelled the forest ever since. He keeps on imagining when he finally gets his true name, he wanted to be called Messenger.

There is also another statement that strenghten the idea of why Matty is responsible

Matty knew the paths of Forest as if he had made them. And indeed, some of them were of his making, over the years. The roots had flattened as he made his way here and there, seeking the shortest, safest route from place to place. He was swift and quiet in the woods, and he could feel the direction of things without landmarks, in the same way that he could feel weather and was able to predict rain long before the clouds came or there was a shift in wind. Matty simply knew (Lowry, 2004: 8-9).

The quotation mentioned above is to strenghten the first proof about Matty being responsible. For the forest, Matty is always special. Forest always gives him warnings though it is just a small one and when he knows that he is being warned, he knows that he should not enter the forest for now.

Another proof showing that Matty is willing to do his job and considered as a responsible character is stated below

―It does take days, Matty, from where you started.‖ ―Yes, I know. It still takes days. But now it doesn‘t seem as far or as long. Because I‘m older, and bigger, and I‘ve gone back and forth again and again, and I know the way, and I‘m not scared. So it seems shorter‖ (Lowry, 2004: 32).

There is also a proof showing that Matty is not troubled when delivering messages. Though he thinks that the field might be giving him some troubles he tries to be cheerful in order to keep his spirit and his commitment to deliver messages.

After a bit Matty tried to talk, to be cheerful, to make the best of things. ―I suppose he‘ll send me out now to all the other villages and communities with the message. I‘ll be doing a lot of travelling. I‘m glad it isn‘t winter yet. It‘s hard in snow‖ (Lowry, 2004: 87).



The quotation above pictures the situation when the border of the village is going to be closed. There is a petition about whether the border is being closed or remains open for new comers to enter the village. Matty has the job to deliver messages across village to hold a meeting and he does not say that he is going to have trouble in delivering messages though he thinks that it is hard in snow.

Another proof is shown when Matty accept a mission from Seer to bring his daughter whose name is Kira to the village though he must walk through the harmful forest. Leader, as the chief of the village warns Matty that he better not go because Leader has the ability to see beyond. Leader says

―I think you had better not go, Matty. I‘m sorry. I know you love making journeys, and that you take pride in being the only one who can. But I think there may be danger in Forest this time‖ (Lowry, 2004: 95).

Leader knows Matty, and he is thankful for Matty‘s willingness to do the mission which is to bring Seer‘s daughter. In the opposite, Matty thinks that he has to keep his words to Seer. In his reply to Leader‘s warning, Matty says

Then he remembered. ―Leader, I have to!‖ ―No. We can post the messages at the entrance to Village. It will mean new ones will have to turn back after terribly long journeys, and that‘s tragic. But—― ―No, it‘s not the messages! It‘s Seer‘s daughter! I promised him I would go and bring Kira home. It will be her last chance to come. His last chance to be with her‖ (Lowry, 2004: 95).

It can be seen from the quotation above that even though Leader had warned

Matty, he keeps on commiting the mission. He shows his affection toward Seer and his responsibility also his obedience. While in actuality, Matty is not sure whether Kira is coming with him or not but still, Matty is being Matty. He is responsible to his words.



When Matty finally makes his journey through the forest, he is accompanied by a puppy whose name is Frolic. A puppy he saved back in Jean‘s house. In his journey he is still faithfully doing his job, so he is taking down two birds with one stone, while his mission is making progress, he is still commit to complete his main job.

If he had gone straight through, he would be approaching Kira‘s village, his own home in the past, quite soon. But he reminded himself that being a messenger was his most important task, and so he took the side paths, walked great distances and left the message of Village‘s closure at each place where new ones coming could be advised to turn back (Lowry, 2004: 104).

There is also another proof about Matty‘s responsibility when he is about to enter Kira‘s village with Frolic. Though he has so little time to get back to the village before the border is closed he is still tacking the messages.

Village would close in three weeks from the time of the proclamation. Matty had calculated very carefully. He had counted the days of his journey, adding in the extra days it took for his side trips to tack the message in place (Lowry, 2004: 112).

It is clear to see that Matty is unafraid of the forest and having no trouble in his journey and he is paying attention too. He notices that something is different about the forest. The forest seems darker and hostile to him, and he consider it as a threat, but still, Matty is not afraid of the forest. He keeps thinking on his childhood, the time when he called himself ―The Fiercest of The Fierce‖ and also his thought about Kira, Seer‘s daughter, his childhood friend which make him able to continue his journey.

