Allington Parish Council Clerk Jane Tier, 40 Firs Road, , , SP5 1SL Tel 01980 862953

Minutes of the Allington Annual Parish Council Meeting on 25th September 2019 held at Boscombe Social Club at 7.30pm Present: Cllr Brunton, Cllr Smith, Cllr Banks, Cllr Stanford, Cllr Peacock and the Clerk Jane Tier

Item Xx/19 68.19 To receive apologies Members who cannot attend a meeting shall tender their apologies to the Parish Clerk prior to the meeting as, under Section 85(1) of the Local Government Act 1972, the members present must decide whether the reason(s) for a member's absence shall be accepted and any other urgent matters or items of information from councillors, or for referral to the appropriate working party. Cllrs Hill and Bennett tendered their apologies which were accepted by the Parish Council Unitary Cllr Smale tendered his apology. 69.19 Declarations of interest (a) To receive Declarations of Interest in respect of matters contained in this agenda, in accordance with the provisions of the Localism Act 2011 in respect of members and in accordance with the provisions of The Local Government Act 1972 in respect of officers. None. (b) To receive any Dispensation Requests received by the Parish Clerk and not previously considered. None. 70.19 To consider any urgent business raised by the public in public discussion, and any other urgent matters or items of information from councillors, or for referral to the appropriate working party. None. 71.19 Approve and sign minutes of 20th August Parish Council meeting 2019 Cllr Brunton proposed acceptance of the minutes, without amendment. Seconded by Cllr Stanford and all agreed. 72.19 To Discuss planning applications 19/08308/ADV; Advertisement consent Sales materials to promote forthcoming development of 23 new homes, 17 of which will be private sale Land adjacent to Bourne View, Riverside Rise, Allington, Salisbury, SP4 0AF Cllr Brunton proposed, Cllr Stanford seconded. Allington Parish Council resolved no objections to the planning application. 73.19 Area Board Update (Cllr Smale) Cllr Smale was absent – no report 74.19 Discuss the Old Inn, Allington (and vote on appropriate action, if required) Cllr Brunton reported he had been contacted by the ‘Campaign for Real Ale’ Association regarding the preservation of the building as a Listed building as a potential closure would be a loss to the Community. The building can be a Listed as an Asset to the Community but it is not known if the will sold and the land used for housing. The pub is not open on a regular basis and therefore cannot be fully supported by the village. Cllr Brunton reported he will respond to the communication and report the comments made at the meeting. 75.19 Monthly Cheque Signing, Vote to agree monthly accounts Cllr Brunton proposed, Cllr Stanford seconded. Allington Parish Council resolved to agree the monthly accounts and Bank Cheques: Jane Tier (£140.79), Mark James (£120.00), Idverde (£15.48), Boscombe & District Social Club (£165), Allington Garden & Home Maintenance (£410.00). Cash at bank: £19412.09. 76.19 Local Plan The Clerk had sent out a report regarding a meeting that was held by in Winterslow to update the Parish Councils on the current housing requirements in the Local Plan (formerly the Core Strategy) There is a potential plan to place a new site of 2000 dwellings within the Winterslow, Porton, Boscombe, Bourne Valley areas but this is only for discussion at the moment and no firm plans have been made. 77.19 Correspondence No Correspondence. 78.19 AOB The P.C. discussed the Allington and Boscombe website in relation to the Link scheme who may require a new website Cllr Banks was assigned Deputy Flood Warden to work alongside Cllr Smith Cllr Bank reported he will clean the black waste bins in the village 79.19 To confirm the date of the next full Parish Council meeting. The next Parish Council meeting is on 29th October. 80.19 To close the meeting. The meeting closed at 8.14pm.

Councillors are asked to note that in the exercise of their functions, they must take note of the following: Equal Opportunities (race, gender, sexual orientation, marital status and any disability); Crime & Disorder, Health & Safety, and Human Rights.

Anyone who may have difficulty with access to the meeting because of disability is asked to advise the Clerk (01980 862953 or [email protected]) at least 24 hours before the meeting so that every effort may be made to provide access.