You Are Hereby Summoned to Attend a Full Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday July 6Th 2004 at 7
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SOUTH LENCHES PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Parish Council: Mrs N. Holland. Tel: 07835620613. Morton Wood Farmhouse, Morton Wood Lane, Abbots Morton. WR7 4LU. Email:[email protected] Website: Councillors are summoned to an ordinary meeting of South Lenches Parish Council on Monday January 11th 2021 at 7.00pm this will be held virtually via Zoom. The meeting is open to the press and members of the public to put questions or raise concerns regarding matters on this agenda or for future consideration. Those wishing to join the meeting should contact the Clerk in advance for the password. AGENDA 1. To consider apologies and to approve reasons for non- attendance. 2. Declarations of Interest: with reference to items on the agenda members are reminded of their responsibility to declare interests as defined in the Code of Conduct and to update their Register of Interests held with Wychavon District Council. 3. Dispensations: To consider any further written dispensations from members who have declared an interest but wish to stay in the meeting during that time to aid discussion / speak / vote. Requests to be with the Clerk at least 4 clear days prior to a meeting. (S33 of the Localism Act 2011). 4. Casual vacancy: No applications received. 5. To receive reports from County, District Cllrs. and Police. The meeting will be adjourned for Public Question time. 6. Minutes: to consider the adoption of the minutes of the Full Parish Council meeting held on 09.11.20. 7. Clerk’s report: a) Wychavon District Council Planning Department will be holding a training session for all District, Parish and Town Councillors across the South Worcestershire Development Plan area. This will be a review of Urban Design – more details to follow in due course. Date: Tuesday 2 March 2021 at 6pm via zoom. 8. Financial matters. 8.1 To approve schedule of payments and expenses and summary of accounts. 8.2 To agree to transfer: a) £1100 from reserves to cover salary increase until March 21. b) £16.39 from contingency budget heading to subscriptions budget. 8.3 To consider the budget figures to form the precept requirement for 2021-22. 8.4 Review of Balances & Reserves Policy. 9. Planning Matters. 9.1 To consider the following application: 20/02807/HP The Elms, Abbots Lench Lane, Abbots Lench, Church Lench. Proposal: Demolition of existing conservatory and lean to. Erection of extension plus alterations to existing dwelling. Demolition of existing garage and replace with a carport. SLPC – Agenda. 1 SOUTH LENCHES PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Parish Council: Mrs N. Holland. Tel: 07835620613. Morton Wood Farmhouse, Morton Wood Lane, Abbots Morton. WR7 4LU. Email:[email protected] Website: 9.2 Planning process/feedback following applications: a) 20/02161/FUL – Lenches Sports & Recreation Club, Ab Lench Road, Church Lench. Proposal: Construction of open air seating (amphitheatre) and erection of a new storage and amenity building together with ancillary works. Permission granted with 7 conditions. b) 20/02157/RM - Lakeside Livery, Low Road, Church Lench. Proposal: Approval of reserved matters following outline permission for a live/work unit (outline permission 20/00654/OUT) for appearance, landscaping, layout and scale. 9.3 To note planning applications dealt with by delegation: a) 20/02024/HP - 1 Atch Lench Road, Church Lench. Proposal: Two storey side extension and single storey extension. Comments: Nil. Permission granted. b) 20/02416/HP Brookfields, Abbots Lench. Proposal: Proposed 2 storey extension to all elevations creating 2 additional bedrooms and ensuite bathrooms. Increasing kitchen and living spaces adding 3 no bi -fold doors. Comments: Nil. c) 20/02686/HP Harbour, Atch Lench Road, Church Lench. Proposal: Enlargement of single storey rear extension and addition of rear roof gable. Comments: Nil. 10. Council Matters. 10.1 To consider report from contractor re the bark quality in Play area. 10.2 Maintenance to Play and Pool area. 10.3 Community Legacy Grant Project: a) To receive update from Cllr. Mr. Seabourne. b) To consider whether the Council wishes to replace Cllr. Mr. Seaborne’s role on the Steering Group. 10.4 Dates of meetings and times for 2021-22 - Monday May 10th, 12th July; September 13th, November 8th January 10th and March 14th subject to the Village Hall being available. Date of Annual Parish Meeting to be confirmed. 11. To note/receive correspondence: Further correspondence relating to siting of dog waste bins. Circulation: All members of the Parish Council; District and County Councillors. Dated; January 5th 2021 Signed by the Clerk: NKHolland Supporting notes to agenda for meeting January 11th 2021 Min: No: Update. Position Agenda No: 6 Minutes of November Parish Council meeting For approval. Agenda No: 9.1 Finance documents to be emailed on 08.01.21. For consideration. Agenda No: 9.3 Budget figures revised. For consideration. Agenda No: 9.4 Balances & Reserves policy attached. For consideration. Agenda No: 11.1 & 12 See Clerk’s notes For consideration. Correspondence circulated to members’ not an Agenda item unless requested. Weekly CALC updates provided via email to all members. South Worcestershire Development Plan Review - Parish &Town Council Newsletter December 2020. Emailed to members 29.12.20. Parish News Wychavon District Council - Emailed to members 29.12.20 Community First E-Bulletin- December 2020 Newsletter. Emailed to members 29.12.20 Government's Response to the Representations Made to the Proposed Changes to the Standard Method SLPC – Agenda. 2 SOUTH LENCHES PARISH COUNCIL Clerk to the Parish Council: Mrs N. Holland. Tel: 07835620613. Morton Wood Farmhouse, Morton Wood Lane, Abbots Morton. WR7 4LU. Email:[email protected] Website: Formula. Emailed to members 21.12.20 Road Works and Events Reporting Guide. Emailed to members 07.12.20 Boundary Commission briefing: Emailed to members 19.11.20 SLPC – Agenda. 3 .