In the first characteristic of Matty, the writer uses theory of character on

―Character as Seen by Another‖, ―Direct Comment‖, and ―Speech‖ from the



details of character and characterization by Murphy (1972: 161-173). Matty‘s characteristic of being responsible is seen through several quotations when he is having arguments with Leader about his mission. Matty‘s conversation with

Leader shows how Matty is being responsible toward his responsibility.

4. Brave

Matty is considered as a brave person because he previously lives as a rascal and often steals something. He called himself ―The Fiercest of The Fierce‖.

Since he came to the village, he started to explore the forest very often for six years and remembering the path. It is important for him to be brave because people in the village need him to deliver messages. According to Hornby, brave is willing to do things which are difficult, dangerous or painful; not afraid (2015:


The first proof that shows Matty is a brave person is when Matty and

Ramon go fishing. Along the way, they are talking about Gatherer, a person from village who is killed by the forest. Ramon is afraid to enter the forest but Matty shows his bravery

―I‘m never going in,‖ Ramon said firmly. ―Not after seeing what it did to the Gatherer.‖ ―You don‘t have a place to go back to,‖ Matty pointed out. ―You were born in Village. It‘s only those who try to go back to someplace that they left once.‖ ―Like you, maybe.‖ ―Like me, except I‘m careful.‖ ―I‘m not taking the chance. Is this a good place to fish?‖ Ramon asked, changing the subject (Lowry, 2004: 16).



From the quotation above, it can be seen that Matty does not hesitate to go further toward the fishing place. They go to some kind of slippery bank, on top of a boulder to catch salmon.

Another proof that can support the idea of Matty being brave is when he is preparing to begin the mission from Seer. Matty has only three weeks to complete the mission, to bring Kira to the village before the border is closed. Here is the quotation

Matty was the only one who knew all the paths, who was not afraid to enter Forest and travel in that dangerous place. He would post the messages there. And he would go on to his own old place as well (Lowry, 2004: 92).

It proofs that Matty does not really think of the obstacle inside the forest. He knows the forest and the path very well. Then, it should not be a problem for him to travel in the forest. Considering forest‘s chracteristic of being harmful and can bring death to anyone.

Another statement that describes Matty‘s bravery is when Matty almost reaches Kira‘s village. In the fourth day of his journey in the forest, he is still posting messages accompanied by his faithful companion, Frolic.

The days of the journey passed, and after the fourth night, the food was gone. But Matty was strong and unafraid, and to his surprise, little Frolic did not need to be carried. The puppy followed him and sat watching patiently as he posted the messages along divergent paths (Lowry, 2004: 104).

From the quotation above, Matty is clearly unafraid and he is still responsible to post the message. He has been exploring the forest for six years and though his food supply is empty he can still manage the journey that later, reach Kira‘s village.



The other evidence to Matty‘s bravery is shown when Kira and Matty have supper together in Kira‘s house. Matty wants to show Kira that he possesses a power that can heal wound or sickness.

―I‘m going to show you something,‖ he told her. ―Wacth this. My gift is in my hands to, too.‖ He had not planned this. But it seemed necessary. On the table lay the sharp knife with which she had sliced bread for their supper. Matty picked it up. He leaned down, and pulled the left leg of his trousers up. Kira watched, her eyes confused. Quickly, without flinching, he punctured his own knee. Dark red blood trickled in a thin crooked line down his lower leg (Lowry, 2004: 120).

The quotations shows that, in order to make Kira believe in what Matty says, he is willing to cut his leg until it is bleeding and attempting to heal his wound until it is fully recovered in front of Kira‘s eyes. Matty is brave enough to cut his leg though he feels excruciating pain just to make Kira believe and also tries to heal

Kira‘s twisted leg.

There is also another proof showing that Matty is brave and has a good survival skill. It is when he is on his journey back to the village with Kira and

Frolic, he decided to keep on going though the forest put a great danger on them.

He notices that there is some kind of green tendril slides slowly toward Matty and attempts to entangle him.

Matty took his knife from his pocket again. When the sinister, curling stem – in appearance not unlike the pea vines that grew in early summer in their garden – reached his ankle, it began to curl tightly around his flesh. Quickly he reached down and severed it with the small blade. Within seconds it turned brown and fell away from him, lifeless (Lowry, 2004: 151).



Matty‘s bravery is shown in the quotation above, he managed to defend himself,

Kira and Frolic from the forest‘s threat. In this case, the forest becomes malevolent and as if it is alive, the forest is ready to hurt them physically.

