Five Minority Members of Polity Judiciary to Quit Move Protests 'Puppet' Role, Chief Among Them by Howard Saltz Dewayne Briggins, Victoria Chevalier Ing Tonight
Cuomo Is Elected Go verno] Moynihan, Carney, Lacks, Hochbrueckner Wii -Elecin Coverae IBOtu on Page 4 All Five Minority Members Of Polity Judiciary to Quit Move Protests 'Puppet' Role, Chief Among Them By Howard Saltz DeWayne Briggins, Victoria Chevalier ing tonight. They will leave five I_ rc d 4 Lr .;;. The five minority members of the Pol- and Sharon King, will end their one- members on tne »juaiciary. s ity Judiciary will resign tonight, effec- year terms six months prematurely In a statement read by Baxter, they tive Nov. 11, to protest actions-and after the Nov. 9 Polity run-off elections, charged that the Polity Council, the ! inactions-of other Polity sectors they which the Judiciary must verify. They executive branch of the undergraduate say force them to be a "puppet made the decision Sunday, Brown said, student government, has ignored their judiciary." after "weeks" of thinking about it. decisions, and has pressured some of the Chief Justice Van Brown, and asso- The resignations are expected to be five non-minority members of the Judi- ciate justices Virginia Baxter, formally tendered at a Judiciary meet- ciary into making decisions acceptable I s~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~M= % to the Council. Four of the five also lashed out at the university administra- tion for not forcing the Council to uphold Judiciary decisions. "We are continually interrupted in our efforts to act as a proper judiciary should act," Baxter said. "If the Council wants a puppet Judiciary, let them have -_-t one. We won't be a puppet Judiciary." By removing themselves. they said, university administrators, and ulti- mately the campus populace, will have to address minority students' rights.
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