In the first characteristic of Matty, the writer uses theory of character on

―Speech‖, ―Reaction‖, and ―Direct Comment‖ from the details of character and characterization by Murphy (1972: 161-173). The writer finds several evidence on

Matty‘s charaacteristic of being brave. The theories of character and characterization helps the writer to specify what kind of detail Matty has in this particular characteristic. Several quotations above is resulted through the use of those theories.

5. Wise

Some of the major characters in Lois Lowry‘s Messenger has a special power and some of them also be given true name. For example, Leader, he sees beyond. Kira, she sees further. Matty himself, as the main character of this story, he is able to heal wounds and sickness.

According to Hornby, wise is able to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have (2015:


The first proof of Matty as a wise character is when he realizes his gift for the very first time. It is when he comes by Jean‘s house and checks the puppy she promised him. The puppy and its mother are lying weak. Then, he gently touches the puppy



Matty knew dogs. He loved them. Gently he touched the puppy with his finger. Then, startled, he jerked his hand away. He had felt something painful. Oddly, it made him think of lightning (Lowry, 2004: 38).

The quotation above shows that Matty is confused for the first time. He feels the sensation of pulsating power like a thunder or lightning while in sunny day and there is no sign of storm. It happens inside his body when he touches the puppy and the mother dog.

Another fact that strengthens the idea of Matty being wise when using his power is when he encounters a damaged frog in the forest.

But he felt a sudden jolt of painful energy enter his arm, concentrated in his fingertips. Matty was unable to move. His hand grasped the nearly severed leg and he could feel his own blood moving through its vessels. His pulse thrummed and he could hear the sound of it (Lowry, 2004: 44).

Matty feels dizzy and sick after healing the frog. It drains his energy whenever he uses his energy to heal wounds or sickness. While trying to gather his strength back in order to be able to go home, he thinks that he needs to learn to control it.

After he gets home, his body is so weak and he begins to sleep to recharge his energy.

Another evidence can be seen when Matty and Kira are almost trapped and heavily damaged by the forest. Matty is lying weak. He is trying to gather the rest of his energy in order to heal the ‗world‘. Kira whispers to Matty saying that they need Matty‘s gift and his fingers start vibrating.

Gasping, Matty called for his gift to come. There was no sense of how to direct it. He simply clawed at the earth, feeling the power in his hands enter, pulsating, into the ruined world. He became aware, suddenly, that he had been chosen for this. Near him, Kira began to breathe more easily. What had been close to coma turned now to sleep. Not far away, Leader tentatively, lifted one foot and found it free to entangling vine. He opened his eyes (Lowry, 2004: 166).



Matty‘s last effort to heal the earth is paying off though he is tempted to use his power since the first sign of the forest‘s threat is noticed by him but he holds it because Leader says to Matty not to use his power and in his final attempt he tries to give all of his power. It is shown when Kira feels easier to breathe, Leader finds himself easily entangling the vines while Matty is lying motionless as the Leader finally found them.

All of the quotations above show that Matty is wise in using his power though he actually believe in himself that he can heal himself, Kira even the world and in this case, Matty is willing to sacrifice himself to die in order to keep everyone safe, including Kira, Leader, his puppy Frolic, the earth and mostly everyone he loves.

In the first characteristic of Matty, the writer uses theory of character on

―Reaction‖, ―Direct Comment‖, and ―Thought‖ from the details of character and characterization by Murphy (1972: 161-173). In this particular section about

Matty‘s characteristics, the quotations are mostly in form of narration. Matty‘s characteristic of being wise is frequently showed when he uses his power that later he begins to realize and tries to learn more about his power and also knows when to use it. The author gives some narrations that show how Matty feels and reacts that help the writer in understanding the character of Matty deeper.

B. The Conflicts Faced by Matty In this section, the writer discusses some findings about conflicts that is faced by the main character, Matty. The conflicts are divided into two types. They are internal and external conflicts.



1. Matty’s Internal Conflict

Internal conflict based on Stanton in An Introduction to Fiction is defined as a kind of conflict that is identified by Man vs Himself. It takes place inside the character, meaning that he or she is arguing with himself or herself. He spends the entire day arguing with himself about what to do before something finally happens that forces him to make decision (1992: 16).

Matty‘s first internal conflict occurs when he realizes that he has power inside himself. His power emerges when he is managed to save the mother dog and puppy‘s life in Jean‘s house. He tries to make Jean to leave her house in order to not to be spotted when he is using his power.

―You needn‘t use a rude tone, Matty,‖ Jean said with an edge in her voice. But she turned with a flounce of her skirt and went. He barely heard the sound of the door closing behind her. Steeling himself against the painful vibrating shock that he knew would go through his entire body. Matty placed his left hand on the mother dog, his right on the puppy, and willed them to live (Lowry, 2004: 40). According to the statement above, it can be seen that Matty is trying to avoid contact with Jean when he heals the dog. After he is succeeded in helping the puppy, he feels exhausted and lost a lot of energy. Even though he has lost a lot of energy, he still needs to go home. However, his second obstacle is to hide his gift from Seer, the blind man who lives together with him. He wanted to go home properly and secretly to avoid Seer noticing that he was extremely tired.

Finally, when he had regained a little strength, he forced himself to standband leave. Fortunately his own homeplace was empty. The blind man was out somewhere, and Matty was glad of that. Seer would have noticed something wrong. He could always feel it. He said the atmosphere



in the homeplace changed, as if wind had shifted, if Matty had so much as a cold (Lowry, 2004: 41). The statement above explains to the reader that Seer, the blind man, has a high awareness toward his surroundings. It makes Matty has to be careful if he does something different.

The other conflict that is faced by Matty against himself when he has the option to tell Jean about his gift or not;

He wondered if he should tell her. She had seen the effect of his power on the puppy and its mother, but hadn‘t understood. Now, if he chose, perhaps he could explain. But he was uncertain about this. He did not know how far his power went and he did not want to promise this beloved girl something impossible. To repair a man‘s soul and deepest heart-to reverse an irreversible trade- might be far, far more than Matty could possibly undertake (Lowry, 2004: 70). Based on the statement before, the writer takes a point on how Matty has a conflict against himself in telling the truth to Jean. In this analysis, his conflict is how he still keeps the secret about his power. It happens because Matty is not sure about the length of the effect of his power. The internal conflict of Matty is he wants to keep a secret about his gift from others. However, he still has a desire to tell other people that he has a power in healing.

The other internal conflict of Matty happens when he is in a dilemma with his own mind to make a choice between two paths. The conflict happens because he struggles to make a decision about whether he should keep the power for the most important situation or using his power to heal the people. There are two people that makes Matty in a difficult situation, they are Ramon and Kira.

For a moment, Matty stood there thinking while Seer arranged his pack on his back and attached the rolled blanket below it. He thought of the frog



first, then the puppy, and wondered if his gift could save his friend. He could go to Ramon‘s house now, and place his hands upon the feverish body. He knew it would be indescribably hard, would take all of his strength, but he thought there might be a chance (Lowry, 2004: 100). Related to the statement above, it shows that Matty is willing to use his power to heal his friend, Ramon. Based on his experience on succeeding in saving a frog and the puppy‘s life, he thought he is able to heal human. However, he is also concerned about the after effect of using his power.

But when then? If he himself survived such an attempt, he would be desperately weakened, he knew, and would have to recover. He could not possibly make the journey through Forest if he first weakened himself on Ramon‘s behalf. Forest was already thickening, he knew, whatever that meant. It would soon become impassable. The blind man‘s daughter would be lost to them forever. And, most important, Leader had told him to save his gift. Don’t spend it. Leader had said (Lowry, 2004: 101). It strengthened Matty‘s dilemma to use or to keep his power. As a friend, Matty wants to heal Ramon from his illness. However, he chooses to keep his power to use it later. Besides that, Matty is an obedient person. He follows what Leader said that he has to keep his gift for the important thing. It strengthens him more to leave his friend Ramon in his illness and continue his journey. The other situation that puts Matty in dilemma is when Matty is injured in the Forest.

―No, not much.‖ But it wasn‘t true, Matty didn‘t want to alarm her, but he was in excruciating pain, as if his arms had been burned by fire. He had to hold his breath and bite his tongue to keep from crying out as he applied the salve For a brief moment, he thought that he might try to use his gift, to call forth the vibrating power and eradicate the stinging poisonous rash on his arms. But he knew he must not. It would take too much out of him – it would, in leader‘s words, spend his gift – and it would hamper their progress. They had to keep moving. Something so terrifying was happening that Matty did not even try to assess it (Lowry, 2004: 141).



Matty‘s injury makes him thinking that using his power to recover himself in order to fulfill his task. However, he chooses to ignore his pain and save his gift for later. Furthermore, he continues his journey by not telling Kira about his condition.

According to those statements above, secrets and dilemmas becomes the reasons for the internal conflicts Matty is facing. His gift has made him face such conflicts, and due to his power, he has to be wise in deciding when to use it.

2. Matty’s External Conflict

According to Holman and Harmon, conflict is the struggle that grows out of the interplay of the two opposing focus in the plot. They also state that conflicts may occur in the struggle against nature, against another person, against society, and the struggle for misery. Conflicts may be an argument between opposing forces, like man against man, man against nature, man against fate or perhaps an internal one between the two opposing parts of man‘s personality (1986:107). a. Matty’s conflict against Leader

There are several external conflicts in the story. The first conflict happens between Matty and Leader. It happens because they are arguing about Matty going to the Forest to bring Kira back to the blind man, Seer. They have different opinion about going to the forest. Matty thinks that he was still able to enter the forest, while the Leader thought that the forest has become more dangerous for

Matty. It occurs because the Leader has the gift to look beyond into the future;



Leader shook his head skeptically. ―No. It was Forest I saw. I‘m sure. It‘s hard to describe, Matty, but I was trying to look through Forest in order to get a feeling for Seer‘s daughter. And it was very, very hard to push through. It was – well, thick. (Lowry, 2004: 94). Because of the gift that Leader possesses, he asks Matty not to enter the forest. He knows that the forest has changed and it will be dangerous for Matty. However,

Matty could not buy it. He still has to go to the forest to bring Kira back. The danger that will be faced by Matty is emphasized by a second attempt from

Leader that forbids him to go

―I think you had better not go, Matty. I‘m sorry. I know you love making your journeys, and that you take pride in being the only one who can. But I think there may be danger in Forest this time.‖ (Lowry, 2004: 95). Leader is sure about his vision about the Forest. He has tried twice to make sure that Matty would not go to enter the forest. However, those attempts do not work for Matty. Matty still believes in himself that he could go through the forest.

Then he remembered. ―Leader, I have to!‖ ―No, it‘s not the messages! It‘s Seer‘s daughter! I promised him I would go and bring Kira home. It will be her last chance to come. His last chance to be with her‖ (Lowry, 2004: 95). The statement above shows that Matty will not change his faith that he is able to enter the forest. The thing that made Matty still want to go to the forest is not only about the message, but it is about his responsibility to fulfill his promise toward

Seer. Relating to Matty‘s characteristic that he is a responsible person, he still enters the forest no matter what the risk are to bring Kira home.



b. Matty’s conflict against Kira

The conflict between Matty and Kira occurs because they have different opinions. Matty‘s purpose to go through the forest is to bring back Kira to her father, Seer. However, Kira‘s condition is not very well, according Matty. He wants to use his power to heal Kira. This conflict begins when Matty shows Kira that he has an ability to heal people.

―I‘m going to show you something.‖ he told her. ―Watch this. My gift is in my hands, too.‖ He had planned this. But it seemed necessary. On the table lay the sharp knife with which she had sliced bread for their supper. Matty picked it up. He leaned down, and pulled the left leg of his trousers up. Kira watched, her eyes confused. Quickly, without flinching, he punctured his own knee. Dark red blood trickled in a thin crooked line down his leg (Lowry, 2004: 120). The first time he arrives in Kira‘s house, he tries to find a way to tell Kira about his power. In order to avoid misunderstanding, Matty shows her by wounding his knee. Even if he knows the effect of his act, it must be done in order to make Kira believe that he is able to heal her. However, the proof that Matty showed could not make Kira believe easily.

―I see.‖ It was all she said. Matty shook himself free of the wave of fatigue it had caused. ―It was a very small wound,‖ he explained. ―I just did it to show you I could. It did not take much out of me. But I‘ve done it with bigger things, Kira. With other creatures. With much larger wounds.‖ ―Humans?‖ ―Not yet. But I can do it. I can feel it, Kira. With a gift, you know (Lowry, 2004: 121). Even though Matty has shown proof that he is able to heal and save other creatures, Kira is still questioning about his power towards people. Kira knows



where their conversation leading to. It is because Kira‘s gift that she can see further. However, Kira does not want to accept Matty‘s offer and chooses not to accept his offer.

Kira picked up a small wooden frame with a half-finished piece of embroidery stretched taut across it. She brought it to her chair, and moved a basket filled with bright threads to the floor beside her. Then she leaned her stick against the fire place wall, sat down, and picked up the needle that was waiting, threaded with green, attached to the fabric. ―I will go with you,‖ she said quite suddenly in her soft voice. ―But I will go as I am. With my leg. With my stick‖ (Lowry, 2004: 123). As the result, Kira wants to join Matty to back to the village and meet her father.

However, Matty fails to persuade Kira to be healed. She chooses to go through the forest considering her condition. It happens because Kira thinks that every condition she has is what made her truly Kira.

C. The Messages Revealed through Matty’s Way of Solving the Conflicts

In this section, the writer tries to analyze the messages through Matty‘s way of solving the conflicts.

According to Beaty in, a message is defined as the real meaning or some easy conclusion that can be simply stated or summarized inside a work of art

(1989: 899). Then, it can be concluded that message is the main essence that can cover the whole idea of the work of art or literary work.

There are three messages that are revealed in this story related to Matty.

The message which revealed through Matty‘s conflict are a wisdom in making decision, daring to take a risk, not easily giving up and willing to sacrifice himself. Those messages will be explained below,



1. We Have to be Wise in Making Decision

According to Hornby, wisdom is the ability to make sensible decisions and give good advice because of the experience and knowledge that you have (2015:

1727). Related to the story Matty possesses wisdom as one of his characteristics.

Matty frequently stuck in a situation that leads into two possibilities. For example is when he is at Jean‘s house and finds that the puppy and its mother are lying weak. In that situation, Matty asks Jean to get a yarrow (some kind of plant), but rather than using it, he attempts to heal the puppy and its mother dog by placing his fingers on their (puppy and mother dog) body. After successfully healing those dogs, Matty thinks

He wondered if he should tell her. She had seen the effect of his power on the puppy and its mother, but hadn‘t understood. Now, if he chose, perhaps he could explain. But he was uncertain about this. He did not know how far his power went and he did not want to promise this beloved girl something impossible. To repair a man‘s soul and deepest heart-to reverse an irreversible trade- might be far, far more than Matty could possibly undertake (Lowry, 2004: 70). From the quotation above, Matty is actually wants to tell Jean that he has the power to heal living creatures but his mind says no. It is because he does not know how far the power is going to take him and also the after-effect after he uses his power. Matty thinks that he is still need to learn in order to control his power.

The first message from this case is that we have to be wise in making decision. This message is formulated through the analysis on Matty‘s characteristic of being wise and the analysis on the internal conflicts that happen inside Matty. Matty is wise enough for not telling Jean because he does not want



to promise anything that sounds impossible. Thus, he needs to know better about his true power.

2. We must Dare to Take a Risk to Achieve Our Goal

Considering Matty‘s bravery that has been mentioned in the previous analysis, Matty is daring to take a risk though danger lies in front of his eyes. He is special to the forest and because of that, the forest often gives Matty some warnings and Matty has a good awareness so he does not have any trouble in noticing forest‘s warnings. Aside from Matty being brave and daring to take the risk, Matty is a careful person.

Then he remembered. ―Leader, I have to!‖ ―No. We can post the messages at the entrance to Village. It will mean new ones will have to turn back after terribly long journeys, and that‘s tragic. But—― ―No, it‘s not the messages! It‘s Seer‘s daughter! I promised him I would go and bring Kira home. It will be her last chance to come. His last chance to be with here‖ (Lowry, 2004: 95).

From the quotation above, Matty insists to keep on going inside the forest and complete the mission though Leader tells him that he has a vision that shows a transformation in the forest and he forbids Matty to begin the mission from Seer.

The forest is thickening, Matty can see it too. Matty can sense that the forest can put him in danger but he is still daring to take risk no matter what will happen even though he is not sure whether Kira agrees to follow him or not, but still, he commits the mission.

The second message is we must dare to take a risk to achieve our goal.

Matty‘s goal is to bring Kira back to the village before the gate is closed



permanently. This message is formulated through the analysis on Matty‘s characteristic of being brave and responsible and also the conflict he has against

Leader. Matty risks his life to go into the forest though Leader has already warned him but Matty is also responsible to his words that he will bring Kiraa back to be reunited with Seer.

3. Do not Give up Easily

Since Matty is brave, reliable and responsible, he is clearly not that easy to give up on something he is doing or working on. There are several evidences showing that Matty is not easily giving up. He has conflicts in his live, it starts from when he puts attempt by healing the puppy and its mother dog, the frog,

Kira‘s leg, although she does not want to be healed. After all those attempts, he does not seem to be easy to give up. He often deals with situation that works the opposite way from what he is doing.

―You go on,‖ Kira murmured. She lay back down and closed her eyes. ―I‘ll just sleep.‖ He moved his damaged arms with some difficult to her pack, which lay beside her where she had dropped it the night before. Through a haze of pain he realized that his fingers still moved awkwardly at his will, and he used them to open her pack and remove the embroidery frame. Painstakingly, slowly, he treaded her needle. Then he shook her awake (Lowry, 2004: 158).

It can be seen in the quotation above that though in great pain, Matty is still encouraging Kira to reach Leader vision in order to get help. Matty hold his pain in his hands and brings Kira her tools to deliver her gift.

Kira seems really weak, but Matty is not giving to encourage her, here is the other proof to strenghten the first proof.



But she closed her eyes again. He spoke loudly to her. ―Kira! Put the needle into the fabric. And try to meet him. Try, Kira!‖ Kira sighed, and with a feeble gesture she inserted the needle into the cloth as he held the frame for her. He watched her hands. Nothing happened. Nothing changed. ―Again,‖ he implored. He saw her hands flutter, and the shimmer came (Lowry, 2004: 159).

Again, Matty has not giving up to encourage Kira for their own good. Kira, as the one who is encouraged by Matty, is able to gather some of her energy to see how far Leader is.

Another evidence is when he asks Kira for herbal salve to heal his wound and when Kira asks whether it is hurt or not Matty says not much.

―No, not much.‖ But it wasn‘t true. Matty didn‘t want to alarm her, but he was in excruciating pain, as if his arms had been burned by fire. He had to hold his breath and bite his tongue to keep from crying out as he applied the salve (Lowry, 2004: 141).

The quotation above shows that, Matty tries to hide the pain from Kira. He has to hold the pain in order to avoid making Kira alarmed. He is not giving up though he is so close tears.

He is almost tempted to use his power but once again he is not using it because he still remember what Leader said to him about not using his gift.

For a brief moment, he thought that he might try to use his gift, to call forth the vibrating power and eradicate the stinging poisonous rash on his arms. But he knew he must not. It would take too much out of him – it would, in Leader‘s words, spend his gift – and it would hamper their progress. They had to keep moving. Something so terrifying was happening that Matty did not even try to assess it (Lowry, 2004: 141).

Even though Matty is tempted to use his power because feels excruciating pain in his arms, he still keep his words and not using it. He believes that he can still make the journey along with Kira and Frolic. So as a leader of his journey, he has to stand strong.



The third message is do not give up easily. Matty takes physical attacks from the forest and he is suffering great injuries but he does not give up. This message is formulated through the analysis on Matty‘s characteristic of being brave and wise. Matty suffers from pain but he does not show that to Kira. He knows that if he is spotted struggling in pain it will affect the journey and make it worse for him, Kira and Frolic. Matty keeps on going, and takes his body beyond limit in order to complete the mission.

4. We must Ready to Sacrifice Ourselves for the Sake of Goodness

The last message that is found by the writer revealed through Matty‘s way of solving his conflicts is that he is willing to sacrifice himself. He cares about other people and those he loves. He is brave enough to sacrifice himself in order to make others to believe in what he has or what he does.

The first proof is when Matty has arrived in Kira‘s house. After a long talk about each other‘s lives, Matty tells Kira that he possesses healing power and he attempts to show Kira by cutting his leg.

―I‘m going to show you something,‖ he told her. ―Wacth this. My gift is in my hands to, too.‖ He had not planned this. But it seemed necessary. On the table lay the sharp knife with which she had sliced bread for their supper. Matty picked it up. He leaned down, and pulled the left leg of his trousers up. Kira watched, her eyes confused. Quickly, without flinching, he punctured his own knee. Dark red blood trickled in a thin crooked line down his lower leg (Lowry, 2004: 120).

Matty does that in order to make Kira believe that he can heal Kira‘s twisted leg, but Kira refuses it because she is proud as how she is right now though she has a stick to help her walk. Matty is willing to uses his power though he knows that it is gping to make his body weak.



Another proof about his willingness to sacrifice is found in the last two chapter of this story where he is no longer be able to hold the pain caused by the forest. His body is so weak he can not barely move his body but Kira is trying to wake Matty up and encouraging Matty to use his gift because their world needs him and because Leader is nearby to save them and having trouble along the way.

Gasping, Matty called for his gift to come. There was no sense of how to direct it. He simply clawed at the earth, feeling the power in his hands enter, pulsating, into the ruined world. He became aware, suddenly, that he had been chosen for this. Near him, Kira began to breathe more easily. What had been close to coma turned now to sleep. Not far away, Leader tentatively, lifted one foot and found it free to entangling vine. He opened his eyes (Lowry, 2004: 166)

Matty‘s body starts to work by itself. He gathers the rest of his energy to make the last call for the gift to emerge. Matty does this while lying on the ground. He grasps the ground and all of his power is being delivered to heal the world. The effects of his power cures Kira, Leader and his surroundings, including the forest itself. Kira starts to breathe easily and Leader no longer having problem reaching them both.

Another evidence that strenghtens the idea of Matty willingness to sacrifice is when Leader finally arrived to save them both. Matty is lying motionless. Kira cries while she wipes Matty‘s face and baths his hands and arms.

All wounds in Matty‘s body are gone. Leader finally decides Matty‘s true name in his last meeting with Matty.

―He wanted to be Messenger,‖ Kira confided. Leader shook his head. ―No. There have been other messengers, and there will be more to come.‖ He leaned down and placed his han solemnly on Matty‘s forehead above the closed eyes. ―Your true name is Healer,‖ he said (Lowry, 2004: 169).



The quotations above shows that though Matty wants to be called Messenger but

Leader decides that Healer is the most appropriate name for Matty. Matty has successfully cured the sickness in their world.

Beside her, tenderly, Leader picked up what remained of the boy and prepared to carry him home. In the distance the sound of keening began (Lowry, 2004: 169).

In the end of the story, Matty dies. Leader brings Matty back to the village along with Kira and Frolic. It is clear that Matty is willing to sacrifice his life to cure everyone, including those he loves and the world. The environment feels peaceful and the forest no longer seems to be a threat. He has done more than enough including sacrifices his life to save others.

Matty‘s willingness to sacrifice himself to save others is more than enough. This message is formulated through the analysis on Matty‘s characteristic of being brave, responsible and wise. Matty is brave to cut his leg to make Kira believe in himself that he has a healing ability. Matty is also brave to walk his journey back to the village along with Kira and Frolic. Matty is responsible to

Seer that he is going to bring Kira back to Seer though the path is way more dangerous than before. Matty is also wise enough to make decisions along the way back to the village. All of those three characteristics lead to this final message which is we must ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of goodness.

In the end, Matty wins. He dies with honor and most importantly, he has succeeded to save everyone.




This chapter concludes the analysis of this study. The writer writes this research in order to find out the messages that can be revealed from Matty’s conflicts.

The writer uses the novel of The Messenger as the object of the study. The writer chooses the novel of The Messenger because it sees the conflicts of Matty in the story which are interesting to be discussed. Matty’s conflicts are about his sacrifice to other people. By analyzing the story, the writer makes some conclusions which answer the problem formulation.

In the first analysis, the writer finds five characteristics of Matty. They are obedient, curious, responsible, brave and wise. Those characteristics are revealed from Matty’s characteristics in the story with another character by relating some theories that are used. Then, the answer of the first formulated problem is used to make the analysis of the second formulated problem.

The second formulated problem of this study is the conflicts faced by Matty.

There are two major conflicts that are faced by Matty in this study. They are internal and external conflicts. Matty’s internal conflicts occur when he realizes the power inside himself. He tries to keep this secret instead of telling the truth to others.

Furthermore, his internal conflicts more strengthen when he is in dilemma in using



his power. His dilemma is with his own mind to make a choice between two paths. It happens because he struggles to make a decision about whether he should keep the power for the most important situation or using his power to heal the people.

Matty’s external conflicts happen when he faces the situation against other characters. The first conflict when Matty has an argument with Leader to enter the forest. The second conflict occurs when Matty tries to heal Kira, but Kira refuses to be healed. This conflict occurs because of the different opinions between Matty and

Kira before going back to the village.

According to the conflicts faced by Matty in the story, there are some messages that are revealed by the writer. The first message is we have to be wise in making decision. It can be seen in Matty’s internal conflict in making decision to tell

Jean about his power. Matty wants to tell her about his gift in healing creature, however he does not know how far the effect of his power. Then, he decides wisely not to tell Jean about his power. The first message is also the result from the analysis on one of Matty’s characteristics which is wise. The second message is we must dare to take a risk to achieve our goal. Matty knows that the forest becomes more dangerous, however he takes a risk to enter the forest to bring Kira back home. It shows us that whatever the situation or the problem, people should dare to take a risk in order to know whether it is going to be successful or not. The second message is the result from the analysis on conflicts especially on Matty’s external conflict, and the analysis on Matty’s characteristic of being brave. The third message is do not give



up easily. Matty does not give up on himself in order to fulfill his task. It can be seen when he is doing his mission. He is attacked by the forest that causes some injuries but he holds down to it and keeps on going. The third message is the result from the analysis on Matty’s characteristic on being brave and responsible. He is brave to accpet the mission and he is responsible that whatever happens, he has to be succeed in completing the mission. The fourth message is we must ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of goodness. The fourth message is the result from the analysis on

Matty’s conflict against Kira and Matty’s characteristic on being brave and wise.

Based on the story, Matty keeps his power until the last moment. He uses his gift to heal all creatures by sacrificing his live. It tells us when people really want to achieve something, they have to be ready to sacrifice anything, even themselves.



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